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20160681 Ver 2_Approval Letter_20170531
r ,_ k NV f RCNVE`;fA L QUAL iPY May 31, 2017 Pender 1164, LLC Attn: Raiford G. Traski III, Member Manager 1202 Eastwood Road Wilmington, NC 28403 ROY COOPER MICIIAEL S. RLGAN S. JAY ZIMMERMAN D W R # 16-0681 V2 Pender County Subject: Approval of Individual 401 Water Quality Certification with Additional Conditions Blake Farm Subdivision USACE Action ID. No. SAW -2012-01624 Dear Mr. Trask: Attached hereto is a copy of Certification No. 4119 issued to Raiford G. Trask III, Member Manager and Pender 1164, LLC, dated May 31, 2017. Please note that you should get any other federal, state or local permits before proceeding with the subject project, including those required by (but not limited to) Sediment and Erosion Control, Non -Discharge, and Water Supply Watershed regulations. This approval and its conditions are final and binding unless contested. This Certification can be contested as provided in Articles 3 and 4 of General Statute 150B by filing a written petition for an administrative hearing to the Office of Administrative Hearings (hereby known as OAH) within sixty (60) calendar days. A petition form may be obtained from the OAH at http://www.ncoah.com/ or by calling the OAH Clerk's Office at (919) 431-3000 for information. A petition is considered filed when the original and one (1) copy along with any applicable OAH filing fee is received in the OAH during normal office hours (Monday through Friday between 8:00am and 5:00pm, excluding official state holidays). The petition may be faxed to the OAH at (919) 431-3100, provided the original and one copy of the petition along with any applicable OAH filing fee is received by the OAH within five (5) business days following the faxed transmission. Mailing address for the OAH: If sending via US Postal Service: Office of Administrative Hearings 6714 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-6714 If sending via delivery service (UPS, FedEx, etc): Office of Administrative Hearings 1711 New Hope Church Road Raleigh, NC 27609-6285 State of North Carolina I Environmental Quality j Water Resources 1617 Mail Service Center I Raleigh, North Carolina 37699-1617 919 8076300 Pender 1164, LLC DWR# 16-0681 V2 Individual Certification #4119 Page 2 of 10 One (1) copy of the petition must also be served to Department of Environmental Quality: William F. Lane, General Counsel Department of Environmental Quality 1601 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1601 Unless such a petition is filed, this Certification shall be final and binding. This certification completes the review of the Division under section 401 of the Clean Water Act and 15A NCAC 02H .0500. Contact Joanne Steenhuis at (910) 796-7306 or joanne.steenhuis@ncdenr.gov if you have any questions or concerns. Sincerely, Karen Higgins, Supervisor 401 & Buffer Permitting Branch Attachment: Site plans ec: David Syster, SEGi (via david.syster@segi.us) Emily Greer, USACE Wilmington Regulatory Field Office (via Emily.C.Greer@usace.army.mil) Todd Bowers, EPA (via bowers.todd@epa.gov) Robb Mairs, DWR WiRO (via robb.mairs@ncdenr.gov) Joanne Steenhuis, DWR WiRO (via joanne.steenhuis@ncdenr.gov) DWR WiRO 401 file DWR 401 & Buffer Permitting Branch file Filename: 160681BIakeFarms(Pender)_401_IC.docx Pender 1164, LLC DWR# 16-0681 V2 Individual Certification #4119 Page 3 of 10 CERTIFICATION #4119 is issued in conformity with the requirements of Section 401, Public Laws 92-500 and 95-217 of the United States and subject to North Carolina's Regulations in 15A NCAC 02H .0500 and 15A NCAC 02B .0200, to Raiford G. Trask III, Member Manager and Pender 1164, LLC who have authorization for the impacts listed below, as described within your application received by the N.C. Division of Water Resources (Division) via US Mail on May 25, 2017, a subsequent corrected application received electronically on May 25, 2017, and by Public Notice issued by the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers and received by the Division on June 20, 2016. The State of North Carolina certifies that this activity will not violate the applicable portions of Sections 301, 302, 303, 306, 307 of the Public Laws 92-500 and PL 95-217 if conducted in accordance with the application, the supporting documentation, and conditions hereinafter set forth. This approval requires you to follow the conditions listed in the certification below. Conditions of Certification: 1. Impacts Approved The following impacts are hereby approved, provided that all of the conditions of the Certification are met. No other impacts are approved, including incidental impacts. [15A NCAC 02B .0506(b) & (c)j 404/401 Wetlands Type Permanent Temporary A Basin 0.13 acre 0.01 acre B Pocosin 0.12 acre N/A C Pocosin 0.05 acre 0.10 acre D Pocosin 0.14 acre N/A F Pocosin 0.14 acre 0.08 acre H Basin 0.72 acre 0.03 acre J Basin 0.02 acre N/A N Basin 0.10 acre N/A 0 Basin 0.02 acre N/A TOTAL 1.44 acre 0.22 acre Pender 1164, LLC DWR# 16-0681 V2 Individual Certification #4119 Page 4 of 10 Open Water Permanent Temporary XD -1 0.09 ac (1303 linear feet) 0.001 ac (16 linear feet) XD -2 0.09 ac (989 linear feet) 0.002 ac (20 linear feet) XD -3 0.08 ac (680 linear feet) N/A XD -4 0.03 ac (370 linear feet) N/A XD -5 0.05 ac (595 linear feet) N/A XD -6 0.02 ac (140 linear feet) 0.001 ac (10 linear feet) XD -7 Less than 0.01 ac (89 linear feet) N/A XD -8 0.16 ac (2355 linear feet) N/A BFB -1 0.01 ac (158 linear feet) N/A TOTAL IMPACTS 0.53 acre Less than 0.01 acre 2. Compensatory Mitigation Mitigation must be provided for the proposed impacts as specified in the table below. The Division has received an acceptance letter from the Northeast Cape Fear Mitigation Bank to meet this mitigation requirement. Until the Northeast Cape Fear Mitigation Bank receives and clears your payment, and proof of payment has been provided to this Office, no impacts specified in this Authorization Certificate shall occur. For accounting purposes, this Authorization Certificate authorizes payment to the Northeast Cape Fear Mitigation Bank to meet the following compensatory mitigation requirement [15A NCAC 02H .0506 (b)(6) & 15A NCAC 02B .0506(h)] 3. Stormwater Management Plan The SMP (SW8160301) approved by the Division of Energy, Mining and Land Resources under the state stormwater program meets the requirements of the 401 Water Quality Certification. [15A NCAC 02H .0506(b)(4)] Compensatory Mitigation Required River and Sub - basin Number Stream N/A N/A Wetlands 1.44 acres White Oak 030200302 Waters N/A N/A Buffers N/A N/A 3. Stormwater Management Plan The SMP (SW8160301) approved by the Division of Energy, Mining and Land Resources under the state stormwater program meets the requirements of the 401 Water Quality Certification. [15A NCAC 02H .0506(b)(4)] Pender 1164, LLC DWR# 16-0681 V2 Individual Certification #4119 Page 5 of 10 4. Any final construction plans for this project must include or reference the application and plans approved by the Division under this authorization letter and certification. The applicant will also be required to evaluate all acquired permits to assure that they are consistent and all relative impacts are accounted for and shown on the construction plans. [15A NCAC 02H .0502 (b) and 15A NCAC 02H .0506 (4)] The permittee shall notify the Division in writing to Robb Mairs at robb.mairs@ncdenr. ov prior to the beginning of the work authorized under this certification. A pre -construction meeting must be held with the Division prior to the start of the project so that the contractors and/or agents fully understand the conditions associated with this certification. [15A NCAC 02H .0507 (c) and 15A NCAC 02H .0502 (e)] 5. No waste, spoil, solids, or fill of any kind shall occur in wetlands, waters, or riparian areas beyond the footprint of the impacts depicted in the application for this project. All construction activities, including the design, installation, operation, and maintenance of sediment and erosion control Best Management Practices shall be performed so that no violations of state water quality standards, statutes, or rules occur. Approved plans and specifications for this project are incorporated by reference and are enforceable parts of this certification. [15A NCAC 02H .0501 and .0502] 6. Protective Fencing All wetlands, streams, surface waters, and riparian buffers located within 50 feet of the construction area on the project site shall be clearly marked (example- orange fabric fencing) prior to any land disturbing activities and must be maintained on the property until the project phase is completed. [15A NCAC 02H .0506 (b)(2) and (c)(2) and 15A NCAC 02H .0507 (c)] 7. Sediment and Erosion Control Erosion and sediment control practices must be in full compliance with all specifications governing the proper design, installation and operation and maintenance of such Best Management Practices. If applicable, the project must comply with the specific conditions and requirements of the NPDES Construction Stormwater Permit issued to the site and the following requirements [15A NCAC 02H .0506(b)(3) and (c)(3)]: a. Design, installation, Operation, and maintenance of the sediment and erosion control measures must be such that they equal or exceed the requirements specified in the most recent version of the North Carolina Sediment and Erosion Control Manual. The devices shall be maintained on all construction sites, borrow sites, and waste pile (spoil) projects, including contractor -owned or leased borrow pits associated with the project. b. For borrow pit sites, the erosion and sediment control measures must be designed, installed, operated, and maintained in accordance with the most recent version of the North Carolina Surface Mining Manual. c. Reclamation measures and implementation must comply with the reclamation in accordance with the requirements of the Sedimentation Pollution Control Act and the Mining Act of 1971. Pender 1164, LLC DWR# 16-0681 V2 Individual Certification #4119 Page 6 of 10 d. Sufficient materials required for stabilization and/or repair of erosion control measures and stormwater routing and treatment shall be on site at all times. e. For PNA, SA, WS -I, WI -II, HQW, ORW waters. The sediment and erosion control designs must comply with the requirements set forth in 15A NCAC 04B .0124 Design Standards in Sensitive Watersheds. 