HomeMy WebLinkAboutBryan Boulevard RelocationWETLANDS 1401 GROUP DEC 0 8 2003 WATER QUALITY SECTION U-2815C (Bryan Boulevard Relocation) Stormwater Management Review ker`_ Baker and Associates A Unit of Michael Baker Corporation 200 CentrePort Drive, Suite 225 Greensboro, NC 27409 (336) 931-1500 FAX (336) 931-1501 December 9, 2003 Mr John Dorney North Carolina Department of Environmental and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality - Wetlands Unit 2321 Crabtree Boulevard Raleigh, NC 27604-2260 N011038 A111M H31VM COOZ 6 0 030 dnon 0 / SONn3M Subject: U-2815C (Bryan Boulevard Relocation) Stormwater Management Review (Clarification) Dear Mr Dorney Per our conversation today, riser basins #2 and #3 will be converted to constructed stormwater wetlands at the completion of the U-2815C project as shown on the U-2815C (Bryan Boulevard Relocation) Stormwater BMP Plan sheet and not as shown in the Stormwater Management Review binder section U-2815C Plan Sheets If you have any questions regarding this matter please feel free to call me Sincerely, BAKER AND A SOCIATES Stephe J ander, P E Project ager cc Cmdi Karoli, DWQ (w/o Enclosure) M L Elmore, PTAA (w/o Enclosure) Challenge Us. • c December 5, 2003 Mr Todd St John North Carolina Department of Environmental and Natural Division of Water Quality - Wetlands Unit 2321 Crabtree Boulevard Raleigh, NC 27604-2260 Subject. U-2815C (Bryan Boulevard Relocation) Stormwater Management Review Dear Mr St John Per your request, we are providing information for the subject project that is similar to our previous submittals for the FedEx Development Program We have enclosed the following ¦ A Stormwater BMP Plan depicting the four riser basins that will be converted to stormwater management ponds at project completion, associated water quality BMP's, and the surrounding natural terrain ¦ Signed/notarized maintenance agreement for the proposed ponds ¦ Riser Basin Calculations including the Division Of Water Quality 401 Extended Dry Detention Basin Worksheet for each system ¦ Surface Area Drainage Area (SADA) Calculations for each BMP system ¦ NCDOT's Special Detail For Riser Basin (Dimensions for each basin included on sheet) ¦ Ditch Liner Calculations For Overflow And Principle Outfalls For Riser Basins ¦ U-2815C Plan Sheets depicting the riser basins ¦ Flow spreader details • The proposed systems will use a combination of dry ponds converted to constructed stormwater wetlands (similar to the approach for the FedEx Site ponds), level spreaders, natural buffer areas, and natural wetlands to achieve water quality standards Also, as with the FedEx Site ponds the proposed stormwater management wetlands will be planted with non-wate fou attracting vegetation as approved by DWQ 2Se?, Challenge Us. CVJ- • The attached SADA calculations are based upon DENR criteria for Extended Detention Wetlands The Surface Areas (SA) determined from these calculations are depicted on the Stormwater BMP Plan, which demonstrates that adequate area is available for each of the ponds As was stated above, the four riser basins will be converted to stormwater ponds and the measures as depicted in the plan view will be incorporated Please feel free to call me at 336/931-1500 with any questions Sincerely, BAKER AND ASSOCIATES Kevin J Baker, P E Assistant Vice President Enclosures cc Cmdi Karoh, DWQ (w/o Enclosure) M L Elmore, PTAA (w/o Enclosure) WETLAND-type DETENTION BASIN OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT The wetland-type detention basin system is defined as the wetland-type detention basin, pretreatment including energy dissipators and flow spreaders Oaintenance activities shall be performed as follows After every significant runoff producing rainfall event and at least monthly a Inspect the detention basin system for sediment accumulation, erosion, trash accumulation, vegetated cover, and general condition b Check and clear the orifice of any obstructions such that drawdown of the temporary pool occurs within 2 to 5 days as designed 2 Repair eroded areas immediately, re-seed as necessary to maintain good vegetative cover, mow vegetative cover to maintain a maximum height of six inches, and remove trash as needed 3 Inspect and repair the collection system (i a catch basins, piping, swales, nprap, etc ) quarterly to maintain proper functioning 4 Remove accumulated sediment from the detention basin system semi-annually or when depth is reduced to 75% of the original design depth (see diagram below) Removed sediment shall be disposed of in an appropriate manner and shall be handled in a manner that will not adversely impact water quality (i e stockpiling near a detention basin or stream, etc ) The measuring device used to determine the sediment elevation shall be such that it will give an accurate depth reading and not readily penetrate into accumulated sediments • Natural and restored wetlands and wetland buffers will be inspected every six months Corrective action will be taken for any areas of erosion or concentrated flow Heavy equipment will be used for these repairs only when so approved by NCDENR and USACE When basins are maintained, basin bottoms will be returned to the grades shown on the as-built plans As necessary, the top 0 3 feet of the basin bottom will be stockpiled and re-applied to the disturbed area to achieve final grade, or the disturbed area shall be revegetated according to the vegetation planting plan 5 