HomeMy WebLinkAbout20170783 Ver 1_01_Scotland Neck WW_Report_20170627Wetland and Waterbody Delineation Prepared for: Report Scotland Neck — South Justice Branch 115 kV Transmission Line Dominion Project � Energyo Halifax County, NC June 2017 Environmental Resources Management ............ 121 West Trade Street Suite 2320 Charlotte, www.erm.com ERM The business of sustainability TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 INTRODUCTION... 4 2.0 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF SURVEY AREA............................................................................... 6 2.1 SURVEY CORRIDOR....................................................................................................................... 6 2.2 DRAINAGE, FLOODPLAINS, AND TOPOGRAPHY.................................................................. 6 3.0 METHODOLOGY................................................................................................................................8 3.1 WETLANDS.......................................................................................................................................8 3.2 WATERBODIES...............................................................................................................................9 3.2.1 REGIME CLASSIFICATION................................................................................................... 9 3.3 FEATURE NAMING PROTOCOL...............................................................................................10 4.1 DELINEATED WETLANDS..........................................................................................................11 4.2 WATERBODIES.............................................................................................................................13 5.0 SUMMARY OF FINDINGS 6.0 REFERENCES.... i 16 17 LIST OF TABLES Table 3.3-1 Wetland and Waterbody Naming Protocol Table 4.1-1 Wetland Inventory Table 4.1-2 Wetland Summary Table 4.2-1 Waterbody Inventory LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1.1-1 General Location Map LIST OF APPENDICES Appendix A Desktop Review Mapset Appendix B Wetland Data Forms Appendix C Delineated Wetlands and Waterbodies Mapset Appendix D Waterbody Data Forms ii ACRONYMS AMSL ERM GPS FEMA HUC kV LRR MLRA NC DEQ NHD NRCS NWI NWPL OHWM PEM PFO PSS ROW SSURGO USACE USDA USFWS USGS WAM Above Mean Sea Level Environmental Resources Management Global Positioning System Federal Emergency Management Agency Hydrologic Unit Code Kilovolt Land Resource Region Major Land Resource Area North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality National Hydrography Dataset U.S. Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Services National Wetland Inventory National Wetland Plant List Ordinary High Water Mark Palustrine System Emergent Wetland Class Palustrine System Forested Wetland Class Palustrine System Scrub -Shrub Wetland Class Right -Of -Way U.S. Department of Agriculture Soil Survey Geographical Database U.S. Army Corps of Engineers U.S. Department of Agriculture U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service U.S. Geological Survey Wetland Assessment Methodology iii 1.0 INTRODUCTION Environmental Resources Management (ERM), on behalf of Dominion Energy (Dominion), conducted wetland, and waterbody surveys for the proposed Scotland Neck - South Justice Branch 115 kV Transmission Line Project (Project) in Halifax County, North Carolina. In total, the Project would construct a new 115 kilovolt (kV) transmission line along an approximately 17 -mile corridor on new right-of-way between the Scotland Neck Substation and the South Justice Branch Substation. The project is located entirely within Halifax County, North ERM 4 Dominion Energy - May 2017 South Justice Branch Sub L J."11 Dawson's i Crossroads Delivery Point f t> Whitaker. i Scotland WO Neck Sub Nobe rcyyett — Thie information is fo+ envirsnmentel review purposes oniy Current Alignment (4-27-2017) H ■ Figure 1.1-1 -General Location Map Dawson's Crossroads Delivery Point South Justice Branch 115 W - Substations Transmission Line Project 0i.s Halifax County, North Carolina 1:190,080 s Miles ERM M'.