HomeMy WebLinkAbout20170723 Ver 1_Previous NCDOT TIP B-2500 Permits_20170607DEPARTM�NT OF THE ARMY
[iEPLY T[1
nrr�r�rriov ar- A,i1�U5'� 1�, �� Z�
Regulatary Divisio��
Aetion ID; SAW-1993-03D77
NC I7C}T TIP No, 5-250fl
hiorth Carolina Department of Transportation
Natural En�ir�nment Section Head,
Project Development & EnvironmentaI Analysis Unit
Mr. phil Harris
1598 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, Narth Carolina 27�i99
Dear Mr. Harris:
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In accordance with yvur writiten request of lw�e 26, �(i12 and the ensuing administxative
recard, enclosed is a copy of a Department af the Attiny (DA) permit to dire�tly discharge fill
materi�l in#o Q.49 �cre of wetlands adjacent to 1'JC Highway 12, on th� nortil �tnd s�uth side of
Or�gan Inl�t, in ord�r ta make irnprovements to NC 12 associat�d �r+itl� the cc�nstruction of a new
hridge to replace the �x�sting Herbert C i3anner Brid�e and t� �etain 1,�5U lf afthe existing
bri�ge ta serve as a fishin� pier in Dare Gounty, Norkh Carolina.
Any de�iatian in the authorized war� will likely renuire madificati�n of this pertnit. If a
change in the authorixed wc�i�k is necessary, you shauld pramp�ly submit revised plans tc� the
C�rps shawing the pr�pased clYanges. Yau may not undertake the praposed changes l�ntil the
Cc�rps nt�tifies yc�u that ycatu• per�nit has been modi�'ied.
Carefully read yvur permit. The general and special conditic�ns are impQrtant Yvur
failure to camply �r+ith these condition� �ould result in a �iolation �f Fec�eral law. Certain
signifzcant general conditions require ihat:
a. You must cornplete consiruetion hefore Decernber 3 l, 2023.
h. You must ngtify #hi� of�ice in ad�ance as ta wh�n yau intend to commence and
complete wark.
c. Y'au rnust �allaw representati�es fram this affice tn rna�e periodic vfsits ta your
wox�ksite as deemed necessary to assure campliance with pei�rnit plans arzd canditions.
You sht�uld address all questions regarding this autho�•ization to Mr. Bill Biddlecorne in
the VJashingtc�n Regulat�ry Field �ffic�, telephone numher �9IU) 251-4558.
Thank yflu in advance for cc�mpl�ting our Customer Survey Form. This can be
accarnplished by �isitin� our website at lit�/ll�er�,n����s�ce,ai°iny.mtUS�arvty�Jftm! and
completing the surr�ey on-line. 'U'�e value yaur camments at�d appceciate your taking the time ta
compete a survey each titne yc�u interact with r�ur �ffice.
Cagies Furnish�d (with enGtosures}:
ChieF, 5c�urce Dat� Unit
NC3AAINativna�l �cean Service
131 S East-west Hwy., Rm 7316
Silver Spring, MC 2t�9Iq-3282
Cop�es I'urnished with �pecial conditians
and plans:
U. S. Fish and WildIife Service
Fish and Wildlife Enlxa�acement
Post �ffice Box 33726
P.aleigh, Narth �aralina 27fi36-3726
NIr. Frit.z Rhodes
Nati�nal Marin� Fisheries S�rvice
i� i Pi vers Island Road
B�aufvrt,l�lo��th Caralina 2$51G
Ms, .Tennifer Derby, Chfef
Wetlands Pratectian 5ectian — R�gion IV
Water Management Divisi�n
U. S. Environm�ez�tal Protectian Agency
GI Fvrsyth Street
Atl�n�a, Georgia �I13�3
�lanel, U. S. �rmy
District Cc�mrnander
Mr. To�dd Boweis
Wetlands and Marine Regulatory 5ection
WaCer Pt�tection Di�isian - kegion IV
U. S. Enviranmental Pr�tectic�n Agency
d 1 F�r�yth St. S W
At�ant�, GA 3Q3�3-$9�1
Mr. Doug Hugg�ett
Divisian of Cc�astal Management
N,C, Department of Environmen#
and Natural R�sources
444 C�m�nerce Avenue
Morehead �Gity, N�rth Carolina 28557
Mr. Pace Wilber
National M�rine Fish�ries Servi�e
219 Fort JoE�nsan Road
Cha�•l�s�an, South �a�olina �.9412-9I 1 �
Mr. Mark LaRue
Wetlands �nd Marine R�gulatory 5ectian
Water Management Division - Regi�n IV5
U. S. Enviranrnental Pr�tection Agen�y
G 1 Fc�rsyth Street
Atlaiita, Georgia 3d3(33
Perm ittee:
Permit No.:
Issuing Office: USAED, WILMINGT�N — G�SAW-RG-W
A�1G 1 � 2(113
N�TE. The term "you" and its deri��tives, as used in this peemit, means the per�nittee ar any fieture transFeree. The tenn "this
affice" refels to the apprapri�te disn•�ct or di�ision ot�ice of the Corps of Engineers having jurisd'actinn o�ee the perm9tted
actiwity nr the appra�riate official af that c��ce acting under the a�utharity oFthe co�nrnanding afficer.
You are antharized to perfarm work in accardance with tlie terms and conditians specified belav►r,
Project Descriptinn: The North Garalina I)epartment 6f Transpartation {NCDL7T} has identified this project as TiP No. B
2500, which involues discharging �11 rnaterial direct[y into 0.49 acre af wetlands adjacent to NC Highway 1�, on die north and
snuth side of Dregan lnlet, on Badie Island and the Pea Island Natiotial Wildlife Refuge, in nrder tn make iinproverr►ents tn NC
12 assaciated with the aonstruction of � new 6ridge to eeplace the existing Herbert C Bonner Bridge, and to retain 1,050 [inear
feet of the exisfing Uridge ta serve as � fishir�g pier, in Dare �County, Nnrth Caralina.
Prajcet Locafinn: Thc p�•ojecf, krrawn as TIP Na. B 2S0f}, is a 3.SS mile praject that will ►•epiace the exisEing structurally
deficient and funetianally obsolet� Hcrhert C, iionner Bridge acrass the �rcgon Inl�t from Bodie Island ta Hatteras Isl�nd as
wel[ as minor road wark on both ends af ihe project. The project area contains jurisdictional wefilartds ct�nnecteal ta the
Pamlico Snund, �regon Inlet, and Mvtts Creek. The prQje�t starts at approximate Latitude 35.76339$]V, Langitude
75.518585W and ends at approximate Latitude 35.80232lN, Longitude 75.546214W. The project is lacated in the Pasyuot�nk
River Basin, Hydrologie Unit Q301 C]205.
Permit Canditinns:
General GondikiQns:
I. The time limit for compteting the work avtharized end� on l3ecem6er 31, 2U23 Tf yQu find that yau need
rrtore t�me to eomplete the authariaed activity, suhmit your request fnr a time extensinn to tlns aftice far cansideratian
at least nne manth before the abp�e date is reached.
2. You mUst maintain the acti�ity authnrized by this permi# in gond condition and in ennfar�ance with the terms and
eonditions af this permit. Yau are ntst relieved of #f�is requirement if you abandon the permitted activity, althauglt you
may make a gaad faith transfer to .a third party in camptiance with General Conditinn 4 below. Shoutd yau rvish to
tease to maintain the �uthorized activity or shnuld yau desire to ahandon it withnut a�aod faith transfer, yau must
nbtain a modi�cation a� this perrnit frorn this office, which may require restaration of the area.
3. If yau discaver any prev�nusiy unknawn historie ar archealagieal rernains while accornplishing the acti�ity
authorized by this permit, yau must immediate[y notefy this office af WE�at you E�ave found. We will initiate the Federat
Ci�1G F'flRM I72I, i�1ov $G EDITION QP SEP $2 IS �BSdLGTE. (3.3 CFR 325 (Apper�di.� r!})
anri state coordtnatiun required ta deter�nina if the remaiszs warrant a r�covery eFfart or if the site is eligihle for listing
in ihe Natinnal Register nf Historie Ptaces.
4. If you selt the prn�erty �ssociated vvith this p�ermit, you me�st obiain th� signature af the new own�r in the space
pruvided anti fflrward a copy of the permit to t�ais office to �alidate the transfer of this autt►orixatinn.
5. If a condiEioned water qualiiy certi�c�fian h�s been issued for yaur projeet, you must eomply with the c�nditions
in th� certi�cati�n �s spe�ial c�n�litions to this permit. Fnr your eQnvenience, a copy aC #he cerfi��atian is att�ched if it
cuntains su�h conditions.
6. Yc�u must allow representa#ives i'rorn khis of�ce #o inspect the authorixed acfivity at any time cieemed necess�r•y to
ensure that it is being or hns been accamplished in ascorda�sce with the t�rms and eanditians oiyour permit,
Speciai Can[iitions:
Further Information:
1. Cangressional Authorities: You h�ve been au#harixeci t�j undertake the activity describ�d ahave pursuant ta:
( X} S�ctinn 10 of tt�e Rivers and Harbars Aci of 1$9g (33 [I.S.C. 443),
('�{ } Seetian 4i14 af fhe Clean Water Aet (33 U.S.C. 1344j.
{ j SecQion 103 of the Marine Protection, Research and 5anctuaries Act nf 1972 (33 U.S.C. 1413),
2. Limi#s ofthis authorizatian.
a. This permit �ines not uhViat� the need ta obtain otiaer Federal, st�tte, �r local authorizaYions required hy law.
b. This permit does naf grant any property rights ar exelusive privileges.
c. This permit does nnt authorize any iojury tn the praperty ar rights o�nthers.
d. This perrr�it dnes not authaeize interferenee with aa�y existing or proposed FederaI �raject.
3. Litnits vf Federal Li�hiliiy. In issuing this permit, the Federal Go�ernment daes not assu�ne any liatsiiity fcsr the
a. Uatt�a�ges ta the permitted proj�ct or uses thereof �s a res�lt of vther permitted or unpermitted aetivities ar
from natural causes.
b. Damages ta the permitted prajecc �rr uses� therenf as a res�sli of turreni or future acti�ities undertaken by or nn
behalFof the Llnited States ir� the public interest.
e. f�amages to persar�s, properky, ar to other permitted or uapermitted activifie� or structures eaused by the
ackivity autharixed by this permit.
d. Oesign or cnnstruction de�ciencies associated with the permitted work.
i *U.5_ GC?VERI+INI�N7' PRfN7'1NG DFFICE_ 198G-717-�425
c. Osmage claims associa#ed witl� ��y fu#ure mntii�cation, saspension, ar revo�afian n1'tl�is �Sermi#.
4. R�liance nn Applicant's Data: T�ie d�termination of this c�ffire that issuance af this perimit is not contrary ta the
pubiic r`nterest was ma�le in reliauee oii fhe "rnf�rmati�n yt�u provicied.
5. T�eeaa[uatian of Perrnit Decisian. This af�c�e may reevaluate its d�cision on this permit at any tirne the
circu[nstances warran#. Circumstanc�s that cou[d reqvire a ree�aluatFan inclue�e, hut are not Eimited tc�, ti�� fallnwing:
a. You Yail to comply with the terms and conditions of this permit.
b. The iufnrr�ratinn pra�ided by you in sup�aort of your permit applica[ion proves to haVe been false, incnmplete, ar
inaccurate (See 4 abo�e).
c. Signi�cant new infarmaYion surfac+es whicN this af�ee did nat cansid�r in reaching the ariginal public interest
'Such a reevaluatio�x may result in a determinatian that it is ��rproPriade Eo use tk�e suspensian, rnoditicatian, and
re�acatian pracedures contained in 33 CFR 325.7 or enfarcement prncecJures such as thase cnntained in 33 CFR 326.�4
and 32b.5. The referenced enfarcement procedc�res pruvide iur the �ssaa�ce of an administrative arder requiring you ta
cnmply with the terms and conditlnns of yaur permit and for tf�� initiatit�n af lega! acfion wt�ere appropriafe. You wifl
be required ta pay fo�• any correcti�e measures ordered by this of�ce, and if yau fail to cornply with such directive, this
of�ce may in certain situations (such as those speci�ed in 33 CFR 2i]9.17U} acGamplish tt�e carrective measures by
contract ar otherwise and bill yau for the cost.
6. Extensions. General cnndi#ion 1 estahlishes a time limit for the completion of the activity authorized hy this permit,
[Jnless there are circumstances requiring either a�rompt campfe#ion of the authari�ed acti�i#y ar a reev�aluation of the
paFalic interest decisinn, fhe Cnrps will norroally give favnrable cnnsitleratinn to a request Pvr an extension nf this ti�ne
*U.S. GQVERI+IMF.F�T PRfNT[NG i]�F1�E' I986-717-425
Y�our signature belaw, as permit#ee, indicates that you accept and agree tn cnmpiy ►vith th+� terms and +eonditions af this
r"� � � , �
�_ � � �� ��
(PERMITTEEJ l'+�i T {'� 'o+� {DAT�'}
This permit becumes e,�fecti�e when the�ederal�iiieial, designate€i tn aet fvr the Secretary of the Army, ihas signed
below. �� / /
2 C? I��+�i.� '�'� � c� 1 3
AIl E}
When the struci�r�§ or worlc autl�qrized by this permit are still in euisfence at the time the property is tran�ferret�, th�e
tercrts and �nnrlitions of this permi# will �ontinue ta be binding ae� the new ow�ter(s} uf the property. Te v�lidate the
transfer af this permit and the assocea#ed liabilities associated with cor�pliance with its terms and �nnditinns, hawe the
tr�nsferee sign and date b�low.
`t1.5. GflVERNMENT PR4NTiNG dFFICE: i986 - 717-425
ACTION YD SAW-I9�3-03077 (TIP PR�JECT 1w0. B 250U}
FaiIure to institute and carry out the details of the following special cnnditions belaw (listed as a-
aa) will resuIt izt a dire�five ta cease aIl ongoing and permitted wc�rk within waters of the United
States, including wetlands, assc�ciated with the permitted praject, or such nther remedies andlor
�nes �s the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers District Commander ar his authorized repr�sentatives
rnay seek.
a) AII work authori2ed by this permit must he pe�•formed in stri�t conzpliance with the attached
plans dated/submitied June 5, 20I2, which is a part of this permit. Any modification to these
plar�s must be approt�ed by the US Army Gorps +of Engineers (USACE} priar to implementation.
h) Except as autharized by this permit or any USAGE appraved modification to this permit, na
excavatian, fill or mechanized land-clearing aoti�ities shall take place at any time in the
coa�struction or maintenanc� af this praject, within waters �r wetlands. This permit daes noi
autharize t�mparary placement or d�uble handling �f exca�ated vr fill material within �vaters or
wetlands vutside the permitted area. This }�rohihitiQn �pplies tQ all barrow and fill activities
connected with this praject,
c} To ettaure that all borrQvt+ and waste acfivities vccur on high ground and do not result in the
degradafiian of adjacent wetlands and streams, except as attthariz�d by this permit, the permittee
shall require its contxactars andlor agents ta identify al] areas ta be used to borrow material, or ta
dispose of di•edged, fill, or waste matez•ial. The permittee shalt pravide the USACE with
apprapr'rate maps indi�ating the 1Qcatians of propcased borrflw or waste sites as soon as the
permi#lee has that infarrnatian. The permittee wiIl coordinate with the USACE befare approving
any borraw ar wast� sites that axe within 400 feet af any st�•eams ar wetlands to ensure that all
such areas camply with the preceding conditian �b) of this perm'rt. 1kTCDaT shall require its
contractors ta compiete and execute reclainatiQn plans for each waste and }afli�ow site and
provide writtan documentati�n that the reclamatian plans ha�e been implemented and all wark is
completed, This dacumeiltation will be pra�ided tv the Cnrps �f Engineers with.in 3� days Qfthe
�ompletion of the reclamatinix wark.
d) Except as specified in the plans attached to this permit, no excavation, fill or mechanized land-
Glearing a�ti�ities shall take place at any time in the construction or rnaintenance of tlus project,
in such a manner as to impair nQrmal flows and eirculation patterns within waters or wetlands or
to reduce the reach af waters ar wetl�nds.
e} 'I'he Pernuttee shali schedule an ansite pr�coi�structian zneeting between its representati�es,
contractor'� representati�es and ttte appropriate Cor��s of Eragin�ers Pi�oject Manager priar to
undertaking any work within jurisd�ctional waters an�l wetlands to ensure that there is a mutual
understanding of all texms and conditi�ns cvntained witlaii� the Depac�tment af the Army perznit.
ACTION ID SAW-1993-43077 (TIP PR�,TECT NO. B 25UD)
Tl�e Pertnittee shall natify the Gorps af Engineers Praject PVlanag�r a minimum of thirty (30}
days in advance af the scheduled meetin�; in order to prc�vide that indi�+idual with �.mple
opportunity to schedul� and participate in the required meefiing.
f} This pec�nit aniy authorizes wark on Phase I af TIP B-250�. Canstr.uctit�n an suhsequent
phases of TIP B-25a� shall noi cc�mmence iit�til appror�al has �een obtained by tl�e US Army
Corps of Engineet•s (the Corps} in accoxdance with this permit au#horazation thrc�ugh an app�•aved
modification or a separate permit authorizatian.
g� The pexmitte� shall require its contractors andfnr agents tn cvmply with the teixns and
conditions of this permit in the �anstructian and maintenance ofihis praject, and shail prc�vide
ea�h of its contractors andlar agents associated with the c�iistruclion ar maintenance af this
p��uj�ct wi#h a copy of this permit. A copy of this pei�snit, inciuding all ct�ndi#ions, shall be
availahle at the project site during constructian and inaintsnance of this prdject.
Relatec� Laws
I�) The Nort1' Carolina Divisian of Water Quatity has issued a conditioned Water Quality
Certificatian for your project. The conditir�ns Qf that certification are hereby incatporated as
spacial conditions of this pernut. For your canvenience, a copy �f ihe certification is attached as
Exhihit A. These referenced canditians are her�by incorporated as special conditions af this
i} Ail mechanized equipment wi116e regularly insp�ected and maintained to prevent
cantaminatian Qf waters and wetla.nds fram fu�ls, Iubricants, hydraulic fluids, oi� other taxic
materiais. In the e�ent of a spil� of petroleum products or any other hazarc�ous waste, the
pemaittee shall immediately report it to the N.G. Division c�f Water Quality at (919) 733-SaB�,
Ext. 52b or �$40� Gf�-7956 and pra�+isions �fthe 1Vorth Garolina �il Pallution and Ha�ardaus
Substances Control Act will be follvwed.
j) The Pennittee shall fully ahide hy al] conditions �Fthe CAMA Maj�r Development Permit Na.
I06-1�, dated �epteml�er 19, 2Qi2, issu�d l�y the Nvrth Caralina L)ivision af �aastal
Management, which are incarparated herein by r�eference.
k} The Pernuttee sl�all fully implement the Pragraminatic Agreement between the Pei�rnittee, ttte
Nurth Carolina State Historic Preser�ation Ufficer, the Ad�isory Ca►ancil an Historic
Preseivatian, and the Federal Highway Administration, signed in hl�vember �O 1 U, which is
incarpc�rated herein by referenc�.
Praject Maintenance
lj The permittee shall advise the Cc�i•ps in w�•iting priQr to begimiin�; th� wark autharized by this
pertnit and again upon coxnpletion of the warl� auth�orized by this permit.
m) Unle�s atherwise autht�rized by this perrnit, all fill material placed in waters or we#lands shall
he generat�d from an upland source and will be cIean and free �f any pallutants except in trace
quantities, J'vletal produc#s, organic materials (inciuding debris #'rom land clearing aciivities), or
tansightly debris will not be use�.
n} The permittee shall employ all s�dirnenta#i�n and erasivn cantrol meas�res necessary to
prevent an increase ia s�dimentation ar turbidity within watet�s and wetlands outside the pen�it
area, This shall incli�de, but is not limited tca, the immediate installatioii of silt fencing or similar
appropriate devices art�und all areas subject to svil disturbance �r the m�o�ement of eai�then fill,
and the immediate stabilizati�n nf all dishlrb�d areas. Additianally, the praject must remain in
full eampliance witii all aspects af tl�e �edimentation Pollution �ontrol Act af 1973 (Nc�rth
Carolina General Statutes Chapter 113A Article �4}.
o j The permittee slaall remave all sediment and erosion control mea�se�res place in wetlands ar
waters, and shall restore natural grades an those areas, priar ta project eompl�tian.
p} During the cle�ing phase afthe praje�t, hear�y equipment rnust not be aperated ir� sw•face
waters ar stxea�m channels. Temporary stream crassings will be used to access the apposite sides
of stream ck�annels, All temporary di�ersion channels and stream crossings will be construct�d
af nQn-erodible materials. Gruk�bing t�f ripartan �regetatian will nat occur until immediately
before construction begins on a giwen segrnent of stream �hannei.
q) No fill ar exc�r�ation f�r the purpose of sedimentation and erosir�n control shall accur wit�in
jurisdictianal waters, in�luding wetlands, unjess it is included on the plan drawing and
specifically authari�ed 6y this permit.
r) The permit#ee, i�pon receip# cr#'a natice of revocatian oftlus perrnit ar upan its expiratian
hefore completion at'the work will, wifihout expense to the United States and in such time and
manner a� the Seeretary of the Army or his authorized representati�e may direct, restore the
wa#er c�r wetland ta its pre-praject can�lition.
s} AZI measures will be taken to avoid any temporary ftll fiatn eiitering inta Oregon Inlet and the
PamlicQ �aund fram brid,ge demolition. Bridge demolitian shali falIaw NCD{JT best
ACTI�N ID SAW-1993-03077 {TIP PRO�,�ECT NU. B 25DQ�
mana�ement practi�es for c�nstructian and inaintenarrce activities dated A,ugust 2403 and
incarporate NCD(3T palicy entitled `°Bridge Demalitian and ltemaval in'JVaters of the United
Stafes" dated September 2U, I999,
i) Vialati�ns afthese candifians ar violations of Sec#ian 4D4 ofthe Clean GVater Act or Sectian 1�
c�f the i�ivers and Harbors Aci must be reported 'u� wiiting ta the Wilmington District LI.S. Army
Gozps of Engineers �+ithin 24 hours af the permiitee's disco�ery af the violativn.
u} The perrmittee shall take measw•es to prevent live or fie�h concr�te fram cQming u�to cc�ntact with
any surface waters unti 1 the concrete has harden�d.
v7 A representative o�the Co��ps afEngineers will periadical�y and randomly inspect the wark
for ctrmpliance with these eonditions. Deviatians t�ram these procedures may �•esult in an
administrative f nan�ial genalty andlor directi�e ta cease work untii the prablem is resolVed tv
the satisfactian of the C�zps.
w� Compensatary rnitigation far impacts to Q.49 acres oF wetlands associated with the praposed
projeet shall �e pravided in accordance with the dflcumerit titled "�inal Watland Miti,�ation plan
NC 12 Replac�mei�t af Herber� C. B+oriner Bridge �Bridge �+lo. � 1) over Dregan Ittlet prepared by
the Unitet� States National Park Service and the Narth Carolin$ De}�artment of Transportation
dated January 3�, 2013. Acti�ities prescribed by th�s plan shall Eae initiated prior tt�, nr
�ancun•erttly with, canuneneement af any constructian acti�ities within jurisdicti�nal areas
�uiharized by fhis per�nit,
Sectian 1�(Related Chily to the Retention of 1,450 Linear Feet of the Clriginal Bvn�er Bridge
Which is Being Retained as a Na�igatian Training Structurel Public Fishing Pier
x) The permittee, upan receipt of a n�tiCe af rev+�catic�n af this p�rn�it or upon its expiration
hefore c�mpletion af the work will, withaut expezzse to th� United States and in such time and
manrz�er as the Secretary of the Army or his authoxized representative may direct, r�star� the
waterway ta its former conditions. If the pei7nittee fails to camply with this dire�tian, the
Secretary or his representative may restore the waterway, by cantract or atherwise, and reco�er
the cost from the permittee.
y} The autharixed structure and ass�aiated activity must n�t interfere with the public's right ta
fi•ee naVigation on all navigable waters ofthe United States. No attempt wi11 be made by th�
ACTIUN ID '�AW-�993-U3U77 �TIP PRaJECT NU. B 2�0�)
permittee to prevent the full and free use by the public of alI navigable waters at c�r adjacent to
the autharized vvr�rk far reasc�n nther than safety.
zj The p�rrnittee und�rstands and agrees that, if futur� op�ra#ians by the Llnited �tates require the
removal, i�elacati�n, or ather ait�rati�n, of the structure or rvork herein auth�rized, or if, in the
opinian of �he Secretaxy of the Army c��• his auth�rized reparesentative, said st�•ucture or work shall
cause unreas�nable obstructinn ta fihe ftee navigation of the navigabl� waters, the perrnittee will
be reyuired, upan due natice fram the U.S. t�,rmy Carp� of Bngin�ers, to r�mave, relocate, �r
alte� the structuxal wa��� ar obstructions ca�ised thereby, without expense to th� Uiiited S#ates.
Na cIa�m �hall be made against the United States on ac�caunt ofany such remaval, relacation, ar
alteration. The pei�rnittee shall notify N�AA/NATIUl�IA� C)CEAN SERVICE Cl�ief Sour�e D�.ta
Unit N CS2G1, 1315 E West HWY- RM 7316, 5il�e�• Spring, MD 2D�14-3282 at least twc� w�eks
priar to beginning w�rk and upvn completion af wQrk.
aa) The permittee must insiall and maintain, at his expense, any signal lights and signals
pre�cribed by the U,S. Caast Guarda thxough �egulations Qr �rtherwise, t�n autharized facilities.
