HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW3170702y �11- Please indicate the types, quantities and locations of SCMs that will be used on this project: ,Quantity Location(s) Infiltration System Bioretention Cell - _ Wet Pond 7 As shown on pians Stormw_ater Wetland _ Permeable Pavement --- _ Sand Filter Rainwater Harvesting - Green Roof Level Spreader -Filter Strip Disconnected Impervious Surface Treatment Swale Dry Pond Designer information for this project: Applicant: Project Name: Harkey Creek Subdivision Address 4610 Old Chalotte Hwy CIty I Town Monroe Company: Harke Creek Charlotte) ASLI Vlli, t .L.L.P. Contact: Andrew Dubill Mailing Address: 923 N. Pennsylvania Avenue E.V State, Zip: Winter Park, FL 32789 _ Phone number($): 407-628-8488 _. Email: abubillr�avahitprop.com Designer Certification Statement: I certify, under penalty of law: that this Supplernent-EZ form and all supporting � CARO 4s information were prepared under my direction or supervision. SS ,� - that the information provided in the form is, to the best of my knowledge 'gyp and belief, true, accurate, and complete; and ."_ a¢ SEAL Tr S�ignei ner r that the engineering pians, specifications, operation and maintenance z #18,998 agreements and other supporting information are consistent with the information provided here 00��� *���� 1 am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false 11111 ! "+5,'`,,-��� information including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing Date I violations as well as a report being made to my professional board. 1 1:38 PM 712112017 Cover Page WET POND THE DRAINAGE AREA Drainage area number Total coastal wetlands area (sq ft) Tota€ surface water area (sq ft) Total drainage area (sq ft) BUA associated with existing development (sq ft) Proposed new BUA (sq ft) Percent BUA of drainage area COMPLIANCE WITH THE APPLICABLE STORMWATER PROGRAM Stormwater program($) that apply (please specify): E R 10 1:+C I` €d 01 f)'1.il. ,)C , #1 is the SCM sized to treat the SW from all surfaces at build -out? #2 Is the SCM located cn or near contaminated soils? #3 What are the side slopes of the SCM ft%V ? #3 Does the SCM have retaining walls, gabion walls or other engineered side slopes? #4 Are the inlets, Outlets, and receiving stream protected from erosion (10 -year storm)? #5 Is there a a bypass for flows in excess of the design flow? #6 What is the method for dewatering the SCM for maintenance? ---- @i ---A .:d...- #1 Method used #1 Surface area of the main permanent pool (square feet) #1 Volume of the main permanent pool (cubic feet) 92 Average depth of the main pool (feet) #2 Was the vegetated shelf included in the calculation of average depth? #2 Elevation of the bottom of the permanent pool (fmsl) #2 Elevation of the top of the permanent pool (fmsl) #2 Elevation of the top of the temporary pool (fmsl) #3 Depth provided for sediment storage (inches) #4 Are the inlet(s) and outlet located in a manner that avoids short-circuiting? #4 Describe any measures, such as berms or baffles, that will be taken to improve the flow path: #5 Volume of the forebay (cubic feet) #5 Is this 15-20% of the volume in the main pool? #5 Depth of forebay at entrance (inches) #5 Depth of forebay at exit (inches) 45 does water flow out of the forebay in a non-erosive manner? #5 Clean-out depth for forebay (inches) #5 Will the forebay be cleaned out when the depth is reduced to less than the above? ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Harkey Creek Subdivision 1 1 Break down of BUA In the drainage area (both new and existing): sf Parking / driveway (sq ft) 36752 sf st Sldewalk (sq ft) 4180 sf 168577 at Roof (sq ft) 30300 sf sf Roadway (sq ft) 15635 sf 86684 sf Other, please specify in the comment box below (sq ft) 51% Total BUA (sq ft) 86867 sf Design rainfall depth (in) 1.0 in Minimum volume required (cu ft) 7204 of Design volume of SCM (cu ft) 7350 of Yes 07 If applicable, with the SCM be cleaned out after construction? Yes No #8 Does the mainetenance access comply with General MDC (8)? Yes 3:1 #9 Does the drainage easement comply with General MDC (9)? Yes No #10 If the SCM is on a single family lot, does the plat comply with General MDC (10)? Yes Yes 011 Is there an O&M Agreement that complies with General MDC (11)? Yes Yes #12 Is there an 08M Plan that complies with General MDC (12)? Yes Pump (preferred) #13 Was the SCM designed by an NC licensed professional? Yes SA/DA #6 Width of the vegetated shelf (feet) 6 fl 5791 sf #6 Location of vegetated shelf Above Normal Pool 18562 of #6 Elevation of top of shelf (fmsl) 656 ft 3 ft #6 Elevation of bottom of shelf (fmsl) 655 ft No #6 Slope of vegetated shelf (H:V) 6:1 651 ft #7 Diameter of drawdown orifice (inches) 1,5 in 655 ft #7 Drawdown time for the temporary pool (hours) 57 hrs 656 ft #7 Does the orifice drawdown from below the top surface of the permanent pool? Yes 12 in #8 Does the pond minimize Impacts to the receiving channel from the 1 -yr, 24 -hr storm? Yes Yes #9 Are fountains proposed? No #9 If yes, is documentation provided per Wet Pond MDC (9)? #10 Is a trash rack or other device provided to protect the outlet system? No 8119 #11 Are the dam and embankment planted in non -clumping turf grass? Yes Yes #11 Species of turf that will be used on the dam and embankment Bermuda 42 in #11 Describe the planting plan for the vegetated shelf: 36 in The vegetated shelf shall be planted with a minimum of 3 diverse species of herbaceous, native vegetation at a minimum density of 50 plants per 20C sf of shelf area Three recommend species are: Asclepias inearnata, Chelone Yes galbra, and Lobelia cardinalis, Other species whch may be used are listed in the "NCDEQ Stormwater Design Manual", 30 in Chapter C-3, Wet Pond. Yes Please use this space to provide any additional information about this wet pend that you think is relevant to the review: Wet Pond 1 1:50 PM 7/21/2017 WET POND THE DRAINAGE AREA Drainage area number Total coastal wetlands area (sq ft) Total surface water area (sq ft) Total drainage area (sq ft) BUA associated with existing development (sq ft) Proposed now BUA (sq ft) Percent SSA of drainage area COMPLIANCE WITH THE APPLICABLE STORMWATER PROGRAM Stormwater program(s) that apply (please specify): GENERAL MIX FROM 02H .1050 #1 Is the SCM sized to treat the SW from all surfaces at build -out? #2 Is the SCM located on or near contaminated soils? #3 What are the side slopes of the SCM (H:V)? #3 Does the SCM have retaining walls, gablon walls or other englneared side slopes? #4 Are the inlets, outlets, and receiving stream protected from erosion (t0 -year slorm)? #5 Is there a a bypass for flows in excess of the design flow? #6 What is the method for dewatering the SCM for maintenance? WET POND MDC FROM 02H_ #1 Method used #1 Surface area of the main permanent pool (square feet) #1 Volume of the main permanent pool (cubic feet) #2 Average depth of the main pool (feet) #2 Was the vegetated shelf included in the calculation of average depth? #2 Elevation of the bottom of the permanent pool (fmal) #2 Elevation of the tap of the permanent pool {fmsl) #2 Elevation of the top of the temporary pool (fmsl) #3 Depth provided for sediment storage (inches) #4 Are the inlet(s) and outlet located in a manner that avoids short-circuiting? 94 Desonbe any measures, such as berms or baffles, that wlll be taken to improve the flow path: #5 Volume of the forabay (cubic feet) #5 Is this 115-20% of the volume In the main pool? #5 Depth of forebay at entrance (inches) #5 Depth of forebay at exit (inches) #5 Does water flow out of the forebay in a non-erosive manner? #5 Clean-out depth for lorebay (inches) #5 Will the forebay be cleaned out when the depth is reduced to less than the above? ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Harkey Greek Subdivision 2 Break down of BUA In the drainage area (bath new and existing): sf Parking / driveway (sq ft) 6500 sf sf Sidewalk (sq fl) 8570 sf 156380 sf Roof (sq ft) 37400 sf sf Roadway (sq ft) 23996 sf 78408 sf Other, please specify In the comment box below (sq ft) 50% Total BUA (sq ft) 78468 sf Design rainfall depth (in) 1.0 In Minimum volume required (cu ft) 6532 of Design volume of SCM (cu ft) 6610 of Yes #7 if applicable, with the SCM be cleaned out after construction? Yes No #6 Does the mainetenance access comply with General MDC (8)? Yes 3:1 #9 Does the drainage easement comply with General MDC (9)? Yes No #10 If the SCM is on a single family lot, does the plat comply with General MDC (10)? Yes Yes #11 Is there an O&M Agreement that complies with General MDC (11)? Yes Yes #12 Is there an O&M Plan that complies with General MDC (12)? Yes Pump (preferred) #13 Was the SCM designed by an NO licensed professional? Yes SADA #8 Width of the vegetated shelf (feet) 61 7384 sf #6 Location of vegetated shelf Above Normal Pool 23742 cf #6 Elevation of top of shelf (imsl) 642 ft 3 ft #6 Elevation of bottom of shelf (fmsl) 641 ft No #6 Slope of vegetated shelf (H:V) 6:1 637 It #7 Diameter of drawdown orifice (inches) 1.5 In 641 ft #7 Drawdown time for the temporary pool (hours) 56 hrs 642 ft #7 Does the orifice drawdown from below the top surface of the permanent pool? Yes 12 in #8 goes the pond minimize impacts to the receiving channel from the f -yr, 24 -hr storm? Yes Yes #9 Are fountains proposed? No #9 If yes, is documentation provided per Wet Pond MDC (9)? #10 Is a trash rack or other device provided to protect the cutlet system? No 5539 #11 Are the dam and embankment planted in non -clumping turf grass? Yes Yes #11 Species of turf that will be used on the dam and embankment Bermuda 42 in #11 Describe the planting pian for the vegetated shelf: 36 in The vegetated shelf shall be planted with a minimum of 3 diverse species of herbaceous, native vegetation at a Yes minimum density of 50 plants per200 sf of shelf area, Three reeommened species are: Aseleplas incarnate, Chelone 30 in galbra, and Lobella cardinalis. Other species whch may be used are listed in the "NCDEQ Stormwater Design Manual", Yes Chapter C-3, Wet Pond. Please use this space to provide any additional information about this wet pond that you think is relevant to the review: Wet Pond 1 155 PM 7/21/2017 WET POND THE DRAINAGE AREA Drainage area number Total coastal wetlands area (sq ft) Total surface water area (sq ft) Total drainage area (sq ft) BUA associated with existing development (sq ft) Proposed new BUA (sq ft) Percent SUA of drainage area COMPLIANCE WITH THE APPLICABLE STORMWATER PROGRAM Stormwater program (s) that apply (please specify): 6 r_'N r, RA,, -"V; DC fp'.O10 ti'; A i'"e0 #1 is the SCM sized to treat the SW from all surfaces at build -cut? #2 Is the SCM located on or near contaminated soils? #3 What are the side slopes of the SCM (H!V)? #3 Does the SCM have retaining walls, gabion walls or other engineered side slopes? #4 Are the inlets, outlets, and receiving stream protected from erosion (10 -year storm)? #5 Is there a a bypass for flows in excess of the design flow? #5 What is the method for dewatering the SCM for maintenance? }-izfii.Jt #1 Method used #1 Surface area of the main permanent pool (square feet) #1 Volume of the main permanent pool (cubic feet) #2 Average depth of the main pool (feet) #2 Was the vegetated shelf included in the caicutatbn of average depth? #2 Elevation of the bottom of the permanent pool (fmsl) 92 Elevation of the top of the permanent pool (fmsl) #2 Elevation of the top of the temporary pool (fmsl) #3 Depth provided for sediment storage (inches) #4 Are the inlet(s) and outlet located in a manner that avoids short-circuiting? #4 Describe any measures, such as berms or baffles, that will be taken to improve the flow path: #5 Volume of the forebay (cubic feet) #5 Is this 15-20% of the volume in the main pool? 45 Depth of forebay at entrance (Inches) #5 Depth of forebay at exit (inches) #5 Does water flow out of the forebay in a non-erosive manner? #5 Clean-out depth for forebay (inches) #5 Will the forebay be cleaned out when the depth is reduced to less than the above? ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Harkey Creek Subdivision 3 3 Break down of BUA in the drainage area (both new and existing): sf Parking 1 driveway (sq ft) 37250 s€ sf Sidewalk (sq ft) 21370 sf 588893 sf Roof (sq ft) 154700 sf Roadway (sq ft) 65377 sf 278784 sf Other, please specify in the comment box below (sq ft) 49% Total BUA (sq ft) 278697 sf Design rainfall depth (in) 1.0 in Minimum volume required (cu ft) 23279 of Design volume of SCM (cu ft) 23850 of Yes #7 If applicable, with the SCM be cleaned out after construction? Yes No #8 Does the maintenance access comply with General MDC (8)? Yes 3:1 #9 Does the drainage easement comply with General MDC (9)? Yes No #10 if the SCM is on a single family lot, does the plat comply with General MDC (10)? Yes Yes #11 Is there an O&M Agreement that complies with General MDC (11)? Yes Yes #12 Is there an 0&M Pian that complies with General MDC (12)? Yes Pump (preferred) #13 Was the SCM designed by an NO licensed professional? Yes SAIDA #6 Width of the vegetated shelf (feet) 6 ft 25428 sf #6 Location of vegetated shelf Above Normal Pool 80304 of #6 Elevation of top of shelf (fors!) 641 fit 3 ft #6 Elevation of bottom of shelf (fmsl) 640 ft No #6 Slope of vegetated shelf (H:V) 6:1 637 ft #7 Diameter of drawdown orifice (inches) 3,0 in 640 ft 97 Drawdown time for the temporary pool (hours) 50 hrs 641 ft #7 Does the orifice drawdown from beiow the top surface of the permanent pool? Yes 12 in #8 Does the pond minimize impacts to the receiving channel from the 1 -yr, 24 -hr storm? Yes Yes #9 Are fountains proposed? No #9 If yes, is documentation provided per Wet Pond MDC (9)? #10 Is a trash rack or other device provided to protect the outlet system? No 18709 411 Are the dam and embankment planted in non -clumping turf grass? Yes Yes #11 Species of turf that will be used on the dam and embankment Bermuda 38!n #11 Describe the planting plan for the vegetated shelf: 30 in The vegetated shelf shall be planted with a minimum of 3 diverse species of herbaceous, native vegetation at a Yes minimum density of 50 plants per 200 sf of shelf area. Three recommened species are: Asclepias incamata, Chelone 30 in galbra, and Lobelia cardinalis, Other species winch may be used are listed in the "NCDEO Stormwater Design Manual", Chapter 0-3, Wet Pond. Yes Please use this space to provide any additional information about this wet pond that you think is relevant to the review: Wet Pond 1 1:58 PM 7/21/2017 WET POND THE DRAINAGE AREA Drainage area number Total coastal wetlands area (sq ft) Total surface water area (sq ft) Total drainage area (sq ft) BUA associated with existing development (sq ft) Proposed new BUA (sq ft) Percent BUA of drainage area COMPLIANCE WITH THE APPLICABLE STORMWATER PROGRAM Stormwater programs) that apply (please specify)', GtrN 'v s7;. "i. RO„ !M(JI-H , UL. :,ff #1 lathe SCM sized to treat the SW from ail surfaces at but€d-out? #2 is the SCM located on or near contaminated soils? #3 What are the side slopes of the SCM (H:V)? #3 Does the SCM have retaining walls, gabion wells or other engineered side slopes? #4 Are the inlets, outlets, and receiving stream protected from erosion (10 -year storm)? #5 Is there a a bypass for flaws in excess of the design flow? #6 What is the method for dewatering the SCM for maintenance? 'ilii% 6 Ps`"d'i' -; D' i'y "-? C l � 0 'd`I aawP °' :`d";1 ----..........._-....,...._. #1 Method used #t Surface area of the main permanent pool (square feet) #1 Volume of the main permanent pool (cubic feet) #2 Average depth of the main pool (feet) #2 Was the vegetated shelf included in the calculation of average depth? #2 Elevation of the bottom of the permanent pool (fmsl) 42 Elevation of the top of the permanent pool (fmsl) 42 Elevation of the top of the temporary pool (fmsl) #3 Depth provided for sediment storage (inches) #4 Are the inlet(s) and outlet located in a manner that avoids short-circuiting? #4 Describe any measures, such as berms or baffles, that will be taken to improve the flow path: #5 Volume of the forebay (cubic feet) #5 Is this 15-20% of the volume in the main pool? #5 Depth of forebay at entrance (inches) #5 Depth of forebay at exit (inches) #5 Does water flow out of the forebay in a non-erosive manner? #5 Clean-out depth for forebay (inches) #5 Will the forebay be cleaned out when the depth is reduced to less than the above? ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Harkey Creek Subdivision 4 Break down of BUA in the drainage area (both new and existing): Parking / driveway (sq ft) 26500 sf Sidewalk (sq ft) 91030 sf 459558 sf Roof (sq ft) 116600 sf Roadway (sq ft) 41966 sf 196020 sf Other, please specify in the comment box below (sq ft) 43% Total BUA (sq ft) 196098 sf Design rainfall depth (in) 1.0 in Minimum volume required (cu ft) 16646 of Design volume of SCM (cu ft) 17022 cf Yes #7 If applicable, with the SCM be cleaned out after construction? Yes No #8 Does the mainetenance access comply with General MDC (8)? Yes 3:1 #9 Does the drainage easement comply with General MDC (9)? Yes No #10 if the SCM is on a single family lot, does the plat comply with General MDC (10)? Yes Yes #11 Is there an 0&M Agreement that complies with General MDC (11)? Yes Yes #12 #s there an 0&M Plan that complies with General MDC (12)? Yes Pump (preferred) #13 Was the SCM designed by an NC licensed professional? Yes SADA #6 Width of the vegetated shelf (feet) 6 ft 8239 sf #6 Location of vegetated shelf Above Normal Pool 26314 cf #6 Elevation of top of shelf (fmsi) 633 ft 3 ft #6 Elevation of bottom of shelf (fmsl) 632 ft No #6 Slope of vegetated shelf (HAO 6:1 628 ft #7 Diameter of drawdown orifice (inches) 2.0 In 632 ft #7 Drawdown time for the temporary pool (hours) 57 hrs 633 ft #7 Does the orifice drawdown from below the top surface of the permanent pool? Yes 12 In #6 Does the pond minimize impacts to the receiving channel from the 1 -yr, 24 -hr storm? Yes Yes 49 Are fountains proposed? No #9 If yes, is documentation provided per Wet Pond MDC (9)? 410 is a trash rack or other device provided to protect the outlet system? No 4762 #11 Are the dam and embankment planted in non -clumping turf grass? Yes Yes #11 Species of turf that will be used on the dam and embankment Bermuda 42 in 411 Describe the planting plan for the vegetated shelf: 36 in The vegetated shelf shail be planted with a minimum of 3 diverse species of herbaceous, native vegetation at a Yes minimum density of 50 plants per 200 sf of shelf area. Three reoommened species are: Asclepias incarnate, Chelone 30 in galbra, and Lcbelie cardinafis. Other species whch may be used are listed in the "NCDEQ Stormwater Design Manual", Chapter C-3, Wet Pond. Yes Please use this space to provide any additional information about this wet pond that you think is relevant to the review: Wet Pond 1 1:59 PM 7/21/2017 WET POND THE DRAINAGE AREA Drainage area number Total coastal wetlands area (sq ft) Total surface water area (sq ft) Total drainage area (sq ft) BUA associated with existing development (sq ft) Proposed new BUA (sq ft) Percent BUA of drainage area COMPLIANCE WITH THE APPLICABLE STORMWATER PROGRAM Stormwater program(s) that apply (please specify): #1 Is the SCM sized to treat the SW from all surfaces at build -out? #2 Is the SCM located on or near contaminated soils? #3 What are the side slopes of the SCM (H:V)? #3 Does the SCM have retaining walls, gabion walls or other engineered side slopes? #4 Are the inlets, outlets, and receiving stream protected from erosion (10 -year storm)? 45 Is there a a bypass for flows in excess of the design flow? #6 What is the method for dewatering the SCM for maintenance? M! P0141"1 $1011.)C' iiff .0 10 ',.V.).;s:; #1 Method used #1 Surface area of the main permanent pool (square feet) #1 Volume of the main permanent pool (cubic feet) #2 Average depth of the main pool (feet) #2 Was the vegetated shelf included in the calculation of average depth? #2 Elevation of the bottom of the permanent pool (fmsl) #2 Elevation of the top of the permanent pool (fmsl) #2 Elevation of the top of the temporary poo$ (fms$) #3 Depth provided for sediment storage (inches) #4 Are the inlet(s) and outlet located in a manner that avoids short-circuiting? #4 Describe any measures, such as berms or baffles, that wll! be taken to improve the flow path: #5 Volume of the forebay (cubic feet) #5 Is this 15-20% of the volume In the main pool? #5 Depth of forebay at entrance (inches) #5 Depth of forebay at exit (inches) #5 Does water flow out of the forebay in a non-erosive manner? #5 Clean-out depth for forebay (inches) #5 Will the forebay be cleaned out when the depth is reduced to less then the above? ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Harkey Creek Subdivision 5 5 Break down of BUA in the drainage area (both new and existing): Parking / driveway (sq ft) 15750 sf Sidewalk (sq ft) 11500 sf 414255 sf Roof (sq ft) 75300 sf 6000 sf Roadway (sq ft) 37741 sf 934291 sf Other, please specify in the comment box below (sq ft) 34% Total BUA (sq ft) 140291 sf Design rainfall depth (in) 1.0 In Minimum volume required (cu ft) 12246 cf Design volume of SCM (cu ft) 13200cif Yes #7 If applicable, with the SCM be cleaned out after construction? Yes No #8 Does the rrainetenance access comply with General MDC (B)? Yes 3:1 #9 Does the drainage easement comply with General MDC (9)? Yes No #10 if the SCM is on a single family lot, does the plat comply with General MDC (10)? Yes Yes #11 is there an O&M Agreement that complies with General MDC (11)? Yes Yes #12 Is there an O&M Plan that complies with Genera# MDC (12)? Yes Pump (preferred) #13 Was the SCM designed by an NC licensed professional? Yes SAIDA #6 Width of the vegetated shelf (feet) 6 ft 13860 sf #6 Locatlon of vegetated shelf Above Normal Pool 47920 cf #6 Elevation of top of shelf (fmsl) 525 ft 3 ft #6 Elevation of bottom of shelf (fmsf) 624 ft No #6 Slope of vegetated shelf (H:V) 6:1 626 ft #7 Diameter of drawdown orifice (inches) 2.0 in 624 ft #7 Drawdown time for the temporary pool (hours) 59 hrs 625 ft #7 Does the orifice drawdown from below the top surface of the permanent pool? Yes 12 in #6 Does the pond minimize impacts to the receiving channel from the 1 -yr, 24 -hr storm? Yes Yes #9 Are fountains proposed? No #9 If yes, is documentation provided per Wet Pond MDC (9)? #10 Is a trash rack or other device provided to protect the outlet system? No 6670 #11 Are the dam and embankment planted in non -clumping turf grass? Yes Yes #11 Species of turf that will be used on the dam and embankment Bermuda 42 in #11 Describe the planting plan for the vegetated shelf: 36 $n The vegetated shelf shall be planted with a minimum of 3 diverse spec+es of herbaceous, native vegetation at a Yes minimum density of 50 plants per 200 sf of shelf area. Three recommened species are: Asclepias incamata, Cheione 30 in galbra, and Lobelia cardinalis. Other species whch may be used are listed in the "NCDEQ Stormwater Design Manual", Chapter C-3, Wet Pond. Yes Please use this space to provide any additional information about this wet pond that you think is relevant to the review: Wet Pond 1 2:00 PM 7/21/2017 WET POND THE DRAINAGE AREA Drainage area number Total coastal wetlands area (sq ft) Total surface water area (sq ft) Total drainage area (sq ft) BUA associated with existing development (sq ft) Proposed new BUA (sq ft) Percent BUA of drainage area COMPLIANCE WITH THE APPLICABLE STORMWATER PROGRAM Stormwater program(s) that apply (please specify): .-_. ........._........._...._ ......_.......__...._,....., . #1 Is the SCM sized to treat the SW from all surfaces at build -out? #2 Is the SCM located on or near contaminated soils? #3 What are the side slopes of the SCM (H:V)? #3 Does the SCM have retaining walls, gabion wells or other engineered side slopes? #4 Are the inlets, outlets, and receiving stream protected from erosion (t 0 -year storm)? #5 Is there a a bypass for flows in excess of the design flow? #6 What is the method for dewatering the SCM for maintenance? _ .._ _.._..... . ................ _._....._ ----- _....... ,... #1 Method used #1 Surface area of the main permanent pool (square feet) #1 Volume of the main permanent pool (cubic feet) #2 Average depth of the main pool (feet) #2 Was the vegetated shelf included in the calculation of average depth? #2 Elevation of the bottom of the permanent pool (fmsl) #2 Elevation of the top of the permanent pool (fmsl) #2 Elevation of the top of the temporary pool (fmsl) #3 Depth provided for sediment storage (inches) #4 Are the tnlet(s) and outlet located in a manner that avoids short-circuiting? #4 Describe any measures, such as berms or baffles, that wifl be taken to improve the flow path: #5 Volume of the forebay (cubic feet) #5 Is this 15-20% of the volume in the main pool? #5 Depth of forebay at entrance (inches) #5 Depth of forebay at exit (inches) #5 Does water flow out of the forebay in a non-erosive manner? #5 Clean-out depth for forebay (inches) #5 Will the forebay be cleaned out when the depth is reduced to less than the above? ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Harkey Creek Subdivision B Please use this space to provide any additional information about this wet pond that you think is relevant to the review: Wet Pond 1 2:01 PM 7/21/2017 Break down of BUA in the drainage area (both new and existing): Parking / driveway (sq ft) 29750 sf Sidewalk (sq ft) 15750 sf 493914 sf Roof (sq ft) 112500 sf Roadway (sq ft) 63559 sf 218671 sf Other, please specify fn the comment box below (sq ft) 47% Total SUA (sq ft) 221559 sf Design rainfall depth (in) 1.0 in Minimum volume required (cu ft) 18333 cf Design volume of SCM (cu ft) 18640 of Yes #7 If applicable, with the SCM be cleaned out after construction? Yes No #8 Does the maintenance access comply with General MDC (8)? Yes 3:1 #9 Does the drainage easement comply with General MDC (9)? Yes No #10 If the SCM is on a single family lot, does the Piet comply with General MDC (10)? Yes Yes #11 Is there an O&M Agreement that complies with General MDC (11)? Yes Yes #12 Is there an 0&M Plan that complies with General MDC (12)? Yes Pump (preferred) #13 Was the SCM designed by an NO licensed professional? Yes SADA #6 Width of the vegetated shelf (feet) 6 ft 19354 sf #6 Location of vegetated shelf Above Normal pool 54250 of #6 Elevation of top of shelf (fmsl) 647 ft 3 ft #6 Elevation of bottom of shetf (fmsl) 646 ft No #5 Slope of vegetated shelf (H:V) 6:1 642 ft #7 Diameter of drawdown orifice (inches) 2.5 in 646 ft #7 Drawdown time for the temporary pool (hours) 49 hr; 647 ft #7 Does the orifice drawdown from below the top surface of the permanent pool? Yes 12 in #8 Does the pond minimize impacts to the receiving channel from the 1 -yr, 24 -hr storm? Yes Yes #9 Are fountains proposed? No #9 If yes, is documentation provided per Wet Pond MDC (9)? #10 is a trash rack or other device provided to protect the outlet system? No 6443 #11 Are the dam and embankment planted in non -clumping turf grass? Yes Yes #11 Species of turf that wN be used on the dam and embankment Bermuda 48 in #11 Describe the planting pian for the vegetated shelf: 36 in The vegetated shelf shall be planted with a minimum of 3 diverse species of herbaceous, native vegetation at a Yes min€mum density of 5o plants per 200 sf of shelf area. Three recommened species are: Asclepias incarnate, Chalone 30 in galbra, and Lobelia cardinalis. Other species whch may be used are listed in the "NCDEQ Stormwater Design Manual", Yes Chapter C-3, Wet Pond. Please use this space to provide any additional information about this wet pond that you think is relevant to the review: Wet Pond 1 2:01 PM 7/21/2017 WET POND Harkey Creek Subdivision THE DRAINAGE AREA Design rainfall depth (in) 1.0 in Drainage area number 8 Break down of BUA In the drainage area (both new and existing): Design volume of SCM (cu ft) Total coastal wetlands area (sq ft) Yes Parking / driveway (sq ft) 13083 sf Total surface water area (sq ft) #8 Does the mainetenance access comply with General MDC (8)? Sidewalk (sq ft) 1230 sf Total drainage area (sq ft) 96267 sf Roof (eq ft) 15400 sf BUA associated with existing development (sq ft) 9583 sf Roadway (sq ft) 8985 sf Proposed new BUA (sq ft) 29115 sf Other, please specify in the comment box below (sq ft) Pump (preferred) Percent BUA of drainage area 30% Total BUA (sq k) 38698 sf COMPLIANCE WITH THE APPLICABLE STORMWATER PROGRAM Stormwater program(s) that apply (please specify): r ti'ct �tLFa'ii°,.