\Clients\D-F\DOMSc I,,d N,,h A,,GIS�2017105�25 Wetl.nd_MspsTOM_S,,tle.d Neck Gen ... I Loc. tisn_m,d REVISED'. 05252017 1 SCALE 1.190,080 DRAWN BY JPB ERM 5 Dominion Energy - May 2017 J / 1 / Ha&Lt V 1 _ _ J� / 4� A� South Justice Branch Sub L J."11 Dawson's i Crossroads Delivery Point f t> Whitaker. i Scotland WO Neck Sub Nobe rcyyett — Thie information is fo+ envirsnmentel review purposes oniy Current Alignment (4-27-2017) H ■ Figure 1.1-1 -General Location Map Dawson's Crossroads Delivery Point South Justice Branch 115 W - Substations Transmission Line Project 0i.s Halifax County, North Carolina 1:190,080 s Miles ERM M'.\Clients\D-F\DOMSc I,,d N,,h A,,GIS�2017105�25 Wetl.nd_MspsTOM_S,,tle.d Neck Gen ... I Loc. tisn_m,d REVISED'. 05252017 1 SCALE 1.190,080 DRAWN BY JPB ERM 5 Dominion Energy - May 2017 2.0 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF SURVEY AREA The Project is located within the Southern Coastal Plain Major Land Resource Area (MLRA), which is part of the larger South Atlantic and Gulf Slope Cash Crops, Forest, and Livestock Land Resource Region (LRR). In this MLRA, the most common land use is forested tracts of land that are privately held for timber production, followed by agriculture (USDA, 2006). Major crops harvested in this area include: Soybeans, cotton, corn, and wheat (USDA, 2006). This MLRA supports oak -pine forests which typically consist of loblolly pine, longleaf pine, slash pine, shortleaf pine, sweetgum, yellow oplar, red oak, and white oak (USDA, 2006). Common understory veget onsists of dogwood, gallberry, farkleberry, common sweet leaf, Americ , and greenbrier (USDA, 2006). 2.1 SURVEY CORRIDOR IRV NL The survey corridor utilized 46orthe Project is 200 -feet wide and primarily centered on a proposed transmission centerline. The new transmission line will consist of direct embed steel H -frame tangent structures without a concrete footing, and three pole steel angle structures with a concrete footing with an average approximately 50 - 70 feet in height for tangent structures. A 100 -feet right-of-way (ROW) will be utilized to accommodate the 115 kV transmission line. App; �*l14 acres were��d t;$ o 1, all of which consisted of a greenfiel 2.2 DRAINAMFLOODDLAINS. ANU TOPOGRAPHY roposed route is located within two watersheds, the Fishing and Lower oanoke. Approximately 14.5 miles of the corridor is within the Fishing atershed drologic Unit Code UC) 03020102 and approximately 2.5 miles falls within the owe anoke Watershed HUC 03010107. The Fishing wat*hhedis part of the la rTar-Pamlico River Basin. The Tar -Pamlico River Basis approximately 6,148 square miles in North Carolina and is classified as NSensitive Water (NSW). The Lower Roanoke Watershed is part of the larger Roanoke River Basin. The Roanoke River Basin is North Carolina's 61h largest with 3,500 square miles encompassed in North Carolina (NC DEQ, 2017). The proposed route within the 100 ROW intersected 15 mapped Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) 100 -year floodplain which is illustrated in the Desktop Review Mapset included as Appendix A. Importantly, additional floodplains may be present in the survey corridor that were not included in the FEMA maps as these maps do not define a floodplain for all waterbodies where a floodplain may exist. ERM 6 Dominion Energy - May 2017 From east to west, the