HomeMy WebLinkAbout20170763 Ver 1_Approval Letter_20170710Environ men t u I Qua(itv ROY COOPER MICHAEL S. REGAN ti, JAY IIMMFRMAN Ju!; IQ 201 % GranviAe Cow�ry PdCD'JJI2 Prolec[ Nu. 20170703 �R 1409 State Projecr No. iC'.03°O6?. 4PPSLOVAL of 401 WATER QU.4I.[TY fERTIFIC.4TION w�th A�!?1T[ONAL CONAITL�NS M11r. J.R. Y,cpkins, P.E., Divi�ion £ngir.ee: NCCOT, Givisiun S 2612 Norh Duke Stree[ Du�ham. NC 27704 Dear Mr. Hopkins: You have our approval, in accordance with the conditions listed below, for the following impac[s for the purpose of construcrine SR I409 in Granville County: Stream Im ac[s in Ihr Roanoke River Basin � 9ite I Permaneni Riprap Fiil in Temporary � Yermanent Fill i Kip�ap Fili in � Tero�orary To�al �� Fi!lin � Inte�miti�n: GeH�st.s'�ngle I in�'rrennia! i �cr�noiai � D'2WRIG1liieta � 5fresm i i[nlcnni.teut j Sirean: I interrcii[euf � Stream Stream � Perznnial I impact I Stream (linear ft) Stream I (linear fq jlinear ft) Sveam (linear j(linear fi) � line��- ft�L _� (lincar f�--�--- —J--- t[� � I 2G � 10 30 (Concurrentj 0 0 I 0 3Q 2 0 0 0 16 10 36 (Co�wrrent) 26 t 3 G 0 0 l0 10 ' 2i; (Crn�currenij 26 4 0 0 0 12 10 2l (Concurreat) 2? --- —�-- —�--- , ------- -- -- 7---- Total 20 �--- 10-- i 30 -- i 4A I 30 i 7a I 104 I�otal stream Impaet tor ��ro�ect: �u4 �mear teet. The project shall be constr�c!ed in accordance with qeur application received June 2Q 3017_ After revie�.+�ing your a�Flicarion. we have decided [hat the;e imp2rrs are covered 6y General Water Qua!iry Czrtifcatinn Number 408R_. This certificator cnr„pon�ls to thc Nzticnµ�idc Permit 14 is�ucd by the Corps of F.n�ireers. ia �,idition, pou should acyuire any uther teoeral, s-tata c,r local pe�mits bzlore you proceed wilii ycur project including (out no[ lintifed :o) Szdii �ent and E.rosion ControL. Non-Disehsrgz and VJatar Supply R'atershcd regulations. Tl�i� spproval �vill espire wi[h [he acrnmpanying 404 permit. Thic approval is valid sole!� fnr the purpose 2nu uesi�r descrb�d in your z��plicat�on (!:rless modi*ieo below!. Shauld your prqject chznge, _.-ou mus; �otiiy the N�D\'JK ard ;ubinit a new applicatie�. ITtl:e pro�cr.} is sold, the r�ew mc:;cr nmst be e���en a cop� r,rthis Cert�iicatien :iru zppro�al lett.r. �uiC is therzby ,e>ponsiule `or c�mplying with al I the conditions. If total wedand fills for this project (now or in the fumre) exceed one acre, or of total impacts to s[reams (row or in Ihe future) exczed 150 lirear feel, cumpensator}� mitieation may be roquired as ;lea�� ib.d in i SA vC ^�i �H .Q506 ih �;6) 3n; j7i. For thi:; approv:,i to �emain valid, vo�, must eUherc to L:c Wl;�ihOi!± I!Si2� IR IhC Ci�1121'S� ��P.IUi1C�i[il:p &�H: i:il� 3(iClilPIT,tI C011t�l:i0:15 II:i�8C1 Y1FIC.N'. f.v:ie oi �erlh Cn�nhna'� frivennm•:nia! lcari.t•, IGi 7 Mtil atwix Crn�er I Raieigl. North Chrolina 2769B-1oi7 Conciitions of Cer4i��aiion: 1. Unless otherwise approved in this certification, placerient of culverts and other structures in open waters and strear_ms, sh211 be placed below the etevation of ihe streambed by one f�ot f�r all c�lverts �vith a c�iameier greater ±han 48 inches, and 20 percent of the culvert diameter for culverts having a diameter less than 48 inches, to allow low flow passage of water and aquatic life. Design and placement of culverts and other structures including temporary erosion ccn?:•ol ineas!.