8. Appropriate measures should be installed prior to any land clearing activities to protect waters and wetlands from turbidity and/ or sedimentation. These measures should be routinely inspected and properly maintained, and excavated materials should be contained outside the wetland boundary. Excessive silt and sediment loads can have numerous detrimental effects on aquatic resources including destruction of spawning habitat, suffocation of eggs, and clogging of gills of aquatic species. [15A NCAC 02H .0506 (b)(3) and (c)(3)] Sediment and erosion control measures shall not be placed in wetlands or waters. Exceptions to this condition require application submittal to and written approval by the Division. If placement of sediment and erosion control devices in wetlands and waters is unavoidable, then design and placement of temporary erosion control measures shall not be conducted in a manner that may result in dis-equilibrium of wetlands, stream beds, or banks, adjacent to or upstream and downstream of the above structures. All sediment and erosion control devices shall be removed and the natural grade restored within two (2) months of the date that the Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources (DEMLR) or locally delegated program has released the specific area within the project. [15A NCAC 02H .0501 and .0502] 10. All backfill will consist of clean, earthen material free of any pollutants except in trace quantities. Metal products, organic materials, rock, concrete, bricks, or other non -earthen debris shall not be used. [15A NCAC 02H .0506(b)(2) and (3) and (c)(2) and (3)] 11. Natural fiber matting is recommended for streambank stabilization over plastic matting that can entrap small animals. [15A NCAC 02H .0506(b)(2)] 12. All temporary impacted areas will be restored to pre -construction natural conditions upon completion of the project. Native vegetation shall be used for wetland and stream bank stabilization. [15A NCAC 02H .0506 (b)(2) and (c)(2)] 13. Fueling, lubrication and general equipment maintenance should not take place within 50 feet of a waterbody or wetlands to prevent contamination by fuel and oils. [15A NCAC 02H .0506 (b)(3) and (c)(3) and 15A NCAC 02B .0200 (3)(f)] Pender 1164, LLC DWR# 16-0681 V2 Individual Certification #4119 Page 7 of 10 14. All mechanized equipment operated near surface waters or wetlands will be regularly inspected and maintained to prevent contamination of waters and wetlands from fuels, lubricants, hydraulic fluids or other potential toxic chemicals. In the event of a hydrocarbon or chemical spill, the permitee/contractor shall immediately contact the Division of Water Quality, between the hours of 8 am to 5 pm at the Wilmington Regional Office at (910) 796-7215 and after hours and on weekends call (800) 858-0368. Management of such spills shall comply with provisions of the North Carolina Oil Pollution and Hazardous Substances Control Act. [15A NCAC 02H .0506 (b)(3) and (c)(3), 15A NCAC 02B .0200 (3)(f), and GS 143 Article 21A] 15. Construction Stormwater Permit NCG010000 An NPDES Construction Stormwater Permit is required for construction projects that disturb one (1) or more acres of land. This Permit allows stormwater to be discharged during land disturbing construction activities as stipulated in the conditions of the permit. If your project is covered by this permit, full compliance with permit conditions including the erosion & sedimentation control plan, inspections and maintenance, self-monitoring, record keeping and reporting requirements is required. A copy of the general permit (NCG010000), inspection log sheets, and other information may be found at: http://portal.ncdenr.org/web/wg/ws/su/`npdessw#tab-w. [15A NCAC 02H .0506(b)(5) and (c)(5)] 16. Work in the Dry All work in or adjacent to stream waters shall be conducted so that the flowing stream does not come in contact with the disturbed area. Approved best management practices from the most current version of the NC Sediment and Erosion Control Manual, or the NC DOT Construction and Maintenance Activities Manual, such as sandbags, rock berms, cofferdams, and other diversion structures shall be used to minimize excavation in flowing water. [15A NCAC 02H .0506(b)(3) and (c)(3)] 17. If concrete is used during the construction, then all necessary measures shall be taken to prevent direct contact between uncured or curing concrete and waters of the state. Water that inadvertently contacts uncured concrete shall not be discharged to waters of the state due to the potential for elevated pH and possible aquatic life/fish kills. [15A NCAC 02B .0200] 18. Placement of Culverts and Other Structures in Waters and Wetlands Installation of culverts in wetlands must ensure continuity of water movement and be designed to adequately accommodate high water or flood conditions. Additionally, when roadways, causeways, or other fill projects are constructed across FEMA -designated floodways or wetlands, openings such as culverts or bridges must be provided to maintain the natural hydrology of the system as well as prevent constriction of the floodway that may result in destabilization of streams or wetlands. The establishment of native, woody vegetation and other soft stream bank stabilization techniques must be used where practicable instead of rip rap or other bank hardening methods. [15A NCAC 02H .0506(b)(2) and (c)(2)] Pender 1164, LLC DWR# 16-0681 V2 Individual Certification #4119 Page 8 of 10 19. All temporary fill and culverts shall be removed and the impacted area returned to natural conditions, within 60 days of the determination that the temporary impact is no longer necessary. The impacted areas shall be restored to original grade, including each stream's original cross sectional dimensions, plan form pattern, and longitudinal bed and bed profile, and the various sites shall be stabilized with natural woody vegetation (except approved maintenance areas) and restored to prevent erosion. [15A NCAC 02H .0506(b)(2) and (c)(2)] 20. All temporary pipes/culverts/riprap pads etc., shall be installed in all streams as outlined in the most recent edition of the North Carolina Sediment and Erosion Control Planning and Design Manual so as not to restrict stream flow or cause dis-equilibrium. [15A NCAC 02H .0506(b)(2) and (c)(2)] 21. Deed notifications or similar mechanisms shall be placed on all retained jurisdictional wetlands, waters and protective buffers within the project boundaries in order to assure compliance for future wetland, water and buffer impact. These mechanisms shall be put in place at the time of recording of the property, or of individual lots, whichever is appropriate. A sample deed notification can be downloaded from the 401 &Buffer Permitting Branch website at http://portal.ncdenr.org/web/wq/swp/ws/401/certsandpermits/apply/forms. The text of the sample deed notification may be modified as appropriate to suit to this project. Documentation of deed notifications shall be provided to the Division upon request. [15A NCAC 02H .0501 and .0502] 22. This Certification does not relieve the applicant of the responsibility to obtain all other required Federal, State, or Local approvals. 23. The permitee shall require its contractors and/or agents to comply with the terms and conditions of this permit in the construction and maintenance of this project, and shall provide each of its contractors and/or agents associated with the construction or maintenance of this project with a copy of this Certification. A copy of this Certification, including all conditions shall be available at the project site during the construction and maintenance of this project. [15A NCAC 02H .0507 (c) and 15A NCAC 02H .0506 (b)(2) and (c)(2)] 24. Continuing Compliance Raiford G. Trask III, Member Manager and Pender 1164, LLC shall conduct construction activities in a manner consistent with State water quality standards (including any requirements resulting from compliance with section 303(d) of the Clean Water Act) and any other appropriate requirements of State and Federal law. [15A NCAC 02B .0200] If the Division determines that such standards or laws are not being met (including the failure to sustain a designated or achieved use) or that State or federal law is being violated, or that further conditions are necessary to assure compliance, the Division may reevaluate and modify this Certification. Before modifying the Certification, the Division shall notify Raiford G. Trask III, Member Manager and Pender 1164, LLC and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, provide public notice in accordance with 15A NCAC 02H .0503 and provide opportunity for public hearing in accordance with 15A NCAC 02H .0504. Any new or revised Pender 1164, LLC DWR# 16-0681 V2 Individual Certification #4119 Page 9 of 10 conditions shall be provided to Raiford G. Trask III, Member Manager and Pender 1164, LLC in writing, shall be provided to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers for reference in any Permit issued pursuant to Section 404 of the Clean Water Act, and shall also become conditions of the 404 Permit for the project. 