If the basin must be drained for an emergency or to perform maintenance, the flushing of sediment through the emergency drain shall be minimized to the maximum extent practical 6 All components of the detention basin system shall be maintained in good working order 7 Flow spreaders that provide diffuse flow shall be maintained every six months All accumulated sediment and debris shall be removed from the structure, and a level elevation shall be maintained across the entire flow spreading structure Any down gradient erosion must be repaired and/or replanted as necessary Page 1 of 2 acknowledge and agree by my signature below that I am responsible for the performance of the seven maintenance procedures listed above I agree to notify DWQ of any problems with the system or prior to any .changes to the system or responsible party Print name n L. Lm-oce Title. Addro Phon SignE Date Note The legally responsible party should not be a homeowners association unless more than 50% of the lots have been sold and a resident of the subdivision has been named the president 1, A? ;?Idi , L - (fA( M I,) ff - , a Notary Public for the State of b t County of U , do hegby certify tha``t?? ff",, E,66 re personally appeared before me this ?o day of Al -pt )P V'" , 3 , and acknowledge the due execution of the forgoing wetland-type detention basin maintenance requirements Witness my hand and official seal, SEAL My commission expires AL "a?0 7 • Page 2 of 2 0 RISER BASIN CALCULATIONS U-2815C STATE PROJECT 8 2492901 GUILFORD COUNTY (Div 7) Bryan Blvd from Regional Dr to West of Inman Dr for PIEDMONT TRIAD AIRPORT AUTHORITY • Submittal November 12, 2003 I KO & ASSOCIATES P. C. Consulting Engineers 1011 Schaub Drive, Suite 202 . Raleigh, North Carolina 27606 Phone 919-851-6066 • Fax 919-851-6846 1 HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE REPORT AND CALCULATIONS for EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL HEREIN WERE PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION. SIGNED SEALED, AND DATED THIS 12S DAY OF Novo uR 20 0-1 00 "1111111111111'r ''?FE Spy9 Q s • SEAL i = W. H4k4 erbert Turner, J ., PE 21162 E • KO & ASS0CIATES, P. C. ,qk Consulting Engineers 1011 Schaub Drive, Suite 202 • Raleigh, North Carolina 27606 Phone 919-851-6066,• Fax 919-851-6846 0 Project No DWQ • DIVIWN OF WATER QUALITY 401 DCTENDED DRY DETENTION BASIN WOPKWEET DWQ Stormwater Management Plan Review ~ At a minimum, a complete stormwater management plan submittal includes a worksheet for each BMP, design calculations, plans and specifications showing all BMPs and outlet structure details, a detailed drainage plan and a fully executed operation and maintenance agreement. An incomplete submittal package will result in a request for additional information and will substantially delay final review and approval of the project L PROJECT INFORMATION (please complete the following information) Project Name . Contact Person 414 AW fR,orn "RG%vX RD l G)cs1 W Ins, 491 Phone Number (3361 66 5- For prgects with multiple basins, specify which basin this worksheet applies to _ Drainage Area IV acres Percent Impervious Area r50 % 'BAsiN 4 1 - L.- SrA 77 f oo RT ITEMS OEM = 4 (CAPE F69R RrvE,2 595%4 IL REWIRED The following checklist outlines design requirements per the Storrnwater Best Management Practices Manual (N C Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources, November-1995) and Administrative Code Section 15 A NGAC 2H 1008 Initial in the space provided to indicate the Uming design requirements have been met and supporting documentation is attached 1e1wYae,nenlhasnaf heel; /#4 allachane4,*nahanotwhy Applicants Initials • Either capture runoff from 1 yr, 24 hour storm and release over a 48 hour period, or capture runoff from 1 inch storm and draw down over a period of 2 to 5 days Please provide routing for 1 yr 24 hr event or volume from 1 inch ran The basin length to width ratio is greater than 31 The basin side slopes are no steeper than 31 A small permanent pod at outlet onfice is provided to reduce dogging An emergency drain to completely empty the basin is provided Vegetation plan prepared is specified on plans Basin lo be stabilized within 14 days of construction is specified Sediment storage (20% of detention volume) in addition to detention volume is provided Inlet and outlet erosion control measures to prevent scan are provided. Additional treatment to meet the 85% TSS removal efficiency is provided Access for dean-out and maintenance is provided Inlet plunge pod or other energy dissipation is provided Forebay is provided to capture sediment and minimize dean-out problems Uncompacted natural sods are utilized to promote vegetation and reduce sedimentation Seasonal high water table is at least 1 foot below bottom of basin. If used as a temporary sediment basin, plans indicate dean-out prior to final operation A site specific operation and maintenance plan with the following provisions is provided The OEM agreement is signed by the responsible party and notarized Nor, : NCDOr SPWfA1-'Rf5r-R SIN WNW 5URF=Ae 4RE-,4 ED OH F09 n7 R L-4 A C Ae Res) = 0.01 x Q t o ?) , 1?f?5 $EFt PROVIDED !?T 7' ?5 dtrTFACC Locs wt4 . WYI 11 /1:2/03 PROJECT NO Z $ SHEET NO OF FAA KO & ASSOCIATES, P. C. PROJECT Brz -(FjU ?L,V D SUBJECT BF?S7f-3 7--r. of -7 Consulting Engineers CALC BY DATE CHECK BY DATE DEMUDE D FIRE A = 5.2 AC- DA = /9. I Re- ? c = . ?S A. Z=D C+W 57 SURFACE H?,EA = J$ ?uRFACg AREA ?RrcVI6FD m3 SNT 5 bfS \1OLLUME = /4-) o4-0 cr- .ID =(3.5ZZ)(I ) L=8.G e? ? 