HomeMy WebLinkAbout19981139 Ver 1_Mitigation Plans_20080819I g9g1139 COMPENSATORY MITIGATION PLAN FOR THE 683 ACRES OF WOODLAND WETLANDS RESTORATION, ENHANCEMENT, AND PRESERVATION ON SECTIONS H, I, AND J OF THE PCS PHOSPHATE COMPANY, INC. PARKER FARM POM%co t'eo-L?Xor-- cc)w-[t" Prepared for: PCS PHOSPHATE COMPANY, INC. Environmental Affairs Department Aurora, North Carolina Prepared by: CZR INCORPORATED 4709 College Acres Drive, Suite 2 Wilmington, North Carolina April 2008 A COMPENSATORY MITIGATION PLAN FOR THE 683 ACRES OF WOODLAND WETLANDS RESTORATION, ENHANCEMENT, AND PRESERVATION ON SECTIONS H, I, AND J TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 Introduction ........................................................................................................ .....................................1 2.0 Location, History, and Pre-Restoration/Preservation Description ..................... .....................................1 2.1 Location .......................................................................................... .....................................1 2.2 History ............................................................................................. .....................................1 2.3 Pre-Restoration/Preservation Description ...................................... .....................................1 2.3.1 Soils ................................................................................... .....................................1 2.3.2 Pre-restoration/preservation Drainage .............................. .....................................1 2.3.3 Woodland Areas ................................................................ .....................................2 3.0 Site Selection Factors and Justification ............................................................. .....................................2 3.1 Logistics .......................................................................................... .....................................2 3.2 Cost and Technology ...................................................................... .....................................2 3.3 Justification and Jurisdictional Status ............................................. .....................................2 4.0 Specific Goals, Target Functions, and Methods ................................................ .....................................3 4.1 Goals .............................................................................................. .....................................3 4.2 Target Functions ............................................................................. .....................................3 4.3 Methods .......................................................................................... .....................................5 4.3.1 Section H ........................................................................... .....................................5 4.3.2 Section 1 ............................................................................. .....................................5 4.3.3 Section J ............................................................................ .....................................5 5.0 Work Plan Methodology ..................................................................................... .....................................6 5.1 Hydrologic Models .......................................................................... .....................................6 5.2 Water Budget .................................................................................. .....................................6 5.2.1 Meteorology-Climatic Inputs and Evapotranspiration ........ .....................................6 5.2.2 Water Budget Outputs ....................................................... .....................................6 6.0 Data Collection for Monitoring ............................................................................ .....................................7 6.1 Hydrology Monitoring ...................................................................... .....................................7 7.0 Restoration/Enhancement Results .................................................................... .....................................7 7.1 Hydrology Results .......................................................................... .....................................8 7.1.1 Section H ............................................................................... .....................................8 7.1.2 Section 1 ................................................................................. .....................................8 7.1.3 Section J ................................................................................ .....................................8 8.0 Adaptive Management Strategies ...................................................................... .....................................9 8.1 Adaptive Management .................................................................... .....................................9 8.2 Long-term management ................................................................. .....................................9 9.0 Final Dispensation of Site .................................................................................. .....................................9 REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................................10 SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS .....................................................................................................................18 Cover photo: Upstream view of Vandemere Creek headwaters in Section J. PCS Compensatory Mitigation Plan ii FEIS Appendix I Attachment 5 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1 Sections H, I and J Vicinity Map ..............................................................................................12 Figure 2 Sections H, I and J 1998 Aerial ................................................................................................13 Figure 3 Soils Sections H, 1 and J ..........................................................................................................14 Figure 4 LIDAR Sections H, I and J .......................................................................................................15 Figure 5 Sections H, I and J Biotic Communities ...................................................................................16 Figure 6 Sections H, I, J Mitigation Sites ...............................................................................................17 LIST OF SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS A Selected Site Photographs ......................................................................................................18 B North Carolina Division of Water Quality Wetland Rating Worksheets ...................................24 C Corps Stream Forms ................................................................................................................27 PCS Compensatory Mitigation Plan FEIS Appendix I Attachment 5 1.0 INTRODUCTION Sections H, I, and J encompass 683 acres of the 2,811-acre Parker Farm and are proposed to be part of the compensatory mitigation for future unavoidable impacts to wetlands as evaluated in the Environmental Impact Statement for PCS Phosphate Mine Continuation. This document describes previous restoration activities and possible future credits available for Sections H, I, and J of the Parker Farm site. 2.0 LOCATION, HISTORY, AND PRE-RESTORATION DESCRIPTION 2.1 Location. The Parker Farm is located approximately four miles southeast of Aurora, North Carolina, in an area known as the Gum Swamp. The Parker Farm can be accessed from the southwest by the "County Line Road" (a gated gravel road connecting to Bay City Road that functions as the Beaufort/Pamlico county border) and from the north by SR 1918 (Peele Road). It can be found on the USGS South Creek and Vandemere topographic quadrangles (Figure 1). SR 1918 serves as the western boundaries of Sections H, I, and J. Section H is the northernmost tract of the three sections and is a triangular, 153-acre parcel connected to Section I by other parcels of the Parker Farm (F and G). Section 1 (328 acres) is south of Section G and connects to Section J (202 acres) is adjacent to the southeastern end of Section I. All of Section H and approximately 15 percent of Section I are located within the Pamlico Hydrologic Unit 03020104 of the Tar-Pamlico river basin within the Tar-Pamlico River (South Creek) subbasin 03-03-07. The other 85 percent of Section I and Section J are located within the Pamlico Hydrologic Unit 03020105 of the Pamlico Sound basin within the Neuse River subbasin 03-04-13. 2.2 History. PCS Phosphate, Inc. purchased the 2,811 acre Parker Farm tract in 1994. Prior to PCS ownership, this historically large interstream divide wetland known as the Gum Swamp was under the ownership of several landowners in the last three decades. Portions of the Parker Farm adjacent to Sections H, I, and J were cleared, ditched, and put into agricultural production during the late 1970s and early 1980s. Sections H and I were ditched during this time period also, but were never cleared or used for agricultural production (Curtis H. Brown, Land Supervisor, PCS Phosphate, Inc., personal communication, June 1995). The canopy trees on Section I were harvested in a selective timber operation. Previous use within Section J is unknown, but site conditions suggest that portions may have been used for silviculture. 2.3 Pre-Restoration Description. Sections H, I, and J contain ditches and canals. Sections H and I were both hardwood forest drained by a series of interior ditches and bordering canals. Section J contains the upper headwaters of Vandemere Creek, which drains southeast under NC Highway 304 and into Bay River, a tributary of the Pamlico Sound (Figure 2). 2.3.1 Soils. The 683-acre site comprised of Sections H, I, and J is entirely underlain by hydric soils that are nearly level and very poorly drained. According to the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) soil survey for Beaufort and Pamlico Counties, the major soil series mapped on the site and their approximate acreages are: Belhaven muck (244acres), Ponzer muck (118 acres), Arapahoe loamy fine sand (133 acres), Dare muck (101 acres), Wasda muck (44 acres), Yonges loamy fine sand (27 acres), Ballahack fine sandy loam (14 acres), and Lafitte muck (2 acres) (Figure 3). 