HomeMy WebLinkAbout20170719 Ver 1_Approval Letter_20170621Environmental Quality ROY COOPER „� ��n,w� MICHALL S. REGAN sr..:,��arr ti. JAY ZIMMERMAN �,. Junu ? I, 2017 Durham & (liange Couniies NCDVVk Project No. 2017�7 i 9 Durham-Orange Light Rail APPROVAC, of 401 WATER QUALITY CERTIFICATION and JORDAN RUFFF.R AUTHORIZATIOIV, with ADDITIONAL CONDITIOIVS btc David A. Charters, Jr, PF., Mnnager; Design Xc Engineering Go Triangle PO Box 13i8 i Research Triangle Park, NC 27709 Deaz Mc Charters: Yot� have eu: ap�mva!, in accordance with the conditions !isted below, for the fe!Iewin� impacts f�r the purpose ef the cnllection of georechnical data in Durham and Orange Counties. Site I Tem Tetal Total Stream Impact for Total I in Perennial S[rean i5 •aiecl: li linear feet. Wetland Im F.:ar Rivtr� 8asi:i ts in the Cape Fear Hand Clearinc facl U.26 Total Wetland lmpact for Prujecl: 0.26 acres. Site Zone 1 Impact � _ s ft) 9--- — � Zone 1 Buffer Mitigation Required 3:1 Tntals 20L�J I NiA �---- ----- — 1----------------- ' n,'a = Total fbr Site is less tha�i i/3 acre ;,nd I50 linear Tatal Buffe� Impact iar Projeci: 4500 squ�re feel. Im 15 Total Wedand 1 0.26 Zone 2 Impact Zone 2 Buffer Mitigation __(s�ft) _ Re uircd (usin L5:1 ratio) 2500 N,�.4 —' -------------- f impact, no mirgaticn rrauircd 5i�re of Nunh Ce�ol�n;: � Eneironrncnrr� ��ua:m� Iu1 7 Mail Serv�ce Ceu[ar I naleigh. Nortn l'aruliiia 27iy9-ISi ; T'he project shall be constructed in accordance with your application received June 12, 2017. After reviewing your application, we have decided ihat tnese impacts are cove�•ed by veneral Waier Quality Ceriification Numner �0&5. 'I'h.is �ertification corresnonds to.the Nationwide Permit N issu�d by the Corps of Engineers. This ap�rova] is also valid for the Jordan Kiparian Buffer Rules (15A NCAC 2B.G2ti7). In audition, you should acquire any other tederal, stat� or Iocal perr_mits before you pr�ceed with your project including (but not limited to) Sediment and Erosion Control, Non-Discharge and Water Supply Watershed regularions. This approval will expire with the accompanying . 404 permit. Tr:is a�provai is valid s�lely ioi� dh� purYuse and �esi�. �escrited in your a��iicaiicn (;v-iless rnodi�'ieci be:ewj. S:�ouid yc;�,zr pr�lzci c?iange, you must not:�� th� N�D�JV1� and su�:r::t a neu� applica±icn. If 2he pr�perty is so1d, t�h� r_ew �vt�ner :r.�ast �e aiv�n a c:�ny �f this Gerti�caii�r_ and app:ovai tett�r, ar_u� i� trereby responsible far compIyir.g with all �he canditions. Ii iotal wetland fills fo� this project {now �r ui ihe �uture i exceed one acre, or of total impacts to strAams (novv or in the future) exceed 1501�near fe�t, cempensatory r.iitiaation may be required as � �escriYed 'v: i5A ItiT�.A� 2ii .Q506 (h) (6) �d l7). Ad�itic±nal ;uff:,r i�:spa�tw �nay r�qnire ccmpeasa��ry mitigzt:c�n _ as ilescri'oed in.�SA N�AC 2B:Oi67, For this approvai to remain valid, you must adhere to tne condiiions listed in _ the Genzi°al Certificati�n and any auditiaiiai conditions iisteci be:ow. ��n�ita��►s of ��!-tificafioae: _. .. . . 1_ All rinarian buffers impacted bv_the nlacement of tem�norary ftll or clearing activities shal] be restared to the ._ preconstrt�ction contour� anci revegefiated. Maintained hi�ffers sha11 b� permanently revegefated with non-woody species by the end of the �rowing s�ascr. followir.g completion af ccns�ction. Far thz pizrpose of t�is cer.ditior., -.maintained buffer areas are defined as areas within tbe transportation corridor that will be subject to regular �ra.�sportatior. maintenar.ce activities i.ncluding mowing. The arez with non-maintained buffers sha?I be pe:manently revegetated with native woody species before the next growing season following completion of construction. [15A NCAC 2B.0267] 2. Pursuant to ? SA NCAC 2B.0267 sediment and erosion control devices sha11 not be placed in Zone 1 of any Jordan fiuffer without prior approval by the N�DWR. !