HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW3170305_Stormwater Report_20170510SUMMIT ENGINEERING. LABORATORY. TESTING April 26, 2017 Jeff Reasner Dependable Development, Inc. 2627 Breckenridge Centre Dr. Monroe, North Carolina 28110 Email: jreasnerktruehomesusa.com Subject: Estimated Seasonal High Water Table (ESHWT) Determinations Larkin Multi -Family Fox Den Circle & 101h Green Street Charlotte, North Carolina SUMMIT Project No. 4280.504 Dear Mr. Reasner: SUMMIT Engineering, Laboratory and Testing, P.C. (SUMMIT) is pleased to submit this letter summarizing our findings within Borings B-1, B-2 and B-3 with regards to the Estimated Seasonal High Water Table Elevation (ESHWT) determination. Boring B-1 was performed at the location of the proposed pond to be constructed at the subject site. This report contains a brief description of the project information provided to us, general site and subsurface conditions revealed during the exploration. PURPOSE OF STUDY The purpose of this study was to obtain information regarding the subsurface conditions within the proposed stormwater BMP ponds and determine the estimated seasonal high water table mark (if evident). This report contains the following items: • Photographic Logs, Site Vicinity Map and Test Boring Location Plan, • Summary of Test Boring Observations, visual soil classifications and descriptions, and laboratory results, • A general review of the subsurface soils and estimated seasonal high water table depth from existing ground surface (if evident), • Groundwater level measurements. Summary of ESHWT Determination SUMMIT Project Number 4280.504 Larkin Multi -family, Statesville, North Carolina April 26, 2017 EXPLORATION PROCEDURES On April 20, 2017, SUMMIT visited the site and performed a soil test boring within the proposed stormwater BMP ponds. The approximate locations of the boring (identified as B-1 thru B-3) are shown on "Figure 2, Boring Location Plan" provided in Appendix 2. The client (Galaxy NC LLC) provided SUMMIT with a "Grading Plan" prepared by R. Joe Harris & Associates, Inc. dated February 3, 2017 and showed the approximate location of each of the proposed stormwater BMP ponds. The test locations were staked in the field by a representative from R. Joe Harris & Associates, Inc. The soil test boring was performed using an ATV -mounted CME 550X drill rig. The boring was extended to a depth of about 20 feet below the existing ground surface. Hollow -stem, continuous flight auger drilling techniques were used to advance the borings deeper into the ground. Standard Penetration Tests (SPT) were performed within the mechanical borings at designated intervals in general accordance with ASTM D 1586 to obtain a soil sample for visual classification in general accordance with ASTM D-2488. Water level measurements were attempted at the termination of drilling and at 24 hours after the completion of drilling. The classification symbols are depicted on the "Boring Log" provided in Appendix 3. GENERALIZED SUBSURFACE