HomeMy WebLinkAbout20170723 Ver 1_StormwaterManagementPlan_20170607CAPE HATTERAS ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE BONNER BRIDGE TRANSMISSION CIRCUIT RELOCATION NORTH CAROLINA DARE COUNTY STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN TABLE OF CONTENTS Section No. Description 1.0 NC State Stormwater Notice of Intent (NOI) SWG040000-General Permit To Construct A Linear Utility Line And Associated Incidental Built-Upon Area 2.0 USGS Quadrangle Maps 3.0 Erosion & Sedimentation Control Plan Details 4.0 Stormwater Management and Erosion Control Drawings (Provided Separately) ➢ Drawing No. 178450 ESCP1-ESCPS 17-8450-9005/ 111 �Oi )t�l OO June 2017 �"��5�� 1.0 STATE STORMWATER NOI GENERAL LINEAR UTILITY LINE PERMIT i �-g4so-9oosii 1 i Bc�otli OO June 2017 �"�y5�� N.C. DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY SURFACE WATER PROTECTION SECTION STATE STORMWATER NOTICE OF INTENT (NOI) SWG040000 - GENERAL PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT A LINEAR UTILITY LINE AND ASSOCIATED INCIDENTAL BUILT-UPON AREA FOR AGENCY USE ONLY Date Received Year Month Da Certificate of Covera e W � Check # Amount Permit Assi ned to State Stormwater Management Application Notice of Intent for coverage under the General Stormwater Management Permit to construct a utility line and incidental built-upon area associated with a linear utility project including water, sewer, gas, telephone, and electric. For the construction, operation and maintenance of incidental impervious areas associated with the construction of a linear utility line. Incidental built-upon area associated with the utility project includes small, single pump stations, access roads which minimize their built-upon area, concrete pads, manhole covers, etc. (Please print or type) 1. Mailing address of owner/developer: (The address to which all permit correspondence will be mailed.) Owner/Developer Name Cape Hatteras Electric Cooperative (CHEC) Street Address 47109 Light Plant Road City Telephone No. BuXton ( 252 ) 995-5616 x236 2. Proposed Project Information: Project Name Street Address of the Project City County Contact Person Mailing Address City Telephone No. State Nc ZIP Code 2�920 Fax ( 252 ) 995-4088 Cape Hatteras Electric Cooperative Bonner Bridge Transmission Circuit Relocation Cape Hatteras National Seashore, 98 NC-12 & Oregon Inlet Rd Nags Head Dare State N� George Price - Manager of Engineering and Operations 47109 Light Plant Road guXto� State � 252 ) 995-5616 x236 FaX NC ZIP Code 2�959 ZIP Code z�9zo �252 � 995-4088 3. Physical Location Information: Please provide the street address of the project and describe how to get to the project, using street names, state road numbers, and the distance and direction from the nearest major intersection: Be9�natt"e�nterse�t�onofthe CHEC substation near 98 Oregon Inlet Road (SR-1256) off of NC Highway 12. Head south over Oregon Inlet via the Bonner Bridge and end near the intersection of Lifeboat Station Road (SR-1257) and NC Highway 12 on Pea Island. Construction to take place within existing right of way on western side of NC Hwy 12. 4. What is the name of the receiving stream? 5. River Basin Pasquotank Oregon Inlet (30-22-1), Motts Creek (30-21-13), Roanoke Sound (30-21) Receiving Stream Classification SA/HQW, SC, SA/HQW 6. This Certificate of Coverage is being submitted as a result of: 0 New or proposed project ❑ Modification to an existing project Existing COC or Permit Number: Date project is scheduled to begin construction ai2o�� 7. What is the total project area above mean high water? 96,268 8. What is the total amount of built-upon area proposed at this site? 7,305 (Please include all manhole covers, pump stations, concrete pads, and gravel access roads) SWU-116-17FEB2010 Page 1 Of 3 ft2 ft2 9. What type of utility project will be constructed? ❑ Water ❑ Sewer ❑ Gas ❑ Telephone 0 Electric ❑ Other 10. Has the built-upon area been minimized to the extent practicable? � YES ❑ NO 11. Is the runoff from the built-upon area outside the vegetative buffer directed away from surface waters, to the extent practicable? 0 YES ❑ NO 12. Is the project within 575' of the Mean High Water line of class ORW waters? � YES (Please show the 575' AEC line on plans) ❑ NO ( If yes, total built-upon area must be less than or equal to 25% of the total project area within the AEC above mean high water.) 13. Are there any wetlands on the site? X❑ YES (please delineate on the plans) ❑ NO Name and affiliation of person making this determination: Sam Cooper with CZR Environmental Consultants 14. Please list all Best Management Practices employed at this site: Please see sheets ESCP-4 through ESCP-6 of the plan drawings, Sections 5& 6(Construction Sequence, General BMP Notes & Maintenance) of attached plan. The post development drainage will not increase from driving poles and attaching aerial distribution cables. The underground cable will be directional bored to reduce land disturbance. Existing drainage will not be altered by use of slatted timber matting & no additional culverts or conveyance devices will be required. 