HomeMy WebLinkAbout20170424 Ver 1_Replace Bridge 19 on Sr 1100 (B-5236)_20170508� ,';i Coas,talhlanagement ENVIRaN M E NTAI O VALITY May 4, 2017 MEMORANDUM: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: Applicant: Project Location: Proposed Project: Kristi Lynn Carpenter DWR Wetlands Unit Cathy Brittingham Major Pennits Processing Coordinator ROY COOPER co�s�or - - - MICHAE6 5. REGARl.—_ : _ . -. _-_. � � sezeera;y - ._ - ----•--� CAMA/DREDGE & FILL Permit Application Review NCDOT-Bridgc No. 19 BRAXTON C, DAVIS D7recror i�nAY 8 201] New Hanover County, at Bridgc No. 19 over Lords Crcek on SR I100. (T.I.P. No. B5236) Proposes to replace the existing 91' long bridge with a new 120' long concrete bridge and associated infrastructure. Please indicate below your agency's position or viewpoint on the proposed project and retum this form by May 25, 2017. If you have any questions regarding the proposed project, please contact Stephen La��e, Permit oYticer at (252) 808-2808. Ext. 208. When appropriate, in-depth conunents with supporting data is requested. R�PLY SIGNED This agency has no objection ro the project as proposed. This agency has no comment on the proposed project. Tl�is agency approves of the project only if the recommended changes are incorporated. See attached. This agency objects to the project for reasons described in the attached comments. DATE StateofNoctliGroAna I EnvironmentalQualicy�Coas[alManagement Morehead City Offltt I 400 Commetce Averiue I Morehead Gty, NC 28557 252 BOB 2808 l. � � � • r D��g�I� O�' ����'I'AI. l�AIV,A.G�1�NT'g' FIEY�� Y1���TIGA7�IOI� �PO1�T - APPLICANT'S NAME: North Carolina Department oi Transportation LOCATION OF PROJECT SITE: The project is located at BridgeNo. 19 over Lords Creek.on SR 1100 in New Hanover County (T.I.P: No. B-5236). Photo Index - 2006: 14-6644 (E,21-24) 2000: 14-137 (U-V,3-6) State Plane Coorclinates - X: 2,326;698 Y: 124,209 Lafitude: 34°OS' 11" N Longitude: 77°55' 16" W� ' � INVESTIGATION TYPE: CAMA a.nd D&F � �� INVESTIGATIVE PROCEDURE: Date. of Site Visit — Apri127, 2017 � � Was Applicant Preserit - No � 5. . PROCESSING PROCEDURE: Application Received Complete: Apri112; 2017 ' � . Office = Morehead City 6. SITE DESCRIPTION: � - � (A) Local Land Use Plan — New Hanover County Land Classificatiori From LUP = Conservation : - (B) AEC(s) Involved: PTA, CS, CW (C)' Water Dependent: Yes �� � (D) Intended Use: Public �� � (E) Wastewater Treatment: E�sting — N/A Planried — N/A � (F) 'I'ype of Structures: Existing = Bridge for public use Planned — Bridge for public use (G). Estiinated Annual Rate of Erosion: N/A � • � �Source = N/A 7. HABITAT DESCRIPTION:� ' (B) Shallow Water Bottom (C) Coasfal Wetlands (D) High Ground 235 sf . ,-:.��,-.-.r : . 1,307 sf Tem orat fill 7,390 sf Hand cleared. Tempora,ry fill , Disturbed by project 1,056 sf 9,148 sf 1,742 sf 32,381 sf (D) Total Area Disturbed: 55,637 sq. ft. � (E) Primary Nursery Area: Na � (F) Water Classificaiion: C; Sw Open: No 8. PRQJECT SLTMMARY: The applicant proposes to replace the existing 91' long bridge on SR 1100 over Lords Creek witli a new 120' long concrete bridge and associated infrasiructure on the existirig alignment. An off-site - detour route will be utilized during construction. FIEI.,I➢ I1�VESTIGATIOl�T 1tEPORT: I�T.C.�.O.T. -�Rii)GE I�0.19 OV1EIt g,ORI➢� C�EK PAGE #B 9. I�AR�TIV� I)ESCIt�'TIOl�: JProject �ettiaig Bridge No. 19 is located over Lords Creek on SR 1100 (&iver Road), appxo�mately 0.4 xniles north of SR 2343 (Royal Fern Road) in southwestern New Hanover County. Typical elevations in the project area range from 0 to 7 feet above the normal high water level of Lords Creek. The northern area of the proj ect has a 50' wide x 400' long causeway leading from high ground through Coastal Wetlands to the bridge. On the south side of the bridge, there is a 55' wide x 70' _ long causeway leading through Coastal Wetlands to high ground. The land along the sides of the causeways are dominated by sod grass, with.Spa�tina alte�n�ora and Juncus r�oeme�ianus at the lower elevations outside of the causeway areas. � All of the land parcels adj acent to the bridge are currently vacant.with�the exception of the parcel in the northwest quadrant, which currently has a residential dwelling on it. There are no historical or archaeological resources considered eligible for listing in the National Register present on the proj ect: . site. . , . The existing bridge was constructed in 1974 and is 91' long and 31' wide. The bridge has 30' of clear roadway width, including two 9.5' wide travel lanes. The bridge consists of three fixed spans, with a maximum of 31' horizontal distance between spans. The vertical clearance underneath the bridge is 3.0'. The superstructure consists of a reinforced concrete floor, while the bridge is supported with reinforced concrete caps on tixnber piles. The timber piles have deteriorated to the point that steel helper bents have been added to the bridge to help support the. bridge. . An 8" diameter sewer line and a 10" diameter water line run parallel with and is immediately east of the. bridge and cross over Lords Creek. AT&T has conduits for telephone uiility lines paralleling the west side of the bridge. � The bridge received a 5 out of a possible 100 points during its last sufficiency rating. The bridge is located on an Urban Minor Arterial route that is part of a designated NC Bicycling Highway, the NC-3 (Ports of Ca11) route. The annual average daily volume of traffic overthe bridge was estimated to be 5,220 vehicles per day in 2014. Lords Creek is classified C; Sw in the area of the proposed construction by the Environmental Management Commission. The creek has been designated as Inland Waters in the vicinity of the bridge, however, it is not a Primary Nursery Area. .The waters are closed to shellfislung by the Shellfish Sanita.tion Section of the Division of.Marine Fisheries. The creek is in the Cape Fear River Basin. . Lords Creek is approximately 65' wide and has a maximum water depth of -7' below the normal high water level in the channel. There were no SAV's or shellf'ish beds observed in the project area during the site visits. � � Project Proposal NCDOT proposes to replace the existing Bridge No.19 over Lords Creek. The proj ect involves the replacement of the existing bridge and related approaches with a pre-stressed concrete girder bridge and new approaches on.the existing location. To initiate the project, the existing bridge would be closed and traffic re-routed to a.n off-site detour route along SR 1187 (Sanders Road), US 421, and SR 1100, approximately 12 miles in length. i . F�I,ID �l�'6���TI�A'g'��I� �POR'T: I�T.C.I�.O.'I'. - ��9��E l�t�o 19 ��1� g.��D� �R1E�K P�.�E #3 �The existing bridge would be completely demolished and removed from the project site utilizing NCDOT'approved Best Management Practices. A coffer dam would be constructed around each of the interior bents to aid in tlieir removal. The new bridge as proposed would be 120' in length and 36:6' in width, which would be �9' longer and 5.6' wider than the e�tisting bridge. To facilitate construction of the longer struciure, a 10' �long x 60' wide area of roadway fill would be excavated from beneath the southern end of the existing bridge, while a 20' long x 40' wide area would be excavated from beneath the northern end of the bridge. The areas would be graded down to 2.0' of elev.ation. The new bridge would consist of two spans, with one at 55' long and the other at 65' lorig; and include one bent located witliin the creek. �This would proyide approxirriately 37' of horizontal clearance through the bridge. The new bridge is also designed to allow 3.0' of vertical clearance underneath the bridge, wliich is equal to the existing clearance height. The new bridge would have two 12' wide travel lanes, with a 5' bicycle lane on each side. � ` NCDOT has committed to build the bridge with no deck drains over surface waters. The stoimwater from the bridge would be conveyed via the briclge shoulclers to grated dirop inlets at each end of the bridge. Fifteen-inch collector pipes would conveythe stormwater to riprap dissipater pads located within the Coastal Wetlands prior to discharge to Lords Creek. ' � ' ' To allow for the iricreased height of the new bridge, the applicant has requested to raise the