For further infarma#ian, the permitiee shQul� �ontact the U.S. Caast Guard 1Vlarine Safety �ff�e
at (914) 772-219� 1.
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Pi'�Q]ECT: 3�G�5.1.4 & 32b35.a.irV3 (F3-2500 Phase I}
NC 1?-REPLA�Eh�Eiti"f flF I-I�R[3ERT
SIIEET 3 �F 45
a.�P�v ra
n�-rs�urroN af
Re�uiatary Division
Actian ID: SAW-1993-03D7?
NC DfJT TIP 1'ti1o, B-25(l0
3une 4, 2Q14
North CarQlina Department Qf Transportatian
Natural En�ironment 5ec#ian Head,
Projeet De�elopment & EnvirQnmental �nalysis Unit
Mr. Richard Hancock, P.E.
1598 Mail Service Center
�aleigh, T�larth Caralina 27699
Dear Mr. Hancack:
� i � ��- � �� �ti
� r � � f 5� ��� �
<<„ �
- i
:� �� JUN � � �D14 ' +�-
This letter is in reference to y�ur request of December 9, 2f}13, ta rnodify the Department of
the Army permit issued to yau an August 14, 2013. In accordance with your written request of
June 2G, 2i�12 and the ensuing administrative recard, enciosed is� a cog� flf a Department of the
Army �DA) perrrtit ta directIy discharge filI material into (1.49 �cre of wetlands adjacent t� 1'�fC
Highway 12, an the narth and s�uth side of Qregvn Inlet, in order to make impro�ern�ents ta i'+1C
l2 assaciated with the canstructiran af a new bridge ta replace the existing Herbert C Bonner
Bridge and to re�Eain 1,Q50 lf af the existing bridge to serve as a training structure in Dare
�ounty, Narth Caroiina.
Any devi�tion in the authorized wflrk will likely xequire modificatian of this permit. If a
change in the authoxized work is necessary, you should pro�nptly submit revised plans to the
Carps shawing the pr�pc�sed changes. You may nat undertake the propased changes until the
Corps natifies yau that your p�rnait has been modified.
Carefully read your germit. The general and special conditians are important. Yaur fa�lure
to comply with these canditions coutd result in a violation of Federal law, �ertain signaficant
general �anditions require that:
a. Yau must cnmplete canstrezction before December 31, 2019.
ta. You must natify tfiis office in advance as ta wh�n you intend to commence and
complete work.
c. Y'nu must allaw r�presenta#ir�es from this c�ffice to malee periodic visits to yc�ur
wQrksite as deemed necessary to assure compliance with permit plans and conditi�ns.
You sh�uld address all questions regarding this autliorization ta Mr. Bill �iddlecame �n the
Washington R�gulatc�ry Field 1�ffice, telephone number (910} �51-�455$.
Thank you in ad�ance far completing our Custamer Survey Form, This �an be aC�amplzshe�
by visiti�g our website at http:llper2.nwp.usace.army.miVsurve�html and completing tl►e sun+�y
a�n-line. We �alue your comments and appreciate yaur taking ihe time ta campete a survey each
time yau interact with vur affice.
Capies Furnished (with enclvsures);
Chief, Saurce Data LTnit
N(7AAINational C]cean Service
1315 East-west �-Iwy., �m 7316
Silver Spring, MC �091 b-3282
Capies Furnished with special canditivns
and plan�.
U. S. Fzsh and Wildlife Ser�ice
Fish and Wildlife Enhancement
post 4ffi+ce Box 33726
Rateigh, North Carolina 27636-372f
Mr. Fritz Rohde
1Vatiunal Marine Fisheries Servic�
1� 1 Pi��rs Island Road
Beaufort, Narth �ar�I�na 28S 1 G
UL} r
Ste��n . B�ker
Calonel, U. S, Arr�y
Distri�t Commander
Mr. Tadd Bowers
Wetlands and Marine Regulatvey S�ctian
Water Protectic�n D"zr�ision - Regian IV
U, S. En�ironmenta.l Fr�otectic�n A�ency
61 Fflrsyth St. 5W
Atlanta, GA 30303-$931
Mr. Doug Huggett
Division of Coastal Maxta.gement
N.C. Department af Environment
and Natural Resources
4f3�7 Cammerce A�enue
Moxehead City, North Carolir�a 28SS7
Mr. Pa�e Wi�her
Natianal Marine Fisheries Service
2� 9 Fc�rt Jaiznsan Aoad
Charleston, South Carolina 2�412-911 D
Perm�t No.
issuing Office; USAED, WD.MINGT�N — CESAW-IZG-W
1UN 01 ZOi4
►�ua. w,�,n�+. r�p, q��
f�TU'TE: The term '"yau" and its derivatives, as used in this perniit, means the permittee ar any future transferee. The ierm "'this
o�ce" refers to the appropriate district �r division nffice nf the Co�ss of Engineers having jurisdiction over the perrnitied
activity or the appropriate official nf that office acting under the authority of the cammandir�g officer.
Y�ru sre authorized to perfprm work in accvrdanee with the terms �nd cunditioas specitied �elow.
Project Descriptiaa: The North Carolina I]epartrnent of Transpartation {NCDC}T} has identified this prc�ject as T'IP B25U0,
rvhich involves discharging fill material directly into �.49 acre of wetlands and ternpor�rily impacting �}.38 acre afwetlands
adjacent to NC Highway 12, nn the north and sauth side of Gregon Inlet, in the Pea Island ]Vatianal Wildlife Refuge, in order to
make improvements to NC 12 associated with the construction of a new bridge to replace the existing Herbert C Bonner 6ridge
and to retain 1,450 lf of the existing hridge to serve as a craining structure, in Qare County, T1orth Carolina.
Project Location: The prajecc, knawn as TIP IVo. B 2500, is a 3.55 mile project that will replace the currently existing
structurally defiantly obsolete Herbert C. Bonner Bridge across the Oregnu Inlet from Bodie lslgnd ta Hatteras Is]and as well as
minor road work on both ends of the project. The praject area contains jurisdietional wetlands cc�nnected to the Parnlico
Sound, Oregon Inlet, and Motts Creek. The project starts at approximate Latitude 35.763398hi, Longitude 75.518585W and
ends at approximate Latitude 35.8Q232]T�, Langitude 75.545214W. The project is laaatad in the Pasguotank Ri�er Hasin,
Hydralogic Unit 03010205.
Permit C�nditions.
Gederal Condirions;
1. The time limit for completing the wnrk suthorized ends an Dec�mber 31, 20I� If you �nd that you need
mnre time tv eomp[ete the authorized activity, submit your requ+est fnr a time extension ta this otfice tar cansideration
at least aae mnnth before the ahove date is reachecL
Z. You must maintain the activity authorixed by tt�is permi# io gond candition and io canfarmance with the terms and
conditions of this permii. You are not relie�ed af th'rs requirerneni iFyou �handao t5e permitte�d acti�iry, although yon
may make a gaod faith transfer ta a third party in campliance with General Ccsndition 4 belaw. Should you wish to
cease to maintain the authorized aetivity or shauld you desire to ahandon it without a good faith transfer, ycru must
obtain a modification of this permit from this af�i�e, which may require restaratian of the area.
3. if you discover any preriausly uoknawn histaric or archealogical remains while accomplishiag the �cti�ity
aathorixed by this permit, yo� must immediately nptily this office of what you have foupd. We will initiate the Federal
ENG FQRM 172l. Nn�v Sb EDI7'iDN CJF SEA 82 CS OBSfILETE. (33 Cx7t 325 {,Qppendir �t)}
and state evordinatinn reyuired to defermine iF the remains warrant a reev�ery efTvrt vr iF the site is eligible Fvr Iisting
in the Natic���i Ctegister oi Histvrie Plaees.
4. IFyvu seil the prv�erty assnciate[� with this permit, yv� m�st vbtain the signat�re vf the ne►� vwner in the spaee
pro�ided and ivrward a co�y vf the �ermit to this o�ce to �alit�ate the transFer vf this authvrizativn.
S. IFa evnditivned water s�uality eerti�eatinn has been iss�ed For,yv�r projeet, yv� m�st evmply with the evnditions
in the eerti�eativn as speciai con€ditinns tr� this �ermi� F`or yvur eon�enienee, a cn�y oi the eerti�eativn is atfaehed iF it
eontains s�eh evrtditinns.
G. Yvu m�st ailow re�resentatives frnm this oFfice to inspect the authvrixed aeti�ity at an,y time deemed neeessary tv
ensure that it is �eing ar l�as �Seen a��s�mplished in acevrdance with the terms and conditions vf yvur per€nit,
5peeial Cvnditivns:
k'�rther �.nformativn:
l. Cangz-�ssional Authvrities: Yvu ha�e heen �uihnrized tv unciertake the a�fir�ity descril�ed abtive �ursuant tv:
( X} Seetivn 10 vF ti�e Ri�ers a�d Harbvrs Aet vF 1899 (33 U.�.C. 4�3).
( X) Seetion 404 vFthe Clean Wa�er Aet (33 U.S.C. �344).
[} Seetiv� ] D3 vi the Marine 1'r�te�tiv�, �tesearc�u and Sanc�uaries Act oi 1972 (33 C�.S.C. I4I3).
2. i.�imits vF this a�thvrir,�iivn.
a. Tl�is permit dves nvt vb�iate the need tv obi�i� other �"ederal, s1�te, or loc�� authorixations required by Iaw.
b. This permit dves not grant any �rtiperfY rights ar exclusi�e pri�ileges.
e. This permit dves �€�t authorize anv injury tr� the property or rights of others.
d. This permit does �ot autho��i�e inter%renee with any existing or proposed F`ederal projeet.
3. Limits ni �'ederal �iahility. In issuing this permit, the F`ederal t;v�ernment dves nvt ass�me any liabitity fvr fhe
a. Damages to the permitted projeet vr uses therevFas a res�lt oF vther permitted vr �npermitted aetir�ities or
iru€n �atural ca�ses.
h. Damages to the �ermittcd prvjeet vr uses therevf as a res�lt of e�rr�nt vr %ture aeti�ities �ndertakett k�y €�r vn
bei�alF vF the United States in the publie interest.
e. Damages tv persv�s, prvperty, vr tn other per€nitted vr un�er€nitted aetir�ities �r structures caused by the
aeti�ity authvrixed �Sy ihis �ermit.
d. Design vr evnstru�tivn de�ciencies ass�ciated r�vith the �ermitted wark.
*�1.5. GDVi�R�Mf:'1� € PRIN� ITvCi tlFFiC�: 19$fi_717-425
e, Damage claims associated with any future mociificat#nn, suspensinn, nr revoc�tion af this perrnit.
4. Reliance on Applicant"s Data: The determinatian af this offiee thst issuance af this permit is ncrt coptrary ia the
puhlic interest was made in reliance on the informatinn you prnvided.
5. Reeva[uation of P'ermit Decisinn. This office may reevaluste its decision on this permit at any time the
circumstances warrant, C°trcumstances that coul� require a r+eev�luatipn inclvde, but are nat limited tn, the Fnllawing:
a. You fail #o carriply with the terrns and canditians af this permit.
h. The in%rmation pro�ided by you in suppart of your permit ap�lic�tian proves to have been false, iacnmplete, or
inaccurate {See 4 abo�ej,
c. Significaat uew infarmation surfaces which #his of�ee did not consider in reaching the tsriginal pubIIc interest
Such a reer�al�ation may result in a determina#ion tftat it is appropriate ta use the suspension, madificatinn, and
re�oegtion prgcec3ures contained in 33 CFR 325,7 or enfarcement praeedures such as thase cor�#ained in 33 CFR 32b.4
and 325.5. The referenced enfnrcement procedures pra►+ide far the issuance of $a admioistrative arder requiring you ta
tomply with the terms and cnnditians af yssur perrnit and for the it�itiation af legal act�on where apprapriate. You will
be reyuired to pay far any eorrectr�e nzeasures ordered by this office, and if you iail to campty with such directi►+e, this
office may in rertain situatinns {sueh as those specifed in 33 CFR 2i19.170) �ccgmplish the corrective measures hy
contract or ntherwise an�i hill you iar the eost.
6. Extensions. General coadition 1 estahlishes a time limit fflr the completinn af the activity aatharized by this permit,
U�less there are circumstances requiring either a prompt campletion of the authoeized acti�ity or a ree�aluatian oi the
public inteeest decisit�n, tFse Carps wil! aormally gi�e fa�arable cansideration to a r�quest for an extension of this time
*U.S. GOV6RNfv1Lh(T PitlN'l`1NG C7FFICE; l4$6-717-42i
Ya�rr signatnre 6elvw, as permittee, iadiestes that you aceept and agree to cnmply w�th the terms snd conditians of thi�
pherm it.
� �
�� �� � ���
This permit becames eft`ective when the Feder�l ntTcial, designated tu act for the Secretary of the Army, has signed
��Y�-� l�
Wf�en the structut�es nr work �uthorized by this permit are stil[ in existeoce at the ti�e thc property is transferred, the
terms and eooditions af tlrfs permit will cantir�ue to be �inding an the new owner(s) af the prpperty, T� ��lidate the
transfer nf tE�is permit and khe associated liabilities associated with eompiiance with its ferms and conditions, hare the
tr�asferee sigr� and date below.
'U.S. GCiVERI�iMENT FRINTING (IFPICE: 1486 - 717-425
F'ailure to institute and carey out the details af the follov�ring special conditions below (listed as a-
aa) will result in a directi�e ta eease all angoing and pemutted wark within waters of the Uruted
States, in�luding wetlands, assaciated with the permitted project, or such other remedies andlar
fines as the U.S. Army Corps af Engineers District Commander ar his autharized representatives
may seek.
a) Ail wark authorized l�y this permit must k�e perfc�rmed in strict compliance with the attached
plans datedlsubmit�ed June 5, 2Q12, which is a�art �f #�is perrnit. Any modifi�ation tn these
pians inust be a�prvved by the U5 Army Carps nf Engineers (USACE} pr�ar to implementation.
b} Except as autharized by this permit or any USACE apgro�ed mvdification to this permit, no
excavatian, fill ar mechanized land-clearin� activities shall take place at any time in the
canstructian ar rnaintenance af this project, within waters or wetlands. This permit daes nat
authorize temporary placemeni or dauble handling of exca�ated or f II material within waters or
wetlands autside the permitted area. This prohihition appli�s to all barrow and fill aetivities
connected with this praject.
c} To ensure that all barraw and waste acti�ities occur on high ground an�1 da not result in the
degradation of adjacent wetlands and streams, except as authorized by this permi#, the permittee
shall require its contractors and/or agents tQ identify all areas to be used t� borrow material, ar to
dispose of dredged, fill, ar waste macerial. The permittee shall provide the USAGE wit1�
appropriate maps indicating the locations of propased borrow or waste sites as soon as the
permittee has that information. The pern�ittee will coordinate with the USACE before approwing
any l�c�rrow ar waste sites that are within 4Q� feet af any streams c�r wetlands to ensure that aII
such areas comply with the greceding condition (b) of this permit. NCD�T shail require its
cantractors to complete and execute re�lamatian plans far each waste and borrow site aud
provide written dacumentatian that the reclamation plans ha�e b+een implemented and all work is
completed, This dacumentation will he pravided ta the Corps of Engineers within 3Q days of the
completion of the reclamatian work.
d) Except as specified in F.he plans attached to this permit, no excavati�n, fill or mechanized land-
clearing acti�ities shall take place at any time in the construction ar maintenance of this prpject,
in such a manner as t� impair normal flows and circulation patterns within waters or wetlands or
ta reduce the reach of' waters or wetlands.
e} 'The Permittee shali schedule an ansite prect�nstruction meeting between its representatives,
the cantractor's representatives and the appropriate Corps of Engineers Praject Manager prior ta
undertaking any work within jurisdictional waters and wetlands to ensure that there is a mutual
understanding ot'all terms and conditions contained within the Department ofthe Army permit.
ACTION ID 5A�4'-1993-U3077 (TIP PRC7JECT NO�. B 25�0)
The Pertnittee shall notify the Cflrps of Engineers Praject Manager a minimum of thirty �30j
days in advance of the scheduled meeting in order to �rovide that indi�iduaI with ample
oppartunity ta schedule and participate in the required meeting.
� Tlus permit anly autharizes wark on Phase I af TIP B-25QD. Canstruction on subsequent
phases of TIP B-2S(l(? shall nat commen�e until approv�l has been obtained by tl�e US Army
Cc�rps of Engineers (the Carps} in accordance with this permit autharization through an approved
modification ar a separate permit autharization.
g) The }�ermittee sh.all require its contractt�rs andlar agents to camply with the terrns and
condition.s of this permit in the canstruction and maintenance ofthis project, and shall provide
each of its contractars andlar agents associated with the construction or mainte�iance of this
prvject with a c+�py Qfthis permit. A copy of this permit, including all cr�ndikions, shall6e
available at the praject site durir�g constructian and rnaintenance ai`this project.
Related Laws
h) The P�iarth Caralina Divisipn caf Water Quality has issued a canditioned Water Quality
CertificatiQn far your prQjeci. The conditians ofthat certification are herehy incozporated as
s}�ecial cvnditians ofthis pertnit. Por yaur con�enience, a capy afthe certificatian i� attached as
Exhibit A. These referenced cvnditions are hereby incarparated as special cc�nditians nf this
i� All rnechanized er�uipment will be regularly inspected and maintained to prevent
cantaminati�n af rvatears and wetlands fram fuels, lubricants, hydraulic fluids, ar other taxic
materials. In the event of a spi�l ofpeiroleum products or any other ha�ardous waste, the
pennittee shall immediately repc�rt it to the N.C. Division of Water Qualiry at {9l �} 733-SU83,
Ext. 5.�6 or (S0�} b62-7956 and provisiQns of the North Carolina Qil Pollution and Hazardc�us
5ubstances Control Act will be fAllowed.
j) The Permittee shall fully abide by ail conditions of the CAMA Major De�eIopment Permit F�a.
1�Q6-12, dated September I9, 2Q 12, issued by the North Caxotina Di�ision of Coastal
Management, which are in�arparated herein by reference.
k) The Permittee shall fully implement the Programmatic Agreement between the Pertnittee, the
Nc�rth Carolina State Histaric Freservatian iJfficer, the Advisory Cauncil c�n Hist+�ric
Preservation, and the Federal Highway Administration, signed in N�vember �O 10, �r as required
by any subsequent amendments. T'he terms and canditions of the Progra�runa#ic Agreement, and
subsequent amendments ar� ineorporated herein by reference.
Project Mxintenanee
1) T`he permittee shal! advise the Carps in writing prior to beginning the work authorized by this
permifi and �gain upan compl�tian �f the wark authorized by this permit.
m} Unless othea-wise authorized by this permit, all fiIl material placed in waters or wetlands shaIl
be generated from an upland source and will be clean and free af any polIi�tants except in trace
quantities. Metal products, arganic materials (including debris from land clearing acti�ities), or
unsightly debris will not be used.
n} The permittee shall employ all sedimentatian and erosion cantrol measures necessary to
prevent an increase in sedirnentation or turbidity within waters and wetlar�ds outside th,e pernvt
area. This �hali include, but is nat limited ta, the immediate installation of silt fencing or similar
appropriate devices around all areas subject to sail disturbance or the mo�ernent nf earthen fill,
and the irrunediate stabiliaatian of al1 disturbed areas. Additionally, the project must remain in
ful] Gompliance with all aspects of the Sedimentation Pallution Controt Act of I973 [I�Iorth
Carolina General Statutes Chapter 113A Article 4�.
o) The permittee shal! rennc�ve aIl sediment and erosivn coniral measures place in wetlands ar
waters, and shall resto�re nat�.u-al grades an those areas, prior to praject completion.
p} During the clearing phase of the project, heavy equipment must nat be operated in surf�ce
waters or stream channeis. Ternparary s#ream crossings will be used to access the op�asite sides
of strearn ehanneis. AII temporary diversi�n channels and slxearr� crossirtgs wiil he canstructed
of non-erodible rnaterials, Grubbin� of riparian ve�etation will nnt occur until immediately
bef'are constructian begins on a given segment of stream channel.
q} I�Jo fill �ar excavation for the purpase vf sedimentation and erosion contrfll shall occur within
jurisdictionai waters, incIuding wetlands, unless if is included can the plan drawing and
spe�ifically autharized hy this permit.
r} The perntittee, upon receipt of a notice af reaacation �f this pernut ar upon its expiration
before completion af #he work will, without expense to the Llnited States and in such tinne and
manner as the Secretary of the Army or his authorized represen#ative may direct, restvre the
water or wetland to its pre-project condition.
s} All measures will be taken to a�oid any temporary fill from entering into l7re�;an Inlet and the
Pamlico Sound from bridge demc�litivn, Bridge tfemoii#ion shall fallaw I�iCD�T "Best
Manage�nertt Practices far Cc�nstructian and Maintenanc;e Activities'° dated August 2�d�3. Due ta
the dynarrtics of �regon Inlet, potential entanglement of aquatic species and issues cancerning
ACTIUN LD SAW-1993-U3fl77 (TIP PR(�JECT N[]. B 2500)
worker safety, turbidity curtains are nQt required during bridge demalition. Pilings assaciateci
with the existing bridge and the temporary work trestles that are located in open water shall b�
remaved in their entirety. If a pilirig breaks and cannot be rema�ed, Notify USACE t�
detcrmine an apprflpriate course Qf action. Existing bridg� pilings in SAV areas and wetlands
shall be �ut c+ff at the mudline. Additionatly, the pertnittee shall remove any scour protection
devices including sand kaags, A-Jacks and gabion haskets that extend above the natural E�ottam �f
Qregon lnlet at the time of bridge demalitian, with the exception of those prQtecting the
substructure ofthe existing bridge that wiU remain in pIace as a training structure. if any scaur
protecti�n de�ices become exposed in the future, the perrnittee shall coordinate with USACE ta
determine if removal is necessary.
t} Vivlatians af these ccrnditions or vialatians of Section 4I34 of the Ciean Water Act or Sectian 1 U
of the Rivers and Harbors Act must be reported in writing to tht WiImingtan District U.S, Asmy
Carps oF Engineers within 24 haurs of the pernuttee's discovery of the �iolation.
u} The permittee shall take rneasures to prevent li�e or fresh concrete from coming into cnntact wi#h
any surface waters until the concrete has E�ardened.
v) A representati�e c�f the Corps af Engineers wiII periadically and randomly inspect tlSe work
for compliance with these cQnditions. Deviations froan these procedures may resuIt in an
administrative financial penaI#y andlar directive to cease work until the prablern is resalved to
the satisfa�tion of the Corps.
w} Cflmpensatary mitigation fnr impaets t� 0.49 acres of wetlands assaciated witb the proposed
praject shall be pro�ided in ae�ardance with the do�ument titled "Final Wetland Mitigation Plan
1tiiC 12 [�eplacement of Herbert C. Bonner Bridge (Bridge No. l i) over Oregon Inlet prepared hy
the United 5tates T+ia#ianal Park Ser�ice and the Narth Carolina Department of Transpvrtation
dated January 3Q, 2013. Activities prescribed by this plan shall be initiated prior to, ar
concurrently with, commencement af any construetion acti�ities within jurisdictianal areas
auEharized hy this permit.
Sectivn 1� (E7elateii �nly ta the Reten�io�a vf 1,OSU Linear Feet nf tbe griginal Bonner Bridge
Which is Being Retained as a Navigation Training Structure�
x} The permittee, upan receipt Qf a notice af revacation of this permit or upon its expiration
hefare cornptetian af the wark wilC, without �xpense to the United Sta#es and in such time and
ACT[()N ID �AW-1993-U31?77 (TIP PR�,TECT NU. � 25U0)
rnanner a�� the Se�retary of the Army or his autharized representative may direct, restar� the
waterway ta its farmer canditions. If #he permittee fails ta camply with tnis direction, the
Se�retary, �r his representati�e may restore the waterway, by �Qntract or atherwise, and reca�er
the cast Fram Lhe permittee.
y) The authorized structure and assaciated acti�ity must nat interfere yvith the public's right to
fr�e navigation on all navigable waters af the United States. No attempt wi11 be made by the
pernritt�e t� pre�ent the fix1I and free us+e hy the public �f all naviga6le waters at or adjacenx i�
the authorized wnrk for reason other than safety.
z) The permittee understands and agrees that, if future operatians by the Ur�ited States require the
remQval, relacation, or other aiteratioz�, of the s#ructure or work herein aulhoriaed, ar if, in the
apinir�n �f the Secretary �f the Army c�r his authcarized representati�e, said structure Qr work shall
cause uiireasanab�e obstructian ta the free navigation of the navigahle waters, the permittee will
be required, upon due notice frflm the U.S. Army Carps af Engineers, ta remove, relocate, or
alter the struetura.l wartc ar vbstructiar�s caused there6y, withaut expense to the United States.
No claim shall be made against the United States on accaunt af any such removal, relo�ation, ar
alterattan. The permittee shatl notify I'�4AA/NATI�NAL C�C�AN SERVICE Chief Sc�uxce Data
Unit N CS2G1, 13 i 5 E West HWY- RM 7315, Silver Spring, MD 20910-3282 �t [east twn weeks
prior tc� beginning work and up�n cnmpletian of wark.
aa) The permittee must install and maintain, at his expense, any signal lights and signa�s
prescribed by the U,S. Coast �uard, throu�h regulations c�r otherwise, on autharized facilities.
For furthe� informatian, the permitiee shc�uld contact the U.5. Coast Guard Marine Safety Office
at (910} 772-�191.
