HomeMy WebLinkAbout20170730 Ver 1_U-2579C Forsyth June 8 2017_20170608STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ROY COOPER GOVERNOR June 8, 2017 U. S. Army Corps of Engineers Regulatory Field Office 151 PattonAvenue, Room 208 Asheville, NC 28805 ATTN: Mr. James Lastinger NCDOT Coordinator Jn[vtES H. TROGDON, III SCCRCTARV Subject: Application for an Individual Section 404 and Section 401 Water Quality Certification for the proposed Winston-Salem Northern Beltway (Eastern Section) from US 3ll to US 158 in Forsyth County, Federal Aid No. NHP-0918 (93), TIP Project No. U-2579C; Division 9. Debit $570 from WBS 48391.9 Dear Mr. Lastinger: The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) proposes to construct the Winston-Salem Northern Beltway (Eastern Section) from US 3ll to US 158 in Forsyth County. Please see the enclosed ENG 4345, the North Carolina Division of Mitigation Services (NCDMS) Acceptance Letter (dated June 2, 2017), Meeting Minutes - Concurrence Points 4B and 4C; State Stormwater Management Plan (SMP), permit drawings (Permit Drawing Sheets 1-5, 14-15, 19, 23, and 25-40 of 40), and design plans for the above referenced p roj ect Puroose and Need: The purpose of the proposed project is to improve intrastate and interstate mobility, improve roadway system linkage and continuity, reduce traffic congestion and carry future traffic at a desirable level of service, enhance safety, and provide a corridor for I-74 (a congressionally designated High Priority Corridor on the National Highway System). The transportation needs of the proposed project are intended to address the following: poor intrastate and interstate linkage to the north and south, poor roadway connectivity within and through eastern Forsyth County, capacity deficiencies, above-average accident rates on area roadways and corridor for I-74. MmSngAddreee: Tetaphone: (919)"]U1fi000 Iomnon: NCDCPARTIv@NTOP'1kANSPORTATION Fax:(919J21'U5I85 1020BIRCHRIOOCDRIOC NANRALENOIRONIv@NTSECTION LLefrima*Sernw: 1A7I368-0968 RALEIOHNCi610 1598 MA�� S2av�ce (%rvrviea � bite: wurv�✓.vcdo[gov RnwoxNCZ16911598 Summarv of Jurisdictional Impacts: Proposed permanent impacts to jurisdictional areas total 0.88 acre of wetland impacts and 997 linear feet of stream impacts, of which 76 LF are bank stabilization impacts. Summarv of Utilitv Impacts: There will be no impacts associated with utiliry relocations. Summarv of Miti ag tion: The project has been designed to avoid and minimize impacts to jurisdictional areas throughout the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and design processes. However, project impacts will necessitate compensatory mitigation for the unavoidable impacts. Of the 997 linear feet of permanent stream impacts, 76 are for bank stabilization, which does not require mitigation, leaving 921 linear feet of permanent stream impacts requiring mitigation (see Table 2). The 0.88 acre of permanent wetland impact also requires mitigation (see Table 1). NCDOT has acquired compensatory mitigation for these unavoidable impacts form the Division of Mitigation Services (DMS). NEPA DOCUMENT STATUS A Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) was completed in September 1995; a Supplemental DEIS (SDEIS) was completed in October 2004; a Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) was completed in January 2007; a Record of Decision (ROD) was completed in February 2008; a Right of Way Consultation was completed in July 2015; and a Construction Consultation was completed in April 2017. Copies of these documents can be found on the NCDOT Website: https://www.ncdot.�ov/proiects/wsnb/. PROJECTSCHEDULE The project has a Let date of October 17, 2017, and a Let Review Date of August 29, 2017. NCDOT will need permits by August 30, 2017, in order to start the contract for this project. INDEPENDENT UTILITY The subject project is in compliance with 23 CFR Part 771.111(f� which lists the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) characteristics of independent utiliry of a project: (1) The project connects logical termini and is of sufficient length to address environmental matters on a broad scope, (2) The project is usable and a reasonable expenditure, even if no additional transportation improvements are made in the area; (3) The project does not restrict consideration of alternatives for other reasonably foreseeable transportation improvements. Page 2 of 9 RESOURCE STATUS Waters within the project area are located in the Yadkin/Pee Dee River Basin (HUC 03040101). There are no Outstanding Resource Waters (ORW), High Qualiry Waters (HQW), Water Supply Waters (WS-I or WS-II) waters within 1.0 mile of the project area. There are two (2) named streams Frazier Creek and Lowry Mill Creek) and their associated un-named tributaries. An updated Preliminary Jurisdictional Determination (PJD) was obtained on August 3, 2016 for U-2579C, along with other funded portions of the Winston-Salem Northern Beltway. John Thomas/USACE and Dave Wanucha/NCDWR attended the field visits on March 3, 2016, and March 15, 2016. 303(� Impaired Waters: No streams within the project study area, or within one miles of the project study area, are listed on the Final 2014 303 (d) list of impaired waters for turbidiry or sedimentation. IMPACTS TO WATERS OF THE U.S. Tables 1 and 2 summarize the impacts to jurisdictional wetlands and streams, respectively. Site numbers correspond with the permit (hydraulic) drawings included in this application. The stream numbers correspond to the PJD, dated August 3, 2016, to differentiate between the several UTs to Frazier Creek A brief description of each impact site will follow the tables. Table 1— U-2579C Wetland Permit Wetland Wetland Size Permanent Fill in Excavarion Mechanized Impacts Requiring Site Number i/ (ac) Wetlands (ac) (ac) Clearing (ac) Mirigation (ac) 7 ES-W9 0.06 <0.01 7A ES-W10 015 014 11 ES-W15 0.56 0.08 13 ES-W12 3/ 1.06 0.57 Total Impacts ** 0.79 * WeTlands impacted are riparian. 