HomeMy WebLinkAbout20170853 Ver 1_Application_20170711Carpenter,Kristi From: Rerko, James J Sent: Tuesday, July 11, 2017 10:54 AM To: Hair, Sarah E SAW (Sarah.E.Hair@usace.army.mil); Steenhuis, Joanne Cc: Carpenter,Kristi Subject: 17BP.6.R.71 Bridge 230211 Columbus County Attachments: Bridge230211.pdf Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Flagged Liz / Joanne Attached is the Cover Letter, PCN, PJD Form and Permit Drawings for the replacement of Bridge 230211 along SR 1904 over Jockey Branch in Columbus County. The project will remove an existing 2 span 36 foot bridge and replace with a single span 70 foot bridge. 0.02 acres of permanent wetland fill is required along with 0.01 of wetland excavation. Temporary Hand Clearings will be 0.09 acre. As such, NCDEQ DWR written concurrence should not be necessary. A US Army Corps of Engineers nationwide Permit #3 is requested. James J. Rerko, PWS Division 6 Environmental Officer North Carolina Department of Transportation 910 364-0834 office 910 486 1959 fax jjrerko _ncdot.qov Email 1000 Transportation Drive Fayetteville, NC 28302 �'��� � - �_ ; � I` �- ; 4 � �,� r �Y �� i�y,r Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. Email correspondence to and from this sender is subject to the N.C. Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ROY COOPER GovERN02 July 5, 2017 Ms. Sarah E. Hair U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Wilmington Regulatory Field Office 69 Dazlington Avenue Wilmington, NC 28403 Subject: Nationwide Permit #3 Replace Bridge No. 230211 over Jockey Branch on SR 1904 Columbus County, North Carolina WBS No. 17BP.6.R.71 Dear Ms. Hair: 7AMESH.TROGDON,III S2CRETARY The North Cazolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) proposes to replace Bridge No. 230211 over Jockey Branch on SR 1904 (Red Bug Road) in Columbus County. The structure is to be replaced by a bridge at its existing location. The existing structure is a 36' long, reinforced concrete floor bridge on I-beam. The proposed structure is a 70' long, one span cored slab bridge. An off-site detour is proposed. Construction of this project will require impacts to waters of the United States in the Lumber River Basin. The existing bridge crosses Jockey Branch, a Class C; Sw water. Please find attached a Pre-construction Nodfication (PCI� form, permit drawings, and associated stormwater management plan. No impacts to Jockey Branch aze proposed. Proposed impacts to wetlands include 0.02 acre of permanent fill for bridge and roadway fill, 0.01 acre of excavation for road side ditch construction, and 0.09 acre of hand clearing for utility relocation. This project was reviewed forthe presence of federally threatened and endangered species (see Table 1 on page 2). Surveys were performed on June 22, 2017 for rough-leaved loosestrife and Cooley's meadowrue based upon habitat found in the project area. No individuals of either plant were found. Mailing Address: Telephone: (910) 4861493 Locneion: NC D6PARTMENi OF17tANSPORTATION F[LC: (910) 486-1959 $5$ GILLBSPIE $TREET H�Gxwwv Drvis�orv 6 Cusmmer Service: 1-877-368-4968 Fnve�v�u,E, NC 28301 PO BOX 1150 Website: www.ncdotgov Fnverreviu5, NC 28302 Replace Bridge No. 23021 I over Jockey Branch on SR 1904 (Red Bug Road) July 5, 2017 able 1. Federally prote cientific Name /ligator r�aissrssippiefisis �enidia exterua 'vcteria nnaerrcaiaa �roides borealis vsirnachtn asperu[aefalic ialicn-i�»z cooleyi for Common Name American Waccamaw silverside Wood stork Red-cockaded woodneck �ed loosestrife meadowrue Federall Hahitat j Biological Status Presen� � �'���a..�;,.. T(S/A) Yes T No T No E No E Note: G- Endan,erzd; T- Threatened; T(S/A) - Threatened Due to Si ilarity of Yes Yes Not Requirf No EfFect No Effect No Effect No Effect No Effect Page 2 The USFWS has developed a programmatic biological opinion (PBO) i� conjunction with the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), the USACE, and NCDOT for the nor[hern long-eazed bat (NLEB) in eastern North Carolina. The PBO covers the entire NCDOT program in Divisions 1-8, including all NCDOT projects and activities. The programmatic detennination for NLEB for the NCDOT program is "May Affect, Likely to Adversely AYfecP'. The PBO provides incidental take coverage for NLEB and will ensure complia�ce with Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act for five years for all NCDOT projects with a federal nexus in Divisions I-8, which includes Columbus County, where this project is ]ocated. This level of incidental take is authorized from the effective date of a final listing determination through April 30, 2020. Cultural resource compliance work has been completed. No archaeologica] resoarces or historic properties fall with the Puea of Potential Effect of this project. This letter, PCN, and pennit drawings are being submitted for USACE and NCDWR 404/401 approval. If further information is required, please let me know. Your review and consideration is greatly appreciated. Si cerely, � ! , �� , ��s GJames J. Rerko Division 6 Environmenta] OfScer Cc: Joanne Steenhuis, Division of Water Resources Travis Wilson, NCWRC Gary Jordan, USFWS Greg Burns, PE, Division Engineer Ken Murphy, h-, PE, Division Maintenance Engineer Keith Bever]ey, Division Roadside Environmental Engineer Office Use Only: Corps action ID no. DWQ project no. Form Version 1.3 Dec 10 2008 Pre-Construction Notification (PCN) Form A. A licant Information 1. Processing 1 a. Type(s) of approval sought from the Corps: � Section 404 Permit ❑ Section 10 Permit 1 b. Specify Nationwide Permit (NW P) number: 3 or General Permit (GP) number: ic. Has the NWP or GP number been verified by the Corps? � Yes ❑ No 1 d. Type(s) of approval sought from the DWQ (check all that apply): � 401 Water Quality Certification — Regular ❑ Non-404 Jurisdic6onal General Permit ❑ 401 Water Quality Certification — Express ❑ Riparian Buffer Authorization 1 e. Is this notification solely for the record For the record only for DWQ 401 For the record only for Corps Permit: because written approval is not required? Certification: ❑ Yes � No ❑ Yes � No 1f. Is payment�into a mitigation bank or in-lieu fee program proposed for mitigation � Yes � No of impacts. If so, attach the acceptance letter from mitigation bank or in-lieu fee program. 1 g. Is the project located in any of NC's twenty coastal coundes. If yes, answer 1 h ❑ Yes � No below. 1 h. Is the project located within a NC DCM Area of Environmental Concern (AEC)? ❑ Yes � No 2. Project Information 2a. Name of project: Replace Bridge No. 230211 on Red Bug Road over Jockey Branch 2b. Counry: Columbus 2c. Nearestmunicipality/town: Hallsboro 2d. Subdivision name: 2e. NCDOT only, T.I.P. or state yygS No. 176P.6.R.71 project no: 3. Owner Information 3a. Name(s) on Recorded Deed: NCDOT 3b. Deed Book and Page No. 3c. Responsible Party (for LLC if applicable): 3d. Street address: PO Box 1150 3e. City, state, zip: Fayetteville, NC 28302 3f. Telephone no.: 910-437-0207 3g. Fax no.: 910-486-1959 3h. Email address: jjrerko@ncdo[.gov Page 1 of 10 PCN Form — Version 1.3 December 10, 2008 Version 4. Applicant Information (if different from owner) 4a. Applicant is ❑ Agent ❑ Other, 4b. Name: 4c. Business name 4d. Street address: 4e. City, state, zip: 4f. Telephone no.: 4g. Fax no.: 4h. Email address: 5. AgenUConsultant Information (if applicable) 5a. Name: Phil May 5b. Business name Carolina Ecos stems, Inc. (if aoolicablel� Y 5c. Street address Sd. City, state, zip: Se. Telephone no.: 5f. Fax no.: 5g. Email address: 3040 NC Hwy 42 West Clayton, NC 27520 919-606-1065 919-585-5570 Page 2 of 10 PCN Form — Version 1.3 December 10, 2008 Version B. Project Information and Prior Project History 1. Property Identification ta. Property identificatlon no. (tax PIN or parcel ID): 1 b. Site coordinates (in decimal degrees): tc. Propertysize: 2. Surtace Waters 2a. Name of nearest body of water (stream, river, etc.) to 2b. Water Quality Classification of nearest receiving water: 2c. River basin: See Attached Plans Latitude: 34.3110 (DD.DDDDDD) 2.9 acres Jockey Branch C; Sw Lumber Longitude: - 78.6082 3. Project Description 3a. Describe the existing conditions on the site and the general land use in the vicinity of the project at the time of this application: Substandard bridge to be replaced in rural/low density residential area. 3b. List the total estimated acreage of all existing wetlands on the property: 0.77 acre 3c. List the total estimated linear feet of all existing streams (intermittent and perennial) on the property: Approximately 150 feet within the project area 3d. Explain the purpose of the proposed project: To replace a structurally deficient bridge and ensure the safety of the traveling public. 