3& " L = 9.4- vsE E. IEZ !u -f 5Piu-y4Ay 57 = (3)6.0-) L = /o. 3 05r- /0, 5p/ LwAy w/ 7' Ni6H RISER DAM eq.5 lt1/bfl &- RISER INVERT" NOTE :.rF 6U%LT oN Ex/5T%ub DRRW Ltw,4& 12 '9V?WZ411TPR rl ! L;-AI&TN WOULD BE ±"95'w% EVc.,gV q7-1 oN AND WAoUL,D Nor 1r1EET L>2W CRI'MEiM. 4 A A PROJECT NO 0-1-015C SHEET NO Z OF KO & ASSOCIATES, AC. PROJECT ! IU , f'i r SUBJECT T « " 07 Consulting Engineers CALC BY DATE 7-0 Z CHECK BY T P,* DATE A55JIrla. I = l.5 / • • 0 X= -(2 0 -7.7) t z(3)) - (zoo -?)UsJ (8(0)c/ 15) y, i,5 I - \ _I_ =-?_ ? \\ \ \OX I 1 I ? I \ lul Y `. _ bs a / \ 1 ? t ! tom., ? K! i4rA r , - 7,t N % 01 ? 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(as pp Vie C = CO. q dr5 C = 0, 4- x (0,4) 4- 0 - x yo, 4) = 0, 65 0,9x + 0,4 - 0Ax = 0.65 v,5x=0.25 x=a5?6 507 (0, 5xl9, /) = 9.5 5 AC iMpr-RI ,006 0 /ore : G' PIRC-MR AoR OFF51 Tg RR,EAS Rge m5aD ON PRO TEC76D AEV ELOPME-147 ib URSjw ot?A1omoN. I PROJECT NO U - 20I SC SHEET NO 5 OF J KO & ASSOCIATES, AC. PROJECT B9 AN BLVD ® Consulting Engineers SUBJECT 1 0141 F iP? 13?0 'D CALC BY t0f" DATE -712 1 6 CHECK BY DATE 4 1 , I t ' , s I t i + j , 1 ! 3 r ?-, ! t ? I 1 0.8o A 04 Z; SF T- T , r---1 i L? 4 , L- ? 1 i r- (A RF -P, ob 8 F1 - --t---;- f ; -i - ?-- --1-- mss- -{- -t- t--- t - --?-- --"- - --S a r - ?- -- +- a--? -- --i Project No DWQ • DIMON OF WATER QUALITY 401 EXTENDED DRY DETENTION BAM WORKSHEET DWQ Stormwater Management Plan Review ~ At a minimum, a complete stormwater management plan submittal includes a worksheet for each BMP, design calculations, plans and speaficabons showing all BMPs and outlet structure details, a detailed drainage plan and a fully executed operation and maintenance agreement An incomplete submittal package will result in a request for additional information and will substantially delay final review and approval of the project PROJECT INFORMATION (please complete the Nownng information) Project Name Contact Person 491 U •Z615C ) - &YgN &YD Mo it ZE610AW, R I& NS W In•r m Phone Number (3341 665'- For projects with multiple basins, specify which basset this worksheet applies to _ Drainage Area KI acres Percent IrrPer ms Area 9.2 % BASIN 42 -L- sTA 91+00 FT IL REQUIRED ITEMS CHECK = 4 C CAPE FEAR Ri VER 18AVAi The following checklist outlines design requirements per the Stormwater Best Management Practices Manual (N C Departinent of Environment, Health and Natural Resources, November-1995) and Administrative Code Section 15 A NCAC 2H 1008 Initial in the space provided to indicate the following design requirements have been met and supporting documentation is attached /fa iequirwmV 1vS 1W &017 4 ?&aCh&7 #81;aba7 ofwA AyOicants Initials • Ether cure runoff torn 1 yr, 24 hour storm and release over a 48 hour period, or capture runoff from 1 inch storm and draw down over a period of 2 to 5 days Please provide routing for 1 yr 24 hr event or volume from 1 inch rain The basin length to width ratio is greater than 31 The basin side slopes are no steeper than 31 A small permanent pod at outlet onfice is provided to reduce dogging An emergency dram to completely empty the basin is provided Vegetation plan prepared is specified on plans Basin to be stabilized within 14 days of construction is specified Sediment storage (20% of detention volume) in addition to detention volume is provided Inlet and outlet erosion control measures to prevent scour are provided AA ditional treatment lit meet the 85% TSS removal efficiency is provided. Access for dean-out and maintenance is provided Inlet plunge pod or other energy dissipation is provided Forebay is provided to capture sediment and mnninuze dean-out problems Uncompacted natural soils are utilized to promote vegetation and reduce sedimentation. Seasonal high water table is at least 1 foot below bottom of basin If used as a temporary sediment basin, plans indicate dean-out pnor to final operation A site specific operation and maintenance plan with the following provisions is provided The O&M agreement is signed by the responsible party and notarized Norte : NCUoT' SPz-vAt-'RISA:R ' iASIN wi-ra Sul; r9?,,- AREA ??? oaf Fa"ML,4 . A (AcRes) - 0.01 x Q ro (C.FS) $Ee/4 PROV,DeD AT 7' r5 durFACC L.oCAwoti4 09-1 +1/1:2/03 PROJECT NO U- 29 I S G SHEET NO OF KO & ASSOCIATES, P. C. PROJECT 2-r1?,,u 13LV n? Consulting Engineers SUBJECT&AS1N Qr 14k S CALC BY DATE CHECK BY DATE DE?DUDE-n I RE R =14:1 Ac., DR = /4-1 Ac c. - /4- jqiq P2 = 28 + f ? SUl?FRGE Ftl?Ela tQE? 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J\I gillll1111j11 \ \ \\\\ \\`? \ \ \\\ \\ \\\\\ \\`\ \ \\'" ?\ ?x tp ? + \; \ 6F hl ,IIII II \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \\ \_ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ & . \ \i 1 \ r / ?\ ltd llltil\I . \\\\ \\ \?\ \\\ M \N„?q?/ X x '?;, SK r ` ` \?\\ \\\ _ `?\ \ d?, 1 1 lip \\\ \ \? \ \ \ \ ?{ 11 \? 1 14\?\\\\\\\\\ \ \ v? \ l iin \ \\\\\\\ \\ \\\\\\\\?\R\` `\ \i> \\\? \ ?.Y `\? \) \1`11\\ \I \\??\\C\\\\??\\1\\ I \\\\? l _ \\ I I Iplll \\ \\\\\\? \ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \\\\?\\\ ?`\\\; \1111 ,\1 \ ? \!4?\y\\\af(\1\ 11\ / I 1 pi?iil s\ \ S\\\\4\. \`\\\\\??\`\\\.\\!\\\\\\ ??a\\ ?A1 \ \1I?Ill si }?1 ?r` i IIMIi?lFI\1?\\?stltlM\`s\\\?.?,?Illl'?Ii? r r lF _ l` \\ ?G????i PROJECT NO 0-2860 SHEET NO OF . MA KO ASSOCIATES, P. C PROJECT ilk SUBJECT a57. FD? lly??l???l? "?Q?A ? JZ/9E1R Consulting Engineers CALC BY DATE CHECK BY DATE Z?