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HomeMy WebLinkAbout20170835 Ver 1_Approval Letter_20170713En vironm en ta! Quality Site Total ROY COOPER i�,:��,;�„ MICHAEL S. REGAN �,.. ,,-r,,, ti. JAY 7IMMERMAN t,�;,,•� «, h:.y 13, 2017 Goilford Ccunty NCDWR ProjEct No. 20170835 [iridge I 12 on SR 21GS WBS Eiement 45687.1.1 APPROVAL of 401 WATGR QUALiTY CLR i IFiCATiON and J1'iRDAN LAKE Vl'ATCRSIiGD BUFFER AUTHORIZATION with ADDITIONRL CONDlTIONS Mr. Mike Mi:ls, P.E., Div;sion Engineer NCDOT, Division 7 P.(�. Bux Id496 Gree�sbcro, NC 27415 Dear Mr. Mills: You have our approval, in accordance with the conditions listed below, for [he following impacts to replace Bridge 112 with a new bridge over the Haw River on Eversfield Road in Guilford Counry: Site bV t 9'otals Fear River Basin Fill Fill F.xcavation Mechamzed Hand l'learin� 'i'ota! Wetland t31� (ten:porury) I f2i) Ciearing(a.) I (acj � Impactiac) I—_—�ac�— � �----- -- -- � �--- 0.01 -- 0.05 —r 0.01 0.07 -- �-----------0.05 U.111 U.49 --- 0.01 �-- _ ---I --�-- ------I Tntal Wetland Impact for Pmject: 0.07 acres. Stream Im acfs in the CaQe Fe: —�--- --- Permanent Fill in � Temporary Fill in Permanent Fill in I�ttrmiite�. Intermottent Stream Perennial Stream Stream (linear £t) (linear R) Due te Bank IS[abilization (lincar R) _ _ -- �— —�-- 57---- 5? Total St� eam Impact for Pro,ject: 5,' linear feei. Temporary Fill in Perennial Stream (linear ft) ` �'Nothing Campares :-� Sta[e ci Ncrth Care�ina; firvim��men[ai (�ual'�n,� IGi7 hla�l Je;vicu wnter I Rnlegh, Nordi Cmolina 276�J-1617 Tota15[ream Stream Impact lmpacts Qinear ft) i Requiring � Mitigation S7 __ _ N/A 5 i :V,'A Si#e Bl i fitai5 Jordan Lake Watershed Ri Gone 1 �o�� i �einu.s = �o�ae D ���+ffer �����i Vb`etlands� Buffers (not 1Vlitigation in �one 1 wetlands� I3e�eeered (sq ft) �sq ft) (sq ft) (using 3:1 5;8'33 I 0 Ni�� Buffer Im acts Zon� '� , minass Ia:apac� W�tlands °i en �one 2 (sq ft) �sq ft) 0 � '�,33� � 1�;'�, "� 2,: '�oQai �nfi'er I.a�pa�t for Ps�ojeet: �,145 sye�are f�et G = Z��Q 2 I Zone 2 Buffer �uffers (not I `di��j��¢p�� e�etlands; �tec��:rer� (sq ft) (using 1.5:1 ra�tio) �:2$2 7�T/,!� 2,3�2 I �/� :• - The proiect sha11 b., cons�ucted ir, acco�3ance �:th your applicati�i� date�' received July 6, 2C27. After revi�wuig - your�on, v��e �:ave decided that ihesa �mpa�ts are covzre�i �y Genera� �VaE�r c2uality �.erciitcatic;rx Numbzr �?0&5. 'This cPrtificatior_ corres�en�s te 1�lation:��ide Pe .mit 3 isvued hy the Carps o� Engir.eers. This 2ppreval is alse � E�alid :o:� tha rordari L�ke VVatersr�� �iYarian B�:ffe.• Ruies [? SA N���� 2P.�2�'�. In arl�iti�r., yo;z sho�l� a�quir� any oil;er federal, state ar ;ocal permits befo:� you �roceed with yaur p;ojzct includir�g (,bu� not limiYed to) �edir;ient � and� Erasior� Conr�l, �don-Bischarge an� Water Supply �Natarsl��ed rzgulat:ons. i his a�pravai will expire with the accom�anyi:ig a04 per_:�it. Triis a�proval is valid soleiy for tne ptu�os� and ciesi�n described ir� yaur ap�licati�ii (�iiess riiodifeu tuzlow j. �nouid - yotir proje�:i change, y�u mus`r notify �he .i1CI3VVR and �ubmii a new application. Ii the proper�y is so;d, tl�e new �wner must be, give:� a cogy of this �e: t:fi�aticn