STRATIGRAPHY General subsurface conditions observed during our geotechnical exploration are described herein. For more detailed soil descriptions and stratifications at a particular test location, the respective "Boring Log" provided in Appendix 3 should be reviewed. The horizontal stratification lines designating the interface between various strata represent approximate boundaries. Transitions between different strata in the field may be gradual in both the horizontal and vertical directions. Beginning from the ground surface, a veneer of topsoil (surficial organic soils) approximately 4 to 6 inches in thickness was observed. Residuum (undisturbed natural soil) was encountered below the surficial soils and extended to maximum boring termination depth of 20 feet below the existing ground surface. Residual soils consist of loose to medium dense silty sands (SM), stiff sandy silts (ML), and firm to stiff lean clays (CL). Standard penetration testing (SPT) within the residual soils exhibited N -Values ranging from 6 to 14 blows per foot. Summary of ESHWT Determination SUMMIT Project Number 4280.504 Larkin Multi -family, Statesville, North Carolina April 26, 2017 GROUNDWATER LEVEL MEASUREMENTS Groundwater was not observed either at time of drilling (ATD) or at 24 hours after the completion of drilling. ESTIMATED SEASONAL HIGH WATER TABLE The ESHWT is defined as a change in the color of the soil layer due to water staining (typically, gray redoximorphic depletions and mottling). "Spotting" or "blotching" of different colors or shades of colors are interspersed with one dominant color within the soil matrix and is commonly referred to as "mottling." Mottling is caused by intermittent periods of saturation and drying, and may be indicative of poor aeration and drainage. Mottling is a historically recognized "general indication of groundwater" flow through a soil layer. However, in some instances it can be difficult to determine if said groundwater flow was recent. The above referenced Estimated Seasonal High Water Table (ESHWT) indicators were not observed within the depths sampled in borings B-1, B-2, and B-3. The following table summarizes the boring sampled depths, existing ground elevations, the approximate depths and elevations of the ESHWTs, the approximate depths of groundwater (GW) at time of drilling (ATD), and groundwater (GW) after 24 hours. Summary Table of the Boring Depth, Existing Ground Elevation, ESHWT Depth and Elevation, and Groundwater Depths ' Depths from existing ground surface. 2 Existing ground elevation was provided by R. Joe Harris & Associates, Inc. MSL — Above Mean Sea Level NE — Not Encountered Groundwater Boring Boring Ground ESHWT ESHWT Depths ID Depth Elev. Depth Elev. (Ft)' (MSL)2 (Ft)' (MSL) ATD 24 Hours (Ft) (Ft)' B-1 20 855.22 NE NE NE NE B-2 20 866.13 NE NE NE NE B-3 20 873.72 NE NE NE NE ' Depths from existing ground surface. 