HomeMy WebLinkAbout20150993 Ver 2_FINAL BA_Andrews Chapel Impact 1 MOD_20170426Environmental Consultants„ 8412 Aalls of N eusa Load, Suite 1014, Raleigh, NC 37615 • Mion a: (5119 sandcc.coin April26, 210171 SI&EC Prcjec1 # 12164."9 NC DWR, 4 C 1 & Buffer Permitlinq Unit Atln: Karen Higgins Arc hdalei BL ilc ing — 91' Flcor 5121 North Salisdury Streeit Raleigh, NC 2171604 From: DEIdcirc h E. Shirleiy Soil & Environmental Consultants, RA Re!: .4rdrevus Chap el-Impaict #1 Soifer Modification [IVY R# 1 CI -095131 13Lrhairr & Wake Courly, NC Pleiasei sees atilached Riparian BuffeirAuihoriaaticin ApFlicaticin anc revised imp aci map (ImpiectAreia #1) requesting a Mcdifice Iicn cif the previously appreweid Riparian Buffer Authcrizetion. This Modification request is a result of a request from the NCCOT wh ict resulteid in en increase in Zone 1 anc ai decre&se in Zcinei 2 bLff'er impacils. Please nctei that these changers were discussec with Slephainie Gass. RrewicuslyApprcvec-Impact #1 CurrentReiquest- n act*i Tcial Riperian Buffer Impact (Isquaire Zane 1: 19,30,1 Zcne 1: 16,3195 feeii): Zone 21: 13,211: EI Zcne 21: 11,87C Attacf ments: Riparian Bt ffer Application Rorm Ageni ALiFOrizalion Rcrrr USIGSI TopcgrapY is Map NRCSI Moil Survey Map NCIDWR Buffer ❑eterrrinalion letter-NBRRC A14-2,19 USIACE 404 h WP Veriflcation-AID SAW -20'15-02034 NCIDWR 401 WQ Clerlification-❑WQ Rroject #'15-0993 NCIDCT Email -Mark W. Craig NCIDMSI Miligation Receipt Wildlands H c (dings Mitigation Credit Iian Eder Cera iflcale RBST Sltalement of Availability -April 24, 2017 C%erall Grading & Drainage Plan -C R2 IlSlouif east Comerof Full Plan; Irripacl Map Area A 1 Map -161 ek ckrorn.ic aubrr ittal Stormwaler Irripad Analyais (Approved; NCDOT Approved FlIanEv Brier Creek Parkway Man & Prcflle-FIR; 81 RR7 DWR State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Dlvtslon of Water Resources Division of Water Resources 15A NCAC 02B .0233 (8)(b),.0243 (8)(b),.0250 (11)(b),.0259 (8)(b), .0267 (11)(c),.0607 (e)(2) -Buffer Authorization FORM: BA 10-2013 Riparian Buffer Authorization Form A. Applicant Information 1, Project Information 1 a. Name of project: Andrews Chapel -Impact Area #1 Buffer Modification 1 b. County: Durham & Wake 1c. Nearest municipality: Durham 1 d. Subdivision name:. Andrews Chapel 1e. Is the project located in any of North Carolina's twenty coastal counties. If yes, answer If below. El Yes No 1f. Is the project located within a NC Division of Coastal Management Area of Environmental Concern (AEC)? ❑ Yes ® No 2. Owner Information 2a. Name on Recorded Deed: Mll Homes of Raleigh, LLC 2b. Deed Book and Page No. Deed Bk: 7759; Deed Pg: 685 2c. Map Book and Page No. (include a copy of the recorded map that indicates when the lot was created): Could not locate. 2d. Responsible Party (for Corporations): Jeremy Medlin 2e. Street address: 1511 Sunday Drive, Suite 100 2f. City, state, zip: Raleigh, NC 27607 2g. Telephone no.: 919-233-5740 2h. Fax no.: NIA 2i. Email address: Imgdlln(&MIHOMES,com 3. Applicant Information (if different from owner) 3a. Applicant is: El Agent Other, specify: Owner 3b. Name: 3c. Business name (if applicable): 3d. Street address: 3e. City, state, zip: 3f. Telephone no.: 3g. Fax no.: NIA 3h. Email address: 4. AgentfConsultant Information (if applicable) 4a. Name: Deborah E. Shirley 4b. Business name (if applicable): Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA 4c. Street address: 8412 Falls of Neuse Road, Suite 104 4d. City, state, zip: Raleigh, NC 27615 4e. Telephone no.: 919-846-5906 4f. Fax no.: 919-846-9467 4g_ Email address: dshirleyC�sandec.com FORM: BA 10-2013 Page 1 of 5 li Project Irifaumation and Prior Project History 1. Prciperiy Iteintlificatlion 1ei. Prop ertyicentiiice iticn ric. Qtax PIN crparceI ID): 0169-04-50-3711 810-169-04-52-6,1-712 'I b. Site ccerdinaitEis (in cEaimail decrees;: IMPAC71 #1 Latitude: 35.9235 LengitudE: -718.7787 1 114.11 acres 21. Surface Vuaileirsi 2a. Name of nearest bocy cf wailer tc propesEcl prejEcl: UT tc l ittlEi Erier CreEik 21-33-4-1 2d. "Mer Qualily Classification of nearest recEiiuing waste r. C; NEI" 2c. RVEirbasin: NEUSE River Basin; Hyc rcicgic Unit Ccde 030202CIl 3. Piaijecit Description 3a. DESClllbe the existinc acnditieris c n the sitEl and the ceine reit land use in iFE vicinity cf the p rcjEct at 1hEi lime cif This application: l is'linc conciticns consist of an assEmblagei cf propErliEs l it is currently under construction. ThEire are twc IarcE ,jurisdictional ponds, a perennial stream systEim bEICw ihE pond and a perennial stream alcinc thell Eastern property boundary. Adciticinally, therEi is an intEirmitteni dream anc vvetlainc systErris flowing into the- perennial stream belcwIli pcind. The gEineral lairnc uses in the vicinity cf ii project is rEsiclEintial. 3b. Attach an 8'/ x 11 ExcEirpt from the mast recent version of the USGS tcpcgpiap hic maip incicating the Iccaiticn cf the site 3c. Atiach Fin 8 % x 11 excerpt frcrri the most rECEnt versicin cf tY E published Ccurnty NRCS Soil Survey Map dElpictincl the prcijEci sitEl 3d. List the total EstirriatEd IinEar lEEt cf all Existing strEFirris (intErmitlent wind perennial) on the prcpE rty: Apprcximadely 4,496 linear fEet 3e. Bxplain trE3 purpcsE of ihE pibpcisEd prcijeci: The purpose cif the projEct is tc ccinsiruci a rEsidEintial dEVElcpmEnt anc acnstruct the infrastructure necessary) tci accE ss the reside ntial dEIVE Ic p me nt. 3f. DesaribE the ovEmall prcjEict in clEtail, including ihE type cf Equipment ie be used: The overall prcjEict ccnsisls of the construction cif roadway infrastructurE, utilities, singlEi-family and multi- feimil} Icits, stormwaier BMP's anc a rEicrEiational arEla. SpEiCificailly fcr this mocification request, the NCDO-n is requiring ac difional riprap arciund the inlet anc the outlet cif the slrEam crossiric. PIE121SE sEIEI attached Email from Mark W. Craic, and Apprcivec NC❑O1lsheets, PPoc 8 PR7. EquipmEnttypically usEc for constrLciion Bind earthwork such as backhoeis, bulldozEirs, exceivators, tracers, pavers Etc. will be utilizec for this project. 4. Juiisidiclional Determinations 4a. F- a%E jurisdictional wetland cr sireiam c Eterminations by the ® Yes ❑ Nc ❑ Unknown Ccrps or State bEEri rEquEistEd cr obtained iorthis prcpE rty/ CcrrimE nts: prcjEict Oincluding all prior phases) in the. paisi? 4b. If yes, who cElineaied tl'E jurisdicticnail areas? AgEinq/ Consuliairit Complany: Soil & Narrie (Jif known': Steven Ball Environmenial Consultanis, PA Other: 4c. If yes, list the dates cf the Ccrps jurisdictic nal dElermineiticns cir Stele determiriaiions and atiacr dccumenialion. USACE- Bric AlsmEyErwiih the Corps verified jurisdicdicnail areas on August 12, 2014. ,urisdiciicnal Deterrriinafion issued on CcicbEir 30, 2015; NCDWFI- ,amEs Graham with the NCDVVR ccnducied a NeusE Buffer detenminalicin on , my 1, 2014, see aittached lelier (N BRFIC #14 -219). 