25. This approval is for the purpose and design described in your application and as described in the Public Notice. The plans and specifications for this project are incorporated by reference and are an enforceable part of the Certification. If you change your project, you must notify the Division and you may be required to submit a new application package with the appropriate fee. If the property is sold, the new owner must be given a copy of this Certification and is responsible for complying with all conditions. Any new owner must notify the Division and request the Certification be issued in their name. [15A NCAC 02H .0501 and .0502] 26. Within 60 days of completion of construction, as -built drawings (which can be shown on an aerial or done as a survey) shall be submitted to both the Division of Water Quality, 401 & Buffer Permitting Branch, 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh NC 27699-1617 and to the Wilmington Regional Office. [15A NCAC 02H .0507 (c) and 15A NCAC 02H .0506 (b)(2) and (c)(2)] 27. Any additional impacts to streams and/or wetlands as a result of future roads, buildings, driveways, utility lines or other development related activities within this subdivision will require a modification of this 401 Water Quality Certification approval. [15A NCAC 02H .0506(4) and 15A NCAC 02H .0501 and .0502] 28. The applicant and/or authorized agent shall provide a completed Certificate of Completion Form to the DWR 401 & Buffer Permitting Branch within ten days of project completion (available at: http://portal.ncdenr.org/web/wq/swp/ws/401/certsandpermits/apply/forms). [15A NCAC 02H .0502(f)] 29. This certification grants permission to the director, an authorized representative of the Director, or DWR staff, upon the presentation of proper credentials, to enter the property during normal business hours. [15A NCAC 02H .0502(e)] This approval to proceed with your proposed impacts or to conduct impacts to waters as depicted in your application shall expire upon expiration of the 404 or CAMA Permit. The conditions in effect on the date of issuance shall remain in effect for the life of the project, regardless of the expiration date of this Certification. [15A NCAC 02H .0507(d)(2) and 15A NCAC 02H .0506] Pender 1164, LLC DWR# 16-0681 V2 Individual Certification #4119 Page 10 of 10 Non-compliance with or violation of the conditions herein set forth may result in revocation of this Certification and may also result in criminal and/or civil penalties. This the 31st day of May 2017 Karen Higgins, Supervisor 401 & Buffer Permitting Branch KAHAhs 4119 0 of 0 co E 0 L0 CD os BLAKE FARM y A TRA SK LAND COMPANY COMMUNITY b SF --1 SUBDIVISION VICINITY MAP - NOT TO SCALE PHASE 1A, 1 B, 2 AND 3 Trask 1202 Eastwood Road Wilmington, NC 28403 (910) 799-8755 .��. NICKM&cizEED 243 North Front Street Wilmington, NC 28401 Phone: (910) 343-1048 Fax: (910) 251-8282 NC FIRM LICENSE F-1222 www.mckimcreed.com JJJ BLAKE FARM ,I WETLAND IMPACT DRAWINGS NOT TO SCALE 9 Z) O U 0 z 0 0 m U) Q U- W J C) C) I Ln fV LO C) J Sheet List Table Sheet Number Sheet Title Sheet Description 0 G-000 COVER 1 G-001 WETLANDS IMPACT MAP OVERALL 2 G-002 WETLANDS IMPACT MAP OVERALL 3 WI -100 WETLAND IMPACT MAP KEY 4 WI -101 WETLAND H IMPACT 5 WI -102 WETLAND A AND J IMPACT 6 W1-103 WETLAND IMPACT 7 WI -201 WETLAND D AND E IMPACT 8 WI -202 WETLAND B, C, AND F IMPACT 9 WI -301 WETLAND IMPACT 10 WI -401 WETLAND IMPACT 11 WI -501 WETLAND IMPACT 12 XS -100 SECTION VIEW KEY 13 XS -101 X -1A THROUGH X ---5A SECTION VIEWS 14 XS -102 X -5B THROUGH X -7A SECTION VIEWS 15 XS -103 X -8A THROUGH X-80 SECTION VIEWS 16 CU101 UTILITY MAP 17 CP -101 P-7 WETLAND CROSSING PLAN & PROFILE 18 CP -102 WETLAND E BFB ROAD CROSS SECTION VIEW 19 CP --103 LOT 57 PLAN AND PROFILE 20 CN -501 SCM 4 LAYOUT AND CROSS SECTION 21 APPENDIX A APPENDIX A 9 Z) O U 0 z 0 0 m U) Q U- W J C) C) I Ln fV LO C) J f - N Lr) N U'1 N O CD CL w CI +z E a �I Ca 6L/ N In in LLI fn co O r- 0 O N C 3 (G 14 Q N m C 0 CD a to DE 44 LEGEND IMPACTED AREAS TEMPORARY WETLAND IMPACT JURISDICTIONAL DITCH PROPOSED DITCH - - - - - - - PROJECT LIMITS TREE & DITCH SAVE AREA i I �- RDADSIDE SWAIE CROSS -PIPE FUTURE DEVELOPMENT ISOLATED WETLANDS MAY FILLED AS A PORTION OF BLAKE FARM SF -1 SUBDV. DEVELOPMENT Sheet List Table Sheet Number Sheet Title Sheet Description 1 0-001 WETLANDS IMPACT MAP OVERALL 2 G-002 WETLANDS IMPACT MAP OVERALL 3 WI -100 WETLAND IMPACT MAP KEY 4 WI -101 WETLAND H IMPACT 5 WI -102 WETLAND A AND JIMPACT 6 W1-103 WETLAND IMPACT 7 WI -201 WETLAND D AND E IMPACT 8 WI -202 WETLAND B, C, AND F IMPACT 9 WI -301 WETLAND IMPACT 10 WI -401 WETLAND IMPACT 11 WI -501 WETLAND IMPACT 12 XS -100 SECTION VIEW KEY 13 XS -101 X -1A THROUGH X -5A SECTION VIEWS 14 XS -102 X-513 THROUGH X -7A SECTION VIEWS 15 XS -103 X -8A THROUGH X -81D SECTION VIEWS 16 CU101 UTILITY MAP 17 CP -101 P-7 WETLAND CROSSING PLAN & PROFILE 18 CP -102 WETLAND E BFB ROAD CROSS SECTION VIEW 19 APPENDIX A APPENDIX A { OUVLET BOX I" AN PIPE EXISTING RPW DITCH INLET BOX. AND PIPE \ BFB -1 9FB-1 DITCH IMPACT INLET BOX 1565 SF (0.036 ac) AND PIPE (PREVIOUSLY APPROVED) SCM- `7 f puTLET BOX -� AND PIyE NOTE: CENTERLINE OF PROPOSED DITCH TO MATCH THE CENTERLINE GRADE OF THE EXISTING DITCH. ^1 4 L, r= u -,a 114 IEpap9tV +I Sit Pr- 10 }R R060- PIA!! oGt3 LFI( PROPOSED DITCH DETAIL N07 TO WC FUTURE DEVELOPMENT LEVEL SPREAD FUTURE -" BLAKE FARM BOULEVARD DEVELOPMENT DIVIDED BOULEVARD WITH GRASSED MEDIAN AND PROSED STORM ROADSIDE SWALES DRAINAGES YYSTEM (TYP.) ~ ' !rI 1 EX DITCH LENGTH (If) AREA (ac.) DITCH WIDTH (It) A4C. DEPTH (H) IMPACT LENGTH (fl) IMPACT AREA (oc.) REALIGN (I0 NET/LOSS (If) TEMP. IMPACT (!1) M-1 1,639 4.11 J 3' 114' WTFALL CHANNEL DEPTH) 1303 0.090 164 -1113 IB X0-2 1,474 0.14 4 4' 959 0.091 0 -959 20 X0-3 1.355 0.18 5 3' 580 0.076 0 -690 TOTALS XD -4 730 0.05 3 3' 370 0.025 345 -25 X0-5 545 0.05 4 2' 595 0.035 0 -595 XO -6 997 0.11 5 2' 140 OAI6 0 -140 10 X0-7 173 0.004 1 2' 69 0.002 0 -69 XD -6 3.349 0.23 3 3' 2355 0.162 315 -2010 BFB -1 156 0.01 3 156 0.011 -156 TOTALS 1M3t2.00 1 0.88 6,679.(X1 0.53 1120 1 -5859 1 46 WETLANDS WETLAND AREA (ac.) TYPE PERM IMPACT TEMP, IMPACT (40 (6c.) WET -A BASIN 1.12 0.13 0.01 NEI -0 FOCOSIN 0.12 0.12 P-6 WET -C FOCd4N 1.12 0.05 0.10 NEI -0 P0005N 0.14 0.14 670 111-1 110016M 1,31 DAA 006 WI -H BASIN 0.92 0.72 0.03 NET -J BASIN 0.02 0.02 HET -N BASIN 0,10 010 HEI -0 BASIN 0.02 0.02 TOTALS 5.07 1.44 0.22 PROPOSED DITCH RENJGHMENT LENGTH (H) NEW CONST. LENGTH (1Q DITCH LENGTH (H) PROPOSED DITCH � ( O ((2VToa MOTH) P-1 160 0 160 007 P-6 0 345 345 0.16 P-7 9 670 670 OSI P-11 315 MI liml 1.09 10T&4 475 3066 3`x12 1-63 TOTAL IMPACT T 1.44 AREA sr -1 ♦ - BLAKE FARM SF -1 SUBDIVISION 7-Eo. °12d2Q1 5°ALE xn002 ��/�'FT� ([� •GREET Trask Land , 06525.°' ' G.°D2 II..K Ti, /117Y>��` 6--+1-EL ., �" TOPSAIL. TOWNSHIP iia i an,«aa u Southern Environmental Group, 1110,PENDER COUNIYNORTH CAROLINA Front5315 South College Rood, Suite E I RMC Wilmington. North C4rUine 28401 Wilmington. North Carolina 28412 SLAKE FARM. Phone: (910)343-1048 , Fna: (910)251-8282 tiT'C Phone: (910) 452-4711 1202 E4stwood Road - WETLANDS IMPACT MAP No LIC. N.. F-1222 WlmTngton, NC 28403 solus: ETLAN DS PLAN ww.mckimcreed.cam {910) 799-8755 OVERALL NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION GRAPHIC SCALE 0 150 300 1 inch = 300 ft. �QQ�1\\QL\\�QUQQN\\Ll1UlQ 11 l^ �; . • . . . , , 4VI0$z CPL 1g 592,g sS2 Pc 2 c / n�\♦ - , • : ' , �—^-----� .I J_ 1-- _r _� f <tss,. / �--rrr ';:;:Y•.. �y..,.... %= f /♦�♦ -1p 11 188 , \ t 11 70 �, • : ,. 187 _ _� _� � =_, � r - - � r 1 i iit � 11 ,96 111 ,9 X- 96 1/ I i ��\ss�♦�`/ X- � - � L fig i .. , , • .: , ; ; ; ` I 1 } 20i1 200 l 1 l V 1! �i1 t - =2 29 - ;1 V � _�lr. 11 ►- _ �L- J 195 / 73 202 I� P11 �r66 :- , WI -103 . , ; ; ' ' • . 164 163 1 16 1+ X -g I 231 � � Il I 1 1 20311 211 2051808 // ' \ AJC J I I! JI � rrii"rrfrr / ,32 � 130 `� w1-341 P-7 O • , 76 1 Y VVI -401 2f 'irrrf WI'$41 l n;"prr+,+r+rrrrtrrii+u±+i'r��'�'iirr;"''r.. .. L !7 0 1 I � ryfrr'ri+trr"+'qi ;l+ry r'ur rrn r, ,r r, r+ `J1 fr 2,1 1i�2,21 I,fi51 fi6 187 i'4i'rrfri'fr,fri fir r+hf+r'i ,ri;+n++nip+l;q+u+r'rgi' ��L�J I II +r =Q n� � �/ 'rfr'i';rtrrrr'ur�ri;yii!+ni+r;+i''r++±l°j'f rah++ii'"aa"ruu C ur+ifr"rr --`1 pnran;!i{u- +pr pr +"lhbrip+r ' r�ru +f+r.... ..+air" rrgruii';+rrinrpiirr y C`JC! // 771 < 736 i �� 126 [\}� \ �\ r ; r ` , i k r � ,mlm\mmlmmlm\Lm rr+rrn,.�+lrf'ri;;lrfiil4u+`rr!�+ii;fr"�r+iri'r"rrf'i 41. i'fi rrp+rrr,ir`ihr rprprJrr+rr''C�++'+ • 1 ! 