HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0004979_Temperature Impairment_20100203Belnick, Tom From: Lewis, Ron [Ron.Lewis@duke-energy.com] Sent: Wednesday, February 03, 2010 9:04 PM To: Belnick, Tom Cc: Williams, Melanie; Chernikov, Sergei Subject: RE: Temperature Impairment Attachments: Allen 316a demo.pdf Tom, Please see pages 27 and 31 in the attached Allen Steam Station 316(a) demonstration that references the mixing zone that was originally assigned per the NPDES permit. However, the demonstration supported that a variance of the thermal water quality standards be granted because confining heat dissipation to the assigned mixing zone would essentially be impossible. If further documentation is needed to address this issue, I will need to start searching the archived files. Thanks, Ron Lewis Duke Energy Mail Code: EC13K 526 S. Church Street Charlotte, NC 28202 Office 980-373-5710 Mobile 704-607-8755 From: Belnick, Tom [mailto:tom.belnick@ncdenr.gov] Sent: Friday, January 22, 2010 5:56 PM To: Lewis, Ron Cc: Williams, Melanie; Chernikov, Sergei Subject: Temperature Impairment Ron- you called last week about a potential temperature impairment of the receiving waterbody (South Fork Catawba River) near the Allen Steam Station (NC0004979), Outfall 001. 1 know Duke has a 316(a) thermal variance, but I'm not aware of any defined mixing zone. Thus, if ambient waters exceed the state WQS, then an impaired listing is not surprising (we have listed waters as impaired for chloride discharged from pickle facilities that have a chloride variance; the variance protects them from not being able to comply with the chloride WQS, but does not stop the waterbody from being listed as impaired. Not sure if I have all the specifics, but if this is the case, you might want to stay in touch with Melanie regarding any future listing, since this process is outside of the NPDES realm. Tom Belnick Supervisor, NPDES West Program NC DENR/Division of Water Quality 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 (919) 807-6390; fax (919) 807-6495 E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. J,Belnick, Tom From: Lewis, Ron [Ron.Lewis@duke-energy.com] Sent: Wednesday, February 03, 2010 9:04 PM To: Belnick, Tom Cc: Williams, Melanie; Chernikov, Sergei Subject: RE: Temperature Impairment Attachments: Allen 316a demo.pdf Tom, Please see pages 27 and 31 in the attached Allen Steam Station 316(a) demonstration that references the mixing zone that was originally assigned per the NPDES permit. However, the demonstration supported that a variance of the thermal water quality standards be granted because confining heat dissipation to the assigned mixing zone would essentially be impossible. If further documentation is needed to address this issue, I will need to start searching the archived files. Thanks, Ron Lewis Duke Energy Mail Code: EC13K 526 S. Church Street Charlotte, NC 28202 Office 980-373-5710 Mobile 704-607-8755 From: Belnick, Tom [mailto:tom.belnick@ncdenr.gov] Sent: Friday, January 22, 2010 5:56 PM To: Lewis, Ron Cc: Williams, Melanie; Chernikov, Sergei Subject: Temperature Impairment Ron- you called last week about a potential temperature impairment of the receiving waterbody (South Fork Catawba River) near the Allen Steam Station (NC0004979), Outfall 001. 1 know Duke has a 316(a) thermal variance, but I'm not aware of any defined mixing zone. Thus, if ambient waters exceed the state WQS, then an impaired listing is not surprising (we have listed waters as impaired for chloride discharged from pickle facilities that have a chloride variance; the variance protects them from not being able to comply with the chloride WQS, but does not stop the waterbody from being listed as impaired. Not sure if I have all the specifics, but if this is the case, you might want to stay in touch with Melanie regarding any future listing, since this process is outside of the NPDES realm. Tom Belnick Supervisor, NPDES West Program NC DENR/Division of Water Quality 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 (919) 807-6390; fax (919) 807-6495 E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. 1 0 PLANT ALLEN to 1q7q) AND UNITS 1, 2, 3, 4, A 5 316(a) DEMONSTRATION 1 DUKE POWER COMPANY TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER PAGES I. SUMMARY, CONCLUSIONS, AND RECOMMENDATION SUMMARY 1 CONCLUSIONS 1 RECOMMENDATION 2 II. INTRODUCTION LEGAL BACKGROUND 3 LOCATION AND PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION 4 ANNUAL TEMPERATURE REGIME 8 III. PLANT OPERATING DATA UNIT INFORMATION 10 INTAKE 10 DISCHARGE 11 IV. ENVIRONMENTAL DATA PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION 15 FIELD DATA 15 MATHEMATICAL MODEL 20 RESULTS OF MODELING 21 ASSIGNED MIXING ZONE 27 WATER QUALITY 31 V. BIOLOGICAL DATA SOURCE BODY OF WATER - CATAWBA RIVER ARM - LAKE WYLIE Phytoplankton Community 36 Zooplankton Community 37 RECEIVING BODY OF WATER - SOUTH FORK CATAWBA RIVER ARM - LAKE WYLIE Vascular Plants and Macroalgae 38 Phytoplankton Community 38 Benthic Macroinvertebrates 39 Fish 41 LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS 48 REFERENCES 49 IST OF FIGUR FI GURE PAGE 1. Regional Site Location 5 2. Map of Lake Wylie 6 3. Lake Wylie Area and Volume Curves 7 4. Sampling Locations (Fro Weiss Study Reference 5) 16 5. Isotherms, in °C, for Sauth Fork Catawba River (From Reference 5) I 17 6. Isotherms, in °C, for Lake Wylie - February, April, - June 1973 (From Referen a 5) 18 7. Isotherms, in °C, for L ke Wylie - August, October, December 1973 (From Ref rence 5) 19 8. Winter Plume - Predicted Monthly Average 23 9. Summer Plume - Predicte Monthly Average " 24 10. (a), (b) Topographic M p of Lake Wylie 25,26 11. Winter Plume - Predicted Monthly.Average at Ten Foot Drawdown 29 12. Summer Plume - Predicted Monthly Average at.Ten Foot Drawdown 30 13. Schematic Representation of State of North Carolina Assigned Heat Dissipation Zone for Plant Allen 32 14. Sampling Locations for Benthic Invertebrates, Periphyton, Phyto - plankton, Zooplankton, and Water Quality (From Reference 3) 34 15. Fish Sampling Location (From Reference 3) 44 LIST OF TABLES TABLE PAGE 1. Recent Plant Allen Monthly Average Inlet Temperature, Condenser Delta T and Average Outlet Temperature Compilations 12 2. Plant Allen Monthly Average Thermal Plume Data - Predicted 22 3. Plant Allen Monthly Average Thermal Plume Data for 560.0' Lake Elevation (10 -foot drawdown) - Predicted 28 4. Common and Scientific Names of Fishes Collected from Lake Wylie, North and South Carolina 42 SUMMARY, CON SUMMARY CHAPTER I ;IONS, and RECOMMENDATION This document summarizes Duke Power Company's 316(a) demonstration for Plant Allen located on Lake Wylie nea Charlotte, North Carolina. It presents re- sults of extensive physical, chemical, and biological studies designed to evaluate the influence of the o eration of Plant Allen upon the aquatic en- vironment of Lake Wylie. The p incipal sources of information for this document are reports based on research projects conducted by Duke Power Company, the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Industrial Bio -Test Laboratories, and the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission. CONCLUSIONS The major conclusion of this do'ument is that the heated discharge from Plant Allen is such that the protection and propagation of a balanced indigenous aquatic community in and on Lakl Wylie is assured. This major conclusion is supported by the following: 1. The sport fisheries resourdes of Lake Wylie have not been adversely affected by the thermal of luent of Plant Allen even though summertime monthly average discharge emperatures as high as 101.6°F (38.7'C)�1have been recorded. 2. Water temperatures and oxyen-concentrations beneath the Plant Allen thermal plume were always sufficie t to support fish life and a substantial zone of unrestricted fish passa�e was always present. 3. Fish body temperature stud es indicated that fish utilized both the heated and unheated portions of t e Allen thermal discharge even when temperatures exceeded 95°F (350C). 4. A large number of threadfishad, an extremely important forage fish, survive the naturally occurring cold winter temperatures of Lake Wylie because of the heated disc�arge from Allen. *See page 48 for a list of abbreviations. 5. Physical, chemical and biological effects attributable to the thermal effluent from Plant Allen are limited to the vicinity of the discharge area which is a very small percentage of the total acreage of Lake Wylie. 