1� Wefland number corresponds to U-2579/R-2247 PJD labeling. �� Wefland size is based on U-25798-2247 PJD. 3� WeTland number corresponds to U-2579B PJD. ** Rounded Totals ue sum of actual impacts to 1/1000th. Page 3 of 9 Qa�ji o.oi 0.14 0.11 0.65 0.88 Table 2- U-2579 Stream Im acts Stream Name Stream Permanent Temporary Mitigarion Site ��I )* Number i/ Impact Type Impact Impacts Requirement �� �� �� 6 UT to Frazier Creek ES-S30 Perm. Fill 53 -- USACE �I� Channel Stabilization 15 -- USACE UT to Frazier Creek Perm. Fill (pipe) 205 40 USACE & DWR �A Sh.13 of 41 P � � � ) Bank Stabilization 25 -- -- ES-S31 UT to Frazier Creek Perm. Fill (pipe) 271 56 USACE & DWR 9 Sh. 25 of 41 P � ��) Channel Stabilization 45 -- USACE & DWR Frazier Creek Frazier Creek Perm. Fill (RCBC) 317 23 USACE & DWR 11 �) (ES-S32) -- -- Bank Stabilization 25 Lowry Mill Creek Lowery Mill Creek Bank Stabilizarion 26 -- -- 1Z ES-S34 �) � ) Temp. crossing -- 80 -- 14 UT to Lowery Mill ES-S47 Perm. Fill (pipe) 15 -- USACE Creek P Total Temporary Impacts: -- 199 Total Permanent Impacts (Perm. Fill + Bank Stabilization): 997 Bank Stabilization Impacts: 76 Permanent Impacts Requiring USACE Mitigation 921 3/ (Total Permanent Impacts - Bank Stabilization Impacts): Permanent Impacts RequiringDWR Mitigation: 838 Total Impacts Requiring Mitigation: 921 lf t *P = Perennial; I = Intermittent 1/ �heam Number corresponds to U-2579/R-2247 PJD labeling. 2/ - Mitigation is required by DWR when permanent impacts to a single feature exceed 1501ineu feet. 3/-USACE sheam mitigation is typically at a ratio of 2:1. t- Final mitigation requirement will be up to the USACE and DWR. Mitigation for 921 LF of permanent sheam impact (at 2:1 ratio) has been requested from DMS. NOTE: Site 8 has been rertamed as Site 7A and Site 10 ktas been eliminated. Permit Site 6: There will be a total of 68 lf of permanent stream impact to Stream ES-530, with 53 lf being impacted from the installation of a 24-inch Reinforced Concrete Pipe (RCP) to convey stormwater to this receiving stream, and 15 lf will be impacted from the installation of Channel stabilization (imbedded riprap in channel) that will be used at the outlet of the RCP to achieve post-construction stability. Permit Site 7: There will be <.01 ac of wetland fill impact and <0.01 ac lf inechanized clearing impact to Wetland ES-W9 from the installation of toe protection at the upstream end of the 72-inch RCP at Site 7A. Permit Site 7A: There will be a total of 230 lf of permanent impact to Stream ES-S31 and 0.14 ac of permanent fill impact to Wetland ES-W10 from roadway fill. Of the 230 lf of Page 4 of 9 permanent stream impact, 205 lf will be from the installation of a 72-inch RCP and 25 lf will be from bank stabilization at the downstream end of the RCP. The inlet invert of the RCP will not be buried in order to prevent destabilization and to limit wetland impacts at Permit Site 7. The outlet invert will be buried 1 foot, and the bank stabilization will be used to achieve post-construction stabiliry. Permit Site 8: Replaced with Site 7A. Permit Site 9: There will be a total of 316 lf of permanent impact to Stream ES-531, with 271 lf from the installation of a 78-inch CSP and 45 lf from the installation of Channel stabilization (imbedded riprap). Inverts on both ends of the CSP will not be buried in order to prevent head-cutting, and the imbedded riprap will be installed achieve post- construction stability. Permit Site 10: This site has been eliminated. Permit Site 11: There will be a total of 342 lf of permanent impact to Stream ES-S32 (Frazier Creek) and 0.11 ac of impacts to Wetland ES-W15. The stream impacts occur from the installation of a single barrel 8-foot X 8-foot RCBC, a 95-inch X 67-inch Corrugated Steel Pipe Arch (CSPA) and channel armoring, and 25 lf from the installation of riprap at the outlet end of the CSPA to achieve post-construction stability. Of the total of 0.11 ac of permanent wetland impacts, 0.08 ac will be from permanent fill (fill and a constructed riffle), and 0.03 ac will be from mechanized clearing adjacent to the constructed riffle. The RCBC will be installed to convey the wetland/stream feature perpendicularly across the roadway from the left of -L- to the right of -L-. The culvert will be buried at the inlet and the outlet one foot, and sills (due to mild slope) will be utilized to aid in natural substrate retention. A constructed riffle will be employed upstream of the culvert to prevent head-cutting into the wetland to avoid further impacts. The CSPA will be used to convey the stream crossing of the service road that is adjacent to the roadway fill, immediately downstream of the RCBC. A headwall and endwall will be used to shorten the length of the CSPA, and the CSPA will be buried one foot. Bank stabilization will be used downstream of the CSPA to achieve post-construction stability. Permit Site 12: There will be 80 linear feet of temporary impacts to Stream ES-S34 (Lowery Mill Creek) for the construction of an equipment/vehicle crossing. There will be 26 lf of bank stabilization impact to achieve post-construction stabiliry. Permit Site 13: Stream ES-S34 (Lowery Mill Creek) is hydraulically a culvert-sized crossing; however, NCDOT has agreed to bridge this stream. There will be a total of 1.06 ac of wetland impacts to Wetland ES-W12 (0.57 ac from permanent fill and 0.05 ac from mechanized clearing) from the construction of the bridge. As the adjacent wetland in the Lowery Mill Creek floodplain will be impacted from roadway fill, a 60-inch RCP will be set at the wetland elevation to connect the hydrology of the wetland system from the left of -L- to the right of -L-. Temporary, non-mitigable impacts will occur to a small surface water feature from construction activities. Page 5 of 9 Permit Site 14: There will be 15 lf of permanent impact to Stream ES-S47 from the replacement of a 30-inch pipe with a 42-inch RCP and riprap pad. u1:: 1: u This project is not in a North Carolina Wildlife Resource Commission Trout county. As such, there is no trout moratorium for this project. FEDERALLY PROTECTED SPECIES