HomeMy WebLinkAbout20081549 Ver 1_Monitoring Report_20080527G 08-1549 ANNUAL RIPARIAN BUFFER MONITORING REPORT YEAR 2007 (YEAR 5) CASEY DAIRY-WALNUT CREEK RIPARIAN BUFFER RESTORATION SITE WAYNE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA Contract # AW03011-4 ' 9 Qd[M [0), MAY 2 7 2008 )E.'iR - WATER QUALITY WE !,.ANDS AND STORMWATER BRANCH ARCADIS ARCADIS G&M of North Carolina, Inc. and RESTORATION SYSTEMS 801 Corporate Center Drive, Suite 300 1101 Haynes Street, Suite 107 Raleigh, North Carolina 27607 Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 (919) 854-1282 restorationsystems.com (919) 755-9490 November 2007 RECEIVED NOV 2 5 2007 N ECOSYSTEM cNHAh0;°.Iv'ENT PROGRAM TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................. 1 2.0 MONITORING PROGRAM .............................................................................................. 3 2.1 General Description ............................................................................................... 3 2.2 Vegetation Monitoring Procedure ......................................................................... 5 2.3 Success Criteria ..................................................................................................... 5 2.4 Sampling Results and Comparison to Success Criteria ......................................... 5 3.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ............................................................. 9 4.0 REFERENCES ................................................................................................................. 10 LIST OF TABLES Table 1: Inventory of Reference Wetland Tree Species ........................................................... 7 Table 2: 2007 Vegetation Monitoring Data and Results ........................................................... 8 Table 3. Summary of Vegetation Plot Results for Years 1 through 5 .................................... 10 LIST OF SHEETS Sheet 1: Site Location ............................................................................................................... 2 Sheet 2: As-Built Planting ........................................................................................................ 4 Sheet 3: Monitoring Plan .......................................................................................................... 6 APPENDICES Appendix A: Vegetation Plot Photographs Case Dairy-Walnut Creek Riparian Buffer Restoration Site Table of Contents Annual Wetland Monitoring Report November 2007 Year 5 (2007) Restoration Systems, LLC ,>b ` •. nP xl a ` wn e, b < '`?_ ?}1 yyfa 1[ ? ` NOW m a' ja Site L•• ^? Sat'''` ??.y?„/..y,rpS? ttt•d " \ l r. - ??^. JAL T 111 Yt 'kill 113 111 ` Wy ? t ` I' Ff4F NM,! -AK j 1 . J r..y 1:150,000 Source: 2003 North Carolina Atlas and Gazetteer, p.64. we,tt.a,, ... 801 Corporate Center Dr SITE LOCATION Suite 300 CASEY DAIRY - WALNUT CREEK Raleigh, NC 27607 SHEET 1 ?J Tel.919.854.1282 RIPARIAN BUFFER RESTORATION ARCADIS Fax.919.854.5448 WAYNE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA ANNUAL RIPARIAN BUFFER MONITORING REPORT YEAR 2007 (YEAR 5) CASEY DAIRY-WALNUT CREEK RIPARIAN BUFFER RESTORATION SITE WAYNE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA 1.0 INTRODUCTION Restoration Systems and the North Carolina Wetlands Restoration Program established the Casey Dairy-Walnut Creek Riparian Buffer Restoration Site (Site) to provide for wildlife and water quality benefits within the coastal region of the Neuse River basin. The Site comprises a 72-acre cattle farm, pasture, and dairy situated within the floodplain of Walnut Creek, approximately 4 miles upstream of its confluence with the Neuse River (Sheet 1). This riparian buffer restoration is expected to reduce nutrient loads six-fold from the Site to the Neuse River Basin relative to existing conditions. This restoration plan has been developed in accordance with the Guidelines for Riparian Buffer Restoration (NCDENR 2001). The plan