HomeMy WebLinkAbout20190397_FWS Comments_to minutes_20170526STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ROY COOPER Govekvok MEMORANDUM TO: I�Z�7�p May 22, 2017 Meeting Participants Beverly Robinson JAMES H. TROGDON, III S[:CR[;TARY SUBJECT: Minutes of Merger Meeting — ConcLin�ence Points 3 and 4A R-2566B — Improvements to NC 105 from Clarks Creek Road (SR 1136) in Foscoe to NC 105 Bypass (SR 1107) in Boone Watauga County, North Carolina On Wednesday, March 15, 2017 at 830 a.m., a mceting was held in the Nortl� Carolina Department of Transportation Century Center Stiuctures Design Conference Room C in Raleigh, NC for the subject project. The meeting attendees were as follows: Meetine Particivants Trent Bcaver* Marella Buncick Marla Chambers Pam Cook Carla Dagnino Felix Davila Jason Dilday Teresa Gresham Tad Hardy Jonathan Hefner Bryan Kcy Steve Kichefski* Daan Lcdbetter* Gary Lovering Bob May Beverly Robinson Caleb Smith Tony Spacek* Mark Staley Eugene Tarascio Cynthia Van Der Wiele Dave Wanucha* William Zerman *Participated via phone Division 11 USFWS NCWRC NCDOT-TPB NCDOT-NES FHWA NCDOT-NES Kimlcy-Horn Kimley-Horn WeYherill Engineering NCDOT-Roadway USACE Division 11 NCDOT-Roadway Wethcrill Engineering NCDOT-PDEA Archaeology Kimlcy-Horn NCDOT-REU NCDOT USEPA NCDWR NCDOT-Hydraulics Purpose The purpose of this meeting was to select the Least Fnvironmentally Damaging Practicable Alternative (Concurrence PoinY 3), and to identify avoidance and minimization efforts (Concurrence Point 4A). Handouts • Revised CP 3 and 4A Merger Packet Summary Mr. Gene Tarascio opened the meeting, stated the purpose of the meeting, and asked attendees to introduce themselves. He then handed the meeting over to Ms. Teresa Gresham. Ms. Gresham reviewed the information provided in the Merger packet. Tnformation for CP 3 and 4A had been posted prior to the meeting. Revisions had been made to the packet, and were distributed at the meering. The updated packet will be posted to the Merger Meetings website following the meeting. The project length is 5.5 miles, from Clarks Creek Road to NC 105 Bypass. However, to meet the project purpose and need, improvements were determined to be necessary only along 4.5 miles of that corridor, from Old Shulls Mill Road to NC 105 Bypass. Therefore, avoidance and minimization efforts have been evaluated only in that 4.5-mile section. LEDPA Discussion Merger members concurred that the Best-Fit Build Alternative was LEDPA for Project R-2566B. Specific details on avoidance and minimization measures will be handled in the CP 4A discussion. Threatened and Endangered Species Discussion An update on the threatened and endangered species along the project corridor was provided. Consultation is currently underway for the nortl�ern long-eared bat and the Virginia big-eared bat. The grey bat has recenYly been listed, and consultation will begin soon. Ms. Buncick said that the Hellbender had been peritioned for inclusion on tl�e list. The Watauga River is healthy and has noted occurrences of the Hellbender. Sl�e suggested that NCDOT conduct a survey for the Hellbender now, in case it becomes listed before construction �begins. Passing Lane Discussion Ms. Chambers had previously provided written comments on The EA, including a comment that expressed concern that extending the passing/climbing lane from Old Shulls Mill Road to Broadstone Road did not meet the purpose of the project, and would be impactful to the environment, economy, viewshed, and community. The widening through the passing lane secYion is a best-fit design that widened toward the river to minimize cuts into the mountain, while maintaining at least a 2-foot buffer from the edge of the floodplain. The widening would not impact the Watauga River directly, but impacts in this section include less than 700 linear feet of impact to tributaries and approximately 0.1 acres of wetlands. TIP Project R-25668 NEPA/404 Merger Meeking - Concurrence Points 3 a�id 4A Page 2 of � 4 -- ' C0111O72OtEd [BMl]: 1 dodt remember recommending surveys. We know that tha� the Watauga River is occupied by hellbenders in the cun�en[ bridge location. I will be sending further ��commendations under separate covei� The passing lane was proposed to improve safety and for design reasons. Trucks are anticipated to experience nearly a reduction in speeds due to the 4% grade along this 5,000-foot �section�. [At the meetin� _— commented [sMz]: rn�s senren�e aoesa� make se�se. it was estimated that the reduction would be approximaYely ] 0%; following tl�e meeting, AASHTO was Adaa�onauy i o�i or wnar? i5 cn�5 ��ce�,�ted to mea» i o �,�i,� referenced and the reduction was discovered to be up to about 25 mph for this grade