�:�s s�Ali n�� �e cc;�:iucte� u� a m.a��.�P: thut �r�ay result ='rc �is-e;;uili�ri>>4� �?f :x,e:lat�d5 �r sn-ea.r_ozds t�r ba��:4s, zdjace:ii +�. �r �:ps:re�n: and do�*rri s�ezr,i c� tI-�e above siru�tw�es. Tne a�p1�c�:t is reqai��d ta �rcvi�ie evile:�e:, that th� ec�:itibriz:n :s Gei��g rnaintai�ec if r;.qu�ste� ir: writ:�-:g by t'r,e NCL'CN�. If ti-�is �onuitia;. is unab:e fo �e r.��t due to b��rc�ck �r otiier iii�itirig fda�ures enc�t:nterec! during car.siruction, �?Pase contact �he 1�CC��R fer gt�idance oi� how to proceed and to determine wheiher or not a nermit rnodifica'rion wiil be requireci. f 15A NCEI� 02H.O�OS(b}(2)] �. ?�.:�3TSj?•52131i .2Gi �e ��aCA:�i ir� ±he acti:✓s thalv.e� c�ar.�ie, or �laced 1� th8 Si2'euT?;�JOL� li, a I;78I1T'i�i ±i13� �ie�i�1�ES aquatic iife passage.- Aioengineerin� boulders or stc��clures sl�oald be properly designed; sizeci and rnstalied. [15A N�;AC ti2H."u5�5(b)(2j1 3. For any stre�ms being impacteu� dne to site devratering activit�es, the site shall �Se �aded to its prPconstruction �oniours ar.d :-evegetatesi wifh 3p�ropriate naiive species. [ i SH NCAC 0%H.0506(?�)(2 �] . _ 4_ 'I'he sixea.m channels shall be excavated no deeper than the natural bed material of the stream, to the maximum extenr pra�iicanle. �,fiorts must oe ma�e to minimize impacts to thP stream nanics, as wPli as ic� vegetation responsi'nle, -� - f;.r rnz��tai�ni.�g the s�ream bank stabi:iTM��. ��r.y applicable ripa:ian buffer iripac� for a�cess to streari char�r.�l shall be temporaty and.be revegetated with native riparian species. [l SA NCAC 02H.050(i(b)(21� 5. If concrete is used during construction, a dry work area shall be maintained to prevent direct contact between curing concrete and stream water. Water that inadvertently contacts uncured concrete shall not be discharged to surface waters due to the potential for elevated pH and possible aquatic life and fsh kills. [15A NCAC 02B.0200] o'. During ine consiruction of the projeci; no staging of equipment oa any kuid is perrniited in waters of the ti.S., or protected ripari�n buffers. f 15A NCAC 02H.0506�b)(21] ?. The di.,►er.sio.^�; t�att: m ar.d �rafi?e �f the strea� a�ave anri'�eicw the cressa;g sha11 nct �e mouitied. L'isturbed �i:;aari.3�ns ��d streur�s.snall �e r�st:;re� t� nail:ral geo�arp;tic conci:ti�ns. �1: e�TCP.� OZT�-�.�5�6(�)�2)� 8. T;e Per.;.itte� shail e:�sure that the fi:�al desi�n drav�ings a�hzr:, tc th., permi� ar,d to the nernit ��awings - submitted for approval. [15A NCAC 02H .0507'�c j and i SA NCAC 02H .OSu6 (b j(2) and (cj(Z)j 9. Ali work in or adiacent to stream waiers shall be conducted in a dry work area. �inproved BMP measures from the mast �ur�n� vz.rs�on ofN��OT Cc�istr.icti�n and Maintenance .