was implemented in November and December of 2002 and included the following primary components. (1) Approximately 4,800 feet of cattle exclusion fencing was erected to reduce cattle excrement within surface water runoff and to eliminate stream bank collapse and erosion due to hoof damage. (2) Pasture surfaces on the floodplain were ripped and disked in two directions to remove soil compaction and to facilitate vegetation establishment and nutrient uptake. (3) Water control structures (rock cross-vanes) were installed within ditches to passively raise the water table within the rooting zone of planted riparian species. (4) Cross-vanes have served to reduce flow velocity, promote passive filling of ditches through siltation, and to facilitate vegetation growth within surface water flow pathways throughout the riparian buffer. (5) Approximately 59,640 trees and shrubs were planted to promote riparian community restoration, nutrient uptake/recycling, and associated water quality benefits. (6) A perpetual conservation easement was established over the tract to ensure continued protection of the restored riparian buffer. This report documents the results of the fifth year of monitoring according to the monitoring program as outlined in the restoration plan. Monitoring activities have been performed throughout 2007, including evaluations of surface water flow, erosion potential, and vegetation growth. Results are compared to success criteria. In summary, the Site met success criteria for riparian buffer vegetation establishment in 2007 with an average of 497 character stems per acre. Casey Dairy-Walnut Creek Riparian Buffer Restoration Site page 1 Annual Wetland Monitoring Report November 2007 Year 5 (2007) Restoration Systems, LLC 2.0 MONITORING PROGRAM 2.1 General Description Primary construction activities were completed in December 2002, including bank stabilization, subsurface ripping, and water table manipulations. Vegetation planting was completed in January 2003; 59,640 seedlings were planted as outlined in Sheet 2. A significant flood event occurred during Hurricane Isabel in September 2003. Three subsequent floods were documented during the fall hurricane season of 2004 and 2006. Constructed fences have not been damaged or breached by cattle or hurricanes during the report period. Successional (old-field) vegetation growth continued to include heavy recruitment of herbaceous species including smartweeds (Polygonum spp.), climbing hempweed (Mikania scandens), morning glory Qpomoea spp.), blackberry (Rubus spp), rice cutgrass (Leersia oryzoides), dog fennel (Eupatorium capillifolium), ragweed (Ambrosia spp.), horseweed (Erigeron canadensis), goldenrod (Solidago spp.), beggar-ticks (Bidens sp.), cattail (Typha sp.), and soft rush (Juncus effusus). The fifth-year growth of herbaceous vegetation occasionally includes dense thickets 5 feet or greater in height overtopping planted seedlings. In areas containing a predominance of smartweeds, climbing hempweed, and/or blackberry, many of the seedlings have been pulled to the ground and are producing secondary shoots. Natural recruitment also includes intermittent pockets of shrub and tree seedlings dominated by red maple (Acer rubrum) and sweetgum (Liquidambar styraciflua) and additionally, hickory (Carya sp.), loblolly pine (Pinus taeda), green ash (Fraxinus pennsylvanica), black cherry (Prunus serotina), American sycamore (Platanus occidentalis), and willow (Salix spp.). Several stems of privet (Ligustrum sinense) were recorded. However, this invasive species lacks aggressive tendencies within the organic soils of the Site and does not present any potential to dominate. In some areas, old-field herbaceous vegetation continued to overtop and flatten the planted seedlings during the growing seasons of 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, and 2007. Dense successional vegetation averaged 5 feet or greater in height. However, vegetation sampling in dense thickets indicate