HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0022406_60 BOD comments response-signed_20170720DUKE ENERGY, July 20 2017 Mr. S. Jay Zimmerman, Director Division of Wawr Rrwsoarc(-s North Carolina Department of E.n,,ironmental wuality 1611 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 2 t 5iig- 15 i i Subject. 60% Basis of Design Report Comments Bulews Creek Steam Station Dear Mr. Zimmerman - sc6 south Criurcri street: Wil C. de EC13K GtlariW% Moroi Carcina enzu2 yErU-3 ! 3-3 (1 y In a letter dated June 30, 2017, DEu documented comments from their review of the 60% Basis of Design (BOD) package for the Bulaws Crek Interim, Action Plan. Duke Energy with assistance from our cunsultant, has prepared the enclosed response to clarify our interpretation ul the ivmmcnt3 and herr vve intend to addru33 unch cummcnt. if you Have comment,,- anti/or questions, please direct them to me at 980-373-3719. Sincerely, Z). D. Edwin M. Sullivan, PE Director — Waste & Gruondwdter Prgrams Environmental, Health & Safery Enclosure: Interim Action Plan Schedule Updates - Belews Creek Steam Station Cc: Shet ry Knight — WSRO Regional Office Sopervisur Shuying Wang — WSRO Regional Office Hydmgualuyista Striven M. Lantur — DW R Hydmgaolugist Jim Wells — Dake Energy M�lunia Martin — Duke Energy Kevin Klrkley — Doke Energy Encluaed- Ra5pon5a to Comma, 45 Response to Comments in S. Jay Zimmerman Letter to Ed Sullivan, dated June 30, 2017 60 Percent Basis of Design Report Belews Creek Steam Station Basis of Design 60% Submittal Comments 1) Based on the Settlement Agreement signed between DEQ and Duke Energy signed on September 29, 2015 and test results to date, the primary objective of the interim action conducted at the facility should be the reduction of groundwater migration of source area constituents from the ash basin. In Section 1 .1 .4 Scope and Objectives of the 60% Basis of Design Report, the primary objective is further clarified as being "to reduce groundwater migration of source area constituents from the ash basin towards the 2.23 -acre parcel and remove constituent mass from the area of highest constituent concentrations." The information presented in the 60% BOD Report indicates the saprolite and transition zone along the extraction well network will be dewatered, causing a gradient reversal, and provide hydraulic control of source area constituents. Reduction of constituent mass is unlikely due to changes in flow direction and the likely intermittent operation of the extraction wells; however, the objective of boundary control should be achieved. Reduction of constituent mass in groundwater should not be considered as a primary metric for overall system effectiveness. Instead, reduction of plume distribution, especially proximal to the extraction well network, along with confirmation of boundary control, should be the focus for monitoring system performance. These concepts concerning the primary objective of extraction system operation and the anticipated resulting site conditions should be reflected in the Final BOD Report. Response: We agree with the summary provided in this comment and that the primary function of the interim action is the reduction of plume distribution and boundary control. While reduction of constituent mass may occur in the target area, this is not the primary function of this plan. The final Basis of Design (BOD) Report will be revised to indicate this clarification of the system's function. 2) Acknowledging the limitations of testing to date, the Division encourages additional characterization and testing following Phase I implementation to evaluate concerns related to potential preferential pathways in the study area, variable flow directions that may develop because of pumping, and confirmation of boundary control. In summary, the Division believes additional work is likely needed to facilitate optimization of system operations as mentioned in the 60% BOD Report. Related information is expected in detail as part of the Final BOD Report. Response: After system start-up, monitoring of water quality and water levels will continue. As these data are processed and analyzed, it may become necessary to conduct a focused investigation to address potential questions. These will be reported to the Department along with a suggested approach for investigation and resolution. It is not possible to describe this process in any more detail in the Final BOD report, but deviations from the plan will be dealt with promptly. Page 11 Response to Comments in S. Jay Zimmerman Letter to Ed Sullivan, dated June 30, 2017 60 Percent Basis of Design Report Belews Creek Steam Station 3) In -Situ Chemical Immobilization was evaluated as an effective approach in Appendix B but was not mentioned in Section 3.2. Please expand on why this remedial alternative would not be effective or should not be considered for the area up -gradient of Parcel A in the Final BOD Report. Response: The geologic, lithologic and hydrogeologic factors that preclude several of the remedial options discussed in Section 3.2 also preclude the use of in-situ chemical immobilization. The final BOD Report will be revised to include this technology in the discussion in Section 3.2. 