HomeMy WebLinkAbout20170636 Ver 1_Approval Letter_20170619� , ROY COOPER ;,,� ��,,,�„ MICHAEL S. REGAN s�.,:r,,, Environnten(%d S. JAY LIMMERMAN r �: �,=;-rn,� QUQ�[t}� ,�ne 19, 2017 Roivan County NCDWR Project No. 20�70636 6tidge ldl on SR 1004 Federal Aid Nrnject BRSTP-1004(ZSj TW No. R-4R03 APPROVAL, of ADl WATF.R QUALITY CERTIFICATION with ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS hts Amy Guliss, Gnvironmental Officer NCDOT, Division 4 :i i� Silas Creek Parkway Wir�swn Salem, NC 27127 Dear Ms. Euliss: You have our approval, in accordance with the conditions listed below, for the following impacts for replacing Hridge 141 with a new hridge on SR 1004 (Stokes Ferry Road) in Rowan rounty. Site 7'utal �n Water Impacfs i� tl�e'4'adicin Pee Dee River Basin Per:rianenY Rilf �n Open j Tem�iorary I'i!i in C3�,en Sirc Bridgc Embankment — � - --- 0.08-- Causeway I Riprap —01I --- Total }'il! 3n 4�en Watcrs (ac) �ur - 032 <0.04 033 k 0.08 � OA4 6.52 Tota! Open Wa!er [mpac[ for Project (including interior bents): 0.52 Acres (ruan�ed) __ Wetlanri ImQacts in the Yadkm 1'ee Dee River Ttasin (r Fill � �Nlechanized Hand Cxca�•atioo Fill (ac) Temporary ! Cleann,�, Clearing (af) �eC� � (8C� � (uC) i - ! _ - — L—v.o� --1---- Total Wetland Impact for ProjecL• <0.02 (rounded) Totnl I Impacts Wetlaud � Requiring (mpacl Miti�atiun (Sf 9C <�.�< - <n m _ ?'he projzct shall be construc:ed in accord�nce with your snpiicaiior. eated May 2. 201%. Afler reviewing yeur application, we have decided ti�at these impacis are cevered by General W'ater ��ualiry Cenification Numbers 409; and 4094. 'Chese certifications coiTzspond to Nationwide Pernit 23 and 33 issued by the Coips of bnginzers. In addition, you shouid acqaire any other federal, state or locai permits oefore you proceed uidi your projec[ includmg (but not limited te) Sediment and Erosion Ccntrol, PJon-Discharge and \4�ater Suppl} Warershed regula:ions. This apprnval wi�l expire with the accumpanying 40d pennit. This approvnl is vnlid soleiy for the purF;use and design described in your applicaLon (unless modified beluw). S�aie of Ncruti CarMm� I, rnvuo�r.renc.�l G�i�lrty ibi i Niad Service Center I Raleiyh, \orth Caruhne 27b99-16 i 7 Should your project change, you must notify the NCDWR and submit a new application. If the property is sold, the new �wner musi be given a copy of this Certification and approval letler, aud is thereby responsible ior complying with all the conditions. If total wetland fills for this proiect (now ar in the future) exce�d one acre, or of total impacts to streams (now or in the future) excaed 3U0 linear feet, compensatory mitigation may be required as described in 15A NCAC 2H .0506 (h) (6) and (7). For this approval to remain valid, you must adhere to the conditions listed in the attached certification(s) and any additional conditions listed below. Coaedition(s} Qf �ertiiieatian: Projec# �pecifc Coi�ditior.s 1. As a condition of this !�OI Wa±er Quality i,ertificaiion, ihe bridge demolition and constructic�n musi be a�complished in s±rict complian_ce with the mest recent version of NGDOT's Besi Management P:actices for Cons�-uctian and Mai;,tenance Actiaities. [15A NCAC �J2H .�J�07(d}(2) ar.d 15A ;�TCAC 02H .05�5(b)(5)] 2. 3ridge deck drains shall not riisciiar�e directly ►r,ta ine stream. Stoi�nwater shall be di�ected across t'r,e bridge and pre-treated thr�ugh site-approp�iare mPans (grassed swales, pre-fern�ad scour holEs, �ege±ate� b�iffers, etr.