2 Existing ground elevation was provided by R. Joe Harris & Associates, Inc. MSL — Above Mean Sea Level NE — Not Encountered Summary of ESHWT Determination SUMMIT Project Number 4280.504 Larkin Multi -family, Statesville, North Carolina April 26, 2017 CLOSING SUMMIT appreciates the opportunity to provide our professional services for you on this project. If you have any questions concerning the information in this proposal or if we may be of further service, please contact us at 704.504.1717. Sincerely, SUMMIT If 1/ 6", Robert �11''i�t�@n8� \VV E. Geotechnicaff l tblfct Manaa LIST OF APPENDICES 1 2 ` ............ ...... f•SUMMIT .,�'� 5 �1� r Engineering, 6 C) Testin Laboratory C. u1 Tri 9 =� C-4361 �� 1� TE of er '/11rr11100� Photographic Log Figure No. 1 — Site Vicinity Map Figure No. 2 — Test Boring Location Plan 3 Boring Logs Robert L. Price, P.E. Senior Geotechnical Engineer Summary of ESHWT Determination SUMMIT Project Number 4280.504 Larkin Multi -family, Statesville, North Carolina April 26, 2017 SUMMIT ENGINEERING . LABORATORY + TESTING APPENDIX 1. PHOTOGRAPHIC LOG Summary of ESHWT Determination SUMMIT Project Number 4280.504 Larkin Multi -family, Statesville, North Carolina April 26, 2017 OF - _ NOW Photo 1: Boring B -I from Oft. to 10 ft. ---------- Photo----- Photo 2: Boring B-1 from 10 ft. to 20 ft. Summary of ESHWT Determination SUMMIT Project Number 4280.504 Larkin Multi -family, Statesville, North Carolina April 26, 2017 Photo 3: Boring B-2 from Oft. to ]Oft. Photo 4: Boring B-2 from 10 ft. to 20 ft. Summary of ESHWT Determination SUMMIT Project Number 4280.504 Larkin Multi -family, Statesville, North Carolina April 26, 2017 Photo 5: Boring B-3 from Oft. to 10 ft. Photo 6: Boring B-3 from 10 ft. to 20 ft. Summary of ESHWT Determination SUMMIT Project Number 4280.504 Larkin Multi -family, Statesville, North Carolina April 26, 2017 SUMMIT ENGINEERING * L► 50RATORY o TESTING APPENDIX 2 Figures F34, En SITE_L_L�q Google IA� SUMMIT ENGINEERING, LABORATORY & TESTING, P.C. -NOT TO SCALE - PL] FIGURE I SITE VICINITY MAP LARKIN MULTI -FAMILY STATESVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA SUMMIT PROJECT No.: 4280.504 BMP SANDFILTER #200 (PE TOP OF BERM = 857.00 EM. SPILLWAY = 856.00 PRINCIPAL WEIR = 855.00 BOTTOM OF BASIN = 848.51 (SEE BMP PLAN) 5 Pm � �m2 PROPERTY BOUNDARY 68.00' DUKE R.O.W. r ''p " 68.00' DUKE R.O.W. 155280 PI EXISTING 1 O BE A -DONE (N'ELL PEBEA&ANDONEDANDCNPPEG NIRIN PLNCf PGEOTECXNICAL LIT I 11 STETNGINEE ,-TO BE REMOVED ONLYN ER NEW SERVICES BEEN PROVIGEG TO PARCEL // -6-0- MB PARCEL — I 0 i 1 I 1 j aTaz<as / • X1.....1. I k F ,H 1. J `BMP WET POND #100 (PERM) TOP OF BERM = 871.00 -�- 1EM. SPILLWAY = 870.00 PRINCIPAL WEIR = 869.00 / BOTTOM OF BASIN = 862.50 (SEE BMP PLAN) LEGEND FIGURE 2 SOIL TEST BORING LOCATION BORING LOCATION PLAN SCALE: 1 " = xx' TOPOGRAPHIC DATA: SUMMIT LARKIN MULTIFAMILY A_' C" oAGERw. STATESVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA " ULD BE CONSIDERED APPROXIMATE EVEN THOUGH LSTABLISHED BY A LISCENCED SURVEYOR ENGINEERING, LABORATORY & TESTING, P.C. 100 0 50 100 200 SUMMIT PROJECT NO.: 4280.504 Summary of ESHWT Determination