approach structures to .the bridge. The causeway grades would be raised by up to 4' to the north and south of the bridge. To "reduce the amount of fill in Coastal Wetlands, the slopes would be armored with riprap and sloped at�a 1.5:1 ratio instead of the normal 3:1 slopes from STA: 16+28 to 18+50. The riprap would extend up to 10' out into tlie wetlands to the east and west �of the existing causeways. The applicant has also proposed to hand clear approximately 10' beyorid the riprap along both sides of the causeway to allow room for construction of the riprap. The road would then be replaced from STA.10+75 to STA. 15+04. and from STA.16+17 to STA. 20+50 with two 12' wide travel lanes with seven-foot shoulders, five foot of which would be paved. New guardrails would also be constructed along the approaches to the bridge for 300' from the north end of the bridge an.d 70' from the south end of the bridge. The existing telephone lines currently on the west side of the bridge would be relocated 35' west of the new bridge by,boring under Lords Creek with a directional drill from high ground to high ground beginning at STA.13+89 and ending at STA:19+17. The,telephone lines would be placed a mininium of 20' below the creek bottom. The existing 8"'sewer line and the 10" water line on the east side of the bridge are also in conflict with the proposed bridge and would be relocated as well. The sewer line would be replaced by directionally boring under Lords Creek on the east side of the bridge for approximately 915', from high ground to high ground. The 10" water line would be relocated adjacent to east side of the bridge as well and would also be bored under the creek for a total distance of 925' . The water line would be a minimum of 19' below the creek, while the sewer line would be a minimum of 20' below the creek. Anticipated I�npacts The proposed bridge would permanently shade 2,378 sq. ft. of Public Trust Waters, whicli would be 363 sq. ft. more than currently. exists. The bridge would cause an increase in the maximum riavigational horizontal clearance under the bridge from 29' to 37', while the navigable vertical clearance under the bridge would remain at 3.0'. The two temporary coffer dams constructed to aid in the removal of the exisiing bridge would result in the temporaiy fill of 1,056 sq. ft of creek bottom. The proposed riprap and associated � FIELID INVESTIGATIO1oT �PORT: N.C.I).O.T. - BI2I1➢�E 1�t0.19 �V�R I;ORD C�EI� PAGE #� backfill would permanently fill in 1,307 sq. ft. of the shallow bottom of Lords Greek. The riprap along:the sides of the causeways would extend into the Coastal Wetlands as much as 9' from the e�sting fill limifs: The riprap. and causeway:widening would result in the permanent•filling of 7,3 90 sq..ft. of Coastal Wetlands, as well as 9,148,sq. ft. of hand clearing in Coastal Wetlands. The project would also result in the excavation of 235 sq. ft. of Coastal Wetlands, 114 sq. ft. due to the removal of the existing bridge, and 121 sq. ft. for a roadway ditch. ; The causeway removal under the ends of the bridge would restore 1;400 sq. ft. of previously filled Coastal Wetlands to floodplain elevations.. The N.C. Division of Mitigation Services has accepted responsibility for providing mitigation for the 0.18 acres of permanent Coastal Wetland impacts at a 2:1.ratio. . . � .. The project would result in a total of 32,381 sq. ft. of higli ground disturbance, including the grading and paving of the new approaches to the bridge and the reinoval of the causeway areas under the � existing bridge. There are no i:mpacts expected from the.. proj ect to . any historical or archaeological xesources considered eligible for listing in the National Register. There are also no adverse impacts expected to any tllreatened or endangered species with the applicant's commitment to implement the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service's "Guidelines for A�oiding Impacts to the West . Indian Manatee,. Precautionary Measures for Construction Activities in North Carolina": '. No additional closures of shellfishing waters or impacts to any SAVs are expected in association wi�th.the proposed pr.oject. 'A localized increase in turbidiiy can be expected during the in-water demolitiori and constraction phases of the supporting structures for the old and.new bridges. The public is expected to benefit upon completion of tlie proj ect by the increase in the safety of the new structure and .the addition of wider bicycle lanes. .. - Submitted by: Stephen �Lane Morehead� City District — May 3, 2017 STATE OF NORT�i CAROLINA I�II'ARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ROY COOPER " 7ATv1ES H. TROGDON, IIL GOVERNOR SECRETARY Apri17, 201.7 . Wilmington Regulatory Field Office N.C. Dept. of Envirorimental Quality US Army Corps of Engineers Division of Goastal Management 69 Darlington Avenue . � 400 Commerce Avenue Wilmington, North Carolina 28403, Morehead Ciry, NC 28557 ATTN: Mr. Brad Shaver ATTN: � Mr. Stephen Lane NCDOT Coordinator NCDOT Coordinator . Subject: Application for Section 10 Permit, Nationwide Permit 23, Section 401 Water Quality Certification and CAMA Major Development Permit for ttie Proposed Replacement of Bridge No. 19 over Lords Creek on SR 1100 (River Roa.d) in New Hanover County; North Carolina; TIP No. B-5236; Federal Aid Project No. BRZ=1100(29); Debit $475 from WBS No. 42840.1.1 Dear Sirs, _ The North Carolina Department of Tra.nsportation (NCDOT) proposes to replace the existing 91-foot, three-span bridge No. 19 with a 120-foot, itivo-span bridge on existirig alianment. Traffic will be maintained using an off-site detour. Permanent impacts to coastal wetlands tota10.18 acre. An additional 421inear feet of permanent stream impact will occur to Lords Creek due to bank stabilization. . All utilities will be relocated with no impacts to jurisdictional streams or wetlands. Please see enclosed copies of the Pre-Construction Notification (PCI�, Division of Coastal Management Major Permit Fonns 1, 2 and 5, Division of Mitigation Services Acceptance Letter, permit drawings, stormwater management plan, utility drawings, and roadway plans for the above referenced project. A Prograuimatic Categorical Exclusion (PCE) was coxnpleted in January 2015, and distributed shortly �fter. Additional copies are ava.ilable at the NCDOT website: This project calls for a letting date of September Z9, 2017 and a review date of Aua st 1, 2017. The project schedi�le may be advanced if funding becomes available. Regulatory Approvals Section 10 Permit: Application is hereby made for a Section 10 Permit as required for the above- described activities in accordance with Section 10 of the Rivers and Harb.ors Act of March 3; 1899 (33 U_S.C. 443) � ` �'�..� a� � ��,��� �� � a�R � � Zo�� MailingAddress: Telephone: (919)70'7-6000�;�� ��,,, �q,j� `�$ � �? �,�.9} � Location: NC DEPARTt��IT OF TRANSPORTA"IION F'ax: (919) 212-�785 '�" ��' a'a �°��� :�02(Y BIlLCH RII)GE DRNE N.'�TURAL ENV1RONN1�*rt' SEcno, I Customer Se�l�ice: 1-877-368-=4968 RnLIIGH NC 27G10 1598 Mnu, SER��CE C�x RnLsi�H NC 27699-1598 �'e6site: wt��v.ncdot.gov Section 404 Permit: We anticipate that the bridge replacement, including all approach work will be authorized under Section 404 Nationwide Permit 23 in accordance with Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (33 U.S.C. 1344). Section 401 Permit: We anticipate 401 General Certification number 4093 will apply to this project. NCDOT is requesting written concurrence from the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality, Division of Water Resources. CAMA Major Development Permit: NCDOT requests that the proposed work be authorized under a Coastal Area Management Act Major Pernut. Adjacent riparian landowner certified mail return receipts will be provided once they are receiyed. Authorization to debit the $475 Pertnit Application Fee from WBS Element 42840.1.1 is hereby given. A copy of this pernut application will be posted on the NCDOT Websife at https://connect.ncdot.�ov/resources/EnvironmentallPaaes/default.aspx, under QuzckLinks > Permit Applications_ Should you have any questions regarding this information, please contact Jason Dilday at (919) 707-6111 or jldilday c�i,,ncdot.gov. Sincerely, o,� Pliilip S. Harris III, P.E., C.P.M., Manager � Natural Environment Section cc: NCDOT Permit Application Standard Distribution List :�'�.