6. The operation of Plant Allen has a minimal overall impact upon the com- position, diversity, standing crop and reproduction of phytoplankton, zooplankton and macroinvertebrates (bottom dwelling organisms) in Lake Wylie. 7. No rare or endangered species of fish or macroinvertebrates are known to occur in Lake Wylie. 8. Measurable in -lake effects of the Allen thermal effluent on the viability of phytoplankton and zooplankton populations are limited to the immediate discharge area and are not statistically separable from naturally occur- ring variations in plankton populations. 9. Laboratory bioassays coupled with past and present field observations show that Lake Wylie waters are not conducive to an overabundant growth of nuisance blue-green algae. 10. The discharge of cooling water from Plant Allen improves the chemical and bacteriological quality of the receiving waters by diverting higher quality Catawba River Arm waters into the lower quality South Fork Catawba River Arm. Q_��)limitations Plant Allen is eligible for alternative, less stringent, thermal effluent under §316(a). This document demonstrates that such alterna- tive limitations are warranted. RECOMMENDATION The thermal effluent limitations imposed in National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Permit No. NC0004979 are requested to be modified to con- form to the present and anticipated operating parameters of Plant Allen as described in Chapter IV of this document. 2 i CHAPTER II INTRODUCTION LEGAL BACKGROUND Under the 1972 Amendments to th� Federal Water Pollution Control Act (the Act) operators of steam electri power generating units must comply with applicable technology based eff�luent limitations promulgated by the Ad- ministrator of Environmental' Pr tection Agency. These limitations, Effluent Guidelines and Standards, are p�blished at 40 C.F.R. Part 423. In addition, compliance with effluent limita ions calculated to achieve water quality standards is required under Sec ion 301(b) (1) (C) of the Act. With respect to the discharge of heat, however, an exemption from any of these limitations is available if the operator can make a successful demonstration under Section 316(a) of the Act. There are five units in operation at Plant Allen, all of which were placed in commercial operation prior to January 1, 1970. They are thus 'bid" units as defined in the Effluent Gui elines and Standards and exempt from the "no discharge of heat" limitations. Thus, the Effluent Guidelines and Standards impose no restrictions on discharge of heat from Allen Units 1-5. According to water quality statjdards for the state of North Carolina, however, the temperature of receiving waters cannot exceed 90°F(32.2°) and cannot exceed 5°F(2.8°C) above natural tempeIatures beyond the boundary of an assigned mixing zone. Under the state of Sout Carolina water quality standards, the temperature of receiving waters cannot exc ed 90°F(32.2°C) and cannot exceed 3°F(1.7°'C) above natural temperatures beyond th boundary of an assigned mixing zone. A mixing zone for Plant Allen has been ssigned by the state of North Carolina; however, due to the nature of the flow attern of the heated water discharge, the thermal plume from Plant Allen cannot be so confine d. Accordingly, Duke Power Company has requested that alt rnative, less stringent thermal effluent limita- tions be imposed under Section 316(a) for the heated water discharge from all units at Plant Allen. The following narrative is a brief summary of extensive environmental studies 3 of the physical, chemical and biological effects resulting from the operation of Plant Allen. This narrative summarizes Duke Power Company's demonstration that the impact of the heated water discharge from Plant Allen is so insig- nificant that its continuation "will assure the protection and propagation of a balanced, indigenous population of shellfish, fish and wildlife" (Reference 1) in and on Lake Wylie. IO The general format of this narrative follows the "Basic Guide to the Design' f 316 Demonstrations" of Region IV, EPA. LOCATION AND PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION Plant Allen is a 1155 MW fossil fired station located on Lake Wylie near Charlotte, -North Carolina (Figures 1,2). The lake was created in 1904 by the Southern Company with the construction of a dam on the Catawba River for hydro- electric power production. Duke Power Company increased the original impound- ment acreage in 1925 when the dam was raised 50 feet (15.2m) and a new 60 MW hydroelectric facility was constructed. Lake Wylie, which is located in both North and South Carolina, extends north from Wylie Dam up the Catawba River 28 miles (45km) to Mountain Island Dam which is another 60 MW hydroelectric facility. The impoundment extends approximately five miles (8.0 km) up the South Fork of the Catawba River. At full pond elevation 569.4 (174m) ms], Lake Wylie has a surface area of 12,455 acres (50 km2), a shoreline of about 325 miles (523 km), a volume of 281,900 ac -ft (3.46 x 108 m3), and a mean depth of 22.5 ft (6.9m). Its total watershed is approximately 3020 mi2 (7818 km2) which yields an average flow of 4100 cfs (116m3/s) through Wylie Dam resulting in a 32 day theoretical retention time. An area -volume curve for Lake Wylie is presented in Figure 3. Since 1950 the maximum lake drawdown has been 10.4 ft (3.2m) while the Federal Power Commission license permits a maximum drawdown of 16 ft.(4.9m) (Reference 2). Lake Wylie is drawn down approximately five feet (1.5m) on an annual basis (Reference 2). The primary sources of water for Lake Wylie are Mountain Island Lake (Catawba River), the South Fork Catawba River and other tributary creeks which respective - 4 REGIONAL SITE LOCATION ouK PLANT ALLEN 5 Figure 1 IZ w >I 22 F - 2 REGIONAL SITE LOCATION ouK PLANT ALLEN 5 Figure 1 7 -m", I MLLMIM Figure 2 Hl N m r J 0 0 It N R N W W o W p W K t p O 0 oh Z h � Z W o N h 8 O 0 O J) O Q O N O p O O O I h 'SW 3A09V 137! w MOLLVA313 LAKE WYLIE AREA AND VOLUME CURVES ouM PLANT ALLEN 7 Figure 3 n v c 1- N N N Ql r- O O f I h +:f- a, Q Z �{ J W 1 I 7&1 n i -411 1 ry I 1 rf 0 It N R N W W o W p W K t p O 0 oh Z h � Z W o N h 8 O 0 O J) O Q O N O p O O O I h 'SW 3A09V 137! w MOLLVA313 LAKE WYLIE AREA AND VOLUME CURVES ouM PLANT ALLEN 7 Figure 3 ly contribute approximately 50%, 25% and 25%'of the total flow. Based on eight years of records (1963-1970) the average flows through Mountain Island and Wylie Dam are respectively 2700 cfs (76.5m3/s) and 4400 cfs (12'4.6m3 /s), while United States Geological Survey streamflow measurements of the South Fork Catawba Ri yer averaged. _794. cfs (22.5m3/s) from 1942 through 1971 (Reference 3) . Mountain Island Hydro has an operational range from 2480 (67.9) to 9600 cfs (271.7m 3/s). Those from Wylie Dam ranged from 2800 (79.2) to 11200 cfs (317m3/s). Historical flow records for the impoundment are presented in Reference 3. ANNUAL TEMPERATURE REGIME Lake Wylie is characterized by winter water temperatures exceeding 390F(40C), thermal stratification during the summer, and complete mixing during the winter,typical of a monomictic lake. Lake Wylie usually reaches its coolest temperature of about 44°F (7°C) by mid-January. By late March the lake begins to exhibit natural thermal stratification which becomes well established by the end of April and is maintained throughout the summer. The fall overturn usually occurs in September and the lake becomes completely mixed. The in- tensity of stratification and the occurrence of overturn are influenced by the operation of Wylie and Mountain Island Hydroelectric Stations operation. Thermal stratification is usually characterized by temperature differences from surface to bottom of not more than 9 to 11°F (5-6°C) and overturn may occur as early as August. This early overturn is due to the low level with- drawals by the hydroelectric station.. For analysis and discussion purposes, Lake Wylie can be descriptively parti- tioned into three general areas: (1) South Fork Catawba River Arm, (2) Catawba River Arm, and (3) Main Body of Lake Wylie. The South Fork area includes the South Fork Catawba River from the Upper Armstrong Bridge to i_ts point of confluence with the Catawba River. This region exhibits artifically induced stratification due to the Allen thermal plume. The bottom waters of the South Fork flowing beneath the plume are representative of the waters up- stream which are not influenced by