survey corridor intersected the Hobgood, Scotland Neck, Dawson Crossroads, and the Enfield United States Geological Survey (USGS) 7.5 minute topographic quadrangle maps. As represented on the USGS 7.5 minute topographic quadrangle maps, elevations within the survey corridor ranged from approximately 700 to 800 feet above mean sea level (AMSL). Elevations were generally lower in the south portion of the corridor which is nearer to the St. Joseph River, and higher in the northern portion. Overall, the area exhibited relatively minor changes in topography, and can be described as level to gently rolling. ERM 7 Dominion Energy - May 2017 3.0 METHODOLOGY Several sources of information were used to complete a desktop review of the Project area for potential wetlands, and waterbodies prior to conducting field surveys. Biologists utilized high resolution aerial photography, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service National Wetlands Inventory (NWI) data, the U.S. Department of Agriculture Soil Survey Geographical (SSURGO) Database, the U.S. Geologic Survey National Hydrography Dataset (NHD), FEMA Floodplain maps (Appendix A). Field surveys were completed between February 06 and May 12, 2017. Wetland boundaries, waterbody banks, data collection points, open waterbody boundaries, and other information were surveyed using a Trimble® 7000 series GeoXH model Global Positioning System (GPS) t, capable collecting data at sub -meter accuracy. 3.1 WETLANDS The onsite delineation of wetlands d their boundaries s conducted using methodology described in the U.S. ArmyYorps of Engineers 1987 Wetlands Delineation Manual (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1987), and the Regional Supplement to the Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual: Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain Region (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 2012). The National Wetland Plant List: 2016 (NWPL) (Lichvar et al., 2016) was used for the determination of plant indicator status, and the Classification of Wetlands and Deepwater Habitats of the United States (Cowardin, 1979) was a classif wetlan ccor the 1987 USACE et and Manual, three criteria or parameters are considered g wetland delineation. In order for an area to be considered a tland it mus et all V. These criteria include: 1. predomina of hydrophytic vegetation, 2. indiq1AopJ0Fwetland hydrology, and 3. presence of hydric soils under normal circumstances (i.e., where naturally problematic conditions or disturbances are absent) USACE wetland data forms were completed at sample points within each wetland community type (i.e., Cowardin classification) making up the wetland or wetland complex. One corresponding upland community sample point was also taken for each wetland or wetland complex. If more than one type of wetland was observed within a larger wetland complex, the boundaries of the different types were ERM 8 Dominion Energy - May 2017 collected, and a separate wetland data form was completed for each wetland type within the wetland complex. Additionally, for each delineated wetland, a North Carolina Wetland Assessment Method (NC WAM) form (Version 4.1) was completed. NC WAM methodology implementation was addressed in a public notice by The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), Wilmington District (District) issued on April 21, 2015. USACE wetland data form along with NC WAM forms are located in Appendix B. 3.2 WATERBODIES ME Waterbodies documented during field survey were categorized as: 1) linear or flowing waterbodies pffassigned a unique ID starting with an "s" for streams and rivers ora d" for ditchNakes 2) non -flowing open waterbodies such as pand assigned a unique ID starting with an "o" (Table 3.0-1) a Linear or