HomeMy WebLinkAbout20141132 All Versions_Meeting Minutes_20080910t ?CF N1 rF9 Michael F Easley, Governor ?O G William G Ross Jr, Secretary 6 r North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Gy Coleen H Sullins, Director Division of Water Quality September 10, 2008 To Rob Ridings, DWQ Central Office, Transportation Permitting Unit From Polly Lespinasse, DWQ Mooresville Regional Office Subject Concurrence Meeting 2A/4A for TIP Project a-2501 , US1 from Sandhlll Road (SR 1971) to Marston Road (SR 1001), Richmond County Rob, here are my comments for the upcoming concurrence meeting on September 18, 2008, for the above referenced project As stated earlier, I don't have any historic information on this project so you may want to check the central files to see if there were any commitments that were made • All streams are Class C with the exception of Falling Creek (WS-III) and Chock Creek (WS-III) None of the streams are 303d listed • Site S3, Structure 1 The cost of the bridge is considerably more than the culvert Is this due to the -.-length required because of the skew? Don't know the quality of the stream(s) The only data r?- provided is the stream score Again, I don't have any files on this and have not seen the project in the field -166 • Site S10, Structure 5 Looks like there will be two bridges (2 different crossings)? Explore if there is any opportunity for some interchange realignment Also, if the alternative proposes two (2) bridges, is there an opportunity for at least one (1) bridge or is there abrade issue This interchange has big impacts to both streams and wetlands There appears to be about 300 feet of stream between the two (2) proposed culverts The total amount of impact per the document is 1,233 feet Does this include the 300 feet between the culverts? I have seen other merger team members require the open area between culverts and fill slopes to be considered impact 300 feet seems like a decent amount of stream, so I'm not sure how the typically view it w ? '"'?'QOfJ rcda,J l-a.-1-5 /3, 4J,?ii?F;?.?- -w,ul ?k 4J, 7,,s 300 *WZAA a C f • Site S1?0, Structure 6 Not enough detail provided in the document to comme fa?pprop it ately Qkts cu(o4,/s 4? P•,4es. Ck??r.,f ones ?cra?;?e? ?lcw • Site S20, Structure 9 Stream impacts equal 87 feet with the culvert extension Bridge costs approximately $600,000 more I don't have a huge problem with the extension Site W9, Structure 2 The tables indicate that the existing culverts will be retained Impacts are 0 71 acres WIII the culverts be extended? Where are the impacts coming from? w/LV Site W11, Structure 3 The cost difference for the bridge is not substantial, so the preference would be a bridge The wetland scored a 42 and the impact acreage is 0 76 of the total 7 98 acres However, the impacts for the bridge are the same as for the culvert This is confusing Typically, impacts are reduced by the construction of a bridge If the impacts are truly the same, then I don't have a preference with respect to the bridge ,Q ',n "M leed?a Mailing Address Phone (704) 663-1699 610 East Center Avenue, Suite 301 Fax (704) 663-6040 Mooresville, NC 28115 Internet www ncwaterguality ora Location No One hCarolina 610 East Center Avenue, Suite 301 Naturally Mooresville, North Carolina Customer Service 1-877-623-6748 An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer - 50% Recycled/10% Post Consumer Paper Cc9? AA?? ?e ?tl Ve-,ik Av f AiLi?R a?^eNuso • ?'?o'? ts/ou(? C4S'f 110'1?X • Site W14, Structure 4 This wetland scored a 74 There is only a slight impact reduction with two (2) bridges Explain why the imps is are not more significantly reduced prior to recommending bridge vs culvert /IfCtot() 8 c r.bj lba-1 j g tK?rn y.e ' it o?'Q i1 eeGP '?,? 5 J°a? °c Q:Q l.?