HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0004979_COMMENTS_19950117DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENT MANAGEMENT January ' 17, 1995 k 1 10 IlTi M. THRU: Donald L. Safrit Ruth Swanek Carla Sanderson FROM: Jacquelyn M. Nowell SUBJECT: Response to Comments for Duke Power- Plant Allen Station NPDES Permit No. NC0004979 Gaston County The Instream Assessment Unit (IAU) has reviewed the comments in the November 23rd letter from the subject facility and have the following recommendations. Part 1.A. Outfall 002 - Request for removal of Flow limit. - A review of the effluent pages from previously issued permits does show that flow from Outfall 002has not been limited in the past. Flow was sampled weekly but no numerical limit was given. Ina memorandum from P&E, the rationale for using 11.6 MGD as the design flow was given. Instream Assessment would not oppose the deletion of the numerical limit for flow but for the purposes of calculating effluent limits and determining instream waste concentrations the flow of 11.6 MGD will be used. Revision of monitoring freauencies for Oil & Grease. TSS. Arsenic. and Selenium - IAU' concurs with the request for reduction in monitoring frequency for these parameters. Oil & Grease will be reduced from weekly to the previous frequency of 2/month. Arsenic and Selenium will be reduced from 2/month to monthly. Because these parameters are limited is not recommended to sample them less than monthly. Revision of Benzene Limit - The benzene limit was determined using mass balance . equation and the water quality standard of 1.19 µg/1 for Class WS waters. The receiving stream (South Fork Catawba River) is classified as WS -V. The stream flow previously - used was 95 cfs based on 80 cfs minimum release from Mountain Island Lake plus 15 cfs runoff. This streamflow has been used historically in the determination. of limits for the Plant Allen Station. The design flow of 11.6 MGD (18 cfs) was used as the flow discharge as reported in the renewal application. Based on new flow information, the minimum average daily flow of 314 cfs from the Mountain Island Dam will be used to calculate the benzene limit that should be placed in the permit. Since the benzene standard is based on the human health criteria, the average flow should be used to calculate the limit. Contact with Ms. Rudisill of Duke Power has not generated a more appropiate average flow value and she concurs with the use of 314 cfs for the benzene limit. Allowable Benzene = (18 cfs + 314 cfs)(1.19110) = 395 = 21.9 = 22 µg/1 18 cfs 18 cfs J The monitoring frequency for this limit should be determined by ME based on State regulations for this type of discharge. However, for the initial year of this groundwater Memo to Sean Goris page 2 remediation project, the sampling of twice per month for benzene does not seem to be extensive. Part III, Other Requirements. E. Chronic Toxicity limit. The limit was calculated by determining the Instream Waste Concentration (IWC). The design flow used was 11.6 MGD: IWC = Qw (in cfs) -L8-= 118 = 0.159 * 100 = 15.9 = 16% Qw + 7Q10 18+95 113 The additional sentence requested to be added at the end of the chronic toxicity form concerning subjection to civil penalty should be reviewed by the Aquatic Toxicology Unit before placing it in the permit. If there any additional questions concerning this permit, please contact me. cc: Rex Gleason WLA File DUKE POWER -ALLEN PLANT 9/27/94 SOUTH FORK CATAWBA RIVER/CATAWBA RIVER JMN 030834 & 030836 WLA#S 7990,7991,7992,7993,7994 Update 1/4/95 Facility has submitted letter requesting modification of some limits and monitoring requirements in finalized WLA. Main concern was for benzene limit wanted the limit. changed to same limit in the general permit. Based on the state standard for benzene into WS Class waters of 1.19 µg/1 and using the minimum average daily flow release of 314 cfs from Mountain Island Lake Dam with no runoff included (instead of the minimum instantaneous release plus runoff of 95 cfs), the new benzene allowable is 22 cfs. Had talked w/ J. Rudisill of Duke Power about an average flow release from Mountain Island Lake. She had been unable to come up with an average flow release. She had gotten information from the operating center that Duke Power has an agreement with WWTPs downstream and public water supply to release enough water to produce 33 megawatt/day or 5940 cfs/over an hour or 248 cfs/day (?) . She said that she felt comfortable with us using 248 cfs or 314 cfs for calculation of the benzene limit.. Would send us the data on the MW/day info. Called back to verify flow info. and she recommended that we use the minimum average flow value, since she was having some trouble getting flow info in cfs. Decided to use the 314 cfs flow value for benzene. JMN 9/27/94 The facility is requesting renewal of existing NPDES permit. Power plant has five outfalls, but has previously only had limits for outfalls 001 & 002. Outfalls 003, 004 &005 have not had permit limits before. 