flowing waterbodies were identified as landscape features with a channel that includes a defined bed and a bank in a concave landscape position where water flo has resulted in a feature that possesses an ordinary high water mark (OHWM). ed on evidence of flow regime at the time of survey, linear waterbodies were attributed a flow regime according to the definitions provided by the USACE for'f the Nationwide Permit Program in Code of Federal Regulations (&0-) 33 Part 330 (Federal Register, 1993). Similarly non -flowing, open waterbody features were assigned a Cowardin hydrology regime based on servation recorded at the time of survey. p . qmk N& USACE and North Carolina Department of Water Quality (DWQ) stream data forms were completed at sample points along each stream. Stream data forms are located in Appendix D. 3.2.1 REGIME CLASS KATION Water regime classification is defined by its flow duration. The following regime classifications are described below pursuant to the CFR 33 Part 330 ruling: • Perennial Stream: A perennial stream has flowing water year round during a typical year. The water table is located above the stream bed for most of the year, and groundwater is the primary source of water for stream flow. Runoff from rainfall is a supplemental source of water for stream flow. ERM 9 Dominion Energy - May 2017 • Intermittent Stream: An intermittent stream has flowing water during most times of the year, when groundwater provides water for stream flow. During dry periods, intermittent streams may not have flowing water, and runoff from rainfall is a supplemental source of water for stream flow. • Ephemeral Stream: An ephemeral stream has flowing water only during and for a short duration after precipitation events. Ephemeral stream beds are located above the water table year und; therefore, groundwater is not a source of water for the strea off from rainfall is the primary source of water for stream flow. Non -flowing or open waterbodies were documented based on the evidence of inundation/ saturation at the time of surveys, utilizing one of four categories based on the Classification of Wetlands and Deepwater Habitats of the United States (Cowardin,1979) including the following: • Permanently fl oded: Water covers the land surface throughout the year in all years. % • Semi -permanently ooded. Surface water persists throughout the growing season in most years. When surface water is absent, the water table is usually at or ver near the land surface. VF • Seaso y flooded: Surface water is present for extended periods especially early in the growing season, but is absent by the end of the season in most years. When surface water is absent, the water table is often near the land surface. Temporarily floodeurface water is resent for brief eriods durinthe growing season, but the water table usually lies well below the soil surface for ost of the season. 3.3 FEATURE AM G PROTOCOL Specific naming conventions were followed during field surveys in order to catalog each feature type collected. Table 3.3-1 describes the unique naming conventions for these features. ERM 10 Dominion Energy - May 2017 TABLE 3.3-1 Wetland and Waterbody Naming Protocol Water Latitude Longitude Field Crew Feature Special Feature Type Polygon/Line County Letter Number Designation Wetland w (wetland) county code county crew letter 01, 02, f, e, s (PFO, PEM, 25 whac001e code (e.g., sj) (e.g., a, b, c) 03,... PSS wetlands) Waterbody s (stream) county code county crew letter 01, 02, n/a PFO o (open waterbody) code (e.g., sj) (e.g., a,,.b, c) 03,... PFO Ditch d (ditch) county code county crew letter 01, 02, n/a -77.44158 191 code (e.g., sj) (e.g., a, b, c) 03,... -77.45461 M 4.1 SURVEY RESULTS The following sections present th^ofthe d, and waterbody surveys conducted