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Regulatory Field Ofiice
PO Box 1000
Washington, NC 27889-1000
ATTN: Tracey Wheeler
NCDOT Coordinator
October 15, 2015
N.C. Division of Coastal Management
1367 US 17 South
Elizabeth City, NC 27909
ATTN: Mr. Greg Daisey
NCDOT Coordinator
Subject: Request for Modification of the Individual Section 404 Permit, Individual
Water Quality Certification, and CAMA Major Development Permit for the
Proposed Replacement of Bridge 11 over Oregon Inlet on NC 12 in Dare County,
North Carolina; TIP Project B-2500 (Phase I); Federal Aid Projects BRNHF-0012
(48) and BRNHF-0012 (36); Debit $570 from WBS Element: 32635.1.4
Section 404 Individual Permit, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Action ID
SAW-1993-03077, issued August 14, 2013
Section 401 Individual Water Quality Certification, NCDWQ Project No.
20120629, issued September 7, 2012
CAMA Major Development Permit, NCDCM Permit No. 106-12, issued
September 19, 2012
The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) requests a modification of the
above referenced permits due to revised utility plans. The utility company (Cape Hatteras
Electric, or CHEC) is preparing to move underground and overhead electric lines. Originally this
was going to be accomplished via an open cut trench on the south end of the project (Site 4).
Utility plans have now been revised to directionally bore the underground line work rather than
open cut, and plan to access the site from NC 12 roadside. This will reduce the temporary impact
footprint but will increase the need for hand clearing of wetlands (for working off of timber
mats) around their work area. Additionally, boring rather than trenching will reduce the overall
duration of the work, and the duration is a very important factor in being able to perform this
work while CHEC provides electricity to Hatteras Island via backup generators.
RegulatQry Appro�als
Section 404 Pexmit:lVCDC}T requests ihat the U.S. Army Cozps of Fngxneers (USACE} r�view
this pexmit madi�cation request and issue a modifieatic�n far the Individual Section 404 Permit.
Sec#ivn 4a1 Permit: NCDt}T requests that the P�i.C. Diaxsion of Water Resources re�view this
perrriit modifi�cation request and issue a mfldification for ihe Individua14�1 Water Quality
CAM,� Permit:l�1CD(aT reqe�ests that the I`+1.C.1]zvision of Cc�astal IVlanageriaent re�view this
pexmit modification request and issue a madification for the GAMA 1Vlaj�r Derrelopment F�ermit.
Tf you should have any questions regarding this request, please contact Mick�ael Turchy at (919]�
707-6157 or maturchy ci,ncdat.gov. A capy af this request will be posted at:
https:flconnect.ncd�at. goVlresourceslE�viranmentallPag�s
� ��.��
l�.ichar Haz�cack, F.E., Manager
� Project 17�velopm�nt and En�vironrnental Analysis Unit
NCD+QT Permit Application Standard l�is#ribution List
+saivr�tly f ,Ivi:� M4lr�tll�3
�;�ryi rmur
Nc��l�� f„trc�lir�ri I)�;7�rrt�al�ril ai Ei�vira�i�riiE:r�l �i�rl tVf:it�u�:l lif�sc�ur�;f,�
l]I"JI4�I111 Ui VV,d�+t S��+r,:tlily
t,l��iri��5 Wakd�l i� E•
I )I I rtl:i� 1�
Seprer��4rer 7, ?0 f 2
Ur. Gre}; 7"liar�tc, Ph17., �17anager
Isr�jeck �}e�efaprne�yt ae}d E�kvironmentai Analysis
No�th C�ralir�� Depai°tine��t niiraiasper��tativEi
1598 M�il Service Cenler
Rafeigh, Narth C7�a�in�, 27byy-I S�#�3
IJt�e f�lr�c�n.���
5ubject: A01 Waiter Qu�lity t;erliticatia�� 1'ursuant Cp 5ecli��� =I[] E ofthe Federal Clea�� Wat�r Ilc! �vi1h
A,DQITIiClNAI. Ct�IVf�I'i1�iVS Fae the Pra�aosed Iteplacet��e�t! of the HerUert C. fionner i3ririg� avc�• (3�goti
In1et 'sn Il�re Cot�nty. Fetleral Aid Prnjcc! N�. F3ftN1ll=-p012�(��),'f'IP l3-254i} (I�F�ase f}.
NCaW(� I'mject 1Vo. 7A 120t52�
Dear ar. 'I'i�ar�re;
Attaclied heretn is x cvpy oPCerfiFic�[i�n Nn. (}a;��3�3 issu�;ti [o �he Norkii CarolinR l�epart�t��nE af"T'i�ar�spai�t�ttio�i
(NCDi7T} rJ�ted Septcrnber 7, 20 ] 2.
it we can be o�'fur�thci• assisiance, da n4t hesitete tn cnnt��t us..
G � % !' i.✓� �''�'
��3�C�L'9 �i�`A i�C�
ec: IIiti Biddleca�n�, US Ar�ny C�rps ofT:�7gineers, Wasl3ington Fietd Di�ice(electronic copy only)
lerry Jennin�s, PL, Ui�isinn ! �a�girtccr
Cf�y Willis, Divasinn 2 iinvironrnentaC [3Ffieer
Cltris Mflitseher, �n�irnniite�it�l Pr+atection Ag��icy (clectrc�nic copy only)
G$ry.larcian, U5 E'ish and Wilrllife Service (electr�nic cra�y only)
'i'ravis Wiisnn, NC WildEife Resources Cv�nmissin�� teiec�runic cnpy orZMy)
J�tsQn fillioit, NCDOT, Roadside Enviranment�llJjii� (eleccrvnic eopy vialyj
Cathy [3rittinglta��t, 1]ivision ot Caast�l Manager3�ent (elec�ranic c�py nnly)
Gai�cy Ward, 1VCUWC� W�sltia�gtan Tte�ro���l Clffce (el�ctr�nic c�apy nnlY}
File Cn�1y
I�mry�nlii�4ti<m �iNd i'ltiltiiillih] I lllll
I�i:�47 ivl��il <;cf�vK�� Gcfnl�l� f{hlu�ih, �^l�iillr f:��irRd�i��ti Jlf��!'I I����
I i,r,a{�i�n 'i1i+l�! `i;iii�linry -;t It;il�tuj�l f�l��ilh r,�vul�n,� lr•ifi.
PiiffUu �11 �! �y�7f V�illl� � FFSX '�1'��f;lll i,,l'J%
liil�ir�u;[ VNIVi.�IC{l�[6�y�uiiilyut�
I �' lill.i� i�ll ..i ii'I'i-� �11 � I�i . i ii� 1��i� '. �
441 VVater Que�lity Certification Purst�a�t ta Section 401 aFthe FederaE Clean Water Act with ADOITIQNAt,
TH[S C�RTIFiCATIU�1 is issued in oonformity with fhe requiremcnts afSecti�n 40l Public Laws 92-SUO and 95-
217 nithe United States and sub}ect to tlte Narth Cai�olina tlivisinn of Water Quality {IVC�W[�) Regulations in 15
NCAC 2H. This certificatian authorizes tite NCDOT to irrspact l,87 acres vf jurisdictionaf weElands, 4.44 a�res of open
waters, and 2.66 acres of SAV habitat in Dare Caunty for the purposes of ccrnstracting ihe praject. Thc project shall
be canstructed pursu�nt to the �pplioation dated received June Z2, 2012. The �uthorixed impacts are as described
Wettand Impacts in the Pasqnotank Rf�er Basin
Permanent Temporary Mechanlzed Hand Mitigab{e
ParmanenE Temparary Wetland
Site Statiaa/Locatlon Exeavat�on �cca►�aiian Clearing Clear[ng Wetland
Fill (acre) Fili (acre) Imp�cts
(acre) {�cres) [ncre) (��r�) {acre) Imp�ets
404 WEIi�AND il1+�AC'['S
1 -i. ! 4-96 i Z i-tS5 LT --- --- --- --- --- d.0 ! U.O 1 0
2 -Y01- 12-49121+80 RT 0.32 -- 0.01 -- _-- 0.12 D.45 0.33
3 -L.� 41 +SS / �4 i-32 LT --- ___ ... ._ ... _-. {} p
3 -BW- 1(i+58/ 10+85 _._ --- -.. --- --- G,O1 DA� D
4 -Lr 39+6I / 40+57 LT --- U.as --- --- --- --- a.os Q
5 'Ir 38-�35/ 176+G8 --_ '_' "' --- �.OS "' U.48 0.08
6 -C. 56+401 172+1U RT --- --- --- --- --- --_ D D
7 -%� 191 +2U / i 97�-SO d.06 --- fi,01 _._ .-� Q. i 3 U.2 0,07
NIA Castin Yard --- .-. ___ ...,_ ...._ ..,,. Q p
TOTAL4U4 IMPACTS: 4,3g 0.05 O.Q2 Q.QO Q.US U.27 0.80 0.48
I -L.I g-R6 / 21-6G LT --- -- --- --- --- - 0 0
2 -Y01- 12-49 / 21+SQ RT --- --- --- --- --- 0 0
3 -G 41+$8144+32 LT --- --- --- --- --- 0 0
3 -SW - [ 0+58 / l d+g5 --- --- --- --- --- --- fl fl
4 -L- 39+61 /4(T+57 LT D.01 0.46 --- --- --- --- q.07 0.01
5 -Lr38+36117�6+b$ U.al 0.67 --- _-_ OAf --- 0.69 O.t]2
�6 -� SG+-4U f 172+1a RT - --- --- 0.3 E --- --- [�.31 a
7 -I� 191 +20 / 147+80 --- --- -- --- --- --- D 0
N�A Casti�i Yard --- --- -- --- --- --- 0 0
TOTALCUASTAL INIPAC'i'5: p.p2 0.'T3 0.00 0.31 0.0! O.OU 1.07 11.83
TOTAL PRUJF.�C'I' [MPACI'S: Q.4Q 0,78 O.U2 Q.31 €1.�9 0.�7 1.$7 O.S 1
Tatal Wetlartd Impact for Praject, 1�87 acres.
Casiing Yarcl
Water Imnscts in the Pasauotank River Basin
Permanent Fill in Upen Waters (seres) � Temparary F111 [n Open W�ters {acres) ! Tatal Fill in Open Waters (acree)
Tatal Upen Water Impact for Praject: 4.44 acres.
5ubmer�ed Aquatic Vegetatlan (SAVj H�bitat [mpacts in the Pasquotank RiYer basin
to Habitat{acres Nabltat�edl�y Existin�Brl e Removal acres Ln cts Ke uirin N
2.6G f .38 I ,28
Totsl SAV Impatt f�r Pra,ject: 2.6G acres
Q.O 1
7'hc application provic�es �sdequate assurance that the discharge of �li materi�! into the watcrs of the Pasquat�nk River
Basin in canja=�ctian wit� the praposed devcic�pment wi�l n�t result in a vialatinn ofi applicable Water Quality
St�ndards and discharge guidelines. Therefare, the State af North Caraiina certifies tl�at thrs activity wil6 not violate
the applicabfe portioits of Sections 301, 3Q2, 303, 305, 307 of PL 92-500 and PL 95-217 if condt�cted in accordance
with the �pplication and conditions hereinafter set fnrsh.
This appra�al is uniy vslid for the purpase and design that you submitted in your applicatia3� dated reeei�,ed June 22,
ZU 12. Shauld your pro}ecf ahange, you are required to not'tfy the IVCDWQ and submit � new application. if the
property is sold, the new owncr must be given a co,py of this Certitication and agpra�al letter, and is tt�ereby
responsible far cflmplying with all the conditians, If any additianal wetland impacts, or stream impacts, for this
pmject (naw ar in the future) exceed one acre or 1 S4 linear feet, respectivefy, additional compensstory enit�gatipn may
be required as described in I SA hICAC 2H .OSOb {hy �&} and (7). For this apprnval tn remain velid, you are re�uired to
compiy with all the conditiona tisted belaw. in additiort, you shauld obtait� all other Federal, state ar Incal �ermits
before proceeding wikh your project inelu[fing (buk nat limiied to) Sedirnent and Erosinn control, Coaskal Storn�►vater,
Non-disclaar�,e �nd Wat�r SuppEy watershed regula#io»s. This CerEifiaatian shail axpire an the sarne day as the
expiration date af the carr�sponding C�rps af Engineers Permit.
CnndlEians of Certi�cafiun:
Aroject Specl�c Canditions:
I. The NC�t]T Divisian 6nviranmental afficcr or Environmentai Assistant w41f conduct a pre-eonstruct:an
cneeting with all apprapriate staffto ensure that the project supervisor gnd essential staffunderstand the
potentiai issues with strearn and pipe alig�t»ient at khe perrr►itted site, NCDWQ staffsha(1 b� invited ta the pre-
constractivn meeting,
2. ln accorcNance with cammitments made in your applicatinn, all eiearing oiv�getat�on Par purpose af relQcating
owerhead power lines wich€n jurisdictlanat wetla�ids shall be performed without the use c�f inechanixed
�. This certitication �ioes not authariae any dredging aeli�ities. Shouid dredging be found necessary, a
modificatian request shail be submi�ted to she hlC�WC� far approval.
A, 9n thc e�ent af impending se�ere weather, the N�UT and its cantracrors shali �nake e�ery reasonable attempt to
seaure equipment and supplies such that ail, greases, hydraufic tluids, supp}ies, etc. will nat l�c�ame pntential
cvntaminants ta surface waters, wetlttnds, or athcr n�tural resourae.
5, The p�st-constructinn removai nf any temporary bridge structures mas! return the praject site tp its
preeonstruction contatlrs and elevaEions. The impacted areas shall hc revegetated with appropriate native
f. Strict edi�erence to the mast recent version af NCDOT`s Best Management PraGtices Far Bridge Demofitian
and Removal �ppraved by the US Army Cnrps of Enginecrs is a condition ofthe 4� 1 Water Qualiky
i. Bridge deck drains sliall not clischarge directiy inla Iltie stresin or open water except as noted in the plans
suhmitted with khe apptication.
8. Jetting 4f piles will be ailnwed far es�nstruclian of the bridge, As described in the application, � pri:nary and
secondary cantai�trneni system shall be used from bents 47-78 and s11 in other jurisdictional areas. Fvery
reasnnable efFort shall be n�ade to contain j�tting s�oils in jurisdictiansl area. Sttould the �ont�inrnent system
not operate as expected the NCUCIT ar its contractQr shall eontaat the �JCDWQ for further guidance,
9, Nn dr'sll slurry or water tltet hss been in contact with uncured cancrete shell be allnwad to enter surface waters.
This water shall bs caplured, treRted, and disposed of properly.
14. The parmittee shal l use /Design Stan�ards in Sensitive Watersheds [ 15A NGAC 4B.D 124{a)-{e)] in areas
draining ta HQW as'eas. Hvwever, due ka Ihe size of the project, �1C I]QT shall nal be required to meet 15A
3r1CAC A8 .Q12�4{s) regarding lhe maximum amount af unca�ered acres. Te�tlporary cvver (wheat, mili+et, ar
similar annuel grain) ar per�nanent herbaceaus cover shalf he pi�nted on all bare sdil within 1 S bu�iness days
af grnund disturbing aclivities to provide erosion cantrol.
I I, All brislgc constructian shsll be perFarmed frant the oxisting bridge, ten�por�ry work bridges, temporary
causeways, or ftoaling or sunken faarges. Barges shall nat rest on the botioan wherc SAV are present, Uitder no
circun�stances sl�autd harges he dragged along Ii�e bnttam of the s��rF'ace water.
I 2. 1fie NC�C?T and its contractor(sj wi�i continuc to cnordinate with the Narth Carolina I}ivisina� oi Matine
Fisheries as necessary regarding bridge disposaf.
13. 7'ali fescue shall nnt be used in the estahlishment of temporary ar permanent gror�ndcover within riparian
areas. For the estnblishment ofperttianent herbaceous caver, erasion contral m�tting shail be used in
conjunction with an appropriate native seed m'sx �n disturbed sails within the ripariart srea and on disittrhed
steep slapas with the followmg exccption. Erosion controf matting is not neccssary if the area is eantained by
perimeter erosian contro! devices such as silt FenGe, temporary sediment ditches, basins, ete. Matting shnuld
be secured in place with staples, stakes, or wherever possible, live stakccs oFnative iraes. Erasian cnntrol
matting placed in riparian areas s1�all i�at rAr�tain a nylon rnssh grid, which can impinge and cntrap small
animals. �'or thc esta6iishment af ten7porary gmundcaver wikhin rip�rian arsas, hydraseeding alnng w'sth
waod or cellulose based 1i�+dro rr�uCch applied from a fertifiaer- and Iimestone-free ta��k is allowabie at the
apprnpriate rate in conjunction with tha erasian contrul measures. Discharging €iydruseed raixtures and woQd
ar eellulose mulch inta surface waiers in proliibited. fiiparian areas are de�ned as a distanca 2S feet landward
Fram tap af stream bank.
14. Mitigation
Compensatary mitigatinn for irnpacts to D.5 I scres ({}.48 acres 404 wetlands end 0.03 aeres af coastal
wetlands} wetPands is reyuired, 't'he'NCDDT shall pror+idc the NC�WQ witN a final copy afthe wetland
mitigatfon plan prior to cornmencement of constructian. Any �hanges between tk�e draft a�id firzal plans shni!
be n�ted. Tiie permittee shali cpmply with the vn-site wetiand initigation pl�n. Non-traditional rnitigatiar► is
proposed as explaineci belaw,
a. Per the propQsed mitigatian plen, the 1VCC�{Ji'1', in �onperation with the hlatianai 1'ark Service,
propases to bring under control apprpximatety 50 acras of Phragtirtles uusfralis within an a�a
arannd a waterfowl pond facated on National Park Servica praperty within the Cape Natteras
IVational Seashore near th� Bndie lsland Lighthouse. The pr�posed a�rea was �nce dominated hy
Sparcltau and other benefcial speeies but Is curr�ntly dominated by Phragmit�s. The goal is to
reduee the extent Phragmites auch that it oan t�e managed more cansisten#ly and allnw SpQrtina end
other more beneficiaf species ta daminate the acreage once again, essentially rest�ring the wetland.
Tiie NC�WQ has agreed I+� a 5:1 r�tio of restoret(an. Therefore, no fess ihan 2,55 acres will haYe to
be c�nsidered successful to meet the required miligatian E'ar impacts ro U,51 acres af impacted
wetlands. Should less than 2.55 acrea of reskvration be considered unsuccessful, the NCDOT may be
required te propvsa Qthcr mitigatian pass9bilities kc� address the de#icit. Any excess mitigativn
considered successful by the NCbWQ anci ather resaurcc agencies may be used tn ofiset impaets of
�ture pr�ject� pending NCDWQ ap�roval.
H'ull restoratifln af thc area will be considered successful if all succass criterie stated in thc approved
mitfgatian plan are met, unless t}te N(;OWQ �decides atherwise, Primary suecess criteeia inelude a
reciuctian in the nverall Phrag�rr[tes coverage �rom year to year; fnal aer':al coverage af dense
Fhrdgmr�es shall be less thast Iff acres with stems less ths��� three (3j PeeE tall, Tho 1+fCDOT wi[1
pravide an annual mnnit�ring repart ta the NCDWQ far review and cnmment during each
manitoring year. The NCDWQ reserves the right ta an ansite inspection at any tirna prior ta officiai
b, Campensatary mitigatian for impacts ta 2.6� acres of suit�bie submerged ayuatic �egetation �SAV}
is reyuirod, Remvval of the existisig bridge will unshade 1.38 aeres af suitable habitat. Tlte
remaining I.28 ac�es wilf be mitigated nea� the project area as oudined in the mitigation plan.
Methadologies for SAV restorstion stated in the GSA InternAtianal, Incarpvrated, plan dated luly 23,
2412 shall b� fol{owed. The NCDWQ realiaes and recogniaes that the methodalogy cantaitted in the
proposal is experir�entally hased, and �nay nat yield the anticipated success. This is a risk that she
NCD�T is willing to pursue and che NGDWQ is willing ER accept. The IVCDWQ is willing tv ac�ept
the results a1'the effart as mitigation for SAV impacts; i,awever, Ihe NCDOT and 9ts contraciars
shall rnake every e�foR to c�ate a successfui mitigatian site. A moisitaring report shall be submitted
to !he NCbWQ cluring every year of nivn"tlrsring far re�isw and �omment, Mflnitoring ►vi1C fast no
less tttan Five {5) years, tuniess the NCDWQ agrees itta[ die restorsEion is considered successful prior
to tl�at time. The ivCDWQ reserves the i'ight ko a�t onsite ins�ectivn at any timc pritir ta afftaia]
A suitab(e sita, of no less than F'►�e acre,5 {ax s�aecified in khe proposaE) shall 6e irlentifieti prior to
baginns"ng ai�y co�tstructian activity, and the NCDVIIQ shatl be notiGed of the l�catian.
General Cnnditfans:
C 5, If cpncrete is used during construction, a dry wark arc� shall be maintained to prevent direct contact between
curing cQnGrete and stream water. Water that inadventently eontscts uncured cvncrste shall nat he dischargecf
to surface waters due to the potential for elevated pW and passible aquatic life and flsh kills.
16. Duria�� the cnnstruction ofihe prc�ject, no staging af equipmsnt uf any kind is permiriecl in waters of the iJ,S„
ar protected riparian buffers.
17. The Permittec shall ensure that the �nai design drawings adhere to the permik and t4 the permit drawings
suhmitted fnr agproval.
18, A�l mech�niaeci equipnt�nt operated near surface waters must he regularly inspeeted Rnd ni��ntained to prevent
cantaminativn oF stream waters From fucls, lubricants, hydraulic f�uids, nr �ther toxic nzateria�s.
19. No rock, sar►d or ather materi�ls shall be �fredged Frnm ti�e strearn channeE or upen water except where
tiUiESOitZ�({ I?y L�i[S Ctl'fl�C�LIOTI,
24. Discharging �tydrasced mixturxss and washing out hydraseeders and �ther equip�nent in ar adjacent to surface
►x+�ters is prphibited,
21, The permittee and its a�atharized agents shali conduci its activities in a manner cansistent with State water
quality standards (including any requirements resulting fram cornptiance with §3U3�d) afthe Clean Water Act}
�nd any nther ap�roprfate reRuirements af State and Federal iaw. [f NCDWi� determines that such standards ar
laws arc not being met (ineluding the failure tc� sustain � designated or achiewed usej ar that State ar federal law
is being vialated, ar that further condittans are iiecessary to assure complianca, �ICDW Q may ree�aluate and
modify this certificatian.
22. AU frli slnpes located inlurisdictional wetlands shail !�s plaaed at stapes na flatter th�n 3;1, unfess otherwise
autharized by this certification,
23. A copy of this Water Qu�lity Cert�fication shall he maintained an the canstructian site at aIl iimes. [n addition,
the W�ter Quality Certification and all subsaqt�ent n�odiFic�tions, if any, shal! be maintained with the Division
Engineer and the on-site prvject mar�age�.
24, The outs�de huffer, we#larrd or w�ter boundary loeated within !he conskruction curridor approved by Ihis
autharization shall be clearly markerl by hr'ghiy visib[e fencing priar ta any land disturhing acti�ities. Irnpacts
to areas within the fencing are prahibited unless otherwise autharized by this cerkificetian.
2S, The issua�nce oftl�is certi�cation daes not exampi the Pcrmittee from complying with any and a!1 statutes, rules,
regulations, or ordinan�ces that m+�y be imposed by aiher gnvernment agencies �i.e. local, state, and federal)
having jurisdiGtion, including but nat limited to applica6le buF€'er rul�s, sFormwater rr:anagemcnt rules, soi]
erosian and sedimentation cantral requirernents, etc.
2G. �Iative ripari�n veg�tation c7�ust be reestaL+lished in the ripar��n areas within th� canstructian limits af the
prajeet by the end af the growing seasan fall�wiiyg aampletion Qf constructiun,
27. There shail be no excavatipn #'rom, or waste dispasal inta, jurisdictional wetlands or waters associated wilh this
pertnit without apptopriate modificatian. Sltould waste ar borrcaw sitas, nr access raads to waste ar I�orraw
sikes, hc located in wetlands or screams. campensAtory mitigation wi1! be required since that is a direet impact
from raad conskructian activit'ses.
28, Sediment and ernsiran contrnl rncasures shall not be placed in wetlands or waters unless otherwise a�proved hy
tltis Ceriifie�tivn.
29. �rosion and sedin�eitit cflntrol practices must be in full cflmpliance wit�� �fl specif�ations govcrning che
praper design, �nstallatiQt� �slsd oper�tian and rnaintenanee of such Best y[anagentent Practices sn arder tn
protecE sarface waters standards:
a. The erasion and sediment cantrol meaa�res For ttse project must be designecl, installed, operated, and
maint�ined in accordance with ti�e m4s# recant version �Ftha Nor�lr Ca�•olin� Sedrnre►a1 und Er°asiarr
�arrlrrr! Ylannir�g tr�rd Desig►t Manual.
�. The desig�i, installation, operatinn, �nd maistenanae af Ihe sediment and ernsion control measures
must b� such thar they equal, or ex�eed, the reyuirements speeiiied in the mast recent �ersinn nf the
Nnr�rfa C�rrr�lirru Sedffnerrt and Erosiorr Car+rro! h�Pcrntfal. The devicas sh�ll be maintaincd on all
cvnstruction sites, barraw sites, and wnste pile (spaif} projeets, including contractor-owned or leased
barrow pits associated with the proaect.
c. f'nr i�arrow pit sites, the erasinn end sediment control messures must 6e designed, ins�ailed,
aperated, and maintained in accordance with the mast recent versian af ihe North Carollna St�rface
Mdr�ing Mctnurtl.
d. The reclamatipn measures ancl impler+ienlation ��rast camply with the reclamation in accordance with
die rec}uiremet��s of the Sedirrrentation P�llu�ic�n Cantro! A�t.