2.3.2 Pre-restoration Drainage. Networks of interior ditches carried water from Section H into exterior canals that drained west to SR 1918 and then north towards South Creek, a tributary of the Pamlico River. The water from Section I was transported by interior ditches to bordering canals that drained southeast and into Vandemere Creek. Most of Section J drains directly into Vandemere Creek with some water draining into bordering canals or ditches. Section J contains the riparian headwater system of Vandemere Creek (Figure 4). PCS Compensatory Mitigation Plan 1 FEIS Appendix I Attachment 5 2.3.3 Woodland Areas. Since clearcutting or planting did not occur in Sections H, I, and J, current conditions reflect pre-restoration/preservation community composition in the canopy and sub-canopy as well as current successional stages in the herb and sub canopy layers. Current biotic community maps show Section H as approximately 77 percent wetland hardwood and 23 percent upland hardwood and Section I as approximately 95 percent wetland hardwood and 5 percent upland hardwood (Figure 5). The majority of Section J is mapped as wet pine/hardwood -107 acres and wet hardwood -44 acres. Other communities in Section J include bottomland hardwood -19 acres, brackish marsh -2 acres and herbaceous assemblage (including some stands of common reed-Phragmites australis, -5 acres (Figure 5). The canopy of Section H is dominated by tulip poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera), swamp tupelo (Nyssa biflora), red maple (Acer rubrum), and red/swamp bay (Persea palustris). Scattered bald cypress (Taxodium distichum) and Atlantic white cedar (Chamaecyparis thyoides) are also present. The timber from Section I was harvested approximately 20 to 22 years ago leaving the canopy open. In addition, a wildfire also affected the area prior to PCS control of the parcel. The few mature trees remaining are dominated by red maple and sweetgum (Liquidambar styraciflua). There is also a scattering of very large relict bald cypress, tulip poplar, and swamp tupelo. Much of Section I is dominated by a dense young forest consisting mostly of red maple, sweet-gum, sweetbay (Magnolia virginiana), and devil's walking-stick (Aralia spinosa). Section J is covered with mature second growth hardwoods, dominated by swamp tupelo, red maple, sweetgum, and bald cypress, with scattered red bay and loblolly pine (Pinus taeda) present in some areas. The dominant vegetation at Section J was recently described on a site visit by CZR biologists. The herbaceous area near the southeastern tip of the section, alongside Vandemere Creek, was dominated by common reed and scattered eastern false willow (Baccharis halimifolia) and swamp tupelo. Dominant vegetation further upstream along the creek included red maple, red bay, and netted chain fern (Woodwardia aerolata). 3.0 SITE SELECTION FACTORS AND JUSTIFICATION 3.1 Logistics. Site selection is of primary importance in any wetland restoration project since that which was previously a wetland will have a higher likelihood of feasibility, sustainability, and success if restored. Also important in site selection is adjacency to existing wetlands in a similar landscape position whose presence indicates appropriate hydrological conditions for hydric soil and consequent vegetation communities. Adjacent wetlands are also able to serve as seed banks and provide habitat for animals requiring large home ranges. Wetland vegetation is already established on these sites and wetland hydrology has been documented in most areas and no further mitigative activity is planned at this time. 3.2 Cost and Technology. Restoration of Sections H and I required only ordinary surficial land-moving equipment since the central feature of the plan was to construct plugs using mineral soil and fill interior ditches with spoil that was generated when the ditches were created originally. No additional planting was done in either Section H or I. The open strips created by the filling of the interior ditches were allowed to revegetate naturally. There is no identified source of pollutants, so pollutant remediation is not required to restore the site. Section J does not require any activities to be performed because it is designated for preservation. 3.3 Justification and Section 404 Jurisdictional Status. CZR Incorporated (CZR) used shallow monitoring wells to monitor the hydrology of Sections H and I during the 1995 growing season (CZR 1995a). The data indicated that the ditches and canals had removed wetland hydrology in all of Section H and 154 acres of Section I. During a 22 February 1996 field meeting, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) agreed with CZR's evaluations and concurred that the drained areas of Sections H and I could be used for hardwood wetland restoration and the 170 acres of jurisdictional wetland in Section I that remained wet could be used for hardwood wetland enhancement. A jurisdictional determination for Section J has not been made by the Corps. However, Light Detection and Ranging (LIDAR) satellite imagery, PCS Compensatory Mitigation Plan 2 FEIS Appendix I Attachment 5 topographic position and on-site visits by CZR in 2008 suggest all of Section J is jurisdictional wetland. 4.0 SPECIFIC GOALS, TARGET FUNCTIONS, AND METHODS 4.1 Goals. The goals of this mitigation project were to restore 316 acres to non-riparian wet hardwood flats, enhance 170 acres of wet hardwood flats and preserve 200 acres of non- riparian wet hardwood flats on Sections H, I and J of the Parker Farm. After seven years of hydrology monitoring the data support restoration of 245 acres of non-riparian wet hardwood flats in Section H and I, enhancement of 162 acres of non-riparian wetlands in Section I, and preservation of 196 acres in Section J (including the headwater riparian system of Vandemere Creek which contains areas of bottomland hardwood, brackish marsh and 3,960 linear feet of stream). The general goals for all sections are on a multi-spatial scale and have these specific objectives: ¦ To restore wetland hydrology by capturing and storing rainfall, which for the past three to four decades has been carried off the site by a system of ditches and canals (site) ¦ To establish a diverse community of vegetation which reflect differences in soil