���.�� � ����� ��PR � � 2017 ����c. ��a��� ���� o�� ��-� � . APPLICATIOH fo� � � �� ��. � �- �� ��x � ��� �-���' , � - ��+� �;^'"'� - Maior� Dc�elop�ncnt-P�r�i� . {last revised 12/27/06) North Carolina DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT ,..:. . __ . _ . . _.. . ,.. . . .. . .. . .: .. 1 Pr�mary Applicant/ Landowner Information Business Name Project Name (if applicable) New Hanover Bridge 19 (B-5236) NC Department Of Transportation � Applicant 1: First Name MI Last Name Philip S Harris • Applicant 2: First Name MI Last Name If addifional applicants, please attach an additional page(s) with names listed. Mailing Address PO Box City 5tate Natural Environment Section 1593 Mail Service Center Raleigh NC ZIP Country Phone No. FAX No. 2761 D USA 919 - 707 - 6111 ext. 919 - 212 - 5785 Street Adciress (if different from above) ' City State ZIP PDEA - Century Genter B, 1020 Birch Ridge Drive Raleigh NC 27610- Email jldilday@ncdot,gov 2., Agent/Con#ractorinformatio,n Business Name � NA � AgenU Contractor 1: First Name � MI Last Name Agent/ Contractor 2: First Name ' MI Last Name Mailing Address PO Box City State ZIP Phone No. 1 Phone No. 2 � _ ext. - - ext. FAX No: Contractor # � Street Address (if different from above) � City State ZIP Email � � !� � � �'�.� "���. n ��iS � �� <Form continues on back> !�Pf� � � 20r� .��ll���� s� � :, � . ,� . .. �''� - ,G.. .��a�-��S�-��€3;� ., �-�k�-�����',�`"�° .. �:8�v�,:e.�a���s�si��rssa��-.��es���:�a��� , t Form DCM MP-1 (Page 2 of 4) APPLICATION for Major Development Permit 3 Pro�ec� �ocatioro ' ,: : ' . , _ .. ,: ,... . .. _, ... . .. ., ._. . : •_. . _ �.. ... _ _ .. County (can be multiple) Street Address - State Rd. # ' New Han,over River Road 0.4 miles north of SR2343 (Royal Fem Rd) SR 1100 Subdivision Name City State Zip NA Wilmington NC 28412- Phone No. Lot No.(s) (if many, aftach additional page with lisf) NA - - ext. � . NA � , , , a. In which NC river basin is the project located? b. Name of body of water nearest to proposed project Cape Fear Lords Greek c. Is the water body identified in (b) above, natural or manmade? d. Name the closest major water body to the proposed project site. �Natural ❑Manmade ❑Unknown Cape Fear River e. Is proposed work within city limits or planning jurisdiction? f. If applicable, list the planning jurisdiction or city limit the proposed ❑Yes �No work falls within. n/a 4 Site Descr�ption . . � . .� ., .-., � �. , . _..,. ,_ . .. , . a Total length of shoreline on the tract (ft.) b. Size of entire tract (sq.ft.) 225.0 19141 c. Size of individual lot(s) d. Approximate eleVation of tract above NHW (normal high water) or n/a, NWL (norma! water level) (If many lot sizes, please affach additional page wifh a list) 1.48' �NHW or ❑NWL e. Vegetation on tract low growing grasses : bahiagrass, fescue, clover, blackberry and pennywort ' fringe evergreen forest: loblolly pine with understory of wax myrtle, redbay. yaupon, eastern red cedar and dwarF palmetto ;- salt marsh: black needelrush, smooth cordgrass, bulrush and sawgrass. f. Man-made features and uses now on tract Existing1@30'8"; 1@30'1"; 1@30'8" bridge and roadway approaches. Aerial sanitary and water lines g. Identify and describe the existing land uses adiacent to the proposed project site. Wooded swamp h. How does local government Zone the tract? i. Is the proposed project consistent with the applicable zoning? public use (Attach zoning compliance certificate, if applicable) �Yes �No ❑NA j. Is the proposed activity part of an urban watertront redevelopment proposal? �Yes �No k. Has a professional archaeological assessment been done for the tract? If yes, attach a copy. �, � Yes ❑ No ❑ NA If yes, 6y whom? NCDOT I. Is the proposed project located in a National Registered Historic District or does it involve a ❑Yes �No ❑NA National Register listed or eligible property? <Form continues on next page> � � �� � �� � �-� � ��� ��� �1'r� � � ?n�> .���••��E� �.:..a�? .n ;-���••�?����:��"�' u, �r�tn��r,�B��xs��;��;�������������? �a�� �-�� k� � -. .. ` . � ... . j� .v�� e . , Form DCM MP-1 (Page 3 of 4) APPLICATION for Major Development Permit rri. (i) Are there wetlands on the site? � �Yes ❑No (ii) Are there coastal wetlands on the site? �Yes ❑No (iii) Ifyes to either (i) or (ii) above, has a delineation been conducted? �Yes ❑No (Attach documentation, if available) n. Describe existing wastewater treatment facilities. None from site o. Describe existing drinking waier supply source. None on sife p. Describe existing storm water management or treatment systems. Non-concentrated sheet flow to wetlands. Concentrated flow from bridge to be outletted on to rip rap pads to dissipate flow before entering wetlands. --,-:-. ,-- - -- .--.---. a. Will the project be for commercial, public, or private use? ❑Private/Community b. Give a brief description of purpose, use, and daily operations of the project when compiete. - The project will replace an existing insufficient bridge for the safety of the.travelling public. . -c. Describe the proposed construction methodology, types of construction equipment to be used during construction, the number of each type of equipment and where it is to be stored. � Removal of existing bridge; top down bridge construdion; roadbed compaction and paving. Using Exca�ator, backhoe, forklift, lattice crane, grader, tlump trucks and paving machine. Equipment to be stored on site. Fill slopes were steepened to 1.5:1 to lessen impads to coastal marshes using riprap to armor banks within the footPrint of the project, reducing wedand impacts by an additional O.DS ac.. Slopes reverted to 3:1 once the.extent of guardrail had been reached. Guardrail lengths.were determined by the extents of the prbject and conflicts with existing driveways. d. List all development activities you propose. . Relocate utilities; remove existing bridge; construct proposed bridge and modify roadway bed. . e. Are the proposed activities maintenance of an existing project,. new work, or both? f. What is the approximate total disturbed land area resulting from the proposed project? both 1,3 �Sq.Ft or �Acres g. Will the proposed project encroach on any public easement, public accessway or other area �Yes ❑No ❑NA that the public has established use of? h. Describe location and type of existing and proposed discharges to waters of the state. � For the small coneentrated area for the bridge the flovu will be dissipated through a rip rap pad into the wetlands. �All other discharge will sheet flow into adjacent wetlands. i. Will wastewater or stormwater be discharged into a wetland? If yes, will this discharged water be of the same salinity as the receiving water? j. Is there any mitigation proposed? � If yes, attach a mitigation proposal. <Form continues on back> , �Yes .ONo ❑Yes �No ❑NA 6ZIYes f-lNo I-lNA � � � `�3 � � ������ � k� ��<�_����_��.w a ,R 's-���3-���"����" .. vs��rrs�nea�:a�n�x�s��s �o�a�as���g��.s=>.r�H�� � �",�, �(�,� {��`� ..-, " - , y ,. � Form DCM MP-1 (Page 4 of 4) r�ing items'trAl�!n.; if-applic�ble �#o an y major development ap rits below:-: ' - - .. APPLICATION for Major Development Permit must be submtfted m order.for the applicahon plicatiori. Please c'onsult the applrcatiori a. A project narrative. b. An accuraEe, dated work plat (including plan view and cross-sectional drawings) drawn tb scale. Please give the present status of the proposed project. Is any portion already complete? If previously authorized work, clearly indicate on maps, plats, drawings to distinguish between work completed and proposed. c. A site or location map that is sufficiently detailed to guide agency personnel unfamiliar with the area to the site. d. A copy of the deed (with state application only) or other instrument under which the applicant claims title to the affected properties. e. The appropriate application fee. Check or money order made payable to DENR. f. A list of the names and complete addresses of the adjacent waterfront (riparian) landowners and signed return receipts as proof that such owners have received a copy of the application and plats by certified 'mait. Such landowners must be advised that they have 30 days in which to submit comments on the proposed project to the Division of Coastal Management. `: Naiiie See attachmerits . - Phone No, . , .