3Q. Tl�e Permittee slrall report any violatians ❑flhis ces�ification to the �ivision of Water Quality within 24 hours of
3�,[Jpon completion qFthe pr4jea# [including �ny imp�cts at asso�ciated borrnw or wasta sites), the NCDCIT
Di�isiat► Engineer shall cq�rnpletc and reEurn tl�e en�lased "Certifcaden oiCampletion Farm" t� natify
NCE3WQ when all work included in the 4q1 Certification has he�en campleted.
Vialat`sons ofany c�snditinn herein set forth may result in i�evocation of this Certifiaation and may result in criminal
andlar �ivil panalties. This Cerlificati�n sf�all became null and vaid uniess the above conditinns are made cotrditians
n�`the FederH14U4 andlor Coastal Area Managec�aent Act Permit. Th�s CerEificatian shall expire upon !he cxpiracion vf
the �4d4 or CAMA permit.
tiyou wis�s ta conzest any statemer►t i� the attached Ccrtiftcation you must fife a petition for art adminisirative hcaring,.
You may nbtain the pesition Form frnm the affiae of Administr�tive }�earings. You must f la the petition with the
of�ice af Administratir+e Hearings within sixty (dOj days of receipt n�'this notice. A p�tition is car�sidered frle�i when it
is reeeived in the affice sf Administrative Hearings �uring narma! office haurs. The Q�ice of Administrative
Hearings aceepts tilings Mnnd�y tht'ough Friday between the haurs af $;OOam and S�OOpm, except for afiicial state
I�atidays. The original and one ( tj capy of the petition must be filed with the ilffice af Adminiatrative Hearir�gs.
The petitinn ma�y be faxed-pravided the original and ane ccspy of the document is received by the C]ffrce af
Administrative Hearings within �ive �5� husiness day5 foltawing the faxed transmission.
The mailing address f4rthe Office o�Adtrrinistrative Hearings is:
Oftice nf Administtati►+cs HeaCin$s
6714 Ma�l Service Center
Raleigh, NC 2769Q-fiT14
Telephanc: (9f9)-�431-3040, Facsimile: (914)-431-31qU
A copy afthe petitivn rnust aisu b+� served on DEIVR as follaws:
Mr. Wil[iam Cary, General Caunsel
❑eparttnent of Enviro�i+nent and Natural Resourees
1501 Mail 5�rviae Center
This the 7#h dsy ofSepte�nber 24i2
l �
cna�i�5 w���ia
WQC No. (}d3939
��F�� �_--� .
� �CDr
ENR �� � �.�. � �, � �
North Caroli�a �epartmenfi of Er�vironment ar�d iVatural Resou ces �""�
D'iVision of Waier {�uafity
Beyerly.Esves Perdue .. Ch�rles Wakild, R;E. �Cr �°:$��Ereeman
Gavernor Director C� : Secre#ary
�i���?ri�',1"! u
� - ic:� ;: �- . "���:����N�f�h�r,
�---.._,,...."". • ...._...., ..
❑r. Greg Thorpe,:PhD:, B.ranch 1Vlanager
Project Der+elapment and En�ironmental Analysis Branch
North Carolina �epartmenf of Transportation
1598 Mail. Servic� Center, R.aleigh, North Carolina, 27694-1598
Subject: Conrection to. the 4� l Water Quality Certification for the prop.osed replacement of the Herbert G Bonner Bridge
o�er Dregan inlet in Dare County.
NCDWQ Project.No. 20120b29
Dea�':Dr. Thorpe: . .
This letier. is.in regards ta the 401. Water Quali,ty Certificatian (WQC}:issued ori September 7, 2012 for.the Herbert C. Bonner ..
J Bridge in Dare Courity (OWQ Project No.:20120529}. It has come.tQ our attention that an impact of O.0 I acres associated with
d pile installation at Site 5 was erraneQusly considered a mitigable impact: Wiiile'total wetland impacts for the prflject stiq equal
:� 1.$b.acres, only O.SO acres are cansidered mitigable: Therefore, mitigable permanent impacts associated.with �e projeet should .
� be U.50 acres; not 0.51 acres as was stated in the original 401 WQC. issued September 7, 20i2,.'The weflands impact fable
� shauld.read:
� .
i ,
Permanent Tempdrary Mechanized . Hand Mitigable
Permanent Temporary Wetland
Site. StationlLocation Excavation Excar�ation Clearing Clearing Wetiand
Fill (acre). Fill (acre). : � � Impacts:
{acre) ' (acres) . . (acre) (acre) : (acre) Impucts
1 . . -L-19-96121-65 LT . -- --- --- --- fl.01 : 0.01 0
2 : �YOI- 12-49121+$p RT 0.32 -M D.O1 . : _-- . : --- . 0.12 0.45 �:33
3 ..L.= 41+88144+32 L'I' --- _... --- --- .._ --- 0 0
3 -I3W- 10+58 �+ 1D+85 . ..._. . . . --- . . 0.01 O.Oi . . 0
4 -L= 39+61 140+57 LT __� 0.05 --- --= - _.= . . --- 0.05 : .. . 0
5 -L- 38+3fi 1 17fi+d8 0.08 --- O.US O.US
G: _L- 5b+4{] 1 172+1U RT --- ._... -- -- --- --- 0 0
7 . -L- 191+201 197+8p D:Ob .
_+_ O:dl . . _y __` . . . . 0:13 U.2 :. . Q:07 .
Tl1A. . . . Castin Yard --= __ ....: . . -_ _� ...._ _ p p
TQTAL 4U4 IMPACTS: 0.38 D.OS D.D2 U.OiI O.US U.27 0.84 U.48 -
1 . -L=19-46 / 21-G6 LT . --- . --- - ---: . --- --- --- fl a
2 -Y01- 12�49121+80 RT . _--. _ . :-- . . __ . __ . . _� _ . � �
3 _L- 41+88 f 44+32 LT --- --- .--.. --- --- 0 fl
3. . . .-F3W- 10+581 10+8.5 .._ _ _._ �_ . : . _._. �_ �_ . � . �
-L- 39+51 14U+57 LT U.01. .:. O.U6. -_- _-- -.. --- U.07 O:fl l
5 -L- 38+3G / 17G+68 - O.U1'" O.b'1 --- U.O1 . 0.6$ D:O 1
6 . . :L_ 56�40./ 172+10 RT. . . .__ . . --- 0.31. . --- --- . 0.31 U , .
7 -L� 191 +20:/ 197+80 -- -- --- -- --- 0 . ' : (1
NIA . Castin .Yard .,_,; . . ---: . . . : . . --: . . . .., --- --- --- 0 . +D .
TOTAL C�ASTAL IMPACTS: O.U2 . 0.73 . 0.00 8.31 U.O1 D.QO I.US 0.02.
TOTAL PRO��CT [i41PACTS: 0:40 . 0.78
0:02 U:31 0.49: fl.27 1.8b 0.54..
*This impact is not a mitigable impact
TranspQrlation Permilfing Unil
165fl Mail Service Center, Raleigh, iVarth.Carolina ?1fi99-165U
Location' 512 �!. 5alisbury $ireet, Raleigfi, Norfh Caroli�a 276a4
Phone� 949-8D7-63Ua 1 FAX; 919-8a7•G�$8
Internel: hlfp:!lportaf.nedenr.or�fweblwq
iln Equal Opportiinity l AfGrmalive AcliqnEfl7ployer
This difference needs to be reflected in Cor�dition 14 of the 441 WQC issued September 7, 2012, which con#ains the follawing
la ua e: � �
�.-�-- —.— -- ---- __ _—.
a. Per the proposed mitigation plan, the NCDOT, in caoperation with the National Paric 5ervice, proposes to
bring under control approacirnately 5fl acres of Phragmites australis.within an area around a waterfowl pand
iocated on National Paric Service praperty within the Cape Hatteras National Seashore near the Bodie
managed riiore consistently and allaw Spartir�a and other more ben�ficial species to dominate the acreage
once again, essentially restoring the wetland.
The NCDWQ has agreed to a 5:1 ratio of restoratioa. Therefore, no less than 2,55 acres will har+e to be
considered successful to meet the required mitigatiori for impacts ta 0.51. acres of impacted wetlands.
5hould less than 2.55 acres of restoration be considered unsuccessful, the NCDDT may be required ta
prapose other rnitigatiQn possibilities to address the deficit. Any excess mitigation considered successful by
the NCI?WQ and other resvurce agencies may be used to offset iz�►pacts of future projects pending
NCDWQ appraVal.
Full restoration of the area will be considered successful if all success criteria stated in the appro�ed
mitigation plan are met, unless the NCDWQ decides otherwise. Pri�ary success criteria include a reductian
in the or+erall Phragmites car+erage from year to year; final aerial cor+erage oidense Phragrrrites shall be
less than 10 acres with stems less than three (3} feet tall. The NCDDT will pro�ide an arxnual nnonitaring
report to the NCDWQ for reView and comrnent during each manitoring year. The NCDWQ reserves the
right to an onsite inspection at any time prior to official closeuut.
This language is hereby corrected ta read as follows:
a. �er the proposed mitigation plan, the NCDDT, in cooperation with the National Fark Service, proposes to
bring under control apprroximately SU acres of Phragmites aust�a2is within an area around a waterfovyl pand
located on National Park 5ervir.e property within the Cape Hatteras Natianal Seashore near the Badie
Island Lighthous�;: The proposed area was once dominated by Spartina.and other beneficial species but is
currently �ominated by Phragmites. The goal is ta reduce the extent Phragmites such that it can be �
managed more consistently and allow Spartina and ather mare beneficial species to dotninate the acreage
once again, essentially restoring the wetland.
� The NCDWQ has agreed to a 5:1 ratio of restoratian. Therefore, no less fhan 2.50 acres will have to be
considered successful to zrieet the required mitigation for innpacts to 0.50 acres of impacted wetlands.
Should less than 2.54 acres Qf restoration be considered suecessful, the NCDdT may be required to
prnpose other mitigatian passibilities to address the deficit. A.ny excess mitigation considered successful by
the NCDWQ and other resaurce agencies may be used tp offset iaxipacts of future projects pending
- NCDWQ appro�al.
Full restoration of the �rea will be considered successful if all success criteria stated in the appror+ed
mitigation plan are met, unlessthe NCDW Q decides otherwise. Prirz�ary success criteria include a reduction
in the overall Phragmites co�erage frotn year to year; final aerial co�erage of dense Phrag�rrites shall be
less than 10 acres with steins less than three (3) feet tall. The NCDOT will pror�ide an annual manitaring
report to the NCDWQ for re�iew and camment during each monitoring year. The NCQWQ reserves the
right to an onsite inspection at any time prior to official closeuut_
Please attach a copy of this letter with any copies of the original Water Quality Certification. All other conditions written
into the previous Water Quality Certification far this project dated September 7, 2U12 still apply except where superceded 6y
this correction. We are sorry for any incon�enience ihis may har+e caused. If yau have any quesfions please contact David
Wainwright at {919) 807-6405 or Dar+id.wainwright@ncdenr.go�.
V�` �`-� �.
Charles Wakild, �
. cc: �Bi 1"Biei" lecome;�T7S Army orps o Erig�neers; Was �ngfer► F�e d C3 ice e ectroni� copy "-�-------��---�—�—
Jerry Jennings, PE, Di�ision 1 Engineer
Clay Wi11is, Division 1 En�ironmental (]fficer
Chris Milits�her, Environmental Protection Agency (electronic copy anly)
Travis Wilsfln, I�IC Wildlife Resnurces Commissifln (elec#ronic copy only)
Cathy Britkingham, Dirrision of Cuastal Mana�ernent (elect�onie capy)
Garcy Ward, I�ICDW(� Washir��ton Regiflnal Office (elec#ronic ct�pY)
File Cupy
North Caroli�a Department vf Enviranmental Quality
Pat McCrory
November b, 2�! 5
Mr. GoEin Mellor, Group Leader
Project Deveiopment and Enr+iranmental Analysis
North Carolina Department vf Transpattation
1598 Mail 5eivice Center
Raleigh, North Carolina, 27699-IS9$
Donald R. van der Vaart
��� � � ����
Subject: Modificatian to #he 401 Water Q�ality Certification Pursuant to Sectian "' �arf"VV�f�r'�
Act wit� Al]DITI(7NAL C�NDITIf7NS for Proposed Replacer�ent af the Herbert C. �onner Bridge a�er
Oregon fnlet in Rare Counry, Fed�ral �.id Project Na. Nca. BRIVHF-(1a 12(48}, TiF 6r250� (Phase [),
NCDW� Project No.2Q124C29 V.2
I]ear Mr. Me[lor:
Attached hereto is a mfldification ofCertificati�n No. bb3939 issued to The North Carolina Departrnent of
Transportatian (NCDU'f ) dated September 7, 2D12.
lf we can be affurEher assis#ance, do nat hesitate to contact us,
�� 1
S. Jay :Zitr�rnerrr►an, T)irector +
❑ir•isio3� of �,'Vater Resourc�s
Electronic copy anly distribution:
'fracey Wheeler, U5 Army Carps of Engineers, Washington Field Ut�ice
Clay Willis, Division 1 Enviranmental C}fficer
Colin Mellor, NC Uepartment of Transpartatian
Chris R.ivenbark, NC Depar�ment uf "iranspartatian
Michael Turchy, NC Department of Transportation
Dr. Cynthia Van Der WieEe, US Environrnental Pratectian Agency
Cathy Brit#ingham, NC Division afGaastal Management
Greg Daisey, NC Divisinn nf Co�stal lVlanagement
.�"'��r�y Ward, NC Divisian of Water Resaurces, Washington Regional C}ffice
File Cogy
i697 Mail Seroice Center, Raieigh, Narth Carolfna 27699-161I
Phane; 919-807-630� 1 Infemat: www.ncdenr.gov
An Equal OppoAunily l AlGrmalive A�lion Employer
i4lcrdi��:ation ta the 4f�1 Watei� QuaVif,y Cerlification Puesuanl to Sectuony ��1 r�F the Fedcra� �lear�'W'aler Act
witi� A17171T�OfYAL C��dD,7'IUNS
�I�IIS C�fL�'v�CC'A7"1[3V� is issued ii� cut�fi�rrt�ity witEi the re�y�icr�erner7ts uV�Secti�n 4U d P�ibl�c La+�ws �72-5(�U and
95-217 c�6kF7e United States and� suvj�.ct to d�� i�cart&i �ar�rlin3 17iv�siorl caf W�t�� �tesources �(NCDWR) Re�ula�ir�ns
ar� I� NCA� 2H .�35�3(� �nci li 5A NCAC 2B. This cec�Rificatiai3 ae�tharizes t��e i�CD�C7"q' to ii��pact ar� acldi:fional Q.22
�cres �s1'jur-isdicti�z�al wetla�uis, in C�are Cout�ty. T��e pt�oaeet sli�ll be cor�structe�l �urs�uar�[ to the modificatifls� date�3
r�ceived Dcto�ies• 15, �OIS. TIIe autlyori�ed i�rupacts are as descriUed bcdn�v:
WeUarocl �m� acts in the P�sc u�fank Rir�e�• Basin
5itc Fill Fill Cxcav�a9oon Meel�ar�ize�! Hand
(1'er�na�ent� (temperrarYl (ac) Clearin� �le:�rio�g �
{ac) {ac} (ac} (ac}
4U4 1�etland dmpacts
Orig�inal ��prowec� -- �.a� -- -- �'Q
irrapaccs ai Site 4
Eai�pacts ap�roved w+ik�
tl�is rnodificati�ar7 �1 -- �.UI -- -- U.I1
I Site 4
Differer�ce �1.0 -�d.0�1 (�.� O.f� �-(l.11
CaastallJVet�and I�pacts
�irigin�l apprQvecl �.0 T �.t�b -- -- U.�)
im�sacts at Site 4
In7��ctti �E�,�r��vec1 �vuth
t}'ii., �nc�difr:ati�r� E.t 0.�1�1 il.[l�4 -- -- {1.14
5'rte 4
�if�arenee 0.0 -CI.c72 4.� 0.[l �(}.11
Tr�t�l O.i)� 4.0_; (I.0 l}.{) f�.22
'�'vtal Wetl�nt! I���acts For 5ife 4: U.28aere5.
"I'hc a,�plic€aei�n pi���vi�es �ciec��iate assurar�ce db�t the d'ise��arge o� fill matei�ia� iJ7to 1I�e wwaters oi'tlie f�as�uc�tar7�
Ruvei- �3asin ir� cc�n_junctoc>n �vit�7 tB7e S���c��sosecl elev�lopd7lent wvill not n�esulf in � vics0�atic+r� ot�appiieable 'Vw�`�ter Quality�
StaF��3��c�s aiad �osclaar�� guii�ie.lii�c;s. f'he���.fore, tl7e St3te of �Icroo-th C�3roliria ce��ti9ies tNi�t ti}ds �i�.tivily �wil1 ��oti vi��late
the �pF�9icab9e partior�s r�f Sectic�iis 3U 1. 3�12, 303, 3U6, 3Q7 �f T'L 92-54�0 �ar�d PL 95-217 i6�cc�n�iuctecl iiq �cco�'�i�i�}cc
wiY6'i tl�e a���lication arid coizditi�ns f�erein�a�ler ser iao�t}7.
This approval us ury�y v�lid for tt�e p�irpc�se ancl cfesi�n lllat yJ��a su6�rnilteci iri yaur rT7�d�ii�c1 �o���licatiaai d��led
receiv�:t1 f�ct�c�ber ���„ 2�UIS. AIV t9��e a�itl7+�ri�ecl �c��ivi�l�es �r�c� cand��Yioi7s ul'ce�tifi�atio�n �sss�ci�te[� �vith �f�e ti�ri�inal
VL'at+��� (�)uality �ei•ti6icatic��1 d�3t�:rJ Sepiem�er �, 2 d i�2 an�i cc��-rectiarr lettel• cia[ed C)ct�k�e►� V 5, ?f] 9� stil6 ap�l}� exce��t
waie:re s«��erseci�ci by this ceriafica�ticm. Shoulc� vour p�rUjec[ change, yc�u �e•e requir•ec! ic� notify 11�� i'�JC�'a4�'R ar7cl
s�het�it a rye�v �pplicatio�i. If the p�rr�{�erh,f os svdd. fhe n�;4v o��mer in�est ��e giver7 � co�3y ofthis Cea�titic�tior� 1nd
ap,�ro�al Ictter, artci is 117ereby res��c�nsii�le I'o�� ca�7��'�yia�g +�aikai alP t}ie ca�ditio►7s. If'any addition�l wetl�nc�' i��a��aets,
u�� str-��n� i�f�pa�ts, 1i�r d��s �rc�j�ct {�s�4w c�r fir7 tl�c f�tttir�e} e,r-ctied arae aci-e or i�l� li��,,��r fe�i. respecto�,�e�y, addi[io�t��9
co�npes�salory d�7uti�ztio�� ro��yf be r�€�uin�e�i as cfes�cribed in 15,A �1C�ht 2t-1 .�bSUfi ih� (G) �nc� (7}. fis�r [his a�pr�+ral ¢o
rer�iairi aalid', yc�u are req«ired to cornply �vith a'pl tl�e conc�icinns list�ci be�t���u. �r� adciito�r�, yoia sIi��i9d obtain �I1
o�Cher �fecie�J�al, st�Ce �i� laca�l ���rrnits %efc��'�� p����cee�li��; e�it�� y�au�r p����jcct ins:l�din� (but no�t li�nile;�i tc7) S�c�i���t��ni �i�ci
Er«s�on c�diir�l, C�alsta! S�at'i��wa�er, Noi�-ciiscl�ar�e a�nel'�ul�'ater S���F��ly ���atershc�9 �e��t��tir.3�ras, `1'h��is C'ert��i�fication
s��a10 �xpire oi� th� sai��� �d�y� �a� tl�e ex���rati��n �at� �f`tl�� �;�r��e�pc��ndar��� C��o'ps ofl.r�g�i�ie���s fi''rrrnli�t.
Candition�{s) of Certi�eation:
1. This madificatian is app{ica6le only to ttte additianal propnser! activities. Af! vf the authorixed activities
and conditions flf certi�catinn assaciated with the priginal Water Qualiry Certification dated 5eptember 7,
?Q 12 and correction letter dated Qcta�er 15, 2Q l2 still apply except where suparseded by this certificatinn. •
2. This madificatian oniy authc��ixes an addit�onx[ 0.22 acres of iempnrary wetl�nd impac#s at Site 4 as
needed far the installation of utilities. No additional permanent impacts are authvrized with this
modification. The amount of wetland impaets requiring mitigation remains at Q.50 acres.
3. A capy ofthis Water Quality Certification shall be maintained on the constructian site at all kimes, In
addition, the Water Quality Certi�cation and all subsequent mod�fications, if any, shall be maintained with
the Division Engineer and the on-site praject manager.
Violations of any condition herein set forth �nay result in re�ocation of this Certi�catinn and may result in crin�inal
and/or ci�il penalties. This Certification shall become null and �oid uttless the abfl�e conditions are made
ennditions of the Federa! 404 andlor Coastal Area Management Act Permit. This Certifieatian shall expire upon the
expiration of the 4�4 nr CAMA permit.
If ynu wish to cantest any statement in the attached Certi��atican you must fi[e a petition for an administrati�e
hearing. You may obtain the petitian form fram the of#ice of Administrati�e hearings. You must file the petitiori
with t�e office af Administrative Hearings within sixty (6�} days of receipt of this notice. A petition is considered
filed when it is received in the ofiice af Administxative Hearings during normal oifice hours. The C}fFiee of
Administrati�e Hearings aceepts f lings Monday through Fr[day beiween the hours nf $;OOa�n and 5:OUpm, ex�ep!
far officiaC state halidays. The originaJ and one ( I) cvpy of the petition must be Fled with the Office e�f
Administrative Hearings.
Tire pecitiasi sr�ay be Fz�xec�-�rovi�ed the �riginal �nd ane ;:opy of the ciaeument is r�eciv�:d hy the Gf"fice a4'
Administrative Hearin�s within five {5} business days followir.g the faxed transmiss�on.
The rnailing address for ti�e C}ffce of Adntinistrati�e Hearings is:
C}ffice oiAdministratir+e Hearings
b714 Mail Service Genter
Raleigh, rIG 27b99-b714
Telephone: (919} 431-3��D, Facsimile: {9 i 9) 431-3 I U(l
A copy of the petition must also be served on �EQ as follows:
Mr. Sam M. Hayes, General Caunse(
Department of Environn�ental Quality
16dI Mail SerVice �enter
This rhe 6th day of November, 2015
r�. �
S. Jay Zimrnermatt, Directar � �
WQC No. 003939
Permit Class
Uepartment ofEn�irUnrnent and Nafural 1Zesaurces
Coastal Resaurees Commissic�n
- �rr�it
X Majar Deuclaprnent in an Area of Environmental Concexn
pursuant ta NCGS 113A-1 l$
X Excar+ation and,'or filling pursuant to NC�S I 13-229
Yermit Number
Issued to 1�T.C. Department of Transpartation,159$ Mail Ser�ice Center, Ralei�h, NC 27699-1598
Autharizing develapment in Dare County at []re�on Inlet, Herbert C. Bonner Bridge on
NC Highway I2, as re�uested in the permifitee's applic�tian dated 6121112, inclGtdin� the attached AEC Ha�ard
Notice dated recei�ed on 71171 ] 2, and the attached wtrrkplan drawings {8 ]} as described in �Gondition No. 1 below.
This perrnit, issued on Se tember 19 2U12 , is subject to compliance with the applica#iQn {where consisteilt
with the permit}, all applicabie regulations, special canditians and notes set farth belcaw. Any violation of these terms ►rtay
be subjeci to fines, imprisanment or cival action, ar may cause the permit to b� null and vr�id.
TIP No. B-2540, Phase I, Brid�e Replacement
All work authorized by this permit sk�a�� be carried aut in ac�c�r�ance witl� the follawmg aitached
workplan ciz-avaings, except as modified herein:
We#lands and Streams Tmpacts Drawing��l): 25 dated 51231I2; 8 dated 5124/12; 2 dated 6,'13!1?; 2
dated 615112; 2 dated 5131112; 1 dated 71l 1112; and 1 dated 614112.
Roadway D�sign Drawin s 44 : 29 dated 611112; 4 dated b15112; 4 dated 6113I12; 2 datcd 1 I/Sr'49;
and 1 dated 9l2710f .
(See attached sheets f4r_Additional_Conditians} _
This perrnit actiot> >nay be appealed by the permittee �r
other qualified persa+�s �lithin twenty (20) days of the issuing
date, An appeal re�uires resolution prior to wark initiation or
continuance as the case rnay be.
This perrt�it must be aceessrbfe on-site t� Departr�ierit
personnel wlien the prolecz is inspecteu' for compliance.
Any maintenance work or projec4 modification not co�ered
hereunder requires further �ir+ision approval.
All work rnust cease when the pei7nit expires on
No ex�irativn date, pursuant ta GS 13�6-44.7B
� In issuing ti'ris permit, the State of North Caroliii� agrees
i that your project is evnsistent with the Nnrth Garolin� C'oasta!
� Management Pro�ram.
�.._..,_._. ..,o.,o..�,.�.,,..�_�v_....w__v�..�;
Signed by th� authority of the See�•etary of DENA and tf3e
Chairman ot'the Coastal ftesaurces [;ommissian.
L��+�'"r' " ' _
Braxkan C. Uavi�, Direcin;
Divi:�ion of Cc�astal Mana�;emei�t
This pem�it ar��1 its conditions are hereby accepted.
