HomeMy WebLinkAbout20071134 Ver 1_Jacktown Creek B-4191, site visit report_20170531SITE VISIT HISTORY
TIP: B-4191 Mitigation Site: Jacktown Creek Mitigation Site
8/25/2014 Site visit with Kevin Barnett. Vigorous 3 yr old trees, not exotic issues, good signage. Buffer width good.
8/25/2014 Length of stream on google earth appears to be 30-40' short, Google earth measured at 412'. Was 8'x10'box culvert
under 226 counted as part of the 450'?
8/25/2014 Equinox was consultant with local techical college helping with design. There is a path, picnic table, and sign located in
easement buffer. Looks nice but should not be there
8/25/2014 P2 design, buffer width good, stable but aggrading as X-vanes are covered with sediment from neigbor business,
11-22-2016 A lot of water and sediment moving through stream. Some instability noted (downcutting, bank sluffing and aggrading).
One crossvane noted, others appear to be buried
11-22-2016 Site appears unstable, what happened with proposed repairs?