�t this iune, ihe NCDWR has approved no sediment and erosion r�ntro].devic�s ir_ Zon�-_], ovtside ofthe approvPd.proje�t impa�ts, anywh?re on t�is project. [vlareover, sediment and e_r�:i�n �nn;r�l devic�s sra,l be ai���i�ed.:n 7er.� ? of *he �uff�rs nrovided ±hat ZonP :i is not c^m�romise�! sn� r_hat d:scharge is r.eleased as diffuse fla�•r. 3: if concreie is uscd durnig consi�ucYi�n, a�-y warn area shall be maintainec� to prevent direct contact beiweer� curirg co;�c.ete an3 stream �vater. Water that inadvertcntly conta�ts uncu:ed concrete shail nat �e dischargsd to st�rface waters due to the poteniial for elevated pH and possible aquatic life anci fish kills. �15ANCAC G2B.02UOj . 4. Buring.the construction �f the proi�ct,_no staging oi equipment of any kind is nermitted in waters of the U.S., or . _ p:ote��t�� �:pariaa; huffer;. [iSt�NCAC a2�i.�50G(bj(2); 5. .'I'he ��n�nsiara, px�t�rt� and proi 1e �,f the strea�ri a'uave and bP1o;� t �a cr��si_ng shall not be m�dified. Dis�u•'�ed tloodplains'and streams shall be restored to natural geomorphic conditions. [1 SA NCAC 02H.0506(b)(2)] �. `The �sc c�r r.i�-rap abave ihe Nonnal Hi� �Iater Mark �n�ll'o� m_inir€:ize�. Any rip-ra� plac�d for st�e��n �� stabilization s�a11 bP placed in strear.i dhan�els �r_ su�h a manner that it does not impede ac�uatic life gassage. [15A NCAG �?2H.0�06(bli2)] 7: The Permi'riee shail er�sure that the fmal ciesign cirawings ad'nere to the perc�iit aiid to the permit drawings - suUmitt�d :or appro��a1. [15A ?dCAC 02H .050? ic) and l5?: NCAC C2H .�505 ;b)(2) and (c)(2�; 8. ALi work in or adjac,ent te st!-�am waters shal] be c�n�ucted in � dry work 3rea. A�prove� RMP measures from *h. tr�ost cu;reni vers3�n �f1�ICL�O'1' Cansia•uct��n and Ma� �tenunve Actis�ities manu�? sncr �s san��ags, reck'�erms; :,�ffaruams ar�d ot��er �i�•ersian s�*.-uc�o.:ds sha11 ba use�i ta �re���nt �Yca�•aticn in fla:ving v��zte�. [ISA N��:C G�'•_�.�5�5(t�){:�; at�:� (���3)i 9. Hea�y equipment shall be operated fram the banks rather �han in th� stream channel in order to minirr�ize sed�mertaii�n an� re�ur,� �i��: :r�aductio,i of ��iher �t��z�s,anEs i-ftc i�:. ;t�tiain. [1 `i1 �d�;.4C ��2H.OS�h��}l�)] 10. All mechanized equipment operated near surface waters must be regularly inspected and maintained to prevent coniaminaiion of stream waters from fuels, luoricants, hyciraulic fluids, or other �oxic materiais. [ISA NCAC 02H.�506(bl(31] - 11. No rock, sand or other .ma±erials shall be dredged from the stream charinel except where authorized by this certification. [15A NCAC 02H.0506(b)(3)] ? 2. Disc's,argin� hy �rosee�r�ia:tures anil y: �sl�ii�g c�:t hyc�r;�see��ers an�i o?ner :;�uipm�nt ii or adjGcetrt Eo s�u-�ace wate; � is prciii�itec?. [15F. i�C�iC 02H.G506(��(3 j] 1�. 7"n� renr.iitee zn� its authorizeL' age�ts snail ��r,auct its activiY:es �.*� � mar.ner ��ns�sten: wi;h St�te water q�aality standarls (including any requirements resuiting from compliance wiih §3�3(d) of the Clean tivater Actj �nd any other approrri�te req�irements ef State ar?d FPdPrallaK�. If the �TCDV�IR �e±err_?ines that such standards or l�ws are not being r�e� (inclu3;.n;•tri� failuf•e to sustair_ a designate� or achi��-;,d as�) er t�at �t�te o: fe�eral la��- :s �eing ���iolat�d, �r :t:at iurther conditions ar� necessary to assure corripliance, the NCD i�i'c inay reevaivate arid modify this certiFcation. [15A N(;AC �2B.G20ii:1 14. All fill sloges. lacate� in ;u.risdictienal wet?ands sha11 be placeri at slopes ne flatter than 3:1, unless ot�her�vise authc�r�zed by fhis certifir.ation. �iSA NCAC 02H.GSOn��)(2)1 _ _.] 5. Acopy of this Water Qnality Certification shal] be maintained on the construction site at a.11 times. Tn additi_on, the Water ��uality �;ertification. �nd all subseq�aent mo�iific�iions, if any, shall i�e maintained with #he or_-site project � m�ar.ager. [15A NCAC 02H .OSC?