SUMMIT Project Number 3595.04 Wildwood Property, North Carolina November 28, 2016 SUMMIT ENGINEERING+ LABORATORY. TESTING APPENDIX 3 Boring Logs SUMMIT ENGINEERING,LABORATORY&TESTING, INC. BORING NUMBER B-1 3575 CENTRE CIRCLE DRIVE PAGE i OF 1 11A� FORT MILL, SC 29715 SUMMIT WWW.SUMMIT-COMPANIES.COM CLIENT Dependable Development, Inc. PROJECT NAME Larkin Multi -family PROJECT NUMBER 4280.504 PROJECT LOCATION Statesville North Carolina DATE STARTED 4/20/17 COMPLETED 4/20/17 GROUND ELEVATION 855.22 ft HOLE SIZE 6 inches DRILLING CONTRACTOR SUMMIT GROUND WATER/CAVE-IN: DRILLING METHOD Hollow Stem Auger AT TIME OF DRILLING --- GW NE ATD / Caved in Depth n 'bgs LOGGED BY T.Coon CHECKED BY A. Jordan AT END OF DRILLING NOTES _ See Figure 2 'Boring Location Plan" for Approx. Boring Location AFTER DRILLING --- p ~¢ � Lu ` W L) °- O ¢ J MATERIAL DESCRIPTION ui H L1J I Uj CD o- =) 2Z < o > 0 0— U Lu U w H O Z Q m O > 0 A SPT N VALUE A 0 20 40 60 80 100 PL MC LL 0 20 40 60 80 100 ❑ FINES CONTENT (%) ❑ 0 20 40 60 80 100 Approx. 6" of Topsoil (CL) RESIDUUM: Firm to Stiff Red (2.5YR, 4/6) Sandy Lean CLAY with Trace Mica SPT 1 3-4-3-5 (7) SPT 3-5-6-7 2 (11) (SM) Loose Red (2.5YR, 4/8) Silty Fine to Medium SAND with 5.0 Trace Mica SPT 3 3-5-5-8 (10) 85o.z= (SM) Loose Yellowish Red (SYR, 4/6) Silty Fine to Medium SAND - with Trace Mica SPT 3-3-5-6 _ (SM) Loose Yellow (10YR, 8/6) and Very Pale Brown (10YR, 8/3) 4 (8) Silty Fine to Medium SAND with Trace Mica SPT 3-3-4-5 (SM) Loose Very Pale Brown (10YR, 7/4) and Light Gray (10YR, 5 (7) 10.0 - 845.2 7/1) Silty Fine to Medium SAND with Manganese Stains and \ Trace Mica \ _ = (SM) Loose Yellow (10YR, 8/6) and Very Pale Brown (10YR, 8/3) Silty Fine to Medium SAND with Trace Mica SPT 6 3-3-5-6 (8) SPT 4-4-6-6 (SM) Loose Very Pale Brown (10YR, 7/3), Reddish Yellow (5YR, = 6/8) and Gray (10YR, 6/1) Silty Fine to Medium SAND with 7 (10) Manganese Stains and Trace Mica (ML) Stiff Very Pale Brown (10YR, 7/3), Pink (7.5YR,8/4) and s.o Gray (10YR, 6/1) Silty Fine to Medium SAND with Manganese Stains and Trace Mica SPT 8 3-4-5-7 (g) 840.2 SPT 3-4-5-6 9 (9) SPT 3-4-5-7 10 (9) 20.0 = 835.2 Bottom of Boring at 20 feet bgs, Boring Terminated 25.0 SUMMIT ENGINEERING,LABORATORY&TESTING, INC. BORING NUMBER B-2 3575 CENTRE CIRCLE DRIVE PAGE i OF 1 11A� FORT MILL, SC 29715 SUMMIT WWW.SUMMIT-COMPANIES.COM CLIENT Dependable Development, Inc. PROJECT NAME Larkin Multi -family PROJECT NUMBER 4280.504 PROJECT LOCATION Statesville North Carolina DATE STARTED 4/20/17 COMPLETED 4/20/17 GROUND ELEVATION 866.13 ft HOLE SIZE 6 inches DRILLING CONTRACTOR SUMMIT GROUND WATER/CAVE-IN: DRILLING METHOD Hollow Stem Auger AT TIME OF DRILLING --- GW NE ATD / Caved in Depth n 'bgs LOGGED BY T.Coon CHECKED BY A. Jordan AT END OF DRILLING NOTES _ See Figure 2 'Boring Location Plan" for Approx. Boring Location AFTER DRILLING --- p ~¢ � Lu ` W L) °- O ¢ J MATERIAL DESCRIPTION ui H L1J I Uj CD o- =) 2Z < o > 0 0— U Lu U w H O Z Q m O > 0 A SPT N VALUE A 0 20 40 60 80 100 PL MC LL 0 20 40 60 80 100 ❑ FINES CONTENT (%) ❑ 0 20 40 60 80 100 866 7 = `"' `� Approx. 