character, topography, and hydroperiods (site) ¦ To serve as a corridor component within the Holistic South Creek Corridor Complex (site, watersheds, and region) ¦ To preserve the riparian headwater system of Vandemere Creek (site, watershed) ¦ To improve water quality (site, watershed, and region) ¦ To provide wildlife habitat (site, watershed, and region) 4.2 Target Functions. Functions of wetlands and waters are the physical, chemical, and biological processes and attributes of a wetland that in conjunction operate as guarantors of water quality and are important components of food webs and habitat. The 1990 Memorandum of Agreement between the Corps and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) on the Determination of Mitigation under the Clean Water Act Section 404(b)(1) Guidelines, and RGL 02-2, require the replacement of aquatic functions which are unavoidably lost or adversely affected by an authorized permitted activity. Many wetlands have multiple functions, and while accurate assessment of wetland functions is a dynamic field, scientists do agree that all wetlands either increase or decrease a specific component of the hydrologic cycle. Successful replacement and/or uplift of any of the wetland functions is driven by proper mitigation site selection and a design that maximizes what the natural conditions of the site will support. The specific functions provided by Sections H, I, and J are: NUTRIENT REMOVAL/TRANSFORMATION - Generally, wetlands are thought of as nutrient sinks for nitrogen and phosphorus and are efficient at transformation and removal of these elements, depending on loading rates and retention times. This function is enhanced with the low gradient and abundant vegetation, present at the entire 2,800-acre Parker Farm of which Section H, I, and J are components. ORGANIC MATTER PRODUCTION AND EXPORT - As aquatic plants form the base of the wetland food chain, wetlands with high plant productivity are able to produce and collect organic matter. Their ability to transport nutrients and organic matter downstream requires a hydrologic link to other wetlands areas and the proper balance between open, non-stagnant water with a neutral pH and vegetation. The preserved headwaters of Vandemere Creek in Section J and the PCS Compensatory Mitigation Plan 3 FEIS Appendix I Attachment 5 proximity of Sections H and I to both South Creek and Vandemere Creek, respectively, provide multiple hydrologic links. FLOODFLOW ATTENUATION AND SURFACE WATER STORAGE - The ability of a wetland to alter floodflow and store stormwater depends on landscape position in the watershed, degree and type of vegetation cover, microtopography of the site, and configuration of outlets of the wetland. The reduction or delay of peak flows from runoff and precipitation by a wetland can decrease flood damage. Wetland characteristics that increase storage time and allow outflow intermittently are best at performing this function. Restoration of Sections H and I of the Parker Farm have decelerated the rapid delivery downstream of stormwater via agricultural ditches and canals and increased and prolonged storage capacity. Most of the Parker Farm is above the 100-year floodplain although the lower portions of Section J closer to Vandemere Creek probably perform floodflow attenuation functions. CAPTURE AND RETENTION OF OTHER POLLUTANTS- Sediment is one of the worst pollutants to aquatic systems and when it contains contaminants such as pesticides, or other organic or inorganic toxic compounds, it can be particularly problematic. The removal of sediment is enhanced by persistent emergent wetland vegetation or gradient differences that interrupt the velocity of moving water and cause sediment to drop out of the water column. Wetlands underlain with organic soils with a low gradient that increases water storage time and frictional resistance and decreases the likelihood of re-suspension are best at performing this function. Restoration of Sections H and I decreased erosive velocity within main canals and ditches, increased storage capacity, and delivers cleaner water downstream. The preservation of Section J will allow natural riparian buffer zones to continue to filter sediment and contaminants and protect water quality for the headwaters of Vandemere Creek. GROUNDWATER RECHARGE AND DISCHARGE - Wetlands that retain surface water long enough for percolation into the underlying sediments or aquifers will recharge the groundwater. Factors which control the amount and rate of recharge include the surface roughness of the ground: which is the ability of the ground to hold the precipitation where it falls, the infiltration rates and other characteristics of the soils above and within the aquifer, the timing (which includes the seasonal timing of rainfall and the time period between each rainfall event), the amounts or quantity of each precipitation event and the evapotranspiration rates. Plugging of the ditches and canals allows precipitation on Sections H and I to remain long enough to recharge the groundwater and delays the discharge until soils are saturated. WILDLIFE HABITAT - Wetlands and their associated uplands form complex and diverse habitats that are essential and attractive to various types of resident and visitor wildlife species for food, shelter, and breeding sites for all or part of their life cycle. The restoration and enhancement of wetlands in Sections H and I, as well as the preservation of Section J provides habitat for feeding, nesting, and cover for a variety of birds, mammals, reptiles, amphibians. The site and landscape position of this site will support watershed and