51. Project History 5a. HavE pErmits cr cErlificiaiticins 1i requested cr obtained for this ® YES ❑ No ❑ Unknown. project (including all price phases) in the pass? 5b. li yes, explain wind dElail aicccrding to °hElp HE" instructions. 404 Naiicnwide Permit VEriflaaiticn issued on 10430/15 (AID#1r1AW-2015-02034; 401 Waier Quality) CEirlification wind BLffErAulhorizatlon Approval issued cn 10/21/15 (DWRi#19-0993'. RCIRM: BA 910-:10913 Rage 2 of 9. B. Rrcjecit Irilormation and Prior Project History 6. FRulurE PrcjectPllansi 6a. Is this a phasec projeict? ❑ Yes ® No 6b. If Yeas, ElAplain. FORM: SSG Al3080 8-13 Pag ci -'I of 5 C Proposed Impacts Irveirfory Bufilei Impacts tai. Project is in whicF prctected Basin? ® Net, se ❑ Tar-Paimlico ❑ Catewbei ❑ Raindlerriein ❑ Jordan ❑ Gocse Creek 11J. Incividually list gill buffer impaids delcw. If any impacts require miiigaticn, then ycu MILISII fill cull Eleclicn D cif this form. Buffer irripaici nurrider- Peirmaneni ISP) Reason for irripaici Type of impact Qexempt, allowablei, Stream nairrie required? 8uffe r mitigation re q Zcne 1 impacll Zcine 2 impact c r lir m ora T allowabiei w/ mitigation) Ilsq ft) IJsq f7) B11 ®P F-1T �) Relaid Crcissing- Allowable UT to Little ®Yeas ❑Nc 1E,395 11,E�iCI NCDCTApprevec w/Mitigelicin BrierCreeH B2 ❑ P❑ T ❑ YES ❑ Nc B3 ❑ P❑ T ❑ Yes ❑ Nci llaltail bufiler imraicts '6,395 11,870 1c. Ccirrimeirlls: D. Impact Justlificafior airc Mitigaflior 1. Avc icaince and Minimizatic n tai. Specifically c escribei measurers taken to avciic or minimize ihei prcPCiseid irripacts in c esigning prcjeict. This roac cressing has been preivicusly apprevec by NCDWR anc the LSACE. Thrciugh addiiicinal required reiviews, NC❑Clll has reqs ireid me dificaticns of th ei riprep of thea inlet and oL tlet ed the culveirt. This riprap is fc r stabilization during higf flews. Rlease see attachec eimail frcm Mark W. Craig, and Apprcvec NCDOT sheets RF121 & PR -7. 1 b. Specif iceilly describe meiaSL res taR cin lc avoid cm minimize the prcipc sed irripacis tY rc ugh ccirlstrL ction iechnic L es. Reir thei prcject eingineer: Ste ncardEresienContrcImeasuii-ES will beiricorporaitecstchassilt Ile ncing,inlet prclection cif all upsireiam structures and eip p rc p riately sized sed imeirit riser daisins will be utilized d ring; construction. RCIRM: BA 10-2013 Rage 4 of 5 C. Impact Juslifiicialien and Mitigaiiicin, cionlinued 2. Bufiler Mitigation 2a. Will the project result in an irripaicl within ai pnotEcted riparian buffErlhail nequireis bufferI ® YesF]Nc miiicaticri? 2b. If yes, thein ideintify tf ei square feel cf impact 11c each acrIE1 of the riparian buffer Thal requires miiicatieri enc cailcUlatei the amount cf mitigation re,quireic in ihEi liable bedew. Tota,Nrnpact Zcnei Reeiscn fcr impact Total impact MUltiplieir Reicuirec rriitigaticri s ua ret feEil s uarei feed aenei 1 Rcac Cressiric 1E,395 (542) 3 112 fcr Calawba) 4 ,185 1150,811)) Zonel2 Rcac Crossing 11,8710 112,222) 1.8 171,8105 (21,288) Zcne 2 Tcitad buffer miligaition required: EE,950 (72,095) 2 c. If buffer miiic aticri is reit uireid is pat IrriEint tc a 23,41G.5 ® YES ❑ No 611 1k tal bbillierrri,itigation reglu,ired: mitigation beink en � C EER propcseid? 