from February 6 and May 12, 2017, usin the aforementioned methods. DELINEATED WET A total of 55 proposed Pro and includes and longitudc each wetland )posed ROW along the ill delineated wetlands, classification, latitude, nd type. Datasheets for ppendix C. TABLE 4.1-1 Scotland Ne4 South Justice Branch 115 kV Transmission Line Project Wetland Inventory Unique ID Cowardin Classification Latitude Longitude Crossing Length (ft) What001e PEM 36.22084 -77.63426 150 Whac001s PSS 36.11828 -77.41753 60 whac001f PFO 36.11842 -77.41679 25 whac001e PEM 36.11829 -77.41682 71 whac005f PFO 36.11112 -77.42797 1,320 whac006f PFO 36.11343 -77.43169 264 whac007f PFO 36.12317 -77.44006 2,727 whac008f PFO 36.12588 -77.44158 191 whac009f PFO 36.13362 -77.45461 95 whac010f PFO 36.13497 -77.45615 118 whac011s PSS 36.13723 -77.46182 101 whac012e PEM 36.13782 -77.46332 114 whac012f PFO 36.13815 -77.46459 345 whac013f PFO 36.14689 -77.47546 1,840 ERM 11 Dominion Energy - May 2017 TABLE 4.1-1 Scotland Neck - South Justice Branch 115 kV Transmission Line Project Wetland Inventory Unique ID Cowardin Classification Latitude Longitude Crossing Length (ft) whac014f PFO 36.14948 -77.48611 257 whac015f PFO 36.15415 -77.49871 1,420 whac016f PFO 36.15991 -77.50388 259 whac017f PFO 36.16011 -77.50509 65 whac018f PFO 36.15977 -77.50774 58 whac019f PFO 36.16042 -77.51314 753 whac02Of PFO 36.16688 -77.51602 1,295 whac02lf PFO 36.17080 -77.52441 86 whac022f PFO 36.17571 -77.53466 1,227 whac023f PFO 36.20542 -77.60640 78 whac024f PFO 36.20426 -77.60596 321 whac025s PSS 36.20302 -77.604631 125 whac026e PEM 36.20334 -77.60230 71 whac027f PFO 36.20379 -77.59727 312 whac028f PFO 36.18093 -77:54108 968 whac028s PSS 36.17805 -77.53731 1,466 whac03Of PFO 36.14905 -77.49528 255 whac03lf PFO 36.15137 -77.49787 111 wha 001f PFO 36.19425 -77.57086 374 whag002f PFO 36.19590 -77.57334 166 whag003e PEM 36.19668 -77.57457 21 whag004f PFO 36.19697 -77.57911 397 whagOOyfi PFO 36.20806 -77.6 69 1,325 whagO07A PEM 36.21123 -77.M291 179 whag007f PFO 36.21103 -77.61235 258 Wha 008f PFO 36.15976 -77.50774 107 whag009f PFO 36.2129 -77.62057 320 whag012f PFO 36.21642 -77.62501 446 whag013f PFO 36.21759 -77.62826 467 whag014f PFO 36.12669 -77.44286 296 whag015f PFO 036.20392 -77.59447 2,241 whag016f PFO 36.19995 -77.58687 15 wha1002f PFO 36.18132 -77.54368 580 wha1003f PFO 36.18147 -77.54944 82 wha1004f PFO 36.18006 -77.55626 373 wha1005f PFO 36.18682 -77.56216 1,123 wha1006f PFO 36.19217 -77.56784 182 wha1007f PFO 36.18903 -77.56478 348 wha1001e PEM 36.18032 -77.53726 60 whac003f PFO 36.11843 -77.41683 524 whaw002f PFO 36.20781 -77.61044 200 ERM 12 Dominion Energy - May 2017 TABLE 4.1-2 Scotland Neck - South Justice Branch 115 kV Transmission Line Project Wetland Summary Table Cowardin Classification Cowardin Classification PEM 7 PFO 44 PSS 4 Total 55 4.2 WATERBODIES A total of 78 waterbodies were documented within the ROW along the proposed Project route (Appendix D), including 20 perennial streams, 12 ephemeral streams, 14 intermittent, 30 ditches, and 2 open waterbody. Table 4.2-1 includes the unique Project waterbody ID, USGS waterbody name, hydrologic regime, field estimated OHWM width (ft.), field estimated bank -to -bank width (ft.), latitude, and longitude. Datasheets for ch waterbody sample point are provided in Appendix D. TABLE 4.2-1 Scotland Neck - South Justice Branch 115 kV Transmission Line Project Waterbody Inventory '�T Name Unique ID Hydrologic egime OHWM Width (Feet) Bank to Bank Width (feet) Latitude Longitude N dhaa001 ch 2 6 36.11474 -77.41628 NA'V dhaa002 Ditch 2 6 36.11585 -77.43030 NA dhaa003 Ditch 1 4 36.11678 -77.43003 NA dhaa004 Ditch 2 7 36.11585 -77.43035 NA dhaa005 Ditch 1 7 36.13348 -77.45194 NA dhaa006 Ditch 2 5 36.13041 -77.44460 NA dhaa007 Ditch 2 7 36.13105 -77.44271 