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HomeMy WebLinkAbout20170835 Ver 1_Cover Attachment L_20170706STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPAR'1'MENT OF TRANSPORTATION ROY COOPER GOvawvox July 6, 2017 US Army Corps of Engineers Raleigh Regulatory Field Office Attn: Mr. David Bailey 3331 Heritage Trade Dr., Ste. 105 Wake Porest, NC 27587 Attention: Mr. Dave Bailey and Ms. April Norton: JAMES H. TROGDON, III SECRETARY NC Division of Water Resources Transportation Pernutting Unit Attn: Ms. April Norton 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699 Subject: Notification for the replacement of Bridge #112 over the Aaw River on SR 2109 (Eversfieid Road) in Guilford Comity, TIP B-5731, WBS # 45687.1.] Dear Mr. Bailey and Ms. Norton, The North Carolina Department of Transportation is scheduled to replace Bridge #112 with a new bridge at the same location. I have included the Attachments G& L with a project description and a set of the proj ect plans. A stormwater management plan is also attached. Please review this project for compliance by your Division. We plan to begin construction as soon as possible. If further information is required, please contact Jerry Parker at (336) 256-2063. Your early review and consideration will be appreciated. Sincerely, Mills, P.E. �ion Engineer, Division 7 Enclosures cc: Tim Powers, NCDOT (electronic copy) Aaron Aarper, Roadside Environmental Field Operations Engineer, NCDOT Jeremy Warren, NCDOT Bobby Norris, District 2 Engineer, NCDOT File Copy Mailing Address: Location: NC DEPARTMEN'L OF TRANSPORTATION Teleplmne: (336) 487-0000 7584 YANCEVR,LE STREET DIVISIONOPHIGHWAYS Q�smnierService: 1-877368-4968 GREENSBORO,NC27415-4996 DNISION 7 OFFICE P.O. BOX 14996 II'ebsite: GREENSRORO, NC 27415-4996 � � � � S, r Y� Enuironn�en ta! Quality ROY COOPER r;���,,n�„ MICHA�LS.REGAN Sc�vrtrn�r S. 7AY ZIMMERMAN �,;�,-����„� Attachment L: Low Ompact Bridge Replacement Process Low Impact Bridge Project No.: B-5731 County Guilford Bridge No. 112 over Haw River WBS Element Number 45687.1.1 This project is subject to the Low Impact Bridge Process as agreed to on October 6, 2009. This project meets the documentation requirements and approval procedures under NEPA, as defined by FHWA, for Low Impact Bridge Replacements. This project meets the standards of NCDOT's Minimum Criteria Rules. Date: July 6, 2017 Applicant Name: Applicant Address: 1584 Yancewille Street GreensUoro, NC 27415 Primaiy Contact for Project: Jei1v A. Parlcer Phone No.: 336-256-2063 Is this an after-the-fact application: Yes X No River Basin: Cape FearlJordan Lake Watershed (030300021 StreamClassification: 16-(1); WS-V; NSW; 03-06-01 Regulatory Ru4horiza4ion Options for this Activity Federal: USACE Nationwide General Penniti 3— Maintenance State: General Water QualiCy Certification #4085 and/or Buffer Authorization Local: None PYojeCt DeSCrlptlon — The project consists of replacing Bridge #ll 2 over the Haw River on SR 2109 (Eversfield Road) and improving roadway approaches. The existing triple-span, steel plaiilc deck on I- beams supported by re.ulCorced concrete caps on steel piles for the interior and end Uents is sttucturally deficient and wi11 Ue replaced wiYh a new tiiple-span, cored slab biidge at the same location. An off-site detour will be utilized dwing construction. There are wetlands Iocated withiu the entue project area, however, disturbance has Ueen mvumized where possit�le, linuted to <p.01 acres of proposed fill, 0.05 acres of inechanized clearing, 0.01 acres of hand clearing aud 57 LF of permanent stream impacts associated with bank stabilization to reduce bank erosion along the north baiIlc of the channel under the existuig bridge. NCDOT proposes fill slopes at 2:1 to fiuther minimize the wetl�nd impacts for the -_ _�`.Notf�i��zf C't'�tnapae�C�ti�.. � - Slale of North Caroliva � Enviro�menlal Quality 1617 Mail Service Center I Raleigh, Nocth Carolina 27695-1617 project. There are no deck drains proposed on this bridge. The project drainage system consists of an inlet pipe system on the northeast side. Discharge from this pipe outlet will be attenuated on a riprap pad located outside the riparian buffer areas and will be diffizsed by existing topographic conditions before flowing to the riparian buffer. The existing quadrants of the roadway are in a fill section, therefore the runoff will sheet flow off the pavement through the gassed shoulder. There are utility relocations proposed with this bridge replacement and the plans are included. Proposed Riparian Buffer impacts include 5,833 square feet in Zone 1 and 2,282 square feet in Zone 2 to accommodate the bridge. Ecosystem Planning & Restoration (EPR) biologists conducted field sYudies for both Echinacea laevigata (Smooth Coneflower) and Isotria naedeoloides (Small whorled pogonia) on May 24, 2017. 4Vhile habitat occurs at the proj ect area for these species, no individuals were obseroed. A review of NCNHP records (September 2016) indicates no known occurrences within 1.0 mile of the project. Therefore, the biological conclusion is No Effect; Habitat Present. EPR biologists also reviewed the project for Percina rex (Roanoke logperch) and Pleurobensa collina (James spineymussel). Both species only occur in the upper Roanoke River Basin; this project is located in the Cape Fear River Basin. A review of NCNHI' records (September 2016) indicates no known occurrences within 1.0 mile of the proj ect. Therefore, the biological conclusion is No Effect. Bald eagle is protected in every county in North Carolina under the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act. No suitable feeding/water source is located within one mile of the project study area to support Bald eagle habitat. Further, Mr. Gary Jordan (LTSFWS) recently released the Programmatic Conference Opinion (PCO) for the recenfly listed Northern Long Eared Bat (NLEB). This opinion, states in part, that " is the Service's conference opinio�a that NCDOT activities in eastern North Carolina (Divisions 1- 8), as piroposed, are not Ii7tely to jeopm•dzze the continued existence of the NLEB. " This project was reviewed by NCDOT's Human Environment Unit in 2016 for potential affects to historical architecture and archaeology. It was determined there would be no eligible architectural or archaeological resources present within the project study area. Signatur . / Print N me: � /�( _ � / / /S Tifle: l�/ (/ i cs � o.tiJ �"iLll 1,�/�C�7'