the thermal plume. The Catawba River area includes the Catawba River Arm from the base of Mountain Island dam to its point of confluence with the South Fork. This region is riverine in nature and well -mixed throughout the year. The Main Body of Lake Wylie includes the area downlake of the confluencelof the two arms to the dam. 0 CHAPTER III PLANT OPERATING DATA UNIT INFORMATION Plant Allen has five independent generating units which have a combined nameplate capacity of 1155 MW. Units 1 and 2, which began commercial opera- tion in 1957, are each rated at 165 MW. Units 3, 4, and 5, each rated at 275 MW, became operational in 1959, 1960 and 1961 respectively. _ INTAKE Condenser cooling water for Plant Allen is drawn from the Catawba River Arm of Lake Wylie. Each unit has two condenser cooling pumps. Two pumps are generally used during the summer when the unit is at full load. One pump is generally used during the winter or when the unit is at reduced load (Reference 4). Units 1 and 2 share a common cooling water tunnel served by a total of 4 pumps. Similarly, Units 3 and 4 share a tunnel and -4 pumps. This design permits the operation of three pumps per tunnel or the equivalent of 12 -pump operation per unit. This adds an economical range of operating flexibility. Unit 5 has a separate tunnel and can operate with one or two pumps. Condenser cooling water flow rates for each unit for 1, 12, or 2 -pump operation are as follows: Unit No. 1 -Pump 1,, -Pumps 2 -Pumps cfs '(m3/S) cfs (m3/S) cfs (m3/s) - 1 124 (3.5) 167 (4.7) 205 (5.8) 2 124 (3.5) 167 (4.7) 205• (5.8) 3 185 (5.2) 248 (7.0) 308 (8.7) 4 185 (5.2) 248 (7.0) 308 (8.7) 5 185 (5.2) 308 (8.7) Total 803 (22.6) 830 (23.4) 1334 (37.8) Irs DISCHARGE The winter and summer condenser cooling water design flows and temperature rises for Plant Allen are summarized as follows: Winter Summer Condenser Cooling 3 — Water Flow, cfs (m /s) 803 (22.7) 1334 (37.8) Temperature Rise dT, OF(OC) 29 (16.1) 18 (10.0) Presented in Table 1 are recent ionthly average intake temperatures, dis- charge temperatures'and plant &I's for the period 1968-1974. A comparison of Table 1 data with the design Jaloes indicates that during the winter months, plant AT's were well be ow, the design value of 29°F (16.1°C) with the highest.monthly average &T being 25.8°F (14.3°C). Examination of Table I reveals that, during the traditional summer months of June, July and August, the greatest plant &T was 18.9°F (10.5°C). -The highest monthly average discharge temperature tabulated is 101.6°F (38.7°C) (See Table 1). Historical monthly average intake temperatures are also presented in Reference 3. TABLE I Recent Plant Allen Monthly Average Inlet Temperature, Condenser Delta --T and Average Outlet Temperature Compilations 12 - - Average Inlet Plant Average Outlet Temperature Delta T Temperature Month Year OF(OC) OF(OC) OF(OC) January 1968 43.5(6.4) 23.0(12.8) 66.5(19.2) February 44.2(6.8) 25.8(14.3) 70.0(21.2) March 52.2(11.2) 20.8(11.6) 73.0(22.8) April - 64.1(17.8) 16.2(9.0) 80.3(26.8) May 71.1(21.7) 15.1(8.4) 86.2(30.1) June 78.5(25.8) 15.4(8.6) 93.9(34.4) July 82.4(28.0) 16.2(9.0) 98.6(37.0) August 84.5(29.2) 17.1(9.5) 101.6(38,7) September 78.6(25.9) 16.3(9.1) 94.9(34.9) October_ 71.0(21.7) 14.7(8.2) 85.7(29.8) November 57.5(14.2) 17.9(9.9) 75.4(24.1) December 48.6(9.2) 19.3(10.7) 67.9(19.9) January 1969 44.7(7.1) 22.5(12.5) 67.2(19.6) February 46.2(7.9) 23.1(12.9) 69.3(20.7) March 49.2(9.6) 20.3(11.3) 69.5(20.8) April 61.6(16.4) 17.3(9.6) 78.9(26.1) May - 70.4(21.3) 15.7(8.7) 86.1(30.1) June 77.9(25.5) 13.7(7.6) 91.6(33.1) July 84.6(29.2) 14.8(8.2) 99.4(37.4) August 82.4(28.0) 16.0(8.9) 98.4(36.9) September 78.1(25.6) 13.7(7.6) 91.8(33.2) October 70.1(21.2 14.2(7.9) 84.3(29.1) November 57.7(14.3) 22.0(12.2) 79.7(26.5) December - 47.9(8.8) 19.3(10.7) 67.2(19.6) January 1970 43.2(6.2) 23.5(13.1) 66.7(19.3) February 46.2(7.9) 23.1(12.8) 69.3(20.7) March 52.9 (1 1 .6) 20-701-5) 73.6(23-1) April 62.5(16.9) 15.8(8.8) 78.3(25.7) May 71 .6 (22.0 16.2 (9.0) 87.8(31-0) June 79.2(26.2) 14.5(8.1) 93.7(34.3) July 82.4(28.0) 14.5(8.1) 96.9(36.1) August 86.4(30.2) 14.9(8.3) 101.3(38.5) September 80.4(26.9) 16.8(9.3) 97.2(36.2) October 72.1(22.3) 15.5(8.6) 87.6(30.9) November 59-305.2) 15.8(8-8) 75.1(23-9) December 51.9(11.1) 17.6(9.8) 69.5(20.8) 12 - TgBLE I, Continued Average Inlet Plant Average Outlet Temperature Delta T Temperature Month Year °F(OC) °F(°C) °F(°C) January 1972 50.4(10.2) 18.3(10.2) 68.7(20.4) January 1971 46.0 (7.8) 23.603-1) 69.6 (20.9) February 44.2(6.8) 1.8) 16.8(9.3) 61.0(16.1) March 50.7(10.4) 19.2(10.7) 69.9(21.1) April 59.3 (15.2) 1.1) 16.0 (8.9) 75.3 (24.1) May 67.6(19.8) 15.8(8.8) 83.4(28.6) June 74.5(23.6) 7.4) 16.7(9.3) 91.2(32.9) ,Ju 1 y 81.6W.6) (8.2) 15.1 (8.4) 96.7(35-9) August 82.7(28.7) 15.9(8.8) 98.6(37.0) September 80.3(26.8) 0.6) 14.4(8.0) 94.7(34.8) October 71.5 (21'.9) 14.1(7-8) 85.6 (29.8) November 61.0()6.1) 17.3(9.6) 78.3(25.7) December 52.1 (} 1.2) 16.9 (9.4) 69.o(20.6) January 1972 50.4(10.2) 18.3(10.2) 68.7(20.4) February 46.6(8.1) 23.7(13.2) 70.3(21.3) March 53.2( 1.8) 20.5(11.4) 73.7(23.2) April 61.6Q6.4) 17.4(9.7) 79.0(26.1) May 69.9 ( 1.1) 14.7 (8.2) 84.6 (29.2) June 75.4(24.1) 11.8(6.6) 87.2(30.7) July 81.2 (� 7.4) 14.0(7-8) 95.2(35-1) August 82.8 (8.2) 15.8 (8.8) 98.6(37-0) September 79.4(26.4) 15.2(8.4) 94.6(34.8) October 69.0(1 0.6) 15.4(8.6) 84.4(29.1) November 59.6(15.3) 19.9(11.1) 79.5(26.4) December 50.9(10.5) 18.3(10.2), 69.2(20.7) .January 1973 46.9,8-3) 18.600-3) 65.5 (18.6) February 45.9 (17.7) 18-500-3) 64.4(18.0) March 51 .6 (110.9) 2.600-3) 70.2 (2i .2) April 57.4(114.1) 18.4(10.2) 75.8(24.3) May 65.9(18.8) 18.5(10.3) 84.4(29.1) June 76.1124-5) 18.7 (10.4) 94.8 (34.9) July 82.3127.9) 18.9(10.5) 101.2(38.4) August 82.9 128.3) 18.7.(10.4) 101.6(38-7) September 81.1127-3) 18.9(10,5) 100.0(37.8) October 72.'5122.5) 19.5 (10.8) 89.6 (32.0) November 60.5 15.8) 19.2(10.7) 79.7(26.5) December 50.7 10.4) 20.5(11.4) 71.2(21.8) January 1974 50.1,10-1) 19.3(10.7) 69.5(20.8) February 49.6(9.8) 19.3(10.7) 68,9(20.5) March 54.1 12.3) 19.0(10.6) 73.0(22.8) April 60.1 15.6) 18.7(10.4) 78.7(25.9) May 69.3 20-7) 20.8(11.6) 89.4(31.9) 13 TABLE I, Continued 14 Average Inlet Plant Average Outlet Temperature Delta T Temperature Month Year OF(OC) OF(OC) 0F(0C) June 1974 77.3(25.2) 17.2(9.6) 94.5(34.7) July 80.8(27.1) 16.9(9.4) 97.7(36.5) August 81.5(27.5) 16.3(9.1) 97.8(36.6) September 76.3 (24.6) 16.7(9-3) 93.1(33-9) October 66.9(19.4) 19.1(10.6) 86.0(30.0) November 59-105-1) 17.2(g.6) 76.3 (24.6) December 47.7(8.7) 17.1(9.5) 64.8(18.2) 14 ENI PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION CHAPTER IV /IRONMENTAL DATA Plant Allen uses the Catawba River Arm of Lake Wylie as its source of condenser cooling water and discharges into the South Fork Catawba River Arm through a 3/4 -mile discharge canal (See Figure 2). The discharge causes turbulent mixing within the upper layer of the South Fork receiving waters. This turbulent mixing 'area is approximately 230 acres (0.9 km2). FIELD DATA Duke Power Company sponsored two independent, one-year environmental studies on Lake Wylie spanning 1973 and 1974. The first was directed by Dr. Charles M. Weiss of the University of North Carolina for the period February 1973 through January 1974 (Reference 5). The second study was conducted by Industrial Bio -Test Laboratories, Inc. from September 1973 through August 1974 (Reference 3). Horizontal and vertical thermal distribution patterns in the South Fork Catawba River Arm from*Weiss's study (See Figure 4 for sampling locations) are shown for each month of the period February, 1973 - January 1974 in Figure 5. Isotherm patterns in Lake Wylie'for the months of February, April, June, August, October and December 1973, are presented in Figures 6 and 7. The heated dis- charge enters the South Fork River Arm approximately opposite Station 2.0 (See Figure 4). The maximum surface water temperatures occur at this point and diminish as the plume floals downlake and, to a limited extent, uplake approximately 1.5 miles. The lume temperature decreases rapidly toward natural levels as it moves dow stream toward the confluence with the Catawba River Arm (Figure 5). Allen's thermal plume enters the main body of Lake Wylie at Station 78.9 and spreads dolnlake and uptake for comparatively short dis- tances (Figures 6 and 7). Tem eratures within the plume as it reaches the confluence of the two arms of he lake are -usually elevated only 2-3°C above the rest of the lake and a substantial zone of passage is always available beneath the plume (Reference 5i. Thermal studies conducted by Industrial Bio - Test (Reference 3) substantiat this plume behavior. 