HomeMy WebLinkAbout20170938 Ver 1_Appendix O - Air Quality Analysis Report_20170731Appendix O CSX CCX Intermodal Rail Terminal & Second Mainline Edgecombe and Nash Counties, North Carolina Project No. 643009004 APPENDIX O AIR QUALITY ANALYSIS REPORT Appendix O CSX CCX Intermodal Rail Terminal & Second Mainline Edgecombe and Nash Counties, North Carolina Project No. 643009004 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Air Quality General Conformity Analysis CCX Intermodal Terminal Appendix O Air Quality Supporting Documentation General Conformity Applicability Analysis Carolina Connector Intermodal Terminal A-1 Air Quality General Conformity Analysis CCX Intermodal Terminal EXECUTIVE SUMMARY CSX Intermodal Terminals, Inc. (CSXIT) is proposing to construct the Carolina Connector (CCX) Intermodal Freight Terminal to provide intermodal service to business and industry within eastern North Carolina. The proposed Carolina Connector project site is located on the CSXT A -Line between Rocky Mount and Battleboro, North Carolina. A general conformity analysis must be conducted if a federal action would result in the generation of air emissions that would exceed the conformity threshold levels (de minimis) of the pollutants(s) for which an air basin is nonattainment or maintenance. Because the project is located in a maintenance area for the 1997 8 -hour ozone standard and is receiving federal permits, a general conformity applicability analysis is required for the ozone precursors oxides of nitrogen (NOx) and volatile organic compounds (VOC). A general conformity analysis must demonstrate that the emissions from both construction and operation of the CCX would conform to the ozone State Implementation Plan (SIP) for the Rocky Mount maintenance area. A general conformity applicability evaluation was conducted for the CCX to determine if the total NOx or VOC emissions generated by the construction or operation of the terminal would exceed the annual de minimis levels specified in the General Conformity Rule. Because maximum air emissions generated during the construction and operation of the CCX will occur during different calendar years, emissions during each phase were evaluated separately. Results of the general conformity applicability evaluation indicate that neither NOx nor VOC emissions will exceed the annual de minimis levels specified in the General Conformity Rule (100 tons per year of either pollutant) during either the construction or operation phase of the CCX. Consequently, the Proposed Action will conform with the ozone SIP for the Rocky Mount maintenance area; the CCX terminal will not trigger additional conformity requirements for NOx or VOC. A Record of Non -Applicability (RONA) can be issued for the project. 1.0 DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED ACTION CSXIT is proposing to construct the CCX (Proposed Action) to provide intermodal service to business and industry within eastern North Carolina. The proposed Carolina Connector project site is located on the CSXT A -Line between Rocky Mount and Battleboro, North Carolina. I_d' Air Quality General Conformity Analysis CCX Intermodal Terminal Containerized freight has revolutionized shipping, opening global markets and helping to keep the price of manufactured goods low. At the CCX, containerized goods will arrive on trains or trucks, will be sorted and transferred by electric gantry cranes to other trains or trucks, and then shipped to their final destinations. The combination of rail and truck transportation combines the superior fuel efficiency of trains and the door-to-door flexibility of trucks. The CCX will be a state-of-the-art rail facility equipped with efficient, innovative, and environmentally friendly technology including electric, quiet cranes and facilities constructed to meet high standards for energy consumption. The facility is projected to initially handle 265,000 loads annually with a capacity of 400,000 loads annually. The project will create an estimated $310 million in public benefits for North Carolina, including air emissions reductions, reduction in overall truck traffic, and lowered highway maintenance. The site development will consist of lead tracks allowing trains to safely access the CCX site from the north and south, the intermodal terminal area, office buildings, roads, stormwater management basins, and ancillary facilities with appropriate buffers from surrounding land uses. The intermodal facility features numerous rail tracks to efficiently sort multiple trains, with internal roads and container staging areas to allow well -organized truck access and loading. 2.0 AIR QUALITY STATUS OF PROJECT AREA Common air pollutants that cause health, environmental, and property damage are emitted by sources all over the United States. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) calls these pollutants "criteria air pollutants" because the agency has regulated them by developing criteria (science -based guidelines) as the basis for setting permissible levels in the ambient air. One set of limits (primary standard) protects human health; another set of limits (secondary standard) protects human welfare by preventing environmental and property damage. A geographic area that meets or does better than the primary National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) is called an attainment area; areas that do not meet the primary NAAQS are called nonattainment areas. Areas that were originally designated as nonattainment but which have improved their air quality sufficiently to have been redesignated to attainment are called maintenance areas. Air Quality General Conformity Analysis CCX Intermodal Terminal The criteria air pollutants are: carbon monoxide (CO), ozone (Os), particulate matter (PM), including PM less than 10 microns in diameter (PM,o) and PM less than 2.5 microns in diameter (PM2.5), sulfur dioxide (SO2), NO, and lead (Pb). NOX and VOC are also regulated by USEPA as ozone precursors. In addition to the federal NAAQS for criteria pollutants, the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ) has adopted ambient air quality standards in the North Carolina Administrative Code (NCAC) Title 15A Subchapter 2D Section 0400. The Rocky Mount NAAQS evaluation area, which includes all of Nash and Edgecombe counties, is designated as attainment for all criteria pollutants. However, prior to January 5, 2007, Nash and Edgecombe counties were designated as nonattainment for the 1997 8 -hour ozone standard of 0.08 parts per million (ppm). As a result, Nash and Edgecombe counties are currently designated as a maintenance area for the 1997 ozone standard. This designation, valid until 2027, requires additional scrutiny of potential air quality impacts. 3.0 GENERAL CONFORMITY BACKGROUND The 1990 Clean Air Act (CAA) Amendments include the provision of general conformity, which is intended to ensure that federal actions conform to a nonattainment or maintenance area's SIP. The General Conformity Rule is codified in 40 CFR 51, Subpart W and 40 CFR 93, Subpart B, Determining Conformity of General Federal Actions to State or Federal Implementation Plans ("General Conformity Rule"). NCDEQ's general conformity rules, codified in NCAC Title 15A Subchapter 2D Section 1600, expired on February 1, 2016; therefore, the federal General Conformity Rule is the only applicable regulation. The General Conformity Rule regulates air pollutant emissions associated with actions that are federally funded, licensed, permitted, or approved, and ensures emissions do not adversely impact a nonattainment or maintenance area's progress toward attaining or maintaining the NAAQS. In short, general conformity, if applicable, refers to the process to evaluate plans, programs, and projects to determine and demonstrate that they satisfy the requirements of the Clean Air Act and applicable SIP. Under general conformity, emissions associated with the construction and operation of the CCX must be evaluated for applicability. The process to determine conformity for a proposed action involves two steps: applicability and determination. Applicability is an assessment of whether a proposed action is subject to the Air Quality General Conformity Analysis CCX Intermodal Terminal General Conformity Rule. During a general conformity applicability assessment, air emissions are evaluated on an annual (i.e., calendar year) basis. If the emissions associated with the project exceed the applicability thresholds for North Carolina under the General Conformity Rule, a General Conformity Determination would be required for the project. If the emissions associated with the project are less than the applicability thresholds, the project is said to conform to the North Carolina SIP. 4.0 GENERAL CONFORMITY APPLICABILITY ASSESSMENT Although the air quality assessment for the CCX included all criteria pollutants, because Nash and Edgecombe counties are currently designated as a maintenance area for the 1997 8 -hour ozone standard, a general conformity applicability assessment is only required for the ozone precursors NOx and VOC. The applicability assessment was conducted for both the construction phase and operational phase of the CCX to determine if the total NOx or VOC emissions from either phase of the project would exceed the annual de minimis levels specified in 40 CFR 93.153(b)(1), 100 tpy of either pollutant. Sources evaluated for conformity can be classified into two general types of emission sources: nonroad sources (most construction equipment; locomotives) and onroad sources (onroad cars and trucks). Emissions factors for both nonroad and onroad equipment were developed using USEPA's MOVES2014a model (USEPA, 2014). MOVES2014a provides emission factors for CO, NOx, PM,o, PM2.5, SO2, VOC, and greenhouse gases in grams per vehicle mile travelled for various vehicle types, vehicle model years, and travel speeds. Area -specific inputs for the MOVES2014a model were obtained from NCDEQ. This information included local meteorological inputs, 2016 vehicle type distribution, and 2018 Inspection and Maintenance (I/M) program data for Edgecombe County. As no data for local fuel parameters were provided, national default fuel data were used. Other assumptions, including the trip length and the number of trips per year, are detailed in the sections below. The following model years, based on weighted averages of the model year population data and speeds, were used to select the vehicle emission factors from the MOVES2014a output: Passenger car: 2007 model year, 45 miles per hour and rural restricted road types Passenger truck, 2004 model year, 45 miles per hour and rural restricted road types Air Quality General Conformity Analysis CCX Intermodal Terminal Single unit short haul truck (asphalt and gravel trucks), 2005 model year, 45 miles per hour and rural restricted road types Single unit short haul truck (onsite water truck), 2005 model year, 15 miles per hour and rural restricted road types Combination long haul truck, 2006 model year and 45 miles per hour for 10% of the time on rural restricted roadways and 55 miles per hour for 90% of the time on rural unrestricted roadways Following is a discussion of the sources of emissions factors, activity levels, load data, and assumptions used to calculate emissions for this analysis. Detailed emissions calculations are provided at the conclusion of this appendix. 