001 & 003 discharge to the South Fork Catawba River (030836). 002, 004 & 005 discharge to the Catawba River approximately 5 miles above Lake Wylie (030834). Outfall descriptions QU - Condenser Cooling Water is once through, non contact cooling water that removes heat rejected from the condensers and other selected heat exchangers. Avg flow 428.5 MGD. Max. flow 784.8 MGD. AU - Ash basin discharge with sanitary waste and stormwater flows. Accomodates flows from the yard drainage sump,coal yard sump, ash removal lines and rainfall runoff from the basin watershed area. Avg. flow 11.6 MGD. M3_- Once -through non contact cooling water withdrawn from the service water system. the discharge consists of cooling water from Units 4&5 mill oil coolers, boiler feedpump hydraulic coolers and other miscellaneous equipment cooling . 004 -- Equipment Cooling Water The discharge consists of cooling water from Units 1&2 mill oil coolers, boiler feedpump hydraulic coolers and other miscellaneous equipment. Once -through non contact cooling water withdrawn from the service water system. In addition water from a vehicle rinse -down area is directed to this outfall. The rinse water contains no soaps or other additives. 005 - Water for the Unit 5 Condenser Cooling Water is filtered for Asiatic clams. These clams, common in Lake Wylie can clog the condenser tubes. Max. flow of 3000 GPD. No other additives are in the backwash water. 1, 1 Outfall 001- In new WLA, effluent guidelines recommend free available chlorine at. 0.2 mg/1 Mo. avg. and 0.5 mg/1 Da. Max. 40 CFR 423.13. Previous Limits include flow and temperature w/ a monthly average of 35C (95F). During the period from June 1 to September 30, 38.9 C (102 F) is allowed. No chlorination of the once -through cooling water is allowed under this permit. Will recommend that free available chlorine limit be added to renewed permit. Outfall 002 -Ash Basin discharge Effluent guidelines recommended include: Mo. Avg. Da. Max. TSS 30 mg/1 100 mg/1 O & G 15 mg/1 20.0 mg/1 Total Copper 1.0 mg/l 1.0 mg/1 Total Iron 1.0 mg/l 1.0 mg/1\ Previous permit had these limits and additional limits of 450 µg/1 of arsenic and 45 µg/1 of selenium. Tox limit of 11 %. in JAMAPR,JUL, OCT. DUKE POWER -ALLEN PLANT Page 2 In May 1994, IAU responded to Duke Power request to add GW remediation discharge to the ash basin. Indicated that oil/water separator would be installed for treatment. We recommended that limits and monitoring requirements for benzene, toluene and MTBE would have to be added to the permit. A review of the current system does not show a oil/water separator added as a treatment system. Staff report indicates that upon reissuance of Permit, action will be taken on ATC for construction of oil/water separator. New Allowable concentrations for 002 Arsenic= old limit = 450 µg/1. After new wasteflow, from 7.6 MGD to 11.6 MGD, allowable concentration = 314 µg/1 Division of Environmental Management MEMORANDUM TO: Jackie Nowell-� Rapid Assessment Group TO: Mike Parker Mooresville Regional Office FROM: Sean D. Goris�� Permits and Engineering SUBJECT: Duke PowerA ee Steam Plant (NCO004979) comment's on draft permit DATE: 12/5/94 Please provide comments and recommendations regarding Duke's letter of November 23, 1994. In this letter Duke has raised a number of concerns regarding their draft permit. In particular: (Please provide any comments you feel appropriate) Mike: Please comment on the various measurement frequency requests and the chlorination clauses. They claim that they do not chlorinate at the outfalls mentioned. Also please comment on the BMP issue. I am not familiar with the demonstration they site and would like any info. regarding this you can provide. Jackie: Please comment on the measurement frequency requests and the benzene limit request. Duke Power Company Generation Services Department 13339 