4) The report indicated that the initial extraction system will be monitored for a six-month period after initial startup to determine system efficiency. Please provide additional details regarding the effectiveness monitoring program (e.g. monitoring wells, monitoring frequency, parameters, etc.) in a table in the Final BOD Report. Response: These details will be provided in a table in the Final BOD report. 5) Please provide well specifications such as depth, diameter, etc., for the two proposed observation wells and other wells if determined to be needed in the Final BOD Report. Response: These details will be provided in the Final BOD report. 6) Regarding Appendix C, on page 4-1, the second to last paragraph states, "The lower limit of the model domain coincides with an assumed maximum depth of water -yielding fractures in bedrock. This was estimated to be approximately 710 feet below the base of the transition zone." What is the basis for this specific depth selected as the base of water yielding fractures in the model domain? Response: A conservative thickness of 710 feet was used, as provided in the site wide model constructed by HDR, based on the premise that the geology in the Piedmont is complex and the fracture density decreases with depth. According to the HDR CAP - Part 11, "The bedrock hydrostratigraphic layers were extended vertically in the refined model to correlate to the deepest reported off-site private water supply well, as obtained from the completed questionnaires received from adjacent well owners during the receptor survey performed in 2015 and/or the NC State/Stokes County geographic information system(GIS) database". 7) Table 1-1 should list all the constituents of interest (COIs) detected in groundwater within the study area, not just boron, chloride, and selenium. In Section 2.2.2 Summary of HDR Recent Groundwater Quality Results, exceedances of 02LStandards provided are confined to the upper two zones, not including reporting exceedances present in the bedrock. Elevated concentrations of antimony, arsenic, chromium, and vanadium were detected in downgradient bedrock well GWA-2713R. These constituents were also detected above 02LStandards in bedrock well GWA-20 BR located between the ash basin and Parcel A. However, there are no monitoring wells in bedrock within Parcel A, which does not mean 02L exceedances are not present in bedrock. This should be considered as part of the modeling effort. Response: Table 1-1 and the text will be modified to reflect these comments. 8) Only boron, chloride, and selenium are modeled for the interim action while there are several other COIs that impact groundwater in the study area, including antimony, arsenic, Page 12 Response to Comments in S. Jay Zimmerman Letter to Ed Sullivan, dated June 30, 2017 60 Percent Basis of Design Report Belews Creek Steam Station beryllium, chromium, hexavalent chromium, cobalt, thallium, and vanadium. These latter COIs should also be simulated to provide predictions of site conditions resulting from this interim action. Response: Constituents were selected based on (1) ash pore water concentrations being significantly greater than background concentrations, and (2) a sufficient number to downgradient wells having concentrations greater than a 2L standard so that a plume is discernable. Site specific constituents selected for the modeling process were boron, arsenic, beryllium, chloride, chromium, cobalt, hexavalent chromium, selenium, and thallium for the 2016 transport simulations. Boron was chosen as a main tracer for the ash basins for three reasons: 1) boron is present in coal ash, 2) there is typically a low background concentration, and 3) boron is a mobile and dominant constituent. Antimony, arsenic, and chloride are not detected in enough wells above 2L to discern a plume. Hexavalent chromium and vanadium have elevated background concentrations making it difficult to discern a plume. However, beryllium, cobalt, and thallium had a sufficient number of wells with results greater than the 2L standard within the Area of Concern (AOC) and will be incorporated into the groundwater fate and transport model in the Final BOD report. Appendix D Updated Geochemical Modeling Report Comments 1. General Comments a. The focus of the review comments provided here address Attachment A Geochemical Model Development Focused Geochemical Modeling Report. These comments are intended to provide a basis for revised Focused Area Model development and reporting for Parcel A Response: We appreciate the reviewer's careful consideration and helpful comments for improving this report. The comments above indicate the need to focus on qualitative discussions of the geochemical behavior of the constituents of interest with a primary focus on using site-specific data. We have included site-specific analyses in our modeling approach as well as a "global" modeling approach considering a range of geochemical conditions to evaluate how variations in geochemical conditions could result in the mobilization of constituents of interest. We agree with the reviewers comment that the discussion should be primarily qualitative. Geochemical modeling, particularly including sorption reactions, requires several assumptions