3e. Describe the overall project in detail, including the type of equipment to be used: The project involves replacing a 36-foot bridge with a 70-foot 1-span bridge on/near the existing bridge location with an offsite detour. Standard road building equipment will be used. 4. Jurisdictional Determinations 4a. Have jurisdictional wetland or stream determinations by the Corps or State been requested or obtained for this properry / project (including all prior phases) in the past? � Yes ❑ No ❑ Unknown Comments: Delineation was performed on October 5, 2016 4b. If the Corps made the jurisdictional determination, what rype of determination was made? ❑ Preliminary ❑ Final 4c. If yes, who delineated the jurisdictional areas? Agency/Consultant Company: Carolina Ecosystems Inc. Name (if known): Phil May, Matt Cleary Other: 4d. If yes, list the dates of the Corps jurisdictional determinations or State determinations and attach documentation. A preliminary jurisdictional determination has not been received. 5. Project History 5a. Have permits or certifications been requested or obtained for � Yes this project (including all prior phases) in the past? 5b. If yes, explain in detail according to "help file" instructions. 6. Future Project Plans 6a. Is this a phased projec 6b. If yes, explain. ❑ Yes E� . �/ . ❑ Unknown Page 3 of 10 PCN Form — Version 1.3 December 10, 2008 Version C. Proposed Impacts Inventory 1. Impacts Summary 1 a. Which sections were completed below for your project (check all that apply): � Wetlands ❑ Streams - tributaries ❑ Buffers ❑ Open Waters ❑ Pond Construction 2. Wetland Impacts If there are wetland impacts proposed on the site, then complete this question for each wetland area impacted. 2a. 2b. 2c. 2d. 2e. 2f. Wetland impact Type of jurisdiction number— Type of impact Type of wetland Forested (Corps - 404, 10 Area of impact Permanent (P) or (if known) DWQ— non-404, other) (acres) Tem ora W1 � P� T Bridge and Riverine Swamp � Yes ❑ Corps 0.02 Roadway Fill Forest ❑ No ❑ DWQ W2 � P❑ T Excavation Riverine Swamp � Yes ❑ Corps Forest ❑ No ❑ DWQ 0.01 W3 ❑ P� T Hand clearing Riverine Swamp � Yes ❑ Corps 0.09 Forest ❑ No ❑ DWQ W4 � P� T ❑ Yes ❑ Corps ❑ No ❑ DWQ W5 ❑ P❑ T ❑ Yes ❑ Corps ❑ No ❑ DWQ W6 ❑ P❑ T ❑ Yes ❑ Corps ❑ No ❑ DWQ 2g. Total wetland impacts � 1 z 2h. Comments: 3. Stream Impacts If there are perennial or intermittent stream impacts (including temporary impacts) proposed on the site, then complete this question for all stream sites impacted. 3a. 3b. 3c. 3d. 3e. 3f. 3g. Stream impact Type of impact Stream name Perennial Type of jurisdiction Average Impact number - (PER) or (Corps - 404, 10 stream length Permanent (P) or intermittent DWQ — non-404, width (linear Temporary (T) (�NT)� other) (feet) feet) Si ❑ P❑ T ❑ PER ❑ Corps ❑ INT ❑ DWQ S2 ❑ P❑ T ❑ PER ❑ Corps ❑ INT ❑ DWQ S3 ❑ P❑ T ❑ PER ❑ Corps ❑ INT ❑ DWQ S4 ❑ P❑ T ❑ PER ❑ Corps ❑ INT ❑ DWQ S5 ❑ P❑ T ❑ PER ❑ Corps ❑ INT ❑ DWQ S6 ❑ P❑ T ❑ PER ❑ Corps ❑ INT ❑ DWQ 3h. Total stream and tributary impacts 3i. Comments: t Page 4 of 10 PCN Form — Version 1.3 December 10, 2008 Version 4. Open Water Impacts If there are proposed impacts to lakes, ponds, estuaries, tributaries, sounds, the Atlantic Ocean, or any other open water of the U.S. then individually list all open water impacts below. 4a. 4b. 4c. 4d. 4e. Open water Name of waterbody impact number— (if applicable) Type of impact Waterbody type Area of impact (acres) Permanent (P) or Tem orar T 01 ❑P�T 02 ❑P❑T 03 ❑P❑T 04 ❑P❑T 4f. Total open water impacts 4g. Comments: 5. Pond or Lake Construction If Dond or lake concinir.tinn nrnnn�o� fhon n....,..le+� a�.....�...... w_i_... 5a. 5b. Pond ID Proposed use or purpose number of pond P1 P2 5£ Total Sg. Comments: 5h. Is a dam high hazard permit 5i. Expected pond surtace area (acres): 5j. Size of pond watershed (acres): 5k. Method of construction: 5c. 5d. 5e. Wetland Impacts (acres) Stream Impacts (feet) Upland Flooded I Filled I Excavated I Flooded I Filled I Excavated I Flooded ❑ Yes ❑ No If yes, permii ID no: Page 5 of 10 PCN Form — Version 1.3 December 10, 2008 Version 6. Buffer Impacts (for DWa) If project will impact a protected riparian buffer, then complete the chart below. If yes, then individually list all buffer impacts below. If an im acts re uire miti ation, then ou MUST fill out Section D of this form. 6a. ❑ Neuse ❑ Tar-Pamlico ❑ Other: Project is in which protected basin? ❑ Catawba ❑ Randleman 6b. 6c. 6d. 6e. 6f. 6g. Bufferimpact number— Reason Buffer Zone 1 impact Zone 2 impact Permanent (P) or for Stream name mitigation (square feet) (square feet) Tem orar T im act re uired? B1 ❑P❑T ❑Yes ❑ No 62 ❑P�T ❑Yes ❑ No B3 ❑P❑T ❑Yes ❑ No B4 ❑P❑T ❑Yes ❑ No 6h. Total buffer impacts 6i. Comments: D. Impact Justification and Mitigation 1. Avoidance and Minimization 1 a. Specifically describe measures taken to avoid or minimize the proposed impacts in designing project. The proposed bridge is located in approximately the same location and alignment as the existing bridge. An off site detour will be used during project construction to avoid impacts associa[ed with an onsite detour. The design has only minimal wetland impacts and no stream impacts. 1b. Specifically describe measures taken to avoid or minimize the proposed impacts through construction techniques. NCDOT BMP's for bridge demolition and construction as well as North Carolina standard erosion control measures will be strictly enforced throughout project construction. 2. Compensatory Mitigation for Impacts to Waters of the U.S. or Waters of the State 2a. Does the project require Compensatory Mitigation for ❑ Yes � No impacts to Waters of the U.S. or Waters of the State? 26. If yes, mitigation is required by (check all that apply): ❑ DWQ ❑ Corps ❑ Mitigation bank 2c. If yes, which mitigation option will be used for this project? ❑ Payment to in-lieu fee program ❑ Permittee Responsible Mitigation 3. Complete if Using a Mitigation Bank 3a. Name of Mitigation Bank: 3b. Credits Purchased (attach receipt and letter) Type Quantiry Page 6 of 10 PCN Form — Version 1.3 December 10, 2008 Version 3c. Comments: 4. Complete if Making a Payment to In-lieu Fee Program 4a. Approval letter from in-lieu fee program is attached. 4b. Stream mitigation requested: 4c. If using stream mitigation, stream temperature: 4d. Buffer mitigation requested (DWQ 4e. Riparian wetland mitigation reque: 4f. Non-riparian wetland mitigation rei 4g. Coastal (tidal) wetland mitigation r 4h. Comments: 5. Complete if Using a Permittee ❑ Yes linearfeet ❑ warm ❑ cool square feet acres Plan acres acres Ocold 5a. If using a permittee responsible mitigatlon plan, provide a description of the proposed mitigation plan. 6. Buffer Mitigation (State Regulated Riparian Buffer Rules) — required by DW� 6a. Will the project result in an impact within a protected riparian buffer that requires ❑ Yes � No buffer mitigation? 6b. If yes, then identify the square feet of impact to each zo�e of the riparian buffer that requires mitigation. Calculate the amount of mitigation required. Zone Zone 1 Zone 2 6d. Reason for impact Total impact (square feet) 6f. Total buffer Multiplier 3 (2 for Catawba) 1.5 tigation required: Required mitigation (square feet) 6g. If buffer mitigation is required, discuss what type of mitigation is proposed (e.g., payment to private mitigation bank, permittee responsible riparian buffer restoration, payment into an approved in-lieu fee fund). 6h. Comments: Page 7 of 10 PCN Form — Version 1.3 December 10, 2008 Version E. Stormwater Management and Diffuse Flow Plan (required by DWQ) 1 a. Does the project include or is it adjacent to protected riparian buffers identified within one of the NC Riparian Buffer Protection Rules? 1 b. If yes, then is a diffuse flow plan included? If no, explain why. Comments: e. stormwater Manaaement Plan 2a. What is the overall percent imperviousness of this project? 2b. Does this project require a Stormwater Management Plan? ❑ Yes � No ❑ Yes ❑ No % ❑ Yes � No 2c. If this project DOES NOT require a Stormwater Management Plan, explain why: The project involves replacement of existing infrastructure, and negligible increase in impervious surface will result from this project. The stormwater design has been reviewed by NCDOT. 2d. If this project DOES require a Stormwater Management Plan, then provide a brief, narrative description of the plan: 2e. Who will be responsible for the review of the Stormwater Management Plan? 3a. In which local governmenYs jurisdiction is this project? 3b. Which of the following locally-implemented stormwater management programs apply (check all that apply): 3c. Has the approved Stormwa[er Management Plan with proof of approval been attached? 4a. Which of the following state-implemented stormwater management programs apply (check all that apply): 4b. Has the approved Stormwater Management Plan with proof of approval been attached? 