HomeMy WebLinkAbout20150053 Ver 2_Signed R-2409C consultation_20170426North Carolina Department of Transportation PROJECT ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTATION FORM I. D. No. R-2409C I. GENERAL INFORMATION a. Consultation Phase: Construction b. Project Description: Safety Improvements to US 64 from west of NC 281 at Lake Toxaway to Indian Creek, Transylvania County, NC c. State Project: 34428.2.2 Federal Project: HPP-0064(115), TIP No. R-2409C d. Document Type: Categorical Exclusion 10/28/2013 Date II. CONCLUSIONS The above environmental document has been reevaluated as required by 23 CFR 771. It was determined that the current proposed action is essentially the same as the original proposed action with minor design changes. Proposed changes are noted below in Section III. It has been determined that anticipated social, economic, and environmental impacts were accurately described in the above referenced document(s) unless noted otherwise herein. Therefore, the original Administration Action remains valid. III. CHANGES IN PROPOSED ACTION AND ENVIRONMENTAL CONSEQUENCES Three project changes have been proposed as follows: 1) There is a need to relocate an approximately 70 foot reach of stream (UT Indian Creek) that was errantly surveyed outside of r/w, but that actually is situated within r/w where a fill slope will be constructed (see attachment #1, annotated roadway plan sheet). The fill slope is at the maximum slope design, so the stream conflict necessitates a channel relocation. Specifically, the approximate 70 foot stream reach near stations 64+75 to 65+25 needs to be moved approximately 15-20 feet south from the existing slope stakes and r/w to rebuild a new channel and benching without armoring the left bank, which could necessitate additional compensatory mitigation (beyond 1:1 for the relocation). -1- The relocation area was surveyed by Mr. Dave McHenry for rare species on May 5, 2017 and again on June 1, 2017. Habitat appears poorly-suited for small whorled pagonia due to sparse canopy coverage and specimens of this plant were not observed. Habitats for other listed terrestrial and aquatic species known from Transylvania County are absent in and near the proposed stream relocation area. The stream relocation work will require removal of approximately 8-10 small <2" dbh trees that are not suitable for bat roosting The project area is not in a "red huc" for northern long-eared bat and more than 0.5 miles from the nearest "red huc", so the project is consistent with the 4d rule. The NC Wildlife Resources Commission (WRC) and US. Fish and Wildlife Service were contacted on May 23, 2017 for comments on the project change. No concerns were expressed by WRC (May 23, 3017 email correspondence from Mrs. Marla Chambers with WRC). Ms. Marella Buncick with US Fish and Wildlife Service also indicated no concern/comment with the change in a personal conversation she had with Ms. Lari Beckwith (June 8, 2017 email to Dave McHenry). The project change should not alter the findings of the cultural resources reviews/survey or Section 106 determination for the project. The edge of the r/w near the project change area was the demarcation for the "Area of Potential Effects" for the archaeological survey conducted. As expressed by Mr. Matt Wilkerson, NCDOT archaeologist, in a personal conversation on May 31, 2017 with Mr. Dave McHenry, the minimal deviation of the proposed disturbance from the original APE for the project, the overall minor area of additional disturbance, and the negative archaeological survey findings for the original review do not warrant additional cultural resource investigation for the project change. 