15 Fi gure 4 16 m A rn z -Ti n C) m to O O O O O O O O O O O O O O DEPTH- FEET W3 Y O O O O O W N - U $ O O O O O A W N - O O O O O U O A O O O O O N D 1 4 m N 0 0 0 O O O O O O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 00 0 !a O O O O 0 0 0 0 O O O O O O O O O O O u ,C3 0 O O O 1 b I O A IO O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O 0. 0 1 I T I n H A N _ U O 00 --{p N O 00 O 00 0000 Q O O O O O O ,AO O O N0 O N U r 1 O 1 N r O N p O O O { O O O O O O O Z O O i m r O (D � rJ O O U O O O O O O O W- 0 0 0 W- 00 O U"I N w c N O O O 0 O r. N r 0 O O o w r -n 2 — O N D C fel m m ;;o -n z o0 9 O m o 3 m ; 1 DEPTH -FEET _O P 0 D O m O 0 0 o o $ 0 0 0, o o $ 0 0 0 o S o 0 0 0 0 0 $ o 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 m A rn z -Ti n C) m to —,- 4 N !a O O O 0 0 0 0 O O O O O O O O O O 00 O O 1 1 0 _ N O O V W O p O O O O O O ,AO O N0 O p 1 O 1 N r O p O O O O O O O O O O C,0 O O O O O O � rJ O O U O O O O O O O W- 0 0 0 W- 00 O N w N O O O N N O O O o 0 2 =O O N D C fel m m Q 9 O m o m ; 1 _O P 0 D O LU :560 --� n Lu _550 ., Z � - }-- Z 530 O 520 } 510 600, 166 4 r T B.il 7.5 \�- r 70 7.0 83.1 78.9 �74 �- 18.0 560 o p 550 w c o �r 540 o p }-- p 13.0 f1 530 0 0 0 O 520 V o } 510 70.8 S 500 FEBRUARY 1913 -- o 0 18.0 0 15.0 !74.2 0 0 17.0 0 0 83.1 78.9 APRIL 1973 WYLIE 560 y 0 25.0 c �..._ " 25.0 550 —_ 24.0 o� p o W ')'� p Q Sao }- -, - 23.0 0 530 - ).: 0 C) 52.0 78 9 � 74.2 cm 510 y ?C.6 = p 500 68 i 66 4 JUNE 1973 ISOTHERMS,IN 0C,FOR LAKE W YLIE FEBRUARY,APRIL, JUNE 1973 ( FROM REFERENCE 5 ) DUKE} PLANT ALLEN Figure 6 18 0 ° --- 360 0 0 n 29.0 00 o u o 0 28. 0 0 w 1550 0 0 ° 0 0 0 Y 0 ° 0 0 d 540 0 0 I--- ° o u 0 27.0 v r -i 330 ° 03.1 520 ` 78.9 p 74.2 >- 510 70.8 Z 500 68.1 66.4 WYLIE ALGUST 1973 360 23.0 0 0 ° 24.0 0 0 0 0 3.0 0 22.0 0 W550 ° ° 0 °� 0. ° I F¢- 540 d ° 0 0 0 O ~ 530 I 83.1 r O 78.9 5 20 74.2 LUJ S 510 70.8 W 500 66.4 68.1 WYLIE OCTOBER 1973 III Z. 560 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 W 550 ° ° Y o 0 0 0 0 Q 540 11.0 F' 0 0 0 0 H 530 63.1 0 0 0 0 78.9 O 520 74.2 � o r 510 70.8 Z 0 500 68.1 66.1 WYLIE DECEMBER 1973 ISOTHERMS,IN °C,FOR LAKE WYLIE AUGUST,OCTOBER, DECEMBER 1973 ( FROM REFERENCE 5 ) C:EPO PLANT ALLEN Figure 7 19 Y MATHEMATICAL MODEL In addition to the actual field data collected on Lake Wylie depicting Allen's thermal plume, predictive mathematical modeling studies were conducted to determine the most extreme monthly average thermal plume conditions. As mentioned earlier in this chapter, Plant Allen discharges through a canal into the South Fork Catawba River Arm. This heated water discharge eventually moves downlake to the main body of Lake Wylie. Special drogue, dye and thermal imagery studies conducted by Duke (1970-1973) have demonstrated that the flow patterns between the discharge canal and the Lower Armstrong Bridge were very complex. For this reason, the plume modeling was divided into two regions: Region ]).canal to the Lower Armstrong Bridge, and Region 2) downlake of the Lower Armstrong Bridge. As a result of the complex flows involved, no attempt was made to model isotherms in Region 1. Instead, a plug flow model with dilution and surface heat loss was used to predict temperatures at the Lower Armstrong Bridge. The resulting equation for the temperature excess ( ATLAB ) at Lower Armstrong Bridge is: AT LAB = AT 0 exp C- HA/ P CvQtil (1) t D L JJ s where G Tois the temperature rise through Allen, Ds the dilution, H the surface exchange coefficient, A the surface area between the discharge canal and Lower Armstrong Bridge (approximately 230 acres),Qthe water density, C the specific heat, and Qo the plant volumetric flow rate. A series of vertical temperature profiles at 25 stations in the South Fork Catawba River Arm taken in 1972 and 1973 was used with Equation (1) to determine Ds which is defined as the ratio of the entrained flow to Qo. The median value obtained from these measurements was approximately 0.8. A surface exchange coefficient of 5 BTU/ft 2/°F/Hr was used in the model. Analysis of Region 2 was accomplished using the surface heat transfer portion of the transient cooling pond model developed at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) by Ryan and Harleman (Reference 6). Validation of the complete model was accomplished by comparing daily temperature measurements and pre- dicted distributions, using daily plant flows, a T's and daily meteorology. 20 The hypothesized "extreme" year is a combination of several highly unlikely model input conditions. The year 1953 was used since it exhibited the most extreme meteorological conditions based on a 23 -year period of record (1951- 1973) from Charlotte's Douglas Airport. Maximum monthly average intake temperatures were selected by studying operating logs -for the three years (in the period 1960-1970) which had the highest summer and winter equilibrium temperatures, resulting in maxi um summer and winter values of 85°F (29.4°C) and 52°F (11.]°C) respectively. These conditions existed in August, 1968 and December, 1967. Plant Alle is condenser flows and temperature increases ( oT's) were based on full capacity (1155 MW) operating conditions with one - pump operation (803 cfs) in the winter and two -pump operation (1334 cfs) in the summer. RESULTS OF MODELING Based on the modified MIT model (Reference 6) the simulated monthly average thermal plume acreages, shorelines in the elevated temperature region and their respective percentages of the total lake values for the extreme summer and winter conditions ale presented in Table 2 (p. 22). The thermal plume is herein defines{ as 90°F (32°C) or 3°F (1.7°C) AT excess above background lake temperatures in South Carolina and as 90°F (32°C) or 5°F (2.8°C)o T in North Carolina. Under extreme winter conditions 2800 ac (11.3 km2) representing 22% of the surface area of Lake Wylie was simulated to be 30F 0.7%) above ambient lake temperatures, as a result of Plant Allen. This drops to 1950 ac (7.9 km2) or 16% of the lake surface when a 5°F (2.8°C) o T is considered For simulated extreme summer conditions, 1100 ac (4.5 km2), representing 9% of the total lake area, were f and to be in excess of 90°F (32°C); this area also represents the 5°F (2.8°C oT plume. The 3°F (1.7°C) AT plume encom- passes an area of 1850 ac (7.5 km2) or 15% of the lake. Figures 8 and 9 show the extent and approximate location of the thermal plumes for winter and summer conditions respectively. A topographic map of Lake Wyli le (Figure 10(a) (b)) shows that the shallow areas 21 N N TABLE 2. PLANT ALLEN MONTHLY AVERAGE THERMAL PLUME DATA - PREDICTED Thermal Plume Data Plant operating Conditions 90'F (32°C) Isotherm Reference Extreme Condenser T Loadl Intake Discharge N. C. S. C. Total5 % N. C.3 % S. C.3 `/, Total N. C. S. C. Total % N. C.4 % S. C.4 % Totals Figure Flow Temp. Temp. Surface Surface Surface Lake Lake Lake Shoreline Shoreline Shoreline Lake Lake Lake cfs "F `C %• 'F 'C 'F "C Acres Acres Acres Acrea a Acreage Acreage Miles Miles Miles Shoreline Shoreline Shorelin( Figure 8 Winter 803 29(16.1) 100 52(11.1) 81(27.2) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Figure 9 Summar 1334 18(10) 100 85(29.4) 103(39.4) 670 430 1100 101, 8% 9% 12.5 1.5 14 5% 2% 4% 5'F(2.8`C) Excess 3'F(1.7'C) Excess ABOVE INTAKE ISOTHERM ABOVE INTAKE ISOTHERM N. C. Total .7 N. C. % Total N. C. Total % N. C. % Total S. C. Total % S. C. % Total S. C. Total % S. C. % Total Surface Surface Lake Lake Shoreline Shoreline Lake Lake Surface Surface Lake Lake Shoreline Shoreline Lake Lake Acres Acres Acreage Acreage Miles Miles Shoreline Shoreline Acres Acres Acreage Acreage Miles Miles Shoreline Shoreline Figure 8 Winter 1100 1950 16% 16A 17.5 25 8'/,-, 8`„ 1100 2800 20% 2T'/, 9.5 34 10% 101/1 Figure 9 Sumner 670 1100 10% 9% 12.5 14 5`! 4% 720 1850 13% 15% 6 20.5 6'/, 6% IPLANT full load operating capacity = 1155 MW 2Based on maximum monthly average intake temperatures selected from period 1960-1970; winter -December, 1967; summer -August, 1968. 313ased on full pond lake elevation at 569.4` msl (12,455 acres); lake surface acreage in N. C. and S. C. are respectively 6,975 and 5,480 acres. 