5a. Does the Stormwater Management Plan meet the appropriate requirements? 5b. Have all of the 401 Unit submittal requirements been met? ❑ Certified Local Government ❑ DWQ Stormwater Program ❑ DWQ 401 Unit ❑ Phase II ❑ NSW ❑ USMP ❑ Water Supply Watershed ❑ Other: ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Coastal counties ❑ HQW ❑ ORW ❑ Session Law 2006-246 ❑ Other: ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Yes ❑ No Page 8 of 10 PCN Form — Version 1.3 December 10, 2008 Version F. Supplementary Information 1. Environmental Documentation (DWQ Requirement) 1 a. Does the project involve an expenditure of public (federaVstateAocal) funds or the � Yes use of public (federal/state) land? ❑ No 1 b. If you answered "yes" to the above, does the project require preparation of an environmental document pursuant to the requirements of the National or State ❑ Yes � No (North Carolina) Environmental Policy Act (NEPA/SEPA)? 1 c. If you answered "yes" to the above, has the document review been finalized by the State Clearing House? (If so, attach a copy of the NEPA or SEPA final approval letter.) ❑ Yes ❑ No Camments: 2. Violations (DWQ Requirement) 2a. Is the site in violatlon of DWQ Wetland Rules (15A NCAC 2H .0500), Isolated Wetland Rules (15A NCAC 2H .1300), DWQ Surface Water or Wetland Standards, ❑ Yes � No or Riparian Buffer Rules (15A NCAC 2B .0200)? 2b. Is this an after-the-fact permit application? ❑ Yes � No 2c. If you answered "yes" to one or both of the above questions, provide an explanation of the violation(s): 3. Cumulative Impacts (DWQ Requirement) 3a. Will this project (based on past and reasonably anticipated future impacts) result in � Yes � No additional development, which could impact nearby downstream water quality? 3b. If you answered "yes" to the above, submit a qualitative or quantitative cumulative impact analysis in accordance with the most recent DWQ policy. If you answered "no," provide a short narrative description. The project is a replacement of existing infrastructure; therefore, additional development is not likely to occur as a result of the project. The replacement will neither influence nearby land use or stimulate growth as no new travel lanes are proposed. 4. Sewage Disposal (DWQ Requirement) 4a. Clearly detail the ultimate treatment methods and disposition (non-discharge or discharge) of wastewater generated from the proposed project, or available capacity of the subject facility. No wastewater will be generated by this project. Page 9 of 10 PCN Form — Version 1.3 December 10, 2008 Version 5. Endangered Species and Designated Critical Habitat (Corps Requirement) 5a. W ill this project occur in or near an area with federally protected species or habitat? 5b. Have you checked with the USFWS concerning Endangered Species Act impacts? 5c. If yes, indicate the USFWS Feld Office you have contacted. � Yes ❑ No � Yes ❑ No � Raleigh ❑ Asheville 5d. What data sources did you use to determine whether your site would impact Endangered Species or Designated Critical Habitat? GIS and visual observation. USFWS Website http:!/www.fws.gov/raleigh/species/cntylisVcolumbus.html, for :Columbus County; North Caro�ina Natural Heritage Program GIS data updated January 2017. A site survey for Cooley's meadowrue and rough-leaved loosestrife will be conducted in June 2017 based upon habitat found for these species. 6. Essential Fish Habitat (Corps Requirement) 6a. W ill this project occur in or near an area designated as essential fish habitat? �❑ Yes 6b. What data sources did you use to determine whether your site would impact Essential Fish Habitat? EFH Mapper Website:http:/lwww.habitat.noaa.gov/protection/efh/efhmapperfindex.html 7. Historic or Prehistoric Culturel Resources (Corps Requirement) 7a. Will this project occur in or near an area that the state, federal or tribal governments have designated as having historic or cultural preservation status (e.g., National Historic Trust designation or properties significant in North Carolina history and archaeology)? ❑ Yes EI . �� . 7b. What data sources did you use to determine whether your site would impact historic or archeological resources? HPOWEB Map Service http://gis.ncdcr.gov/hpoweb/ National Register of Historic Places httpJlwww.nps.gov/nr/research/ NCSHPO Section 106 Review (ER 12-2152) 8. Flood Zone Designation (Corps Requirement) 8a. Will this project occur in a FEMA-designated 100-year floodplain? I� Yes 8b. If yes, explain how project meets FEMA requirements: Memorandum of Agreement ❑ No 8c. What source(s) did you use to make the floodplain determination? Nor[h Carolina Floodplain Mapping Program http:/Iwww. ncf loodmaps.com/ James J. Rerko ApplicanUAgenYs Printed Name 7�1t�/r Date (AgenYs signaturel�s valid only if af authorization letter from the applicant Page ]0 of 10 PCN Farm — Version 1.3 December 10, 2008 Version ATTACHMENT A PRELIMINARY JURISDICTIONAL DETERMINATION FORM BACKGROUNDINFORMATION A. REPORT COMPLETION DATE FOR PRELIMINARY JURISDICTIONAL DETERMINATION (JD): B. NAME AND ADDRESS OF PERSON REQUESTING PRELIMINARY JD: James Rerko, Divisional Environmentai nfft�Ar NC De artm t f T•�-----�-�°-- PO Box 1150, Fayetteville, NC 28302 C. DISTRICT OFFICE, FILE NAME, AND NUMBER: p en o D, PROJECT LOCATION(S) AND BACKGROUND INFORMATION: Red Bug Road over Jockey Branch in Columbus County (USE THE ATTACHED TABLE TO DOCUMENT MULTIPLE WATERBODIES AT DIFFERENT SITES) State: NC County/parish/borough: Columbus City: Hallsboro Center coordinates of site (IaUlong in degree decimal format): Lat. 34.3110 °N; Long. -78.6082 �W Universal Transverse Mercator: Name of nearest waterbody: Jockey Branch Identify (estimate) amount of waters in the review area: Non-wetland waters: 22� linear feet: 20 width (ft) and/or acres. Cowardin Class: R2 Stream Flow: Perennial Wetlands:0.59 acres. Cowardin Class: PFO, PEM, PSS Name of any water bodies on the site that have been identified as Section 10 waters: Tidal: Non-Tidal: E. REVIEW PERFORMED FOR SITE EVALUATION (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY): Office (Desk) Determination. Date: Field Determination. Date(s): SUPPORTING DATA. Data reviewed for preliminary JD (check all that apply - checked items should be included in case file and, where checked and requested, appropriately reference sources below): Maps, plans, plots or plat submitted by or on behalf of the applicanUconsultant: Vicinity Map Data sheets prepared/submitted by or on behalf of the app licant/consulta nt. Office concurs with data sheets/delineation report. Office does not concur with data sheets/delineation report. ❑ Data sheets prepared by the Corps navigable waters' study: U.S. Geological Survey Hydrologic Atlas: ❑ USGS NHD data USGS 8 and 12 digit HUC maps U.S. Geological Survey map(s). Cite scale & quad name: �akeWB�meW�s�c=o,a,,:=,K USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service Soil Survey. National wetlands inventory map(s). Cite name: State/Local wetland inventory map(s): ❑ FEMA/FIRM maps: 100-year Floodplain Elevation is: (National Geodectic Vertical Datum of 1929) Photographs: Aerial (Name & Date): Zo�sNcstetew�aeaer�eianofoy�ePnyor Other (Name & Date): � Previous determination(s). File no. and date of response letter: � Other information (please specify): 2 1. The Corps of Engineers believes that there may be jurisdictional waters of the United States on the subject site, and the permit applicant or other affected party who requested this preliminary JD is hereby advised of his or her option to request and obtain an approved jurisdictional determination (JD) for that site. Nevertheless, the permit applicant or other person who requested this preliminary JD has declined to exercise the option to obtain an approved JD in this instance and at this time. 2. In any circumstance where a permit applicant obtains an individual permit, or a Nationwide General Permit (NWP) or other general permit verification requiring "pre-construction notification" (PCN), or requests verification for a non-reporting NWP or other general permit, and the permit applicant has not requested an approved JD for the activity, the permit applicant is hereby made aware of the following: (1) the permit applicant has elected to seek a permit authorization based on a preliminary JD, which does not make an official determination of jurisdictional waters; (2) that the applicant has the option to request an approved JD before accepting the terms and conditions of the permit authorization, and that basing a permit authorization on an approved JD could possibly result in less compensatory mitigation being required or different special conditions; (3) that the applicant has the right to request an individual permit rather than accepting the terms and conditions of the NWP or other general permit authorization; (4) that