HomeMy WebLinkAbout20170770 Ver 1_401 Application_20170622Envntonmental Consultants, 84121 Halls of Ncaise Road, Suite 104, Fidctigb, NC 217615 • Rhone sandmixom To: L S Army Corps of Brigineers Raleigh RegL laiory Rield Office At1n: arries Laslinger 3331 Heritage Trade Drive, Suite '105 WaHe Roresi, NO 27587 Rnom: Deborah Edwards Slhirley Soil & Envirorlmerltal Clonsuliants, PA ,une22,2011 S&BCI Rroject # 12836.W5 NCI DWR, 40'1 & Buffer Permitting L nil Atari: Karen F iggiris Archdale BL i1c ing - 9 h Floor 5'12 Nor h Salist ury Ell reel Raleigh, NC 27604 Re: Town cif Fclly Sprinclsi-Anent Perry Rcrcemain Replacement H c Ily Springs, Wake Cciunty, NC On tetalf cf the applicant, Ms. Kendra Parrish, PE, CFNI, the Direatc r of the Town c f Folly Springs Brigineering Department, please find attached a corriplete application and supplemental infonrriation requesting written conCL rre nce irorri the U.S. Army Corps c f Brigineiers (IL SACB) and it a N. C. Di% ision of Waten Resources ISN CDWR) than the acti%ities proposed below may rlrcceed under Nationwide Permit 12 and Water Ciality General Cledifiaaticn 4086. Please corilact me at (919) 846-5900 if you have any qL estions c r reqs ane adc itiorial infonrration. RRCJBCIT SIL MMP RY Rno'ect Name -llown of F c Ily Sprin s-Aveni Ferry Rorce Main Replacement Project Type Utility Line Ccnsin clicri Cwner d Applicant Tcwn of Holly Springs Cloy nty Wake Nearest Tcwn Holly Springs VVateiibody Name Norris Branch & Utley Creek Basin Cape Feer Index N umber 18-7-5-1 & 18-7-5.5 Class C IMRACT SUM MARY Stream Impaci (Jacres): 0.003 Wellanc Irripaat (aares): 0.135 C pen Waten Impact (acres): 0 Total Impact to Walers of the U.S. acres 0.138 Total Stream Impact 111inearfeet): 23 Attachrrienis: Pre -construction N otificai ion (IRC N) A pplic� Iic ri Rorm Ageni Authcnization Fenm NRCSI Sail Survey Map USIGSI Tcpcgraphic Map NC DWR Eli rearri Determination letter-CIFRRC#16-124 Existing Slile Conditicris Index Marl Impacl Ext it its NC DWR CN LY: $24CI DWR Application Fee Office Use Only: Corps action ID no. DWQ project no. Form Version 1.3 Dec 10 2008 Pre -Construction Notification (PCN) Form A. Applicant Information 1. Processing 1a. Type(s) of approval sought from the Corps: Section 404 Permit ❑Section 10 Permit 1b. Specify Nationwide Permit (NWP) number: 12 or General Permit (GP) number: NIA 1c. Has the NWP or GP number been verified by the Corps? Yes ❑ No 1d. Type(s) of approval sought from the DWQ (check all that apply): ❑ 401 Water Quality Certification — Regular ❑ Non -404 Jurisdictional General Permit ❑ 401 Water Quality Certification — Express ❑ Riparian Buffer Authorization 1e. Is this notification solely for the record because written approval is not required? For the record only for DWQ 401 Certification: Yes ❑ No For the record only for Corps Permit: ❑ Yes E No 1f. Is payment into a mitigation bank or in -lieu fee program proposed for mitigation of impacts? If so, attach the acceptance letter from mitigation bank or in -lieu fee program. ❑ Yes ❑ No 1g. Is the project located in any of NC's twenty coastal counties, If yes, answer lh below. ❑ Yes ® No 1h. Is the project located within a NC DCM Area of Environmental Concern (AEC)? ❑ Yes ® No 2. Project Information 2a. Name of project: Town of Holly Springs Avent Ferry Forcernain Replacement 2b. County: Wake 2c. Nearest municipality /town: Holly Springs 2d. Subdivision name: NIA 2e. NCDOT only, T.I.P. or state project no: NIA 3. Owner Information 3a. Name(s) on Recorded Deed: Town of Holly Springs -Engineering Department 3b. Deed Book and Page No. NIA 3c. Responsible Party (for LLC if applicable): Kendra Parrish, P€, CFM -Director of Engineering 3d. Street address: 128 S. Main Street 3e. City, state, zip: Holly Springs, NC 27540 3f. Telephone no.: 919-557-3935 3g. Fax no.: NIA 3h, Email address: Kendra.Parrish@hollyspringsnc.us Page 1 of 11 PCN Form — Version 1.3 December 10, 2008 Version 4. Applicant Information (if different from owner) 4a. Applicant is: ❑ Agent ❑ Other, specify: Owner -please send correspondence to Agent and Applicant 4b. Name: Kendra Parrish, PE, CFM -Director of Engineering 4c. Business name (if applicable): Town of Holly Springs -Engineering Department 4d. Street address: 128 S. Main Street 4e. City, state, zip: Holly Springs, NC 27540 4f. Telephone no.: 919-557-3935 4g. Fax no.: NIA 4h. Email address: Kendra, Parris�o%Ilysprincisrl us 5. Agent/Consultant Information (if applicable) 5a. Name: Deborah Edwards Shirley 5b. Business name (if applicable): Soil & Environmental Consultants; PA 5c. Street address: 8412 Falls of Neuse Road, Ste. 104 5d. City, state, zip: Raleigh, NC 27615 5e. Telephone no.: 919-846-5900 5f. Fax no.: 919-846-9467 5g. Email address: j QShlrlevC'1a San^t��EC.00M Page 2 of 11 B. Rroject Infoirration and Prior Project l isitory 1. Property, IdEntiflicalion 1a. Property identification ric. (tax PIN crpercel ID): Parcel ID: h/A-Ar.iearuitGVtypro;eict 11 Site coordinates (in decimal degrees): IMIPACTM Latitude: 351.635151 Longitude: -78.8728 I❑❑.DDC ❑❑❑) il-❑❑.DODD❑O) 1c. Rrciperiyl size: N/A 2. SurfeecE Waters 2E. Name cd nearest body cf wEier (stneam, river, etc.) to Ncrris Brnch (18-7-5-1; 6 UUey Creek (18-7-5.5) pneipcsed pnoject: 2b. Waler Cuality Classification of nearest receiving water: C 2c. RlivEir basin: Capel Fear Hydrelcg,ic Un,iil Ccoa 6306604 3. liro,jEat Description 3a. DEIScribel the existing conditions c n the site and the general land c se in 1hEi vicinity( of ihEi project of the time cif this aipplicafion: The existirigl coricitions cfthle project ares consist cf eri existing Icrce Train and me,intairied eesemeint thlrcu5h existing resider.itied neiiglhtcrhocds Eric Duiklei Energy Flrogress,crcpeny. The general lend use ,in the v,icir,ity cf the rrcjeict is res.foeriilial. 