4Based on total shoreline mileage of 327 miles; 232 miles in N. C. and 95 miles in S. C. 5Total refers to sum of affected areas in both North and South Carolina. uth Carotin- o �� •. n 0 0 S a :R ARMSTRONG BRIDGE PLANT ALLEN f o INTAKE ° 60 LOWER ARMSTRONG DISCHARGE BRIDGE CANAL (81°F/27.20C) STATION O LAKE WYLI E WATER SURFACE (c) EL. 570 WINTER PLUME—PREDICTED [IONTHLY AVERAGE dune PLANT ALLEN Figure 8 23 5 tr' I 2 SCALE IN 411LE5 LEGEND ®3°F (EXCESS ABOVE 2° INTAKE TENT 5F/11.1°C) INTAKE r� CEM ABOVE INTAKE TEMP. 52°F/II.I°C) STATION O LAKE WYLI E WATER SURFACE (c) EL. 570 WINTER PLUME—PREDICTED [IONTHLY AVERAGE dune PLANT ALLEN Figure 8 23 f) D E 4 UPPER ARMSTRONG BRIDGE ?� APLANT V�vl ALLEN "41, INTAKE \ BRIDGE v \` CANAL qGE CANAL Na -Ca rfh (103°F/39.4°C) r o I i n a 5 SCALE IN MILES LEGEND 3° F (EXCESS ABOVE ti INTAKE TEMP. 85°F4°C) C`$+ F & 5 (EXCESS EXCESS ABOVE 7 K NNrr�� f� INTAKE TEMP. B5°F/29.4°C) I Y\Y�\LIIE STATION , \V1 LAKE WYLIE NATER SURFACE (a7 EL.570 SUMMER PLUME -PREDICTED MONTHLY AVERAGE oua PLANT ALLEN Figure 9 24 3nia Q J U z D Q 0 U C TOPOGRAPHIC MAP OF LAKE WYLIE oua PLANT ALLEN 25 � Figure 10 (a) crW N LL w p W W y N p F N _ W Z — W r O LjQ N z ZQo - K aL>U T - 0)U TOPOGRAPHIC MAP OF LAKE WYLIE oua PLANT ALLEN 25 � Figure 10 (a) TOPOGRAPHIC MAP OF LAKE WYLIE DUKE POWER PLAINT ALLEN 26 Figure 10 (b) ef f, oPo1� are adjacent to the shoreline. Therefore, the percentage of shallow areas in the elevated temperature region is approximately equal to the percentage of shoreline in the elevated to perature region. Approximately 34 mi (55 km) or 10% of the total lake shoreline is affected by the 3°F (1.7°C) AT for the extreme conditions. For a 5°F 2.8°C) AT during the winter 25 mi (40 km) or 8% of the shoreline is affected 11l During the extreme summer simulation 14 mi (23 km) or 4% of the Lake Wylie shoreline is affected by the 90°F (32°C) thermal plume. Since an 85°F (29.4°C) intake temperature is used the shoreline in the 5°F (2.8°C) AT plume is the same as for the 90°F (32°C) thermal plume. Six percent of the shoreline is affected by the 3°F (1.7°C) AT thermal plume. The Plant Allen intake temperature (and thus the discharge temperature) is not appreciably affected by I drawdown condition in Lake Wylie. The area required for the 90°F,'5°F AT and 3°F AT heat dissipation zones re- mains the same for both drawdown and full pond lake surface elevations. Figures 11 and 12 and Table 3 present thermal plume data assuming a 10 - foot drawdown for Lake Wylie. This plume data analysis was based on the same meteorological and plant operating condition as for the full pond analysis. Under drawdown condil tions the heat dissipation zones extend further down the lake. Although the total plume area remains constant, I there'is a change in the relatilve distribution of the plume in North and South Carolina. Due to lake bottom topography, North Carolina has an increase and South Carolina has a decrease in plume area. ASSIGNED MIXING ZONE The State of North Carolina assigned a heat dissipation zone (mixing zone) for North Carolina waters for Pant Allen. This zone encompasses that portion of the thermal plume where surface temperatures are permitted to exteed 5°F (2.8°C) AT above natural temp rature and/or 90°F (32°C). It is delineated as being "the eastern two-thir s of the South Fork Catawba River (as measured from the eastern shoreline) lying between upper Armstrong Bridge (State Road No. 2519 bridge), and the Catawba River; and the western two-thrids of the Catawba River (as measured from the western shoreline of the river) extending from the Allen Steam Station intake structure to the South Fork Catawba River" (From NPDES Permit No. NC0004979). This mixing zone is 27 Reference Extreme Figure Figure 11 Winter Figure 12 Summer N rye Figure 11 Winter Figure 12 Summer Table 3. Plant Allen Monthly Average Thermal Plume Data for 560.0' Lake Elevation (10 -foot drawdown) - Predicted Plant Thermal Plume Data Operating Conditions 90'F (32%) Isotherm Condenser AT Loadl Intake Discharge N. C. S. C. Total3 Total3 N. C. S. C. Total3 Flow Temp. Temp. Surface Surface Surface Lake Sh•,re- Shore- Shoreline line line cfs 'F('C) '%. 'F('C) 'F('C) Acres Acres Acres Acreage Miles Miles Miles 803 1334 N. C. Surface 29(16.1) 100 2800 52(11.1) 81(27.2) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 18(10) 100 85(29.4) 103(39.4) 821 279 lion 12 16 3 19 5'F(2.8'C) Excess 3'F(1.7'C) Excess ABOVE INTAKE ISOTHERM ABOVE INTAKE ISOTHERM Tota13 '% Tota13 N. C. Total3 S. C. Total3 % Tota13 S. C. Tota13 Surface Lake Shore- Shoreline Surface Surface Lake Shore- Shoreline line line Acres Acres Acreage Miles Miles Acres Acres Acreage Miles Miles 1264 1950 21 24 33 821 1100 12 16 19 994 2800 30 14.5 48 630 1850 20 8 31 PLANT full load operating capacity = 1155 MW 2Based on maximum monthly average intake temperatures selected from period 1960-1970; winter -December, 1967; summer -August, 1968. 3Total refers to sum of affected areas in both North and South Carolina. !-es L4 S. 79 ono o "-•'LPKR ARMSTRONG •;I BRIDGE PLANT ALLEN INTAKE p0 LOWER. .. ARM$TRON{l.•, ••;• `B.!RIDGE.::. t DISCHARGE CANAL SOolhh Carolinna (81°F/27,2°C) t„ ... S.C. 49 Got J O' I 2 / SOLE IN A11 L[5 LEGEND •~'I�:'- ' +- 30F (EXCESS ABOVE •' �' :.PJJJJ/,] Y�l� INTAKE TEMP, 52°F/II.10C) 5°F(EXCESS ABOVE INTAKE TEMP. 52°F/11.10C) ' ,WYLIE STATION LAKE WYLIE WATER SURFACE (a) EL 560 WINTER PLUME—(PREDICTED MONTHLY AVERAGE AT T FOOT DRAWDOWN ouK PLANT ALLEN Figure Ill j 30 Y shown schematically in Figure 13;. Compliance with the State assigr'ed heat dissipation zone would be impossible' without the construction of a p`1ysical barrier to restrict the thermal plume to the assigned zone. Studies of cooling pond mechanics by various authors have demonstrated that density differences between the heated plume and the lake surface temperature set up "density currents". Ryan and Harleman (Reference 6) provide a theoretical basis for the existence of density flows and discuss confirming laboratoly and field results. These currents are the primary mechanism by which the surface plume, in the process of cooling, is transported into remote portions of a cooling lake allowing effective use of the lake surface areas for cooling. The plume is buoyant and tends to spread uniformly over the water surface. However, due to river flows, operation of Mountain Island and Wylie Hydro Stations, high winds, rainfall and other changing meteorological conditions, the thermal plume meanders over the water body. The maximum monthly average heat dissipation zone required by Plant Allen is 2200 acres (8.9 km2). This is 1 computed projection based on extreme hydro- logical and meteorological conditions. An evaluation of Duke Power Company _ field data and extensive studies conducted by Industrial Bio -Test Laboratories, Inc. (Reference 3) and by Weiss (Reference 5) confirm this projection. The heat dissipation zone would be contiguous with the end of the Allen discharge canal and encompass waters in both North and South Carolina. Of the total 2200 acres (8.9 km2), 1100 acres (4.5 km2) would be in North Carolina, based on the 90°F (32°C) or 5°F (2.8°C) AT water quality standard. The remaining 1100 acres (4.5 km2) would be in South Carolina assuming a 90°F (32°C) or 3°F 91.7°C) pT standard (S e Table 2 and Figures 8 and 9). The geo- graphical boundaries of the heft dissipation zone would vary with the meandering of the thermal plume. It shoud be noted that it is winter time operation of Plant Allen which determines tie maximum size of the heat dissipation zone. WATER QUALITY A recent study of Lake Wylie water quality was conducted by Industrial Bio - Test for Duke'Power Company from September 1973 to August 1974 (Reference 3) 31 NORTH CAROLINA SOUTH CAROLINA 0 Nommomm SCALE IN MILES I DISCHARG CANAL MIXING ZONE LOWER ARMSTRONG �, BRIDGE SCHUTATIC REPRESENTATION OF STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA ASSIGNED HEAT DISSIPATION ZONE FOR PLANT ALLEN oua PLANT ALLEN Figure 13 32 (See Figure 14 for sampling locations). Weekly profiles of temperature, oxygen, conductivity, pH and tratismissivity and monthly chemical and bacte- riological analyses were made at 20 locations throughout the lake during the year. These studies indicated that the study area was comprised of three distinct water systems: the Cat wba River Arm, typical of a well mixed river; the South Fork Catawba Riier Arm, an artifically stratified system resulting from the flow of ambient South Fork water beneath the Plant Alien thermal effluent; and the Main Body of Lake Wylie. Concentrations of major chemical constituents