HomeMy WebLinkAbout20160577 Ver 1_Certified Return Receipt_20170724■ Comple[e items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete A Signature item 4 if Restrictetl Delivery is desired. X � _?� �1 __L�_ ■ Print your name and address on the reverse N-�� /d�(,,� so that we can return the cartl to you. B. f?ecel by n ed Name) C. ■ Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, L I�� N L'L or on the iront if space permits. i. Article Addressed to: � �• Mr Etl Green. P E., Environmental Officer NCDOT, Drvivon 14 253 Webster Roatl Sylva, NC 2877g ❑ Agent Date of Delivar D. Is_ ivery atldress different from Ram 17 ❑ Yes If YES, enter delivery address below: ❑ No 3. Sarvice Type ❑ Certifed Mail� ❑ Priorily Mail Fxpress'" ❑ Re9lsiered ❑ Retum Recelpt tor Merchandlm ❑ Insured Mail ❑ Collect on Dellvery 4. Restricted Delivery7 (E,rtro Fee) ❑ Yes z. nrtideNumeer 7008 13�0 00�0 1124 2647 (iPans/er flom servfce /a6e� oc o...... ZR11 ����,� nn�o n......,er.., o.,e..., o�...,�... UNITED STATES';,j�iE}6TAR:�4[ .� _.'�. �:=.T�o:. ,� � ;''3_Sj_ � -; First-Class Mail Postage & Fees Paid USPS Permit No. G-'10 se print your name, address, and ZIP+4� in this box• Division of Water Resources Wetlands Branch Knsti Lynn Carpenter 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh NC 27699-1617 ll'�I��fll�l'I�II'�I�1"�IIirl�r�nl�i�)I�I����1�111��1111'I��I1� r 0 J r J � PosteBe $ i Cenniea Fee 7 ] flelum Reralpl Fee � (ErMoraementFlequlretl) � ReslrkleCDellveryFea (Endorsemenl RepuireE) ] � To�el Pwlage 8 Fees 9 Poslmark Here Mr. Ed Green, P.E., Environmental Officer NCDOT, Division 14 253 Webster Road Svlva. NC 28779 Certified Mail Provides: ■ Amaillnprecelpt ■ Auniqueltlentiflerforyou�meilpiece ■ A recortl M tlelivery kept 6y Me Postel Service for Mro yeers hnportent FemlrMero: ■ Certilietl Mail meY ONLV be combined wiM FrshClaes Mellw or Prloriry Me14 ■ CenHietl Meil ia raf eveileDle fof eny Clasa of intemetional mail. ■ NO INSURANCE COVERAGE IS PROVIDED wiTh CertHied Mall. Fa veluebles, pleaee conaider Insured or Registered Meil. ■ For en atltll�onal fee, a Retum Receipf m�y De requested M provide proof a delivery. To oDtein ReNm Receipt servne, p�ese complete an0 ettac� e Relurt Receipt (PS Form 3811� W the eNde antl etltl appliceble poatepe to cover tM fee. E�Worse meilpiece Retum Receipt RequesteC'. To receive a lee waNer fq e tluplkete reW m receipt e USPSp postmark on your Certifletl Meil receipt k requiretl. ■ F0� en addmonal fee, tlelivery mey be reatrkted to the addresaee o eddressee's authonzed e9ent. AWise the clerk or merk the meilpiece wNh ttx entloraement 'ReshkYed Delhrery'. ■ Ii e postmerk on the Certlfletl Mall receipt Is tlesiretl, please present Me flrlV cle et the post oXice for postmerking. If e postmerk on the Certifietl Mal receipt is not neetletl, tletac� antl affix label with poatege end mail. IMPOHTANT: Save this recelpt antl presant It when makinp an Inquiry. >5 Form 3800. Aupust 2008 (flerorsol PSN ]530-02�000-804]