3b. List the totEll Esfimated eicreage Cl all existing wetlands on the property(: A, PMAirriately( 0. 135 acres of wetlends w,#.Iin the delirieateo utility corricor. 3c. List the total Eisfimated linear feet of eill existing streams (intErmilienf and pemennial) on ihE property: AUrox,imetely 164 i,inesr feEil within the delineated utility corridor. 3d. Bxplain ihE1 PL rpcsei cif the proposed project: The purpose cf the ,crcpcsed project pis to the replece 8,5105 Linear feet of forcemairi trona the o,lo Braxton Village Pump station, tc ilhe Town ofhlo//yi Springs Utdeyl Creek Water Flec/ameticn Facility. 3e. ❑Eiscribe the oveinall projecd in dEitail, including the tMpe cl Eiglu ipmeni to be used: The cverahl frcjectccnsists cf the reTilecemeritof 6,5G51iineer feetofVfucerrairi wish an 16"fcrcemeiri frcrn iVle c/d Braxtori Vihle gle Pump station that was de mo,tishe o, to the Tc wn c f He lly ST rings Utk y G reekl We ter Rec k rn6 tic n Facility(. Ttle 18"fcrcerria,in MIA to Insiledeo ,in the same general ikcedicn as the 6A,isilinyl8"fcrcemafn fcr the sections located within BraAllon Vilile51e endhlohA Glen subdivisicns (apprcArnateily 5,530 LIF), endparahe,l tc the existing) 8"forcerria,in fcr the rcrlicn icceted withiri DuA Energy Flrogress, Iric. proferiyl. There wild to e iloilad of severe (7) wedend irnpect areesi w.idh.in the exisiling rna.intekieo easerrient and one (1; stieam crossing within the Duke Energy Firogress property(. 7yip1cal equ,prnerit used for excevaticn Endecnsilrucilicn wild to uulGlizec fcr this p%et. 4. Jurisdiciticinal Determinations 4 a. Have jurisdictional wetlE nd cir siream delerminalicins by the Corps cm 811atE been requEistEid cr otfained for this property / ®11es ❑ No ❑ Unk nc wn project (including Bill pricm phases) in the pass? C cirrimenisc 4b. If thEi Ccirps rriede the jurisdictional dederminaticn, wharf type of determine fic n was me de? ❑ Preliminery [ Final C om m Efnts: 4c. If YE S, who delineeded the junisdicficinal areas? Agency/Consuliani Compariyl: ScY S Erivirorimental N aime iJif known): Steveri Bell Ccnsultarits, FIA CthEir: 4d. If yes, listl tl-e deleis cif the Corps jurisdicficinal clEiewninaiicns cir Stele determinations einc attach dccurrientation. USACEl' Slite visit 8 heikl verification ccm kted by James Lestingerori Mlay 12, 2G16; NCDWR: R,iperiari buffer dellerrriiristlicn comf,leted ty Sara Kn.fes ori Mby 3,, 261E (CFRRC1ih 6-124, Reige 3 c f 11 RCN Fcrm—Vensicri '1.2 DecembEr 10, 200E VErsicri B. Project Infurrailion zind Riior Picjeict History fl. Rroject History 5a. Have perrrits circertificeticins been recuesled cmobiained feir ❑ Yes ❑ No ® Lnkno%n this prelject (including all prior phasies; in the past? 5b. If yes, explain in detail according to "help file" inatructiono. Ri Me project erg,ineer, tte Existji g FoicE Main was ecnsdruiclledki Me mid -1996's. 6. Future Ricject Rlam Ea. Is this a pheElEd prcliecill? ❑ Yes ® Nc Eb. If yes, eAplain. N/A Rage 4 cif 11 C. Propose c Irr paths Ir ve r to ry o . Irrpacts Surrrraryl 1a. Which sections were ccmpleteid beilcw fcr yep r prgjEcd Qcheck all that apply;: ® Wetlands ® Streeirris - tribulariEIS ❑ Buffers ❑ Open Waieirs ❑ Pcnd Ccnstructien e'. Wetland Impacts If thEirei ares wEiileind irripaicts prcposec on the sites, thein cc mplete this quEsl is n for each wEIland auieei impactEid. 2a. 2b. 20. 2c. 2E. 2f. WEdlainc impact Typeicf.jurisciciicn number— hype cf impaci -lypei cf FcreStEIC QCcrps - 404, '10 Area of impact PermalnE nt (P) c r wEitla nc DWG - nc n-4 04, etheui; (acres) TErn c ra T if known W1 (#1; El P ®T Util iilty-Forcerna in Bc horriland El Yes ® Cups G.OEIl FIE place mienit Hardwoce ® Nc [ DWG LW3 ill) ❑ R ®T1 Ut sty-Forcerriain Headwater El Yes ® Ccrps 0. 06 1 Replacement Fcresil ® Nc [ DWC W4 (3) El R ®T UAVty-Forcerriain Bcttcmiland El YES® Corps O.GGS Replacement Harawcod ® Ne [ DWC W5 i�#4) El R [A 11 Ut�i4iy-Forcerriair i Bottcmlaric El YES ®Ccrps G.G32 RepJacerrient hlardwcod ® No [ DWQ UNJityFcrcemair,i Bottcirrular,ie ❑ YeS ® Ccrps C. 021 RepJacerrienll hlardwccd ® Nc ❑ DWQ Uiliiliily Forcerriain Bctilorrdand ❑ Yes ® Ccrps 6.069 FleFlilacE rnE nll Haidwocc ®N c ❑ DWG UtAiily Forcemairn Elcilllornland ❑ Yes ® Ccrps 0,010 Recllacemient Harcwcca ® Nc [ DWG 2g. Total wetland impacts 0.135 2h. Ccmments: Wetlar,ic imiirlaols withlin an ExistinCl rriainllainec sewer ease rnerik 3. Stream Impacts If thEre are perennial cr intEirrriittEint streeim irripacts (inCILding tEimperairA impacts) prcpcsEid cn the si1E, IhE n ccmpletE, This quEstion for all Sireiam sites impecled. 3a. 3b. 3c. 3d. 3E. 3f. c9 - Stream irripaici Type cf impaci StrEairri name Reirenniel Type cf jurisdiction AVE regE Impact number-ReirrrianEini (IPER) or (ICcrps - 4 04 , 10 strEiam ler gth (R; orTemperery(TI) intEirmiiteni DWG—non-404, width (linear (INIf,? cther) (fEiet) feet) Utility-CpErn CO w/Rip-Flagyl Keyec initc ® PER ® Corps (#E ® P F1T strearri be UNEy Creek ❑INTI [DWG E' 23' (FIEivriarient-Nc Permanent Loss, 3h. Total silrearr and 1lributaryl irrFacts 23' 3i. Ccrriments: Rage 5 cf 11 RC N Rcirm - VErsicin 1.3 DECE mbea 1 C, 2COE Vers ion 4. Open Waiten Irripaictsi If theire are prc posed impacts tc lakes, pc nds, E stua riE s, tributaries, sounds, the Atlantic C cE a n, or any o1her c pE n water cf ihE U.S. thein individually list all c en "atEr im acts belcw. 