HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0004979_Assessment Report_20100610d1Duke CORPORATE EHS SERVICES whEnergy@ Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC Carolinas 526 SOUTH CHURCH STREET CHARLOTTE, NC 28202 Mailing Address: EC13K / P. 0. BOX 1006 CHARLOTTE, NC 28201-1006 June 10, 2010 Mr. Jay Sauber Environmental Sciences Section North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1621 Subject: Allen Steam Station NPDES Permit No. NC0004979 Balanced and Indigenous Populations (BIP) Assessment Report Supplemental Mayfly (Hexagenia spp.) and Sediment Sampling April 2010 Dear Mr. Sauber: As a follow-up to the letter dated March 11, 2010 and our conference call on April 6, 2010 with respect to the variability of the mean and total abundance of the burrowing mayfly Hexagenia spp. near Allen Steam Station, additional sampling was conducted in April 2010. As recommended, an additional monitoring location was added, as well as analysis of substrate samples along with mayfly samples collected at four monitoring locations. Attached is a copy of the results for your review. As suspected, mayfly presence or absence in the samples appears related primarily to suitable substrate/habitat found at the Lake Wylie monitoring locations. After your review, please advise if additional information will be needed to further address the benthic macroinvertebrate community and Hexagenia populations in Lake Wylie near Allen Steam Station. If you have any questions, please contact me at (980)-373-5710. Sincerely, 9,6 -y -v L�' Ron Lewis Water Management Attachment xc w/att: Mr. Charles Weaver, NCDENR-DWQ, 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699- 1617 www.duke-energy.com I SPRING SEDIMENT AND HEXAGENIA SAMPLING IN LAKE WYLIE SEDIMENT ANALYSIS Methods Spring sampling was conducted on Lake Wylie on April 13, 2010 for the purpose of determining the presence and abundance of Hexagenia in spring samples, as well as for sediment particle size analyses. Samples were collected at four locations in the vicinity of the Allen Steam Station (AS): Location A, well uplake of AS; Location B, at the mouth of the AS discharge; Location C, at the confluence of the South Fork and Catawba River; and, Location D; a newly added location in the South Fork upstream of the AS discharge, roughly between the Upper Armstrong bridge and the AS discharge (Figure 1). A petite ponar dredge (15.3cm X 15.3cm)- was used to collect five replicate samples for sediments from each location at depths ranging from two — three meters below the surface of Lake Wylie. The replicates were composited in labeled five -gallon buckets and returned to the lab for processing and analysis of particle size. Samples were collected. Each sediment composite was well mixed using a garden trawl and subsamples were removed from each composite for individual analysis. Subsamples from each composite were placed in Teflon -coated bake pans (5 cm in height, 20 cm in width, and 30 cm in length). Pans were filled to the half -way mark with sediment, allowing for approximately 1,500 cm3 of sample. The amount of .sediment from each five -grab composite was determined by filling the drying pans with all of the material in each five -gallon bucket, counting the number of pans of material then determining approximate volumes based on pan volumes. Pans comprising one subsample from each composite were placed in a drying oven at 70 °C (158 °F) for at least 24.hours to insure the samples were thoroughly dried. After drying, the material was removed from the pans, broken up, and macerated to break up any agglomerates. Fifteen sieves were selected to break down samples into component particle sizes. Sieve numbers and sizes are presented in Table 1. Racks of five sieves each were placed in a mechanical shaker (W. S. Tyler, Co., RO-TAP.) for 2.5 to 5.0 minutes. Fractions were removed and placed in labeled sample containers. Each fraction was weighed on a one -,place, calibrated scale (Scout -Pro, OHAUS®, max. wt. 2,000g). The composition of particle sizes was expressed as a percentage of the total weight of the subsample analyzed. 