ar..a. a�proval ie�er, an i is there�y resp��le for complyiag ivith al: tue c�nciitiens. if totai wetlan� fills iar tniy �rojzci, (r.ow or i�-� tlte fu�ure) exceed une acrz, or of totai unpacts to streams (now or in the future; excLed 300 linear feet, compensztory mitigation may be required as described in 15A NCAC 2H .0506 (h) (6) and (7). Additional buffer impacts may require compensatory mitigation as described in 15A NCAC 2B .0267. For this approval to remain valid, you must adhere to the conditions listed in the attached certification(s) and any additional conciitions listed below. �ondicia�n(s} ai Cert:fcatiar+; �i i'i,y£C�i .��'i�CiTiC �:011i�lf�lGl.s l. �` s a eonditier. c�f this 4�1 ��Tater Quality Certifica±:on; the bridge demo.:t:�on ancl �onstruction mas± be • accomplishEci in st;ict caanpiiance wiih the mast recent version of T-dCDi�T's Best Mar�ageir�er�i Praciices for Construction and Maintenance Activities. [15A NCAi, 02H .0507(d)(2) and 15A NCAC 02H .c�SQ��ii�)� . • ' 2. 'T`he post-constr�action removai: of any t�mp�rary bridae structures must return the �rojeci site zo its - preconsh•uciion contours a�nd�eievations. The impa4ted a�eas sha11 i�e revegetated witn appropriate riative species. �15Ei NCAC 02J-� .0506(b)(21] 3: Bridge deck cira'u-,s shait not disciiarge duectly into ttie streaiii. Stoiniwaier siiall 'oe d'u-ected across the bridge and pre-treated through site-anpropriaie means (grassed swales, pre-formed scow hoies, vegetated �urfers, etc. j bef�re er.tering t�e s*�eam. To !�eet thP req�:�.remPnts of NC��JT's IVPi.��S permit ivCSG00250 pizase refzr to the inosi recent version of ti�e Nurtn Carolina Depattment of Trans�c,rtaiion Stoim�Nater.Best Managerr,ent Pracii�es Tooibox manual for approv�d ineasures. [i�A NCA�; 02H .0507(d)(2) and 15A NCAC 02H .0506(b)(5)] 1�. Bridge piles arci _L��nts shall bv constructed �issig driven piies �r:ammer �r vibrato:y) or d:•i:led shaf� C3?15�i'li�tian.neilzcas. I�t2cre speci� call;�, ie�+�r.� cr at�er .:et?3�ds a: �i?a �ivir�g �r� prihibitec: with�u±�rio� w!•itten approvat f�am t'e.e T�C;T_»IR *�rst_ [15A l�IC�C 02ri.0_>"Oti(ej(2)] 5. �io drill �iw;ry or wate: that �'�as be�n in c�r.t�ct witti uncurec� con�ret� shall �e al�e��ed to enter surfa4e ���aters. This water shall �e captured, tr�a±ed, and disYesed of �ro�e:ly. [15 Q NCAC 02H .0506�)(3) G. A�L�.ThIti=L1' �i11�i21:i 4Vi�� �� 1T15;�+1��(1 li? Ci1S urC�Bi;t lf C�i:V1�7� Qi L�C1i�IC1� �Ctl'.✓iil�S OC.^.Ui Wit�el� t�lZ Sit'�3iil char,tiel; on the sa�earra barik, �r within 5 f�et of �he to� of ba��ic. This cc�naition can be �laived w:tii �rior aoproval frcr.i the �ii:D'�JR. LlSA T�C,� C U?N .(��O��t���3} i i. All bridge canstruction snall be perfonned fmm the existing bridge, temporary worx bridges, temporary causeways, or floating oT sunken barges. If work conditions require barges; they shall be floated into position and then sunk. The bazges shall not be sunk and then dragged into position Under no circumstances should barges be dragged along the bottom of the surface watec [15A NCAC 02H A506(bx3)] 8. All stormwater runoff shall be directed as sheetflow flvough stream buffers at non-erosive velociries, unless otherwise approved by