HomeMy WebLinkAbout20140129 Ver 1_Year 2 Monitoring Report_2016_20170510Monitoring Report Year 2 FINAL Little Buffalo Creek Stream Mitigation Project NCDEQ-DMS Project Number: 94147 Contract Number: 2029 USA CE Action ID: 2014-0386 DWR Permit: 14-0129 Cabarrus County Data collection: September 2016 Submitted: March 2017 i N Prepared for: Environmental Quality North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Division of Mitigation Services 1652 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1652 Little Buffalo Creek Stream Mitigation Project — Project #94147 — Louis Berger — March 2017 — Monitoring Year 2 — Final Prepared by: L B]`� Louis Berger Louis Berger 1001 Wade Avenue, Suite 400 Raleigh, North Carolina 27605 Tel (919) 866-4400 Fax (919) 755-3502 Project Manager: Ed Samanns Tel (973) 407-1468 Fax (973) 267-6468 ESamanns@louisberger.com Little Buffalo Creek Stream Mitigation Project — Project #94147 — Louis Berger — March 2017 — Monitoring Year 2 — Final Table of Contents 1.0 Executive Summary..............................................................................................................................1 1.1 Project Setting and Background......................................................................................................1 1.2 Project Goals and Objectives...........................................................................................................1 1.3 Project Success Criteria.................................................................................................................... 2 1.4 Mitigation Components and Design................................................................................................ 2 1.5 Monitoring Year 1 Conditions Assessment.................................................................................... 3 1.5.1 Vegetation Assessment................................................................................................................. 3 1.5.2 Stream Assessment.......................................................................................................................4 1. 5.3 Site Boundary Assessment............................................................................................................ 6 2.0 Methodology.......................................................................................................................................... 7 2.1 Geomorphology.................................................................................................................................7 2.2 Longitudinal Profiles........................................................................................................................ 7 2.3 Cross Sections & Particle Size Distribution................................................................................... 7 2.4 Vegetation Monitoring...................................................................................................................... 7 2.5 Hydrological Monitoring..................................................................................................................8 2.6 Photo Points & Visual Assessment.................................................................................................. 8 3.0 References.............................................................................................................................................. 9 Little Buffalo Creek Stream Mitigation Project — Project #94147 — Louis Berger — March 2017 — Monitoring Year 2 — Final Appendices Appendix A. Project Vicinity Map & Background Tables Figure 1— Project Vicinity Map Figure Al — Credit Generation Map Table 1 — Project Mitigation Components Table 2 — Project Activity and Reporting History Table 3 —Project Contacts Table Table 4 —Project Baseline Information and Attributes Appendix B. Visual Assessment Data Figure 2a -2j — Integrated Current Condition Plan View-MY2 Table 5a -g — Visual Stream Morphology Stability Assessment Table Table 6a -e — Vegetation Condition Assessment Table Photo Appendices A-E: Vegetation Monitoring Photographs, Cross Section Photographs, Photo Station Photographs, Problem Area Photographs, Significant Flow Events Appendix C. Vegetation Plot Data Table 7 — Vegetation Plot Criteria Attainment Table 8 —Total Planted Stems Table 9 — CVS Vegetation Plot Metadata and Planted and Total Stem Counts (Species by Plot with Annual Means) Appendix D. Stream Measurement & Geomorphology Data Table I Oaa-af — Baseline Stream Data Summary Table l0ba-bg — Baseline Stream Data Summary (Substrate, Bed, Banks, and Hydrologic Containment Parameter Distribution) Table 11 as-ag — Monitoring Data: Dimensional Morphology Summary (Dimensional Parameters — Cross Section) Table 1 lba-bf — Monitoring Data: Stream Reach Data Summary Figure 3a -d — Longitudinal Profile Plots Figure 4a -o — Cross-section Plots Figure 5a -o —Pebble Count Plots Appendix E. Hydrologic Data Table 12 — Documentation of Geomorphologically Significant Flow Events Figure 6a -e — Water Level and Rainfall Plots Little Buffalo Creek Stream Mitigation Project — Project #94147 — Louis Berger — March 2017 — Monitoring Year 2 — Final 1.0 Executive Summary 1.1 Project Setting and Background The Little Buffalo Creek Stream Mitigation site is located in Cabarrus County, North Carolina, two miles southwest of the Town of Gold Hill, and 12 miles east of Kannapolis. The site encompasses approximately 47 acres of former cattle pasture, crop land and riparian forest along Little Buffalo Creek and portions of seven unnamed tributaries (Figures 1 and 2). Little Buffalo Creek is located within the Yadkin River Basin (03040105; 03040105020060). Historic land use at the site had consisted primarily of ranching activities that had allowed cattle access to the stream and riparian zone. Several reaches of the stream have bedrock in their streambed and vertical migration of the stream has been confined to a small percentage of the project site. 1.2 Project Goals and Objectives The goals of the Little Buffalo Creek Stream Restoration project include, but are not limited to, the enhancement of water quality and aquatic/terrestrial habitat, stream stability improvement, and erosion reduction. The uplift of these stream functions specifically requires: • Protecting and improving water quality through the removal or minimization of the biological, chemical, and physical stressors: o Reducing sediment input into the stream from erosion; o Reducing non -point pollutant impacts by removing livestock access (including restoring forested buffer; o Protecting headwater springs. • Improving aquatic and terrestrial wildlife habitat: o Moderating stream water temperatures by improving canopy coverage over the channel; o Restoring, enhancing, reconnecting, and protecting valuable wildlife habitat. • Restore floodplain connectivity: o Reestablishing floodplain connection thereby dissipating energy associated with flood flows. In addition to the ecological uplift that the project will provide to the Site through the improvement of the stream functions, this project establishes the following environmentally advantageous goals: • Providing a water source for livestock removed from the stream and riparian corridor; • Reducing the number of locations that livestock are able to cross the stream; • Providing a safe and environmentally appropriate stream crossing point for livestock. In order to achieve the project goals, Berger proposes to accomplish the following objectives: • Fence the cattle out of the stream and riparian corridor; • Remove invasive vegetative species from the riparian corridor; • Restore and enhance unstable portions of the stream; • Preserve the stream channel and banks through a conservation easement; • Plant the riparian corridor with native tree and shrub vegetation. The expected ecological benefits and goals associated with the Little Buffalo Creek site mitigation plan serve to meet objectives consistent with the resource protection objectives detailed in the Yadkin -Pee Dee River Basinwide Water Quality Plan, 2008. Little Buffalo Creek Stream Mitigation Project — Project #94147 — Louis Berger — March 2017 — Monitoring Year 2 — Final 1.3 Project Success Criteria Streams For stream hydrology, a minimum of two bankfull events must be documented within the standard 5 -year monitoring period. In order for the monitoring to be considered complete, the two verification events must occur in separate monitoring years. All of the morphologic and channel stability parameters will be evaluated in the context of hydrologic events to which the system is exposed. Dimension — General maintenance of a stable cross-section and hydrologic access to the floodplain features over the course of the monitoring period will generally represent success in dimensional stability. For stream dimension, cross-sectional overlays and key parameters such as cross-sectional area, and the channel's width to depth ratios should demonstrate relative stability in order to be deemed successful. Pattern — Pattern features should show little adjustment over the standard 5 year monitoring period. Rates of lateral migration need to be moderate. Profile — For the channels' profile, the reach under assessment should not demonstrate any trends in thalweg aggradation or degradation over any significant continuous portion of its length. Over the monitoring period, the profile should also demonstrate the maintenance or development of bedform (facets) more in keeping with reference level diversity and distributions for the stream type in question. It should also provide a meaningful contrast in terms of bedform diversity against the pre-existing condition. Bedform distributions, riffle/pool lengths and slopes will vary, but should do so with maintenance around design distributions. This requires that the majority of pools are maintained at greater depths with lower water surface slopes and riffles are shallow with greater water surface slopes. Substrate and Sediment Transport — Substrate measurements should indicate progression towards, or maintenance of the known distributions from the design phase. Sediment Transport should be deemed successful in by absence of any significant trend in the aggradation or depositional potential of the channel. Vegetation Survival of woody species planted at mitigation sites should be at least 320 stems/acre through year three. A 10 percent mortality rate will be accepted in year four (288 stems/acre) and another 10 percent in year five resulting in a required survival rate of 260 trees/acre through year five. This is consistent with Wilmington District (1993) guidance for wetland mitigation (USACE 2003). 1.4 Mitigation Components and Design The Little Buffalo Creek Site consists of six reaches along the mainstem and seven unnamed tributaries (UTs). The mainstem of Little Buffalo Creek as well as UT 4 and UT 7 are perennial streams. The remainders of the UTs are intermittent streams associated with groundwater seeps. This stream mitigation project includes reaches of restoration, enhancement, and preservation along the mainstem and the associated UTs. In total, the Site will provide 13,362 linear feet of restoration, enhancement, and preservation (Tables 1 & 4). A summary of restoration and enhancement activity and reporting history can be found in Table 2. Restoration activities have established a new, stable stream channel with the appropriate dimension, pattern and profile to transport perennial flow and sediment and have re -connected the stream to its floodplain. Reestablishment of native riparian forest vegetation and installation of cattle exclusion fencing were also performed as part of the restoration activities. Enhancement activities included reestablishing native riparian vegetation within a 50 -foot easement along each bank of the stream corridor and excluding cattle with fencing. In the case of enhancement level I the activities included reshaping or relocating the bed and Little Buffalo Creek Stream Mitigation Project — Project #94147 — Louis Berger — March 2017 — Monitoring Year 2 — Final banks and riparian forest planting. Preservation was conducted within portions of the stream corridors that have intact riparian forests and stable stream reaches and included excluding cattle with fencing. At a 1:1 ratio for restoration, 1.5:1 for enhancement level I, 2.5:1 for enhancement level Il, and a 5:1 ratio for preservation, the DMS will receive, as of January 2017, approximately 6,411 stream mitigation units from the Site (Table 1). In addition, approximately 47 acres of riparian buffer have been protected within a conservation easement. This stream credit generation has the potential to increase to 6,450 stream mitigation units as a result of additional enhancement level I work conducted in the fall of 2016 within a portion of UT3. This area, previously assessed as enhancement level II, had additional entrenched portions of the tributary graded to re -connect the channel with its floodplain and the riparian zone replanted. 1.5 Monitoring Year 2 Conditions Assessment 1.5.1 Vegetation Assessment In Year 2 of monitoring, four vegetation monitoring plots are exceeding requirements by 10% (436 to 823 stems/acre), two vegetation monitoring plots are exceeding requirements by less than 10% (each 339 stems/acre), two vegetation monitoring plots fail to meet requirements by less than 10% (each 290 stems/acre), and four vegetation monitoring plots are failing to meet requirements by over 10% (97 to 242 stems/acre). Recruitment of native plant seedlings was recorded in 11 of 12 monitoring plots (Tables 6, 7, 8, and 9). The current average estimate of 395 planted stems per acre for the site is exceeding the required success criteria of 320 stems per acre. Uplift in previously poor performing areas is due to the additional planting of approximately 3,000 trees within 7 riparian areas covering 7.6 acres that took place in February 2016. Any deficiencies are primarily associated with the areas around the six monitoring plots failing to meet requirements. The likely cause of the poor performance in these areas, as well as lower than expected survival in some replanted areas, is due mostly to an incident where a herd of cattle were allowed back into the easement for an extended period of time. The intruding cattle grazed some of the planted stems and trampled a small number of them as well. Additional planting of approximately 3,500 trees within 9 riparian areas covering approximately 8.5 acres will take place in March 2017. Tree establishment and survival will continue to be monitored. Significant growth was observed in planted American sycamore (Platanus occidentalis), green ash (Fraxinus pennsylvanica), hazel alder (Alnus serrulata), and black willow (Salix nigra) trees. This is most likely due to more normal precipitation levels in 2016 (NOAA Historical Palmer Drought Indices) and less grazing by cattle on these specific plant species. Tree establishment and survival will continue to be monitored. Black willow and silky dogwood (Cornus amomum) live stakes throughout the restoration areas are doing well and very few have been observed to be dead. Surviving stakes are growing quickly and are already contributing to bank stability. Soft rush (Juncus effusus) has become established on parts of the stream bank and is adding additional stability to sections of UT7 and UT3. Additional stability is being provided by grasses and sedges that have become established on banks throughout the site. Volunteer crop cover is no longer present and has been outcompeted by other species such as goldenrods (Solidago), asters (Aster), jimsonweed (Datura), and native grasses. Previously there were areas within the riparian buffer that were having low success in establishing herbaceous vegetation cover due to drought and sections of bank scour. These areas included approximately 300 feet along the mainstem of Reach 1, approximately 130 feet along the mainstem of Reach 4, and approximately 530 feet of UT 3. These problem areas were reseeded with annual ryegrass and native forbs in February 2016. Reseeded areas total approximately 1.8 acres and make up 53% of E1 areas and 20% of restoration areas. Little Buffalo Creek Stream Mitigation Project — Project #94147 — Louis Berger — March 2017 — Monitoring Year 2 — Final The herbaceous cover in the 300 foot length of Reach 1 has improved since reseeding. The herbaceous cover in the 130 foot section along the mainstem of reach 4 has improved slightly since reseeding, and the herbaceous cover in the 530 foot section of UT3 is somewhat improved though sections have been affected by scour and cattle grazing. Despite a period of cattle intrusion, overall herbaceous cover throughout the site has greatly increased. This is most likely the result of more normal precipitation levels following a drought year (NOAA Historical Palmer Drought Indices). Additional native grass and forb seeding will be performed in the spring of 2017 to address any remaining areas with poor herbaceous cover establishment. Past treatment and removal of privet (Ligustrum), multiflora rose (Rosa multiflora), and tree -of -heaven (Ailanthus altissima) from riparian areas has been mostly successful, though a few problem areas remain and follow up treatment will be performed. Through site inspections, tree -of -heaven is still established at the upstream ends of both UT 2 (approx. 45 Oft) and UT 7 (approx. 400ft), as well as four large trees between UT4 and UT3 (Figure 2). The larger trees at UT7 have been treated with herbicide and at time of monitoring were either dead or dying. However, they still produced seeds or root sprouts and will require further control. The UT 2 area was treated but will require further treatment as well. Privet continues to be present in various areas throughout the site, particularly on the upper portion of UT2 and the lower portion of UT7. Privet and tree -of -heaven were removed by hand from areas along UT 7 and UT 2 in February of 2016. During the Year 2 monitoring event in September of 2016 tree -of -heaven and princess tree were removed by hand from areas along UT 7, UT 2, Reach 3, and Reach 1. Both privet and tree -of -heaven will be treated with herbicide application again in spring of 2017 in accordance with NC Department of Agriculture (NCDA) rules and regulations. 1.5.2 Stream Assessment For most of the site there has been very little change from the Year 1 monitoring survey completed in September 2015 in regards to stream stability and conditions. The primary issue identified in Year 2 monitoring has been damage to multiple reaches and tributaries due to the intrusion by cattle. UT2 and UT3, as smaller tributaries with soft clay soils, took the most observable damage. Cattle crossing and grazing within the inner channel of the lower stem of UT2, near the confluence of Little Buffalo Creek, and all of UT3 enhancement level I and restoration work, has formed areas with deep divots. Despite this damage, the tops of banks remain stable and in good condition. Based on the soil types of these tributaries and sediment load, it is believed that the damage can be reversed naturally through a significant flow events that will re -deposit sediment within the depressions in the channel. UT4 and Reach 3 and 4 of Little Buffalo Creek all showed minor damage to the channels due to cattle, and all in isolated spots of each segment. With the exception of Reach 3, it is believed all damage can be reversed naturally through a significant storm event. During the spring 2017 maintenance work, the damaged areas will be re-evaluated to determine if signs of recovery area present, such as recent deposition. If it is evident that the stream segments cannot recover in a short period without intervention, action will be taken to fix the sections accordingly. In early winter 2016, DENR representatives conducted a site visit to observe site conditions following a significant flow event. As part of this visit, a segment of UT3 was identified with a severe entrenchment and headcut in a portion of enhancement level II. Additionally, the restoration section in Reach 3 showed aggradation in both the riffle and pool sections connecting the restored channel to the existing channel at the upstream and downstream connection points. In spring of 2016, Louis Berger staff observed signs of an overflow chute forming in the Reach 3 restoration section as a result of the aggradation and high backwater caused at the upstream connection to the existing channel. As part of the September 2016 maintenance and monitoring work, the aggradation was removed on both the upstream and downstream connections of the restoration portion of Reach 3. The material removed was placed on the left bank to fill in the overflow chute, and the more extreme backwater condition immediately upstream of the site work was reduced to a more suitable level. This work simultaneously patched the minor cattle damage caused in the Reach 3 work area. Additionally, the entrenched banks identified in a portion Little Buffalo Creek Stream Mitigation Project — Project #94147 — Louis Berger — March 2017 — Monitoring Year 2 — Final of UT3 were graded to remove entrenchment and reconnect the channel to the floodplain and plant the riparian zone. This action is consistent with enhancement level I work, and creates the potential to raise the enhancement level from EIl to EI in this 146 feet reach. A sinuous low flow channel within the areas of restoration in Reach 1, Reach 3 and UT 7 continue to develop as expected. The development of this sinuous channel at base flow conditions is important to providing adequate riffle -pool systems needed at base flow to provide in -stream habitat areas for fish, amphibians, and aquatic insects. In addition, the stream bedload was observed to continue to be sorted and finer material has either moved to the stream bank edges or moved downstream and a courser bed material is present within the channel. However, despite 2016 being a non -drought year, the months of June, July and September were below average rainfall months and stretches of the main channel were dry during the September monitoring. The pebble count recorded a higher percentage of silts deposited during the receding flow. As a result of exceptionally high silt deposits, pebble count surveys were not conducted in the following cross sections during the 2016 monitoring event: UT2-1R, UT34R, UT3-1P, UT3-2R, UT3-3R, and UT7-1P. This is expected to be a temporary condition. In -stream structures have generally maintained their stability and performance within the site, with the exception of the step -pool system on UT 7 near the confluence with the mainstem. Due to the backflow conditions generated in storm events in this area, bed material settlement was observed within the step - pools. This was first identified within the Year 1 monitoring. Larger sediment material has filled the lower two step pools, generating a longer riffle into the confluence of Little Buffalo Creek, and decreased the max depth to mean depth ratio of less than 1.6 for habitat suitability in the upper pools. Although the step pools have filled greater than desired with larger material, they still provide adequate fish passage during low flow events when the channel is not dry. As the intent of the structures is to provide the head drop from the higher floodplain of UT7 to Little Buffalo Creek in a stable manner, while still providing fish passage within the tributary, no action to reshape the pools is proposed. This conclusion is also generated based on the understanding that the larger sediment source comes from immediately upstream of the culverts at Old Mine Road as part of the passage dissipation reinforcement, and that any attempt to remove the larger cobble sediment will likely only result in the pools to refill from the same sediment source supply. In addition to the lower step pools infilling, one rock vane step pool was identified for potential piping in the September 2016 site assessment. As the channel was dry, it could not be verified that the structure is allowing seepage beneath the vane. This will be observed in the Spring 2017 maintenance work and corrective action taken to fix the structure if it indeed is allowing seepage beneath the vane. Future channel maintenance may include chinking of in -stream structures to prevent piping, securing of loose coir matting, and supplemental installations of live stakes and other target vegetation along the channel bank. Areas where storm water and floodplain flows intercept the channel may also require maintenance to prevent bank failures and head- cutting. The stream restoration and enhancement areas are relatively stable and will continue to adjust somewhat in response to storm events. Gage data throughout the site supports four different bankfull events during the Year 2 monitoring period which are supported by observations of rack debris outside of the top of bank and in the floodplain of UT7 and the mainstem. The stream channel is beginning to develop the desired sinuosity and in -stream structures are remaining stable and functioning as designed; the exception being the step - pool system in UT -7 as noted above. No work is planned on these pools as of now but may occur during the 2017 maintenance period if needed. Two groundwater monitoring wells were installed at the top and bottom of UT3 in February of 2016 to provide additional hydrological data to demonstrate groundwater connectivity to the stream channel of UT3. The cross-section and longitudinal profiles were conducted during the dry season, resulting in water Little Buffalo Creek Stream Mitigation Project — Project #94147 — Louis Berger — March 2017 — Monitoring Year 2 — Final surface elevations that were indistinguishable from the thalweg elevations at that time. Distinct water surface elevations are included in the longitudinal profiles where water was flowing within the channel. 