HomeMy WebLinkAbout20170637 Ver 1_SR1526A_Sampson_Final E&SC plans_20170523GRAPHIC SCALE 25� PLANS 5� PROFILE (HORIZONTAL) 5� PROFILE (VERTICAL) ROADSIDB BNVIRONMENTAL UNIT DIt7SI0N OF HIGXWAYS STATS OA NORTX CAROLINA ����� ��' ����� ���.����� ��������T �IF IH[��IH[���� WATA UGA CU U11tTY LOCATION: SR IS'26A SAMPSON RD FROM END OF PAVEMENT 2.10 MII.ES TO POINT STA 00 + 00 TO E.O.P. I10 + 69 TYPE OF WORK: GRADING, DRAINAGE, BASE AND PAVI11tG - 2.10 MILES BEGAN SURVEY: 09/03/14 END SURVEY.• 06i17/IS REVISED: TXSS6 fiROSlON AND SEDIMBNT CONTROL PLANS COMPLY [{7TX THB RBGUL,9TIONS SST FORTX BY TXB NCG-010000 GEI�i'RAL CONSTRUCTTON PBRMIT SFFECTIVE AUGUST 3, 2011 ISSUEU HY 77� NORTX CAROLfNA DEPARTMENT OA SNVIRONMSNT AND NATURAL RBSOURCSS DI[7SION OF WATER QIIALI7Y, Prepored ln fhe Olflce af: DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS DIVISION Il, D)STRICT 2 BOONB P.O. BOX 1460, BOONE, N.C. 28607 2012 STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS sren e[en vaoBcr ev�wxa ta s�ar �rarn� N0. 9HBBf8 .�. 11C.095110 EC-1 21 tren nld.Ka r.e.vlottxi oesalm�mx ER4SION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES � �.. �1 1�.� T�n+norary Silt DiEcb _ m 1�.OS Tcmpornr� Divereion _ _� � _�,. 1�i.01 Temporarl .Si�t r' ence _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ��{ ��� � I6(16,01 $pecia� Sedime¢E �,'ontra] Fe¢ce ____ 162Y.01 Tempornry Be�me and Slope D�niva _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ T � t' 1�.� Si�E Bae:n Tppe B_____________'_ �� 1633.01 T�mPo:a:� Ro�k S�le Che�h T�n�-A � T�mP>:nr� Ro�k Si]E Ch��k T�P�-A Wie6 O Mattins and Po�yncr�lamid� (PAM) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ � 1633.0$ Tempornry Ro�k Silc Ch��k Typa-B _____� Watel�/Ca�r F;be: NaeEl�________________, -"- WntE�e� Coir 1''iber WatE]c � wilL Po�yncry�nmide (PAM)-- ---0 1�.�1 Temporar� Roc�c Sediment Dam Type'.� ____. 1�.� Temporary Iiock .�edimen! Dam TJpe-B_ _� 1635.01 Rock I�ipe Inlee 9edimene Trnp T�pe-.� ______.� 1�.� Ro�k Psv� In�et SedimenE Trap T�pe-$_ _� i�o.a sE.u;ng Ba,.n-----------------------� i�o.oe sPe�sd� st.n.ng aas;n_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ � Roc� In1eE Sedimant Trap: 1�1.01 TYPe t�____________"__________' "� I�YAD T➢Pe �___________________'____.Q� 1��.� Type C �� Ski��e. Baain � Tiercd Skimme� Baain- - - - - � Infi�tration $aei�___________________.� THI3 PROJECT CONTAIlVS ER09ION CONTROL PLAN9 FOR CLEARING AND GRU33ING PHASE OF CON9TRUClTON. ENVIRONMENTALLY SEN3ITNE A�tEA(S) FXIST ON THIS PROJECT Refer To S, C. Spacial Prouiainni jor Special Contiderntiana. Roadp�ay 8tendard Dnwinge '1'Le followinr raodway e ermda:d� a oppear in "Ilo4dway 8andu�d Deawiu�e"- Roadn�ay Daign Unit - N� G. Deparrmeut o raneportadoa - Raleigh,ll� C„ doud Jenuaey 4017 and rhe lueet revLou therato ue appllaeble to dila projeoc ond bs refereoce 6ereby ae cooddered e part of theee vlew. 1fiO4.U1 1605�41 1606.01 1601.U1 1622�01 1630.01 1G3D.02 1630�03 1630.04 1630.Os 1630.OG 1631,01 Railroed Erodon Cona�ol Daeil Tamporary 9ilt Fence 8peolal8edimea� Coeaol Fence Grard Comtruodoa F�uvnca Temponry .ierme and 9lope Dreine R�eer �•;� 9ilt 3aei¢ Type 3 Temporary Silt Ditoh BdWnq Juin Temyorar� Dheedan 8pealal 9tipinA 3adn Motdn+ Inemlladaa 1632.01 1632.02 1632.03 1633,01 1633,04 1634�01 1634.02 163�.01 i�e.as 1640.01 1645.01 Roek Inlet 8edimencT�vp Type A Rack Idet9edimeucTnp lyye 3 Raek Inlet9edimeneTeap Type C Temparary Rack 9ilt C6eok Type A Tempmary Roak 8ilt Cheak Tyye .i Temp� Rack 8adiment Ikm Type A Temporar� Aooh 9edimwt Dam Type 3 Rook PIDa Ielet 8adimrnt Trep Tyye A Aook Pipe Ielot 8ediment Trap Tyya 3 Coir Fiba 3effle Tempoeary Stream Cxaednj Erosion Control Schedule and Notes EROSION CONTROL & PIPE INSTALLATICJN TROUT BUFFER ZONE SEQUENCE GENERAL E&SC NOTES GRCJUND STABILIZATION CHART 1. Generally, the order of installation of the erosion control measures will be as follows: A. Temporary silt basins shall be installed before clearing and grubbing begins. B. Silt fences and tem orary silt ditches shall be installed a�er clearing and before grading. C. Temp orary stone ditch checks with PAM or wattIes with PAM shall be installed in all disturbed areas as soon as the disturbance begins. D. Final stone ditch checks or wattles shall be installed as soon as ditch line is established. E. Pipe outlet and inlet protection will be done as soon as the pipe is installed. F. Other permanent erosion control measures are to be imp7emented as soon as practical. 