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HomeMy WebLinkAbout20170328 Ver 1_Certified Return Receipt_20170628■ Complete items 1, 2, and 3. AISo Complete
i[em 4 if Restrictetl Delivery is desired.
■ Print your name and address on the reverse
so that we can return the card to you.
■ Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece,
of on the front if spaca permits.
1. Micle Atldressed to:
c�'� �
Mr David McHenry, Environmental Oficer
NCDOT, Division 14
253 Webster Road
Sylva, NC 28779
❑ Ac�enl
Q Date of DalWeq
D. Is delivery address Bifterent hom ttem 77 ❑ Yes
If YES, enter tlelivery atldress below: ❑ No
3. Service Type
❑ Certified Mallm ❑ Priority Mall Exprass"
❑ Fiegisteretl ❑ Return ReceiptforMerchandlse
❑ Insured Mall ❑ Collect on Delivery
4. Restricted Delivey) (EMra Fee) ❑ Yes
2. ArticleNumber 7�08 1300 0000 1124 2623
(iransfer from service labelJ
oc c.,.,.. ZR'I 1 i��i" vniz n,.,..o�.�,. Qen�.,. Qe�a�.,�
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First-Class Mail
Postage & Fees Paid
Permit No. G-10
;r ' C ';'T '..
• Sende�: �Please print your name, address, and ZIP+4� in this box•
Division of Water Resources
Wetlands Branch
Kristi Lynn Carpenter
�617 Mail Service Center
Raleigh NC 27699-1617
(oomesdc �aen omY; nw u�wrerres cowrags viovMe�
Fw tlNlvery Intormatbn vUR ou� wabslM at www.uapa.comm
Ca�iile0 Fae
� Poetrnerk
7 fletum Hecelpl Fee HB�
� (EMorsemenl Rapulretl)
� ReaMcletlDelHeryFee % -7
(Enaorsertrent Requlretl) ? �� �� � J � �
a Mr. David McHenry, Environmental Officer
o NCDOT, Division 14
� 253 Webster Road
� � Sylva, NC 28779
Cerlified Mail Provides:
■ Amellin9recelpt
■ AuniqueitleMiflerioryourmeiplece
■ A recoN W CelNery kapt by Me Postel Service for two yeera
'mporfent Rem/ntlen:
� Certifietl Mall mey ONLV be combined wMh FlisFCleea Malb a PMorlry Mel4
■ Certlfled Mall Is irotavelleble for eny cleas oi Intemetbnal mell.
velueblee, pleeae consltler Ineured or Regis[eretl Meil.
■ Far en addNionel fee, e ReNm Recef�kfein�e be requested to provlde proot o1
Recelpryt (PS�Fortn 3811� ro tlie�eNcle entl e�tltl�epp�li�b ee antl ettach e Returt
posmpe w cover tM
fee. ErWoree mellpiece Relum Recelpt Requeatetl'. To recerve a fee weiver fa
e duplicate retum receipt, e USPS• postmerk on your Certifietl Mail receipt it
■ For en etltliNonal fee, tlelhrery may be resMdetl ro the atltlressee o
atltlreeaee's eNhorizetl a�ent. Ativlae the clerk or mark the mallplece wiN Ni
endoraement 'Resfricted Delhrery'.
■ If e postmark on the CartHied Mall recelpt Is tlesireq pleese preaent the ertl
cle at Me post oMice for postmerkinp. If e postmerk on the Cert"rfied Mai
receipt Is not neetletl, tletech end eHix lebel with postege antl mail.
IMPOHTRNT: Save lhis receipt and prasent it when makinp an inqulry.
P$ Fortn 3800. August 20p6 (Roverso/ PSN ]530�02-00p-909]