HomeMy WebLinkAbout20160212 Ver 3_Approval Letter_20170523� � Environ me�n tu! Qua(ity ROY COOPGR Gcr,-,i,�,- MICHAFI, S. REGAN ,�, S. JAY Z.IMMF,RMAN May 23, 2G 17 �i'akz (',onri DWR Projcct No. 30150=12 ver 3 McCrimmon Pkwy / NC 54 Bynass TIP No.U-SR28 APPRQVAL nf 401 N'ATER QlI4LITY CF.RTIFICATIQN aad NEUSE BUFFER AUTNORIZ.ATION, with ADDIT�ONA1, CONDITIONS Mc 61a1�e b1ills. Direclor of PuSlic W'orks Town uf btwri;ville 414 Aviatior Parkway� Morrisville, NC 27560 Dear Mc Mills: You have our approval, in accordance with the condirinns listed below, for the pumose of extending McCrimmon Parkway (Phase 11) in Wake Cnunty. Silz � Pcrmameni F�1! En Intermitteut Sheam (iir.ear Tp 2 156 - 3 --- ------� ------ 4 — ---- � --- 5 74 � — i ---- 238 ---- Tutal 468 npacts in �he Neuse Ri�er Basin Tempor�rp ln�parf tu intFrsnit±eni Streari� (linear ft) Total Stream lmpact for Project: SS9 linea� feet. 137 'Cu�al �trca�n Impa_t 182 17 a� 87 599 Wetland lm ac[s in ihe Neuse River Rasin Si[e _ Permaneot Impact (ac) Temporar�mpact�az Total WeUand Im act ac ! 0. I OS 0.01 I 0.: 19 2 0.022 0 0.0'_'_ 3 0.118 O.Q08 0. i 26 4 -------O.Iti7 -- --- -------- Q003 ----------------- 0.170 -- -- 5 0.072 C Q.072 0 0. I 14 0.009 Q. I 33 7 i "U.083 OA09 0.097 R 0.2%I Q.1fi7 0.37K Total 0.46C U.147 i.lU7 Ibtal Wetland Impact for YrojecC 1.1U7 acres. 5ixce ol' Nnrth ('arolfnn i emrtuumr:!�1 Quahp� iol l idail �arvme Canter i helciyt �oRh Camliva t)59y-Itil T Site I Zone i impact (s ft) 1 25709 2 3495 3 15627 i�i_�,is I �5�3� Neuse Rinarian Buffer �.one I i3uffer IVlitigation tQquired (usin� 3:l ratio 80127 N/A 46881 12700� Zone 2 Impact 13182 3939 i975� Zone i Buifer Mitigation :Qquired (usin� 4..5:� ratir 19773 N/A 18965 ��730 * n�a ="I'otal for Site ic less than 1/3 acre and 1501�e�r feet of impact, no mitiaation reyuired � o'ral Buffer Imua�t for Project: 75595 square fe�#. The project snal.l oe constructed in accordance wifh your apniication received ivlay t, 2017. AftPr reviewir.g your application; �ve I�ave dPcided that these impacts are covere�[ by Genera! Water Q�lality C�rt�fication rlumber 4U88. T1iis certificatian coirespunds to the Nationwide Perniit 14 issued Uy the Corps of Engineers. Tl-,is approval is also va.lid for the Neuse.Ripai ian Buf#er Ruies (15Ei 1��CAC 26.0233) In �ddition, you snoul.d acquu•e any other federal, state or Iocal permits before you proceed with your projeci including (but not iimited toj Sediment and Erosion Controi, Non-;.�iscl�arge and Water Supply Watersiied reguiatians. T;�is approval will expire with the accompanying 4i34 peimii. '11iis ap�roval is va?id solely for the purpose and desi� described in your application (unless modif ed below). �houid yoar project ciiange, you mLst notiry the NCDWTc and submit a new application. If ihe property is sold, the new owner must be given a copy of this Certification and approval letter, anci is thereoy responsible for complying with all the conclitions. If total wetland fiils for this project (now or in the future) exceed one acre, or of total impacts to streams (now or in the future) exceed 1501inear feet, compensatory mitigation may be required as described in 15A NCAC 2H .0506 (h) (6) and (7). Additional buffer impacts may require compensatory mitigation as described in 15A I�CAC 2B.0233: For th�s approval to remair. valid, you m�st adhere te the conditions listed in the general certification and any additional conditions listed below. Ce .