2d. If yes, attach ihei acceiptence letleir fnom thei miticatien bank cr NC EER. 2e. If no, thein discuss what llypei cf rriitigation is prcposec. REISOI rcel Erivirc nrrieiriteil Sc lutions previc eid ai Staitemeni of Availability letteir slating ihad thei EIE X spc nscred Uppeir Neusei Riparian Buffer Lmbrellai Mitigation Be6s can cover this mitigaiticn nEieid. Please seie eiitached Stalemeint of Availability fcr the a cdilicnal 1,146 f112 of buffer mitication needed. Also see receipts fcr previous bLffeiii mitigation peic from NCDMS and Wildlainds Holdings 2f. Comments: PreviOl s buffer miticatien frcrri 2015 401 ApprcveI bedcw, llhis is the table within Seicticn C.E cf thEi Rrel- Ccnstiiuciicn Nctification Application for the crit ineil Andrews Ctepel. The rieiw iiiparia ri buffer impacts fcii Irrpaicl #1 increased in ZcrIEI 1, but" eire rEidL cec in Zone 2. Alsc, previous submittal required buffer rriiticaticn for Impact #3 (i.e. Zcne 1 = 542; aenei 2 = 2,c22). The new buffer miiicaitieri prepcsec, including Impact #2 wculd tcllaI 712,099 ft2, tris is accounting for buffer mill igaticn fcr Irripact #'s 1 & c. Zona Reason fcr,impact Tota,Nrnpact Miuiltipher FlEigluiirea m,iiligail,icn (siglcrarE feet, (square ibei) Zone 1 Rlcae Crossing i,847 (; 5,365 4 f42) 5 (2 for Catawba) 47,5141 Zcne 2 Rcao Crossing 15,667 (13,2E5 4 x,322 1.5 23,41G.5 611 1k tal bbillierrri,itigation reglu,ired: 76,952 FCRM: SSGP30808-13 Paga 5 of E. Diffuse Flow Plan All buffer impacts and high ground impacts require diffuse flow or other form of ❑ Diffuse flow stormwater treatment. Include a plan that fully documents how diffuse flow will be ❑ Other BMP "* maintained. If a Level Spreader is proposed, attach a Level Spreader Supplement Form. If due to site constraints, a BMP other than a level spreader is proposed, please provide a plan for stormwater treatment as outlined in Chapter 8 of the NC Stormwater BMP Manual and attach a BMP Supplement Farm. Diffused flow will be provided as required by local and state regulations. A combination of level spreaders, vegetated filter strips, wet detention ponds and riprap aprons are incorporated in the Stormwater Management Plan design to meet these requirements. The City of Durham has approved this plan, it has been provided electronically with this submittal. F. Supplementary Information 1. Environmental Documentation 1a. Does the project involve an expenditure of public (federal/state/local) funds or the use of ❑ Yes ❑ No public (federal/state) land? 1b. If you answered "yes" to the above, does the project require preparation of an ❑ Yes ❑ No environmental document pursuant to the requirements of the National or State (North Carolina) Environmental Policy Act (NEPAISEPA)? 1c. If you answered "yes" to the above, has the document been finalized by the State ❑ Yes ❑ No Clearing House? (If so, attach a copy of the NEPA or SEPA final approval letter.) 2. Violations 2a. Is the site in violation of DWR Wetland Rules (15A NCAC 02H .0500), Isolated Wetland ❑ Yes ® No Rules (15A NCAC 02H.1300), DWR Surface Water cr Wetland Standards, or Riparian Buffer Rules (15A NCAC 02B .0200)? 2b. Is this an after -the -fact permit application? ❑ Yes ® No 2c. If you answered "yes" to one or both of the above questions, provide an xplanation of the violations): Deborah E. Shirley Applicant/Agent's gnature April 24, 2017 Applicant/Agent's Printed Name (Agent's signature is valid only if an authorization letter from the scant is Date provided.) Send this completed form and accompanying documents to the following: For government transportation projects sent For government transportation projects sent by First Class Mail via the US Postal Service: by delivery service (CIPS, FedEx, etc.): NC DWR, Transportation Permitting Unit OR NC DWR, Transportation Permitting Unit 1650 Mail Service Center 512 N. Salisbury Street Raleigh, NC 27699 -1650 Raleigh, NC 