Plants and animals with Federal classification of Endangered (E) or Threatened (T) are protected under provisions of Section 7 and Section 9 of the Endangered Species Act of 1973, as amended. As of July 24, 2015, the USFWS lists three federally protected species for Forsyth Counry (Table 3). Summary of Species with Habitat: Northern long-eared bat (NLEB): According to the North Carolina Natural Heritage Program (NHP) Biotics Database, most recently updated October 2015, the nearest NLEB hibernacula record is 80 miles west (EO ID 32171) and no known NLEB roost trees occur within 150 feet of the project area. EO 32171 represents Black Rock Cliffs Cave near Grandfather Mountain with multiple observations from 1986 to 2011. NCDOT has also reviewed the USFWS Asheville Field office website for consistency with NHP records (htt�//www.fws.gov/asheville/htmis[project review/NLEB in WNC.html). This project is located entirely outside of the red highlighted areas (12-digit HUC) that the USFWS Asheville Field Office has determined to be representative of an area that may require consultation. NCDOT has determined that the proposed action does not require separate consultation on the grounds that the proposed action is consistent with the final Section 4(d) rule, codified at 50 C.F.R. § 17.40(0) and effective February 16, 2016. NCDOT may presume its determination is informed by best available information and consider Section 7 responsibilities fulfilled for NLEB. NCDOT made notification to USFWS on Apri112, 2016. Table 3- Federall rotected s ecies listed for Cabarrus Coun Scientific Name Common Name Federal Habitat Biological Status* Present Conclusion Glyptemys muhlenbergii Bog turtle T(S/A) N/A Not Required Myotisseptentrionalis Northernlong-earedbat T ** ** Cardamine micranthea Small-anthered bittercress E No No Effect * T- Threatened, E- Endangered, T(S/A) Threatened due to similarity of appearance. ** NLEB is exempt dueto consistencywith the 4(d) rule. Page 6 of 9 INDIRECT CUMULATIVE IMPACT ANALYSIS Existing rules for the 401 Water Quality Certification Program (15A NCAC 2H .0506(b)(4) require that the DWR determine that a project "does not result in cumulative impacts, based on past or reasonably anticipated future impacts, that cause or will cause a violation of downstream water quality standards." An Indirect and Cumulative Effects Assessment (ICE) was completed for this project on July 1, 2010. Copies of this report are available upon request. This report concluded the following: Indirect and Cumulative Effects to the Human Environment An Indirect and Cumulative Effects (ICE) report was completed for the proposed Winston- Salem northern beltway (U-2579, U-2579A, and R-2247). The report details the potential socioeconomic, and ecological effects that may result from the proposed Winston-Salem northern beltway and other past, present, and reasonably foreseeable future development activities in the region. It was completed in June 2005 and distributed shortly thereafter. Additional copies of the ICE report are available upon request. Based upon the ICE report, a majoriry of the study area is urban and suburban in character, and most of the area already has access to an established road network. The projecYs individual effects on land use and natural resources are minor. The potential indirect effects identified in the ICE report are consistent with all local jurisdictions' land use and transportation plans. Current land use and transportation policies contained in the local plans support the proposed project. CULTURAL In order to comply with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (1966, as amended), FHWA and NCDOT must evaluate the projecYs impact upon any extant architectural and archaeological resources, and determine if additional measure will be necessary to mitigate any adverse effects of the project upon any significant properties and sites. Archaeological Resources: Archaeological surveys identified ten archaeological sites that are located in the vicinity of the project. None of the ten sites are eligible for the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP). No further archaeological work is warranted. Historic Architectural Resources: Based on the last correspondence with the State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO), there are no adverse effects to historic properties. Page 7 of 9 FEMA COMPLIANCE The project has been coordinated with appropriate state and local officials and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to assure compliance with FEMA, state, and local floodway regulations. WILD AND SCENIC RIVER SYSTEM The project will not impact any designated Wild and Scenic Rivers or any rivers included in the list of study rivers (Public Law 90-542, as amended). MITIGATION OPTIONS The NCDOT is committed to incorporating all reasonable and practicable design features to avoid and minimize jurisdictional impacts, and to provide full compensatory mitigation of all remaining, unavoidable jurisdictional impacts. Avoidance measures were taken during the planning and NEPA compliance stages, and minimization measures were incorporated as part of the project design. Avoidance and Minimization: Existing drainage patterns and outfalls have been maintained where possible. Best Management Practices (BMPs) will be utilized during construction to attempt to reduce the stormwater impacts to receiving streams and wetlands due to erosion and runoff. Measures have been taken throughout the project to limit impacts to wetlands and surface waters. These additional measures have been taken: • A Dry Detention basin will be utilized in the gore area between the -L- line and Ramp B. This basin will serve to attenuate peak stormwater flows, promote settlement of suspended solids and reduce erosive velocities downstream. • Site 11: The CSPA will utilize a headwall and endwall to shorten the length of the CSPA to minimize stream impacts to Frazier Creek Additionally, constructed riffle will be employed upstream of the culvert to prevent