/<'f (atv.? • Site W26, Structure? This one is confusing to me I believe it shows bridges for both alternatives There are approximately 8 acres of wetland impact proposed for the first alternative and no impacts fof hey second alternative Obviously, this is a big difference ` Tfyd?ru..?lic?P ?.. - /7v -f'GZ 44fi e- +?i'tr Qr??y? C?S7? ,?,4. • Site W37, Structure 8 This is another site where the impacts to the wetland do not appear to be rera/tly f edu ed by the construction of a bridge (approximately 0 25 acres) Please get c arification • ite S1 The amount of stream impact is 451 feet This site shows extensions of 115 fe t total Where are the other 330 feet of impact coming from? • Sites S9 and S13 The amount of stream impact for these sites is 523 feet and 353 feet respectively Is there any way to reduce these impacts • Sites W18 and W21 are part of the interchange referenced above There are 5 26 and 8 03 acres of impacts to these wetlands (the scores were 65 and 56) Is there any way to reduce these impacts? • Site W24 Impact is 2 46 acres The score is 49 Any impact reduction would be good I hope this makes sense Thanks again for helping me outs ?dy '` ??dC C(C r4'P11'4/ C 0?- Y?'-'Wc 141- icto, 40 k L'C'W4. J p 7 f?4cr .? APC-"Jz kGTWIt :/? -/0 AZ4 'C"4 ?iacfWM 5)" ve(oc((? /Pd ec??i (,t/9 C s``9?p r. o•SaRo STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTWNT OF TRANSPORTATION MICHAEL F EAsLEY GOVERNOR August 25, 2008 MEMORANDUM TO FROM Concurrence Meeting Participants IN" LYNDo TIPPETT SECRETARY Derrick Weaver, PE Project Development and Environmental Analysis Branch SUBJECT US 1 From Sandhill Road (SR 1971) to Marston Road (SR 1001) in Richmond County, Federal-Aid Project No NHF-1(1), State Project No 8T580501, WBS Project No 34437 1 1, TIP Project No R-2501 Concurrence Point 2A/ 4A Meeting Attached is the meeting information package for the R-2501 Concurrence Point 2A/ 4A meeting scheduled for September 18, 2008 This package describes the proposed improvements to US 1 from Sandhill Road (SR 1971) to Marston Road (SR 1001) in Richmond County If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact me at (919) 733- 7844, extension 215 or by email at dweaver@ncdot gov We look forward to meeting with you on September 18 DW/mlr Attachment cc Eric Midkiff, NCDOT-PDEA, w/out attachment MAILING ADDRESS NC DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION PROJECT DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS 1548 MAIL SERVICE CENTER RALEIGH NC 27699-1548 TELEPHONE 919-733-3141 FAX 919-733-9794 WEBSITE WWW DOH DOT STATE NC US LOCATION TRANSPORTATION BUILDING 1 SOUTH WILMINGTON STREET RALEIGH NC w US 1 From Sandhill Road (SR 1971) to Marston Road (SR 1001) Richmond County Federal-Aid Project No. NHF-1(1) State Protect No. 8.T580501 TIP Project No. R-2501 NEPA/Section 404 Merger 01 Process Concurrence Point 2A/4A Meeting September 18, 2008 Introduction The purpose of this meeting is for the Merger Team to discuss issues pertaining to Concurrence Points 2A (Bridging Decisions) and 4A (Avoidance and Minimization) so that concurrence can be reached The issues being reviewed at this meeting include Possible bridge locations and lengths Impacts to jurisdictional areas (streams, wetlands and other surface waters), threatened and endangered species, and cultural resources, and Avoidance and minimization Project Background The proposed action, shown in Figure 1, consists of widening and/or the relocation of US 1 in Richmond County from Sandhill Road (SR 1971) south of Rockingham to Marston Road (SR 1001) north of Rockingham, a distance of approximately 19 2 miles This portion of the US 1 project is identified as project number R-2501 in the 2009-2015 Transportation Improvement Program (T I P ) The TIP schedule for R-2501 shows right-of-way acquisition will begin in Fiscal Year (FY) 2011 and construction will start in FY 2013 In 1972, a thoroughfare plan was developed for Richmond County with the assistance of the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) The plan identified the need for the construction of a mayor US 1 arterial link from east of Rockingham to a point dust south of Hoffman A portion of the environmental studies, which began in 1994, was accomplished when the Phase I Route Location and Environmental Study for the US 1 Rockingham Bypass (T I P No R-2501) was completed in February 1997 A Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) evaluating alternatives for improving US 1 from Sandhill Road (SR 1971) to north of Fox Road (SR 1606) was approved on June 30, 1999 Following the publication of the DEIS, a