Hagers Ferry Road Huntersville, NC28078.7929 DUKEPOWER 4 ,,ENS o OUI�POWHI November 23, 1994 Ms. Coleen Sullins Permits and Engineering North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources P.O. Box 29535 Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 Subject: Allen Steam Station NPDES Permit Renewal NC0004979 Certified Z 309 002 146 Dear Ms. Sullins: We have reviewed the draft Allen Steam Station NPDES Permit No. NC0004979 and submit for your consideration the attached comments. The effluent sheets for outfall 002-004 are included to provide additional clarification for our comments. We appreciate this opportunity to provide comments. If you have questions or need additional information, please contact me at the above address or (704) 875-5966 or John Carter (704) 875-5954. Sincerely: Jennifer A. Rudisill Assistant Scientist Environmental Division, Water Protection aft cc: Mr. David A.Goodrich, DEHNR - Raleigh Mr. Mike Parker, DEHNR - Mooresville Regional Office Printed on recycled paper COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS FOR DRAFT NPDES PERMIT NO. NC0004979 FOR PLANT ALLEN 1. PART 1.A. OUTFALL 002: We request that the flow limit of 11.6 MGD for the discharge be removed. After conversations with the DEHNR staff, we believe that limiting this flow was an oversight. Flow from this outfall varies greatly with unit demand as well as meteorological conditions. We request that the measurement frequency for Oil and Grease and TSS be reduced from weekly to twice monthly as in the current permit. As Plant Allen has neither exceeded nor approached its limits for these parameters during the previous 3 years, we feel that the increased cost for the sampling and analyses is not justified. We request that the measurement frequency for Arsenic and Selenium be reduced from twice monthly to the previous permit requirements of quarterly. Once again, as Allen has neither exceeded nor approached either limit, we feel that there is no justification for the substantial increase in expense due to additional sampling and analyses. If this is infeasible, we recommend that a clause stating that after 6 months of monthly monitoring and meeting the limits for As and Se, the frequency be dropped back to ° quarterly. We request that the Daily Limit for Benzene be increased from 7.5 ug/L to 142.8 ug/L and that the measurement frequency be reduced from twice monthly to once a month. This is consistent with the benzene monitoring requirements of the NC General Permit for the discharge of petroleum contaminated groundwater (NCG510000). In addition, we request a clause stating that monitoring for Benzene, Toluene and MTBE will not be implemented until discharge of treated groundwater into the ash basin is initiated and that monitoring for these three parameters be discontinued once the remediation effort is ended. 2. PART I.A, OUTFALL 003: We request that the discharge limit for Free Available Chlorine be replaced with the clause: Chlorination of the once through cooling water, discharged through outfall 003 is not allowed under this permit. Should Duke Power wish to chlorinate its once through cooling water, a permit modification must be requested and received prior to commencing chlorination. 3. PART I.A. OUTFALL 004: We request that the discharge limit for Free Available Chlorine be replaced with the clause: Chlorination of the once through cooling water, discharged through outfall 004 is not allowed under this permit. Should Duke Power wish to ` chlorinate its once through cooling water. a permit modification must be requested and received prior to commencing chlorination. PART III, OTHER REQUIREMENTS: E. Chronic Toxicity Pass/Fail Permit Limit: We request a copy of the calculations used to determine the effluent concentration for the toxicity test. We request that the following be added to the last paragraph of the test requirements: , but will not subject the permittee to civil penalty if the permittee has demonstrated a diligent attempt to conduct a suitable retest and has engaaed the services of a laboratory with valid certification under North Carolina's laboratory certification program. We request that the following clauses be added: H It has-been determined from information submitted that the plans and procedures in place at Allen Steam Station are equivalent to that of a BMP. I The applicant is permitted to discharge chemical metal cleaning wastes to the ash basin