15. Certification: North Carolina General Statute 143-215.6B (i) provides that: Any person who knowingly makes any false statement, representation, or certification in any application, record, report, plan, or other document filed or required to be maintained under this Article or a rule implementing this Article; or who knowingly makes a false statement of a material fact in a rulemaking proceeding or contested case under this Article; or who falsifies, tampers with, or knowingly renders inaccurate any recording or monitoring device or method required to be operated or maintained under this Article or rules of the Commission implementing this Article shall be guilty of a Class 2 misdemeanor which may include a fine not to exceed $10,000. (18 U.S.C. Section 1001 provides a punishment by a fine of not more than $10,000 or imprisonment of not more than 5 years, or both, for a similar offense.) I hereby request coverage under the referenced General Permit. I understand that coverage under this permit will constitute the permit requirement for the project and is enforceable in the same manner as an individual permit. I certify that I am familiar with the information contained in the application and that to the best of my knowledge and belief such information is true, complete, and accurate. Pt"Int2d Ilame Of pefSOr1 Slgning: George Price - Cape Hatteras Electric Cooperative TIt18: Manager of Engineering and Operations (Signature of Applicant) (Date signed) A check or money order must accompany this Notice of Intent for $505.00, made payable to: NCDENR. Your application will be returned unprocessed unless all of the following items are submitted: ❑✓ This completed form ✓� Two sets of site and grading plans ✓❑ A check for $505.00 ✓❑ A USGS map with the project clearly located on it. Mail the entire package to: NCDENR Division of Water Quality Surface Water Protection Section — Stormwater at the Appropriate Contact Address (see the following page) Note: The submission of this document does not guarantee the issuance of a Certificate of Coverage under the General Permit. SWU-116-17FEB2010 Page 2 of 3 2.0 USGS QUADRANGLE MAPS i �-g4so-9oosii 1 i Bc�otli OO June 2017 �"�y5�� 3.0 EROSION & SEDIMENTATION CONTROL PLAN DE TAIL S i �-g4so-9oosii 1 i Bc�otli OO June 2017 �"�y5�� EROSION & SEDIMENTATION CONTROL PLAN CAPE HATTERAS ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE BONNER BRIDGE TRANSMISSION CIRCUIT RELOCATION NORTH CAROLINA DARE COUNTY PREPARED FOR: � � — � a e �Iatteras � Electric Coo erative �' A Touchstane Energy� Cooperative ,�,,�� � June 2, 2017 EROSION & SEDIMENTATION CONTROL PLAN CAPE HATTERAS ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE BONNER BRIDGE TRANSMISSION CIRCUIT RELOCATION NORTH CAROLINA DARE COUNTY Booth & Associates, LLC Consulting Engineers 5811 Glenwood Avenue Raleigh, North Carolina 27612 Firm License No.: F-0221 O June 2017 17-8450-9005/ 111 i�0( )t�l �O June 2017 i �'�`y��� TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION 1.0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION ..................................................................................1 2.0 EXISTING SITE CONDITIONS ...........................................................................3 3.0 SOIL CONDITIONS ..........................................................................................4 4.0 DESIGN APPROACH .......................................................................................5 5.0 CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE ...........................................................................5 6.0 GENERAL CONSTRUCTION NOTES & MAINTENANCE .....................................8 LIST OF APPENDICES APPENDIX A: FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY/OWNERSHIP FORM, LETTER OF CONSENT & LIST OF EASEMENT GENERAL WARRANTY DEEDS APPENDIX B: VICINITY MAP & USGS QUADRANGLE MAP APPENDIX C: BONNER BRIDGE NCDOT TIP B-2500 WETLAND DELINEATIONS, PREVIOUSLY OBTAINED PERMITS FOR NCDOT TIP B-2500 APPENDIX D: FEMA FLOOD MAPS APPENDIX E: NRCS SOILS MAP & SUBSURFACE SOIL REPORTS APPENDIX F: SELF-INSPECTION REPORT FOR LAND-DISTURBING ACTIVITY APPENDIX G: EROSION & SEDIMENTATION CONTROL PLAN DRAWINGS 17-8450-9005/ 111 i�0( )t�l �O June 2017 ii �'�`y��� 1.0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION Construction of the new Bonner Bridge for NCDOT TIP B-2500 requires relocation of existing Cape Hatteras Electric Cooperative (CHEC) transmission cable. A new transmission circuit is required to be installed to provide uninterrupted electrical service to CHEC customers during and after the construction of the NCDOT TIP B-2500 Bonner Bridge project. CHEC will install a new underground transmission power line in Cape Hatteras National Seashore onto the new Bonner Bridge over Oregon Inlet in Dare County. CHEC proposes to replace the existing circuit within its existing and NC DOT's right-of-way easements granted by the National Park Service (NPS) and Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS). The existing power line is encased in a cement "duct bank" (two feet by four feet (2'X4') concrete vault) on the eastern side of NC Highway 12 which will be left in place after the new construction. The proposed work detailed below comes after consideration of numerous line routes and construction methods. The proposed route avoids as much environmental impact as practical. Through the course of design, the alignment has been simplified by utilizing NC DOT right-of-way. Conflicts with road access to the nearby fishing center and area wetlands are mitigated as much as practical by utilizing a horizontal directional bore installation method for a portion of the transmission power circuit route. The project consists of constructing the following: 1. A ten foot (10') wide temporary access road using removable matting from Oregon Inlet Road to the existing CHEC substation north of Bonner Bridge (approximately 365 feet in length). This road will mitigate impacts to the maintained wetlands around the substation to allow access for large utility vehicles and construction equipment. Hand clearing (if needed) and between fifteen to thirty feet of matting around the substation will be used to support this construction effort. After construction the temporary access road and matted areas south and east of the substation will be converted to a permanent gravel drive with turnaround for future maintenance access to the substation. 