1 15,35 f45 5` 7l g 7�� �` _C•� r�26 f % 8'`2 \� L 237 1225 224 19 I 218 I ~ I4 II II II Il '1� I 236 _JL r1771f1f76 I � -JL- 177 �- _ -'1 � !! 114 !! 7�/` � +p�r'r'� rrrrfirr'rri'•r, 123 i �i- ! 83 / � � I 88 / ` / 8 '� ♦ 1 152 I 240 � II 1241 ' X242 1243 II'2a4 � X245 � X246 � X247 i X248 � X249 � X250 � i257' X252 � X253 1254 I I I Ir � r ~ 7 f � ` J` / r'ii"'++t ` J ,1 --� II 112551111T81j 17911 7l��I_ 15, i40 rtpi"'r±rir++r+r ` ILJLJ JL-1LJLJL-lLJLLLJLJLLLLLJ✓~J 180 'np;�rru+rrr/ru�;i,'•r„+ l �v ✓~ Jf i 5LU8 � _ ._ �. _ : � 92 n / /cog{ 147/ 145 / 118 ! / 707 / ` t r ,,r rrri;rr +'rp;u+n, \� i / n♦ ' B �F 1 r r-� 17 / / 105 !;'+'rarfi+fu+i;ir❑++'ir;i"++, (♦ i I V1 Sa IV 5311 521 WI -11 z 1 55 11 ll I 1 I STUB 16 1 f+iri r +rrurp i rr�iq ur+r ♦ rr;�r +r 5 109 1 W 1'242 +f±t'rir,p+��4;++ii ripe ��. fiei+it+�i' L I �� � 1 I 170 r 102 1 • TR rarL rpH rr r l_ 14 E A}'t r+++r rr+�r, r Q �p 19 18 77 16 151 L 13 � I 70o I • E , . +rr +r,. L - - r I V rrii 49 0 L - 12 113r48 ra'111 2 23 24 QS 2d _ _ I � 2 3 STUB I �r,l.r.;;Gr 45 44 j r _ \3 N43 1`�r++2 �� EXISTING DITCH I AMENITY AREA a2 1 i \ trip, GRAPHIC SCALE 300 0 150 300 600 prpi 1 inch = 300 ft. V f BLAKE FARM SF -1 SUBDIVISION O"rn wi_10j�Trac �.J CEvVN K M&I.l EED TOPSAIITOWNSHIP DESIG� � oese+eo ra,1cPENDER COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA 3243 Norah Front Street I��Imingta . North Carolina 28401 '.BLAKE FARM: Pao! MGM akic I P-1 Phone: (910)343--1048 , Fn.: (910)251-8282 1202 Eo51wood Rood , ' • NC LIC. Na. F-1222 Wilmington, NC 28403 WETLAND IMPACT MAP KEY SSATUS WETLANDS PLAN "°'°' ' , , - www.mckimcree4,com (910) 799-8755 NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION 27' -A B� r' 7 371 4 / 3 l r I X-1 � BLAKE ARM BLVD EXTENIJS TO HWY 17 I�- � 551 �r r�SEE� rrlatchline WI- 01 s k k 10' WIDE TEMPORARY 4 ti E k IMPACT (1,145 SF) f: rc `" ti k k WETLAND AREA H WETLAND H IMPACT / ti TOTAL = 0.92 ACRES 0.72XRE5 ti 1 EXISTING DITCH. TO BE RE -ALIGNED INTO BFB L" CROSS -PIPE �~ �C43 44 4" DITCH AND TREE ` P 1 \\ SAVE AREA 42 RE -ALIGN EXISTING DITCHES (160 LF) LF removal). 356 LF TO BE FILLED ~ 41 ��� Realign ditches on upstream side of oA1E: o,2a2a1� a L LINEAR POND - / ti WSEI= 33.00' _ iii L ?30147 M F_ ti f / 33 Qj ti ti 40 Q � rt iREMOVAL 34 , • 225 LF REMOVAL M �� _� / ROADSIDE DITCH P-1 TO CONNECT J CROSS PIPE CROSS PIPES TO X-1 ROCK CHECK — DAMS GRAPHIC SCALE 100 0 50 100 200 1 inch — 100 ft. LEGEND IMPACTED AREAS JURISDICTIONAL DITCH EXISTING DITCH MUCK& CLEAN OUT PROPOSED DITCH PROJECT LIMITS TEMPORARY WETLAND IMPACT TREE & DITCH u SAVE AREA LOT SETBACKS TRADITIONAL TND LOIS 90E 5 0 rpaNT ,o to R[Ap ,a to Wetland - H = p �j, // Overall Area: 0.92 acres � // ' "'• � = Impact Area: 0.72 acres 15 SANITARYSEWER! Temp Impact: 1,145 SF SYSTEM {TYP.f I I I Ditch P-1 4 I III Ditch will replace ditch X-1. This OUTLET BOX FOR � 5 I� 6 I� 7 3 p LINEAR POND SYSTEM I I I I I I I I proposed ditch is approx. 160 LF. DISCHARGES INTO X-1 J L I I -- LINEAR P47No �'._; 11 -�WSYL=33.06'- ,� _j I L_ __j L__ _j Ditch X-1 Realign X-1 to meet the new culvert under Blake Farm Boulevard (^'225 � BLAKE FARM SF -1 SUBDIVISION _ '*' MFKW 1 1� TraskLand TOPSAIL TOWNSHIP V Southern Environmental Group, Inc. `�s� \ ', PENDER COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA 243 North Front Street O 5.115 Sown Co pond: E Wilmingta�. No.1h Co.olina 20401 , f[: Wilmingmn, Noahh cow2841 ��H rcna ze41z LAK�FAFtM:' Phare. (910)343-1646 , Fox. (910)251-9282 Phone(910) 452-4111 5202 Eastwood Road WETLAND H IMPACT NC UC. No. F-1222 Wilmington, NC 26403 N .., k1mP dxc (910) 799-8755 Pl= LF removal). 356 LF TO BE FILLED ~ 41 ��� Realign ditches on upstream side of oA1E: o,2a2a1� WI'°'Blake LINEAR POND - / ti WSEI= 33.00' _ iii L ^ M F_ ti f / 33 Qj ti ti 40 Q � rt rt rD 7. rD 34 _Z_ L — — M �' 35 � 0 - Io 33 39 t I� N ti �LNEARPONo - - STORM WSEL-33.00• ; " SYSTEM 1 DRAINAGE (TYP.) 36 SAM SY'- I I 37 - w as / 1 a Z / GRAPHIC SCALE 100 0 50 100 200 1 inch — 100 ft. LEGEND IMPACTED AREAS JURISDICTIONAL DITCH EXISTING DITCH MUCK& CLEAN OUT PROPOSED DITCH PROJECT LIMITS TEMPORARY WETLAND IMPACT TREE & DITCH u SAVE AREA LOT SETBACKS TRADITIONAL TND LOIS 90E 5 0 rpaNT ,o to R[Ap ,a to Wetland - H = p �j, // Overall Area: 0.92 acres � // ' "'• � = Impact Area: 0.72 acres 15 SANITARYSEWER! Temp Impact: 1,145 SF SYSTEM {TYP.f I I I Ditch P-1 4 I III Ditch will replace ditch X-1. This OUTLET BOX FOR � 5 I� 6 I� 7 3 p LINEAR POND SYSTEM I I I I I I I I proposed ditch is approx. 160 LF. DISCHARGES INTO X-1 J L I I -- LINEAR P47No �'._; 11 -�WSYL=33.06'- ,� _j I L_ __j L__ _j Ditch X-1 Realign X-1 to meet the new culvert under Blake Farm Boulevard (^'225 � BLAKE FARM SF -1 SUBDIVISION _ '*' MFKW 1 1� TraskLand TOPSAIL TOWNSHIP V Southern Environmental Group, Inc. `�s� \ ', PENDER COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA 243 North Front Street O 5.115 Sown Co pond: E Wilmingta�. No.1h Co.olina 20401 , f[: Wilmingmn, Noahh cow2841 ��H rcna ze41z LAK�FAFtM:' Phare. (910)343-1646 , Fox. (910)251-9282 Phone(910) 452-4111 5202 Eastwood Road WETLAND H IMPACT NC UC. No. F-1222 Wilmington, NC 26403 N .., k1mP dxc (910) 799-8755 Pl= LF removal). ��� Realign ditches on upstream side of oA1E: o,2a2a1� WI'°'Blake Farm Boulevard to provide DRANK MABTLUCIMSH"E`EO RRW CHE[KEa DMC W M 4 flow on the inlet end of the culvert `R" NG RMn (-160 LF realign — 140 LF removal). CL 0 Go 1p Cl) f� W) 0 N .(M 0 U C6 CLE a C 0) c O C) O 0 0 C4 N In (O In 41. 45 46 47 1 48 50 I II II DITCH A-3 REMOVAL = 680 LF I I 3 lululu ---1 Ell 2® 33 r+ 1 l 31 22 19 — 4 t 0 30 23 18 5 a I � 29 24 17 6 SAITARY SEWER I SYSTEM (TYP,) 16 2b 25 Overall Area: 0.02 acres 7 L 27 J 26 15 Impact Area: 0.02 acres ` P L"J Ditch X-1 AND X-2 m REMAINS IN TREE SAVE AREA 53 I WETLAND AREA J TOTAL =0.02 ACRES k 04 — — J IMPACT AREA: 0.02 ACRES Ditch X-3 41. 45 46 47 1 48 50 I II II DITCH A-3 REMOVAL = 680 LF I I 3 lululu ---1 F-32-- ROANOKE DR 1 l 2® 33 r+ 1 l 31 22 19 — 4 — STORM DRAINAGE SYSTEM {TYP. 0 30 23 18 5 a I � 29 24 17 6 SAITARY SEWER I SYSTEM (TYP,) 16 2b 25 Overall Area: 0.02 acres 7 L 27 J 26 15 — CROATAN DR III II II II II II II 7 II g 119 1110 II 11 1112 1113 1114 III II II ii ii ii 111 JL�JLJL LOT SETBACKS ,RAOIRONAL ,NO LOTS SOE s a FRONT In 0 REM 10 0 DFFSITE IN 0 p � 9 3 58 61 r, M 577 10' WIDE TEMPORARY �, O o IMPACT (510 SF) P-6 56 GRAPHIC SCALE 100 0 50 100 200 1 inch — 100 ft. LEGEND IMPACTED AREAS JURISDICTIONAL DITCH EXISTING DITCH MUCK& CLEAN OUT PROPOSED DITCH PROJECT LIMITS TEMPORARY WETLAND IMPACT D TREE & DITCH SAVE AREA NFM&CTED Trask L Southern Environmental Group, Inc. 243 North Front Street 5315 S -11h Callege Road, Suite E Wtl Ingtor, Norlh Ccrogna 28401 bfC Wilmington, North Carolina 28412 '1BLAKEFARM Phone: (910)343-1048. Fox: (910)251-8282 Phone: (910) 452-4711 1202 Eastwood Road NO uC. No. r-1222 Wilmington, NC 28403 wwwmcklmareed-cam (910) 799-8755 k Ditch P-6 WILL REPLACE X-3. 345 LF, BLAKE FARM SF -1 SUBDIVISION s°"rE BEGINNING AT P -7/X-3 ucE RRw- a aasxsa. WI -,02 TOPSAIL TOWNSHIP °�,„„ ,�,,,W,O, NdIZONTAL .F INTERSECTION. �wrfo PENOER COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA 0E51°'E0 FMC vEAncw CJ CNECKEO F1 WETLAND A AND J IMPACT �'�` u�R �A sr"rus- WETLANDS PLAN '�""' NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION _ — WETLANDAIMPACT 0.13 ACRES k k I \ Wetland - A Overall Area: 1.12 acres Impact Area: 0.13 acres — 'n 55 >, WETLANDAREA A TOTAL=1.12ACRE5 Temp Impact: 510 SF M — J L- kV Wetland - J Overall Area: 0.02 acres C ) A. Impact Area: 0.02 acres ` C/) — —_ L"J Ditch X-1 AND X-2 m REMAINS IN TREE SAVE AREA 53 I WETLAND AREA J TOTAL =0.02 ACRES k REMOVE 938 LF OF X-1, 989 LF OF X-2 — — J IMPACT AREA: 0.02 ACRES Ditch X-3 � � SAVE AREA REMAINS IN R 52 k REMOVE 680 FE k I Farmhouse Dr Culvert INV IN = 33.50 INV OUT= 33.00 STUB # NFM&CTED Trask L Southern Environmental Group, Inc. 243 North Front Street 5315 S -11h Callege Road, Suite E Wtl Ingtor, Norlh Ccrogna 28401 bfC Wilmington, North Carolina 28412 '1BLAKEFARM Phone: (910)343-1048. Fox: (910)251-8282 Phone: (910) 452-4711 1202 Eastwood Road NO uC. No. r-1222 Wilmington, NC 28403 wwwmcklmareed-cam (910) 799-8755 k Ditch P-6 WILL REPLACE X-3. 345 LF, BLAKE FARM SF -1 SUBDIVISION s°"rE BEGINNING AT P -7/X-3 ucE RRw- a aasxsa. WI -,02 TOPSAIL TOWNSHIP °�,„„ ,�,,,W,O, NdIZONTAL .F INTERSECTION. �wrfo PENOER COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA 0E51°'E0 FMC vEAncw CJ CNECKEO F1 WETLAND A AND J IMPACT �'�` u�R �A sr"rus- WETLANDS PLAN '�""' NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION E U) — Ali • GRAPHIC 100 0 50 100 200 00 67 1 V ' 63 \� PROPOSEDSANITARY i ' WETLAND 0, rr SEWER SYSTEM (TYP.) ` I \ �S ' 61 CU 0)I �� \ 02 AC IMPACT V X -/i 70 Z I :3 DITCH X-4 REMOVAL = 370 LF - �8 CID :E* - r V P - 7 / r/ 69 �� / CONSTRUCTED �1- r '_, WETLAND (SCM -4} k k k oW M kkk L k k k e k DITCH X-4 TO REMAIN= 345 LF - k k k e k k k k r- c k k '� {�{ k L k k k k k ` E !� k k k L ' \` DLF CH CRE BEIGINS AT l k k k k k k k k k k k k ti� k LOT SETBACKS 570 c \` WETLAND C ENDS AT 404 WETLAND k 1 c k k k '$ k \\ k k k k 11k TRADITIONAL TND LOTS k I DITCH NQ IMP�CT k k k \ k k k k k k k k k k k k k! k FRONT m 10 k kk L k i b dr REAR 10 10 \\ - ui rt n n -a itJ Ruvlrin rnvm k k _ k DUKE ENERGY k I k SOURCE TO INTERSECTION k k k { k k k \\ k k k k POWER LINE AND k \\ WITH P-7 AND P-66 DITCHES k k k k k k k k k k EASEMENT c k k kOFFSITE Ditch X-3 REMAINS IN PLACE UPSTREAM OF P-6 INTERSECTION. ,1 FLASHBOARD RISER TO BE k k k k k 404 ILAN� INSTALL FLASHBOARD RISER k ,1 -500 LF UPSTREAM OF k k k k NO IMPACT P-6/P-71NTERSECTION k k k k k k k � k 500 LF UPSTREAM P -6/P-7. 