4e. 4b. 4 C. 4d. 4e. Cpen weier impecl NarrlE1 cf watEirbody number— (if epplicablEl: TypEi of impaci Waieirbcdytype i PrEa cf impacil (ecres) PEirmaneint (P) c r TEirri ora T 01 ❑P❑T 4t'. Tcitail c pen wate n impacts 4g. CcmrriEints: El. Pend or Uaike Consiruclicin If pond or lake construction proposed, tY E n com leitEi tF E chart below. 5e. 5b. 5c. 5d. 5e. Wetland Impacts (acnes; StrEarri Impacts (feet) Upland Pcrid ID PrepCSEc USE cirpurpcisE Of (acnes) nurribEr pend Flo cde Pilled Exceveieid Rlocded RillEid Excavated Flcodec d R1 P2 511. Tcitail 5g. ComrriEnts: 5t'•. Is a darri higt hazard permit rEiqLined? ❑ YES ❑ h c If yes, permit ID nc: 5i. Expecte d pc nd surface arE a (a crE s): 5j. SiZE of pond wateiished ijacrEis;: 5k. Method of cc nalruciic n: 6. Buffer Impacts Iflor DWQ) If prc.jeci will impecil a prctectEd riparian buffer, then ccrriplEle the chars bEIOW. If yes, then individually list all bufiler irripaclls below. If any impacts regL ire milli eticn, then you MUST fill cut SEctien D cf this fcrm. 6a. ❑ NES se ❑ Ta r-Rarrilicc El Other: RrcjEcil is in which prctEctEd basin? ❑ Catawba ❑ Randleman 6b. E c. E d. 6E. 6f. E g. HUffE r irripa ct number— REascnfor irripacl BuffEr 2cr1E 1 impact Zone 2impact Permanent (P) c SNeam narriei rriitigelicn (square feet' iIsquarE feEt; TErri ora T re uirEd%i B'I ❑P❑T ❑Yes ❑ No B2 ❑ P ❑ T ❑ YES ❑ N B3 ❑P❑T ❑\des ❑ Nc Eh. Tcitail buffer impacts 6i. CcrrimEnts: Rage E of 11 D. ImpaictJLstificaitiicin aind Mitigaiticin Auciidaince and Minimization la. Specifically cescriber measures taken io aivoic on rriinirriiae the proposed impacts in designing project. 58EC ccmp,leted a wetland 8 stream o6dreatior forthe entire easement,in crderto identiffy natural rescurces sc thet ,impacils cculd be avoided 8 minimized to the rriaximum extent practicable. The new Force Main ,is being constructed within the exisiVrg utility Easement ar,d e,V prcpcsed weillands tc to impectea are within tte petmeneril rriaintenarce ccrridor. A secilicn cfhthhe new Force Ahain,usil east of Molly Thcrn 711race Floac was re -aligned tc avoid additier.al stream crossirghlccafiicns. 71V;1e prcject will utilize thle Bcre & Jackl ccrstructicr, meilhlcd fbred silreem crossirgls except the Utlley Creekl crossing, which wV,l be opher cult and riclrap will to kleyed iriilo the stream bed fcr fbture rriaintenarce access. .4 t the wetlard 1ccailicns, the prcjeet was rcil atlle ilo uiilidze the Bcre & Jaekl rriethhod because cf the width cf the excevaihicr required fbrthhe bcrung mechhir.ery and thhe proAimVty cf the ex,istirg eno active paredel sewer fines. Ad temphcnary weiVand impacts will t6 brouglht black ilo pre-cor. struction cc r is urs and vegetated with a wetlar. d seed ma. 1b. Speioifically deiscribei meiasures taikein to avoid cir minimizes thea proposed impaots tt rough constnc ction techniqueis. .Ps pherthle prcject engineer, The main "technique"t eir,gl used to miinirruzie irr�acihs is that the existing force main ,is tieing replaced byl a larger pipe that,is beir.iglinstahled in the sarne locator as ihhe exisiling fcrce main. Raihhherthan paraiVe,lirg the existing force main with anew ore ten ti et away (which wouiild require additional easerner,ih clearing and disturbance„ aphprcximatefly 2/5 of the project length will to ,instaVeo by using terriperary piping to take a portion otlilhe existing force mair. out ofservice, sc the view cne car, to ir,stalledin virtuiahlyihhe same lccatior. When the raw segmer.tis completed aria tested, it wV/ to push inilc service aro the ternperaryp,ip,ing mc ved dcwn the hive sc the prccess can to repeated. 7Y.le seccnd techhruque ,is ihhat we are Flrcpcs,ing rho tcre &,acklilhe er.casemerih pipes urderthe stream cress,ings, to prever,il ary distuutance tc the streems. 2. Compensatory Mitigation for Impact�i to Waiters of lhhe U.119. air Waters cf the State ❑ Yes ® No " Vnpacils tojudsdiaticral wetlands are w;thhin ari eAlisting 2a. Doers tY El project requires Compensatory Miligelicin for rriaintairica Fc ice Main easement. These wetland areas are impacts is Waters cif the L.S. cir Waters cf the 8lfatei? r,ot tbrested. Wetland impacts will to temglorary, trcughlt tack) to plre-ccnstructior ccntcurs aria revegetated with a wetland seed mb. 2b. If yes, mitigaticin is nequirec by (check all ihei apply): ❑ DWQ ❑1 Corps ❑� Mitigation bank 2c. If yes, which mitigation option will be used forihis ElPaiymeni to in -lieu fele pnagrarri project? ❑� Peirmitiee Responsible Mitigation .I. Complete if Using ai Mitigation Baink 3ai. Narre of Mitigation Bank: Type: QuG rri sty: 3b. Credits Rurchased (aria& receipi wind letien) Pagel rl cf 1' PCN Fcnm—Versiori 1.3 Dec embEir 10, 2C08 Version 3c. Cemrrie nts: 4. Corrpleie illMaWingl a Paiylment to In -lieu Ree Program 4a. Appneval letter frcrri in -lieu fee prcciiam is allached. ❑ Yes 4b. Stream mitigaticn reigLeisled: C linear feet 4c. If using sllream mitigation, dream temperature: ❑ warm ❑ cocI ❑cold 4d. Buffer milicaticri requeisteid (DWQ cnly): 6 square feet 4ei. Riparian welland mitigaticn requested: 0acreis 4f. N on -riparian weitland miiigatien reiqueisleid: 0 acreis 4g. Ccastal (tidal) weilla nd mitigaticn reiqueisteid: 0 acres 4h. Ccmrrieints: 9. C ompllete ill Us incl ai Perm itteie Res