Corridor Public Hearing was held on September 14, 1999, to present the "reasonable and feasible" alternatives to the public On October 28, 1999, Alternative No 21 was selected as the Least Environmentally Damaging Practicable Alternative (LEDPA) by the Project Team S A Supplemental Draft Environmental Impact Statement (SDEIS) was approved on April 27, 2001, documenting the changes that had occurred for the proposed US 1 Bypass improvements since the approval of the DEIS These changes included the extension of the proposed project from north of Fox Road (SR 1606) to Marston Road (SR 1001) and an additional preliminary alternative, to improve NC 177 from US 1 north to the South Carolina state line, as requested by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) A new interchange is being considered in the vicinity of Wiregrass and County Home Roads (SR 1640/ SR 1624) Following a Citizens Informational Workshop in July 2007, Richmond County officials requested an interchange in this area to help with emergency, industrial, and general access Overview of Intera2ency Coordination and Concurrence Points January 27, 2005 - Wildlife Crossings Meeting • One 8' x 12' RCBC and three additional structures were tentatively proposed for wildlife crossings (4' x 6' RCBC or largest possible size) between Wiregrass Road (SR 1640) and existing US 1 November 10, 2004 - Project Team Meeting • The team reviewed hydraulic recommendations and proposed typical section to determine if the box culvert will be utilized or if a new structure is required for the wetlands and streams associated with Gibson's Pond (Stream and Wetland S19, S20, W49, and W50) Representatives from the Corps of Engineers and Fish and Wildlife Service noted benefits of constructing a new bridge beside the existing culvert (Stream S20) • A culvert is recommended at Wetland W37 Several small box culverts were suggested between Wiregrass Road and existing US 1 for small wildlife • The team reviewed hydraulic requirements and structure recommendations concerning the wetland area between CSX Railroad and US 74 Business, and discussed comparing costs of one long bridge versus three bridges (Wetland W26) • The construction and layout of the interchange dictated the requirements at the US 74 Bypass/US 1 Interchange area (Wetland W 18, W 19, and W21) • A culvert was recommended at the area of the Loch Haven Golf Course (Wetland W 14) • The Corps of Engineers indicated they would like to see what is being proposed at the beginning of the project area at Osborne Road (Stream and Wetland S1, S2, S3, W2, W8, and W9) June 24, 2002 - Public Hearing • NCDOT gathered comments regarding the widening of existing US 1 between Fox Road (SR 1606) and Marston Road (SR 1001) with R-2501C • After evaluating the comments, NCDOT selected a five-lane section 2 April 27, 2001- Approval of Supplemental Draft Environmental Impact Statement (SDEIS) • A Supplemental Draft Environmental Impact Statement (SDEIS) approved by the FHWA • The SDEIS documented the extension of the proposed project from north of Fox Road (SR 1606) to Marston Road (SR 100 1) February 15, 2001- Project Team Meeting • The team reached concurrence on the detailed study alternatives and the Least Environmentally Damaging Practicable Alternative (LEDPA) October 28, 1999 - Verbal Approval of the Least Environmentally Damaging Practicable Alternative (LEDPA) • An Interagency Team Meeting was held to present to the agencies the "Recommended Alternative" as selected from the Post-Hearing Review Meeting and to gain consensus on a "Least Environmentally Damaging Practicable Alternative (LEDPA) " • It was confirmed that the project is following the NEPA/404 Merger Process and that concurrence was received from the Corps of Engineers on November 23, 1998 • It was established that the Division of Forest Resources District Headquarters along US 1 north would not be impacted by a five-lane shoulder section along US 1 as opposed to a four-lane divided highway and Corridor No 21 being selected as the recommended build alternative • A consensus was reached to recommend Corridor No 21 as the "Least Environmentally Damaging Practicable Alternative (LEDPA) " October 25, 1999 - Post Hearing Meeting • The Post Hearing Meeting Committee reviewed all comments made after the Corridor Public Hearing (held on September 14, 1999), and made recommendations for a "Preferred Alternative" to be included in the FEIS • The Committee recommended Corridor No 21 as the "Preferred Alternative" with a five- lane shoulder section from the US 1 Bypass to the five-lane curb and gutter section near the N C Motor Speedway September 14, 1999 - Corridor Public Hearing • NCDOT gathered comments on the selection of a preferred corridor • Alternative Corridor No 21 was chosen as the "Selected Alternative " June 30, 1999 - Approval of Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) • The Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) approved by the FHWA • The DEIS identifies four build alternatives, Alternatives 7, 14, 21 and 24, to be evaluated further for potential impacts 3 November 23, 1998 - US Army Corps of Engineers Concurrence with Detailed Study Alternatives and Purpose and Need • The Corps of Engineers concurred with the elimination of Segments B, M, N, and O from further consideration • The agreement reaffirms earlier concurrence (October 2, 1997) on the Purpose and Need September 16, 1998 - Project Team Meeting • Corridor Segments M, and N were eliminated because of potential adverse environmental impacts, Segment B was eliminated due to environmental justice concerns • NCDOT decided to reconsider widening existing US 1 from its northern project terminus south to a point where a logical connection could be made to a four-lane controlled access facility on new location October 7, 1997 - Public Officials Meeting • The original 27 Alternatives were reduced to 9 Alternatives October 2, 1997 - Concurrence on the Purpose and Need • A memorandum titled "Integration of the Section 404 and NEPA Process - A Team Approach for Transportation Projects in North Carolina" was provided to NCDOT to concur on the purpose and need for the project February 1997 -Completion of the Phase I Route Location and Environmental Study • A Phase I Route Location and Environmental Study was completed for the US 1 Bypass Purpose and Need US 1 serves as an important north-south corridor in the Piedmont region between the South Carolina state line and two major interstates, I-40 and I-85 Construction of a US 1 bypass east of Rockingham, in addition to improvements to existing US 1 have been identified as primary goals in local planning documents Existing traffic data indicates some sections along US 1, especially in downtown Rockingham, currently experience either Level of Service D or E during peak traffic hours By 2020, the majority of sections along US 1, with the exception of the four-lane, non-divided sections, will experience LOS E or worse during peak hours The proposed improvement and/or relocation of US 1 will improve travel in Richmond County by reducing overall travel time, reducing through and truck traffic congestion in downtown Rockingham, and improving traffic safety along US 1 4 -r Operational Characteristics The improvements to existing US 1 begin at Sandhill Road (SR 1971) south of Rockingham to Marston Road (SR 1001) north of Rockingham, a distance of approximately 19 2 miles The new location portion of the project is proposed as a fully controlled access facility Interchanges are located at Wiregrass Road (SR 1640)/County Home Road (SR 1624), US 74 Bypass, Airport Road (SR 1966), and US 74 Business The "Preferred Alternative" design elements include Four-lane freeway - 70 mph design speed, controlled access, 70-foot median, estimated 330 foot minimum right-of-way Four-lane widening - 60 mph design speed, uncontrolled access, 23-foot median, estimated right-of-way varies from 100 to 200 feet Five-lane widening - 60 mph design speed (with shoulders), 50 mph design speed (with curb and gutter), uncontrolled access, continuous center turn lane, estimated right- of-way varies from 100 to 200 feet Preferred Alternative Summary (Alternative 21) Project Length 192 Interchanges 4 Grade Separations 3 Railroad Grade Separation) 2 Historic Properties 0 Archaeological Sites 4 Federal Listed Species