HomeMy WebLinkAbout20170522 Ver 1_Approval Letter_20170509Environrnen tal Quality ROY COOPER r,.,,, „r:,; MICHAkiL S. REGAN �car�;�,:�,- S. JAY ZIMMERMAN n,, E�� �:�„ May �, zo i � o�;v,;e c��u��q, NCDR'R ProjectNo.2C170522 Qndge 84 on SI2 I OGS W'FsS Element I78P.7.R.95 APPROYAL uf 40t N'ATGR QUALfTY CLRiIFICATION and JORDAti LAKE N'ATERSH@D BUFFCR AUTHORIZATION with ADDITIONAI CONDITInNS Mr.:.M. Miils, P.E., Division Cngireer NCDOT, Divisiun i P.O. Sox 14996 Grzensboro, NC 27415 Dear Mr. Mills: You have our approval, in accordance with the conditions lis[ed below, for the following impacts for replacing Bridge R4 with a new bridge nver Collins Creek on Old Greensboro Road (SR 1005) in Orenge County: Site � Temperery Fii! in Perer.nial Stream Site flinear ft) I Excavation 1 26 Totals ZG "Lone t minus Impact �'etlands (sq ft) �u Zor�e i (sq ft) Stream Impacts in tHe P:rmener,t Pil! in I Perennia! 32rearn Ilinear fq Bank Stnbilization 'a e Fear River Basin Pcr.n:er.eot :umpur�n� Pi!I ir. ' Fill in Int.rmittent Interminen: Stream Stream Tota! � Stream Stream �mpacts iry ���1 Reouirinq (lineAr ft) Miligaliun I (linear ft) I 10 - - 36 ID 36 Total Stream Impact for Projec[: 3b linear (eet. 'J,one I =Zone 1 Ba(fer Buf!'ers (not Mitigation wetlands) Reyuired (sq ft) (using 3:1 Zone 2 minus Impact H'etlands (sq ft) � �n Zone 2 (sq k) I 6,146 —�--- _--- z � tals 6,1J6 -- _�-- —_- --�—_ — "� Total Baffer liopa.t for Frojecl: 9,0$9 square feeL � r Nothing Campares =—,�. i[atc of Norh Car�Lnn �i Fr.cirunmeni2l QnaPn IG17 ivlaii Seiv�ce Cznier I Raieign. `ioitii Caruhna =7G99-1617 = Zone 2 Zone 2 6ufl'er Ruffcrs(not Mitigatiun Required wetiandsj �using 1.5:1 (sq ft1 ratio) The project shall de constructed in accordance with your application dated received Aprii 27, 2017. After reviewing your application, we have decided_that these impacts are covered by Genera] Water Quality Certification Number 4U85. "This certiiication conesponds to Nationwide Permit 3 issued by the Corps of Engineers. This approval is also valid for the Jordan L�ke Watershed Rparian Buffer R�les (15A NCAC 2B.0267). In addition, you should acquire any other federal, state or local permits before you proceed with your project including (but not limited to) Sediment and Erosion Control, Non-Discharge and Water Supply Watershed regulations. This approval will expire with the a��:ompanying 404 per,�r►it. -i'his approval is �alid solely for t�e puipese and d�siyn described in your application (untess mo3ifed belo.�). Snould yo�u projeci• cnange, �ou r�ust notify the IvTCDR,�R and subznit a new appli�ation. I� the property is sol�, the new owrier musY be given a copy of this Cerliiication and approval letter, and is thereby responsible far com�plying with all the cond:tions. If total wetl_ancl ti11_s far this pro�ect (nov�� or in ±he fiilure) exceed one acre, or ef t�tal ur,pacts to strea.