1. 5.3 Site Boundary Assessment A number of site boundary issues were discovered during the Year 2 monitoring and maintenance period. A corner of fence where UT 3 joins the mainstem was found to be cut and reassembled, presumably by the land owner to remove escaped cattle. The electric wire of the cattle crossing fence in Reach 5 was broken, likely due to storm debris and flows, and no longer providing an electrical charge. The larger portions of the cattle crossing fence are up and functioning and the gates to the crossing are closed. The fence next to the northwestern gate of the cattle crossing has also been cut and hastily repaired as well as a corner of fence where UT 2 meets the mainstem. These damages are also likely the result of landowners moving cattle into or from the easement. The barbed wire has been broken on a small section of fence along the northeast edge of UT 7, possibly due to a tree fall in that area. The fence at the top of UT 1 has been completely knocked down due to the accumulation of vegetation and log debris from the adjacent fields causing enough force to push it over during a flood event. At a point in between the February and September maintenance work of 2016, unknown persons installed barbed wire and a woven metal fence "flood gate" across the easement along the downstream side of Old Mine Road to close off access to Reach 2. This may have been installed by the landowner with the intention of placing and keeping cattle within the easement. A team of surveyors discovered the cattle in early September and they were removed within days of their first observation. At the time of Year 2 monitoring, four cattle were observed in the easement and were removed the same day. Louis Berger is currently assessing the level and cost of damage and working to identify those responsible. Discussions with the landowner regarding maintenance of the crossing, fencing and encroachments into the easement is ongoing. In the fall of 2016 additional fencing was installed along the mainstem at Old Mine Road to prevent access to the easement at these locations and the barbed wire across Little Buffalo Creek at Old Mine Road has also been removed. All other major fence repairs and the installation of conservation easement boundary signs was also completed in the fall of 2016. Summary information/data related to occurrence of items such as encroachment by landowners or evidence of cattle intrusion and statistics related to performance of various project and monitoring elements can be found in the tables and figures in the report appendices. Narrative background and supporting information formerly found in these reports can be found in the As -Built Baseline Monitoring Report and in the Mitigation Plan documents available on NCDEQ's website. All raw data supporting the tables and figures in the appendices is available from NCDEQ upon request. Little Buffalo Creek Stream Mitigation Project — Project #94147 — Louis Berger — March 2017 — Monitoring Year 2 — Final 2.0 Methodology Monitoring for stream stability, stream hydrology, and vegetation will be monitored annually for five years following the initial Baseline and As -Built Report. Annual monitoring requirements are based on the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Stream Mitigation Guidelines document (USAGE 2003) and supplemental requirements listed in the DMS Stream and Wetland Mitigation Monitoring Guidelines dated February 2014 (NCEEP 2014). Establishment, collection, and summarization of data collected was in accordance with the NCDEQ guidance document EEP Annual Monitoring Report Format, Data Requirements, and Content Guidance (April 2015). 2.1 Geomorphology Surveys for Year 2 monitoring were conducted by Louis Berger in September 2016 using a Trimble M3 Total Station, geo referenced to North Carolina State Plane (NAD83-State Plane Feet-FIPS3200) with vertical datum North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (Feet NAVD88). 2.2 Longitudinal Profiles A total of approximately 2950 feet of channel along 8 longitudinal profiles is being surveyed annually. This includes 335 feet on LBC Reach 1, 225 feet on LBC Reach 3, 112 feet on LBC Reach 4, 51 feet on UT 2, 771 feet on UT 3, 411 feet on UT 4, 977 on UT 7 and 62 feet on UT 8. Data collected from annual monitoring is being compared with the as -built conditions to document the current state of the channel and any trends in the stream profile occurring throughout the monitoring period. The start and finish locations of each cross-section and longitudinal profile are collected using a Total Station. 2.3 Cross Sections & Particle Size Distribution A total of 15 cross-sections, including 9 riffles and 6 pools were installed upon completion of construction and are being monitored annually. Two additional cross-sections were added within the step -pool portion of UT 7 in monitoring Year 2. The total number of cross-sections includes five on the mainstem of Little Buffalo Creek, one on UT 2, four on UT 3, two on UT 4, and five on UT 7. Pebble count surveys were conducted at each cross section. Moving from bank to bank, particles were picked up blindly and at random and measured in millimeters. Enough samples were taken to get a representative sample of particle size distribution for each cross section. Sample size ranged from 50 in pool areas dominated by fines to 100 in flowing riffle areas with a diversity of particle sizes. 2.4 Vegetation Monitoring The CVS -DMS entry tool database was used to calculate the number of monitoring plots needed based on project acreage. Louis Berger established twelve vegetation monitoring plots across all reaches and tributaries of the project area based on guidance given in the CVS -DMS Protocol for Recording Vegetation Version 4.2 (Lee et al. 2008). Each plot measures approximately 0.025 acres individually and is staked out with bright orange painted rebar and marked with two upright sections of PVC pipe. Photos were taken of each plot and Year 2 monitoring data was entered into the CVS -DMS database under the Little Buffalo Creek Stream Mitigation Project (Project ID 94147). Additional PVC markers were added to plot corners during Year 2 in order to make corner stakes easier to find among the increasing herbaceous cover. For a monitoring event, yellow rope is tied around the four corner stakes to mark out the plot. In Year 0, a GPS was used to collect coordinates of each stem and their position was measured in relation to the X and Y axis of the plot. Additionally, each stem was marked with pink flagging to make them easy to locate and identify during the next monitoring event. Flagging is re-applied each year. Planted stems were identified, Little Buffalo Creek Stream Mitigation Project — Project #94147 — Louis Berger — March 2017 — Monitoring Year 2 — Final measured, and given a vigor score ranging from 0 to 4 based on the CVS -DMS database. Naturally recruited stems were identified and tallied only if alive. These stems were not measured or given a vigor score. 2.5 Hydrological Monitoring A total of eight water level gages were installed on site. The gages are being monitored biannually to document highest stage for the monitoring interval and verify occurrences of bankfull and geomorphically significant flow events. In addition, observations of wrack and depositional features in the floodplain, if present, are being documented with photos. In February of 2016 two groundwater monitoring wells were installed at the top and bottom of UT 3 to provide additional hydrological data to demonstrate groundwater connectivity to the stream channel. 2.6 Photo Points & Visual Assessment Permanent photo stations were established at each cross-section to digitally document annual conditions of the left and right banks. Each vegetation monitoring plot includes a photo station taken diagonally from a plot corner towards the opposite plot corner. Additional permanent photo locations have been established throughout the project area and can be found on the CCPV maps in Appendix A. Visual stream assessments are conducted during annual monitoring to summarize performance percentages of morphological and structural features. Visual vegetation assessments are also occurring to catalog the extent and type of vegetation issue areas as compared to the total planted acreage within the project site. Little Buffalo Creek Stream Mitigation Project — Project #94147 — Louis Berger — March 2017 — Monitoring Year 2 — Final 3.0 References Lee, Michael T., R.K. Peet, S.D. Roberts, and T.R. Wentworth. 2008. CVS -DMS Protocol for Recording Vegetation, Version 4.2 (http://cvs.bio.unc.edu/methods.htm). National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Historical Palmer Drought Indices. December 2014 through November 2015. http://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/temp-and-precip/drought/historical- palmers/psi/201412-201511/. Accessed October 2016. North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program 2014. Stream and Wetland Mitigation Monitoring Guidelines. February 2014.7pp. USACE 2003. Stream Mitigation Guidelines. Prepared by: USACE, NCDWQ, USEPA, NCWRC. Little Buffalo Creek Stream Mitigation Project — Project #94147 — Louis Berger — March 2017 — Monitoring Year 2 — Final 9 Appendix A - Project Vicinity Map & Background Tables Yadkin River Basin ........... L E;, % k4 03-07-12 r'7 r F —A:V 4 k- J Reference Site N % C.. A'4 4, 3" - �*i;t W T A N" '�-�.5 �Vk—. W1. Old Mine oad > - . , 1, -1 . - L� . I -- f II f r L [I QF 'T F, N 1411 r Irytill-4 I- r A -"J J: f hq: 'AK 'Ve JA I44 r! 7� V 7. -'y e ? Project Ji t Site 1. J,L­ L R I "A JI 4 41 " �71 J1 b /7 A-7 )'j 7 L4 r s. J. P. V) t oil. -I PC L- - N P.V J�:"": W, '; Z' Al . 771 Re 'J 7- % 7� J irt&: 4' -J. J < 0 -J 0 Legend Project Stream Segments Reference Reach Source: USGS Topographic Quads: 0 0.5 1 Gold Hill, Rockwell, Richfield, Miles and Mount Pleasant, NC NCDEQ Division of Mitigation Services Little Buffalo Creek Creek Stream Restoration, Cabarrus County, NC DMS Project # 94147 Promect Location Map ®THE LOUIS BERGER GROUP Figure 1 1001 Wade Avenue, Suite 400 Raleigh, NC 27605 November 2016 a� E D U) c 0 0 CT c c 0 cm 0 0 I L 0 c .o cm 0 0 V) 0 0 0 m I 00 0 0 N V) c 0 C) 0 E 0 c a� LL - REACH 6 BEGIN UT -8 RESTORA ION STA 10+19.08/ " BEGIN UT -7 E1 STA 10+00 STA 11+46.80 END UT -7 E1 LITTLE B FFALO STA. 104+96.09 BEGIN UT -7 RESTORATION EN PRESERVATION TEND REACH 6 h" UT -8 STA.10+80.78 1. END UT -8 RESTORATION gLI LITTLE BUFFALO STA.99+48.10\ UT -7 STA. 21+26.71 \ END UT 7 RESTORATION t LITTLE BUFFALO STA.74+87.83 END REACH 5 BUFFALO STA. 82+55.35 ND PRESERVATION i REACH 5 REACH 4 UT -3 STA. 10 00 BEGIN RESTORATION REACH 3 REACH 2 UT -3 STA. 12+115.05 �'I E2+78.56 END RESTORA ION, I BEGIN I END RESTORATION BEGIN E2 AEA UT -3 STA, 16J9 UT -3 STA. 14+66:62 END RESTORATI N 1 UT -4 STA. 18+30.57 BEGIN E1 I LITTLE BUFFALO STA. 56+93 BEGIN E1 END REACH 3 UT -2 STA, 14+27.35 UT -3 STA. 20+90.79 UT -3 STA, 16+60 I BEGIN REACH 4 END RE TORATION END E1 /° - BEGIN E2 -2 STA. 10+00 00 EGIN PRESERVATION 1� UT -2 STA, 13+34.67 END PRESERVATION BEGIN E2 END E1 BEGIN E2 BEGIN RESTORATION !/ I BEGIN DOWNSTREAM �" UT -1 STA. 11+10.63 /ter UT -3 STA. 21+29 MAINSTEM RESTO ATION LITTLE BUFFALO STA. 32+9 C0 CRETE REMOVAL END UT -1 E2 UT -3 STA, 21+55 ND E2 STA. 48+12. 5 )': 1 END RESTORATION BEGIN RESTORATION TA 563+100.48 END E2 BEGIN E1 f� UT -3 STA, 22+32.49 END E2 _ ND E1 EGIN E1 AREA UT -3 STA. 24+05 BEGIN E2 _ END E2 BEGIN RESTORATION s UT -6 ST . 11+51.33 m� -- - TTLE BUFFALO STA .74+06' / / a 1�, /.,' UT -2 STA. 19+50.70 EN E2 UT_3 STA. 24+50 / STA. / - i°..Q �_� LITTLE BUFFALO 42+4 \\ I END RESTORATION �i - END UT -2 E2 BEGIN E2 �- - C ) ,•m LI g /LITTLE BUFFALO STA. 33+66.34 CONCRETE REMOVALS ! STA.65+21.37 \ BEGIN REACH 2 END E1 AREA END DOWNSTREAM \ LITTLE BUFFALO STA. 46+10 BEGIN E2 °�1 UT -3 STA.24+74.90 MAINSTEM RESTORATION ACH 2 LITTLE BUFFALO STA.66+62 UT -4 END 14+21.25 STA. 50+56.51 BEGIN REACH 3 / LITTLE BUFFALO STA.75+19.223LZ D UT -3 E2 BEGIN E1 BEGIN E2 BEGIN PRESEKVAIiuiv END REACH 4 LITTLE BUFFALO STA. 91+88.65 BEGIN REACH 6 BEGIN REACH 5 UT -4 STA. 10+00.00 S RVATION UT -6 STA. 10+00.00 UT -5 STA. 11+84.46 BEGIN E2 BEGIN E2 u -5 STA, 10+00.00 LITTLE BUFFALO STA.71+04 MAINSTEM RESTORATION TRIBUTARY PLAN INDEX DITCH PLUG INSTALLATION. ALIGNMENT MITIGATION ACTIVITY MITIGATION ACTIVITY START STATION START STATION END STATION END STATION ENHANCEMENT LEVEL 2 10+00 STREAM BANK GRADING. 2 22+00000 ( E1) CONCRETE REMOVAL FROM CHANNEL. RESTORATION PLANTING AND INVASIVE PLANT REMOVAL. ENHANCEMENT LEVEL 2 22+00.00 PRESERVATION PLANTING AND INVASIVE PLANT REMOVAL. 25+77.37 10+00 ENHANCEMENT LEVEL 2 25+77.37 �0 ENHANCEMENT 33+04.88 2 ENHANCEMENT LEVEL 2 33+660 34 Lw 48+12. 45 MAINSTEM RESTORATION 13+78.56 48+12. 45 50+560 51 LEVEL ENHANCEMENT LEVEL 2 50+560 51 UT -3 63+700 48 RESTORATION ENHANCEMENT LEVEL 1 63+700 48 12+15. 05 65+21. 37 LL LL_O�� ENHANCEMENT LEVEL 2 65+21. 37 74+870 83 PRESERVATION ENHANCEMENT LEVEL 75+19. 23 14+66.62 82+550 35 UT -3 PRESERVATION �OuZ RESTORATION 91+88. 65 104+96.09 MITIGATION ACTIVITY GENERAL DESCRIPTION TRIBUTARY CHANNEL RE -ALIGNMENT AND CREATION. PLAN INDEX DITCH PLUG INSTALLATION. RESTORATION IN -STREAM STRUCTURE INSTALLATION, MITIGATION ACTIVITY INCLUDING LOG VANES, ROCK CROSS VANES, START STATION STEP POOLS AND ROOT WADS. END STATION STREAM BANK RE -GRADING. PLANTING AND -1 INVASIVE PLANT REMOVAL. ENHANCEMENT LEVEL I STREAM BANK GRADING. 2 MINOR CHANNEL REGRADING. ( E1) CONCRETE REMOVAL FROM CHANNEL. 1 1 +1 Oo 63 PLANTING AND INVASIVE PLANT REMOVAL. ENHANCEMENT LEVEL 2 PRESERVATION PLANTING AND INVASIVE PLANT REMOVAL. ( E2) REACH 1 BEGIN UPSTREAM �ISTFM RESTORATION STA. 22+00 END E2 LITTLE BUFFALO STA. 10+00.00 BEGIN E2 X: 1595368.236 Y: 640628.321 jam UT -1 STA. 10+00.00 \ BEGIN E2 �.\ ,, � � $� �•` a k END UPSTREAM MAINSTEM RESTORATION E BUFFALO STA. 33+04.88 STA. 25+77.37 END E2 BEGIN E2 END REACH 1 CONSERVATION EASEMENT w Q 0 z 0 Fn w 1 II ci ti � =3 N rn � cz V Q) L.L Q W -U who 0o z c/)o D .5 O co J w w 2 TRIBUTARY RESTORATION PLAN INDEX ALI GNMENT MITIGATION ACTIVITY U START STATION END STATION UT -1 ENHANCEMENT LEVEE 2 W 10+00 1 1 +1 Oo 63 UT -2 00� PRESERVATION w U 10+00 D 13+34. 67 UT -2 o0 �0 ENHANCEMENT LEVEL 2 13+34.67 ll� 13+780 56 UT -2 z Lw RESTORATION v) 0 13+78.56 1 4+270 35 UT -2 Uo�o ENHANCEMENT LEVEL 2 � 14+27.35 10+500 70 UT -3 Q 0 RESTORATION U C� 10+00 12+15. 05 UT -3 LL LL_O�� ENHANCEMENT LEVEL 2 1 2+1 50 05 14+66. 62 UT -3 ENHANCEMENT LEVEL 1 14+66.62 16+60 UT -3 0 �OuZ RESTORATION 16+60 16+79 UT -3 ENHANCEMENT LEVEL 1 v� 16+79 cry 20+900 79 UT -3 ENHANCEMENT LEVEL 2 20+90.79 21+29 UT -3 RESTORATION 21+29 21+55 UT -3 ENHANCEMENT LEVEL 1 Q 21+55 22+320 49 UT -3 ENHANCEMENT LEVEL 2 22+32049 24+05 UT -3 RESTORATION 24+05 24+50 UT -3 ENHANCEMENT LEVEL 2 24+50 24+74090 UT -4 ENHANCEMENT LEVEL 2 10+00 14+210 25 UT -4 ENHANCEMENT LEVEL 1 14+21.25 18+300 57 UT -5 ENHANCEMENT LEVEL 2 10+00 11+840 46 UT -6 ENHANCEMENT LEVEL 2 10+00 11+510 33 UT -7 ENHANCEMENT LEVEL 1 10+00 11+460 80 UT -7 RESTORATION 11+46.80 21 +260 71 UT -8 RESTORATION 10+19.08 1 0+800 78 w Q 0 z 0 Fn w 1 II ci ti � =3 N rn � cz V Q) L.L Q W -U who 0o z c/)o D .5 O co J w w 2 DATE FEBRUARY 2016 PROJECT NO. 94147 FIGURE Al z U W C/7) 00� B w U D > o0 �0 0:� LL] ll� >_ LLI z Lw v) 0 Uo�o � Q 0 �0 U C� QQQ cry c LL LL_O�� LLLI O LLI 00 LL 0 �OuZ LLI � v� cry 0 W m Q DATE FEBRUARY 2016 PROJECT NO. 94147 FIGURE Al Table 1. Project Components and Mitigation Credits Little Buffalo Creek Stream Mitigation Project DMS Project No. 94147 Mitigation Credit Summations StreamRi arian Wetland Non -riparian Wetland Buffer Nitrogen Nutrient Offset Phosphorus Nutrient Offset Overall Mitigation Units 6,411 0 0 Project Components Reach ID Stationing Existing Feet linear feet Restoration Footage or Acreage Restoration Level Restoration or Rest E uiv. Mitigation Ratio Stream Mitigation Units Notes Reach 1 10+00 to 33+05 2,305 377 R 1928 EII Restoration Enhancement Level II N/A Restoration 1:1 Enhancement Level 11 2.5:1 1148 Reach 2 33+66 to 46+10 1,244 1244 EII Enhancement Level II N/A Enhancement Level 11 2.5:1 498 Reach 3 46+10 to 56+93 1,083 244 R 839 EII Restoration Enhancement Level II N/A Restoration 1:1 Enhancement Level 11 2.5:1 580 Reach 4 56+93 to 66+62 969 151 EI 818 EII Enhancement Level I Enhancement Level II N/A Enhancement Level 11.5:1 Enhancement Level 11 2.5:1 428 Reach 5 66+62 to 74+88 826 826 EII Enhancement Level II N/A Enhancement Level 11 2.5:1 330 Reach 6 75+19 to 82+55; 91+89 to 104+96 2,043 2,043 P Preservation N/A Preservation 5:1 409 UT 1 10+00 to 11+11 111 111 EII Enhancement Level II N/A Enhancement Level I12.5:1 44 UT 2 10+00 to 19+51 951 49 R 567 EII 335 P Restoration Enhancement Level II Preservation N/A Restoration 1:1 Enhancement Level 11 2.5:1 Preservation 5:1 343 UT 3 10+00 to 24+75 1,475 305 R; 536 EI 634 EII Restoration Enhancement Level I Enhancement Level II N/A Restoration 1:1 Enhancement Level 11.5:1 Enhancement Level 11 2.5:1 916 Potential to increase mitigation units after conversion of an EII area to EI UT 4 100+00 to 18+31 831 410 EI 421 EII Enhancement Level I Enhancement Level II N/A Enhancement Level 11.5:1 Enhancement Level 11 2.5:1 442 UT 5 10+00 to 11+84 184 184 EII Enhancement Level II N/A Enhancement Level 11 2.5:1 74 UT 6 10+00 to 11+51 151 151 EII Enhancement Level II N/A Enhancement Level 112.5:1 60 UT 7 10+00 to 21+27 1,127 980 R 147 EI Restoration Enhancement Level I N/A Restoration 1:1 Enhancement Level 11.5:1 1078 UT 8 10+19 to 10+81 62 62 R Restoration N/A Restoration 1:1 62 Note: Due to rounding some of the values when added may appear to be 1' short of total, this is purely a product of values being rounded to nearest linear foot Length and Area Summations Restoration Level Stream linear feet Riparian Wetland (acres) Non -riparian Wetland acres Buffer (square feet Upland acres Riverine Non-riverine Restoration 2,017 N/A N/A N/A 201,700 N/A Enhancement N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Enhancement I 1,244 N/A N/A N/A 124,400 N/A Enhancement II 7,723 N/A N/A N/A 772,300 N/A Creation N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Preservation 2,378 N/A N/A N/A 237,800 N/A High Quality Preservation N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A BMP Elements Element Location Purpose/Function Notes Table 2: Project Activity and Reporting History Little Buffalo Creek Stream Mitigation Project DMS Project No. 94147 Activity or Report Data Collection Complete Completion or Delivery Technical Proposal June 2009 August 2008 Categorical Exclusion February 2010 March 2010 Secure Conservation Easement March 2010 July 2012 Mitigation Plan August 2010 April 2014 Final Design — Construction Plans N/A May 2014 Construction June 2014 December 2014 Fencing Installation June 2014 December 2014 Native Species Planting December 2014 December 2014 Mitigation Plan / As -built (Year 0 Monitoring — Baseline) March 2015 June 2015 Year 1 Monitoring September 2015 December 2015 Replanting & Reseeding N/A February 2016 Year 2 Monitoring September 2016 January 2017 Replanting & Reseeding N/A March 2017 Invasive Treatment N/A March 2017 Fence Repairs N/A December 2016 Construction Repairs N/A September 2016 Year 3 Monitoring Year 4 Monitoring Year 5 Monitoring Table 3: Project Contact Table Little Buffalo Creek Stream Mitigation Project DMS Project No. 94147 Designer The Louis Berger Group, Inc. 1001 Wade Avenue, Suite 400 Raleigh, NC 27605 Primary Project Design POC Edward Samanns (973) 407-1468 Construction Contractor Backwater Environmental, Doug Smith P.O. BOX 1107 Construction contractor POC Eden, NC 27289 Fencing Contractor Strader Fencing Inc 5434 Amick Road Julian, NC 27283 Fencing Contractor POC Planting Contractor Carolina Sylvics 908 Indian Trail Edenton, NC 27932 Planting Contract POC Mellow Marsh 1312 Woody Store Rd. Siler City, NC 27344 919-742-1200 ArborGen Inc. Nursery Stock Suppliers 2011 Broadbank Court Ridgeville, SC 29472 843-851-4129 Superior Trees Inc. 12493 US -90 Lee, FL 32059 850-971-5159 The Louis Berger Group, Inc. 1001 Wade Avenue, Suite 400 Monitoring Performers Raleigh, NC 27605 Stream Monitoring POC Louis Berger Group, Inc., Ed Samanns, CE, PWS (973- 407-1468) Vegetation Monitoring POC Louis Berger Group, Inc. Table 4 Project Information Project Name Little Buffalo Creek Stream Mitigation Project County Cabarrus County Project Area acres 12 Project Coordinates latitude and longitude) 35.491041 °N . -80.366698° W. Project Watershed Summary Information Physiographic Province Piedmont River Basin Yadkin-Pee Dee River USGS Hydrologic Unit 8-digit 13040105 USGS Hydrologic Unit 14-digit 3040105020060 DWQ Sub-basin 03-07-12 Project Drainage Area acres 4,039 Project Drainage Area Percentage of Impervious Area 5% CGIA Land Use Classification Rural Reach Summary Information (Mainstem) Parameters Reach 1 Reach 2 Reach 3 Reach 4 Reach 5 Reach 6 Length of reach linear feet 2,305 1,244 1,083 969 826 2,043 Valley classification Type 8 Type 8 Type 8 Type 8 Type 8 Type 8 Drainage area acres 1914 2146 2446 2568 2632 4039 NCDWQ stream identification score 37.5 37.5 37.5 37.5 37.5 37.5 NCDWQ Water Quality Classification C C C C C C Morphological Description stream e C4/F4 C4/E4 C4/F4 C4 C4/D4b C4 Design Ros en Stream Type C4 C4 C4 C4 JC4 C4 Evolutionary Trend Design Approach (P I, P2 P3 E etc R; Ell Ell R; Ell El; EII Ell P Underlying mapped soils Chewacla/ Goldston Chewacla Chewacla Chewacla Chewacla Chewacla Drainage class Mod. Well Drained - Well Drained Mod. Well Drained - Well Drained Mod. Well Drained - Well Drained Mod. Well Drained - Well Drained Mod. Well Mod. Well Drained - Well Drained - Well Drained Drained Soil Hydric status Non-hydric Non-hydric Non-hydric Non-hydric Non-hydric Non-hydric Sloe 10.48% 10.38% 10.51% 10.39% 10.47% 0.43% FEMA classificationN/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Native vegetation communityPasmre Pasture Pasture Pasture Pasture Pasture Percent composition of exotic invasive vegetation Reach Summary Information named Tributaries Parameters UT 1 UT 2 UT 3 UT 4 UT 5 UT 6 UT 7/UT 8 Length of reach linear feet 111 951 1,475 831 184 151 1,127 Valley classification N/A Type 2 Type 2 Type 2 N/A N/A Type 8 Drainage area acres 293 193 62 254 8 16 1222 NCDWQ stream identification score 21 20 26.5 36.5 27.5 24.8 36.5 NCDWQ Water Quality Classification C C C C C C C Morphological Description stream e N/A B6 B6/G6 B4c N/A N/A F4 Desian Ros en Stream Type No Restoration 1136 B6 B4c I No Restoration No Restoration C4 Evolutionary Trend Design Approach P1 P2 P3 E etc Ell R; EII, P R; E1; Ell EI; EII Ell EII R; EI Underlying mapped soils Chewacla Chewacla Badin/Georgevil Goldston le Goldston Goldston Chewacla Drainage class Mod. Well Drained - Well Drained Mod. Well Drained - Well Drained Mod. Well Drained - Well Drained Mod. Well Drained - Well Drained Mod. Well Mod. Well Drained - Well Drained - Well Drained Drained Mod. Well Drained - Well Drained Soil Hydric stars Non-hydric Non-hydric Non-hydric Non-hydric Non-hydric Non-hydric Non-hydric Sloe N/A 12.45% 12.35% 12.17% N/A N/A 0.96% FEMA classification N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Native vegetation communityN/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Percent composition of exaotic invasive vegetation N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Wetland Summary Information Parameters Weiland 1 Wetland 2 Wetland 3 Size of Wetland acres N/A N/A N/A Wetland Type (non-riparian, riparian riverine or riparian N/A N/A N/A Mapped Soil Series N/A N/A N/A Drainage class N/A N/A N/A Soil Hydric Status N/A N/A N/A Source ofHydrology N/A N/A N/A Hydrologic rrn airmentN/A N/A N/A Native vegetation communityN/A N/A N/A Percent composition of exotic invasive vegetation N/A N/A N/A Regulatory Considerations Regulation Applicable? Resolved? Supporting Documentation Waters of the United States — Section 404 Y Y Permit 2014-00386 Waters of the United States — Section 401 Y Y Letter from NCDENR dated February 24, 2015 Nationwide Permit Number 27 Endangered Species Act Y Y Letter to USFW S dated November 16, 2009 Historic Preservation Act Y Y Letter from NC SHPO dated February 2, 2010 Coastal Zone Management Act CZMA / Coastal Area Management N N/A N/A FEMA Floodplain Compliance Y Y FEMA Floodplain Checklist Restoration Plan Appendix 9 Essential Fisheries Habitat N N/A N/A Appendix B - Visual Assessment Data Figures 2a-j - Integrated Current Condition Plan View-MY2 3m� a �/!