Present Within Corridor 0 100 Year Flood lain and Floodwa Crossings 5 Prime Farmlands acres 2487 Potential Residential Relocations 102 Potential Business or Other Relocations 16 Hazardous Materials Sites 0 Stream Crossings 10 Delineated Surface Water Impacts acre 3 Wetland Impacts (acre) 39 19 Water Supply Watersheds 3 (Hitchcock Creek, Falling Creek, & Chock Creek Length in Critical Area miles 0 Wildlife Refuges and Gamelands No On-site Restoration Potential TBD Impacted Noise Receptors 0 TIP Cost Estimate R-2501 B&C Prior Year & Mitigation Cost Estimate $16 654 million Right of Way Cost Estimate $9 895 million Construction Cost Estimate $204 000 (million) Total Cost Estimate $230.549 million Summary of Public Involvement Four Citizens Informational Workshops have been held on the following dates July 19, 2007, December 1, 1998, October 7, 1997, and January 10, 1996 Approximately 60 -250 individuals attended to comment and voice their concerns on the corridors being considered for the US 1 Bypass Two Public Hearings were held on June 24, 2002, and September 14, 1999 The following is a summary of comments received • Concerns about the impacts to individual properties, neighborhoods, safety and community facilities • Support for widening existing US 1 instead of a roadway on new location • Interests in advanced right-of-way acquisitions at the US 74 Bus Interchange and a new interchange at Wiregrass Road (SR 1640)/County Home Road (SR 1624) Project Commitments The commitments recommended for the proposed improvements are 1 Slopes in wetland areas will be constructed at a ratio of 2 1, where possible, to minimize impacts 2 No borrow or waste areas or pits will be permitted in wetland areas under the jurisdiction of the U S Army Corps of Engineers 3 Further archaeological investigations will be conducted at an ineligible site (31RH360) to identify and relocate a cemetery within the proposed right of way and construction limits These investigations relate solely to the cemetery status under NC General Statutes 4 NCDOT will continue to consider wildlife crossings at four locations near County Home Road (SR 1624) NCDOT will work with NCWRC and USFWS Bridging and Alignment Review (Concurrence Point 2A) Concurrence Point 2A consists of the identification of potential impacts to jurisdictional areas including streams, wetlands and other surface waters based on the preliminary design within the LEDPA Concurrence Point 2A also includes a discussion of NCDOT hydraulic requirements and potential bridging locations being proposed at mayor stream crossings and wetland areas Based on a preliminary hydraulic study and a recent review of stream crossings, nine stream crossings require structures that are greater than 60 inches wide All other crossings can be contained in smaller pipes or culverts The proposed structure locations are shown on Figures 1 and IA - I G Impacts to the streams, wetlands, and ponds are displayed in Tables la, lb, 2a, 2b, and 3 Based on the preliminary design of the project, an impact analysis was conducted to determine the amount of each jurisdictional area or resource that would be impacted by construction of the project These areas have been surveyed and mapped using GPS and are shown in Figures IA - 1G These figures are large-scale aerial maps that depict the locations of wetlands, streams and ponds along with the proposed roadway alignment within the LEDPA corridor The impact area 6 is defined as the slope stakes plus a 25-foot clearing area The overall impacts are summarized as follows C„ mnrv of -F-.vrhotinnal Tmnaotc to fitrPamc WPtlanrls_ anld Pnnrdc " 'Jurisdictio'nal I "Total Amount e'- ° Amount t Amount ^,Percenvof " Resource u ° inACor'ridor a Y r J i Impacted, R ; t -Avoided in, . ? n. y r Resource t ,.. ? j I, N n e -0 a ? v Corridor? ?",-Avoided Streams (S1-S21) 22,840 3,627 19,213 901% linear feet Wetlands (W1-W52) 2473 39 1 2072 936% acres Ponds (Pond 1- Pond 10 362 2 6 336 834% (acres) Avoidance and Minimization (Concurrence Point 4A) The purpose of Concurrence Point 4A is to review the preliminary design for the LEDPA and discuss issues such as minor alignment shifts, horizontal and vertical alignment, slopes