head-cutting into the wetland to avoid further impacts. • Site 12: Lowery Mill Creek is hydraulically a culvert-sized crossing; however, NCDOT has agreed to bridge this stream as a minimization effort. • No deck drains will be used on the Lowery Mill Creek bridge, eliminating the potential for direct roadway runoff into surface waters. A riprap energy dissipator basin will be used at storm drain system outlets, in the Lowery Mill Creekfloodplain, to reduce peak flow velocities to Lower Mill Creek • 2:1 slopes will be used to reduce impacts to surrounding wetlands and jurisdictional streams (except on the interchange ramp/loop and Dry Retention Basin, where 4:1 slopes are used, which do not change the impact quantiry as this area will be filled to elevation 940.0 for the Dry Retention Basin). Page 8 of 9 • Based on discussions at Merger Meeting 4C, several pipes will not be buried in order to prevent destabilization of streams (headcuts), as stability is the primary objective of any stream relocations. The following pipes at jurisdictional locations will not be buried: - Site 6: 24-inch Reinforced Concrete Pipe (RCP) outletat Station 31+30-Yl-Rt - Site 7: 72-inch RCP inlet at Station 413+74-GLt - Site 9: 78-inch CSP inlet at Station 21+46-Y1RPD-Rq 78-inch CSP outlet at Station 25+82-Y1RPD-Lt - Site 14: 42-inch RCP outletat Station 42+15-Y1-Rt Compensation: The NCDOT has avoided and minimized impacts to jurisdictional resources to the greatest extent practicable as described above. Tables 1 and 2 summarize the wetland and stream impacts for this project. NCDOT has obtained compensatory mitigation for 0.88 acres of weNand impacts and 921 linear feet of stream impact from the DMS. REGULATORYAPPROVALS Section 404: Application is hereby made for a USACE Individual 404 Permit as required for the above-described activities. Section 401: We are hereby requesting a 401 Water Quality Certification fi�om the N. C. Division of Wa[er Resources. In compliance with Section 143 2153D(e) of the NCAC, we will provide $570.00 to act as payment for processing the Section 401 permit application previously noted in this application (see Subjec[ line). Thank you for your assistance with this project. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact Bill Barret[ at wabarmt[C�a ncdot �oy or (919) 707- 6103. A copy of this application and distribution list will also be posted on the NCDOT website ah htto�//conneci ncdo[ ov resources/Environmental/Paees. Sincerely, � Philip S. Harris, P.E., C.P.M. Environmental Analysis Unit Head cc NCDOT Permit Application Standard Distribution List. Pagc 9 of 9 U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS FormApprovetl- APPLICATION FOR DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY PERMIT Oma rvo. o�to�000s 33 CFR 325. The proponent agency is CECW-CO-R. Expires: 30�SEPTEMBER-1015 Publlc repohing lar�his collec�ion of informalion is estima[ed to average 11 haurs per response, inciutling Ihe time fo� reviewing inslmc�ions, searching exis�ing tla�a sources, gathering antl main�aining �he tlala needetl, and campleting antl revlewing �he collection of informa�ion Sentl commenis regartling this burtlen estima�e or any alher aSpec� of ihe collection of inb�ma�ion, inGutling suggestions fo� retlucing ihis burden, to Oepatlmen[ of Defense, Washington Heatlquatlers, ExecNive Services antl Communica�ions Directora[e, In(armafion Management Division and lo Ihe OHce of Managemenl antl Budgep Paperv+otk Retluction Projec� (0]10-0003). Respontlents shoultl be aware that noNuiths�antling any other pmvision of law, no person shall be subject to any penalty tor failing lo comply wilh a collectian of in(orma�ion ilit daes nol tlisplay a currently valitl OMB conimi number. Please DO NOT RETURNyaurfarmtaeilherof�hoseaddresses. Completetlapplicatlonsmu5lbesubmit�etltothe�istriclEngineerhavingjuristlictionaver�helocationof ihe pmposed activily. PRIVACV ACT STATEMENT Authorities: Rivers antl Harbors Act, Section 10, 33 USC 403; Clean Wa�erAct, Section 404, 33 USC 1344', Marine Pw�ection, Research, antl Sanctuaries Act, Section 103, 33 USC 14t3; Regulatory Programs of �he Gorps of Engineero; Final Rule 33 CFR 320332. Principal Purpose: Information providetl an �his to�m will be used in evalualing �he application for a permit. Rau�ine Uses: This information may be shared with Ihe �epartmeM ol Jus�ice and o�her fetleral, sta�e, antl local governmenl agencies, and �he public and may be made available as patl ot a public notice as requiretl by Fetlerallaw. Submiesion otrequesletl inlormalion is valuntary, howeveq If informalion is not providetl IFe permll applica�lon canno� be evalua�etl norcan a permit be issuetl. Onese� of original drawings or gootl reproducible copies which show �he location and character of �he pmposetl activiry mus� be a�tachetl [o ihis applicalion (see sampte tlrowings andlot ins�mctions) antl be submittetl to ihe Dis�rict Engineer having juristliclion overthe location of the pmposetl ac�ivity. An applicalian �ha� is not completetl in full will be reWmetl. (ITEMS i THRI14 TO BE FILLEO BY THE CORPS) 1 APPLICATION NO. 2. PIE�D OFFICE COOE 3. DATE RECENED 4. DATE APPLICATION COMPLETE QTEMS BELOW TO BE FILLED BYAPPLICANn 5. APPLICANTSNAME 8, AUTHORRE�AGENT'SNAMEANDTITLE(agentisnotrequiretl) First-Phil MitltlteS Last-Ha[�is Fi�sF �Midtlle- Last- Company- NCDOT Campany- E-mailAtltlress-pharris[etncdoLgov E-mailAdtlress- 8. APPLICANT'SADDRESS: 9. AGENT'SADORESS'. Adaress- 1598 Mail Service Center Aatlress- Cily-Raleigh Stale-NC Zip-27G99 Goun�ry-USA Ciry- State- 2ip- Counlry- ]. APPLICANT'SPHONENOs.wIAREACO�E 10. AGENTSPHONENOs.wIAREACODE a. Resitlence b. Business c Fax a. Resitlence b. Business c Faz 919-707-6001 STATEMENT OF AUTHpRIZATION it. 1 hereby aulhorize, lo act in my behaif as my agent in Ihe pmcessing of fiis applica�ion antl �o fumish, upon requesq Supplemenlal informa�ion in support of Ihis permit apP�icatian. SIGNATUREOFAPPLICANT DATE NAME, LOCATION, AN� UESCRIPTION OF PROJECT OR ACTIVITY 12. PROJECTNAMEORTITLE(seeinstmclians) 0-2579C 13. NAME OF WATERBODV, IF KNOWN (il applicable) i4, PROJWT STREETAD�RESS (if applicable) Frazier Creek and Lowery Mill Creek and associated UTs. Adtlress 15. IOCATION OF PROJECT LafiWtle�..N 36.150�30 LangiWde:=W g0.169590 Ci(y- Siate- Zip- i6. OTHER LOCATION DESCRIPTIONS, IF KNOWN (see instmc�ions) Sta�e Tax Parcel I� Municipalily Sectian- Township- Range- ENG FORM 4345, DEC 2014 PREVIOUs EDITIONSARE oeSo�ETE. Paqe 1 of 3 DIRECTIONS TO THE SITE �se see aflached vicinity map and cover IeM1er. 1�8. NaWreofAc�ivity(Oesctip�lonofpmjecCinclutleallfeaWres) ' 0-2579C proposes to construct a section of Ihe Winston-Salem Northern Beltway Eascem Section from OS 311 to US 158 (future I-74) in Forsyth Counry, NC for a totzl of 1989 miles. 