the applicant can accept a permit authorization and thereby agree to comply with all the terms and conditions of that permit, including whatever mitigation requirements the Corps has determined to be necessary; (5) that undertaking any activity in reliance upon the subject permit authorization without requesting an approved JD constitutes the applicanYs acceptance of the use of the preliminary JD, but that either form of JD will be processed as soon as is practicable; (6) accepting a permit authorization (e.g., signing a proffered individual permit) or undertaking any activity in reliance on any form of Corps permit authorization based on a preliminary JD constitutes agreement that all wetlands and other water bodies on the site affected in any way by that activity are jurisdictional waters of the United States, and precludes any challenge to such jurisdiction in any administrative orjudicial compliance or enforcement action, or in any administrative appeal or in any Federal court; and (7) whether the applicant elects to use either an approved JD or a preliminary JD, that JD will be processed as soon as is practicable. Further, an approved JD, a proffered individual permit (and all terms and conditions contained therein), or individual permit denial can be administratively appealed pursuant to 33 C.F.R. Part 331, and that in any administrative appeal, jurisdictional issues can be raised (see 33 C.F.R. 331.5(a)(2)). If, during that administrative appeal, it becomes necessary to make an official determination whether CWA jurisdiction exists over a site, or to provide an o�cial delineation ofjurisdictional waters on the site, the Corps will provide an approved JD to accomplish that result, as soon as is practicable. This preliminary JD finds that there "may be" waters of the United States on the subject project site, and identifies all aquatic features on the site that could be affected by the proposed activity, based on the following information: later iurisdictional determinations. Signature and date of Regulatory Project Manager (REQUIRED) � �c�s �1��1�% d da�e of ' sting preliminary JD unless obtaining is impracticable) Bridge No. 230211 Aquatic Resources in Review Area February 2017 Table 1. Preliminary Jurisdictional Determination Table Cowardin Es6mated Amount of Geographic authority to which 5ite Name Latitade Longitude Classlfication '�quatic Resource in Review the aquatic resource "may be" Area sub'ect Streams (linear feet) Jockey Branch 343110 -78.6082 R2 220 Section 404 Wetlands (acres) WA/WY 343113 -78.6076 PFO 0.24 Section 404 WB 343112 -78.6083 PFO 0.12 Section 404 WC 343110 -78.6087 PSS 0.13 Section 404 WD 343108 -78.6083 PFO 0.07 Section 404 WE 343107 -78.6085 PFO <0.01 Section 404 WX 343109 -78.6086 PEM 0.01 Section 404 WZ 343117 -78.6076 PEM 0.01 Section 404 � Study Area — Wetland � Peet �`� Perennial Sfreem 0 50 100 �� v_ Replace Bridge No. 230211 over Juckey 13ranch I �J I Lake Wacc,vnaw �1'est (201 ;) I Figure 2: USGS Map February 2017 USGS L24K Quadrangle Map �SA �+•. •:y� 4�� �. � . �'�� - F; �S � ,!, . � - . . i , . , _,. : . ��' �.: ' . ';.. �i�i f.' °���N�E�tI WETLAND DETERMINATION DATA FORM — Atiantic and Gulf Coastal plain Regfon Prqect/Site � , ^ City/County: ;,�. SamplingDate: �^i5 �-i'`��� ApplicanVOwner _ i 1, - � j - � � � � - " State� !)�� SamplingPomt� � Inveshgator(s) _/ir . , �.:,:.� { y.. . � Section, Township, Range landform thilislope, terrece, etc.): Loral relief (wncave, convex, none) � Subregion (LRR or MLRA) � - I'" " - Lat. � �; � -� - � - �` , Long. . -. , x ` Sotl Map Umt Neme: f1,:. - ; �_:., . ' ; .� .. ;,.�. ,. , � --' �� " J" J NWlclassification Are dimatic / hydrologic cond'Rions on the site Typical for this time of year� Yes v_ No _ pf �o, explain in Remarks.) Are Vegetahon Sotl H d Slope (%)' __ Datum: � - .��L� _. _ or y rology _ sigmfirantly disturbed? -�.� . Are "Normal Circumstances" present? Ves ✓� No Are Vegetation _. Soil _ or Hydro�ogy _ naturalty problematic� '� J (If needed, explain any answers in Remarks.) SUMMARY OF PINDINGS — Attach site map showing sampling point locations, transects, important features, etc. Hydrophytic Vegetation Present� Yes T No Hydric Soil Present� Yes _ Na Wetland Hydrology Present7 Yes � No Remarks — ir:�u�l� , :�° �Wt:�� y}'�J, ,,r,� ,,�IF HYDROLOGY �I SurfaceWater(Ai) FU� High Water Ta61e (A2� 1�:�T1 Sataration (A3) LJ WaterMarks(B1) � Sediment Deposits (62) I-� Dr�t �eposRs (63) uf-� Algal Mat or Crust (64� 7,1 Iron Deposits (65) ❑ Inundation Visible on Aerial image�y (67) ❑ Water-Stained Leaves (89) Is the Sampled Area within a Wetland7 Yes No Aquatic Fauna (B13) Mad Deposits �615) (LRR U) Hydrogen SWfide Odm �C1) Ox�drzed Rh¢ospheres along Living Rnots (C3) Presence of Reduced Iron (C4) Recent Iron Reduction m Ttlled Sotls (C6) Thin Muck Surtace (C7� Other �Explain in Remarks) . ._... .,...,�..o.�..� ��. f . Surface Water Present� Yes _, __ No 4' pPp�h (inches) Water Table Prese�t? Yes _�. No � pepth (Inches) _ SaturationPrese�t� Yes�__ No Depth(inches) _ 1�" ����i��.�o�..�.,ai.,...s.,.,,...� —_ gauge, orevious ❑ Surface Sal Crecks (B6)--�— ❑ Sparsely Vegetated Concave Surtace (Bg) � Drainage Paflems (B�Q� � Moss Tnm Lmes �616) ❑ Dry-Season Water Table (G2) � Crayfish Burrows (CS) II�qt Saturation Visible on Aerial Imagery (C9) ry Geomorphic Position iD2� ❑n Shallow Aquitard (D3) Ly FAGNeutral Test (D5) � Sphagnum moss (�8) (LRR T, U) Wetland Hydrology PresentT Yes "' ryo __ US Army Corps of Engmeers Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plam Region - Version 2.0 VEGETATION (Four Streta) — Use scientific names of plaMs , Tree tratum (Plot s2e: 1 �` 2. 3 4. 5. 6 8_ _ ���� iunimu wuiceim ) °%Cover .5 ecies� Status v� � t�* _ +. T _F�.� � �� = Total Cover - 50% of total cover �`i 20% of total cover: ! E7 Saolin�/Shru6 Stratum (Plot s¢e - ) 1 - � � _ � ' �,/l ,i�t". ., . 2. 3 _ 4. 5. 6. � 8. Herb Stratum (Plot size 1 2 3 4. 5. 6 7 8. ` 9 10 17 12 Woodv Vine Stratum (Plot size 1 2. 3 4. 5 US Army Corps of Engmeers = Total Cover 50°io of totai cover ,� '_ 20% of total cover _� ) , �p�_ .�� -,A• __ = Tota� Cover 50 % of total cover � 20°h of total cover � � ����� i '� = Total Cover n 50 % of total wver � 20°�0 of total cover = f' Sampling PoinT INumber of DominaM Species , i That Are OBL. FACW, or FAQ ; x (A) '�. Total Number of Dominant � � Species Across All Strata: �gj Percent of Dominant Spec�es � That Are OBL, PACW, or FAC �..'� �� •� �q/g? Total % Cover of Multioly bv OHL speaes X � _ FACW species x 2 = FAC species x 3 = FACU spacies x 4 = UPL species x 5 = Column Totals (A) �g� Prevalence Index = B1A = J_( 1- Rapid Test for Hydrophytic Vegeta6on �2 - Dommance Test is >50°� Q 3- Prevalence Index is 53.0' a Problematic Hydrophytic Vegetahon' ;Explain) 'Indica?ors of hydric soil and wetland hydrology must be present. unless disturbed or problematic Tree — Wootly plants, excludmg vmes, 3 m. (7 6 cm) or more m diameter at breast height (DBH), regartlless of height. �, Saplingl5hrub — Woody plants, exduding vmes, less '� than 3 m DBH and greater than 328 ft(t mi tall. Her6—Atl herbaceous (non-woody) plants, regardless of s¢e, and woody plants less than 328 ft tall. I� Woody vine—All woody wnes greater than 3 28 ft m height. � Hydrophytic - � Vegetation � Present? Yes � No Atlantic and GWf Coastal Plam Region — Version 2.0 SOIL Profile Description: (Describe to the depth needed to document the indicator or confirm the absence of indica ors � ling Point. Depth Matrix Redoz Features �mchesl _ Color (moistl °/a Cobr (mast) % ..�� Loc Texture Remarks Soil to all LRRs, unless , Histosol (A1) His6c Epipedon (A2) Black Histic (A3) Hydrogen Sulfide (A4) Stre6fied Layers (A5) Organic Bodies (Afi) (LRR P, 7, U) 5 cm Mucky Mmeral (q7) (LRR P, T, U) Muck Presence (AS) (LRR U) 1 cm Muck (A9) (LRR P, T) Depletetl Below Dark Surtace (A11) Thick Dark Surtace �q12) Coast Prame Redox (q16) (MLRq 150A) Sandy Mucky Mineral (S1) (LRR Q S) Sandy Gleyed Matrix (S4) Sanay Redox (S5j Stnpped Matnx (S6) Dark Surtace (S7j (LRR P, S, T, U) Type Depth (inches) � Palyvalue Below Surface (S8) (LRR S, T, U "'-�� •���, �y JV��� : � Thin Dark Surface (S9 LRR S, T, U � �� MucY (A9) (LRR O) �( �) 2 cm Muck (A10) (LRR S) � Loamy Mucky Mineral (F7 )(LRR O) Reduced Vertic (F18) (outside MLRq �SOA,B) � Loamy Gleyed Matnx (F2) T�1 Piedmont Floodplain Sods (F191 (LRR P, 3, T) Depleted Matnx (F3) u Anomalous Bnght Loamy Sods (F20) Redox Dark Surface (F6) (MLRA 1538) Depleted Dark Sudace (F7) ❑ Retl Parent Material (TF2j Redax Depress�ons (FS) � Very Shallow Dark Surtace (fp12) Marl �F10) {LRR U) Depleted Ochnc (F71) (MLRq 151) � Other (Explain in Remarks� Imn-Manganese Masses (F12) (LRR Q, P, T) 'Indicators of hydrophytic vegetation and Um6ric Surtace (F13) (LRR P, T, U) wetland hydrology must be present, DeIW Ochnc (F17) (MLRA 151) unless disturbed or problematic Reduced Vertc(F18J(MLRA 150A,150B) Piedmont Floodplain Soils (F19) (MLRA'149q) Anomalous Bright Loamy Soils (F20) (MLRA 149A, 753C, 153p) i Hytlric Soil Present7 Yes �`__ No __ US Army Corps of Engineers Atlantic and GWf Coastal Plain Region - Version 2,0 WETLAND DETERMINATION DATA FORM —Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain Region ProjecUSite: . � � � " - � CityiCounty: �, i v,+nr; r_.U� '. Sampling Date: ' AppliranUOwner _[�;.,�' ���' investigator(s)� ° ;,.