--Si4 4 2 Dl9= 14, / & C- 0. (p 3 pAvE C = 0. q5 b)zRf;q e M. 0.4 (x Xb,95) + (1 s x,YbAD) = 0. & 3 D 96 x + 04 - 0,4-y = 0.63 0,55x = 0,23 x = o.,42 -v 42 *7p (o. 42)(14, i? = s.9 Ac AloTE : ?f-/ERE hS h10 OFFS1 TE R'ReR i? ( 9 4 PROJECT NO U - 2615-C. SHEET NO S OF S ® KO & ASSOCIATES, P. C. PROJECT BRIAN 13L VD ® SUBJECT 1 S(itlP/C Q ?Q ?? Consulting Engineers CALC BY t0f" DATE 21 6 CHECK BY DATE ..____ - I '"'"°'"'-' , ( 1 r 1 I ' ??? ??¢ _;?r? ; _ ?--'- ;_?? ?, of 6 ? ? ' ?I ------ 0! 4 ?~o ' ? t ©, o? ?-- ?--f--- } -? t- 14 --j-- -1-r-----;--7-r-j--- 7 6 lie :5 A - ? I ?! ? 1 j 3 i I , 1 I ?I + r ! i r• ' t ( ' V i! I I I ' r 3 !Nbrk ;Gln? 141)1 Ll A k b~-710'56 7??,? , :7? r t i i , 1 1 Project No DWQ • DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY 401 EXTENDED DRY DETENT" BASIN WORKSHEET • • DWQ Stormwater Management Plan Review At a minimum, a complete stormwater management plan submittal includes a worksheet for each BMP, design calculations, plans and specifications showing all BMPs and outlet structure details, a detailed drainage plan and a fully executed operation and maintenance agreement. An incomplete submittal package will result in a request for additional information and will substantially delay final review and approval of the protect L PROJECT INFORMATION (please complete the following information) Project Name Contact Person u-zslsc) - Phone Number- &AD fP_om'X%bAPX & 4 l?rs? o? lnm ?d For protects with multiple basins, specify which basin this wodksheet applies to _ Drainage Area 9146cres Percent Impervious Area 3'1 % 'BASfN 43 -- L- 3TA I -TO +00 LT 0. REQUIRED ITEMS CHECIa,IST (l 4 H6 >???ae o DFVC%p,• ) ( CAPt FAIR RIVER BIr% ) The following checklist outlines design requirements per the Stormwater Best Management Practices Manual (N C Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources, November-1995) and Administrative Code Section 15 A NCAC 2H .1008 Initial in the space provided to idicate the followmg design requirements have been met and supporting documentation is attached /faiequ1?wv&hasmt hWfl 04 8&7, anexp/anabcnofwhy Wiicants Initials Eitlner capture runoff from 1 yr, 24 hour storm and release over a 48 hour period, or capture runoff from 1 inch storm and draw down over a period of 2 to 5 days Please provide routing for 1 yr 24 hr event or volume from 1 inch rain The basin length to width ratio is greater than 31 The basin side slopes are no steeper than 31 A small permanent pod at outlet onfice is provided to reduce dogging An emergency drain to completely empty the basin is provided vegetation plan prepared is specified on plans Basin to be stabilized within 14 days of construction is specified Sediment storage (20% of detention volume) in addition to detention volume is provided Inlet and outlet erosion control measures to prevent scour are provided Additional treatment to meet the 85% TSS removal efficiency is provided Access for dean-out and maintenance is provided Inlet plunge pod or other energy dissipation is provided Forebay is provided to capture sediment and minimue dean-out problems Uncompacted natural sods are utilized to promote vegetation and reduce sedimentation Seasonal high water table is at least 1 foot below bottom of basin. If used as a temporary sediment basin, plans indicate dean-out prior to final operation A site specific operation and maintenance plan with the following provisions is provided The O&M agreement is signed by the responsible party and notarized Nore : WDOT SPr'Ct,AJ_' 155:R IASIN Wi-ra sURFAfZ /4RE. V/bap 014 Fogn7CAL.4 A (ACReS) = 0.01 x Q ro (cis I ?AS BE,% NovivED A-r -r#15 OGITFACC LoCA-Tto4. W/J-1 11 /1:2/03 FAA PROJECT NO V - 28 ? SHEET NO ` OF S KO & ASSOCIATES PROJECT BRY Al BLVD. ? ® ? , P. C. SUBJECT ??R ?? BASJ?I LT D I? " L- .J?A I SD ='" Consulting Engineers CALC BY DATE CHECK BY DATE DR c, 6 c, = 20.6 "4 iAl Tc=o.&8 0 0eAvD80 f)d2aR = 1-7, 3 Re, \/dLUH 12o D = 41710 11130 Gf 502F1e1C? A1281? 1.Q'D R SaRFAC? ARan 'Rwza-D - SE,E SHr 5' 4 S o q :? CL 14 G=3.? 50 -C3.s X 1X`) 4-2" L G4b''L=12.4 e 54" ,L = 14- ?15 ,'7 F-a1E2,6 e0c"I SPI Ll.W F?`? Q = coo t.E-r = I L = 1ri3 L = 3-3133 use 33 10 PROJECT NO Z01&^ SHEET NO OF S 14 KO & ASSOCIATES, P. G PROJECT SrL1ar Blvd. P.PbcQl-;;wl SUBJECT %% N Consulting Engineers CALC BY DATE 9 OL CHECK BY- DATE A55u me . 1,6 ', 9 fl b? y - `tSaC`?- -5 V U S?CSZ) A-7- IZ.33"` /,? 5 E 6C : ff 40 - - - I r r •,°. / ??'? - - -- -`?' ., ? ? ? ? ? - - ? , r ? - ? Wit, ?, SOg A Z/ 1' S a,r ";r 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I I w ?/ /// /, r r/ / / / S ' /ss s6L I I i I 1 1 1 r / S'??11/ //l / fF I liqNi C7 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I I I /_// ?? T9 ? s ?. `. r r ! v / '; ???i ?; i i ; ?? I 1 ' ??? 1 / l y? f l ?x' - ? c?J_ ? ?6 r I lol I r I / / / Q / / ? / r r l r r l' /' ?. `?' .?dlp' ? ©?•b?'? /''/F I ICI I I I i^, r/ r / ?B' / I I I I I Imo/ / / / 1 1 ? /!1 ? l< I / ;` S 00, ? 1 ? 1 ? I?SL?d / l? 1/ l 1 r /? r / r r ? ,' ? I g` b?/ ? fll// 1 /Z. ?? 1 I 1 ? 1 1 I / 1 ? /l l 1 Ig 111 / l ' rj, f ? ? 6b ? ? = f ? - -??! _ - ?l 1 1 1 1 18g'8? 1 / r ' 1 1 1 ? / ? `1b'' ? \ f ? - ? ? F/'S /? !/1 j?ll 1 II 111 1111I? /1 /'I 111 1 j ? / /(?/I /T 8?/ C7 ? ? Y ? ? ? ? / /'y???lrlll/1/ II 1 I? /// f166` `- / ?_6 ?? 9941j?1 1111 ?I ?FgFS ?« 7I/ // (fir{ 5 , Ito CON i i Il I? // D I I I I j_ r r T l c sll X111 f f ??i /f g ;:' x S" / /,/III f I??Ss r I? 1 i 4`?' vQ`? Iffy'b? rn 160 Y /?Pi`: ; ?V`i?' lie 79 96 "k 46Z M_vYCr 09 lq 01) 1 g I;II / , ??