18, Pmject Purpose (�escribe the reason o� purpose o(Ihe pmject, see insimclions) The purposes of the proposed project are to improve intrastate nnd interstz[e mobilily, impmve madway system linkage and continuity, reduw traffic congestion and carry fumre trafFic at a desirable Ievel of service, enhance safe!y, and provide a corcidor for f-74 (a congressionally designaied High Priority Corridor on the National Highway System). USE BLOCKS ]0�23 IF OREDGED AND/OR FILL MATERIAL IS TO BE DISCHARGEO 20. Reason(s)forDischarge Impacts wi0 result from widening the roadway and shoulders, construction of roadway on new locztioq consWc�ion ofnew inrerchanges, and bridge wnstruction. , I2'I. Type(sJ of Malerial Being Dischatgetl antl the Amount of Each Type in Cubic Va�ds: Type Type Type Pmount in Cubic Yards Amount in Cubic Vartls Amount in Cubic Yartls see attached Cover Letter 22. Surface Area in Acres of We�Iantls or Olher Waters Pilletl (see inSVmtlons) Acres or Linear Feet see altached Cover Lettar. 23. �escriplionofAvoidance,Mlnimizatlon,antlCompensation(seeinsiructlons) see attached Cover Lelter. ENG FORM 4345, DEC 2014 Page 2 of 3 24.ISMyPotllanoflM1eWarkAlreadyComplele9�Yes QJo IFVES,�ESCRIBETHECOMPLETE�WORK 25. Adtlresses of AdJolnin9 P�^Peity Owners, Lessees, Elu, Whase PmpeM Adolns Ihe Walerbatly pimo�e menun oeenmreanare, paaveanamn.wp�.meniamep, e. Atltlress- sce atlached permit drawings qry- Slale- Zlp- b.Atltlress- Clry- State- Zip- c.Address- City- Slate- 21p- tl. Atltlress- Clry- State- ZIP. e. Atltlmss- Ciry- Slate- Zip- E6. Lisl of Olher CertiAcales or Appmvalsl0enlals receivetl hom o1Mr Fetleral, Slate, or Local Agen6es Ior Work Desuibed in This Appllcallon. AGENGV TYPEAPPROVAL' IOENTIFICATION DATEAPPLIED OATEAPPROVED -DATEDENIED NUMBER ' Woultl inclutle bul Is not restdcletl lo zoning, builtling, antl ilootl plaln permlls 2]. Applicationlsherebymatleforpermllorpeimilsloauthorizelhewo�ktlescAbedlnlhlsapPlicelion. Icetllylhalihisintartnalloninlhisapplicalionis complete antl accurate. I futlher ceNfy Ihet I possess Ihe aulhority to ontletlake �Ite work describetl he21n or am actlnB as ihe tluy aulhmizetl agent of ihe epplicanl �' - =�� pb-08-20(� SIGNATUREOFAPPLICANT DATE SIGNATUREOFAGENT DATE PMi�.P S. NAZR�i The Applicalion must be signed by the person who desires to untlertake ihe pmposed activity (appiicanl) or il may he signed by a duly authorizetl agen[ If lhe stalement in block it hes been flletl out and signetl. _ 18 U.S.G Section 7001 provitlas that Whoever, in any mannarwithin ihejurisdiction of airy deparimenl or agency ot the Unitetl States knowingly entl willNlly (alsifas, cancea�s, or covers up any Irick, scheme, or disguises a materia� fact o� makes any talse, fctitious or (raudulent stateman�s or representations or makas or uses any false writing or document Nnowing same to contain any falsa, fctitious or frautlulent statements or eniry, shall be fined not more than $70,000 or imp�isoned not morethan five years or both. ENG FORM 0945, UEC I01d Page 3 of 3 En vironmental Quality ROY COOPER covernor Mr. Philip S. Harris, III, P.E., CPM Project Development and Environmental Analysis Unit North Carolina Department of Transportation 1598 Mail 5ervice Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1598 Dear Mr. Harris: June 2, 2017 Subject: Mitigation Acceptance Letter: U-2579C, Winston-Salem Northern Beltway (Eastern Section) from US 158 to US 311, Forsyth County The purpose of this letter is to notify you that the Division of Mitigation Services (DMS) will provide the compensatory stream and riparian wetland mitigation for the subject project. Based on the information supplied by you on June 2, 2017, the impacts are located in CU 03040101 of the Yadkin River basin in the Central Piedmont (CP) Eco-Region, and are as follows: Yadkin Stream Wetlands Buffer (Sq. Ft.) 03040101 Non- Coastal Cp Cold Cool War�► RiParian Riparian Marsh Zone 1 Zone 2 Impacts (feedacres) 0 0 4,513.0 1.55 0 0 0 0 uvua� vi ui� ��icaiii cuiw�i wo«Quu ��„pa��� �nay oe proposea io ne mingaten at a i: i mitigarion rario. 5ee permit application for details. This mitigation acceptance letter replaces the mitigation acceptance letter issued on May 24, 2017. The impacts and associated mitigation needs were under projected by the NCDOT in the 2017 impact data. DMS will commit to implement sufficient compensatory stream and riparian wetland mitigation credits to offset the impacts associated with tlus project as determined by the regulatory agencies using the delivery timeline listed in Section F3.c.iii of the In-Lieu Fee Instrument dated July 28, 2010. If the above referenced impact amounts are revised, then this mitigation acceptance letter will no longer be valid and a new mitigation acceptance letter will be required from DMS. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact Beth Harmon at 919-707-8420. Sincerely, Jame B. tanfill Credit anagement Supervisor cc: Mr. James Lastinger, USACE — Raleigh Regulatory Field Office Ms. Amy Chapman, NCDWR File: U-2579C Revised !'