2. Temporary rock silt checks?typ e B will be spaced by percent grade as shown m-the erosion control plan. . 3. No. 5 stone, or equivalent= will be used in conjunction with the temporary rock silt checks in locations where water is leaving the pro�ect or entering a pipe. 4. All devices are to be cleaned out when half full. S. Establish permanent vegetation per ground stabilization chart. SCHEDULE Wet Pipe Installation Schedule and Notes 1, Prior to installing any E&SC measures identify permit conditions and impact area limits. 2. Install erosion control devices. 3. Manage the water course. The pipe must be placed in the dry. Install dewatering measures. 4. Remove material and existing pipe while limiting, material and sediment from entering stream and escaping the project. 5. Excavation of stream channel shall not exceed 10' on either side of new pipe or culvert unless indicated on permit. 6. Per permit conditions for Corps of. Engineers and the Wildlife Resources Commission, all pipes in streams 48"or �reater must be buried 12" below streambed elevation. Pipes less than 48"must be buried with 20% of the diameter below streambed elevation. 7. Place the new pipe and compact backfill. 8. Install slope protection on the outlet and inlet ends of the pipe. Also complete installation of erosion control measures and perform maintenance as needed on existing measures, 9. Establish permanent vegetation per ground stabilization chart. Notes: 10. More information on wet pipe installation can be found For silt basin size see the attached erosion control plans. in the BMP manual section 4.2 "Pipe & Culvert installation" PAM is to be placed on all Typ e A checks and wattles in the erosion control chain except for the final device in HWQ and Trout projects. GROUND STABILIZATION CHART Site Area Descrtption Stabillzatlon Time Frame Stabllizatlon Tlme Frame Exceptions Perimeter dikes, swales, ditches 7 days None and slopes High Quality Water Zones 7 days None Slopes steeper than 3:1 7 days If slopes are 10 ft. or less in length and are not steeper than 2:1, 14 days are allowed Slopes 3:1 or flatter 14 days 7 days for slopes greater than 50' in lenght All other areas flatter than 4;1 14 days None (except for perimeters and HQW zones) General Erosion Control Sequence & Notes for NC DOT Projects in Trout Buffer Zones 1. Prior to installing any E&SC measures identify permit conditions and impact area limits. Review trout buffer variance approval conditions for any special provisions. 2. All materials should be on the hand before work is commenced. 3. Install EC devices 4. Work within the buffer zone should be sequenced to minimize the length of time that disturbed areas are exposed. Stream bank stabilization, which includes the area from the edge of water to the top of bank, should be phased so that each day's work is a completed work, including provision of adequate ground cover. 5. Crraded slopes and fills within the trout buffer zone will within 7 calendar day� of completion of any phase of grading be planted or otherwise �rovided with temporary or permanent ground cover, devices, or structures sufficient to restrain erosion. 6. Graded slopes and fills within the trout buffer zone (excluding road shoulders) shall be protected with rolled erosion control product, bonded fiber matrix, or flexible growth medium after seeding. Notes: Silt fence backed by woven wire, with a post spacing of 6 feet, shall be used instead of standard silt fence in trout buffer zone. Special sediment control fence shall be used in areas where bedrock is encountered which prohibits the proper anchoring of fabric, and in low points ofthe silt fence in 3-foot sections to allow for concentrated flows. The disturbed areas within the stream buffer shall be restored to native vegetation characteristic of an undisturbed buffer to the extent practical upon completion of construction, Flyrock �rotection such as blast mats should be provided for blasting in close proximity to streams. PAM is to be laced on all Type A checks and wattles in the erosion contro� chain except for the final device in HWQ and Trout projects. �•1 �v 5' 0' 5' � V i I� �� GRAPHIC SCALE �� � VARI ES , SHOULDER 7'-9' � TRAVEL LANE 7'-9' VARIES VARIE; TRAVEL LANE HOULDE DITCH 14'-18' EXISTING TYPICAL SECTION SR 1526A 50.0' 6.0' Shoulder Travel Lane Right cf Way � 9.0' 4.0' 4.0' Travel Lane Shoulder Ditch I 0.02 FTiF7 I , 0.02 FVFT I I 0.08 � o� � 0.08 ---- ------------- ------- --- 3'� GRADE TO THIS LINE TYPICAL SECTI�N NO. 1 3.0' 1.0' 9.0' Ditch hl er Travel Lane 50.0' Right of Way � _�_ 9.0' 6.0' Travel Lane Shoulder �� ��� , • � �: ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,�,. