HomeMy WebLinkAbout20160406 Ver 1_Notice of Intent to Approve Draft_SAW-2016-00873_20170720Strickland, Bev From: Hughes, Andrea W CIV USARMY CESAW (US)<Andrea.W.Hughes@usace.army.mil> Sent: Thursday, July 20, 2017 5:10 PM To: Bowers, Todd; Wells, Emily; Matthews, Kathryn; Homewood, Sue; 'Ken Riley - NOAA Federal'; Wilson, Travis W.; Haupt, Mac; Poupart, Jeff, Higgins, Karen; Bailey, David E CIV USARMY CESAW (US); Dailey, Samantha J CIV USARMY CESAW (US); McLendon, C S CIV USARMY CESAW (US); Wicker, Henry M Jr CIV USARMY CESAW (US); Gledhill- earley, Renee Cc: Schaffer, Jeff, Baumgartner, Tim; John Hutton; Tugwell, Todd J CIV USARMY CESAW (US); Browning, Kimberly D CIV USARMY CESAW (US); Chris Roessler Subject: Notice of Intent to Approve Draft Mitigation Plan/Buckwater Mitigation Site/Orange Cou my/SAW-2016-00873 Attachments: Draft Mit Plan Comment Memo_Buckwater Mitigation Site -Orange Cou nty_SAW-2016-00873.pdf 0 The 30 -day comment review period for Buckwater Mitigation Site (USACE AID SAW -2016-00873, DMS Project # 97084) closed on July 1, 2017. All comments that were posted on the Mitigation Plan Review Portal during the review process are attached for your records. Additionally, comments can be reviewed on the Mitigation Plan Review Portal (utilizing the excel option). We have evaluated the comments generated during the review period, and determined that the concerns raised are generally minor and can be addressed in the final mitigation plan. Accordingly, it is our intent to approve this Draft Mitigation Plan unless a member of the NCIRT initiates the Dispute Resolution Process, as described in the Final Mitigation Rule (33 CFR Section 332.8(e)). Please note that initiation of this process requires that a senior official of the agency objecting to the approval of the mitigation plan (instrument amendment) notify the District Engineer by letter within 15 days of this email (by COB on August 4, 2017). Please notify me if you intend to initiate the Dispute Resolution Process. Provided that we do not receive any objections, we will provide an approval letter to NCDMS at the conclusion of the 15 - day Dispute Resolution window. This approval will also transmit all comments generated during the review process to NCDMS, and indicate comments that must be addressed in the Final Mitigation Plan. All NCIRT members will receive a copy of this letter and all comments for your records. Thank you for your participation, Andrea W. Hughes Mitigation Project Manager Regulatory Division, Wilmington District 3331 Heritage Trade Drive, Suite 107 Wake Forest, North Carolina 27587 Phone: (919) 554-4884 x 59 REPLY TO ATTENTION OF: CESAW-RG/Hughes DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY WILMINGTON DISTRICT, CORPS OF ENGINEERS 69 DARLINGTON AVENUE WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28403-1343 MEMORANDUM FOR RECORD July 20, 2017 SUBJECT: Buckwater Mitigation Site - NCIRT Comments during 30 -day Mitigation Plan Review PURPOSE: The comments listed below were posted to the NCDMS Mitigation Plan Review Portal during the 30 -day comment period in accordance with Section 332.8(g) of the 2008 Mitigation Rule. NCDMS Project Name: Buckwater Mitigation Site, Orange County, NC USACE AID#: SAW -2016-00873 NCDMS #: 97084 30 -Day Comment Deadline: July 1, 2017 Mac Haupt, NCD WR, July S, 2017: 1. DWR requires that the mitigation plan state that the standard monitoring schedule for this project is 7 years (as per the 2008 Federal Mitigation Rule and the most recent IRT Mitigation Guidance, October 2016). 2. Given the project's location in the Saint Mary's Road Rural Historic District, is there another underlying easement associated with the project area? 3. DWR would like to see a draft construction sequence submitted with the design sheets. In addition, DWR would like a separate construction sequence to describe the method for the dam breach and the stream construction sequence in the relict pond bottom. 4. Given the abundance of wetlands on this project, it is important for Wildlands to make sure that the stream construction does not result in a loss of wetland function. DWR recommends the placement of several gauges in areas adjacent where the stream will be constructed through wetlands. Also, Wildlands should conduct another delineation after year 4 or 5 of monitoring to determine the net wetland result from the project (DWR realizes that there will be wetland/relict channel areas generated from the new channel construction). Below are areas that DWR recommends placing a gauge where the stream channel is being constructed through wetlands and may affect adjacent wetlands: a. Buckwater Reaches 3 & 4 b. Reach T1 c. Reach T6 d. Reach T4 station I11+00 station 119+00 station 121+00 station 125+00 station 207+50 area near crossing 414+50 5. The section of Reach T6 from 515+00 to 517+50 is moved upslope considerably, it would seem this could be a risk to drying out the channel/hyporheic zone, what is the primary purpose of this relocation? Cut/fill balance? 