(c) an� 15A NCAC 02H .0506 (b;(2) and (c)(2)1 16. The outsi�e buffer, vvetland er watPr bou.nda.n; loeate�? within the co:�struction corridor app:oved by this authorization, including all non-commercial borrow and waste sites associated with the project, shall be clearly marked by highly visible fencing prior to any land disturbing activities. Impacts to areas within the fencing are prohibited unless otherwise authorized by this certification. [15A NCAC 02H.0501 and .0502] 17. -The iss�.�ance �of this ceriification does n�i exempt ihe Permitiee irom cornplying with any and all staiutes, ruies, reg�alations, -or ordinanc�s that may 6�. imposed by ether government agencies (�.e. lo�al, state, and federal) ha��ng �rriscli�ti,n; i�clztd;ng �*t�t nc�t ljm;±�d to appl:cahle buffer :1�les, star.m:;�ater rz�.nagement n�l�s, scii ems:en an� sedimentation contral reGu:rements; etc. � iS. °ihz �erniitee shall report atiy vioiations of llii� ceY�ificaiion to ihe Division �f `�Jater �esources wi�t�i�i 241ivars �f ��;��ve�,�. �1.`,A NCA� 02B.05�6(b}(2)] 19. Upe., c�m;�i�t�an cf it e p�•u;ect (:n�1�a:.iii�g a11y l:npacis at �sso�:at�� �o �o�xr or w�aste sit.s?, �he project manag�r shall compleie and return the enclosed "Certification c>f Completion Form" to notify the NiJDWR when all work included in !he 401 re:ti�i�atior� has been c�mpieted. [ t_5A NCAC 02�?.l?St�2(�] 20. ivTati�e ri�ar_ar vegetaticn �nast be reastablisl-iE�i u-? the rip�ian a:eas ��i±hin tt�.z cons��cti�n lunits �fthe p���ect L-y the end of the growing season follow:ng completion of construction. [l SA NCAC 02B.0506(bl(2)] 2? . Tlier� �}1�7i� �0 I2�� "ek.�av31iC�21 i�'Gtll, 4r h'c1SiP C�1::�IOSai i13i�J, �JUS1SCj1CrlOtln� V�ci1fl11i�S Or LV3teiS 3SS13��13iC� �'Vlir: t�Ctl� pert�it 1��ithout a�prepriate �editica±ian. Should was±e or borra:w s;tes, �r access roa�s to wast� �r borr�w sites, 1�e • lcca±ed in ��vatla�-+ds or s?reams; c.�rr_pensat�_ry rrmitigati�n �Nill he rzquirec� �ince that is a direc± im�act £rom raad - eons?�r�zction ac±ivities. f 15,Qi NCAG 02N.^S�JF,(L)(3) �r� (c��3) 22. Erosi�n and sedir:.ent cor�t-al practiczs must be ;n fiail co;np:iar.ce wit�� alI spe�ificatiar,s �ovemir.g the ri oper design, insta�latian an� �per�tion an� mairten�r.ce �f s�i�h ��st ?Ylanagement Praeti�es in order to pro±ec± surfa�e waters standards f 15A NC_'AC �J?H.0506(b)(3) and (c)(3): � a. The z:�sior� �nd se�?imc�t co.,�o: meas•a:es fo: the pr�;e:,t �nust �e d�signed5 :rstalled, e�e�aiec�, zr,� T?'i�tiT;�c71L1E� lll aCCQ2`��il:C� �1:.�'1 .�if' �T3QSr Tc;C�ilt E'�rgigri Ct L�'ct; ��'U� �;1 ��.'QYoliy�cr SeC!.:i3t'i7l �eF?ti i=�1'OSSD3? Control Planning and Design Manual. b. The design, installatian, operation, and maintenance o; the sediment and erosion control measures must �l� 31:C� ti 8+ t;l��' ZC�llai, C�T' ekCce(�, l��l� ;�Citli2'r�n�.if.; S?ECitEv 3il i(;c. TTlOSt recer�t tiersiJli C)i tl.;e Nor�t�+ u:Q)'vil�Ci :3%?�'l�2�� liii� i�YJS1C3i% C:111*:"vf (?�is`�liZ[Q�. �1'�1�� �0t�'1S.c.S 5S13i� }iE: 1T&7�1t�lizt'� l)B 2i� �(?11�fCSiCfi0C1 site�, nar-row sices, an�3 was.e p:le, :��ilj p:fl�ects, jr:clud�g con[rac��:•-e�vn�d �;r ?eas�� b�;:•c=:v p;ts as�oeiatec� wlt;i tr�e vro=ect. � c. For borrow pit sites, the erosion and sediment control measures must be designed, installed, operated, and maintained in accordance with the most recent version of the North Carolrna Surface Mining Manval. d. The reclamation measures and implementation must comply with the reclamation in accordance with the requirements of the Sedimentafion Pollurion Control Act. 23. Sediment and erosion wntrol measwes sha!i not be placed in wetlands or waters unless otherwise app;uved by thi� CeRification. [ISA NCAC 02H.0506(b)(3) and (cx3) If yuu wish to contest any statement in [he attached Certificarion you must