2. Installation of a new underground 115kV transmission power circuit consisting of: a. A total of five (5) conduits in duct bank— four 6" conduits and one 2" inch conduit b. Approximately 1,225 linear feet of four (4) foot wide and one (1) foot tall concrete duct bank — utilizing a high early mix design for faster setting to close open trench sooner than typical c. Approximately 420 linear feet of horizontal directional bore under Oregon Inlet Road and maintained wetlands to inside the expanded substation fence d. One below-grade utility vault — approximately ten (10) feet x twenty (20) feet x six (6) feet tall e. No less than three (3) feet below grade to top of duct bank/vault f. Duct bank to be open-cut trenched the total length of circuit from the new proposed bridge end bent #2 to Oregon Inlet Road Once the new transmission power circuit is installed and commissioned, power shall be transferred off the existing circuit to the new. The existing CHEC duct bank is planned to be abandoned in place, with the understanding that the National Park Service may require its removal at a future date. Any required wetland mitigation resulting from transmission circuit relocation will be covered by the NCDOT B-2500 wetland restoration site. 17-8450-9005/111 f3 �ot.l� �O June 2017 � 1 �+�SSfI['i��t;P.:� Proposed land disturbance will be limited to the existing right of way areas adjacent to NC 12, the existing substation, and near an existing overhead line on Pea Island where the cable will be connected to a new overhead riser structure. Soil disturbing activities will include: installing erosion and sediment controls, obstruction hand clearing, directional boring, open trenching, pole installation, a gravel access road, and any necessary seeding and stabilization. Timber matting and hand-clearing will be used to ensure wetland protection. Silt fencing and coir wattle will be used to prevent sediment from flowing to nearby drainage ditches, riparian buffers, wetlands, and waterways. The total project limits north and south of the bridge include 2.21 acres, of which 1.56 acres includes land disturbance. Impacts to wetlands were minimized and include temporary hand clearing for pole construction and removal access, as well as fill for a gravel drive. The built-upon area is only 7.6% of the total project area. Please reference Appendix H for the Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan drawings for more location and design details. 17-8450-9005/111 [�i )Ot.il �O June 2017 " � 2 E�+'�SSc)Ciat;P..:� 2.0 EXISTING SITE CONDITIONS This project site is located within the Tidewater Region of the Coastal Plain Physiographic Province in Dare County. Terrestrial upland communities in the project corridor are represented by three major community types: Man- Dominated (maintained/disturbed), Maritime Shrub Thicket, and Maritime Shrub Grassland. The delineated wetland community types located within the corridor include: Man- Dominated, Maritime Grassland, Maritime Shrub Thicket, and Maritime Shrub/Grassland. Neither streams nor open water are affected by construction within the corridor. Land use is classified as Parks/Bare Land - Outdoor Cultural, Public Assembly, and Recreation. Current site conditions are disturbed for ongoing NCDOT construction. Shoreline erosion and nourishment are ongoing on Pea Island. Cape Hatteras National Seashore wetlands adjacent to NC 12 and near the substation are maintained by mowing. The Corps issued the original DA permit SAW-2012-00715 to NC DOT on May 4, 2012 and SAW-1993- 03077 issued to NC DOT on August 20, 2013, with modifications approved October 21, 2015 for impacts associated with TIP B-2500, replacement of the Bonner Bridge over Oregon Inlet. Impacts assessed for the project in the 2008 Final Environmental Impact Statement and 2010 Environmental Assessment included areas of study where relocation of utilities will be required by this project. Wetlands identified in the 2012 delineation by CZR are shown on the Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan drawings in Appendix H. Please reference Appendix C for details on existing permits and wetland delineations. The USGS Hydrologic Atlas indicates that the parcel is located fully within the Albemarle sub-basin of the Pasquotank River basin of hydrologic unit code 03010205. The landscape slopes from an elevation of 13 feet to sea level and has an elevation of 3 feet AMSL at the substation up to 6 feet AMSL through the transmission corridor. The project site is mostly flat draining into Oregon Inlet (30-22-1), Motts Creek (30-21-13), and Roanoke Sound (30-21), which are in respective Classes SA/HQW, SC, and SA/HQW. Coastal Area Management Act impacts were assessed on site to be avoided and no buffer rules are applicable. Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) DFIRM Flood Data lists the site in Panels # 373007 (2600J, 2500J, 3400J, and 3500J). Please reference the FEMA maps in Appendix D. 17-8450-9005/111 f� �����i �O June 2017 � 3 E�+�SSfI['i��t;P.:� 3.0 SOIL CONDITIONS The substation and transmission corridor on Cape Hatteras National Seashore north of the Bonner Bridge includes the following soil types: [3are Caurrtiy, I�arth Carolina (NC�55j Ma� Unit Symhul Map Unit Ham� AaRes in �4�1 Perceni af A{hl C�A Uartere- �and =-� � per•_e^t C.0 ��.4°�4 alap=c, Fequ=nkly loa�:ed d,R d,oxston f ne s.�nd �. �a � 2.9 �.�.4°�4 p=roenc sla��es, a�:aa�ion311p� 'laaced Fd�C FJ=sx^Foan �us� sarsd,:lta 1�_ �:� `.�.�°�4 p=roenc sla��ea hd�U Pd=4ro°h3n-L�7rall� corc�p=x. ��t_� C.� r.3°�� 1�_ ,��eroen; s =pes ��^N �A�aie • C.Q ��.. °b T�tals for,4rea of Inter�st 9.0 ifl�.Q9S The new riser structure and transmission corridor on Pea Island south of the Bonner Bridge includes the following soil types: Dare �ounky, Na�th Carolina �h1C455p Map Llnir ��m6ol A1a{a Un�t Na�rne A�res in AC�I pe�aent a# �4�}I CeA v��e�et s�rr� D:_a � p=rc�nt �i.1 =�'.�: s apes, ire�:��errly flx�ed ��. 7u=kc:�n fir� sarr; � C�� t 6.6 E�� 1'�'_ pe•��e^- �lcpes, ���s;asi�^all}� f ��d�� TU'C3I5 FOf.