6. The tie in for Reach 7A to Reach 7 also goes through a considerable amount of upland, what is the primary purpose of this relocation? 7. Reach T8 has a considerable amount of channel work. Why was this labeled as Enhancement I versus Restoration? Also, T8 appears to be a Reach that may lose water because of all the channel manipulation, Wildlands should take channel design measures to reduce the possibility of the channel drying out. Todd Bowers, USEPA, June 28, 2017 1. Figure 13 should be corrected to "Buckwater Creek" instead of "Martin Dairy" 2. Unclear on 5 or 7 year monitoring period. Section 9.0 Performance Standards states that "streams will be evaluated throughout the seven-year post construction monitoring." The proposal to terminate monitoring of the streams and/or vegetation at year 5 is stated as an option. Appendix 10 shows a 5 -year monitoring and credit release schedule. I am under the impression that this mitigation plan is a revision to the In -Lieu Fee Instrument and falls under the 2003 Stream Mitigation Guidance and NOT the October 2016 Guidance. This may be the cause of confusion and a correction may be warranted. EPA recommends the sponsor highly consider the 7 - year monitoring strategy due to the size and complexity of the project as stated in Section 9.0, however the IRT can approve an early closeout if all monitored parameters are within expected tolerances. Either way there should be no ambiguity of the monitoring period and performance standards in order to minimize any confusion during the closeout phase prior to long-term management. 3. All the figures display inconsistent conservation easement boundaries. An example is the main powerline corridor extending north -south across Buckwater Creek and T4. Some maps/figures show an unbroken CE and other show CE breaks along the powerline easement. Please correct. 4. Section 3.4/Page 11: No description of the Stream T4C depicted in the site maps/Figure 3 -Sheet 3. Is this due to it being effectively removed by P1 restoration of T4? 5. In the description of T613, the stream above the project area (outside of the easement) is "stable but receives runoff from the agricultural fields." EPA recommends that a BMP strategy be devised to treat or control the agricultural field runoff before it enters the stream in order to prevent degraded water quality issues due to fertilizers, pesticides and/or pathogens in T6 and thus Buckwater Creek within and downstream of the project. EPA also recommends a similar approach on the head of T7 that also receives agricultural runoff. 6. Section 7.0/Table 7: Mitigation Goals and Objectives (page 22): Recommend revising two of the stated goals. The goal of "Exclude cattle from project streams" is essentially the same thing as the objective of "Install fencing around conservation easements adjacent to cattle pastures" in other words; exclude cattle. The goal in this case would be better represented by "Improve streambank stability, eliminate hoof sheaf stress/erosion on streambanks and minimize fecal coliform inputs to the water supply." Same goes for the vegetation goal of "restore and enhance native floodplain and streambank vegetation" which also is restated in the objective. The goal in this case may be better stated as "Improve streambank stability, improve stream temperature regulation, provide a source of organic material and streamside habitat." 7. Table 16/Page 45: See comment on Mitigation Goals and Objectives above. 8. Appendix 10/Page 1: Recommend adding a footnote to explain the differences in released credit percentages and recommend adding a MY7 row to Table A in the event that MY 5 Performance Standards are not met. 9. Section 8.3.2/Page 29: The description for T6 -R3 states that "Wildlands now proposes Enhancement 1 for this reach" and then goes on to describe restoration via P 1 and P2 methods. Paragraph 3 on Page 40 also states that "continuing P 1 restoration from T6 -R3" is proposed from "the restored T6 -R3 channel." Recommend correction and clarification of the approach to be used on T6 -R3. Andrea Hughes, USACE, July 13, 2017 1. All temporary and permanent impacts to existing wetlands and streams must be accounted for in the PCN and the loss or conversion of those waters must be replaced on-site. You must identify all wetland areas and clearly depict the area and amount of each wetland impact on the design plans submitted with the PCN. The Corps concurs with DWR comment #4 and requests placement of gauges in the locations noted above. 