and has several limitations that limit our ability to develop a quantitative model. Empirical distribution coefficients cannot be used in our model because such coefficients do not consider changes in geochemical parameters (pH, Ex, ionic strength) or changes in chemical speciation of the constituents. Therefore, we have employed a surface complexation based modeling approach that approximates ion sorption reactions using a thermodynamic construct similar to that used for aqueous speciation modeling (e.g., Davis et al., [1]). While surface Page 13 Response to Comments in S. Jay Zimmerman Letter to Ed Sullivan, dated June 30, 2017 60 Percent Basis of Design Report Belews Creek Steam Station complexation modeling approaches do consider changing geochemical conditions and chemical speciation, there are specific limitations to consider including: The thermochemical sorption constants (i.e. surface complexation constants) are only available for a relatively small group of minerals. In this work, we have primarily used the self -consistent reactions describing ion sorption to ferrihydrite and gibbsite compiled by Dzombak and Morel [2] and Karamalidis and Dzombak [3]. Including ion sorption to other minerals in the model cannot be done unless a similar set of self -consistent surface complexation constants are available for site-specific minerals and generally this is not the case. Thus, the models are not representing site-specific mineralogy and are using ferrihydrite and gibbsite as representative sorbing surfaces. 2. Incorporation of surface complexation based sorption models requires that a modeler make assumptions regarding the concentration of reactive sites on the mineral surface where sorption of ions can occur. We have followed the same site density assumptions used by Dzombak and Morel [2] and Karamalidis and Dzombak [3] to constrain the surface site concentrations in our modeling approach and used measurements of extractable iron and aluminum concentrations from well -bore samples to constrain the model. However, this approach follows an inherent assumption that the extractable iron and aluminum represents available mineral surfaces. The use of gibbsite and ferrihydrite as representative minerals due to the availability of surface complexation reactions for these minerals necessitates that all coal -ash disposal sites are modeled using these same minerals. Therefore, the only differences between the sorption behavior at each site will be due to 1) differences in the pH, Ex, and ion concentrations at each site, and 2) differences in the extractable iron and aluminum concentrations from site specific solids. However, our "global" analysis of 7 coal -ash disposal sites indicated a relatively similar distribution in the pH, EH, and extractable iron and aluminum concentrations despite the fact that the seven sites have different geologic characteristics. Therefore, we have taken a global modeling approach to provide a qualitative understanding of how changes in pH, EH, and ion concentrations can influence the mobility of constituents of interest. Then site-specific transects are modeled using site-specific groundwater data and the model output is evaluated with consideration of the overall behavior of each constituent. In the Final BOD report, we will add a discussion similar to what is presented above to address comment 1b and also address comment 1c by adding additional details to our discussion of the site-specific transect model with regards to constituent mobility that may result from implementation of the interim action. Page 14 Response to Comments in S. Jay Zimmerman Letter to Ed Sullivan, dated June 30, 2017 60 Percent Basis of Design Report Belews Creek Steam Station b. Project purpose, scope, and objectives of the geochemical modeling effort to support the Basis of Design Report should be clearly defined in the introduction of the revised Focused Geochemical Model Parcel A. The discussion in subsequent sections, including the Summary section, should reflect how the geochemical model provides information for the evaluation of remediation options that address task objectives. Response: Response to this comment included in the above discussion regarding comment 1a. c. Geochemical modeling conducted to evaluate remedial alternatives should focus on providing qualitative assessment of geochemical conditions and constituent mobility that may result from implementation of the interim action using site-specific data rather than making projections from data from other sites, particularly those data obtained from sites with different geologic and geochemical settings. Response: Response to this comment included in the above discussion regarding comment 1a. 2. Specific Comments concerning Attachment A Geochemical Model Development Focused Geochemical Modeling Report a. Page A-1. "Equilibrium constants for aqueous speciation reactions were taken from the USGS WATEQ4F database. This database contained the reactions for most elements of interest except for Co, Sb, V, and Cr. Constants for aqueous reactions and mineral formation for these elements were taken from the MINTEQ v4 database which is also issued with PHREEQC." Why not just use the MINTEQ v4 database that