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,. �.,..,.,��.�,�.�.,�.....,.�------,.,.----........------ � • TYPICAL SECTICJN NO. 2 STATIONS 35 + 30 to 38 + 00 1� ?'l 3.0' Min. �S� PROPOSED PRIVACY BERM 50.0' Rig ht of Way � — � � � 4.0' 4.0' 9.0' � � Ditch Shoulder Travel Lane \ \ GRAI POI� �J � � 4.0' 2.0' Shoulder Pave Shld 9.0' Travel Lane � � 0.02 F7/FT , 0.02 FT/FT 10.0' Travel Lane � �: , . ii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii. �ir iiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiii iiiii iiiii iiiiiiiiiiiii iii iiiiiiiiii�iiii�iiiiiiiii�riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii. � � � � � 6.0' Shoulder TYPICAL SECTION NO. 3 STATIONS 43 + 00 to 47 + 50 +/- 50.0' Right of Way � 12.0' Travel Lane � �' � � 0,05 FTiF7� , 0.05 FTiFT , i � � . �� ��� �,�'� �_— °� � � --- ------.-- — � \ �— _..._�--- � —' GRADE TO THIS LINE TYPICAL SECTI�N NO. 4 STATIONS 16+20 to 18+20+/- , � � . � � � � � � � 3.0' 2.5' aved C&G �hld .vy � � � ?'1 � � �\1� �� � � � � � '' — — � 1--- / ��;� ------- � � 2'6" C&G Sta 16+20RT to Sta 20+OORT �����.� ���� l��]fa13IEl[�, '1C� ���3� �1� '' I ' 1 � .� I 1'' t�� 1'� . �� 1'� � � � � C�> \ � � 1'� I �� " I � � �� l:� . �� 1'� 1'< < I � 1'; 1'�� I� I\ I��C�>1'�� �I�: II> �I I."I' I�I :\� �I� GENERAL NOTES: CLEAR STONE OR OTHER OBSTRUCTION TO CREATE A SEAL BETWEEN I���� GEOTEXTILE AND THE GROUND. PLACE GEOTEXTILE IN LOCATIONS SHOWN OR AS DIRECTED. PLACE DOUBLE FACED CONCRETE BARRIER ON TOP OF GEOTEXTILE WITH A MINIMUM 1 FOOT FROM THE BACK EDGE. WRAP GEOTEXTILE AROUND CONRETE BARRIER AND SECURE THE ENDS WITH A WIRE TIE OR OTHER APPROVED FAS7ENER. ADD S70NE FOR EROSION CONTROL AT JUNCTION OF TEMPORARY CONCRETE BARRIER REINFORCED SILT FENCE AND SPECIAL SEDIMENT CONTROL FENCE TO KEEP RUNOFF FROM PASSING DIRECTLY THROUGH ANY GAPS. ���VIS��N �]F ]H�G][�yVA�� S�At�� �]F N�I$7CH CA1I��lLgNA S UIL S TABILIZA T1011 t S UMMAR Y SHEET MATTI11lG FOR EROSI011T C011lTROL CONST L/NE FROM TO 5/DE EST/MATE ISYJ SHEET N0. STATION STATION 7 -I.- 20+00 24+00 RT 245 I 5 - l. - 71 +92 74 � 44 I,T I 65 5U TOTAI. 410 MIyGtiI•I.ANti U5 MAt11NG TD 6ti IN51A �ED A5 OIRE 1E0 �Y 1NE NbINtitiR TOTAI. 4 I 0 5AY 410 �'ERMA11lE11tT SO�L REI11tFORCEMENT MAT CONST LINE FROM TO SIDE ESTIMATE (SYJ SHEET N0. STATION STATION 5 -i.- 9+50 12}47 I.T 195 I 5 - I. - 68 - 90 7 I+ 92 I,T 302 f 7 - l. - 76 + 96 8 I+ I 0 I.T 275 5U TOTAI. 772 A001 T I ONAI. yRM t0 6E I 51AI.I.ti�D TO'fAl. 772 5AY 772 ��VI���N �lF ]H�G]E�WAY� 57CA7C�E �� N�I$7CI� CAIR�IL�NA S 4l� S TABILIZA TI �11 t T�MEFRAMES SlT E DESCRIPT lON ST ABILIZAT lON T lME T IMEFRAME EXCEPT IONS PERIMETER �IKES, SWALES. DITCHES AND SLOPES 7 DAYS NONE HIGH QUALITY WATER (HQW) ZONES 7 DAYS NONE SLOPES STEEPER THAN 3al 7 DAYS IF SLOPES ARE 10' OR LE55 IN LENGTH ANO ARE NOT STEEPER THAN 2:1, 14 DAYS ARE ALLOWEDa SLOPES 3:1 OR FLATTER 14 DAYS 7 DAYS FOR SLOPES GREATER THAN 50' IN LENGTH. ALL OTHER AREAS WITH SLOPES FLATTER THAN 4:1 14 DAYS NONE,EXCEPT FOR PERIMETERS AND HQW ZONESa � • • � � � • � ..� . � � • • ' -� � � i i � , � i i i , � � � � � . �- • - �• .• - ' � ��������� �������� • • - - - - - ' --------- -------- ' ' a ��0 ������������������������� ' ' 0 ������������������������� '' ' 0������������������������� • � � • • '' 0������������������������� 0������������' ������' ������� 0������������������00����� �.� •� . , . i : 0������������������������� ��� �. . 0��������������������0���� ��. •� :, �� - 0��������������������0���� ��� •� :� � �: . 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F,�' � � U W Y 0 m N � 0 Q U w . 