1' Ditch X-4 A FLASHBOARD RISER k k '� k k k k k k k � k 1 k k lk i REMOVE 370 LF DOWNSTREAM OFWILL BE INSTALLED WITHIN THE BANK LIMITS OF X-3. k k k k �\ RISER TOP ELEV TO EQUAL k r k k k k k k k k P-7. k \ EXISTING TOP OF BANK. k k k k k k k k k RETAIN —345 TO P-7. Tangmere Court Culvert INV IN = 35.50 INV OUT = 35.00' k k k k k k k k k k k k k k E QFFSITEE k k k k k k k Ditch P-7 DATE: 0,2,2011 SCALE „ WILL FLOW INTO X-3. 670 LF, BLAKE FARM SF -1 SUBDIVISION NCEPRQ1., 045t5A4 w1-1oa v IQM CREED Trask Land TOPSAIL TOWNSHIP C-AW4 MABfR1A & Nod= o^ 1-103 BEGINNING AT WETLAND C. Southern Environmental Group, Inc. ��'° PENUERGOUNTYNORTHCARDLINA `BECK rw vFRnCAL 6 Wetlands K L M N 0 243 Nath wont Street l 5315 South College Rood, Soite E I aiECRW aloe k Wilmington. North Co 11,a 79401 it (• wdmingt—. North C-10 — 28412 %.BLAKEFARM; veal. mm RMG perm. Impact of .12 AC; NO Phone: (910)343-1048 , Fox: (910)251-9282 Phone: (910) 452-4711 1202 Eastwood Road WETLAND IMPACT wimingion, NO 28403 ,1 sTM WETLANDS PLAN Ne Ve. Nn. F-1222 (910) 799-8755 NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION Temporary Impacts. www,mckimcreed.com M. 0 N G] ro 06 C m C3 C3 0 ON N C) �I LL m m 0 n EXISTING DITCH FUTURE DEVELOPMENT/ (OFFSITE) / SANITARYSEWER STUBBED OUT R F FUTURE CONNECT)ON / / 49 / matchline WI -301 ~� � 115 ./ 116 matchline WI -201 q C� y 17 o \ 118119 120121 GRAPHIC SCALE _ 100 0 50 100 200 11 111 \ / ��� 113 � 110 1211, 1 inch 100 ft. 109 108`� .� - � ` ' LEGEND 1 07ELP IMPACTED AREAS WSEL 3t _ 106 � ��( JURISDICTIONAL DITCH / ") ) / \ �� EXISTING DITCH MUCK& CLEAN OUT / PROPOSED DITCH my L MB LL S 99 00 101 1 (�� \ ti ~/ Pft03EC7 LIMITS \ 9� �Q \ v TEMPORARY WETLAND IMPACT /. 8 I,Q ST RM DRAT AGE 103 t � TREE SANITARY SE ER SYS EMjTYP. _ �' �' SAVE ARpACH S'FSIEM ( P.) 104 rn rn k \ 105 'c k k __ : L j k k k k /89 rr L X` 4D4 WETLAND WETLAND AREA D NQ IMPACT TOTAL =4.14ACRES � t k IMPACT AREA: 0.14 ACRES — ti 4 90 �z- 91 �LIWAIP; NES :` ti < TURF AM NITY ARE ~�� l 92 ROADSIDE AL y~ `a�" / ^\ BLAKE FARM / CROSS PIP �f `i \ PUMP STATI 93 FUTURE PEDESTRIAN BRIDGE -- ti /❑�� CROSSING LINEAR POND �\ > matchline WI- of TO AMENITY AREA � matchline WI -201 /94 ` 82 matchline WI -102, LOT SETBACKS TRADITIONAL TNO LOTS SIDE 5 0 LAONT 10 10 REA2 10 10 Wetland - D \ Overall Area: \ 3 Impact Area: ■ ------------------- oATr OM4M1T SCALE Trask Lan BLAKE FARM SF -1 SUBDIVISION���N WI -201 V %(� ��'if��'-'if7�''�j q TOPSAIL TOWNSHIP MAM MA841Mcnw0tl HDRi¢ oAL: Southern Environmental Group, Inc. PENDEA COUNIY NORTH CAROLINA snhcu BLAKE FARM 843 Norlh Front Street 5315 South College Road, Suite E + I Q1LCKL0 woruc x. Wiholmington, North Corollro 284{1 s��, wlmingl(, North Carolina 28412 ;.; WETLAND D AND E IMPACT �1a.,a� Pne: (910 343-1048 , F— (910)251-,9282 Phone: 910 452-4711 1202 Eastwood Road N. n - mc uc. , r-1222 (910) NC 28403 sr+nl& W TLANDS FLAN '�"a" ww .lrncreed,com (910) 799-8755 NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION 0.14 acres 0.14 acres Ditch X-1 Remove Ditch X-5 in its entirety (595 LF) from the source to intersect of Ditches X-1 and X-2. .. OUT - 1 39 138 �37" MI)AWN 1 12 / 84 13 P �OSED STO DKAINAG 135 E 5//Y5f I YP. \� /134// / 133 131 125 126// 127// 86 \ ` // 128/ PRPP WETLAND B v OR SYSTEM/ P. TOTAL 0.12 ACRES > IMPACT0.12ACRES 7 WETLAND C IMPACT 130/ 0.05 ACRES 10' WIDE TEMPORARY v IMPACT (1) (1,143 SF) VAI 8 20'WIDETEMPORARY / IMPACT (2) (3,145 SFI ELEV. = 34.54' �l �\k L ;3 DITCH X-6 REMOVAL= 140 t LF (10 LF TEMP. IMPACT) / WETLAND AREA C TOTAL= 1.32 ACRES BLAKE FARM Stk1 -11 I , PUMP STATH 78 k L, matchline WI -3 1 matchline WI- 02 I P-11 ti DITCH P-11 NEW = 2,415 LF LOT SETBACKS — DITCH X-8 REMOVAL = 2355 LF TRADITIONAL TND LOTS SIDE 5 0 FRONT 0 0 REAR 10 0 I I L � J i'- FXI TING CULVERT 4 TO REMOCIVED r L DITCH X-8 REMOVAL = 2355 LF l 10' WIDE TEMPORARY . IMPACT (2) (2,225 SF) / WETLAND AREA F L- '- [F7 TOTAL = 1.31 ACRES � � II I WETLAND F IMPACT 0.14 ACRES (TOTAL) 86j/ V I 187, , DITCH X-6 / X-8 TO REMAIN 188�� L, /CONSl L v/GVETLAND (S . DITCH X-7 REMOVAL = 89 LF matchline W1-202 mat 1-103 7iN,� X- 7 / — A �19Q 10' WIDE TEMPORARY IMPACT (1) (1,445 SF) STUB 7 r _ CALE . nc�aTrask LaI1d BLAKE FARM SF -1 SUBDIVISION an`�j /q'"`l�l♦ /� (�sil�'iTOPSAILTOWNSHIP �'ZoA[``vr'j�/j ,11 1-1 /l(j �lujj;�jJ Southern Environmental Group, lnc. -pENDER COUNTY NORTH CAROLINARnc�r_,8 243 North Front Street 5315 S.Ah College Road, Site E ,.eNorth Co Ih— 28401 WIl EgtOn. North r—I.— 29412 : BLAXEFARM' Phone: (910)34.7-1048 , F— (910)251-8282 SLC' Phone: (910) 452-4711 1202 Eastwood Road WETLAND B, C, AND F IMPACT E-lz Wilmington, NC 28403 - NC uc. N. F-IYxz 5TF105 WETLANDS PLAN �""" www-. ed-com (910) 799-8755 NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION GRAPHIC SCALE 100 0 50 100 200 1 inch = 100 ft. LEULNU IMPACTED AREAS JURISDICTIONAL DITCH EXISTING DITCH MUCK& CLEAN OUT PROPOSED DITCH PROJECT LIMITS TEMPORARY WETLAND IMPACT TREE & DITCH SAVE AREA 1Alo+lon,4 - R Overall Area: 0.12 acres Impact Area: 0.12 acres 1AIn+I�nA - r Overall Area: 1.32 acres Impact Area: 0.05 acres Temp Impact (1) 1,143 SF Temp Impact (2) 3,145 SF lAlotimnd -1: Overall Area: 1.31 acres Impact Area: 0.14 acres Temp Impact (1) 1,445 SF Temp Impact (2) 2,225 SF Ditch X-5 Remove Ditch X-5 completely. Ditch X-6 Remove 140 LF Ditch X-6. 10 LF of X-6 is located in temporary impact area. Ditch X-7 Remove Ditch X-7 (89 LF) from its source to Wetland C. Ditch X-8 Remove Ditch X-8 (2355 LF) from its source to Wetland C. Ditch X-8 will be replaced by proposed Ditch P-11. 213 o ' 191 L -= `matchline WI - 178 —1 _ N � 212 11; f � � 1 77 1 1 177 ' L 179 L Z__ rr� ��_� 1 165 j IIS` 164j /76 J ' 180 41 �� ~ 166 i,' � — —j ( 163 181 �u I L / —175 �182� r—�- 1' ' f 1 167 / �� L 162 j 174 7 = ti � � 183 _� 168 _ I I� 173 7 `7 161 / -� ti Rf2� S RM / 1 84 \ D SANITARY _ DR GE SYSTE ' _'LINEAR POND '+ / SEWER -5k EM (EYP Y±1SEt_=' 3:Oi7' - ` 169 ` \ 149 ( _ � � � 7 \ \ j / T � / \ 160 170 148 X47 � �� � 171 / � / P-11 /150 151 \ 152 0158 W. � 143 ` `�~ _ 153 ��157 142 UNFARPOND _�lVSR.13 :a 154 \ 141140 \ \ 155 `� ti \ 156 Ou /z \ 39 matchline WI -301 ����'� 138 matchline WI -201 —� 3 P-11 ti �- DITCH P-11 NEW = 2,415 LF DITCH X -S REMOVAL = 2,355 LF O to � O O GRAPHIC SCALE 100 0 50 100 200 1 inch = 100 ft. IMPACTED AREAS JURISDICTIONAL DITCH EXISTING DITCH MUCK& CLEAN OUT PROPOSED DITCH PROJECT LIMITS �} TEMPORARY WETLAND IMPACT D TREE &DITCH SAVE AREA N Uj CP C �o N � � z LOT SETBACKS TRADTIONAL ,ND LOM WE 5 0 rRORT 10 10 REAR 10 10 I� N Ditch X-8 N X-8 will be removed from its source l to the intersection with Wetland C. Ditch P-11 P-11 will replace existing ditch X-8. This proposed ditch is approximately 2,415 LF, begins at the NW property line of SF -1 and extends to Atlantic matchline WI -3 1 Avenue 48�� Cross -Pipe. The ditch matchline WI- 02 bottom elevations mimic those of existing X-8. wF3o, 9 a- 6 6 t1') ti 0 N L0 CL CU CLC" E 'O m CI 0 0 C) LoN to CD LL' ml 00 0 0 m 0 CL E v CD c Q O O O O to N Lo (p :176 242 L — W_ j L 243 I I r 244 L__ I I L 245 I I +It I I 246 L r 247 �. 248 249 L25041 �I � I I I L 251 �I L 252 � 253 � L__ r 254 I r 255 L _j 224 f � � f 223~-�� - M — R+ Z©0 . ~_� 203 z I -� _ 4 G)222 19 ~~� � � ~~ I-� 1 ~�~1~ 9 ~ ` � 204 _ 221 �,� 1 ��- I _'Z_ _� 193 205 L 197 _ tIR�9F3 X206 196 1 FUTURE ti ' ti PE�ESTRIA�I / /207\ ' ~1 �RDGE rCC201 I4 I matt ine Wi-5012 C I e- 1 220 � II ---_J L II 2,9 L — — J IF 218 � `1 � / 19 5 — — _jti 20$ PROPOSED 1.- 216 ! 215 1 214 � I . 213 1 DR INAGt ! 94 209 / \\ DITCH P-11 NEW= 2,415 LF ~ PROLD SANITARY 193 ISE Sj�M Q P.) 5 LFL DITCH X-8 REMOVAL = 2,35 X210 , � 1 � = / 192 ` 211 191 matchline WI -r t 71 DAa:: u12um1T SCALE p �F �7 �� �-r� Trask Land BLAKE FARM SF -1 SUBDIVISION �� PRat , �U� Wt 401 j N?40M&, 'c H}{ _ TOPSAIL TOWNSHIP DE%v ruDmulcnnDn 41/ A`i V 'ti.1�u7�1-/ Southern Environmental Group, Inc. /I PENDER COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA cEsra+ED ruec 1 O 243 North Front Street 5315 South College Road, Site E CHECKED RML VERTICAL_ Wilmington, Na th Camino 28401 wlmingtnn, North Carolma 28412 }SLAKE FARM. Raw. uta. tutc Phone: (910)343-1048, Fax: (910)251-8282 6iL Phone: (910) 452-4711 1202 Eastwood Road WETLAND IMPACT Nc EIC. No. F-17$2 Wilmington, NC 28403 srAnls- WETLANDS PLAN °"9tl1 www.r cC,mr reed.coro (910) 799-8755 NOT FDR CONSTRUCTION GRAPHIC SCALE Ua 0 50 100 200 1 inch = 100 ft. LEGEND WPACTEO AREAS JURISOICTIONAL DITCH EXISTING DITCH MUCK& CLEAN OUT PROPOSED DITCH PROJECT LIMITS TEMPORARY WETLAND IMPACT TREE & DITCH SAVE AREA LOT SETBACKS TRADITIONAL TND LOTS SIDE 5 0 F8oa1 10 a REM 10 C Ditch X-8 X-8 will be removed from its source to the intersection with Wetland C. Ditch P-11 P-11 will replace existing ditch X-8. This proposed ditch is approximately 2,415 LF, begins at the NW property line of SF -1 and extends to Atlantic Avenue 48" Cross -Pipe. The ditch bottom elevations mimic those of existing X-8. N. 0 Ln 3 co E c m It C:) 0 C) N Ll (D �I I,_ DO QI 0 S9 N m co CL N C ro rn C O 0 L0 N Le) CD am I PLURIS WWTP PROPERTY II \ x -s � I l i i ,,— STUB {1t1l 11 1 11 11 11 71 1 23611 2351 1 1 1 II 1 1234 23314232 1 11 1 1 2311123011 240 12391 2331 123 1 1 1p OPOSED TRM DRA1GE ' 1240112391 1 PROPO E SANITA SYSTEM P.) DITCH X-8 REMOVAL -2,355 LF SEWER Y TEM TYP 241 I' 242 243 1` LN �� 1 226 1 227 1 11 ine WI -501 7 _G.o r223 _4ti 2219 k 202 I � DITCH P-11 NEW = 2,415 LF I �511 STUB PAIS: VM011 SCALE NCE PRw, . -W— WI -sot CRAvn MAaAlncmlon ROR¢ pAL' w+141nwBe CE45N EC NMC 1 1 C1IECKEO RMC I'CRPCAL: "lM NOR. PMC eA cRAn1s: %AXT1 8M I1C PI AM +�*' NOT FOR GRAPHIC SCALE 00 0 50 100 200 1 inch = 100 ft. IMPACTED AREAS JURISDICTIONAL DITCH m� EXISTING DITCH MUCK& CLEAN OUT PROPOSED DITCH PROJECT LIMITS J IMPACTED DITCH SECTIONS TREE & DITCH SAVE AREA LOT SETBACKS TRADITIONAL Trask Land BLAKE FARM SF -1 SUBDIVISION < /f ij(~` RE n 1�iLriCJ �.1\L�Lrl! rRCNT 14 Inc. REM 10 _ �' TOPSAIL TOWNSHIP 243 North Fronl Street Southern Environmental Group, 5375 South College Road. 5ulle, E �� ',SLAKEFARM; PENDER COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA Wilmington, North Coroilno 28401 Phone: (910)343-4048 , l (910)251-8282 Si Cr wlmioglon. North Calm. 28412 Phone: (910) 452-4711 1202 EOStwood Road , WETLAND IMPACT Wilmington, INC 28403 _ NC L1C. No. r-1737 www.mc u—eed.