4.1 Construction Phase Air Emissions Construction of the CCX, which has a footprint of approximately 400 acres, is expected to take approximately 65 weeks. Construction emissions from year one were assumed to begin on January 1 and proceed through December 31 as a worst case estimate. Construction -phase air emissions quantified in this applicability assessment included: Fuel combustion emissions from the operation of nonroad construction equipment (e.g., off road dump trucks, drum rollers, soil compactors, farm tractors, excavators, bulldozers, graders, loaders, backhoes, forklifts, hostler trucks, asphalt pavers, and asphalt compactors) on-site Fuel combustion emissions from the operation of onroad construction equipment (e.g., asphalt and gravel dump trucks, water trucks) to and from the site Fuel combustion emissions from the operation of personal vehicles to transport construction workers to and from the site Volatile organic compound emissions from asphalt paving operations 4.1.1 Construction Phase Nonroad Emissions Calculations Nonroad sources associated with construction include off road dump trucks, drum rollers, soil compactors, farm tractors, excavators, bulldozers, graders, loaders, backhoes, forklifts, hostler M. Air Quality General Conformity Analysis CCX Intermodal Terminal trucks, asphalt pavers, and asphalt compactors. Emission factors for nonroad construction equipment were calculated using MOVES2014a. The anticipated equipment types, including engine tier classifications and engine ratings, were based on equipment planned for the project. All nonroad equipment will be diesel -fired and all of the construction was assumed to take place during calendar year 2018. MOVES2014a was run for a single hour in January and a single hour in July to obtain winter and summer emission factors in grams per horsepower -hour (g/hp-hr). Load factors for each piece of equipment were also obtained from MOVES2014a. The worst case emission factor between the winter and summer hours was used as a conservative estimate. Calculation assumptions for the various nonroad construction equipment are outlined in Table A-1. Table A-1. Calculation Assumptions for Construction Phase Nonroad Sources Emissions Vehicle ®Calculation Methodology Group Type &Nonroad Rating Equipment hp rating based on specific vehicles quoted from potential Construction All (h p) grading contractor, when available. When unavailable, hp based off Table 2-04 of EPA -21A-2001 documentation. Average engine life, in hours, was estimated from PSR Table 1, based on engine size, in hp. Engine life was divided by typical hours of Nonroad operation per year, based on NONROAD2008a SCCs, to define engine Construction All Tier life in years. Engine life in years was divided by 2 to determine the average age of the equipment. Estimated age was compared to 40 CFR 89 to assign Tier. 4.1.2 Construction Phase Onroad Emissions Calculations Onroad sources associated with construction include onroad travel for construction vehicles (e.g., asphalt and gravel dump trucks, water trucks) and employee commuter vehicles. Travel for the asphalt dump trucks will be from a local asphalt plant to the project site, while travel for the gravel Equipment number based on quote from potential grading Nonroad All Number contractor. Equipment for asphalt paving based on subjective Construction estimation of typical asphalt operation. Equipment type was matched to associated NONROAD2008a SCC Nonroad Hours code. Typical yearly hours of operation for the SCC vehicle was All Construction per Day divided by 52 weeks per year and 5 days per week to achieve estimated operation in hours per day. Nonroad Days per All equipment estimated to be in operation 5 days per week for 52 All Construction Year weeks. Average engine life, in hours, was estimated from PSR Table 1, based on engine size, in hp. Engine life was divided by typical hours of Nonroad operation per year, based on NONROAD2008a SCCs, to define engine Construction All Tier life in years. Engine life in years was divided by 2 to determine the average age of the equipment. Estimated age was compared to 40 CFR 89 to assign Tier. 4.1.2 Construction Phase Onroad Emissions Calculations Onroad sources associated with construction include onroad travel for construction vehicles (e.g., asphalt and gravel dump trucks, water trucks) and employee commuter vehicles. Travel for the asphalt dump trucks will be from a local asphalt plant to the project site, while travel for the gravel Air Quality General Conformity Analysis CCX Intermodal Terminal dump trucks will be from a local quarry to the project site. The water truck will be used to water roadways and storage piles to minimize fugitive dust during construction. Emissions factors for onroad equipment were based on the averaged summer and winter emission factors for each vehicle type. Employee vehicles were assumed to be a 50/50 split of passenger cars and pickup trucks, and construction vehicles were assumed to be single unit short -haul trucks. Emission factors were broken down by vehicle type, season, model year, and vehicle speed. For this analysis, employee vehicle speeds of 45 miles per hour and construction truck speeds of 15 miles per hour were used to