� �v ,�In
Si� �atu oF Permittee
N.C. Department of Transportatinn
Permit 1'�0. I06-12
Page 2 of 8
N�TE: The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDQT} project TIP 1'Jo. B-2500 authorized
by this permit extends for appraximately � S miles fratn tha sfluthern end of Bodie Island to the
cammunity of Ttodanthe. This permit only autk�orizes construction af Phase I o�'the TIP No. B-
25�0 praject. Prior to initiating any construction an the remaining phases of this project, the
permittee must �receiv� additional authflrizatzon from the N.C. Di�isian of Coastal Management
2} In accardance wzth T1 SA:U7H.�346(k}, the authorized structures shall be relocat�d vr dismantled when
they become imminently threatened by changes in shoreline configuration. The structures sh,all be
relQcated or dismantled within two yeaxs of the time when they beconne imminently threatened, and in
any case upon their collapse or subsidence. Hawe�er, if natural shareliiie recoVery flr beach re-
nourishrnent takes place within two years of the time the structures become iinminently threatened, sa
that the structures are no longer imminently threatened, then they need not be relacated or distnantled at
that time, This condiiion shall not affect the pexmit holder's right to seek authorizatian of temporary
prntective measures allowed under Rule T1SA;07H,0348(a}(2).
3} Unless speciiically altered herein, any mitigati�e measures or environmental commi#ments specifically
made by the pernuttee in the CAMA permit application, the NEPA1404 Merger Process, andfor the
Record of Decisian dc�cument dated December 20, 2�1[l shall be implemented, regardless of whether or
not such comtnittnents are addressed by individual conditions of thi� permit.
�� The temporary placement and double handiing of any exca�ated or fill material within waters ar
��getated wetlands is not authorized, with the �xcepiion of tl-iat fill necessary for the jetting aperation
and the construction vf tk�e temporaxy work tresile. This can.dition also applies ta #he Anatexials stared on
work platforms and remar�al af the existing bridge, culvert, roadway asphalt, and assaciate�t materials.
5} No excavataan or filling shall take place at any time in any �vegetated wetlands ar surrounding waters
outside af the alignment of the areas indicated on the attached workplan drawings, without permit
5) Material excavated From the praject site may he used in fill areas associated with the project once
pr�perly d�w�t�red. Otherwise, the maierial shall b� re�no�ed fi�om the �ite and t,alc.en to_a_high. g�vund
7) All excavated materials shall be canfined abo�e normaI high wat�r and landward of regularly or
irregularly floaded wetlands behirid adequate dikes ar other retaining struetures to pre�ent spillo�=er of
solids intt� any wetlands or surroundin�; waters.
8) All fiIl material shall be clean and free vf any pollutants exG�pt in tcace: quantities.
9} Live concrete shall not be ailawed to contact waters of the State or water fihat will enter waters of the
1{�) CanstructiQn staging areas shall be lc�cated unly in upland areas, and not in wetlands or waters af the
l�[.C. De�artment of Transportation Perrnit No. 146-12
Page 3 of 8
11) All construction access shail be thraugh the use of the existing bridge, autharized texnporary wark
trestles and platforms, the parkially constructed new bridge, existii�g high graund areas, andlar ba�•ges.
12) Barges used for construction and demolition access shall be remo�ed immediately when they are no
langer needed for canstructian and demolitian.
I3) Dredging in any manner, including 4ikicking" with boat propellers is not authorized, withaut permit
14} All reasonable effarts shall be made to contain all debris and excess materials associated with the
remo�al of the existing and construction af the tiew bridge, ternparary work trestle, and ather existing
staructures, with #he intent that tnateriatsldebris do n�t enter wetlands or Waters of the State, even
tempararily, with the exceptian af any materials that may be utilized by the N.C. Dir�ision of Marine
I'isheries (DMF) for artificial reef constructian.
15) The temparary wark trestle and the temporary extension and reconstruction �f the existing roadway that
leads tr� the emergency ferry landing an the south side of C)regon Inlet far barge access, including the
work trestleldack, sh.all be reYno�ed in their entirety and dispased of at an apprQved high ground lo�ation
within 9�J days after the structure(s} is na langer needed,
1�) The placement of riprap shall be limited to the areas indicated on the attached workplan drawin�s. The
riprap material shall be free from loc�se dirt or any p�llutant exc�pt in trace quantities.
Installation and Rema�al of Piles
17} The installation and remo�al of the piles for the new bridge, exis#ing bridge, temporary work trestles and
platfarms, and pipe piles at tne casting yard, shall be accomplished by aetting, pile dri�ing andlor the use
of a �ibratory harnmer, as specified in the per�nit application. Should the permittee andlor its cantractor
desire to utilize anath�r type of pile instaltation, such as drilled shaft construction, additional
authorizaticrn from DCM shall be required.
l�) In accordance with connmitments made by the permittee in the permit application, a prirnary and
secandary containment system shall be used to capture as mucli of the jetiing water as possible anc!
allow for re-use of #he water within the jetting operatian far bridge bents 47 through 78. Excess spoil
shall be disposed of according to the I�TCDOT borrowlwaste procedures at an appro�ed off-site lacatian.
19) All reasonal�le efforts shall be made tv cantain jetting spoils and keep them from entering wetlands or
areas cantaining suhmerged aquatic �egetatian.
2Q) Pilings in apen water from the existing bridge and the temparary wark trestles shall b� rernaved xn their
entirety, except that in the event that a bridge piling breaks during remflval and cannot 6e xemoved in its
entirety, DCM shall be notified to deiermine an appropriate caurse of action. Existing bridge pilings in
SAV areas and wetlands shall be cut off at the mudline.
N.C. Department nf Tr�ns�ortation
Demolition of Existin� Sridge and Assnciated Structures
Permit No: 106-12
Page 4 of 8
21) As proposed in the perrnit applicatian packa�e far the proposed project, the permittee shall coordinate
with and proVide the N.C. Di�vision of Marine Fisheries with suitable bridge dernalition material that
wilI be placed at four �xisting artificial reef sites in the Atlarttie rJcean.
22) The permittee shall remove any scaur protection de�ices {gabion mats, sand bags, A jacks, etc.} that are
exposed on the bed af Clregon Inlet at the time of constructioi�, with the exception af those protecting the
substructure of thc existing bridge ihat will remain in place as a fishing pier. If the permittee desires to
IeaVe any expased scaur protection de�vices in place other than thase associated with the approved
fishing pier, th�n additional coardination with DCM shall be required. In additi�n, iFany scour
protection de�vices or other remnant structures become exposed in the future, the permittee shall
caordinate with DCNI and other appropriate r�saurce �gencies to determine if remo�al is necessary.
Ret�inin� Walls far Ab�utment Fill Slo�e and Side Slone Protectian
The reiaining walls for abutment fill slope and side slape protectian shall be structurally tight so as to
prevent seepage of fill materials through the structure.
The retaining walls ft�i• abutrnent rll slape and side siope prc�tection shall be in place prior to any
backfilling activities.
All backfill material shall be obiained fr�m a high ground saexrce. No uncanfined backfill shall be
discharged inta Waters of the S#ate.
UtiIitv Imnacts
N(3TE.: The �onstruction of th.� t�ew bridge will also require the_rel�catian af electric, telephon�, and_
water utility lines with assaciated hand and mechanized clearing, including the relocation of an
electaric riser pale. Wetland and stream innpacts resulting fr�m the utility reiocations ha�e been
included in the total wetland and strearn impacts for this p�•oject.
26} Any relocatian of utility lines that is not already d�picted c�n the altached work plan drawings shall
require appro�val by I]CM, either under the authority of this percnit, ar by the ratiliiy company abtaining
separate authc�rizatic�n.
N�TE: Plans and specifications iar the relacation andlor replacement of potable water supply lines must
be submitted to the ❑i�visian af �nvironmental Health, Public Water Supply Plan Re�iew Section
for appro�al priar tQ constructian.
N.C. Department vf Transpartaiion
His#orical and Cultural Resnurce Protectinn
Permit No. 106-1�
Page 5 af 8
NOTE: A Pro�rammatic Agreement dated 1111511 a exists between the Federal Highway Administratian,
the Advisary Council an Historic Preservativn, NCD(�T, and the N.C. State Histaric
Preservation �ffice (SHP�} for the project and is included as Appendix D in the Record pf
Decision dated Decernber 20, 2Q10.
Carn ensata Miti atiun for Im acts to Wetlands Submer ed A uat�c Ve etation
an+d Waters of the State
N[3TE: This project will permanently irnpact approximately 0,48 acres of404 wetla�ids (0.38 acres due
to iill, 0.42 acres due to excavation, and 0.�8 acres due to mechanized clearing) anc�
approximately 0.03 acres of CAMA Coastal Wetlands (Q,U2 acres due ta fll and O.OI acres due
to mechanized clearing}, This project will tempararily impact approxirnately 0,31 acres of 4�4
wetlands (�l.i}5 acres due to fill and 0.26 acres due to hand cieaxing} and approximately 1.04
acres of CAPvIA Coastal Wetlands due ta fill. This pxaject will permanently impact
approximateiy l acre of surface waters and will tempararily impact approximately 3.43 acres af
surface waters, This project will perrnanently impact approximately 2.66 acres af SAV areas due
to shading and will temporarily impact apprt�ximately 2.42 acres af SAV areas due to shading.
The casting yard far this project will temporarily impact approximately 0.01 acres of surface
27j� Except as specified by conditions of this permit, wetland mitigation sl�all be carried out as described in
the dacument titled "Re�ised I]raft Wetland Mitigation Ptan NC 12 RepIacement flf Herbert C. Bonner
Bridge {Bridge No, t 1) aver Oregon Inlet" daied May 17, 2012,
NUTE: The perrnittee is strongly encouraged to cQflrdinate with the N.G Natural Heritage Program and
the 1`�lational Park SerUice (1'�TPS) ihrougltout implementation af the compensatory wetland
mitigation within the Bodie Island Ligh#house Pand Sig�nificant Natural Heritage Area. The
permittee should adhere tfl any recomrnendatians regarding protection of state a�s�d federally
___ listed_speci�s within the $odie lslatad Lig;hth,o�ase Ponc� Si�nificant I�atural Heritage Area.
28) DCM does not consider the SAV mitigation plan submitted with the permit application to be a final
mitigation plan. 'Therefore, priar ta initiating ��nstruction within any area eontaining SAV559 the
permittee shall submit a final SAV mitigation plan to DCM, as well as nther appropriate resaurce
agencies. Appro�ral of this plan shalI be �btained fr�m D�M prinr tr� initiating ctinstructian activities in
these SAV areas, The plan shall identify the lacatian for the SAV mitigation site and the location of any
SAV danor beds.
N.C. DePartment of TransPortatiun
Permit No. 1.{}G-12
Page 6 of S
NOTE; The permittee is encouraged to incarporate the fallawing considerations into the final SAV
mitigation plan: a) utilize multiple locations ta allow more chance for success; b) include
apenings of at least 5 feet For e�ery 1 QO feet of structure Iength if breakwaters are utilized to
allaw fsh to continue tc� use these areas; c) deterrnine if any breakwaters flr other siructures will
need ta be remvved after success criteria are met; d} develop a monitoring plan for the SAV
mitigation sit� after any breakwaters r�r other struclures are remo�ed to determine long-term
success; and e} define success criteria to incle�de a higher percentage of SAV co�erage 5 years
after any breakwaters or other structur�es are remfl�ed
Any subsequent changes to the wetIand and submerged aquatic vegetation mitigation plans authorized
by this permit may require additional autharization from DCM.
An as-built report for the SAV mitigation site shall be submitted to DCM within 90 days after tne
mitigation site has heen constru�ted.
31) Annual monitoring reports �or the su6rnerged aquatic uegetation mitigation site shall be pra�ided to
DCM for a rninimum of f'r�e years after mitigation site canstruction, and for 5 years after the remo�al of
any breakwaters ar other structures. Annual monitoring reports shall include an e�aluation of data, and
an assessment of whether success criteria are being met. Progress reports shall alsa be prov�ided upon
N+UTE: ThiS permit does not convey c�r imply appro�al af the suitability of any excess submerged
ac�uatic �egetation mitigation credits generated by thi� praject as compensatory mitigation for
any particular future prajects. The u�e af any portion of excess submerged aquatic �egetation
mitigation credits generated by this project as compensatory mitigation far future projects shall
be apprfl�ed on a case-by-case basis during the permit review andlor consistency pracess.
32) Due to the pflssibility that carnpa�tian from jetting containment stractures, shading under the work
trestle, trenching of electric lines, mechanized clearing, andlor other site alterations might pre�ent the
temporary Caastal Wetland and SAV impact areas fr+�rn re-attaining pre-project functians, the permittee
shall pro�ide an anrival update on the Coastal Wetland and SAV areas temporarily impacted by this
prflject. This annual update shall consist aFphotographs and a brief written report on the pra�;ress of
these temporarily impacted areas in re-attaining thcir pre-project functio�ts. Within three years afiei•
pr�ject carnpletion, the permittee shall hold an agency field rneeting with DCPvI to detertnine if the
Coastai Wetland and SAV areas temporarily impacted �y this prc�ject ha�ve re-attained pre-praject
functians. If at the end of three years DCM d�termines that the Coastal Wetland and SAV areas
ternpararily impacted by the project have not re-attained pr�-project functions, DCM rjrill detennine
whet�er compensatory initi�ation sha11 be required.
33} There shall be no clearing oz• grubbin� of wetlane�s outside of the areas indicated on the attached
workplan drawings withaut prior apprflval from DCM.
34) Construction mais shall be utilized tv suppart equipment within wetland areas ta minin�ize temp�rary
wetland impacts during utility relocations as specified �n the attached workplan drawin�s. These mats
shall be remnved immediately followin� project completian.
N.C. Department of TransportatiQn
Threatened and Endan�ered Snecies Pratection
Permit No. 1Q6-12
Page 7 of 8
35} In accordance with camrreitments made by the permittee, the discr�tionary rneasures for the piping
plover and three species of sea turtles that are described in the permit applicatian that include the terms
and conditions outlined in the July 10, 2Q�8 United States Fish and Wildiife Seivice (USFWS}
Biolagical and Conference Qpinions shall he implemented,
36} In accordance with commitments made by the permittee, all conditions a�tlined in the US�'WS
Guidelines far Avaiding Impacts to the West Indiaxa Manatee: Precautionary Measures for Constructifln
Acti�ities in Nor�h Caralina Waters shali be implemented.
Sedimentatian and Erosion Control
37) Appropriate sediinentation and erosion cantrol devices, measures, vr structures shall be implecnented to
ensure ihat eroded rzxateri�ls do n.at enter adjacent wetlands, watercourses, and property (e.g. silt fence,
diversinn swales or i�erms, etc.}.
38} This pr+oject shall confarm tv all requirernents of the N.C, Sedimentation Pallution Control Act and
�'�ICDOT's Memarandurn of Agreement with the Di�ision of Land R.esc►urces.
Stormwater Mana�ement
N�TE: The N.C. Di�vision of Water Quality (DWC�} confirmed in a letter dated 71I9112 (SW7120514}
that the subject project is excluded f`rarn State Stormwater permitting requirements as set forth in
Section 2(d}(1) of Session Law 2�08-21 I, effe�iive �ctaber 1, 2DD8, and #he storFnwater rules
under Title 15A NCAC 2H .1000, as amended.
39) The permittee shall exercise all available precautic�ns in the day-to-day ap�rations of the facility to
prer�enfi waste fram e�itering the adjacent waters and wetlands.
4(}} If it is determined that additional permanent and/ar temporary im��cts are necessary that are ixflt shr�wn
an the attached wnrkplan drawings or described in the autharizetf permit applicatian, a pernlit
modification and/or addifiianal authorization frQm DCM shall be required. In additian, any changes in
the approved plan may alsa require a perrnit modification andl+�r additianal autharizativn from DCM.
The permittee shall contact a representati�e of DCM priar to cvm.menceznent of any such acti�ity for
this d�termination �.nd any perrnit madification.
N.C. Department o�' Transportation Permit No, 106-12
Page S of 8
41) In accardan�e with the eomrnitments mad� by the permittee, no permanent iighting shall be instaIled �n
the portion of the existing bridge to be retain�d as a fishing pier.
42) The permittee andlor his cvntract�r shall meet on site with a T]CM representati�e prior to projecl
43} Development authorized by this permit shall only be conducted on lands awned by the 1�CDOT andlar
its Right-af-Ways andlor easements,
44} Pdathing in ihis permit authorizes any activity that has not r�ceived appro�al from NPS and �1SFWS for
wo��k within the Cape Hatteras 1"�iational Seashor� and Pea Island �iational W iidlife Refuge. The
proposed work shall nat connmence until the permittee has been issued Special Use Permits from tiie
NPS and the USFWS, and a capy of the Special Use Permits are recei�ed by DCM.
45) The N.G. Di�ision of Waier Quality (DWQ) authorized the prapased project on 917112 (DWQ Project
No. 2�120629) under Indi�idual Water Quality Certification No. 003939. Any viol�tzon of th�
Cer�ifi�atian approved by DW(� shall he cor�sidered a aialation of this CAMA permit.
NflTE; The U.S. Arm� Catps of Engineers is re�riewing this project as an Individua! Permit (Actic�n iD
No. SAW-1993-0�3(}77).
N4TE: This permit �iaes ncat eliminate the need tv obtain any additional state, federal c�r local permits,
approvals ar authorizatians ihat rnay be required, including any necessary for the casting yard,
aerial s�,rayin�; a#' herbicides at the appro�ved �retland mitigation site, and/ar dispasal of suitable
material an artificial reefs.
�Permii Class
,. i°�i(IDIF'� .�A
�TA'i�. (��' NUF`�T�i C�R�I.I�i�.
I)epartment of Linviro�im�:ntal C�ual.ity
i:c��.st� l R�:�o��: �es C:�an;�x�issit�az
�, ���� ���
� Major �evelopment in an �1rea of En�ironmental Ccaiicern
pt�rsuant to 1�iCCiS I 13A-11$
X Excava#ic�n andlor filling pursuant to NCGS 1 I3-22)
Pexmit Nurr�ber
Issued to N,C. Depa.rtment af Traaxsportation, 159i311�Iaii f5ervice Cc�xter, Ralei�la, I�C' �7G99-1598
Autliori7in� deVelopment in__ Dare County at Ore��n Inlef, IIerbet't C. ]3oru�er Bric��e c�n
]�1C IIighwav 12, as ret�ueste� in.tt'e pern�tittee's applivatian l�tier dated 10/I5115, �nci the atfr�cl�ed workplan
�rawin�s (3} dated 1D1151I5. � _ _
Ti�is permit, 15SliC{� 011 OCtO�'f�C ��. 20]5 , is st:bject to campliance witit the app�icatic�n (whare �onsistent "
with tl�e pej7nit}, all applicable regulations, special conditians aiid notes set fartli below. Any violatio�x of these te�•ms may
he subject to fines, imprisonment ar civil action; ar may cause the permit to be null and �oid.
TIP No. I�-2S00,, Phasc I
1} Unless specif c�l ly altered herein, this Minor Mad ification autl3�rizes revise� utility pl�ns al Wetland
Permit Ixnpact Site 4 to directionally bore th� �lnderground electric line, as depictect on the aftached
workplan drawings.
N'[}TE: The speci�ic develUpment bei��g permitted does nat prechide the remainder of the B-2500
project l�eing hui�t in the Panalico Sound providecl that future cievelopment wiil be const�-ucted
in a way thaf a�roids anc� minimizes impacts to AE�s.
u� Ue�velo�meni autharifed t�y th�s Minar Moc]if cation shall only 6e eo�ldt�cted c�n Iat�d� owned �y t�e
NCDOT an�l/or its right-of ways andlor easements.
(See attached sheets for Additian�l Conditions}
This perrnit acti�n may he appeated by the permittee or
ather quatified pearsans within twea�ty {20) ciays of the issuing
This permit must be accessible on-site to Gepartment
�ersonnel wlten the prnject is inspected for compkiance.
Any maintena�ce warEc or project modi�cation not co�ered
hereunder requires further Division approval.
All work musl cease when #he perrnit expires on
No expiration date, pursuant ta GS 13G-44.78
In issusng thes permit, the State of Nprth Carolina agrees
tita# your project is consistent wltlt the North Carolina Coastal
Mlanagemei�t Pragram.
Signed l�y the a�thority af the Secretary ai' DEQ and the
Chairman of the Coasta[ I�esourcEs Commission.
Braxton C. �avis, Director
Di�ision of Coast�l Mana�ement
This permit and its conditions ara hereUy accepted.
� �!`
R�G+�ARa W, F��4�tc..n�+.c P• �. 5igi�ature of Permittee
1'�i.C. Ae�artment of Transportatian
Permit Na. lUd-12
Fage 2 of 3
N�TE: 'I'he acti�iiies aiithorized by this Minor Nlodifcafiion at Wetland Permit Impact Site 4 will result
in a 0.06 acre decrease in impacts due to temporary exca�ation, and a f�.22 increase in impacts
due to hand clearing. The re�ised i�npacts at �1et�and �'ermit Impact Site 4 are f}.01 acres of
permanent #ill in Coastal Wetlands, 0.04 acres of temparary exca�ation in Caastal Wetlands,
4.01 acres of temporary exca�ation in 4Q4 Wetlands, 0.11 acres oFhand clearing in Coastal
'�uV'etlancis, and U.11 acres of hand clearing in 404 W etlands.
There shall be no clearing of wetlands autside of the areas indieated on the attached workplan drawings
without prior apparava! from DCM.
Wettand areas ta be tempc�rarily impacted by hand clearin� shall nvt be grtihbed, without additional
autl�orization fram tl�e Division.
5) Due to the passibility that hand clearing andlcrr other site alteratic�ns might prevent the temporary
Coastal Wetland in�pact areas from re-attaining pre-project functions, the permittee shall pravic�e an
annual update on tlie Coastal V�Jetland areas temporarily impacted by the aciivities authorized by this
Minor Modification. This annual update shall consist af photographs and a brief written report on the
progress ofthese temporarily impacted areas in re-att�ining their pre-project functians. Within #hree
years after completion af TIP No. B-2540 Fhase I, the permittee sliall I�old an agency field me�ting with
UCM to determii►e if the Coastal Wetlant� areas temporarily impacted by ihis project have re-attained
pre-project functions. If at the end of three years DCM determii�es that the Coastal Wetland areas
ten�porarily impacted by the pr•ofect ha�e not re-attai�lecl pre-project fur�ctiflns, D�M will determine
whether compensatory mitigation sl��ll be rec�uired.
6} If it is deternnined tliat additi4nal permancnt ancllor temporary iinpacts are necessary that are not showiy
an the attached Gvorkplan drawings or described in the autl�orized permit application, a permit
modificatian anctlor aciditional autl�orizatian from DCM shall be i•equired. In additian, any chan�;es in
the �i�pro�ed plan m�y also require a permit modification ancUar additional authoriz�tion frnm DCM.
The permittee si�all confact a representati�e of DCM priar to carr�m�nc�nnent of any such activity for
this deEermiiiation and any permit modifieatian.
7} The permiftee anci/ar Ilis contracior shall contaci the DCM Trans�ac�rtati�n I'roject Field Representative
in Eiizabeth City at (252} 264-3901 to request a pre-constiuction conferen�e priar tv �roject initiation.
8} Nathing in this IVlajor Modification authorizes any aetivity that has not received appro�val from the
Nativnal Park Service (NPS) andJor the USFWS for work within the Cape Hatteras National Seashore
andlor PTNWR. The proposed work shall not cvmrnence until th� per�nittee has been issued Special Use
Pel7rtit(s) ftam the I�II�S andlor the USFWS, if require�, anc� a copy af the Special Use Permit(s} are
reeei�ec� by DCM.
�) The pern�ittee shall coordinate with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) and the N.G Divisiai�
vf Water Resaurces (17WR) regarding the piroject. The peimittee shall ��roVide any permits issued by
USAC� and DWR tfl DCM priQr to initiatiFig construction activiiies.
N(JTE: This Minor Modifieation does n4t eliminate the ne�d to obtain any additional state, federal oi•
local permits, appro�ais or authorizations that may be required.
l`�,C. Department of Trax�sP�ort€�tian
,t�,D�]ITIC)i„dAL CQI'��3�TIf3i�i�
Permit l�'n. lU�a-1�
Page 3 0� 3
10) This Minar 1V�odification �haPi be attac�ed tc� t�e vriginal of �'ertnit Na. 1�5-12, wk�ich was issued on
9�119112, as wel� as aIl subsequent rnodifi�catic�ns, and copies of all �acuments sk�ail be readily available
�n site when a Di�visian representative inspects tl�e prajeci fQr c�rnplianee.
1 I} All can.ditions and stipulatians ofthe active permit remain in force und�r tiiis Minor Madificatic�n unless
speeifcalty altered herein.
NC1TE: Az� applicatic�n pracessing f�e of $10{� was received by DCM far thi� pra�ject.