�� 6'� IFlI�f�St 6.fi iDU-_��t, Reference the USDA NRCS Soil Survey found in Appendix E for more details about these site soil conditions. 17-8450-9005/111 f3 vi.il �O June 2017 � 4 �+�SSfI['i�t;P.:� 4.0 DESIGN APPROACH In order to prevent sediment from leaving the project site, several erosion and sediment control devices are to be installed. Construction entrances will be properly installed and any sediment tracked onto the roadway will be cleaned up immediately. The disturbed site will have silt fencing installed around its perimeter. In areas upslope of sensitive water bodies, it is recommended that standard silt fence outlets be installed. Care has been taken in design to avoid direct impact to wetlands; however the project site is in close proximity to some wetlands. Impacts to park land were minimized in design by relocating the duct bank into the NC DOT right of way, boring under Oregon Inlet Road, and boring under wetlands in front of the substation adjacent to NC 12. CHEC has been working in coordination with NCDOT, Cape Hatteras National Seashore, Pea Island National Wildlife Refuge, and associated permitting authorities to have construction on the electric transmission cable ready to be attached to the new bridge structures in accordance with the NCDOT project timeline. Construction on TIP B-2500 will continue for the next several years; therefore, limited access for shared equipment laydown areas and construction access require sequencing of permit approvals and bid schedules. Booth & Associates, LLC began interagency coordination meetings between the NPS, FWS, NCDOT, CHEC, for the collaborative design of the Cape Hatteras Electric Cooperative utility relocation in August 2016. A timeline was established for coordination of using NCDOT right-of-way and having the cables installed and ready to pull onto the new Bonner Bridge by December 2019. All disturbed areas will be stabilized by seeding and mulching. After construction has ceased and the site is stabilized with permanent vegetation, the temporary erosion control measures will be removed and stabilized with vegetative covering. The Owner, along with NCDEQ shall determine when permanent vegetation is well established. For further detail, please see Section 5.0 Construction Sequence and Section 6.0 General Construction Notes & Maintenance. 5.0 CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE 5.0 Obtain all applicable permits. Contact NCDEQ Washington Regional Land Quality at 252-946- 6481 prior to beginning construction. 5.1 Before work begins at any site, the contractor will evaluate the site with respect to earth disturbance and erosion potential. Sensitive areas are identified on the enclosed plan drawings. There will be no mechanized clearing, grading, or grubbing. Only hand-clearing may be utilized with equipment such as chainsaws and similar small devices. 5.2 Flag construction limits and hand clear what is necessary to install timber matting to access the substation and install temporary perimeter fencing. 5.3 Install stormwater inspection box with rain gauge, stormwater inspection report, and a copy of the permits as indicated in the Construction Notes in the ESCP drawing details. The inspection box will be placed on the outside of the temporary fencing around the construction 17-8450-9005/111 f3 vi.i� �O June 2017 � 5 �+�SSfI['i�t;P.:� area. The self-inspection records for land disturbing activities per G. S. 113a-54.1 must be completed weekly and within 24 hours of a% inch or greater rainfall event. Extra copies of the self-inspection forms should be placed in the inspection box. See Appendix F of this plan for a copy of the form. 5.4 Hand clear as necessary to install compost socks, additional silt fencing and silt fence outlets within construction limits. All debris/spoil, trees, and scrub to be hauled away and stored at a NCDEQ approved location. 5.5 Install any remaining erosion control measures prior to onset of land disturbing activities. Disturb only what is necessary to install these measures. Make sure to place silt fence on three sides of any stockpiled soil leaving one side free for access. Erosion control matting that incorporates plastic mesh and/or plastic twine shall not be used along streambanks or within wetlands. 5.6 Immediately stabilize land-disturbing activity with vegetative cover using the following permanent seed mixtures at rates of 12 Ibs PLS/acre with an additional cover crop of grain rye at 30 Ibs/acre. Cape Hatteras Grass Seed Mix Version 2 % of Mix Latin Name Common Name Cultivar/ Ecotype 4 Agrostis hyemalis Winter Bentgrass NC 15 Elymus virginicus Virginia Wildrye Suther (NC) 5 Festuca rubra Creeping Red Fescue Commercial 5 Panicum amarum Coastal Panicgrass 'Atlantic' 20 Panicum anceps Beaked Panicgrass SC 5 Panicum virgatum Switchgrass Carthage 38 Schizachyrium scoparium Little Bluestem NC 8 Sorghastrum elliottii Slender Indiangrass NC 100 Tota I 5.7 Ground cover sufficient to restrain erosion must be provided in this HQW zone within 7 days. All disturbed areas shall be provided temporary or permanent stabilization with ground cover daily. Only disturb that length which can be stabilized by the end of the day. 17-8450-9005/111 f3 Ol.il �O June 2017 � 6 �+�SSfI['i��t;P.:� 5.8 All seeded areas will be checked regularly to see that a good stand is maintained. All disturbed areas will be limed, fertilized, or reseeded as necessary according to the rates provided. 5.9 All erosion and sediment control measures will be inspected weekly and after each significant rainfall event. Needed repairs will be made immediately and indicated on the stormwater inspection forms kept in inspection box on site. The following items will be checked in particular: 5.9.1 The silt fencing will be checked regularly for failures and repaired immediately. If sediment accumulates to one-half (1/2) of the fence height, the sediment shall be removed. 