conservatively reflect these emissions. Additional calculation assumptions for the construction -phase onroad sources are outlined in Table A-2. Table A-2. Calculation Assumptions for Construction Phase Onroad Sources Onroad Asphalt and Trips per Construction GravelDayDay Onroad Construction Onroad Construction Onroad Construction Onroad Construction Employee Trips per Vehicles Day Water Trips per Truck Day All Trips per Year Asphalt and Gravel Trip Length Trucks Onroad Employee Construction Vehicles Onroad Water Construction Truck Trip Length Trip Length Total volume of material (i.e., asphalt or gravel) estimated for the site was divided by volume per truck (324 cu ft), based on typical dump truck, to estimate total truckloads. The total number of truckloads was divided by 60 days of paving operation, assuming 2 round trips per truck per day, to estimate equipment count. Equipment count was multiplied by 4 one-way trips to achieve trips per day. 250 workers each commuting a single round-trip per day to site, 5 days per week for 52 weeks. Assumes a single trip per day, 5 days per week for 52 weeks. Trips per day were multiplied by 52 weeks per year and 5 days per week to achieve trips per year. Known asphalt manufacturer is located 5 miles from site. Similarly, known gravel quarry is 5 miles from site. Assumes each one-way trip is 5 miles. Estimated that 80% of staff reside within Nash and Edgecombe counties, commuting an average of 10 miles to site. The remaining 20% of employees reside outside of Nash and Edgecombe counties, commuting an average of 20 miles to the site. The average trip length was calculated as: trip length=(0.8*10)+(0.2*20). 5 mile estimation for water truck onroad dust suppression near site. 4.1.2 Asphalt Paving Emissions Calculations VOC emissions will result from asphalt paving of a portion of the terminal. VOC emissions form asphalt paving were calculated based on information contained in the Resignation Demonstration and Maintenance Plan for the Rocky Mount, North Carolina 8 -Hour Ozone Nonattainment Area an Air Quality General Conformity Analysis CCX Intermodal Terminal (North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Division of Air Quality, June 19, 2006) and the North Carolina Department of Transportation for asphalt specifications (Application Rates and Weights for Estimating Purposes Table). As a conservative estimate, the seasonal adjustment factor for warmer weather used in Appendix C.2 of the Rocky Mount Ozone Maintenance Plan was used as a worst case estimate of VOC emissions. Additional calculation assumptions for construction -phase asphalt paving are outlined in Table A-3. Table A-3. Calculation Assumptions for Construction Phase Asphalt Paving missions Vehicle Calculation Methodology Grour .- MI Asphalt All Emission VOC emission factor for emulsified asphalt from: Factor http://digital.ncdcr.gov/cdm/ref/collection/p249901coII22/id/650992 Asphalt All Seasonal Seasonal factor to account for majority of paving in spring/summer: Factor http://digital.ncdcr.gov/cdm/ref/collection/p249901coll22/id/650992 4.2 Operational Phase Air Emissions Air emissions from operation of the CCX will occur primarily from tractor trailers moving cargo to and from the terminal and from employee vehicles. Additional emissions will also occur from idling locomotives and from hostler trucks being used at the site. Minimal ancillary process equipment that will generate air pollution emissions (e.g., comfort heating systems, emergency generators) will be installed on-site; emissions from these sources were not estimated. These sources would be covered under requirements for stationary sources; therefore, emissions from these sources would not be included in a general conformity applicability assessment. Operational emissions assume that all equipment will be operated at the site 18 hours per day for 312 days per year. Operational -phase air emissions quantified in this applicability analysis included: Fuel combustion emissions from the operation of trucks to transfer containers to and from the terminal Fuel combustion emissions from the operation of personal vehicles to transport CCX staff to and from the terminal Fuel combustion emissions from the operation of locomotive engines at the terminal P • Air Quality General Conformity Analysis CCX Intermodal Terminal Fuel combustion emissions from the operation of hostler trucks used at the terminal. 4.2.1 Operational Phase Nonroad Emissions Calculations Nonroad sources associated with operation are limited to idling locomotives, hostler trucks, and electric gantry cranes, as the CCX will be automated and not use other nonroad equipment typical of other intermodal terminals. At peak capacity, the CCX is expected to process 35, large, line - haul locomotives per day, with each locomotive having an average of two to three engines. Although line -haul locomotives operate in a high-power cycle while in transit, emissions estimates while on-site were based on a low-power idle cycle of 250 brake horsepower (bhp). Each engine is anticipated to idle for a total of 30 minutes while in the facility. The gantry cranes will be electric and will not result in any emissions. Additional calculation assumptions for the operation -phase nonroad sources are outlined in Table A-4. Table A-4. Calculation Assumptions for Operational Phase Nonroad Sources 4.2.2 Operational Phase Onroad Emissions Calculations Onroad sources associated with operation include tractor -trailer traffic and employee commuter vehicles. For operations, emissions assume a