�ct���itie� rr,�nu�l sueh as sar_dbabs, re�K berms; coife;dan:s a:zd e±h�r �i:�zrsion structuc�es sha:l b� used to prevzc�t zxca��tiu� i:� fl��+.vL7g =Nat�r. [l5A irCAC �1?H.OS���iC3) �r=�'�)(3�� 10. Heaw.equipment shaLl be operated from the banks rather fhan in the strPam channel in order to minimize sedirn�ntati�r. �-�u redus;� tre intre3�:ction of o�her ���i�ztants u7te +.he sirean. �� SA NCAc:, �J��I.OSdS�U)(�}; 11...411 r.m�claani?eci eauipment o�er�ted ne�r s��rf�ce �vaters must be re�ul�rly ir.cpzcte� and r_-�a'tn.tair.e� to prevent � �antamj��t:on of stream waters 1�e�n fia�l�; ]ubricants, h�clraz.lie #l��:ds, or ether tcxic ma±eriats. [15A N�AC u2H.u506(�)(3)] 12. Nn rock, sand ar_ ethPr materi�ls shall be �reeiaec� frem the strea:n �harnei Pxcspt v��here authorized �y this certifcatinn. [15A NCAC 02N.OSQ6(b1(3)� !.�, L`is�ha:��r� r.y�res�cd Fn;xtu�es and ;��ashing �,ut hycir�seede.s a;�d a�her equ:p���ert in c�r ���a::ent �o si�rface waters . is �ro'r�i�EtFcl. ; �S_1 NC.'�C; +�ZH."v�Obr� f(3;� 14: The�perniit�ee a��d its authorized agents shall canduct its act�vities in a�tianner co,isistent �vith State water quality SiAi1:�3��5 (,riC.�ilFdlilr allV 1"8�"�I.iS2'ZTiF::�S.T'ZS�.itli � 1'�T�.?CE; ;C�i:1L�1311CC; rV:�il �3V�(CIj Ot t{i2 CI�.3'1 �?�cit�� I�CS,) uild a7-y oti:er apprcf��rias_e r�qa�rem�irts �� Sta�e anii �rderaa la���. ift'rte i�CI3ti;'R ��eter^;i«es tha� s3.:cn stan�a�ds �r l��,s >�rv nct t�eirg I:let {1ilLli'_G�-]_^,� i11C t2'.�Ua� L� gll."•��,'_D ?:�eSiaT.�T�fl'Cr'' 8Cr12V0d 1:3�! 7C i_tta'i Ci�3t2 4Y ���Pl'3� i2W lg �,'�ii?-� �'SOjaT?'S, or tha: further conditions are necessary to assure compliance, the NCDWR may reevaluate and modify this certification. [15A NCtiC 02B.u2�0] 1�. A copy of this ��Vat�r Quality Certification shall be maintained on tiie consiruction site at al1 times. ln acidition, the Water f2uality Cer�ification ana all subse�uer_t m�difications, if anS�, shall be mainta:ned vaith the Division Engir_eer and the on-site project manager. [15A NCAC 02H .0507(c) and 15A NCAC 02H .0506 (b)(2) and (c)(2)] lci. '?'F:� �a+side :�et?and �r wate!• bouildar;� ]c,catu� �?�i�hir� ±:�e cc�nsR��cEi�r� �orrid�r appr�ved �y th�s aati?crizaiio�, :n�iu �slg ail ne:�=�onunercial ��rs�;�- a�ic� was�e sites asso�:are� �rt'r, ti:e �r°aject, shali bs �l�a�•!y mat�ked �;� 1-iigl:?y visi�le f nci:zg pr�i�: ta ar�y ?and disturbuag acti:�ities. Im�,acts i� ar�as wi�n:r. tne fer�cir.g are prel:ibited anless eth:.r:aise �"��.�*j�orized ;�y th�s c�rt:ncatien. [i5A Nf:AC Oc3�.�Jz�l a:�a .C542� 1?. The issuance of this certifcation does not.eYem�t +he �P�mittee from comply:r.g wi+11 any ar_d all statutes, ru1_es, regul�,t:o�:s, �r or��nar�ces that tr�ay �� unpose�.�. b_,� c:hP�: go�ern�:e:�t ugenci�s �:.e. lecal, state, and f�dera�) hav�ng jur.isdiction, includin� .but rioi iii7iiteei fo appiiva�rle 'ouffer n�les, stortnwater managem�nt iules, soil e�'asion and sediinentaiion coniro: reaui�em�nts, z�c. 18. '?'h� Permitiee shall report any violat�ons of this certif cation to the Division �f �Water Reso�,zrc�s witi�in 24 hours of dis���very. [15A �+TCAC 02B.0506(b�(2)] . l9. Upon completinn :of the proiect (includin� any impacts at associated borrow or waste sites); tne NCDOT Division rngineer shall_compieie and return ihe enciosed '.'