were typical of a drainage system originating in an area underlain by igneous and metamorphic bedrock. The highest values of most parameters occurred in ambient South Fork Arm waters, unaffected by the Allen discharge. These values probably reflected the upstream discharges of industrial and municipal wastes (Reference 3). Associated with industrial and municipal waste discharges are decreased oxygen concentrations ('oxygen sags") some distance below the point of dis- charge. These oxygen sags, if they develop, can be accentuated by increased temperatures due to thermal effl ents. An analysis of theoretical considera- tions and existing data (Reference 3) revealed that the Plant Allen thermal discharge has little or no measurable effect on the oxygen concentration (organic loading) of the South Fork Arm of Lake Wylie (Reference 7), Catawba River waters had a pred main body of Lake Wylie. Howev of ambient South Fork water wer as far as 10 miles downstream f Catawba Rivers (Reference 3). minant effect on water quality within the r, chemical and bacteriological parameters sometimes measured in Lake Wylie bottom water om the confluence of the South Fork and During the late spring and summ r months of the study period, pH values in Lake Wylie exceed state water quality standards. These high pH values resulted from naturally occurri g photosynthetic activity in Lake Wylie. Nitrogen and phosphorus concent ations were generally highest in natural South Fork Arm waters. Overall) the Plant Allen discharge exerted a positive effect on the chemical and bacteriological quality of the South Fork Catawba 33 SAMPLING LOCATIONS FOR BENTHIC INVERTEBRATES, PERIPHYTON, PHYTOPLANKTON, ZOOPLANKTON AND WATER QUALITY (FROM REFERENCE 3) PLANT Figure 14 34 River Arm waters by diverting hi the comparatively lower quality ]her quality Catawba River Arm waters into iouth Fork water. 35 CHAPTER V BIOLOGICAL DATA SOURCE BODY OF WATER - CATAWBA RIVER ARM - LAKE WYLIE Phytoplankton Community The phytoplankton community of the Catawba River Arm of Lake Wylie in the vicinity of Plant Allen was studied from February 1973 to January 1974, by Weiss et al. (Reference 5) (See Figure 4 for sampling locations) and from September 1973 to August 1974 by Industrial Bio -Test Laboratories (Reference 3) (See Figure 14 for sampling locations). Monthly quantitative phyto - plankton samples were taken by both researchers in Lake Wylie including the Catawba River Arm and the South Fork Catawba River Arm. The naturally occur- ring seasonal population patterns of phytoplankters were comparable for both studies. Data from these studies are used in the following discussion. The upstream impoundments of the Catawba River System were probably the origin of the majority of phytoplankton species in the Catawba River Arm and in Lake Wylie (Reference 3). The South Fork did contribute a small but distinctive riverine type flora (Reference 3). Results of seasonal Phytoplankton population studies indicated that lowest densities of all algal divisions occurred in the winter. Maximum densities varied seasonally for each algal division. The diatoms (Bacillariophyta) and the green algae-(Chlorophyta) dominated the phyto - plankton in Lake Wylie. Diatoms reached their greatest abundance in May and the principal genera included Melosira, Stephanodiscus and Cyclotella. Maximum densities for the green algae occurred in June. The most abundant green algal taxa were Chiamydomonas, Nannochloris, Mesostiqma and_Scenedesmus (Reference 3). _ The blue-green algae (Cyanophyta) were a minor constituent of the total phyto - plankton populations. The most quantitatively important blue-green algal taxa were the colonial genera Aphanocapsa, Aphanothece, Merismopedia and Microcystis and the filamentous Anabaena and Oscillatoria. 36 The dinoflagellates (Pyrrhophyte (Euglenophyta), cryptomonads (Cr dophyta) were present in relativ portion of biomass compared to t Zooplankton Community The zooplankton community of La sampled monthly from February 1 (See Figure 4 for sampling loca August 1974 by Industrial Bio -T locations). j, yellow-brown algae (Chrysophyta), euglenoids (ptophyta) and the chioromonads (Chloromona- :ly low numbers and accounted for a negligible ie diatoms and green algae (Reference 3). e Wylie in the vicinity of Plant Alien was 73 to January 1974 by Weiss et al. (Reference 5) ions) and monthly from September 1973 to st (Reference 3) (See Figure 14 for sampling The rotifers were the most numerically abundant constituents of the Lake Wylie zooplankton community (References 5 and 3). The rotifer population densities were generally greater during April through August with highest populations occurring in April and May. Dominant rotifers, those genera com- prising 10% or more of the total zooplankton, included Asplanchna, Brachionus, Conochiloides, Conochilus, Keratella, Polyarthra and Synchaeta. Keratella and Polyarthra, the most common genlLra, were present throughout the year and attaire d greatest population densities ih May. Brachionus was a summer form and was dominant only in the South Fork. Conochiloides and Conochilus were dominant summer forms. Asplanchna was the dominant genus only in the spring. Synchaeta was the only genus present throlughout the year which had two density maxima: one in January and one in May. The most abundant cladocerans The various cladoceran genera but they comprised only an ave (Reference 3). Bosmina was pr pulses in spring and fall (Ref attained maximum abundance in ere Bosmina and Daphnia (References 5 and 3). xhibited seasonal differences in abundance, age of 10% of the total zooplankton population sent all year long and exhibited population rence 3). Daphnia was common in February and ay. The greatest adult copepod population densities were present during the fall and the spring. The rotifer, cladoceran and copepod populations exhibi ed fluctuations in densities typical of reservoirs and lakes of the Piedmont region (Reference 5). 37 RECEIVING BODY OF WATER - SOUTH FORK CATAWBA RIVER ARM - LAKE WYLIE Vascular Plants and Macroalgae Field observations of shallow near -shore areas of the entire reservoir (including the elevated temperature region) confirmed that rooted aquatic vegetation (vascular plants) and algae attached to submerged surfaces (periphyton) and macroalgae constitute an insignificant portion of the lake's total primary production (See Figure .14 for sampling locations). The near ab- sence of both rooted aquatic vegetation periphyton is attributable to the combined effects of changes in lake level caused by hydroelectric operation and reduced light penetration caused by naturally occurring high turbidity levels (Reference 3) . Phytoplankton Community Thermal discharges from Plant Allen into the South Fork Catawba River Arm spread uplake as well as downlake and diluted the nutrient -rich waters of the South Fork (Reference 5). The South Fork Catawba River Arm contained a small but distinctive phytoplankton community consisting mainly of pennate diatoms, non -motile green algae and euglenoids (Reference 3). The operation of Plant Allen caused a thermal stratification in the discharge area and a subsequent phytoplankton stratification. Phytoplankton taxa characteristic of the Catawba River Arm were more prevalent in the heated surface water while phytoplankton taxa typical of South Fork Catawba River Arm were more frequently found in the cooler, deeper water. At the interface of the plume and ambient South Fork waters, a highly variable degree of mixing between the two phyto - plankton assemblages was observed (Reference 3). There was no evidence that the thermal discharge from Plant Allen had been or is causing any shift in the phytoplankton flora of South Fork Arm to more heat tolerant species (Reference 5). Operation of Plant Allen did not cause a reduction in the species diversity of zooplankton. The discharge of condenser cooling water from Plant Allen had no measurable overall influence on zooplankton populations in Lake Wylie (Reference 3). M Bioassay results indicated that conducive to the overabundant g (Reference 3). Furthermore, th Plant Allen on the ability of t algal growth as a function of n that the operation of Plant All qualitative variation of plankt Arm and South Fork Catawba Rive Benthic Macroinvertebrates he Lake Wylie study area waters were not wth of potential nuisance blue-green algae e results did not indicate any influence of Lake Wylie study area waters to support