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HomeMy WebLinkAbout20170328 Ver 1_Certified Receipt_20170614■ Complete items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. ■ Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. ■ Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, or on the front if space permits. 1. Article Adtlressetl to: Mr David McHenry, Environmental Officer NCDOT Division 14 253 Webster Raatl Sylva, NC 28779 A Si9naWre X B. Receivetl by (Printatl Name) ❑ Agem ❑ Adtlressee C. Date of Delivery D. Is dellvery address tlifferent /rom item 17 U Yes If YES, enter delivery address below: ❑ No 3. Service Type ❑ Certifled Mail'° ❑ Priority Mall Express' ❑ Registered ❑ Retum Receipt for Marchantllse ❑ InsUfed Mall ❑ Collect on Delivery 4. Restncted Delivery� (EMre Fee) ❑ Yes 2. ArticleNumber 7008 1300 �D00 1124 2623 (rrdnsler {rpm servlcre la6el) oe c,..... ZAi i i, �i„ om z n,,..,e�c,. oon�.., oe�e�... UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE First-Class Mail Postage & Fees Paid USPS Permit No. G-'10 • Sender: Piease print your name, address, and ZIP+4� in this box• Division of Water Resources Wetlands Branch Kristi Lynn Carpenter 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh NC 27699-1617 � � 0 J r � i a 7 7 7 7 .. I ..r :i i d �,>_ i J . . �. Poslege E caninea Fee Pm6nerk ReNm Receipl Fee He� (EiMoreamem Hapulretl) Resvicled Delivery Fee � (Enaorsemenf Repuiretl) ] a Mr. David McHenry, Environmental Officer o NCDOT, Division 14 ; 253 Webster Road ` � Sylva, NC 28779 Certifled Mail Prmides: ■ A melling receipl ■ Aunpueltlemifiertoryourmeilpiece ■ A recorcl of dalhrery kept by the Posfel Service for hro yearo Nnperfant Rsm/ndsrs: ■ Certlfled Mall mey ONLV be combinetl wlTh FlretClesa Meil� or Priorlry Mei4 ■ Certllletl Mell b not evelleble far eny desa of IMemetlonal meil. ■ NO INSURANCE COVERA6E IS PROVIDED wMh Certifled Meil. Fo valuebl�, please coroitler Insuretl or Repleteretl Meil. � tlelhrery Tonobbte�in ReNm R�pRt aervkepfeaee �nuple�re antl eaach e ReWn Receipt (PS Form 3811� b the aNcle end add appliceble postege to cover thE lee. EnOorse mellplece Retum Receipt Requestetl'. To receNe e fee waNer fd e duolicete retum recelpt, e USPSs postmerk on your Certifietl Mell receipt le required. ■ For an additional fee, tlelNary mey be restrictetl to the etltlreasee o atlOreasee's eut�orizeC e0ent. AWise Me clerk or mflrk the meilpiece with tM endorsament 'Reshicfed Del/very'. ■ If a postmark on the CertHied Meil receipt is Aesired, Please present the eN� cle et tha post oflice for posimarking. If a posimark on the CertHied Mal reCeipt is not neetletl, tletec� antl eXiz label with posl8ge antl meil. IMPOHTANT: Save this receipt antl present it whan makinp an Inquiry. PS Fam 38W, Auguet 2006 (Reverse) PSN ]530-02-0OPBDO]