NA dhaa008 Ditch 4 8 36.12429 -77.43822 NA dhaa009 Ditch 2 4 36.15173 -77.49327 NA dhaa010 Ditch 2 4 36.15161 -77.49208 NA dhaa011 Ditch 2 6 36.15140 -77.48990 NA dhac003 Ditch 2 3 36.13083 -77.45078 NA dhac004 Ditch 1 1 36.13940 -77.46799 NA dhac005 Ditch 1 3 36.13991 -77.46946 NA dhac006 Ditch 2 2 36.14256 -77.47177 NA dhac007 Ditch 3 5 36.13816 -77.46503 ERM 13 Dominion Energy - May 2017 TABLE 4.2-1 Scotland Neck - South Justice Branch 115 kV Transmission Line Project Waterbody Inventory USGS Name Unique ID Hydrologic Regime OHWM Width (Feet) Bank to Bank Width (feet) Latitude Longitude NA dhac010 Ditch 3 5 36.17242 -77.52741 NA dhac012 Ditch 2 3 36.14952 -77.49184 NA dhac013 Ditch 4 5 36.14948 -77.49004 NA dha 001 Ditch 3 0 36.19836 -77.58427 NA dha1001 Ditch 1 3 36.18309 -77.55886 NA dhac002 Ditch 1 1 36.10769 -77.41602 NA dhac011 Ditch 6 36.20371 -77.59762 NA dhaw001 Ditch 5 36.11035 -77.42658 NA dhaw002 Ditch 4 1 36.11035 -77.42658 NA dhaw004 Ditch 5 20 36.16355 -77.51087 NA dhaw005 DitchN 4 6 36.16459 -77.51136 NA dhaw007 Ditch 3 6 36.14125 -77.49032 NA dhaw008 Ditch 1 2 36.14094 -77.46695 NA dhaw009' itch 5 10 36.11188 -77.41670 UNT to Deep Creek shac008 Ephemeral 0.5 4 36.11633 -77.41667 UNT to Deep Creek shac009 Ephemeral 1 3 36.11630 -77.41657 NA shac010 Ephemeral 2 3 36.10910 -77.41477 UNT to Deep Creek shac023 Ephemeral 4 36.13328 -77.45467 UNT to Deep Creek shac031 Ephemeral 2 4 36.17092 -77.52398 UNT to Beech Swamp shal005 Ephemeral 5 8 36.18637 -77.56127 UNT to Deep Creek shac014 Intermittent 2 3 36.10795 -77.42201 UNT to Deep Creek shac024 Intermittent 4 5 36.13478 -77.45613 UNT to Deep Creek shac027 Intermittent 3 4 36.16025 -77.50545 UNT to Deep Creek shac033 Intermittent 2 3 36.20538 -77.60662 UNT to Deep Creek shac038 Intermittent 3 6 36.15164 -77.49752 UNT to Deep Creek sha 006 Intermittent 3 5 36.12687 -77.44321 UNT to Conoconnara Swamp 1h, shag007 Intermittent 4 6 36.20004 -77.58683 UNT to Beech Swamp sha1001 Intermittent 3 5 36.18140 -77.54891 UNT to Beech Swamp shal002 Intermittent 5 7 36.18144 -77.54949 UNT to Beech Swamp shal003 Intermittent 3 5 36.18009 -77.55557 UNT to Beech Swamp shal007 Intermittent 3 5 36.18884 -77.56413 UNT to Deep Creek shaw001 Intermittent 5 10 36.10972 -77.42524 NA shaw002 Perennial 6 10 36.16229 -77.49708 NA shac001 Ephemeral 1 2 36.10975 -77.42517 UNT to Deep Creek shac005 Perennial 3 5 36.11828 -77.41665 NA shac011 Ephemeral 1 2 36.11401 -77.41609 UNT to Deep Creek shac012 Perennial 5 6 36.11065 -77.41505 UNT to Deep Creek shac018 Ephemeral 3 4 36.12401 -77.43934 UNT to Deep Creek shac019 Perennial 5 8 36.12602 -77.44168 UNT to Deep Creek shac020 Perennial 36.12686 -77.44320 UNT to Deep Creek shac022 Perennial 5 8 36.13342 -77.45481 UNT to Deep Creek shac025 Ephemeral 1 2 36.16001 -77.50916 ERM 14 Dominion Energy - May 2017 TABLE 4.2-1 Scotland Neck - South Justice Branch 115 kV Transmission Line Project Waterbody Inventory ERM 15 Dominion Energy - May 2017 Bank to Unique Hydrologic OHWM Bank USGS Name ID Regime Width Width Latitude Longitude (Feet) (feet) UNT to Deep Creek shac026 Perennial 5 7 36.16012 -77.50390 UNT to Deep Creek shac028 Perennial 4 10 36.15962 -77.51265 UNT to Deep Creek shac029 Perennial 4 6 36.16590 -77.51517 UNT to Deep Creek shac030 Perennial 8 0 36.16789 -77.51749 UNT to Deep Creek shac034 Perennial 6 12 36.20456 -77.60580 NA shac035 Intermittent 1 2 36.20380 -77.60581 NA shac036 Intermittent 1 6 36.20428 -77.60570 UNT to Conoconnara shac037 Perennial 4 36.20381 -77.59673 Swamp UNT to Conoconnara shag001 Perennial 4 10 36.19719 -77.57804 Swamp UNT to Conoconnara shag002 Perennial 4 10 36.19707 -77.57894 Swamp UNT to Beech Swamp shag003 Perennial 4 6 36.21286 -77.62012 Dog Pond Branch shag005 Perennial 4 6 36.21732 -77.62685 UNT to Beech Swamp shal004 