�a€aea� af �erdi¢ica�iur: 1. - Compensatory mitigation for impacts to 42336 square feet of protected riparian bufiers in 'Lone 1 and 25825 square_ feet ai pr�tecte3 riparian buffers u� 2one 2 shall be requi: ed. VJe ua�erstand that yeu nave ch�sen ta perierni cc�mpensatory mitiga±ior fer imgacis to protected b�:ffers through use of debi.ting cre�its frem the Town's Morris��i?le Community Park �tream and Buffer Restoration Project, (D�R Proie�t #20020820.) Mitigation for una�oidable ur��acts io lv'euse P�ipacian Bufiers shall be provided in the Neuse River 3asiri and done in accordance with 15A �1CAC 2L.0295. The Town of 1VTorrisvil!e has indicated in its application dateci �lay 1, 2017 that thev have available credits far satisfying the compensatory mitigation reqairements fa: th� above-refereace�+ project. Th� p�:mittee shull show the debit of these credits in their Mitigation credit ledger. 2. 2. Unless othen✓ise approved in this certif cation, placement of culverts and other structures in open �vaters and streams, shall be placed below the elevation of the streambed by one foot for a(1 culverts with a diameter �reater tnan 4& �n�he�, aaid 2Q percent of the c�lvPct diameter for d»lverts having a diameter less tha.n 48 inches, ta alloev 101� flow passage of water�and aquatic life. Design ar�d piacerr�ent of cuiverts and other structures ir�cluding temporary erosi�n control measures shall not be conducted in a manner that may result in dis-equilibrium of wetlands or streambeds or banks, �dja�ent to. or Upstream and ci�wn strea*n of the above stnictnres. 1'he applitacrt is required to }�rnvicie evidenee that the equilibrium is being maintained if requested in writing by the NCDWR. If this condition is unable to be met ciue to bedroeic or other lirniting features encountered during eonstnaction, please contact the vCi'iWI'c for guidance on now to proceed atid to detznnine whether oc fYot a parriit modification wiii 6e rsquu•ect. [15A NCAC 02FI.0506(0)(2)] �. If multiple pipe� or b�rrels are re�uired, they shall be desi�ned to m�mic nataral stream cross sec±ion �s closely �s l �ossible �::.lad�ng pipes ar'�an�eis at floo� pla?n ele��ation ar_c✓er sills :vhere appr�priate. ETi�ie��ning the stream chamiel should be avoided. Stream channel widening at the inlet or outiet end oi structures typically decreases waier vzlocity causing sedimeni depasition that requires increased mainteriance and disrupts aquatic life passage. [ISA NCAC J2H.G�50�(�)(2)a 4. Riprap shall not be placed in the active thalweg channel or placed in the streambed in a manner that precludes aquatic liTe passage. Bioenguieering boulders or structures should be properly designed, sized �uid installed. [15A I�TCAC 02N.0506(b)(2)1 5. For any streams being impacted due to site dewatering activities, the site shall be graded to its preconstruction contours and revegetated with appropriate native species. [15A NCAC 02H.0506(b)(2)] 6. All st��t•mw�ter *�uieif sha!I bc d'u•�cde•j as s'r.;,et:lo�v *1i:-ough sh�esm b�.zffers at n�n-erosie�e velocities, �r_less e±her�vise approved by ihis czi-tification. �1 �A ?vCA� 2�.0233] -- 7. Pll ripari?n bui�ers Empa�ted by the ptacement ei iemnorary i�i_1 or clearin�= activit�es shall be restored to ±he pr�consiruction contours and revegetaied. ivlaintaineci buffers syall b:, pennanenily revegetated with non-woody species by the er.d of the gowing season following completior_ of cor.sh-uction. For the purpose of this ��ndition, r:,a�*�ta�a�d �uff�r areas a.re definea as areas vYithir: th� trarispGrtati�n e�aridor that will be su�ject to ;egulz.r TYansportation corridor mainienance activit►es iiiciuding mowing. The area with non-maintauied'uu�iers shall be percnanentty revegetated with rtative woodv species beiore the next growing seasou faliawii�� cur,ipletion of c�nstniction. [] SA NCAC 2B.C233] � �. Pu.rsuar.r io ISA NCA� 2B.0233(6), sed'unent and eros�oii cer�troi devices siiall r.ot be p1_aced �i ZonP 1 of ary �'�ase Buff�r wii4out priar appravai by the NCDV�'I'�. At tiiis time, tlfc NCDV��'R