0 U � �� �� � NOTEa / � Existing R/W Pro ject# 507551 / � / Recorded 9-01-95 50-ft I�� 50, Ex R�"' �� � JAMES ROBERT TODD � �, , � / / � DB 190 PG 844 i ' � ' � � // i �' i ��/SMSQNRj/ / O i � ' ,' � / y.. �SF� i � � / SR �526/ � � I `\� PS� / / 5� EX R/W � , � / � � i� � HOWARD & BRENDA CaFFEY � ,�` �� 5/ / �SF� DB 156 PG 203 �� P � , ` �� � / � 9 x3 x3 �� � / / �� INSTALL RIPRAP IN THE i �SFo PROPOSED DITCH LINE. O �� � � x��/ O �t' � + :�� Cr�?yy \ � — — — � � � � Z�.2 � '���, 25.00 `�\_ ,,� M 26.4 � 'kQ� � -�'�� , 21.2 � O �Wattles@3� — 9.6 -�- I I� I 8' — �, - 0+ 0 � � � ..21.1 \N � , Ap o ` �,,.� . l l � v __-' \364 �'9ST _ �r �� � � /�� �� ���` ,�GPS�2 i �� a � i � `�' �� 8 � � ' � o ��24.0 C , � , �, � i `� �� 14.3 i ; � .� 2-18"Wattles@25' � I i � 9 x3 x3 � ' ' 2ft. weir � , °� � ID 4.2 � � i � � ' � I JA�,K C�OFF�Y � DB i79 PG 5�7 � i ' i � i � i ' i ' i � ' � � GPS#I � � � � ; UP DRWY ON LT � � � � 484,84' � ' � � � � � -=y 15,��CP � , I , , � , � � i i , � � ' � � � � � � � � � � � � � � , � � SR 1526 S� PS�N R� F ... 2+ �o� � 52.4 ; 9 x3 x3 2ft. weir ID 4.3 CURTIS & MARILYN DEEM DB 068 PG 522 i � � � TSp l�T�.._-s'w . 24 x12 x3 1.5 inch Skimmer with 0,5 inch Orifice Diameter 4 ft, weir (See Tiered Skimmer Basin Detail) ID 4.5 2ft. weir ID 4,4 �� - � � %�� — — 1 145.0 \ � ww aw�r oes ENOINEER ENGINEER DAVID G HAMILTON DB 894 PG 866 O � � 1NSTALL RIPRAP IN THE PROPOSED DITCH LINE. r r +` 44.4 l4-18"Wottles@27'� � � � DAVID G HAMILTON DB 894 PG 866 i _ r � 149.2 '� �'=��C � �c, 24 xlb x3 1.5 inch Skimmer with 0.625 inch Orifice Diameter 4 ft. weir (See 7iered Skimmer Basin Detail) ID 4.6 � � 0 � � � � � U W � � 0 �N C O � a � w � � 8 " V 3 �O � w i N� a � 0 � a � E A � N ¢ � �R � 4 m � 0 N Q 3 0 U C m � \ C \ DAVID G HAMILTON DB 894 PG 866 INSTALL RIPRAP IN THE PROPOSED DITCH LINE. l4-18"Wottles@27' �� 1 1D 5.3 1 � A u �O X 0 12 x4 x3 2 ft. weir 0 0 \ � r \ N � GARY EUGENE COFFEY DB 1051 PG 245 DAVID G HAMILTON DB 894 PG 866 0 � � � � JIMMY D COFFEY _____.�-- DB 030 PG 181 PROJECT REFEAENCE NO. SMBlT NO. 11C.095110 EC-5 MV SNEET NO. ',OADWAY Df51GN FIY�MULICS ENOINEER lNGINElR � V' � � � � � o � � � w `� U (1 W 6 i � � m ��m � �� a � � U W � y ; g o 3 �� w N � a N ¢ � � � � a � � N . ; s 3 � � rn � � � w OD � / / / , / Ii � / � / ,' � ,' � JIMMY D COFFEY \ ,'�t��' DB 376 PG 371 �� G�i � , %� �Q �o+ INSTALL RIPRAP IN THE +,� JIMMY D COFFEY PROPOSED DITCH LINE. % DB 375 PG 403 /4-18"Wattles@27' NOTE USE TYPICAL SECTION 4 STA.16+20 TO 18+20 O � O d + �� + 50 �+ oo _ _ �° � C �. GARY EUGENE C `F� '`2o R -io.si --► � � Sta 13+50 to 16+20Rt. � � � JIMMY D COFFEY 40.3 � 3� DB 30 PG 181 , � Q �gr�bbin9 23.7 4 .S �e 2�6 � a�files@5� dUr�ng C � — ' S I S"W / � � r Z m 0 + N / , ��� G� � � � / � + 94 9 x3 x3 p �� 2 ft. weir ID 6.4 RIST C -FINAL /� -5.9/. � RIST B -FINAL 12 x 4 x 3 �IMMY D COFFEY 3 ft. weir DB 030 PG 181 ID 6.1 � 34.7 INSTALL RIPRAP IN TNE PROPOSED DITCH LINE. )I �^ 0 ,.n � ' � 32 J FS ' �% 5. �; 48.9 9 x3 x3 ; �;� a�� �OQ 2 ft. weir ,, �, , � 7 I D 6.3 C� � i �c; , � t�� 9 x3 x3 � � 2 ft. weir ' �Q k � ID 6.2 s ,' RIST C -FINAL W + O �� 5 O� �/,�i /,y ..�. � 48.1 I C JIMMY D COFFEY i DB 030 PG 181 � PROJ 11C,09 � ROFDWAY DE: ENGINEER SH� EC-6 HIDAAULICS ENGINEBR � / C 9 x3 x3 ' 2 ft. weir � i D 7.1 J�MN1Y D COFFEY � DB� 030 PG 181 ` � 00 . `, � � 19.4 � Soi/ �---- 9 x 3 x 3 ----- ,/ 2 ft. weir ID 7.4 � o '°.p 7' � O��`��' �°Go O � 0����� ��ti�� � � � � � U W � � m m � � � C O a g � U w i N o 3 N w a ' � W � � � � o N � Q � q N } � TROUT 5T0.EPM BUFPER ZONE �� � % � INSTALL MATTING FOR Z5,� 30.7 EROSION CONTROL IN THE \ � EIP PROPOSED DITCN LINE. � � 39.5 �� � — — �–%g"Wattles@I00' � � �18.9 ��� \ � 34 2 \ NQ 1��;' I �� ; 4� '�:. • � � �� �� . '� ���/��: ,' —/i:�. ,�n:�i "- — \ �.� v� - 35.4 i . 15.0 Xs-, 14.3 9 x3 x3 � 50.4 2 ft. weir 9 x 3 x 3 j ID 7,3 21D 7.2r N � JIMMY D COFFEY p INSTAL IPRAP IN 7HE OB 030 PG 181 PROPOSED DITCH LINE. N N �qQ FANNY L TEAGUE '�` 26k" �___DB 007 PG 213 p (/n�omed Tr b of j�� . 7 9 x3 x3 2 {�. W81Y / IQ 7.5 - ���- �;� � � , ��� • DAVID G HAMILTON DB 894 PG 866 C� raaecr �F� 11 C.095110 RM1Y SMEET N0. WADWAY DFSIGN ENOINEER ENGIN!!R 0 � � � � �� w � y 0 O o N a � � � €� ° g � U W i W\ Y N L 0 3 a � W a � � � � � � ° � a 0 N ? 35.7 \ �� JIMMY D COFF � � �B o3a Pc �s� ---___� �`Unnamed Tributary / �---- O O � X�� � �� / � N 9 x3 x3 2 ft. weirF NNY L TEAGUE �� ID 8.1 g007P�213 J� -- } / �� 11.0 29.1 8-18"Wattles@28' I INSTALL RIPRAP IN THE C PROPOSED DITCH LINE. N ITROUT STREAM � BUFPER IONE TB' ���`����...