HomeMy WebLinkAbout20170372 Ver 1_Certified Receipt_20170526■ Gomplete items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete item 4 if Restncted Delivery is tleslred. ■ Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. ■ Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, or on the front if space pertnits. 1. Article Addressed to: Mr. Lewis Mitchell, P.E. Division Engineer Highway Division 10 716 W Main Street Albemarle, NC 28001 A, Siynature X e. Received by ( Pnntetl Name) ❑ Agent ❑ Add'essee C. Date of Delivery D. Is tl81Nery atltlress dHferBnt Gum item 17 L1 Yes If VES, enter delivery address below: ❑ No 3. Service Type ❑ Certified Mail ❑ Regislere0 _ ❑ Insured Mall ❑ E�cpress Mall ❑ Retum iiecelpt for MercharMise ❑ c.o.o. 4. Restricted DeliveM (�� Fee) ❑ Yes 2. ArticleNumber 7008 1300 00�0 1124 2586 (Transier lrom �rvlce /abeq PS Form 3811, February 2004 Domesfic aetum Receipt 10259&02�M4540 UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE FlrstLlass Mail � Postage & Fees Paid USPS Pertnil No. G-10 • Sender: Please print your name, address, and ZIP+4 in this box • Division of Water Resources Wetlands Branch Kristi Lynn Carpenter 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh NC 27699-1617 .� .� I. • � � � � � � � � . _ � I � �. �I �' �1 i � - S S � R1 f1J ra rl Poste9e 8 ra rl CeM1llletl Fee � � � P�trnerk O � ReNm Recelp� Fee Here p p (Entlorsemartl RequlraO) O � Res�nctetl �elivery Fea (EntlorsameniRequired) O � O O m m Totel Pos�ege 8 Fees $ � a �� o Mr Lewis MRchell, P.E. `O � Divisian Engineer - ------- -------------------` O O giieei,ApCNo:: 0 o e,PoeoxNo. Highway Division 10 r` �` ---------�-�----...... 716 W Main Street -------------..... Ciry, S(ete, ZIWa Albemarle, NC 28001 �� Certiited Mail Provides: ■ A meilinp receipt ■ A unique IAentlfler for Your meilplece ■ A reco�d W tlelNery kept by Ne Postei ServMs for Mro years hnportent Rsmintle/s: � ■ Cartlfietl Mell may ONLY be combinetl wiTh FlreFCleee Meil� or PAority Meils. �. ■ CertMletl Mall Is irotavelleble tor any claee of Intemetbnal mell. ■ NO INSURANCE COVERAGE IS PROVIDED wiU CertMied Mell. For � veluebles, please consWer Inauretl or Reglatered Meil. - ■ For en fltltlNionel fee, e ReNm Reoef�t ineY be requested to Frovida proof oi tlelivery. To obtein Retum Receipt servke pl�ese camplete ara enach a Retum . ReceiO� (PS Gorm 3811) lo the erNcle and edd eppllceble postege to cover Me fea. Entlorse meilpiece'Retum Receipt Requested'. To recehre a fee waiver for �upl� te retum receipt, a USPSe postmerk on your Certifietl Mail raceipt is ,, 1 ■ For en edditlonel fee, dellvery may be restrldetl to the etldressee or etltlreasee's eutMAzed agent Advlae tha clerk or mark Me meilpiece with ihe � endoroemeM 'Restrkted DelNe7� ■ If e poatmaiit on the Certifletl Mell receipt is desired, Please preaent the erli- . cle at the poat oRice for postmerking. Ii a posimark on the Certifietl Mell receiDt is not needed, detech and aHix label with postege antl meil. 'MPOBTANT: Save this receipi and present it when mekinp an Inqulry. 'S Farm 3800, Aupuet 2006 (RaverseJ PSN ]530-02-0W�904] ��