2) The soldier pile wall #6 near stations 67+75 to 68+50 (see attachment #2, wall # 6 plan) has been eliminated and will be replaced with a soil nail wall near same location. This change will be cleared with NCDOT geotech before implementation. This change will reduce the disturbance of the existing cut slope north of the road in that location. Mr. Dave McHenry discussed the proposal with Ms. Marella Buncick with US Fish and Wildlife Service on June 19, 2017 since the wall is close to small whorled pagonia populations. Ms. Buncick does not have a concern with the change provided it does not affect the plants. 3) The soldier pile wall # 1 will be eliminated and accommodated by a slight north shift in the road alignment near stations 10+00 to 16+00. This will require acquisition of additional r/w (see attachment #3, roadway plan sheet). -2- � V This addition of r/w was discussed with Mr. Matt Wilkerson and he and Mrs. Mary Pope Furr, NCDOT architectural historian, did not see any cultural resource concerns with the addition/change (June 20, 2017 email correspondence). Purpose and Need The primary Need and Purpose for this project is to improve safety and traffic flow and the proposed changes (1-3) have been determined to meet this purpose. LIST OF ENVIRONMENTAL COMMITMENTS See Attached Green Sheet from CE. Also, the following will be implemented: NCDOT will implement all practical measures and procedures to minimize and avoid environmental impacts. The relocated channel will be rebuilt using natural design techniques to the extent possible. Wall #6 design change will be cleared by NCDOT geotech before implementation and will be closely monitored during construction to ensure slope stability. Right-of-way/easements are currently being pursued to allow changes 1) and 3) to proceed. These along with a 404 Individual Permit modifications have been requested and will be considered pending, in part, the legal access. COORDINATION The following personnel have initiated the proposals or been consulted with concerning the current project proposals (1-3, see above) as follows: Div. 14, Construction Engineer: (1�3) Ted Adams, PE` FHWA Engineer: _(1) Geor e Hoops Human Environment Section: (1) Matt Wilkerson_ �3)Matt Wilkerson_ (3) Marv Pope Furr (Construction Consultations only) -3- Date 5-30-2017 Date _5-31-2017 _6-20-2017 _6-20-2017 Date VI. NCDOT CONCURRENCE DocuSigned by: �� �. V"���5 Divisiori'���r'oject Planning Engineer DocuSigned by: � Divis�i�F��4z�ii�ironmental Officer VII. FHWA CONCURRENCE DocuSigned by: le,ar�c, �oaps 11D322502536434... Federal Highway Administration Division Administrator �L 6/26/2017 Date 6/26/2017 Date 6/26/2017 Date us s4 From West of NC 281 at Lake Toxaway to Indian Creek Transylvania County WBS No. 34428.2.2 T.I.P. No. R-2409C PROJECT COMMITMENTS Division 14/ Right c�f Way Branch Land is required from Gorges State Park, which is part of the North Carolina (NC) State Park System. The park is located along the south side of US 64 on the western end of the project. The project requires the permanent use of property from the park's northern boundary along US 64. This land is subject to the State Parks Act (General Statute 113-44.14). Any removal or addition of land to a state park requires approval from the NC General Assembly. This land use is also subject to Sectian 4(fl of the USQOT Act of 1966. The NC DENR Division of Parks and Recreation concurs that the recommended improvements with Alternative 4 will have minimal impact on the park and that the project will not adversely affect the activities, features, and atiributes that qualify the property for protection under Section 4(fl with the following measures included to minimize harm: - Minimization of water quality impacts through stringent erosion