pons tulle Mitigation Plain 5a. If using a permilteie reispcnsiblei mitigailic n plan, prc vide a deiscriplicn cil the proposed mitigation plan. 6. Suffer Mitigation ilStaite Regulaited Riparian Suffer Rules; — required by DWQ Ea. Will the prcjeict resp It in an impact within a prcileicieid riparian buffer that requires bLffeir mitigaticn? ❑ Yes ® No Eb. If yes, 11 hen ideinlify thei square feeit c irripacl tc eie ch zcne c thee, ripariari buffer the t req uires mitigation. Calculate thea amoL nt cil mitigatic n required. aonei Ec. Ree sc n fc r impact 6d. Tata I impact (square feet' Multiplier 6e. Required mitigaticn (squares feeit) acnes 1 3 (2 forCatav�ba) acne 2 1.5 Ef. Tonal t ufileu miticlaitiein required: 6g. If buffer mitigation is required, discuss what iypei cf mitigaticn is pnepcseid (ei.g., payrrieint to private mitigation bank, penmitteie respensiblei riparian buffer reistciiatien, payment into an epproveid in-lieiu feei fund). 6h. Cc mrrieints: Pagel E of 11 S. Sic imwailki Mar agerricrI and Diffuse Flow Plan (required by DIWQ) 1. Difl iei Plow Plar 1 ai. Dc eis the prcjeict incluc ei or is it aidjaiceni to pnoteicieid ripe rian bL ffeins is eintifiEIC ❑ 19eis ® NC with in cnei of the NC Riparian Buffeir ProtEICillicn Rules? 1b. If yeas, theirs is a diffuse flew plain incluc eid? If ric, Explain wry. ❑Yeis ❑ Nc Comrrienis: 2. Stormwater N a na emeinll Plan 2a. What is thea cveraill pemceint impervicusness of chis project? N/A, prcTlcsed ei will ncil add imp crvicus tc pro;ectere a. 2b. DCEIS This pnoject reiquirei a Stcrmweiler Ma!neigeimeni Rlein? ❑ hers ® Nc 2a. If chis pnoject DC ES N CT reiquirei ei Stcrmweler IVaineigemeni Plein, explain $A I` y: Ex isbrg develcpmerit, TIrcposed acllivilly wilt nct ade ,Mrervk urs ilc riii ct area. WailerQGial,ityi Cc rtihica tic n 4C8E does not require e SNIP. 2c. If 11his pno,jeict DC ES nequirei al Stormwateir Meinageirrient Plan, thein prcvidei a brieif, narrative cEscription of thea pleir: ❑ Ceir ifieic Loceil Gove.rnmeint 2 El. VW c will bei respc nsiblei for thei reiview of tHei Stc rmwaileir Maineigement Rlan? ❑ DW G Stormwateir Rrc gra m ❑ ❑WQ 401 Und Z. Cerlified Uciceil Gcivernmenil Sileirrrwatler Revieiwi 3a. In which local gcveirnrrieint's,jurisdiction is this prcjeicll? ❑ Phase II 3b. Which of tt e fc llcwing Ic ceilly-irripleirrieinteid siormwali rrianeigemeint pnograims ❑ NSVW ❑ USIVIR apply ilche!6 all than apply): ❑ Weler SL pply Waieirshed ❑ Clheir: 3c. Heisi li eipprcvec Siorm%ater Management Plan wish prcof cf aipprovel beiein ❑ Yeis ❑ No etteichec ? 4. DVVC "It'cirmwater Pro rarr Review ❑ Ccastel counties ❑ HCW 4a. Which cf tte following ,illate-impleirreinteid stormwaieir rriairneigemeni prcgrarris apply ❑ ORW (Cl' sick ell that apply): ❑ Session Lem 200E -24E ❑ C ther: 4b. F as 11 he approved Slid omwateir Management Plan % ill h prcof cf eipproval beien eittachec? ❑ Yes ❑ No S. li 401 Unit Sticirmwatler Review 5ei. Doers llhe E1llorrriwater Managerrieint Plan rr eiet the aipprcpniate reiqL ireirrieinlls? ❑ Yes ❑ Nc 5b. F avei all of 11he 4CH L nit submittal reiquinemertlls been met? ❑ Yes ❑ Nc Page 91 of 11 RC N Form — Versic n 1.3 DECE mbe n 101, 2 C C'.81 Version AI. Supplementary Information 1. Environmental Documenilalion (li RegluirErreni; tai. DOES iihe project involve airs expenditure of pLdIic ftclEreil/state/local; funds orilhe ®Yes ❑ No use of public ftclerail/:iteite) land? ❑ Yes ® No" 'ilt wild he cc ristructed using /ccail 1b. li you ans"ered "yes° tc the abcve, dOeS the prcject require prepairalion of an (71c:wri cfHchy Springs, funds. envircnmental document punsuairit to the requirements of the National cr Sane The Trcjecil Engineer has (North Cleirc inai) Envircnmental Policy Act iINEIPA/SERA)? cctermiinedthat rie en�ircrmerital cccumiErill will tic req uhec by AIEFIA/SEFW . 1c. If ycu answE rEd "yes" 10 the eiboVe, has the dccurrient review beE in finalized by the StatE Clearing House? (If sc, attach a copy of the NEIPA or SOPA final appnaval El YES ❑ No tette r.; Ccrriments: 2. Violations (Ili Requirement) 2a. Is the site in %ielaition of DWG WelleInd Rules (115A NCAC 21H .C500), Isolated Wetland Rules Q15A NCAC 2H .1300), DWQ Surface Water cr Weileind Standards, ❑ Yes ® No cr Riparian Buffer Rules (15A NCAC 28.02 00)? 2b. Is this ari after -the -fact permit eippliceiiicn? [ Yes ® No 2c. If yeL ainswened "yes" to one or beth of the abcve quesiic ns, provide airs explanation ei ilhe vielaticri(s): 3. CumulatlivE Impactsi QDVYQ RlEgluirErrenil) 3a. Will this project (based on past and reasonably anticipated fuiure irripacts; result in EYES ® No additional c EVElopment, Uvhich could impact nearby downstream wader quality? 3b. If yeL answered "YES" to the abcve, submit a qualitative cr quantitative cumi impacil ainalysis in accordance uAith ihE most recieni DWG policy. til you answered "nc,° prcvide a short narrative desaripticn. We have reviewed ilhc Tiraft ilriterne,l Policy, Cumiuiati�e ,imfacls and tfie 4G i W1atEr Cuiahty CertilicEticn aria /sc/Etea WetlandsFlrogramis"dccumentprefaredblyllheNIG CGvisicncfWater CuailityonAprilIC, �604, versicnL'i. The c it states that cther putilicaliy funder rrcjects may a may, rict rEsud in cGimulativc impacts. 