HomeMy WebLinkAbout20170848 Ver 1_401 Applications_20170710ST�1.TE OF NOR'�'H CAR�L�NA �E�'�TMEN'�` OF rI'RANSP��TAT��N 1�,OY COOPER Go��E�,tiox Ju➢y 1 [�, 2Q 17 Mr_ Eric ,A.Is�neyer U. S. Army Carps of Eragitieers 12�leigh Reg�latory Fiel�d Oftice 3331 Herita�e "F�rade Drive, Suite 105 Wake F��i-est, NC 27587 Sul�j�ect: Regiona� Ge��eral Per-rzaiz #31 Replace Bricl�es #�03 & #70� with RC�3�`s W�lkes Coui�ty; Nort� Ca.rolina. Pi•oject N�rnber: I�BP.1 fl.R.1?0 (DWR Pe�•mit Fee $570) Dear Nir. Alsmever: �JAMES 1-d. TR���74�1, �I� SecKEr�r�v T`%e Natth Carolir�a De�artn�e��t of Transp�rtation is scheduled to replac� Brid�es #4f]3 an�l #�700 o�� SR 1302 w�th dou�-�le barre�ed box culverts. The brid�;es are bei�i� permitted together since th�y are �mmediately acEjacent ta one anothel• and will be r�pla.ced �nder the sa�ne c���tract. Th� cu�vert r�placing Bridge #4Q3 �Tith be u7stalled upstreain �f t11e existii�g brid�e tc� impi-ove t��►e road�vay alignmetlt. Botl� af #he existing structLtres ar� sin�le span tiin��r brid�es c�n steel I- beains nn a dead eyid road. BoLh p��c�pasec� culverts w�ll have a stor�n�water� barrel witl7 c�nstructed floodplains (see plan sheets). Aaz c�i�-site detour is proposed for th� replacement of Brid�e #700. S�ream i�pacts are iabulated below. Sti�eani �a�pacts: �t:�tion I.�ist�ng Proposet� Tem�aorary Ri�a•�a� T�tal I�mpacts at Nun�k�er StE-ucta�re Si�;e Gut��ea-t Size �ewatering/ �mpacts this �t�tior� lletour 2�' wide x 2�' 2� 11':� 5'� Brid�e #4D3 lc�ng 1 fD&' RCBC 10' 73' � 91' 20' ��vide x E 9' 2(a7 10' � 5' x �3ridUe #70Q lc�n 45' RCBC 3' 88' � 36' Sl�art UT cl�annei re;l�cation — 3$' l 0' �8' 11+SQ �tt. E' 4�' � I, Culvert & Relocation Iin�acts — 191' Bank Stabilizatic�n — 176' Dewateri►Ig & 66" Detour Pipes — 29' Total Pr�ject �en�pacts — 346' ,Mer�adi�ag ftcidres.s � NC DE.PA[ZTME�dT OP TRA'`dSPOKTATIOIV DIVI51f)�I i 1 801 S'I'AI�F,SVLLLERQAD NOR�H WILKLSRORU, NC?86�9 Teleyho�te: (336) 6fi7-�111 Fax: {.i36J 6E�7-3?�9 Cz�stomer Service: 1-877-36f� 4965 f3 e6site: x+wwv.ncdni.�nv Mr. Eric Alsmeyer Wilkes Bridges #403 & #700 July 10, 2017 Note in the pla.� sheets tl�at stream substrate material excavated for the culvert installation will be placed inside the propos�d base flow harrel 6efore the top is placed an the culvert. Si�ls have been added to bath culverts to retain bedload. Constructian of the new cuiverts will zequire temparary dewatering as well as a temporary on- site detour far Bridge #70D. Tbe details are spelled out in the constructi�n sequence in the plan sheets. Ploodplains will be seeded and matted with coir fiber. Once the new structures are in place, the impervious dikes will be removed and preconstruction streambed elevatians will be restored. Construction of this project will require impacts to waters of the iJnited States in the Yadkin River Basin. The e�isting bridges cross Little �reek (Class: C; Trout). The project is located within a trout watersk�ed. This project does not drain to designated eritical hahitat for the elk toe musseI. This project was reviewed for the presence of threatened and endangered species in the field and I have also included a query of the NCNHP data.base. Based on the project area mapped witla nny request, the database search indicates that there are no records of any federally listed threatened or endangered species, impartant natural c4mmunities, nat�ral areas, or conservation/managed areas within the proposed project boundary. There will be approximateiy 0.53 acres af tree cutting at the project location c�ue ta cut and fill work. The NLEB is listed as a protected species in this county but the project does not fa11 within Q.2S mEiles of any red HUC identified in the SLOPES spelled auti in the Nationwide Permit Regional Conditions. We do not anticipate any impact to any other federally listed species. Cultural resource campliance work has been campleted. No archaeologieal resources or histaric properties will be affected by this project (see attached). The project impacts are not significant in nature a�nd should not alter the best usage for this stream. All appropriate BMPs will be used during construction. Attaahed is a Precons�-uction Notification Form, plan sheets, a rnarked topography rmap and photographs. By copy of this electronic letter, it is requested tlaat the Division of Water R.esources, 401/Wetlands Unit, iss�ze the appropriate permit for constxuctian of this project. It is requested that any comments related to the 401 certificatian be electronically forwatded directly to me with a cop� sent to the US Army Corps of Engineers. By copy of this letter, it is requested ti�at Mrs. Marla Chambers, Mountain Region Coordinator, with the North CaroIina Wildlife Resources Commission comment directly to you concerning the 404 Natianwide Permit application with a copy sent io me. We would like to begin canstruction as soon as passihle. If further information is required, please let me know. Your early review and consideration wxll be appreciated. Sincerely, Heath Slaughter Division Enviranmental OfFicer Mr. Eric A�snneyer Wilkes Bridges #403 & #700 July 10, 2017 Enc�asures cc: Marla Chambers, I�CWRC Arny Chapman, Division of Water Quality Dava Wanuc�a, Division of Water Qu�lity Mark Johnson, Division Brid�e Ptog�-arn Teohnician Heath Slaughtar, Divisxon Environmental Officer Zaek Sauther, Roadside En�viroz�ental Fi�Id �perations Technician