�'Nothing Compares�. State of North Carolina � Environmentat Quality 217 West Jones Street � 1601 Mail Service Center � Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1601 919 707 8600 MINUTES OF INTERAGENCY 4B MEETING MEETING FOR PROJECT U-2579C, FORSYTH COUNTY HELD ON 11/19/2008 Team Members: Participants: Andrew Nottingham John Thomas Marella Buncick Marla Chambers Amy Euliss Chris Militscher for Kathy Matthews Felix Davila for ponnie Brew David Harris Tony Houser Lonnie Brooks Derrick Weaver Rachelle Beauregard Keith Raulston Karen Gulledge Greg Price Lee Moore John Braaton Hydraulics (Present) USACE (Present) USFWS (Present) NCWRC (Present) NCDWQ (Present) EPA (Present) FHWA (Present) REU (Absent) Roadway (Present) Structures (Present) PDEA (Absent) NEU (Present) Division 9 (Present) Hydraulics Unit NEU Roadway Roadway DOT began the meeting at 2:00 P.M. with an overview ofthe project. Sheets 2F & 2G: NCWRC inquired whether the stream features shown on these sheets were jurisdictional. NEU responded that they were not jurisdictional streams. No other comments. Sheet 4: No comments Sheet 5: NEU stated that the stream feature shown on the plans became jurisdictional near -L- Station 378+00 +/- Rt. USFW S inquired whether the drainage from the roadway was going to be discharged directly into the jurisdictional stream. Hydraulics responded that the roadway drainage would be discharged into lateral ditches prior to reaching the stream. DWQ inquired whether this stream is perennial. NEU responded that it was perennial and jurisdictional up to -L- Station 378+00 +/- Rt. EPA inquired about the need for a spring box where the jurisdictional stream starts, what fill slopes were used, and the stability of the fill slope in that area due to the steepness of the surrounding terrain. Hydraulics responded that the fill slopes in this area were 2:1 Page 1 of 3 and that a lateral ditch with Class I rip rap would be used from -L- Station 375+00 to 383+00 Rt. Hydraulics will recommend a spring box in this area. USFW S inquired about the drainage to the proposed cross pipe near -L- Station 381+00. Hydraulics responded that all of the drainage to this pipe was from the natural lay of the land and that only a small amount of roadway drainage would be taken to the pipe via a lateral ditch. Sheet 6: Hydraulics stated that the proposed pipe size currently shown (pipe at 387+00) would be upgraded from a 48" to a 60" on the final plans. Hydraulics discussed the proposed design of the cross pipe at -L- Station 387+00; the pipe has a stub out from the stream to a JB because this will align it better with the existing stream at the toe of the fill slope. DWQ inquired whether the stream under the proposed roadway was a jurisdictional stream or not. NEU responded that it was a jurisdictional stream. Hydraulics stated that the roadway drainage would be taken to lateral ditches to help avoid any erosion problems which may occur with discharging the proposed pipes to the fill slope with no ditches. Hydraulics discussed the proposed Tx6' RCBC located at -L- Station 397+70 +/-. Hydraulics discussed trying to daylight as much of the existing stream as possible, but because there is such a large amount of fill, this was not possible. The stream located near -RpB- Station 24+50 will be relocated to the proposed culvert inlet with a lateral base ditch. DWQ inquired about mitigation for the stream on the inlet side of the culvert. Hydraulics stated that this would not be a natural channel design due to the amount of cut required to construct this channel relocation. Hydraulics also stated that there would be no rip rap in the channel relocation. Hydraulics stated that mitigation at the outlet would be needed due to a slight relocation of the channel in order to keep the culvert outlet and stream more inline with each other. DWQ inquired about the use of grade control structures, such as rock cross vanes, in the channel relocation. Hydraulics stated that the use of rock cross vanes would be investigated. NCWRC inquired as to the length ofthe channel relocation, recommended natural channel design, and that it was important far the relocation to be stable. Hydraulics stated that the length of the relocation was approximately 220 feet and that natural channel design was not practicable due to the amount of cut required. Construction stated that there had been more success with grade control devices than with natural channel design and recommended investigating grade control measures. NCWRC inquired aboutthe pipe system on -RpC- near the outlet ofthe culvert. Hydraulics stated that due to the small size of the plan sheet, it appeared that the system drained to the culvert, but it did not. The roadway drainage is taken to the other side of the ramp and discharged to a lateral ditch. Hydraulics also stated that the areas where the OTCB's were located between the —L- line and the ramps would be graded out and used for detention. Page 2 of 3 Sheet 6 and 7: Hydraulics neat discussed the proposed pipe crossing at -L- Station 414+00 +/-. DWQ inquired whether the stream feature that is parallel to the -L- line was a jurisdictional stream. NEU stated that it was not, but the stream feature from the pond was jurisdictional. Hydraulics stated that 2:1 fill slopes were going to be used along the —L- line and Ramp D in order to minimize the impacts to the wetlands and stream at this crossing. Roadway questioned this design because of the use of guardrail near the gore area on Ramp D and stated that it was a safety issue if guardrail was used in this area. After review it was determined that the use of 2:1 slopes in this area would not affect the gore area. EPA inquired whether the wetlands not affected would be counted as savings and Hydraulics stated this was correct. Sheet 8: EPA inquired about the pond shown on the plans and if it was drained or not. Hydraulics stated that it was drained. DWQ inquired if there were any jurisdictional streams within the area shown as a pond. NEU stated that the jurisdictional stream began below the dam ofthe pond. Hydraulics stated that an 8'x8' RCBC would be utilized at this location. USFWS inquired about the slope of the proposed culvert. Hydraulics stated that it was 0.076. USFW S inquired about the outlet design. Hydraulics stated that