that planted seedlings continue to exhibit survival rates in excess of 75 percent. Therefore, control of vigorous herbaceous competition is not warranted. In addition, the herbaceous competition continues to reduce beaver consumption of planted trees on the floodplain. Severe stress and mortality of planted seedlings in relatively large numbers was only noted where soft rush (Juncus effusus) developed into dense stands. Herbaceous growth rates are expected to decline over the next several years as canopy closure progresses. Casey Dairy-Walnut Creek Riparian Buffer Restoration Site page 3 Annual Wetland Monitoring Report November 2007 Year 5 (2007) Restoration Systems, LLC Planting Regime Planting Zone 1 (ago f") 2 (20-50 feel) 3 (50-200 rest) TSTEM PlanBng Assoc ialbn Stream Bart Stream-Side Floodplain PLANTED Planting Area (acres) 11.2 15.3 45.5 72 UNDERSTORY/SHRUBS Species Name B Pkwded # Placed 0 Plarded B Planed Buttrlbrrsh (C.ephdgnVxrx ooddMtffW) 1600 600 2400 EMWberty (SMnbcrara CW*dWWft) 1120 370 1490 Swamp Red Bay (Parma per) 440 680 1100 Red Chokd=Ty (Amnia arbtaDft) 460 120 560 Pomw"m blb xmwn (Vbum n nudUM) 390 350 740 TREES Riwr BMdt (Betts Mora) 970 1190 2940 5100 Ams ken Syet+rnors P%*wwre ocddsrttb) 340 330 590 1260 Green Ash (Fraxkxrs pwww*anice) 240 270 590 1100 Bald Cypnas (ftworrn dtwdwm) 1290 1770 5440 6500 Swamp chestnut Oak (Oman mom") 460 640 1900 9000 Water TUpeb ftssa aquatics) 620 1180 3300 5100 p TUpab (Nyw MR n 580 780 2270 3590 owrcw oak (Q MM loft) 670 960 2740 4390 UK" Oak (wars Mw t ft) 760 970 3060 4810 WNow Oak (Qusran ow1m) 510 630 2070 3210 ChMrybMk Oak (Oman pagoda) 450 620 2030 3100 TUMp Poplar gmod rtdm kmpftm) 440 670 1900 3100 WWW Oak (Quarars Mora) 330 520 1660 2400 WOW Rdwry (Carya aquwca) 240 330 1390 1960 TOTAL 12.290 13.640 33.715 59.840 Average Plarrlirtg Density 1100 890 740 830 Average Plant 6 bet x 8 fast 7 bat x 7 test .5 test x 7.5 faw 7 foal x 7 test WIN Caroline Vftft s Reskmatbn Proprfm 320 Wed Jones Strew Ralsiph N.C. 27604 RsNor M R Sysfents 1101 Hfptes Street SUVA 203 Rdeiph N.C. 27604 (919) 78544 0 ARCADIS 801 Corporate Center Dr Suite 300 Raleigh. NC 27607 Tel.919.854.1282 Fax 919.854.5448 Casey Dairy - Walnut Creek Riparian Buffer Restoration Wayne County North Carolina TiYa: As-suMt Pl0619 SHEET 2 Wildlife species observations were noted throughout the monitoring activities. Diagnostic bird species that use the restored floodplain wetlands include common yellowthroat (Geothlypis trichas), sora (Porzana carolina), great blue heron (Ardea herodias), belted kingfisher (Ceryle alcyon), Canada goose (Branta canadensis), red-winged blackbird (Agelaius phoeniceus), green heron (Butorides virescens), wood duck (Aix sponsa), and mallard (Anas platyrhynchos). 2.2 Vegetation Monitoring Procedure Quantitative vegetation sampling was performed in October and November of 2007. Permanent, 0.15-acre transect plots were established at the locations depicted on Sheet 3. Each transect measures 600 feet in length and 10.9 feet in width. Ten plots were established, providing a 2 percent quantitative sample. In each plot, tree/shrub species and number of stems were recorded. Species data collected from each plot were combined to calculate an average density of the riparian buffer restoration area based on success criteria. 2.3 Success Criteria A minimum mean density of 320 character trees/shrubs stems must be surviving for 3 years after initial planting. Subsequently, 290 character stems must be surviving in year 4 and 260 character stems in year 5. With the exception of cypress (Taxodium distichum) and tupelo (Nyssa spp.), no character species can comprise more than 20 percent of the 260 stem/acre total required for year 5; the excess stems will be discarded from the statistical analyses. Because the Site likely supported extensive cypress-tupelo swamp under historic conditions, cypress and tupelo species may comprise up to 100 percent of the stem per acre requirement. Character species are defined as planted species or native species identified in reference (relatively undisturbed) riparian buffers in the region (Sheet 2 and Table 1). For this monitoring program, character species exclude pine (Pinus spp.), sweetgum (Liquidambar styraciflua), red maple (Acer rubrum), willow (Salix spp.), and exotic elements. 