corridor protection that can provide important habitat to species that are sensitive to community edges and those species requiring contiguous areas of unbroken habitat. PCS Compensatory Mitigation Plan 4 FEIS Appendix I Attachment 5 AQUATIC DIVERSITY - The ability for a stream to support a high diversity of fish and invertebrates is affected by a variety of key factors such as salinity, temperature, dissolved oxygen, velocity of water movement, substrate type, and degree and types of vegetation to open water. In addition, specific life-cycle requirements of individual species of aquatic animals further limits the ability of a stream to provide the complete suite of necessary conditions at all times. Preservation of Section J includes a variety of upper headwater stream habitats that will support a high diversity of organisms. Perpetual conservation easements for the Parker Farm including Section H, I, and J guarantee long term protection of the natural conditions of the headwaters of Vandemere Creek and the segment of the creek contained within the property. Habitats include shallow areas, deeper pools, topographic differences that alter site velocities and hydroperiods, and a connection to permanent water. Preservation of the headwaters of Vandemere Creek could protect and improve water quality in important downstream habitat and tributaries including Little Vandemere Creek, Long Creek, and Cedar Creek (NCDMF designated Primary Nursery Areas). 4.3. Methods. Restoration work for Sections H and I focused on the alteration and removal of manmade drainage features only and efforts were focused to reestablish variable hydrological conditions of a duration and frequency comparable to adjacent wetlands and an approximation of historical conditions. Remedial hydrology restoration work occurred for both Sections H and I in the fall of 2002 to increase hydroperiods in the few areas which were not rehydrated by the initial restoration efforts. Section J did not require any work as it is designated for preservation. 4.3.1 Section H. Restoration activity occurred in the fall of 1998. The interior ditches on Sections H were filled with spoil generated when the ditches were originally created. Young trees that had grown on the spoil piles were removed, creating open strips in the forest with linear brush piles along the side of each strip. These open strips were allowed to revegetate naturally. For additional protection against seepage along the lines of the filled ditches, plugs constructed of compacted mineral soil were installed in the filled ditches at approximately 500 to 900-foot intervals. The collector canal along the eastern side was plugged at approximately 900 to 1,000-foot intervals, but not completely filled. In the fall of 2002, PCS implemented remedial construction in the northern part of Section H due to the lack of wetland hydrology over the course of three years of hydrology monitoring. Work consisted of berm construction across the cleared strips to impede sheet flow from the site. 4.3.2 Section 1. Restoration activity was implemented in the summer of 1999. Restoration activity used the same methods described for Section H, except the collector canals along the eastern and southern sides were not plugged. In addition, the linear piles of brush along the open strips were broken up and scattered throughout the open strips, to further impede sheet flow along the lines of the old ditches. After three years, the wetland hydrology criterion was not being met on the southern portion of the section so remedial hydrology restoration work was conducted in the fall of 2002. The eastern boundary canal was plugged at the outlet of the south end and the southern boundary canal was plugged at both ends. Rock spillways were constructed across the tops of the plugs at the southeastern comer to allow for the safe release of overflow. 4.3.3 Section J. No work was or is planned for Section J. On-site visits in 2008 by CZR biologists were conducted to identify current conditions and evaluate wetlands, including the headwaters and stream channel of Vandemere Creek. Areas of mature or regenerating wetland forest will be preserved. PCS Compensatory Mitigation Plan 5 FEIS Appendix I Attachment 5 5.0 WORK PLAN METHODOLOGY 5.1 Hydrologic Models. In 1994, Dr. R.W. Skaggs and Dr. G.M. Chescheir used a computer model, DRAINMOD, to predict the long term water table elevations for Parker Farm Sections E, F, and G and the ability of the sites to meet hydroperiod criteria. Due to the similar soils, DRAINMOD was used to assess Sections H and I. This program was created by Dr. R. Wayne Skaggs in 1978 at North Carolina State University. DRAINMOD is a computer simulation model developed for soils with shallow water tables. The model is based on a water balance in the soil profile and uses approximate methods to quantify the various hydrologic components such as infiltration, surface roughness, surface runoff, deep and lateral seepage and evapotranspiration. It has been tested and found to be reliable for a wide range of soil and climatological conditions (Skaggs et al 1981; Gayle et al., 1985; Fouss et al. 1987; Rogers, 1985; McMahon et al. 1987; and Susanto et al. 1987). 5.2 Water Budget. The objective of a water budget is to document the soil characteristics relative to climatic inputs and evapotranspiration in order to understand the expected hydrology during the growing season post-restoration. The water budget is used to calculate how the seasonal pattern of water level fluctuations (inflow, outflow, storage) may affect the hydrograph (hydroperiod) at a given site. Basic components required to evaluate a water budget for a wetland site are meteorology, soils, vegetation, hydrology, and hydraulic components of the soils. Dr. Skaggs collected field measurements required for DRAINMOD in 1994 on Sections E, F, and G of the Parker Farm (CZR 1995b, Appendix B). Similar soils throughout the Parker Farm sections allowed the results of the 1994 analysis to be applied to all sections. 