/1'IAIII®Y e 0' 100' 200' E SCALE: 1 "= 100' srs- LEGEND: THALWEG AS -BUILT TOP OF BANK �- CONSERVATION EASEMENT - -— CONSERVATION FENCE _ CONSTRUCTED RIFFLE BEDROCK ROOTWADS 0 CONTROL POINT STREAM GAGE VISUAL MORPHIC ASSESSMENT H POOR HABITAT AERIAL SOURCE: GOOGLE EARTH IMAGE 11/30/14 VISUAL MORPHIC ASSESSMENT P STRUCTURE SEEPAGE VEGPLOT - EXCEEDS L REQUIREMENTS BY >10% VEGPLOT - EXCEEDS REQUIREMENTS BY <10% VEGPLOT - FAILS REQUIREMENTS BY <10% VEGPLOT - FAILS REQUIREMENTS BY >10% PHOTO LOCATION BANK SCOUR/ERODING AGGREGATION ENCROACHMENT/COW PRINTS VEGETATION COVERAGE PRESENT POOR ABSENT (>75%) (75%-40%) (<40%) W C5 ABSENI w O_ V) w PRESENT COMMON Z r 6 VCJ G ota I Lu C) U z U C (L Lo CD O r-- D N C > O W Q co W cv W o 00 .— z co O J � W i N u 0 D' w wL W > Wm�m � z z 000 g o�u[-- a - J Q Q QD'(nC� Z �o�� o � U) mWQ o wmmm z 0 0 Q U U � Z � w u C) JANUARY 2017 CT No 94147 2 OF 10 No 1�����1'�������� r 6 VCJ G ota I Lu C) U z U C (L Lo CD O r-- D N C > O W Q co W cv W o 00 .— z co O J � W i N u 0 D' w wL W > Wm�m � z z 000 g o�u[-- a - J Q Q QD'(nC� Z �o�� o � U) mWQ o wmmm z 0 0 Q U U � Z � w u C) JANUARY 2017 CT No 94147 2 OF 10 LEGEND: THALWEG AS -BUILT TOP OF BANK CONSERVATION EASEMENT CONSERVATION FENCE CONSTRUCTED RIFFLE BEDROCK ROOTWADS 0 CONTROL POINT STREAM GAGE H VISUAL MORPHIC ASSESSMENT vmm, POOR HABITAT P VISUAL MORPHIC ASSESSMENT STRUCTURE SEEPAGE z o VEGPLOT - EXCEEDS REQUIREMENTS BY >10% z VEGPLOT - EXCEEDS REQUIREMENTS BY <10% c w z L7 VEGPLOT - FAILS REQUIREMENTS BY <10% VEGPLOT EQU REMENTSIBY >10% PHOTO LOCATION BANK SCOUR/ERODING 0 AGGREGATION L Y ENCROACHMENT/COW PRINTS VEGETATION COVERAGE n PRESENT POOR ABSENT (>75%) (75%-40%) (<40%) V) W_ U ABSENT W i W V) W PRESENT n > COMMON AERIAL SOURCE: GOOGLE EARTH IMAGE 11/30/14 / •i'�' C) Q pzrz -�, Y . ow 0- vmm, AERIAL SOURCE: GOOGLE EARTH IMAGE 11/30/14 / •i'�' C) Q Y . ow 0- z o z c w z L7 - z .. 10+00.00 EStRVATMN U a Lo CD O r-- N D 0 W Q co D ca 3:4�_' 00 .— z Wow O J � UT -2 Lu ENID STA, 13+34,67 w N 2 UUT U O D' W W � W W W � u� _W � Z "0 0 z g op-_ UO F7 a - J Q Q QW n (D z O O_ mU)H m LdQ W JMO O Q O U J W - ~ z W � W W _ D U - 0' 100'200' 1111E JANUARY 2017 - - - SCALE: 1 "= 100' PROJECT No. 94147 FIGURE 4 of 10 LEGEND: THALWEG AS—BUILT TOP OF BANK CONSERVATION EASEMENT CONSERVATION FENCE CONSTRUCTED RIFFLE BEDROCK ROOTWADS A CONTROL POINT STREAM GAGE H VISUAL MORPHIC ASSESSMENT POOR HABITAT P VISUAL MORPHIC ASSESSMENT STRUCTURE SEEPAGE VEGPLOT — EXCEEDS REQUIREMENTS BY >10% VEGPLOT — EXCEEDS REQUIREMENTS BY <10% VEGPLOT — FAILS REQUIREMENTS BY <10% Q VEGPLOT — FAILS REQUIREMENTS BY >10% PHOTO LOCATION BANK SCOUR/ERODING AGGREGATION ENCROACHMENT/COW PRINTS VEGETATION COVERAGE PRESENT POOR ABSENT N (>75%) (75%-40%) (<40%) _w U ABSENT w fL V) w PRESENT COMMON Z: a s ' o 0' 100' 200' AERIAL SOURCE: GOOGLE EARTH IMAGE 11/30/14 E SCALE: 1"= 100' co 6 0 U Z 1. a o 0 5 N C co >O W Q co � aU cv W o 00 — Z co O J � W I cV ~ W W O D > �0 m mmw w w a- un > UzZz z 000 g _j < < o mun0 cn O _D z � �_ 0 m U) w <LLJ o ll� M J Q �Z Q U C) J W - G' Z W u� Q� D U JANUARY 2017 CT NO 94147 6 OF 10 , &,v-qw im, WE a s ' o 0' 100' 200' AERIAL SOURCE: GOOGLE EARTH IMAGE 11/30/14 E SCALE: 1"= 100' co 6 0 U Z 1. a o 0 5 N C co >O W Q co � aU cv W o 00 — Z co O J � W I cV ~ W W O D > �0 m mmw w w a- un > UzZz z 000 g _j < < o mun0 cn O _D z � �_ 0 m U) w <LLJ o ll� M J Q �Z Q U C) J W - G' Z W u� Q� D U JANUARY 2017 CT NO 94147 6 OF 10 LEGEND: THALWEG pzrz AS—BUILT TOP OF BANK CONSERVATION EASEMENT CONSERVATION FENCE �41Xg. CONSTRUCTED RIFFLE BEDROCK ROOTWADS A CONTROL POINT STREAM GAGE H VISUAL MORPHIC ASSESSMENT POOR HABITAT P VISUAL MORPHIC ASSESSMENT STRUCTURE SEEPAGE VEGPLOT — EXCEEDS REQUIREMENTS BY >10% — EXCEEDS F*lVEGPLOT REQUIREMENTS BY <10% — FAILS F*_1VEGPLOT REQUIREMENTS BY <10% VEGPLOT EQU REMENTSIBY >10% PHOTO LOCATION BANK SCOUR/ERODING AGGREGATION 0 ENCROACHMENT/COW PRINTS VEGETATION COVERAGE PRESENT POOR ABSENT (>75%) (759'-40%) (<409e) N W w ABSENI a - U) w PRESENT * COMMON Z 3 0' 100' 200' SCALE: 1"= 100' AERIAL SOURCE: GOOGLE EARTH IMAGE 11/30/14 F_ a o o � N C @ C7�c O wa@ a) _0 Ill > 0 co z i)OL 5—.2) o J w W 2 I N u U U I W O p w W ll� >_LL W �_ i%1 Z - z "0o0 g o�--u�- n J Q Q Q(LU)0 Z O �_ O W H m W Q W W m z O U U ~ Q 77 O H J W Z � W W U > W D U JANUARY 2017 cr No 94147 8 OF 10 mmmmmlillml pzrz �41Xg. ��4r �1v ���� 0' 100' 200' SCALE: 1"= 100' AERIAL SOURCE: GOOGLE EARTH IMAGE 11/30/14 F_ a o o � N C @ C7�c O wa@ a) _0 Ill > 0 co z i)OL 5—.2) o J w W 2 I N u U U I W O p w W ll� >_LL W �_ i%1 Z - z "0o0 g o�--u�- n J Q Q Q(LU)0 Z O �_ O W H m W Q W W m z O U U ~ Q 77 O H J W Z � W W U > W D U JANUARY 2017 cr No 94147 8 OF 10 Tables 5a-g - Visual Stream Morphology Assessment Table 5 Visual Stream Morphology Stability Assessment Reach ID Reach 1 Assessed Length 381 Number Numberwith Footage with Adjusted %for Major Stable, Total Number of Amount of %Stable, Stabilizing Stabilizing Stabilizing Channel Channel Performing Number in Unstable Unstable Performing as Woody Woody Woody Cate o Sub-Cateqory Metric as Intended As -built Se ments Footaa Intended Ve etation Ve etation Ve etation 1. Bed 1. Vertical Stability 1. Aggradation - No visual aggradation 0 0 100% 2. Degradation - No visual degradation 0 0 100% 2. Riffle Condition 1. Texture/Substrate - Riffle maintains as -built substrate 6 6 100% 3. Meander Pool 1. Depth Sufficient (Max Pool Depth : Mean Bankfull Depth > 1.6) 3 3 100% Condition 2. Length appropriate? 3 3 100% 1. Thalweg centering at upstream of meander bend (Run)? 3 3 100% 4. Thalwag Position 2. Thalweg centering at downstream of meander bend (Glide)? 3 3 100% 1. BankBank 1. Scoured/Eroding lacking vegetative cover resulting simply from poor growth and/or scour and erosion 0 0 o 100 /0 0 0 0 100/o Banks undercut/overhanging to the extent that mass wasting appears 2. Undercut likely. Does NOT include undercuts that are modest, appear sustainable 0 0 100% 0 0 100% and are providing habitat. 3. Mass Wasting Bank slumping, calving, or collapse 0 0 100% 0 0 100% Totals 0 0 100% 0 0 100% 2. Engineered Structures Log Vane structures installed incorrectly during construction, final as -built developed inner berm material overtop structures to bury the log vanes and have no structures within this reach. Reach ID Reach 3 Assessed Length 261 Number Number with Footage with Adjusted % for Major Stable, Total Number of Amount of %Stable, Stabilizing Stabilizing Stabilizing Channel Channel Performing Number in Unstable Unstable Performing as Woody Woody Woody Cate o Sub-Cateciory Metric as Intended As -built Se ments Footage Intended Vegetation Vegetation Vegetation 1. Bed 1. Vertical Stability 1. Aggradation - No visual aggradation 2 72 86% 2. Degradation - No visual degradation 0 0 100% 2. Riffle Condition 1. Texture/Substrate - Riffle maintains as -built substrate 3 3 100% 1. BankBank 1. Scoured/Eroding lacking vegetative cover resulting simply from poor growth and/or scour and erosion 0 0 o 100 /0 0 0 0 100/o Banks undercut/overhanging to the extent that mass wasting appears 2. Undercut likely. Does NOT include undercuts that are modest, appear sustainable 1 20 96% 1 20 100% and are providing habitat. 3. Mass Wasting Bank slumping, calving, or collapse 0 0 100% 0 0 100% Totals 1 20 96% 1 20 100% 2. Engineered Structures 1. Overall Integrity Structures physically intact with no dislodged boulders or logs. 2 2 100% 2. Bank Protection Bank erosion within the structures extent of influence does not exceed 15%. (See guidance for this table in DMS monitoring guidance 2 2 100% 3. Habitat Pool forming structures maintaining — Max Pool Depth : Mean Bankfull Depth ratio > 1.6 Rootwads/logs providing some cover at base -flow. 2 2 100% Reach ID Reach 4 Assessed Length 200 Major Channel Cate o Channel Sub-Cateaory Metric Number Stable, Performing as Intended Total Number in As -built Number of Unstable Se ments Amount of Unstable Footaa %Stable, Performing as Intended Number with Stabilizing Woody Ve elation Footage with Stabilizing Woody Vegetation Adjusted % for Stabilizing Woody Vegetation 1. Bed 1. Vertical Stability 1. Aegradation - No visual aggradation 0 0 100% 2. Degradation - No visual degradation 0 0 100% 2. Riffle Condition 1. Texture/Substrate - Riffle maintains as -built substrate 3 3 100% 2. BankBank 1. Scoured/Eroding lacking vegetative cover resulting simply from poor growth, no scouring occurred of bank 1 200 0 50 /0 0 0 0 74/o 2. Undercut Banks undercutioverhanging to the extent that mass wasting appears likely. Does NOT include undercuts that are modest, appear sustainable and are providing habitat. 0 0 100% 0 0 100% 3. Mass Wasting Bank slumping, calving, or collapse 0 0 100% 0 0 100% Totals 1 200 50% 0 0 74% Reach ID UT 2 Assessed Length 49 Number Number with Footage with Adjusted % for Major Stable, Total Number of Amount of %Stable, Stabilizing Stabilizing Stabilizing Channel Channel Performing Number in Unstable Unstable Performing as Woody Woody Woody Cate o Sub-Cateaory Metric as Intended As -built Se ments Footaa Intended Ve elation Vegetation Vegetation 1. Bed 1. Vertical Stability 1. Aegradation - No visual aggradation 0 0 100% 2. Degradation - No visual degradation 0 0 100% 2. Riffle Condition 1. Texture/Substrate - Riffle maintains as -built substrate 0 1 0% 2. Bank 1. Scoured/Eroding Bank lacking vegetative cover resulting simply from poor growth and/or scour and erosion 0 0 o 100 /0 0 0 0 100/o Banks undercut/overhanging to the extent that mass wasting appears 2. Undercut likely. Does NOT include undercuts that are modest, appear sustainable 0 0 100% 0 0 100% and are providing habitat. 3. Mass Wasting Bank slumping, calving, or collapse 0 0 100% 0 0 100% Totals 0 0 100% 0 0 1001/0 Reach ID UT 3 Assessed Length 898 Major Channel Cate o Channel Sub-Cateaory Metric Number Stable, Performing as Intended Total Number in As -built Number of Unstable Se ments Amount of Unstable Footaa %Stable, Performing as Intended Numberwith Stabilizing Woody Ve etation Footage with Stabilizing Woody Ve etation Adjusted %for Stabilizing Woody Ve etation 1. Bed 1. Vertical Stability 1. Agaradation - No visual aggradation 0 0 100% 2. Degradation - No visual degradation 0 0 100% 2. Riffle Condition 1. Texture/Substrate - Riffle maintains as -built substrate 8 8 100% 2. Bank 1. Scoured/Eroding Bank lacking vegetative cover resulting simply from poor growth and/or scour and erosion 1 276 o 85 /0 0 0 0 85/o 2. Undercut Banks undercut/overhanging to the extent that mass wasting appears likely. Does NOT include undercuts that are modest, appear sustainable and are providing habitat. 0 0 100% 0 0 100% 3. Mass Wasting Bank slumping, calving, or collapse 0 0 100% 0 0 100% Totals 1 276 85% 0 0 85% Reach ID UT 4 Assessed Length 410 Major Channel Cate o Channel Sub-Cateqory Metric Number Stable, Performing as Intended Total Number in As -built Number of Unstable Se ments Amount of Unstable Footage %Stable, Performing as Intended Number with Stabilizing Woody Vegetation Footage with Stabilizing Woody Vegetation Adjusted % for Stabilizing Woody Vegetation 1. Bed 1. Vertical Stability 1. Aggradation - No visual aggradation 0 0 100% 2. Degradation - No visual degradation 0 0 100% 2. Riffle Condition 1. Texture/Substrate - Riffle maintains as -built substrate 8 8 100% 3. Meander Pool Condition 1. Depth Sufficient (Max Pool Depth : Mean Bankfull Depth > 1.6) 3 3 100% 2. Length appropriate? 3 3 100% 4. Thalwag Position 1. Thalweg centering at upstream of meander bend (Run)? 3 3 100% 2. Thalweg centering at downstream of meander bend (Glide)? 3 3 100% 2. Bank 1. Scoured/Eroding Bank lacking vegetative cover resulting simply from poor growth 0 0 100% 0 0 100% 2. Undercut Banks undercut/overhanging to the extent that mass wasting appears likely. Does NOT include undercuts that are modest, appear sustainable and are providing habitat. 1 10 99% 1 10 100% 3. Mass Wasting Bank slumping, calving, or collapse 0 0 100% 0 0 100% Totals 1 10 99% 1 10 100% Reach ID UT 7/8 Assessed Length 1189 Number Number with Footage with Adjusted %for Major Stable, Total Number of Amount of % Stable, Stabilizing Stabilizing Stabilizing Channel Channel Performing Number in Unstable Unstable Performing as Woody Woody Woody Cate o Sub-Cateqory Metric as Intended As -built Se ments Footage Intended Vegetation Vegetation Vegetation 1. Bed 1. Vertical Stability 1. Aggradation - No visual aggradation 0 0 100% 2. Degradation - degradation in last curve pool before step pool system 1 40 98% 2. Riffle Condition 1. Texture/Substrate - Riffle maintains as -built substrate 11 11 100% 1. Depth Sufficient (Max Pool Depth : Mean Bankfull Depth > 1.6) 3 4 75% 3. Meander Pool Condition 2. Length appropriate? 4 4 100% 1. Thalweg centering at upstream of meander bend (Run)? 4 4 100% 4. Thalwag Position 2. Thalweg centering at downstream of meander bend (Glide)? 4 4 100% 2. Bank 1. Scoured/Eroding Bank lacking vegetative cover resulting simply from poor growth and/or scour and erosion 0 0 o 100 / 0 0 0 100/o Banks undercut/overhanging to the extent that mass wasting appears 2. Undercut likely. Does NOT include undercuts that are modest, appear sustainable 1 0 0 100% 0 0 100% and are providing habitat. 3. Mass Wasting Bank slumping, calving, or collapse 0 0 100% 0 0 100% 0 0 100% 0 0 100% 3. Engineered Structures 1. Overall Integrity Structures physically intact with no dislodged boulders or logs. 9 9 100% 2. Grade Control Grade control structures exhibiting maintenance of grade across the sill. 9 9 100% Structures lacking any substantial flow underneath sills or arms. - 2a. Piping Possible piping under one rock vane step pool spotted in september field 8 9 I 89% work, but no water to observe if actually happening Bank erosion within the structures extent of influence does ngt exceed 3. Bank Protection 15%. (See guidance for this table in DMS monitoring guidance 9 9 100% document) Pool forming structures maintaining - Max Pool Depth : Mean Bankfull 4. Habitat Depth ratio > 1.6 Rootwads/logs providing some cover at base -flow: step pools filled with large boulders from upstream of site, maintains 3 9 33% small pools at low flow, but <1.6 Max to Mean Deptj Tables 6a -i - Vegetation Condition Assessment Table Table 6 Vegetation Condition Assessment Reach 1 Planted Acreage' 5.47 Easement Acreaae2 7.29 Mapping CCPV Number of Combined % of Planted Ve etation Cateaory Definitions Threshold De iction _Polygons Acreaa Acrea e Vegetation CateaoryDefinitions Threshold Pattern and Polygons Acreage Acreage 1. Bare Areas Very limited cover of both woody and herbaceous material. 0.1 acres Pattern and Color 0 0.00 0.0% Color 5. Easement Encroachment Areas' Fence down due to storm debris, not cut. Will be replaced. none Pattern andColor 1 0.02 Pattern and 5. Easement Encroachment Areas road to keepcattle from escaping. none 2. Low Stem Density Areas Woody stem densities clearly below target levels based on MY3, 4, or 5 stem count criteria. 0.1 acres 100.0 3 1.15 21.0% Color Total 0 0.00 0.0% Pattern and 3. Areas of Poor Growth Rates or Vigor Areas with woody stems of a size class that are obviously small given the monitoring year. 0.25 acres 0 0.00 0.0% Color Cumulative Total 3 1.15 21.0% Easement Acreaae2 7.29 Reach 2 Planted Acreage' 2.85 Mapping CCPV Number of Combined % of Ve etation Cateaory Definitions Mapping CCPV Number of Combined Easement Vegetation CateaoryDefinitions Threshold De iction Polygons Acreage Acreage 4. Invasive Areas of Concern" Japenese Honeysuckle, Adult Princess Tree 1000 SF Pattern and Color 2 0.20 2.8% Color 5. Easement Encroachment Areas' Fence down due to storm debris, not cut. Will be replaced. none Pattern andColor 1 0.02 0.3 Reach 2 Planted Acreage' 2.85 Easement Acreaae2 3.73 Mapping CCPV Number of Combined % of Planted Ve etation Cateaory Definitions Threshold De iction Pol ons Acrea aAcrea e Pattern and 1. Bare Areas Very limited cover of both woody and herbaceous material. 0.1 acres Color 0 0.00 0.0% Color a Cows in Easement, heavy grazing and barb wire fence with woven gate installed across channel at old mill Pattern and Pattern and 5. Easement Encroachment Areas road to keepcattle from escaping. none 2. Low Stem Density Areas Woody stem densities clearly below target levels based on MY3, 4, or 5 stem count criteria. 0.1 acres 100.0 1 0.95 33.3% Color Total 0 0.00 0.0% Pattern and 3. Areas of Poor Growth Rates or Vigor Areas with woody stems of a size class that are obviously small given the monitoring year. 0.25 acres 0 0.00 0.0% Color Cumulative Total 1 0.95 33.3% Easement Acreaae2 3.73 Mapping CCPV Number of Combined Easement Ve etation Cateaory Definitions Threshold Depiction Pol ons Acrea a Acrea e Pattern and 4. Invasive Areas of Concern Areas or points (if too small to render as polygons at map scale). 1000 SF Color 0 0.00 0.0% a Cows in Easement, heavy grazing and barb wire fence with woven gate installed across channel at old mill Pattern and 5. Easement Encroachment Areas road to keepcattle from escaping. none Color 1 3.73 100.0 Reach 3 Planted Acreage' 2.65 Easement Acreacie2 3.83 Mapping CCPV Number of Combined % of Planted Ve etation Cateoory Definitions Threshold De iction Polygons Acreage Acreage Pattern and 1. Bare Areas Very limited cover of both woody and herbaceous material. 0.1 acres Color 0 0.00 0.0% Color Cows in easement, heavy grazing in restoration reach with damage channel. Channel reworked as part of Pattern and Pattern and 5. Easement Encroachment Areas I3 MY2 maintenance for aaqradation and dama e. none 2. Low Stem Density Areas Woody stem densities clearly below target levels based on MY3, 4, or 5 stem count criteria. 0.1 acres 100.0% 1 0.89 33.8% Color Total 0 0.00 0.0% Pattern and 3. Areas of Poor Growth Rates or Vigor Areas with woody stems of a size class that are obviously small given the monitoring year. 0.25 acres 0 0.00 0.0% Color Cumulative Total 1 0.89 33.8% Easement Acreacie2 3.83 Reach 4 Planted Acreage' 2.26 Mapping CCPV Number of Combined Easement Ve etation Cateoory Definitions Threshold Depiction Polygons Acreage Acreage Pattern and 4. Invasive Areas of Concern" Princess Tree 1000 SF Color 1 0.17 4.3% Color Cows in easement, heavy grazing in restoration reach with damage channel. Channel reworked as part of Pattern and Pattern and 5. Easement Encroachment Areas I3 MY2 maintenance for aaqradation and dama e. none Color 1 3.83 100.0% Reach 4 Planted Acreage' 2.26 Easement Acreaae2 3.1 Mapping CCPV Number of Combined % of Planted Ve etation Cateaory Definitions Threshold De iction Polygons Acreage Acreage Pattern and 1. Bare Areas Very limited cover of both woody and herbaceous material. 0.1 acres Color 1 0.10 4.3% Color Pattern and Pattern and 5. Easement Encroachment Areas' Heavy grazing and cows in easement, cow tracks through channel at area of E1 none 2. Low Stem Density Areas Woody stem densities clearly below target levels based on MY3, 4, or 5 stem count criteria. 0.1 acres 100.0% 1 1.02 45.2% Color Totall 1 1 0.10 1 4.3% Pattern and 3. Areas of Poor Growth Rates or Vigor Areas with woody stems of a size class that are obviously small given the monitoring year. 0.25 acres 0 0.00 0.0% Color Cumulative Totall 2 1 1.12 1 49.5% Easement Acreaae2 3.1 Mapping CCPV Number of Combined Easement Ve etation Cateaory Definitions Threshold Depiction Pol ons Acreaa Acrea e Pattern and 4. Invasive Areas of Concern Japenese Honeysuckle in small patch near vegplot 4 1000 SF Color 1 0.02 0.6% Pattern and 5. Easement Encroachment Areas' Heavy grazing and cows in easement, cow tracks through channel at area of E1 none Color 1 3.10 100.0% Reach 5 Planted Acreage' 2.05 Easement Acreacle2 2.74 Mapping CCPV Number of Combined % of Planted Ve etation Cateoory Definitions Threshold De iction Polygons Acreage Acreage Pattern and 1. Bare Areas Very limited cover of both woody and herbaceous material. 0.1 acres Color 0 0.00 0.0% Color a Cattle prints heavy in channel/damage, mostly in lower 300 feet of channel, grazing heavy in lower portion Pattern and Pattern and 5. Easement Encroachment Areas Electric wire on cattle crossing fence broken on both sides of crossing. Gates to crossing closed. Cows in none 2. Low Stem Density Areas Woody stem densities clearly below target levels based on MY3, 4, or 5 stem count criteria. 0.1 acres 100.0 1 0.34 16.6% Color 3 2.74 Color Total 0 0.00 0.0% Pattern and 3. Areas of Poor Growth Rates or Vigor Areas with woody stems of a size class that are obviously small given the monitoring year. 0.25 acres 0 0.00 0.0% Color Cumulative Total 1 0.34 16.6% Easement Acreacle2 2.74 UT 2 Planted Acreage' 1.25 Mapping CCPV Number of Combined Easement Ve etation Cateoory Definitions Threshold Depiction PolVqons Acreage Acreage Pattern and 4. Invasive Areas of Concern" Areas or points (if too small to render as polygons at map scale). 