controf. Use of native ptant species (no invasive species) for stabilizing the construction slopes after construction in the area of the state park. Revision of new park boundaries to join the roadway right of way with na private parcels in between. The properiy affected by this project or the right of way needed from Gorges State Park will need to be removed from the NC State Parks System and the State Nature and Historic Preserve. Approximately 7.26 acres of park property are located with the proposed right of way limits. A portion will be replaced by acquiring and transferring approximateiy 2.58 acres of private property befinreen US 64 and the park. Where US 64 is realigned away from the park, unnecessary right of way may also be considered for park repiacement. During final design, NCDOT wi{I coordinate with the Division of Parks and Recreation to revise ti�e boundary between the park and roadway right of way and determine compensation requirements. NCDOT will provide the documentation required for the NC General Assembly ta authorize this land use. During construction in the area of the park, NCDOT will minimize water quality impacts through stringent erosion control and use native plant species to stabilize slopes. TIP No. R-2409C Page 1 of 2 FHWA considecs the impacts from the praject to this 4(fl protected site to be minimal. �HWA has made a �(fj "de minimis" determination [23 CFR 774.17{5} (2)] based on concurrence from NC DENR Division of Parks and Recreatian that the projec# will not adversely affect the features, attributes, or activities qualifying the property for protection under Section 4(f�. Division 14/ Right of Way Branch A colony of federally protected small whorled pagonia plants is located in the eastern portion of the project just north of existing US 64. The colony is loca#ed within 50 feet of the existing roadway. The proposed alignment has been shifted to the south side of US 64 to avoid any direct impact ta the plants. NCDOT proposes a retaining walk to limit the amoun# of required cut slope near the plants. A retaining wall in this area will also help s#abilize the slope and prevent eros9on that could threaten the plants. Top-down construction and geotechnical fabrics will be considered to fimit tree canopy remavaE. During finai design, NCDOT wil! continue coordinating with the US Fish and Wildlife Service regarding tree removal, slope protection, and planting of native vegetation in this area. June 2017 Consultation: NCDOT will implement all practical measures and procedures to minimize and avoid environmental impacts. The relocated channel will be rebuilt using natural design techniques to the extent possible. Wall #6 design change will be cleared by NCDOT geotech before implementation and will be closely monitored during construction to ensure slope stability. Right-of-way/easements are currently being pursued to allow changes 1) and 3) to proceed. These along with a 404 Individual Permit modifications have been requested and will be considered pending, in part, the legal access. TIP No. R-2409C P�� 2 a� 2 . o,.���� � _ ..��m <1,� , � _ _ �....i PttOPbSELI � F'�. 0.0AOWNY CJ° nCO'I wn�axM K= 9? S� _ zee oe..r > , ---- PUf DETAIL 5 d+. K @II Pllow -i- „� _ PI Sto 52+695/ " "' p = Si57'13B'lLT7 D = 1293'S68 �.��a...� L= 955J7' ...i.. sv. r��.a: ar T= 2492CY .i- ���n. �z-vi ai R = 4501.V" .e.•:u.::::,,, c� SE = OA8 DS = 40 MPH � t8H kAUnRIES.MC. pB a28 P6 2G2 iN.E "t PC 9]S -el-al3 PWC 55t69.09 � S.r f pr Attachment #1 -9L-916 PMC � I � lbS H.'OCO �_�Y � � ixom� �_ , . __-_ --_"__--_c � � i up.. . -C- l�( 54+7557 aoeuw�, cw n�c� .. �� !�M' w.ruM '.��55�5'� Sff Df�NIY� � i _v�_ aao�in � - � ' � ���� i u, u i c�e�� � � y �/ � , w�tuu wti � / � �t�{ \ is I x�nuwer c:a onn�� wno, nk yOBR�Ip f 111 L�'b ���SRM CWCpVC• .