HomeMy WebLinkAbout20170837 Ver 1_Historic/Prehistoric Information_20170706Project Tracking No. (Internal Use� 16-04-0043 HISTORIC ARCHITECTURE AND LANDSCAPES NO SURVEY REQUIRED FORM This form only pertains to Historic Architecture and Landscapes for this project. It is not valid for Archaeological Resources. You must consult separately with the Archaeology Group. PROJECT INFORMATION Project No: U-5796 County: Wayne WBS No. : 54039.1. FD 1 Document Type: Fed. Aid No: Funding: X State Federal Federal Yes X No Permit Permit s : Type(s): ProiectDescrintion: Construct interchange at US 117 and SR 1120 (0'Berry Road) (off- site detour lanned, no im rovements antici ated . SUMMARY OF HISTORIC ARCHITECTURE AND LANDSCAPES REVIEW DESCRIPTIONOFREVIEWACTIVITIES, RESULTS, AND CONCLUSIONS: HPOWeb reviewed on 12 May 2016 and yielded one SS and no NR, SL, DE, or LD properties in the Area of Potential Effects (APE). Wayne County current GIS mapping, aerial photography, and tax information indicated an APE of mostly cultivated field and woodland with several resources dating to the late 1960s-2000s. In addition, approximately fourteen properties contain resources constructed during the first half of the twentieth century, including the previously surveyed West Dudley Buildings (WY0453, the current St. Matthews United Presbyterian Church) at #252 O'Berry Road (viewed 12 May 2016). As the project is state funded and requires no Federal permits or other involvement, only GS 121-12(a) applies. No architectural survey is required for the project as currently defined. WHY THE A VAILABLE INFORMATION PROVIDES A RELIABLE BASIS FOR REASONABL Y PREDICTING THAT THERE ARE NO UNIDENTIFIED SIGNIFICANT HISTORIC ARCHITECTURAL OR LANDSCAPE RESOURCES IN THEPROJECTAREA: APE extends 2500 feet N-S and 1800 feet E-W centered on the US 117/SR1120 (0'Berry Road) intersection to encompass proposed construction activities. The comprehensive county survey (1995-7) and related publication as well as later studies, record no properties in the APE, apart from thdt nOted dbove (7. Daniel Pezzoni and Penne Smith, G/impses ofWayne County, North Carolina: An Architectura/ History(Goldsboro, NC: Wayne County Historical Association, i99s)). No National Register-listed properties are located within the APE. This project is compliant with North Carolina General Statute 121-12(a). Should the project require Federal funding, permits, or licenses, please notify NCDOT Historic Architecture because review under Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act then will be required. Should the project limits or design change, please notify NCDOT Historic Architecture as additional review may be necessary. X Map(s) Archi SUPPORT DOCUMENTATION ❑Previous Survey Info. ❑Photos ❑Correspondence FINDING BY NCDOT ARCHITECTURAL HISTORIAN re�d� �,��s � NO SURVEY REQUIRED , NCDOT Architectural Historian ❑Design Plans �a/6 Date Hi.rlm•ic Arc/iilecltu•e and Landscapes NO SURV/iYltEOUIR/iDjorm Jor A�lina' �ratsporlaliai Projecls as Ounlified in �he 2007 Programnunic Agreemen�. U-5796 US 117/SR 1120 (O'Berry Road) Interchange Wayne County WBS No. 54039.1.FD1 Base map: HPOWeb, nts NCDOT — Historic Architecture May 2016 Tracking No. 16-04-0043