} before entering the stream. To meet the requirements of NCDOT's TZPDES permit NCS000250, please refer to Lhe most recent version of ihe North Carolina Dep:�rtment of Transportation Stormwater Best Managemer.t Prackices Tool�ox nianuai for_ a�prc��ed measures. [15A i3CAC �2H .0i07(di(2.) and 15A N��iC 02H .0506(b)(5}] 3. ']'h� 50 feet buffer requiremen� in Candit�on 2Q of the above .eferer.ced General `Vater Quality Cer�ification Tlumbers 4093 and 4094) will be waived per request of the permittee. �Towever, measures shall be undertaken to prevent surface water contaminatior. �y equigment fuel, lubricants and oils if it is necessary ±o conduct equipment maintenance within 50 feet of surface waters. [15A NCAC 02H.0506] General Conditions i. Jniess otherwise approvecl in tnis certificatiori, placement of cuiverts and other structures in open waters and streams shall be placed belo�v the elevation of the streambeci by one foot for all culverts with a diameter greater than 4R i�ches, ancl 2� �e:cs�*. Lf the cs�vert �iameter for ru1��e�s having a ctia�v�ter !ess than �8 i.nches, ±o a!l�v� lo�v Ylow passag� ofu�ater anci aquatic life. Design and placerner,t of culverts ar�d ather stn:ctures ir.cludiag iempor�.r,� er.^,sion aoatrcl meas•.u'es snall not �;e co��;�ucteci in a manr:er thzt ma;• sesu:t in c?:s-e�viiibr:u� c�f �vetlands ar si�aamL-eds or baiucs, adjacent to or upstream and d�wns7eam of the above st�•uciures. The applicar�t is required to prov;de evidence that the eauilib� ium is being r;�aintained if requested ih writing by 1tiTCDWR. 7f this condition is unable to be met due to bedrock or other Iimiting teatures encountered during construction, please cor�tact "1CDVVR for gu�dance on hcw to proceeu and io d�ternii,�e ��rhethe�• o.• uot a perr�zit r:�odificatien will be required, f 15A NCAC 02H.0506(b)(2)] ... If concrete is used duriag censm:ction, a cLy work area shaU be �aintained to �revent airect car.�aci b�tweer� curing conciete and s�re�an water. �Vater that ;nadverte�itly cc,ntacts tmc�.u•ed concrete shall nat be discharged to surface waters due to the notential f'or elevated pH and possible aquatic life aud fish kills. [15A NCAC 02B.0200] 3. Dtuing the cor.stn�ction of ±he project, no sta�ing of equiptnent of any kind is permitted in wa±ers of the U.S., or protecte�3 riparian bnffers. [1 SA NCAC 42H,0506(b)(2); 4. 1'he dirnension, pattern and profile of the stream anove and below the crossing snall not Le modified. �isturbad flaodplauis and s�r�a:r,s shall Ue restored tc aatural geomorphic conditions. [15A PdCnC 02H.O�Q6(h)(2 j] 5. The t:se of rip�rap above tl.e �ormal ?ligr �Nat�r P✓lark sha!1 be minimizeci. Any� ri��rap placzd for stream stabilization shali be p?aced in s�eam charr�els in such a;r.a:i.�er t:�at it does nc�t i:�ipede aquat:c li�z passage. � t SA r1CA:, 02�.OSOti�b�i2)� 6. The Permi�tee shall ensure th7t the final design d; awinQs adhere to the permit and to the pernit drawings submit��c f�� a�; ravnL i 15A NC �iC 02H _0�07; c; anci ISA NCAC i,2n .U��E� �`(2) an+i (� j(21; 7. �.il work in �r ac�jaee:�t to streani ti=�zters sh�ll he conducteC i:� a. dry �verK a.r�a. A�proved B•_V�� mezsut:es;#r�r� • , t�1P illv �;;u��ent vers;o7 :?f NCQ�� i t;C�i S� zctic�n and ��iai�tzr;a_nce Activitic.s r�an!�ai s�.�h ws,sar��i!aaS, xOCk � berms, cofferdams and other diversion structures shall be used to prevent excavation in flowing water. [15A z�c�,c a2x.as�b�b��3� ana i�)i3)l 8. Heavy equipment shall be operated from the banks rather than in the stream channel in order to minimize sedimentation an�l reduce the introduction of ether pollutants in±o the �tream. [15A N�AC 02H.0505(b)(3)] 9. All mechanized equipment operated near surface waters must be regularly inspected and maintained to prevent contuc:�ination of st;•eam. »aters fre::i fuels, lu'�ricar,t�, hyaraulic i`7aitis, cr a�:Le. tox;;; maleria!s. �lSEi Ni:AC G2H:G505('�)�3); i0. No rock,: san� o; �ther mater��ls shall be �re�ge:! from the st!�eam channel eYrzpt �hare �at�orized by this certification. [1�A tiCAC 02Fi.0�06(b)�3)] 11. Disa,iargi-�g i�ydrosee3 mixt,u•es and.u-ashir�g out hydroseeders ��d a�he; equi�r�e;lt in or adjacent to si:i•face waters is nroninited. [15A Ni,AC 02.H.0506(b)(3)j ' 1_2. Thz penni�tee.ar_d its attil_iorize� ag�rits shcll �onduct its a�tivities si a marirer cons�st�:�t with State waier c�ua�ity .. s:ar.dards (including ar.y requirements r�sulting from compliance with §303(d) of the Clean Water Act) and any other ar pro� riate : equirements. af �tate and Federal la�x. If the �CDVdR �eierm��es that such star.dards or laws � � �e not'08�11� ffi�L (sicludir_g th� failu:e to susta�n a��signaied or achirved