and construction techniques Avoidance and minimization has been incorporated into the preliminary design of the project through careful placement of the right of way within the corridor limits using such factors as design criteria adherence, avoidance of community features and facilities, avoidance and minimization of impacts to natural resources, and avoidance and minimization of impacts on cultural resources Archaeological Resources Of 55 archaeological sites identified in the December 2001 Archaeological Survey Report, four National Register eligible sites (31RH376, 401, 403, and 408) are in the vicinity of the preferred alternative After further investigation, it was determined that none of the eligible components of these sites are within the area of potential effect for the project The Historic Preservation Office concurs with a finding of no impact determination regarding archaeological resources Further archaeological investigations will be conducted at an ineligible site (31RH360) to identify and relocate a cemetery within the proposed right of way and construction limits These investigations relate solely to the cemetery status under NC General Statutes Threatened and Endangered Species Table 4 describes the federally protected species findings within the project area 7 r e rn kS !% V Vl V] Y L, E2 .?- r v?0 W J N N A w N .- -m ?" 4? 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T 3 1'e" ` a. ??'!` ? ??-? ? ,r- 1+ . w ?a t,:.?'. ?v1'?- 2 r ? ...,e tea' ' ENVIRONMENTAL General Jurisdictional Areas Project: ET06021.00 SERVICES, MC 644 S. Now "ap+ RWC Proposed US 1 Rockingham Bypass Date: Aug 2008 a'„'°", "'"" G-""' 47610 ( Richmond County, North Carolina Drwn/Chkd: EW/PP D1D) 214-17eo (D1B)414-1707 FAX T.I.P. No. R-2501 Figure: 1G u,z,e. snNadr,»ntNSNMesa?C. oam T LP No R-2501 US 1 Rbchmond County, North Carohna 0 yr ?EMOr l4ANS Concurrence Pt. 2A/ 4A Meeting September 18, 2008 US 1 Improvements Sandhill Road (SR 1971) to Marston Road (SR 1001) Mew Overview ¦ Project Description, History, & Milestones ¦ Planned US 1 Improvements ¦ Current Issues & Next Steps in the Piocess ¦ Major Stream Crossings & Impacts Protect Corridor M 41-1 S- ?+, i_ ? - / / ` ` PrArrrrd Corridor [ TMR 5018 n?.o r " - ? nrR soic USI r ? A Q Snucm. Nv.ber Project Descrcptzon ¦ Four-lane freeway on new location from Sandhill Road (SR 1971) Fox Road (SR 1606) bypassing Rockingham/ Hamlet ¦ Four-lane widening for 15 miles north of Fox Road (SR 1606) ¦ Five-lane widening to Marston Road (SR 1001) ¦ Approximately 19 miles 1 Project Hzstor ¦ 1972 -US 1 improvements identified in Richmond County thoroughfare plan ¦ 1994 - Planning, engineering & environmental stuches begin for R-2501 ¦ 1997 -US 1 is designated a Priority Completion Corridor - R-2501 is to be upgraded to a freeway ¦ 1996- 1998 -3 Citizens Informational Workshops were held Project Hzstor ¦ 1999 - Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) evaluates Alternatives 7, 14, 21 and 24 ¦ 1999 - Corridor Public Hearing held ¦ 2001 - Supplemental DEIS approved extending the project to Marston Road ¦ 2002 - Informal Public Hearing held for the extension to Marston Road PLo?ect History ¦ 2003-2005 - Environmental surveys, designs, and interagency meetings continue for the preferred alternative ¦ 2006 - Final EIS is underway ¦ 2007 -Citizens Informational Workshop was held ¦ 2007 - Reevaluation of SDEIS is completed ¦ 2008 - Interchange is proposed at Wiregrass Rd/ County Home Rd Mzlestonesl Interagency Coordination ¦ Concurrence Point 1 - Purpose and Need (10/1997- 11/1998) ¦ Draft EIS Approved - (6/1999) ¦ Concurrence Point 2 - Detailed Study Alternatives (2/2001) ¦ Concurrence Point 3 - Least Environmentally Damaging Piacticable Alternative (2/2001) 2 Milestonesl Interagenr ¦ Supplemental Draft EIS AI ¦ Merger Team Field Meetn Avoidance, & Aliniinization (" ¦ Wildlife Crossings Meetmg crossing locations (1/2005) .:y Coordination ,proved - (4/2001) i_g -Bridging Decisions, 11/2004) - Identified 4 potential Purpose & Need ¦ Reduce overall travel time ¦ Alleviate congestion in downtown Rockingham ¦ Divert through traffic and truck traffic from local streets ¦ Provide a safer, more