4" of Topsoil (CL) RESIDUUM: Firm Red (2.5YR, 4/6) Sandy Lean CLAY with Trace Mica SPT 1 3-3-5-6 (8) (CL) Stiff Light Red (2.5YR, 6/6) Sandy Lean CLAY with Trace Mica SPT 3-4-5-7 2 (9) (CL) Stiff Yellowish Red (SYR, 4/6) and Gray (5YR, 6/1) Sandy 5.0Lean % CLAY with Trace Mica SPT 3 3-5-7-8 (1 2) 861.1 (SM) Loose Yellowish Red (5YR, 4/6) and White (5YR, 8/1) Silty - Fine to Medium SAND with Manganese Stains and Trace Mica SPT 3-5-5-7 = 4 (10) SPT 3-4-5-5 5 (9) 10.0 856.' (SM) Loose Yellowish Red (5YR, 4/6), Gray (5YR, 6/1) and White - (5YR, 8/1) Silty Fine to Medium SAND with Manganese Stains SPT 2-3-5-6 = and Trace Mica 6 (8) SPT 3-3-5-6 7 (8) (SM) Loose Pink (5YR, 7/4) and Gray (5YR, 6/1) Silty Fine to s.o Medium SAND with Manganese Stains and Trace Mica SPT 8 2-3-5-5 (8) (SM) Loose Pink (5YR, 7/4), Gray (5YR, 6/1) and White (5YR, - 8/1) Silty Fine to Medium SAND with Manganese Stains and SPT 2-2-4-5 = Trace Mica i g (6) SPT 2-2-4-5 = 10 (6) 20.0 = I , I - 846., Bottom of Boring at 20 feet bgs, Boring Terminated 25.0 SUMMIT ENGINEERING,LABORATORY&TESTING, INC. BORING NUMBER B-3 3575 CENTRE CIRCLE DRIVE PAGE i OF 1 11A� FORT MILL, SC 29715 SUMMIT WWW.SUMMIT-COMPANIES.COM CLIENT Dependable Development, Inc. PROJECT NAME Larkin Multi -family PROJECT NUMBER 4280.504 PROJECT LOCATION Statesville North Carolina DATE STARTED 4/20/17 COMPLETED 4/20/17 GROUND ELEVATION 873.72 ft HOLE SIZE 6 inches DRILLING CONTRACTOR SUMMIT GROUND WATER/CAVE-IN: DRILLING METHOD Hollow Stem Auger AT TIME OF DRILLING --- GW NE ATD / Caved in Depth n 'bgs LOGGED BY T.Coon CHECKED BY A. Jordan AT END OF DRILLING NOTES _ See Figure 2 'Boring Location Plan" for Approx. Boring Location AFTER DRILLING --- ui o A SPT N VALUE A p L) U w 0 20 40 60 80 100 PL MC LL ~¢ � °- O MATERIAL DESCRIPTION H L1J I Uj CD > 0 H O Z Q Lu ` ¢ J o- =) 0— m O > 0 20 40 60 80 100 2Z U 0 W < Lu ❑ FINES CONTENT (%) ❑ 0 20 40 60 80 100 873-7 = `"' `� Approx. 4" of Topsoil (CL) RESIDUUM: SPT 2-3-5-8 Firm Red (2.5YR, 4/6) and Yellow (10YR, 7/6) Sandy Lean CLAY 1 (8) with Trace Mica (CL) Stiff Reddish Yellow (SYR, 5/6) Sandy Lean CLAY with Trace Mica SPT 4-6-8-10 2 (14) (SM) Medium Dense Reddish Yellow (5YR, 5/6) Silty Fine to 5.0 Medium SAND with Trace Mica SPT 3 4-5-7-10 (12) 868.7 = V(CL) EX Stiff Reddish Yellow (5YR, 5/6) and White (5YR, 8/1) Sandy Lean CLAY with Trace Mica SPT 3-6-8-8 4 (14) (SM) Loose Reddish Yellow (7.5YR, 7/6), Light Gray (7.5YR, 7/1) and White (7.5YR, 8/1) Silty Fine to Medium SAND with Trace SPT 3-4-5-7 Mica 5 (9) i o.o 863.7 - (SM) Loose Yellow (10YR, 7/8), Pink (5YR, 8/4) and White - (10YR, 8/1) Silty Fine to Medium SAND with Trace Mica SPT 3-4-4-7 6 (8) (SM) Loose Yellow (10YR, 7/8), Pink (5YR, 8/4) and White (10YR, 8/1) Silty Fine to Medium SAND with Manganese Stains SPT 3-3-5-6 = and Trace Mica 7 (8) SPT 8 3-3-5-7 (8) s.o 858.7- SPT 3-4-6-7 g (10) SPT 4-4-5-7 10 (9) 20.0 - 853.7 Bottom of Boring at 20 feet bgs, Boring Terminated 25.01