has approved no sed:ment altd erosion control devices in Zone l, outside of the approved proiect impacts, anywhere an this nroject. Moreover; sediment and erosion �ontro] devices shali be alloweci in Zone 2 of rb� buffers nrovided that Zone I is not comprom:sed and that discharge is released as diffuse fiow. f 9. If �encrete is used duri.ng constrsct:on, a dry work area shal! be maintair.e� to preven± direct contact bet��veen curing concrete and stream water. Water that inadvertently contacts uncured concrete shall not be discharged to surface waters due to the potential for elevated pH and possible aquatic life and� fish kills. [15A NCAC 02B.0200] 10. During the construction ef the project, no staging of equipment of any kind is permitted in waters of the U.S., or protected riparian buffers. [15A N�AC G2H.OSGo(Y�)(2)l i!. T�e d',T:;Pnsior, pattern �nd pro�le of the st!�eam a�nvP and be?o�*r t:�e crossing sha!1 ner be r.i�d:fied. ListurbPd rloodpla:ns an� str�ams shall be resto:e� to r.atural geomo:p:�ic con.ditions. �i�A NCAC 02H.0506(b)(2;j i2. 'i`1-�e use of rip-rap aboye ihe Noi7nal nigu �Vat�r :��iark snall be mu�:mized. Any rip-rap �:ace1 for stream st2bilization shull bz placed in stream channels in suc:� a manner that ;t �oes n�t impede aquatie life nassage. [15A NCAC 02H.U506(bj(2)] 13. The Permittee shail ensure that the tinal design drawings adhere to the permit and to the permit drawings sub�ritteu for app:�o�al_ [15A NCr,� 02H .05(3i {c) and ;SA NCAr' Q�H .G506 (b)(2) ana �cj(2j; 1:.- Al! �r•ork in or �djar,�nt to s7eam �vaters sl;ali be c�n3ucted in a�ry wor� a;ea. Approved BMP measures fram the most current version of NCDOT Construction and Maintenance Activities manual such as sandbags, rock berms, cofferdams and other diversion structures shall be used to prevent excavation in flowing water. [l5A NCAC 02H.0506�Yt)(3) and (c j(3); � 15. �eavy eq�iirment shall be operated frem the bank_s rather than in the sL7eam channel in order to minimize sedime!�tar:or, and reduce th� introduction of other pcllutar.ts inta th� stream. �? SA Td�A� 02H.0506(b;(3)] lE:. All mechauiz�� eq�:ipment op�rated n�ar surface �vaters must be regularly inspected ar.d maintained to preveat con±aminatian of st!�eam waters from fiie?s, hibricants, hydra�ilic �luids, or other toxic materials, [i 5:4. NCAC 02N.0506(bl(3)] :7_ Na ro�k, sand ar o?h�r mater:als shall b� ;redbed frcm the streur.l channel except v✓he:e autharized by this ce�tificatian. �1�� iv`Gn� ��;I.OSG6(�;�3;j l8. Discharging hydroseed mixtures and washing aut hydraseeders and other equipment in or acijacent to surface waters is pr�h;v:ied. [1.�A �1: I�C: J2H.L�S�JS;�):3�1 20. The permittee and its authorized agents shall conduct its activities in a manner consistent with State water quality s"randards �uiclud'uig any requirements resuliing aom compliance witn §303(d) of tne Clean Jdater Eicic} and any oiher appropriate reauirements of State and Federal law. If the NCDWR determines that su�h standards or laws are not bein� met (inciuding the failure to sustain a designated or achieved use) or that State or federal law is being violated, or that further conditions are necessary to assure compliancP, the NCDWR may reevaluate and modify this certification. [15A NCAC 02B.0200] � 21. A:1 �ll slop�S IGC3iCC� 12'i jUTiS4�i�ti0"P.w� i��.tla���s sha�l be plare� at sluptis no fiz��er than 3:1, ur���S3 Gtil�rwise au�ho:•iz�d'�y Ei is certifi�ation. [i5.� itiTCAC 02hi.O50F�o)�2)] �2. A copy ofth�s Water Q�?atity Certifca±ion shall }�e rnaintzined or_ the consiruction site at ai] �imes. Ln addition, tihe �%ater Quality Cet.ifcation and ali subseyuent rnodifications, if any, shail'oe maintained the on-site project mana�er. �1_5A NCAC U2H .0507(c) and 15A NCAC 42H .