� .. ` Address � _ Name Address Narime Address Phone No. Phorie No. g. A list of previous state or federal permits issued for work on fhe project tract. InGude permit numbers, permittee, and issuing dates. h. Signed consultant or agent authorization form, if applicable. i. Wetland deline�tion, if necessary. j. A signed AEC hazard notice for projects in oceanfront and inlet areas. (Must be signed by prope�ty owner) k. A statement of compliance with the N.C. Environmental Policy Act (N.C.G.S. 113A 1-10), if necessary. If the project involves expenditure of public funds or use of public lands, attach a statement documenting compliance with the North Carolina Environmental Policy Act. 7. Certification and Permission fo�Enter on Land � I understand that any permit issued in response to this application will allow only the development descnbed in the application. The projectvt�il! be s::ibjecY to the conditions and restrictions contained in the permit. ., � I certify that I am authorized to grant, and do in fact grant permission to representatives of state and federal review agencies to enter on the aforementioned lands in connection with evaluating information related to this permit application and follow-up monitoring of the project. I further certify that the information provided in this application is truthful to the best of my knowledge. Date �3r31 — 2-01% PrintN�ame 1Ni�iP �• tt/�l�e21S P� � �7 .��. . . � - - ---3� — Signature Please indicate application attachments pertaining to your proposed project. �DCM MP-2 Excavation and Fill Information �DCM MP-5 Bridges and Culverts ❑DCM MP-3 Upland Development . ❑DCM MP-4 Structures Information ;� �� � � (1 �, ° ,�� � ?:�, J `'t� ;� a � �1P� � � ��il ������ �'a.s'�I���� e».:,�.F;,.��� � �� � a u ,�s� L� �� u ���-���-���� .. �-FS��-������'�` .. o.=�rv�ru���a��a�r�����n�,��:g�rew�?t.ra�� Form DCM MP-2 ���������� �,�� �'��� (Except for bridges and culverts) Attach this form to Joint Application for CAMA Major Permit, Form DCM MP-1. Be sure to comptete all other sections of the Joint____ ________ ___ Application that relate to this proposed project. Please include all supplemental information. � Describe below the purpose of proposed excavation and/or fill activities. All values should be given in feet. Access Other Channel Canal Boat Basin Boat Ramp Rock Groin Rock (excluding , (NLW or Breakwater shoreline NYiIL � stabilization Length Width � Avg. Existing NA NA Depth Final Project- NA� NA Depth ' -1: EXCAVATI.ON . - �This seotion.not app�cable a. Amount of material to be excavated from below NHW or NWL in b. Type of material to be excavated. cubic yards. c. (i} Does the area to be excavated include coastal wetlands/marsh d. High-ground excavation in cubic yards. (CVN), submerged aquatic vegetation (SA�, shell bottom (SB), or other wetlands (WL)? If any boxes are checked, provide the number of square feet affected. ❑CW ❑5AV ❑SB OWL ❑None (ii) Describe the purpose of the excavation in these areas: 2.. DISPOSAL OF EXCAVATED MATERIA'L � �This section not applicable a. Location of disposal area. b. Dimensions of disposal area. c. (i) Do you Gaim tiUe to disposal area? ❑Yes ❑No ❑NA (ii) If no, attach a letter granting permission from the owner. e. (i) Does the disposal area inciude any coastai wetlands/marsh (CV1�, submerged aquatic vegetation (SA�, shell bottom (SB), or other wetlands (WL)? If any boxes are checked, provide the number of square feet affected. ❑CW OSAV ❑SB ❑WL ❑None (ii) Describe the purpose of disposal in these areas: d. (i) Will a disposal area be available for future maintenance? ❑Yes ❑No ❑NA (ii) If yes, where? f. (i) Does the disposal include any area in the water? � ❑Yes ❑No ❑NA (ii) If yes, how much water area is affected? ^y��- � ?a..�,�7 Y � e�" 1 C�(j �va a1 � '_'a 'C.�-✓' Im, � �u� � � �IPR��2�;r '.-�� � �� � � c � jT� ,.e... __ . .,'�� �:s�-���3-2�B:a� :. �-���-���:,���'�" :. ��r�€�,�aa:�.�s����8ur��^.�s��g�as_.�x_��� ���ag���: ��=��a,�+� • � d �::%.-.-�s 3 '�'_ �� .�"'�`�_�' ����� .`s€�"���r� �':'��.is"��r""�`�`fi"��A %s�`s"� �$'3� �x�.� � � �� � . .. . . „ 3 ::;SH014ELlME;STi4BILIZATlOh1 : ; �-: ;: . . .: pThis_sect�on nof aPF :(If development;`is a wood groin;: use MP-4 Strucfures).. ' � ,: � . . ... .... . __ ,,.. , a. . Type of shoreline stabiiization: b. Length: 480 ��ulkhead ' �Rip�ap L—]B�eaKwafeHSill [�.1GtFier: Width: 20 c. Average distance waterward of NHW or NWL: 7.5 d. Maximurri distance waterward of NHW or NWL: .10 e. Type of stabilization material: Class II Rip Rap g. Number of square feet of fiil to be placed below water level. Bulkhead hackfll Riprap 225 Breakwater/Sill Other i. 5ource of fill material. Local Quarry f. (i) Has there been shoreline erosion during preceding 12 months? ❑Yes ❑No �NA (ii) If yes, state amount of erosion and source of erosion amount information. h. Type of fill material. Class II Rip Rap 4: OTHER FILL;ACTIl11TIES , - I�Thissection not applicatile, , . . ,, � (Excludrng Shoce6ne Stabrlizafion)' •.. . ,„ ,:,.. .. . ,; , .._. ,. ,. a. (i) Will fill material be brought to fhe site? �Yes ❑No ❑NA b. (i) Will fill material.be placed in coastal wetlands/marsh (CV1n, If yes, (ii) Amount of material to be placed in the water (iii) Dimensions of fill area (iv) Purpose of fill submerged aquatic vegetation (SA�, shell bottom (SB), or other wetlands (WL)? If any boxes are checked, provide the number of square feet affected. ❑CW ❑SAV ❑SB ' ' ❑WL , ❑None (ii) Describe the purpose of the fill in these areas: � 5:.. GENERAL ° . a. How will excavated or fll material be kept on site and erosion b. What type of construction equipment will be used {e.g., dragline, controlled? backhoe, or hydraulic dredge)? NCDOT Design Standards in 5ensitive Watersheds Excavator, backhoe, lattice' crane, forklift, dump trucks paving machines, bull dozer, grader will be implemented during project construction c. (i) Will navigational aids be required as a result of the project? d. (i) Will wetlands be crossed in transporting equipment to project ❑Yes �No ONA site? ❑Yes �No ❑NA �� ^'�,. "� F y [-t� � (ii) If yes, explain what type and how they will be impiemented. (ii) If yes, explain steps that will be taken to avoid or minimize� ������ ��� �� , environmental impacts. _ . — ��.�.��. � � ?��� � � ' t������ ��5�� � �,z� 4� �.� ,._ � . , . . �. �� . � . . : ' . . - . .. . ; . _, . . . . . . . ' - . _' . Date Applicant Name 0 3- 3 i-�a �'7 �� ��-� i �- �P S. �e�2 f�� S. �_� - ApplicantSignature /J ��,s Project Name "�;�':�-���-���.�� se °�-��;�-���:'��a.� �` .. �_����.����:��� A���r:��._���;�.���a.��� ������::a�; �'��?��:�s� 0 �OpBiB ��°II� i�P-� �RIDG�S �nd CULVERTS Attach this form to Joint Application for CAMA Major Permit, Form DCM MP-1. Be sure to complete all other sections of the Joint Application that relate to this proposed project. Please include all supplemental information. . -_ ,., ,. 1�f?IDGES :' . ' p This secfion not a he ., .: ,, . : = _ . ; : .... .. , : -. . . , . ; > , - ..::. , - -'� PR:., a. Is the proposed bridge: _ , b. Water body to be crossed by bridge: ❑Commercial �Public/Government ❑Private/Community Lofds Creek c. Type of bridge (construetion material): d. Water depth at the proposed crossing at NLW or NWL: 1@55'; 1@65' 45" Prestressed Conc�ete Girder 7.0' e. '(i) Wiil proposed bridge replace an existing bridge? �Yes ❑No f. (i) Will proposed bridge replace an existing culvert? �Yes �No • If yes, If yes, (ii) Length of existing bridge: 91' (ii) Length of existing cuivert: (iii) Width of existing bridge: 31 " (iii) Width of existing culvert: (iv) Navigation clearance underneath existing bridge: 3_0' (iv) Height of the top of the existing culvert above the NHW or (v) Will all, or a part of, the existing bridge be removed? - N�'�-� (Explain) All � (v) Will all, or a part of, the existing culvert be removed? (Explain) 9• Length of proposeci bridge: 120' i. Will the proposed bridge affect existing water flow? �Yes ❑No If yes, explain: Bent in main channel h• Width of proposed bridge: 36'7" j. Will the proposed bridge affect navigation by reducing or increasing the existing navigable opening? �Yes �No If yes, explain: k• Navigation clearance underneath proposed bridge: 3_0' 1. Have you contacted the U.S. Coast Guard concerning their . approval? , �Yes ❑No • If yes, expiain: Advanced approval received dated October 22, 2013 m. Will the proposed bridge cross wetlands containing no navigable n. Height of proposed bridge above wetlands: 3_0' �� ��, ��`""� �s, "�", `� �i � waters? ❑Yes � No • =� � � � �� ,c . , . � °�� If yes, explain: � 2, CULVERTS a• Number of culverts proposed: � �t i; � � �:ti €t� .. �".