-794--- PROJECT NO U- 2 815 0.1 SHEET NO 1 OF KO & ASSOCIATES, P.C. PROJECT 239YRq VD ilk SUBJECT fij?7. P®Q II MER! QOS SAIR 'M RiZEE.R MA6 Consulting Engineers CALC BY DATE CHECK BY DATE DR= 29 4- 19c Ppr€ C,=, a,5 c _ o, 68 6RA96 C = 0.4- (X)(0 ,g5)+ (/ -x)(D,4) = 0, (08 a 95,y ?- o.4- - 0,4x 0.66 0, 56X = 0.213 X = . 5/ = 51 ? i?1P?x ?iovs (0, 5 /x28A) = i4', 5 R0, IVoTF: "a" rzg ioR Fog OFFS/TF- P99P i5 B D cAJ PRO1E67-ED DEVE WPWAJT To OR894 awD1T1'DN 0 (• ( I* PROJECT NO U - 2UI5C, SHEET NO OF K O & ASSOCIATES, P.C. PROJECT 89 AN 13L D 6qk Consulting Engineers SUBJECT S (At F RC,09 'D CALC BY DATE 7 21 c CHECK BY DATE E , ? { ' { f 1 r I3 -; Z?AI i-- ; - --? ?'- 1 - i- ! Ar'c ? I I I ?- - ?- _? I- t--}--j--{----; - i ?? f t r AI ?r Lo + I i 1 ! I I ?-1? 1 r 2M_ - lq? i 1 ; ',! i I 1 I; I I , It ', I jl'1,'II , Z---t--- - -?- i L_t-- ---?? - ?? ' 1 1 -- s - %GGJ (o? q t I -{ I 6. ti I l I I I a N - ? Mq7 i ! 1 ! I ? i I ! I ( t I I i >i ? I I I l ? I r; 11 ?,, INITIAL 04i 7 ?_ I ?J } = I !-?' 1 8A ' I ?? I I J ! 1 1 I I I -? I 4 I { 1 i 7--1 ' f -?-t I I i 1 - { I t --_j-- -- - ' t I , s Y I I E JG? Zf L? 1/0%_ ` r- t- i i I' 1 3 i I I? I I; I Project No DWQ • DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY 401 EXTENDED DRY DETENTION BASIN WORKSHEET DWQ Stormwater Management Plan Review- ~ ~ At a minimum, a complete stor mwater management plan submittal includes a worksheet for each BMP, design calculations, plans and specifications showing all BMPs and outlet structure details, a detailed drainage plan and a fully executed operation and maintenance agreement An inconplete submittal package will result in a request for additional information and will substantially delay final review and approval of the project PROJECT INFORMATION (please complete the following information) •+ • Project Name Contact Person U ,U/50 ) ~ VKYgN IkW fROM `&,610AW, RD Ta Mcsf of lnow. 9 Phone Number- (336) 665- 5'6oo For projects with multiple basms, speafy which basin this worksheet applies to _ Drainage Area.262acres Percent Impervious Area 33 % 8AS I H A .4 - RA - 5Z+00 LT IL REQUIRED ITEMS CHECID.IST (CAPE F,64R Ri v€a $45;/v The following checklist outlines design requirements per the Stormwater Best Management Practices Manual (N C Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources, November-1995) and Administrative Code Sedan 15 A NGAC 2H 1008 Initial in the space provided to indicate the following design requirements have been met and supporting documentation is attached /fa iegt1hwAWhas 1W ,beenmW eftPi 0027nahM fwhy Applicants Inufials Either rapture runoff from 1 yr, 24 hour storm and release over a 48 hour period, or capture runoff from 1 inch storm and draw down over a period of 2 to 5 days Please provide routing for 1 yr 24 hr event or volume from 1 inch ram The basin length to width ratio is greater than 31 The basin side slopes are no steeper than 31 A small permanent pod at outlet onfice is provided to reduce dogging An emergency drain to completely empty the basin is provided Vegetation plain prepared ns specified on plans Basin to be stabilized within 14 days of construction is specified Sediment storage (20% of detention volume) in addition to detention volume is provided Inlet and outlet erosion control measures to prevent scour are provided Additional treatment to meet the 85% TSS removal efficiency is provided Access for dean-out and maintenance is provided Inlet plunge pool or other energy dissipation is provided Forebay is provided to capture sediment and minimize dean-out problems Unto mpacted natural soils are ubrized to promote vegetation and reduce sedimentation Seasonal high water table is at least 1 foot below bottom of basin. If used as a temporary sediment basin, plans indicate dean-out prior to final operation A site specific operation and maintenance plan with the following provisions is provided The O&M agreement is signed by the responsible party and notarized - Nonni : WDOT SPZ-CiA1.R5,i5-R $013tN wi-t"N SURFAQ-= A?sq R o 014 6094h(AL4 A Ac Res) = o-?? X Q?o (6'5), &-e,q PROVIOez !fir `M,5 , otrrFAu L,ociW614. 9145 ? G0?7 1l1 ?2l 03 PROJECT NO U3 `2BI G C SHEET NO 1 OF + ® KO & ASSOCIATES, P. C. PROJECT Z`(PW BLVD, SUBJECT S SiQ RE STA RR SCDr- Consulting Engineers CALC BY DATE CHECK BY DATE DE LM EXP RaS n = VA- 0 )qG DF? z4, 2 He C=0,S2? tL . ks.3 Him Z-7- = 3. 1 Zsa = •L? 2 = 441+ ?so = q` l SURF%C6 ±171 2000F VO LUJNr t 7z, qDD 0= SURFt AR?,4 }??vPSFn - st:E ?N7 5? 5, SURF R c.E. 'R 2E R ?26Q p= y w ., S JOLJM a RE 0 'D = 70) 2.00 c-i (Z, &.oo c-`f RISER ¢-7 =(3. SxIL> L = i3.4'? @54" L=14.ip- 45" L = Is.(, Ri s E R, "?F1RR FL u5E S4" c6 p EMER?ENC.Y sPiu..wA`I q = C3)6LY I } L = 3®, S3 %JOF- 730 w iDa q I = (3 XL I.S\?` 41=(G.5) ? SPiurw F/y PROJECT NO I)-zSISG SHEET NO OF S KO & ASSOCIATES, AC. PROJECT PrC+, B-I, Rplacaf.o.- SUBJECT &5,A IM tt a Consulting Engineers CALC BY _ DATE CHECK BY DATE A55vn1e = 1, 5' X ? ?? S8.gj )C ?• 5J?] - ?Co5 `$if?(q-3)?C 9.3 ?- z(y ??? -(?5)(q,3X?.5' = uSE: X . 4? r t q R r , / Sir 3 l ,,; 10 v ply ?A / m?. Q fit' k LO /24 II /• ,/? ? ? ?? ? ? / ? I? Ftl \111 It !! I-V ?^ I r Z: s`` ,? .? ? - ______??''_ JJJJIJ?\? ?v I ^. \ L/ \ ? ?` ? \ .? \ I t I? ` ?'yV ,v{???5/+J??? ? i 1 1 t ?' ? / ? ? C / ? 1 \ ? ?) ?,/ ?' btu ? T?-'+ \ \ PROJECT NO fl"?7-8I.6 0, SHEET NO L OF KO & ASSOCIATES, AC. PROJECT eR%IRN SUBJECTS $OR /`IO V ?UIJS ?!??l? iPiC3? 