1000 SF Color 0 0.00 0.0% Color a Cattle prints heavy in channel/damage, mostly in lower 300 feet of channel, grazing heavy in lower portion Pattern and Pattern and 5. Easement Encroachment Areas Electric wire on cattle crossing fence broken on both sides of crossing. Gates to crossing closed. Cows in none Pattern and Woody stem densities clearly below target levels based on MY3, 4, or 5 stem count criteria. 0.1 acres 100.0 5. Easement Encroachment Areas' easement, woven wire fence cut at corner of cattle crossin . none Color 3 2.74 100.0% UT 2 Planted Acreage' 1.25 Easement Acreaae2 2.65 Mapping CCPV Number of Combined % of Planted Ve etation Cateaory Definitions Threshold De iction Polygons Acreage Acreage Pattern and 1. Bare Areas Very limited cover of both woody and herbaceous material. 0.1 acres Color 0 0.00 0.0% Color a Cattle prints heavy in channel/damage, mostly in lower 300 feet of channel, grazing heavy in lower portion Pattern and Pattern and 5. Easement Encroachment Areas of trib not as bad in the u stream ortion. Corner of Fence cut. none 2. Low Stem Density Areas Woody stem densities clearly below target levels based on MY3, 4, or 5 stem count criteria. 0.1 acres 100.0 1 1.25 100.0% Color Total 0 0.00 0.0% Pattern and 3. Areas of Poor Growth Rates or Vigor Areas with woody stems of a size class that are obviously small given the monitoring year. 0.25 acres 0 0.00 0.0% Color Cumulative Total 1 1.25 100.0% Easement Acreaae2 2.65 Mapping CCPV Number of Combined Easement Ve etation Cateaory Definitions Threshold Depiction Pol ons Acreaa Acrea e Pattern and 4. Invasive Areas of Concern Privet, tree of heaven 1000 SF Color 1 1.03 38.9% a Cattle prints heavy in channel/damage, mostly in lower 300 feet of channel, grazing heavy in lower portion Pattern and 5. Easement Encroachment Areas of trib not as bad in the u stream ortion. Corner of Fence cut. none Color 1 2.65 100.0 UT 3 Planted Acreage' 3.21 Easement Acreacle2 4.11 Mapping CCPV Number of Combined % of Planted Ve etation Cateoory Definitions Threshold De iction Polygons Acreage Acreage Pattern and 1. Bare Areas Very limited cover of both woody and herbaceous material. 0.1 acres Color 1 0.08 2.4% Color Cows within the easement, prints and trail formed through thicker vegetation, minor damage to channel at Pattern and Pattern and 5. Easement Encroachment Areas' Cows in easement, heavy grazing, damage throughout channel bottom. none 2. Low Stem Density Areas Woody stem densities clearly below target levels based on MY3, 4, or 5 stem count criteria. 0.1 acres 100.0% 2 3.21 100.0% Color Total 1 0.08 2.4% Pattern and 3. Areas of Poor Growth Rates or Vigor Areas with woody stems of a size class that are obviously small given the monitoring year. 0.25 acres 0 0.00 0.0% Color Cumulative Total 3 3.29 102.4% Easement Acreacle2 4.11 UT 4 Planted Acreage' 1.43 Mapping CCPV Number of Combined Easement Ve etation Cateoory Definitions Threshold Depiction Polygons Acreage Acreage Pattern and 4. Invasive Areas of Concern" Privet patch 1000 SF Color 1 0.01 0.2% Color Cows within the easement, prints and trail formed through thicker vegetation, minor damage to channel at Pattern and Pattern and 5. Easement Encroachment Areas' Cows in easement, heavy grazing, damage throughout channel bottom. none Color 1 4.11 100.0% UT 4 Planted Acreage' 1.43 Easement Acreaae2 2.01 Mapping CCPV Number of Combined % of Planted Ve etation Cateaory Definitions Threshold De iction Polygons Acreage Acreage Pattern and 1. Bare Areas Top of bank area bare where sheet flow washed seeding into channel 0.1 acres Color 1 0.02 1.5% Color Cows within the easement, prints and trail formed through thicker vegetation, minor damage to channel at Pattern and Pattern and 5. Easement Encroachment Areas' the top of the restoration work (damage can recover naturally) none 2. Low Stem Density Areas Woody stem densities clearly below target levels based on MY3, 4, or 5 stem count criteria. 0.1 acres 100.0% 0 0.00 0.0% Color Totall 1 1 0.02 1 1.5% Pattern and 3. Areas of Poor Growth Rates or Vigor Areas with woody stems of a size class that are obviously small given the monitoring year. 0.25 acres 0 0.00 0.0% Color Cumulative Totall 1 1 0.02 1 1.5% Easement Acreaae2 2.01 Mapping CCPV Number of Combined Easement Ve etation Cateaory Definitions Threshold Depiction Pol ons Acreage Acrea e Pattern and 4. Invasive Areas of Concern Privet spotted in small patch 1000 SF Color 1 0.04 1.9% Cows within the easement, prints and trail formed through thicker vegetation, minor damage to channel at Pattern and 5. Easement Encroachment Areas' the top of the restoration work (damage can recover naturally) none I Color 2 2.01 100.0% UT 7 Planted Acreage' 2.63 Easement Acreacie2 6.07 Mapping CCPV Number of Combined % of Planted Ve etation Cateoory Definitions Threshold De iction Polygons Acreage Acreage Pattern and 1. Bare Areas Very limited cover of both woody and herbaceous material. 0.1 acres 0 0.00 0.0% Color Pattern and 2. Low Stem Density Areas Woody stem densities clearly below target levels based on MY3, 4, or 5 stem count criteria. 0.1 acres 0 0.00 0.0% Color 2 0.04 Color Total 0 0.00 0.0% Pattern and 3. Areas of Poor Growth Rates or Vigor Areas with woody stems of a size class that are obviously small given the monitoring year. 0.25 acres 0 0.00 0.0% Color Cumulative Total 0 0.00 0.0% Easement Acreacie2 6.07 Mapping CCPV Number of Combined Easement Ve etation Cateoory Definitions Threshold Depiction Polygons Acreage Acreage Pattern and 4. Invasive Areas of Concern" Japenese Honeysuckle, Tree of Heaven, Chinese Privet 1000 SF 3 0.86 14.1% Color Pattern and 5. Easement Encroachment Areas' Cow prints located in easement areas and have trampled soil. Fence partially broken due to trees falling none Color 2 0.04 0.7% i Jfr� ! � r r 1 � I 1; ! � t g �h f W .! `9r16l2a16 I6'.14 r i. f r v � _ � 1 � 4 if\�Q T. I � h � %3 ' i as ,ag •r1 � t� ix- Y �'� I y •'Fi' S � .'fit 2 }`,,�1"�"���': � -� � � l � '- � 9/17/2016 8:28 1 pt P' p I S i ,'.tea 3 r �4§ •+ � T � a¢�,�a` � � '}z 1 't`'�`.' .� IA 9/15/2016 16:30 -120V 15,55 A ' ' _ �� �v i .. (fi f � i r i ,: �� t :, ..: , ., - r � �, .. � ',, ;/ ,� Cross Section MS -1R Downstream Cross Section MS -1R Upstream ' ti5 I � . fit' t - N .... I , _ l 'Y 'Nor f F� v i r�M Cross Section UT2-1R Downstream ,� / � '. baht p• Cross Section UT2-1R Upstream err a Cross Section UT3-1P Upstream � _. _ :- I. ;_-� ... $ .;. t lip 9! 16,'2016 13 1�1. �ts._ 11 r' S ��� 1/-1 C, 2016 13:31 t lip 9! 16,'2016 13 1�1. �ts._ l � r s 14 ... 4 i . 40 i l . r T (j Cross Section UT7-1R Downstream Cross Section UT7-1R Upstream 3,'7 r 'P' r'"'�i ►T s s.� � D 0 16 18 :21 '7 1 Photo Appendix C: Photo Stations Photo Location 1-A— Mainstem Upstream Photo Location 1-B — Mainstem Downstream y i 4_ v" 0 .441 �s Y 44 1 u � i / 4 }(s C - r -am TM? t f � 'w. � � �-�'�°yu✓ �°h�5�„� t� l '�'th 4�3y _�' � M��.44 'o'A ..,,'�z ..�+ � � '��'' ;' :�- 14.:- a 4:' .. - -a .' �. R � Wit« .�� '� �� .. _ � ..�".� , : _ •�^s:�; wFr [F ry i Ty'(�A�fl,,= fi •. /+F 6 WTI 1 • 9%14/2016, 14.50 wFr ,grrY ^G�i�b y r 1 i105 4 e IIA�d 6[k' r..�. .. 1h.3zk� a"vd+ •{iRh353.f'•�.� f"L '✓y' - t ': Y.-. , .-. �s y ti '..4 � � � � 4 ✓- % ,� J � ' -. a.L „ n y wry �R�d� affil CA S � k sib ox !. �ti 9, +1 2 0, 16 5 ire c .�wy.,s, V ��.yy7� ,.�' +�:: .•tea i:' i � � " Wi • �1 ifs I� °`.' 1 rte`. A '? + � °'" 79 a St •p t t 9/14/2016,: 15:54 9/14/2016 1612 Photo Location 10-A— Mainstem Downstream Photo Location 10-B — Mainstem Upstream Photo Location 10-C — UT2 Upstream Photo Location 11-A —Downstream Owlt I IV • i� 161521 � f d. £ X. 3 Aw �+ lira Iii' � ,,, r � a � M� I, .�, .���• _ 9/15/2016 9:00 Y� !1 14 15, ei rc'F ,r 7 � L 9/15/2016~ 9'00 Photo Appendix D: Problem Areas Barbed wire fence installed at Old Mine Rd. Fence installed across mainstem at Old Mine Rd. has since been removed. Upstream view. UT2 — Damage done by cattle crossing stream at bottom of trib. UT2 — Lower trib filled in with mud due to cattle trampling. Downstream view. UT2 — Lower trib filled in with mud due to cattle trampling. Upstream view. Headcut forming on bank in the middle mainstem. Downstream view. Damage from cattle crossing lower mainstem. UT3 — Large headcut forming in bank. Heavy cattle damage in streambed. Upstream view. UT3 — Heavy cattle damage in streambed. Upstream view. UT3 — Cattle damage crossing bottom of trib. Upstream view. Wires cut leaving slack in cattle crossing. Fence not electrified. Fence has been cut and hastily repaired adjacent to cattle crossing. UT7 — Barbed wire broken. Cattle jump over the fence. _ t ::� • •,6,•*"'. ,r -t ' ..� . - ,,fit, vI A W r UT7 — Cow prints in banks and streambed. it, I . UT7 — Water beginning to move under stone blocks in step pools. Heavy grazing by cattle along reach 3. Upstream View. Herbaceous vegetation and planted trees affected. UT4 — Cow path and grazing at top of trib. Upstream view. UT3 — Cow path and heavy grazing along UT3. Downstream view. Photo Appendix E: Significant Flow Events UT7 — Lower step pool section. Rock debris in floodplain. February 2016. UT7 — Lower section before step pools. Rack deposits after bankfull event. February 2016. UT7 — Rack deposits in Veg Plot 1 after bankfull event. February 2016. Mainstem — Concrete removal section, vegetation above bankfull bent to direction of flow. February 2016. Mainstem — Upstream restoration area. Area flooded after bankfull event. February 2016. Appendix C - Vegetation Plot Data Table 7 - Vegetation Plot Criteria Attainment Plot MYl SuccesCriteria Met Tract Mean 1 Y 50% 2 N 3 N 4 Y 5 Y 6 Y 7 N 8 Y 9 Y 10 N 11 I N 12 1 N Table 8 - CVS Vegetation Plot Metadata Report Prepared By Gregory A. Russo Date Prepared 10/11/2016 16:01 database name cvs-eep-entrytool-v2.3.1.mdb database location C:\Users\grrusso\Desktop computer name MTN-GRRUSSO file size 61444096 DESCRIPTION OF WORKSHEETS IN THIS DOCUMENT------------ Metadata Description of database file, the report worksheets, and a summary of project(s) and project data. Proj, planted Each project is listed with its PLANTED stems per acre, for each year. This excludes live stakes. Proj, total stems Each project is listed with its TOTAL stems per acre, for each year. This includes live stakes, all planted stems, and all natural/volunteer stems. Plots List of plots surveyed with location and summary data (live stems, dead stems, missing, etc.). Vigor Frequency distribution of vigor classes for stems for all plots. Vigor by Spp Frequency distribution of vigor classes listed by species. Damage List of most frequent damage classes with number of occurrences and percent of total stems impacted by each. Damage by Spp Damage values tallied by type for each species. Damage by Plot Damage values tallied by type for each plot. Planted Stems by Plot and Spp A matrix of the count of PLANTED living stems of each species for each plot; dead and missing stems are excluded. ALL Stems by Plot and spp A matrix of the count of total living stems of each species (planted and natural volunteers combined) for each plot; dead and missing stems are excluded. PROJECT SUMMARY ------------------------------------- Project Code 94147 project Name Little Buffalo Creek Stream Mitigation Project Description Louis Berger is restoring the Little Buffalo Creek Stream Mitigation Site in Cabarrus County, North Carolina for the North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program. Berger will be planting the riparian corridor with native tree and shrub vegetation. River Basin Yadkin -Pee Dee length(ft) stream -to -edge width (ft) area (sq m) 48265.23781 Required Plots (calculated) 12 Sampled Plots 12 Table 9 - Planted and Total Stem Counts Colorfar Density Exceeds requirements by 10% E—ds requirements, but by less than 10% Fails [o meet requirements, by lessthan 10% Fails to meet requlients by more than 10% MEMO size (ares Colorfar Density Exceeds requirements by 10% E—ds requirements, but by less than 10% Fails [o meet requirements, by lessthan 10% Fails to meet requlients by more than 10% Appendix D - Stream Measurement & Geomorphology Data aseDat Little Buffalo .. . - - . ease®eeeee®eeeee®ee®eeeee MMMMMIMMM �mm0®mmmma®mmmma®m®®mm®ma �mmmm��®m©m®mmmommmmmmmmo MEMOmmmmm©mmmmo�mm®®®®ma mmmmmo®®®®momm®mmmmmo �mmmm�m�®©mmmmmommmmmmmmo -- • �mmm®��®mo®mmmmo®®®mmmmmo --•�mmmmmm®m©mmmmmo®®®®®®®mo -.. �mmm��m®mmmmmmmov000000mo �mmmmmmmmmom®®mommm®®mmmm :.' �mmmmmmmmm�mmmmommmommmmm �mmmmmmmmmmmmm®mmmmm®®mmm �mmmmmmmmmmmmm®mmmmm®mmmm • �mmmmmmmmmm®®®mam®®mmmmmm - • ����®��®®o®®®moo®®®®®®®moo --•�mmm�mmmmmmmmmm0000mmmmmo �mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmommmmmm �mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm �mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm�m���m�mm �mm�mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm --•�mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm®®mmm®mmm Table •. . B. -M. St,..m Data Summary (1,083 feet) �mm0®mmmma®mmmma®m®®mm®ma �mmmmmmmm©mmmmmommmmmmmmo - • ����®��®®o®®®moo®®®®®®®moo --•�mmm�mmmmmmmmmm0000mmmmmo �COMM! •. .erin - ate, um ry • 1. LittleTable1 �mmm®mmmmammmmmm®mm®�mmma �mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmo �mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm -..�mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm �mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm '..�mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm© Table 1. Base ine Stream Data Summary Little Buffalo Creek Segment/Reach: UT 3 (1,475 feet �mm®®mmmma®mmmma®mm®�mmma �mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm '..�mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm© �� Table1{)aBa erin Stream Data Summary -: • •. -- , �mmm®mmmmammmmmm®mm®�mmma -..�mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm �mm0®mmmma®�mmma®mm®�mmma �mmmmmmmmo®mmmmo®®®®mmmm© �mmmmmm®®mmmmmmommmm��mm© '..�mmmmmmmmmmmmmmommmmmmmm© Table 1. Base ine Stream Data Summary Little Buffalo Creek Segment/Reach: UT 7 (1,127 feet �mm0®mmmma®�mmma®mm®�mmma �mmmmmmmmo®mmmmo®®®®mmmm© �mmmmmm®®mmmmmmommmm��mm© '..�mmmmmmmmmmmmmmommmmmmmm© �� Table 10b. Baseline Stream Data Summary (Substrate, Bed, Banks, and Hydrologic Containment Parameter Distribution) Little Buffalo Creek (94147) Seqment/Reach: Mainstem Reach 1 (2,305 feet) Parameter Pre -Existing Condition Reference Reach(es) Data Design As-built/Baseline 41.3 13 13 32.7 0 25.8 20.2 26 28 0 SC%if Sa%/G%/C%/B%/Be% 17 20 41 22 0 0 10.2 20.4 59.2 0 Ri%/Ru%/P%/G%/S% 41.8 25.4 19.4 13.4 0 30.5 14.7 36.8 18 0 SC% / Sa% / G% / C% / B% / Be% 26 22.1 51.9 0 0 0 10.2 20.4 59.2 0 0 10.2 2Entrenchment Class <1.5 / 1.5-1.99 / 2.0-4.9 / 5.0-9.9 / >10 dl6 / d35 / d50 / d84 / d95 / diP / diep (mm) 0.04 0.69 2.33 10.3 21.3 0.24 2.96 6.85 26.8 bedrock Incision Class <1.2 / 1.2-1.4911.5-1.99 / >2.0 Entrenchment Class <1.5 /1.5-1.99 /2.0-4.9/ 5.0-9.9 / >10 0 0 100 0 0 Incision Class <1.2 / 1.2-1.49 / 1.5-1.99 / >2.0 100 0 0 0 Shaded cells indicate that these will typically not be filled in. 1 = Riffle, Run, Pool, Glide, Step; Silt(Clay, Sand, Gravel, Cobble, Boulder, Bedrock; dip = max pave, dap = max subpave 2 = Entrenchment Class - Assignibin the reach footage into the classes indicated and provide the percentage of the total reach footage in each class in the table. This will result from the measured cross-sections as well as visual estimates 3 = Assigntbin the reach footage into the classes indicated and provide the percentage of the total reach footage in each class in the table. This will result from the measured cross-sections as well as the longitudinal profile Footnotes 2,3 - These classes are looslay built around the Rosgen classicalion and hazard ranking breaks, but were adjusted slightly to make for easier assignment to somewhat coarser bins based on visual estimates in the field such that measurement of every segment for ER would not be necessary. The intent here is to provide the reader/consumer of design and monitoring information with a good general sense of the extent of hydrologic containment in the pre-existing and the rehabilitated states as well as comparisons to the reference datributuns. ER and BHR have been addressed in prior submissions as a subsample (cross-sections as part of the design measurements), however, these subsamples have often focused entirely on facilitating design without providing a thorough pre-constrution distribution of these parameters, leaving the reader/consumer with a sample that is weighted heavily on the stable sections of the ranch. This means that the distributions for these parameters should include data from both the cross-section measurements and the longitudinal profile and in the case of ER, visual estimates. For example, the typical longitudinal profile permits sampling of the BHR at riffles beyond those subject to cross-sections and therefore can be readily'mtegrsted and provide a more complete sample distnbution for these parameters, thereby providing the distribution/coverage necessary to provide meaningful comparisons. Table 10b. Baseline Stream Data Summary (Substrate, Bed, Banks, and Hydrologic Containment Parameter Distribution) Little Buffalo Creek (94147) Segment/Reach: Mainstem Reach 3 (1,083 feet) Parameter Pre -Existing Condition Reference Reach(es) Data Design As-built/Baseline Ri%/Ru%/P%/G%/S% 41.3 13 13 32.7 0 25.8 20.2 26 28 0 SC%if Sa%/G%/C%/B%/Be% 17 20 41 22 0 0 10.2 20.4 59.2 0 0 10.2 d16 / d35 / d50 / d84 / d95 / dip / diep (mm) 0.06 0.9 12.5 94.2 159 0.24 2.96 6.85 26.8 bedrock 2Entrenchment Class <1.5 / 1.5-1.99 / 2.0-4.9 / 5.0-9.9 / >10 0 5 95 0 0 Incision Class <1.2 / 1.2-1.4911.5-1.99 / >2.0 98 2 0 0 Shaded cells indicate that these will typically not be filled in. 1 = Riffle, Run, Pool, Glide, Step; Silt/Clay, Sand, Gravel, Cobble, Boulder, Bedrock; dip = max pave, dial, = max subpave 2 = Entrenchment Class - Asaign/bin the reach footage into the Gasses indicated and provide the percentage of the total reach footage in each class in the table. This will result from the measured cross-sections as well as visual estimates 3 = Assign/bin the reach footage into the classes indicated and provide the percentage of the total reach footage in each class in the table. This will result from the measured cross-sections as wall as the longitudinal profile Footnotes 2,3 - These classes are loosley built around the Rosgen classification and hazard ranking breaks, but were adjusted slightly to make for easier assignment to somewhat coersar bins based on visual estimates in the field such that measurement of every segment for ER would not be necessary. The intent here is to provide the reader/consumer of design and monitoring information with a good general sense of the extent of hydrologic containment in the pre-existing and the rehabilitated states as well as comparisons to the reference distributions. ER and BHR have been addressed in prior submissions as a subsample (cross-sections as part of the design measurements), however, these subsamples have often focused entirely an facilitating design without providing a thorough pre-constrution distribution of these parameters, leaving the reader/consumer with a sample that is weighted heavily on the stable sections of the reach. This means that the distributions for these parameters should include data from both the cross-section measurements and the longitudinal profile and in the case of ER, visual estimates. For example, the typical lmgitudinal profile permits sampling of the BHR at riffles beyond those subject to cross-sections and therefore can be readily integrated and provide a more complete sample distribution for these parameters, thereby providing the distribution/coverage necessary to provide meaningful comparisons. Table 10b. Baseline Stream Data Summary (Substrate, Bed, Banks, and Hydrologic Containment Parameter Distribution) Little Buffalo Creek (94147) Segment/Reach: Mainstem Reach 4 (969 feet) Parameter Pre -Existing Condition Reference Reach es Data Design As-built/Baseline 90 2 6 2 0 SC if Sa%/G%/C%/B%/Be% 10.2 20.4 59.2 0 0 10.2 Ri%/Ru%/P%/G%/S% 40.9 28.8 11.7 18.6 01 11 1 40.9 28.8 11.7 SC%/ Sa% / G% / C%/ B% / Be% 24.8 21 28.6 2.9 1 21.9 10.2 20.4 59.2 0 0 10.2 d16 / d35/ d50/ d84 / d95/di'/ diap (mm) 0.04 0.74 2.75 bedroc bedrock 0.24 2.96 6.85 26.8 bedrock 2Entrenchment Class <1.5 11.5-1.99 /2.0-4.9/ 5.0-9.9 / >10 0 0 100 Incision Class <1.2 /1.2-1.4911.5-1.99 / >2.0 100 0 01- Shaded cells indicate that these will typically not be filled in. 1 = Riffle, Run, Pool, Glide, Step; SilUClay, Sand, Gravel, Cobble, Boulder, Bedrock; dip = maz pave, diap =max subpave 2 = Entrenchment Class - Assign/bin the reach footage into the classes indicated and provide the percentage of the total reach footage in each class in the table. This will result from the measured cross-sections as well as visual estimates 3 = Assign/bin the reach footage into the classes indicated and provide the perce lage of the total reach footage in each class in the table. This will result from the measured cross-sections as well as the longitudinal profile Footnotes 2,3 - These classes are looslay built around the Rosgen classification and hazard ranking breaks, but were adjusted slightly to make for easier assignment to somewhat coarser bins based on visual estimates in the field such that measurement of every segment for ER would not be necessary. The intent here is to provide the reader/consumer of design and monitoring information with a good general sense of the extent of hydrologic containment in the pre-existing and the rehabilitated states as well as comparisons to the reference distributions. ER and BHR have been addressed in prior submissions as a subsample (cross-sections as part of the design measurements), however, these subsamples have often focused entirely on facilitating design without providing a thorough pre-constrution distribution of these parameters, leaving the reader/consumer with a sample that is weighted heavily on the stable sections of the reach. This means that the distributions for these parameters should include data from both the cross-section measurements and the longitudinal profile and in the case of ER, visual estimates. For example, the typical longitudinal profile permits sampling ofthe BHR st riffles beyond those subject to cross-sections and therefore can be readily integrated and provide a more complete sample distribution for these parameters, thereby providing the distribution/coveage necessary to provide meaningful comparisons. Table 10b. Baseline Stream Data Summary (Substrate, Bed, Banks, and Hydrologic Containment Parameter Distribution) Little Buffalo Creek (94147) Segment/Reach: UT2 (951 feet) Parameter Pre -Existing Condition Reference Reach(es) Data Design As-built/Baseline Ri% /Ru% /P% /G% /S% 100 0 0 0 0 90 2 6 2 0 SC if Sa%/G%/C%/B%/Be% 10.2 20.4 59.2 0 0 10.2 d16 / d35 / d50 / d84 / d95 / dip / di" (mm) 0.24 2.96 6.85 26.8 bedrock 2Entrenchment Class <1.5 11.5-1.99 / 2.0-4.9 / 5.0-9.9 / >10 0 90 10 0 0 Incision Class <1.2 / 1.2-1.49 / 1.5-1.99 / >2.0 90 10 0 0 Shaded cells Indicate that these will typically not be filled In. 1 = Rtfle, Run, Pool, Glide, Step; Silt/Clay, Sand, Gravel, Cobble, Boulder, Bedrock; dip = maz pave, disp = max subpave 2 = Entrenchment Class - AssigNbin the reach footage into the classes indicated and provide the percentage of the total reach footage in each class in the table. This will result from the measured cross-sections as well as visual estimates 3 = Assignlbin the reach footage Into the classes indicated and provide the percentage of the total reach