under the conditions outlined in the 1976 Riverbend Ash Basin Equivalency Demonstration and the 1994 Allen Steam Station permit application. The above additions to Part III are consistent with permits issued by your office for other facilities of this kind. A. (). EFFLUENT LIMITATIONS AND MONITORING REQUIREMENTS FINAL Permit No. NC0004979 During the period beginning on the effective date of the permit and lasting until expiration, the Permittee is authorized to discharge from outfall(s) serial number 002. Such discharges shall be limited and monitored by the permittee as specified below: Effluent Characterlstics Flow Oil and Grease TSS Total Copper Total Iron Arsenic Selenium Total Phosphorus Total Nitrogen (NO2+NO3+TKN). Toluene -'-A-E" Discharge l.lmltatlons Lbs/day units (speclfy) Monitoring Reaulrements Measurement sample Mon. AM Dally 'Max Mon. "AM Dally Max. Frequency Type 1111.6 NSB- Weekly Pump Logs or 15.0 mg/I 20.0 mg/I —"WeeeW7-/mon`4h Grab 30.0 mg/I" 100.0 mg/I —Weekly--2IrYoa"h Grab 1.0 mg/I 2/Month Grab* 1.0 mg/I 2/Month e A Grab 314.0 g g / 1 --£im"tfr•Q LOLA Grab 31.0 µ g / I Quarterly "`rev ly Grab Grab Quarterly Grab ---5-rgf"I-14Z.q 1hr-,+h (y Grab Monthly Grab * Sample Locations: E - Effluent ** Chronic Toxicity (Ceriodaphnia) P/F @ 16.0%; January, April, July, October, See Part III, Section E. E E E E E E E E E E E The pH shall not be less than 6.0 standard units.nor greater than 9.0 standard units and shall be monitored weekly at the effluent by grab samples. There. shall be no discharge of floating solids or visible foam in other than trace amounts. (Continued) 44 e,neene tt) (Vene m 1 C3� : Tnon,-dor �ha,G( n� bel i n j,t ' l II +'�e /ed w-r� / L 4 J Dr- F 'I's .. a te, - 6, 'd lUe� nen . � ht Y'P�j'Y111�Lt CiJC? 6Y) 4t 4-e ta-S (n -1% c A -J A. (). EFFLUENT LIMITATIONS AND MONITORING REQUIREMENTS FINAL Permit No. NC0004979 During the period beginning on the effective date of the permit and lasting until expiration, the Permittee is authorized to discharge from outfall(s) serial number 002. (Continued) Effluent Characteristics Lbs/day Discharge Uniltations Monitoring Requirements Other Units (specify) Measurement Sam IZe *Sample Mon. AVa. Daily .Max Mon. Ava, Dally Max. Frequency IY" Location MTBE ' Monthly Grab E. Chronic Toxicity" Quarterly Grab E A. O. EFFLUENT LIMITATIONS AND MONITORING REQUIREMENTS FINAL, Permit No. NC0004979 During the period beginning on the effective date of the permit and lasting until expiration, the Permittee is authorized to discharge from outfall(s) serial number 003. Such discharges shall be limited and monitored by the permittee as specified below: Effluent Characterlstics Lbs/day Discharge Limitations Units (speclfv) Mon. AVa. Dally 'Max Mon. Aya. Dally Max. Flow * Sample location: E Effluent. Monitoring Reaulrements Measurement Sample 'Sample Frequency Type Location -Weekly -Qrabr - - E— Weekly Estimate E A. (). EFFLUENT LIlVIITATIONS AND MONITORING REQUIREMENTS FINAL Permit No. NC0004979 During the period beginning on the effective date of the permit and lasting until expiration, the Permittee is authorized to discharge from outfall(s) serial number 004. Such discharges shall be limited and monitored by the permittee as specified below: Effluent Characteristics Discharge Wraltations Monitoring Requirements Lba/day Units (s eq_cif0 Measurement Sample *$ample Mon. AVq. Dally .Max Mon,.Am Daily Max. Frequency Type Locatlon -Fret-�4yatta�te�orh� Oil and Grease .15.0 mg/I 24.0 mg/I 2/Month Grab E Flow Weekly Estimate E * Sample location: E - Effluent. (see oof{d 06 Division of Environmental Management MEMORANDUM TO: Permit File NC0004707, Duke Power, Plant Allen Gaston County (Sub -basin 03-08-34) FROM: Sean D. Goris SdC Permits and Engineering SUBJECT: Use of 11.6 MGD as the design flow rate for outfall 002 In previous permits, this outfall was rated at 7.6 MGD. This equated to an instream waste concentration of 11%. Duke Power in their renewal application, received by the Division June 2, 1994, reported the flow at this outfall to be 11.6 MGD. A review of monitoring data over the past three years indicated this was a reasonable estimate of average flow from the outfall. Therefore, this flow was recommended by Permits and Engineering in the wasteload allocation request. cc: Rapid Assesment Group Q 4-� - -------- - Id V 70 3-W3/ 13A ----v ,�r�� ���r� �bSol elf - -- 200 � Q •�/ �'�� , Y • M 1 /tfg/ //,g Rho, _ _ft 3V� -0, o 31 6 3