HomeMy WebLinkAbout20120064 Ver 1_IRT CR sitevisit_2017_20170511Environmental
To: Todd Tugwell (USACE), Kim Browning (USACE), Mac Haupt (NCDWR)
Cc: Paul Wiesner (NCDMS)
From: Harry Tsomides (NCDMS)
Re: Crooked Creek II Stream and Wetland Restoration Site, Union County -
2017 Credit Release and IRT Site Visit
Date: 5/3/2017
Meeting Summary
Below are summary points discussed during the 4/17/2017 Crooked Creek Credit Release on-
site meeting. The meeting was held to evaluate the viability of the 2017-MY1 requested credit
release. The site is currently undergoing MY2 mitigation success monitoring.
Project Name: Crooked Creek II
DMS ID: 94687
DMS PM: Harry Tsomides
Designer/ Monitoring Consultant: Wildlands Engineering
Planting/ Invasives Contractor: Keller Environmental
Site Meeting Attendees:
Harry Tsomides, NCDMS
Paul Wiesner, NCDMS
Mac Haupt, NCDWR
Kim Browning, USACE
Todd Tugwell, USACE
Site constructed stream (UT1) was determined to be absent of significant flow during the site
visit; an instream sapling was noted at the upper end. Bed and bank characteristics are present
with abundant woody material/ brush toe; however, the lack of flow was concerning to the IRT.
DMS indicated that a monitoring contract has just been supplemented to add flow gages
starting in MY2. Hydrologic monitoring (flow gages, crest gage, and visual/photo evidence) and
stream conditions will be noted (in detail) moving forward. The IRT requested that one of the
flow gauges be installed at least half way upstream on this reach (UT1). Note — A flow gage
was installed on UTI the week of 4/24/2017.
Nothing Compares ---,—
State of North Carolina I Environmental Quality
217 West Jones Street 1 1601 Mail Service Center I Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1601
919 707 8600
The confluence of UT1 (drainage area 153 acres/0.24 sq. miles) with Crooked Creek (drainage
area 24,619 acres/38.5 sq. miles) generally looked good, with no significant
erosion/backwatering damage. A significant area of recently fallen large trees just downstream
of the confluence with UT1 was evident and is causing some channel blockage and stream flow
adjustment. The possible need for tree removal/dispersal was discussed, versus viewing this as
a natural phenomenon and letting the channel adjust accordingly. The IRT consensus was to let
things adjust and keep an eye on this area moving forward, as the scale of the tree removal
would necessitate large heavy equipment and impact adjacent riparian areas and wetlands.
Some privet was evident in the understory along Crooked Creek. Nearly all understory privet
within the easement was treated during construction; however, a few individuals remain and
some treated areas are re -sprouting. This will be monitored and treated as necessary moving
The Enhancement II crediting scenario along Crooked Creek was discussed including the
documented basis for Ell as livestock access, invasives removal and some understory planting
(where a full canopy was not present). Project documentation was noted from prior IRT
communications endorsing the Ell approach along Crooked Creek rather than trying to repair
localized erosional areas along a massive channel.
Most gages were noted as not meeting criteria in 2017 (8 out of 10 total gages failed the 2016
success criteria). Wildlands (J. Hutton) had noted during the 2017 Credit Release office meeting
that adjusting the growing season to be more reflective of true site conditions based on site
specific soil temperatures would bring at least several of the wells into MY1 success of the 7.5%
hydroperiod. The IRT noted that submitting a revised growing season based on soil
temperatures would be considered; however, in doing so would represent an addendum to the
mitigation plan and would likely result in a changed hydroperiod requirement of at least 10% or
the applicable hydroperiod associated with the project site soil series as described in the
October 24, 2016 mitigation update. DMS intends to consider this moving forward based on
the MY2-2017 hydrology results. Several soil borings were taken which showed mixed results
in the wetland area. The gauges that were meeting criteria were examined and generally
showed wetland soil indicators near the wells. In general, the soil borings reflected the success
of the gage area in which they were taken.
The stream (UT1) and wetlands were constructed as designed and there seems to be no
apparent reason for the widespread failure of the wetlands and the low flow in the stream
during MY1 other than an exceptionally dry 2016 growing season. The question was asked by
DMS; should we add more wetland gages, and the IRT indicated that additional gages did not
appear warranted at this time.
Deteriorating grout was noted at several of the wells which were loose to the touch. Note —the
week of 4/24/2017, all groundwater gages were resealed and caps labeled.
5 Nothing Compares,
State of North Carolina I Environmenta[ Quality
217 West Jones Street 11601 Mail Service Center I Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1601
919 707 8600
Conclusion —There are IRT concerns with the constructed channel (UT1) hydrology as well as
the viability of some of the site wetlands. While early 2016 planted vegetation reflected
success, substantial mortality occurred during summer 2016 and resulted in many failing
plots. The unusually dry year was noted, the contractual issues and disagreement we are
having with the vegetation/ invasives contractor was discussed, and it was noted that the
project is just entering MY2 (7 -year monitoring project). DMS assured the IRT that the site
would get a supplemental planting completed in the 2017/2018 dormant season either with the
current contractor or a new contractor if the current planting contract is terminated.
The IRT concluded that MY1 requested credits will be released; however if success criteria do
not improve across these parameters during MY2, MY2 credit release in early 2018 may be at
risk of holdback.
5 Nothing Compares,
State of North Carolina I Environmenta[ Quality
217 West Jones Street 11601 Mail Service Center I Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1601
919 707 8600