*r�s �r.o�v �r in :he �a�ure? Exce�c� 15� linear feet, compensatory rr�itigation :raay be req_u:rerl as described in iS�i.NCAC 2Fi..0500 (hi (6} and (7j. r�dditional buffer inipacts rnay reauu•e cr�mpensatory mitigation as uescribed in 1�A NCAi, 2Fs .020%. ror this approval to remain vaiid, you must adhere to ihe conditions listed �ii thR attached ce*�ifcation(s) aud any a�ditianal cond�tions listed below. -- - �on�itior(s) of �'�rt:�cation� Pro,jecf Speci�� Gonditions - 1,. __As a condition of this 401 Water Quality Certification, the bridge demolition and construction must be accomplished in-s�rict comp?iance with the most recent version ofNCDOT's Lest Management Practices for Construction and Maintenance Activities. [15A NCAC 02H .0507(d)(2) and 15A NCAC 02H .0506(b)(5)] 2. The post-construction removal of any temporary bridge structures must return the project site to its �� -�-� �� -.- - preconstruction cuniours and.eievatiuns. The irripacted areas shall be revegetated with appropriate native snecies. [15A NCAC 02H .0506(b)(2) - 3. Bridgc �eck drali-�s sl;all not �iischarge directl_� into the stream Storm.vater shzll be d:rected across the .. .. or.i�ge anci rre-�reat�d tl3rpug?; SiTO-8�J7:npria6e means (gr�sse� swales, pre-fc�rnied scou: holes, :egetazed � buffers; eic:) before enteru,g the sirearn. To meet the rzquirements of NCDvT's I�TPDES pernut � _ NCS00�250 please r�fe; to t�':e most recent version of t�e North Carolina Department of Transpartation Stormwater Best Management Yractices Toolbox manual for approved measures. j1�A NCEiC 02H .GSOi(d)(2j a:id i5y I��4� �2H .�506ib);S:] : 4.. AiLstorn����aier runaff shail_ be �irected as she�tfl�w tha•o�gh stre�m bafi`Prs at non-arosive ve1r; �ities, unless other«�isP a�proved by This certifiLaticr.. (15 n NCAC 2B.0257) 5. All riparian buffers impacted :bv the placement of temporary fill or clearing activities shall be restored to the . preconstru�tion c�ntours and revegetated. Maintained buffers shall be permanently revegetat�d with non- woody speL�es b;- th� er�� oftl�e growino season fo11_owing completion ofcor_stn�ction. Far flie �urFose of .." ' th:s condit�on, ma�ntained buffer �reas are defined as areas within the t:anspertat�on �orridor that �vill be , subject to reb Iar Nr�(_?T mainten�nce acti�ities includin� mowing. ThP area with non-maintained buffers • � -� �.shall b� permanently�revegetated with nativ: 4vao�ly sgecies before the nex±growin� season fcl�o�h�ing completion uf consri�uction. (15l� NCE1C 2B.0257) 6. . P,usua�t to 15l� NC.AG 2B .�?257, sedim�nt and erosion ceni� ol devices shali not be placed in %or.P ? of any Jordan L•ake Buffer witheut prior appr�val by the NCDWR. At this time, the NCDWR has apnroved no sed'.ment ard erosio.r. car:trol d�vices in Zene l, �utside of the approve� projP�* impacts, anywhere on this p: oject. .Moreover, sedi.•r;ent and e:osi�r, cer�tr�l �e��ices sha�l be aLo«�ed in Zor.e 2 of tLP buff�rs p:eti�i��c3 � that Z�r�� 1:s r.ct c;;:�:projrise� ar.d t�iai d;sc�~�arge is release� as diii'use fio�v. 7: Any modifications to this 40l Water Ouality Certification that propose additional stream impacts or i.�creaseu u-n�eevio�?s sur`a�e reauiring �ci�?:t;ana! ;toi,r�vJ�t�r managemeat mat% b� subjeet tt:e �oruan ��a�er Ua�p!y ?d u!iier,t S� ategy � i5 �:. 7'•?�A�O %�3 .3267). Thc 1vrCP.�?T �ii«I? coor��nat� wiih ih� i��C� �v72. grior to subini!ting a moditicaiion .