— (910) 799-8755 PAIS: VM011 SCALE NCE PRw, . -W— WI -sot CRAvn MAaAlncmlon ROR¢ pAL' w+141nwBe CE45N EC NMC 1 1 C1IECKEO RMC I'CRPCAL: "lM NOR. PMC eA cRAn1s: %AXT1 8M I1C PI AM +�*' NOT FOR GRAPHIC SCALE 00 0 50 100 200 1 inch = 100 ft. IMPACTED AREAS JURISDICTIONAL DITCH m� EXISTING DITCH MUCK& CLEAN OUT PROPOSED DITCH PROJECT LIMITS J IMPACTED DITCH SECTIONS TREE & DITCH SAVE AREA LOT SETBACKS TRADITIONAL TND LOTS SIOL 5 rRCNT 14 0 REM 10 10 n'.+ -t, V_4 X-8 will be removed from its source to the intersection with Wetland C. Ditch P-11 P-11 will replace existing ditch X-8. This proposed ditch is approximately 2,415 LF, begins at the NW property line of SF -1 and extends to Atlantic Avenue 48" Cross -Pipe. The ditch bottom elevations mimic those of existing X-8. N 0 STUB Aft 'lllry _.I+` eN>llavE II'_ ll� flm rn Nf, r DITCH X-8 D N h l ' I N 1'I N Ill N t o ti , ry II� Ilm I � q�111� Twi%n rIl�,LVrJIN IIN LS_ JIEGAR S7 I _ -1 � II�'llm Imo• II� fl� N lln Ih Ilrn II N IIN } N I�IV J ii hIN hI�N IIN IISN' LJLJL — r`�L JLJLJL- STUB T GRAPHIC SCALE 300 0 150 300 600 1 inch = 300 ft. r l ! / I l r -- I I 4 / / 3igg2µPG1�92f DITCH X-7 A _,r -1 DITCH X-8 B \` r mi SUB DITCH X-6 D DITCH X-6 C DITCH X -8A ,� �( ! CH X-4 B DITCH X-8 C %" /< h 'N. rL ltl`� —� l ' DITCH X-6 / 1 DITCH X-3 D '++ idr +riii+r+iii[++iirtipi+rgrri'rrrtl , n� 11 l n 4 ! /7 Y 1 rrr rrr +r krrrrr;;r rr ;; rr ��, DITCH X-6 A0 . , I ,. �1�,y �'c.i/ / - DITCH \ r Jf \s DITCH X-5 A DITCH X-4 A DITCH X-5 B (�"� '/ �'�> , ,'; DITCH X-3 B \� `/(� ! e / v - / I r+. r;+l 11 irei+'ry�\ �C/w / /r /� ' f1 r' ` • I t i� { ~/ f sL / 7 DITCH X-1, X-2 C I II �AIiaS�b 1s�u6 1; I � ! / No �/ � 4 \r\++\�'r�'r'rii+���;iii" i I +i ��i)'r I r — \i _ ��-✓ ; (/ _,rl _ , •rl I � , STUB •, 1 )�/��\\\\ \ �VV�1l�rrV _ �.r.`\j r NII � U=I --1 -� ( 1_ti_// •- / \\ 1 } EXISTING DITCH JN,ti _ it ` DITCH X-1, X BLAKE FARM AMENIT_ Y AREA—� j ' •� S DITCH X-1, X-2 EXISTING DITCH r / ` ! r1-= ♦ BLAKE FARM SF -1 SUBDIVISION NflC &CREED Trask Land TOPSAILTOWNSHIP Southern Environmental Group, Inc. PENOER COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA 243 North Front Street 5.316 South College Rood, Suite E Wllmcngton, North Corollra 28401 Wilmington, North CorolTno 28412 % BLAKE FARM 1 Phone. (910)343-1048. Fax: (910)251-8262 Phone(910) 452-4711 1202 Eastwood Road NC UG Na. F -,Y]2 Wilmington, NC 28403 SECTION VIEW KEY UQ N,. -1222 cam (910) 799-8755 4 \ / .��r ' ' } " DITCH X-1 A M o4 E. 0,2,E S�A�E y DITCH X-1 B / L PROD. �S d XSM NOR2 oFL NA.MA&PoMCM,PH DC.E NprEtltER RMC ED RMC YERIICAL: IG S 1 \' �\\/ � PRW- MCR. AMC tz -- - BLA\KE FARM BLVD soros: WETLANDS PLAN "10 EXTENDS TO HWY 17 NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION Nouonli moo aoA iON SSL9-66L (016) woo paaIowldaw l ON SM31A 2011,9Z ON 'uoa6ulwllM szzl-e ax nn N ld S4N'd113M s uY s pooa poOMaso3 Mel. :auo4d ZSLS-15Z(016) god ' 8461-CK(ow) 5auo4d N011o3S'd9-X H'Jf10bHl d L -X ® 11LDa 4 (oie) ,�� -- fl ra o,va aer, ruitd Z149L ou!lo�o� 4,wF1 uo36u1�+'IM Lo VZ oulpJo-p NiAoM 'uoi6ulwlq/, Y7HV3331Vi8' a71nS 'pooa afialla� 4mo WAS — 10 [�lr7ua3M1 �,+la a3wlHa I 3 S 51£S 1 S i d 41 N C4Z ti �a oarg53a VNIIOIiYO H1kiON �t1Nf10o a3aN3d . � 'cul 'dnoj!E) leIuauluonnll3 waylno$ ,�„i,,,�,,,,a yawa,varern wnraa dIHSNMO1IIVSd01 1/ p l4E 1 11 SL'J� -maonxoa ` l A IOL -SX +o-szT" - ��p� 3,a�s 110714110 31Y0 NOISIAIa8f1S L -AS W�ibd 3>id79 ,Z = H1d30 'DAV S -X ,£ = H1d3a 'DAV b -X V S -X HD110 S ti -X H3110 1111111111'I11l1111l11 1111111 11111111 0 0 o Q Q Q Cn O O a� 1111111 111 1111111 111 11111111111 III�I�I� 11 05: + + .I cn Cn O O O �I 41 Vl O O O S,2� OV Ln of • 0� Ln O 0� 0�: 5t O O O 5-X 1 a k > O + + + 111t OZ Otof �I UI O Qt Ot 5Z GVd 101 11111111111111 1 1 1,IIIIIIf add 101 St T -X S t h ,E = Hld3a 'DAV t, -X V ti -X HM10 ,b - H1d30 'DAV Z -X ,£ = HUM 'DAV T -X ,ti = Hid ICI 'DAV Z -x O o O 8 Z -X `Z -X HX10 o a 0 1111111111'I11l1111l11 1111111 11111111 ,£ = H1d30 'JAV T -X J 41 O 1!11111 !11111111111 11�111111111�11111111 II 11111 1 I11l11111 ! Cn O O a� 1111111 111 1111111 111 11111111111 III�I�I� 11 05: + + b -X + • CTI • M S,2� OV Ln of • Otld 101 Ln O y.., 5y O 5t ,b - H1d30 'DAV Z -X ,£ = HUM 'DAV T -X ,ti = Hid ICI 'DAV Z -x 1 Y 8 €-X HI110 8 Z -X `Z -X HX10 o a 0 1111111111'I11l1111l11 1111111 11111111 ,£ = H1d30 'JAV T -X �I Ln Q 1!11111 !11111111111 11�111111111�11111111 II 11111 1 I11l11111 ! U O Q m n m � D Z -X `Z -X HD110 1111111 111 1111111 111 11111111111 III�I�I� 11 + + + + + + • CTI • CD• N O (n O Ln O • Ln O O O O O O O O 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 11111111111�j�j1111111111111111111111111111111 1 a k > O + + + 111t OZ UNOd �I UI O Nb'3NIl � 5Z 111111111111N11111111111111A.��11 I1111111111C1111+�11ni'Si 1 +111111111111111111 11111��' 1111111111 /ll rl11�,1 11111111111111 1 1 1,IIIIIIf U1 O O T -X g2 � N - 5Z i ,00'E£ 111!1111 ■ 1111111111111111111 gt St 5Z ONOd ali3Nll Lill 02 T -x o� o� ._ z x T x o z - TITX T. 00'E£=135M Qt ---- of Ot GVd 101 1£ - Hid](] 'DAV £-X D £-X HJ110 0 0 0 �I Cil O Cn O O St 9t 1£ = Hld3a 'DAV £-X 1 Y 8 €-X HI110 • o a 0 1111111111'I11l1111l11 1111111 11111111 111; �I Ln Q 1!11111 !11111111111 11�111111111�11111111 II 11111 1 I11l11111 ! U O Q m n m � OT £-x Q� 1111111 111 1111111 111 11111111111 III�I�I� 11 SS 5S Odd 101 f11�111�11�� 111!111!1 11 • CTI • CD• �V �t 1111111111! 1111111111111 11111111111111111111 • • • • • • 8 Z -X HD110 + 0 0 4� + + 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 11111111111�j�j1111111111111111111111111111111 1 11 O O w .a7 O iff 111t OZ UNOd 1111 111 Nb'3NIl � 5Z 111111111111N11111111111111A.��11 I1111111111C1111+�11ni'Si 1 +111111111111111111 11111��' 1111111111 /ll rl11�,1 11111111111111 1 1 1,IIIIIIf T -X g2 � 1 ! 11111111111111111 1 111111111111111 1�1�1�11 11 111 111111 11 111111111111111111 1 11 11 i ,00'E£ 111!1111 ■ 1111111111111111111 gt St 1£ = Hld3a 'DAV £-X • I • 8 €-X HI110 • o a 0 1111111111'I11l1111l11 1111111 11111111 111; �I Ln Q 1!11111 !11111111111 11�111111111�11111111 II 11111 1 I11l11111 ! U O Q m n m � OT £-x Q� 1111111 111 1111111 111 11111111111 III�I�I� 11 SS 5S Odd 101 f11�111�11�� 111!111!1 11 o,}., OV �V �t 1111111111! 1111111111111 11111111111111111111 (13NNVHO 11d31no) � ,OZ = H1d3a 'JAV 8 Z -X HD110 + 0 0 4� + + + �1I O U O O O w .a7 O 06 OZ UNOd Nb'3NIl 5Z SZ T -X g2 S� of 0 I ,00'E£ =13SN1 gt St ,£ = H1d3Q 'DAV €-X V £-X HD110 0 0 -_l CTI (In O of 9t (13NNVH3 iiviino) ,01 = Hld30 'DAV V T -X HD110 ,U) (71 CA N O 0 A co 0 O N SD N 7 Q N 0 cin :. 0 I C. rn CJi [U N O O O A CL m 0 w N 0 ti A 0 Lh A W • I • • 1111111111'I11l1111l11 1111111 11111111 111; i 1!11111 !11111111111 11�111111111�11111111 II 11111 1 I11l11111 ! 1111 Ililllll 11111111 � 1111111 111 1111111 111 11111111111 III�I�I� 11 111 1111 11111111 '11!1111 !111111 f11�111�11�� 111!111!1 11 �11;1,.� 11 � 1111111111! 1111111111111 11111111111111111111 11 1 ilii � ,U) (71 CA N O 0 A co 0 O N SD N 7 Q N 0 cin :. 0 I C. rn CJi [U N O O O A CL m 0 w N 0 ti A 0 Lh A W a v v 0 v b N N 0 x m a 0 O O Lr) N QI Q rn C71 a to Q N a v on CM O O 0 b LO N 9M 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 LAMBOLL ST BENT OAK DRQ 40 40 40 40 WETLAND C 40 40 40 TEMP, IMPACT TEMP. IMPACT 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 X-6 PERM. IMPACT X-6 X-6 30 x 5 30 30 WETLAND C 30 30 30 TTFFFEfT :3j0---It1tff30 rNj y raj Hn \ N b ` N Hti n ro �i ai Hn n 16 O O O i N CN O O CEO O to C O O O O LO In O N O O O + + I-- + + +O + + + + + + + O O + O O O O O O DITCH X-5 B DITCH X-6 A DITCH X-6 B DITCH X-6 C X-5 AVG, DEPTH - 2' X-6 AVG. DEPTH = 2' X-6 AVG. DEPTH = 2' X-6 AVG. DEPTH = 2' 45 45 45 W CONST, WETLAND 40 CONST. WETLAND 40 40 40 35— - 35 35 35 X -7x-6 30 CONST. 