�U.S. C�epartr�ent of Commander �31 �rawfard Sireet
�fi�trp�l�r�ci S�Curlty �.°�;" tJ�nited Stsies Cflast Guard Portsmouth, VA 23�dA-5D44
*';�!- Fifth �t��st Gu�rd Dsstnd Staff Sy+rrtboa: {dph)
�f18t�:� $fi�i2S ��'�' Phone: f7�7j 398-6557
�ax: (75�j 398-6334
�iO�Sfi isL1e�?{� �nna64: James.L.�tousseau2��scg.rniP
I � .�h1J G ? f� � 5
Richard W �I�ncock, 'P.E., I'v��a�er
P�aject Dev��aprn�nt �"c ��v�ranmet�tal .�,n�ysis �Jnit
�1�orth C�ro�a I�epa�anent c�f T�arrs�ar4ati�n
➢ 54� ��i� S�rr�ice Cem�er
Raleigl�, NC �7b'99-1548
Dea� M�. Ha�ac�ck:
EIICICIS�� 15 �� 'CC1�S$ Gi1r�CC� BT1C��� P`��lt I-1 S-S d3i@+a .I ll�'�" � 1, 2�D 1�, apprc�ving the pr+opc�sed
replacememt vf'the �'on�er �3�idge acsross ar�gon lnl�t in I��e C�unty, NC. Th� followi�g
s#ipulations sha�� be add��red to:
�, �'h� Cflntr�ctor shall subinit lhe pt� arid sc➢��d�le �f �rp�rati�n f�r apprc�ua.� at lea�t 4S
day� p�or lo cvrr�nence��nt c�f w�ark in t}�e waterway. �Qne copy af such izi#'arma�orr shal� b�
s�bmitted comcurren�ly �o youa� Resi�ez�t Ersgir�e�r. the L�nited St�..t�s ��a�st G�ard �ommander
�d�b�; �'eder�l I3uilding, �th Fl�o�r, 431 �CPaw�o�d Street; Po�tsmo�t�i, �+,�'A` 237�4-5004, and �e
�J. S. Caast Gu�urd S�ctor 1'�carth Carnli�,a �t 7� 1 Medical C�ntier I�rive, ''�u'ilnnir��ton, NG 284fl Z.
The ir�fflrn7atic�r� sha11 ir�elud� a skeich c�f the v�aterway; the hridg�; C�'l� �ClC�il{iII [lFd..I1�'
restraetioms that will bc plac�d in �he wat�rrw�ay sucl� as b�ges, anchc�rs, an�d an�har lirres; t�te
Iocat�c�n ar�d h�ei,�ht �bnv� r�raean h��h water and detail�� �escriptiom of any scaf-�'��din�, c�r
netti�g; �etaiied de�Griptia�� i�dicati�� the ��ae��n�nt, ty�e and d�nr�ens�on of any caFf'erda�ns if
us�d, T�te scheduie shauld alsc� imc�ude tfie haurs r�f r�per�tian �tr� wbeth�r or n�t �e e�quipm�nt
will &r+� remaved at night. 1�he cc�n�t�c�or shall �am��y wich �ll �Povisior�s ��fi�e Naviga�i�an
I�au1�s ln�ernatic�nal -�nl�.�d, ���ilabl� from the Sup�ri�t�n�en� o:F�ocuments,'U.S. �rnvem�nent
Pr�r�ting �i�ic�, 'Was�ingt�n, T�.�. °The C�ntr�Gtor sh�1T s�bmit t� t1�e l�eside�t �a�gir�eer a cc�p�+
a�f a:11 �canespondence writ}a �e �aast ��ard. �C� �e�i�tie�n fr�m th�e approued pl�.n:s an� s�ched�le
af ���eratian m�y be mad� �nless the �odnf ca�ion has prev�raus�y be�n s�ai�mitted and a�ppr�oveel
by th� Coast Guard.
b. A611 �brid�e clasures �'t�� t�ie exis�n�-tv-be-re�lacet� l��ir��g s�;�I� be reques�ed in writing �ka
be r�eceive� at I�is ��f ce al �edst 15 days in a�iv�►�ce. If any cic�s�es will exceed thr�ee
�ons�eutive days, we Fn�st �e advised at leas� 3Q� da;�s in adr�rince sc� tha� we m�y mai:� th�
app�c�pnate m�cine no�fica�c��s� 'l"irne restr�et�ar�s �r�r �hc navi�atian�tl �affic sF�utdr�wn s�i�ll b�
strictly adl�ere� to. Any requ�st �c�r a� exter��n�n o��ie a�lc�sure d�tes stated a�bc�v� shal] be
farw�rde+� at l��st 3Q d�ys i� �d�r�nce t�a the �aast Guaxd for ap�r�val.
c. At no �ime du.a�ir�g t}ae wa�rk wiIl tYae watervuay be cl��eri to r�awi�at�o� wi�aut pri+�r
app�ov�l fro�n the Cv�st Guarr�. �'au are r�quired t� maintain �;lose �n� re��la.r cor�tact witl�
�Coast Guard S'eetor Nc�� Car�➢ina t� �:eep t.��r� iroforrned t€� acti�ritics i� wa�teTway at {?�?} 2�7-
l� ALIG ZU15
d. Barges th�t are used in the waterway during the project must be mazked. Enclosure (Zy
outlines temgorary marking and lighting rec}uirernents far k�arges and structures not part of the
bridge that wiil be used during construction. If barge or float anchor lines ar� useci, they must be
marked by buoys, which shou.ld be Iighted. If you shauld �a�e any questions, regarding lights on
the barges ar work floats, please cantact the Chief, Waterways Mana.�ement Se�tian, at {757j
39$-6230. Flc�ating equipment shall ha�e a radiotelephane cap�ble of aperatian from its main
cantrol station in accordance with Part Zb of Title 33, Code of Fed.eral Regulations and shall be
rnonitored during all periods the f�oating equipment is vn statian.
e. During the prngress af work, while the channel is in operatian, shauld a.ny material,
machinery or equipment he lost, dumped, thrown o�erboard, sunk vr misplaced wluch may be
dangerous to or ubstruct navigatiQn, immediate notice sha11 be given to the Coast Guard and the
abject removed with the utmost dispatch. []ntil remo�al can be effected, the nt�jects shall be
properly marked in vrder to protect navigatiQn. NQtice to the Coask Guard shail give a
description and location of any such object and the ac�ion taken ar being �alcen tv protect
f, Upon comgletion o#'the propased project, an inspection �f the waterway l�ottom shall6e
performed to insure that all canstructian waste materials ha�e been cnmpletely remo�ed.
Certzficativn will be required in writing by a lice�sed engineer or licensed surveyor that the
waterways ha�e not been impaired and all canstruction related debris ha.s been clear�d from it.
The certification shall include the actual method used ta conduct the inspection. Ths Canhactor
sha11 rema�e any bridge related debris, resuIting from the current or prior wark or accurrenGes,
discovered durin� this survey.
g. Upon completifln af the bridgewark, a responsik�le official af the North Garolina
Department af Transportation shall verify as-built clearances and a statement attesting to the
carrectness of the �learances shall be forwarded to this Qffice for recard purpase. In lieu �f
�erificatian by the aba�e listed vf�icial, certification hy a licensed surveyor c�r registered
prafessional engineer registered in the State nfNarth Cazolina will be accepted.
�. Ex�ept as shown an the plans, nc� c3sedging, excavation, filling, rip-rap, ar other wQrk
affecting the bottom�, shall be done in cvnjunction with this work.
i. If during the periods of construction, permanent lighting caunot be maintained operahle,
the fenders af each pier shall be marked with a battery or power operated white light of nat less
than 60 flashes per minute and visible for a range af 2,DUC1 yards on 90% of the nights of the
year. Generally, a larng of 20-car�dle pawer will meet these requirements. If necessary tca obtain
coverage required, a light ar lights fln �Yie upstream and downstream sides shall be installed. The
piers shall be sa marked until the constrei�tion has been completed and permanent na�igational
lighting has �een installed and determined ta be vperating satisfactorily. Written appro�al fram
the Goast Guard of temporary lighting during perinds of construction is required. 1V� existing
bridge navigat�on lights shail be impaired or hlocked during darkness or perio+ds �f reduced
12 AUG 2Q 15
j. Compli�nce with the requirements stated herein does nat relieve the cantractor of the
abligatian or responsibility for �ompliance with the provisians af $ny othes law or regulation as
may be u�der the j�isdictis�n of the State ofNarch Caralina, ar any o#her federal, state or lr�cal
autharity ha�in� �ogni7.ance af any asp�ct ofthe location, constructian or maintenance of said
bridge. It is ad�+ised that the Caast Guard can leuy monetary ci�il penalties for �iolatians of
bridge r�gulati�ns and s#atutes.
k. In accordance with Title 33 Code of Federal Re�,ulations Part I 18.25 — Application
pro�e�ure, approval af lights and �ther signals requireci shall be obtsiried prit�r tc� e�nstruetican.
Application �hall t�e by letter accompanied by c�uplicate sets af drawings showing (1} the plan
and ele�ation of tt�e structure s�howing lights and signals proposed, S1]� ��� ,� SIlI�1 SG�� V1CII11Lj+
chart showing praposed bridge and all other bridges within I,UO� feet ahove nr below the
proposed trridge.
The affice �fthe Bridge Pragram 1Vlanager= Fift}3 Coast Guard Distriet, shall be natified
immediately upon completion af the proje�t. If yvu should have any questaons regarding this
mattr�x, please cvnta.ct Mr, James Rousseau at tbe abr��e listed address or telephane nutnber.
5incerely, ,�
`l���` • � `
Bridge Ptr��ram Manager
By direction nf the Co�tmar►der
�ifth Cvast Guard Districfi
Encl; �(1) Bridge Perznit 1-15-5 dated July 31, ZU ] 5
�(2) Temparary mazking and lighting requiremez�ts
Copy; CQmmander, Fifth Caast Civard. Di�trict (dpw)
Cnmmander, �Coast Guard Sector 1'�orth Carolina, Waterways Management
12 AUG 2015
�3 CFR 88 l3 Li�hts on harges.
{a} The following barges shall displ�y at ni�t and if practi�able in periods of restricted
�visi6ility the lights described in paragraph (b) af this sectinn;
(1) Every hazge prajecting into a huayed or restricted channel.
(2) Every hazge so mQored that it redu�es the a�ailable na�vigable rvidth of any channeI
to Iess than 8U rneters.
(3) Barges mn�red in group's more �an two barges wide or to a maximum width of
over �5 meters.
(4) EVery barge nat moared parallel tn the hank ar dack.
{b} Sarges described in paragraph {a) �f this secfion sha11 carry twa unohstructed �11-round
white lights af an intensity ta be visible far at least 1 nautical mile and meet�ng the
technical requirements as prescribed in 33 C:FR 84.15.
{c) A harge or group of barges at anchor or made fast to one or more r�►ooring buoys or
ather similaz device, in lieu of the pro�i�ions +�f Inland Na�igatinn Rule 3U, may carry
unobstructed all-rt�und wbite lights af an intensity to b�e visible for at least 1 nautical
mile that meet the requirem+ents of 33 CFR 84.15 and shall be arrang�d as follaws:
(i) Any barge that prajects from a graug farmatian sha�ll be lighted fln its autboard
+�Z} an a single barge moored in water where other �essels normally navigate on both
sides of the harge, lights shall be placed ta mark the comer e��tremities afthe harge.
�3) Qn �arges maored in group formation, moored in water where a#her �essels narmally
navigate on both sides of the graup, lights shall be placed to mazl� the corner extremi�ies
af the group.
{d� The following are exempt from the requirements +of this section:
(1) A bazge or grvup of barges m�c�red in a slip or slough used piimarily for mooring
(�) A barge ar graup of barges moored behind a pier head.
(3) A barge less than 2D meters in Iength whe� rnaored in a sgecial anchoaage area
designated in accardance with 33 CFR 1 D9.14.
33 CFR I18 95 Lxghts an structures not part of a bridge vr rrpproueh strr�ctur�
Lights an sheer bo+�ms, isolated piers, obstructions, and ather structures not part of a brid�e ar
appr�a�h struct�re must meet the requirements for aids to navigatian in Subpart 56.01 af Part 66
of this chapter.
U.S. Dppi+�tmer�Y of ,.-�r"
Fic'artualerod Sgc�urity . !�•
; � ,, ,
uwR�r�� �T�$�s '.�:-1
�f,)A5T Gf.lARD
I�F�I��� �'��MI�I � f �u� �cr�J
WME�EAS by 1�itke 1J �f an ��# af Cc�ngress �ppr�v�d A�agusi 2, � 94�, �nti�ied
'°��er�era� �ridge Act of 1946,,' as arnended ��� U,�.�. �25-533�, th+� car�sen� o�
��c�n�r�ss wa�s granted for �he c�r�structican, rr�ainterran�� armd aper�t�c�r� of brictg�� �nd
a��r�rvac�es th��ret� �v�r tf�e ��ubg�.�ble waters raf the Uraited 5ta��s;
ANd VhfHEF��A� She �ecretary of Ham�land 'Security �'�as del�ga��ed the a.uthor�ty
af 5�c#i�n 5��{b} c�f tha# a�# #o the Comrr��ndae�t, U.S. Go�st Gua�d by ���arkr�+e�rt �f
Horr�elan� ��c��ity I�ebegatia� I��mbe�: Di 7Q.1;
AN� W'4IHER�AS �ef�re cc�nstruct�on is comrn�nced, �he CQrr�rnanci�rut r�ust
a�prove the lacation �nt� plans c�f any ��uch bridge and rr�ay �m�aose any s�o-eei�ic
cc��d�tir�r�s re�a�ing tt� tf�e co�strUction, mai�nt�raance and op�r�toor� o� the stru�ture
dee�m�d ne���s�e-y in the unterest of �aublo� navigatic�¢�, such cQndifiions to h�ve th� f�or�e
af Yaw�
ANQ 1�VH�REAS the -�TATE +a� NC1��i� CAR�E��I'►4 - has submattedl fcrr
a{�pr�val �he lvcatian ar�e� �lans of a bridc�e to b� cQnstructed acrc�ss �7regor� Inlet
betw�e� Rc�da�the a�td �ia�s Head, f��r�h G�r�lin�;
�1�W fi�H��EF{�RE, Thi� i� tr� certi� t�at ihe Vqc�tiaun ar�d pl�m� dated
4,��ne �C312 are hereby appro�ra�i by thee Corrimancfan�, �ub���t to th� fr�llc�v+��rrg
1. hJo deviatic�� from �he ��rproved plan�s rn�y �e macie eith�r befvr�e
car a�ker c4mplet�c�r� of �he struc�ure unless the rx�c�difbcatqc�rr Q� said plans h2rs previae�s9y
'��een subrn�tted tc� and r�c+�ived the appro+�ail nf ihe C�arnm�ndar�t.
2. The ce�nstructi�n of falsewQrk, �ail4ng�, co�fe��4arr�� vr �ther
flb�t�uciic�r�s, �� �eqt�ired, sha�1 b� �n ac�ordarace with �p��rws submi��te�' #a and apprc�r�ed
by the ��cn�ar�der, Fi�th �c�ast G�ard �i�trict, pr�i€�r to const��tic�� af the bridge. All
wo��c sh�la be so cor�du�ted tha�t #he free n�vigatkc�n c�f �he w�fterway i� �no# u�►�easanabky
interfered with �nd fhe pre�ent �awag��9e dept�s ar� r��t imp��red. Tim�ly r���ice r�f �r�y
arn�i aN eve�nts that may afi��et na�igation shall be �aver� �c� the �istr�ct G�a�rrmand�r
during cc�ns�r�cticr� c�f t'�ie �iridge. Tti�e char�nel or chann�is trhrough t�� �tru�cture s��II
be p��arrrptly cleared �f �II ab�tr�c#�orrs placed t�ecein ar ca�sed� by the carustr�ctac��a o�
ihe �Ori�Je�e to t�e s�tasfactian af the CJistrict �orrir��r�der, wh�r� in ine j�dgm�ra� �f the
�}istr�ct �e�r-�mander tFre construciion wark F�as r�a�c#�ed a pc�i�� wh�re such a��i�n
sha�ufd b+� tak�n, but i�u no case Eater tha�u 9(7 days after tk�e l�r��ig� has beer� m�enec� t�
Cantinuatian Sheet
8ridge across Oregan Inlet be#ween Rodanthe
and Nags Head, Nor'th Garolina
3 T �u� 2aj�
3. Issuan�e of #his permit does nat refier►e the permittee of the
obligatian or responsibility for cornpliance with the pfOV1510�fi5 of any �ther law or
regulatian as rnay be under the jurisdiction of the U.S. Deparkment af Cammerce,
National llAarin�e Fisheries ServEce, or any other federa4, state gr lacal aufharity having
cvgnizance af any aspect af the locatian, canstruc#ian or maintenar�ce of said �ridge.
4. The bridge pratecti►re systern shall he con�tructed and maintained
as shown on the approved plan sheet 22 (o# ��} dated 4 June 20i2 for t�e safety of
5. Glearance gauges shal! be installed and maintained in a goad and
legible condition by and at the �xpense af the owner of tt�e bridge when sa required by
the District Commander. The type of gauges and the foca#ions in which they are ta be
instaHed wift be submittec� to #he District Cammander far approval.
B. A 1,05�-foot partion, including bents 187 thraugh 2Q3, of the
existing to-he-replaced MC Aor�te i 2 Bridge, mile D.S, has been auth+�ri�ed by U.S.
Army Corps af Enginsers permit number SAW-1993-Q30T! #a be retained as a fiishing
pier. Afl other parts of the ex€s#ing to-be-replaced NC Route 12 Bridge not util`tzed in the
new bridge, except bents 1 through 87, shal! be remaved in their entirety. gents 1
thraugh 8? wilf be ramoved down to ar b�fow #he rnud#ine or naturai groundline. The
waterway shall be cleared t8 the satis#a�ctian afi the District Commander. A period of 9�
days subsequent to #h� opening to lraffic of the new bridge, mile �.5, will be allowed #or
such remorraf and clearance.
7. Wh�n the propased bridge is nv langer used #or transportation
purposes, it shall 1ae remor�ed in its entirety ar to an ele�at�on deemed apprapriate by
the Distric# Commander and the waterway cleared to #he satisfaction of #he District
Commander. Such remvval and clearance shall be completed by and at the expense of
th� awner of the bridge upon due notice from the Dis#riGt +Commander.
S. The approVal hereby granted shall cease and be nuli and �aid
unless construction af the bridge is camm+�nced within t�ree years and completed within
five y�ars after the date oi ihis peRnit.
_ �;�
�grian L. u�n
Chief, �fice af Bridge Pragrams
U.S. Goast Guard
By direction of the Cvmmandant
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Telephone No.
Nationai Park Ser►rice
CC7u#er Banks Graup 1'age [ �f 9
SPecial Use Permit
Richard W. Hancock, F.E. Park Alpha CAHA
North Carolina Departme�t of Transportatian Ty,pe af Use: Llse af Specified Area
Raleigh,lVC Permit Nn.; USA15 S70Q U29
is hereby atathoriaed to use the following described land or facifities in the a6owe named area:
withi� the Right-af-Way �aserr�ent granted by the National Par[c Service to the iVorth Carafins Departmen# of Transportatinn
by separate instrument entitled I-tighway Easement Deed for NCUOT Highrvay Project TIP B-25Q0 (Phase I} (HED} and
within the so called Released Easement area described in the HEQ, Exhibit D as the current right-af-way for the now existing
Sonner Bridge and NC Highway lZ facility at Qregon Inlet, Dar� Co�nty, North Carolina.
The permit begins at on 12:OQ:(10 Al'N Date of issue
Th� pem�it expires �i on 12.00:4� FM Five (5] years fra_m the Date of issue
SUMMARY QF PERMITTED AC7'1VITY: (See �ttached sheets fnr additional information and conditians)
The "Project" which consisfs nf constructing the highway and bridge structure knawn as B-25U0 (Phase I} on the NC Highway
12 corridor within ihe park at and near Oregon In[ef follpwed by the demnlition uf the existing Banner Bridge, and restoratian
of park area as required by khis permit, all according to the plans, letters, drawings aod documents {F4Plans") furnished by the
Permitiee to the Park in suppnrt af its application for #his permit.
Fersan on-site responsible for adherence ta the terms and conditions of this perrnit: I+TCDaT Divisian 1 Resident �ngineer
Pa�lo Hernandez (or successar)
Authorizing legislatian or nther 36 CFR: Chaoter 1, Part 1.6. 2.50 & Fart 14
NEPA Campliance: Categorically Excluded EAIFQNSI FEISIEA XXXX PEPC#13720 Gther
Not Received Amount $a.Q(}
Nat Requ'rred Amount $0.00
Not Required AmnEmt $5,i�00,000.00
Nat Reguired Amaurst �700,040.U4
Not Required Amount $U.DD
Not Required Amaunt $4.0(i
1SSUANCE of this permit is subject to the attached �onditions. The ttndersigtted herehy accepts this permit suk�ject to the
terms, couenants, vbli�atgans, and reserwations, expressed or implied.
Sigriatt�rc ` r Title ��' +� ��'� �'�
Authorizing NP5 �Dff'icial
0�1� `����
C7a�e q�1+�15
Construction of a Replacement for Existing Bonner Bridge
Demolition of Existing Banner Bridge
Design-Build Prflject TIP B-25(30 (Phase I}
Permitting Agency: Cape Hatteras Nativnal Seasl�ore, National Park Service (Park)
I'ermitted Agency. Nvrth Carvlina Department of Transportation (Permittee}
1. The Permittee (herein defined to include its emplayees, agents, contractars and subcQntractors} is prohibited
from giving false inf�rmation; to do sa will be considered a ba�each of conditions and be grounds for
revacatinn: [3b CFR 2.32(a) (3)].
2. The Permittee shall exercise this privilege subject to the supervisior� of the Superintendent ar designee, �nd
shail comply with �11 applicable Federal, State, c�unty and municipal laws, ardinanees, regulatians, codes,
and the terms and canditians af this per�r►it. Failure ta do so may result in the immediate suspensi�n of the
permitted activity ar the terminatian of the perrnit.
3. If any provision of this permit shall be faund to be invalid or unenfarceable, the remainder of this permit
shali not 6e affected and the o#her pro�isiQns af this permit shall be valid and be enforced ta the fullest
extent pernnitted by law.
4. The Permittee is responsible for contacting aIl other Federal, State, and loc�i agencies to secure required
inspectians, permits, licenses, and authorization befare proceeding under this petmit. The Permittee will
provide copies of all such documents upon the request �f the Superintendent.
5. Failure to comply with any of the terms and conditions of this permit may result in the immediate suspension
or re�ocation af the permit. All costs associated with clean up or damage repairs in conjunctian with a
tetminated pem�it will be the responsibility ofthe Permittee.
6. This permit may be re�oked at the discretion of the Superintendent upon 24 hours notice, ar without notice
if damage to natural or cultural resources or facilities oc�urs ar is threatened, notwithstanding any other
term ar condition of the permit ta the contrary.
7. This pernait shall be subject to the express cavenant that it may be modi�ed, adapted, or discvntinuea if
found by the Superintendent to be necessary, without liability or expense ta the Clnited States, so as not to
conflict with the use and occupancy of the Iand far any authorized warks which may 6e hereafter
constructed therean under the authority of the United S#ates.
$. Subject to paragraph 9 belaw, this agreement is made upon the exgress condition that the United States, its
agents and emplQyees shall be free &om all liabilities and elaims for damages ancUar suits for or by reasan of
any injury, injuries, or death ta any person or persons or property af any kind whatsoever, whether to the person
or property af the permittee, its agents, empIoyees, contractors ar third parties, from any cause or causes
whatsoe�er while in Qr upon said premises ar any part thereof during the tertn of this agreement or occasianed
by any oecupai�cy or use of said premises or any a�ti�ity carried an 6y the permittee in cQnnection herewith.
9. The p�rties fzereto ackr�owl�edge that both are executive branch agencies of their respecti�e so�er�igns a�id each
has no authority to indemnify the other. Howe�ez, the Fermittee agrees that it sha�1 be liable for ics aciions and
the actions of its officers, employees, in�oIuntary servauaf, or agent of the State to the extent all�wable under the
Narth CaroIina Tort Clairns Act and the Park agrees that it shall be liable for its actions, and the actians pf its
employees, to the extent allowable under the Federal Tai�t Claims Ac#. Permittee further agrees to rebuild,
repair, or otfierwise restore any lands or praperky of the United States which may be damaged by
NCD+DTfPermittee in the course af acti�vities permiited.
] 0. The Perrnittee shall require that its gene��al contractor, sometinies known as the "Design-Build Team," at its
soie cost and expense, to obtain and furnish to the park an original s#andard ACORD farm c�rtificate of
insurance evidencing comrnercial general liabiiity with a limit for bodily injury and prpperty damage in the
amount of Fi�e Million Dollars ($S,OOO,OO�.i�O} per occurrence and general aggregate, covering the
Design-Build Team fram claims for damages for badily injury, persanal injury, or for prvperty damages
wlzich may arise from operating under the contract by the employees and agents af the Design-Suild 7'eam
and naming the United States of America and the Parl� as an additianal insured an such commercial general
Iiability insurance. The required lirnit af insurance rnay be obtained by a single general lzability policy or the
cambination af a generalliability and excess liability or umbrella policy.
11. The Permittee and the Park ha�e agreed that, in lieu of cast accvunting the reco�era�le cost incurred by the
Park under law, the Perrnittee will pay the annual cost (paid annually in ad�ance to the Park) ta pro�ide a
GS-I I emplvyee solely representing the Park and such other permit#ing agencies requesting representatian
and appro�ed by the Park whose main responsibilities will in�lude: being the point of cantact (PQC) for the
Park under this permit; and praviding the daity monitaring ofthe Permittee's �ompliance with the terms and
conditions af this Petmit in its daily construction activities, opera#ians, maintenanee, protection and
rehabilitatian af the lands and resaurces invnlved through the completion and cessation of #he construction
of TIP B-2500 and decnmmissianing of the.original Bdnner Bridge. Such costs shall include the burdened
salary rates (6enefit included} for the POC, including wages and overtime, other benefits such as vacation,
retirement, heaJth care, and authorized operational cc�sts necessary ta support the PC?C such as office spaee,
office suppIies, service equipment, tra�el, �ehic�e costs, training and computer costs,
12. The �erson named an page one of the pemnit as in charge of the permitted activity shall be #he Permittee's
point of cantact (PQC} for the Park. All Project issues, concerns and propasais that arise at the constructian,
demolition or restoration sites shall be communicated to the Park's POC hy the Permittee's PQC ar hislher
designees as identif ed in writing to the Park. All of the Permittee's cantractors, subcantractors, and agents
will direct their inquiries and communicatians for the Park to the Permittee POC. Park cammunication far
the Permittee's cantractars, subcontraetars, and agents shall likewise be thrc�ugh the Perrnittee's POC.