5.9.2 All seeded areas will be checked regularly to see that a good stand is maintained. Areas will be fertilized and reseeded as needed. 5.9.3 Roadside culverts will be checked to ensure that sediment has not accumulated in accumulated in the ditch. If so, remove the sediment and stabilize the ditch immediately. 5.9.4 If sediment is found on road at any time during construction, it will be removed immediately. 5.10 The following must be kept on site until the ESCP Plan has been closed out by Land Quality: 30 days of self-inspection records, rain gauge, approval certificate/letter, approved plan and NPDES permit. These items should be located near the main construction entrance. Failure to maintain these items on site violates the NPDES permit. 5.11 After the site is stabilized, coordinate with NCDOT to remove/reposition all temporary sediment control measures and determine areas to apply permanent vegetation. After the silt fences have been cleared of accumulated sediment, stabilize immediately with permanent vegetation. All accumulated sediment shall be removed off-site to a NCDEQ permitted location. The silt fencing is to remain until all construction is complete and permanent vegetation is established. Silt fencing to be removed by owner. 5.12 Estimated time before phase 1 final stabilization is six (6) months. Estimated time before phase 2 final stabilization is twelve (12) months. Estimated time before phase 3 final stabilization is twenty-four (24) months. 17-8450-9005/111 f� }���}i �O June 2017 � 7 E,.,,�j5�;41['j���;��; 6.0 GENERAL CONSTRUCTION NOTES & MAINTENANCE 6.1 Unless otherwise indicated, all vegetative and structural erosion and sediment control practices will be constructed and maintained according to minimum standards and specifications of the North Carolina Erosion and Sediment Control Planning and Design Manual. 6.2 Additionally, the following standards for Sensitive Watersheds will be implemented: 6.2.1 Vegetative root systems shall be left intact to maintain the integrity of the soil. 6.2.2 Rip rap shall not be used. 6.2.3 Application of fertilizer to establish planted/ seeded vegetation within disturbed riparian areas and/ or wetlands shall be conducted at agronomic rates and shall comply with all other Federal, State and local regulations. Fertilizer application shall be accomplished in a manner that minimizes the risk of contact between the fertilizer and surface waters. No herbicides will be used in maintenance of easement. 6.2.4 Construction activities shall minimize the removal of vegetation, the extent of the disturbed area, and the time in which areas remain in a disturbed state. In wetlands, mats shall be utilized to minimize soil disturbance. 6.2.5 Concrete is used during construction of open trench duct bank installation. All necessary measures shall be taken to prevent direct contact between uncured or curing concrete and waters of the state. Water inside coffer dams or casings that has been in contact with wet concrete shall be pumped into filter bags and can be discharged on uplands after the concrete is set and cured. 6.2.6 All mechanized equipment operated near surface waters shall be inspected and maintained regularly to prevent contamination of surface waters from fuels, lubricants, hydraulic fluids, or other toxic materials. Construction shall be staged in order to minimize the exposure of equipment to surface waters to the maximum extent practicable. Fueling, lubrication and general equipment maintenance shall not take place within 50 feet of a waterbody or wetlands to prevent contamination by fuels and oils. 6.2.7 Active measures shall be taken after construction and during routine maintenance to ensure diffuse flow of stormwater. 6.3 It is the responsibility of the contractor to perform all necessary maintenance during construction. Once construction is complete, the Owner will assume maintenance responsibilities. 6.4 The contractor shall be responsible for stabilizing the work site before moving to the next location. Areas damaged during construction activities shall have necessary additional erosion and sedimentation control measures. 6.5 All moratoriums on construction activities established by the NC Wildlife Resources Commission (WRC), US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), NC Division of Marine Fisheries (DMF), or National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) shall be implemented. Exceptions to this condition require written approval by the resource agency responsible for the given moratorium. A copy of the approval from the resource agency shall be forwarded to DWR. 17-8450-9005/111 B Ot.il O June 2017 " � 8 �+'�SSc)Ciat;P..:� 6.6 A preconstruction meeting is required 30 days prior to the start date to review permitting conditions such as: 6.6.1 The exterior and underside of all vehicles and matting must be steamed or power washed outside of Park property to be free of weeds, seed, debris and mud to prevent the introduction and/or spread of exotic, invasive plants. 6.6.2 The refuge managers shall be contacted before any surface work is done including mowing, digging, clearing or trimming vegetation, installation of structures, etc. 6.6.3 The Point of Contact (POC) will direct any inquiries and communications to the Park during daily operations. 6.6.4 Vehicles and equipment must not interfere with or impede routine visitor traffic or use of park resources. 6.6.5 The only items that will be allowed within the rights-of-way and easements will be equipment and materials necessary for ongoing work at that time. No unused equipment or material will be left in the area for extended durations. All material and equipment not in use at the site will be staged only in designated staging areas approved by the Park. 6.6.6 A meeting between the Park and Permittee representatives must occur on-site to review and approve materials and acceptable plant species prior to planting vegetative cover on the road shoulder. 