711 Avent Ferry Fcrceme in replacment prcject is a pubhcally( lundea rrcject withiiri an eiready eevekred landscape. FVeEsc note that this project is iocatea withiri the Town cf Hcdy Srribgis, thereforE any aojacent prcferties llhathave potential fcr cevelocmiErit w1/11 have the Rhase I,INPCIES StcrmiwallerFlerrriit Flrogram regulatioris iIc Frcllect dcwrisllream waters. The Rhase IJ NFICIES Stc rmwaliE r FIE unit Flrc gram includes pE rrnitling rE q u ireme nts fc r MILinicipal SEiplare to Storm Sewer Syslbrns (NIS4,; iri aaditicri to post-cicnstruction storrriwater mane glerrent requirerrerits. We anticiigate that the NCDWR wiV notify the cilierit ,if a quabitallive erquarititative curria/allive impact anetylsis is required. 4. SEwagie Disposial (DWQ Requiierrent; 4a. Clearly c eiail the ultirratE treairrerit methods and disposition Ilnc n -discharge or discharge) of wastewaten generated frcirr the pnopesed project, cr available capacity cf the subject faicilily. The 711owri of hohyl Springs wild ensurE thail caf aaityl of their Utie y( Creek Water RecMmailic n Fac,ilkyl MIJ riot tie excE eeed. Page 1 C of 11 PC N Rorm — Versic n 1.3 De cerribe r 10, 2M8 Version 5. Endangered Species and Designated Critical Habitat (Corps Requirement) 5a. Will this project occur in or near an area with federally protected species or Yes No habitat? 5b. Have you checked with the USFWS concerning Endangered Species Act yes ® No impacts? El Raleigh 5c. if yes, indicate the USFWS Field Office you have contacted. [] Asheville 5d. What data sources did you use to determine whether your site would impact Endangered Species or Designated Critical Habitat? The NC -Natural Heritage Programs Data Explorer Map was used to search for elemental occurrences of federally protected species listed within 1 mile of the project boundaries. It was determined based on the search that there are no elemental occurrences that are listed as federally Threatened(Endangered within f mile of the project boundaries. Please note that the Final 4(d) rule identifies the Northern Long-eared Bat as a Threatened species within Wake County. References: North Carolina Natural Heritage Program Date Explorer Search [January 20, 20171. Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Office of Land and Water Stewardship, Raleigh, NC. &.tQ11W- �laCnhA,tirc�l 6. Essential Fish 'Habitat (Corps 'Requirement) 6a. Will this project occur in or near an area designated as essential fish habitat? Yes No 6b. What data sources did you use to determine whether your site would impact Essential Fish Habitat? The NOAA Habitat Conservation/Habitat Protection: National Marine Fish Service; Essential Fish Habitat Mapper website was referenced. No Essential Fish Habitat was identified near the project. 7. Historic or Prehistoric Cultural Resources (Corps Requirement) 7a. Will this project occur in or near an area that the state, federal or tribal governments have designated as having historic or cultural preservation n Yes ® No status (e.g., National Historic Trust designation or properties significant in North Carolina history and archaeology)? 7b. What data sources did you use to determine whether your site would impact historic or archeological resources? The NC State Historic Preservation Office HPOWEB GIS Service interactive map was referenced on November 02, 2016, no historic listings or study list entries or determined eligible listings were identified within the easement. 8. Flood Zone Designation (Carps Requirement) 8a. Will this project occur in a FEMA -designated 160 -year floodplain? Yes No 8b. If yes, explain how project meets FEMA requirements: The Force Main will cross a FEMA designated 100 -yr floodplain at Utley Creek. The disturbed areas will be returned to pre -construction elevations, so there will be no changes to the cross- sectional shapes used by FEMA to calculate the 100 -yr flood elevations (project will not alter the flood elevations). 8c. What source(s) did you use to make the floodplain determination? Per project engineer &IVC Floodplain Mapping Program Deborah E. Shirley c Jtme 22, Applicant/Agent's Sig tura? Applicant/Agent's Printed Name (Agent's signature is valid only if an authorization ietterfrom th pplicant is provided.) Date Page 11 of 11 Sail. & Environmental Consultants, PA 8412 F,1111s of Neuse Rand, Suite 104, Raleigh, NC 2761= • 1'luxu: (91°9) 846-5900 • F=ix: {'919} 846-9467 MUNICIPAL OFFICIAL I AGENT AUTHORIZATION Project Name/Description: Town of Holly S rings-Avent Ferry Forcemain Replacement S&EC Project # 12836 Date: The Department of the Army U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Wilmington District 69 Darlington Avenue Wilmington, NC 28443 Attn: James Lastinger Field Office: Raleigh Regulatory Field Office This document authorizes Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA (S&EC} (as my agent) to act on my behalf and take all actions necessary for the processing, issuance and acceptance of a permit or certification and any and all associated standard and special conditions. This notification supersedes any previous correspondence concerning the agent for this project. NOTICE., This authorization, for liability and professional courtesy reasons, is valid only for government officials to enter the property when accompanied by 5&EC staff. You should call S&EC to arrange a site meeting prior to visiting the site, PARCEL INFORMATION: Parcel Index Number(s) (PIN): Site Address: City, County, State: PROPERTY OWNER INFORMATION: Name: Ms. Kendra Parrish, P. E. -Director of Engineering, Town of Holly Springs Address: P. O. Box 8, Holly Springs, NC 27548 Phone No.: ( } Fax No.: { } Mobile No.: { } Email: - Municipal Official (please print) Date Municipal Official°, Signator We hereby certify the above information submitted in this application is true and accurate to the best of our knowledge. GS�.NEW sP� � V I . \ 1\ �f1IL(ry y �' qG1 1 f ��• L! 1 �� 1 r ry �� l al .