13. The Permittee must immediately notify the Park's PC7C and the Bodre Island District Ranger (District
Ranger} 252-475-8319 in the e�ent of any accident nr emergency.
14. As a condition of acceptance af this permit by the Permittee and pursuant to 41 U.S.C. § 22, "No Mernber of
Congress shail be admitted to any share or part of any contract or agreement made, entered into, or accep#ed
by ar on behalf of the United States, or to any benefit to arise thereupon."
15. Nothing herein cantained shall be cflnstrued as binding the Park ta expend in any one fiscal year any sum in
excess of appropriations made by Congress or administrati�ely allocated for the puipose af this Agreement for
the fiscal year, or ta in�alve the Park in any Gontract or other abligation for the fiirther expenditure af money in
excess of such appropriations ar aIlocations.
I6. This permit may not be transferred or assigned without the prior written consent �f tlxe Superintendent.
17. The Park's Cultural �esource Program 1'vlanager will be notif ed during �onstruction of the presence of
culturally significant abjects ar structur�s, �peratians shall nat injure, alter, destroy, or collect any object,
structure, or site of historical, archeolagical, ar cultw•al value. Sliould cansiructian unearth previously
undiscovered archealogical resources, wflrk wilI be stapped in the area of any discoVery. The Perinittee
shal! immediately contact the Park's POC. The Park will consult with the State Historic Presei��ation
Officer and the Advisory Cc�uncil an Histaric Preservatian (ACHP), as necessary, according to 36 CFR
800.13, Posi Re�iew Diseo�eries. In the unlikely event #hat human remains are discovered during
canstruction, provisions autlined in the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (1990) will
be f`ollowed as appropriate.
I 8. The Permittee wift exercise particular care nat ta dis#urb or destroy wildlife and vegetation while inside
boundaries af the Park. Any acti�ity, not otherwise addressed in this Permit that ad�versely impacts
visitors, wildlife, ar vegetation can Qnly be done with the consent of the Superintendent after
consultation with the Park and implementatian of mitigations measures by the Permittee. Far
�onsultations, eontact the Park's PQC.
19. The Permittee's �ehicles and equipment must nat interfere with or irnpede routine visitor traffie or use of
park resources in any manner other than permitted hereunder. Equipment utilized during the Project shall
be strategically placed and o�erated as ta aveid damage to acean side dunes andlar marsh habitat unIess
otherwise permitted. Equipment r;rill not be permitted to operate from or vn the ocean beach far any nan-
emergency acti�ities.
2D. All construction shail accur within. (1} the proposed B-2500 (Phase n right-of-way easement af 1 QO feet;
{2) the Temporary Construction Easement (TCE} shawn on plar�s already provided to t�ie Park; (3) the
exis#ing 10�-foot right-af-way for NC Highway 12 and the Bonner Bridge; and (4 j the gore area between
the flld and new right-of-ways as delineated on Exhibit "G" to the HED, until campleting the demalitinn and
removal af the existing Bonner Bridge and all necessary restoration work. Forty-fi�e days before the
�ammencement of any on-the-ground wark for the Project, the Permittee will cause ihe rights-of-way and
easements to be "staked" with five-foot high markers bearing red ribbon 75 feet apart beginning at the
narthern edge of Oregvn Inlet (on land reasonably ac�essible by fvot or vehicle) to 1,a04 feet narih of the
entrance ta the Park's campground for said rights-of-way which will identify the autharized work corridor
(alsa known as the constructian Iimits ar site) within wlaich the Perm'rttee may operate. Last or missing
stakes shall be continually repiaced until the Praject is carnpleted. The only items that will be allowed
within the rights-af-way and easements wiil be equipment and materials necessary for ongoing work at that
time. 1Vo unused equipment or material will be left in the area for extended dura#ions. All material and
equipment not in use at the site will be staged only in designated staging areas are appra�ed by the Park.
2I . Within the constructian limits described above, apprvpriate measures will be taken tn minimize damage or
disturb�ance of �egetation and soil. The disturbed areas will not be re-seeded unless required by the
Superintendent with the exception of the road shoulder. A meeting between the Permittee and Park
representatives rnust occur on-site to review and approve materials and acceptable plant species prior to
planting �egetati�e c�ver on the road shoulder.
22. During the relocation of any waterline, flushing of chlarine sterilizing solution is pertnitted on parkland
pro�ided that dechiorinators are utilized. Graundwater pumped during the permitted activity must be
discharged in campliance with all applicable laws. Any discharge allowed beyond the construction limits
must be accomplished by hand. 5pecifically, discharge pipes will be laid and remaved by hand, and
matorized equipment may not I�e used outside of construction Iimits. The specific locatian Qf any water
clischarge pipe shall be negatiated and appro�ed in ad�ance during an on-site meeting between the Permit#ee
and Park representative.
23. The Permittee must rebuild and repair such roads, fences, bulkheads, boardwaiks and trails as rnay he
destrayed or damaged by construction or demolitian woric and must build, rebuiId and maintain neeessary
and suitable crossings for alt roads and trails ihat in#ersect with the construction permitted by this Permit.
24. Tl�e Permittee must praperly dispflse of ail refuse generated by #he permitted acti�ity. Site cleanup will be
angoing on a daily basis. Proper and prompt disposal of trash and rubbish is required. Clean-up to the
satisfaction of k1�e Park is tlie responsibility of the Permittee.
Z5. The Park's PDC shall be notified in writin� no less than thirty (3U} days prior ta the start of initial
construction on Park lands. An on-site meeting wili be conducted immeaiately priar to the start afconstruc-
tian between rep►•esentati�es of the Park, the Permittee's constructian/maintenance super�isar, and
contractor repi•esenta#ives to determine and clarify the scope of the Project and any renuirements of the
Parfc. The Perinittee's constructian/maintenance supervisor will contact the District Ranger on the rnon�i�ig
af the first an� last day of wark, advising the location and extent of wor% ci•ews and equipment in the i'arCc.
2d. The Permittee and its contractars/subcc�ntractors will coordinate with Park staff to reduce disrnption of
normal park activities. At least 48-hQurs prior ta the arrival af heavy construction equiprrient to #he
cQnsiruction limits, contractors will notify the Park's P4C and District Ranger to minimize traffic delays
tha# may occwr as trailers carrying equipment turn off Highway I2 or access other areas flf the Park.
27. No permanent bualdings, portable buildings, sheds, or trailers will be permitted at any staging area other
than (i} the staging areas authorized by the U.S. Fish & Wiidlife artd (ii} the proposed bridge deck as it is
constructed. I�io warkers or �isitors wiI] be housed or allowed ta camp in the Park.
28. The erosian control devices as depicted in the appraved NCD�T Erosian Contral Flans shall be instalIed
before any construciion acti�ity occurs and then removed upon c�mpletion af the Project. The Paxk will be
provided copies of the initial Release for Canstruction (RFC} Clearing & Grubbing Plans and Final Grade
Erosion Control Plans, and be given access for re�iew of the red-lined "li�ing" �ersiQns that are maintained
on-site by the Permittee's contractor.
29. The Permittee and any of its contractors or sub-cvntractars shall comply with all State of Nnrth Carolina,
Departmer�t of Envirorunent and 1Vatianal Resowces, applicable federal and Paric rules and regulations
during construction, demolition and restaratian including, but nvt Jimited to, the handling and storage af
fuel, oil, and other liquids. All leaks and spills of fue1, �il, chernicals, and hazardaus materials shall be
reported immediately to the Park's POC, District Ranger and an appropriate respnnse team pro�ided by
Pezmitt�e or its contractar. The P�rrnittee will ha�e a response plan in place and keep it its personnel
trained in the proper response to all spills. A copy of the plan will be pra�ided to the Park's POC.
30. The Permittee shall provide not Iess than ten days advance notice to the Park's PQC af the prapased
#ranspvrta.tion of hazardous materials, as defined by the US En�ironmental Protectian Agency, into the Park.
Such notice will be pravided in w�riting and electronicaily by email, identifying the product or substance, the
shipper, the estimated date af azri�al, the �ehicle or �essel, and the point of arrival. Also ta be included will
be the lacatian of the progosed site far starage and use and the estimated duration of storage and use within
the Park.
3I . The Permittee will provide all Eraffic cantrol at the site during the term of this permit. All traffic control
measures are su6ject ta coordination with the Park's PdC and District Ranger. The Park approVes the
current sch.eduIe of cIosures as outlined in Special Pro�visions, page 191 and 192 of the B-2500 (Phase I)
contract executed August 5, 2D11, Traffic Management Scope of Work. The Intermediate Contract Time #2
for raad closures will alsa be alIowed for accasional material deliveries by the Design Build Team as
appro�ed in their AIternati�e Technical Coneept #10. From time to time, the appraved schedules of closure
may require revisian{s) which rrtust be mutually acceptable to the Park and the Permittee. The Permittee
will provide adequate ad�anced noti�e to the Park's PUC and District Ranger of all scheduted closures.
32. This Permit daes not aulhorize exclusi�e use of any public lands. The Permit#ee shall insure to the fullest
practicable extent that the rights of the public visiting Cape HatterasNational Seashore will not be infringed
upan by tliis activity. Permittee is required to maintain safe access to �visitars to the Park's heaches and
waters. Confractorslsubcontractors will be infornaed abaut the special sensiti�ity of park values, regulatians,
and appropriate grounds rnaintenance d►aring canstruction periods.
33. Work crews wiIl be courteous ta visitors and refer visitor inquires to the appropriate Park ar Permitfee (or
contractorlsubcontractor) supervisory personnel sa that the inquiry is answered pramptly. Flaggers and
traffic contral personnel shall be instructed as to the proper in#eractian with �isitors.
34. All injuries to Park employees, �anstruetion workers or visitors and praperty damage must be reparted to
the Park's P�C. The Permittee must assist in any inaestigations pertaining tfl injuries, prope�ty loss, or
activities occurring at the site and assaciated with the Project.
35. All canstruction vehicles will be pressure cleaned with water prior to arriving at atid departing Frvm tlie
construction site ta minimize the patential for in#roducing exotic plant species. North Car�lina Highway 12
wil] be kept clean and free from debris associated with Praject activities.
36. 5afety fences and signs will exclude Park �isitars from canstructipn and access areas, and ather appropriate
signage witl provide general information ta the public about the Projecf. The Permittee will maintain fences
and signs in good repair during the Project and will promptly remave them fvllawing compieti�n of the
37. Fram May ] thrQugh Navember 15, aIl lighting associated with the Project shall be limited to the iinmediate
area of acti�e construction onIy and shall be the minimal lighting necessary ta camply with safety
requirements. Only lights approved in the Biological Opinian and subsequent Section 7 consultatians are
required to minimize illumination of the nesting beach and nearshare waters. Lighting on offshore
equipment shall be minimized through reduction, shielding, lowering, and appropriate placement af lights to
avoid excessi�ve illumination of the water, while meeting all U.S. Caast Guard ,and Occupati4nal Safety and
Health Administration requirements. Shielded low pressure saditun vapar �ights are highly recommended
far lights on offshore equipment that cannot be eliminated, but any Iighting type lis#ed in the Biolagical
Dpinion ar approVed at su6sequent Sectian 7 consultations may be used.
3$. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Serv'tce, at the request of the U.S. Aimy Corps of Engineers, the �'ederal
Highway Administration or the Permittee, has issued Si+ological Opinions (BQs) from time to time
pertaining to the Proje�t, the maintaining of na�igable charu�els andlar highways at �regon Inlet and
other samilar matters. While operating under this permit, the Perinittee is required ta fully comply with
all terms and canditions af any B�s applicable to its wark and aperations in the Park.
39. An agreement between the Permittee and the Park has been irnplemented regarding a mitigation plan for
wetlands disturbed ar eliminated as a resutt of the Project. It is agreed by the Pezmittee tha# the mitigatian
pIan will hy this reference, be incorperated herein as if fully rewritten here. It is further agreed by the
Permitt�e that a!I en�ironmenta] compliance requirements incumbent on the Park pursuant to such
mi#igation wil] be accomplished by the Permittee at its expense, to the satisfaction of the Park and that the
mitigatian will be scheduled or welI underway before canstruction cornmences under this Permit or be
implernented under a schedule otherwise agreed to between the Permittee and the Park based on site
canditzons after the stark date of this Permit.
4a. The Permittee and the Park agree that upan completian of the Project, ihe Permittee shall restore all Park
land affected by the Praj ect ta the entire sa#isfaction of the Superintendent as set aut in Paragraph S I beIow
beioxe the Park executes and deli�ers ta the Permittee a final Highway Easement Deed, which will c�n�ey a
non-exclusi�e easement far highway purposes. The Permittee and the Park agree that, during and lor at the
concIusion of the Praject, written modifications and correctians may be made tv the HED to refiect "as
built" dimensions or other changes agreed to by b�th parties.
4l. The Park and the Permittee have cansidered Ehe Project's possible impacts on the septic facilitiesltreatmeni
��Id currently ser�ing the �regon Inlet Fishing Center and the waste station. The Permittee belie�es that it
can avoid impactitig the septic waste system, thereby a�oiding the need to relocate the systerrt. Howe�er,
the Permittee agrees that if during the Project it daes in fact impact the septic waste system, tIaen the
Pennittee will imrnediately restore the system ta fulI aperational capacity and maintain such system fully
operational until the Permittee can relocate the sepfic facilitiesltreatrnent field and waste station to a site
acceptable to the Park at the Permittee's expense. It is further agreed by the Pertnittee ihat all
en�iranmentaI cQrnpliance rec�uirements incumbent on the Park related to such relocatioii will be
accomplishecE by the Percnittee at its expense and to the satisfaction of the Park. The limits for the septic
facilitiesltreatment fielc! are cnnsidered to be as pre�iously delineated in the fieId and as shawn on plans
pro�rided tQ the Park by the Permi#tee. The septic facilities/treatment �eld will be staked by the Permittee
45 days before comrrtencement ofon-the-graund wvrk on the Project.
42. For the duration af the Project, the Fermittee will provide a baat and operator to allaw the Fark's staff to
monitor breeding and overwintering protected species oiy federal lands adjacent to t��e B-2500 (Phase I)
bridge replacement praject. The Permittee will provide this ser�vice when requested, but no more than aice
per week at pre-agreed tirnes Foi• up to two hours per trip. Park staff will be transported as clase to the
subje�t areas as possible but due to shallow conditians same wading rnay be necessary.
43. The Permittee will pro�ide an additional matar vehiclelpedestrian ramp access from Highway 12 or the
madification to an existing ramp to the ocean beach narth of Ramp 4 to mitigate impact an visitors' access
to the beach caused by the Project. The National Park Service wiil choase #he lacation of the rarnp and has
generated the appropriate enviranrriental dvcument, and Enviranmental Analysis dated ]une 2U13. The
Permittee wiil consult with the Park before beginning design af rarnp and adjacent parking lot which designs
and resulting plans must be appraved by the Park as consistent in design and constntction to other existing
Park ramps and parking lats, Permittee will acquire the appropr�ate permits, and will construct the access
ramp and parking lat. It is furtl�er agreed by tl�e Permittee that any additianaI en�ironmental campliance
related to such access ramp and parking Iat will be accomplished by the Permittee at its expense and to the
satisfaction of the Park. Rainp 4 vehicular access shall be maintained a# all times.
a4. If Perrnittee's activities under this Permit disturb or may disturb park resources or impede visiiars'
enjoyrnent of the Park as determined by the Park, in a manner not already envirvnmentally cornpliant {that is
permitted and analyzed under 1`dEPA),the Permittee will be respansible for satisfying any Park requirements
fvr en�iranmental compliance, including, but not limited to environmental analysis, documentation and
permitting and will take neeessary steps to mitigate or terminate such acti�ities and the resulting impacts
The resources and casts required ta accamplish these requirements shall be borne by the Permattee.
45. The Park publislies annually its Hurricane Flan which vutlines the steps to be taken by the Park and its
concessioners anc! permit holders under certain storna e�ents designated "Incidents." The Permittee and its
contractors, subcontractors and agents must rer�iew the plan when issued, abide by its tezms and conditi�ns
during an Incident, and folIaw all directi�es issued hy the Incident Command. During �n evacuation af the
Park, the Permittee will assist the Incident Cvmmander in carrying out the Hurricane Plan and will invvlve
its c�ntractors, subcontractors, and agents as necessary.
4G. To the extent that work undertaken under this Permit is performed by persons or entities other than the
Permiriee's employees or those under direct charge of the Desigrz Build Team, the Permittee shall require such
person ar entity to:
• Fully comply with the t�erms and conditions of this Permit.
• Procure public and emplayee liability insurance from a respansible company or companies with an
aggregated limitation of Three Millian Dollars ($3,OOO,U00) for any number af claims arising from any
one incident. The policies shall name the United States as an additional insured, shal! specify that the
insured shall ha�e no right af subrogation against the United States for payments of any premiums or
deductibles due tliere�Ender, and shall specify that the insurance shall be assumed hy, be far the account
of, and be at the insured's sflle risk. Prior ta begirtning the Project authorized herein and annually
thereafter, khe Permittee shall provide the Park written conftrnnation of such insurance coverage.
• Pay the United 5tates the full value far all damages to the lands nr ather praperty of the United States
caused by the said persan Qr arganizatian, its representati�res, or employees.
• Inden7nify, sa�e and hold harmiess, and defend the United States against aIl fines, elaims, damages,
losses, Judgrnenis, and expenses arising out of, or from, any omission or acti�ity of the said persan or
organization, its representatives, or employees.
47. Mining andlor removal of natural substances su�h as sand and gravel is prohibited. Digging, exca�ation wark,
and filI work dtxring the const�-�iction process, ather than that shown on the appraved construction plans, will
anly be pertnittecf witli the express wriiten consent of the Superintendent under a plan de�relaped and written by
tlte Permittee and approved by the Superintendent.
48. Tfie Permitiee shall abide by and ensure that all personnel at the siie abide by the rtiles and regulatioi�s oF t11e
Park now existing ar subsequently pramulgated and pertaining to the Cage Hatteras National Seashore.
49. The Permittee agrees to do everything reasonably within its pawer, bdth independently and on reyuest 4f Ehe
Superintendent, including inaking available such construction and tnaintenance Forces as may be reasonably
obtainable, to pre�ent and suppress fires resutting frflm the Permittee's activities, materials or equipment on
axid adjacent to the site.
5�. That in the construction. operatian, and inaintenance of the project, the perrnittee shall not discriminate
against any empivyee a�r appli�ant far emplaym�ent because ofr�.ce, creed, color, or natianal origin and shall
require an adentical provision #o be inciuded in all contracts and suhcantracts pertaining ta the project.
51. Upon the completion of the constructia� of the new hridge P+1CI�OT Highway Project TIP 8-2500
(Phase 1}, the pernr�itte� shali decor�nmission the eonstruc�ion site, remove ail trash, equipment and
materials not necessary fnr the decommissic�ning of the ariginal Basuier Bridge, and restQre the area to
parkland. Restoratian ofthe site will inelude, but n�t be limited to. grading, smaothing, filling, and
restoring native vegetatian. Sirnultaneous with such restaratifln, the Permittee will begin the demolition
af the original Bor�ner Bridge accc,rding to pIans ap�roaed by the Par�C �Demvlition Plans) and shall
rest�re the site ta parkland with compatible landscapir�g ta the entire satisfaction of the Superintendent
or his designee, Except fr�r the partian of the existing bridge which will remain after the Praject as a
remnant, all bridge and highway structures, substructures, impravements, and rnan-made surfaces shall
k�e remv�ed tv the extent practieable and as outlined in the Demolition Plans. Restoratxan of any
damaged areas will inciude but not be limited ta: grading, smeothing, f lling, and restoring nati�e
�regetatic�n. Restoration sl�all attain conditivns in the subject areas that are equi�alent to nat�ra�,
uridistur�ed canditivns. As part of its restr�rativn program, ihe Permittee wiIl cc�nduct a hazardous
matErials sit� sttt-vey and be responsible for any associated clean-up or mitigatian costs and actians as a
result af such survey.
52. Fv�lowing such deconstru�tion and restaratian, #he 1`w[CDC3i a�adlvr �he State afNvrth Carolina shall
reIease to the United States of America (or a designated age�cy thereo� any and all further use and
interesf in the easement identifi�d as "Released Eas�ment" in the HED referenced aho�e in Paragraph
This Permit may be revaked at the discretion of the Superintendent withaut campensation ta the
Fer�nittee ar liabiTity ta the United Sta#es.
:� � �.
��f"��E'1"c�� IQ►�tfV'����'�
Special Use 'Permit A�pl�cat�i�r�
��f�,g,�: P'ea lsl��d MWF�
Add��ss: P. Q. B�x 1�69 Mante�, �JC 2795�
Att�: {�g���� �����a IN�i�c� 8ryant, P�ra�ect L�a�ie�
�-IMa��N; r`�ike_brya�n��fv�s.go�r
t�ilr �:3iiici�.i �.1•_� �y.�°.,.
dM6 Con[enl N 1618-i7162 I�
Expiration Llate: fl6/3D1`zQ17
Pr�'r,�i: � . �C/1�5'" '�'�(��
�;�., r';��l�
:�eri�nit Ter�n: frr�n� /'�%�Z �Jt�� i�� �'�,� �%�
PhOfl� #: (252)a73-1132uta22 RefUgL ManagieTAppfoV'21: �' j: ��.1 . �2 �
4�ote: Wrktl�. nc: r:r�t rrc;i.��n_ ;II irrfesmatic}r, for eac.ii �a,,<<. See !��lri�rtirri� a+. ?h� end o# the nonice an caretact tt�� rP�u�� id�ntifie� �4bv�
t� �et�rniunE a�i;,ii���,�>otiiy ��f ���artie_i�!Rr iir-��ti. !?tia��i�� z�iicf�xi���i�V she�ts tc� t�he ����IicaFi��n if tt�E tPxt �j���f � p�rc�v�id��J �fc in���qua1��.
1� Itientify thE type af Permit you a�e ap��y�ng for: h[ewr � Ren�wal � Macf�i�cation �(lthsr �
Ap�lu���t fnfc�rr�a#i��
2� F�,ii Na��: Pablc� H�ero�and��z �� c�r�a��o�: N. C. �epa��t�e�rt ofi TranspQrtation
4} street Address: 1� 3 Ai�p�r�t ��iv�, Suite 1�}fl
�y c+�yrsrater�p: Ede�#ar�, �IC 27932
B) ��one #: (2�2} 423�[➢114 7� �ax #:
$ �-�,�i�z: herr��nd�z ncdc�t. ov
) �" � �
�} �lSt iCf1QWf� �S�tlSYaf94SiSlJ�}�Qf1ff�,GtOi�,�SU��7�fil�f�iE'�$: (4nly req�uired I! t}�e assistantsfsubcon2ractors/sub�enrtittees wuMi he operatmg an the refuge withouF the pertn�ttee
bemg present.p
f�amejiBusiness A�d�ress Ph�rne �i
PGL Givil GonstTticYors $04 Carpnrat� Cer�t�r C3�iue. Su�te 130. Ral�;egh. NC 2ifi[17 (919) 859-5210
A�tiMity Ir�form�#iQ�n
1�) l�ctavity typ�: � Eve�t �W a�a�i ��tti n g� Group Vbslt �€ducatio�al Act�►rity
� CabinfSubsiste�ce Catsin � ot�n�r �Bonrrer Br¢dge (B-2�4�0} r��laceme�n� c+�nst�-ucfuor�
���yte� Depecading c�n rf�e :�ctivi�y for whicti you are req�ester�g a�ermit, wve ri�ay ask you for the followi��g activity ir�fprmatiqn.
w'I��se contact the specmfic refuge where the activity 'rs being conducted fo deterrnine wha4 informat6on is required.
1'B} Specifi�ally identify tirning, frec��e�ency, arad P�ow� 4he actir�ity is expected to prQaeed:
T�e (�. C. �epartrr�enQ of Tr��ts��rt�tion is pr�ce�d�'i�g wutYa c+or�teactual vu�r�C to repVace k'�e existir�g Bcrnne�r
B�ri�g� (6�2�CiD) ov�r f�regQ�n Nnlet. Gorrs��'�ac���r� �ct�uitWes 6err the brudg� repllaceme�� praject wiil begi�n i�n late
2015 ��� will Iik�Py ctrntir��e un�il �e�c���er 31, �Q�19. C�r�ce cans�ructior� is fully uc�d'erway, �c�r�struction
act4vities wrr19 t�ccur 7�ays pe�r wueek and 24 'hours per d�y. The s�a�#�he�n �r�d c�'F fhe bridge w�i11 malce landfall
�c� �e� IsVan�1 PJ��tie�n�l Wildlif� ��fu.��,e. A�II cc�oast�ctimr� �cti���o�� wiVl vcca�r witho� �h� hJ��C�� rigl°yt��f-uvaY
�R�C7''wIW} ar �eim�orary cflnstru�c#ion easert�ents as ctescriber� �� the 20� 5 R�W ease�mer�t.
FVh75 Fnrrtn 3-1383-G
QMB Corncrol # 1018-�Y102 I Zi
Expira[ican Date: 0�6/�C?f Z017
'� 2j A�CtIVE�j"l�51�2 QCCU,F33C1C`� '�!P!'1E�141@; (Spe��ifiGaVVy identifyr be�inning ervd �ndbng daTes, srte accupat�on timeline, hours, dean-up, a�sd other major events �
N��(�T and� theor c�r�t�acto�s wviPl �� ansote fr�m �3c�c�b�r, ,�0� � thrau�h� cc�Qnp4��ion ofi ���stnaefiian
estirtt�ated' tc� be ae�em��er 31, 2Q1�. Cre�+vs vwiUl be worki�g in shifts 24 hours per day anci 7 days p��
13) F�cp�cted raucnber o�f partic�pants, i# a,ppRicabM12: C4�iVdrer� (1-18 } I`��(,Ak AduPt� �I TotaF �
14J Grade 9�vel Qf €d�ucaQional gro�p, ef a�p�bcabRe: Grade �,�IQ,
15aJ V'Vill staff timelassis#an�e be requi�ed ior group actuW6ties? Yes '� �Jo �� N'OA �
16by i� yes, whaR's the an#icipated tira�e frame?