contains reactions for all the elements of interest? Response: The WATEQ4F database is the foundation of the standard database deployed with PHREEQC (phreegc.dat) and therefore was selected for use as the primary database. Both WATQ4F and MINTEQ v4 databases use a substantial portion of the NIST v46 "Smith and Martell" database[4] as well as additional reactions from Ball and Nordstrom [5]. Therefore, these databases are relatively consistent. We have also noted some issues with the MINTEQ v4 database incorporation into the PHREEQC format (i.e. the MINTEQv4.dat database that is deployed with PHREEQC). For example, the reaction: Fe3+ + 3H2O q 3H+ + Fe(OH)3(aq) has a log K value of -15 in the actual visual MINTEQ program. However, the value is listed as -12.56 in the MINTEQv4.dat file deployed with PHREEQC. The later value is consistent with the phreeqc.dat database. To confirm this, we will run and report selected reaction systems with the MINTEQv4 database to demonstrate the outputs are comparable for the Final BOD report. b. Page A-1. "(Adsorption) Constants for Co, V, Cr, and Sb were added to the modified database as well as all constants involving ion sorption to HAO." What were the sources of these constants for HFO and HAO? The MINTEQ v4 database has sorption constants for HFO, but not HAO. Response: These constants were taken from the compiled databases described by Dzombak and Morel [2] and Karamalidis and Dzombak [3]. c. Page A-3. "Therefore, attempting to delineate between mineral surfaces, let alone strong and weak sites on such surfaces, would add unnecessary uncertainty andfitting parameters to the Page 15 Response to Comments in S. Jay Zimmerman Letter to Ed Sullivan, dated June 30, 2017 60 Percent Basis of Design Report Belews Creek Steam Station models. Therefore, sorption to only one site on both HFO and HAO is considered." What type of site was considered and why? Response: We used a one -site 2-pKa model as described in Table A-1 of Appendix A. The surface complexation constants for ion interactions with weak sites from Dzombak and Morel [2] and Karamalidis and Dzombak [3] were used. We will include additional text describing this modeling approach in the revised report. d. Page A-4. "This approach uses the total Fe and Al solid phase concentrations in specific wells to identify how much sorbent is available. " i. What is meant by "total Fe and Al solid phase concentrations"? Was XRF analysis used to measure Fe and Al in the solid phase? Was an extraction technique used to dissolve Fe and Al from the solidphase? If so, what was the extraction method? Response: The total Al and Fe was determined by digestion and elemental determination of many samples from the site using EPA method ii. What is the rationale for assuming that all of the solid Fe and Al is present as ferrihydrite and gibbsite? This is unlikely to ever be the case in a natural system. Response: We completely agree that the Fe and Al are likely not present as ferrihydrite and gibbsite. However, the necessary surface complexation constants that are required to complete this type of sorption modeling are not available for all of the ions and minerals of interest at this site. The compilations of reactions and constants described for ferrihydrate and gibbsite are two of the few self -consistent thermochemical sorption database examples which are currently available. Therefore to utilize these available databases, we had to assume that ferrihydrite and gibbsite are present in these systems and the Fe and Al values were used to calculate how much was available. While this is a large assumption, we reiterate the intent of this modeling exercise to be a qualitative assessment of the geochemical behavior of several constituents of interest and evaluate potential changes in constituent mobility that may result from implementation of the interim action. So these two mineral surfaces are essentially representative surfaces to account for sorption sites during this modeling effort. e. Page A-4. "The utility of the EQUILIBRIUM—PHASES command, in this case is that it can provide the total number of sorption sites to produce HFO and HAO, and it is linked to the stability of the gibbsite and ferrihydrate solid phases which are used to approximate the sorption sites." The spelling of the iron adsorbent ferrihydrite is misspelled as ferrihydrate in this sentence and all subsequent uses of the word. Response: Thank you for identifying this mistake. We will make this correction in the revised report. f. Page A-4. "The utility of the EQUILUIBRIUM_PHASES command, in this case, is that it can provide the total number of sorption sites to produce HFO and HAO, and it is linked to the stability of the gibbsite and ferrihydrate solid phases which are used to approximate the sorption sites. So in effect, the model is calculating the aqueous concentrations of FWD, Fe(III), and AKIII) as well as moles of gibbsite and errih drate by combining the total aqueous Fe and Al Page 16 Response to Comments in S. Jay Zimmerman Letter to Ed Sullivan, dated June 30, 2017 60 Percent Basis of Design Report Belews Creek Steam Station concentrations from well measurements with the total Fe and Al available as solid phases measured