� �-_ ^-----. � ..�� i�,} ��� L'1'350+Y• �i l 't�� ��;� �_ /'�„!',� �fn"��% /r'+._�j ,t { �� 1�� } �J `{� �.�,;-, �\ �5� 7 � rt`1� �1���1�-' .r f °�tv p^�.'� r" �,..' ! �41' lS �L�%y,�✓� t.��•...�(ti� 'e �- \ ��,. L\'•.. � , � f _ ..._350 "` � � � �- ..�.'` . f l Orr �� _ hi _ ] -J 1.. , ,✓+ ///i/' Cr� J,f jilt- r r_•7- r-•� i J r Jr r f,- l;'�«�' '`"1. �— ( �. `^ t � ! T11 j�J��}I r���� r',ir �,�� �.y �, ' j��r'� ��.� � �Z•..�-� s j+ { �1�+�'V; i �+' �'- y 1 } r moi} ! ✓ 1! J fr = _ j� f j� r 'Y' I_ �;Sf11v✓: i'/` SO� ' %1%j , i \1 t✓J/..� r r � •n} �- J/�j f , � � �--°° r /o' /f'`_" •`°S } } �, 1\ .� � /�,J'�1 i_; 11';�,,.�' i.� w'e � � � � � 4 R � F �� r � ��` �"^—` '+' �J %f lrr � �1 .^l f � ! f% �� �. F / ��yr.....� �� ! �« ..=' rr..4 J✓' � �d�,, %,f I! 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Project Nurnbe� 2$36 J Map Title: - USES Mae N Figure '9 ° �,�©° �,000 Project Manager: g p I i i o I l I SB HS Force Alain Replacement Feet Scale:g Wake County, NC Y Source: sail & Environmental Consultants, FA Wake Count GIS Date: �, i± r,n. ati...rs a.�;ww raa, ��r� �c r:sxs • rte. ���m>:+� ssaa- v.,: ea1•n rwor.: 3125116 USGS Apex & New Hill Quad ";AW I. wg,�mli Water Resources E N VIRO HM ENTAL OVA 4ITY May 10, 2016 Town of Holly Springs 128 S Main Street PQ Box 8 Holly Springs, NC 27540 PAT MCCRORY Gavemor � P161U.1 Al 011 0:11 11ak"My.11 114111 Secrermry S. JAY ZIMMERMAN DIreclor Subject: Huffer Determinations CFRRO#16-124 Wake County Determination Type: Buffer Gaal Isolated or EIP Gaff Q Meuse (15A lVC►4G 2B.0233) ❑ Tat --Pamlico ('15A �IGAG 2B .1]25I�} ®'�Phemeraiflnterm3itentl'Perennial Determination 0 Jordan (I 5A NCAG 2B .4267) ❑ Isolated Wetland Determinatlon Project Name. Holly Springs Force Main Up{�radc Location/Directions: Subject parcels are private property located at project address; Subject Stream: UT to Utley Creek and Norris Branch r Determination Date: Maya, 2016 Staff: Sera Knies See Next Page Division of Water Resources, Raleigh Regional Office, Water Quality Operations Section http://pDrtal.nedenr.org/wcbtwq/aps 1628 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1628 Phone: (919) 791-4200 Location: 3800 Barrett Drive, Raleigh, NC 27609 Fax: (919) 788-7I59 Holly Springs .Force Main Upgrade Wake County May 10, 2016 Feature /Flag E/l/P* Start r@ Stop@ Soil Survey USGS Ta o_ A (Norris Branch) P Culvert i Throughout X I X B I Throughout Throughout X C I Throughout Throughout X C2** I Culvert an Feature C Throughout D P Throughout Throughout X X E I Culvert Throughout X F E X G I Culvert Throughout X H P Throughout Throughout X I (Utley Creek P Throughout Throughout X X J P Throughout Throughout X X I Culvert Throughout * Eph emeral/Interm i tten tJPerenn i a 1 **C2 is not depicted on Wake County Soil Survey/USGS maps Explanation: The feature(s) listed above has or have been located on the Soil Survey of Wake County, North Carolina or the most recent copy of the USGS Topographic map at a 1.24,000 scale. Each feature that is checked "Not Subject" has been determined not to be a stream or is not present on the property. Features that are checked "Subject" have been located on the property and possess characteristics that qualify it to be a stream. There may be other streams Iocated on your property that do not show up on the maps referenced above but, still may be considered jurisdictional according to the US Army Corps of Engineers and/or to the division of Water Resources (DWR). This on-site determination shall expire rave (5) years from the date of this letter. Landowners or affected parties that dispute a determination made by the DWR or Delegated Local .Authority may request a determination by the Director. An appeal request must be made within sixty (60) days of date of this letter or from the date the affected party (including downstream and/or adjacent owners) is notified of this letter. A request for a determination by the Director shall be referred to the Director in writing c!o Karen Higgins, Karen Higgins, DWR— 401 & Buffer Permitting Unit, 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617. This determination is final and binding unless, as detailed above, you ask for a hearing or appeal within sixty (60) days. The owner/future owners should notify the Division of Water Resources (including any other Local, State, and Federal Agencies) of this decision concerning any future correspondences regarding the subject property (stated above). This project pray require a Section 4041401 Permit for the proposed activity. Any inquiries should be directed to the Division of Water Resources (Central Oftiee) at (919)-807-6300, and the US Army Corp of Engineers (Raleigh Regulatory Field ©flee) at (919)-554-4$84. If you have questions regarding this determination, please feel &ee to contact Sara Knies at (919) 791-4258. Holly Springs Force Main Upgrade Wake County May 10, 2016 cc: RRO/SWP" File Copy r espectfu Y, _ Danny Srni , Supervisor Water Quality Section Raleigh Regional Office 4)L-elzy S -/Ll-& 6mk 1 EIXISTING SIM CONDITIONS GRAFah IG SCALE 300 0 190 340 600 f Innf =]40 R 01 a 0 U z a F z a U c� 2 Lr (f X k 1 I ch, ARE gX4A,VLk. pLik � -.- BEGIN 18"- PVC �p AVIM T M . 61q p FORC 111VTAIN PVS _ F.et e ll cud B' - b. 9r� Vg .. -.. 