use; or ihak �tate c+r fed�rall_aw is being _ . violated; or_that furkher conditi�ns are necessary to assi�re compliance, the NCT�WR may reevalt�ate and modify this certificat�on. [1�ANCAC Q2t�.02Q0] 13. All till slopes Iocatecl in �urisdictional wetlands shall be placed at slopes no flatter than 3:1, anless otherwise authorized by this certification. [15A NCA� 02H.0506�b)(2)] 14. A copy of this Water Quality Certification shall be maintained on the consh-uction site at all times. In addition, the Water Quality Certification and all subsequent modifications, if any, shall be maintained with the Division Engineer and the on-site project manager. [15A NCAC 02H .0507(c) and 15A NCAC 02H .0506 (b)(2) and (c)(2)] ... 15_ The. Qu±side_ b�affer, wer�ar_�1 or. v�ater bc�undary located ��>;thir. the construction �orridor a;�nroved by this �»thcri�at�cn s��lJ b�• clear�v rn,ske�' .by �L�l;� visible f�c?ng or �lue�L,g pr:or ta ar�� lar.d d;st�ar�ir� activiti�s._ ;mpacts to areas with�n th., fencing a; e prol-�ibited ��r,Jcss otherwis� aut�cri�ed Uy this certi�cation. [i5A NC�I, u2�-I.�501 and .OSC12j 16. Tlie issuance:ofthis c�rtification.does.r�ot exempt t�he Per:riittee fram camply�n� with a�ny and alI staiut..s, niles, regulations,�or ordinances that may be imposed by other government agencies (i.e. local, state, and federal) having jutisdicti:,r., i:icludi:�g but :�ot :imited to applicable buffer ru;�s, siorr.�iwater �natiager..eat ru:es, scii ervsion a.id sedimPntation control requirements; etc. 17. :Tii: Per,ni� e� sh�?i repurtany v;olition.s aftliis rertifcation to tl-ie Divisi��n cf �,�Iate; Resaurccs within 24 rours �f discoverj�. [15A NCAC 4%BA505(U)(2)] 1�. Upon completion ef±he project (including an; impacts at asso�iate� borrow or wast� sites), the N�L�OT Division � Enginee: (o: appointee) s!�ia�l c��nplete and rer.�rn the encl�sed "Ceriification of Cen��IetIO2"i YOi:ri�� ia natify the ?�?CDWP. <<�her all ��ork incl'.:ded in the 441 Certification has been �omplete�'. [! SA_ N�A�' 02Y..05�2(t)] 19. Native ripariar. vegetat:on must i,e reestab!ished in the riparian areac �vithin the c:,r.str�:.tio�� 1?m?ts of the �raject oy the end of tHe"growing'seas'on following completion of consiruction. � 15� NCAC 02B.0506(3)] 20: 1'here sha?1 �P �:o exea��atien �Som, a: •Nas±e �isgosa! into, je�risdictio:�al wetlan�s or v✓aters associat�� �i�ith this pe.�nit �Nithout appropria±e rzodifica±ion. Sheu�d �vast� or borrow sites, or access roads t� waste or borrow sitess be !xated in w�dtlan4s or s�ea:ns, comper.sa±ary mitigat:on �vili �ie requir;d sin�z t;�at is a�'ire�t :m�act Lam �•oad consttucticn acii�it;es. �15A NC[�C J2I�.OSQb(t;)(3} and (c)(31] 21. Erosion and sediment control practices must be in full compliance with all specifications governing the proper design; install�tiov .and operation ar,d n�aintenance of sucb Best l�lanagement Practices in order to protect surface ;vates�s sta�i�au�ls [� Sf; �iCAC G2J.C7�{(6j�3) anc, (c)(3;;: a. The erosion and sedimen[ control measures for the project must be designed, installed, operated, and maintained in accordancz with the most recent versiun of the Nwth Carolina Sediment and Erosion Control PJanning and Desr,qn Manual. b. The design, installation, operation, and maintenance of the sediment and erosion control measures must be such that they equal, or exceed, the requiremenu specified in the most recent version of the North Carolina Sediment and Erasion Contro! Manual. The devices shall be maintained on all construction sites, borrow sites, and waste pile (spoil) projects, including contractorowned or leased borrow pits associateA with the projecl. c. For borrow pit sites, the .rusion and sediment oontrol measures must be desigued, insWlled, operated, and maiutained in accordance with ttie most tecent version of the horth Carolrna Sarface Mrning Manual. d. T'he rec!amation measures and implementation must comply with the reclamatien in accordance with the requiremenu of the Sedimen[ation Pollution Control Act. 22. Sediment anG erosion control measures shal] not be