6.6.7 Any water discharge piping shall be laid and removed by hand. The specific location of piping and discharge will be negotiated and approved in advance during an on-site meeting between the Permittee and Park representative. 6.6.8 An on-site meeting is required immediately prior to the start of construction between representatives of the Park, the construction/maintenance supervisors, and contractor representatives to determine and clarify scope of the project. The construction/maintenance supervisors will contact the District Ranger on the morning of the first and last day of work, advising the location and extent of work crews and equipment in the park. 6.6.9 Contractors/subcontractors will coordinate with the Permittee and Park staff to reduce disruption of normal park activities. At least 48-hours prior to the arrival of heavy construction equipment, contractors will notify the Park's POC and District Ranger to minimize traffic delays that may occur as trailers carrying equipment turn off Highway 12 or access other areas of the Park. 6.6.10 Refer to the Park's annual Hurricane Plan for an outline of steps to be taken under certain storm events and evacuations. The terms and conditions of this plan and all directives issued by the Incident Command must be followed. 6.6.11 From May 1 through November 15, all lighting associated with the Project shall be limited to the immediate area of active construction only and shall be the minimal lighting necessary to comply with safety requirements. Only lights approved in the Biological Opinion and subsequent Section 7 consultations are required to minimize illumination of the nesting beach and nearshore waters. Shielded low pressure sodium vapor lights are highly recommended for lights on offshore equipment. 6.6.12 Discovery of Previously Unknown Remains and Artifacts requires halting construction and must immediately be reported to the park's Cultural Resource Specialist 252-475-9021 and District Engineer 252-475-8308. The district engineer will initiate the Federal, Tribal, and state coordination required to determine if the items or remains warrant a recovery effort or if the site is eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places. 17-8450-9005/111 f� )[)��i �O June 2017 � 9 E�+�SSfI['i��t;P.:� 6.6.13 Contractors must identify all areas to be used to borrow material, or to dispose of fill or waste material for approval by Permittee and USACE to ensure that all borrow and waste activities occur on high ground and do not result in the degradation of adjacent wetlands and streams. 6.6.14 Contractors and agents must comply with the terms and conditions of all permits obtained by NCDOT for Phase I of TIP B-2500 and Cape Hatteras Electric Cooperative for this work. Copies of these permits, including conditions, shall be available at the project site during construction and maintenance of this project. 17-8450-9005/111 f� �����i �O June 2017 � 10 E�+'�SSfICi��t;P..:� APPENDICES 17-8450-9005/111 f��)[)# �1 �O June 2017 �;' S�;4)('j�t,P;; Property Owner: US GOVERNMENT - DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Cape Hatteras National Seashore: National Park Service (NPS) Pea Island National Wildlife Refuge: Fish & Wildlife Service (FWS) Responsible Party for Project: Cape Hatteras Electric Cooperative (CHEC) Cape Hatteras National Seashore 1401 National Park Drive Manteo, NC 27954 Parcel # 025076998 PIN # 071700685112 Deed Book 79, Page 548 Site coordinates: 35.799376, -75.546724 Property Size: 4623 acres Phase 1= 1 acre from existing CHEC substation to new Bonner Bridge ATTN: Steve Thompson - Bonner Bridge Permit Monitor Point of Contact B-2500 / Project Ldr B-2500 B Direct: (252) 216-6455 Fax: (252) 473-2595 Email: steve d thompson@nps.�ov PEA ISLAND NATIONAL WILDILIFE REFUGE P.O.BOX 1969, MANTEO, NC 27954 Parcel # 028727990 PIN # 074200340875 Deed Book 19, Page 451 Site coordinates: 35.764588, -75.520563 Property Size: 4304 acres Phase 2= 2 acres from existing CHEC transmission line pole structures to end of new Bonner Bridge ATTN: Art Beyer — Assistant Refuge Manager Direct: (252) 473-1132 x235 Fax: (252) 473-1668 Email: Arthur beyer@fws.�ov APPENDIX B VICINITY MAP USGS QUADRANGLE MAP 17-8450-9005/111 fj�)Ot}1 �O June 2017 ��' SSilCi�at;P,:� PCN B4: Previous Project Area Jurisdictional Determinations Previous wetland delineations: • Performed by consultants Arcadis in 2004 as well as CZR in 2004, 2006, and 2012. • JD's were confirmed by USACE Wilmington District on January 27, 2004, April 26, 2006 and May 2, 2006 by Mr. William J. Biddlecome. • Phase I delineation was updated in January 2012 and field-verified in March 2012 by USACE and the NC DCM. • An approved JD was issued by USACE on May 4, 2012 (SAW-2012-00715). • Steven Lane of DCM performed field review in March 2012 and concurred with CAMA wetland mapping in May 30, 2012 email. PCN B5: Previous TIP B-2500 Permit Aaprovals ACOE: SAW-2012-00715 issued to NC DOT on May 4, 2012 SAW-1993-03077 issued to NC DOT on August 14, 2013 Modified October 21, 2015 401 Water Quality Certification: Certification No. 003939 issued to NC DOT on September 7, 2012 Modified October 15, 2015 NCDWR Project No.20120629 v.2 CAMA: Permit No. 106-12 issued to NC DOT on September 19, 2012 Modified October 29, 2015 Coast Guard: Bridge Permit 1-15-5 issued to NC DOT on July 31, 2015 NEPA FEIS/EA/ROD : 1993 Draft Environmental Impact Statement 2005 Supplemental Draft Environmental Impact Statement 2007 Supplement to the 2005 Supplemental Draft Environmental Impact Statement 2008 Final Environmental Impact Statement 2010 Environmental Assessment Record of Decision - December 20, 2010 �Caas�al Management ENVIROMMENTAL QUALITY� George Price Manager af Eng�neering & C}perations Ca�pe Hatteras Electrical