from wells with solid phase data available (listed in Table A-2)." What does it mean that the model is calculating these values? Aren't they being input by the user? A PHREEQC input file for this calculation should be provided to clarify how adsorption is being modeled. Response: The EQUILIBRIUM_PHASES command in PHREEQC is allowing ferrihydrite and gibbsite to form if the input aqueous concentrations of Fe(III) and Al(III) are above saturation levels. Then the ferrihydrite and gibbsite that are formed become the sorbing surfaces. This essentially gives the model a method of predicting how much sorbent will be available without additional user input. The input Al(III) and Fe(III) levels include that measured in the aqueous phase from well samples as well as the solid phase concentrations measured by digestion and elemental analysis. We use this approach to compare with simulations where we estimate the concentration of sorbent based on the solid phase concentration and using the site density standard assumptions described by Dzombak and Morel [2] and Karamalidis and Dzombak [3]. g. Page A-6. For partially weathered rock of the transition zone, the fracture's pore volume available for adsorption surface reactions is decreased by lowering the porosity of the material ... The resulting solid phase concentration of 32 kg/L accounts for the high density of transition zone material." This method likely vastly overestimates the concentration of adsorption sites associated with the fractures. Only the solid phased present along a fracture is available for adsorption, not the entire mass of solid associated with each liter of the water. Defensible assumptions should be developed concerning modeling eochemical conditions in the transition zone and bedrock. Response: We appreciate this comment and had multiple discussions and iterations of this approach internally. There is no standard way to determine the available surface area and sorption site density for a fractured solid. Therefore, we assumed a relatively small volume due to the low porosity that effectively raised the solid phase concentration used in PHREEQC. While this does appear high, we feel it is representative of the apparent surface site concentration a small volume of pore water would be exposed to in a fracture. However, we also report the model output in terms of distribution coefficients (Ka values). Therefore, the solid phase concentration used is normalized back to a linear Ka value to allow for a direct comparison to a model of sediment or even a batch sorption experiment (such as what was used in the "global" model). We will add some additional explanatory text to the revised report to clarify our assumptions. The remediation effort is focused on the shallow and transition zone aquifers, therefore geochernical conditions were not modeled in bedrock. h. Page A-9. Groundwater Data Used in PHREEQC Model. Why isn't inorganic carbon included as a major ion? Bicarbonate is a common major ion in shallow groundwater. Page 17 Response to Comments in S. Jay Zimmerman Letter to Ed Sullivan, dated June 30, 2017 60 Percent Basis of Design Report Belews Creek Steam Station Response: We have some modeling runs which included bicarbonate and it does not significantly influence the speciation of our constituents of interest. However, it has caused some issues with model stability due to charge imbalance. Therefore, we elected early on to omit bicarbonate. In the Final BOD report, we will provide examples where inclusion of bicarbonate in the model does not influence our model output. i. Page A-9. "A second modeling effort was undertaken to examine general behavior of several constituents of interest under changing geochemical conditions. This modeling effort is referred to as a global model because it considers the range of ion concentrations, pH, Eh, and extractable Fe and Al concentrations from seven coal ash disposal sites in NC. The results of this model remain applicable to Belews Creek because nearby sites, DEP Roxboro and DEP Mayo, used in the Global Model have similar onsite geology and geochemistry as Belews Creek." The global model is setup in Section A.3 and parameters are discussed in Section A.4, which includes data from Weatherspoon, Sutton, and H.F. Lee facilities located in the coastal plain in addition to data from the Cape Fear facility that is in a Triassic Basin. Data from these four sites do not represent those site conditions representative of the geology and geochemistry of the Piedmont crystalline bedrock and do not enhance model results. Geochemical model development at this point should be focused on site-specific data. Response: As discussed above related to the general comments, our global model using all of the sites is meant to provide a qualitative description of the behavior of several constituents of interest and identify the extremes in pH and Ex where mobilization or retardation of the constituents is expected to occur. We chose to include this global model in this report to illustrate the potential mobility of selected constituents across a range of conditions. The discussion of the global model is meant to supplement the more relevant model using site-specific data along a transect