footage in each class in the table. This will result from the measured cross-sections as well as the longitudinal profile Footnotes 2,3 - These classes are loceey built around the Rosgen classification and hazard ranking breaks, but were adjusted slightly to make for easier assignment to somewhat coarser bins based on visual estimates in the field such that measurement of every segment for ER would not be necessary. The intent here is to provide the reader/consumer of design and monitoring Information with a good general sense of the eAnt of hydrologic containment In the pre-existing and the rehabilitated states as well as comparisons to the reference distributions. ER and BHR have been addressed in prior submissions as a sub-ple (cross-sections as part of the design measurements), however, these subsempias have often focused entirely on facilitating design without providing a thorough pre- orstrullon distribution of these parameters, leaving the readarlcensumer with a sample that is weighted heavily on the stable sections of the reach. This means that the distributions for these parameters should include data from both the cross-section measurements and the longitudinal profile and in the case of ER, visual estimates. For example, the typical longitudinal profile permits sampling of the BHR at riffles beyond those subject to cross-sections and therefore can be readily Integrated and provide a more complete sample distribution for these parameters, thereby providing the distribution/coverage necessary to provide meaningful comparisons. Table 10b. Baseline Stream Data Summary (Substrate, Bed, Banks, and Hydrologic Containment Parameter Distribution) Little Buffalo Creek (94147) Segment/Reach: UT3 (1,475 feet) Parameter Pre -Existing Condition Reference Reach(es) Data Design As-built/Baseline Design As-built/Baseline Ri%/Ru%/P%/G%/S% 100 0 0 0 0 83.7 3.2 5.5 7.6 0 SC%/Sa%/G%/C%/B%/Be% 10.2 20.4 59.2 0 0 10.2 10.2 20.4 59.2 0 0 SC%/Sa%/G%/C%/B%/Be% 10.2 20.4 59.2 0 0 10.2 d16 / d35 / d50 / d84 / d95 / di'/ diap (mm) 0.24 2.96 6.85 26.8 bedrock 0.24 2.96 6.85 26.8 bedrock d16 / d35/ d50/ d84 / d95/di'/ diap (mm) 0.24 2.96 6.85 26.8 bedrock 2Entrenchment Class <1.5 11.5-1.99 / 2.0-4.9 / 5.0-9.9 / >10 2Entrenchment Class <1.5 /1.5-1.99 /2.0-4.9/ 5.0-9.9 / >10 0 50 30 20 0 Incision Class <1.2 / 1.2-1.49 / 1.5-1.99 / >2.0 80 18 2 0 Shaded cells indicate that these will typically not be filled in. 1 = Riffle, Run, Pool, Glide, Step; Silt(Clay, Sand, Gravel, Cobble, Boulder, Bedrock; dip = max pave, disp = max subpave 2 = Entrenchment Class - Assignibin the reach footage into the classes indicated and provide the percentage of the total reach footage in each class in the table. This will result from the measured cross-sections as well as visual estimates 3 = Assign/bin the reach footage into the classes indicated and provide the percentage of the total reach footage in each class in the table. This will result from the measured cross-sections as well as the longitudinal profile Footnotes 2,3 - These classes are loosley built around the Reagan classicalion and hazard ranking breaks, but were adjusted slightly to make for easier assignment to somewhat coarser bins based on visual estimates in the field such that measurement of every segment for ER would not be necessary. The intent here is to provide the readedconsumer of design and monkoring information with a good general sense of the extent of hydrologic containment in the pre-existing and the rehabilitated states as well as comparisons to the reference distributions. ER and BHR have been addressed in prior submissions as a subsample (cross-sections as part of the design measurements), however, these subsamples have often focused entirely on facilitating design without providing a thorough pre-constrution distribution of these parameters, leaving the reader/consumer with a sample that is weighted heavily on the stable sections of the ranch. This means that the distributions for these parameters should include data from both the cross-section measurements and the longitudinal profile and in the case of ER, visual estimates. For example, the typical longitudinal profile permits sampling or the BHR at riffles beyond those subject to cross-sections and therefore can be readily integrated and provide a more complete sample distribution for these parameters, thereby providing the distribution/coverage necessary to provide meaningful comparisons. Table 10b. Baseline Stream Data Summary (Substrate, Bed, Banks, and Hydrologic Containment Parameter Distribution) Little Buffalo Creek (94147) Segment/Reach: UT4 (831 feet) Parameter Pre -Existing Condition Reference Reach(es) Data Design As-built/Baseline R1% RU%/P%/G%/S% 1 11 43.1 21.2 19.7 16 0 SC%/Sa%/G%/C%/B%/Be% 10.2 20.4 59.2 0 0 10.2 10.2 20.4 59.2 0 0 10.2 d16 / d35 / d50 / d84 / d95 / di'/ diap (mm) 0.24 2.96 6.85 26.8 bedrock 0.24 2.96 6.85 26.8 bedrock 2Entrenchment Class <1.5 11.5-1.99 / 2.0-4.9 / 5.0-9.9 / >10 0 0 100 0 0 Incision Class <1.2 /1.2-1.4911.5-1.99 / >2.0 100 0 0 0 Shaded cells Indicate that these will typically not be filled in. 1 = Riffle, Run, Pool, Glide, Step; Silt(Clay, Sand, Gravel, Cobble, Boulder, Bedrock; dip = max pave, disp = max subpave 2 = Entrenchment Class - AssigNbin the reach footage into the classes indicated and provide the percentage of the total reach footage in each class in the table. This will result from the measured cross-sections as well as visual estimates 3 = Assign/bin the reach footage into the classes indicated and provide the percentage of the total reach footage in each class in the table. This will result from the measured cross-sections as well as the longitudinal profile Footnotes 2,3 - These classes are loosley built around the Rosgen classification and hazard ranking breaks, but were adl usted slightly to make for easier assignment to somewhat coarser bins based on visual estimates in the field such that measurement of every segment for ER would not be necessary. The intent here is to provide the reader/consumer of design and monitoring information with a good general sense of the extent of hydrologic containment in the preexisting and the rehabilitated states as well as comparisons to the reference distributions. ER and BHR have been addressed in prior submissions as a subs nhple (cross-sections as part of the design measurements), however, these subsampies have often focused entirely on facilitating design without providing a thorough pre-constrution distribution of these parameters, leaving the reader/consumer with a sample that is weighted heavily on the stable sections of the reach. This means that the distributions for these parameters should Include data from both the cross-section measurements and the longitudinal profile and in the case of ER, visual estimates. For example, the typical longitudinal profile permits sampling of the BHR A riffles beyond those subject to cross-sections and therefore can be readily integrated and provide a more complete sample distribution for these parameters, thereby providing the distribution/coverage necessary to provide meaningful comparisons. Table 10b. Baseline Stream Data Summary (Substrate, Bed, Banks, and Hydrologic Containment Parameter Distribution) Little Buffalo Creek (94147) Segment/Reach: UT7 (1,127 feet) Parameter Pre -Existing Condition Reference Reach(es) Data Design As-built/Baseline Ri%/Ru%/P%/G%/S% 40.71 18.91 15.6 15.1 9.71 34.9 26.1 12.1 18.2 8.7 SC%/Sa%/G%/C%/B%/Be% 24.3 19.4 50.5 5.8 0 0 10.2 20.4 59.2 0 02 10.2 d16 / d35 / d50 / d84 / d95 / di° / di" (mm) 0.04 0.78 3.3 14.3 75.1 0.24 2.96 6.85 26.8 bedrock 2Entrenchment Class <1.5 /1.5-1.99 /2.0-4.9/ 5.0-9.9 / >10 0 0 0 15 85 Incision Class <1.2/1.2-1.4911.5-1.99/>2.0 95 5 0 0 Shaded cells indicate that these will typically not be filled in. 1 = Riffle, Run, Pool, Glide, Step; Silt/Clay, Sand, Gravel, Cobble, Boulder, Bedrock; dip = max pave, disp = max subpave 2 = Entrenchment Class - Assignlbin the reach footage into the classes indicated and provide the percentage of the total reach footage in each class in the table. This will result from the measured cross-sections as well as visual estimates 3 = Assign/bin the reach footage into the classes indicated and provide the percentage of the total reach footage in each class in the table. This will result from the measured cross-sections as well as the longitudinal profile Footnotes 2,3 - These classes are loosley built around the Rosgen classification and hazard ranking breaks, but were adjusted slightly to make for easier assignment to somewhat coarser bins based on visual estimates in the field such that measurement of every segment for ER would not be necessary. The intent here is to provide the readerlconsumer of design and monitoring information with a good general sense of the extent of hydrologic containment in the pre-existing and the rehabilitated states as well as comparisons to the reference distribution.. ER and BHR have been addressed in prior submissions as a subsample (cross-sections as part of the design measurements), however, these subsamples have often focused entirely on facilitating design without providing a thorough pre-construfron distribution of these parameters, leaving the reader/consumer with a sample that is weighted heavily on the stable sections of the reach. This means that the distributions for these parameters should include data from both the cross-section measurements and the longitudinal profile and in the case of ER, visual estimates. For example, the typical longitudinal profile permits sampling of the BHR at riffles beyond those subject to cross-sections and therefore can be readily integrated and provide a more complete sample distribution for these parameters, thereby providing the distribution/coverage necessary to provide meaningful comparisons. 1 = Widths and depths for annual measurements will be based on the baseline bankfull datum regardless of dimensional/depositional development. Input the elevation used as the datum, which should be consistent and based on the baseline datum established. If the performer has inherited the project and cannot acquire the datum used for prior years this must be discussed with DMS. If this cannot be resolved in time for a given years report submission a footnote in this should be included that states: "It is uncertain if the monitoring datum has been consistent over the monitoring history, which may influence calculated values. Additional data from a prior performer is being acquired to provide confirmation. Values will be recalculated in a future submission based on a consistent datum if determined to be necessary." Table 11a. Monitoring Data -Dimensional Morphology Summary (Dimensional Parameters -Cross Sections) Little Buffalo Creek 94147 Segment/ ach: Mainstem Reach 1 2,305 feet Cross Section 1 (Riffle) -1 R Cross Section 2 (Pool) -1 P NOTE: MY1 Data modified to use same bankfull elevation as baseline data. Based on fixed baseline bankfull elevation' Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY+ Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY+ Record elevation (datum) use 640.21 640.21 640.21 640.21 640.21 640.21 640.24 640.24 640.24 640.24 640.24 640.24 Bankfull Width (ft) 35.21 36.55 37.70 35.77 36.90 36.53 Floodprone Width (ft) >80 125.20 135.20 >80 127.00 158.50 Bankfull Mean Depth (ft 1.23 1.16 1.15 1.11 0.97 1.15 Bankfull Max Depth (ft) 1.79 1 1.78 1.96 2.48 2.03 2.52 Bankfull Cross Sectional Area ft2 43.15 42.32 43.25 39.80 35.60 42.08 Bankfull Width/Depth Ratio 28.73 31.56 32.87 32.15 38.17 31.71 Bankfull Entrenchment Ratio >2.2 3.43 3.59 >2.2 3.44 4.34 Bankfull Bank Height Ratio 1.00 0.98 0.99 0.73 1.07 0.93 Cross Sectional Area between end pins (fe)l 77.79 86.15 1 88.38 85.42 81.10 88.9 d50 (mm)l 15.90 1 21.00 1 22.00 5.00 1 16.00 11 1-7 1 = Widths and depths for annual measurements will be based on the baseline bankfull datum regardless of dimensional/depositional development. Input the elevation used as the datum, which should be consistent and based on the baseline datum established. If the performer has inherited the project and cannot acquire the datum used for prior years this must be discussed with DMS. If this cannot be resolved in time for a given years report submission a footnote in this should be included that states: "It is uncertain if the monitoring datum has been consistent over the monitoring history, which may influence calculated values. Additional data from a prior performer is being acquired to provide confirmation. Values will be recalculated in a future submission based on a consistent datum if determined to be necessary." 1 = Widths and depths for annual measurements will be based on the baseline bankfull datum regardless of dimensional/depositional development. Input the elevation used as the datum, which should be consistent and based on the baseline datum established. If the performer has inherited the project and cannot acquire the datum used for prior years this must be discussed with DMS. If this cannot be resolved in time for a given years report submission a footnote in this should be included that states: "It is uncertain if the monitoring datum has been consistent over the monitoring history, which may influence calculated values. Additional data from a prior performer is being acquired to provide confirmation. Values will be recalculated in a future submission based on a consistent datum if determined to be necessary." I Table 11a. Monitoring Data -Dimensional Morphology Summary (Dimensional Parameters -Cross Sections) I Little Buffalo Creek (941471 Seament/Reach: Mainstem Reach 4 (969 feet) Cross Section 1 Based on fixed baseline bankfull elevation' I Base I MY1 I MY2 I MY3 I MY4 I MY5 I MY+ Record elevation (datum) usedl 624.26 1 624.26 1 624.261624.261624.261624.261 1 Bankfull Mean Depth (ft11 1.87 1 2.38 1 2.36 1 1 1 1 1 Bankfull Cross Sectional Area ft54.90 1 61.79 1 58.25 Bankfull Width/Depth Ratiol 15.69 1 10.89 1 10.42 Bankfull Bank Height Ratiol 0.70 1 0.61 1 0.68 Crncs RenfinnA Araa hatwaan and nins ff?J 106.25 1 112.61 1 110.74 1 d50 (mm)1 3.40 1 13.00 1 19.50 1 1 1 1 1 NOTE: MY1 Data modified to use same bankfull elevation as baseline data. 1 = Widths and depths for annual measurements will be based on the baseline bankfull datum regardless of dimensional/depositional development. Input the elevation used as the datum, which should be consistent and based on the baseline datum established. If the performer has inherited the project and cannot acquire the datum used for prior years this must be discussed with DMS. If this cannot be resolved in time for a given years report submission a footnote in this should be included that states: "It is uncertain if the monitoring datum has been consistent over the monitoring history, which may influence calculated values. Additional data from a prior performer is being acquired to provide confirmation. Values will be recalculated in a future submission based on a consistent datum if determined to be necessary." Table 11a. Monitoring Data -Dimensional Morphology Summary (Dimensional Parameters -Cross Sections) Little Buffalo Creek 94147 Segment/ ach: Mainstem Reach 3 1,083 feet Cross Section 1 (Riffle) -211 Cross Section 2 (Pool) -21? NOTE: MY1 Data modified to use same bankfull elevation as baseline data. XS 2R and 2P reshaped as part of MY2 to remove backwater and overflow conditions Based on fixed baseline bankfull elevation Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY+ Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY+ Record elevation (datum) used 630.92 630.92 630.92 630.92 630.92 630.92 629.80 629.80 629.80 629.80 629.80 629.80 Bankfull Width ft 38.31 41.03 38.35 39.59 26.70 33.35 Floodprone Width ft >90 419.00 488.00 >90 350.00 368.00 Bankfull Mean Depth ft 1.26 1.25 1.37 1.11 1.59 1.00 Bankfull Max Depth ft 1.90 2.18 2.97 2.44 2.20 2.26 Bankfull Cross Sectional Area (ft2) 48.23 51.15 52.43 1 43.79 42.50 1 33.19 Bankfull Width/Depth Ratio 30.43 32.91 28.05 35.79 16.77 33.52 Bankfull Entrenchment Ratio >2.2 10.21 12.73 >2.2 13.11 11.03 Bankfull Bank Height Ratio 0.94 0.92 0.88 0.69 0.80 0.91 Cross Sectional Area between end pins (fe) 116.34 104.46 103.94 1 89.91 77.86 68.32 d50 mm 31.00 29.00 13.5 1 1 6.70 9.00 14.50 1 = Widths and depths for annual measurements will be based on the baseline bankfull datum regardless of dimensional/depositional development. Input the elevation used as the datum, which should be consistent and based on the baseline datum established. If the performer has inherited the project and cannot acquire the datum used for prior years this must be discussed with DMS. If this cannot be resolved in time for a given years report submission a footnote in this should be included that states: "It is uncertain if the monitoring datum has been consistent over the monitoring history, which may influence calculated values. Additional data from a prior performer is being acquired to provide confirmation. Values will be recalculated in a future submission based on a consistent datum if determined to be necessary." I Table 11a. Monitoring Data -Dimensional Morphology Summary (Dimensional Parameters -Cross Sections) I Little Buffalo Creek (941471 Seament/Reach: Mainstem Reach 4 (969 feet) Cross Section 1 Based on fixed baseline bankfull elevation' I Base I MY1 I MY2 I MY3 I MY4 I MY5 I MY+ Record elevation (datum) usedl 624.26 1 624.26 1 624.261624.261624.261624.261 1 Bankfull Mean Depth (ft11 1.87 1 2.38 1 2.36 1 1 1 1 1 Bankfull Cross Sectional Area ft54.90 1 61.79 1 58.25 Bankfull Width/Depth Ratiol 15.69 1 10.89 1 10.42 Bankfull Bank Height Ratiol 0.70 1 0.61 1 0.68 Crncs RenfinnA Araa hatwaan and nins ff?J 106.25 1 112.61 1 110.74 1 d50 (mm)1 3.40 1 13.00 1 19.50 1 1 1 1 1 NOTE: MY1 Data modified to use same bankfull elevation as baseline data. 1 = Widths and depths for annual measurements will be based on the baseline bankfull datum regardless of dimensional/depositional development. Input the elevation used as the datum, which should be consistent and based on the baseline datum established. If the performer has inherited the project and cannot acquire the datum used for prior years this must be discussed with DMS. If this cannot be resolved in time for a given years report submission a footnote in this should be included that states: "It is uncertain if the monitoring datum has been consistent over the monitoring history, which may influence calculated values. Additional data from a prior performer is being acquired to provide confirmation. Values will be recalculated in a future submission based on a consistent datum if determined to be necessary." I Table 11a. Monitoring Data -Dimensional Morphology Summary (Dimensional Parameters -Cross Sections) I Little Buffalo Creek (94147) Seqment/Reach: UT 2 (951 feet) Cross Section 1 (Riffle) -1R on fixed baseline bankfull elevation Base MY1 MY2 MY3 I MY4 Record elevation (datum) used 639.34 639.34 639.34 639.34 639.34 Bankfull Width ft 3.52 6.23 4.31 Floodorone Width (ft) 8.34 31.10 40.80 Bankfull Max Depth (ftJ 0.72 1 0.96 1 1.03 Bankfull Cross Sectional Area (ft2)1 1.82 1 2.65 1 3.43 Bankfull Entrenchment Ratio 2.37 5.00 9.46 Bankfull Bank Height Ratiol 1.01 0.65 0.84 Cross Sectinnal Area between end nins (fizl 20.73 1 21.69 1 20.37 NOTE: MY1 Data modified to use same bankfull elevation as baseline data. 1 = Widths and depths for annual measurements will be based on the baseline bankfull datum regardless of dimensional/depositional development. Input the elevation used as the datum, which should be consistent and based on the baseline datum established. If the performer has inherited the project and cannot acquire the datum used for prior years this must be discussed with DMS. If this cannot be resolved in time for a given years report submission a footnote in this should be included that states: "It is uncertain if the monitoring datum has been consistent over the monitoring history, which may influence calculated values. Additional data from a prior performer is being acquired to provide confirmation. Values will be recalculated in a future submission based on a consistent datum if determined to be necessary." 1 = Widths and depths for annual measurements will be based on the baseline bankfull datum regardless of dimensional/depositional development. Input the elevation used as the datum, which should be consistent and based on the baseline datum established. If the performer has inherited the project and cannot acquire the datum used for prior years this must be discussed with DMS. If this cannot be resolved in time for a given years report submission a footnote in this should be included that states: "It is uncertain if the monitoring datum has been consistent over the monitoring history, which may influence calculated values. Additional data from a prior performer is being acquired to provide confirmation. Values will be recalculated in a future submission based on a consistent datum if determined to be necessary." Table 11a. Monitoring Data -Dimensional Morphology Summary (Dimensional Parameters -Cross Sections) Little Buffalo Creek 94147 Segment/Reach: UT3 1,475 feet Cross Section 1 (Riffle) -1 R Cross Section 2 (Riffle) -2R Cross Section 3 (Riffle) -3R Cross Section 1 (Riffle) -1R Cross Section 4 (Pool) -1 P NOTE: MY1 Data modified to use same bankfull elevation as baseline data for 1 R. MY1 Bankfull for 2R, 3R and 1 P established as baseline bankfull as the original bankfull only had slope indications to identify, where MY1 provided more thorough evidence of hnnkfnll Based on fixed baseline bankfull elevation Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY+ Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY+ Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY+ Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY+ Record elevation (datum) used 647.14 647.14 647.14 647.14 647.14 647.14 632.79 633.69 633.69 633.69 633.69 633.69 622.92 623.77 623.77 623.77 623.77 623.77 638.72 639.22 639.22 639.22 639.22 639.22 Bankfull Width ft 3.50 5.20 5.42 5.91 11.93 8.65 3.73 7.17 8.16 4.06 8.51 6.87 Floodprone Width ft 24.45 29.60 27.50 13.14 31.20 30.20 6.35 >100 >100 8.28 20.40 15.30 Bankfull Mean Depth ft 0.53 0.30 5.42 0.29 0.99 1.19 0.20 0.48 0.58 0.25 0.58 0.46 Bankfull Max Depth ft 0.82 0.78 0.60 0.61 1.62 1.56 0.31 1.05 1.08 0.46 1.19 0.79 Bankfull Cross Sectional Area ftp 1.84 1.55 1.80 1.69 11.79 10.31 0.75 1 3.41 4.75 1.01 4.90 3.14 Bankfull Width/Depth Ratio 6.66 17.47 16.31 20.67 12.06 7.25 18.61 15.08 14.02 16.32 8.51 15.06 Bankfull Entrenchment Ratio 6.99 5.70 5.07 2.22 2.62 3.49 1.70 >2.2 >2.2 2.04 2.40 2.23 Bankfull Bank Height Ratio 0.74 1.08 0.94 0.57 0.35 0.56 0.71 1.00 1.00 0.54 0.47 0.97 Cross Sectional Area between end pins(fl? 13.50 13.86 15.62 26.63 32.12 30.79 15.64 14.90 15.72 27.61 28.88 24.81 d50 (mm) silt/clay silt/clay silt/clay 4.50 0.19 silt/clay 0.11 silt/clay silt/clay silt/clay silt/clay silt/clay 1 = Widths and depths for annual measurements will be based on the baseline bankfull datum regardless of dimensional/depositional development. Input the elevation used as the datum, which should be consistent and based on the baseline datum established. If the performer has inherited the project and cannot acquire the datum used for prior years this must be discussed with DMS. If this cannot be resolved in time for a given years report submission a footnote in this should be included that states: "It is uncertain if the monitoring datum has been consistent over the monitoring history, which may influence calculated values. Additional data from a prior performer is being acquired to provide confirmation. Values will be recalculated in a future submission based on a consistent datum if determined to be necessary." Bankfull Bank Height Ratioll 0.60 1 1.03 1 1.14 1 1 1 1 1 0.63 1 0.91 1 0.99 Crnss Sprtinnnl Arpn hatwppn and nins (fizl 29.20 1 32.81 1 31.19 1 1 1 1 1 54.73 1 53.60 1 54.93 NOTE: MY1 Data modified to use same bankfull elevation as baseline data. 1 = Widths and depths for annual measurements will be based on the baseline bankfull datum regardless of dimensional/depositional development. Input the elevation used as the datum, which should be consistent and based on the baseline datum established. If the performer has inherited the project and cannot acquire the datum used for prior years this must be discussed with DMS. If this cannot be resolved in time for a given years report submission a footnote in this should be included that states: "It is uncertain if the monitoring datum has been consistent over the monitoring history, which may influence calculated values. Additional data from a prior performer is being acquired to provide confirmation. Values will be recalculated in a future submission based on a consistent datum if determined to be necessary." Table 11a. Monitoring Data -Dimensional Morphology Summary (Dimensional Parameters -Cross Sections) Little Buffalo Creek 94147 Se ment/Reach: UT 4 831 feet Cross Section 1 (Riffle) -1R Cross Section 2 (Pool) -1P Based on fixed baseline bankfull elevation Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY+ Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY+ Record elevation (datum) used 627.41 627.41 627.41 627.41 627.41 627.41 629.84 629.84 629.84 629.84 629.84 629.84 Bankfull Width ft 13.32 13.94 14.33 20.38 17.20 19.45 Floodprone Width ft >50 >100 >100 >100 >100 >100 Bankfull Mean Depth ft 0.91 0.89 0.73 1.34 1.35 1.22 Bankfull Max Depth ft 1.71 1.65 1.74 2.71 2.53 2.94 El Bankfull Cross Sectional Area (ft2)1 12.13 12.35 10.42 1 27.37 23.29 23.75 Bankfull Bank Height Ratioll 0.60 1 1.03 1 1.14 1 1 1 1 1 0.63 1 0.91 1 0.99 Crnss Sprtinnnl Arpn hatwppn and nins (fizl 29.20 1 32.81 1 31.19 1 1 1 1 1 54.73 1 53.60 1 54.93 NOTE: MY1 Data modified to use same bankfull elevation as baseline data. 1 = Widths and depths for annual measurements will be based on the baseline bankfull datum regardless of dimensional/depositional development. Input the elevation used as the datum, which should be consistent and based on the baseline datum established. If the performer has inherited the project and cannot acquire the datum used for prior years this must be discussed with DMS. If this cannot be resolved in time for a given years report submission a footnote in this should be included that states: "It is uncertain if the monitoring datum has been consistent over the monitoring history, which may influence calculated values. Additional data from a prior performer is being acquired to provide confirmation. Values will be recalculated in a future submission based on a consistent datum if determined to be necessary." 