�. ,�0� / �1 � O O O c� � / a�� � I �� '� /o9o/„d z _ ` _ —� �Y .9;/ JIMMY D COFFEY DB 030 PG 181 O O + � INSTALL RIPRAP IN THE 9 x 3 x 3 ' PROPOSED DITCH LINE. 2 ft. weir I D 8.3 '�� -------__ � Unnomed rlbutary --� ;/ 4-18"Wottles@25' � � �.. SprTnq p 18.6 �� -II% � _ ... ��� � �. I .�, ' C• ����l� _ r(1. �!��I /�" 24.1 9 x3 x3 2 ft. weir I D 8.2 �' - ,---- """." � 24. l4-18"Wottles@20' INSTALL RIPRAP IN 7HE PROPOSED DITCH LINE. CURTIS & MARILYN DEEM DB 247 PG 854 �O X �� X 3 1.5 inch Skimmer with 0.375 inch Orifice Diameter 4 ft. weir (See Tiered Skimmer Basin Detail) ID 8.5 O X �� M4 SNEET NO. � DWAY DESIGN HYDAAULIC EN41NEE0. ENGINElR No Embankment Construction Sta 3/+00 to 34+50U. �'—;--��\ Unnamed Trlbutory 2 � �;-- � �_ y � _ �. '�. � � � � \�� O� _. ,� �p— 2S � 26.1 +38 1 ia.5 e4 9 x3 x3 2 fF. weir ID 8.4 yp�j ic.� tu '�- 15. O +O � � � 0 M M u� Z J 2 � � � � � � � W � L � 0 Q U W O 3 W � � 0 N a E 4 a � N � � 0 m 0 Y 3 L 9 U C O U 0 O +� O O + � JIMMY D �OFFEY DB 030 PG 181 � X O O\�� ��\\y TROUT STREIJr1 � +� O � L]�1U111 9UFFER ZONE � + � � + �� �� � \ � NOTE / + USE TYPICAL SECTION 2 � �' STA.35+30 TO 38+00 ' � � X 3 X 3 .i•- � � �.�e / _�- �c��, � � � �ir� 2��"I ,�� � 19.8 l0-l8"Wottles@27' INSTALL RIPRAP IN THE PRO OSED DITCH LINE. C I 46.5 ���,� � Hi h Fenced Gorden 2 , Welr � ' � INSTALL RIPRAP IN THE ID 9.2 ' 30 0�/ �� � PROPOSED DITCH LINE. � 11 RN/ SHEET NO. DWAY DlSIGN MYDAAULIC ENOINEER ENGINEER � � � INSTALL RIPRAP IN THE PROPOSED DITCH LINE. -"� � � o NOTE �s•Z Z 7-18'�WOttl2S@38� USE TYPICAL SECTION 4 � � / 25.5 WW 29,9 32 6 STA, 35+30 TO 38+U0 ' f -� � 9 x�3- x'� � ft. weir / ID 9.1 � I Pond / � / \ / ��./ � /� "�'�G�7r"���/% , • = � _ ����� � � � / � •!•!� �!, J�:;:� _�:...� _ s � � � � � 2GW / �,�� _..... ✓o— ��-� S ��eek`"�"—/ No EmbankmentConstruction Sta 36+10 to 38+OORt. CURTIS & MARILYN DEEM DB 247 PG 854 �'' r�,� � ��� `.� � ` � \� \� \. �I � 9 x3 x3 2 ft. weir ID 9.3 Spring 15.0 21.6 � ' Spr ng wet D tch � -/3.7% --. - -_"_' - _ _ _ , +50 +91 �W +06 »•Z 9.7 10.3 +03 +05 18.7 24.1 tt� `d' � M � W J 2 � I� � 0 � � � � • • • �r � rn � m U W y 0 m � N m C 4 � Q � U W � y � t O 3 a � w a� W � � c 0 N � O� a m N � � � 0 m 0 Y 3 O + � Shri ihc� � � , . . - � �, � , � . q � ' O, , ' � + . , � � N ' � �r . , � , , , , , , , � ' 1. , .� , 9 x3 x3 � ,' ,' 2 ft. weir \a�o,� ,' ' ID 10.1 .� y�. No Embonkment Constructlon \\ ��E Sta 4/+50 to 43+OOU. � JIMMY D COFFEY DB 030 PG 181 SHep O --x� X � � O ' x � x Note 6ft Privacy Berm Top of cut X X Sta 43+OOLT+/- to Sta 47+50LT NOTE Garden � 11SE TYPICAL SECTION 3 ��� CURTIS & MARILYN DEEM m DB 247 PG 854 O x h SHEET ENGINEBR � 0 � � � � � � 8 � T U dC W C� � � m � 0 n � � 0 $ a � U w s \ o N 3 \ U N w � � W � � � � o N � E ❑ �T Q � N N � � 0 � � s 3 \ 5 a �36 g2 4 � JIMMY D CQFFEY DB 030 PG 18I � INSTALL RIPRAP IN TFiE � � PROPOSED DITCH LINE. � X NOTE � 9 x 3 x 3 USE TYPICAL SECTION 3 2 ft, we�r w o, , N � �� N P N N Z • • .� , Donriie Harold Chapman DB 227 PG 530 � + � � \ C \ � PROPOSED DITCH LINE. � Z ft. weir I D � �.2 F����� ���� 1 TROUT STREAM �\�\�\; � \ ��� BUFFER 20NE ����\�\�\�\. � i CURTIS & MARILYN DEEM DB 247 PG 854 et+ciNeea 0 � � N U w V s � 4 a � w � 3 U W / U ¢ 0 2 E 9 � Q � 1R N � N O � J V 3 Q � C O u m � � � i rn �► N N � O O + � � / Dorinie Harold Chapman DB 227 PG 530 O O �l- � ._. -----�� ��_ i� � �� � '/j 16.5 16.9 _ ,,,��HI---iu.� �� �� � /_�� 5„ 4 �� / � , � � , �� � 21.. �- 29.6 .3 BR DEVELOPMENT GROUP,LLC DB 1539 PG 254 O � �7 � CARR��LL NC, LLC � DB 1671 PG 022 X O O � � � �,,, --�S Na EmbOn��n �S}o s3 f ent Co,�st��cti � to 59 fp��t o� ��; , C � v � � : ��� �- \ � \ \ So///\ � "' 11 �. - �, -__ R � `� `�� +00 � M •Z � 26.1 5 40.2 `. 38.0 � . //-/8"Wattles@36' 24.7 INSTALL RIPRAP IN THE PROPOSED QITCH LINE. 0 CURTIS & MARILYN DEEM DB 247 PG 854 JS---�_�---- Joe's C�eek �-_ i� --��"`— � JS --- � �,7 °� EIP � r / _.._-_ ._--_ m 4� ---^, �_ �� 'u -- -- O�D � � � �� � - -- .