placed in wetlands or waters unless othenvise approved by this Certifica6on. [15A NCAC 02H.0506(bX3) and (cx3)] If you wish to contest any statement in the attached Certificafion you must file a pztition for an administrative hearing. You may obtain the petiHon form from the office of Administrative hearings. You must file the pe[ition with the office of Administrative Hearings within sixty (60) days of receipt of this notice. A petition is considered filed when it is rcceived in the o�ce of Administrative Hearings during normal atiice hours. T'he Office of Administrative Hearings acceFts filings Monday through Friday between the hours of R:OOam and S:OOpm, except for official state holidays. The original and one (1) copy of the petition must be filed with the Office of AdminisVative Hea-ings. The petition may be faxed-provided the ariginal and one copy of the document is received by the Office of Administrative Hearings within five (5) business days following the faxed transmission. The mailing address for the Office of Administrarive Hearings is: Oftice of Administrative Hearings 6714 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-6714 Celephone: (919) 431-30(N1, Facsimile: (919) 43 l-3100 A copy of the petition must also be serveA on DEQ as fo!Icws: Mc Sam M. }fayes, Ge�eral Counsel I�partment of Env'vonmental Quality 1G01 Ma�l Service Center This letter canpletes [he review of the Division of Water Resources under Sectiun 401 of the Clean Water Act If you have any questions, please contact Dave Wanucha at (336)776-9703 or Dave.Wanucha�ncdenr.gov. Sincerely, � C���\��/��N S. Jav�immerman, Diredor Division uf Water Resuurces Electronic copy only d'estribution: lames Lastinger, US Army Corps of Engineers, Raleigh F'ield Office Ivi2rella B�ncick, US Fish and Wil�life Service Mazla Chambers, NC Wildlife Resources Commission File Copy Environ rnen ta I Quality NC[D�VR Prnject Nu.: Applicant: Pr.�jecf P1ar.ie: Dflte of Issuancc of 401 R'ater QuA�ity Certilicatioo: County: ROY COOPF.R b71CHAEL S. REGAN S. JAY ZIMMERMAN Certificate of Compl?tion Upon compietion of all work approveJ wi�hin the 401 Water QuaGty Certilication or applicahle Ruffer Rules, and any ,ubsrouent modification;, the applicant is required ro izturn this czrtificate to thz 401 Transpr,itation Permirting Unit. North Car�li: a Divisien of Water Resources, 1617 Mail Servicz Center. Raleieh, NC. �76°9-1617. This form may be returned to NCDWR by the applicanl, the applicant's authorized agent, or [he prqject engineer. It is not necessarv to senJ certifcates from all �fthese. Applicant's Certifcation �, , hereby state that, to the best of my abilities, due care and diligence was used in the observation of the construction such that the construction was observed to be built within substantial compliance and intent of the 401 Water Qualiry Certification and Buffer Rules, the approved plans and specifications, and other suppertmg materials. Sienature� ----- Date: _ �:kent's �'crti/tcatina {, , hereby statc [hst, to the best oi my abilitizs, due eare and diligc�ce was us21 in [hz ohsen•ation of th2 construction such that ths consmiction was observed to be built tivithin sub;tantial compliance and intent of the 401 Water Qualiry Certification and Butfer Rules, the approved plans and specitications, an� oLier suppurtine mzierial;. Signaturc: Engineer's Certfficftinn Partial F'ir.al �, , as a duly registered Prafessir.�r,al Eneineer in the State of North Carolii�a, haeiug been audwrized to observe (periodicallp, we:kly, full time) the construction of [he project for the Peroiittzz I�c;eby staM tha., to tha bes: of m'y nbilities, due care and dilig�nci. was uszd in d�e obser�atieu c�f thz construction such iha[ the construction was observed to be built within subs[annal compliance and inten[ of the d01 Water Quality Certification and Buffer Rules. the anp�rovzd plans rnd spzcifications, and othzr supporting maierials. Sienature Date Reeistraticn No. Smt+of Nonh Cnrclina! Envlronmentnl Qu3�iC� w1 7 Mnil Service Ccn[zr I Relagh. 1Jortii Carulnia 2i6A-16 i7