HomeMy WebLinkAbout20190231 Ver 1_Scoping Comments_20170313Hood, Donna From: Van Der Wiele, Cynthia <VanDerWiele.Cynthia@epa.gov> Sent: Monday, March 13, 2017 4:02 PM To: Walter, Tracy A Cc: Militscher, Chris; Clarence Coleman; Marella Buncick; Chambers, Marla J; Hood, Donna; Crystal Amschler Subject: US EPA Comments on the Federa) EA for NCDOT STIP Project U-3467 - NC84 from NC16 to SR 1008 (Waxhaw-Indian Trai) Road) in Wesley Chape) in Union County (aka Rea Road Extension) Importance: High Dear Walter: The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has reviewed the federal Environmental Assessment (EA) and is providing comments consistent with §309 of the Gean Air Act and § I 02(2)(C) of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) and the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) proposes to extend Rea Road (SR I 3 I 6) from NC I 6(Providence Road) east to Twelve Mile Road (SR I 341)/NC 84 (Weddington Road) on new location (relocate NC 84), and widen existing NC 84 to Waxhaw-Indian Trail Road (SR I008) in Wesley Chapel, Union County for a 4.3-mile project length. The project is currently included as a modifed Merger Project of the NCDOT 404/NEPA Merger Process. The primary purpose of the U-3467 project is to improve the mobility and connectivity of Weddington Road (NC 84) in the project study area. The proposed project would provide a more direct link between western Union County and Charlotte/Mecklenburg County as well as an alternative route to I-485 and Charlotte, enhancing regional travel options. The proposed project would also provide additional capacity on NC 84 in the project area. Two new location alternatives were assessed and carried forward for detailed study: Alternative A2 and Alternative C2 were developed to minimize potential jurisdictional stream and wetland impacts to the initial alternatives A and C. Both alternatives have a typical section consisting of a 4-lane roadway with a 23-fiit raised grass median. The NCDOT does not have a preferred alternative noted in the EA; however, alternative A2 appears to have fewer impacts to the natural environment. The EPA offers the following technical comments: Table S- I on page vi provides a summary of the impacts. Impacts to the natural environment include: • 1,397 linear feet of jurisdictional stream impacts at 8 crossings through culvert extensions for Alternative A2; 2,933 linear feet at I I crossings for Alternative C2. All hydraulic structures are proposed as reinforced concrete box culverts (RCBCs). • 0. I 0 acres of jurisdictional wetland impacts from three (3) wetlands for A2 vs 0.12 acres at four locations for C2. • 0.) I acres of surface waters (pond). • 7.2 acres of I 00-year floodplains for A2 vs 7.3 acres for Alternative C2. Impacts to the human environment include: • 5 residential displacements • I business relocation • I non-profit relocation • No impacts to environmental justice populations or communities • No adverse effects to the two historic sites—Howard House and Jacob Allen Deal Farm—provided that there is no encroachment of utilities and the addition of a 25-foot buffer from the historic boundary to the Deal Farm property. I de minimis impact to Weddington Optimist Park, a Section 4(� resource. 62.4 acres of impacts to farmland soils for A2 vs 63.7 acres of impacts for alternative C2. A variety of utility lines will need to be relocated due to the widening. If the impacts from these utility relocations were not included in the table of impacts, the EPA requests that these be accounted for during NCDOT NEPA/404 Merger meetings as well as the Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) document. Three federally-listed species are located within the project study area: Lasmigona decorata (Carolina heelsplitter), Rhus michauxii (Michaux's sumac), and Helianthus schweinitzii (Schweinitz's sunflower). The Biological Conclusion is that the proposed project will have "no effect." An Indirect and Cumulative Effects Screening