30 30 TV 30 WETLAND 25 25 - N n O O O O to O T + + + O O O o r7 O o a + + �0 + DITCH X-6 D DITCH X-7 A X-6 AVG. DEPTH = 2' X-7 AVG. DEPTH = 2' 1 DACE: OIrz4241 � Trask Land BLAKE FARM SF -1 SUBDIVISION �� ���u�„XS—io a,Vi�j r[�lr�f�fn+. TOPSAIL TOWNSHIP DRAMS IAAg,RMND In l��W�''""Southern Environmental Group, Inc. PENDER COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA °Es+Dr'ED""�cI `-F243 Narth Front 8lreel 5315 South Callege Road. Suite L CHECKED nmc -- Wilmington, North Carolina 28401 «< 4YImin9fon, North Carolina 28412 . SLAKE FARM crew. urge. WING 14 Phone: {910)343-1048 , Fox: (916)251-8282 5f �` Phone: (910) 452-4711 1202 Eastwoad Road Wilmington, NC 28403 aw —5B THROUGH X -7A SECTION VIEW s1A1us, WETLANDS wwUC N, r 1222 (910) 799-87" NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION ---- kimcreed.com DITCH X-8 A X-8 AVG. DEPTH = 3' 45 45 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 CD N r 7 d Ln DITCH X-8 C X-8 AVG. DEPTH = 3' 45 45 0 0 0 0 LO o Ln o to I__ 0 0 DITCH X-8 B X-8 AVG. DEPTH = 3' ii 466 Trask L BLAKE FARM SF -1 SUBDIVISION �V� l� /11 r/TA /f C1 \ TOPSAIL TOWNS NIP �NI i�ll�/l(� Southern Environmental Group, Inc. PENRER COUNTYNORTH CAROLINA 243 North Front Carl CREED 5315 South College Road, Suite E 1.8LAK£FARM wiimingtan, Norah Cnrdina 28401 `,r �. Wilmington, North Carolina 28412 40 Phone: (910)343-1048 , Fox: (910)251-6282 Phone: (910) 452-4711 1202 Eastwood Rood( -8A THROUGH X-81) SECTION VIEW Wilmington, NC 28403 Nc Lr_ Na F-1222 www.mcklmcreed.cam {910) 799-8755 rn r DITCH X-8 D X-8 AVG. DEPTH = 3' .ASC: 01.4.11 SCALE XS—�0 yeE ppgl, / oss2sc4 al A MABIPMGMIOk HCRIE Tau: wa DENGNED PIAL CHECKED FW YTRnCAL s1A�us DS PLAN H19O1 NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION ---- 45 1 1111 1' r� �• '� 111 1 1111! ll 1 1111 11 1 ! � 1 !u iiiliwl- !!li-iiiiii H Mil°nail Illn� - - i ------------ �Ir r 1111 1 11 11 1� Il��ill�lll� I�rlllllll I iiiiii �IlHill1 illllllll Ilillilll�l �i111111 i 1 All i 1111111 1 1 illllllIllir I 1 1 111111111 11111111111 11�I1 ! 1�yy � 1i11ia1 1 111 11 li �Ilill l 1111 liiilll��ii� ;■■ , r ■ � � i M 1 �jl�jli liar 1 Oil _ 1�llli ■ ■■ 1=Illl�ll�lilll r rl 1 111 Ill lrlllilll 1 111111111 1�1 111 111 1 i iiiirllilll�l 11 1111 lllllllililllll lil�� 1 1 iil�lll!! illi! ii !ilial • • • 0 • • 0 0 • • • • to • Ln • • • • 466 Trask L BLAKE FARM SF -1 SUBDIVISION �V� l� /11 r/TA /f C1 \ TOPSAIL TOWNS NIP �NI i�ll�/l(� Southern Environmental Group, Inc. PENRER COUNTYNORTH CAROLINA 243 North Front Carl CREED 5315 South College Road, Suite E 1.8LAK£FARM wiimingtan, Norah Cnrdina 28401 `,r �. Wilmington, North Carolina 28412 40 Phone: (910)343-1048 , Fox: (910)251-6282 Phone: (910) 452-4711 1202 Eastwood Rood( -8A THROUGH X-81) SECTION VIEW Wilmington, NC 28403 Nc Lr_ Na F-1222 www.mcklmcreed.cam {910) 799-8755 rn r DITCH X-8 D X-8 AVG. DEPTH = 3' .ASC: 01.4.11 SCALE XS—�0 yeE ppgl, / oss2sc4 al A MABIPMGMIOk HCRIE Tau: wa DENGNED PIAL CHECKED FW YTRnCAL s1A�us DS PLAN H19O1 NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION ---- 45 �s 201110 \\ PROPOSED , . , . • : ; :. CONSTRUCTED s _ v — sc° HILL 23 5s2NP Y — /^ _ n{ ; , .. WETLAND STUB - ��70' ... P-�� �, _rte - �_ 1 f , ��\gg � i \„ 111 \ O ; ; 72\ 6 r/ (<\tss �/ X•6 229 SII I I 202 J1L1[111111A�11 tC.l61U�5LFJIL--1�y-7� 195 //lr9a P-� I JI" -- \/C�J/1193 !I fir'-� I' -�f—`I(-"I( 131 ! _`% -4\` • • . . IT 7r\ ` !7 192 1 1164 . . . , , . . 231 1 I I I I 205 06 / _I[ f l- - ! I t 183 182 161 -�� z27�122811 l 7031V 20 JIL_�` 07 � �JL._J _ II II !r `7r_ triii' +r 7 w1g0 r L _ /- , . _ _ P-8 ' 23? � �.--"11 � l -_J C 08 - ✓_ ! r� rr+h== � I i ZX� 226,r-�rarriIIriI,~'_ 4iii1I'1I ~ r� Jr�7/7`6Js� !Z /J! `1L7✓0 � 'L�!! ! 1�7Cr7, 1 1 1 5 8 Q/I ay 15_75qr ,56�7 ' 1 r �L ,�13�\\6 �`/ 7� '2 r .'/ /�� \<` t.\JsX72J\8 % 29/% `%7/�e�/• r �'76 233 157 63 NEW SANITARY ITAR Y 157SEWER PUMPPLURIS HAMPSTEAD WWTP Q L -J 12 84 STATION \ -JP SIN pririrrrii"'iiii+'ii'r'++rirrn,rrriiryie'+6+rr + / C 125 % 5 / II // 9\ \ l r' -If LLlr-ir'lrvlr-fir- •:. .., rr',?h!rrr,:('r?rrii,"+ri"rir+�n. 1 137 `�✓ . } 11224 11 11 I f I I I I l l I , r f— 237 � I I 11223 11222 I 1227 I 1 220 I 1219 11248 11217 11 218 I 1 275 11 214 I1 I 1 �f �JL_JL_ II II 11213111771fl176!! �r_71'�,;rr!u+i?+r .tinier. 138 / 124') � /84�/ ) L80 -J �_=� X'3 236 _ JL_JL_JL�JL_JL_JL� _J L �, 1 175 •-�C/�'T !1173 /! � J irn r rrp 4rnr�ul', ! : _I/' � ! r�r-�r�r�r-���r-�r�r-�r-�r�r � ,,,. ,r,r'[„ ;' 'CJ • 'I f-' J(`� / t72 ! 152 •!+4;" !! 88 ! / 8 �� ! P 1241 II 1242 � 11243 1 11244 i f245 � i248 I X247 I f248 X249 � 11250 � i251 F X252 '253 II 11254 �JLJLJL J JL JLJLJJJLJLJLJ JL JL l 18011 7 147 ",r pr;;'q,+r+ iiiiii /I 90 STUB ( ����4 81 i82 - CAKEFA _- /92 - � � C`J/ 49 48 14�/ 144 118 108 +rre �Ir" ✓✓/ 145 / 118 ' / t07 / / + "Ci'rr'i+"uti � � - / 105 ?hii'/,�h+i'ifhr++'r'i'f''tid J 9 8 ' 11 SII 5411 5311 52 1 FIRE HYDRANT TYP. 748 77 / 708 / / 4r+"',r"'r+r`r'r i ' .� ]r s8 55 Il 1 / 'nll"r`l,, n4 'rrr C / •r VI 11 11 i � � 18 / i / 104 '+!+�+r +n4'i r'rhinr`r�i;riia � rirr' rr VL _JL JL STUB All, IRry��H+ 102 4it&%I '1rrrIr L F 1❑ �0 ,_9 18 }7 1-8 iSl rf= ia# 13 X100 49 o ?rrr 112 1- 12 } 143 99 I • „"r'+�r)' SAS ¢ 1 2 23 24 5 2e�i 12 - ( 98 1 '+rrr L _ I 11 LEGEND-� I 97 � qp r. X• �- - 10 1, n - 55 SANITARY SEWER .I 98 l '.lrrrJ�,, r46 I¢ 9__� izr—txw WATER LINE '+err _ z9 28 2� a STUB ;;/ '; 45 STORM LINE 'r r, EXISTING DITCH li++ ;r_ L44 34 35 CO - N rriliii i(iii \43 � r L e_ � ` _ BLAKE FARM AMENITY AREA39 41 1140 1 L - C OUTLET BOX FOR -'. l ' r=LINEAR POND GRAPHIC SCALE • ''rnr . rryrr .r„ rrr / ;' 3 300 0 150 300 600 , , ; ; ' ; "•,",r' "'r',1"' SYSTEM 6m pm iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii—m� Omni "0';•i„i� J it„+,;, r4; 1 inch = 300 ft. OA1E: 5 • V Trask Land REED �v 1VI�11 - // ... �i BLAKE FARM SF -1 SUBDIVISION TOPSAILTOWNSHIP PENDER COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA ULM PRM I 0652594 SCALE CU101 DRnxei o[sauEo rolc 1 ' y -/✓ X_i BLAKE FARM BLVD 243 Norlh front Streel ,an, qw ', CHECKED M6xr.'v.. EXTENDS TO HWY 17 Wilmington, Norih Carolina 28401 BLAKE FAFUS,' i>Aa. ual. Halc Phone: (910).34J-1048, Fox: (910)251-8282" ,202 Eastwood RoadNw, Wilmington, NC 28403 UTILITY MAP sums �,.xw WETLANDS PLAN - / x° UC. Na F-122] (910) 799-8755 NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION �S�gtH mckimcmed.com i•, ME _ CO - a 00 v v 0 N ti 0 Q U a 0 0 0 LnN (Di OD C (4 U CL E a W C4 00 CJ O 0 O to N rn ?a/ .S h 30 10+00 GRAPHIC SCALE HORIZONTAL 1 inch = 50 ft. h 25 50 5 U 1 inch = 5 ft. VERTICAL v PLAN & PROFILE PROPOSED DITCH P-7 11+00 12+00 13+00 ]ROPOSED RADE 40 30 14+00 14+57 Trask L _ as v1MF M&CREED Rxo v9ca 243 North :rant Strwt1202 Eastwood Road BLAKE FAFt ! rth 1r/RiFpten, NaCvolYw, 28401 _ �,K ,�„ wY Phan4e (910 1048 rmc 910 261-8282 ( ) NC LC Rn. r-1222 Wilmington, NC 29403 °"°'s °"� www.mckirncreed.com (910) 799-8755 i LOT 85 AND WETLAND "C" INSET lit 10 WETLAND "C" CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE: 1. INSTALL PHASE 1 SEDIMENT AND EROSION CONTROL AND SILT FENCE ALONG TEMPORARY IMPACT AREA. BEGIN CLEARING AND GRUBBING OPERATIONS, ROUGH GRADING OF THE SITE AND INSTALLATION OF THE STORM WATER COLLECTION SYSTEM. 2. ESTABLISH TEMPORARY AND PERMANENT IMPACT AREA OF WETLAND "C" FROM BENT OAK DRIVE RIGHT OF WAY, 3. COMPLETE CONSTRUCTION OF BENT OAK DRIVE ROADWAY COMPLETE AND LOT PAD GRADING OF LOT 85. 4. STABILIZE SIDE SLOPES TO CONSTRUCTED WETLAND. IF RELEASED BY SEDIMENT AND EROSION CONTROL INSPECTOR, REMOVE WETLAND PROTECTION MEASURES, F 7M2�. VERRCAL 1 LLR_01M RMC 1 1 sura& WETLANDS PLANJ NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION ROP SED RAD STA T O PR POSE DI H P-7 — EXI TING TOP OF BA NK L E V.- 37.0 C TLA DS BO TOM F P 7 EL V.13 ----------------- _00 C - - — � TO OF _-- - 48" CP- --- 18.4' (3)--36" CP -- --_ - -L-- ---- - O T FIEW ---- t f)!----- ---- -- — ADW LL �- ' fv_:Jt 50`of :35.50 IN :35. BO TDM F DI T H EV L: v PLAN & PROFILE PROPOSED DITCH P-7 11+00 12+00 13+00 ]ROPOSED RADE 40 30 14+00 14+57 Trask L _ as v1MF M&CREED Rxo v9ca 243 North :rant Strwt1202 Eastwood Road BLAKE FAFt ! rth 1r/RiFpten, NaCvolYw, 28401 _ �,K ,�„ wY Phan4e (910 1048 rmc 910 261-8282 ( ) NC LC Rn. r-1222 Wilmington, NC 29403 °"°'s °"� www.mckirncreed.com (910) 799-8755 i LOT 85 AND WETLAND "C" INSET lit 10 WETLAND "C" CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE: 1. INSTALL PHASE 1 SEDIMENT AND EROSION CONTROL AND SILT FENCE ALONG TEMPORARY IMPACT AREA. BEGIN CLEARING AND GRUBBING OPERATIONS, ROUGH GRADING OF THE SITE AND INSTALLATION OF THE STORM WATER COLLECTION SYSTEM. 2. ESTABLISH TEMPORARY AND PERMANENT IMPACT AREA OF WETLAND "C" FROM BENT OAK DRIVE RIGHT OF WAY, 3. COMPLETE CONSTRUCTION OF BENT OAK DRIVE ROADWAY COMPLETE AND LOT PAD GRADING OF LOT 85. 4. STABILIZE SIDE SLOPES TO CONSTRUCTED WETLAND. IF RELEASED BY SEDIMENT AND EROSION CONTROL INSPECTOR, REMOVE WETLAND PROTECTION MEASURES, F 7M2�. VERRCAL 1 LLR_01M RMC 1 1 sura& WETLANDS PLANJ NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION a 1n N N N _O a U m 3 m 5 0 0 I ca ,z ca ,z a a m �I 0 0 0 Lo N 0 LLI 10 0 CD 0 C 0 M CL E N C N N C D O 0 Lo N CO Sn r 11111111 llllll AMENITY ARE 111 �a WETLAND E EXISTING GRADE _ +/- 37.0'. PROP GRADE = 37' ` ROADSIDE SWALE ON BFB ELEV = 36' i � r EXISTING DITCH E - WETLAND E - PLAN VIEW PROPOSED BLAKE FARM BOULEVARD ROADSIDE SWALE GRAPHIC SCALE 100 0 50 100 200 1 inch = 100 ft. 0# 45 40 35 30 Ln t` f`7 10+00 11+00 12+00 SECTION E -E 50 45 40 35 \30 WETLAND E EXISTING GRADE - i1-370'. PROP (1XAOE = 37' ROAD5IDE SWALE ON BFB EUV -36' WETLAND E - CROSS SECTION PROPOSED BLAKE FARM BOULEVARD ROADSIDE SWALE uu x;ATE: 243 North Front Street %Wn mgL—. North Carolina 28401 Phone, (91D)343-1046 . Fa.