drayage of 170 tractor trailer trucks per day in A-10 6 gantry cranes were estimated to be used at the Rocky Mount Nonroad Gantry facility based on a comparison to the similar CSX intermodal facility Number Operation Cranes in Ohio. The gantry cranes will be electric and will not generate air emissions. Facility operations will be automated, and therefore no nonroad Nonroad Hostler operation equipment is expected. Due to their multipurpose use, Number Operation Trucks 5 hostler trucks were assigned onsite as a conservative, subjective estimate. All emissions factors based on 2020 Calendar Year for Large Line - Nonroad Locomotives Emission haul locomotives, per: Operation Factors nepis.epa.gov/Exe/ZyPURL.cgi?Dockey=P100500B.TXT Nonroad Engines Estimated average of 2.5 engines per train based on personal Locomotives Operation per Train communication. Nonroad Trains Locomotives 35 trains per day based on CSX estimate for full capacity. Operation per Day Nonroad Engine Estimated 0.5 hours of on-site engine idle time at 250 brake Operation Locomotives bhp -hr horsepower. 4.2.2 Operational Phase Onroad Emissions Calculations Onroad sources associated with operation include tractor -trailer traffic and employee commuter vehicles. For operations, emissions assume a drayage of 170 tractor trailer trucks per day in A-10 Air Quality General Conformity Analysis CCX Intermodal Terminal 2018, increasing to 290 trucks per day by 2027, the year the Rocky Mount area ceases being designated as a maintenance area. Emissions factors for onroad equipment were based on the averaged summer and winter emission factors for each vehicle type. Employee vehicles were assumed to be a 50/50 split of passenger cars and pickup trucks, and operational trucks were assumed to be combination long-haul trucks. Emission factors were broken down by vehicle type, season, model year, and vehicle speed. For this analysis, employee vehicle speeds of 45 miles per hour were used to conservatively reflect these emissions. Operational trucks were assumed to travel at 15 miles per hour for 10 percent of the time and 55 miles per hour for the remaining 90 percent of the time. Additional calculation assumptions for the operation -phase onroad sources are outlined in Table A-5. Table A-5. Calculation Assumptions for Operational Phase Onroad Sources Onroad Employee Trips per 150 employees onsite during operation phase. Each employee Operation Vehicles Day expected to make a single -round trip per day. The site is expected to have daily drayage of 170 trucks in 2018, Onroad Tractor Trips per increasing to 397 by 2035. Linearly interpolated to determine Operation Trailers Day estimated drayage of 290 in year 2027. Drayage multiplied by two to account for trucks travelling both to and from the site. Onroad All Trips per Trips per day multiplied by 6 days of operation per week for Operation Year 52 weeks per year. Estimated that 80% of staff reside within Nash and Edgecombe Onroad Employee Trip counties, commuting an average of 10 miles to site. The remaining Operation Vehicles Length 20% of employees reside outside of Nash and Edgecombe counties, commuting an average of 20 miles to the site. The average trip length was calculated as: trip length=(0.8*10)+(0.2*20). The CCX site is located approximately 6.1 miles from the onramp to Interstate 95 (major north/south transit) and 8.4 miles from the onramp to Interstate 64 (major east/west transit). Average travel Onroad Tractor Trip distance on local roads = 7 miles. The highway travel distance from Operation Trailers Length the onramp to the border of Nash or Edgecombe county was measured via Google Earth to determine the length of travel within Rocky Mount Maintenance area. The average of the distances in the four directions (north, south, east, west) = 19 miles. 4.4 Emissions Results Tables A-6 and A-7 summarize the calculated project construction and operational emissions compared to the General Conformity de minimis emission levels for the project area. The A-11 Air Quality General Conformity Analysis CCX Intermodal Terminal emissions include all of the construction segments noted above. A review of the total construction emissions in Table A-6 shows that both NOx and VOC are well below the general conformity de minimis emission levels. Therefore, the project does not require a formal general conformity determination and would result in no significant air quality impact for emissions from construction. Table A-6. Comparison of Construction Emissions to Conformity Applicability Levels A review of the total operation emissions in Table A-7 shows that both NOx and VOC are well below the general conformity de minimis emission levels. Therefore, the project does not require a formal general conformity determination and would result in no significant air quality impact for emissions from operation of the intermodal terminal. Table A-7. Comparison of Operation Emissions to Conformity Applicability Levels de minimis Emissions During Emissions Pollutant Emissions (tpy) Construction Phase (tpy) Conforming? NOx 100 48.4 Yes VOC 100 14.1 Yes A review of the total operation emissions in Table A-7 shows that both NOx and VOC are well below the general conformity de minimis emission levels. Therefore, the project does not require a formal general conformity determination and would result in no significant air quality impact for emissions from operation of the intermodal terminal. Table A-7. Comparison of Operation Emissions to Conformity Applicability Levels 5.0 CONCLUSION Calculated emissions for the