�,ertification �f Compietion Form" rc� noiiry the NC��V'�. when ali wor:c ir.cluded ir. the 401 C�rtification has been co:n�l�teu. [.SA NCAC 02H.OSQ2,�] 2Q. Native riparian vegetatien (::e., trees and shrabs native to y�ur be�JbrS�h�c regien) must be reestablished in :he riparian areas within the construction limits of the project by the end of the growing season following completion of construction. [15A NCAC 02B.0506(b)(2)] 21. There shall be no excavation from, or waste disposal into, jurisdictional E�vetlands or waters associated with this ' perrr�ii withqut appropriate mociification. Should waste or borrow sites, or access roacis to waste or borrow sites, be I�cated i� wetlands or sNe,ams; compensatory mitigation �vill be re�luire� sin�e that is a�Jirect impact fr�m road .onstn��*i�n activ;*ies, f 15A N�.AC Q�Y�.�5+�6(b�(3) a:�d ��?(31; :�L. T'L'.�SI911 uI]C� 's+`.�s]IT;'ili C���ih'ili pTa��'.C.�1S i11JS�'O4_1T1 illli COT1IZJ,:c`411^av l':lt�l ?� � SrCc1FiS,?aill:i4S bOb'-�..':[111a�T �1:8 pY��v?� .�e5��[�� lY1SiS1i8i1U11 ari4� O]�OPdiSOi1 nI1Q 1riaiI1t0118T1GE vf such Best �vianagemeni Practices in arder ta I3YUiGCi stu°face wai�rs standar.a.s [:SA ��CAC Q2I�.Q�06(b)(3� an� (c)(3)]: a. `!'��e vrosion a�ci sedin�z�`c coretrol rneas:�ies far t1i� Fr�iect �±ust b� �esigr�ad, instalied, o��xated, ar�u maintained in.accarpanc� with_the most recent vzrsion oi the North Carolina Sedirreent and Erosion Cont ol Pl�fZning ana L�esigrz IYiunuul. b. The desigr, ir,siallatio.�; operatia�, nr.d maintenar.ce .^.; t'r.e sedir.ient a,�d eros:on con�•ol measur�s must 1,� ;;��t-, th�t they �qual, cr Ex�,eed, the r�qu;rer��erdts specif e.� :n th,, r7ost r��e'it versian �f tri;,lVor�h Ca;•olina Sediment and Erasinn C.ontrol Manual. The devic�s shall be maintained on all construction .sites, borrow sites, and waste pile (spoil) projects, 'vnch�ding contractor-owned or leased t�arrow pits ussus;iat2d wit`� the projeci. ,,. For b�rrQ�� �it sites, tha e:esion and �ediment cen?r�l :r_ezsi�res must bA designed, install;d, cperate�; and maintaine� in acc�rc��n�e v�zth, thP mos± reczr-t versio:� of the _North Cn.rolina Sazrface r!�l.ir,irag A1�.nu�l. d. The reciamation measures anc� implementation must aarnpiy �vith the reciarnatior� iri accarciance with tne require�nents of the Sedir,ientatio:. Pollu�ion Caf:tr�l Act. '�. �BC�:i:".�rii �21� ni�Jcl�il �O?7�COa T?7��SLi1'CS Sha�� ?1tJL �?e �1�C�:1 :R �Net�ari(JS O" 1y8t0CS iFri�: SS O�h�l �ViBe a����J✓rC� ��%ih15 Certiiicatior.. [15A T:�4L J2i�.(?50�(��(3) a:�d (c;(�}] If you wish to contest any statement in the attached Certification you must file a petition for an administrative hearing. You may obtain the petiiion form from U�e ofiice of Administra[ive hearings. You must file U�e petition with the office of AdministraNve Hearings within sixry (60) dttys of receipt oFthis notice. A petition i� considered filed when it is received in the office of Administrative Heazings during normal office hours. 