2.4 Sampling Results and Comparison to Success Criteria Quantitative sampling of vegetation was performed in October and November of 2007. Results of the fall sampling are provided in Table 2. In summary, an average of 497 character stems per acre are surviving after the fifth year of monitoring. These densities are well-above the 260 character stems per acre requirement for success. Planted character species include bald cypress (Taxodium distichum, 115 stems per acre), swamp/water tupelo (Nyssa biora/aquatica, 69 stems per acre), river birch (Betula nigra, 48 stems per acre), overcup oak (Quercus lyrata, 17 stems per acre), cherrybark oak (Quercus pagoda, 33 stems per acre), willow oak (Quercus phellos, 41 stems per acre), and water oak (Quercus nigra, 26 stems per acre). Only two plots (1200-1800 and 1800-2400) were slightly below the required 260 stems/acre. These plots are located in the wettest portion of the site where soft rush and cattail are abundant. Casey Dairy-Walnut Creek Riparian Buffer Restoration Site page 5 Annual Wetland Monitoring Report November 2007 Year 5 (2007) Restoration Systems, LLC L C ws E (L) W: r- r cc ICU r- a y NON ?U??N? m ?aNO N L }' OL Q) W m 2! oU 9C',0. oU N 1 t7u 1 , r- C LO U) 10 L Uf F Y Z o >+ m Z 1? `, °i Q 2 a4 m ?+ O Q? P 0 W p?amir L°=tnrnrna rl.J ?yrn?rn n N C'L Cl) CL Z Ny Q? ?v a4) ca o o Cl) 03 ! x` ! Y G ? ! * ?1 0U? ?`mc N O a ? 'yl1 I ? Peob N1ea ? N x! o xo ro N ?c h L i pxg ? ffi ? J! roc 1 . x? d 00+p9 Qo+y$ oo+9b weal00 +8b _+Zb ( ?°x / Table 1: Inventory of Reference Wetland Tree Species Walnut Creek-Neuse River Corridor, Wayne-Lenoir Counties Scientific Name Common Name Scientific Name Common Name Acer rubrum] Red Maple' Platanus occidentalis American Sycamore Acer negundo Box Elder Populus heterophylla Swamp Cottonwood Betula nigra River Birch Prunus serotina Black Cherry Carpinus caroliniana Ironwood Quercus alba White Oak Carya aquatica Water Hickory Quercus laurifolia Laurel Oak Carya tomentosa Mockemut Hickory Quercus lyrata Overcup Oak Celtis laevigata Hackberry Quercus michataii Swamp Chestnut Oak Chamaecyparis thyoides Atlantic White Cedar Quercus nigra Water Oak Cornus spp. Dogwood Quercus pagoda Cherrybark Oak Fagus grandifolia American Beech Quercus phellos Willow Oak Fraxinus caroliniana Carolina Ash Quercus rubra Northern Red Oak Fraxinus pennsylvanica Green Ash Salix caroliniana Carolina Willow' Fraxinus profunda Pumpkin Ash Salix nigra Black Willow' Gordonia lasianthus Loblolly Bay Symplocus tinctoria Horse Sugar Ilex opaca American Holly Taxodium distichum Bald Cypress Juglans nigra Black Walnut Ulmus alata Winged Elm Jumperus virginiana Eastern Red Cedar Ulmus americana American Elm Liquidambar styraciflua' Sweet Gum' Ulmus rubra Slippery Elm Liriodendron tulipifera Tulip Poplar Magnolia virginiana Sweet Bay Morus rubra Red Mulberry Nyssa aquatica Water Tupelo Nyssa billora Swamp Tupelo Nyssa sylvatica Black Gum Oxydendrum arboreum Sourwood Persea palustris Red Bay Pinus serotina Pond Pine Pinus taedal Loblolly Pine' i s Lobiohy pine, red maple, sweet gum, and willow species have been excluded as character elements. Casey Dairy-Walnut Creek Riparian Buffer Restoration Site page 7 Annual Wetland Monitoring Report November 2007 Year 5 (2007) Restoration Systems, LLC O In In O N U (v ? 0) m 7 ?. ayi.yQ m ?aao S Z CO a- m 13 rn c O 0 C) 0) '1 S (o Oo to O C (0 O V d d (0 0 N r m a A x U w r N O1 +?+ fC W y v J y a J 7 Q Qoo`c ran_a m 00 00 M V N 01 N ? 01 I? c- M (M 10 Cn ? 10 N "1 M V r y M d O d v . . t1 ' U ? NQCn Co ? 00 M V N 01 ? W f- M (o ? O e- h fo Co M r .-- to tn ? n ?- M M O I- N M M _ y `I N ? (M Cn c- N M ?T M N r r °' Q (%1 N ? N lO (o M M ? M O O V ? ? 