� (910)251-8282 www c1* ki-.d,— Trask Land " 13LAKE FARM: 1202 Eastwood Road - Wilmington, NC 26403 (910) 799-8755 BLAKE FARM SF -1 SUBDIVISION TOPSAIL TOWNSHIP pENDER COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA y11R0+1 SCALE we r.t x+x. YCE PRa , �5z�o, cP-1oz oR�'M+ DESMED KRIICAL; 1 atECK[o nA1c �A arses. M. ROG WETLAND E BFB ROAD CROSS SECTION VIEW k 51An,s, WETLANDS PLAN NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION11 -VISIONS EvMMMkv.M. I IRMO �i W£CE gloom mom 10+00 11+00 12+00 SECTION E -E 50 45 40 35 \30 WETLAND E EXISTING GRADE - i1-370'. PROP (1XAOE = 37' ROAD5IDE SWALE ON BFB EUV -36' WETLAND E - CROSS SECTION PROPOSED BLAKE FARM BOULEVARD ROADSIDE SWALE uu x;ATE: 243 North Front Street %Wn mgL—. North Carolina 28401 Phone, (91D)343-1046 . Fa.� (910)251-8282 www c1* ki-.d,— Trask Land " 13LAKE FARM: 1202 Eastwood Road - Wilmington, NC 26403 (910) 799-8755 BLAKE FARM SF -1 SUBDIVISION TOPSAIL TOWNSHIP pENDER COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA y11R0+1 SCALE we r.t x+x. YCE PRa , �5z�o, cP-1oz oR�'M+ DESMED KRIICAL; 1 atECK[o nA1c �A arses. M. ROG WETLAND E BFB ROAD CROSS SECTION VIEW k 51An,s, WETLANDS PLAN NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION11 -VISIONS RAG E i DRIVEWAY (20') SETBACK FROM ROW .? EXISTING GRADE �r uj DAYLIGHT TO WETLAND 0 BACKYARD a ti PROPOSED GRADE PERMANENT IMPACT TEMPORARY IMPACT PROPOSED IMPACT, LOT 57 45 45 25' WETLAND FARMHOUSEY IMPACT ZONE G RADE ADE 0+00 0+50 1+00 1+50 2+00 GRAPHIC SCALE 60 0 30 60 120 1 inch = 60 ft. - A�sI,S�o/ SCALE eGP103 Trask Lan BLAKE FARM SF-1 SUBDIVISION ,�,�a, cP,o3 4NR0M&CRMD TOPSAIL TOWNS HIP per,++ MCH -' PENDER COUNTY NORTH CAROL4NA a�� IWO YERTChL '� C3 acam RMc ADDRESS BLAKE FARM PRO& MOR. RMc gTYSTATEZIP PHONEFAX 1202 Eastwood Roes WETLANDS IMPACT MAP Wilmington, NC 28403 ANS MC UG H . F-1132 r .mctrnaeedcan (910) 799-8755 NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION SETBACK BEGIN WET ROW DRIVE TEMPORARY 40 40 PROPOSED GRADE GR 3 5 __ 3 5 /-1 N1 LEGEND GWLDW tAND ZONE SI WATEK ZP[ GEFP P00. Iln FIX48FY Tq[ TOPSOIL SPECIFICATIONS TOPSOIL TO BE ADDEO TO TOP OF CONSTRUCTED WETLAND SHELF IF NATIVE SOILS ARE NOT SUITABLE FOR GROWTH OF SELECTED RANT SPECIES. TOPSOIL SHALL BE WELL MIXED, FREE OF TRASH AND DEBRIS. UNCOMPACTED. AND VOID OF LARGE (>2 INCHES) AND WOODY MATERIAL (>3 INCHES). TOPSOIL SMALL MEET TME FOLLOWING SPECHCALONS: SOL TYPE: CLAY < SOX, SAND < 90x. SILT < A0% ORGANIC CONTENT: 5-9 X P-1: 20<50 PH: 6.0-7.0 IN THE EVENTMAT SELECTED TOPSOIL DOES NOT MEET SPECHCANOI uSmu ABOVE. SOIL CAN BE AMENDED BY ADDITGN OF APPROPRIATE MATERIALS. UPON PLACEMENT OF TOPSOIL. AREA SHOULD OC LIGHTLY COMPACTED TO ENSURE STASUZ.4TON OF MATERAL E%CLSSINE TRAFHCKINO aF EQUIPMENT OVER CONSTRUCTED WETLAND PLANTING AREAS SHOMLO BE AVOIDED, MINIMUM DEPTH OF TOPSOIL SHOULD RE 12 INCHES, GENERAL PLANTING NOTES: PREVENT FROM COMPACTING TOPSOIL, ID PROMOTE HEALTHY ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS FOR THE PLANTS. RANTS OF THE ,AME SPECIES SHOULD BE PLANTED IN CLUSTERS, THESE CLUSTERS SHOULD CONTAIN 4-$ PLANTS OF THAT SPECIES. ALL PLANTS SHOULD BE PLANAO IN THE SKG IED ZONE TO ENSURE SURVIVAL AVDD P TING WDINDUAL SPECIES IN URGE GROUPS BY SPACING MUSTERS A MIN. OF V APART. ALL ZONES TC BE RANTED MATH BARE NCCT. RUGS. OR CONTAINER LIVE PLANTNOS AS SPEDRED SEE PLANTNO DETAIL FM PLACEMENT OF PLANTS. BECIN PLANTING WRING LOCAL GROWING SEASON IN ORDER TO ENSURE THAT PLANTS HAVE ADAOUET TIME TO ESTABus8 BEFORE WINTER MONTHS. FRESH PLANTS TILL BE CBTANED FROM A NURSERY AND WILL BE STORED WITH ROOTS IN MOIST $OILS. PLANINGS WILL BE INSPECTED AND MAIN IAINED. RANTS MU BE INSPECTED FOR WASHOUT. WASHED MI RANTS W41 BE REDUCED. A SUITABLE STAND OF WETLAND PLANTS RILL BE FSTARIJSHFO WITHIN B MONTHS OF PLANTING. A 901E SURVYAL RATE MEETS THIS OBJECTIVE. SUPPLEMENTAL PLANINGS TILL BE PROVIDED AS NEEDED TO MEET THIS CRITERIA THE SPECIFIED PLANT MATERIALS WAY BE OBTAINED FROM ANY NLRSERY, INCLUDNG: COASTAL PLAIN CONSERYATpy NURSERY, 3067 CONNERS DR, EOENTCN, NC 17932. (252) 482-5707. SEEDBED PREPARATION CHISEL COMPACTED AREAS AND SPREAD IOPSDL 3 INCHES DEEP OVER ADVERSE SGL OCNDITGYS, K AYAILABUL RIP THE ENTRANCE AREA TO 6 INCHES DEPTH. REMOVE ALL LOOSE ROCK, ROOTS, AND OTHER OBSTRUCTIONS i AING SURFACE REASpHABLY SMOOTH AND OKTORIA. APPLY ACAICULNRAL LIME. FERIIUZER. AND SUPER PHOSPHATE UNIFORMLY AND MIX WITH SM (SEE BELLOW). CONTNOE TILLAGE UNTL A WELL - PULVERIZED, FIRM, REASONABLY UNIFORM SEEDBED IS PREPARED 4 TO N INCHES DEEP. SEED ON A FRESHLY PREPARED SEEDBED AND COVEN SEED LIGHTLY 'MTH SEEDING EQUIPMENT OR CULTPACK AFTER SEEDING. MULCH IMMEOIATELY AFTER SEEDING AND "MDI MULCH, INSPECT ALL SEEDED AREAS AND MAKE NECESSARY REPAIRS OR RESEEDINGS WITHIN THE PLANTING SEASON, IF POSSIBLE. IF STAND SHOULD BE OVER BOF DAMAGED. REESTABLISH FOLLO'MNG ORIGINAL UWE FERTILIZER AND SEEDING RATES. CONSULT CONSERVATION INSPECTOR ON MAINTENANCE TREATMENT AND FERTILIZATION AFTER PERMANENT COVER IS ESTABUSHEO. • APPLY: AGRICULTURAL LIMESTONE - 2 TONS/ACRE FERTUZER - IOMLBS/ACRE (10-10-10) SUPER PHOSPHATE - SOT LES/ALRE (20X} IMICH - 2 TONS/ACRE (SMAU. GRAIN STRAW) ANCHOR - ASPHALT EMULSION AT 43D GAL ASF'::F FORE "AY DEEP POOL ft" 1,786 SF SURFACE AREA / SED. STORAGE EL: 34.00' r BOTTOM ELEV. 33.00' } 159 } NON-FOREBAY DEEP POOL 2,405 SF SURFACE AREA 1\ SED. STORAGE ELt 34.00' I \ } BOTTOM ELEV: 33.00'. ( S 1{{ OUTLET STRUCTURE;' \ �' SEE DETAIL. THIS SKEET I\ CONSTRUCTED WETLAND ##4 \\+7/ SCALE: 1' - 20' TEMPORARY POOL\- � ELEY: 36.50' I ' ++ + \\\� /SHA\ W LANG ZONE \ 1) + + 4 + + / 8,882 SF SURFACE AREA + + h� + + H. + + + \i\ 1 ------ - .'✓�-Y INV: 34.95 FOREBAY DEEP POOL \ 736 SF SURFACE AREA SED, STORAGE EL: 35.00' BOTTOM ELEV: 34.00' RE ACl.,ni \ �- _ SHALLOW WATER ZONE 9.776 SF SURFACE AREA BOTTOM ELEV. 36.00' + + + + + + + + + ++++ NORMAL WATER SURFACE +H. I \\ PERMANENT POOL ELEV. = 36.00 1 + + FCREBAY OFEP POOL 1,243 SF SURFACE AREA SED. STORAGE EL: 34.00' \ I BOROM ELEV. 33.00' F 6 I w P FOREBAY DEEP POOL 405 SF SURFACE AREA SEC. STORAGE EL: 35.00' BOTTOM ELEV. 34.00' SHALLOW LANG 20NE SHALLOW WATER ZONE (UP 70 12• ABOVE PERMANENT (DEPTH VARIES Mm 3-6' POOL) BELOW PERMANENT POOL) 1. VEGETATE ALL ZONES AS SPECIFIED IN NNE PUNTING CHART FOR EACH ZONE, 2. APPROXIMATE A DF EACH ZONE: FOBEBAY - 15X, DEEP POOL - JO& SHALLOW WATER - 4OX, SHALLOW LAND - 35% CONSTRUCTED WETLAND ZONES TEMPORARY SEEDING CRASS TYPE GRASS TYPE AMOUNT/ TIME OF INITIAL 1000 S.F. SEEDING RYE OMAN 1 I-2 LBF I APRIL - .UNE 25 LBS. 10-10-I0 BROIIZNTOP MILLET 1-2 LBS I ,RINE - AUGUST 25 LRS 10-10-10 1-2 LBS. APRIL - TUNE PERMANENT SEEDING CRASS TYPE AMOUNT/ TIME OF INITIAL 36.50' 1000 S.F. SEEDING 10 -YEAR: BERMUDA, COMMON 1-2 LBS. APRIL - TUNE 25 LBS 10-10-10 FESCUE, TALL 5-7 LBS JUNE - AUGUST 15 LBS 10-10-14 (KENTUCKY 31) \ FIB. -DC7. SEHCE, f5 REP SPACEO LESPEOEZA 1-2 LBS MARCH - APRIL 25 LBS 10-19-10 (SLOPES FOREBAY/NDN IORCRAY VFT AND ]DNF (DEPTH VARIES FROM 18-36' BELOW PI IENT POOL) 09 t .�UFM4&CREED 243 Nath Front StrMt North �yq 26410 1TIIDFIR (2m�104E, Foe (210)251 -Buz CREATED WETLAND 14 1.5" PROPOSED DEPTH: 36.50' �F. 36.66' 10 -YEAR: 4'x4' REINFORCED CONCRETE 25 -YEAR: 37.70' RT\ 36.23' 4.5' RISER BOX (ASM C1433) TRASH RACK THICKNESS \ f5 REP SPACEO v TRABN RACK 4' O.C. 15 RCOAR SPACED 4' D.C. I 'RCP (B' RCP x.hV 1 ,. .- e PIPE OUTLET 10 EXISTING DITCH OUTLET BARREL q 4• r' Irr(}III11TTT•"` V IpKxi wv x9Y / < I I .. . I OUTLET BARREL I� DBnET INV Y5 �`L•1��.�.'.�J — ,�,— SCALE: t'�20 1-+1 11 INVERT: 35.10' 20 - GO 4.0' PVC SCR. 40 PIPE RITN FRONT 45 DEG B"O' DRILL 2.Y 4 F1 HOLE IN CAPPED END 5 If ,iIQE T� CREATED WETLAND #4 OUTLET STRUCTURE NOT TO SCALE 10P OF WE7UND 3BB 5500 �1 1 I 2�1 EME �GENG` SPILLWAY 4VARIES SEDIMENT STORA(FCREBAY ZONE ONLY) 12TCLASS812' NCDOT BASS 6 RIP -RAP (d5O 8�) EI 4 NCOOT NO. 5T WSTONE REDOING WRAPPEC WITH NON -WOVEN FILTER FABRIC (SI GEOTEX 001 ON APPROVED EQUAL) EMERGENCY SPILLWAY SECTION NgTT08CA.E A A NOTES: L La IS ME LENGTH OF THE RIPRAF APRON. 2, d - 1.5 TME, TH1 MAXMUM STONE DIAMETER BLIT NOT LESS 1NAN 6. PLAN 3. INA WELL - DIMMED CRANNEL EXTEND THE APRON UP THE CHANNEL BANKS TO AN ELEVATION a 6' ABOVE THE MAXIMUM TAILWATER DEPTH OR TO ME TOP OF THE BANK. IHICHEVER IS LESS LSI 4. A HLTER BLANKET OR FILTER FABRIC SHOIILD BE NSTALLEO BETWEEN THE RIARAP AND SOL FOUNDATION. OUTLET PROTECTION DETAIL STORM ELEVATIONS .�UFM4&CREED 243 Nath Front StrMt North �yq 26410 1TIIDFIR (2m�104E, Foe (210)251 -Buz CREATED WETLAND 14 1.5" PROPOSED DEPTH: 36.50' DESIGN STORM 2 -YEAR: 36.66' 10 -YEAR: 37.23' 25 -YEAR: 37.70' 100 -YEAR: 36.23' CONSTRUCTED YJETL4ND OUTFALL PROTECTION .�UFM4&CREED 243 Nath Front StrMt North �yq 26410 1TIIDFIR (2m�104E, Foe (210)251 -Buz WETLAND 4 OUTLET PIPE DIA. 18• OUTLET FLOW RATE 11.2 CFS OUTLET VELOCITY 6.8 FT/S MATERIAL CLASS A LENGTH 5.0' WIDTH 4.5' STONE DIA. 6' THICKNESS 9. .�UFM4&CREED 243 Nath Front StrMt North �yq 26410 1TIIDFIR (2m�104E, Foe (210)251 -Buz Trask Land � � �.\` SLAKE FARM 1202 Eastwood Rood BLAKE FARM SF -1 SUBDIVISION TOPSAIL TOWNSHIP PENDER COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA ua PRDJ 4 15 MAY 4 SCALE YCN-541 DRSIGNEDC MAB, CON, CDN H RZONTAL: DESIGNED RMC, MAB, COH WA VERTDAL: 20 CHECKED RMC, RAY, LN.L PRw. MGH. Ruc wa SCM 4 LAYOUT AND CROSS STARS ETEM NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION NC UC. Ne. F-1222 wWW.IEIC(111110FNd0ElI1 NAlmington, NC 28403 (910) 799-8755 SECTION