2 l Consulting Engineers CALC BY DATE CHECK BY DATE f751 LJA = 2(a. 2 Ac C= 0,58 PAYc- a= 0.95 bm:LC6 C= 0,40 .9ax -k D,4 0.¢x = 0,58 X = D, 33 3370 /,4ERvio l5 Y? (0 (0.33)(26, Z) = 8, 6 pC n?DTE : ?NIS gp.EF? ? Vl2?U?LG ? RGL A?I317 L 1 L' Ap A PROJECT NO U-20/5C SHEET NO 5 OF S KO & ASSOCIATES, AC. PROJECT Btu 414 1iL D 6qk C onsulting Engineers SUBJECT sc4RF1VLc AC19 IEQ ID CALC BY t0f " DATE -712 1 6 CHECK BY DATE r - ,- i L r--r--; - - ?- -- ?-- 1 t - i i- j - -? - -tom--?; -- -?'---' --- i - 6M l?? 66 qDa T-- fff Ag C b?---?--?} -- ' ? ?I . i? Cl,--? ' r i_` ? I ? • ?' S 17, ? X00 ?? _=i-?.-?t :.?F _+ 50 SF I (Nnrq? osv- 1 T? ,'? ' ? .? wT? I I n i i n ?,-?.------i-?- r--? --?-_ F---L-.k-! 14 COP/ Pei U 2:? , I i + ? I I ' , • U-2815C Bryan Boulevard Relocation Surface Area Drainage Area (SADA) Calculations Drainage Surface Impervious SA/DA BMP System Area (DA) Area (SA) Area (%) Factor* ac kc 1 191 50 0 021 0 40 2 141 42 0018 025 3 284 51 0 021 0 60 4 262 33 0015 040 * Taken from Table 1 1 in the NCDENR Stormwater Best Management Practices manual r1 U p1ons\.2815.62-M_N dgn TEE Fill SEDIMENT CONTROL STONE (W67 STONE) . / / Y// ANTI FLOATATION (CONCRETE GROUT) 0 TEE RISER -? % pEIFORATED TEE RISER TOP OF EMBANKMENT HOLES CENTERS ALTERNATE CORRUGATIONS IN 8 YIN OVERFLOW SPILLWAY O P O 7 7?' / `CORRUGATED SECTIONS O 0 .00 P \ ` PIF -REMOVE ORGANIC MATERIAL 6 ROOT MAT " STEEL PLATE FROM BENEATH EMBANKMENT ELDED TO TEE SECTION) SECTIONAL VIEW 7TOP OF EMBANKMENT O 0 O D in SEDIMENT CONTROL STONE (W57 STONE) ANTI FLO) (CONCRETE BASIN - APPROX.STATION SEDIMENT CONTROL STONE SALT EXCAV?ATTION I t- T7.00 •/- ITT 56 736 2 L- 0.00 •/- RT 56 2004 3 {- 50-00 •/- LT me 2930 1 -PA- 52-00 -/- LT 88 36,45 PIPE / %'(WELDEDETOPTEEESECTION) OTHER LAYOUTS TS Y BEIUSEDGPA PA OPENIAGS PROFILE VIEW ARE APPROX 84 SO IN AREA S" MIN Y1 CONCRETE GROUT CORRUGATED STEEL 0 0 PERFORATED PIPE RISER RISER DETAIL ALTERNATE ANTI-FLOATATION METHOD SHE SPECIAL DETAIL FOR RISER BASIN STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA EARTH DYKE PLAN VIEW NOTES 1 SURFACE AREA AND VOLUME ARE TO BE SITE SPECIFIC 2 CLEAN OUT SEDIMENT WHEN STORAGE VOLUME REACHES 60% OF MIN STORAGE VOLUME 3 MINIMUM SURFACE AREA AND MINIMUM VOLUME ARE MEASURED BELOW THE TOP OF PRINCIPLE SPILLWAY (TOP OF RISER) 4 ALL DIMENSIONS OF BASIN WILL NOT REQUIRE CONSTRUCTION TO NEAT LINES 5 THE EARTH DYKE MAY BE CONSTRUCTED ALONG ONE OR MORE SIDES EXCAVATION MAY BE REQUIRED TO PROVIDE MINIMUM SURFACE AREA AND/OR MINIMUM STORAGE VOLUME 6 THE DYKE SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED OF MATERIAL SUITABLE FOR AND MEETING ROADWAY EMBANKMENT SPECIFICATIONS 7 TO FACILITATE DETERMINATION OF MAINTENANCE CLEANOUT REQUIREMENT, A MARKER SHOULD BE PLACED IN THE BASIN INDICATING THE 60% VOLUME LEVEL DETAIL PRINCIPAL OUTFALL (Not to $..I.) 1cf?cL ountl D r' ound Filter Fabric Min D = L5 Ft Max d = 45 Ft AL1UNe1tN1) L OVERFLOW SPILLWAY PRINCIPAL OUTFALL MUST BE CONSTRUCTED CHANNEL (SEE PLAN IN NATURAL GROUND) VIEW FOR ACTUAL ALIGNMENT) BASIN APPROXIMATE P__ 1 1 H (min) D* E F , Bn) :X111 (Nh) SURFACE AREA (min) STORAGE VOLUME (min) N STATION in ft ft fit ft ft ft ft ft fit 2 Yd 3 1 -L- 77+00 +/- RT 36 1 10 9 2 6 7 1 5 10 5 5 1 5 13200 520 2 L- 81+00 +/. RT 36 1 10 9 1 8 6 1 5 10 5 5 1 5 18425 1410 3 -L 150+00 +/- LT 60 1 10 11 8 9 9 1 30 2 1 5 22670 1730 4 RA- 52+00 +/- LT 54 1 10 1 8 9 3 1 5 165 8 1 5 25000 2800 * SHALL NOT EXCEED 12' NOTE RISER BASIN IS A PERMANENT DEVICE PERFORM FINAL CLEAN OUT OF RISER BASIN AS THE PROJECT NEARS COMPLETION STABILIZE BASIN WITH VEGETATION BASIN - APPROX. STATION LINER EST TONS FLTER FABRIC SO YD I -L- T7-00 •/- RT TRIP RAP j 254 45T 2 L- 0.00 •/- RT V AP RAF 126 337 3 -L- BO-OD •/ LT RAP FTTFMP 100 0 4 -Rk- 52.00 LT TRPRAP S4 OT DETAIL CHANNEL (Not to Scale) r0 ound D ro Filter F.ollo Min D L5 Ft Max d -LS Ft BASIN - APPROX. STATION B LINER EST TONS FALTER FABRIC SO TO 1 -L- 77.00 •/- RT 3 FT T RP RAP G2 144 2 -L- 6.00 •/ RT 5 FT TRIP RAP 496 684 3 -L- W-00 +/- LT 4 FT T RP RAP 375 675 1 -RA- 52.00 •/- LT 4 FT TRIP RAP IDD Ie SPECIAL DETAIL FOR RISER BASIN STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA ... -- WATERS EDGE --7 - -------- ---/ . .- i SILT BASIN IMPOUNDMENT AREA ?•? l - ..- ..-.._..-.._.._?. TEE RISER s t r T T ?14+ z ` =z r od ? A O 1-N K A C • Ditch Liner Calculation for Overflow and Principal Outfalls For Riser Basins • P-j t? t• Ko Project No K1014 03 Eng By WHT Date 8/14/2003 State Project 8 2492901 (U-2815C) Bryan Blvd from Regional Dr to West of Inman Dr for Piedmont Triad Airport Authority MANNING'S EQUATION - ENGLISH U-2815C Riser Basin #1 - Overflow Outfall Channel Design Criteria for Channel Q 10= 30 cfs Base (B)= 3 ft Avg Side (Z)= 3 1 n= 0 041 Maximum Slope= 0 1500 f/f (2 0% = 0 02) Computed / Design Results Max V= 8 65 fps Depth (d)= 0 69 ft Hydraulic Radius (R)= 0 48 ft Grass Lining Check Retar = 20 EC-15, Chts 5-9 6 46 ps anning's= 0 060 Iteration for Grass Lining d= 0 69 n= 0 041 A= 3 50 Y= 213 R= 0 48 W= 2 13 M= 100 X= 0 00 >0 1 F= 0 69 d= 0 69 GOOD A= 3 50 sf P= 0 04 R= 0 48 ft n= 0 060 X= 001991 >0 0005? Design for Riprap Lining HEC-11 Permissible Tractive Force (Shear Stress) Check D50 dsn= 1 17 ft SELECTED - Median Riprap Size n= 00405 HEC-11, Eqn 20, n=0 0395*(D50)118 Ss= 2 65 pcf ASSUMED - Specific Gravity of Riprap Ys= 165 pcf Unit Weight of Selected Riprap = 624 pcf Unit