�JSQ6 (b�(2) and (c)(2)J 23. The outside buffer, wetiand ox water haundar_y locaied within th.e conslruction corc7doi• approved by tFiis auihorizatior� s�-,aI1 be cle�uly macked by highly visible iencing �rior ta any tanci disturbuzg activities. Tmpacts to ��eas witr�in the fencing are prahi�s±ed ur,Zess etherwise �t�thoriz�d by this certification. [15A NCAC 02�I.0501 anci .0502] 24. The issuartce ef this cerkification does Lot �xenipt L11e Pe.rmittFe fre1Y1 Comqlyil�a with �ry and all stak��tes, n11es, regulatinr.s, c;r r,rd'+�anc�s chat may be imFased by o«ter govvrna�e;rt agencies fi.e. I�cal, siate, and federal,l having jurisdiction, including but not limated to anplicable buffer rules, stormwater management rules, soil �erosion and sedimeniation control requirem.ents, et�. 25. The Permittee shall report any violations of this certification to the Division of Water Resources within 24 hours ot dis�ever�. [15A 1�TCAC 02B.OSQ6(b)(2); 26. Upon completion of the project (including any impacts at associated borrow or waste sites), the permittee shall complete and return the enclosed "Certification of Completion Form" to notify the NCDWR when all work included in the 401 Certitication has been completed. [I�A NCAC 02H.0502(�] 27. Native riparian vegetation (i.e,, trees ?�d slvnabs na.tive to your geographic regionj must be reestabiished in the rin�rian areas ��it�in ±he c, n�traction lim:ts of th� ^roje�t hy ±h� e7� of th� _�ro��inb seasor, feilav��ir.g �omn!erion of canst:uctian. [15A NCAC 2B.0233(lU);I � 28. There shall be no excayation uom, o; waste disp�sal ir�to, jurisd•.ctiouat wetlands or watzr•s asso�iated �;ih this permit without zpprepriate modificatian. Shculu waste cr barrow sites, o. access roads to waste or be;row sites, be located in wetlands or streams, compensatory mitigation wili be required since that is a direct impact from road ��:is?�•uctic�n ac�ivities.[i5A ��:a� Q2f-I.O�O��)(3) ari� (c)i3 j] 2�. Er�siar, �id sediment ccntfGl pTaCtiC85 tnu6t �)� 1�2 ft?l? COi:ip��ance z�ith all s�ccific�tio�s govem;ng t.iz pf�or er Jesign, installztioa and flz�eration ar.d ;r_aintenan�� cf suc:� Best Management Pract:ces in order to pr�±ect surface wa±ers st��r,dards [15A NCAC 02H.0506(L-1(3) anu �r)(3)]: a. The erosion and sediment con#rol measures for tbe project must be desi�ed, installed, ooerated, anc� fnair_Yainecl in accordance w�ti� the mos± ,ecet?t versioi: �f the 1'�ro�•th � arolifza �e�%fine.nt und. F��osion Controf Planning ar.c� /�esign .1lanzral. b. The d�sign, Lnsrallation, operatior_, and maintenance of the sedir,�_ent and erosion control measures rrust be suck; that they.equa?, or eYceeci, ±he requirements snecified in ihe most recent version of the North Caf•olina Sedimeni and Erosion Controi 11�ian�rai. The d�vices sflail be maintauied on ait consh�uction sites, b�rraw sites, ar�� �vaste pile (spoil) prajects, including conracter-awned or leaseu' bor, ow �,its assecia#ed rvith the project. r. For borrow pit sites, the erosien and s�diment control measures must be designed; installed, operated, and �nai*?tained in a_cea•dancd with the most recent version of the �lortl? Ca�•olina Surface :�lnir.g Manual. C. �P�e reoia;nati;;n measares and impleine,^�tui1.