1 = Widths and depths for annual measurements will be based on the baseline bankfull datum regardless of dimensional/depositional development. Input the elevation used as the datum, which should be consistent and based on the baseline datum established. If the performer has inherited the project and cannot acquire the datum used for prior years this must be discussed with DMS. If this cannot be resolved in time for a given years report submission a footnote in this should be included that states: "It is uncertain if the monitoring datum has been consistent over the monitoring history, which may influence calculated values. Additional data from a prior performer is being acquired to provide confirmation. Values will be recalculated in a future submission based on a consistent datum if determined to be necessary." NOTE: MY1 Data modified to use same bankfull elevation as baseline data. Table 11a. Monitoring Data -Dimensional Morphology Summary (Dimensional Parameters -Cross Sections) Little Buffalo Creek 94147 Segment/Reach: UT 7 1,127 feet Cross Section 1 (Riffle)-1 R Cross Section 2 (Riffle)-2R Cross Section 3 (Pool)-1 P Cross Section 4 (Step Pool)-STP1 Cross Section 5 (Step Pool)-STP2 Based on fixed baseline bankfull elevation Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY+ Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY+ Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY+ Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY+ Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY+ Record elevation (datum) used 615.87 615.87 615.87 615.87 615.87 615.87 613.60 613.60 613.60 613.60 613.60 613.60 614.93 614.93 614.93 614.93 614.93 614.93 612.87 612.87 612.87 612.87 610.22 610.22 610.22 610.22 Bankfull Width ft 20.71 21.76 21.47 18.58 21.20 21.61 27.10 29.90 23.14 28.17 20.56 Floodprone Width ft >100 >100 >100 >80 >100 >100 >80 >100 >100 >100 >100 Bankfull Mean Depth ft 0.96 0.75 0.98 1.17 1.02 1.21 0.96 0.81 1.24 1.86 1.66 Bankfull Max Depth ft 1.17 0.92 1.29 1.69 1.82 2.04 1.29 1.25 1.53 2.55 2.32 Bankfull Cross Sectional Area W 19.93 16.42 21.15 1 1 21.68 21.71 1 26.11 1 1 25.98 24.19 28.70 1 52.44 1 1 34.22 Bankfull Width/Depth Ratio 21.52 28.86 21.80 15.92 20.70 17.89 28.27 36.96 1 18.65 15.13 1 1 12.35 Bankfull Entrenchment Ratio >2.2 >2.2 >2.2 >2.2 >2.2 >2.2 >2.2 >2.2 >2.2 >2.2 >2.2 Bankfull Bank Height Ratio 0.78 1.06 0.87 0.92 1.16 0.93 0.67 1.26 0.67 0.92 0.78 Cross Sectional Area between end pins (fe) 66.61 65.98 73.43 52.17 56.85 61.51 76.83 80.07 90.25 149.86 200.48 4 d50 mm 23.00 11.00 18.00 0.50 0.50 20.00 silt/cla silt/cla silt/cla 49.00 30.00 1 = Widths and depths for annual measurements will be based on the baseline bankfull datum regardless of dimensional/depositional development. Input the elevation used as the datum, which should be consistent and based on the baseline datum established. If the performer has inherited the project and cannot acquire the datum used for prior years this must be discussed with DMS. If this cannot be resolved in time for a given years report submission a footnote in this should be included that states: "It is uncertain if the monitoring datum has been consistent over the monitoring history, which may influence calculated values. Additional data from a prior performer is being acquired to provide confirmation. Values will be recalculated in a future submission based on a consistent datum if determined to be necessary." NOTE: MY1 Data modified to use same bankfull elevation as baseline data. Snaded cans indicate that these will typically not be filled in. 7 =The distributions for these parameters can include information from both the cross-secdon measurements and the longitudinal profile. 2 = Proportion of reach exhibiting banks that are eroding based on the visual survey from visual assessment table 3 = Riffle, Run, Pool, Glide, Step; Sil /Clay, Sand, Gravel, Cobble, Boulder, Bedrock; dip = max pave, disp = max subpave 4. = Of value/nestled only if the n exceeds 3 Exhibit Table 11b. Monitoring Data Data Summary Little Buffalo Creek (94147) - Segment/Reach: Mainstem Reach 1 (2,305 fee Bankfull Cross Sectional Wldthbe: Riffle Length (ft) Riffle Slope (ft/ft) Pool Max depth (ft) Radius of Curvature (ft) Meander Width Ratio Additional Reach Parameters Water Surface Slope tChannel) (fUft) NA (DRY) NA (DRY/STAGNET WATER) ®�o�®®�®oma Snaded cans indicate that these will typically not be filled in. 7 =The distributions for these parameters can include information from both the cross-secdon measurements and the longitudinal profile. 2 = Proportion of reach exhibiting banks that are eroding based on the visual survey from visual assessment table 3 = Riffle, Run, Pool, Glide, Step; Sil /Clay, Sand, Gravel, Cobble, Boulder, Bedrock; dip = max pave, disp = max subpave 4. = Of value/nestled only if the n exceeds 3 bnaced cans mmcate that [nese will typically not oe ruled in. 7 =The distributions for these parameters can include information from both the cross-section measurements and the longitudinal profile. 2 = Proportion of reach exhibiting banks that are eroding based on the visual survey from visual assessment table 3 = Riffle, Run, Pool, Glide, Step: SIIVClay, Sand, Gravel, Cobble, Boulder, Bedrock; dip = max pave, disp = max subpave 4. = Of value/needed only if the n exceeds 3 Exhibit Table 11b. Monitoring D. Data Summary Little Buffalo Creek (94147) - Segment/Reach: Mainstern Reach 3 (1,083 feet) .::.. � ����io • F•,� F•,� F•�� .' :: •.. ����ii����ii�����iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii milllll�ffM- EN �®�®iii®®�ii� , • ���i�iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Channel Beltwidth (ft) �i�Y®ii YYYii�■i��� ii iiiii iiiiiiiiiii . - ... . •.. • . ........ .... .. iiiiiiii from baseline :. Y®®®iiiiiYii��i •.. iia®ilii i �fi iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Additional Reach Parameters Channel Thalweg length (ft) t.: ,tt . .: .• ��iiii___iii®0�®�i�iiiiiiiiiii�iiiii bnaced cans mmcate that [nese will typically not oe ruled in. 7 =The distributions for these parameters can include information from both the cross-section measurements and the longitudinal profile. 2 = Proportion of reach exhibiting banks that are eroding based on the visual survey from visual assessment table 3 = Riffle, Run, Pool, Glide, Step: SIIVClay, Sand, Gravel, Cobble, Boulder, Bedrock; dip = max pave, disp = max subpave 4. = Of value/needed only if the n exceeds 3 shaded cans indicate that these will typically not be fined in. 1 = The distributions for these parameters can include information from both the cross-section measurements and the longitudinal profle. 2 = Proportion of reach exhibiting banks that are eroding based on the visual survey from visual assessment table 3 = Riffle, Run, Pool, Glide, Step; Slit/Clay, Sand, Gravel, Cobble, Boulder, Bedrock; dip = max pave, disp = max subpave 4. = Of value/needed only if the n exceeds 3 Exhibit Table 11b. Monitoring D. Data Summary Little Buffalo Creek (94147) - Segment/Reach: UT 2 (951 feet) .' :. •.. ����io����ii�����iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii • • - �®® f f ii����ii�����i iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii • - ..- f f f f f f f f . �� , ••: , •l: f •r: f •,: ii f f • , • f f f • • �iCiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Channel Beltwidth (ft) ����ii ��Yii�■i��■ ii iiiii iiiiiiiiiii . - ... . •.. • . ........ .... .. iiiiiiii from baseline :. ����ii ii�ii��i •.. ����ii i �fi iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Additional Reach Parameters ■�iii� iii��000� iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii NONE shaded cans indicate that these will typically not be fined in. 1 = The distributions for these parameters can include information from both the cross-section measurements and the longitudinal profle. 2 = Proportion of reach exhibiting banks that are eroding based on the visual survey from visual assessment table 3 = Riffle, Run, Pool, Glide, Step; Slit/Clay, Sand, Gravel, Cobble, Boulder, Bedrock; dip = max pave, disp = max subpave 4. = Of value/needed only if the n exceeds 3 bnacea cans maicate mat [nese will typically not oe tinea in. 7 =The distributions for these parameters can include information from both the cross-section measurements and the longitudinal profile. 2 = Proportion of reach exhibiting banks that are eroding based on the visual survey from visual assessment table 3 = Riffle, Run, Pool, Glide, Step: SIIVClay, Sand, Gravel, Cobble, Boulder, Bedrock; dip = max pave, disp = max subpave 4. = Of value/needed only if the n exceeds 3 Exhibit Table 11b. Monitoring D. Data Summary Little Buffalo Creek (94147) - Segment/Reach: LIT 3 (1,475 feet) ®�®i■i©�Y®Yi©i�i�i�i��®iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii • --.. . :: �®��i©����io®����® iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii - . •.. t t t t t t ,iii •r t • . t • . t t ii Not Identifiable due to cattle iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Channel Beltwidth (ft) Yi�Yi■ii YYYii�����i iiia iiiiiiiii�i . - ... . •.. • . ........ .... .. iiiii��i from baseline = Yi��iiiiiYii��i • Y®Yi�ii i �fi ii�iiiiiiiiiiiiiii�i dditional Reach Parameters Channel Thalweg length (ft) bnacea cans maicate mat [nese will typically not oe tinea in. 7 =The distributions for these parameters can include information from both the cross-section measurements and the longitudinal profile. 2 = Proportion of reach exhibiting banks that are eroding based on the visual survey from visual assessment table 3 = Riffle, Run, Pool, Glide, Step: SIIVClay, Sand, Gravel, Cobble, Boulder, Bedrock; dip = max pave, disp = max subpave 4. = Of value/needed only if the n exceeds 3 bnaced cans maica[e mar [nese will typically not oe tinea in. 7 =The distributions for these parameters can include information from both the cross-section measurements and the longitudinal profile. 2 = Proportion of reach exhibiting banks that are eroding based on the visual survey from visual assessment table 3 = Riffle, Run, Pool, Glide, Step: SIIVClay, Sand, Gravel, Cobble, Boulder, Bedrock; dip = max pave, dial, = max subpave 4. = Of value/needed only if the n exceeds 3 Exhibit Table 11b. Monitoring D. Data Summary Little Buffalo Creek (94147) - Segment/Reach: UT 4 (831 feet) .' :. •.. ����io®®®®io�����otiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii • - ����ii®���ii�����iCiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iii , , , , ,M 0 ff-TOR Channel Beltwidth(ft) Yi�Yi�ii�--Yii�■i��■ ii iiii� iiiiiiiii�i from baseline •• ®�Y®ii i �fi ii�iiiiiiiiiiiiiii�i Additional Reach Parameters VOW bnaced cans maica[e mar [nese will typically not oe tinea in. 7 =The distributions for these parameters can include information from both the cross-section measurements and the longitudinal profile. 2 = Proportion of reach exhibiting banks that are eroding based on the visual survey from visual assessment table 3 = Riffle, Run, Pool, Glide, Step: SIIVClay, Sand, Gravel, Cobble, Boulder, Bedrock; dip = max pave, dial, = max subpave 4. = Of value/needed only if the n exceeds 3 bnaced cans maicate mar [nese will typically not oe ruled in. 7 =The distributions for these parameters can include information from both the cross-section measurements and the longitudinal profile. 2 = Proportion of reach exhibiting banks that are eroding based on the visual survey from visual assessment table 3 = Riffle, Run, Pool, Glide, Step: SIIVClay, Sand, Gravel, Cobble, Boulder, Bedrock; dip = max pave, disp = max subpave 4. = Of value/needed only if the n exceeds 3 Exhibit Table 11b. Monitoring D. Data Summary Little Buffalo Creek (94147) - Segment/Reach: LIT 7 (1,127 feet) - Yi,Y®i©i■YYYi©i�i�ii®�®iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii • . ::... ���®i© ���i©�����® iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii - ..- , , . ii , , , , , , , , , ii , ,,,� • , �i iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Channel Beltwidth(ft) i�i��iaii�--Yii�■i��� ii iiiii iiiiiiiiiii from baseline •• �iDYi,ii i �fi iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Additional Reach Paidinttirs Channel Thalweg length (ft) , ' '•��®��i�®���i���®moi iiiiiiiiiii iiiii - i�iii�Cii■iii���®®�CiiiiiiiiiiiCiiiii bnaced cans maicate mar [nese will typically not oe ruled in. 7 =The distributions for these parameters can include information from both the cross-section measurements and the longitudinal profile. 2 = Proportion of reach exhibiting banks that are eroding based on the visual survey from visual assessment table 3 = Riffle, Run, Pool, Glide, Step: SIIVClay, Sand, Gravel, Cobble, Boulder, Bedrock; dip = max pave, disp = max subpave 4. = Of value/needed only if the n exceeds 3 Figures 3a -k - Longitudinal Profile Plots Little Buffalo Creek Mainstem -Reach 1 Longitudinal Profile, As -built Stationing 22+00 to 25+77.37 -THW As -Built 12/2014 -THW MY3 09/2015--)FTHW MY2 09/2016 MS -1P -MS-1R ♦ TOB MY2 641.00 y -0.0014x 643-45 640.00 AA 639.00 c o - - i w 638.00 637.00 636.00 2200 2250 2300 2350 2400 2450 2500 2550. 2600 Station (ft) Little Buffalo Creek Mainstem -Reach 3 -THW As -built 12/2014 -THW MYS 09/2015 THW MY2 09/2016 Longitudinal Profile, As -built Stationing 48+12.42 to 50+56.51 -MS-2R MS -2P ♦ TOB MY2 ♦ WS MY2 633.00 I 632.00 I 631.00 --n nrkqAX+6771a x c 630.00 v 629.00 OF 628.00 y x+ 627.00 4800 4850 4900 4950 5000 5050 5100 Station (ft) Little Buffalo Creek Mainstem -Reach 4 -THW As -built 12/2014 -THW MY3 09/2015 --X-THW MY2 09/2016 Longitudinal Profile, As -built Stationing 63+70.48 to 65+21.37 MS -3P ♦ TOB MY2 625.00 624.00 A A 623.00 x 0 O m 622.00 621.00 620.00 - 6350 6370 6390 6410 6430 6450 6470 6490 6510 6530 Station (ft) UT2 to Little Buffalo Creek Mainstem -THW As -built 12/2014 -THW MY109/2015 --)<.THW MY2 09/2016 Longitudinal Profile, As -built Stationing 13+78.56 to 14+29.80 UT2-1R ♦ TOB MY2 641.00 640.50 640.00 639.50 x o` 639.00 x 638.50 - - 638.00 -- ---- - -- 637.50 637.00 1360.00 1370.00 1380.00 1390.00 1400.00 1410.00 1420.00 1430.00 1440.00 1450.00 1460.00 1470.00 Station (ft) UT3 to Little Buffalo Creek Mainstem Longitudinal Profile, As -built Stationing 50+00 to 12+15.05 651.00 650.00 649.00 x 0 648.00 i 647.00 646.00 645.00 1000 1050 —THW As -built 12/2014 —THW MY109/2015, THW MY2 09/2016 —UT3-1R ♦ TOB MY2 1100 1150 Station (ft) 1200 1250 UT3 to Little Buffalo Creek Mainstem —THW As -built 12/2014 —THW MY109/2015 THWMY209/2016 Longitudinal Profile, As -built Stationing 14+66.62 to 20+90.79 Extended to 20+90.79 UT3-2P —UT3-2R ♦ TOB MY2 642.00 - 640.00 - ♦ 638.00 ♦ — 636.00 c —_ � - .. ♦ y -0.0165x 4 664.44 w 634.00 w 632.00 630.00 - — i 628.00 1450 1500 1550 1600 1650 1700 1750 1800 1850 1900 1950 2000 2050 2100 Station (ft) UT3 to Little Buffalo Creek Mainstem STH W As -built 12/2014 —THW MY109/2015 Longitudinal Profile, As -built Stationing 21+29 to 22+32.49; Extended to Station 22+32.49 TH W MY2 09/2016 ♦ TOB MY2 630.00 629.00 628.00 r 627.00 B ♦_ y 626.00 625.00 -In I 624.00 623.00 2125 2135 2145 2155 2165 2175 2185 2195 2205 2215 2225 2235 Station (ft) UT3 to Little Buffalo Creek Mainstem Longitudinal Profile, As -built Stationing 24+05.13 to 24+50.74 625.00 624.00 x `0 623.00 i 622.00 —THWAs-builtl2/2014—THWMY109/2015 -+E—THWMY209/2016 —UT3-3R ♦ TOB MY2 621.00 i i i i i' ii i i i 1 2400 2405 2410 2415. 2420. 2425 2430 2435 2440. 2445 2450. 2455 Station (ft) UT4 to Little Buffalo Creek Mainstem —THW As -built 12/2014 —TH W MYl 09/2015 THW MY2 09/2016 Longitudinal Profile, As -built Stationing 14+21.25 to 18+30.57 TOB MY2 ♦ WS MY2 UT4-1P UT4-1R Linear (WS MY2) 63200 631.00 630.00 629.00 =--0.0123X+ 54T38--- 628.00 4 3628.00 - `o i 627.00 W r 626.00 625.00 624.00 623.00 1400.00 1450.00 1500.00 1550.00 1600.00 1650.00 1700.00. 1750.00 1800.00 1850.00. Station (ft) 1117 to Little Buffalo Creek Mainstem �THW As -built 12/2014 —THW MY 109/2015 --�-THW MY 209/2016 . TOB MY2 Longitudinal Profile, As -built Stationing 11+46.80to 21+26.71 _UT7-1R 1777-1P —UT7-2R _UT7 S1p1 —UT7 STP2 ■ ROCKVANEMY2 • LOGVANEMY2 619 177 617.00 515.00 • 4: S 613.00 g - � fi1100 60900 607.0(] 1100 1300 1500 1700 1900 2100 Station {ft) 4625.66 UTO to UT7 Longitudinal Profile, As -built Stationing 10+19.08 to 10+80.78 —THW As -built 12/2014 —THW MY109/2015 —.>(MY2 09/2016 ♦ TOB MY2 615.00 614.50 _ + 614.00 x o` 613.50 a 613.00 612.50 612.00 1010.00 1020.00 1030.00 1040.00 1050.00 1060.00 1070.00 1080.00 1090.00 Station (ft) Figures 4a -q - Cross-section Plot Exhibits Cross Section Plot Exhibit River Basin: Yadkin -Pee Dee River Watershed: Little Buffalo Creek XS ID: IMS -1p Drainage Area aq mi : 2.99 Data: 9/1912016 Field Crew: Matthew Holthaus, Greg Russo: Louis Berger 48.03 Bankfull Cross -Sectional Area: 42.08 Bankfull Width: 36.53 Flood Prone Area Elevation: 645.28 Flood Prone Width: 158.50 Max Depth at Bankfull: 2.52 Mean Depth at Bankful: 1.15 WO Ratio: 31.71 Entrenchment Ratio: 4.34 Bank Height Ratio: 0.93 Stream Type C4 Little Buffalo Creek Mainstem - - - Baseline Bankfull Monitoring Datum - - - Floodprone Area * Top of Rebar X -Section 1, Pool, Station 23+38.19 As -Built 10/2014 - MY -109/2015 MY2 09/2016 646 --- - - - - - - - - - - - - -- ----- -- - - --- - - - - --- - - - - -- - - -- - - - -- - - -- - - -- 645 644 643 c 642 0 641 d "'640 - - - - - - - --- ----- ----- - - - - --- - - -- ---------- - - - - -- - 639 638 637 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 Distance (ft) Cross Section Plot Exhibit River Basin: Yadkin -Pee Dee River Watershed: Little Buffalo Creek XS ID: MS -1R Drainage Area sq mi): 2.99 Date: 9119/2016 Field Crew: Matthew Holthaus, Greg Russo: Louis Berger t tr 4.94 Bankfull Elevation: 640.21 Bankfull Cross -Sectional Area: 43.25 Bankfull Width: 37.70 Flood Prone Area Elevation: 644.13 Flood Prone Width: 135.20 Max Depth at Bankfull: 1.96 Mean Depth at Bankful: 1.15 W/D Ratio: 32.87 Entrenchment Ratio: 3.59 Bank Height Ratio: 0.99 639 638 Stream Type C4 Little Buffalo Creek Mainstem X -Section 2, Riffle, Station 24+91.17 — - - Baseline Bankfull Monitoring Datum — - - Floodprone Area XC Top of Rebar —As -built 10/2014 —MY -109/15 --X-- MY2 09/2016 645 644 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ------ - - - - -- -------------------- 643 x 642 c 641 m w fi40 639 638 637 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Distance (ft) Cross Section Plot Exhibit River Basin: Yadkin -Pee Dee River Watershed: Little Buffalo Creek XS ID: MS -2R Drainage Area sq mi : 2.82 Date: 9/1912016 Field Crew: Matthew Holthaus, Greg Russo: Louis Berger 9.84 629.66 15.83 629.62 18.77 628.83 20.63 628.10 21.87 628.01 23.88 627.95 24.51 628.34 27.08 629.28 29.151 629.45 31.69 629.93 36.51 630.03 38.89 630.57 41.61 631.04 43.73 631.66 44.34 632.89 Note: Inner Channel reworked to eliminate larger backwater effect upstream. MY2 and Summary Data shows new baseline monitoring post re -grading. Bankfull Cross -Sectional Area: 52.43 Bankfull Width: 38.35 Flood Prone Area Elevation: 636.86 Flood Prone Width: 488.00 Max Depth at Bankfull: 2.97 Mean Depth at Bankful: 1.37 W/D Ratio: 28.05 Entrenchment Ratio: 12.73 Bank Height Ratio: 0.88 629 628 627 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 Distance (ft) Stream Type C4 Little Buffalo Creek Mainstem X -Section 3, Riffle, Station 49+08.73 - - - Baseline Bankfull Monitoring Datum - - - Floodprone Area * Top of Rebar -As-built 10/2014 -MY-109/2015 --XF MY2 09/2016 638 637 - - - - - -- --- ----- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ -- - - - - - -- - - - - -- - - 636 635 634 633 n 632 M 631 630 629 628 627 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 Distance (ft) Crass Section Plot Exhibit River Basin: Yadkin -Pee Dee River Watershed: Little Buffalo Creek XS ID: MS -2P Drainage Area sq mi): 2.82 Date: 9/15/2015 Field Crew: Matthew Holthaus, Greg Russo: Louis Berger Station Elevation 0.00 630.64 0.40 629.85 5.21 629.50 9.76 629.76 12.22 629.18 14.21 628.72 17.27 628.86 18.94 627.72 22.15 627.54 24.89 627.83 27.29 628.56 29.61 628.53 33.76 629.60 40.17 629.69 43.83 630.07 47.03 630.43 47.231 631.27 SUMMARY DATA F 632 Bankfull Elevation: 629.80 Bankfull Cross -Sectional Area: 33.19 Bankfull Width: 33.35 Flood Prone Area Elevation: 634.33 Flood Prone Width: 368.00 Max Depth at Bankfull: 2.26 Mean Depth at Bankful: 1.00 W/D Ratio: 33.52 Entrenchment Ratio: 11.03 Bank Height Ratio: 0.91 Stream Type C4 Little Buffalo Creek Mainstem X -Section 4, Pool, Station 50+08.51 - - - Baseline Bankfull Monitoring Datum - - - Floodprone Area M Top of Rebar -As-built 10/2014 - MY -109/2015 -06- MY2 09/2016 635 _______ ________ _______ ________ ________________ _ " " " _________ ________________ 634 633 F 632 631 x 630 W """ 629 628 627 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 Distance (ft) Cross Section Plot Exhibit River Basin: Yadkin -Pee