and distance.] Approximately 6% of the traffic volume is trucks. The passing lane also improves passing and stopping sight distance. Ms. Chambers suggested that rather than removing the entire passing lane, it be extended from Old Shulls Mill to about 1,000 feet south of Broadstone Road. This would remove widening in the area where NC 105 is closest to the Watauga River. Mr. Dean Ledbetter expressed concern that dropping a southbound lane at Broadstone Road rather than continuing it into the passing lane would result in nEw safety issues at the NC 105/Broadstone Road intersection. The Division has experienced similar issues at the NC 105/NC l05 Bypass intersection. He feels that the same problems would likely occur at Yhis location, but may be exacerbated by the higher speeds compared with the NC 105 Bypass intersection. More safety data was requested to support the need for the passing lane to justify that iY meets the project purpose. Additional information from the NCDOT Safety Unit will be requested. A summary of design- related data will also be provided. Permitting Discossion A pl�ased permit is anticipated for Project R-2566B and R-2566BA. Final designs will begin for the bridge project sooner than the remainder of the project. The Concurrence Point 4B and 4C meetings will be used to discuss permitting and hydraulics. Design and Minimization Discussion The preliminary design does not include utility relocation or other temparary easements. There are aerial power lines along the project corridor that will likely need to be relocated. Detailed utiliry plans are not typically developed at this stage of the project, but initial estimates estimate approximately $9 million for utility rclocations. Concern about the geology throughout tl�e project corridor was expressed. According to the preliminary geotechnical report, acid rock is not present in this corridor. Detailed gcotechnical information was requested to help determine if proposed minimization measures could be implemented to reduce limpacts� i Commented [BM3]: The comments I made about geotech info This information is not t icall available at this sta e of the ro�ect, but eotechnical in ut about the ee1°g °eeaea �e o„�yto�� rne �rea wn��e e�eta�n��ewau �s p��oposed Yp Y g p � g p to determine if a wall is possible. Given the proximity to the general area from the Division Geotechnical group will be provided to the Merger Team. waia«�a a��e,, �r a reca;n�ng wau �5n�i rea5;�ie, in�5;5 poce„�tauy a much bigger impact There was some concern about erosion and sedimentation �ontroll. The stormwater design along the four- _—� Commented [sMa): F�om cne Fws perspe��;�e, cn�5 �s �oc a lane, median-divided section was discussed, including whether retention or other stormwater management 5"'au'S5°e a„a ne;cne, ;g me �on�ern fo� creanng pogc oo„5n„�uon stonnwater. measures would be built in the grassed median or outside of the lanes. More information on the potential treatments that could be implemented was requested. Erosion control measures will be included in the final design. Other potential minimization solutions were discussed. Retaining walls have been added to stay out of the floodplain; more vertical walls may further decrease impacts. NCDOT does not support shifting the TIP Project R-25668 NEPA/404 Merger Meeking - Concurrence Points 3 a�id 4A Page 3 of � 4 alignment away from the river due to the anticipated large cuts into the mountain and associated property impacts and relocations. Reducing the lane and shoulder widths was requested; however, NCDOT does not support narrowing lanes or shoulders for safety and design reasons. NCDOT may consider incorporating additional minimization measures either now or during final design. Conclusion Attendees discussed the project schedule. The bridge replacement project will move into final design this year. A decision about the passing lane and other mitigation measures that will affect the bridge design will be made for the R-2566B and R-2566BA project jointly so that the R-2566BA design incorporates a consistent layout. The Merger team agreed tl�at the Best-Fit alternative was the Least Environmentally Damaging Practicable Alternative (LEDPA). The discussion about avoidance and minimization measures has been defen-ed until more information has been provided to the Merger Team. The foregoing constitutes our understanding of the matters discussed and the conclusions reached. If there are any questions, corrections, orreissions, or additional comments please advise the author within five working days after reeeipt of these minutes. cc: Meeting Participants Project File TIP Project R-25668 NEPA/404 Merger Meeking - Concurrence Points 3 a�id 4A Page 4 of � 4