was completed in July 2012. Six of the nine categories in the screening matrix (Table 5- I I, page 5-3 I) indicate a moderate to high level of concern for indirect and cumulative effects potential as a consequence of the proposed project. Of most concern is the increase in population growth rate, water and sewer extensions into this part of the county, and the market for development (e.g., commercial and residential development). With respect to ozone, the project is within the Charlotte-Gastonia-Rock Hill [SC] area, as defined by the EPA. The area was originally designated non-attainment for 03 under the 2008 8-hour ozone standard on July 20, 2012; however, the NC portion of the area was re-designated as maintenance for the standard on July 28, 2015. While NCDOT anticipates that the proposed project will not create any adverse effects on the attainment status of the NAAQS, the proposed speed limit would be posted at 45 mph. With speeds expected to increase, there would also be an expected increase in increased emissions of VOCs and other pollutants that contribute to form ground-level ozone. EPA notes that the section on Mobile Source Air Toxics (MSAT), pages 5-39 to 5-47 does not use the latest FHWA guidance, which represents an update to the 2012 Guidance [see 11-c���as.://���..:��c��.d��..��aw/�ir�wur�air�rr���ir��/�ur_qu��Vu��/�ur_��a�cu�s/�a�a�u��...�air�d. �u�ud�ir���/rr��s��/]. As a result, the EPA requests that this newer guidance be used prior to issuing the FONSI. The EPA appreciates the opportunity to provide comments on this project and requests a copy of the FONSI when it becomes available. The EPA anticipates continuing to be an active participant in the 404/NEPA Merger process. Sincerely, Cynthia Van Der Wiele Cynthia F. Van Der Wiele, Ph.D. US EPA Region 4 NEPA Program Office c/o USEPA-RTP I 09 T.W. Alexander Drive Mail Code: E I 43-08 �%�s��r�ll�.....��l�rp_�ir��d� P�rll<. 8�3� 2�1�109 Phone: 9 I 9.�50.6$ I I From: Walter, Tracy A [mailto:twalter@ncdot.gov] Sent: Friday, February 24, 2017 10:00 AM To: Clarance Colman <clarence.coleman@dot.gov>; Van Der Wiele, Cynthia <VanDerWiele.Cynthia@epa.gov>; Crystal Amschler <Crystal.c.amschler@usace.army.mil>; Marella Buncick <marella_buncick@fws.gov>; Hood, Donna <donna.hood@ncdenr.gov>; Chambers, Marla J<marla.chambers@ncwildlife.org>; Gledhill-earley, Renee <renee.gledhill-earley@ncdcr.gov>; rwcook@ci.charlotte.nc.us Cc: Liz Kovasckitz (Ikovasckitz@mulkeyinc.com) <Ikovasckitz@mulkeyinc.com>; Cole, Scott <scole@ncdot.gov>; Yamamoto, Brian F<byamamoto@ncdot.gov>; Duncan, Thad F<tfduncan@ncdot.gov> Subject: NCDOT STIP Project U-3467 - NC84 from NC16 to SR 1008 (Waxhaw-Indian Trail Road) in Wesley Chapel in Union County (aka Rea Road Extension) Ladies and Gentlemen: NCDOT is preparing to hold concurrence meetings scheduled for March 15, 2017 and as we are preparing the merger package for this meeting we noticed that we could not determine who received a copy of the Environmental Assessment, which was signed by FHWA n May 28, 2015. We have also not been able to locate any comments related to the distributed EA. Since this project has changed project managers recently I am assuming that if comments had been provided they were done so by email, which unfortunately did not get transferred prior to the previous project manager's retirement. Since it is possible that distribution was overlooked I will distribute the 2015 EA and request review and comment next week, if you have previously provided comment a copy of those comments would be greatly appreciated. A copy of the signed EA for this project is available on our documents website and can be accessed here. Please feel free to contact me if I can be of any assistance. Regards Tracy Tracy A. Walter P.E. Senior Project Planning Engineer NCDOT (919) 707-6177 I rr�7all �:urrc,�l�ui�dci��;e, �C�u ai�d ��rurr�7 �U•ii� �e,i�dcr i� �ul�j��;� �u �C�h•ie, I"J � I�'�"ul�li�; I ta�:ur�:;� I..aw ai�d ir�7ay I�c rli��;lu�e,rl �u �C�h•ih�rl I�artie,�,