Carolina Connector Project are less than the general conformity applicability thresholds for both NOx and VOC. Because the calculated emissions are less than the de minimis emission levels, the project is not subject to the general conformity provisions and a Record of Non -Applicability (RONA) can be issued by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. A summary of emissions by segment for both construction and operation is provided in Tables A-8 and A-9, respectively. A-12 de minimis Emissions During Emissions Pollutant Emissions (tpy) Operation Phase (tpy) Conforming? NOx 100 66.0 Yes VOC 100 4.7 Yes 5.0 CONCLUSION Calculated emissions for the Carolina Connector Project are less than the general conformity applicability thresholds for both NOx and VOC. Because the calculated emissions are less than the de minimis emission levels, the project is not subject to the general conformity provisions and a Record of Non -Applicability (RONA) can be issued by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. A summary of emissions by segment for both construction and operation is provided in Tables A-8 and A-9, respectively. A-12 Air Quality General Conformity Analysis CCX Intermodal Terminal Table A-8. Summary of Emissions from Construction of the Carolina Connector Project Source Category Emissions (tpy) NO, VOC Nonroad Construction 30.58 2.39 Onroad Construction 18.27 2.95 Asphalt Paving -- 8.74 Total Construction 48.85 14.08 Table A-9. Summary of Emissions from Operation of the Carolina Connector Project Source Category Emissions (tpy) NOX VOC Nonroad Operation 22.51 1.08 Onroad Operation 43.49 3.67 Total Operation 66.00 4.75 A-13 Table A-10. Construction Phase - Nonroad Source Emissions Note: Load Factors from NONROAD2008a, based on SCC Emission Factors and Operating Limits Emissions Rating Hours Days Per Load THC NOx PM10 PM2.5 CO SO2 CO2e Engine Description (hP) Number Total hP Per Day Year Tier Factor (g/hp•hr) (g/hp•hr) (g/hp•hr) (g/hp•hr) (g/hp•hr) (g/hp-hr) (g/hp•hr) Off Road Dump Trucks 350 15 5250 6.3 260 4 0.59 0.16 2.52 0.01 0.01 0.15 0.003 536.41 Drum Rollers 131 1 131 2.9 260 3 0.59 0.22 2.63 0.40 0.39 1.51 0.004 536.21 Soil Compactors 253 3 759 1.9 260 2 0.59 0.38 3.82 0.18 0.18 1.26 0.004 535.78 Farm Tractors 500 2 1000 3.3 260 2 0.59 0.20 2.62 0.21 0.21 1.38 0.004 536.28 Excavators (large) 417 4 1668 4.2 260 3 0.59 0.20 2.63 0.26 0.26 1.47 0.004 536.28 Excavators (medium) 161 2 322 4.2 260 3 0.59 0.22 2.63 0.42 0.41 1.53 0.004 536.21 Bulldozers (medium) 166 3 498 3.5 260 2 0.59 0.41 3.91 0.27 0.26 1.46 0.004 535.68 Bulldozers (large) 312 1 312 3.5 260 4 0.59 0.16 2.51 0.01 0.01 0.14 0.003 536.41 Off -Road Water Truck 350 1 350 6.3 260 4 0.59 0.16 2.52 0.01 0.01 0.15 0.003 536.41 Road Graders 173 1 173 3.7 260 3 0.59 0.22 2.63 0.42 0.40 1.53 0.004 536.21 Loaders 180 2 360 2.9 260 2 0.59 0.38 3.82 0.18 0.18 1.26 0.004 535.78 Backhoes 77 5 385 4.4 260 2 0.21 0.98 5.22 0.55 0.54 6.50 0.005 693.26 Forklifts 93 10 930 2.5 260 1 0.59 0.62 5.42 0.75 0.73 3.98 0.004 594.37 Cranes 194 5 970 3.8 260 2 0.43 0.36 4.04 0.14 0.14 0.83 0.004 530.02 Asphalt Pavers 91 5 455 3.2 260 2 0.59 0.45 4.49 0.37 0.36 3.99 0.004 594.90 Asphalt Compactors 8 5 40 1.9 260 1 0.43 0.87 5.36 0.57 0.55 4.53 0.004 587.86 Hostler Trucks (listed as subgroup 96 5 480 4.8 260 3 0.59 0.22 2.63 0.42 0.41 1.53 0.004 1 536.21 Note: Load Factors from NONROAD2008a, based on SCC Emissions THC NOx PM10 PM2.5 CO SO2 CO2e Engine Description (Ib/hr) (tpy) (Ib/hr) (tpy) I (Ib/hr) (tpy) (Ib/hr) (tpy) (Ib/hr) (tpy) (Ib/hr) (tpy) (Ib/hr) (tpy) Off Road Dump Trucks 1.07 0.87935 17.20 14.111061 0.08 0.06619 0.08 0.06420 1.01 0.83016 0.0177 0.01450 3662.96 3005.46 Drum Rollers 0.04 0.01429 0.45 0.17021 0.07 0.02609 0.07 0.02531 0.26 0.09777 0.0006 0.00023 91.37 34.72 Soil Compactors 0.37 0.08968 3.78 0.91362 0.18 0.04373 0.18 0.04242 1.24 0.29987 0.0036 0.00086 528.94 128.00 Farm Tractors 0.25 0.10850 3.41 1.45637 0.28 0.11833 0.27 0.11478 1.79 0.76461 0.0047 0.00201 697.55 298.20 Excavators (large) 0.43 0.23418 5.70 3.11476 0.57 0.31278 0.56 0.30340 3.19 1.74253 0.0078 0.00428 1163.49 635.27 Excavators (medium) 0.09 0.05062 1.10 0.60163 0.18 0.09575 0.17 0.09288 0.64 0.35007 0.0015 0.00083 224.58 122.62 Bulldozers (medium) 0.27 0.11954 2.54 1.13988 0.18 0.07903 0.17 0.07665 0.95 0.42636 0.0023 0.00105 346.98 155.97 Bulldozers (large) 0.06 0.02835 1.02 0.45805 0.00 0.00186 0.00 0.00180 0.06 0.02568 0.0011 0.00047 217.69 97.85 Off -Road Water Truck 0.07 0.05862 1.15 0.94074 0.01 0.00441 0.01 0.00428 0.07 0.05534 0.0012 0.00097 244.20 200.36 Road Graders 0.05 0.02395 0.59 0.28473 0.09 0.04515 0.09 0.04379 0.34 0.16546 0.0008 0.00039 120.66 58.04 Loaders 0.18 0.06688 1.79 0.68134 0.09 0.03261 0.08 0.03163 0.59 0.22363 0.0017 0.00064 250.88 95.46 Backhoes 0.17 0.09863 0.93 0.52821 0.10 0.05602 0.10 0.05434 1.16 0.65749 0.0008 0.00047 123.57 70.12 Forklifts 0.75 0.24786 6.56 2.17201 0.91 0.30117 0.88 0.29213 4.81 1.59290 0.0048 0.00160 718.99 237.99 Cranes 0.33 0.16551 3.71 1.83706 0.13 0.06345 0.12 0.06155 0.76 0.37586 0.0033 0.00163 487.37 241.25 Asphalt Pavers 0.26 0.10829 2.66 1.09083 0.22 0.08957 0.21 0.08689 2.36 0.96828 0.0024 0.00097 352.08 144.53 Asphalt Compactors 0.03 0.00800 0.20 0.04914 0.02 0.00520 0.02 0.00505 0.17 0.04152 0.0002 0.00004 22.29 5.39 Hostler Trucks (listed as subgroup 0.14 0.08686 1.64 1.03235 0.26 0.16430 0.25 0.15937 0.96 0.60069 0.0023 0.00142 1 334.78 210.41 TOTALS 4.57 2.39 54.43 30.58 3.36 1.51 3.26 1.46 1 20.35 9.22 0.057 0.0324 1 9588.4 5741.6 Table A-11. Construction Phase - Onroad