HomeMy WebLinkAbout20161272 Ver 1_RE Brickyard- revised In-Lieu Fee Mitigation Request_20170424Strickland, Bev
From: Williams, Kelly
Sent: Monday, April 24, 2017 8:16 AM
To: Jim Spangler; Dalton Cook
Cc: Tasha Alexander (Tasha.L.Alexander@usace.army.mil); Higgins, Karen
Subject: RE: Brickyard- revised In -Lieu Fee Mitigation Request
Attachments: Brickyard.pdf
I have revised this letter to reflect the buffer in Upper New Hope. The previous one had it in Lower.
Kelly Williams
In -Lieu Fee Program Coordinator
Division of Mitigation Services
Department of Environmental Quality
919 707 8915 office
US Postal Service Address:
1652 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, NC 27699-1652
From: Jim Spangler [mailto:jspangler@spanglerenvironmental.com]
Sent: Friday, April 21, 2017 5:46 PM
To: Dalton Cook <dalton@spanglerenvironmental.com>; Williams, Kelly <kelly.williams@ncdenr.gov>
Subject: RE: Brickyard- revised In -Lieu Fee Mitigation Request
You may need to do this
Jim Spangler, CEI, A.M. ASCE
Spangler Environmental, Inc.
Sent via mobile device.
-------- Original message --------
From: Dalton Cook <dalton o spanglerenvironmental.com>
Date: 4/21/17 3:07 PM (GMT -05:00)
To: "Williams, Kelly" <kelly.williams@ncdenr.gov>
Cc: Jim Spangler<jsspangler@spanglerenvironmental.com>
Subject: RE: Brickyard- revised In -Lieu Fee Mitigation Request
I was wondering if you could go ahead and send the revised mitigation request letter to the respective Corps and DWR
project review staff? Tasha Alexander is our reviewer at the Corps (Tasha.L.Alexander@usace.army.mil) and Karen
Higgins is our reviewer at DWR (karen.higgins@ncdenr.gov).
Dalton Cook
Environmental Project Scientist
Spangler Environmental, Inc.
Raleigh Office 919-875-4288
4338 Bland Road
Raleigh, NC 27609
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From: Williams, Kelly [mailto:kelly.williams@ncdenr.gov]
Sent: Friday, April 21, 2017 10:06 AM
To: Dalton Cook <dalton@spanglerenvironmental.com>
Subject: RE: Brickyard- revised In -Lieu Fee Mitigation Request
Dalton -
Here is a revised letter indicating it's in Upper New Hope.
From: Dalton Cook [mailto:dalton@spanglerenvironmental.com]
Sent: Friday, April 21, 2017 9:11 AM
To: Williams, Kelly <kelly.williams@ncdenr.gov>
Cc: Jim Spangler<ispangler@spanglerenvironmental.com>
Subject: RE: Brickyard- revised In -Lieu Fee Mitigation Request
Jim -
This actually appears to be in Upper New Hope (for buffer).
I think I need to revise the letter- do you agree?
In response to your question above, yes, I agree that the project site is in the Upper New Hope Subwatershed. Using
NCDEQ's interactive HUC locator map I obtained the information below about the project site.
12 -Digit HUC (Subwatershed)
12 -Digit Name:
Northeast Creek
12 -Digit Code:
10 -Digit Name:
B Everett Jordan Lake -New Hope River
10 -Digit Code:
8 -Digit Code:
River Basin:
Cape Fear
12 -Digit Area (ac):
Dalton Cook
Environmental Project Scientist
Spangler Environmental, Inc.
Raleigh Office 919-875-4288
4338 Bland Road
Raleigh, NC 27609
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