�.�� State• ��! Sampling Point ;�; T4� � Section. Township, Range Landform (hillslope, terrace, etc p -� Loral rehef (concave, wnvex, oone) �' Subregion (LRR or MLRA). �� -� P-' 1 Lat: 3a "i �� " � Long: � ��. c.`� -� � : Soil Map Unrt Name. ` • �4. �� •+--',' _ � ; �,`+ , , � � � � �' � � NWI Wassification: Are climatic 1 hytlrologic conditions on the site typical for this time of year? Yes.�_ No _ (If no, explain in Remarks.� Are Vegetation _, Soil _, or Hydrology _ signifcantly disturbed� �, Are "Normal Circumstances" present� Are Vegetation Soil H d _ Slope (%): �. . = Datum: �.:; �, � Yes '= No _, _„ or y rology,_ naturally pmblematic� '. (If needed, explain any answers in Remarks.) SUMMARY OF FINDINGS — Attach site map showing sampling point locations, transects, important features, etc. � --,---- - Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? Yes ✓ No Nydric Soil Present� Yes _ No �— Is the Sampied Area / Wetiand Hydrology Present? yes within a Wetland? Yes No �� ^---_�_ . --.- N0�- S^;k:.it�. �r1F �-S( .A'y�.�•3M�i`r�1"� ,:,-��.'��) � HYDROLOGY Surface Water �A1) High Water7able (A2) Sat�ration (A3} Water Marks (B1) Sediment Deposits (62i �rlft Deposits (63) Algal Mat or Crust (84) Iron DeposRs (B57 Inuntlation Visi6le on Aerial imagery (67) WaterStamed Leaves (89) Surface Water Present� Yes Water Table Present� Yes Saturation Present� Yes (stream gauge. US Army Corps of Eogineers Aquatic Fauna (B13) Marl Deposrts (815� (LRR U) Hydrogen Sulfide Odor (Ci) Oxidized Rhizosphe�es along Living Roots (C3) Presence of Retluced fron (C4) Recent iron Reduction m Tilled Soils (C6) Thin Muck Surface (C7) Other (Exp�air m Remarks) No '�'_„� Depth (inches) No ',�,� Depth (mches) No " Deptn (inches)� previous ❑ Surtace Soil Cracks (86) V Sparsely Vegetated Cancave Surtace (68) Dramage Patterns (B10) � Moss Trim Lmes ;616) II DrySeason Water T2ble �C2) � Crayfish Burrows (C8) ❑nv Saturat!on Visible on Aerial Imagery (C9) i�1 Geomorphic Posdion (D2) ❑ ShallowAquitard(D3) ❑I-� FAGNeutrel Test (D5) y1 Sphagnum moss (DS) (LRR T, U) / Wetland Hytlrology Presentl Yes _ No �� Atlantic antl Gulf Coastal Plain Region - Version 2.0 VEGETATION (Pour Strata) — Use scientific names of plants f — Tree Stratum (Plotsize� 1. 2. �� 3 --*'--- a. _. . 5. 6. .___...... ., niai�eior '/o Cover Soecies� Status , ' f r � i"k�,i' -�_ ✓"" �,'; Fa ` Z 8 -� > = Total Cover 50% of total covec �•' 20% of total wver 1� SaplinaiShrub Stratum (Pbt size: ? 1. _ =`� -�— 2. _ . . — — �.L. � � 3 � � ; t»' 1 �_t . 4. - 5. Il Herb Stratum (Plot size 1 ' 2 3 4 5_ 6 7 8 9 10 N 12 �� J = Total Cover 50% of total cover �;� 20°/a of total cover �_ � � � '- L� � Y f � ! ' '_ = Total Cover 50% of total cover �� 20% of total cwver ` Noodv Vine Stratum (Pbt s¢e � � � I. � . . )_ �-_ �,A > `-� -- �' �. ..f - 3. Sampling Point� NumberofDominantSpecies �.,.. That Are OBL, FqCW, or FAC (q� TotalNumberofDominant -- Species Across All Strata: �B� Percent of �ominant Species ..� � �� ThatAre OBL, FACW, or FAC: �q�g� Prevalence index worksheet: Total % Cover of Multiolv bv OBL species X 1 = FACW species g y = FAC species x 3 = FACU species x 4 = UPL spec�es x 5 = Column Totals. �q� �g� Prevalence Index = B/A = J��,j^'1- Rapid Test for Hydrophytic Vegetation ,� j+ 2- Dominance Test is >50% Q 3- Prevalence Index is 53 0' a Problematic Hydrophytic Vegetation' (Ezplain) 'Indicators of nydric soil and wetland hydrology must 6e present, unless disturbed or problematic Iiree - Woody plants, excluding vines, 3 in (7 6 cm) or i more m diameter at breast height �DBH), regardless of , heigM SaplinglShrub - Woody plants, exdutling wnes, less than 3 in DBH and greater than 326 R(1 m) tall. Herb-All herbaceous (non-woody) plants, regardless of size, and woody plants less than 3 28 ft tall Woody vine -All woody vines greater than 328 ft m height Hydrophytic '(� =TotalCover Vegetation � 50% of totai cover � 20°/u of total cover. _�� Present? Yes v_ No _ US Army Corps of E�gineers Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plai� Region - Version 2.0 SOIL to or Sampiing Point: � - __.--'-' --.........���_..���wcurmaica[ors.} — Depth Matrix Redox Features (inchesl _ Col lmoistl % _ Color /moistl % Tv�e'�ca� Te�Rure . , — Remarks Hydric Soil tntlicators� -�Appiicable to all LRRs, Histosol (At) Histic Epipedon (A2) Black Histic (A;) Hydrogen Sulfide (A4) Stratified Layers (AS) Organic Bodies (A6) (LRR P, T, U) 5 cm Mucky Mmeral �A7) (LRR P, T, U) Muck Presence (A8i (LRR U) 1 cm Muck (A9� (LRR P, T) Depleted Below Dark SurFace fAi 1) Th�ck Dark Surface (q12) Coast Prame Redox (A1fi) (MLRA 150A) Sandy Mucky Mineral (S1) (LRR O, S) Sandy Gleyed Matrix (S4) Sa�dy Redox(S5) Stnpped Matnx (S6) Dark Surface (S7) (LRR P, S, T, U} Type Depth (inches) US Army Corps of Engmeers otherwise noted.) for Probiematic _, _.._ __..,, . Polyvalue Below SuAace (S8) (LRR S, T, U) T❑-� 1 cm Muck (A9) (LRR O) Thin Dark SurFace (S9) (LRR S, T, U) TI--�I 2 cm Muck (A10) (LRR S) Loamy Mucky Mineral (F1) (LRR O) TLJ� Reduced Vedic (F18) (outside MLRA 150A,B) Loamy Gieyed Matnx (F2) Tu-� Piedmont Floodplam Soils (F19) (LRR P, S, T) Depleted Matriz (F3) u Anomalous Bnght Loamy Sotls (F20) Redox Dark Surface (F6) (MLRA 1536) Depleted Dark Surtace (F7) ❑ Red Parent Material (TF2) Redox Depressions (FB) � Very Shaliow Dark Surtace (TF�2) Mad (Ft 0) (L.RR U) D Other (F�cplain io Remarks) Depleted Ochnc(F71) (MLRq 151) Iron-Manganese Masses (F12) (LRR O, P, T) 'Indicators of hydrophytic vegeta±lon and Umbnc Surtace (F13I (LRR P, T, U) wetland hydrology must 6e present, DeRa Ochuc (F17) (MLRA 15�) unless disturbetl or pro6lemaHc Reduced VeAic (F18) (MLRA 150A, 150B) Piedmont Floodptain Sotls (F191 (ML.RA tqgp) Anomalous Bnght Loamy Soils (F20) (MLRA 149A, 153C, 153D) HytlricSoilPresent? Yes__ No�_ Atlantic and Guif Coastal Plain Region - Version 2.0 WETLAND R.4TINU WORKSI3EET Fourth Version Project Name �= �-N'�� > zi' l:ounri Cc Name of evaluator�{//`�, (�Ce<-> Wetland location on pond or lake �on perennial stream _ on intenuit[ent stream _ within interstream divide odier. �_ . - " " " Neares[ Road Wetland area 1 " acres Soil series: _ predominantly organic - humus, muck, or ��eat �� prednminantly mir�e�af - uou-sandy __ predomin�ntly sand} Hydraulic factars steeptopography _ ditehed or �httnnelized _ total �ti•etland G� idth ? 100 Teet Wetland t�•pe fse(ect one}" �rBotrornland hardwood forest _ Headw•ater forzst _ S�m•amp furest Wet flat Pocosin _ I�op forest j�,f' , iN/' i'f- ti:•' ,.:=- z 'r f � Wetland width �_qeet Date !:% ' - Adjacent land use (�vithin '/, mile upstream, upsfope. or radius) ! - Porestedh�atural vegetation s', > o�a �--�gricultura, nrban/suburban -�-`�/o � liropervious surface � o�o Dominant ve�etation ��)—e ..t, _ � : r �", (2? _ . , �>> _ . . _ _ �31 i , :.' ; , c� Flooding and wetness _ semipermanently to permanenrly 800ded or inundated seasonal(� fl��ded or intmdated ✓ intermittently flooded or te�nporary surface water _ no e� idence of flooding or surFace water Pinesavanna Fresh�vater marsh Boeiferi _ Ephemecal wetland Carolina bay° Other: ��1'he ratmg sys[em caonel be applied to saI[ oi bi xckish marshes or stream channels R------ Vvatrrsturage ----------- -.__------------ x4.OQ°= � -- -9 Bank!Shoreline stahilization Wetland � '� x4.0(1= � �' P,�Ilutanc removal S w� rating � x500= '�,��' � � V�'ildlife habitat ' x 2.00 = � I %V Ac�aaticlife�alue ' � �� ` x4.00= � I � Recrearioii�Education 4 ( � '� x1A0= La J I **,Add 1 pnitri if �n sensitive watershed and' 10°o nonpoint sourcr disturbance withm % m��e upstream. u�slnpe, ni radius � WETLAND DETERMINATION DATA FORM -Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Piain Region , Project/Site' � ApplicanUOwner. i�l(:i� Investigator(s): � . f - � Lantlform (hilislope, terrace, eta)� Subregion (LRR or MLR4): �� � '. ,. City/County �.��,;,�r.R, i. 14 Sampling Date: ��' � � State� i-�-� SamplingPoint: . � � Sedion, Tawnship. Range: Local rehef (wncave, convex, nonep �at: �y, u: ! "J Lon Slope (°io): = Soil Map Unit Name; {�1� ^ - - I • "-1:. . 