efficient highway Alternatives Considered ¦ Of 27 preliminary corridors, 4 build alterna tives were studied in detail in the Draft EIS w v ?' :,1 9t ROCK,INGHAM e Alternatives Considered t {f 3 7 Alternatives Considered ¦ NC 177 Alternatives and the US 1 Extension were studied in the Supplemental Draft EIS f?? ? ? ? POCK'INOHAM ?i f ?qf' `HAMLET T Alternatives Eliminated ¦ Alternatives 14 and 24 were eliminated due to greater impacts to the natural environment ¦ Alternative 7 was eliminated due to larger number of relocations to residences and businesses ¦ NC 177 Alternatives did not satisfy the purpose and need of the project Preferred Alternative ¦ Alternative 21 is selected as the Preferred - Least Environmentally Damaging Alternative ¦ US 1 Extension is proposed and joins with the Planned US 1 widening with Project R-2502 4 1 Preferred Alternative Design Elements ¦ Four-lane freeway - 70 mph design speed, controlled access, 70 foot median, estimated 330 foot minimum light of way ¦ Four-lane widening - 60 mph design speed, uncontrolled access, 23 foot median, estimated right of way varies from 100 to 200 feet ¦ Five-lane widening - 60 mph design speed (with shoulders), 50 mph design speed (with curb and gutter), uncontrolled access, continuous center turn lane, estimated right of way varies from 100 to 200 feet Preferred Alternative Design Elements ¦ Interchanges - US 74 Bypass, Airport Rd, US 74, and Wiregrass Rd/ County Home Rd ¦ Grade separations (overpasses/ underpasses) - Sandhtll Rd, Hamer Mill Rd, and Hylan Ave ¦ Intersections - US 1 south, US 1 north, Fox Rd, Cognac Rd, NC 177, Beaverdam Church Rd, Marston Rd 5 ` Wire `Vass-Rd / C A d`me Rd " y ' 7 - ?' ?? ` I terc ?J o f .n.. Preferred Alternative Prebminaa Impacts ¦ 95 relocations - (75 residences, 17 businesses, 2 non- profits, and 1 farm) ¦ 3,627 feet of streams (Avoids 90% of streams in corridor) ¦ 39 1 acres of wetlands (Avoids 93% of wetlands in corridor) ¦ 2 6 acres of ponds (Avoids 83% of ponds in corridor) ¦ No historic properties, parks, or hazardous materials sites Current Issues and Next Stets ¦ Update traffic and noise studies ¦ Complete natural resources technical report & review verification of jurisdictional areas ¦ Concurrence Points 2A & 4A ¦ Approval of the Final EIS/ ROD ¦ Concurrence Points 4B & 4C - Hydraulic Design Reviews (Prior to permit application) 6 Project Schedule ¦ Fall 2008 - Complete Environmental, Traffic and Design Studies ¦ Spring 2009 - Final EIS ¦ 2011- Begin Right of Way Acquisition ¦ 2013 - Begin Construction Mayor Stream/ Wetland Crossings ,' 1^? P, fc eJ (o rWOr 0 TIPR 15018 IP ?..R VwI US 1 TIPR 501C QI sw 2nw,nu Struc ur` 9 -? it, etts Creek S3 t 31'W9, J ,JAI W7 W10 W3 7 i P 4 I Structure 1- Aggg tt? Creek}S3, W3. W9 Stream Im act = 429' culvert 0' rid e - - - Wedand Impact = 0 82 ac (c)Iveit,? ? 75ac (bridge) ropose u vent = 3n 10 x8'x30' RCBL7 48G Alternative Bndge -180'x125' Bndge - $4.660 600_" nd nres substan"l mtersecuon 'raLgnments)_I I - I us vrl -_ -- _1.4L -InRI: Prr I I In N -- -'ITEI I ?Y h0 ASSOCI?'.. _ IMFP YEIn[tll ?IC l 1 >i F }v, ? I 0 tt .. ()niE ? `' f Structure 2 - B etts Creek [Y/> ~ Weiland Impact = Nc'(biite 2) IZetam Exisgng Culvert -2?10'x6'RCBC \\ N B tematzc e -- -- _ ---- -- -- - - - - I 140 -- - I --- I - -- ? - - - r?TOUa,lucx. a SITE 2 , Ll Cl Assoc 4l ES w rrA 6,c eawc -ccw.a..l ? StrI+uclute 3-I to Sneed Cre W1? P1?' v /, -, xac ? y ZUX -aw arse t - a - - aeY J t 1 ? c-?, ,? ,? __ S4 9'? sslt?j t "? \CJ` Crj 0 j /v r / ? ( h ?lI++ ;i !Structure 3 - U7 io S eeds_"Creek W11 P1 Weiland Impact = 0 76 ac1(c1lvert & 6ndde) Pond Impact = 2 0 ac (culvert & bnd?e) a - , Pmposed Culvert=31102' RCBC-'SI,lIS,65D - Alternative Bridge -160'x38' hr.]Bndge, 496.700 . t5V \. I; .. - I rT ' I ? I I i I I nci?u¢,Iwui SITE 3 n+ s^aasol-n -s F nOFiZ IIYRnYE kIITS T Fc<u .I' I 1 ?Z? r? ]xTE ?CTC C`R (W TVFi 8 ' Sttucture 4 - WaLM Bra.fch-W14? \ P iPJ Structure ? - Watery Branch WI4 cdan m ao- culvert 2 6 ac l d e T Proposed Calvert-ZoJ9'x7'x240'RC $717,900 -` =~ Alfernahye Bndge -.1DIL's3g'D1taCBndges.=_$1004.700 - I oGtc i `L vn% ~ I SIT E4 m-s BY i.08A55iC14TE? I< 9 \ \ G, _ 1, ? i / i%( _ P5 F, \ `fir 7 - " dlom©ns'C'reek S10-921 %v ` e 1Y - \' 7 ?