�� ,? �. �rA'C �. n �' ;�: � ru,. _ �_ n. �Fhis secfion notapplicable b. Water body in which the culvert is to be placed: � < Foren continues on back> :���-�t��-.��3�� ;�� �4-������ a;��4*a ;, ���x==�=€x��:��s�e�m�xara�;�„�€��a�x��s�.��t�� ��=��M��, '��?�����s 0 �°��'� ��� ��'��a� f��c�a��s utt��; �s���e�a�:�, t�x�4� � ��'�� c. Type of culvert (construction material): d. (i) Will proposed culvert replace an existing bridge? e. (i) Will proposed culvert replace an existing culvert? ❑Yes ❑No _ ❑Yes ❑No If yes, (ii) Length of existing bridge: (iii) Width of existing bridge: � (iv) Navigation clearance underneath existing bridge: _ (v) Will all, or a part of, the existing bridge 6e removed? (Explain) � f. Length of proposed culvert: h. Height of the top of the proposed culvert above the NHW or NWL. j. Will the proposed culvert affect navigation by reducing or increasing the existing navigable opening? DYes ❑No If yes, explain: 3. . EXCAVAFION and FILL . a. (i) Will the placement of the proposed bridge or culvert require any excavation below the NHW or NWL? DYes �No If yes, . (ii) Avg. length of area to be excavated: (iii) Avg, width of area to be excavated: (iv) Avg. depth of area to be excavated: (v) Amount of material to be excavated in cubic yards: c. (i} Will the placement of the proposed bridge or culvert require any high-ground excavation? �Yes ❑No If yes, (ii) Avg. length of area to be excavated: 45' (iii) Avg. width of area to be excavated: 30' (iv) Avg. depth of area to be excavated: 1' (v) Amount of material to be excavated in cubic yards: 50 If yes, (ii) Length of existing culvert(s): (iii) Width of existing culvert(s): (iv) Height_of the top of the existing culveR above the NHW or NWL: (v) Will all, or a part of, the existing cuivert be removed? (Explain) g. Width of proposed cuivert: i. Depth of culvert to be 6uried below existing bottom contour. k. Will the proposed culvert affect existing water flow? ❑Yes ❑No If yes, explain: ❑This s�cfion notapplicable b. (i) Will the placement of the proposed bridge or culvert require any excavation within coastal wetlands/marsh (CV�, submerged aquatic vegetation (SA�, shell bottom (58), or other wetlands (WL)? If any boxes are checked, provide the number of square feet affected. �CW 235 ❑SAV ❑SB ❑WL ❑None (ii) Describe the purpose of the excavation in these areas: 114 sq. ft: - removal of existing bridge; 121 sq. ft. roadway ditch ���«£���-"���� :, �i-�..3'�a�� �#���:��"G s� �,.?r��r.a3�.,�sa�3,G'�,,���r�;s�x����:'�'a��^;�.���� �������X -^�� ��� � �� � APR :� � ZOii ���,��� � <�a� ��� .:a�����•�� �r � ���� ; nd ����r���t�; 'x�:��,•"��a , ���'.7� ��� ���e� d�s8s9��s �ss� �ua�sea��s$ 9��a�� 3 oa �� d. If the placement of the bridge or culvert involves any excavation, please complete the following: (i) Location of the spoil disposal area: Proposed roadway bed; material to be compacted for use as roadway fill and embankment (ii) Dimensions of the spoil disposal area: 60' x 800' (iii) D"o you claim fitle to tfie disposal area? �Yes ❑No (If no, attach a/efter granting permission irom ihe owner.) - ' � (iv) Will the disposal area be available for future maintenance? ❑Yes �No �(v) Does the disposal area include any coastal wetlands/marsh (CV1�, submerged aquatic vegetation (SAVs), other wetlands (1NL), or shell bottom (SB)? ❑CW ❑SAV �WL ❑SB �None � If any boxes are checked, give dimensions if different from (ii) above. e. 9• �. a. (vi) Does the disposal area include any area below the NHW or NWL? ? �Yes �No . If yes, give dimensions if different from (ii) above. (i) Will the placement of the proposed bridge orculvert result in any fill (other than excavated material described in Item d above) fo 6e placed below NHW or NWL7 �Yes ❑No If yes, (i) Avg. length of area to be filled; . 380' (iii) Avg. width of area to be filled: 8' (v) Purpose of fill: Roadway embankment (i) Will the placement of the proposed bridge or culvert result in any fill (other than excavated material described in Item d above) to be placed on high-ground? � Yes ❑ No ' If yes, (ii) Avg. length of area to be filied: 380' (iii) Avg. width of area to be filled: 13' (iv) Purpose of flll: Roadway and shoulder bed . . , .. _ ..: ,,, - . _ .... -, :.. , .. : GElVEs'�A.L - . Will the proposed project require the relocation of any existing utility lines? • � �Yes ❑No If yes, explain: See attached utility narrative and drawings. If this portion of the proposed project has already received approval from local authorities, please aEtach a copy of the approval or certificafion. f. (i} Will the placement of the proposed bridge or culvert result in any fill (other than excavated material described in Item d above) to be placed within coastal wetlands/marsh (CV1n, submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV), shell bottom (SB), or other wetlands (WL)? If any boxes are checked, provide the number of square feet affected. � , �CW 7390 sa ft ❑SAV ❑SB �INL ❑None (ii) Describe the purpose of the excavation in these areas: roadway ernbankment b. Will the proposed project require the construction of any temporary detour structures? ❑Yes �No If yes, explain: . < Form continues on back> ���-���-2�4�€3 :: �-8��-�a"���9��'&' :: wvv�sa_aa���s����6�aa�s�a���s�sa@,ar�f. a + ' �+ ���`� ���� ����� �������� ��� ��������� ���� � �3 �� c. Will the proposed project require any work channels? ❑Yes �No If yes, complete Fonn DCM-MP-2. d. How will excavated or fill material be kept on site and erosion controlled? NCDOT Design Standards in Sensitive Watersheds � .- ��. -u-. -� • .. . . - .� .� e. What type of construction equipment will be used (for example, f. Will wetlands be crossed in transporting equipment to project site? dragline, backhoe, or hydraulic dredge)? DYes �No excavator, backhoe, fol'klift, latttice crane, dump trucks If yes, expiain steps that will be taken to avoid or minimize paving machines, bull dozer, grader environmental impacts. g. Will the placement of the proposed bridge ot culvert require any shoreline stabilization? �Yes ❑No If yes, complete form MP-2, Secfion 3 for Shoreline SEabilization only. "x Date . d 3 r� .3 �� .Zro 4i��7 R�o�ect Name , � n� C,l��`�.1P �.'S >.��RRR;ISS / 1.�:. 'i� .;, Applicant Name , _ y �� Y Applicant Signature � � - „::. � �� r�; � �- a � ,4-� t �`�y° �'� � � �� J � � ,��, ��:� ,�PR �. � 201� '� r; � � a? ��� � ����� c � �,^`� � s� � t,;�" � � ��:�-�i��-���� ;. '�-���-���C88��"�` :a aus;va�.a�;�������Dss�aa������a���..�s�� r��raw��: ��;��ifi�� B-5236 NEU NARRATIVE Existing Utilities There a.re existing fiber optic phone lines that i-un along the west side of River Rd. for the project length. The lines are in conflict with; our pro.posed bridge construction. These are owned by AT&T. The contact for the phone facility is Lance Laliberte, Telics P.O._ Box 2398, Greenville, N.C. 27836, Phone Nuniber 252-227-4596 Mobile 910-620-3901. , There is one existing 8" ductile iron force main sewer�running along the east side of River Rd. for the project length. It is in conflict with our proposed bridge � construction. It is owned by AquaAmerica the contact is Michael Poulios, phorie number 919-653-6965, email MDPoulios(cr�,aquaamerica.com. There is one existing 10" water main that runs on the east side of River Rd. and runs the project length. It is in conflict with our proposed bridge consti-uction. It is owned by Aqua America and the contact is already shown. Proposed Utilities Proposed telephone �ber optic cables will be installed by open cut from approximately L-Sta. 13+18 where it connects to the existing fiber optic telephone cables. These run to a proposed hand hole at L-Sta. 13+89 where the proposed directional, bore begins. From there it runs close to the proposed Right of Way line and runs paxallel to River Rd.. From there, it runs to L-Sta. 18+18 �where it turns back toward the roadway area. where a proposed hand hole will be installed at L- Sta. 19+17 and the directional bore stops. It then is installed by open cut and connects to the existing phone cables at L-Sta. 19+50. No environmental impacts or liuffer impacts are resulting from the proposed phone line installation on B- 5236. . One proposed 8" force main sewer will be installed by open cut on the east side of River Rd. from L-Sta. 12+24 to L-Sta. 12+43 where a proposed directional bore starts. From this point, the proposed bore runs parallel along River Rd. off of the � �t `� • �.