9� — " Datum: �= � � � NWI classification: Are climatic i hydrologic conditions on the site typicai for this time of year? Yes �, No _ (If no, axpiain in Remarks.) Are Vegetation _, Soil _, or Hydrology _ significantly disturbed? ��-. qre "Normal Circumstances" present? Yes w� No Are Vegetation _, Soil _ or Hydrology _ naturally pro6lematic? - -� (If needed, explain any answers in Remarks.) SUMMARY OF FINDINGS - Attach site map showing sampling point locations, transects, important features, etc, I Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? � Hydric Soil Present? � Wetland Hydrology Present� Yes � No Yes� No Yec u No _ i t r:)�, � L,r -,� �a`{ HYDROLOGY Surface Water (A1) High Water Ta61e (A2) Saturaho� (.q3) Water Marks (61� Sediment Deposits (62) Drift DeposRs (63) Algal Mat or Crust (B4) Iron �eposits (65) Inu�da6on Visible on Aenal Imagery (B7) Water-Stamed Leaves (69) Is the Sampled Area wlthin a Wetla�d? Yes L` � No Aquahc Pauna (B13) Marl Deposits (B15) (LRR U) Hydrogen Sulfide Odor (C1) Oxid¢ed Rh¢ospheres along Living Roots (C3) Presence af Reduced Iron (C4) Recent Iron Reduction :n Tilled Soils �C6) Thm Muck Surtace (C7) Other (Explam in P,emarks) 5urface Water Present� Yes ' � �� � No _ Depth Qnches) Water Table Present� Yes � No _ Depth (inches) �� Saturation Present� Yes � No . � Onclodes c>o�u�n, s.,�,.e� — — Depth (Inches) - gauge, US Army Corps of Engineers previous ❑ Surtace Soil Crecks (66) V y u c � Sparsely Vegetated Concave Surtace (B8) � Dreinage Pattems (610j Q Moss Trim Lines (Bt6) ❑ Dry-Season Water Table (C2) � Crayfisn Burrows (C8) � ❑I—t Saturation Visible on Aerial Imagery (C9) Lt Geomorphic Positwn (D2) ❑ Shallowqquitartl(03) �FAC-Neutral Test (D5� ❑ Sphagnum moss(D8)(LRR T,U) Wetland Hydrology PreseM? Yes �/ ' No _ Atlantic and Gu{f Coastal Plain Region - Version 2.0 VEGETATION (Four Strata) — Use scientific names of plants. Tree Strat�m (Piot size � _ � 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. � 7. 8. 50% of total cover; Saulina/Shrub Stratum ;plot size: � ' � 1. 2. 3 4 5 6 7 8 _ Sampling Point: °ro Cover Soec�es7 Status Number of Dominant Species That Are OBL, FACW, or FAC: � (A) _ = Total Cover 20% of total cover —� ✓ ' -,� , —. ��— = Total Cover 50°% of total cover v.`� 20% of total cover � Herb Strat�m (Plot size � � , 2• r : �� l : 2 " � FGr , ,� , 3 � ✓� �'jz.: . 4. �V . :rJT- _'«.'� v� �:H :. 5 6 •.• , 6 7 S 9 __ —. 10. 11 12. °'"� = Total Cover 50% oftotal covec i C% 20°/u of total cover �� Woodv Vina Stratum (Plot size _. � � ) 1 2. � 3. 4, ' 5 ' = Total Cover 50% oftotal cover 2�% of total cover. _ US Army Corps of Engmeers Total Number of Dominant SpeciesAcrossAllStrata� ��,} �g� Percent of Dominant Species � That Are OBL, FACW, or FAC: _ � " � � � ^ (q�g� Total °/a Cover of: Multiolv bv OBL speaes X � _ FAC W species X y= FAC species x 3 = FACU species X 4 = UPL species x 5 = Column Totals. �q� �B� Prevalence Index = B/A= L1 1-- Rapid Test for Hytlrophytic Vegetation �2 - Dominance Test is >50% Q 3- Prevalence Index is _<3 0' a Problematic Hydrophytic Vegetation' (Erplain) 'Indicators of hydric soil and wetland hydrology must 6e present, uoless disturbed or problematic. Tree - Wootly pla�ts, exduding vines, 3 m(7 6 cm) or more in diameter at breast heigM (DBH), regartlless of height SaplinglShrub - Woody plants, exclUding vines, less than 3 m DBH and greater than 3 28 ft(7 m) tall. Herb-All herbaceous (non-woody) plants, regartlless of size, and woody plants less than 3 28 ft tall. Woody vine -All woody vmes greater then 3.28 8 in height. Hydrophytic VegeWtion . �° PresenY7 Yes �'_ No _ Atlantic and GWf Coastai Plain Region - Version 2.0 SOIL . _ -- �--'-'._. .,. ,,,..,���� Depth Matrix Redox Features (inches) Color imoist� % Color (moistl _ . , . °�^ Tvoe LOC — 'TYpe C=Concentretion D=Deoli Hydnc Sofl Indicators� IAoolica � c . >, . � _ to all LRRs, Histosol (A1) Histic Epipedon (A2) Black Histic (A3) Hydrogen Sulfde (A4) Strahfied Layers (A5} Orgamc Bodies (AB) (LRR P, T, U) 5 cm Mucky Mineral (A7) (LRR P, T, U) Muck Presence (A8) (LRR U) 1 cm Muck (q9) (LRR P, T) Depleted Bebw Dark Surface (Ai 1) Thick Dark Surface (Al2) Coast Prame Redox (A16) (MLRq 150A) Santly Mucky Mineral (St) (LRR O, S) Saody Gleyed Matnx (S4) Sandy Reoox (S5) Stnpped Matnx (S6) Dark Surface �S7) (LRR P, S, T, U) Type Depth (inohes)� Sampling Point: '' the Texture Remarks f '"n- L = ir otherwise noted.) for - ..�,...,..,,.��� . Polyvalue Below Surtace (S8) (LRR S, T, U) ❑ t cm Muck {A9) (LRR O) Thm Dark Surface (S9) (LRR S, T, U) � 2 cm Muck (q10) (LRR S) Loamy Mucky Mineral (F1� (LRR O) Reduced Vertic (F18� (outside MLRA 150A,8) Loamy Gleyed Matrix (F2) �r� Piedmont Floodplain Soils iF19) (LRR P, S, T) � Depleted Matrix (F3) LJ Anomalous Bright Loamy Soils (F20) Redox Dark SurFace (F6) (MLRA 1538) Depleted Dark Surface (F7) ❑ Red Parent Matenal {TF2) Redox Depressions (F8) � Very Shallow Dark Surface (TF12) Marl (F70) (LRR U} D p�her (Explain i� Remarks) Depieted Ochnc(Fi�) (MLRA 151) �ron-Mangaoese Masses (Fi2) (LRR Q P, T) 'indicators of hydrophytic vegetation and Um6ric Sudace (F13) (LRR P, T, U) wetland h drolo Delta Ochric F17 MLRA 751 Y 9Y must be present, � �( 1 unless disturbed or problematic. Reduced Vertic (F18) (MLRA 750A, 150B) Piedmont Floodplain Soils (F19) (MLR4 74gp) Anomalous Bright Loamy Soils (F70) (MLRA 149A, 153C, 753D) Hydric Soil Present? Yes � No _ US Army Corps of Engineers Atlantic and Guif Coastal Plain Region - Version 2.0 �-�x� ���� W� ! R'ETLAND RATING WORKSHEET Foarth Version Pruject Name !-�-"w;�r .. ,s. COLllli�' /.. ;.�n.r �; '_ Name of evaluator , t r`� '`•�• �: Wetland location _ on pc,nd or lake _ ou pere��nial sCream _ on intermittent sh�eam within irnersri;ea�n divjde _�'arlier f�<„c'= . � _ ` Nearest Road Wetland area s "� ' � acres Soi! series: _ predomittantly organic - hwnus. muck, or peat i�predominai�tly mineral - uon-sand}� _ predominantly sandy ilydraulic factors steeptopography �ditched or channeli�ed _ total wetland width >_ ( Op feet Wetiand t�-pe (select one)µ Bottomland hardwood forest lieadwater forest _ S��•amp forest S�'et flat Pocosin _ Qog lorest �-,. .' 1 f �� . . Wetland width I)ate �� _, Adjacent land use (wit�iin %z mile upstream, upslope, or radius) � forestedhiatural veoetation ; � % ✓ agriculture, urUan/suburban % � impervious surface �= o/ Dominant ve„etation i�)—l_N✓r-v._-...�c��� -.�� �Z� •f��->•�iaC:.F 7 --�=— (3) _ �`' '.�i . iu�' %� Flooding a�d wetness _ semipermanently ta permanenity fl,00ded ar inundated seasonally fl�oded or inundaced �'' intermittently flooded ur te�nporvy surface water _ no evidence of flaoding or surfacc water Pine savanna �% Freshwater maesh Bog/feu ^ Ephemeral wetiand Carolina bay Other: I'he ratin� sqsfem cannot he applied [o salt o� braekish marshes or slream channels .—_. ._-- ------- ------- -------- ------------- ----------- - --- -- - : R Water storage { x 4.00 = � - -- - : iA BanldShareline stabilization �� x 4.(l0 =� �'etland j � T Pullutant removal � �" x 5.00 = ,� raYing � � 1 Wildlife habitat � � i x Z.00 = � N �, �Aquaticlifevalue __1�x400= ���4 ��-. G Recreation/Educarion ` x 1.00 =� i -�* Add 1 point if m sensitive watershed and >1 U°-o nonpoint ,ource disturbance �*eithin '/-. �nile upetreun. upslope, or radius � ����� ���,4�y North Carolina Department of Transportation SG[�Y�llW2t�r . I � ,,.,.,,.,, Highway Stormwater Program ��.� STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN (Version 2.07; Released October 2016) FOR NCDOT PROJECTS WBS Element: 17BP.6.R.71 TIP No.: SF-230211 County(ies): Columbus Page 1 of 1 General Project Information WBS Element: 17BP.6.R.71 TIP Number: SF-230211 Project Type: Brid e Replacement Date: 3/3/2017 NCDOT Contact: James Rerko Contractor I Designer: Kevin Alford, PE Address: NCDOT Division 6 Environmental Office Address: �/�/etherill En ineerin P.O. Box 1150 1223 Jones Franklin Road Fa etteville, NC 28302 Ralei h, NC 27606 P hone: 910-437-0207 P hone: 919-851-8077 Email: "rerko ncdot. ov Email: kalford wetherillen .com Cit ITown: Lake Waccamaw Count ies): Columbus River Basin s: Lumber CAMA Count ? No Wetlands within Project Limits? Yes Pro'ect Description Pro'ect Len th lin. miles or feet : 0.091 miles Surrounding Land Use: Rural Residential Proposed Pro'ect Existin Site Pro'ect Built-U on Area ac. 0.3 ac. 0.2 ac. Typical Cross Section Description: Two 11 foot Travel Lanes with 2 foot paved shoulder and 2 foot grassed shoulder on Two 10 foot Travel Lanes with 4 foot grassed shoulder on each side. each side. Annual Avg Daily Traffic (veh/hr/day): Desi n/Future: N/A Year: N/A Existin : 710 Year: 2016 General Project Narrative: The purpose of the project is to replace Bridge No. 211 on SR 1904 over Jockey Branch in Columbus County. The existing bridge is 36.3 feet long. The replacement structure (Description of Minimization of Water will be a 1@ 70' long bridge, providing a 30.83' clear deck width. The roadway grade of the new structure will be approximately the same as the existing structure. There will Quality Impacts) be no direct discharge