5.2.1 Meteorology-Climatic Inputs and Evapotranspiration. Detailed, long-term records are required for use in DRAINMOD. Hourly precipitation and evapotranspiration values are needed for use in the model. The nearest NOAA weather station is located at the PCS Phosphate plant facility at Aurora, NC located approximately 10 miles to the North (NOAA Station Aurora 6N), and was used to calibrate the model and fine tune the soil parameters measured in the field. 5.2.2 Water Budget Outputs. Long-term water budgets will be calculated using the yearly summary from DRAINMOD. The water budget shows the total rainfall for a given year (input) and then shows the quantity infiltrated, the quantity lost to evapotranspiration, the quantity lost to drainage (subsurface flow), and the quantity lost to runoff (surface flow). The basis relationships between the categories are as follows: Input to system=Rainfall Rainfall volume captured by the surface roughness and local storage = infiltration (F) Volume in excess of the volume infiltrated = runoff (surface runoff) (RO) Two losses can occur to the volume infiltrated: they are either lost through subsurface drainage or evapotranspiration. The volume infiltrated is the volume used to lengthen the hydroperiod of the site. The site has been designed to increase the surface roughness that will detain the rainfall long enough for infiltration to occur. In years with minimal rainfall the volume infiltrated, as a percentage of rainfall, is high, conversely, in years of significant rainfall, the volume infiltrated, as a percentage of rainfall is low. PCS Compensatory Mitigation Plan 6 FEIS Appendix I Attachment 5 6.0 DATA COLLECTION FOR MONITORING Periodic monitoring is necessary to ensure that restored wetlands are operating as designed and to document success criteria. Baseline hydrology monitoring was conducted in 1995 for both Sections H and I. Post-restoration monitoring began in 1999 for Section H and in 2000 for Section I. Hydrology monitoring ended for both in June 2004. Photographs were taken periodically throughout the monitoring years to visually document hydrologic conditions, stability, vegetation growth, and the evolution of the restoration site. The performance of the site was summarized in annual monitoring reports which included the data collected during the monitoring year, comparison to data from past years and reference locations, and assessments of whether the site was on trajectory to meet defined success criteria. 6.1 Hydrology Monitoring. Monitoring wells were used for one year (1995) of pre- restoration monitoring and extensive post-restoration monitoring (1999 -2004) of hydrology in Sections H and I. They were distributed such that the hydrology of all major soil series on the site could be monitored in order to determine the success of restoration and enhancement of wetland hydrology (at a density of approximately 1 well/ 6 or 7 acres). Twenty-two shallow monitoring wells and semi-continuous groundwater recorders were installed evenly across Section H to a depth of 24 inches and staggered between cuts. Shallow monitoring wells consist of 18-inch lengths of 1.25-inch diameter PVC well screen (0.01-inch slot) coupled to solid PVC risers that are 14-inches long and 1.25 inches in diameter. The semi- continuous recorder used was the WL-40 produced by Remote Data Systems, installed to a depth of 20 inches. The WL-40 monitors water table fluctuations using a capacitive sensitive probe. Semi-continuous recorders were installed at three shallow monitoring well locations. Forty-four shallow monitoring wells were installed evenly across Section I and also staggered between cuts. Semi-continuous recorders were installed at five of the shallow monitoring well locations. Wells for both Sections H and I were installed at the same locations for both pre- and post-restoration monitoring. Shallow monitoring wells were checked weekly during the early part of the growing season (March through May) and monthly for the remainder of the year from 1999 through 2003. The WL-40s were programmed to take water table readings every 1.5 hours and the data were downloaded at least monthly through December. Shallow monitoring wells and semi-continuous recorders were checked monthly during the spring 2004 growing season (March through June). To aid in the analysis of hydrology data, monthly rainfall and temperature were obtained from the weather station at the PCS Phosphate plant site, and monthly potential evapotranspiration (PET) was calculated using the Thornthwaite method (Dunne and Leopold 1978). The semi-continuous WL-40 data were used to aid in the calculation of hydroperiods at the shallow monitoring well locations. Hydroperiod interpretations were based on the growing seasons given in the Beaufort County soil survey (Kirby 1995) and the Pamlico County soil survey (Goodwin 1987). 