1 Results Location A represented the largest volume of total sediment collected (-- 6,000 cm3), followed by Locations B (-- 3,300 cm3), and D (-- 3,200 cm). Location C had the least amount of sediment volume (-- 2,100 cm3). This indicated that while considerable viable substrate was available at Location A, the viable sediment layer at Location C was comparatively thin and could have sat atop underlying hardpan clay or bedrock. At Location A, the largest percentage (<48%) of the sediment ranged in size from 125 — 250 µm, representing mostly sand and fine sand particle sizes, with >35% of particles ranging from <53 — 125 µm, in the silt to very fine sand range (Table 1, Figure 2). The largest portion of the substrate at Location B (>38%) was in the range of coarse sand to granular material (850 µm — 2.36 mm), with about one-third of the sediment in the sand to coarse sand range (250 — <850 gm). At Location C, over 26% of the substrate collected was greater than 4.75 mm. This large material was composed primarily of Corbicula shells and shell fragments. Most of the remainder of the sediment at this location (>48%) consisted of particles ranging from 125 — 850 µm, and could be described as sand ranging from fine to coarse. Sediment at Location D was also composed mainly of particles ranging from 125 — 850 µm in size, but this range represented a much higher percentage of total sediment (<79%). Clearly, Location A not only represented far more available substrate than at other sites, but substrate particle sizes more suitable for certain macroinvertebrate species, including burrowing mayflies. Location B substrate was considerably less suitable based on particle size, while substrate at Location D was also unsuitable based on larger particle sizes. Location C appeared to be less habitable than other locations based on much less available substrate and smaller proportions of suitable particle sizes. HEXAGENIA Methods Field sampling methods and laboratory methods for sorting macroinvertebrates were the same as those presented in the five-year summary report of 2009, except that only Hexagenia were sorted and identified from sample replicates. N Results Temperatures and dissolved oxygen concentrations were recorded from sampling depths at each location on April 13 (Table 2). Temperatures ranged from 16.1 °C at Location D, the newly added location upstream of the AS discharge to 23.1 °C at Location B, at the mouth of the discharge. Dissolved oxygen concentrations ranged from 7.63 mg/L at Location C to 9.16 mg/L at Location D. The highest numbers of Hexagenia were observed in replicates from Location A, while Hexagenia were absent from all replicates collected from Locations C and D (Table 2). Several Hexagenia were collected from Location B replicates. Compared to summer populations, the mean density of Hexagenia from Location A was substantially higher than summer densities observed at this location during 1994 — 2008 (Figure 3). The absence of Hexagenia from Location C may have been due, in part, to the limited amount and overall unsuitability of the substrate from that location. As to the absence of these insects from Location D, substrate deficiencies may have also played a role since substrate type was mostly sand and coarse sand (Table 1, Figure 2). 3 3 Table 1. Sediment sample weights, weights of particle fractions, and percent composition of each fraction from samples collected on Lake Wylie, NC on April 13, 2010. Sieve. Number Size Location A Location B Location C Location D Wt. % Wt. % Wt. % Wt. % 4 4.75 mm 49.9 2.79 19.7 1.11 368.9 26.09 26.3 1.33 6 3.35 mm 11.4 0.64 '17.5 0.98 7.1 0.50 15.3 0.77 8 2.36 mm 10.1 0.57 21.2 1.19 13.0 1 0.92 41.6 2.1 12 1.70 mm 10.0 0.56 172.3 9.68 27.9 1.97 25.9 1.31 16 1.18 mm 10.7 0.60 266.6 14.94 52.0 3.68 66.9 3.38 20 850 µm 11.3 0.63 251.0 14.1 47.2 3.34 41.3 2.09 30 600 µm 12.6 0.70 189.8 10.66 46.1 1 3.26 38.9 1.96 40 425 µm 55.4 3.1 190.8 10.72 59.7 4.22 70.9 3.58 60 250 µm 129.9 7.26 212.7 11.95 168.7 11.93 767.1 38.74 80 180 µm 157.9 8.82 81.5 4.58 176.5 12.48 515.0 26.01 100 150 µm 43.3 2.42 35.9 2.02 79.5 5.62 114.2 5.77 120 125 µm 652.4 36.46 50.6 2.84 155.6 1 11.01 55.9 2.82 140 106 µm 40.3 2.25 41.5 2.33 41.9 2.96 31.5 1.59 200 75 µm 384.7 21.5 89.8 5.04 112.2 7.94 52.0 2.63 270 53 µm 50.3 2.81 37.6 2.11 29.5 2.09 45.8 2.31 <53 µm 159.3 8.90 102.4 1 5.75 28.1 11.99 71.7 3.62 Total 1,789.4 1,780.3 1,413.9 1 1,980.3 Table 2. Raw counts of Hexagenia observed in samples collected on April 13, 2010, and temperatures and dissolved oxygen values recorded at the time of sampling. oaaaaa � • ®: • i 0 1 2 Mies 0 1 2 3 Mometers i5.0) Steam Station 35.0) Figure 1. Macroinvertebrate and sediment monitoring locations in the vicinity of Allen Steam Station on Lake Wylie, NC sampled on April 13, 2010. Figure 2. Sediment particle size composition at locations sampled in Lake Wylie, NC on April 13, 2010. Figure 3. Mean densities (no ./M2) of Hexagenia collected annually at all locations from 1994 — 2008 and densities recorded from three locations in the spring of 2010. No Hexagenia were collected at newly added Location D. 6