rient content (Reference 3). It is concluded had no influence on the quantitative and/or below the confluence of the Catawba River Arm. A quantitative survey of the benthos (bottom dwelling invertebrates) of Lake Wylie was conducted by Industrial Bio -Test Laboratories for Duke Power Company from October 1973 through August 1974 (Reference 3) and by Lenat and Weiss in 1972 (Reference 8). Samples Iwere taken every two months from October to April, and every month thereafter through the spring and summer (Reference 3) (See Figure 14 for sampling locations). No known rare or endangered species were found in Lake Wylie (Referinces 9 and 10). A total of 121 taxa were reportbd in benthos collected from Lake Wylie during the 1973-74 studies (Reference �). Total numerical densities averaged ap- proximately 1500 organisms per 2 throughout the study area. No consistent pattern of change with season w,s apparent at any station; differences which did occur were associated with ;changes in sediment type. Benthic biomass was dominated first appeared in Lake Wylie a those from the South Fork Arm were immatures. Although the location and time, that of the the study. Approximately 30% by number of the family Chironomidae (midge most diverse group collected. sediment in shallow water, les! y the Asiatic clam (Corbicula manilensis) which out 1968 (Reference 3). With the exception of f the lake most (sometimes 99%) of the Corbicula ensity of the immatures fluctuated widely with adults remained relatively constant throughout the benthos in Lake Wylie are insect larvae of flies). The 40 taxa represented also made it the Chironomids were most common in fine grained so in rocky areas and, in deeper water, they 39 tended to be replaced by larvae of the phantom midge (Chaoborus punctipennis). Both chironomids and C. punctipennis are important as fish food. Equally abundant and almost as diverse as the Chironomids were the oligochaetes (aquatic worms),.which comprised 50% by number of the total benthos collected during the study (Reference 3). They varied markedly, however, in both density and species composition among stations and with time. Numerous other taxa of macroinvertebrates were collected. These included the larvae of a variety of insect groups (mayflies, dragonflies, caddisflies and beetles, among others), molluscs, leeches, a fresh water sponge and a variety of minor invertebrate groups. They did not constitute more than 10% by number of the total benthos for the study period. All species found are common to fresh water lakes and rivers. Only two areas sampled for benthos exhibited an influence of the Allen thermal discharge. One, in the shallow areas near shore at the mouth of the discharge cove, averaging 5.8°C (10.4°F) higher than the intake temperature; the other, in the shallow areas near shore one mile downlake of the discharge, averaging 5.6°C (10.1°F) higher than the intake. In one study the effects of the thermal discharge on the benthos revealed that the number of organisms whose population density increased was approximately equal to the number of organisms whose population decreased (Reference 8). In this study it was also reported that in the discharge area "overall productivity was depressed, but this effect was limited to the discharge canal and the immediate area of discharge into the lake" (Reference 8). In a more recent study (Reference 3) the diversity index, a relative measure of environmental stress, was consistently lower in the Allen discharge area than in other areas of Lake Wylie. However, the overall con- clusions of the report are that "the thermal discharge from the Allen Station did not have an overall influence on benthic macroinvertebrates in the Lake Wylie reservoir" and that "no consistent seasonal differences in benthic popu- lations were measured at sampling locations within areas influenced by the thermal discharge of the Allen Station versus locations which were not" (Reference 3). 40 Fi sh r A list of fish species collected by the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission in 1965 and by Industrial Bio -Test Laboratories in 1973-74 are presented in Table 4. Based on these studies 45 species representing 10 families have been recorded from Lake Wylie (References 3 and 11). Numbers of species reported for the two studies are similar (Table 4) indicating no major shift in species composition had. occurred during this time period. No rare or endangered fish species are known to occur in Lake Wylie. Results of the year-long fish stbdy of Lake Wylie conducted by Industrial Bio -Test showed that the total catches of fish (excluding threadfin shad) by gill netting and electroshocking were greater in the discharge cove than in any other location sampled (Reference 3) (See Figure 15 for sampling locations). Even though monthly average discharge temperatures reached 100.0°F (37.8°C) during the 1973-1974 study period, the number of fish species collected from the elevated temperature region, except the discharge canal, was equal to or greater than that collected from outside the heat—affected area (Reference 3).. It is generally hypothesized thalt a shift in fish composition from sport to either forage or rough fish or both is usually associated with increased thermal loading. This was not observed lin Lake Wylie where gill net catch rates of sport fish during all seasons were generally greater in the Allen discharge cove than in all other location sampled (Reference 3). These findings show that the Allen discharge temperatures outside the discharge canal did not limit fish abundance or diversity. Fish distribution in Lake Wylie was dependent on a variety of factors including the suitability of habitat. This seemed to be especially true for sunfishes which were collected in greates numbers from downlake locations. Redbreast sunfish and pumpkinseeds were ire abundant at sampling locations outside the thermal influence of Plant Alle . All other sunfishes were either more abundant or equally abundant in the heat affected zone when compared with the other uplake sampling location at the Allen intake area. White Crappie were not found at any of the uplake sampling areas in icating lack of suitable habitat rather than thermal avoidance. Based on the above iscussion, it appears that the lower (downlake) 41 - i TABLE 4 COMMON AND SCIENTIFIC NAMES OF FISHES COLLECTED FROM LAKE WYLIE, NORTH AND SOUTH CAROLINA Family N. C. W.R.C.I Bio -Test Species Common Name Study Study Lepisosteidae - Gars Lepisosteus osseus (Linnaeus) Longnose Gar. X X Amiidae - Bowfins Amia calva (Linnaeus) Bowfin X X Clupeidae - Herrings Dorosoma ceoedianum (LeSueur) Gizzard Shad X X Dorosoma petenense (Gunther) Threadfin Shad X X Cyprinidae - Minnows and Carps Carassius auratus (Linnaeus) Goldfish X X Cyprinus carpio Linnaeus Carp X X Hybognathus nuchalis Agassiz Silvery Minnow x Nocomis _leptocephalus (Girard) Bluehead Chub x Notemigonus crysoleucas (Mitchill) Golden Shiner x x Notropis analostanus (Girard) Satinfin Shiner x x Notropis hudsonis Clinton) Spottail Shiner x x Notropis procne (Cope) Swallowtail Shiner x x Catostomidae - Suckers Carpiodes car io (Rafinesque) River Carpsucker x Carpiodes cyprinus (LeSueur) Quillback x x Catostomus commersoni (Lacepede) White Sucker x x Erimyzon oblongus (Mitchili) Creek Chubsucker x Erimyzon sucetta (Lacepede) Lake Chubsucker x Ictiobus bubalus (Rafnisque) Samllmouth Buffalo x x Ictiobus cyprinellus (Valenciennes)- Bigmouth Buffalo x Moxostoma collapsum (Cope) V -lip Redhorse x Moxostoma macrole idotum (LeSueur) Shorthead Redhorse x .Moxostoma pappillos.um (Cope) Suckermouth Redhorse x x Moxostoma robustum (Cope) Smallfin Redhorse x Ictaluridae - Freshwater Catfishes Ictalurus catus (Linnaeus) - White Catfish x x Ictalurus melas (Rafinesque) Black Bullhead x Ictalurus natalis (LeSueur) Yellow Bullhead x Ictalurus nebulosus (LeSueur) Brown Bullhead - x x Ictalurus platycephalus (Girard) Flat Bullhead x Ictalurus punctatus (Rafinesque) Channel Catfish x x Poeciliidae - Livebearers . Gambusia affinis (Baird and Girard) Mosquitofish x Perichthyidae - Temperate Basses ;; Morone chrysops (Rafinesque) White Bass x x Centrarchidae - Sunfishes ;; Ambloplites rupestris (Rafinesque) Rock Bass x :; Enneacanthus gloriosus (Holbrook) Bluespotted Sunfish x ,c Lepomis auritus (Linnaeus) Redbreast Sunfish x x ;; Lepomis cyanellus (Rafinesque) Green Sunfish x 42 Family Species _.Centrarchidae - Sunfishes :; Lepomis gibbosus (Linnaeus) • Lepomis gulosus (Cuvier) • Lepomis macrochirus Rafinesque :; Lepomis microlophus (Gunther) :a Microoterus salmoides (Lacepede) :; Pcmoxis annularis Rafinesque • Pomoxis nigromaculatus (LeSueur) Percidae Etheostoma ni rum Refinesque -` Perca flavescens (Mitchill) Stizostedium vitreum (Mitchill) Common Name Pumpkinseed Warmouth Bluegill Redear Sunfish Largemouth Bass White Crappie Black Crappie Johnny Darter Yellow Perch Walleye 1North Carolina Wildlife Resourcei Commission Important Game or Pan Fish Important Forage Fish Stocked - 1954 43 N.C.W.R.C.1 Bio -Test Study Study X x X X x x x x x x X x x x x X x x FISH SAMPLING LOCATIONS (FROM REFERENCE 3) OUIfEPOYIER PLAINT ALLEN Figure 15 44 portion of Lake Wylie is a more suitable sunfish habitat. There is some avoidance of the heat affected zine by some sunfish species and an attraction to it by others. The overall re�ult is that there are more sunfish by numbers and by weight in the heat affected zone (excluding the discharge canal itself) than in a comparable uptake arealunaffected by heat. Water temperatures in the South (Fork Catawba River Arm of Lake Wylie receiving the Plant Allen condenser cooling water were 8.9°F (4.9°C) to 19.2°F (12.0%) higher than those of the naturally occurring Catawba River Arm during the year- long Bio -Test study. Historically, monthly average condenser discharge tempera- tures as high as 101.6°F (38.7°0) have been recorded. Field fish body tempera- ture studies and laboratory tempe rature avoidance studies were conducted to determine if fish were able to areas influenced by the Allen thermal plume. Results of these studiesshowed that "consistent, though small, dif- ferences between fish body temperature and water temperature indicated that fish utilized both heated and unheated areas of the thermally stratified Allen discharge cove" even when temperatures exceeded 95°F (35°C) (Reference 3). Oxygen concentrations and thermal conditions beneath the plume were always sufficient to support fish life and did not serve as a barrier to fish movement. These findings demonstrate that a substantial zone of unrestricted fish passage exists in the Allen discharge cove (South Fork Arm) and also, that the fish move into and out of the plume at al) times of the year. The heated effluent from Plant Allen allows threadfin shad, an extremely important forage fish, to survive the nathrally occurring lower lethal winter temperatures, thereby reducing the need for pl rpetual restocking (Reference 3). Lake Wylie threadfin shad populations servle as a major source for stocking other lakes in North Carolina. Fish living in the elevated toperature regions may exhibit increased metabolic rates and, depending on food a this may result in a reduction of the K factor. The K factor is a m,ailability,, asure of the overall condition of a fish based on length -weight relationships. No significant differences were found in the K factors of fishes located inside the outside the heat affected zones (Reference 3). It was further concluded that ')'any increase in the metabolic rate of fish in the 45 Allen discharge area was apparently compensated for by either an adequate food supply or the movement of fish to other areas to feed" (Reference 3). No difference in the growth rates of bluegill and redbreast sunfish were noted between heat -affected and unaffected populations. Spawning and fecundity information for common Lake Wylie fishes can be found in Reference 3 and life history information in "Proposed Criteria for Water Quality" (Reference 12). The fish of Lake Wylie are typical warm water, non - migratory lake species that will spawn where suitable habitat exists. Peak spawning activity of most species studied occurred during the expected times throughout the study area; however, some species such as shad, quillbacks and white catfish, apparently reached spawning conditions earlier in the Allen discharge than elsewhere (Reference 3). The few white bass larvae obtained during the study were collected from the Allen discharge canal, indicating that they were able to successfully utilize the Allen discharge for spawning, and also, that the heated effluent was not a barrier to their migration (Reference 3). None of the above-mentioned effects can be considered detri- mental to Lake Wylie Fish populations. Larval fish sampling by Bio -Test (Reference 3) indicated that the greatest densities existed from April through June in 1974. A total of ten taxa were identified, including shad, largemouth bass, crappie, and other sunfish. The greatest numbers of larval fish were shad. Larvae of the major sport and forage fish were collected in the immediate discharge area of Allen indicating that the temperatures during the critical spawning period were not too high to exclude fish from this area. The incidence of external parasitic infestations was low at all sampling stations (Reference 3). Epistylis, an external parasite, was observed on fish during all months of the study and from all areas sampled. It was found to occur slightly more frequently at the Alien discharge areas. Since Epistylis is found more frequently in areas of organic enrichment, the increased incidence of infection may be due to the enriched condition of the South Fork. A study of gas bubble disease conducted by the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Com- mission revealed a low incidence of the disease in Lake Wylie (Reference 13). Of the 1305 fish examined only three exhibited external symptoms of gas bubble M disease (Reference 13). No symptoms of gas bubble disease were observed in fish collected during the Bio-Tlst study (Reference 3). Since Allen has five independently operating units, it is improbable that all units will be shut down at the same time. No evidence of cold shock has been observed and no cold shock is expected. 47 LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ac = acres ac -ft = acre-feet BTU = British Thermal Unit °C = degrees Celsius cfs = cubic feet per second cm = centimeters OF = degrees Fahrenheit ft = feet ft = square foot Hr = hour in = inches km = kilometers m meters M3 = cubic meters m3/s = cubic meters per second mi - miles mit = square miles mm = millimeters m.s.l. = mean sea level MW = megawatts s = seconds L: REFERENCES 1. Federal Water Pollution Contol Acts, Amendments of 1972, Public Law 92-500. 2. Duke Power Company, 1972. Catawba Nuclear Station Environmental Report - Construction Permit Stage. 3. Industrial Bio -Test. 1974.A baseline/predictive environmental investiga- tion of Lake Wylie. Volumes I, II. Prepared for Duke Power Company, Charlotte, North Carolina. 4. Duke Power Company, Supplemintal Information Request Transmitted to EPA April 19, 1974. 5. Weiss, C. M., P. H. Campbell I, T. P. Anderson, and S. L. Pfaender. 1975. The Lower Catawba Lakes: characterization of phyto- and zooplankton communities and their relationships to environmental factors. University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, Department of Environmental Sciences and Engineering Publication Number 389. 6. Ryan, P. J., and D. R. F. Harleman. 1973. An analytical and experimental study of transient cooling pond behavior. Ralph M. Parsons"Laboratory for Water Resources and Hydrodynamics, Report Number 161, M.I.T. C7_) Letter dated February 2, 1976, from Mr.- Lewis Martin, North Carolina Depart- ment of Natural and Econo esources, to Mr. Howard Zeller, U. S. Environmental Protection Agency. 8. Lenat, D. R., and C. M. Weis. 1973. Distribution of benthic macroin- vertebrates in Lake Wylie,}North Carolina -South Carolina. University of North Carolina, Chapel Hillll, Department of Environmental Sciences and Engineering Publication Number 311. 9. Endangered Species Committee. 1973. Preliminary list of endangered plant and animal species in Northl Carolina. Department of Natural and Economic Resources, State of North garolina, Raleigh. 10. U. S. Department of the Interior. 1974. United States list of endangered fauna. Fish and Wildlife Service, Washington, D. C. Il. McNaughton, W. D. 1965. Upper Catawba and Upper Yadkin River reservoirs. North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission 12. U. S. Environmental Protection Agency. 1973. Proposed criteria for Water Quality. Volume I. Washington, D. C. 13. Miller, R. W. 1974. Inci effluent. pp. 79-93. In. Ecology. U. S. Atomic Ene (1973). Fence and cause of gas -bubble disease in a heated J. W. Gibbons and R. R. Sharitz (eds) Thermal -gy Commission Symposium Series, Conf 730505 49