it had not yet been designed but would likely incorporate rip rap on the banks of the channel. Sheet 9 & 10: EPA inquired if there were any jurisdictional streams on either of these sheets. Hydraulics stated that there were none. No other comments. Sheet 11: Hydraulics stated that a bridge was discussed in the 2A meeting and the proposed bridge will be approximately 240' in length. A 60" overflow pipe would also be utilized far the wetlands. DWQ inquired what fed the wetlands and NEU/iJSACOE stated that it was fed by drainage from the existing natural slopes along with any flood waters. NEU stated that the stream feature shown in the wetland was not jurisdictional, but the stream feature that is up stream of the proposed bridge was jurisdictional. The meeting adjourned at 3:00 P.M. Page 3 of 3 Minutes from the Interagency 4C Hydraulic Design Review Meeting U-2579C - Forsyth County February 8, 2017 Team Members: Monte Matthews, USACE James Lastinger, USACE Marella Buncick, USFWS Marla Chambers, NCWRC Dr. Cynthia Van Der Wiele, Dave Wanucha, NCDWR Clarence Coleman, FHWA Minutes• (present) (present) (present) (present) USEPA (present) (not present) (not present) Introductions were made by all in attendance. Participants: Stephen Morgan, Hydraulics Bruce Payne, Roadway Design Josh Dalton, Sungate Design Group Brian Elam, Sungate Design Group Mark Staley, REU Bill Barrett, NES Carla Dagnino, NES Marc Cheek, Structures Tanga Sampson, Utilities Ahmad Al-Sharawneh, PDEA James Upchurch, TPB Keith Raulston, Div. Const. Eng. (Not Present) Josh Dalton proceeded through the permit drawing plan sheets: General • Upstream and downstream bank and channel stabilization lengths will be split and noted in the impact summary sheet for use in the permit application. Permit Sheet 6: (Plan Sheet 4) S ite 1: Concerns about groundwater initiated discussion regarding the need for spring boxes. Since no springs were located or shown in the current plans, Stephen Morgan stated that the necessity of spring boxes would be determined in the field during construction. Permit Sheet 9: (Plan Sheet � S ite 1: • Drop structure to be added to 48" cross pipe to reduce outlet velocity. After the meering, hydraulics recommended increasing the 48" to 60" to facilitate future "slip-lining", since the pipe is metal. • Lateral 5' base ditch, at station 383+50 -L- right, to be flattened or flared to reduce velocity at JS. Site 2: • Upstream and downstream bank stabilization lengths will be split and noted in the impact summary sheet for use in the permit application. • Because of the steeper slope (1.9%), USACE inquired about not burying the inlet end of the 60" cross pipe and USFW S had concerns about outlet velocity. After discussion, it was agreed that the pipe inlet would not be buried and a junction box would be used to flatten pipe slope near the pipe outlet. Permit Sheet 13: (Plan Sheet � S ite 3: S ite 4: The drainage area of this crossing would allow for a large pipe, but as a minimization effort the RCBC with sills and baffles will remain as the proposed structure with a 0.5ft burial. After the meering, concerns were raised regarding the constructability of the 0.5 baffles and the ability to retain bed material in the culvert. The 2' meander is not sufficient to hold material to provide a low flow channel. The decision was made to remove the low/high sills in favor ofone sill 0.75' tall across the culvert width. This will allow Class B rip rap to be used to supplement narive bed material. The culvert will be buried 0.75'. There was a general discussion about the reasoning for the benched lateral 4' base ditch. The 4B minutes indicated there was a desire to provide some natural stream design at that time. In the time since, the team agreed that natural stream design for such short sections is not feasible and stream stability is more critical. USACE indicated there would be no mitigation credit far the benched lateral4' base ditch. The design will be revised to an armored open channel with embedded rip rap. The bench and rock sills will be removed from the plans. S ite 5: • NES proposed 1:1 mitigation since stream is intermittent. No further comments. S ite 6: • Since the proposed cross pipe has a 7.8% slope and the Jurisdictional Stream will begin at its outlet, rip rap should be used in the channel bed and impacts revised. Site 7: • Burial at upstream end of cross pipe to be waived to protect integrity of wetland. S ite 8: • Cross pipe to be buried at outlet end. • Wetland declared a total take. Permit Sheet 25: (Plan Sheet 7) Site 9: Due to a flatter grade (1.67%), the pipe will be buried one foot. To ensure stream stability, embed rip rap in channel bed upstream and downstream of cross pipe. Impacts are still to be separated in impact summary. Permit Sheet 28: (Plan Sheet 8) Site 10: • Upon reviewing recent photos of the wetland an inquiry was made as to whether part of the site should be designated as open water. NES will make a determination and update as needed. Site 11: • Alignment -SRSA- was not shown on the plans during the 4B review. The access road was added to provide access to parcels cut offby the project. An additional stream crossing will need to be added due to this revision. The proposed structure is a 95"x67" CSPA downstream of the box culvert. Both the RCBC and CSPA will be buried 1.0' with rip rap on banks only. Both are on relatively mild grades (0.59%). Permit Sheet 34: (Plan Sheet 11) Site 12: • Note to be added for temporary channel impact at bridge, indicating its intended use for temporary crossing during construction. Hydraulics inquired as to whether a pipe would be an allowable option far the temporary crossing. If permitted as temporary fill a pipe would be allowed per USACE, however it is not preferred versus a spanning structure. The division will be consulted regarding the question if temporary access should be permitted across the stream. Site 13: • The function of the 2@48" cross pipes were discussed and it was suggested that only 1 pipe was needed to maintain integrity of the wetland. It was agreed that a single 60" RCP would be the best option and that rip rap would not be required at the outlet end. The pipe inverts will not be buried. Permit Sheet 39: (Plan Sheet 13) Site 14: • No comments. --4� ;�' � S7�'1 � �-( C jVleel. 