Dee River Watershed: Little Buffalo Creek XS ID: MS -3P Drainage Area sq mi : 4.01 Date: 9/1912016 Field Crew: Matthew Holthaus, Greg Russo: Louis Berger gal 27.56 Bankfull Cross -Sectional Area: 58.25 Bankfull Width: 24.64 Flood Prone Area Elevation: 630.90 Flood Prone Width: 435.00 Max Depth at Bankfull: 3.32 Mean Depth at Bankful: 2.36 WO Ratio: 10.42 Entrenchment Ratio: 17.65 Bank Height Ratio: 0.68 Stream Type C4 Station and description 1 6433.12 MS -3P Looking Upstream Little Buffalo Creek Mainstem X -Section 5, Pool, Station 64+33.12 _ - - Baseline Bankfull Monitoring Datum - - - Floodprone Area * Top of Rebar —As -built 10/2014 —MY -109/2015 --*F MY2 09/2016 632 630 -- - - - - - - - - -- ------ - - - - -------- - - - - -------- - - - - -------- - - - - - - ------ - - - - -- ------------ —628 c 626 d m - - - - - - -------- - - - - -------- - - - - ----- - - - - ----------- - - - - -------- - - - - -- -- 624 622 620 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Distance (ft) Cross Section Plot Exhibit River Basin: Yadkin -Pee Dee River Watershed: Little Buffalo Creek XS ID: UT2-1R Drainage Area aq mi): 0.3 Data 9119/2016 Field Crew: Matthew Holthaus, Greg Russo: Louis Berger t rr 0.42 Bankfull Elevation: 639.34 Bankfull Cross -Sectional Area: 3.43 Bankfull Width: 4.31 Flood Prone Area Elevation: 641.40 Flood Prone Width: 40.80 Max Depth at Bankfull: 1.03 Mean Depth at Bankful: 0.80 W/D Ratio: 5.42 Entrenchment Ratio: 9.46 Bank Height Ratio: 1 0.84 638.0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Distance (ft) Stream Type I B6 Station and description 1 1391.34 UT2-1 R Looking Upstream UT2 to Little Buffalo Creek Mainstem - . - Baseline Bankfull Monitoring Datum Floodprone Area. X Top of Rebar X -Section 1, Riffle, Station 13+91.34 642.5 642.0 641.5 - - - -- - - — - -- - - — - -- - - - -- - - - -- - - —- - - - — -- - - - - -- - - - -- - - - - -- - - - -- 641.0 640.5 0 640.0 w 639.5 639.0 638.5 638.0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Distance (ft) Cross Section Plot Exhibit River Basin: Yadkin -Pee Dee River Watershed: Little Buffalo Creek XS ID: UT3-1R Drainage Area (sq mi): 0.097 Date: 9/19/2016 Field Crew: Matthew Holthaus, Greg Russo: Louis Berger Station Elevation 0.00 648.58 0.86 647.57 2.51 647.11 4.07 646.66 5.41 646.55 6.52 646.55 7.93 647.36 9.30 647.97 9.84 648.76 Width: at Bankful: Stream Type I B6 Station and description 1 1166.28 UT3-1 R Looking Upstream 1166.28 UT3-1R Looking Downstream UT3 to Little Buffalo Creek Mainstem _ - - Baseline Bankfull Monitoring Datum — - - Floodprone Area X Top of Rebar —As -built 10/2014 —MY -109/2015 --OF MY2 09/2016 X -Section 1, Riffle, Station 11+66.28 649.0 X 648.5 ------------------------------------ - - - - ---- - - - - ---- - - - - ---- - - - - ---- - - — - --- - - - - - - - 648.0 x c 647.5 a 647.0 646.5 646.0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Distance (ft) Cross Section Plot Exhibit River Basin: Yadkin -Pee Dee River Watershed: Little Buffalo Creek XS ID: UT3-1P Drainage Area sq mi : 0.097 Date: 9/19/2016 Field Crew: Matthew Holthaus, Greg Russo: Louis Berger Station Elevation 0.00 641.50 0.25 640.65 3.94 639.19 4.56 638.71 6.94 638.44 8.95 638.64 10.81 639.51 12.74 640.08 13.04 641.12 Bankfull Cross -Sectional Area: 1 3.14 1 Flood Prone Area Elevation: 1 640.79 1 at Bankfull: Note: No change in BKF elevation from MY1 to MY2. Using calculated BKF from MYi and MY2 in IStrearn Type 86 Summary Data for shift after construction from Baseline Station and description 1 1534.98 UT3-1P Looking Upstream UT3 to Little Buffalo Creek Mainstem - - - Baseline Bankfull Monitoring Datum - - - MY -1&2 Field Observed Bankfull - - - Floodprone Area X -Section 2, Pool, Station 15+34.98 * Top of Rebar -As-built 10/2014 - MY -1 09/2105 1f- MY2 09/2016 642.0 641.5 641.0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 640.5 c 640.0 0 639.5 °1 - - - - -- - -.- .. ------- ------ -------- - -- - -- -- -----.....- M 639.0 -- - - - - - - - ------- - - - - -- - ------------------- ------------------------ 638.5 638.0 637.5 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 Distance (ft) Crass Section Plot Exhibit River Basin: Yadkin -Pee Dee River Watershed: Little Buffalo Creek XS ID: UT3-2R Drainage Area sq mi): 0.097 Date: 9/19/2016 Field Crew: Matthew Holthaus, Greg Russo: Louis Berger Station Elevation 0.00 635.18 0.40 634,45 3.51 633.21 5.78 632.52 7.25 632.13 10.32 632.61 12.16 633.01 15.97 634.08 Note: No change in BKF elevation from MY1 to MY2. Using calculated BKF from MYi and MY2 in Summary Data for shift after construction from Baseline DATA (Flood Prone Width: 30.20 Max Depth at Bankfull: 1.56 Stream Type B6 Station and description 1 1602.03 UT3-2R Looking Upstream UT3 to Little Buffalo Creek Mainstem - - - Baseline Bankfull Monitoring Datum - - - MY -1&2 Field Observed Bankfull - - - Floodprone Area. X -Section 3, Riffle, Station 18+02.03 * Top of Rebar —As -built 10/2014 — MY -109/2015 —04— MY2 09/2016 638.0 637.0 636.0 635.0 o i 634.0 v W -- - - - - ---- - - - - ---- - - - - -- -- - - - - -- - - -- 633.0 632.0 631.0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 Distance (ft) Cross Section Plot Exhibit River Basin: Yadkin -Pee Dee River Watershed: Little Buffalo Creek XS ID: UT3-3R Drainage Area sq mi): 0.097 Date: 9119/2016 Field Crew: Matthew Holthaus, Greg Russo: Louis Berger 0.00 1 624.86 0.24 623.77 2.51 623.21 3.25 622.95 4.21 622.73 5.00 622.69 6.13 622.76 6.96 623.11 8.40 624.01 9.02 624.07 9.25 624.87 Note: No change in BKF elevation from MY1 to MY2. Using calculated BKF from MY1 and MY2 in Summary Data for shift after construction from Baseline Bankfull Elevation: 623.77 Bankfull Cross -Sectional Area: 4.75 Bankfull Width: 8.16 Flood Prone Area Elevation: 625.94 Flood Prone Width: >100 Max Depth at Bankfull: 1.08 Mean Depth at Bankful: 0.58 W/D Ratio: 14.02 Entrenchment Ratio: >2.2 Bank Height Ratio: 1.00 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Distance (ft) Stream Type B6 UT3 to Little Buffalo Creek Mainstem - - - Baseline Bankfull Monitoring Datum - - - MY -1 Field Observed Bankfull - - - Floodprone Area X -Section 4, Riffle, Station 24+26.03 * Top of Rebar -As-built 10/2014 - MY -1 09/2015 --F MY2 09/2016 626.5 626.0 - - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - -- - - -- - - ---- - - - -- 625.5 625.0 x x c 624.5 0 624.0 u 623.5 623.0 ------- -- - - - - -- - - - - -- ------ 622.5 622.0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Distance (ft) Cross Section Plot Exhibit River Basin: Yadkin -Pee Dee River Watershed: Little Buffalo Creek XS ID: UT4-1P Drainage Area sq mi : 0.4 Date: 9/1912016 Field Crew: Matthew Holthaus, Greg Russo: Louis Berger 5.41 11.51 20.34 Bankfull Cross -Sectional Area: 23.75 Bankfull Width: 19.45 Flood Prone Area Elevation: 635.71 Flood Prone Width: >100 Max Depth at Bankfull: 2.94 Mean Depth at Bankful: 1.22 WO Ratio: 15.93 Entrenchment Ratio: >2.2 Bank Height Ratio: 0.99 628 Stream Type C4 Station and description 1 1559.37 UT4-1P Looking Upstream UT4 to Little Buffalo Creek Mainstem X -Section 1, Pool, Station 15+59.37 – - - Baseline Bankfull Monitoring Datum – - - Floodprone Area * Top of Rebar —As -built 10/2014 —MY -109/2015 —M-- MY2 09/2016 637 636 --- - - - ---------- - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - - - -------------- -------- - - - - -- - - -- - - - - -- - - - - -- 635 634 K 633 632 e 631 M630 -------------- - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - -- ------ -- --------- ------ -- --- - 629 628 627 626 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 Distance (ft) Cross Section Plot Exhibit River Basin: Yadkin -Pee Dee River Watershed: Little Buffalo Creek XS ID: UT4-1R Drainage Area (sq mi): 0.4 Date: 9/19/2016 Field Crew: Matthew Holthaus, Greg Russo: Louis Berger 0.00 628.30 0.19 627.66 1.86 627.10 6.23 626.64 8.06 625.79 8.89 625.67 Bankfull Elevation: 627.41 Bankfull Cross -Sectional Area: 10.42 Bankfull Width: 14.33 Flood Prone Area Elevation: 630.89 Flood Prone Width: >100 Max Depth at Bankfull: 1.74 Mean Depth at Bankful: 0.73 W/D Ratio: 19.70 Entrenchment Ratio: >2.2 Bank Height Ratio: 1.14 Stream Type C4 Station and description 1 1727.36 UT4-1 R Looking Upstream 1727.36 UT4-1R Looking Downstream UT4 to Little Buffalo Creek Mainstem X -Section 2, Riffle, Station 17+27.36 - - - Baseline Bankfull Monitoring Datum - - - Floodprone Area * Top of Rebar -As-built 10/2014 - MY -109/2015 MY2 09/2016 632 631 - - - - - - - ----- - - - - ----- - - - - ----- - - - - ----- - - - - ----- - - - - ---- - - - - - - -------- 630 x 629 � 0 w 628 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - W - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 627 626 625 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 Distance (ft) Crass Section Plot Exhibit River Basin: Yadkin -Pee Dee River Watershed: Little Buffalo Creek XS ID: U77 -1R Drainage Area sq mi): 1.91 Date: 9/19/2016 Field Crew: Matthew Holthaus, Greg Russo: Louis Berger Station Elevation 0.00 617.24 0.55 616.39 5.01 616.39 7.10 615.97 9.17 614.89 14.34 614.95 19.35 614.69 22.71 614.58 26371 614.69 26.79 615.08 27.47 615.31 28.57 615.71 30.84 616.13 37.51 616.20 37.51 617.35 SUMMARY DATA Bankfull Elevation: 615.87 Bankfull Cross -Sectional Area: 21.15 Bankfull Width: 21.47 Flood Prone Area Elevation: 618.44 Flood Prone Width: >100 Max Depth at Bankfull: 1.29 Mean Depth at Bankful: 0.98 W/D Ratio: 21.80 Entrenchment Ratio: >2.2 Bank Height Ratio: 0.87 Stream Type I C4 UT7 to Little Buffalo Creek Mainstem - - - Baseline Bankfull Monitoring Datum - - - Floodprone Area X Top of Rebar X -Section 1, Riffle, Station 13+45.64 -As-built 10/2014 - MY -1 09/2015 --(-MY2 09/2016 619.0 618.5 618.0 - - - - - - - -- - - - -- - - -- -- - - - - ----- - - - - ----- - - - - -- - -- - -- -- 617.5 617.0 c 616.5 w616.0 W 615.5 --------- --- ------------------------------ --- -------- -------- 615.0 614.5 614.0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Distance (ft) Crass Section Plot Exhibit River Basin: Yadkin -Pee Dee River Watershed: Little Buffalo Creek XS ID: U77 -1P Drainage Area sq mi): 1.91 Date: 9/19/2016 Field Crew: Matthew Holthaus, Greg Russo: Louis Berger 30.22 SUMMARY DATA X -Section 2, Pool, Station 15+92.61 —As -built 10/2014 — MY -109/2015 --0—MY2 09/2016 Bankfull Elevation: 614.93 Bankfull Cross -Sectional Area: 28.70 Bankfull Width: 23.14 Flood Prone Area Elevation: 617.99 Flood Prone Width: >100 Max Depth at Bankfull: 1.53 Mean Depth at Bankful: 1.24 W/D Ratio: 18.65 Entrenchment Ratio: >2.2 Bank Height Ratio: 0.67 Stream Type I C4 Station and description 1 1592.61 UT7-1 P Looking Upstream UT7 to Little Buffalo Creek Mainstem - - - Baseline Bankfull Monitoring Datum - - - Floodprone Area * Top of Rebar X -Section 2, Pool, Station 15+92.61 —As -built 10/2014 — MY -109/2015 --0—MY2 09/2016 619.0 618.0 617.0 616.0 i v °1615.0 ----- 614.0 613.0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 Distance (ft) Cross Section Plot Exhibit River Basin: 618 Yadkin -Pee Dee River 617 Watershed: 616 x Little Buffalo Creek 615 0 i XS ID: UT7-2R Drainage Area sq mi): 1.91 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 Distance (ft) Date: 9/19/2016 Field Crew: Matthew Holthaus, Greg Russo: Louis Berger Station Elevation SUMMARY DATA 0.00 614.39 Bankfull Elevation: 613.60 0.24 613.57 Bankfull Cross -Sectional Area: 26.11 2.97 613.45 Bankfull Width: 21.61 6.48 612.56 Flood Prone Area Elevation: 617.69 7.20 612.17 Flood Prone Width: >100 7.84 611.73 Max Depth at Bankfull: 2.04 11.39 611.56 Mean Depth at Bankful: 1.21 14.53 611.76 W/D Ratio: 17.89 16.19 612.22 Entrenchment Ratio: >2.2 20.97 612.42 Bank Height Ratio: 0.93 24.58 613.68 Stream Type C4 UT7 to Little Buffalo Creek Mainstem X -Section 3, Riffle, Station 16+46.19 ' ' ' Baseline Bankfull Monitoring Datum - - - Floodprone Area X Top of Rebar -As-built 10/2014 - MY -109/2015 --�<-MY2 09/201 618 617 616 x 615 0 i 614 v w 613 612 611 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 Distance (ft) Crass Section Plot Exhibit River Basin: Yadkin -Pee Dee River Watershed: Little Buffalo Creek XS ID: UT7-STP1 Drainage Area sq mi): 1.91 Data: 9/19/2016 Field Crew: Matthew Holthaus, Greg Russo: Louis Berger 36.40 SUMMARY DATA Bankfull Elevation: 612.87 Bankfull Cross -Sectional Area: 52.44 Bankfull Width: 28.17 Flood Prone Area Elevation: 617.98 Flood Prone Width: >100 Max Depth at Bankfull: 2.55 Mean Depth at Bankful: 1.86 W/D Ratio: 15.13 Entrenchment Ratio: >2.2 Bank Height Ratio: 0.92 609 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 60 Distance (ft) Stream Type Cob LIT7 to Little Buffalo Creek Mainstem X -Section 4, Step Pool, Station 20+19.70 — - - Baseline Bankfull Monitoring Datum-MY2 — - - Floodprone Area * Top of Rebar — MY2 09/2016 619 618 617 _ 616 615 c ° 614 w 613------ W 612 611 610 Tlmi;ql; 609 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 60 Distance (ft) Crass Section Plot Exhibit River Basin: Yadkin -Pee Dee River Watershed: Little Buffalo Creek XS ID: UT7-STP2 Drainage Area sq mi): 1.91 Date: 9/19/2016 Field Crew: Matthew Holthaus, Greg Russo: Louis Berger gAits SUMMARY DATA Bankfull Elevation: 610.22 Bankfull Cross -Sectional Area: 34.22 Bankfull Width: 20.56 Flood Prone Area Elevation: 614.86 Flood Prone Width: >100 Max Depth at Bankfull: 2.32 Mean Depth at Bankful: 1.66 W/D Ratio: 12.35 Entrenchment Ratio: >2.2 Bank Height Ratio: 0.78 611 Stream Type C4b UT7 to Little Buffalo Creek Mainstem X -Section 5, Step Pool, Station 20+77.52 Baseline Bankfull Monitoring Datum-MY2 Floodprone Area * Top of Rebar -MY2 09/2016 616 615 614 613 c 612 0 611 v 610 609 608 � ! 4 607 -.1 1 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 Distance (ft) Figures 5a-q - Pebble Count Plots Project Name: Little Buffalo Creek D16 0.8 D35 Cross -Section: MS -1P D50 11 D84 Feature: Pool D95 46 13100 Bedrock 2016 90% Description Material Size (mm) Total # Item % Cum % Silt/Clay silt/clay 0.062 2 4% 4% Sand very fine sand 0.125 0 0% 4% fine sand 0.250 0 0% 4% medium sand 0.50 0 0% 4% coarse sand 1.00 8 16% 20% very coarse sand 2.0 0 0% 20% Gravel very fine gravel 4.0 2 4% 24% fine gravel 5.7 5 10% 34% fine gravel 8.0 3 6% 40% medium gravel 11.3 6 12% 52% medium gravel 16.0 1 2% 54% coarse gravel 22.3 9 18% 72% coarse gravel 32.0 6 12% 84% very coarse gravel 45 5 10% 94% very coarse gravel 64 2 4% 98% Cobble small cobble 90 0 0% 98% medium cobble 128 0 0% 98% large cobble 180 0 0% 98% very large cobble 256 0 0% 98% Boulder small boulder 362 0 0% 98% small boulder 512 0 0% 98% medium boulder 1024 0 0% 98% large boulder 2048 0 0% 98% Bedrock bedrock 40096 1 2% 100% TOTAL % of whole count ' 50 100% 100% Summary Data D16 0.8 D35 5.9 D50 11 D84 32 D95 46 13100 Bedrock Cumulative Percent 100% 100% 90% 90% - 80% 70% a a y o 70% 60% III a 50% '0 60% 40% q 30% 50% ao% 10% ' U 0% Oy , ti a 5^ 3 ,'� 1b bb q0 `yb `$O �yb �bL b�ti oyx oobti o�LS JL5 �ti ry�4 �oogb Particle Size (mm) 30% ■ As -Built 3/2015 ■ MYl - 9/2015 ■ MY2 - 9/2016 - zo% 10% o% Doti oti ti �o 00 Particle Size (mm) As -Built 3/2015 MYl - 9/2015 MY2 - 9/2016 Individual Class Percent 100% 90% so% 70% a 60% 50% '0 40% q 30% 20% 10% ' 0% Oy , ti a 5^ 3 ,'� 1b bb q0 `yb `$O �yb �bL b�ti oyx oobti o�LS JL5 �ti ry�4 �oogb Particle Size (mm) ■ As -Built 3/2015 ■ MYl - 9/2015 ■ MY2 - 9/2016 Summary Data Project Name: Little Buffalo Creek 0.18 D35 15.00 Cross -Section: MS -111 22.00 D84 Bedrock Feature: Riffle Bedrock D100 Bedrock y 70% 2016 Description Material Size (mm) Total # Item % Cum % Silt/Clay silt/clay 0.062 6 12% 12% Sand very fine sand 0.125 0 0% 12% fine sand 0.250 3 6% 18% medium sand 0.50 0 0% 18% coarse sand 1.00 0 0% 18% very coarse sand 2.0 0 0% 18% Gravel very fine gravel 4.0 0 0% 18% fine gravel 5.7 1 2% 20% fine gravel 8.0 1 2% 22% medium gravel 11.3 2 4% 25% medium gravel 16.0 7 14% 39% coarse gravel 22.3 6 12% 51% coarse gravel 32.0 7 14% 65% very coarse gravel 45 5 10% 75% very coarse gravel 64 0 0% 75% Cobble small cobble 90 1 2% 76% medium cobble 128 0 0% 76% large cobble 180 0 0% 76% very large cobble 256 0 0% 76% Boulder small boulder 362 0 0% 76% small boulder 512 0 0% 76% medium boulder 1024 0 0% 76% large boulder 2048 0 0% 76% Bedrock bedrock 40096 12 24% 100% TOTAL % of whole count 51 100% 100% Summary Data D16 0.18 D35 15.00 D50 22.00 D84 Bedrock D95 Bedrock D100 Bedrock Cumulative Percent Individual Class Percent 100% 100% 90% 80 y 70% 80% III III III, 60% a 60% U 50% 50% 40% 40% U 30% 30% - II 20% I mL 16 10% 10% 0% oob`L o,,y5 ory5 05 1 ti A S1 �90 ry5b �b`L 'L ,oya ryoa� �opgb Particle Size (mm) ■ As -Built 3/2015 ■ MYl - 9/2015 ■ MY2 - 9/2016 0% o� ,o 00 00 o o. Particle Size (mm) As -Built 3/2015 MY - 9/2015 MY2 - 9/2016 Individual Class Percent 100% 90% 80% v y 70% a 60% U 50% o 40% 30% 20% I mL 16 10% 0% oob`L o,,y5 ory5 05 1 ti A S1 �90 ry5b �b`L 'L ,oya ryoa� �opgb Particle Size (mm) ■ As -Built 3/2015 ■ MYl - 9/2015 ■ MY2 - 9/2016 Summary Data Project Name: Little Buffalo Creek 3.75 D35 Cross -Section: MS -2P D50 14.50 D84 28.00 Feature: Pool 38.00 13100 45.00 80% 70% a. 2016 q70� a Description Material Size (mm) Total # Item % Cum % Silt/Clay silt/clay 0.062 0 0% 0% Sand very fine sand 0.125 2 4% 4% fine sand 0.250 2 4% 8% medium sand 0.50 0 0% 8% coarse sand 1.00 0 0% 8% very coarse sand 2.0 1 2% 9% Gravel very fine gravel 4.0 4 8% 17% fine gravel 5.7 0 0% 17% fine gravel 8.0 6 11% 28% medium gravel 11.3 6 11 % 40% medium gravel 16.0 9 17% 1 57% coarse gravel 22.3 9 17% 74% coarse gravel 32.0 8 15% 89% very coarse gravel 45 6 11% 100% very coarse gravel 64 0 0% 100% Cobble small cobble 90 0 0% 100% medium cobble 128 0 0% 100% large cobble 180 0 0% 100% very large cobble 256 0 0% 100% Boulder small boulder 362 0 0% 100% small boulder 512 0 0% 100% medium boulder 1024 0 0% 100% large boulder 2048 0 0% 100% Bedrock bedrock 40096 0 0% 100% TOTAL % of whole count 53 100% 100% Summary Data D16 3.75 D35 10.00 D50 14.50 D84 28.00 D95 38.00 13100 45.00 Cumulative Percent tool 100% 07 90% 1 11 90% 80% 80% 70% a. q70� a III 50% b ao% � per. 60% a� 50% 0% O�bry o�•y� ory5 �� ~ ry � �'^ 9 ��'!� `b titi"� �ti b5 bR 9� �ry6 1�o ryyb �bti 'L >ary� ry�� ogb Particle Size (mm) 40% ■ As -Built 3/2015 MY 1 - 9/2015 ■ MY2 - 9/2016 30% 20% ---- 0% 1 Particle Size (mm) As -Built 3/2015 MY I - 9/2015 MY2 - 9/2016 Individual Class Percent 100% 90% 80% U 70% a. 60% c- 50% b ao% � �o 30% 20% l0% 0% O�bry o�•y� ory5 �� ~ ry � �'^ 9 ��'!� `b titi"� �ti b5 bR 9� �ry6 1�o ryyb �bti 'L >ary� ry�� ogb Particle Size (mm) ■ As -Built 3/2015 MY 1 - 9/2015 ■ MY2 - 9/2016 Summary Data Project Name: Little Buffalo Creek 1 D35 Cross -Section: MS -2R D50 13.5 D84 23 Feature: Riffle 38.5 13100 64 2016 Description Material Size (mm) Total # Item % Cum % Silt/Clay silt/clay 0.062 4 8% 8% Sand very fine sand 0.125 0 0% 8% fine sand 0.250 0 0% 8% medium sand 0.50 2 4% 12% coarse sand 1.00 2 4% 16% very coarse sand 2.0 2 4% 20% Gravel very fine gravel 4.0 1 2% 22% fine gravel 5.7 2 4% 26% fine gravel 8.0 5 10% 36% medium gravel 11.3 4 8% 44% medium gravel 16.0 8 16% 60% coarse gravel 22.3 12 24% 84% coarse gravel 32.0 3 6% 90% very coarse gravel 45 4 8% 98% very coarse gravel 64 1 2% 100% Cobble small cobble 90 0 0% 100% medium cobble 128 0 0% 100% large cobble 180 0 0% 100% very large cobble 256 0 0% 100% Boulder small boulder 362 0 0% 100% small boulder 512 0 0% 100% medium boulder 1024 0 0% 100% large boulder 2048 0 0% 100% Bedrock bedrock 40096 0 0% 100% TOTAL % of whole count 1 50 100% 100% Summary Data D16 1 D35 7.8 D50 13.5 D84 23 D95 38.5 13100 64 Cumulative Percent 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% Z j 40% 30% 20i 10% - ---- 0% 0o p4.. ti do 00 00 > >o Particle Size (mm) As -Built 3/2015 MY 1 - 9/2015 MY2 - 9/2016 Individual Class Percent 100% 90% 80% U y 70% a 60 v 50% 40% b 30% 20% 10% 0% oob'L g1ti5 oti5 05 ti ti a �� � ��^� �b ryry^� ,y'L a5 �` 9° �'L� �qo tihb ��ti y�'L loyD• ry�4 �oogb Particle Size (mm) ■As -Built 3/2015 ■ MYl - 9/2015 ■MY2 - 9/2016 Summary Data Project Name: Little Buffalo Creek 7.2 D35 Cross -Section: MS -3P D50 19.5 D84 Bedrock Feature: Pool Bedrock ■ Bedrock U 2016 Description Material Size (mm) Total # Item % Cum % Silt/Clay silt/clay 0.062 1 2% 2% Sand very fine sand 0.125 0 0% 2% fine sand 0.250 0 0% 2% medium sand 0.50 0 0% 2% coarse sand 1.00 2 4% 6% very coarse sand 2.0 0 0% 6% Gravel very fine gravel 4.0 0 0% 6% fine gravel 5.7 1 2% 8% fine gravel 8.0 6 11% 19% medium gravel 11.3 3 6% 25% medium gravel 16.0 9 17% 42% coarse gravel 22.3 7 13% 55% coarse gravel 32.0 2 4% 58% very coarse gravel 45 5 9% 68% very coarse gravel 64 3 6% 74% Cobble small cobble 90 3 6% 79% medium cobble 128 0 0% 79% large cobble 180 0 0% 79% very large cobble 256 0 0% 79% Boulder small boulder 362 0 0% 79% small boulder 512 0 0% 79% medium boulder 1024 0 0% 79% large boulder 2048 0 0% 79% Bedrock bedrock 40096 11 21% 100% TOTAL % of whole count 53 100% 100% Summary Data D16 7.2 D35 15 D50 19.5 D84 Bedrock D95 Bedrock 13100 Bedrock Cumulative Percent l00% I 90% - 80% — v 70% V N V 60% 50% — — a 40% -- — — U 30% - 20% -- 10% - 0% Doti o>�o �o 00 1 � Particle Size (mm) As -Built 3/2015 MY - 9/2015 MY2 - 9/2016 Individual Class Percent 100% 90% so% U y 70 a 60% U So% � b 40% b 30% 20% lo% t L L o% oob'L O,yS ory5 05 '� ti p �!� g �,�'h .