7.0 RESTORATION/ENHANCEMENT RESULTS Ditches and canals for Sections H and I were plugged and filled in the fall of 1998 and 1999, respectively. Post-restoration monitoring began in March 1999 for Section H and March 2000 for Section I. Additional remediation was done to enhance wetland hydrology in targeted portions of Sections H and I in 2002. Post-restoration work and monitoring for both Section H and I concluded in June 2004. PCS Compensatory Mitigation Plan 7 FEIS Appendix I Attachment 5 7.1 Hydrology Results. The following hydrology success criterion was used in 2004 on all PCS Phosphate hardwood wetland restoration/enhancement sites on muck soils: Wetland restoration areas that are inundated or saturated to the surface for a consecutive number of days greater than or equal to 12.5 percent of the growing season are hydrologically successful. Standing water within 12 inches of the surface will be considered a positive indicator of wetland hydrology (i.e. saturation to the surface) (PCS Phosphate Company, Inc. and CZR Incorporated 1996). 7.1.1 Section H. Marginal wetland hydroperiods (defined as 5-12.5 percent of the growing season) were experienced at 5 of the 22 monitoring wells (23 percent) in 1999, them first year of post-restoration monitoring. During the 2000 growing season, 14 of the 22 welloo locations (64 percent) had hydroperiods greater than or equal to 12.5 percent of the growin season. Four additional well locations had hydroperiods between 5 and 12.5 percent of th( growing season, for a total of 18 well locations (82 percent) that had at least marginal wetland.2 hydrology for the year 2000. In 2001, only 14 of 22 well locations (64 percent) had at least marginal wetland hydrology. A total of 17 out of 22 well locations (77 percent) experienced at least marginal wetland hydrology during the 2002 growing season. These hydroperiods occurred in at least two years with normal or below normal rainfall. 7.1.2 Section 1. Of the 44 well locations in the year 2000, 38 (86 percent) had hydroperiods of 12.5 percent or greater during the growing season. Four well locations had hydroperiods between 5.0 and 12.5 percent, giving a total of 42 wells (95 percent) that had at least marginal wetland hydrology. Once again, in 2001, 38 of 44 well locations experienced hydroperiods of 12.5 percent or greater. However, only three well locations had hydroperiods between 5.0 and 12.5 percent, giving a total of 41 wells (93 percent) that had at least marginal wetland hydrology. The data in 2002 illustrated that 40 of 44 well locations (91 percent) had hydroperiods of 12.5 percent or greater. Only one well location experienced a hydroperiod between 5.0 and 12.5 percent, giving a total of 41 wells that had at least marginal wetland hydrology. Of the 170 acres monitored for enhancement, all 21 wells experienced hydroperiods greater than or equal to 12.5 percent for at least two years during normal or below normal rainfall. Of the 154 acres monitored for restoration, 19 wells experienced hydroperiods greater than or equal to 12.5 percent for at least two years during normal or below normal rainfall. 7.1.3 Section J. Hydrology in portions of Section J was monitored during the pre-restoration period of 1995 and the data indicate that the eastern perimeter canal had reduced the hydrology in this area. However, that canal must remain open in order to not affect drainage of adjacent properties outside of the Parker Farm. CZR revisited Section J in March of 2008 to evaluate the wetlands and portion of Vandemere Creek. US Army Corps of Engineers stream quality forms were completed for portions of Vandemere Creek within Section J by CZR. Wetlands within Section J were evaluated using the Fourth Version Guidance for Rating the Values of Wetlands in North Carolina as developed by the North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources; Division of Water Quality (NCDEHNR 1995). The NCDWQ no longer uses this rating system and is transitioning to the new Draft NC Wetlands Assessment Methodology (NCWAM); however, NCWAM is not yet officially in place for public use. These forms are included in Supporting Documents B and C. Proposed mitigation credits for Parker Farm Sections H, I, and J are shown in Figure 6. 2_ r? 3(oi,J I PCS Compensatory Mitigation Plan 8 FEIS Appendix I Attachment 5 8.0 ADAPTIVE MANAGEMENT STRATEGIES Principles of adaptive management have become increasingly used as a tool to elevate the likelihood of success of wetland mitigation projects throughout the United States. Since ecosystem behavior and natural disturbances cannot always be accurately predicted nor can human mistakes always be identified in advance, adaptive management provides a somewhat formalized process for the iterative and interactive approach to assessment and management of wetland mitigation projects. However, adaptive management does not equate to perpetual maintenance. 8.1 Adaptive Management. Certain expected natural hazards which might affect successful restoration are fire, flood, erosion, invasive species, and herbivory. Construction mistakes could also affect performance and function of a restored area. Adaptive management strategies to minimize effects from natural hazards and human mistakes are geared toward the monitoring period of a mitigation site. Monitoring in Sections H, I, and J ceased in 2004. 8.2 Long Term Management. Long term management will be aided by a controlled- access gate on the main entrance road of the property. It is anticipated that once the area starts to naturalize, that no long term management will be needed. 9.0 FINAL DISPENSATION OF SITE With agency concurrence of success of the site, arrangements with a suitable non- governmental organization or government agency will be made such that a conservation easement in perpetuity is transferred to such organization or agency. The NC Wildlife Resources Commission already holds the easement for Sections A-G of the Parker Farm and may be the likely first choice for the addition of Sections H, I, and J. Permitting agencies would be consulted for decision and negotiation of final dispensation. PCS Compensatory Mitigation Plan 9 FEIS Appendix I Attachment 5 REFERENCES CZR Incorporated. 