HomeMy WebLinkAbout20170357 Ver 1_Staff Comments_20170411DWR# Triaged By: Reviewer I Reviewer 2 Issue Project 0 Reviewer I Issue with Conditions 0 Reviewer 1 El Reviewer 2 More Information (see attached trigge sheet) Reviewer 1 ULT f �KVCVJ> I I" - 116,-S -61b Return Application 0 Reviewer I Date: 11 �(Lr 11 Date: El Reviewer 2 Reviewer 2 El Reviewer 2 SASWP-Non Point Source\WEBSCAPE\Triage Form s_Coversheets\Triage 2017\Triage Issue Sheet-2017.docx 1 Project #: - , m I - ' __ Date: — Who Reviewed: Lc�,�..✓ Plan Detail Incomplete "°❑-° t lease provide a location/most recent bound and published county soil survey/USGS 1:24,000 topographic map for the project. ❑ Please re -submit your site plans on full plan sheets at a scale of no smaller than 1"=50' with topographic contours shown. ❑ Please provide cross section details showing the provisions for aquatic life passage. ❑ Please provide building envelopes for all lots with wetlands, streams or buffers (or lots ) on the site plans. ❑ Please indicate proposed lot layout as an overlay on the site plan. ❑ Please provide a signed and sealed geotechnical report of subsurface soils at the proposed bottomless culvert location. The report must comply with the Division of Highways — Guidelines for Drainage Studies and Hydraulic Design prepared by A.L Hankins, Jr., State Hydraulics Engineer - 1999. ❑ Please locate any planned sewer lines on the site plan; 'ease provide a detailed planting plan for ` (standard includes: scientific na-- e, common na e, source of the plant material, plant spacing, wetland indicator status, etc., as well as planting specifications). ❑ Please indicate all proposed stream or wetland driveway crossings on your plan sheet (including future proposed). :�4ease indicate all stream impacts including all fill slopes, dissipaters, and bank stabilization on the site plan. »lease indicate all wetland impacts including fill slopes on the site plan. lease enumerate all riparian buffer impacts on the site plan and clearly label impacts (Buffer Impact 1, etc.). Please locate all isolated or non -isolated wetlands, streams, and other waters of the State as overlays on the site plan. `❑„_Please locate all of the protected riparian buffers as overlays on the site plan, clearly showing Zone 1 and Zo a 2. =l�uQcj Avoidance and Minimization ( }�1 rc \� } ( �- ❑ The labeled as on the plans does not appear to be necessary. Please eliminate theg i or provide additional information as to why it is necessary for this project.Vt:w\ ❑ This Office believes that the labeled on the plans as can be moved or reconfigured to avoid the impacts to the Please revise the plans to avoid the impacts. ❑ This Office believes that the labeled on the plans as can be moved or rec to minimize the impacts to the . Please revise the plans to minimize the impacts. ❑ Your proposed stream crossing appears to be aligned at approximately Please re -configure your proposed stream I crossing to show it aligned approximately perpendicular (between 75° and 105°). K-1 pc Mitigation ❑ of compensatory mitigation is required for this project. Please provide a compensatory mitigation plan. The plan must conform to the requirements of 15A NCAC 2H .0500 and must be appropriate to the type of impacts proposed. ❑ Buffer mitigation is required for the proposed buffer impacts. Please submit a mitigation plan detailing the amount of buffer impact for Zone 1 and/or Zone 2 and how the impact will be mitigated. ❑ Please provide documentation from an appropriate mitigation bank or the NCEEP indicating their willingness to accept your request to purchase (type of mitigation) credit to mitigate for the proposed (type of mitigation) impacts listed in your PCN application per Section D. Mitigation provider selection must conform to the requirements of G.S. 143-214.11 (for wetland and stream mitigation) or G.S. 143-214.20 (for riparian buffer mitigation). Other ❑ Please indicate which 404 Permit the USACE has authorized for this project. Please provide stream determination documentation on the site (upstream and downstream photos and DWQ stream identification forms). ❑ Please provide a qualitative indirect and cumulative impact analysis for the project. Please see DWQ's policy for guidance on our website at: http://portal.ncdenr.org/web/wq/swp/ws/401/policies ❑ For areas in nutrient sensitive waters (NSW) or buffered river basins fertilizer specifications for stormwater BMPs should state that that only an initial minimal application of fertilizer to establish the plants shall be used. ❑ Please complete Section of the PCN Form. ❑ Please provide proposed septic fields on all (or) lots showing that additional impacts will not be required. ❑ The proposed buffer impacts in your application require a major variance from the Environmental Management Commission. Please submit 3 copies of your information of the July 2009 Variance Application Form with supporting documentation. Triage_checklistv6 2017 C, ................................ ............. L) r o a Project #: ( "" ' Date: ((0-7 Who Reviewed: ( ❑ ��� Plan Detail Incomplete ❑ Please provide a location/most recent bound and published county soil survey/USGS 1:24,000 topographic map for the project. lease re -submit your site plans on full plan sheets at a scale of no smaller than 1"=50' with topographic contours shown. ❑ Please provide cross section details showing the provisions for aquatic life passage. ❑ Please provide building envelopes for all lots with wetlands, streams or buffers (or lots ) on the site plans. ❑ Please indicate proposed lot layout as an overlay on the site plan. ❑ Please provide a signed and sealed geotechnical report of subsurface soils at the proposed bottomless culvert location. The report must comply with the Division of Highways — Guidelines for Drainage Studies and Hydraulic Design prepared by A.L. Hankins, Jr., State Hydraulics Engineer -1999. ❑ Please locate any planned sewer lines on the site plan. ❑ Please provide a detailed planting plan for (standard format includes: scientific name, common name, source of the plant material, plant spacing, wetland indicator status, etc., as well as planting specifications). ❑ Please indicate all proposed stream or wetland driveway crossings on your plan sheet (including future proposed). ❑ Please indicate all stream impacts including all fill slopes, dissipaters, and bank stabilization on the site plan. ❑ Please indicate all wetland impacts including fill slopes on the site plan. Please enumerate all riparian buffer impacts on the site plan and clearly label impacts (Buffer Impact 1, etc.). ❑ Please locate all isolated or non -isolated wetlands, streams, and other waters of the State as overlays on the site plan. Please locate all of the protected riparian buffers as overlays on the site plan, clearly showing Zone 1 and Zone 2. Avoidance and Minimization - - ❑ The labeled as on the plans does not appear to be necessary. Please elimi a the or provide additional information as to why it is necessary for this project. ❑ This Office believes that the labeled on the plans as can be moved or reconfigured to avoid the impacts to the . Please revise the plans to avoid the impacts. ❑ This Office believes that the labeled on the plans as can be moved or reconfigured to minimize the impacts to the . Please revise the plans to minimize the impacts. ❑ Your proposed stream crossing appears to be aligned at approximately . Please re -configure your proposed stream crossing to show it aligned approximately perpendicular (between 750 and 1050). Mitigation ❑ of compensatory mitigation is required for this project. Please provide a compensatory mitigation plan. The plan must conform to the requirements of 15A NCAC 2H .0500 and must be appropriate to the type of impacts proposed. ❑ Buffer mitigation is required for the proposed buffer impacts. Please submit a mitigation plan detailing the amount of buffer impact for Zone 1 and/or Zone 2 and how the impact will be mitigated. ❑ Please provide documentation from an appropriate mitigation bank or the NCEEP indicating their willingness to accept your request to purchase (type of mitigation) credit to mitigate for the proposed (type of mitigation) impacts listed in your PCN application per Section D. Mitigation provider selection must conform to the requirements of G.S. 143-214.11 (for wetland and stream mitigation) or G.S. 143-214.20 (for riparian buffer mitigation). 9. Other � &, ❑ Please indicate which 404 Permit the USACE has authorized for this projec ❑ Please provide stream determination documentation on the site (upstream and downstream photos anti WQ stream identification forms). ❑ Please provide a qualitative indirect and cumulative impact analysis for the project. Please see DWQ's policy for guidance on our website at: http://portal.ncdenr.org/web/wqZswp/ws/`401/policies ❑ For areas in nutrient sensitive waters (NSW) or buffered river basins fertilizer specifications for stormwater BMPs should state that that only an initial minimal application of fertilizer to establish the plants shall be used. ❑ Please complete Section of the PCN Form. ❑ Please provide proposed septic fields on all (or) lots showing that additional impacts will not be required. ❑ The proposed buffer impacts in your application require a major variance from the Environmental Management Commission. Please submit 3 copies of your information of the July 2009 Variance Application Form with supporting documentation. -❑ Tria e checklistv6 2017 ]DI, Av tjLc< -1 1. 4�4_ ------ - - - 4L, '7-,, J 6-V 4�4 5 z:2