`y ry,L"s �ti tk5 bb Ao �ti9 ,40 ti56 �bti 51'1r 1pryA ry�A4 �oOgb Particle Size (mm) ■ As -Built 3/2015 ■ MYl - 9/2015 ■ MY2 - 9/2016 Summary Data Project Name: Little Buffalo Creek 0 D35 Cross -Section: UT2-1R D50 0 D84 0 Feature: Riffle 0 D100 Visually silt/clay/organic No Sample 90% 2016 Description Material Size (mm) Total # Item % Cum % Silt/Clay silt/clay 0.062 50 100% 100% Sand very fine sand 0.125 0 0% 100% fine sand 0.250 0 0% 100% medium sand 0.50 0 0% 100% coarse sand 1.00 0 0% 100% very coarse sand 2.0 0 0% 100% Gravel very fine gravel 4.0 0 0% 100% fine gravel 5.7 0 0% 100% fine gravel 8.0 0 0% 100% medium gravel 11.3 0 0% 100% medium gravel 16.0 0 0% 100% coarse gravel 22.3 0 0% 100% coarse gravel 32.0 0 0% 100% very coarse gravel 45 0 0% 100% very coarse gravel 64 0 0% 100% Cobble small cobble 90 0 0% 100% medium cobble 128 0 0% 100% large cobble 180 0 0% 100% very large cobble 256 0 0% 100% Boulder small boulder 362 0 0% 100% small boulder 512 0 0% 100% medium boulder 1024 0 0% 100% large boulder 2048 0 0% 100% Bedrock bedrock 40096 0 0% 100% TOTAL % of whole count 1 50 100% 100% Summary Data D16 0 D35 0 D50 0 D84 0 D95 0 D100 0 Cumulative Percent 100% 120% 100% 90% p� 80% 60% 40% 80 20% t 0% L L L 0 70% 1b ,L,y'S �ti th (: ` qp <ti ti40 �5b ,Sb�' btiti ,e "p Particle Size (mm) ■ As -Built 3/2015 ■ MYl - 9/2015 ■ MY2 - 9/2016 60% 50% �j 40% — 30% 20% 10% ----- 0% O01 p1 1 �O l�0 Particle Size (mm) As -Built 3/2015 MYl - 9/2015 MY2 - 9/2016 Individual Class Percent 120% 100% p� 80% 60% 40% 20% t 0% L L L 1b ,L,y'S �ti th (: ` qp <ti ti40 �5b ,Sb�' btiti ,e "p Particle Size (mm) ■ As -Built 3/2015 ■ MYl - 9/2015 ■ MY2 - 9/2016 Project Name: Little Buffalo Creek D16 Cross -Section: UT3-1R D35 0.00 D50 Feature: Riffle D84 0.00 Damaged by cows visually silt/clay/organic 0.00 2016 0.00 Description Material Size (mm) Total # Item % Cum % Silt/Clay silt/clay 0.062 20 100% 100% Sand very fine sand 0.125 0 0% 100% fine sand 0.250 0 0% 100% medium sand 0.50 0 0% 1 100% coarse sand 1.00 0 0% 100% very coarse sand 2.0 0 0% 100% Gravel very fine gravel 4.0 0 0% 100% fine gravel 5.7 0 0% 100% fine gravel 8.0 0 0% 100% medium gravel 11.3 0 0% 100% medium gravel 16.0 0 0% 100% coarse gravel 22.3 0 0% 100% coarse gravel 32.0 0 0% 100% very coarse gravel 45 0 0% 100% very coarse gravel 64 0 0% 100% Cobble small cobble 90 0 0% 100% medium cobble 128 0 0% 100% large cobble 180 0 0% 100% very large cobble 256 0 0% 100% Boulder small boulder 362 0 0% 100% small boulder 512 0 0% 100% medium boulder 1024 0 0% 100% large boulder 2048 0 0% 100% Bedrock bedrock 40096 0 0% 100% TOTAL % of whole count 20 100% 100% Summary Data D16 0.00 D35 0.00 D50 0.00 D84 0.00 D95 0.00 D100 0.00 Cumulative Percent 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% s0% U 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% l0 Particle Size (nun) As -Built 3/2015 MY 1 - 9/2015 MY2 - 9/2016 Project Name: Little Buffalo Creek D16 Cross -Section: UT3-1P D35 0.00 D50 Feature: Pool D84 0.00 Damaged by cows visually silt/clay/organic 0.00 2016 0.00 Description Material Size (mm) Total # Item % Cum % Silt/Clay silt/clay 0.062 50 100% 100% Sand very fine sand 0.125 0 0% 100% fine sand 0.250 0 0% 100% medium sand 0.50 0 0% 100% coarse sand 1.00 0 0% 100% very coarse sand 2.0 0 0% 100% Gravel very fine gravel 4.0 0 0% 100% fine gravel 5.7 0 0% 100% fine gravel 8.0 0 0% 100% medium gravel 11.3 0 0% 100% medium gravel 16.0 0 0% 100% coarse gravel 22.3 0 0% 100% coarse gravel 32.0 0 0% 100% very coarse gravel 45 0 0% 100% very coarse gravel 64 0 0% 100% Cobble small cobble 90 0 0% 100% medium cobble 128 0 0% 100% large cobble 180 0 0% 100% very large cobble 256 0 0% 100% Boulder small boulder 362 0 0% 100% small boulder 512 0 0% 100% medium boulder 1024 0 0% 100% large boulder 2048 0 0% 100% Bedrock bedrock 40096 0 0% 100% TOTAL % of whole count 50 100% 100% Summary Data D16 0.00 D35 0.00 D50 0.00 D84 0.00 D95 0.00 D100 0.00 Cumulative Percent 100% 90% s0% 70% 0' 60% 50% 0 a0% U 30% 20% 10% 0% o©� oy ti do goo Particle Size (mm) As -Built 3/2105 MYl - 9/2015 MY2 - 9/2016 Project Name: Little Buffalo Creek D16 Cross -Section: UT3-2R D35 0.00 D50 Feature: Riffle D84 0.00 Damaged by cows visually silt/clay/organic 0.00 2016 0.00 Description Material Size (mm) Total # Item % Cum % Silt/Clay silt/clay 0.062 50 100% 100% Sand very fine sand 0.125 0 0% 100% fine sand 0.250 0 0% 100% medium sand 0.50 0 0% 1 100% coarse sand 1.00 0 0% 100% very coarse sand 2.0 0 0% 100% Gravel very fine gravel 4.0 0 0% 100% fine gravel 5.7 0 0% 100% fine gravel 8.0 0 0% 100% medium gravel 11.3 0 0% 100% medium gravel 16.0 0 0% 100% coarse gravel 22.3 0 0% 100% coarse gravel 32.0 0 0% 100% very coarse gravel 45 0 0% 100% very coarse gravel 64 0 0% 100% Cobble small cobble 90 0 0% 100% medium cobble 128 0 0% 100% large cobble 180 0 0% 100% very large cobble 256 0 0% 100% Boulder small boulder 362 0 0% 100% small boulder 512 0 0% 100% medium boulder 1024 0 0% 100% large boulder 2048 0 0% 100% Bedrock bedrock 40096 0 0% 100% TOTAL % of whole count 50 100% 100% Summary Data D16 0.00 D35 0.00 D50 0.00 D84 0.00 D95 0.00 D100 0.00 Cumulative Percent 100% 90% 80% 70 a 50% 40% U 30% 20% 10% 0% 0� o> > >0 00 o � Particle Size (mm) As -Built 3/2015 MY - 9/2015 MY2 - 9/2016 Summary Data Project Name: Little Buffalo Creek 0.00 D35 Cross -Section: UT3-3R D50 0.00 D84 0.00 Feature: Riffle 0.00 D100 Visually Silt/Clay/Organics, no sample 2016 Description Material Size (mm) Total # Item % Cum % Silt/Clay silt/clay 0.062 50 100% 100% Sand very fine sand 0.125 0 0% 100% fine sand 0.250 0 0% 100% medium sand 0.50 0 0% 100% coarse sand 1.00 0 0% 100% very coarse sand 2.0 0 0% 100% Gravel very fine gravel 4.0 0 0% 100% fine gravel 5.7 0 0% 100% fine gravel 8.0 0 0% 100% medium gravel 11.3 0 0% 100% medium gravel 16.0 0 0% 100% coarse gravel 22.3 0 0% 100% coarse gravel 32.0 0 0% 100% very coarse gravel 45 0 0% 100% very coarse gravel 64 0 0% 100% Cobble small cobble 90 0 0% 100% medium cobble 128 0 0% 100% large cobble 180 0 0% 100% very large cobble 256 0 0% 100% Boulder small boulder 362 0 0% 100% small boulder 512 0 0% 100% medium boulder 1024 0 0% 100% large boulder 2048 0 0% 100% Bedrock bedrock 40096 0 0% 100% TOTAL % of whole count 50 100% 100% Summary Data D16 0.00 D35 0.00 D50 0.00 D84 0.00 D95 0.00 D100 0.00 Cumulative Percent 100% 90% 80% 70% a 60% 50% 40% U 30% 20% 10% 0% O�1 01 1 10 1� Particle Size (mm) As -Built 3/2015 MY 1 - 9/2015 MY2 - 9/2016 Summary Data Project Name: Little Buffalo Creek 0.38 D35 Cross -Section: UT4-1P D50 10.00 D84 39.00 Feature: Pool 70.00 13100 175.00 2016 Description Material Size (mm) Total # Item % Cum % Silt/Clay silt/clay 0.062 4 8% 8% Sand very fine sand 0.125 0 0% 8% fine sand 0.250 0 1 0% 8% medium sand 0.50 6 12% 20% coarse sand 1.00 0 0% 20% very coarse sand 2.0 6 12% 32% Gravel very fine gravel 4.0 0 0% 32% fine gravel 5.7 3 6% 38% fine gravel 8.0 3 6% 44% medium gravel 11.3 5 10% 54% medium gravel 16.0 4 8% 62% coarse gravel 22.3 7 14% 76% coarse gravel 32.0 2 4% 80% very coarse gravel 45 1 2% 82% very coarse gravel 64 6 12% 94% Cobble small cobble 90 0 0% 94% medium cobble 128 1 2% 96% large cobble 180 2 4% 100% very large cobble 256 0 0% 100% Boulder small boulder 362 0 0% 100% small boulder 512 0 0% 100% medium boulder 1024 0 0% 100% large boulder 2048 0 0% 100% Bedrock bedrock 40096 0 0% 100% TOTAL % of whole count 50 100% 100% Summary Data D16 0.38 D35 5.00 D50 10.00 D84 39.00 D95 70.00 13100 175.00 Cumulative Percent 100% i 90% 80% 70% p 60% d 50% a0% U 30% 20% 10% 0% 1 10 Particle Size (mm) As -Built 3/2015 MY 1 - 9/2015 MY2 - 9/2016 Summary Data Project Name: Little Buffalo Creek 3.70 D35 Cross -Section: UT44R D50 10.00 D84 26.00 Feature: Riffle 51.00 D100 90.00 2016 Description Material Size (mm) Total # Item % Cum % Silt/Clay silt/clay 0.062 4 8% 8% Sand very fine sand 0.125 0 0% 8% fine sand 0.250 0 0% 8% medium sand 0.50 7 14% j 22% coarse sand 1.00 0 0% 22% very coarse sand 2.0 2 4% 26% Gravel very fine gravel 4.0 3 6% 32% fine gravel 5.7 2 4% 36% fine gravel 8.0 6 12% 48% medium gravel 11.3 2 4% 52% medium gravel 16.0 7 14% 66% coarse gravel 22.3 4 8% 74% coarse gravel 32.0 8 16% 90% very coarse gravel 45 2 4% 94% very coarse gravel 64 1 2% 96% Cobble small cobble 90 2 4% 100% medium cobble 128 0 0% 100% large cobble 180 0 0% 100% very large cobble 256 0 0% 100% Boulder small boulder 362 0 0% 100% small boulder 512 0 0% 100% medium boulder 1024 0 0% 100% large boulder 2048 0 0% 100% Bedrock bedrock 1 40096 0 0% 100% TOTAL % of whole count 1 50 100% 100% Summary Data D16 3.70 D35 5.50 D50 10.00 D84 26.00 D95 51.00 D100 90.00 Cumulative Percent 100% 90% a0% �I 60% ro 50% Li � i I 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% l l l Particle Size (mm) As -Built 3/2015 MY l - 9/2015 MY2 - 9/2016 Individual Class Percent 18% 16% 14% v 12% U t0% n a% 6% 4% — 2% 0% Particle Size (mm) ■ As -Built 3/2015 ■ MY] - 9/2015 ■ MY2 - 9/2016 Summary Data Project Name: Little Buffalo Creek 0.00 D35 Cross -Section: UT7-1R D50 18.00 D84 33.00 Feature: Riffle 44.00 D100 128.00 a 20% 2016 Description Material Size (mm) Total # Item % Cum % Silt/Clay silt/clay 0.062 13 25% 25% Sand very fine sand 0.125 0 0% 25% fine sand 0.250 0 0% 25% medium sand 0.50 0 0% 25% coarse sand 1.00 0 0% 25% very coarse sand 2.0 2 4% 29% Gravel very fine gravel 4.0 0 0% 29% fine gravel 5.7 1 2% 31% fine gravel 8.0 0 0% 31% medium gravel 11.3 3 6% 37% medium gravel 16.0 5 10% 47% coarse gravel 22.3 8 16% 63% coarse gravel 32.0 10 20% 82% very coarse gravel 45 7 14% 96% very coarse gravel 64 0 0% 96% Cobble small cobble 90 0 0% 96% medium cobble 128 2 4% 100% large cobble 180 0 0% 100% very large cobble 256 0 0% 100% Boulder small boulder 362 0 0% 100% small boulder 512 0 0% 100% medium boulder 1024 0 0% 100% large boulder 2048 0 0% 100% Bedrock bedrock 40096 0 0% 100% TOTAL % of whole count 51 100% 100% Summary Data D16 0.00 D35 11.00 D50 18.00 D84 33.00 D95 44.00 D100 128.00 Individual Class Percent 30% 25% a a 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% oti5 05 1 '1. ,�� 4 ,�"� �C ,y'L ph ba q0 ,�,y� ��o �yb �bti y1ti "p Dobry o�,y5 ryryM 'e, b��b Particle Size (mm) ■ As -Built 3/2015 ■ MY 1 - 9/2015 ■ MY2 - 9/2016 Summary Data Project Name: Little Buffalo Creek 0.00 D35 Cross -Section: UT74P D50 0.00 D84 0.00 Feature: Pool 0.00 D100 Visually dry Silt/Clay, no sample 2016 Description Material Size (mm) Total # Item % Cum % Silt/Clay silt/clay 0.062 50 100% 100% Sand very fine sand 0.125 0 0% 100% fine sand 0.250 0 0% 100% medium sand 0.50 0 0% 100% coarse sand 1.00 0 0% 100% very coarse sand 2.0 0 0% 100% Gravel very fine gravel 4.0 0 0% 100% fine gravel 5.7 0 0% 100% fine gravel 8.0 0 0% 100% medium gravel 11.3 0 0% 100% medium gravel 16.0 0 0% 100% coarse gravel 22.3 0 0% 100% coarse gravel 32.0 0 0% 100% very coarse gravel 45 0 0% 100% very coarse gravel 64 0 0% 100% Cobble small cobble 90 0 0% 100% medium cobble 128 0 0% 100% large cobble 180 0 0% 100% very large cobble 256 0 0% 100% Boulder small boulder 362 0 0% 100% small boulder 512 0 0% 100% medium boulder 1024 0 0% 100% large boulder 2048 0 0% 100% Bedrock bedrock 40096 0 0% 100% TOTAL % of whole count 50 100% 100% Summary Data D16 0.00 D35 0.00 D50 0.00 D84 0.00 D95 0.00 D100 0.00 Cumulative Percent 100% 90% 80% 70% ----- c 60% > 50% 40% 20% 0% oo� o� � do 00 00 ti �o Particle Size (mm) As -Built 3/2015 MY 1 - 9/2015 -MY2 - 9/2016 Summary Data Project Name: Little Buffalo Creek 6.70 D35 Cross -Section: UT7-2R D50 20.00 D84 43.00 Feature: Riffle 80.00 13100 128.00 U y 0.35 2016 Description Material Size (mm) Total # Item % Cum % Silt/Clay silt/clay 0.062 0 0% 0% Sand very fine sand 0.125 0 0% 0% fine sand 0.250 0 0% 0% medium sand 0.50 0 0% 0% coarse sand 1.00 2 4% 4% very coarse sand 2.0 1 2% 6% Gravel very fine gravel 4.0 2 1 4% 10% fine gravel 5.7 1 2% 12% fine gravel 8.0 5 10% 22% medium gravel 11.3 4 8% 29% medium gravel 16.0 8 16% 45% coarse gravel 22.3 4 8% 53% coarse gravel 32.0 8 16% 69% very coarse gravel 45 9 18% 86% very coarse gravel 64 3 6% 92% Cobble small cobble 90 2 4% 96% medium cobble 128 2 4% 100% large cobble 180 0 0% 100% very large cobble 256 0 0% 100% Boulder small boulder 362 0 0% 100% small boulder 512 0 0% 100% medium boulder 1024 0 0% 100% large boulder 2048 0 0% 100% Bedrock bedrock 40096 0 0% 100% TOTAL % of whole count 51 100% 100% Summary Data D16 6.70 D35 14.00 D50 20.00 D84 43.00 D95 80.00 13100 128.00 Individual Class Percent Cumulative Percent 0.5 100% 0.4 U y 0.35 a 0.3 U 0.25 cC • b 0.2 90% � b 0.15 14, 80% - 0.1 0.05 0 il I Ij all a W In 10111di .,L56 111y �Ip '1C Particle Size (mm) ■ As -Built 3/2015 ■ MY 1 - 9/2015 ■ MY2 - 9/2016 70% w 60% — 50% 40% U 30% 20% 10% o% o° Particle Size (mm) As -Built 3/2015 MY 1 - 9/2015 MY2 - 912016 Individual Class Percent 0.5 0.45 0.4 U y 0.35 a 0.3 U 0.25 cC • b 0.2 � b 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 il I Ij all a W In 10111di .,L56 111y �Ip '1C Particle Size (mm) ■ As -Built 3/2015 ■ MY 1 - 9/2015 ■ MY2 - 9/2016 Summary Data Project Name: Little Buffalo Creek 11.00 D35 Cross -Section: UT7-STP1 D50 49.00 D84 Feature: Step Pool D95 257.00 D100 512.00 2016 Description Material Size (mm) Total # Item % Cum % Silt/Clay silt/clay 0.062 0 0% 0% Sand very fine sand 0.125 0 0% 0% fine sand 0.250 0 0% 0% medium sand 0.50 0 0% 0% coarse sand 1.00 0 0% 0% very coarse sand 2.0 1 2% 2% Gravel very fine gravel 4.0 1 2% 4% fine gravel 5.7 1 2% 6% fine gravel 8.0 1 2% 8% medium gravel 11.3 5 10% 18% medium gravel 16.0 4 8% 26% coarse gravel 22.3 2 4% 30% coarse gravel 32.0 4 8% 38% very coarse gravel 45 5 10% 48% very coarse gravel 64 4 8% 56% Cobble small cobble 90 9 18% 74% medium cobble 128 5 10% 84% large cobble 180 3 6% 90% very large cobble 256 2 4% 94% Boulder small boulder 362 2 4% 98% small boulder 512 1 2% 100% medium boulder 1024 0 0% 100% large boulder 2048 0 0% 100% Bedrock bedrock 40096 0 0% 100% TOTAL % of whole count 1 50 100% 100% Summary Data D16 11.00 D35 28.00 D50 49.00 D84 128.00 D95 257.00 D100 512.00 Cumulative Percent 100% 90% - 80 70% a 60% s0% - - a0% - 20% 10% . I� 0% OHO 1 Particle Size (mm) MY2 - 9/2016 Individual Class Percent 20% 18% 16% a la% 12% 10% � a 8% b 6% a% 2% o% oob'1. o,�yh oti5 p5 1 ti tk 5^ 4 �`"> >b ,yti'7 'S'L p5 bD' q0 1,ti� ��O ryyb �bti b�ti 1Q,yD. ��6 �oo�b Particle Size (mm) ■ MY2 - 9/2016 Summary Data Project Name: Little Buffalo Creek 10.00 D35 Cross -Section: UT7-STP2 D50 30.00 D84 Feature: Step Pool D95 57.00 D100 64.00 80%------ -7o% 2016 Description Material Size (mm) Total # Item % Cum % Silt/Clay silt/clay 0.062 0 0% 0% Sand very fine sand 0.125 0 0% 0% fine sand 0.250 0 0% 0% medium sand 0.50 0 0% 0% coarse sand 1.00 0 0% 0% very coarse sand 2.0 0 0% 0% Gravel very fine gravel 4.0 1 2% 2% fine gravel 5.7 0 0% 2% fine gravel 8.0 3 7% 10% medium gravel 11.3 4 10% 19% medium gravel 16.0 3 7% 26% coarse gravel 22.3 3 7% 33% coarse gravel 32.0 9 21% 55% very coarse gravel 45 10 24% 79% very coarse gravel 64 9 21% 100% Cobble small cobble 90 0 0% 100% medium cobble 128 0 0% 100% large cobble 180 0 0% 100% very large cobble 256 0 0% 100% Boulder small boulder 362 0 0% 100% small boulder 512 0 0% 100% medium boulder 1024 0 0% 100% large boulder 2048 0 0% 100% Bedrock bedrock 40096 0 0% 100% TOTAL % of whole count 42 100% 100% Summary Data D16 10.00 D35 24.00 D50 30.00 D84 49.00 D95 57.00 D100 64.00 Cumulative Percent 1001 25% a 20% U 90% — -- 80%------ -7o% ti 35% y60% b lo% b U40% 5% 30 20% 10% 0% oob'L o♦.yh oti5 05 ♦ 'L a 5� ♦♦^i \b ry,�^� '7ti a5 ba l0 `� ♦90 ,fib �bti♦ti ♦otia ryonw doo�b Particle Size (mm) 0% 00 p Particle Size (mm) MY2 - 9/2016 Individual Class Percent 25% a 20% U a ti 35% U b lo% b 5% 0% oob'L o♦.yh oti5 05 ♦ 'L a 5� ♦♦^i \b ry,�^� '7ti a5 ba l0 `� ♦90 ,fib �bti♦ti ♦otia ryonw doo�b Particle Size (mm) ■ MY2 - 9/2016 Appendix E - Hydrologic Data 1) As stage relationships nave not peen calculated for the ugs event, it is assumed that an event that has surpassed the identined banKtuii stage on site also passed the Qgs event Little. Buffalo Creek Stream Mitigation Project — Project #94147 — Louis Berger —January 2017 — Monitoring Year 2 — Draft Table 12. Documentation of Geomorphologically Significant Flow Events Date of Observation Date of Occurrence Method Greater than Qgs = Q2*0.66 stage?' Greater than Qbkf Stage? Notes 2/27/2016 11/9/2015 Surface Water Transducer Yes Yes Water level gages at multiple stations recorded elevations over surveyed bankful stage elevations 2/27/2016 12/22/20151 Surface Water Transducer Yes Yes Water level gages at multiple stations recorded elevations over surveyed bankful stage elevations 2/27/2016 Surface Water Transducer 12/30/2015 Rack Lines Yes Yes Water level gages at multiple stations recorded elevations over surveyed bankful stage elevations. See Photo Appendix. 9/19/2016 5/20/2016 Surface Water Transducer Yes Yes Water level gages at multiple stations recorded elevations over surveyed bankful stage elevations 1) As stage relationships nave not peen calculated for the ugs event, it is assumed that an event that has surpassed the identined banKtuii stage on site also passed the Qgs event Little. Buffalo Creek Stream Mitigation Project — Project #94147 — Louis Berger —January 2017 — Monitoring Year 2 — Draft Figures 6a -e - Water Level and Rainfall Plots 2.500 2.000 1.500 v r 1.000 a 0.500 0.000 Little Buffalo Creek Hydrology Monitoring - MY2 Gage 2 UT2 Upper 2.5 Loggers ran out of memory 2 in July until September field visit and monitoring. 1 1.5 r c 1 41� Little Buffalo Creek Hydrology Monitoring - MY2 , I I• I �� 10.5 Gage 1 Mainstem Upstream Restoration Site 3.000 2.5 _0.500 Logger damaged between downloads on Loggers ran out of memory 2.500 _ 9/19/15 and 2/27/16. Data was not in July until September field 2 retrivable from logger. New logger installed visit and monitoring. v 2.000 in well on 2/27/16. w t 1.5 m L U v 1.500 �.. C_ v � — — — — — — — — 1 c 'ro 3: 1.000 I � 0.500 0.000 l Al 0.5 0 v1 I11. Ul N VI IA l0 lO tp l0 t0 lO l� b tD t0 b O b O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 0 0r 0 oyo N M \ N \ \ \ \ \ N \ N N 01 O O N ati N irf ct N t0 n W � ' Date Rainfall (IN) Gage 1_Upper Mainstem Restoration — — Bankfull Depth 2.500 2.000 1.500 v r 1.000 a 0.500 0.000 Little Buffalo Creek Hydrology Monitoring - MY2 Gage 2 UT2 Upper 2.5 Loggers ran out of memory 2 in July until September field visit and monitoring. 1 1.5 r c 1 41� Little Buffalo Creek Stream Mitigation Project— Project #94147 — Louis Berger — January 2017 — Monitoring Year 2 — Draft r� , I I• I �� 10.5 _0.500 1 l il.i I I I.. �. i �.. LI I I -1.000 — ul vt 0 0 N N . vl N of v1 l0 lO 0 0 0 0 0 0 N N N N \ \ _ tp l0 i0 lO tD tp ip tp 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 \ \ \ \ \ N N 0 1p ip lD 0 0 0 \ \ \ O O N ."� 01 O O O1 M \ N N \ N O N N e -I N •-I a N N � N •-I N T V N t0 n Date � \ N W � Rainfall (IN) Gage 2_UT2 Upper — — Bankfull Depth Little Buffalo Creek Stream Mitigation Project— Project #94147 — Louis Berger — January 2017 — Monitoring Year 2 — Draft Little Buffalo Creek Hydrology Monitoring - MY2 3.000 Gage 3 UT2 Lower 2.5 Bankfull depth unidentified at Gage 3 2.500 during MY -2 due to dry conditions and vegetation. Will be collected in MY -3. Loggers ran out of memory 2 2.000 in July until September field –� — w visit and monitoring. L 1.5 r y 1.500 m 1.000 0.5 0.500 0.000 .. a ,�.. — �.. — „ . , , , ,. 0 N N N N N N iD tp l0 lO tD l0 i0 � tp l0 � tp t0 O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O -2N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ O O O O1 O1 01 00 n r` W r` n r` b b lD N N a N \ \ \ N \ \ N N a N b N W \ \ 01 O O ."� N N N til C VI t0 n W 01 ' Date Rainfall (IN) —Gage 3_UT2 Lower Little Buffalo Creek Hydrology Monitoring - MY2 Gage 4 UT4 3.000 Loggers ran out of memory 2.5 Gage reset on 2/25/16 in July until September field 2.500 -------------7-– � I � visit and monitoring. z 2.000 ^. 1.500 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — w 1.5 w s r 1.000 a u � v 0.500 — v 1 � 0.000 - - - -0.500 — — 0.5 -1.000 -1.500 I–i I N N 0 0 0 I I I I I I. �.. Id N N lD lD l0 lD l0 tD lD 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I I I lD tD .D lD l0 lD 0 0 0 0 0 0 p Date Rainfall (IN) Gage 4_UT4 — — Bankfull Depth -Before Well Installation — — — Bankfull Depth -After Well Installation *Bankfull line represents depth from bankfull to gage. This depth changed when gages were reset. Little Buffalo Creek Stream Mitigation Project– Project #94147 – Louis Berger – January 2017 – Monitoring Year 2 – Draft 1200. 1.000 Tl 0.800 v w t w 0.600 0 `w 0.400 0.200 0.000 N N O Little Buffalo Creek Hydrology Monitoring - MY2 Gage 6 UT3 Upper vt vt vl N v1 lO tp N 0 0 H 0 0 N �N N N N 0 N N O O Ol m Ol W n ~ M \ N N \ N O O N N N e -I N N N N Rainfall (IN) - r 2.s 2 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1.5 r Gage lost between downloads (not 1 _ found in field). Replaced and redeployed 9/14/2016. 0.5 0 O O O O O O O O O O O \ \ \ \ \ \ N N \ N \ n W r` n t` b t0 l0 ut N V N m V vt iD n W Ot Date Gage 6_UT3 Upper - - Bankfull Depth Little Buffalo Creek Stream Mitigation Project- Project #94147 - Louis Berger - January 2017 - Monitoring Year 2 - Draft Little Buffalo Creek Hydrology Monitoring - MY2 Gage 5 Mainstem Concrete Removal 5.000 l 25 4.500 — 4.000 —; Loggers ran out of memory 2 in July until September field 3.500 v visit and monitoring. tt;. 3.000 1.5 r J w 2.500 - — c_ 0 m 2.000 - - - - - - - - Gage reset 1 1.500 on 2/25/16 1.000 0.5 0.500 0.000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O O Ol O1 01 00 n n W r` n n Date � b � vl N V Rainfall (IN) Gage 5_Mainstem Concrete Removal - - Bankfull Depth -Before Well Installation - - - Bankfull Depth -After Well Installation *Bankfull line represents depth from bankfull to gage. This depth changed when gages were reset. 1200. 1.000 Tl 0.800 v w t w 0.600 0 `w 0.400 0.200 0.000 N N O Little Buffalo Creek Hydrology Monitoring - MY2 Gage 6 UT3 Upper vt vt vl N v1 lO tp N 0 0 H 0 0 N �N N N N 0 N N O O Ol m Ol W n ~ M \ N N \ N O O N N N e -I N N N N Rainfall (IN) - r 2.s 2 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1.5 r Gage lost between downloads (not 1 _ found in field). Replaced and redeployed 9/14/2016. 0.5 0 O O O O O O O O O O O \ \ \ \ \ \ N N \ N \ n W r` n t` b t0 l0 ut N V N m V vt iD n W Ot Date Gage 6_UT3 Upper - - Bankfull Depth Little Buffalo Creek Stream Mitigation Project- Project #94147 - Louis Berger - January 2017 - Monitoring Year 2 - Draft Little Buffalo Creek Hydrology Monitoring - MY2 Gage 8 UT7 Upper 4.000 Little Buffalo Creek Hydrology Monitoring - MY2 2.5 Gage 7 UT3 Lower 3.000 2.5 2.500 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — v 3.000- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Loggers ran out of memory v Loggers ran out of memory 2 2.000 in July until September field 2.500Gage — in July until September field r — reset 1.5 visit and monitoring. v 1.500 r on 2/25/16 J. — a 2.000 1.s r 0 1.000 —i r m 1.500 — — — — — —— — -- — 1 v 0.500 - 1 3 1.000 0.000 - — 0.5 -0.500 0.5 0.500 -1.000 l l. —:._ N N N O O O N N N . I I I i I I I L L. LI N N N iD tp iD ip tp ip ip O O O O O O O O O O N N N N N N N N N N I I I I 1p 1p lD l0 tD tp O O O O O O N N N N N N 0 \ \ \ O O N \ \ 01 O O \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ N \ \ N N N �"� N N N til V VI ' Date \ \ \ \ \ N W \ \ t0 n W 01 o N N M 01 O O Rainfall (IN) Gage 71LIT3 Lower — — Bankfull Depth � N N � \ N t0 n W Ot Little Buffalo Creek Hydrology Monitoring - MY2 Gage 8 UT7 Upper 4.000 2.5 3.500 2 v 3.000- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Loggers ran out of memory v in July until September field 2.500Gage — visit and monitoring. r reset 1.5 0 on 2/25/16 J. a 2.000 r m 1.500 — — — — — —— — -- — 1 1.000 0.5 0.500 — 0.000 N N N N 0 0 0 L.. hI N N N l0 lD tD l0 l0 lD lD N N N N N N N 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 — L_ tD tD tp 1p tD 1p N 0 N 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o N N M 01 O O \ N N \ N N •-I \, N c -I N .-i N N N M d' N Date � N N � \ N t0 n W Ot Rainfall (IN) Gage 8_Upper UT7 — — Bankfull Depth -Before Well Installation — — Bankfull Depth -After Well Installation *Bankfull line represents depth from bankfull to gage. This depth changed when gages were reset. Little Buffalo Creek Stream Mitigation Project— Project #94147 — Louis Berger — January 2017 — Monitoring Year 2 — Draft 650.5 j 650.4 650.3 650.2 650.1 0 650.0 > 649.9 z 649.8 - v 649.7 w 649.6 c 649.5 649.4 v 649.3 M 649.2 v 649.1 m 649.0 648.9 648.8 648.7 648.6 648.5 N 0 0 N O O T O Little Buffalo Creek Hydrology Monitoring - MY2 Groundwater to Surface Water Comparison, UT 3 Upper e lost between download found in field). Replace Redeployed 9/14/2016. . li I. 11�1 I 1. 11, 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N N � O m m T W r n W N N Date Rainfall (IN) -Gage 6_UT3Upper 2.5 2 1.5 t c 0.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 \ N N N N r r n l0 iD l0 vt to 7 Z ~ p W ~ O vl i0 r W Ol Groundwater Gage 9 - - Bankfull Depth 623.1 622.9 622.7 622.5 ✓1 � to Vl �I1 N 1p lD lD 1p O O O O O O O O O O N N N N N N \ \ \ N N M N \ N m O O \ N N N N M r Date Rainfall (IN) - Gage 7UT3 Lower O O O O O O O O O V \ lO N W Groundwater Gage 10 - - Bankfull Depth Little Buffalo Creek Stream Mitigation Project- Project #94147 - Louis Berger - January 2017 - Monitoring Year 2 - Draft Little Buffalo Creek Hydrology Monitoring - MY2 Groundwater to Surface Water Comparison, UT 3 Lower 626.5 2.5 626.3 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 626.1 - 625.9 - Gage 7 ran out of memory in 625.7 2 0 62s.5 July until September a 625.3 Z 625.1 visit and monitoring. v 624.9 1.5 t w 624.7 _ - c_ c 624.5 ° 624.3 i 624.1 1 F w623.9 :._,:;, t.K+m-•.,,,, `y. k - `° `m 623.7 V1 11 11 61 m 623.5 -Vill - 623.3 - - I 0.5 623.1 622.9 622.7 622.5 ✓1 � to Vl �I1 N 1p lD lD 1p O O O O O O O O O O N N N N N N \ \ \ N N M N \ N m O O \ N N N N M r Date Rainfall (IN) - Gage 7UT3 Lower O O O O O O O O O V \ lO N W Groundwater Gage 10 - - Bankfull Depth Little Buffalo Creek Stream Mitigation Project- Project #94147 - Louis Berger - January 2017 - Monitoring Year 2 - Draft