0 04 0 01 ? M M N (0 0 0) O 10 O M V M y I? V N N (0 M r- N N M V O N r N 01 N 0 ?-- (0 _ £ r- I? V N 02 W 0 LO N M (O ? M ? It in N (O O U7 v Co M ? M M M N 0 ? in n l0 a M O O O O p O M LO 00 ? M M O (0 N O M M 0 N N V h N A M N N N N N rn o N M M N 0 0 0 p V N N r f0 Cn I, C. 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N m 2 2 a i > a > > > > o E j> , 6 r 0 y c i > > > c c- - 0 a t U y m m U m U m U o U O (L y _ -j ? Z Z a a a U C7 C1 C? C7 C7 m (n m ?- U r 0 r o0 r 0 ° Q m m ._ -i ._ o 0 0 N J [l E E m j T O n z00 0 CL 7 Y m E T Co E 0 a n E m y O +m4-' C V M yN O C, a N N ? 1° 3 3 0 N r-. N O $ N v E M CO a Oo c r 0 o a? x? U W 1 f0 d O y N ? ? C E y M O O E N .tm > O 0 a C C m N n? N C C O yy c y N N CL 'b N Y y m E U y y U 2 m N m ? t Q Qf m 4N4 v CS m m r (D N y a m N N CO y c maL UC O c 0 C 3 ^ N Z m o ? o m C M c m U Q > 3.0 CONCLUSIONS AND SUMMARY OF RESULTS FOR YEARS I THROUGH 5 In summary, the restoration site achieved success criteria for the fifth monitoring year with an average of 497 character stems per acre surviving. These densities are well-above the 260 character stems per acre requirement for success. In addition, the site is highly successful, having achieved success criteria over the entire 5-year monitoring period. Table 3 summarizes the vegetation data gathered each of the 5 monitoring years. The cattle exclusion fencing and rock cross-vanes are functioning as intended. No erosion or sediment problems were noted within the Site. Beaver have not had a significant impact by chewing/uprooting planted seedlings. The heavy herbaceous cover may serve to protect the seedlings from beaver. Several beaver dams have been constructed in downstream reaches of the project. However, long-term inundation has not yet induced extensive mortality of planted seedlings or herbaceous cover. Beaver are present and active within bottomland hardwood and swamp forest ecosystems throughout the Neuse River watershed. Measures to control this species are not necessary. The beaver dams have created excellent habitat for waterfowl and have not resulted in significant mortality of planted seedlings. In some areas, old-field herbaceous vegetation has overtopped and flattened the planted seedlings during the growing seasons of each monitoring year. Dense successional vegetation averaged 5 feet or greater in height. However, vegetation sampling in dense thickets indicate that planted seedlings continue to exhibit survival rates in excess of 75 percent. Herbaceous growth rates are expected to decline over the next several years as the planted seedlings mature and provide increased shading. Therefore, control of vigorous herbaceous competition is not warranted. Casey Dairy-Walnut Creek Riparian Buffer Restoration Site page 9 Annual Wetland Monitoring Report November 2007 Year 5 (2007) Restoration Systems, LLC Table 3. Summary of Vegetation Plot Results for Years 1 through 5 Casey Dairy - Walnut Creek Riparian Buffer Restoration Site Total Stems/Acre Counting Toward Success Criteria Year 1 2003 Year 2 2004 Year 3 2005 Year 4 2006 Year 5 2007 575 672 632 552 497 Casey Dairy-Walnut Creek Riparian Buffer Restoration Site page 10 Annual Wetland Monitoring Report November 2007 Year 5 (2007) Restoration Systems, LLC 4.0 REFERENCES North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources (NCDENR). 2001. Guidelines for Riparian Buffer Restoration. North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Raleigh, North Carolina. Casey Dairy-Walnut Creek Riparian Buffer Restoration Site page I 1 Annual Wetland Monitoring Report November 2007 Year 5 (2007) Restoration Systems, LLC APPENDIX A Vegetation Plot Photographs Casey Dairy Riparian Buffer Restoration Site Year 5 (2007) Annual Monitoring Report Vegetation Photographs Taken November 2007 Plot 0000-0600 Plot 0600-1200 Plot 2400-3000 Plot 1800-2400 Plot 3000-3600 g C 5 a . ??1,J- '+?? i. lilt ??fy1r 1 Plot 5400-6000 Plot 3600-4200 Plot 4200-4800 Plot 4800-5400