�. � — — --r.. 25.8 xf L +82 28.1 17.1 /3-l8"Wattles@23' 9 x3 x3 2 ft. weir ID 12.1 CARROLL NC,LLC DB 1671 PG 022 lNGINEER � 0 � � � � � U W � 0 m n C 4 2 U w 0 3 w a � N N � N 9 m 4 Y 3 L O � C O 1 C � BR DEVELOPMENT GROUP,LLC DB 1539 PG 254 00 � � p CARROLL NC, LLC � � DB 1671 PG 022 � � \ � \ � \ \ � \ , �, . �� , . � CARROLL NC, LLC DB 1671 PG 022 �/ ' � / � --- -- � �� �/ , , ___- — � - � � �-- / � ---- �. — -�� ��i�__--_�----- o � � � /,� � � ��/ / � ,, �%R � � � - G / I' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' I CARROLL NC, LLC DB 1671 PG 022 0 � � � O + � �0 �► � w Z J _ V 2 SHE m PROJECT REFFPEHCE NO. SHElT NO. � 11CA95110 EC-14 � m MY SMEET NO. ROADWAY DFSIGN M'DAAULICS � ENOINEEA lNGINlER 0 0 + � � G '�03 9 x 3 x 3 � � �d 2 ft. weir � � 6 ID 14.1 p GX 3 ��A _ � � � � U W / m m � � 4 a w � 0 3 U W � N O m J O Y 3 9 � � 0 U � � O O � INSTALL RIPRAP IN THE PROPOSED DITCH LINE. 8-18"Wattles@34' CARROLL NC,LLC DB 1671 PG 022 • • .� • +00 +S2 9'� +00 4 •2 33.4 —�' `�----.._. �_ , r�A� ` � O � � 9 x3 x3 2 ft. weir ID 14.2 O � 0 O X � INSTALL PSRM IN THE PROPOSED DITCH LINE. 6-IS"Wattles@43' 27.7 +91 +00 7J 32.2 J—` �`— ---- � —� =9/ y Spring , � � �_ SR /5�_SAMFSON ,4�qp "- �--_-._► 42.5 � + 00 � � \ 31.b � \ � .,� et Dit�h 1 /s'�+ �` / '� No Embankment Construction \ W / � \� Sta 60t50 to 108+OORt. �� � -� �� �-� /�rs�,r�o �� JS E I P � � ��5/ \'s ' 44 8 �'���k _ JS 15���„_ �5� \---; -------��5/ �S �� JS \ CARROLL NC, LLC DB 1671 PG 022 0 � a � � s 0 3 a U � O � � O O � � 9 x3 x3 2 #. wei r ID 15.1 O + cn r-- INSTALL MATTING FOR EROSION CONTROL IN THE +; PROPOSED DITCH LINE. 55 ►u�'' 1 ,� �� + 00 i � 44. � g�� i � g�W a��es@ O + '�t' ti 63.6 � � � � � CARROLL NC, LLC DB 1671 PG 022 9x3x3 2 ft. weir ID 15.2 z�.a ,Z�� � O + ti O INSTALL RIPRAP IN TFiE <p PROPOSED DITCH LINE, � � - � �� . . �� � O ��- �'��1�.. TJV ` - 3b. / � `�� �,. _----_ � '// � � i�/ � No Embankment Constructlon Sta 60t50 to IOS+OORt. 76.0 9 x 3 x 3 +00 � ft. weir � � 66.5 ID 15.3 \ � +50 \ � 35.9 6-18"Wattles@36` � � �5 � i � � � � n / ✓°e"S c����— JS-- _''-JS � m / �'���- J �✓S EIP + 54 � n � ���` � �� ,``\ / �� / ' � JS �S ,`�` `"`/ \ � \ CARROLL NC,LLC DB 1671 PG 022 �ROIECT RE m,Ace � TBMPORARY 1�� R8INPORCBD S11.T PBNCB DUA1Nd sLAi�'IN� D���NS (�SB n8H7�-D I BCSD P�OA DBTA141 sne rnvawucs ENGINEER i 30 Doy optlon 1� �;� Sto76+96 to 8/+IOLt 20.3 54 � � � m � � U W / � m m � � 0 a U w � y 3 U 58. 45. O �'`�O � O � � � � 30 Doy optlon Sta76 +96 to81 +IOLt i0 INSTALL RIPRAP IN THE ,g PROPOSED DITCH LINE. + 00 _ 50.1 � ,,,► -� C I 52.1 ���.—�_ �""Wott/esl @ 4 0 0 � 9x3x3 2 ft. weir ID 16.1 '' I 31.9 CARROLL NC, LLC oe �67� Pc o22 30 Da�pti on Sta 8/ +l0 to 85 +27Lt INSTALL PSRM IN THE PROPOSED DITCH LINE. � O O + O t�l + � N � +50 +00 �2•4 + 00 7g,6 82� _ ... _ �r 86.8 �����s lNGINBER � �I. , %��,I �� �FJ��,�� '',i,'� ��/,'1�i � �� ���� � .. �� _„��, ;r.�. � ..���� � PSON R�AO � l� / � 1526 SAM -� � �� _/ `___ -�� ____ __�- --'_ --� pp _� � - ... �---- ----� \ — � PLACB �- � TBMPORARY OONCRET6 bARR16R / —'"— `—� � , 3� 5 RBINPiORCBD 81LT FSNC6 5 � o � / � /� DIJRlNQ dLA877NQ OP6RATION � � �, `�--, n+aonT �+o iae*oo \ ��/`/ No Embankment Construction �� i� �lE�D I P.G�3D-P�OR D6TAIIJ Sta 60+50 to 108+OORt. - x�5��� fS��7 ,/S - �--15 Joe' ' _ _ `_JS �-_ JS-'�"�-- �,� �--- . �,�N�� � �� �\ / �� \ � � � � � � � � � � � i \ i � i � i . � . .� � � . � ' � 5��\� � � � S \�� � i �d�j \ CARROLL NC,LLC �` DB 1671 PG 022 �" / , � 0 � � �.� U W Y m m � 4 a U w � � L O U W U ¢ C 0 E 9 N � � ❑ O� J ✓ 3 9 � � m � O 0 � � 9 x3 x3 2 ft. weir ID 17.1 JO DO Oy ption 7.9 72.6 ��„ r, 63.2 • • • .� CARROLL NC, LLC DB 1671 PG 022 O � � O X 30 Day optl on Sto 85 +27 to 88 +50Lt � +02 INSTALL RIPRAP IN THE 64.4 + 00 � ��� i� ��� ,,, bb,� PROPOSED DITCH LINE. 3 / �� � � ., , , 36 6 EIP � /2—/8"W -//.9% ,—: _—_ No Embonkment Construction Sta 60+50 to 108+OORt. ' __��.15--`—''� �. O � 9x3x3 � � 2 #. weir q� � ID 17,2 � 30 Da�oQti on Sta 88 +50 to 92 +40Lt INSTALL RIPRAP IN THE �//�� PROPOSED DITCH LINE. � -- 47 48.9 no SMEET N0. � ENGINBER � � 'z rn � �o 0 + / � 5 ---- JS� —��S cr ,$ � � JS �o�ek � \ C \ �J�l PLACB T6AlPOMRY �ONCRBTB 11ARRIBR R6INMDAC6D �iLT PBNCB N DURINti bLAs7'INQ OPBRAT[ONS S7'A 77 • OORT TO t0! * OORT � 7' fBBB �F17'tD / BMD PWt DSTAIW /•" � jS CARROLL NC, LLC DB 1671 PG 022 U � � � U W / ✓ m m � � 4 a U w � � 3 n � � 0 u m N Y O + � �� 9 x3 x3 2 ft. weir ID 18.1 42.9 0 0 + N 6� 8 /� i O O + cn a� g CARROLL NC, LLC � DB 1671 PG 022 � 30 Day opti on Sto 92 +00 to 96 +07Lt INSTALL RIPRAP IN THE PROPOSED DITCH LINE. +16 �W +50 47.8 �� 6 0 43.3 3� . %� 3.4 /, No Embonkment Construction Sto 60+50 to lOSfpORt. -� 61.9 0 X � 41.0 RM' SHEEi NO. OWAY Df51GN ENOINEER ENGINElR 30 Dav opti on Sta 96 +07 to 98 +50Lt � �O 9 x3 x3 (� 2 #. weir � ID 18.2 OO +q3 � 1C' 4� �. �n � T VV �/�. 