�1'i IIit�St CUii2r:1)� WI�:�l �l:e r��ia?naticn in accarc�ance a�it�� t�:e requirements of the Sedimentation Pollution Control Act. :i�J. Sedi�ieni an;I erosion contr�l n„as�res sl.al3 not i;e piac�G in v✓et:ands or araters untess ath�nvise a.N��ro=�e�i �; th:s Geriific•r_tion. [ISEi NCA,C 02�-I.QSGS(b),3) ��*�ci (c;►(;'ii If you wish to contest any statement in the attached Certification you must file a petition for an administrative hearing. You may obtain the petition form from the office of Administrative hearings. You must file the petition with the office of Administrative Hearings within sixty (60) days of receipt of this notice. A petition is considered filed when it is received in the office of Administrative Hearings during normal office hours. T'he Office of A3ministrative Hesrings accepU filings Moncay through Friday bebveen thc hours of S:OOam and S:Odpm, except for of6cial state Lolidays. The original and une {I) copy of the petition must be filed wid� the Office of AdminisVative Hearings. The petition may be faxed-provided the original and one copy of the document is receivcYi by the Office of Administrative Hearings within five (5) business days tollowing the faxed transmission. T'he mailing address for the Office of Administrative Hearings is: Uffice of Adminishative Hearings 6714 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-6714 Telephone: (919) 431-3000, Facsimile: (919) 431-3100 A wpy of the petition must also be served on DEQ as follows: Mr. Bill F. Lane, General Counsel Departrnent of Environmental Quality 1601 Mail Service Center T'his letter completes the review of [he Division of Water Resources under Section 401 of [he Clean Wazer Act. If you have any quesdons, please contact Rob Ridings at 919-707-8786. Sincerely, C � �o.! S. Ja .immerm , Director Division of l4'azer Resouroes Elech�onic copy only distribution: Eric Alsmeyer, US Army Corps of Engineers, Raleigh Pield OtFce Jason HarGshorn, Kimley-Hom Katie Merritt, NCDWR File Copy Envlronmentn( Quality NCDNi'R Project No.: _ Applicant _ _ __ _ __ Project Name: Datc cf Issuartcc of 401 Water Qnality C:Kification: Cuunty: ROY COOPER ,����.., MICHAEL S. REGAN S�=a�n,r, S. JAY ZIMMERMAN r�,-,,,�,� Certificate nf Comple[ion Upon completion of all work approved withir, thz 401 Waier Quality �erti5cation or anplicahle 8uffer Rules, anu any subsequcnt mcdificatiors, the applicant is required to retum this czrtificate to the 401 Transportation Perm:tting Unit, Nurth Carolina Division of Water Rzsources, 1617 Mail Service Center, Ralei�h, NG 27699-1617. This fonn may be reiurned to NCDWR bv tlie applicarrt. the applicanYs aulhorized agent, or thz project anginezr. Ii is uut necessa.ry to send ce:�tincates from all of these. App(IcarePs Certifrca�ion I, , hereby sta[e [hat, ro the best of my abilities, due care and diligence was used in the observation of the construction such that the construction was observed to be built within substantial compliance and intent of the 401 Water (lualiry Certrtication and Buffer Rules, the approved plans and specifications, anil i�tlier supporting ma[erials. $i�n2?�ve: --- ��ate:------ — ----- Ageeu's Certijrcation !, . hereby s[ate that, [o :he best of my abilities, due care and diliger,ce was used in the observation of the construction such that the co�struc[ion was observed to be built within substan[ial cumpliancz anJ inient uf the 401 Watzr Quslity �zrti6cation and Buftcr Rules, thz approved p!sr.� snd specifications, and other supoortin, materials. Signature: Da2e: Engineer's Certifieatiott Purtial Finzl I, , a; a duly regis[erzd Professiooal Enoineer in r��e Stale of North C2rolira, having been a�;thnri %ed tr, ohszrde (pericdica�l�, weekly, full ;ime) th.=� conshretion of the project for the Permittee hereby state that, [o �he best of my abihcies, due care and diiigence was used in ihe observation ot thc eonshuctinn sucli lhat the co�structiuo wa, ob�crvzd to be built withiu substantial complianee and inlent of the 40 i Water Quality Certification and But?er Rules, ihe appreved plaas and saeciticatiors, and other sepporting materials. Sien2tm�e Regiatratior Nu. Dsie S�ata cfNnitli Caroi,n3l Em-fmnmenL`+� ��'ahry Iol i M�il Servier Cer,lzr I Ita�eigii. Nath Cerolum 27s99-io 1-/