•equest to dete:-r►»;e the a�glicabi?ity ei the J�rdan V�IatPr Suppi; ;duic•:eni S±ratzay. General Cornditions 1. 'Unless otherwise a�proved in this certitication, placement of culverts and other structures in open waters and streams shall be placed below the elevation of the streambed by one foot for all culverts with � diameter greater than 48 inches, and 20 percent of the culvert diameter for culverts having a diameter less than 48 inches, to allow low flow passage of water and aquatic life. Design and placement of culverts and other � str;�ctu�es i!.c!u�irig ienx�oiar,� era�ic�n cer�trel measures shall no. hi condu;,te� in a �r�an_i�r ti:at may :�s�lt L� 3is-eqniliuriur.i a: yvetiands �rstreambE�s or'c,a:�s, adjacer.t do ar �psireatr� ai:�i do,ti�:istream of±h� aC�ve s�uctures. T`he applican� is re�iirea to provide evid�nce trat thz eauili�,riam i� being maintai,-:ed iL requesiP�i ir� ��rit�nD by 1\TCD �VR. Ir this c�ndit�or_ is unab?e to o� mei: duP t� be�rock or other i�mif�rg �. features encountere� during construction, please contaci NC��'�R fnr guidance on now to proceed and to detei�nine v�diethPr or not'a permi± modifica±ion will be required. [15A NCAC 02H.OSQ6(h)(2)] - -- _: - 2. -.Ifcot►crete is ased dui•ing constructi�n, a dry work area shall be maifitained to prevent direct contact • oetween curuig co„crete and stream w-ater. �A%ater tliat uiadverteritly cor�ta�ts U��cured coiicrate s�iall not .- -be:d;s�;?:�,rgec� to surfaae:�vaters �ue tG the potential for elevnted pI-� an�� pessible a��aa.ric. life a.nu fsh kills. [ 1 ��1 NC� C G2B.02�J01 _3. �ur�n� tha �onstn.�ctir�� � i�he praject, na s�aging of :c�ui:pment oi any kind is pzrmitted in wate.rs of the U.S., or protected rinarian buffers. f 15A NCAC 02H.0506(b)(2)] 4. '�'he dimen,sien; pattern and pro�i:e cf the stream abav� and'�elew the crossing shall a�t b� modified. _- . Disturbed flaodnlains�and streams shall be restored to natural geomorphic conditions. [ISA NCAC ' 02H.Q505(b)(2); 5. The use of rip-rap above the Normal High Water Mark shall be minimized. Any rip-rap placed for stream stabilization shall be placed in stream channels in such a manner that it does not impede aquatic life passage. [15A NCAC 02H.0506(b)(2)j Fi. 1'�?e Yermitte� shall ens»re that the.final design draw'vngs adhere to the permit and to the permit drawin�s _ s,,i'�mi.ttei+ f�r'ap�rov�L [ i SA NCAC �7H .05�7(c� a�� ! SA NCAr Q2?T .�SJ� (b)(2) 2,nd ��j(2j� ?. . f�il �vcrk i:� o. a��acen� tc stre3m_e��at�is shali be con�uc��� i.� a orv wor� are�. Fpp:c;vecz 81:�II' .neasa�•�s ' fra� the mosi e�u-rent versiaii afIvTCBOT Constractian and Maulte�ance Activitizs manual sucii as �. sandbags, rock �erns, co#'ferdams ar.d other diversion sr-uctures s:�all be used to prevzr,t excavation in �lowing water. �i�A NCAC U2HA�06(b)(3) and (c)(3)j . 8. :Heav_y_ equipment shall be operated irom the banks rather than in the stream cham�el in order to minimize _ . sedi,-rie�taticn at�ci �e�uce �he �nir��uctiar. of ather poliuiants inte tha stream. �l S!� iJC:�� 02H.