Mobile Source Emissions Emission Factors and Operating Limits VOC (g/start) NOx (g/start) Trips Per Trips Per Trip Length VOC NOx PM10 PM2.5 CO SO2 CO2e Vehicle Location Rating (hp) Day Year (mi) (g/mile) (g/mile) (g/mile) (g/mile) (g/mile) (g/mile) (g/mile) Asphalt dump trucks (asphalt) CCX - Rocky Mount 120 138 35,844 5 0.86 5.84 0.50 0.46 2.95 0.010 1109.07 Asphalt dump trucks (sub -asphalt) CCX - Rocky Mount 120 138 35,844 5 0.86 5.84 0.50 0.46 2.95 0.010 1109.07 Asphalt dump trucks (ballast) CCX - Rocky Mount 120 1,205 313,419 5 0.86 5.84 0.50 0.46 2.95 0.010 1109.07 Asphalt dump trucks (asphalt) CCX - Rocky Mount 120 603 156,709 5 0.86 5.84 0.50 0.46 2.95 0.010 1109.07 Employee Vehicles (personal) CCX - Rocky Mount From MOVES 500 130,000 12 0.08 0.23 0.01 0.01 5.05 0.003 432.57 On -Road Water Truck CCX - Rocky Mount 300 1 260 5 2.09 1 11.00 1 0.97 1 0.90 1 5.20 1 0.017 1 1919.43 Vehicle VOC (g/start) NOx (g/start) PM10 (g/start) PM2.5 (g/start) CO (g/start) SO2 (g/start) CO2e (g/start) Item - Construction Equipment (2018 Only) 0.25 0.49 0.002 0.002 1.59 0.0003 29.5601 Asphalt dump trucks (sub -asphalt) 0.25 0.49 0.002 0.002 1.59 0.0003 29.5601 Asphalt dump trucks (ballast) 0.25 0.49 0.002 0.002 1.59 0.0003 29.5601 Asphalt dump trucks (asphalt) 0.25 0.49 0.002 0.002 1.59 0.0003 29.5601 Soil Compactors 0.77 0.81 0.013 0.012 7.96 0.0005 92.5634 Farm Tractors 0.25 0.49 0.002 0.002 1.59 0.0003 29.5601 Emissions Location VOC (Ib/day) (tpy) NOx (Ib/day) (tpy) PM10 (Ib/day) (tpy) PM2.5 (Ib/day) (tpy) CO (Ib/day) (tpy) SO2 (Ib/day) (tpy) CO2e (Ib/day) (tpy) Running 20.7 2.7 137.4 17.9 11.5 1.5 10.6 1.4 134.7 17.5 0.3 0.0 31219.7 2.1 Start-up 2.00E+00 2.60E-01 3.16E+00 4.11 E-01 2.22E-02 2.89E-03 1.99E-02 2.59E-03 1.61E+01 2.09E+00 1.73E-03 2.25E-04 2.38E+02 3.09E+01 TOTALS 1 22.72 2.95 1 140.52 18.27 1 11.53 1.50 1 10.60 1.38 1 150.75 19.60 1 0.268 0.035 1 31457.6 133.0 Table A-12. Construction Phase - VOC Asphalt Emissions Emulsified Asphalt Emission Seasonal Adjustment Emissions Asphalt Type (gallons) Factor Factor Emissions (tons/day)' (tons/project) Hot Mix and Emulsified Asphalt 60,000 9.2 1.33 0.146 8.74 Aa a wuraL case esurnaUe, are seasunar aaJusunenL iauur rur 7 rnunur5 ur Paving was urea even awugn paving rur ure PruJecL is esurrraLeu w ue ou aay5. Asphalt Assumptions NC Redesignation demonstration and maintenance plan for the Rocky Mount, North Carolina 8 -hour ozone nonattainment area Methodology for VOC from asphalt: http://digital.ncdcr.gov/cdm/ref/collection/p249901coII22/id/650992 https://fl h.fhwa.dot.gov/resou rtes/design/tools/cfl/docu ments/Esti mat Estimate of gallons/sq ft (note: area) of asphalt emulsion = 0.27gal/sq yd ingTable.pdf NCDOT specifications for asphalt in 2002 "was hot mix and emulsified asphalt with hot mix but not cutback asphalt" Area of the site (400 ft x 5,000 ft) converted to yd 222,222 Number of gallons of emulsified asphalt used (assume 0.27 gal/yd2): 60,000 Emission factor (9.2 Ib VOC/barrel of asphalt) 9.2 Seasonal adjustment factor from NC (1.33 for March - November) 1.33 Number of gallons per barrell (42) 42 Number of days for paving 60 Table A-13. Asphalt Application Rates and Weights for Estimating Purposes Application Rates and Weights for Estimating Purposes I Material I Application Rate or Unit Weight I Aggregate Base I 2225 kg/m3 (139.0 lb/ft 3) I Hot Asphalt Mix I 2325 kg/m3 (145.2 Ib/ft3) I Asphalt Binder I 6.0% by weight of mix Antistrip I 1.0% by weight of mix Prime Coat 2 2 0.90 to 2.25 I/m (0.10 to 0.50 gal/yd ) (Using Asphalt Cutbacks) assume 1.50 I/m2 (0.33 gal/yd 2) for estimating Prime Coat 2 2 0.30 to 1.20 I/m (0.10 to 0.40 gal/yd ) (Using Asphalt Emulsion*) 2) assume 1.20 I/m2 (0.27 gal/yd for estimating Prime Coat 1047 I/t (251 gal/ton) (Using Asphalt Cutbacks) Blotter (specified in conjunction with prime 8.0 kg/m2 (14.75 Ib/yd2) coat) Tack Coat 0.25 to 0.70 1/2mz (0.05 to 0 15 gal/yds) (Using Asphalt Emulsion*) assume 0.45 I/m (0.10 gal/yd ) for estimating Fog Seal 0.25 to 0.70 I/m (0.05 to 0 15 gal/yd ) (Using Asphalt Emulsion*) assume 0.45 I/m (0.10 gal/yd ) for estimating Fog, Tack, and Prime Coats 993 I/t (233 gal/ton) (Using Asphalt Emulsion*) Concrete 2485 kg/m3 (155.0 Ib/ft3) 0.30 I/mom (0.20 gal/yd'-) per application Magnesium Chloride specific gravity of 1.3 Requires 2 applications * If the project uses the FP -03 calculate quantity based on area and use this value in your estimate because the FP -03 pays for the water to dilute. Table A -14a. Constuction Phase - PM10 Unpaved Road Emissions Engine Description VMT (day) per vehicle Number Vehicles Total VMT (day) Emission Factors and Operating Limits AP -42 Emission Factor Parameters (Section 13.2.1) Operating Silt Content Vehicle Weight Hours Per Day k (Ib/VMT) N a b (tons) Emission Factor (Ib/VMT) Emissions Control Efficiency (%) Uncontrolled Fraction Emission Rate (tons/year) Off Road Dump Trucks 32 15 473 6.3 1.5 8.5 0.9 0.45 34.7 3.31 70 0.30 85.8 Drum Rollers 15 1 15 2.9 1.5 8.5 0.9 0.45 11.5 2.01 70 0.30 1.6 Soil Compactors 9 3 28 1.9 1.5 8.5 0.9 0.45 20.0 2.58 70 0.30 4.0 Farm Tractors 16 2 33 3.3 1.5 8.5 0.9 0.45 11.4 2.00 70 0.30 3.6 Excavators (large) 1 4 4 4.2 1.5 8.5 0.9 0.45 58.8 4.19 70 0.30 1.0 Excavators (medium) 1 2 2 4.2 1.5 8.5 0.9 0.45 21.4 2.66 70 0.30 0.3 Bulldozers (medium) 6 3 18 3.5 1.5 8.5 0.9 0.45 10.2 1.91 70 0.30 1.9 Bulldozers (large) 6 1 6 3.5 1.5 8.5 0.9 0.45 35.3 3.33 70 0.30 1.1 Off -Road Water Truck 47 1 47 6.3 1.5 8.5 0.9 0.45 35.0 3.32 70 0.30 8.6 Road Graders 27 1 27 3.7 1.5 8.5 0.9 0.45 16.0 2.34 70 0.30 3.4 Loaders 15 2 29 