�- �� �'�'� E: M� � ci 4, �'� � � � � � -' , � �i s' ; ,' �, �.�..?�`" �� ����� � �' - � ., N ' � ��� 'n�''�''�' ���" ' � f i:�ii �; ��: ' :3 ��� a a� � �:r � u �:/' ; : y' :: : ' ROY COOPER GoverRar March 28, 2017 Mr. Philip S. Harris, III, P.E., CP1�1 Project Development and Environmental A,nalysis Unit North Carolina Department of Transportation 1595 Mail Service Center Raleigfi, North�Carolina'27699-1598 Dear Mr: Harris: Subject: Mirigation Acceg�tance Letter: B-5236, Replace Bridge 19 on SR 1100 over Lords Creek, New Hanover Counry The putpose of this letter is to notify you that the Division of Mitigation Services (DIVlS) will provid'e the comg�ensatory coastal marsh mitigarion,for the subject project. Based on the infoamation supplied by you on March 28, 2017, the impacts are located in CU 03030005 of the Cape Fear River basin in the Southern Outer CoastaI Plain (SOCP) Eco-itegion, and are as follows: �agee Fear 03030005 SOCP Cold Imgacfs (feedacres) I *Some of the stream and/or application for details. Stream Cool Waim 0 0 �acts may be propc Wetlands Non- Coastal Ripanian: Ri arian Marsh D 0 0.18 to be miti�ated at a 1:1 miti�atic Buffer (Sq. Ft.) Zone 1 � Zone 2 � � � � ratio: See nermit T�is ffiitigation asceptance letter replaces,tlae iniYig�taon seceptance letter n�suec4 on Octobex 20, 2016. The impac�s and associated midgation needs were under projected by the NCDOT in'the 2016 impact data. DI4IS will commit to implement sufficient compensatory coastal marsh mitigation credits to offset the impacts associated with this project as determined by the regulatory agencies usnig the de]ivery timeline listed in Section F.3.c.iu of the In-Lieu Fee Instrument dated July 28, 2010. If the above referenced impact amounts are'revised, then this mitigation acceptance letter will no longer be valid and a new mirigation acceptance letter will be required froin DMS. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact Beth Harmon at 919-707-8420. Sincerely, J . Stanfill Credit Management Supervisor cc: � Mr. Brad Shaver, USACE — Wilnnington Regulatory Field Offioe Ms. Amy Chapman, NCDWR File: B-5236 Revised �����ia�� ��i����e��. � State of North Carolina Environmentat Quality 217 VVest Jones Streef � 160t W1ai[ Service CenYer � Ralefgh. North Carolina 27694-1601 9l9 7a7 8600 �,��F�,��:��� �PR�.�2017 ���� ��k� ���� ��.� ���' - � _ � ���<��:x.,��r. . _ . �� .. . ':iY.sa9F#'- a3�,.�"�.. �g• §��-^aar.r.�ua^�-�s�z::� �ea���-�. E ` � � ; '� _ . . . " North CH ghway�Storm ateoPTransportaUon: � , . ' , . ,r"� `'`4, ��h��.. ' , ` , > .. , . StO�W fe�l , . rogrem - . � , � _, � � � - STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PL''AN' ' ' Md�.�'d : . , (Version 2.02: Released:Aprii.2015). _ �, . .,:. . ' , � . .,. . , .. �� . , � ; ,.'FOR NCDOT PROJECTS. . ' � - ' � ` , � " � .� � . - ' - � � _ . � . � . . _ . � � .. _ . .. ,.. .. ��. . - . . ,. WBS Element: 42840.1.1 T1P No.: B-5236 Coun ies : New Hanover Pa e 1 of 1 _ , ' .- '.: , . _ . . , `'_; _ � General Project Information � . . . . , WBS Eiement 42840:1.1 . ...' , ' � ' ' , TIP Number: !6-5236 _ . ::' � - Pro'ect T e: �,Brid e Re lacement . . . Date: '12/28/2095` �. NCDOT Contact: Jonathan Moore; PE. �. . ,:�:. . � : ` ; `�' � _:,•.. Contractor / Desi ner: . Wetherill En ineerin /Anne GambeP � ` , ' ° � :. Address: Hydraulics Unit ' , ` �- °` • ". ;: , �' Address: 1223.Jones Franklin Road''. ' , '" 1020Bircti Ridge�Road - ' � , , - � ` Ralei � h. NC 27610 - , " ` Ralei h, NG 27506'' . ' , � , . . . r ,;;> , Phone: 919 707-6734 � . . _ , _ :.� ,° . � .�.�. , < " ,. Phone: 919 851-8077 , � , e � , �; : . . , , , , Email: 'Imoore ncdot, oV : . .� < r � � ,'' - . � Email: a amber wetherillen .com _ ' ' ° - � ' � - "' '� Ci /Town: , ; . 'Viliimin ton ` . . Coun ies : New.Hanover . � ' : ' ' � . _ � , River Basin s : � �Ca e Fear` . ,. ' � - �, ` � . � .: " , CAMA Coun ? Yes Wetlands within Project Limits? -, Yes - .. ;, . , . ,. �;;� , „ . . ,. . , - .• , •'' . :. .. .. .. ,, , , .. _.,�.:- �;_, , „"� Pr`o'eet,Descn tion`... .. . °; ,., �: � , : ; � . , . . . ; - Pro'ect Len th lin. miles or feet : 0.18 , Surroundin Land Use: Fo�esf / Some Resid"ential; ,, . ' , ��;.:��. -��' . :,�' ` .,�Pro'osedfPro e�t�%�: . - ° � � . ' `� 's �� _ �Existm ��.Site�. � ` �, , n � , . �. , , ,, ._ _ ., Pro'ectBuilt-U onArea ac. � 0:8': .. . _'aa ` " ' ' 0.6.`' , - ,ac. Typical Cross Section Description: 2@.12' lanes,with 5' paved shoulder ,- ,. ,, . 2@ 11'.travel lane:with 4` paved shoulder and2' grassed shoulcJer: . ' �. . _ . _.,. � . . . . , . . . _ _ . . , . , . : - - ' . . . . _ � , Annual Avg Daily Traffic (vehlhdday): Desi nlFuture: � . ' . :. 8885 : . • ., � -. "� Year 2036 �. . , . _. Existin : � • � ' , :5220 .' ' _ � , ; Year: ; 2016 ; General Project Narrative: REPLAGE BRIDGE N0.,19 OVER' LORDS`CREEK ON SR 110q (RIVER ROAD) WITH';A 1@55;�1'@65 45"'PRESTRESSED CONCRETE GIRDER BRIDGE:, NO, DIRECT ' (Description of Minimization of Water DISCHARGE WILL BE'ALLOWED; JNTO THE' SURFAGE,WATERS THE'RUNOFF FROM THE;BRIDGE VIIILUBE'DISCHARGED .ON TQ'A RIP'RAP PAD TO,DIFFUSE, -° '` . .. . . , . , Quality Impacts) FCOiN Wl1'HIN THE VIlETL'AND BOUNDARY,' FICL-SCOPES ALONG THE NORTHERN ROADWAY APPROACH'1NILL BE STEEPENED AND REINFORCED�,WITH RIP .- RAP TO MINIMIZE IMPACTS.IN WETLANDS..: ' ' ' . " ` ' - - " • - . ' � ' . : �c, . . . .. _ ���; , . � ��f �j .- . , .,.., .,. ,. ,. .,.. _ . � , , , , , 13 �`��ES�,�'��E�: .:� �V'�'�y . ' � , � . • , . . � • � �. , ,, . r . ; , . � � .. . , . � . - . .. , , , .;, ... , " ,: : APR . - �. � . , . . , �- . .. . � . . � - . tl . � 2017 ,, _ - . �. . � - , „�. _. . , , .. . . . ': � . - . - : , , -, . . . .:� =� ;. , ,. , . .. . . _��. ... _ _ � �. . ,.. ,.. �.�����. s��� �",Q���" . x a�•z r�� �_h:. �:.:. �,�.,?, r r :+�. ,er �,::�:� u".���� h .:�� s xrr��.s,,wr ..,.,,.z.. F�,. ,�,.�, ff4 .��m:, ,. ,...-�: , � v:�_ .� ;��:x . av t "� . n t F " t �4f n �. � , � . � -�A�; �� a°in« �3? � .�:�. .,�'�. �;r�uY _ +�. ,y � `�{". .f�,.1 ,� :.� �Bi�70ir f01T118tIQ t if r a �t � '. P,� a �"Aur t�, i >� i:� z x �` ���� ��� ���a�„µ� �n n�.}r�. ,� ��, x� �,� � � �.t_ �. ���,�� �. . ,, . ... . _ a. . , , ,.,a. , ., � .. .,_ �, - . .�„ _ _ : Surface Water Bod 1 : ' . . � . : ' iQRDS CREEK, - " _" - ` NCDWR Stream Index No.: " : �� � . : " '> 1 &84 . ; : . -� - � NCDWR SurFace Water Classification for Water Body Prima Classifcation: �_.� Class C � ' . ` Su lemental Classification: � +Swam Waters Sw . �' � ' � . ;' � -' Other Stream Classification: . ' • ` ` ' ; � � � Im airtnents: _ - . mePcu H. . . _. ', � _' _ _ , A uaGc T8E S ecies? � . , , ' Comments: . ° � � � � , ' ' . . NRTR Stream ID: , : � ., ° . .. "... `... � :_ ., ;. �.''t:. , Buffer Rules in Effect: „ ' N/A. _. . � � ,. . �� . Pro'ect Includes Brid e S annin Water Bod ? Yes ' � Deck Drains Dischar e Over Buffer? N/A `` Dissi atar Pads Provided in Buffer7 N/A Deck Drains Dischar e Over Water Bod ? No . • (If yes, providejustification in the General Project Narrative) (if yes, describe in the General Project Narrative; if no, justify in the pf yes, provide justification in the General Project Nartative) General Project Narrative) . t� ,�..;'- �, : r, ����, m c � a t � + } m 3 E L a 'O � � •� � V � � 0 V See Sheet fA For IRdex of Sheets See Sh�eef 1B For Corrventlona! Symbols y1 � , Sanders d• ix� � ��� d21 — 4 VO ♦ ��, � "� (� I 76 ' Cf I . . .. ,� .... . . . . . .. � i� .� _ 1276 �ry �.. . ' ' D 'y' ' ' . ...., 1624 �/ � I � . PllotsRidAeAirport 15 � L � � � K � ,� I t7ot O � � i � � -- ��; ti� ��. � � ��Q �� . ` az� ; F o � j m O x� ♦ . � !317 � izsz � �. . LO�TIOIY v ino a°`'�5 �r1°t ��� � � �52� � � ,.e_ $�,' � ��` U.$. Coasl Guard �6� IaC? O �/ B S �Breef� � �j9 L oa ^ 421 J �j� `�' � i VICI11lITY MAP (NOT TO SCALE) OFF—SITE DETOUR � ]L � 1l JL:s �� 1@! �� �L � �L..�������" � . �������� �� �������� . ��..� �� . ��-�-�_��� -��-�r�T� LOCATI0111c REPLACE BRIDGE 11i0.19 .OVER LORDS CREEK O1V SR 1100. ' PERMIT DRAWING SHEET 1 OF 10 TYPE OF WORK.