Cooperative Buxton, NC 27920 252-995-S61b Geor��P@chec.coo� Dear Mr. Price, RQY COQPER Cover�nor �v1ICHAEL S. REGAN Secretary BRAX7'4N C. pAVlS Drrector- 1 am writing in reference to our meeting on March 22, 2017 at th� southern transmission line location on the south side of the Bonner Bridge near Nags Head, Nortn Carolina. I would like to verify that we met on site to asses any environmenCal i�pacts that could patentially come from the proposed work near tne aforementioned transmission lines laeation in regards to the Caastal Area Management Act. After review of the plan drawings and site assessment it app�ars that all necessary precautions have been given to avoid potential impacts ta CAMA. If you have any further questians or are in need of any further assistance pertaining to th�s, ar any other project please feel free to contact me. Sincere�y, � ��,�' _ �_ � Cynthia Rau tree Field Representative NC Division af Coastai Management 401 South Griffin Street, Suite 300 Elizabeth City, l'VC 27909 252-264-39Q 1 �Nothing Comp�res�.�. State of North Carolina � Environmental Quality I Coastal Management �Ifzabeth City Office I•90i So�aih Griffin SEreet, Suite 300 I ElizabetE� City. North Caralina 27909 252 2b4 3901 Coastal Managemer�t Eh€VSRONMENTkL OUkUTY George Price Manager of Engineering & Operations Cape Hatteras Electrical Cooperative Buxton, NC 27920 252-995-5616 Geor ePC ciiee.coo Dear Mr. Price, R4Y COOPER Covernor M1CHA�L S. REGAN Shcretary BRAXTON C, DAVf5 Direcror- I am wr�ting in reference to our meeting on January 18, 2[}17 at the substation �ocated near the Bonner Bridge in Nags Head, I'�orth Carolina. I would like to verify that we met on site to ass�s any environm�ntal impacts that could potentiaYly come from the proposed work near the aforementioned substation in regards ta the Coastal Area Management Act. Aiter review of the plan drawings and site assessment it appears that all n�cessary precautians have been given to avaid pot�ntial impacts to CAMA. If you have any further questions or are in need of any further assistance pertaining to this, or any other project please feel free to cantact �ne. Sincerely, %_ . � �� I��,�.� 6 Cynthia Rountr e Field Representative NG Divisian af Coastal Management 401 South Griffin Street, Suite 300 Elizabeth City, NC 27909 252-264-3901 !`./'Nothing Campares�. State of rorth Carolina I Envira�merttai Quality I Coastal Management Eliaabeth Ciky Office I 401 5outh Griffin Street, Suite 304 I Elizaf�eth Ciry, tJortl� CartiUna 27904 'l5'L 264 3901 APPENDIX E NRCS SOILS MAPS 17-8450-9005/111 fj�)Ot}1 �O June 2017 ��' SSilCi�at;P,:� � a 450300 35° 48' 1" N �� 35° 47' 34" N � �� 8 . _. `��' � -�2 � �.i, � - . _ � r ziA � 45Q�00 Soil Map—Dare County, North Carolina � (Bonner Transmission Relocation - CHNS) _ 450500 450600 450700 450E00 450900 �°�'..Y I � I I a I i:. I� 35° 48 1 N ' - ',� G.�, �;� ��A�� ,.� � ' � ,� . � �..... ^�? , � `�,. ' �' r � s �+Y� � _ , '� , � �� � . � � � � . �, � �. � �.�. `� . �t . ���r . - - ' �", � .,- r ,� .: - r.� � ^�+ ,, � .. '+� F I °r� �� E -- �� Y r � � � �..'.�+�= �,r � � �-� �— � s' ':� '`�"t �'���? ;� + � rf ��i`. r •. �� � - ` � �.µ �� ,� +� i;,,,,�_a� '„`` � �.' - -, . ?�` -�,` , � . �,� ,�' _' ;� .�. j �, ��''; � � � ,:�,:� : �. g . �� I i a - + � z � _ � .�- f�,'� — � � .s' _ p . t� �r � /' �' �'' ` . � � �� _ ,. � � � � y�' � . � ��w' � .. 2� � � � . .� . .. i �ls M + � � �1,�'�. � , --_ �.i:� .���� � , �� �� - g _ . � _ . �.��� ���- �. ;�.;.a4 � . �:, r - ��� � n � �. � _���. „ _ .,, ' � : L• f-. � � � d � r I.X�� ` � . 1%m � ; �`• `�is^ . '. . , �'�� _ � — , �. . �! �: a� ,� � I k ' _ ' i� �c�s! C�9ap s�i�y vroc�rt ���,.'`�lic! ��� ��9��i�-� �c��9�,,a. ii �-�-_ . �. �.i.0 _1, i,i_C: li I I I 450."iW 450400 45(.Y�00 450G00 450700 3 - Map Scale: 1:4,030 if printed on A porhait (8.5" x 11") sheet. ^ N Meters 0 50 100 200 300 � � 0 150 300 600 900 Map projection: Web Mer�tor Comer coordinates: WGS84 Edge tia: UTM Zone 18N WGS84 u� Natural Resources Web Soil Survey � Conservation Service National Cooperative Soil Survey g � m 4508W 450900 3 M � 5/15/2017 Page 1 of 3 35° 47' 34" N MAP LEGEND Area of Interest (AOI) Area of Interest (AOI) Soils Soil Map Unit Polygons ,� Soil Map Unit Lines 0 Soil Map Unit Points Special Point Features (r,j Blowout � Borrow Pit � Clay Spot r� Closed Depression `�! Gravel Pit , Gravelly Spot � Landfill � Lava Flow � Marsh or swamp +� Mine or Quarry � Miscellaneous Water r '� Perennial Water Rock Outcrop -.� Saline Spot ¢ Sandy Spot ,T Severely Eroded Spot '� Sinkhole �: Slide or Slip �a� Sodic Spot Soil Map—Dare County, North Carolina (Bonner Transmission Relocation - CHNS) Spoil Area Stony Spot Very Stony Spat Wet Spot � Other r� Special Line Features Water Features Streams and Canals Transportation � Rails � Interstate Highways US Routes Major Roads Local Roads Background � Aerial Photography MAP INFORMATION The soil surveys that comprise your AOI were mapped at 1:24,000. Warning: Soil Map may not be valid at this scale. Enlargement of maps beyond the scale of mapping can cause misunderstanding of the detail of mapping and accuracy of soil line placement. The maps do not show the small areas of contrasting soils that could have been shown at a more detailed scale. Please rely on the bar scale on each map sheet for map measurements. Source of Map: Natural Resources Conservation Service Web Soil Survey URL: Coordinate System: Web Mercator (EPSG:3857) Maps from the Web Soil Survey are based on the Web Mercator projection, which preserves direction and shape but distorts distance and area. A projection that preserves area, such as the Albers equal-area conic projection, should be used if more accurate calculations of distance or area are required. This product is generated from the USDA-NRCS certified data as of the version date(s) listed below. Soil Survey Area: Dare County, North Carolina Survey