(!5�6i�)��)� 9. A11 mechanized �quipment operated near surface waters must be regularly inspected and maintained to prevent contamination of-stream waters from fuels, lubricants, hyciraulir fluids, or other toxic materials. f 1 SA r.Tca_� o2H.O5�E fb)i3)] 10.. :Nc��rock, san�:or ether materials.sb_all.be�dredged frc�m the sixeam channel exce�t where a�.a.thorized by this certlf c�t�nn. [15A N�P C 02H.0506(L�)(?)] �11. � Discharging hycLosezd mi�ti:res and wasl�:ng out riydroseeders and ott;�r eauipmer�t in or adjaaer�t to surface waters is �rohihitei, [1 SA rICAC 02H.0505(b)� 3)] 12. 1'he.permittee a�c+ its wuthorized ag�n#s sizail cond�ct its activi�ies in a mana4: i�nsistent s=�ith State water a��ii y� stunuzr.�.s_(inc?a:iirg «r.y require.nents :esulting ��ms �ompliance ;��ith ;3J3(d� o: ti:e C�ear. V�.'at�r !�C`Li ^uT:L S:)}' s�i::�i' 2�7f?T°C��il�t0 POGi`iLT'dII1G�'itS i i cT2tC �.:7� FC(:?i2i �1F>'. Ti Ic`?f.' ��1����h CiGtC�'d:'_lii'a`..°S il'iat "sllGil standards or laws are not being met (inciuding the failure to sustain a designated or achieved use) or that State . or federal law.is being�violateci, or that further conditions are necessa_ry to assure compliance, the NCDWR . �riay re�v�h�ac� aEzj n�n�ifj•' *n:s ��,�if�a±���n. ; i Sr-: i�;i A� �28.�'2+:�Oj I_?.. Ali ��i si��es !oc�t�d i.n j��.��isc�ic�:iona� �vatlands sha?1 be n'laced at si�Yes n� �la*ter t�an 3:1, i!nitiss �±hPrwise au±Y�s+�riz�d �ti tr,�� cer�:itica±icn. �15A NCAG t;2T-I.�15(l�{�)f2)] � - 14. � A� copy-�i' ihis� Water�Quality Ceriification shall oe mainiained ori the constivction site at all times. In �.__ . addition, the �Vater Quality Certification and all suhsequent modifications, if anv, shal] be maintained with the Uivision Engineer and ttie on-'site project manager. [ 15A NCAC O�H A507(c) and 15A NCAC U2H .0�05 (b)(2) and (c)(2)] 15. The outside buffer, wetland or water boundary located within the construction corridor approved by this authori�ut�en sha11 be clea�•l�.marked by higrily yisible fenc;ua �:'iG3't�J SIl)/ �3:=� d�s�;�•6ing aciivi�ies. Im�acts . to are:s tvi:h:ll LIl� fer.cuig are �i:bhi�ited �-�less othPrwase a��iharized by ti:is certificati�n. [15A NCAC 42rL0501 an� .G�St�2] _� � 16. ' Tne issuance ot this ceriincatian does uot exempt tne Fermittee i3-um complying witii any and all staiutes, "�. ni?es; reg�:lat;ons,. or �rdinances .that may be imposed by �ther ;overnment agencies (i.e, local, state, and �. fedzra'_) having jur;sd:�tion, nlclu�ing bat not liriited �e a}�plicab:e bu!�e: rules, storm��ater munagement � �.: � rules, soil erosion at�d sedi�nentation cotitrol. requiretnents, eic. 1',. The Perr�;:ttee shal� repo;t any violatior�s �f this certification to tlxe D:��is�on of Waicr Rese-ar�es with.in 24 hours of discovery. [15A NCAC 02BA�06(b)(2); �_ ._. 1$._ _Upor_ com�let�an of t'ne �roject (ir�cl��ding any imp:�at; aG iissociatad bo:row or J✓aste sites), the NCDOT _ __ . . DivisionBngineer (or appointee) shall complete and return the enclosed "Certification of Completion Form" . � to .notify the NCDWFc _when ail work inclu�ed in the �01 Ce.rtification has heen compieted. f 1�A NCAC 02H.OS�J2(f;] � 1�9: ?