`,??? ? /I \ ~511 •' _ ' Strum r - _? Salomons Creek S10' W21, Sir T Im act =1233' culvert Hand aZ - 8 03 ac culvert - , Pro ?" ??Culve Tx6'z1340' RC?C No Br d e.AJt in 1nve _ \? could r u Frd - a °° _? ° -$i .,ca_t oai ? a„ ? i?c.n?i oITE 5 sr G„na?o^ia*E`x1 I n3 wvao.E nn,r? o`u?i,HUn ?I^n ?a?z. cra ?, y ? Dart r_t ?n 6- Solomon Creek SlOT'W20A OA, ?- \ t S10A ` x- "a A, r a \ \ t\?' q e ?^ //{[J L ? ! ? A 113n? \ l^' i Mrd(r 1 \r 9 \ J -- D5r>T reek S1U WZ0 "" Stream mpact =v^ --- _ ????'-{_ _ - - Wctland Impact = D 87 ac " Proposed Culvert -Xa 99'x5'x50'RCBCExterision ?prpesr.8206 10?" ? ? - ? Alternative Badge -130;x105' & 130'x38'Badee - $2,526,7751 fbadee is not reasonab a Ince extending a culvert/prpesl ? _ _- .,cace ai,.e r S'f8 6 ^ l av , nrn s^au?. vcr?FUr ?, Pr ?M SN ,ter I .err. a ncx j 10 Structure 6- Solomons Creek S10A° W20A STREAMS10A Charactenstics Wedand/Floodplam Present Part of Channel Brarded Stream Index Number 13-40 Best Usage ClassrFiication C Perennial/Intermittent Perennial Approx Width 6-10 ft NCDWO Rating 30 LFImpacted w/m SS 60 ft Mechanized Clearing Impacts (LU ft) 30 ft Total LFImpacted (SSt29) 90 ft Structure 6 - Solomon Creek S10A, W20A WETLAND 20A Community Tvne Streamhead Pocosin Sub-Basin 03-07-16 Cowardm Classification PFO Isolated/Contiguous Contiguous Rivenne/Non-Rivenne Rlvenne NCDWO Rating 50 Acreage Impacted w/in SS d'0 64 ac Mechanized Cleanng Impacts aZS ) f0 23 ac Total LFImMcted(SS±l W 087ac Structure ' outh ' ?` ? I!Q ! y 2^la ? ? K 26. -- 11 3trucf G 7- Sac}th I?r n FalJm'? Creek W26 = 818 c 3 brr es_ Oac 1 bod Fo osed - 3 Bnd es - 5 $g' Du 1 rrd es wetlands , 22 'x 8'Dual\Brldees /railroad) i- - 335'x38'IDual ?rldges a Ls 74) - $12,292,800 Alterna 1 BrrdPe - 60 +IG Dual Brrdges = .522 889500-' I v \\ -----_- ._ SITE t nit ..>s<? L 9 HOFIC LLFf•J[ I./i0??'11Plie . , ? 6F,CCc Gt-L" i W 37 r Structure 8 - FalLrlg Cheek W37 ?I s ! i w JY? Structure 8 -Falling Creek W37 Wetland Impact= 423ac (culvert Lx 3 96ac (bndge Proposed Cul - OW x220_B C-$74.5 400---?-I - Alternatrv Brrd e -120;x38' Dual Bad es - 1120 200 r I ,r, ..u? n, ,iiM uc ?cm I SITE 8 s? no ..acec,..rts - ?C HJR4' IN.T3^hi f,f''t?t CfV c ?, r -TI JL'Ctii4 br t ? ?- 5,.4^HiI F'Tf i0 H'Ytle Tl?IVr uUnf?1 12 3truCturie-9 - Ch6ck Creek 20 P9 W49 W50 ! w W49 ' ,P9ii`r Stn cture9-'ChockCieckS20,'P9, W49, W50 Stre-Impact -d ' culve'edge) - Wedand Impact = 0 84ac£ (c6 vert) '0 64ac (bndge) Ponda Pact=005ac _ Proposed Culvert 9 x9'x85 RCBCExtension- 528.0501 AI at:ve Bnd -100 Alto] Bn ea - $942.900 x Pao ?--- -?- - - -- ONl E.. 51°t C BY KO&I`SJI tc•"' 5O CC iiIFPCVEI(I'i' Ai ! y Ord- G i l < Avoidance & Mzn=Zgtzon ¦ Avoids 11 of 21 streams in the corridor (90% of stream length) ¦ Avoids 35 of the 52 wetlands (93% of wetland areas) ¦ Avoids 7 of 10 ponds (83% of pond areas) ¦ Structure 1- Osborne Road/ Baeeetts Creek - S3. W3. W9 Alignment reduces wetland impacts by crossing stream S3 between two large wetlands W3 and W9 ¦ Structure 3 - UT to Speeds Creek - W11 PI Alignment avoids stream S6 and crosses a narrower portion of Wil 13 Avoidance ems' Mznz Zghon ¦ US 74 Bypass Interchange - W18, W19, W21, P2, P3, and P4 ¦ Initial full clover interchange impacted 25 2 acres of wetlands and 3 5 acres of ponds ¦ Alignment was shifted southward and the interchange footprint was compressed using directional ramps ¦ Impacts were reduced to 15 4 acres of wetlands and 0 5 acre of ponds ¦ Structure 7 - South Prong Falling Creek (US 74) - W26 ¦ Alignment between residential neighborhoods ¦ Crosses the smallest portion of wetland W24 ¦ Bridge is proposed ox er South Prong Falling Creek instead of a large box cul-,ert as initially planned Avoidance dam' MznzmzZgtzon ¦ Structure 8 -Falling Creek - W27 ¦ Alignment is along the south side of the corridor to avoid pond P7 and wetlands W32 and W33 ¦ Alignment crosses a narrower portion of W27 ¦ Structure 9 -Chock Creek - S20 P9 W49 W50 ¦ Widens to the north side away from P9 and W49 ¦ W49 is the lughest quality wetland along the US 1 widening portion ¦ Culvert extensions are planned ¦ Shifting the alignment further north results in greater impacts to W50 14