of interest to this remediation effort. j. Page A-11. This is the approach used in the global model and the assumed solid phase concentration was 50 g-solid/L- volume." What is the source of this value? Why aren't the calculated values of 8 kg-solid/L-solution (unconsolidated material) and 32kg-solid/L- solution (transition zone fractured material) on page A-6 used in this equation? Response: The global model used a much lower solid to liquid ratio because it was originally intended to compare the output with a series of laboratory batch sorption experiments using solids from the seven sites included in the global model. Those laboratory experiments used a 50 g/L solid phase concentration so we used that same value for the global model. However, we also report the model output in terms of distribution coefficients (Ka values). Therefore, the solid phase concentration used is normalized back to a linear Ka value to allow for a direct comparison to a model of sediment or even a batch sorption experiment (such as what was used in the "global" model. k. Page A-12. Note the large differences (>10x) in Al and Fe concentrations in Table A-6 compared to Table A-2. Why are total concentrations used for Model 1 Belews Creek Page 18 Response to Comments in S. Jay Zimmerman Letter to Ed Sullivan, dated June 30, 2017 60 Percent Basis of Design Report Belews Creek Steam Station adsorption site concentrations, while extractable concentrations were used in the global model? Comparing Table A-3 and A-6, the Al and Fe site concentrations for Model 1 are on the order of 100,000 times greater than those for the global model. How were the "extractable" concentrations of Fe and Al measured? Response: The extractable concentrations of Fe and Al in Table A-6 were measured using a standard soil analysis approach described by Chao et al., [6]. These values were determined during part of an initial laboratory based study that included the batch sorption work discussed above regarding the global model. Since then, total digestion analysis of solids from site-specific wells have been obtained. Those values are listed in Tables A-2 and A-3. As expected, the values from the total digestion are considerably higher. For the site-specific model, our interest was in comparing the model output to specific well samples along a transect and we do not have extractable iron or aluminum concentrations for those samples. Therefore, we have elected to work with total iron and aluminum concentrations. However, this provides only a IN difference. The reason for the 100,000x different site concentrations are from the assumed 50 g/L solid phase concentration in the global model versus the 8 kg/L or 32 kg/L assumed for the site-specific model. However, we emphasize again that returning the model output to a Kd value effectively normalizes the selection of the solid phase concentration and makes the output comparable. 1. Page A-18. "The concentrations of major ions (e.g., Ca2+, Na+, Fe (II/III), Cl-, SO42-) were varied to consider the range of potential values. The concentrations of several trace ions and constituents of interest were not varied so that the model could examine the potential for competition for sorption sites between the varying major ion concentration conditions and a fixed condition for the trace elements (Table A-8)". i. Trace ion adsorption may be more competitive for the COI than major ion adsorption. Response: We completely agree with the reviewers comment. Thankfully, the thermochemical construct of the speciation and surface complexation modeling approach we have adopted for this effort accounts for such ion competition. Therefore, by varying one parameter, we can see the influence of the varied molar ratios of the COIs and background major ion concentrations. ii. Also, why not use the actual trace concentrations for Belews Creek, instead of an average for seven other sites? Response: This model was part of our "global" modeling was done to identify the extremes in pH and EH where mobilization or retardation of the constituents is expected to occur. We compare the sorption extent and behavior across this wider global range to more site-specific values when modeling transects at Belews Creek. m. Page A-22. "To gain an understanding of the aqueous chemical species of each constituent of interest, Pourbaix diagrams were generated using Geochemist Workbench (GWB) version 10.v10." Instead of using generic groundwater data for missing lots, why not use Page 19 Response to Comments in S. Jay Zimmerman Letter to Ed Sullivan, dated June 30, 2017 60 Percent Basis of Design Report Belews Creek Steam Station Belews Creek data? Response: These Pourbaix diagrams were part of our "global" modeling effort done to identify the extremes in pH and Ex where changes in constituent speciation may occur. Since many of the constituents do not form complexes with background ions, the changes in speciation will be minimal and the effects of changes in pH and Ex are more important. Therefore, we felt it was appropriate to use the average global data. For the Final BOD report we will select or average site-specific data to calibrate new Pourbaix diagrams to represent site-specific geochemical conditions. Page 110