�Tative. riparian vegetation �must be reestablished in the riparian areas withir. the censtraction li.mits of the project by the end of the growing season following completion of construction. [15A NCAC 02B.0267(10)] 20. There shall be no excavation from, or waste disposal into, jurisdictional wetlands or waters associated with � this permit.without appropriate modification. Should waste or borrovt� sites, or access roads to waste or borrow ---.- -��-- -� _° sites, be iocaied=ui�weilands or slreams, compensatory mitigatiun will be required since that is a direct impact �. ._ .from road constniction a�rivities. [15A NCAC 02H.C1506(bl(3 j and (c)(3 j 1 2l. Er�sion.a��d sediment control practi�es r�ust be ir full compliance w:th a11 specific,:tions gov�ming the prop;,r Jesi� :, ;nsiailatior. ard operation and �naintenar.ce af such aj:si tiTan4gement Praccices ;n arde: to protect surface waters standards [i5a NCAC 02HASOb(t�j(3) and (c}(3]): � a. T'ne erosion and sediment control measures for the project must be designed, instalied, operaied, and -. , - � � � rnai�tai�ed in accor3anc;e with the-mosi recei�t ve;s��n oi the Narih �at•olina Sedir�tc-nt ar�d E-rosiun Control Planning and Design Manual_ . . }. 7'hz desiga, i:israllati�n. e�eration,.and maintenance ai t;�e se�irnent and eiOS?Gii CUII!TGI :T1P�SU1'�S Il7USt _ .• - . Le si:ch that t�hey _equal, cr e:�ceed, the requirements s�eci ted in �he m3st rec�nt version of the :�'crth . i af•olina Sedr'r.ner,t �nd E; �sion_Contr�ol 11�faraual. Tr�e «evices sli�ll Ue maintain.d r,n all censtru�t�on .... _� _ . sites; borrow sites; and waste pile (spoil) projects, including contractor-owned or leased borrow pits associated with the proje�t. . c. I'or'su►-row.pit sites, t?�c �rosion and sediment i;antrol n2zasures must U� designed, ir�stalle�, operated, � � an�l maintained �n accor�ance with the most rec�r.t version of the TJerth C.�crrolincr St,r,fPce Mining Manz;al. � . � • . � � � , �d. �T!i�•r;,..lamati�n :nea�ur�s-and im�lementation must comply with the re�lamation in accordan�e with the � � ,- requirements of the Sedimentation Pollution Cont►•oI Aci. 22. Sediment and erosior. c�ntrol meast�rPs s�all no± be placed i� wetlands or waters tmless othe��ise approt�ed by this Certification, f 15A NCAC 02H.0506(bl(3) and (c)(3?] If you v✓is�; tc�contest ar�y st�.ter.i�nt in the attached Ce: tificatior. yc�t. must ti�e a p:,titiar. for ar. adrn:nistrative �'ic•u?'lil�. Y G!i T[:o3' �bta;:� tl:e �et�tio�.:orn u'Uril t:l� ��FT1C0 Ot A:�[[;1'11::iI'�uf:VC 1t2c1rlilb�. S'G� IriUSt Flte i�i8 �8tlt,0i1 with the office of Administrative Hearings within sixty (60) days of receipt of this notice. A petition is considered f led when it is received in the office of Administrative Hearings during normal office hours. The Office of ,�c�zri.�:�t��tiv� HeaYit!