HomeMy WebLinkAbout20170372 Ver 1_Certified Return Receipt_20170608■ Complete i[ems 1, 2, and 3. Also complete item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desiretl. ■ Pnnt your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. ■ Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, or on the front if space permks. Article Addressed to: Mr. Lewis Mitchell, P.E. Division Engineer Highway Division 10 716 W Main Street Albemarle. NC 28001 A. Signature ❑ Agent �_ 1- ���` - I L� �. � � . ❑ Atltlrassee B. Rece vetl by ( Ptlnted Name) C. Date of Delivery � I�z<<��.-!�, -��I�, .�,�5� � � ( =1 1-1 D. Is delivery adtlress tliftererrt Rem 1? ❑ Yes If YES, enter delivery address below: ❑ No 3. Service Type ❑ Cert'rfied Mail ❑ Express Mail ❑ Regis[ered ❑ Reh,m Recalp[ tor Mercharidise ❑ Insured Mall ❑ C.O.D. 4. Restdcted DeliveM (�� F�) ❑ Yes 2, Article Numher 7 0 o a 13 0 0 0 0 0 0 112 4 2 5 8 6 (Tiansfer Irom seMce labep 'S Form SS7 1, February 2004 Domestic Return Receipt 102595-02-M454f UNITED STATES:RQSTN. SER4IIGE._ i&t ' ,�11 1 1�.: ,y " _ �.. �.... . . First-Class Mail Postage 8 Fees Paid USPS Permit No. G-10 • Sendef: Fie�s� print your name, address, and ZIP+4 in this box • Division of Water Resources Wetlands Branch Kristi Lynn Carpenter 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh NC 27699-�617 ioi-, �7 �In�II����i�i���u�iil��i�,nli�IhJ�I�UII�u�����iili�i4�ii� �` a�' � 'w � �"S PosteOa s CerVllatl Fee fleWm Receipt Fae (Entlorsamenl flapuiretl) Reelrktetl Delivery Fea (Entlorsement RequlreC) Total Poatege 8 Fees $ nt o Sneei. %ti('Nu:t-------' or Po Box No. ary, sr�re, z�wa "" Poshnark Here �o r� 03�7 a Mr Lewis Mitcheil, P.E. �ivision Engineer ______________________ Highway Division 10 7�6 W Main Street � Albemarle, NC 28001 Certifled Mail Provides: ■ A meilhp receipt ■ AunlqueiUenNfleriaryourmeilpiece ■ A recortl ol tlelNery kept by Me Postel SeMce for two yeara hnpertent Nemintlsra: ■ CertlHeO Mail may ONLV be combine0 with Flrs[Claea Meil� or Prbriry Ma4 ■ CertlNeA Meil la rat avelleble tor any cleae ot imematlonal mail. ■ NO INSURANCE COVERAGE IS PROVIDED wilh CertHied Mall. Fa valuebles, Pleeae coneWer IneureA or Reglateretl Mell. � Fw en edtlMional fee, e ReNm Recelpf m�y Oe requeeted to pmNde proot a tle�Wery. To oDteln ReNm Recelp[ 6ervke (Nease complete arW attech e ReNn Receipt (PS Form 3811� lo the erticle aiW edtl appllr,able postege W cover tM fee. Endoree melipiece ReNm Receipt Requestetl'. To recehre e fee waNer ta a duolicete retum receipt, a USPS� postrnark on your Certified Mell recelpt it requlretl. ■ For en edtlitlonal fee, delivery mey be restAc[eA to t�e etltlressee o atlOressee'e authoAzetl eCent. AWise Me clerk or mark the mailpiece wtth thi endoreement 'Reahkfed Dellvery'. ■ If e postmerk on Ma Cetlifiad Meil recaipt Is tlesired, pleene present the arti Cle et the post oflica for posimerking. If a postmark on tha Certihetl Ma� receipt is not neetleE, tletac� antl aXix label wit� posta8e antl mell. IMPOflT11NT: Save this receipt and present it when makinq an inqulry. PS Fartn 3800. Auguat 2008 (ReverseJ PSN ]530-02-00p�9067