- M�' 1! i UI': �`T -^J .1T. L( SY / eEVI GA [ w1 e4Prt�IpG �-O.NIA ��j � s �.t.ut t ��, �, � �BM ItAUSTRIES INL � E�t I�HS �� � O9 �28 p4 t6i .� k 1 .'Y cl �� ��� (kE 1 GG OS �C�::,:��:::�;��':��� __. . Engineering . . ... ..... ... stream relocation area - actual channel alignment shown in blue - relocate back to surveyed location to allow for slope fill �'�k":;�••. �—l._ � �y /. /; ' � I � roe cu�� w i.ss ! I sp s[c onai �r i ,� �M Llrv hBG 1�e S� >- ue - � n � � --� / l—� - �. ��� S�CCI<1 W ORG9 �, w Iv � 4 / �� �— � ti �z � i�i�a�m �I 1�. �� O ' �� ��� � _ _ .� '�L- �. l'°I�� I . � . a.�n s e�o �ais, t �� IG{I 1� iT '41� . .. � _,.�_ 11 ( 1 SY Gi �3R . 000' �[ O e� s . soco � e- STPTE OF NO(iiX GAqOIWA 08 26't PC e38 euaow�i cu� nimn �619$ PC 590 W/�rv°M OB <09 PO 2T �- -l` Fr FllE lo s110E sN sE: u[TAA n �. C I! / d '0S� ' � � � d oa� _ o.ev � M z a -�� - ,�„� �r �� h -8L-419 PWC 60+93.51 _'v� IIf38b7 � S�/5 3S9 '-YP- 11+87b3 � ar � �airo r2- i �` Go�� Lrq.NiJl,c �� �9 li - �'c3@'-12- *r�:ss CUi qtfw \Y 1SPM VLM1 OH' 05 1 d�nH �5(FF� �H� l . G4 K[�s r �on.'1 � -915 PWC 65+69.57 a�.ec � \ � s ��n � `. PINC 70+89.56 �' k O l9N P10U5(AIES, WC. 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IS�UARE fEET) 6 825 ,�;,., *replace soldier pile wall with soil nail wall TYPICAL SECTION PROJECT NO.�. R-2409C TRANSYLVANIA COUNTY ST�TION: �i7+53A0 -L- to 68�66.61 -l- SIIF.4_i'O`l . o,.���� � _ .. dm < 1:� , nRNL� pETAIL III f� iR\` SILUP T S1 SJMf kJI I.r'�Hn� � � � � � �ti Fl. o: �� I I- �� , � f—�� `� �S� �-�nn Nm.. � ten...� .+�k— ...Rim rMne ( P,nva•m O��e.— us �o. rs .�_. c� su y-y� .�- i.� \Iq �J-f) .t.'.1 oeTa� o n[aM v� n.oi I No�:n .ktl-1 ; ��\� �� n ^�V.�•.� �t Y'Pr•m � �i4M SiA. N-]i iU F4 A+00 ;� 1 �' -BL-901POT 5+00.00 1 � � r / i ������ k �� � �W \ � ro � �. a,�„ - , �, � - � � u a GQ � !:I ♦ �S~ ��i �� � � A J/ : �}�� no eoFueF canre =_e Attachment #3 DETNL A DETAIL B DETAII C '}..:pnF C'.M.f1 5k(14 ll llii✓ -fl4C Ob.N y� O / �.. � / . � � �. �u��•. ` ��. �., ,. C _ I. . M1\I�n °• � . Y5M ' w .rin+ .aWn 11'.. FRt�M 1T�, I� i Sp 'U �n q�}: .- L% i3VM $R.i$rii 4 $e.l'`OU-4l iROu >1R i)-�i 10 3:'h ��.C'u -�.. tl FROM bfA f0�991G yli 11-I1f=-1-ot —L— Pl 5Yo 11+9722 p = 45 46' Sl5" (LT) o = m z� aas L = 263.68' T = 13933' R = 330Dd SE = 048 DS = 40 MPH RNl! -L- Y � DR4rv i FN »a z a �r � sr� a M '6 , �� ,� ROADWP CUip�G��i \V?SIXAI YH il0'H.� �: . .. +Z�`? iO.W' _C , F4D4 5 n 1] �.15 TO $}A :)-4' "l' > O RECIN.H.D 0. N�NITSN. JP OB W2 PC 2B DB 136 PC 352 FILE ID SIDE 9i FROM 5'h le.. � i� $i41 r u]i _. 6i —L— Pl fo +9 .96 0 = 64'S8'39PlLTJ o = rz a3� ssb• L = 51033' i = 28656' R = 450D0' SE = QD8 OS = 40 MPH ditional R/W �C� ':::�;':��� __.. . Engineering , � , .,. � ��., .,. ;.. .u�oiFo e=xu, u�::, `w,ct e�m�wr scc nmN� o h etr > � roas F, ,:n �. , e� �� e<r nm� = ro cv % / N � �: �[tBt 5 NpGp L tUG jy �o.ao � couru c� ,� wrsieivr sk�rn�� � � / R' — �' ,,� �,.�-�� , w owev cor txrr.� zq - ,/f M w+ �� 54E JLtql /. \ f5 � 4 $Y PikM � � � 0 / i GTPPt4 C � � �( S /� ../ 'J.6f23 %g9�� 'ry_ = . +�or ... ao.ccr srco>•. r_r an. ! �a.; r *eliminate wall #1 and shift road slightly north � STAiE Of NORTN CAflOIWA OB 26) YC !38 OB]&5 PG J90 p8 aoq Pc zll iKE 10 SUOE 9l� SXUMN pS N.0 OIVLSION OF PARRS PND RECflEAil�l TRACT NO.IB OF COflGES STATE PaNR 0.Y A SIIRVEY BT E.ROGQi fiR%iEn,PLS PECOROEO IN f0.E W�SI.WE 93< TPANSTIVANIp FECISTEH Of �EEDS SFA1 - - SfAI. 226ofi . _ _ . Zn<�: '/ � '`{Y � k. � .ihlL A f � tt . {.����"+�1 ".. M1RM �' S6bl' q <._t \ rs� . �=��'� -n9a� A , 'u � i �i^� -P5B g� � 4��nu�� 3P� �Y I � � �l �`� I �:"` � .r� �' i ��AaS 0 "Ddt ... 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