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C• �.d�I � Y.� ✓S_s_�-4�f r+�l � / February 2017 Amv Euliss, DEO comments (black) NCDOT Response (red and green) SMP- extra "r" in erosive under narrative Permit site 4: If we are updating the detail to rip rap line the channel, are the rock sills still needed? No, they would no longer be needed. Permit site 3: I have some concerns about the current pipe burial/sill and backfill proposed for site 3. On our current beltway project a lot of the material in the culverts migrates downstream especially what's placed immediately downstream of the sill. The sills are activating more like cross vanes, and creating scour pools behind them. Can you send some pictures? Not sure if that's really a problem. I think the bigger problem is that the material moves downstream. We've had more success with a mixture of class b rock and'natural' material. In this particular culvert, since we're notching the sills, at 6" and 1' class B is too big to be in front or behind the 6" sills. What are yourthoughts on rewriting the detail to use a mix of class A and natural material. That's no problem. Class A is small enough to fit the 6" sill height. Just curious what the low flow channel width is up and downstream of the culvert, and if it warrants notched sills. Upstream is 3', downstream is 4'. Backfilling the entire culvert would be easier if the sills were the same height. Below is language we've had success with permitting in the past in a 2/3 barrel situation. Could be tweaked to this site. We propose to go with 9" sills and baffles, no notches. "Native bed material shall be placed between the sills in the low flow culvert. Native materials consists of material that is excavated from the stream bed orfloodplain at the project site during culvert construction. Rip rap may be used to supplement the native material. If rip rap is used, native material should be placed on topto facilitate animal passage. Thetop surFace ofthe natural stream bed material shall be placed and leveled to a flat surFace to allow for animal passage. The high flow barrels shall be back filled with native material and/or rip rap. Native material and rip rap are subject to approval by the engineer and may be subject to permit conditions." We can use this same language. Permit site 7: Add detail to connect pipe inlet to wetland, unless there's a natural conveyance already present. We may move th� inl�t slightly to alian ^�..�ith th� I�,w�st point at the upstream end. See photo below. February 2017 Permit site 7&8 should be the same. IYs confusing in the field to have different site numbers at inlet and outlet of same pipe. We can renumber. Permit site 8: if the inlet isn't buried and the outlet is buried, whaYs the slope of the pipe going to be? 2.05% I'd rather not bury either end. Not sure what the rationale is to just bury the outlet end. To buy time against the outlet end being perched and to have some accumulation of sediment in the pipe. We don't need to bury either end if not preferred by Division. Permit site 9: Why are there no sills? If this is an aluminum pipe they can be fabricated. Also, was backfilling discussed? We haven't backfilled them in the past, but have been told we'd be held accountable if they didn't fill in. Please clearly state the intent in the permit application. This is a steel pipe. It may be appropriate to backfill with Class A stone and native material, per the spec for site 3. Also this pipe does not have to be buried. After discussion with Division DEO, this pipe will not be buried. Use constructed riffle upstream and downstream on crossing for stream stabilization. Permit site 9: Question about comments...ls the referenced embedded rip rap going to be a'loss' of water? Why are we putting it in the stream bed? I'm ok with it, just curious why it was decided. I think iYs a good idea to embed rip rap (like a constructed riffle) anytime we bury a pipe to help alleviate headcutting. ThaYs the reason, to act as grade control. The COE counts this as loss of water. Although the pipe may be backfilled with Class A and native material, the grade control should be more robust, perhaps Class I. Permit site 11: why are we burying the pipe if there is a wetland? Should be laid at grade. We will evaluate the need for sills and baffles in the culvert so that it can be buried and backfilled while providing a sill at the wetland boundary. After discussion with Division DEO, this culvert will not be buried. Because the stream source begins downstream of the culvert, no sills, baffles or backfilling will be used either. ����' \ ` 3 E � .� Q Q � >N�o� - o - � 3�m ��z - �E� m� o E�-= ��- _ � - �.Ed-_ � _�� � - �v��� - o z � � � � � E � _ - - '� - � �,z - - m's"_ ¢ E � Q �UmE� Z Y`� � t�j Le 2` Q ¢ d��� E� - a+ � z G ^E c � £ - .a m '� o � � U01' v�6 U UU V� o�c �z G.`. 0 N� e- l U � j �� c E.� m { - O � U=� O U � o�� E � - U 0 0 Z N Z E Q ¢ E E m- U E E 0 a m�� _ u 0 U � d¢n o E Q z .� a � �� U _ Um .�.3 Ec�@Sa >z - Z r - � b Z o� �� y z�� ; N - � o o a _ � � � � � � _ � m - m � m ���¢oU " a `m �� o� E H � P �`0 2� �i 0 m _ � t� E _ � 0 £ 6m ¢ Xi _ �' _ cai.m .4 � �E m p 0 � i A U = m p' � � p m 'E Q� p�'E V _ S. � u - o >z�� v� q _ m` c' e E c 19 �^ 0 V 8' '� E n E'�¢ i f w E U o n�' 0 U ¢ d 5= '�+ �, E W N_ La � _C `e 0 "' O F m `m q`v " q "; `� m m K G o - �b �' m o 2� i � - 'c c ^ � o °' � p ' .. 2 3z iU'rc3 ¢`U°1' �O z YJ E¢'z u`o 3 � �:.��� � � � rc' a �' `o m � `5 _ ¢ m � n a o; � E V np - d �� H U � Y � `0 13 n � � m 0 m _ � rn Z - m m o W N Q V N � `� � �o � wo E E " E E 3 � a i� � E q �y n � KW'u � � _ _ 0 T F p y O U � � � m N a Q i � a � y � E Y ` � d d F - � r � w` m m° z t � o y N � � _ E E �w �� a 5 o c S: � �q�� ? 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