14,y �C� F tum E _ Z H��YNICINT O_' �•�. cy X n i'r k E r t.r_ UIUM H' . Cwek - tr''1 Cl CSL a F "bc41_ EIXISTING SIM CONDITIONS GRAFah IG SCALE 300 0 190 340 600 f Innf =]40 R 01 a 0 U z a F z a U c� 2 Lr (f X k 1 I �- j CAIAJ 1. I'CIVIVHIVGYN II NAVIN I. UUMNWUL)n "i \ � IECK DAM n `I ,— WLIIWANDS IMPACII 2468 SF ENST M0NCL`E �— ---- \ HI UMN VILLAGElkl V AWNERSASSOC"TCP—�046EI'\ IN 1-300.6 Rlr( ae3aa561 E -A j sos- IN2-300.14 \ 1N3 —302.16 s �I OU➢ -300.01 dcUSIR,-I�;w �. 61 _ , - _ - -&-HMI JEAN - & EUWARDA - - - ` 441 HOLLY TF ORN--TRCE -445 UGLY 1HaRN IRCE _ _ — — PIt _OE3> 13fIE 8113 L PIP: CIE3876E149 /i/ ----- — —\ PLAN - IMPACT 1 SC I LE: J "= 40' IMPACTS ................... .................................... GENERAL MOTES: IJEG END �Rm�Rm� FIRCPCSEID 18" C905 AVC FICFICE MAIN — UN — um — LIMITS CFI La15 TUREIA NCEI oTm EXISINC FCRCE IL,AIN IIMS71AIG SAN. SEWER 11 19+00 20+00 21400 PROFILE - IMPACT 1 SOLEI: 1"= 4C HO%Z. ] "= 8' VERT. 1. FOR TCWN OF HCLILY SFIR/NGS UDC SEICTICN 7.CI6 (D.) ----------- LIXISIYNC S➢CRM SEIWEIR 'NCN—EIlIAC1141IC UTILITY LINEIS — IMPAC7U CTHEIFI 7hANI EIXISNNC TREE LINO FIL RENDICU I R CRCSSINC ARE MIEMPII IN EIC ILLI CFB1 SILT FIENCE (CAPEI FEIN BUFFER LICNEI 1) AND CF82 (CAPE FEAR EIUFF119 ZCNLI 2) EIUFFENS. DIEHL & PHILLIPS, P.A. "CRCEMAIN REPLACEMENT FOR MACH SHEET M&P CONSULTM ENGWEERS - LIC. NO. C-0465 AV EN T FERRY PUMP STATION PLAN AND PROFILE 2 OF 1500 PINEY LAINS RD., SUITE 200 TOWN OF HOLIIY SPRINGS PROJ E CT No. - C:ARYI, N.C. 27518 41 (919) 467-9972 1 HIOLI HY SPRINGS, NORTH CAROLINA -20 HIGHLANDS LOT HOLD S LLC PO 80X .19C MANAKIN EIABO-T VA 231 C1C0 PIN: OE 3816E c 5 // \ 7 CFI GFI—"'�LME � PLANT - IMPACT 2 IMPIACTS 5CALO: I"= �C' ►!i!i!i!i!i!i!0�! 11 ' = o ffi • GENERAL MOTES: 1. PERI 11 4N OF HCLLY SPRINGS UDC SEC?UGN 7.CI6 (LI.) 'NCN-ELECIIRIC UTLITY LINES - IMFIACiIS OIHEIR 111 -JAN FIERFIENDIC UO RI CRC JSING' INE EAEMPI IN 6C 7F CFE? (CAPE FEAR EILIFFERI 21CNE I) AND CFE2 (CAFIE FEAR BUFFER 21GAIE 2) BUFFORIS. "b LEGEND �FM�FM� RRICFICSELI 18" C90` PVC FCRCE MAIN um — um L (MITE C Fl LIIE TURBT NCEI EXON EkllETING FCHICE MAIN EXISTING SAN. SEWER ------___-- EIkIIETING ETCFIM EEIWEIR EIXIIST/NG TREIEI CIINEI SJ(1T FIEII\CEI 320 EXIST. GRADEI 320 FCFOE C9 M C 310 31C 31+00 PROFILE - IMPACT 2 SCALE: 1 "= 2G' HCRIZ. 1 "= 4' VERT. 32400 DIEHL & PHILLIPS, P.A. FOR TWJNREPLACEMENTFOR MEACr2 El�EUT &P cCNSULTING ENGINEERS - lJC. NO. C-0465 AVENTI FERRY PUMP STATIONPLAN AND PROFILE 3[3 SIA 1500 PINEY LAINS RD., SUITE 200 TOWN Of HOUYI SPRINGS PROJECT No. - C'ARY, N.C. 27518 • (919) 467-9972 1 HOLLYI SPRINGS, NORTH CAROLINA HIGHLANDS L T HOLDMS UC 0x 'I90 \ MANAKIN SAE] T VA 2TOJ-01 10 y FIN: 38 16E 95E � \ I � mw `TDA 'i I I l i Av I CORRIQOR INETLINDS IMPACT 1ST �F \ \� ��►� \ EP—Et N II I HIGHLANDS L T HOLDMS UC 0x 'I90 \ MANAKIN SAE] T VA 2TOJ-01 10 y FIN: 38 16E 95E � \ I � mw `TDA 'i I l i Av I -40 � I l i -EXISI PERNIINENT MMi\ CORRIQOR INETLINDS IMPACT 1ST �F \ \� ��►� \ EP—Et PLAN - IMPACT 3 5CAdE: 1"= 2G' IMPACTS GENERAL NOTES: I. AER XWN OF HCLLY SFIRINCS UDC SECIVON 7.06 (ID.) 'NON-ELECTRIIC U TIL M LINES - IMPACTS C ThER IF]I N AERFIENDICULAR CHOSSMG' ARE EXEMFIII IN BCTH CFB;I (CARE FEAR SUFFER 210EE 1) AhD CFBI2 (CARE FEAR BUFFER [ICNE 2) BUFlFlERS. LEGEND IIS LL.� Mi BEND �RMRMAFICPCSED 18" C905 FIVC FCFICE MANN S UM S LIM LI MII TE OF CIIS lIURBL NCEI ExFM EIXISTING FORCE MAIN - - - EXI54NC SAN. SEWOR __________= EIXISTWG STCHM SEWER EXISTING TBIEIE LINE S ILI T FEN C EJ EIXII 5 7l GRADE 320 320 0 18 C90.') 0 310 310 33d +Oa PROFILE - IMPACT 3 �CALI E: I"= 2G' HOMO. 11"= � ' VERT. 34+00 DIEHL &PHILLIPS, P.A. FORCEMAIN REPLACEMENT BOR nvIPACT 3 SIH°E� CONSULTING ENIGINEMS - LIC. No. Go465 AVENTI FERRY PUMP STATIONPLAN AND PROFILE 4 OF] D&P 1500 PINEY LAINS M., SUITE 200 TIOWN OF HOUIIY SPRINGEI FRCJECTNo. - C"Y, N.C. 27518 • (919) 467-9979 HOULY SPRINGEI, NC7RTH CAROLINA PLAN —, IMPACT 4 SCALEI: 1"= �C' IMPACTS GBNBRAL NOTNS: 1. PEIRI TC WN (F HGLI LI Y SPRINGS UDC SEICTICN A CH (D.) '1\lCN-9LEIC*VC UKITY LANES - IMPAC71S G7WE19 ThAN PEIRIPEINIDICCILAR CRCSSINC ARE EIXEMP71 IN EG7W CHB1 (CAPE MAR BUFFER Z(NEI 1) AND CFE2 (CAFE MAR BUI H9R ZICNEI 2) BUFFEIRS. LEGEND �Rm�Fld PROFGSED 18" C5105 PVC FORCE MAIN -UN moi■ LIM17S CF DISTCREANCEI Emm EIXIIS 7VNG FCRCEI MAIN - - - - - EXISTING SIA. SEIWER EIXIIS7VNG STORM SEIWEIR EXITS 7VNG 71REID LINE -i i i 1 1 SILT FEINCE EXIST. GRACE wow oc g> 0 330 ���N 330 LL ct 32C 32C 42450 43+001 43+50 PROFILE IMPACT 4 SCALE: V'= 2C HCIRY. 9 "= 4' VERT. DIEHL & PHILLIPS, P.A. FORCFMAIN REPLACEMENT FOR MIPACr 4 HE CONSULTING ENGINEERS - UC. NO. C-0465 AVENT FERRY PUMP STATION PLAN AND PROFILE OF OF 13&P 1500 PINEY LAINS RD., SUITE 200 TOWN OF NOLIN SPRINGS PROJECT Nci. - 8 CARY, N.C. 2751EI • 919 467-9972 1 HOIRN SPRINGS, NORTH CARICLINA =11 V \ -%* X� � c PLANT - IMPACI15 SCILE: V'= �0' NO OWN NOLA If, lei tm-3:11 1601 1� GENERAL NOTES: I. AEFI 71CWN OF HCLLY SIAFIINGS UDC SECTION 7.06 (D.) 