into the stream (deck drains on the bridge). The existing bridge had one bent in the stream, while the proposed bridge has none. All existing stormwater drainage patterns were maintained on the project to the fullest extent. The storm drainage system picking up the bridge deck drainage will be outleted into a ditch northwest quadrant of the bridge. The ditch on the northeast quadrant was retained and is outside of the exising right of way. New ditches will have to be installed on the northwest, southeast and southwest quadrants since the existing ditches were filled over by the proposed roadway fill. Waterbody Information Surface Water Body (1): Jockey Branch NCDWR Stream Index No.: 15-3-5 NCDWR Surface Water Classification for Water Body Primary Classification: Class C Supplemental Classification: Swamp Waters (Sw) Other Stream Classification: None Impairments: None Aquatic T&E Species? Comments: NRTR Stream ID: N/A Buffer Rules in Effect: N/A Project Includes Bridge Spanning Water Body? Yes Deck Drains Discharge Over Buffer? No Dissipator Pads Provided in Buffer? N/A Deck Drains Discharge Over Water Body? No (If yes, provide justification in the General Project Narrative) (If yes, describe in the General Project Narrative; if no, justify in the (If yes, provide justification in the General Project Narrative) General Project Narrative) C a s � E n �� T� s, o � �N a� �o� �"'� �,�w \ .t/) �9 e� � � •� � V � � O V See Sheet 9A For Index of Sheets See Sheet 9B For Conventional Symbols See Sheet 1C For Survey Control Sheet PERMIT DRAWING SHEET 1 OF 9 � , I _ � ' I ` I . \� I \ � �•� , I ` I� _ � I•� ��/ I . I �` . � �a�����<«. � ���� �-li��i-������ ���� C4L UMB US CO U1�lTY LOCATION: BRIDGE 1V0.2302I1 OVER JOCKEY BRA11lCH ON SR I904 (RED BUG RD.) TYPE OF WORK GRADI11lG, DRAINAGE, PAVING f� STRUCTURE WETLAND AND SURFACE WATER IMPACTS PERMIT 'A'IS 9TAT8 PROIHCI' R6P6RBNCB NO. ��� 17BP.6.R.71 BTATC VROI.NQ P.A.PROl.N4 178P.6.R.71 WA � Y69CRIIf10N PE BRIDGE #230211 BEGIN TIP PRO ECT 17BP.6.R.71 —L— POT STA.11 + 82.50 x END BRIDGE � —L— POC STA.14 + 52.50 +/— �I I � N —L— � � SR 1904 To Sx ,00, �HAL� ' -- __iRED BUG RD.) -- � �—�—; -------� i -- -------- --�- !------------ �� � \II � TO SR I907 (PIERCE CEMETERY RD) \ �� ��� �� � � �s 6 BEGI11l BRIDGE —L— POC STA. l3 + 82.50 +/— E11tD TIP PRO ECT 17BP.6.R.71 —L— POC STA. l6 + 62.50 CLEARING ON THIS PROJECT SHALL BE PERFORMED TO THE LIMITS ESTABLISHED BY METHOD II. THIS PROJECT IS NOT WITHIN ANY MUNICIPAL BOUNDARIES. GRAPHIC SCALES DESIGN DATA ADT 2016 = 710 30 15 0 30 60 T = 6 % * PLANS V = 55 MPH 30 15 0 30 60 *�ST = 3% DUAL = 3 PROFILE (HORIZONTAL) FUNC. CLASS = MINOR COLLECTOR, RURA 6 3 0 6 12 (SUBREGIONAL) PROJECT LENGTH LENGTH ROADWAY TIP PROJECT 176P.6.R.71 = 0.078 MILES LENGTH STRUCTURE PROJECT 17BP.6.R.71 = 0.013 MILES TOTAL LENGTH TIP PROJECT 17BP.6.R.71 = 0.091 MILES . ° `" ." ". " ", . "°"'_" ,", HI'DRAULICS ENGINEER ETHERILL DIVISIOIV OF HIGHWAYS ENGINEERING DIVISION 6 1223 Jones Franklin Rd. Raleigh, N.0 27606 558 G:11es Sneee License Na. F-0377 p`e Bus: 919.851.8077 Fax: 919.851.8107 Fayeeeev;lae NC, 2830! 20/2 STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS RIGHT OF WAY DATE: EDWARD G. WETHERILL, PE src,vAzurte: rE� PROJECT ENGINEGR LETTING DATE: NCDOT CONTACT: GREG S. PURVIS, PE PROJECT DESIGN ENG7NEER BRICE BELL, PE D7VISION 6 BR/OGE PROGRAM �NAPiAGER ROADWAY DESIGN ENGINEER P.E. INCOMPL�'Il'E PLANS DO NOT USE FOR R/W ACpU[91TION DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED � Z 0 w � � 6 � IB E G I I�—G�I � P I��,,?�l E C 1 —L— PO S —L— POT S�A. 1 p + JAMF_S �, YEOMEN, ET UIX I � I I � � � c PUE �-� PWE — EXISiING_R/W I EIP RETAIN —rt — � �5� R��, � J � _ ' RETAIN _ 2GI'D' � ��G / W OT �P.6.R.71 . 11 + 82.50 �N MARK Aa EVANS h 29 E I UX � PI{�MO EV & cREPLACE REMOVE � oe R PLACE & 2 Tons� C�$$ B RIP RAP W/7 S�' G OTEXTILE — � � l�l � I PERMIT DRAWING SHEET 2 OF 9 .� • .� � � � � � � � � � � �� � _ 60 50 � 40 � � � a t -� oN ���. �, . �N «:_ � ` CAM-BRENT, INCo � 2 �Tons C1ASS [3� 3� � RIP R�AP Wl7 SY � � � GEO��CTILE SPECIAL�CI�f � � BASE DITG`H , E E EE �ETA�L r'� � C � � C W � `Fi C' SR 1904 (RED BUG RDJ � _ __ ;9'BSi ' PS_ � 8:1 — _ _ - - � _ �--�- �iw� � BQGUE AREA B�TTCRMENT COUNCIL BRIDGE N0.230211 � � � \ �� PRELIMINARY PLANS �J� / \� � � � � � � � �� � � � KEVIN M, REGISI FH CLASS �II RIP RAP / � � � �� TO ELEVC �2.3� � \ � � �� � / / � � � / � � RElv� OVE � (TYP.) � � � � / � EXISRING � � � �� � � � � ��� -BRIQGE� � � pu�00�S m i /� �� �� � PK I NAIL ��' �;'J `� - � ' ' i�- �i�vt- - �s � � E-� � ' w000s �C �� SPECIAL CUT �� � � � �c A BASE DITCH ( 2) CLASS II RIP �P _ �� SEE DETAIL A �� TO ELEV. 52.3 � (nP.► \ � � I +o�.�. ��� RANCE��� Be �HUR�nN= � 4o.a ET �� � � � � DENOTES EXCAVATION IN WETLAND F F DENOTES FILL IN WETLAND � DENOTES HAND CLEARING BEG. GRADE —L— 11 + 82.50 EL = 51.19 ------ ^89 11 x U � 0 Z � m PROJECT REFERENCE NO. SHEET NO. 17BP.6.R.71 4 RNJ SHEET NO. ROADWAY DESIGN HYDRAULICS ENGINEER ENGINEER INCOM�LE � PLANS DO !�'OT USE FOA iW ACQLISTT[ON PUE� � GRAVEL � I INV=46e58' . f P(�jE � \ � — � 1223 Jones Frankiin Rd. --� - ,J-r�-l�`���`r � TIN� R�W -- Raleigh, N.0 27606 � E� 3 � ETHERiLL Liscense No. F-0377 � \ / � ENGINEEPING B�s: 919 851 8077 -v ' _ .. —. — F � � 1 \ j %�� — - Faz: 919 851 8107 ' — — �� • ¢-�.�� --� /---r7 RETAIN rnwvsva+r.vax vuwx�vcarsmx - ea�ar,eisrAucrur+� aeww (J; � -- — � GYN/SIlE CIESIGN - p5/GPS - CQVSiR4CTqN Q95ElNATpN �R I�JO4 (IitD BUC RDe) ly� BST `o �� DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL I I —� _ - UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED 48" hCP � -- -- --- -- —�__—�—� , — — � — — —� � _ _ 8:L _ — — ��� � N _ -- -- — F _ r __ � END CONSTRUCTION ,JSTI G R/W - — �'� F E�` — — 6, oe 84 °° _L— POC STA. 16 + 84.OU E IAL U ao:oo � � _ _ � HC � � ���DITCH IN�v=46,58' � � I �/ SEE DE�AIL A � � � ` ,�,� � � ENf� �ICDOT ���� � � � � ,� , � � � D1TCH DATA �, P,��JECT 176P.6.R.71 ,� � / -L- $TA. 5,�8�T. +/- �, � � BM #� � ` �,o--� FS � � —L—� POC STA. 16 + t , 48_09 � � �� �� � �vio= �.rFPs � <a.00 �1 ��,_ � � �� JACKIE To R�GISTER �.� 'I '� Pl = 13+42.00 � i'4 , '� 'i , � '� i i � � TIER GUIDELINES L EL = 52.90' . VC = ll7' — — K = //5 0 DS = 55MPH STA.14+17.50 —L— SKEW = 90° � � ELEV. — 53.13 � 1@70' - 24" CORED SLAB Pl = l6+10.00 _--_ EL = 52.06' - V C = �00� K = l00 DS = 50MPH= ' EXfKI = 96 W�z�b-- �APS V R. END GRADE VAR. BEG. BRIDGE No oECK oa�iNs END BRIDGE REQ"'RE° MILLING —L- l b+ 62.50 MILLING —L— 13 + 81.38 —L— 14 + 53.63 EL = 51.95 f +)0.5000% � + 189% _ _ � f J0.3000% � —1/ 1993% f -10 2000% -L- 13 + 80 RT ---- ---- j-)0.30%_ELEV_ 48.01 FT -----__-------- - - - - - - - � ---��0:67°1------------------ EXCAVATE TO � F ELEV. 48.0 ^ J END DITCH � LL o —L— 14 + 00 (LT) � o �? ELEV. = 46.70 FT � �`+r' MINIMUM KEY—IN J b� + � OF RIP RAP=3.5' ± �� r j END DITCH > i —L— 14+12 (RT) �,w JLL' -- . — ELEV.=47.00 FT 12 13 14 50 DETAIL A SPECIAL CUT BASE DITCH ( Not to Scale) Natural � o� Front Gro�nd ,?. 3�� 1e� Difch �� D F\o� Slope � Min. D = 1 Ft. B = 2 Ff. FROM -L- STA.11+65 TO STA.14+00 LT FROM -L- STA. 11+82.5 TO STA. 14+12 RT FROM -L- STA. 15+83 TO STA. 16+80 RT BRIDGE HYDRAULIC DAT A DESI�N DISCHARGE = 450 DESIGN FREOUENCY = l0 DESIGN HW ELEVATION = 50B BASE DISCHARGE = 940 BASE FREOUENCY = l00 BASE HW ELEVATION = 52A OVERTOPPlN6 DISCHARGE = 560 OVERTOPPING FREQUENCY= l0+ OVERTOPPING ELEVATION = 5/2 CFS YRS FT CFS YRS FT CFS YRS FT , DATE OF SURVEY = 8/22/l6 WS. ELEVATION AT DATE OF SURVEY = 459 FT -- ------- .16% LOWEST CHORD (+)0.21% 'i � aj EXCAVATE TO i ------------- _- � ELEV.48.0 CLASS II RIP RAP i �� ----- W/GEOTEXTILE � r LL ~ LL (2 FT. THICK) 1 i =� o � o ' I (SLOPE NORMAL � M � v o'O � � � � TO END BENT) I�i I�i p 00 ^ i- °° � +� o+ Z � I II WATER SURFACE i W J J - Z J J TOTAL APPROXIMATE ON DATE OF SURVEY I---- m, w �- - - W � W EXCAVATION = ELEV. = 459 133 CY (+/-) 15 16 17 .� � 50 � 40 � Z 0 w � � EGI N—G�I �� I � PI��,,?� EC 1 —L— PO S BEG. COT�I UCTI -L- POT S�A. 1�W + JAMF_S �, YEOMEN, ET UIX I � I I � � � I m PUE i � PWE— EXISiING R/W I EIP RETAW—rt — � �5� RCP�I - �� J � _ ' RETAIN _ 2GI'D' � — ��� �W OT �P.6.R.71 . 11 + 82.50 �N MARK Aa EVANS h 29 E � Ux � P�{�MO EV � C REPLACE� REMOVE � �� R PLACE & 2 Tons� C�$$ B RIP RAP W/7 S�' G OTEXTILE — � � l�l � � PERMIT DRAWING SHEET 3 OF 9 .� • .� � � � � � � � � � � �� � _ 60 50 � 40 � s a -� oN ���. �, . �N «:_ � ` CAM-BRENT, INCo �� �� 4 RIP �� P W� SY� � �� � ��'��GEO ��CTILE � SPECIAL�CI�I` � � BASE DITG`H , E E EE �ETA�L r'� � C � \ C Wni�4('' �I�i�:i�,"N� � SR l°� �� �C-� RDJ � --� _ �9 ti���_ 2' PS - $.1 -- '��. �L-`�,�--` �„�-�- � E-� �� WOODS C �� � � � � � CLASS II RIP �P � � � �� TO ELEV.52.3 � �rrP.► � � � I +o�.�. 