• GRADI11tG, PAVI11iG, DRAINAGE � STRUGTURE WETLAND At�D Sl1RFACE WATER IMPACTS PERMIT 0 �o � SITE 1 THIS PROJECT IS NOT WITHIN ANY MUNICIPAL BOUNDARIES. CLEARING ON THIS PROJECT SHALL BE PERFORMED TO THE LIMITS ESTABLISHED BY METHOD III. GRAPHIC SCALES DESIG11i DATA 50 25 o so loo ADT 2016 = 5220 ADT 2036 = 8885 � PLANS K = 11 °/a D = $0 % 50 25 0 50 100 ' T_ 3 0� + PROFILE (HORIZONTALJ * (7'rST =1% + DUALS 2°i t0 5. 0 to 2o FUNC CLASS =MINOR ARTERIAL PROFILE (VERTICAL) SUB—REGIONAL TIER PROJECT LEIIIGTH LENGTH ROADWAY TIP PROJECT 8-5236 SITE 2 //� Prepared In the Off/ce af: DIVISI011i OF HIGHWAYS � 1000 Birth Ridge Dr„ Raleigh, NC 27610 = 0.163 MI 20/2 ST.9NDARD SPECIFICATlONS Plf RA77 NdMI' 11lIMWR NR lt08T H4 �. B-5236 1 RAff MO6Np t„Lry�p�py �p�� 42840.1.1 BRZ-1700 29 P.E. ���+�������0�� L��\ i *� �M f ��� '�r��� � i�.► ���R� • #�t� r►�r���:y►�,�7iti��I►�j �l��,�� �rif�� ���:�_� ��� � =� � � a ��'-, �;'" � � �..� � � �r� � `� !��� �. � Z��, ������� �k��� �� �� � � �vxAvr.res ExsrxEEa LENGTH STRUCTURE TIP PROJECT B-5236 — P-� 0.021 MI �GHT OF WAY DATE: GARY LOVERING. PE srcxaruxs: PROJECT ENGINFFp ROADWAY DESIGN EXGINEER TOTAL LENGTH TIP PROJECT B-5236 = 0.184 MI SEPTEMBER 16. 2016 LETTING DATE: SUSAN C. LANCASTER. PE SEPTEMBER 19. 2017 I'RO�CT DfiSIGN ENGINEER INCOMPLETE PLANS DO NOT VSB pOft R/W wMUIS([ION PRELIMINARF PLANS no Nor ose eon coxsrxvrnox 0e�� �p NORTy p',o` $ e y � e = A� o � � �br AF iRA�4Q�e� � Z a v � n Sta.= Ii+00 —L— LT �—N � DA= O.i75 ac � � Q= 0.4b cfs N � V= i.5 {�s a d = 0.3 ft � s= 0.0116 f�ft � WOODS : ` SITE 1 CAMA : � o � � � �� R � — _!._. _ � - .1_ �. S w a "u �-- �— � . _ ���` . ./ •� • , z . a 4r E"s" 1 � i � .� .:—� Y •�-�'�`-- 1 s .�\ n• ; �, ' . E- `'�� .. v ' �� CAMA .. � ` �i' ~ sfa.= �i+zo -�- ar DA = Q.096 ac Q= 0.78 cis V= 2.0 f�s •J= 0.1 ft .�- � s= 0.075 ft�ff BEGIN TIP PROJECT B-5236 —L— STA. 10 + 75.00 NCDOT MON. 5 � d / /F^ DENOTES EXCAVATION � �/1 / % � IN WETLqND � DENOTES FILL IN WETLAND � ,pr/ ,{�� DENOTES HAND {�/L/ t I CLEARING DENOTES IMPACTS IN 9(� SURFACE WATER 0 BURNETT ENTERPRISES,iNCORPORATED (ROW 30�FROM CL SRII00) SITE 2 �l B RiP ".�'AP EST 1�ON RR ARSH AREA >5i 5 SY vEE1.TEXF E9B �� �F � �v, �,_ �� Jf � V � � � MARS�AREA �� g G�u �.��`-� A �--'J,.-- =sr � �nh �� CAMA ��_. �:sr � �V t,�a;�xr . u,F�� • � 1� � � � - �vr��soh � . . ., � Fx�averinn� — — _ i j'g C_ 8 r[P A? ' •S � w 5 SY EC�?'EXT ��/ � CAMA I B' OUCTILE IRON ', / , ' � w000s � ` SIGNATURE RIVER OAKS NC. LTD. (ROWD60' FROM C LSRI100) CC?F E ��� , �� MARSH AREA �•. i�Ea'VwFi� tj361��'tl��``�I.�.'s v RM/ SHEEf NO. ��..€���€ '� r'�' F�� ROADWAY DESIGN HYDRAULIC ENGINEER ENGINEER y o RUTH B, PHI(,LIP$ REVOCABLE TRUST \ FIRST TRACT IROW 30' FR�OM CLB SRI100) �L � . � W000s \ .i, �1. _ .,�.\ \ EIP �tr ' � �� F F�' F F F F —� \� � � i5" � � . . v-/et ' ^ra ' _: t23: ' P G: _ PE ?RO'1"�_ i.,ti � ..� 8 ti1P RF. CAMA II [ST i TGN R^2 35' D RE ENEHCY ROW PER MB 51 PG 7 �1���5��'vCsl`�'[�.i—E E E S�RFACE WATER IMPACT � � � - � '� � � � � MARSH AREA O SICNAiURE RIVER OAKS NC, LTO. I DB 5190 PG u95 cROW 50' FROM CL OF SRI100) END TIP PROJECT B-5236 —L— STA. 20+�0,.00� , �� � ���; � `�..� � � ��,� � r�-� �PR �. � 2017 � � � �'� � �n='; ��'� -��' � � �� � ao- o� ao� GRAPHIC SCALE ' � , ' c � ♦ w ,�; � ¢ w a u i � � T x io � .v �� � � y / / ^ DENOTES EXCAVATION LL � % I �N WEfLAND � DENOTES FILL IN WETLAND � ,p�/ ,(a�� DENOTES HAND L��l �t I CLEARING . DENOTES _.IMPACTS IN � � SURFACE WATER � �g���'�' �ts,ttas�hl� MN-SHEEfNO. 1iAiY9 iV 1 ROADWAY OESIGN HYOPAULIC: ����� +7 Q� �� ' ENGINEER ENGINEER O O \ / � � BLJRNETT ENTERPRISES, INCORPORATED RUTH B. PHILLIP$ REVOCABLE TRUST \ Z .. l� o � �. �: � � �'� UB 1000 PG 265 l, ` -/ F�RS T ?RACT � � � ' \ ; , � Z r / � % "�- �\ � �,� ��, ^� • �` ,\ ` J� (ROW 30' FROM CL SRnOQ1 r,. � • � (ROW D33�FROM C 89SRu00l / r L } Z�n i� f / St�o.= 1'f�+00 -L= �? �^� � � r �' r —.,. � _'�l. � � �.. / \ �':� � �tnL� t DA= Q.17� ac . �, l��� � i • �i ! � _ �. Q=���.46 c�'s .,- _._-• -^ � � �� i ` � ^ f �'� r �l j v= i:s,,t S _ _.,� `� `., � ` �' �� �� SITE �2 � �� / , � `� � j � �, / n� 'a.� o.a ��— . � , , , � `� / O � / / \ s= ,4.01Ib-ftlft--= � \�`\ � ; / . �� � •`� � i / / � � i � !� t •� � "' �� � , r ' ____ -- --- ,�' � � `ti � ) � --�. �� �' � ;�.. � `� , � ; � � ; / ' / / r / � . �. 1 , � -�, �� g ��� �'�=\,, � .. �` � , � . � � �' � �' �i R� � l � r .---�v�s � � -� �. � ���' � .� � r . ,�� �, �. .`, `, ARS�,�, � r �` � , �� � � � �\ � � � � �x� /- i '�� `,`, -�---� 1 '''.. �s�5 �v�� � � \� -,_. i .-- � � ,\ — � l , , \ f � ; ti •SIT� <� � � , . . 1 '� � + ' 1, �� � •.� �,.��, -,�, -_ `'`�-- — — �-- -- � � � `� ', `< <....., \ � ' � � \ , � � `� � ��,�/,, °�y�-\�'' \ ��. �. .� � � �`�.' `� �Y `� � � Y . � lt \ \ � �.__»--� \ CAM� ' � � \ \ ��f / � � � , 1L� l } I ---�A`.,,,�•wnEA %'L�� ��• , :� L� d RI? P.A� t '�..... ,.._._. ---' j `� , \W0�5 1 � . - i ' �.. � ,� � • ���____ � `� � � • i �-... .%q� �� \� � .' � 5Si tTOF� k,2 //� '� \ `�.i .- �. � `� 1 jY G I \ \ ' \ r 7 � — —_ � ` :t � ``l , ' ` l'1 S' `�\ i �ti. � �ST 5 SY G.�PEl.^'i � ' /y�/�1 R � �' � \ � � � \ \` � �" -,'\ , I : !` \ �` 1 — � i � j � u= • ti7 � � ,� R ( �_—___ _.�.,� /, �� . x<;��g ��:��I,�" 15" z � y „ � � � `'.,� \_---- \ � .; � ':, _ : -_ r' ' ..�,.,, �� , `r. \ � i i , �hyEL3fJ �-- - \ � EIP S' �.._. �� ' 1 �1\ 5.,� .. \ ` ,�- i. l� ' \ i � .� �•�'i � � \` ` � �Xi AVA7 D �_� i �._ . _� , . .. -�-- — .� -- ' ----�--- J -� `� - , - - '- - - — — . ___. ` .� � - , •� .. _ - - -- - __ — __! �� .. — — = _----- � ---_----- � ` . , � � _ _..._ , �, , — ____ .j �— -------------- _ . �'•, ��-' ' � ,_._. . ,. _ _ _ .— � .— — — — -------= .r � , • --- ----�—�------------�— . �_ —�� --•_ .�, � - -�� `o i ` ^� n � �, �,.,.�, " ��.� . .. � � ' � �It �'� / 1~� ���T ► 4�� . � . . "---�— � � �'� � � �ti. � \ ��: � � --__ . �\ t �< i !`h ._,.__' . E , �` --- ' ; � .� _� � � ,` - ��. '` , : _ � � ..._. � CAMA .. ��/ . �, , , �.:., ? ./ _:� . _�, �.i .. r/ i Sfa. = 11 +20 -Lf RT DA = 0.094 pc Q= 0.78 V= 2.o fp � d= 0.1 �fN s = -fl:075 Wff BEGIN TIP PROJECT B-5236 —L— STA. 10 + 75 .00 ,i-� �� -"'t r4'`� : �,. �"� - � �' � 1 y\ '�\`�__-. - � ��� v'' ''� t: ' .��: �� � \� � `\� ` NCDbT GPS� i •-i ° �� . . �� .,, MON. �5236-I � • � � p iCt 9 ?IP � ����, �-� �,� � � i ' �' � � — ,,:WOODS /� . � 1 1 � W..%ELBC;°=' � � ' � E � S.SY �OIE7iT � � �! "'��\ � �,\ E : � � l. � I E7 , CAMA � E I'/ � , � ♦ : i f r � � 1� B' OUCTILE IflON W � � � � 1 \1 .. , '';/ • / � � � � 1,,. ` —. ._` ` _�_ � � � L _ � , / � --�' _ _.�- � " � -wnobs'_ �:�� '.. <<lli -J.- ._ -=..� ` = � \ �� ` �\\' � `\ -- /� 1 �. + � i �,, MARSH I�REA �� � � ` J% ' S j O � ' , � t � r . `� SIGNATURE RIVER OAKS NC.LTD. (ROW 60' FROM C �SRII00I �:� � Roe �ar esT � r;�` a� t�, � �; E — . � RFACE WA�R,.IMPACT � Y r '`.., ".'�y"^- /7 �'�„+� r` / ;:,� ..; � �. i :,` J , `` ✓ ---- 1 I —�j � '� - -� � ��� � ? h . S't.�;' - ? 2 '�'_ ti CAMA35'D�f(E ENERGY ROW PER NB SI PG 7 E �— � � � � � � �� MARSH AREA � � �'1 � ; � ���- ` � \ . , , \ � � i ' � ! �" � �i t� i .-- +--- �..� SIGNATURE RIVER OAKS NC, LTp. D8 5190 PG 1195 tROW 50' FROM CL OF SRI100) END TIP PROIECT B-5236 � —L— STA. 20 + 50.O�Q� � F�� �a r�,,� 4�� �v������� ��-� APR��2017 C1 > � 5�:1� � �d, :li� , �i fi� r�' ' � �` � 4 � . � •� o � 80' 0' 80' GRAPHIC SCALE WETLAND PERMIT IMPACT SUMMARY WETLAND IMPACTS SURFACE WATER IMPACTS Hand Existing Existing Permanent Temp. Excavation Mechanized Clearing Permanent Temp. Channel Channel Natural Site Station Structure Fillln Fillln in Clearing in SW SW Impacts Impacts Stream No. (From/To) Size / Type � Wetlands Wetlands Wetlands in Wetlands Wetlands impacts impacts Permanent Temp. Design � (ac) (ac) (ac) (ac) (ac) (ac) (ac) (ft) (ft) (ft) 1 10+75 to 11+g0 LT Roadway Embankment < 0.01 10+75 to 11+20 RT Roadway Embankment < 0.01 2 14+20 to 15+20 LT 1@55'; 1@65' 45" PSC Bridge 0.01 < 0.01 0.02 14+75 to 15+20 RT 1@55'; 1@65' 45" PSC Bridge < 0.01 < 0.01 < 0.01 16+10 to 20+00 LT 1@55'; 1@65' 45" PSC Bridge 0.09 0.09 0.01 12 16+10 to 20+50 RT 1@55'; 1@65' 45" PSC Bridge 0.07 0.09 0.02 30 - -- — -- �---- — TOTALS*: 0.18 < 0.01 0.21 0.03 � 42 0 0 *Rounded totals are sum of,actual impacts NOTES: Permanent Stream Impacts: due to interior bents = 25 sq. ft. Temporary Stream Impacts: due to work coffer dams = 1056 sq. ft. Temporary Fill in Wetlands in the Hand Clearing areas for erosion control measures = 0.04 acres 2013 10 24 � � �. �``'���t'�'"a�� =k� �=� ., � ,, t,. �, � ���s� :�� � - �PR � � 201� � �� ��� m ��'�� ���� � � i� � � � r'_' �""""'___'_""'_'..