2. The Corps concurs with DWR comment 3 above. Pursuant to 33 CFR 332.4, the draft mitigation plan must include written specifications and work descriptions including construction methods, timing, and sequence. 3. Page 29, Section 8.3.3 states that T5R1 is an enhancement reach. The tables on pages 37 and 50 indicate that T5 is proposed for priority restoration. Please clarify. 4. Page 43, Performance Standards: remove language regarding early termination of monitoring. 5. Page 45, Monitoring Plan: modify the sentence regarding closeout monitoring to state 7 years beyond completion of construction. 6. Page 46, Monitoring Components: modify the chart to show the required monitoring period is 7 years with visual monitoring for stream parameters in years 4 and 6. 7. Pages 45 and 46 chart, the vegetation performance standards should be modified to show 320 stems/acre at year 3, 260 stems/acre at year 5, and 210 stems/acre at year 7. The site protection standard should include a statement regarding upholding the terms of the recorded conservation easement. Performance standards for cattle exclusion should be modified to demonstrate fencing is maintained and cattle are not accessing the mitigation site. Also, please add a standard that all intermittent reaches proposed for restoration as well as areas proposed for relocation through uplands (to meet buffer widths) must demonstrate a minimum of 30 days continuous flow on an annual basis during the monitoring period. 8. Page 47, if the landowner is responsible for long term maintenance and repair of fencing then a paragraph should be added to the conservation easement identifying their responsibilities: Long -Term Management. Grantor is responsible for all long-term management activities associated with fencing. These activities include the maintenance and/or replacement of fence structures to ensure the aquatic resource functions within the boundaries of the Protected Property are sustained. 9. Appendix 10, Credit Release Schedule: Please modify the schedule to reflect the table below: Credit Release Schedule and Milestones for Streams Credit ILF/NCDMS Release Release Activity Interim Total Milestone Release Released 1 Site Establishment (includes 0% 0% all required criteria) Completion of all initial physical and biological 2 improvements made 30% 30% pursuant to the Mitigation Plan Year 1 monitoring report demonstrates that 3 channels are stable and 10% 40% interim performance standards have been met Year 2 monitoring report demonstrates that 4 channels are stable and 10% 50% interim performance standards have been met Year 3 monitoring report demonstrates that 5 channels are stable and 10% 60% interim performance standards have been met 6. Year 4 monitoring report 5% 65%(75%--) demonstrates that **10% reserve of credits to be held back until the bank full event performance standard has been met. 10. Please include information regarding potential blasting and/or tree removal with the PCN. If project construction requires vegetation removal, please provide the acreage. HUGHES.ANDREAN ADE.1258339165 Andrea Hughes Mitigation Project Manager Regulatory Division Digitally signed by HUGHES.ANDREA.WADE.1258339165 DN: c=US, o=U.S. Government, ou=DOD, ou=PKI, ou-USA, cn-HUGHES.ANDREA.WADE.1258339165 Date: 2017.07.20 16:24:17 -04'00' channels are stable and interim performance standards have been met Year 5 monitoring report demonstrates that 7 channels are stable and 10% 75% interim performance (85%') standards have been met Year 6 monitoring report demonstrates that 8' channels are stable and 5% 80% (90%") interim performance standards have been met Year 7 monitoring report demonstrates that 9 channels are stable, 10% 90%(100%-) performance standards have been met **10% reserve of credits to be held back until the bank full event performance standard has been met. 10. Please include information regarding potential blasting and/or tree removal with the PCN. If project construction requires vegetation removal, please provide the acreage. HUGHES.ANDREAN ADE.1258339165 Andrea Hughes Mitigation Project Manager Regulatory Division Digitally signed by HUGHES.ANDREA.WADE.1258339165 DN: c=US, o=U.S. Government, ou=DOD, ou=PKI, ou-USA, cn-HUGHES.ANDREA.WADE.1258339165 Date: 2017.07.20 16:24:17 -04'00'