Weight of Water 0= 18 43 deg Bank Angle with Horizontal 42 deg HEC-11, Chart 4 - Angle of Repose for Selected Riprap K1= 0 88 HEC-11, Eqn 17 - Correction Factor for Bank Angle SP= 0 047 The Shield's parameter- SF= 12 HEC-11, Table 11 - Stability Factor Td= 445 psf HEC-11, Eqn 15, Driving Shear Stress, Td=YRS ic= 4 98 psf HEC-11, Eqn 16, Permissible Shear Stress, Tc=K1*SP( s- D50 Driving Shear Stress >= Permissible Shear Stress; LINING IS STABLE HEC-11 Permissible Velocity Check D50 min= 0 9 ft HEC-11, Eqn 22, D50 = 0 001*Va3/(da„g05K1') Cs= 1 00 HEC-11, Eqn 23 - Correction for Riprap Specific Gravity Cf= 1 00 HEC-11, E n 24 - Correction for Stability Factor D50 req= 0 94 ft Min Required D50 - Corrected Selected D50 is ACCEPTABLE Permissible Velocity is greater than Driving Velocity Therefore, Riprap Lined Channel (NCDOT Class II Riprap with D50 = 1.17 ft) and NCDOT Type 2 Filter Fabric (Table 1056-1) r fol Ko Project No K1014 03 Eng By WHT Date 8/14/2003 State Project 8 2492901 (U-2815C) Bryan Blvd from Regional Dr to West of Inman Dr for Piedmont Triad Airport Authority MANNING'S EQUATION - ENGLISH U-2815C: Riser Basin #1 - Principal Outfall (Low Flow Channel through Basin) Design Criteria for Channel Q 10= 30 cfs Base (B)= 3 ft Avg Side (Z)= 2 1 n= 0 041 Maximum Slope= 0 0513 f/f 2 0% = 0 02) Computed /Design Results Max V= 6 28 fps Depth (d)= 0 98 ft Hydraulic Radius (R)= 0 66 ft Grass Lining Check Retar = 20 EC-15, Chts 5-9 3 12 ps anning's= 0 063 Iteration for Grass Linma d= 0 98 n= 0 041 A= 4 83 Y= 3 64 R= 0 66 W= 3 64 M= 100 X= 0 00 >0 1? F= 0 98 d= 0 98 GOOD A= 4 83 sf P= 0 04 R= 0 66 ft n= 0 063 X= 002249 >0 0005? Design for Riprap Lining HEC-11 Permissible Tractive Force (Shear Stress) Check D50 dsn= 0 83 ft SELECTED - Median Riprap Size n= 00383 HEC-11, Eqn 20, n=0 0395*(D50) ie Ss= 2 65 pcf ASSUMED - Specific Gravity of Riprap Ys= 165 pcf Unit Weight of Selected Riprap = 624 pcf Unit Weight of Water e= 26 57 deg Bank Angle with Horizontal 41 5 deg HEC-11, Chart 4 - Angle of Repose for Selected Riprap K1= 0 74 HEC-11, Eqn 17 - Correction Factor for Bank Angle SP= 0 047 The Shield's parameter- SF= 12 HEC-11, Table 11 - Stabile Factor Td= 2 10 psf HEC-11, Eqn 15, Driving Shear Stress, Td=yRS ¢c= 2 98 psf HEC-11, Eqn 16, Permissible Shear Stress, Tc=K1*SP( s- D50 Driving Shear Stress >= Permissible Shear Stress; LINING IS STABLE HEC-11 Permissible Velocity Check D50 min= 0 4 ft HEC-11, Eqn 22, D50 = 0 001*Va3/(da„g05K1') Cs= 1 00 HEC-11, Eqn 23 - Correction for Riprap Specific Gravity Cf= 1 00 HEC-11, E n 24 - Correction for Stabile Factor D50 req= 0 39 ft Min Required D50 - Corrected Selected D50 is ACCEPTABLE. Permissible Velocity is greater than Driving Velocity Therefore, Riprap Lined Channel (NCDOT Class 1 Riprap with D50 = 0.83 ft) and NCDOT Type 2 Filter Fabric (Table 1056-1) ?s Ko Project No K1014 03 Eng By WHT Date 8/14/2003 State Project 8 2492901 (U-2815C) Bryan Blvd from Regional Dr to West of Inman Dr for Piedmont Triad Airport Authority MANNING'S EQUATION - ENGLISH U-2815C Riser Basin #2 - Overflow Outfall Channel Q 10= Base (B)= Avg Side (Z)= n= Maximum Slope= 84 cfs 5 ft 3 1 0 041 01000 f/f (2 0% = 0 Computed / Design Results Max V= 9 55 fps Depth (d)= 1 07 ft Hydraulic Radius (R)= 0 75 ft Grass Lining Check Retar = 20 EC-15, Chts 5-9 6 68 ps anning's= 0 051 d= 107 n= 0 041 A= 8 79 Y= 7 24 R= 0 75 W= 7 24 M= 100 X= 0 00 >0 1 F= 107 d= 107 GOOD A= 8 79 sf P= 0 04 R= 0 75 ft n= 0 051 X= 001047 >0 0005? Design for Riprap Lining HEC-11: Permissible Tractive Force (Shear Stress) Check D50 dsn= 1 17 ft SELECTED - Median Riprap Size n= 00405 HEC-11, Eqn 20, n=0 0395*(D50) Ss= 2 65 pcf ASSUMED - Specific Gravity of Riprap Ys= 165 pcf Unit Weight of Selected Riprap = 624 pcf Unit Weight of Water e= 18 43 deg Bank Angle with Horizontal 41 8 deg HEC-11, Chart 4 - Angle of Repose for Selected Riprap K1= 0 88 HEC-11, Eqn 17 - Correction Factor for Bank Angle SP= 0 047 The Shield's parameter- SF= 12 HEC-11, Table 11 - Stabile Factor Td= 4 66 psf HEC-11, Eqn 15, Driving Shear Stress, Td=YRS Tc= 4 97 psf HEC-11, Eqn 16, Permissible Shear Stress, Tc=K1*SP( s- D50 Driving Shear Stress >= Permissible Shear Stress; LINING IS STABLE HEC-11 Permissible Velocity Check D50 min= 1 0 ft HEC-11, Eqn 22, D50 = 0 001*Va3/(da„y05KIW ) Cs= 1 00 HEC-11, Eqn 23 - Correction for Riprap Specific Gravity Cf= 1 00 HEC-11, E n 24 - Correction for Stabile Factor D50 req= 1 02 ft Min Required D50 - Corrected Selected D50 is ACCEPTABLE. Permissible Velocity is greater than Driving Velocity Therefore, Riprap Lined Channel (NCDOT Class II Riprap with D50 = 1.17 ft) and NCDOT Type 2 Filter Fabric (Table 1056-1) • 0 0 Selected D50 is ACCEPTABLE. Permissible Velocity is greater than Driving Velocity Ko Project No K1014 03 Eng By WHT Date 8/14/2003 State Project 8 2492901 (U-2815C) Bryan Blvd from Regional Dr to West of Inman Dr for Piedmont Triad Airport Authority MANNING'S EQUATION - ENGLISH U-2815C Riser Basin #2 - Low Flow Channel through Basin Design Criteria for Channel Q 10= 42 cfs Base (B)= 3 ft Avg Side (Z)= 2 1 n= 0 041 Maximum Slope= 0 0500 f/f (2 0% = 0 02 Computed / Design Results Max V= 6 80 fps Depth (d)= 1 16 ft Hydraulic Radius (R)= 0 75 ft Grass Lining Check Retar = 20 EC-15, Chts 5-9 3 62 ps anrnng's= 0 058 Iteration for Grass Linma d= 1 16 n= 0 041 A= 618 Y= 5 12 R= 0 75 W= 5 12 M= 100 X= 0 00 >0 1 F= 1 16 d= 116 GOOD A= 618 sf P= 0 04 R= 0 75 ft n= 0 058 X= 001768 >0 0005? Design for Riprap Lining HEC-11 Permissible Tractive Force (Shear Stress) Check D50 dsn= 0 67 ft SELECTED - Median Riprap Size n= 00369 HEC-11, Eqn 20, n=0 0395*(D50) Ss= 2 65 pcf ASSUMED - Specific Gravity of Riprap Ys= 165 pcf Unit Weight of Selected Riprap = 624 pcf Unit Weight of Water e= 26 57 deg Bank Angle with Horizontal 415 deg HEC-11, Chart 4 - Angle of Repose for Selected Riprap K1= 0 74 HEC-11, Eqn 17 - Correction Factor for Bank Angle SP= 0 047 The Shield's parameter SF= 12 HEC-11, Table 11 - Stabile Factor sd= 2 35 psf HEC-11, Eqn 15, Driving Shear Stress, Td=yRS Tc= 2 38 psf HEC-11, Eqn 16, Permissible Shear Stress, Tc=K1*SP( s- D50 Driving Shear Stress >= Permissible Shear Stress; LINING IS STABLE HEC-11 Permissible Velocity Check ) D50 min= 0 5 ft HEC-11, Eqn 22, D50 = 0 001*Va3/(da,905K132 Cs= 1 00 HEC-11, Eqn 23 - Correction for Riprap Specific Gravity Cf= 1 00 HEC-11, E n 24 - Correction for Stability Factor D50 req= 0 46 ft Min Required D50 - Corrected Therefore, Rlprap Lined Channel (NCDOT Class B Riprap with D50 = 0 67 ft) and NCDOT Type 2 Filter Fabric (Table 1056-1) a il -1 1 r ?i Ko Project No K1014 03 Eng By WHT Date 8/15/2003 State Project 8 2492901 (U-2815C) Bryan Blvd from Regional Dr to West of Inman Dr for Piedmont Triad Airport Authority MANNING'S EQUATION - ENGLISH U-2815C Riser Basin #3 - Overflow Outfall Channel Design Criteria for Channel Q 10= 52 cfs Base (B)= 4 ft Avg Side (Z)= 3 1 n= 0 041 Maximum Slope= 0 0400 f/f (2 0% = 0 02 Computed /Design Results Max V= 6 10 fps Depth (d)= 1 15 ft Hydraulic Radius (R)= 0 76 ft Grass Lining Check Retar = 20 EC-15, Chts 5-9 2 86 ps ammng's= 0 061 Iteration for Grass Lining d= 1 15 n= 0 041 A= 8 52 Y= 7 09 R= 0 76 W= 7 09 M= 100 X= 0 00 >0 1 F= 1 15 d= 115 GOOD A= 8 52 sf P= 0 04 R= 0 76 ft n= 0 061 X= 002039 >0 0005 Design for Ri ra Lining HEC-11 Permissible Tractive Force (Shear Stress) Check D50 dsn= 0 83 ft SELECTED - Median Riprap Size n= 00383 HEC-11, Eqn 20, n=0 0395*(D50)1" Ss= 2 65 pcf ASSUMED - Specific Gravity of Riprap Ys= 165 pcf Unit Weight of Selected Riprap = 624 pcf Unit Weight of Water e= 18 43 deg Bank Angle with Horizontal 41 8 deg HEC-11, Chart 4 - Angle of Repose for Selected Riprap K1= 0 88 HEC-11, Eqn 17 - Correction Factor for Bank Angle SP= 0 047 The Shield's parameter SF= 12 HEC-11, Table 11 - Stabile Factor Td= 1 89 psf HEC-11, Eqn 15, Driving Shear Stress, Td=yRS Tc= 3 55 psf HEC-11, Eqn 16, Permissible Shear Stress, Tc=K1*SP( s- D50 Driving Shear Stress >= Permissible Shear Stress; LINING IS STABLE HEC-11 Permissible Velocity Check D50 min= 0 3 ft HEC-11, Eqn 22, D50 = 0 001*Va3/(davg SK13n) Cs= 1 00 HEC-11, Eqn 23 - Correction for Riprap Specific Gravity Cf= 1 00 HEC-11, E n 24 - Correction for Stabile Factor D50 req= 0 26 ft Min Required D50 - Corrected Selected D50 is ACCEPTABLE. Permissible Velocity is greater than Driving Velocity Therefore, Riprap Lined Channel (NCDOT Class I Riprap with D50 = 0.83 ft) and NCDOT Type 2 Filter Fabnc (Table 1056-1) t Ko Project No K101403 State Project 8 2492901 (U-2815C) Eng By WHT Bryan Blvd from Regional Dr to West of Inman Dr Date 8/15/2003 for Piedmont Tnad Airport Authority MANNING'S EQUATION - ENGLISH U-2815C Riser Basin #3 - Principal Outfall Channel Design Criteria for Channel Q 10= 52 cfs Base (B)= 4 ft Avg Side (Z)= 3 1 n= 0 041 Maximum Slope= 0 0150 f/f 2 0% = 0 02) Computed /Design Results Max V= 4 26 fps Depth (d)= 1 46 ft Hydraulic Radius (R)= 0 92 ft Grass Lining Check Retar = 20 EC-15, Chts 5-9 136 ps anning's= 0 067 Iteration for Grass Lmina d= 146 n= 0 041 A= 12 20 Y= 11 57 R= 0 92 W= 11 57 M= 100 X= 0 00 >0 1 F= 146 d= 146 GOOD A= 12 20 sf P= 0 04 R= 0 92 ft n= 0 067 X= 002679 >0 0005? Design for Riprap Lining HEC-11 Permissible Tractive Force (Shear Stress) Check D50 dsn= 0 83 ft SELECTED - Median Riprap Size n= 00383 HEC-11, Eqn 20, n=0 0395*(D50)"6 Ss= 2 65 pcf ASSUMED - Specific Gravity of Riprap Ys= 165 pcf Unit Weight of Selected Riprap = 624 pcf Unit Weight of Water e= 18 43 deg Bank Angle with Horizontal 41 8 deg HEC-11, Chart 4 - Angle of Repose for Selected Riprap K1= 0 88 HEC-11, Eqn 17 - Correction Factor for Bank Angle SP= 0 047 The Shield's parameter- SF= 12 HEC-11, Table 11 - Stability Factor Td= 0 86 psf HEC-11, Eqn 15, Driving Shear Stress, Td=YRS Tc= 3 55 psf HEC-11, Eqn 16, Permissible Shear Stress, Tc=K1*SP( s- D50 Driving Shear Stress >= Permissible Shear Stress; LINING IS STABLE HEC-11 Permissible Velocity Check D50 min= 01 ft HEC-11, Eqn 22, D50 = 0 001*Va3/(da„9 5K1 W) Cs= 1 00 HEC-11, Eqn 23 - Correction for Riprap Specific Gravity Cf= 1 00 HEC-11, E n 24 - Correction for Stability Factor D50 req= 0 08 ft Min Required D50 - Corrected Selected D50 is ACCEPTABLE. Permissible Velocity is greater than Driving Velocity Therefore, Riprap Lined Channel (NCDOT Class I Riprap with D50 = 0.83 ft) and NCDOT Type 2 Filter Fabric (Table 1056-1) Roe' ey\u2815c\ogn\plans\RWA\U2815CA-07 psh -? -MATCHLINE- STA. 68+00.00 SEE SHEET NO. 6 \ \ \ J I \ \\ \\ I I 23' 23' / \ \ \ \ I / /nm?m \ \ \ \? I ' ' 6 rm?? a 6 \\ \:J1 i r\ \ S P anC> P 3" N? o ? \ I j ,® Z Z N O = \O \ - \ I ? nm'IN?x Np?jD \ \ ? \ Ut 1??f'' Jp --1 A C N O \ \\ m \\ m\ \\ I m ?'I m o Y 1 / 6 l a D ?-i?oD? \\ `\\ ` `\\ o`\ `\\ `\ ' ml "® 4 - ?"' r ?c?tOwva+m H -mac x<v??lnm ?6n1?` r \ \ mN T \ Wes` \ I r T?mOmo z r -4 0 S ?ro? \ \\ °\ I I u 3 mil o° ?Q T ?° ?? 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