__"_'_""""""."'_"_'__"_"" . .e e C � a L � � T a' � M � m �y ;� o� N Lw si� Ta �D OZ O 3� ���� -� O= ��� �d� M � � � � • � � V � � O V See Sheet fA For Index of Sheets See Sheet 18 For Conventionol Symbo Pi�Ridge AitpoA f i i . PROJECT LocaTrox Coasl GuaN VICI11lITY MAP (NOT TO SCALE) OFF—SITE DETOUR 51°�'�°�'I� C��' T��]�3°�°I�I jC�]E��II��l��,� ID�d��S�(��T COIF� l[����1�[���� ��w �r��ov��a cou�� LOCATI011L• REPLACE BRIDGE 1110.19 .OVLR LORDS CREEK 1 011I SR 1100 �, TYPE OF WORK GRAD711IG, PAVI11iG, DRAi11iAGE � STRUCTUR� 8 RI'A'IS PRQICCT RBCYBNR N4 , B-5236 Te PAOI.HO P.AP0.01.NU 42840.1.1 BRZ 1100f29 I�I OB4C9�P�ION P.E. WW & UTIL. �.+*��������� i��,�ti, f.��+`_!��■ii�ir� � � �. r-`�'1`,�.r►.�7�a*��►,>jr�,R��'1� �r��.t+����� ���� � � � 0� � BEGIN TIP PROIECT B-5236 � T . L0�.00 � E111D TIP PRO ECT 8-5236 -L- STA.20+50.00 - � BE IN BRIDGE \s �' ND BRID -L- STA.I5+04.40 �.cr,�� � � STA.16+24.40 \\ l ,BRIDGE -------_— . _ . ..�--� � �,x t� '�� � is �,„�w� .z-� < �sa�.'�'° . ,��.�� C`�` ' �,B �''�'.""�` � & � �c � k'� �. °''„ & "'s ' ��� CAR04N BFACH ';?'��r^�r�;a: i��w��s."-, ::'� .���-�.'��`",.X '�--c.� �.;?'.��r-�� s.y-\ �.. ,Pfssa,��" ���.,�-r�.�„�,.,s„��r��:.�c�3"'�'$�S1T90`�sRfuERROAD_�:a: WIIMINGTON ' .<,r,...,r ; . . . _ .�,.��,.. _.. ,: __--�__...—...—.—...— ------ _----_--__— ---- --------------.,--_— _ . . � _. .._l��r \ �O9\\ O�, \ \... r 3\ �� 1 �� �`� �" S � ,� �u ,w...-a � e � � �' � `� �i-� � �i [:'s� y �°� � � 20i7 �='.������� ���� ��� �a�� - �� � �� � , � THIS PROJECT IS NOT WITHIN ANY MUNICIPAL BOUNDARIES. CLEARING ON THIS PROJECT SHALL BE PERFORMED TO THE LIMITS ESTABLISHED BY METHOD III. GRAPHIC SCALES 50 25 0 50 100 PLANS so zs o eo ioo PROFILE (HORIZONTAL) DESIGN DATA ADT 2017 = 5400 ADT 2037 = �9075 K = 11 °/a � = 8� % T = 3 % * V = 60 MPH (TTST =1% + DUALS 2% FUNC CLASS =MINOR ARTERIAL SUB-REGIONAL TIER PROJECT LENGTH LENGTH ROADWAY TIP PROJECT B-5236 LENGTH STRUCTURE TIP PROJECT 8-5236 TOTAL LENGTH TIP PROJECT 8-5236 Prepared In Jhe Office of: DIVISI011i OF HIGHWAYS 1000 Birch Ridge Dr., Raleigh, NC 276I0� = 0.162 MI zorz sra�axn seEcrFrcanoxs = 0.023 MI �GHT OF WAY DATE: GARY LOVERING. PE JULY 20. 2016 PROJECT &NGINE6R = 0.185 MI LETI7NG DATEr I VACANT SEPTEMBER 19. 2017 PROJ6CT DESIGN ENGMEER HI'DRAULICS ENGINEER P� SfGNA17fRE• ROADWAY DBSIGl�' E1�IGINEER P.B. DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL UNLE55 ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED PAVEMENT SCHEDULE FlNAL PAVEMENT Or5lGN . PROP. APPROX. 3" ASPHALT CONCRETE SUfiFACE COl1RSE, TYPE S9.SB, C+1 AT AN AVERAGE RATE OF 168 LBS. PER S�. YD. IN EACH OF TWO LAYERS. PROP. VAR. OEPTH ASPHALT CONCRETE SURFACE COURSE, TYPE S9.5B, G,2 AT AN AVEHAGE RATE OF 112 LBS. PER SQ. YD. PER 1" DEPTH TO BE PLACED IN.LAYERS NOT LESS THAN 1" IN DEPTH OR GflEATER THAN 2.5" DEPTH. - E 1 PAOP. APPROX. 5" 115PHALT CONCflETE BASE COURSE, TYPE B25.08, AT AN AVEqAGE HATE OF 570 LBS. PEfi SQ. YD. PROP. VAR. DEPTH ASPHALT CONCRETE BASE COURSE, TYPE 825.08, E2. AT AN AVERAGE RATE OF 114 LBS. PER S�, YD. PER 1" DEPTH TO BE PLACEO IN LAYERS NOT LESS THAN 4" IN DEPTH OH GREATER THAN 5.5" DEPTH. . T EARTH MATEHIAL. �J EXISTING PAVEMENT. W VARIABLE DEPTH ASPHALT PAVEMENT (SEE DETAIL SHOWING METHOD OF WEDGING). NOTE: PAVEMENT ED�E SLOPES ARE 1:1 UNLESS SHOWN OTHERWISE. 8„ DETAIL SHOWING SHOULDER BERM GUTfER ON TOP OF SUBGRADE -L- STA. 14+80.40 TO 14+93.23 LT.\RT. -L- STA.16+35.57 TO 16+48.50 LT.\RT. � —L— Detail Showing Method of Wedging � � GRADE TO THIS LINE �.—L— 72' 72' � � W W � U GRADE POINT 0.02 0.02 , �--------------- — \ 8.� 8u l � C EXISF. VAR.19' TO 20' TYPICAL SECTION NO. 1 -L- STA. 10+75.00 TO 11 +75.00 -L- STA.19+80.00 TO 20+50.00 TO THIS LINE �.—L— ,. ,z. ,z- ,. 70' w�GUARDRAIL 70' wiGUARDRAIL 5' El � Cl � . F.D.P.S. GRADE F.D.P.S. POINT I.OB 0�_02 �0.02 0.02 0.0�2 O.p�B T $„ T GRADE TO THIS LINE TYPICAL SECTION NO. 2 -L- STA.11+75.00 TO 15+04.40 (BEGIN BRIDGE) -L- STA. 16+24.40 (END BRIDGE) TO 19+80.00 � —L— 34' 5' 12' 12' 5' „ j. GRADE t 1' POINT O2 � � OZ 36'-7" TYPICAL SECTION NO. 3 -L- STA. 15+04.40 TO 16+24.40 — ----- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------=---------------------------------------------------------- -- PROIECT REFERENCE NO. SHEET NO. 6-5236 2A-1 tOADWAY DESIGN PAVFMENT DESIGN ENGINEER ENGINEER DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL UNLESS ALl SIGNATURES COMPLETED -. � � i, ' - - ----------------------------- - --------------------- --- � a� c L � L w � i L t t � � r� ��� 41 m a� > '� . G n` L � � �� r 7 a } .� L � d � w � c N ��, � c� -r �� �Ww i� � ��a o a+= ;'`+w c:�-� 7t-- a�� v�' : � n�sv / GRAPHIC SCALES 50 25 0 50 100 PLANS ���,�� �� ����� �������� `�������� ��' �������� 1��I1 �1�'1�1�[IT l�'l�l�� 1`��i� ; I�A1�� ��1� �� Zl�TY TS.P. NO. SHEEr No. B-5236 UE-1 ���*■.■■ ,■�i•��. i1�'��'�* f''�t���i�'����. : �I ' 'I `. .,'. ' �I� e x � � / � � /� �� � f. ► � . ./ , `. �• 1 / r-�y���'.jy►����� �I►��Jrt���� � �r�s�l�f�'�.,� � � ��� ; . �� �� � -� � r •� ,� -� ,. �.� ,; �� , ,�, . ��,�'� . INDEX OF SHEETS WATER .AND SEWER SHEET 1V0.: DESCRIPTl'011L• OWNER�' 0111 PIdOJECT UE-1 TITLE SHEET UE-2 1�'EU PERMIT PLAnf SHEET (A) AQUA INC. WATER Ufi 3 THI2U i7�5 lYEU PERMIT PROFILE SHEETS (B) AQUA INC. FORCE SANITARY SEWER (C) ATfrT TELEpH011iE INC�MPLE'r� PLANS 00 HOT VSE FOR R/W ACAUI51770N PRELIMINARY FL.�NS DO NOT USE FOA CONSTRVCTfON DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS UTILITIES UNIT �sss arAu seRv�c�s csNrEx RAL6fGH NC 21699-I555 PHONE (9191707-6690 '7aF ��sa° FAX (919) 256d15! Bo AemphiltP.B. UTILITIES REGIONAL ENGINS&R Kelvin Manin UTILIT7&S ENGINE&R Amy Dupree UZ7L(17ES AR6d COORDINATOR Day[nn Mardn UTILITIES COORDINATOR I'�- � � , � PROJECT'REFERENCE N0. SHE@T�ND. P v, e w � � V ni LL: a v ✓ a 0 r � a IN TIP PROJECT B-5236 iT .10 + 75.00 � _ ��_—�__ 1� ,,: ;t' • `L 3 _L. ' , )5 ` OPEN CUT� w00D5 �('�ih(i'.�Y'�- -�f"^ `;.i.t3�'�"€ fyv�3'r:. .fi,'1' :s7'=;., i�:�;..:�tc 7';i.f:Vf:. ]€i_.Yt I'=��f£ (�y" fjt:>^.'3�i it:�'� tx.(i i:.'..�%.:!i.3i '_:n:.i�.i:��tM�i� k.t:vt_�=� �"i?s� l: ��P_':? �.: Li .. � � +00.00 so.oa� 60.00' . ,_.,....,. ..... �. .c- �TQD �7 -� AIARSH AREA = �_ wooas O BIIRNETT ENTERPRiSES,INCORPORATED DB 1000 PG 265 �_�� NAD 83i SRIJ $ 2pp7 � iNc���°��T� �#.�,Ns ; ne wp�x yse FoR Rrw -ncQutsrp�ofr �. PRE]GT1�ffi�TARY �P�.AI�S � ,co x ,bse rox mf�staocrtvN „v,��,. // � / OOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES GOMPLETED / \ \ \ \ i�l'; �� i3': `�}s:U i� :.�^.'���C' F1?� c�j?; i ^�S �... �n� � N � � MA GARET C.EDWARDS B 5777 PG 151I � Rl1TH 8. PHILLIPS �EVOCABLE TRLIST RUDIE W' MALPA55 FIRST . RACT ' REYOCABLE TRUST - �B 39II F�C 389 D6 5617 PG 2578 E � � . Por sta. zi+2o.4 � � ..� � � . , 9g` N4RSH AqEd � � c � � 9�"`..�� r�' . � W0005 +50.00 :� � ;. Z �,�� GaTE ?F �+�� ` �?'� �� � .� 1 � .::. ;;s=°un ?�;`1,i`� :� . 53'� ..� N _`.i� s...'`�.. . \ 5n nn' �� �1v� 1 �W000$ �. \ �� �i'. ."�';,. ) \"i"%f ('' d A ZT �'e �,_�(m�.�.m, :�s::�::�=KL'-'���� �c.r �--�v SIGNATURE RIVER OAKS NC, LTD. UB 5694 PG 1007 r � a•c::',a�� :acv s;. `I� � � 3 NARSH AREd s\ ' 50' TAPER 's ; � ', � � LTiRT ` ' EIP �e:l PS YAPER — F — — _ _. _T _ _. . _,_ .._ . _. .i a .,_ .. -�v L�CRA 35014-3 � � a � —r-_�: �..�, , r F i� i_, �, r�.. ��. .� �i , � nn� B 1 PS T��yn�t-�I � � � � u ,/ ]5' 0�EIhNGY ROW PEP 118 51 PGyT s' �e � _ E CAM�i � . E - `�.: �' . 1'_ `_''L �' � '� `i Y �:: Y MAqSH 4REA : � N 1 � ` .`�' 0` B � N`� ``\��` �ONO� w �. �"&. � �. s � ��� � EIP r ' � � � � F '_ _ !1_ T � .. , .. _: .. _: � . _ ...- SOA ASI e i ... _._ � . ... .... �. .. _ -50 � y—__ __�___ .�y. (j�'^,y v —..�--".F :•— .:/JJ. � ........ _ _ '. PY OF NaY � .• .. , woaos i Y �1' � Y `z SIGNATIJRE RIVER OAKS NC.LTO. —L— JIt,. LVt:JV.VV DB SI90 PG 1195 MB SI PC 7 __�__�_ � ' � 3i9$ 5 - .. �� E�e �..� � ��'t4' � 3 � 4 a ��PR � �i ?017 . , . � ¢} g �� � � � F =� �� . — TRENCHLESS INSTALLATION �"'`������� a ���"'� y�' ��--- OPEN CUT i�, . . � < < c v m m � � � a � � � � m . m 0 � 4 Z 0 � � � + N Q � � w � H � 0 � a r � w w _ � ��,,� � 4,:�,� .. �� �—�-' ����. ��� � ������ � � � .�' �. � Y I �`���� ���� � �:�� � � � 3 �: oxx . 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