Lhis certification. ( I SA NG4C 2B.0267J 9. All riparian buffers impacted by the placement of temporary fill or cleazing acrivities shall be restored to the precons�uction contours and revegetated. Maintained buffen shali be pernwnently revegetated with non- woody species by the end of the u�wing season following completion of construction. For the purpose of this condirion, maintained buffer areas aze defined as areas within the transportation corridor that will be subject to regular NCDOT maintenance activities including mowing. The azea with non-maintained buffers shail be permannntly revegetated with native woody species befure the next gowing season following completion of conswctioa [ I SA NCAC 2B.02G i j 10. Pursuant to 15A NCAC 2B .0267, sediment and erosion control devices shall not be placed in Zone 1 of any Jordan Lake Buffer without prior approval by the NCDWR. At this time, the NCDWR has appruved no sediment and erosion control devioes in I, outside of the approved project �n�pacts, anywhere on this projec[. Moreover; sediment and erosion control devices shall be allowed in Zone 2 of the buffers if 7one 1 is nor comprumised anJ that discharge is released as diliuse flow. l 1. My modifications to this 401 Water Qualiry Certificatio� that propose additional stream impacts or increased impervious surface requiring addirional stormwater management may be subject the Jordan Water Supply Nutrient Shrategy [ 15A NCACO2B .0267]. The NCDOT shall coordinate with the NCDWR prior to submitting a modification request to determine the applicability of the Jordan Water Supply Nutrient Strategy. General Conditions 1. lf concrete is used during construction, a dry work azea shall be maintained to prevent direct contact bete��een curing cencrete and stream water. W ater that inach�ertently contxcts uncured concrete shall not be dischazgad to surface waters due to the potential for elevated pH and possible aquatic life a�d fish kills. ( I SA tdCAC 02Fi.020�j 2. During the construction of the project, no staging of equipment of any kind is oertnitted in waters of the U.S., ur protected riparian buffers. [15A NCAC 02H.0506(b)(2)] 3. The dimension, nariem and profile of the stream above and below the crossing shall not be modified. Disturbed fleod;�iains and streams shall be reswred to nxlural geomorphic conditions [l5A NCAC 02}L0506(b)(2)] 4. The use of rip-rap above the Normat High Water Mark shall be minimized. Any rip-rap placed for stream stabilization shall be placed in stream channels in such a manner that it does not impede aquatic life passage. [� 5p NCAC 02H.05(16(bx2)] 5. The Permittee shall ensure that the final design �uawings adherc to the permit and to the permit drawings submitted for approvaL [15A NCAC 02H .0507{c) and 15A A'CAC 02H .0506 (bl(2) and (cx2)] 6. All work in or adjacent to stream waters shall be conducted in a dry work area. Approved BMP measures from the most current ve*sion of NCDOT Construction and Maintenance Activities manual such as sandbags, rock beans, cofferdsuns and other diversion struchves shall be used to prevent excavation in flewing water. [iSA NCAC U2H.0506(bj(3 j and (c)(3)] 7. Hea�y equipmc�t shall br operated fro�n ±he btmks ;ather than in the sG�ean: channei in o:drr to minimize sedimentation and reduce the introduction of other pollutants into the stream. [ 15A NCAC 02H.0506(bx3)] A. All mechauized equipm:,-�rt operaied ne�� surface watzrs must be rzgularly inspected ar.d maintained tc prevent contamination of �tream waters from fuels, lubricants, hyd�ulic tluids, or other toxic materialc, [t SA NCAC 02H.0546(b)(3 jJ 9. No rock, sand or other materials shall be dredged from the stream channel except where authorized by this cercification. [i SA NCAC �2Ii.G��6(b)�3 j] =�10. Dischargirig hydroseed mixcures and washing out hyciroseeders and other equipment in or acijacent to surface waters is pr�hib:ted. [15A NCAC Q2H.05�6(b)(3)] 11. The Permittee and its authorized agents shall conduct its activities in a manner consistent with State water qaa�ii� st�rs�ar�s "(u-�;:lud�.� a.ny �'e:�uire�i�r�ts resa?ting n•�rn com�:1_:ut?�e �t-ith :3is(�j :�i 1.� Clea;i �:�a�zr A�t; �r.c1 aiz; tiiher arF:opriate r�quiretnerirs of Sta±e an1 Fe�eral ia•N. Ii the �iCD E�h deter.nines th�t �u�h star,��•ds vr [au�s are not be;r.g uzet (ir�c?u3i;1g the iail•ar� to sustain a designate� ar achi��e� ase) o*• ihat S±ate �-or,i���r�i iat�v is h�ing violatPd, or t'aat fiarther con�:ti�ns are ne��ssa.'y in ass��re c:�m�l��nce, i_he'�C��h%I? may reevaivate and madif,y ihis certificat�on. �iSA NC�C �2B.OZO�j 12. .?�11 Fi�1.sloF;es lccate� in i�a:is�€c±:onal ��etlar.ds s?-:all be �Jaced at slopes n� flatter tha.� 3:1, unless �trter:aise :_ - �: authc�riz�n ny fnis certification. i l�A NCA� 02H.0506('0)(2}] 1.�. A c��y cf this �J�Iat�z• `�al:ty Certificatio� s�iall b� mai7tair�ed �r< <he a�nstructicsn �ite a� a11 ti�ies. I:� _. addit?on, the G;a�er Quali±y.Certification and all subsequent modifications, if an;�, shall_ be maintained with .- � t:nP T>,visior� En�i.neer a*ad tne en-size �rujeci mar_ager. [15A �iC�iC Q2H .��C7(c) and i 5� �?CAG 02H .05�5 +l�i(2i anc3 ��)(2)1 14. The outside b�ff�r, wetland or water boundary iocateci with?n the constcuciion corridor apnroveci 'ny ihis � autr�orizat�cn�s�all be clea:l�• rr.arked b;y r.ighly visible f�ncing priar to any land d�sturbing ua,tlVities. lmpacts __ _:_ _. -to areas within: the fencing are prohibited unless otherwise authorized by this certification. [15A NCAC O�H.O5O1 S:'id .0502] 15. The issuance of this certification does not exempt the Permittee from complying with any and all statutes, , rules, regulations, or ordinances that may be imposed by other government agencies (i.e. local, state, and .. federal) having jurisdiction, including but net limited to applicable buffer rules, stormwater management -- �.. -. rules, soil er�sion and sedimentation control requirements, etc. 16. T�'e Perr.�:tieE'. 5133�� '_'0T10?i P.?'i�' V10�3�i713s of thi� .�rtif���ti�n ta th� �)1ViS1(?P. Of �,�'at�P R.�SOIt:';,Pg `�'ltlll:l �� hc�s cf �is�overy. I 15� NCt`,C f;2B.0506(u)(2;] 17: iJpoc� com�lction •oi t��e praject (uic,u�ing any impacts ai associa�:,d 'nci�-aw° or waste sites), tiie NCT,OT _ Divisica Er.gineer (or appcirtz�) shall cartp�ete and returr< <he enclosed "Cert:f��atian of Cam�letion �'arr:i" to notify the NCD�VR when aI1"work iricluded in the 401 Certitication has been compieted. [15A NCAC 02i-I.OSC2L�)j i'K. �1.