16aj F'!�n afi C�per�tion req,uieed? Yes � f�o �' NaA '�/ 16�rj Plan of C�peratian attache�d? Yes'� No '�
'� 7� S�@�If[G21�� I(�f:fl#I�^yl IOCB�IOnQS}: (GFS locatimn(sj preferredj
Tl�e �onn�r �Bridge replacrn�nn p�oje�t will sp�n ��egon In��t fi�o�n t'�e sQuihern end af ���ie Islar�d �c�
a�i� n�r�h�rrro +�nd c�f hatt+�ras lsland. Th� svutfi�e�-r� tem�ir�us af the b�idge u� �n F�ea Island' �'ati€�naV
�`Wi�dli�e 'R�fuge.
18a� Is rr�ap of �ca�ation(s) required`�
Yes � No � t��A �
18b} Ns map of �ocatio�(sy atta�h�d�'
Y�:s� N��
Ir�st�ra�e� Cc��vera�g��Li��r��efCe�t�ficatic�rnslP�rmit�
i�ar7i-� :�nniact tMe sp�ciii� reflige headquarters a�fice wtier� ttae activdty is gainc� 4e be carudurCted to det��rnine i� any typ� 4f
i;is�.�r�:��r.e, certificatior�(sl. or p@�mi4(sy wcl! be required. We may process this 8per:ial l9se Perr�nit wl7n1e th� a�plicant oYstair�� them.
19) List aray i�ns�orar��e �over��e you haNe such as general liab�ility, avi��ion, grc�undi�g Viabi9ity, �ar�t�minants ap�9i�tor, m�d�ical e�ac�at6on, or
o4�rers, if �equired':
lnsu�re�ce Type �Carrier Name �oGty� �uml��r Copy Attach�d s�
Yes or �I€r
20) Ider�t�fy lie�,er�ses, �certificat9vns, ac�d pe�its, �if r�qu�red:
Uic+ense/[ertif cat�crn jP�rmit
(Warwus pe'rmita Irom al�er }ederal �nd sU�la ag�ceesl�
Nuralb�� ¢if appl9cable�
fssued ^ta:
��a�y Att�ehec�7
Yes ar Na
FWS Farm 3-1383-G
OMB' Contro� k 1018-a1Q2 � �
Expirat�en [3ate: €�/30��f��7
La���s#ic� �n�! '6Ram�s�a�atior�
Not�: N�otasi informa�ion i� req��red 6arr each use. Rl�as� ror�ti��t ��-� � t��=�if�t ¢cr`r�s��: wv;bk.ra 'i� a� ti•.it� us k�� �nr� c�����ii�ac ae.,i t.
ci�4erm6ne what i�formatian i�s requfred. �ttach a�ditianal sh��tfi tca tB7w a�plie,tu�r �T ���c> texr �{��,��� ,,�o„i��! :� �r� in� 3�:,s�,at�-„
21) �3oes acEivi4y requi��e �ersanneC tcr stay aver�ight o�nsite?
22} �.ist �aa�e� e�f perso�nel invol��c�:
L.�st �Vas�es
Various �IC�lJT and carutracdor e�c�ployees an 24 hr work shifls
Yes �i Na �
�ist Tlames
List ���es
23) Specifrcally de�c�be al1 major equipmentl�e�r a�d r�'iaterials used, i� require�Y:
Ar�y and al� equipment nc���ily ass+�ci�ted tivit� beidg�e cor�st�ct�c�r� �ver wv�tec and la�d�, incfv��ng
welc�ers �nd ���ti�g tr�r�4�es.
24ay �rouide detailed infior�nadc�rs an �he ��gAsti� for �ns�te, i�ntersAie, ar�dlor s�rip-to-shtare tsar�s�aorkation to at on the re�ge, tif req�ai�ed:
Standa�� �GDQT and e�ra��act�r ��hi�les incluc�io�g trans�pc�rt �rucks and barges t���ul�rrg �ar s�pplies
and materials.
24b} �rovyc�e descriptions, fi��nse piaxe, or 1.�3. nurn�iaers o� vehic9es �sed fmf ransite, un4eGsite, �ndl�r ship-iD-s��are t,ranspoRatdon, if rec��ired:
R istsa¢ion �1�r�nbers
Typ� af trar�spartatiorr Equ�iprr�ent Ty�e
{omsite, irvte�siRe, ar ship-to-sho�a
Various 4yP� � �^���^ �nd oo�s�trucG¢m equfqan�nt -
Lece�se/i.�./ �
25} Speeifica4iy �descrsb� on�ite wbo�c andlor 0ivir�g ���'ama�sd�tuons=
�anst�ctivn crevw� wi4Y likely be �rrflrkir�g 24 hourts per �a�r afF es ��fl� �rjv�s, �� sta ag� shedsilti
be nm liv��� �cc�rnmodatMca�ns �n �'�� F������= aeyond trail M1�
26� Specifical9y describ� onsite hazardous m�te�ial storag� �r ather esnsite rnaterial storage space:
W�zard+�o�s matena4s ar� t�+e project s�t� woll mpst� s°�9ti�ot�h �r�'heaith a�d� a�ty tarudards �t �II t�m�s�.��Contair�ers rvith
re�q�4res st�oc� corr�p9ia��e we�� afl OSHA as welY a
h��za�rdaus mat��r�aRs wi�l be remo�ed �rar� the Refiug� priQr ta �ignrfc�nt sQ�o�r�rs s+��h as fiu�nica�es, irQpseal st�rrr�s, oR
other star�n euer�ts th�t c+a�ulc� �resu1t i� flaod�ng� vr c�amage tc� t��e eonstr�cticrn ace�o..
3ign. data. an�d' praflt th6s Fa� and r�tu �.k�Rha refu�p: - �F `�., , � �� � c}
� L3ate of Appl4cakion: h�. �. �_
30) 'S�gnat�uU� of App6ic�c�t: : -- Fws �o.m �-isa�-�
OMB Control Number 1018-Q102
Expiration Date: a5/3�1J2014
{NOTE: 7he item�s ander the "IVetice" and 'Generel Comiitic�ns and Requirame�ts' are inoor�wated irito ths Spe�eea! Use Perrnit fcun+ at the OMB Ievel
and canno[ be +rrodrfred withorrt proper notiae, r�view, arrd Solicitoor appraval. ANow a rrrinimum oT 4-6 weelcs for this pracess.)
In ac+cordance with the Pri�acy Act (5 U.S. C. 552a} and the Paperwc�rk Reductian Act (44 U.S. C. 3501), please note the
following infarmation:
1. The issuance of a permit and �olfection of fees on lands of the Natianal Wildfife Refuge System are authorized by
the National Wldlife Refuge System Administration Act (18 U.S. C. �68dd-ee} as arrzended, and the Refuge
Recreation Act (16 l.J.S. C. 4fi0k-4�dk�),
Z. 7he information that you provide is vgiuntary; however submissiart of requested infonnation is required to
evaluate the qualifications, determine eligibility, and doeument permit applicants under the abave Acts. It is aur
policy not #o use your name for any other purpase. The infarmati�n is maintained in accardance with the Privacy
Act. All infQrmation yau provide will be considered in reviewing this appEication. Faise, fictitiaus, or fraudulent
statements ar representations made in the application may be grounds for revocation of the Special Use Permit
and may be punishable by fine ar imprisonment {i8 U.S.C. 1041). Failure to provide all required i�formation is
sufficient cause for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to deny a permit
3, No Members of Congress �r R$sident Commissioner shall participate in any part of this confract or tc� any benefit
that may arise from it, but this provisian shall not pertain to this contract if made with a carporation far its general
4. The Permittee agrees ta be bound by the equal dppartunity "nflndis+crimination in emp[oymen#" clause of
Executive Order 1124fi.
5� Routine use disclosures may also be made: (a) to the U.S. Department of Justice when related ta litigation or
anticipated litigation; (b) of information indicating a violatian or poten#iaf violatian af a statu#e, rufe, order, or
license #a appropr�ate Federal, State, Ivcal or foreign agencies responsible for investigating or prasecuting the
�iolation or for en#orcing or implementing the statute, ru1e, regulations, order, or license; (c} from the record of the
individual in response ta an inquiry frarn a Cangressional office made at the request of the individual {42 FR
19083; April 11,1977j; and (d} to provide addresses obtair�ed from titie intema! Revenue Service to debt collection
agencies for purpases af kocating a debtor to collect or compromise a Federal Claim against the debtor, or to
consumer reparting agencies to prepare a commercial cred�t report for use by the [3epartment (48 FR 54716;
Decemher 6, 1983}.
6. An agency may not conduct or spansor and a person is not reauired to respond to a colfection of informatian
unless it displays a currently ualid �MB control number. This information collectian has been approved by �MS
and assigned cantrof number 1018-0102. The public reporting burden for this information coliection �aries based
on the specif�c reiuge use beirtg requestecl. The refevant public reporting burden for the Generaf Use Special Use
Permit Application form is estimated to average 30 minutes per response, including fime far reviewing
instrucfiions, gathering and maintaining data, and oampleting and re�iewing the fnrm. Comments on this form
should be mailed ta the information Co1le�tion Clearanee Officer, LI.S. Fish and Wiidiife Service, 4401 N. Fairfax
Drive, MS 2(}d2-PDM, Ariingtan, Virginia, 222�3.
Gsnerai Conditions and Repuirements
1. Responsibility af Permittee: The permittee, by operating on the premises, shall be considered ta ha�e accepted
these premises with all facilities, fixtures, ar improvements in #heir existing condition as of the date af this permit.
At the end of the periad specified ar upon earlier terminatian, the permittee shafl give up the premises in as gaod
arder and condition as when received excep# for reasrmable wear, tear, or damage occurring without fault or
negligence. 7he permittee will fulEy repay #he 5ervice far any and all damage direetly ar indirectly resulting from
negligence or failure on hislher part, andlor the part of anyone of his/hher associates, ta use reasonable eare.
2. Operating Rufes and Laws: The permittee shaN keep the premises in a neat and orderiy oonditian at all times,
and shall compfy with aA municipal, cc►unty, and State laws applicable ta the operations under the permit as weA
as all Federal laws, rules, and regulation5 go�erning national wildlife refuges and the area described in this
permit The permittee shall comply with atl instructions applicable ta this permit issued by the refuge o�cial in
FWS Form 3-1383-G
OMB Cantral Numl�er 201&t1102
Expiratian Date: 06/3D/2014
charge. The permittee shall take all reasanabie precautions to pre�ent the escape of fires and to suppress fires
and shall render all reasvnable assistance in the suppression of r�efuge fires.
3. Use Limitations: The permittee's uss af #he described premises is limited to the purpases herein specified and
does not, unless provided far in this permit, ailaw himlher to restric# ather authorized entry anto hislher area; and
permits the Service to carry on whate�er acti�ities are necessary far: {1) protection and maintenance af the
premises and adjacent lands administered by the Service; and {2) the managerrtent of wildlife and fish using ti�e
premises and o#her Service lands.
4. Transfer of Pri�iieges: This permi# is n�# transferable, and no privileges herein mentioned may be sublet or made
available to any person or interest not mentianed in this permit. Na interest hereunder may accrue through lien or
be transferred ta a third party without the apprava! af the Regional Director of the Sen+ice and the permit shall not
be used fnr speculatiVe purpases.
5. Compliance: The Service's failure to require strict campliance with any af this permiYs terms, canditions, and
requirements shaA not constitute a wai�er or be considered as a giving up of the 5ervice's r3gh# to thereafker
enforce any of the permit's terms or canditivns.
6_ Canditians of Permit not Fuffilled: if the permittee fails to fulfili any of the canditions and requirements set forth
herein, ail money paid under this permit shall be retained by the Go�ernment to be used to satisfy as much of the
permittee's obligation as possible_
7. Payments: All payment shail be made on or before the due date to the local representa#ive c�f the Service by a
postal maney order ar check made payabie to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
8. Termina6on Pvlicy: At the terminafivn of this permi# the permittee shall immediatefy gNe up possession to the
Service representat��e, reserv�ing, however, the rights specified in paragraph 11. If helshe �ails ta da so, helshe
will pay the go�emment, as liquidated damages, an am�unt doufale #he rate specfied in this permit for the entire
t+me passess�on is withheld. Upon y�elding possession, the permittee will still be allawed to reenter as needed to
rem�ve hislher proper#y as stated in paragraph 11. The acceptance of any fee for the �iquidated damages ar any
other act of administration relating to the continued tenancy is not to be considered as an affrmafion of the
permittee's action nor shall it aperate as a wair►er af the GoverrEmenYs right to term+nate or cancel the permit for
the breach of any specified condition or requirement.
9. Revacation Policy; This permit may be rerraked by the Regional Director of the Seniice without notice far
noncompliance with the terms herevf or for vivlation of general andlor specific laws vr regulations goveming
national wildlife refuges or for nonuse. It is at all times subjec# ta discretianary revocation by the �irectar of the
Service. Upon such revocatian the 5ervice, by and through any authorized representa#i�e, may take possessian
af the said premises for its own and sofe use, andlor may enter and possess the premises as the agent of the
peRnittee and for hislher accaunt.
10. Damages: The Llnited States shail not be responsible for any loss or damage to property including, hut n�t
fimited to, growing craps, animals, and machinery or injury to #he permittee or hislher relatives, ar to the officers,
agents, emplayees, or any flther who are on the premises from instructions ar by the sufferance af wildlife or
employees or representatives of the Government carrying out their official responsibilities. The permittee agrees
to save the United Shates or any of its agencies harmiess frvm any and aif claims far damages or {osses that may
arise to be incident ta the flaading of the premises resulting from any associated Government river and harbor,
flood control, reclamation, or Tennessee VaNey Authority activity.
11. Removal of Permittee's Property: Upon the expiration ar termination of this permit, if all renta! charges andlor
damage claims due ta the Gor►emment have been paid, the permittee may, within a reasnnable period as stated
in the permit ar as determined hy the refuge official in charge, but not to exceed 80 days, remove aN structures,
machinery, andlar equipment, et�. from the premises for which helshe is respansible. V11'tithin this period the
permittee must also remove any other af his/her praperty including hisJher acknowledged share of praducts or
crops grown, cut, harvested, stored, or stacked on the premises. llpan failure to remave any of the above items
within the aforesaid period, they shall bec�ome ifie proper'ty of the United States.
FWS Fvrm 3-1383-G
AGligat�r �i���� 'f�ational �+Ifild'�life R�fuge
Pea I�land IWax�c���� 1�#fi�dli�e !Refua�e
�`OaM�IT�C?J�I'S FC?R SP�E�C�IA�L +fJ'S� 1�'L,�R�f�� � A�I�''�%rffp,RJ��,� A�TI�+''lT1fS
S�ec�af l�s� �ermit #: 2415�d�17_ Bvnne� Brid�e R�pla�eRn��,t �.�-���0�
�'he Permit��e or au��hors`z�cl perso�r and ��I offir..er�, ag��ts, ��,pl�ay�es, �ep�ese�tatsve�, �nd c1i��t�
of t�� �Perrnittse or au8hor�ze�l �er��n, shall' �c�mpVy w�th �II �efuge, FederaE, State, �nd focal
regulatians and �o�ndituons tha� a�ply to the special �se act�vity. Fa4'€ure to ce�mply wit'�h ar�y appficabEe
regula#ian or cc�r�ditivn, and all Feder�i laws, ruiles� �nd reg�alatia�s govemirog Natiou�al WWaI'dPife
Refuges and th� ar�a cie�cdibed i� tt�e Sp�i�l 4��e Perrnot �(Perrroit) or ae�tlaoriz�n� d�cuments rtaa�y
�es�Ot io� re+vaeation o�f the Per�it �,r aut�c�rized a�#�v6iy a�dlor c�irnina�l prosecutic�n.
VlJhile ��ugaged �n a s�peciaC �se actav�ty o� t�te Ft�f�ge, th� F er�nittee c�r au�f�c��i�z�ci �a�rst�n, and his��er
o�icers, �ger�ts, �mpeoyees, or repr��entati�+es, sha�l b� i�r pos�ession of a copy of the Perm�t or
auiha�i�ing d�c�rn��ts (uncfud'i�g a�l a�ac�hrx�er��s that contain aonditians} artd shal�, u�or� req�,e�est by
an a�r�ih�orizecl Refuge offrcial or by any �utharized �oc�l, st�te, or �ec�era�9 law enfve���te�t offocer,
e�i��lay the ca�pY �utl�oru�io�� t��i� presen�e �¢�d actiwity c�a� th� Fte�ag� ar�d sha61 f�mush any oiheu�
license� an� ider��ifica#ia�n dc�euments as may be requested.
3. E�try an th�e Refug� ducir�g �ig�hi�i�e hours (i.e., '/-ho�r a�ter s�anset to ',��-�uour �iefa�e sun��sey i�
prpfiibut�c�„ ur���ss authorized in writiu�� by tEte Refu��e Ma�a�er.
4. Rt cs unlawful h4 distu�b, des4ray, inj�re, col0ect, c�� take at�y wiidli��, pfant, nat�ral abject, mineral,
c�lt��r�l �r histar�c�l feat�ure, �r �pubfic prop��[y an 3he f��fuge, ura'Jess �uthorized �n wrr6tinq bv the
Refu��e Manaqer.
�. Wi9d�if� sh�l'a r�ot be �arr�ed ar ha�assed and distu�banc� shall be kept t� a r�tinirr�urn, this includes all
snakes (pais�n�us and nor�-�omsa�aus s�ak�s), �nless_aartP��rized i� rrv�iti�q h�Y khe iRe��c�e
6. The Fieiug�e Maro��e� �hould be con�acded �rr��re�e�diaxe� at (2S2j 473-1'�32 �upon discavery o# any
w�4dfire, a�r any le�ok, spill, ar b�eak in a pi�e1�ne, pv+�rer fi�ne, �ar�ali, oF dike, car any o�her �ccidermt a�
�ncident th�t F�as the poteu�tiaU tp h�v� an a�ve�e i�p�ct on the sool, uuildlifie„ flr �ian�s in ti�e a�ea.
Any unusu�V' wildlife sugh�tir�g�s o� �usp�cted i�l�gal activiiie� shawNd be repc��t�d tQ the �ei�ge
i. ,Any ac�ic�ent tha� result� in a�er�on�al inje�r� (i.e., ��a �c�ci�er�t t�at r�qu�res �a���essi�n�l me+diaal
treat�n��t) shafl be report�d ta the Refuge 'I'�anager witN�ir� 2d h�urs csf the a�ccider�t.
8. AI� lackec� Re�uge �at�s shall be elca�ec� and fcacked �pa�u �rttering a�d 'd��ui�g� �efug� �rc�perty.
Re�Euge ga�es �iro�ld �e I�fit 2he w�y �hey aee #c��u�nd ��.e., op�n, closed, e�iher'�ocked ar unloc�SecS as
the case rn�y be).
Pac�e '� of 3
RF-001 (Revised (i1l1B1419)
9. Vehicte #raVel shall only be an �esEgnated rQacfs or routes of travel, unless authorized in wriEfn� by
the Refus�e Manas�er, Vehicles, baa#s, trailers, and other equipment sha11 be parked in such a
manner that roads and trails, includina canoe trails and na�is�able waters, ane not tv b�
blocked. R�ads and trails need ta be accessible tfl o#her Refuge visitor� and to Refuge staf�,
coaperative farmers, fire trucks, emergency vehicles, mair�tenance equipmerrt, and law enforcement
1Q. V�hicles with catalytic converters shall be restricted to paved roads, recentiy maintained gra�el nr dirt
roads, Qr bare sail arf;as because of tfie high fire ,fw#ential. Vehicles w'rth catalyti� con�erters shall
nat be parked a�er high vegetation or other fir� hazardaus materials.
41. Refuge gate or building keys shail nat be Ivaned ta other agencies, campanies, or persons. If there
is a need for access by other persons, please have them contact the Refuge Manager. All Re#uge
keys shall be returned ta the Refuge Manager, or a designateci staff rnember, wi#hin 10 calendar
days, after expiratian or terminatian o# the Pernnit or authorized activity.
12. All dogs (or any other pet) must be confined or on a leash while on #he Refuge, unle�s author�zed in
writins� bv the Refus�e Manas�Qr. Leashed pe#s must be under the irnmedia#e cant�af af #he
Permittee ar authorized persan, or the leash must be secured t� a stationary object. The leash shall
nat be in excess of 10 feet in iength.
9 3. Possessinn ar use of firearms, air guns, bows and anows, cross baws, spears, or gigs; ar illegal
knives, weap�cros, or devices; ar explosNes af any type is prohibited on the Refuge when engaged in
a speciaf use activity, unless authorize+d in writin� 6v the Refu�e Mana�er_
14, �ittering is prohibited. All materials bro�ght into the Refuge shall be rema�ed and praperly disposed.
Drink cans, bottles, candy wrappers, toilet paper, and ot�er garbage and refuse shali not be left an
the Refuge.
15. The Refuge Manager shall be contacted before any surface work is done. This includes mawing,
road or trail impro�ements, digging, clearing ar trimming afi brush or vegetation, installatian o#
stfuctures, e#c.
16. The use of herbicides and pesticides on Reft�ge praperty is prohibited, untess authorized in wr�tin�
bv the Refus�e Mana�ter. Unrestncted, over-the-caunter-type, insect repellents may be used on or
near ihe body and clothing to repel biting or stinging insects.
17. Na permanent or semi-permanent rrtarkings shafl 6e made an any Refuge building, stnac#ure, gate,
pnst, sign, fence, tree, vegetation, or soii by eifiher marking, paintir�g, cutting, scratching, blazing,
mowir�g, digging, ar ather destructive method, unless auth+�rized in writins� bv the Refus�e
Mana�er. When neede+d, �nly temporary, remo�able markers (e.g., flagging tape, survey stakes,
metaUpaperlplastic tags, etc.} shall be use�d ta mark site lacatior�s, plots, etc. Safety signs,
Page 2 of 3
RF-0ffi {Revised Ot116109)
infarrnati�nal signs, and any c�#her signs r�quired by law ar regulation for the sp�cial use activity being
cnnducted, s#�all be posted as required, but aniy with ariar authorization bv the Refus�e Mana�er.
Alf markers and signs shall be rema�red upc�n conclusion af the speciaf use activity ar upon expiration
or termination of the Permit.
18. The use or possessinn of traps, snares, or ather passi�e (i.e., unattended} colle�tivn de�ices, which
are used to calfect wildlife, is prohibi#ed, unless autharizsd in writins� by the Refu�e Mar�as�er.
Each individual trap, snare, or passive collection device shali have a weather-resistant, permanent
tag a#tached with the Permittee's, autharized person's, andlor organization's name aegibly marked on
the tag or shall have the Permittee's, au#horized person's, andlor arganizatis�n's name legibly rraarked,
imprinted, or e�grar►ed an the trap, snare, or device.
19. No permanent flr semi-permanent fences, builclings, shefters, docks, piers, or ather structures or
facilities may be erected, built, or pfaced on the Refuge, unless autl�orized in writing by the
Refu�e ManaQer. Nv machinery, equiprrtent, suppfies, ar materials may be placed or stored on the
refuge, unless authorized in writin� b� the Rertuqe Manaaer.
20. All open fires are prohibited, unless au#hvrized in writin�a bv the Refus�e Manas�er. Leaving an
authorized apen fire unatterrded �r not completely extinguished is prohibited. Se#ting on fire flr
causing to be set on fire any timber, brush, grass, or ather inflammable rrtaterial, including camp ar
c�oaking flres, is prohibited, unless authorixed in w+ritin� bv the Refus�e IlAana�er. The use of
cutting torches, arc welders, ar any atl�er aper� flamelsparking devi�es {which are required ta canduct
the special use activity} shall be exercised with cautian and onlv with oriar authorization from the
Refua�e Manas�er or Refus�e Fire Manaqement Officer. When use of these devices is ne�essary,
the aperator[s) shalf have immediate access to a ro riate fire control e ui ment {e.g., fire
extinguishers, shQr►els, etc.) and immediate communication access to local eme�encv services
(e.g., celluiar telephone, twaway radio, etc.). Tqbaeco smokers shall practiee cau#ian when smoking;
shall campletely extinguish aN matches, cigars, cig�rettes, and pipes; and shall dispose of same in a
praper container (e.g., a vehicle ash tray}.
21. This Special Use Permit authorizes �onstruction of #he s�uthem partian oi� the Herbert C. Bo�ner
Replac�ment Bridge an the northern end af Pea Island National Wildfife Refuge.
22. A11 wark for the bridge repiacement project will be conf�ned to the current right-0f-way and terr►porary
construcfion easements as d+escribed in the amended right-of-way easement s�gned 6y the Regianal
Director on July i 0, 2015 and recorded an 5eptemk�er 11, 2Q15.
23. There sha11 be strict complia�ce wi#h the terms and canditions of this permit and the right-of-way
easement signed by the Regional Directar on Jufy 1Q, ZQ15 and recorded on September 11, 2015.
24. Future modifications of this permit, if any, shall be su#ject ta the approval of the Refuge Manager and
could require a�pra�al by the Regional Director, cfepending upon the nature of the re�uest�:d
Fage 3 of 3
RF-001 {Revised 61116108)