2.9 1.5 8.5 0.9 0.45 16.6 2.37 70 0.30 3.8 Backhoes 22 5 109 4.4 1.5 8.5 0.9 0.45 7.0 1.61 70 0.30 9.6 Forklifts 13 10 127 2.5 1.5 8.5 0.9 0.45 5.8 1.48 70 0.30 10.3 Cranes 38 5 190 3.8 1.5 8.5 0.9 0.45 32.8 3.23 70 0.30 33.6 Asphalt Pavers 8 5 38 3.2 1.5 8.5 0.9 0.45 18.7 2.50 70 0.30 5.2 Asphalt Compactors 8 5 38 1.9 1.5 8.5 0.9 0.45 4.6 1.34 70 0.30 2.8 Hostler Trucks (listed as subgroup of "Terminal 5 113 4.8 0.15 8.5 0.9 0.45 7.3 0.16 70 0.30 1.0 Tractors") 23 5 113 4.8 1.5 8.5 0.9 0.45 7.3 1.64 70 0.30 10.1 Table A -14b. Construction Phase - PM2.5 Unpaved Road Emissions Engine Description VMT (day) per vehicle Number Vehicles Total VMT (day) Emission Factors and Operating Limits AP -42 Emission Factor Parameters (Section 13.2.1) Operating Silt Content Vehicle Weight Hours Per Day k (Ib/VMT) N a b (tons) Emission Factor (lb/VMT) Emissions Control Efficiency (%) Uncontrolled Fraction Emission Rate (tons/year) Off Road Dump Trucks 32 15 473 6.3 0.15 8.5 0.9 0.45 34.7 0.33 70 0.30 8.6 Drum Rollers 15 1 15 2.9 0.15 8.5 0.9 0.45 11.5 0.20 70 0.30 0.2 Soil Compactors 9 3 28 1.9 0.15 8.5 0.9 0.45 20.0 0.26 70 0.30 0.4 Farm Tractors 16 2 33 3.3 0.15 8.5 0.9 0.45 11.4 0.20 70 0.30 0.4 Excavators (large) 1 4 4 4.2 0.15 8.5 0.9 0.45 58.8 0.42 70 0.30 0.1 Excavators (medium) 1 2 2 4.2 0.15 8.5 0.9 0.45 21.4 0.27 70 0.30 0.0 Bulldozers (medium) 6 3 18 3.5 0.15 8.5 0.9 0.45 10.2 0.19 70 0.30 0.2 Bulldozers (large) 6 1 6 3.5 0.15 8.5 0.9 0.45 35.3 0.33 70 0.30 0.1 Off -Road Water Truck 47 1 47 6.3 0.15 8.5 0.9 0.45 35.0 0.33 70 0.30 0.9 Road Graders 27 1 27 3.7 0.15 8.5 0.9 0.45 16.0 0.23 70 0.30 0.3 Loaders 15 2 29 2.9 0.15 8.5 0.9 0.45 16.6 0.24 70 0.30 0.4 Backhoes 22 5 109 4.4 0.15 8.5 0.9 0.45 7.0 0.16 70 0.30 1.0 Forklifts 13 10 127 2.5 0.15 8.5 0.9 0.45 5.8 0.15 70 0.30 1.0 Cranes 38 5 190 3.8 0.15 8.5 0.9 0.45 32.8 0.32 70 0.30 3.4 Asphalt Pavers 8 5 38 3.2 0.15 8.5 0.9 0.45 18.7 0.25 70 0.30 0.5 Asphalt Compactors 8 5 38 1.9 0.15 8.5 0.9 0.45 4.6 0.13 70 0.30 0.3 Hostler Trucks (listed as subgroup of "Terminal Tractors 23 5 113 4.8 0.15 8.5 0.9 0.45 7.3 0.16 70 0.30 1.0 Assumptions k, a, b constants for PM10, PM2.5 from AP -42 Table 13.2.2-2 Silt Content % using mean value for Construction Sites from AP -42 Table 13.2.2-1 Emissions Control Efficiency is for Unpaved Road, basic watering, per: Olsen, Regg. Memorandum to Permitting Branch: Emissions Factors for Paved and Unpaved Haul Roads . Utah Dept. of Environmental Quality. March 10, 2008. Table A -14c. Construction Phase - PM10 Storage Piles Emissions AP -42 Emission Factor Parameters (Section 13.2.4) Material (cu/yd) Material (tons) Emissions (tons) k Wind Speed Emission Factor (dimensionless) (m/s) Moisture Content (%) (Ib/ton) 0.35 4.47 22.2 0.0000333 1,456,074 2,490,541 0.0415 Table A -14d. Construction Phase - PM2.5 Storage Piles Emissions AP -42 Emission Factor Parameters Section 13.2.4 Material (cu/yd)' Material (tons) Emissions (tons) k Wind Speed Emission Factor (dimensionless) (m/s) Moisture Content (%) (Ib/ton) 0.053 4.47 22.2 0.0000050 1,456,074 2,490,541 0.0063 1 The entire volume of excavated soil was used as a worst case estimate Wind Speed (U) 8-10 mph (in m/s) 4.47 Source: Moisture Content (M) 22.2 Source: Sample TP -02 http://climate.ncsu.edu/climate/ncclimate.htmI#factors P:\Transportation\Projects\Rail\CSX\6468-16-6133 CSX - Rocky Mount Intermodal Yard and Leads\Deliverables\Aooendix C CSX Intermodal Lab Results.adf Amec Foster Wheeler document lists that 80.5% of sample TP -02 passes through 200 mesh, which is 74µm and the definition of silt in AP -13.2.4 page 1 Silt Content (%) Per internal discussion, the site has a Fines value of 80.5, but no way to determine the silt vs. clay content. Revert to average value. NOTE: The silt percentage is NOT the k factor. It is based on particle size. Confirm this refers to 10 microns and 2.5 microns k factor: <10 µm multiplier 0.35 Source: AP -42 13.2.4-4 <2.5 µm multiplier 0.053 Source: AP -42 13.2.4-4 "The particle size multiplier in the equation, k, varies with aerodynamic particle size range " (AP -42 Section 13.2.4-4). Convert cu/yd of soil to tons Maximum density of sample TP -02 in pcf (pounds cubic foot) 126.7 convert to tons/cu yd: 1.710 Table A -14e. Construction Phase - PM10 Wind Erosion Emissions AP -42 Emission Factor Parameters (Section 11.9) Material Silt Content N Moisture Content (%) Scaling Factor Emission Factor (Ib/hr) Emissions (tons/year)' 8.5 22.2 0.75 0.24 1.06 1 �Z) a wuiZ>L Uaac ebuinaLe, uie LaLuiaLivii abZ)unit=) uiaL wniu ciuZ)iviiZ) CnnJDwllb wni ULLui G°+ nuuiz> Nei uay anu Z)oj uayz) Nei yeas. Table A -14f. Construction Phase - PM2.5 Wind Erosion Emissions AP -42 Emission Factor Parameters (Section 11.9) Emission Factor (Ib/hr) Emissions (tons/year) Material Silt Content N Moisture Content (%) Scaling Factor 8.5 22.2 0.105 0.14 0.61 1 As a worst case estimate, the caculation assumes that wind erosions emissions will occur 24 hours per day and 365 days per year. Calculation using AP -42 equations in Table 11.9-1. Select Operation=Bulldozing and Material=Overburden. P:\Transportation\Projects\Rail\CSX\6468-16-6133 CSX - Rocky Mount Intermodal Yard and Moisture Content (M) (%) 22.2 Source: Sample TP -02 Leads\Deliverables\Appendix C CSX Intermodal Lab Results.pdf Silt Content (%) 8.5 Per internal discussion, cannot determine silt percentage from site samples. Use 8.5% AmecFW document lists that 80.5% of sample TP -02 passes through 200 mesh, which is 741tm, but no way to determine silt vs. clay partition. Revert to AP -42 fallback value of 8.5% silt