^'? s '1t'2i€. #1 Is the SCM sized to treat the SW from all surfaces at build -out? #2 Is the SCM located on or near contaminated soils? #3 What are the side slopes of the SCM (H:V)? #3 Does the SCM have retaining walls, gabion walls or other engineered side slopes? #4 Are the inlets, outlets, and receiving stream protected from erosion (10 -year storm)? #5 is there a a bypass for flows in excess of the design flow? #6 What is they� RRmethod for Adawatering the SCM for maintenance? Y4�f'1"F, #1 Method used #1 Surface area of the main permanent pool (square feet) #1 Volume of the main permanent pool (cubic feet) #2 Average depth of the main pool (feet) #2 Was the vegetated shelf included in the calculation of average depth? #2 Elevation of the bottom of the permanent pool (fmsl) #2 Elevation of the top of the permanent pool (fmsl) #2 Elevation of the top of the temporary pool (fmsl) #3 Depth provided for sediment storage (inches) #4 Are the inlet(s) and outlet located in a manner that avoids short-circuiting? #4 Describe any measures, such as berms or baffles, that will be taken to improve the flow path: #5 Volume of the forebay (cubic feet) #5 is this 15-20% of the volume in the main pool? #5 Depth of forebay at entrance (inches) #5 Depth of forebay at exit (inches) #5 Does water flow out of the forebay in a non-erosive manner? #5 Clean-out depth for forebay (inches) #5 Will the forebay be cleaned out when the depth is reduced to less than the above? ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Please use this space to provide any additional information about this wet pond that you think is relevant to the review: Wet Pond 1 2:02 PIU 7/21/2037 Design rainfall depth (in) 1.0 in Minimum volume required (cu R) 2$90 Of Design volume of SCM (cu ft) 2594 of Yes 47 If applicable, with the SCM be cleaned out after constructlon? Yes No #8 Does the mainetenance access comply with General MDC (8)? Yes 3:1 #9 Does the drainage easement comply with General MDC (9)? Yes No #10 If the SCM is on a single family lot, does the plat comply with General MDC (10)9 Yes Yes 411 Is there an 08M Agreement that complies with General MDC (11)? Yes Yes #12 Is there an ODM Plan that complies with General MDC (12)? Yes Pump (preferred) 413 Was the SCM designed by an NC ilcensed professional? Yes SAIDA #6 Width of the vegetated shelf (feet) 6 it 3694 sf #8 Location of vegetated shelf Above Normal Pool 11822 of #6 Elevation of top of shelf (fmsl) 842 ft 4 ft #5 Elevation of bottom of shelf (fmsl) 641 ft No #6 Slope of vegetated shelf (KV) 6:1 636 it #7 Diameter of drawdown orifice (inches) 1.0 in 641 it 47 Drawdown time for the temporary pool (hours) 61 hrs 641 ft #7 Does the orifice drawdown from below the top surface of the permanent pool? Yes 12 in 48 Does the pond minimize impacts to the receiving channel from the 1 -yr, 24 -hr storm? Yes Yes #9 Are fountains proposed? No 49 If yes, is documentation provided per Wet Pond MDC (9)7 410 Is a trash rack or other device provided to protect the outlet system? No 3328 #11 Are the dam and embankment planted in non -clumping turf grass? Yes Yes 411 Species of turf that will be used on the dam and embankment Bermuda 42 in #11 Describe the planting plan for the vegetated shelf: 36 in The vegetated shelf shall be planted with a minimum of 3 diverse species of herbaceous, native vegetation at a Yes minimum density of 50 plants per 200 sf of shelf area Three recommened species are: Asclepias incarnate, Chelone 30 in galbra, and Lobelia cardinalis. Other species whch may be used are listed in the "NCDEQ Stormwater Design Manual", Chapter C-3, Wet Pond. Yes Please use this space to provide any additional information about this wet pond that you think is relevant to the review: Wet Pond 1 2:02 PIU 7/21/2037