Perennial 4 5 36.18031 -77.55545 UNT to Beech Swamp shal006 Perennial 5 7 36.18647 -77.56142 UNT to Beech Swamp shal008 Ephemeral 2 4 36.18898 -77.56413 NA shaa001 Perennial 16 24 36.11909 -77.43278 NA shaa002 Ephemeral 8 8 36.16749 -77.52011 NA shaa003 Perennial 7 7 36.17181 -77.52759 Permanentl Pond Abb ohac001 flooded NA NA 36.12433 -77.43988 Construction ohat001 NA NA NA 36.22093 -77.63391 Stormwater Basin dk ERM 15 Dominion Energy - May 2017 5.0 SUMMARY OF FINDINGS As a result of ERM's desktop and field investigation, 56 wetlands and 79 waterbodies were delineated, in whole or in part, within proposed ROW. In addition to this, the corridor intersected 15 FEMA 100 -year floodplain. As such, impacts to these features as part of the proposed Project will require the submission of applicable permits and the approval of USACE prior to construction. ERM 16 Dominion Energy - May 2017 6.0 REFERENCES Cowardin, et. al. 1979. Classification of Wetlands and Deepwater Habitats of the United States. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. December 1979. Available online at: https: / /www.fws.gov/wetlands/ Documents/ Classification-of-Wetlands-and- Deepwater-Habitats-of-the-United-States.pdf Federal Register. 1993.33 CFR Part 328: Definition of Waters of the United States. U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. (51 FR 41250, Nov. 13,1986, as amended at 58 FR 45036, Aug. 25, 1993). Indiana Department of Natural Resources (IDNR). 2015. Indiana State Wildlife Action Plan. Indianapolis, Indiana. Available online at: http://www.in.gov/dnr/fishwild/files/fw-SWAP.Vdf. Accessed March 13, 2017. Lichvar, R.W., D.L. Banks, W.N. Kirchner, and N.C. Melvin. 2016. The National Wetland Plant List: 2016 wetland ratings. Phytoneuron 201 30:1-17. Published 28 April 2016. ISSN 2153 733X Available online at: 10 1111ML PLPhytoneuron2016.pdf Accessed February 22, 2017. Munsell Color. 2014. Munsell Soil -Color Charts with genuine Munsell color chips. 2014 Production. 4300 44th Street, Grand Rapids, MI 49512. North Carolina Department of E vlronmental Quality (DEQ). 2017. Tar -Pamlico River Basin. Raleigh, NC. Available online at: https://deq.nc.gov/map-page/tar-pamlico-river-basin. Accessed May 24, 2017. 4 epartment of Agriculture, atural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS). 20 nited States Department of Agriculture Handbook 296: Land Resources Regions and Major Land Resource Areas of the United States, Caribbean, and the Pacific Bas .Issued 2006 10% V U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. 1987. Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual. Technical Report Y-87-1, U.S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, M U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. 2005. Ordinary High Water Mark Identification. Regulatory Guidance Letter No. 05-05. Available online at http://www.usace.army.mil/Portals/2/docs/civilworks/RGLS/rg105-05.pdf. Accessed January 22 2015. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. 2012. Regional Supplement to the Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual: Northcentral and Northeast Region (Version 2.0). ed. J.S. Wakeley, R.W. Lichvar, C.V. Noble, and J.F. Berkowitz. ERDC/EL TR -12-1. Vicksburg, MS: U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center. ERM 17 Dominion Energy - May 2017 U.S. Department of Agriculture. Natural Resource Conservation Service. 2010. Field Indicators of Hydric Soils in the United States (Version 7). Available at http:/ /www.nres.usda.gov/Internet/FSE_DOCUMENTS/nres142p2_053171.pdf. Accessed January 22 2015. ERM 18 Dominion Energy - May 2017 Appendix A Desktop Review Mapset Appendix B Wetlands Data Forms Appendix C Delineated Wetlands and Waterbodies Mapset Appendix D Waterbody Data Forms