40.2 ` .' � �� h \ � o � � � �� �5�� X \ \ � ,�q^ / � � -__—�s—� �2 ��_� � _��--��1� __�/�"�,� "'��� /�� L� � G�� PLAC$ ^ )S�— �JS � / TBMAORARY (aDNCAB!'g dA1tRIBR \ RB1NPi0RC6D 81LT PBNC$ DURlNQ b1,A�'!'�NQ ppg�•�pNB S7'A il+ OOAT 7�0 10! + OOAT \ f�BB lll�'l�D I Bl.yp PiOA DBTAlLJ \ � \ CARROLL NC, LLC DB 1671 PG 022 � � � U w V m m � 0 Q U W / Y 3 U � � � a 4 � 0 m � 0 Y 3 9 � C O U m N X 30 DaY option Sto 96+07 to 98+50Lt o � o � � + � � � � ,' CARROLL NC,LLC ,' � � DB 1671 PG 022 . ' /_ -' ,, IAJyfALL RIPRAP IN THE ' PROPOSED DITCH LINE. +50 +00 37. 36.7 ..42.2 , � -15.3% -- � �_--l-�]S-�`—Joe's Creek , \ � CARROLL NC,LLC \ DB 1671 PG 022 + 32 + 00 �� 3 33.6 > > > > � � � 0 0 O INST�RIPRAP IN THE P POSED DITCH LINE. +35 12 x4 x3 �66.8 3 ft. weir ID 19.2 41.8` _ +50 . �—Nf�„� 17.9 C i @ �� � � , I� g,�a�tles 17 ' _-- � � // � ��� 6 SA�PS�N RppD � � �a 15? �-�"_ / CHRISTOPHER SCOTT HEDRICK vQ DB 773 PG 671 � 0 � Remove 2-12"Pipes INSTALL RIPRAP IN THE Add l-l5"cross�ine PROPOSED DITCH LINE.° d 6"underdrain pipes ` DO O + 00 x 19.8 0�/ O � _ C 17 3/1-18"Wottles 005' + 00 Spr/� - 52.0 r--- � 31.6 �� �, � � � � , � 19.0 � �, \� �� ✓ �� // _,�'.�' No Embankment Construction Sta 60t50 to lOSt00Rt. PLACS TBl►�PORARY CONCRBTB 6ARRIBR ABINP�DRCBD a1LT PBNCB DVRINQ dLAS77NQ OPBRATIONS al'A 77 • OORT 7�0 10a+ OORT f�BB aHT�D / ��p FOR DETAIIJ � q x3 x3 2 ft. weir 1D 20.1 CHRISTOPHER SCOTT HEDRICK DB 773 PG 671 IJECT IiEFE 11C,095110 0.N/ SHEEf NO. DWAY DlSIGN ENOINEER SFI!!T NO. ENGINEER � � � m N U W � m m � � 0 a w y 3 � � � CHRISTOPHER SCOTT HEDRICK � DB 773 PG 671 � J E WATSON 0 ��� +� DB 651 PG 55a p� O 0 , � 0 � INSTALL RIPRAP IN THE �h Q,' ,' � � O PROPOSED DITCH LINE. � �,' �,' + '�p � � 'O' 30 Day opti on Sto l03 +88 to l06 +OOLt ,�� �' , , INSTALL RIPRAP IN THE q x 3 x 3 / ,' ��' PROPOSED DITCH LINE. 2 ft. weir +00 ------' ' ---- � 9 x3 x3 ID 20.3 .--_ 45.3 ---� ^ 559 , -' ��' 2 ft.weir +50 �' _ ' p�3°�� � / So�� - - - - - �- - - - - -_ - - +50 ID 20.2 /l-!8"Wattles@2�'50 +00 17.3 � 0 .� �'+50 — — — — _ 52.1 +00 33.7 17.3 C 17.5 ti(� . 33.9 � � — — �� \ 42.1 _ � _ — � � / , — � , k\ � � \ C \ +00 +50 \+ (;/ 24.6 19.4 �' No Embonkment Construction Std 60+50 to 108+OORt. �ce TBMPOMRY cONGRBT$ dARR18R � `\ AB1NPi0ACBD 81LT FBNCB DUAINQ dLAST1N(� OPBRATIONS �--� 3TA 77 • OORT 7�0 If1A+ OORT ' 0BB 8H7y-D I B��D AOA DBTAII.I CHRISTOPHER SCOTT HEDRICK DB 773 PC 671 _ l� �_ r ��'' / Pe - ,/ ��i — — ,�� �^- - - \ T V V � � � 17.9 �teeK + 91 �oe ,+ g- 25.0 �, +�� 0.$ g9 +96 �' j � �ft StreOm 20.7 36.4 � .' � i � �, + vv i / �•l� 18.1 18.4 �' � � �� +50 ��°�� 18.0 � INSTALL RIPRAP IN THE PROPOSED DITCH LINE. J E WATSON OB 651PG 558 / � PROJECT RE 11C,095110 RN! SHEET Nf IOADWAY DESIGN ENOINEER ,� � 20.2 F GPS#39 SHEET NO. lNGINlBR a � � � t m w w m � 'o � V 0 m L � 0 a U W � ' Y � O (� U W I � � � � C 0 a E n � N , J�M1�1' D COFFEY C � DB� 030 PG 181 � � � � � � � �� soi/ ---- � �' -----� /�� ,-- � �` / / i / n s / / � N� �y // � -- � � �� � � f , i 25,�p0 � l 1 � 1 \ � � o � c, \ cw \ � \ \ , � 25.0 \ \ � G �'.� \ \ � G W ��o J,� , \ � ' 3� �p � 7. a ` EI � �� � � \ ` � � ��� � � � C C`�,,___�—. DAVID G HAMILTON DB 894 PG 866 C \x-,`� `— � o .r ' —�'� � � � � � � �� F,,-� Xs,, � � � � F N� x N X y. �O '�. JIMMY D COFFEY p DB 030 PG 181 I � N N 26��FANNY L TEAGUE '�' _.,DB 007 PG 213 p nnomed Tr b t -__ o�y /�—�, �\� � � �s+�aa \ � \\ \ \ ^ \ ` i h � -c� x g �*,�,yb k b `A A����`� r' �XISf 9S (Y R/W 95IY R/W 1'ft01 11 C,09 wH po�ownr oe: ENOINEER ENGINElR Trout Buffer Limits G� jc% Top of Bank ��gj�� `--�� .� \ C��k / f 2s.a _ I E Trout Buffer TYPICAL SECTI�N @ Sta 2b + 40 Sta 25+50Rt to 26+Z7Rt � � � � m � � m ✓ 0 � � / � m � N � 0 `�' a � U W / 8 y t V 3 � U 1_' w \ � � C 0 � a � E A � T � N O OI ] 9 Y 3 9 � O � � � Y Top of B� Existing Ground — � � ��k� , 95 (Y R/W �� 25.0' Trout Buffer TYPICAL SECTION @ Sta 27 + 00 Sta 26+84Rt to 27+35Lt x0� � �� � �; N bh FANNY L TEAGUE x DB 007 P� 213 **ryb 14.4 yp��al � �'� �7+�8� y�ypical � .