'NON-EdEICTRIC UTIW1 Y LINEIE - IMPAC IE C THEIFI TI .AN FIEIFIAENDICULAR CRCSSING' ARE ENEIMP➢ IN BCTH CFEV (CARE FEIAR BUFFER ZON9 1) AND CF62 (CARE FEAR BLFFIEFI [ACNE l) EIUFFLIRS. LEGEND �RM�Rm� PRGACSED '18" 0909 FIVC FENCE MAIN — VY -LSM — LIMI7IS CIA CIISTUREIANCE ElXIS7YNC FCRCE MAIN — — — 3XISTING SAN. SEWER ____ Elh1IS71INC S71GRM HIWOR ElXIS7YNC TREIEI GINE] SIL 71 FIEINCEI 471+C 0 PROFILE - IM PIACI 5 SICAIIE: ;1"= �0' HORIZ. A "= 4' VEIRT. DIEHL & PHILLIPS, P.A. ECRCEMAIN REPLACEMENT BOR MgACI5 SHEAT CONSULTING ENGINEERS - LIIC. NO. C -OW AVENT FHRRIY PUMP STATION PLAN AND PROFILE ( of 13&P 1500 PINEY LAINS RDI., SUITE 200 TOWN OF HOLLY SPRINGS PROJECT No. - 8 GARY, N.C. 27518 • (919) 467-9972 1 HOIILY SPRINGS, NORTH CAROLINA EXIST. GRAD 340 340 VC FO CEI MIN 0 z cc Ca 330 330 471+C 0 PROFILE - IM PIACI 5 SICAIIE: ;1"= �0' HORIZ. A "= 4' VEIRT. DIEHL & PHILLIPS, P.A. ECRCEMAIN REPLACEMENT BOR MgACI5 SHEAT CONSULTING ENGINEERS - LIIC. NO. C -OW AVENT FHRRIY PUMP STATION PLAN AND PROFILE ( of 13&P 1500 PINEY LAINS RDI., SUITE 200 TOWN OF HOLLY SPRINGS PROJECT No. - 8 GARY, N.C. 27518 • (919) 467-9972 1 HOIILY SPRINGS, NORTH CAROLINA 511 GRAHAM, DANIEL ` , BALDYCA, BENJAMIN & KRISTIN RI � B��� D. 20� \ \ � 20-120-1AVNNT NEAbQW9 LN AVVENI-(4EADOWS Lf PIN: CIE 480861 E A � � � \ PI I\: 064E108114�- EXIST. PEFN1I�IENT MAWT. CORRIDOR \ \ I \ WETLIFIDS &PACT"f 2178 SF X62 — EIXIST PEFMANIEIMT-WINT. �.�.. _ C ORR.IDOR WETLI FIDS iIN7PA-CT- 7- - 41CI SF r APPF OX. J OCA T OM EXI S T. EXIS T 8" PVC FORCE MAWII WG �O SAN. SEW iBM 19,98 p0, 5.3E ASEMENT MOORE, TIMOTHY J10HN / 1C14 SY0AMORD RICICIE LN / PV OE 4EIC181074 STEIGER, GREGORY C. & WENDYI S. 108 9YCAMORH RIDGR LN PIN: OC4808C OC J PLAN - IMPACTS 6 & 7 SCALIE. 1"= 20' IMPACTS licM,,Nis •;•;•;WETLANDS IMPACT IN ENIST. !i!��!!i!i!i!i PERMANENT ]MAINTENANCE .ID IMPACT • • GENERAL NCTES: 1. FIER ➢OWN CF NOJLY SFIHINGS UDO SECNGAI 1.06 (D.) 'NGN—ELEICNIIC U311111Y LI1\I35 — IMFIE CTS OTHER VAN FORFIANDICCLAA CAOS3AIG' ARE EXEMFIT IN BOTH CF81 (Cf PEI FEIAR EILIFH9R ZCNEI 1) IND CFEI2 (CAPE FEIAA EICFFER 21GAIEI 2) 6IUFFEIAIS. LBGBND � FV � FV � FIRC POSEID 18" C 5105 PVC FORC O NMN -LSM —M JIMIT5 OF CIISTL.RBANCE EXFM EIXISTING FIORCEI MAID — — — — — EMSING SAN. SEIwEH ----------- EIXISTING 5TOMM 5EWEAI EIXISTING 71REIE ONEI —1 Id T FEA CEI 360 EIXIST. CRACIF 36C oeG � U PVC FORCE V1 IN l I 3510 3510 517400 PROFILE - IMPACTIS 6 & 7 SCALEI: I"= 2C' HOFJd. I "= 4' VER T. 518+00 DIEHL & PHILLIPS, P.A • FORCEMAIN REPLACEMENT FOR H PACT 6 `' aEln D&P CONSULTING ENGINEERS - LIC. NO. C-0465 AVENT FERRY PUMP STATION PLAN AND PROFILE cirl I SOC PINEY LAINS RD., SUITE 20C X WN CF HC LLV SPRINGS F RC JECT Na . - 8 CARPI, N.C, 27518 . (919) 467-9972 I HCLLIY SPRINGS,, NICRTHI CARCLINA D I E ENERGY PROGRESS INC / TAX DOPT - DW -410 550 S IRON SIT / I CII-AFIL�II -96J85-A54!17142CI0 � I ;c 11 F] 21�' S Tfflfl, ENCASEMENT PIPE (MLN. WNILI TW--- -z5G') � INS714HEI0 BY OPEN C6T IQP -ADEI,IT,ONALI JC' PERM. EASEMENT \N E`er - / SIL11 FIEINCEI OUTdET, EXLS,TLNG EASEMENT ��PIgUFFER IIEN COR LST15ILI7B S719EAM CHANN1 51010;OFcIMALI WATR CSS CWNN�L �F EVELIW 7Fl \ '2" TH)CMAIESS GF CSS 'EI' RLPBAR -TCP CF] WRAP 71C EfI SLIT SPLAIN, ZRq(M G & NiARJORIE L. EIXAL TO FIREI-CGNSTRLICTICNZT60M BE0 01EIVA'TLCN. STBJL ZE1 4CI42 B13R�4 E❑CIO RDA � � � 17FEAM EAW AEICVB NG(IMALI DAWIAI LIEVEY WLI'h N09Th AM�AN AIN: -OE 48J90L119-8 ( GREEN 5C-250. / .I PLAN- IMPAC Tl 8 SCALE: A "= 20' ]IMPACTS 1 — 23 LA - CHANNHLJ IMPIACT 136 SF - CHANNEL IMPACT IN EXIST, PERMANENT MAINTENANCE COME CR GENERAL NOTES: 7. HER 71C WN OF HOLLY SRRINGS UDC SECTION A.0E1 (D.) 'NCN-ELECTRIC UTILITY LINES - IMF14C7IS C71HER THAN FIERFIENDICULAR CRCSSING' ARE EIkENRI IN EIGTH CFB] (CAHEI FEf R BOFFER 210NE 1) AND CFB2 (CAPEI FEAR EIUFFER ZONE 2) BUFFERS. LEGEND M1 FM � FN FIRC HOSEID 18" C905 PVC FORCE A<AIN — Ilk —LIMA LIMITS OF CII571LRa4NCE EXFM EXISING HORCE MAIN — — — — EMANG SAN. SEWER _____------ EX151NNG SIICRM SEWER EXISNNG TREE LINE SIILII FEINCE 86+00 PROFILE - IMPACT 8 SCALJE: .I "= 2G' hIORIZ. I"= 4' VERT. 87+00 DIEHL & PHILLIPS, P.A. VORCEMAIN REPLACEMENT FOR MPACT 8 SHLLII CONSULTING ENGINEERS - LIC. NO. C-0465 AVENT FERRY P W1 STATION PUAN AND PROFILE 8 01 D&P 190C PINEY L.AINS RDI., SUITE 20C TOWN OF HOLLY SPRINGS PROJECT No. - CARY, N.C. 27E1 8 . (919) 4 7-9972 1 HOLLY SPRINGS, NORTH CAROLINA r--11\STILL SNCA EMENT & CA R EH P PEI ACROSS CHANN L Y PEN C ST BELIZE CLASS 'B' RSP AFI. TOP OF kPRAF1 STREA TO BEII CHAR SET E EL LAd TO PR -CONS AUCTI N STREAM BEID LEVEL ITH N RTH AMERICAIJ AMERICAGREE ELEIV SC- TON. 50. EX�IS T. GRADE 300 _-- 300 .I2" M111 V - CLEAR 290 290 — LNGASWLN1 L — ' STAd L 11 BY PPEIN CUT 86+00 PROFILE - IMPACT 8 SCALJE: .I "= 2G' hIORIZ. I"= 4' VERT. 87+00 DIEHL & PHILLIPS, P.A. VORCEMAIN REPLACEMENT FOR MPACT 8 SHLLII CONSULTING ENGINEERS - LIC. NO. C-0465 AVENT FERRY P W1 STATION PUAN AND PROFILE 8 01 D&P 190C PINEY L.AINS RDI., SUITE 20C TOWN OF HOLLY SPRINGS PROJECT No. - CARY, N.C. 27E1 8 . (919) 4 7-9972 1 HOLLY SPRINGS, NORTH CAROLINA JFP JFP Ru ipv Ili ' BEGIN 18 c --- ----- FORCE MAIN - ------ - ----- - ------------- U) ----------- ------ ........... ==Fa - -'--g'g;;;;wjmw A I : A -4 IMPACT P-4 cel P-402 WDEX SECTION 1 S011E,-1'= 100' P.4 'A p,V LAf If 0 Q Qw� IMPACT 4 lI -.1 IMPACT 5 nldp 7 -------------- -------- ACT 6 ------ 00, c AP-iON 2 s k INDH�( SCALE. 1' = 100'NI IMPAC P9 rl IMPACTS gi C) = 111.011INgiMil R < END 1811 1wc FORCE MAIN /A --------- -------- 0 GRAj3f IC SCALE n\TDRXA4AP-S.ECnON13 lea 01 59 Im 200 S(WE.- 1'= 100' jl� FEE li hh=� % DIEHL & PHILLIRS RA CONSULTING ENGINEERS F H. 919-Z EI7-997'I I C10CI PII\ EY RLP INS RD SUI1 E 4'1[10 CP RY, N CI 2; 9'18 DATIE O I'M TO TF E a ORE ER OF iV�c�av 1�,= \7�hri�� l�1`_'�n�nc-( Is 1�8' C 66-11243' 2,40'.60 7�&' O fALANC_01Coi�v ✓ZT`1 �r;� �� _ F: DOLU RS ' =k �•, EIRPINGH BAIM KING AN O TRUST CII Y 14W-BAIMN 91137I EIBIlean II'000 138 1CI ' • II x.0531011 a 11.00013 a 103835911'