1995a. 1995 hydrology monitoring on Section H, Section I, and the Section D wooded subsections of the PCS Phosphate Company, Inc. Parker Farm. ------- 1995b. As-built report for the 554 acres of hardwood wetlands restoration on sections E, F, and G of the PCS Phosphate Company, Inc. Parker Farm. ------- 1999. Annual report for the 162 acres of woodland wetlands restoration on Section H of the PCS Phosphate Company, Inc. Parker Farm. ------- 2000. Annual report for the 486 acres of woodland wetlands restoration and enhancement on Section H and I of the PCS Phosphate Company, Inc. Parker Farm. ------- 2001. Annual report for the 486 acres of woodland wetlands restoration and enhancement on Section H and I of the PCS Phosphate Company, Inc. Parker Farm. ------- 2002. Annual report for the 486 acres of woodland wetlands restoration and enhancement on Section H and I of the PCS Phosphate Company, Inc. Parker Farm. Dunne, T. and L. Leopold. 1978. Water in environmental planning. W.H. Freeman and Company, New York. Fouss, J. L., R. L. Bengston , and C. E. Carter. 1987. Simulating subsurface drainage in the lower Mississippi valley with DRAINMOD. Transactions of the ASAE 30:1679-1688. Gayle, G., R. W. Skaggs, and C. E. Carter. 1985. Evaluation of a water management model for a Louisiana sugar cane field. Journal of the American Society of Sugar Caner Technologists. 4:18-28. Goodwin, Roy A. 1987. Soil survey of Pamlico County, North Carolina. USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service. 133pp. plus maps. Kirby, R.M. 1995. Soil survey of Beaufort County, North Carolina. USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service. 132pp. plus maps. McMahon, P. C., S. Mostaghimi, and F. S. Wright. 1988. Simulation of corn yield by a water management model for a coastal plains soil. Transactions of the American Society of Agricultural Engineers 31:734-742. NCDENR (North Carolina Department of Environmental and Natural Resources). 1995. Guidance for rating the values of wetlands in North Carolina, Fourth Edition. Division of Environmental Management, Water Quality Section. PCS Phospahte Company, Inc. and CZR Incorporated. 1996. PCS Phosphate Company, Inc. compensatory wetlands mitigation plan for EIS Alternative E. Rogers, J. S. 1985. Water management model evaluation for shallow sandy soils. Transactions of the American Society of Agricultural Engineers 28:785-790. PCS Compensatory Mitigation Plan 10 FEIS Appendix I Attachment 5 Skaggs, R. W., N. R. Fausey, and B. H. Nolte. 1981. Water management evaluation for north central Ohio. Transactions of the American Society of Agricultural Engineers 24:922-928. Susanto, R. H., J. Feyen, W. Diercloc, and G. Wyseuse. 1987. The use of simulation models to evaluated the performance of subsurface drainage systems. Proceedings of the Third International Drainage Workshop, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, USA. Pp. A67- A76. PCS Compensatory Mitigation Plan 11 FEIS Appendix I Attachment 5 \ 1 SECTION H i 10 it l u U I 1; i Il � r ;9 .,,►�. y,. f - vpyo CM 304 xa y.^ N 6 ! NORTH CAROLINA 0 2,400 4,800 SCALE IN FEET SITE LOCATION - PARKER F; D FARM FARM SECTIONS H, I AND J H, SECTIONS VICINITY M A P PCS PHOSPHATE COMPANY, INC. SCALE: AS SHOWN JAPPROVED BY: DRAWN BY: BFG/TLJ DATE: 504/08 1 FILE: SEC H—I—J— USGS.DWG DRAFT Z R 4709 COLLEGE ACRES DRIVE CP# 1 745.59 SUITE 2 WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28403 INCORPORATED TEL 910392-9253 FIGURE 1 ENV-tOMYEMi�L cowsuuum FAX 910/392-9139 =+y .....- - ► SECTION I xav _.. ;i1F Jlh #^-ilk-+jR`J ♦ K� \ G ;9 .,,►�. y,. f - vpyo CM 304 xa y.^ N 6 ! NORTH CAROLINA 0 2,400 4,800 SCALE IN FEET SITE LOCATION - PARKER F; D FARM FARM SECTIONS H, I AND J H, SECTIONS VICINITY M A P PCS PHOSPHATE COMPANY, INC. SCALE: AS SHOWN JAPPROVED BY: DRAWN BY: BFG/TLJ DATE: 504/08 1 FILE: SEC H—I—J— USGS.DWG DRAFT Z R 4709 COLLEGE ACRES DRIVE CP# 1 745.59 SUITE 2 WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28403 INCORPORATED TEL 910392-9253 FIGURE 1 ENV-tOMYEMi�L cowsuuum FAX 910/392-9139 a .. V 49 5*0 101 .1x" 1a��, �r r Mfg r" 59qAl rr r 2 ti4•�0 ''R�n. ;� .. �[ '�!'.'.�.-f.:ai*erax . _,:..Cra,�.. >Mx,�"^�>k`�. :.*..I`!• �,� � r1 C°'I"`_3 ,c �.. ' 9. 3. ✓Aif`. �..s1.k'. �y�, L#. SECTIONS H, I AND J SCALE: AS SHOWN APPROVED BY: DRAWN BY: BFG/TLJ DATE: 5/04/08 1 FILE: SEC H—I—J— AER -DWG DRAFT Z w VIDED BY: NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT I,� 4709 COLLEGE ACRES DRIVE CP#1745.59 COLOR—INFRARED DIGITAL ORTHO MOSAICS, SUITE 2 NE. COLORTILE113.SID AND COLORTILE140.SID, INCD RPO RAT ED WILMINGTON, NOR7H CAROLINA 28403 TEL 910/392-9FIGURE 2 EUVMONYfXi�l GONSYLTYIIi CAX 910/392-8139139 I m "41F, I DATE: 5/04/08 1 SUPPORTING DOCUMENT A SELECTED SITE PHOTOGRAPHS PCS Compensatory Mitigation Plan 18 FEIS Appendix I Attachment 5 Supporting Document A 2002. PCS Compensatory Mitigation Plan 19 FEIS Appendix I Attachment 5 Supporting Document A rnoto z. uacn plug at southeastern corner of Section H, 2 October 2002. UGIUDer LuuL. PCS Compensatory Mitigation Plan 20 FEIS Appendix I Attachment 5 Supporting Document A rc,-? compensatory mitigation Plan 21 FEIS Appendix I Attachment 5 Supporting Document A zuuo. PCS Compensatory Mitigation Plan 22 FEIS Appendix I Attachment 5 Supporting Document A rC5 Compensatory Mitigation Plan 23 FEIS Appendix I Attachment 5 Supporting Document A rriuw iu. uownsiream view of vanaemere Creek headwaters in Section J, 26 March 2008.