�V . ,. � , ,.. 2�+�0 �� 11l'I�Ili�lj��';�!'`\\�� ��� ����`j �\ ��,\���� ��\\ �., �����; ��� � i — 1 � � • �: � � ' : � i / / �a��a� � F\ '��% G / \ � \� / �e9e�—� -- _ — F � e /.9./ JIMMY D COFFEY DB 030 PG 181 O O -h � ad Tributory / �•_� ' � -- ;�� —_ _ \_Unnomed ribufary --- "/ � `� � . Spring :���� / O � � ,�� •'/ �.-�'_ � — ��o��a / � � � i � � J� R ' / � i ,� __ i / � /� �//� — ��i' / / �� ��/� R p // , � Top of 8an \ � \ ��e.c eK / No Embonkment Construction Sta 3/+00 to 34+50Lt. — � ��� C UECT REFE 11 C,095110 RhY SHEET NO. DWAY DESIGN ENGINEER ENGINEER NO, �ffe Trout Buffer Limits � nX, I'V � � � ��amed Trlbutory 2 � `_=,_ �`�..�, � Q O �' + � �,+� o� M �► \ � � Q� UJ ��1- ? _ S� _ C '�' � 95IY R/W 9alY R/W i rouT tsuTrer �UI1a TYPICAL SECTION @ Sta 28 + 54 Sta 27+35Lt to 28+67Lt �I � � i k k m ✓ ] 0 Fi Y m 0 N C a a U W Y t D 3 w �Fn� Riw ��n� Riw , �5.0 , I � Trout Buffer TYPICAL SECTION @ Sta 34+b0 Sta 34 + 50Lt to 34 + 75Lt O i- M M � � W Z � J _ H NOTE USE TYPICAL SECTION 2 STA.35+30 TO 38t00 JIMMY D COFFEY DB 030 PG 181 � _f g� � , i , 0 � "� 0 �� � + �/ �� \ / + /� \� ... , _ . _ . J' " �.� ,i E�c Ground Ll5' Ex Road I �`"" "" -` �F 25.0' I �'°� / / E � ` \ C/�� Trout Buffer TYPICAL SECTION @ Sta 35+8� Sta 35+68Rt to 36+lORt O � � PROJECT REFEAENCE N0. 11C.U95110 RN/ SHEET NO. AfDWAY DESIGN ENOINEEN ENGINBlA Trout Buffer Limits O O � \ �A �' + O� M � �t W Z J Z F� I� 0 � C rn � e i m � � m V 0 F 0 m N O Q U W L 3 w n 'o A 3 n v � 0 � N Y O + OO , . . - � �� � � ' ' O � ' O, , ' � + O .' ' N o ' � � �r -�- � , . , � � , , , , , � � 1. , � , � . / / A \ / / \O�d 1 � , . � � � , � y�� � � No Embonkment Constructlon \\ �� t 0� i Sto 4/+50 to 43+OOlf. � i Gi io Shriih� � � i�� _ , � � Top ot Bank\ � � � �Cre�� � JIMMY D COFFEY DB 030 PG 181 SHED �� Q, l5' Ex Rood � rE 25.0' � Trout Buffer PROIECT 0.EFEM1ENCE NO. SHBlT NO. 11C.095110 TroutBuffe� RM/ SNEET N0. IOADWAY DESIGN HYDRAULICS ENGINEER lNGINEER Trout Buffer Limits 0 �X X � � O i X � O x Note X 6ft Privacy Berm � Top of cut X X Sta 43+OOLT+/- to Sta 47+50LT+/- NOTE Garden USE TYPICAL SECTION 3 STA.43+00 TO 47+50 X � X ' W , =� _"7�- . � � /� � .-.� V _� -� � T �"' _ _ /� TYPICAL SECTION @ Sta 4� + 50 Sta 40+2bLt to 41 +33Lt 0 � � � � \m 5 a�a2 g� ° E �g6. � t � � w m � y O � ~ � � y 0 0 � N � � ° � a U � W / o � � 3 � U W / N� � � 0 � a � E A � N JIMMY D CI�FFEY DB 030 F'G 181 �` w �, N p� �� N P N N Z � O � � � NOTE d' � USE TYPICAL SECTION 3 + STA.43+00 TO 47+50 � �' Note 6ft Privacy Berm Top of cut Sta 43+OOLT+/- to Sta 47+50LT+/- F o � � "' -- 6h Pro osed � 0p X--___--- -� — P=ivoc�, g��m + X C X�-'x=_ — _�_3� F' h — ,. X___ � �' —'--� R k �► �, — ' — z � __1EIP k� 25.0 � -� ------- _ � �.` —.__ _. � � — — .� �. ` � � � --- �._ � � � 1 �� -� � � — 1� —_ �1 ��� —'----- +04 \ C \ 9�(Y R/W 9�,n' R/W / SY�i al 4$+�� � TIS & MARILYN DEEM DB 247 PG 854 Top of Bank �Ex Ground' _ _>, :� � \ �� ek �� ,, 25.0' ��_ I�� Ex Road � � Trout Buffier � � TYPICAL SECTI�N @ Sta 49 + 5�\ Cree ,- Sta 48 + 97Lt to 49 + 81 Lt Donnie Harold Chapman DB 227 PG 530 PROJECT REF 11 C.095110 hW SMEET NO. IOADWAY DlSIGN ENdINEER SMEET NO, ENGINBER Trout Buffer Limits � __----- �`— � 6 0 6.8 0 __ /� ��"'—`— �/ �����--- 3 Stream No Embankment Constructlon Sto 49f50 to 5/+50Rt. 0 � a � 0 � 0 ✓ 9 3 9 U C 0 u � hi \ BR DEVELOPMENT GROUP,LLC DB 1539 PG 254 00 � � p CARROLL NC, LLC � � DB 1671 PG 022 � � � F -----� � _ � 5.� ��o%` �,�`-. �/�i�� � � � / / � i / � � �- —� F �_..-- � C� � ` � ` . � � � \ `so�/. . � Top of Bank Existing Ground� �� � / ' 1 � �i � � 25.0' Trout Buffer � CARROLL NC, LLC DB 1671 PG 022 � li RN/ SHEET NO. DWAY OlSIGN ENOINEER X - � Trout Buffer ��, _,� / ____._ � �--- � --� � � �, ___,__-- � � � � / ��� � � � / jy �/ / j� � �;+�s i , � ----.�\ i �. � C � 7.9 � � / �- � 8.2 � � � -- � , � � \ — _ C C , � ��Ta o � -------- � -- �� � _ No Embonkment Constructlon � �_ �--_ Sta 60+50 to IOS+OORt. � � _� �""" --� �_ � ✓f J� S �� _, r �----�� `�,.. •�.�JS _�JS�f �_�S .../ �-- �sn� Riw �sn� Riw I l5' Ex Road ,� I rE �c Gro� TYPICAL SECTION @ Sta 60 + 00 Sta 59 + 92 Lt to 60 + 50Lt ��n� Riw ��n� aiw TYPICAL � i5� EX Roo� _I E 25.0' Trout Bufifer SECTION � Sta Sta 61 +67Lt to 62 +19Lt of Bank � 0 � � * w Z � V 2 ENGINEER Limits .\ � \ Ex Ground � Cr� 61 +86