Area Data: Version 16, Sep 19, 2016 Soil map units are labeled (as space allows) for map scales 1:50,000 or larger. Date(s) aerial images were photographed: Data not available. The orthophoto or other base map on which the soil lines were compiled and digitized probably differs from the background imagery displayed on these maps. As a result, some minor shifting of map unit boundaries may be evident. U� Natural Resources Web Soil Survey 5/15/2017 � Conservation Service National Cooperative Soil Survey Page 2 of 3 Soil Map—Dare County, North Carolina Map Unit Legend Bonner Transmission Relocation - CHNS Dare County, North Carolina (NC055) Map Unit Symbol Map Unit Name Acres in AOI Percent of AOI CeA Carteret sand, 0 to 2 percent 0.0 0.4% slopes, frequently flooded DtA Duckston fine sand, 0 to 2 2.9 32.4% percent slopes, occasionally flooded NeC Newhan fine sand, 0 to 10 5.4 59.6% percent slopes NhC Newhan-Corolla complex, 0 to 0.7 7.6% 10 percent slopes W Water 0.0 0.0% Totals for Area of Interest 9.0 700.0% USDn Natural Resources Web Soil Survey 5/15/2017 � Conservation Service National Cooperative Soil Survey Page 3 of 3 � Soil Map—Dare County, North Carolina (Bonner Transmission Relocation - PINWR) 452460 452530 452fi00 452G70 452740 35° 46,1" N I . I� .. I I �� al. � �� ��� .. �,,x,���,,.i� w Y � �' ' ,� 1_�� � r� ' y�"�"ti � " • � ,� �' . � - � 'F! �. . n . _ � � � f. � .;� . �. �,�.,, 4 ,,. . . s � .� �"' i � 'k r o ��S � � � � ! � ,. `�� . � �h .. � � f... t� 'w "A,�,.���a ,�, t+ ", k�''ip"`. � � �� � � - -- �,y �:r :d-. i � � � .- ' �'� _ ti� ir.�.��c-x � � h., `_ ! ..4� , } � �.'. , ', � \ 8 �V , ♦ � s 11 � �'• � T#�:k„�� 9 . �� � � ��'w i.,, � rv�� . :i fii,�, , . � " � . 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'� x .�.' r� �� \� R'�'� c..A � • �^'— � � ' + ': � '�� - � � i�� Y.��,�r�'� . � ���' � . .�,._ � ° P , � � � � � � .: � A � � u_.96. '3E �'t �:�c e� k r � M 35° 45' 47" N � � i� Lt?&0 4�52i;5ii 45.i:i10 -is3090 3 � 5/15/2017 Page 1 of 3 MAP LEGEND Area of Interest (AOI) Area of Interest (AOI) Soils Soil Map Unit Polygons ,� Soil Map Unit Lines 0 Soil Map Unit Points Special Point Features (r,j Blowout � Borrow Pit � Clay Spot r� Closed Depression `�! Gravel Pit , Gravelly Spot � Landfill � Lava Flow � Marsh or swamp +� Mine or Quarry � Miscellaneous Water r '� Perennial Water Rock Outcrop -.� Saline Spot ¢ Sandy Spot ,T Severely Eroded Spot '� Sinkhole �: Slide or Slip �a� Sodic Spot Soil Map—Dare County, North Carolina (Bonner Transmission Relocation - PINWR) Spoil Area Stony Spot Very Stony Spat Wet Spot � Other r� Special Line Features Water Features Streams and Canals Transportation � Rails � Interstate Highways US Routes Major Roads Local Roads Background � Aerial Photography MAP INFORMATION The soil surveys that comprise your AOI were mapped at 1:24,000. Warning: Soil Map may not be valid at this scale. Enlargement of maps beyond the scale of mapping can cause misunderstanding of the detail of mapping and accuracy of soil line placement. The maps do not show the small areas of contrasting soils that could have been shown at a more detailed scale. Please rely on the bar scale on each map sheet for map measurements. Source of Map: Natural Resources Conservation Service Web Soil Survey URL: Coordinate System: Web Mercator (EPSG:3857) Maps from the Web Soil Survey are based on the Web Mercator projection, which preserves direction and shape but distorts distance and area. A projection that preserves area, such as the Albers equal-area conic projection, should be used if more accurate calculations of distance or area are required. This product is generated from the USDA-NRCS certified data as of the version date(s) listed below. Soil Survey Area: Dare County, North Carolina Survey Area Data: Version 16, Sep 19, 2016 Soil map units are labeled (as space allows) for map scales 1:50,000 or larger. Date(s) aerial images were photographed: Data not available. The orthophoto or other base map on which the soil lines were compiled and digitized probably differs from the background imagery displayed on these maps. As a result, some minor shifting of map unit boundaries may be evident. U� Natural Resources Web Soil Survey 5/15/2017 � Conservation Service National Cooperative Soil Survey Page 2 of 3 Soil Map—Dare County, North Carolina Map Unit Legend Bonner Transmission Relocation - PINWR Dare County, North Carolina (NC055) Map Unit Symbol Map Unit Name Acres in AOI Percent of AOI CeA Carteret sand, 0 to 2 percent 0.1 0.9% slopes, frequently flooded DtA Duckston fine sand, 0 to 2 8.6 99.1% percent slopes, occasionally flooded Totals for Area of Interest 8.6 100.0% USDn Natural Resources Web Soil Survey 5/15/2017 � Conservation Service National Cooperative Soil Survey Page 3 of 3 �5 Blo; [ [i.�. r�r�Y:�rt'1'ti1[�;ti�rc�F'.��4�Hic��'tr��[�t�r; �«[1,��C�ti�i�:F��.�'►'ION �r:f��'[��E�: I� � _�._ �� . ��� tk�, ,� � , )``l t� P:,e_���� HoA. ` � I � ��� � � ,�F.�r m �w �a�` \ �� � � � , y� °�e �J�' � , � � �tl !i � HoA �\. �, �. { F Ei �J '`�, _ � I � . s .,��_, �road �'�� —"'I �reek -� � , Point �. _' HoA ���5- !Inins shcef 7i �fL'r7PC'f' �.. � � __- � � � �� �, �w i;�.3 /••-� l.L'.li � � i i}€!4 � : �•` ! � . .�� �� �� ' . r ^�' �, l C.oC f � __� �� 1 `� r �] � ��� �' __J ��. r� ow"� � i. � _ alruter , , GeA �," "r ` _J} r� �"�_1 ( 4�,� i c�, � k'� � 3 r ` u�� , �� � �l_ " �j , 7 ���, � �, �j����� � � �� -. f�_ � �� �4' — � � �4� L. � i, ; �\ � CaA �u � �'- � 1 '� `n�� _! � ,� ��' V j q �IA� I,;�� ��' r'_�– _j?, �si l , r _�`��% `� oca� "• `` � " p �� , lL�QI@Y �} (_'_'�! ��' ,�'�� ._ --�✓'" .. -� - ) `_ ,�,p f�' �- 1 =� �tP; t�, � �.. �._, f ,�- -, _-�' , I '� �� _ �w�� �� ��� f.eA � --_ � �� � I'��\' 1 / �� �_,• . j'� ,�, � u, ��e ,� 4 (3tA tl"� CaEi — --- � i, r ��� CeA � � � —� � � � CeA � /� -" �� r'" G'�A �f� �j � � �,�. 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