file a petition for an administrative hearing. You may obtain the perition form from the office of Administrative heatings. You must file the petiteon with the office of Administrative Hearings wid-�in sixty (60) days of receipt of this notice. A petition is considered filed when it is received in the utiice of Administrative Heariugs dwing normal ofFce hours. The Oflice of AdminisUative Hearings accepts fiiings Monday [ivough Friciay between the hours of S:OOam and S:OOpm, except for official state holidays. The original and one (1) copy of the petitioo must be filed rvith the Office of Adminisuative Hearings. The petition may be faxed-provided the originnl and one copy of the doctunent is received by the Office of Adminis4ative Hearings within five (5) business days following the fa�ced transmission. The mailing address for the Office of Adminislrative Hearings is: (�fice of Administrative Hearings 6714 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-6714 Telephone: (919) 431-3000, Facsimile: (919) 431-3100 A copy of the petition must also be served on DE(1 as follows: Mr. Bill F. Lane, General Counsel Depactment of Er.viror.mental Qu�lih� 1601 Mail Service Center This letter completes the review of the Division of Water Resources under Secflon 401 of die Clean Water Act. If yo� have any questions, please cortact Rob Ridings at 919-707-8786. ' cerely, C��� S. � Zimmertnan, Director Division of Wa[er Resources Electronic copy only distribution: Jean Gibby, iJS Am�y Corps of Engineers, Raleigh Field Office Chris Jones, PE, Geotechnicai tingineer, HilR Engineering File Copy Environmental Qualiry NiD�YR Projeck No.; Arplicani: --------_---_ Project Name: Date of Issusece of 401 1Uater Qnalii}' Certi icat3on: Cuw�ty: ROY COOPER MICHALL S. Kk>GAN „ �r ,��, S. JAY ZIMMERMAN Certificate of Cempletion U�?on coinpletion of all wo��k a�prove[ within thz 401 Watzr Qualiry Czrtification or apnlicable Bu�i'er Rules, an�.i any subseque�t modifications, thz applicart is required ro retum this ceitif:catz to :he 401 Transportation Fe� rnitting Unil, North Carolina Division of Water Resources, 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh. NC. 27699-1617. This fonn may be returnzd to NCDW'R oy ihe appiica�it, the apolicuni's au[6orized agen[, or the project eneineec I[ is nut necessary to ser.d certificates hom al! of these. .4pplicanPs Cer[ificadnn I, , hereby state that, to the best of my abilities, due care and diligence was used in [he observation of the construction such that [he construction was observed to be built within substantial compliance and intent of the 401 Water Qualiry Certrtication and Buf'fer Rules, the approved plans and speci�icatiuns, and oUizi supporti��g rnaterials. Signeture: Date: ,4gei�l's ferEy4caliott : , hereby state that, to the best of my abiliries. due care and dilieence was used in [he observatfon of the construction such that the construction was observed to be buil[ within substanhal cu:nui:ance aud in!ent oi tl:e 401 �A�»ler �,�ualiry Cer!itication a�d But�er Rules, the �pproaed Ulans aad s�ecifications. and orher sunportine materials, Signattre: Enginerr's Cer/ificntinn Parlial Final 1, , �s a duly registered Professioral En�ineer i:i fhe Slztc efNorch Carolira, having bcen au[horiaeu' to ohserve (pe: iadicall;�, �uezkly, fulf time) the construction of ihz p�ojzct €cr rhz Permittce hereby staie that, to the best oY my abilities, due care and diligence was used in the observation oi the co��,iruction �ueL rha1: ihe eonstruc?ion wzs obszrved to be built witiiin substantial compliancc and inteni of ihe 401 Wa[er Quali[y Certifi.^ation and QuYFa. Rules, the app;oved p!ans and speciticztions, aad other aupportine materials. Signaturz __ Dah Rcgishation No. S�are u� M�erih Cam!i�in � 5irvironmer.�1 C,iwirty I u I? ,^dail Sarv i��z Canier I��z�kh, Nurth Caruiina [7Gv9-1617