27604 For all other projects sent by First Class Mail For all other projects seat by delivery service via the US Postal Service (UPS, FedEx, etc): Karen Higgins OR Karen Higgins NCDWR 401 & Buffer Permitting Unit NCDWR —401 & Buffer Permitting Unit 1550 Mail Service Center 512 N. Salisbury Street Raleigh, NC 27699 - 1650 Raleigh, NC 27604 FORM: BA 10-2013 Page 6 of 5 Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA 8412 Falls of Neuac Road, Smite 104, Raleigh, NC 27615 • Phone: {919} 846-5900 • Fax; (919) 846-9467 &nsdec.com PROPERTY OWNER CERTIFICATION / AGENT AUTHORIZATION Project Name/Description: Andrews Chapel Road Site S&EC Project # I2164 Date: -1 1 The Department of the Arany U.S. Army Carps of Engineers, Wilmington District 69 Darlington Avenue Wilmington, NC 28443 Attn; Eric Alsme er Field Office: Raleigh Regulatory Field Office I, the undersigned, a duly authorized owner of record of the property/properties identified herein, do authorize representatives of the Wilmington District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) and Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA (S&EC) staff, as my agent, to enter upon the property herein described for the purpose of conducting onsite investigations and issuing a determination associated with Waters of the U.S. subject to Federal jurisdiction under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act and/or Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899. This document also authorizes S&EC, as my agent, to act on my behalf and take all actions necessary for the processing, Issuance and acceptance of a permit or certification and any and all associated standard and special conditions. This notification supersedes any previous correspondence concerning the agent for this project.. NOTICE: This authorization, for liability and professional courtesy reasons, is valid only for government officials to enter the property when accompanied by S&EC staff. You should call S&EC to arrange a site meeting prior to visiting the site. PARCEL INFORMATION: Parcel Index Nurnber(s) (PIN): Site Address: City, County, State: PROPERTY OWNER INFORMATION: Name: R 1-3:_ Mailing Address:. Telephone Number: Property her (please print) Owner Signature U ti.1C.- - LA1f Date We hereby certify the above information submitted in this application is true and accurate to the best of our knowledge. Project Area �+F � (Approximate) .{ IMPACT #1 � �,,� s rq, LOCATION.+ a ' ;_:fr � � T i �. ` '� J '��"-•',541" 1Jf7 _ )� h 'i^t� '��+ lE•ti r ° i J 4' i R�mi�wwn �( l 1 f'if -t, "_. �61i7 r1�.(f1� +x h r�a tv�jrlcifir ' _ - k&4mrialGar401 ens cl'f 4ir1[t:, f,rrh(� gloo Project No. USGS Topographic I'Irlap 0 2,000 4,000 8,000 12184.W1 Feet Andrews Chapel Rd. Site Project Mgr.: Durham & Wake SB Counties, NC Soil Environmental Consultants, PA Scale: 11010 Raven Ridge Rd.- Raleigh, NC 27614 1" =2,000' L(919) 846-5900 - (919) 846-9467 2013 Southeast Durham Web Page: www.Sar)dEC.com 2013-09-25 USGS Quadrangle t � , W• 50 YY , l ri Project Area �+F � (Approximate) .{ IMPACT #1 � �,,� s rq, LOCATION.+ a ' ;_:fr � � T i �. ` '� J '��"-•',541" 1Jf7 _ )� h 'i^t� '��+ lE•ti r ° i J 4' i R�mi�wwn �( l 1 f'if -t, "_. �61i7 r1�.(f1� +x h r�a tv�jrlcifir ' _ - k&4mrialGar401 ens cl'f 4ir1[t:, f,rrh(� gloo Project No. USGS Topographic I'Irlap 0 2,000 4,000 8,000 12184.W1 Feet Andrews Chapel Rd. Site Project Mgr.: Durham & Wake SB Counties, NC Soil Environmental Consultants, PA Scale: 11010 Raven Ridge Rd.