�s uec� Gts fii�r,�s Nlondaiy th�•;,4gh Frida}� bet���eer. �ne hc�i�rs of S.00ary a7d �:UO�sr_, e�c.pt fc,r o; �!cial staie �;o'_iday;. The c.rig�i�al and one (i; copy of the na�itinn must tc � ied Ev:th rhe Of�ice cf Adtr.ir.istrative Hear�.ngs. The petition may be fa�ced-provided the original and one copy of the document is received by the Office of Admuiistrative Hearings within five (5) business days fullowing the faxed t�arumission. The mailing address for the Office of Administrative Hearings is: Office uf Administrative Hearings 6714 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-6714 Telephone:(919)431-3000.Facsimile:{919)431-3100 A copy of the petition must also be served on DEQ as fellows: Mr. Sam M.Haves, General Counsel Department of Env'vonmental (Zuality ;60] Mail Service Center lhis letter completes the review of iht Division of Water Resources undar Secrian 401 oY the Clean Water Act. If you have any questions, please contact Dave Wanucha at (336)776-9703 or Dave.Wanucha@ncdencgov. Sincerely, �: ^ / � ',1 �' f ��.���n ' `'i � �� S. Jay Zimmerman, Director Division of Water Resources Electronic copy only distribution: Dave Bailey, tiS Army Corps of Eny,ii�eers, Raleigh Field Oftice Jem Pazker, nivision 7 Emironmental Officer Nicole 7T:omsor., Division 7 EnvimnmenG�l Assistar.t Travis Wilson, NC Wildlife Resources Commission File Copy Environmentcit Qi�alrry tiCQ�VR Pr+�jeci Na: Applirani: Projec! Namr. Date of Issusncc of 401 Water fjuality Certificatian: Ccuitv: R� )Y COUPf�;R MICt1AEL S. REGAN S. JAY ZIMMFRMAN fer[ificate of Completion Upon completion of all work approved within the 40I We[er Quality Certification or applicable BuYTer Rules, and am <uhsequenf modification;. the applicant is required to return this certficate tu the 401 Transporta[ion Pe�mit[ing Unit. North Carolinz Division of Nlater Resources. 1617 Mail Service Centee Raleigh, NC, 27699-161'. This fortr may be retumed to NCDWR bp [he applicant, the applicant's authorized agent, or the projea engineer. It is not nzccssary to send ceitificatea fi'om ali of tiizse. Applican('.c Certifrcation I, , hereby stare that, to the best of my abilities, due care and diligence was used in the observation of the construction such that the construction was observed to be built within substantial compliance and intent of [he 401 Water Quality Certifica[ion and [3uffer Rules, the approved plans and specifications, and other supporting materials. Signature: f)ate: Agenr's CerliJicatinn i, __, , hereby sta�e thac, to tne best uf my abilities, due ca�z and uiligencz was used in the observation of the construction such tha[ ihe cor.sVuction w2s observed [o be built wiihin suhstan[ial compliance and intent ot the 401 Water Quality Cenincation and Bufter Rules, the approved plans and specifications, and othrr suppurtiqs matzrials. Sigea[ure: Exgineer's Cerlif•calion Partial Final t, , as a duly rcgis[ered Professicna! Engineer in the State of Ncrth Ca3�olinxi, having been authorized to observe (periodital!y, week!y, full time) the censtruction of the prvject for :he Pern�ittee hereby stwte that, te the best of my abilities, due carc and diligen:e was u.td in the obscrvation of lhe construction such lhat the construction was observed to be built wi[hm substamiai compliance and intent of the 401 1b'�ter Qualily Cehification and [3uffer Rules, the approved plans aod specificaiiuns, and uther supporting mnterial,. Signature _ Date Rr_eistr�tior. No. '� Nothing Campares � , iu � ol Nonl'�. !'smli�:a j knvimnrctntal �l�'rl�h i b 17 4ia�i Senice Cen:e� j KaiervJ�. idurth Ca�oi ma 275'v9-I i, I 7