17�e Office of' Administrative Hearings accepts filings Monday through Friday between the hours of 8:OOam and S:OOpm, except for official state holidays. T'he original and one (1) copy of the petition must be filed with the Office of Administrative Hearings. The petition may be faxed-provided the original and one copy of the document is receivecl by the Office of Administrative Heazings within five (5) business days following the faxzd transmission. The mailing address for the Office of Adminis+r�ative Hearings is: Office of Administrative Hearings 6714 Mail Service Center Iialeigb, NC 27699-6714 felephone: (919) 431-3000, Facsimile: j919) 431-3100 A copy of the petiuon must also be served on DEQ as follows: Mr. Bill F. Lane, General Cuunsei I�partment of Environmental Quality 1601 Mail Service Center This letter completes the review of the Division of Water Resources under Section 401 of the Clean Water Act. if you have any questions, please contact Rob Ridings at 919-707-8786. Sincerely, � �� S. Ja immerman, irector Divi;ion of Wat�r Resowces F.lectronic copy only distribution: Eric Alscneyer, US Army Corps of F.nginerrs, Ralzigh F'ield CJffice Hea[her Montague, Division 5 Environmer,tal Specialist Fi.e Copy Envrr-onmenra! Quality NCDWR Project No.: App!icant Project Name: Date of Issuance oT 40! Watcr Qu�lify L'ertification: Cnuniy: ROY COOPGR MI( HAEL ti. REGAN s�, ,��c,���- ti. JAY 71MMERMAN Certificate uf Complefion llpon comple[ion of ali work 2�iprnved wirhin the 40I N�'ater Quality Ceiiification or applicablz Buffer Rules, and zr,y ;ub<equent modifications, the applicant is required to reh:rn this ce �ificate to .he 401 Trsnsperrtation Pernitting Unit, Nor[h Carolina Division of Water Resources, 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC, 27699-161 Z This form may be returned co NCDWR oy LLe applica�u, liie applicanfs au[horized ageni, or the prqjec[ zqgineec It is not necessary to send certificates &om all of these. qPPlicanPs Cerlifrcalion I, , hereby state that, to the best of my abilities, due care and diligence was used in the observation of the construction such that the construction was observed to be built within substantial compliance and intent of the 401 Water Quality Certitication and Bufter Rules, [he approved plans and specitications, and oWer suppurting materials. S�en2ture: Da�e: AgrnYs Cerlificurir+n L , hareby state that. to thz bzst of my abilities, due care and di6gence was used in the observation of the construction such that the construction was observed to be built within substantial comaliance and inlent of Ine 401 \4'atzr Qualitq Ccfi:iication und 8uffer Fules, tl�e �pproved pl��s anu specifications, and other supporting materials. Signatu:e: F_ngineer's Certifi�aiinn PaRia! Final 1, , ae a dul� regist�rzd Fro�ssionaf F,noineer in the State ofT��orth Cxrol�ns; having baen authcrized ta ot�se�ve (Geriodically, v.�eekly, fult time�) the coasLruc[iou ofthe p.�ject for the Permittee hereby state lhat, to the best of my abili[ies, due care and diligence was used in the observation of the consiivction ,uch thar. the construction was observed io 6e I?uilt wilhin substantial compiiance end inten[ of the d01 Watzr Quality Certiticztien aad 3uffer Rules, the approved plans and specificatior.s. and o,he: supoorcing materials. Signat�re Dai� _ P.egistracion Ncz. =x.�i: cl H:,7r Ca.-eii��a I E����:mm�erel Qual,iy 1017 MailService Center I Ruleigh, hurtii Caroiina 27G99-lul %