�1•Ji: i1�1I'43?1 V��TEtatt(?iI 1�3i:Si.�e i�PSul�i.shed ir. tbe ripar�ar� �TE�S VJiti]Ii2 in� CE7P_Sr`!iGL3Ji1 i�Yi"ia1S G� �he nrcjec� by �Iir ar�d ef.t]-,e �os�vin� �e�sn� follow:ng com�letic�r. of �ons�•uctioaz. i15r'1 I�TC�? C�2p.�2671,] (?)1 14._ There shall be na exca��tion from, �r waste.disposa] into, jurisdictional•wetlands c�r waters associated with .- this permii vyithouiappropria're modification. Should waste or borrow sites, or access roads to waste or rorrow �. s�re�,'oe ioc.a:ea Li wetla:��s vr st���nis, c�:r��ensatory tnitigat:o�� wi�l be re�uired sirce that is a di-e�t inrpact � . �c�m-road const:uc±ion activiti�s. j15A rJCAC 02H.OSQ6��;(3) ar.d (c);3)] ?0. Ero�ion ��d sedim�nt c�ntrel pcactices miist be in fiall compliatzc� w:#h �,I1 speei#icat;il::c bG`>'erning the �roper �. �- design, insta:laiion ar�ci uperation and maintenance of suali Best Managernei�t Practices ui order to protect s�:r:ace ivzters standar�s [1�A N�AC 0��-I.OSOG(�)(3} and (c)(3]): a. '?'he erosion ar_d.sediment control me�s��re,s for the nroject must be desigr_ed, installed, o�erated, an� r�ain��i;�e� ir� accordan�P ;��ith the in�s= r�cent versian of the Nof•tli C�rolina Se�':me�t �i�� EYOSIO?1 C�nt, al Plara�i;�g and Desigtz �'{�a;ival. , i1. T�:; CiE3i�tl, li�s:��id110:;, G]��'2'��10ri, �'lu I:laII2:E'_"iu:;C� O� �1]C S�S:��'?��ri'e 3fi� ::r�sior, e�n�ro1_ 1�18:lS=12'PS P_11�ji be such that they equal, or exceed, the requirements specified in the most recent version oi the North Carolina Sedimerrt and.�s•osion Cvntro? Mara.tal. The devices shall be maintained on all cons�-uctian Sdt4s, �?Cll"i'C��N S]TwS, 3ili� tiVaSt� �ti�� �S'�3O'.�� j7illJ�CtS, =l�CilEt�312� Ct;BLCact��-��,�nec� Or �e��4'� f?(�YCGV� �iLS c�.S$GCi2t�(�'v'dltil T�iQ t�'^jeCl: c. For borrow pit sites, the erosion and sediment conhol measures must be desi�ed, installed, operated, and mainWined in acwrclance with the most recent version of the Norfh Cmolina Surface Minrng Mnnual. d. The reclamation measures and implementation must comply with the reclamation in accordance with the requiremenu of the Sedimentation Pollution Control Act. 21. Sediment and erosion control measures shall not be placed in wetlands or waters unless otherwise approved by :his Certificateon. [15A NCAC 02H.0506(bx3) and (c)(31) If you wish to contest any statement ir, the attached Certification you must file a petition for an adminisVaNve he,uing. You may obtain !he petrtion form from the office of Administrative hexrings. You mest file .*.he pefition with the office of Administrative Hearings witnin sixty (60) days of receipt of [his notice. A petition is considered filed when it is received in the office of Adminislrative Hearings during normal office hours. T'he Office of Administrative Hearings accepts filings Monday through Friday betweea the hours of 8:OOam and 5:04pm, except for official state holidays. The uriginai and une (1) wpy of the petition must be filed with the Oftice of Administrative Hearings. The petition may be faxed-provided the original and one copy of the 3ocument is rzceived by thz Office of Administrative Hearings within five (5) business days following the faxed tiansmission. The mailing address for the Office of Administrative Hearings is: Office of Administrative Hearings 6714 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-6714 Telephone:(9l9)431-3000, Facsimile:(919) 431-3100 A copy of the petition must also be served on DEQ as follows: Mr. Satn M.Hayes, General Counsel Department of Environmental Quality 1601 Mail Service Center This letter coa:nletes the review of the Division of Water Resources under Sectiou 401 of the Clezn Water A�K. If you hava any queslions, pleaxe contact April NcrWn at (336)77b-9703 or Aoril.Nortonnn ncdenr.eov. Sincerel//�Z�� _ (, d %— i�� �S. Jay Zimm-rman, D'vector � Division of Water Resources Elechnnic copy only distribution: Dave Bailey, US Army Corps of Engineen, Raleigh Field Office Jerry Parker, Division 7 Env'vonmental Offcer Nicole Thomson, Division 7 Environmental Assistant Travis Wilson, NC Wild!ife R:sources Commission File Copy Environmental Qualrty NCRV4'R Projett Na: 9�i flicarv[. Froject Name: Da[2 of Issuancc nS401 W�ter Quality Certifirat�on: ('cunty: ROY COOPER MICHACLS.REGAN l.� ,�.:,: . S. JAY' ZIMMERMAN Certifi.ate oTC'ompletion Upon cnmplrtion o_f'a!I work �pproved within the 401 W'atzr Quality Certific�ition or applicable Buffer Rules, and any s�ibsequeni rno.iificatiuns. the ap;�licant is required to re�irn ihic certificatz to the 401 Transportalinn Permi�tin_ Uni[. 1�brth Ca;olir:a Divisian of Reso:u'ces, 16!7 Mail Se�;�ice Cen[er. Ral�ieh, NC. 2',699-1617. This form may be returnzd to NCDWR by the applicam, the applicanYs authorized agent, or the proiec[ engineer. It is not necessary to send eertifcates from uli oi ilie;e. App(icanPs Certifearion I, , hereby state that, to the best of my abilities, due care and diligence was used in the observation of the construction such that the construction was observed to be built within substantial compliance and intent ofthe 401 Water Quality Certification and Buffer Rules, the approved plans and specifications, and other supponing materials. )ienature: iJate' Agen:'.c Certificotion 1 , hereby state �nat, tu thc best of ury abilities, due care and diligence wa; csed in the obsercation of the constructior ;uch thai the constructior, wa; observed to be built wi.hin substartizl wmpliance and intent of the 401 W'ater (luality Certitication and Buffer Rules, the approved plans and speciiications, y�d utner supperting mzieria(s. Signa±ure: Engineer's Cetlifteation Partial Final I, , as a dulq resistered Professional F.ngincer in the Staie of North Ce:'ofina, l�avina beer. author7ed to observe {periudicall;�, v,'eekly, full timz) :he constr�ction of the project fur the Pennittce hereby sta.e that, to the best of m} abilitie,, duc care a��d dili�,ence wa; used in the ebservation of thz construcnun such that the constructiun was observed to b2 built wilhin subs[antinl compliance and intent of the 401 Water Qualiiy Certification and Qotfer Rules. fhe app!•oved plans xnd ;pecifca[ions, and other ��ipporting materials. Signat!ve iiate Registratian No. `"Nothing Compares - � Statr nYiQn:tl• larollm:! Hevimnmentel.:; iai�t 1u17 Mail S¢rviczlemer'i knleigli, i<otlh Cn!alnia2i6S��-!bI";