1��RANCELLA Be THUR`P/I�N� � ao.a ET AL � � � � �� ✓ v SPECIAL CUT � BASE DITCH SEE DETAIL A � � � � � � BQGUE AREA B�TTCRMENT COUNCIL BRIDGE N0.230211 � � � \ �� PRELIMINARY PLANS �J� / \� � � � � � � � �� � � � KEVIN Iv�e REGIS I FH CLASS yl RIP RAP a /I � � , � TO ELEVC �2.3� � \ � +/ / / / � � / � (TVP.) � � � � i ��RElv� OVE � \ � � � � / � � EXISRING � � � � �� � � � �� � -� -BRIQGE� � \ W c�S m - i /� � � -�� POEO ). � 0 � i'K I NAIL -. ,v���-� � DENOTES EXCAVATION IN WETLAND F F DENOTES FILL IN WETLAND � DENOTES HAND CLEARING BEG. GRADE —L— 11 + 82.50 EL = 51.19 ------ ^89 11 x U � 0 Z � m 40.00 PROJECT REFERENCE NO. SHEET NO. 17BP.6.R.71 4 RNJ SHEET NO. ROADWAY DESIGN HYDRAULICS ENGINEER ENGINEER INCOM�LE � PLANS DO !�'OT USE FOA iW ACQLISTT[ON PU � � GRAVEL � I INV=46e58' � } P('�E \ ��� —� � 1223 Jones Frankiin Rd. �, �-,�r � __ ,J.� W✓ "- I —�T�N� R�W - �� ETHERILL Raleigh,N.C.27606 � Liscense No. F-0377 ENGINEEPING F — � �\ � � � �' _ B�s: 919 851 8077 — .. _ - — �-- � 1 � Faz: 919 851 8107 — — �P ' — �� — RETAI N �__ _ � I �- TRANSPOATATqA' PLANNMC/AESif.M � BRIOC£/SrAUCiUR£ QE51GN � GYN/SIlE CIESIGN - p5/GPS - CQVSiR4CTqN Q95ElNATpN ' — -- -- -- - ` DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL — . �---- � ,'4 i��C BiJG nDJ Ig' 8`�T � --- ;, r �_ _ _�-- = UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED -- - — - - -------�� __- � —I� � 4f�' hC�r' � � � - -- - - - _ -� =1-=� - �� -- $;l_ _ _ _ — _ �,-�-� _ , s� _� w — - - F - - -_ - — ;ST, � R�W END CONSTRUCTION - � r — = — 84 °° _L- POC STA. 16 + 84.0 <� � - - F E IAL U ea.os E ao.00 � - � HC � � �'!�S�DITCH i��v=uE,6a� � � I �/ SEE DE�AIL A � � � � � � ,�,� � � ENf� �ICDOT ��� � � � � � D1TCH DATA � P,��JECT 176P.6.R.71 - �`�` �� BM � I , � -L- sTA.��T. +/ � � �_L--� POC STA. 16 + t �� # � C�10=�, 5.5 ,CFS � �� � � A� �� � �V10= Z.2-FPS � . 1 K�L� — / �-i `1' �� JACKIE To R�GISTER �.� _= U / L � i 4 '� 'i , � '� i i � TIER GUIDELINES K = //5 Pl = 12+30.00 DS = 55MPH EL = 5/.42' VC = 95� STA.14+17.50 -L- K = I�E SKEW = 90° DS = 55MPH � @ o v. za�� CO ED SLAB Pl = l6+10.00 _--_ EL = 52.06' - VC = l00' K = l00 DS = 50MPH= ' EXfKI = 96 W�z�b-- �APS V R. END GRADE VAR. BEG. BRIDGE No oECK oa�iNs END BRIDGE REQ"'RE° MILLING —L- l b+ 62.50 MILLING —L— 13 + 81.38 —L— 14 + 53.63 EL = 51.95 50 DETAIL A SPECIAL CUT BASE DITCH ( Not to Scale) Natural � o� Front Gro�nd ,?. 3�� 1e� Difch �� D F\o� Slope � Min. D = 1 Ft. B = 2 Ff. FROM -L- STA.11+65 TO STA.14+00 LT FROM -L- STA. 11+82.5 TO STA. 14+12 RT FROM -L- STA. 15+83 TO STA. 16+80 RT BRIDGE HYDRAULIC DAT A DESI�N DISCHARGE = 450 DESIGN FREOUENCY = l0 DESIGN HW ELEVATION = 50B BASE DISCHARGE = 940 BASE FREOUENCY = l00 BASE HW ELEVATION = 52A OVERTOPPlN6 DISCHARGE = 560 OVERTOPPING FREQUENCY= l0+ OVERTOPPING ELEVATION = 5/2 DATE OF SURVEY = 8/22/l6 WS. ELEVATION AT DATE OF SURVEY = 459 f +)0.5000/ � + 189% _ _ f +J0.3000% _ _ _ _ � -1/.1993% f -10.2000/ _ _ — — � — — — — — — — — — — -L- 13 + 80 RT ' - - - - - l-�0.30%_ ELEV_ 48.01 FT_ _ _ , ------ .16% -----------_________ LOWEST CHORD (+)0.21% (�0:67°1----------------- ^ EXCAVATE TO i - EXCAVATE TO � / ,� ELEV. 48A — F ELEV.48A , , ^ J END DITCH CLASS II RIP RAP li ___�_�__ � _---_ � W/GEOTEXTILE LL � LL -LL o -L- 14 + 00 (LT) I I r � o �? ELEV. = 46.70 FT (2 FT. THICK) 1 i =� o � o ' I � � �`+ r' MINIMUM KEY-IN (SLOPE NORMAL � � � M � v o'O � � � � +� + ii �I OF RIP RAP=3.5' TO END BENT) �i �il ���^ o°+°� _ u r j END DITCH ,r� II ^ II > � I_ -L- 14+12 (RT) WATER SURFACE C� � w _ � � w TOTAL APPROXIMATE �,`; J'�'-' ' ELEV.=47.00 FT ON DATE OF SURVEY -I mJw .---- - WJW EXCAVATION = ELEV. = 459 133 CY (+/-) 12 13 14 15 16 17 CFS YRS FT CFS YRS FT CFS YRS FT , FT � 50 � 40 J [�; OT 1 � P.6.R.71 ST�. 11 + 82.50 �CTI - N �nR� no �v�aNs, 0+ .29 �i �x � � �� � � Il I �i , PK�MOVE �C UE c REPLACE ��� � , �<< '� �� 8 :1 i �,R i904 (rr� D � ;� iG ,�C%oi � � ���' r<_, % �� 2'PS __ _ _ _g�— --- � _ _ _ _ _ - _ CQM—BRENTg INCo I� Z �OIIS C�A$$ �%= 4 RIP R�AP W/7 SY � GEO��CTILE � SPECIAL�CI�f � BASE DITC�H �' E EE_�E_ P� � - - � C � C �VO�� �___ _-- - - — � i�Riw � } REMOVEI � , CL�4SS B RIP RAP G�EOTEXTI LE �� 0 z � � BRIDGE NO. 230211 PROJECT REFERENCE NO. SHEET NO. 17BP.6.R.71 PRELIMINARY PLANS RNJ SHEET NO. ROADWAY DESIGN HYDRAULICS ENGINEER ENGINEER NCOM�LE�'� PLANS DO !�'OT USE FOA iW ACQLISTT[ON BOGGC ARC/� BCTTCRMC � � \ � � � 7223 Jones Fronkiin Rd. � � ETHERILL Raleigh, N.C. 27606 \ ENGINEEPING �iscense No. F-0377 B�s: 919 851 8077 � Foz: 919 851 8107 \ � \ � TRANSPOATATqN PLANNMC/AESICM � BRIOfff/SrAUCiUR£ QE51GN GYN/SIlE CIESILN ' p5/GPS ' CQVSiR4CTqN 095ElNATpN � /� p� � DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL C LF1SS �I RI P Rl1P � UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED � � TO ELE� �2.3 � � � � ' � � � \ � � �� ' � RElv� OVE �P� � � � EXI RIN � \ % ,� � , S G � � �/ ,' � -6fZ�L�C�iEI � � OObS r" i / � Pu� � � PK I NAI� _ � ► _ ��� _, � � E � � i � WOO�S � C ��,�. SPECIAL CUT � � � � BASE DITCH � CLASS II RIP l�P �� �� SEE DETAIL A �� TO ELEV. 52.3 � (�P.) \ � � I �RANCE��Q Bo THUR`�0/IQNg � +a°o'.� ET QI_ � � � PERMIT DRAWING SHEET 4 OF 9 �� • �� ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ .�. � �i DENOTES EXCAVATION IN WETLAND F DENOTES FILL IN WETLAND DENOTES HAND CLEARING PUE;� � �RAVEL � I PiJE - < �-v���� i EYISTING R/W �I _ F _� � � � F-- , \ � —, _ , � , - �-:�-- - - - - .�'-��- - -k- - ; , — — � , , �� , �� �,�� � c � � ���i� �oa� i�' �sT �— 1� — � ----'- --- __-- - � — -__-- ---- w — —_��— - — — -- —� :L� — — — — — — _� W = — - _ F �� � - _ _ _ — -� � isTi� �� Riw 84.00 f E + 64.08 EX. WW � i HC � � �,��DITCH Qo.00 � �;� �— � V I �/ SEE DE�AIL A EN � � � � � � ���� � � � �; . �_. � � � � � D1TCH DATA � � P�'� J � � �,� � / —L- �TA. 5� 3 RT. +/— � ��-���;� � � B M # � / � C�10 � 5.5 ,CFS � � —L—� F +40.00 � � � �� � � � �V10 = -T.2-FPS � � � . � �, — , '� JQCKIE To REGIS BRIDGE N0.230211 PRELIMINARY PLANS PROJECT REFERENCE NO. SHEET NO. 17BP.6.R.71 RNJ SHEET NO. ROADWAY DESIGN HYDRAULICS ENGINEER ENGINEER INCOM�LE � PLANS �I O ■ DO !�'OT USE FOA 6W AC4LISTT[ON BOGL�C ARC/� BCTTCRMC L� \ 7223 Jones Fronkiin Rd. � ■ � �/ • ■ \� / ■ � \ � ) LRs�clense NoCF�0377 \ � ETH�ERILL ENGINEEPING S�� � � � �� • �O � �� ���� � I��o � \ B�s: 919 8518077 Foz: 919 851 8107 9 � TRANSPOATATqN PLANNMC/AESICM ' BRIOfff/SrAUCiUR£ QE51GN �� \ GYN/SIlE CIESILN ' p5/GPS ' CQVSiR4CTqN 095ElNATpN CTI N � DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL ��� RI P° n P� S S� � � ,� i�� \ C LASS �11 RI P RAP �\ � LESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED I��RI� �o � ✓���9 /� � � S UN 0 � .29 � �_ �x �� 4 �GEO TILE � � �r�� � � � � � TYP.ELE� �2.3� � ��� � �� ' � 3 ,� ( ) � , , � ,, I,, �� �j � SPECIAL�CI� � � � � � EXIS�ING � � � � ' � BASE DIT �� H — — -` �� � —� �^ � � � � � I � °' m `� � � � �R�qV� � ���5 m / / � � SEE DET��IL � � � � �_� p� � PU � �� PU PUE;� � GRAVEL �� I � UE � W0 i E ��EMOYE_ � 9-RC � � P� �� �REPLA�E R � � _ _ _ — — — — - < ����`� ; � E �sTiNc r�iw �I — -�-- � _ _a— � � � � ��� - � �- �� � i �Tq, �v � � ' � - - � F_ ���� � � , ��— �� � ��_ � c - � , � - — — — _ - � i ' r � v -- c, � F�� � �� _ :� '�"'R�'� 8:1 i �� = W � —�;fi ---- .�'-�'�---'� � - -- —_ _ �R i904 (�r���� ;� i;� ��;, - — � �''�'��� - - — � � , �='�,�� ��� ��-�' ���JG RDJ 19' C�ST � - --- ���_ , �; REMOVE � __ -_ -_ _— - — — — ° � l�' BST o � `r � , � _ _ - � � � --- -- � - r'I< NAI� -� __ - - --- - -- - --- ---- --- --�� � — W - 5 = _ _ — — -- 2 � pS ,� — g� � -_ -- -- — --- --- — - , - _ ___ --- -- - -- - :L — - - - - - -- - - ___ -�- -- � ;��� - -, - - --- � • 1 r � , :; � -, =, � ._ �- _ , � _ _ _ � ,, � �� �c� Riw i _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ,� ���� �, F — — C SS B RI P RAP -�� �— " � - F E + 64.08 EX 4� — — CIAL U GEOTEXTILE �� � " � � — � � � ����"° � � �E � , _ HC � � ���DITCH Qo.00 � � � � Woo�S C � � , �� � I �/ SEE DE�AIL A � � � BA E� DIT H� CLASS II RIP �P � I � � � �,,� �� � \ � � � � � � � �� � \ EN� � SEE DETAIL A � � TO ELEV. 52.� � — � � `�,- . �, � � � � � D1TCH DATA � � ��'�� � �� (TYP.) A � � � �� � � � `�-� � / -L- �TA.�3 RT. +/- � ��ANCE��,� ao TNUR�QNg � +°000 �;k� � �BM #� � �c��o � 5.5,eFs � � —L—�F +48.09 � ��j'� � �i / E T Q �_ I� � 4a.00 �- ��� � �v� o=�r.rFPs ��1 �— i � � / JQCKIE To REGIS� PERMIT DRAWING SHEET 5 OF 9 4 0' 0' q 0' GRAPHIC SCALE DENOTES EXCAVATION IN WETLAND F DENOTES FILL IN WETLAND DENOTES HAND CLEARING WETLAND AND SURACE WATER IMPACTS SUMMARY WETLANDIMPACTS SURFACE WATERIMPACTS Hand Existing Existing Permanent Temp. Excavation Mechanized Clearing Permanent Temp. Channel Channel Natural Site Station Structure Fillln Fillln in Clearing in SW SW Impacts Impacts Stream No. (From/To) Size / Type Wetlands Wetlands Wetlands in Wetlands Wetlands impacts impacts Permanent Temp. Design (ac) (ac) (ac) (ac) (ac) (ac) (ac) (ft) (ft) (ft) 1@70' - 24" CORED SLAB 0.02 0.01 0.09 TOTALS�: 0.02 0.01 0.09 "Rounded totals are sum of actual impacts NOTES: �