- Raleigh, NC 27614 1" =2,000' L(919) 846-5900 - (919) 846-9467 2013 Southeast Durham Web Page: www.Sar)dEC.com 2013-09-25 USGS Quadrangle (s ' �•�� ��, (r ,r, 4 1 M 1 0 : ' � �h' + ,�Vd ,.� �Af NCDENRI North ,C,arolir-a Deplartmeniil' clfl Ehv ironrrlent and IN atc r:sll ,Resou IICeS ;Fit MclCnory, G ov enc or July,9,,,2014 S&EC Steven Ball, 84,12 Fal Is, ofl'the,Neuse SWtO 1,04 Ral ai gh,, NC -,'271615 Joh'nl D.. E H clrla, 11 SE 0etelry SOljccf. Huffiri Detarmination ,NBRRC #,1'4 -2;:I 9I Durb am' C ou r tyj Detenrrunal icn'llype: 91. f er C all Isiolated or H IR Call ®•Neuse dlA NCAC 218'.0233) SItarIC' 51tofg! Soil USGS Survejl Topo '❑ Talr-Pemlico Q1;5A NCAC�29' 0259) ❑.Bpherreral/lntermitlenVRereinnial DetermmaUcn- �❑ Jorcan'Q1.5A NCAC 26 02E71) c . ❑,1solaiec WetlIefic �Deleitmingi in Project -,Naini: AndrewarChapaj Silas LocatiorMiractior s Prbriarty, i'§l'bcAteC at 73`I Andrews CHapEd Rld; Durharii,,NC.. Subjact Strledm: UT"to Littl1d BnUu Cieei4, Detlenminatic n bate, July I,, 2014 S11aff: Jain es G- r allialm eature%Flac Nof Slubjecf To Buffers - Subf(l t TO lHuffer: - E/PTIII SItarIC' 51tofg! Soil USGS Survejl Topo A X P - - X X B A- - E X C X E X E - J4 E X E' X I S tarubuffar flag X F X E X G X E{ HI _ A p I - X E X - X E — - X )K X - E North Clarohha,❑rwmcin cMW derResourceis, I628iMa-lSe`rvrce,Cen Eli RalEugh,�NC 27:69f1-'1628 11Ycni•(f119; 7511-4200 Iriterrief wv w nou alerdu a l ty arc- LciaMon :3800 8krdttDrive Raleigh, I, G 27,609 fllsir 11919; 788-1711,99' An,Ec 88.11199- An.Ec ual Cppartuni)/Affirma t vci AIct (in'Enir1k yEir —'IC IY. FIEurycludl(la FJosi Clar sumem,Paipn Andrews Chapel Durham•County Julyl'9,'2014 Rage•2 of eatunei/Flag, Not Suhject, E/I/P* Start@ StoA@ Soil LISGS, Subject To. Surveg "No pc To Buffers: Buffers, Pond A _ X_ x X Blond D N A '*E/I/P - Ephenjenali•InformibeintlB'cirenr ial Riplanafion.: The featulre(sl listad above ha ror have Hccn located'on,tha Sloil'Surveyl of WakcrCeunty, Nbrth Carolina ori tha4ho9t recent'eopy'ofthe USIGS Tdopegrarhie map zit:a l :214,000 scala. Eaetl fhaiuule that is ciHecHad '`Not:Subject--las Heen determincid' not -to beta stilaami on.:i'si,not F nesant on the,proF erty. ,Eeature,,Nhal aj exflauked "S uHjecf',''Havie Hcien It c ated•on tHe•Flrorlarty ar d Fosse<is chaiacdciristics tHat Glualif} it•to be a strleam,. There.may'bo oiher'ahle"um ;Ionated— your property shat do;riot sHo A uip-on thlermiapsuefercncad above but sF H may bei cor,sid'ered jui-isidielional'aceoridingtc the -US Army Ccrps of Engineers andiorto the,'Eimision:of Water'Rle.iourcesr (DWRr, TUN on -411 detenrr Inafien shall expire five•(5) yeais fromi tHu daterof thisrkfUr: "Landowners oraffected;parties,that. disputetA,dertermination-made lily the DWR or Delegated 11ccal Authonity'may'requesf a determination tly tlbe Dimeitor-An appeal request muisit'He mad cwilhirtsii N (60) d aMs of'c ale of,th'iisi letller en frcm the date tHei affected' AartYJ,includingl dewnAmeam andior'aidjacent owr.ers;'is notliifi'ed of thlis letter. A recluc,911or a determination by the. Director, sihall be; refi rreid to the Directen in %Phling'c/o Karen Bigglirs; l3WR WeBS(aP(,UnftjA 650 Mai I'Service Center, Raileigh,NC, 27699. Thisi d eterminatibn •i s final and Hind ing mn ]esti, :as'd etailed `above, yc u, asl4.for a hearin gp o r al peal w h hin ssixty•((0) damh1. THe owner/future3ownersi=shouId notify) the:Division of'"ater Reisouraes (iIncluding, an}l 01Her Local, State, an8 L e d'eral,Ag enciesi) of 'this d ec ision to ncerniing an yr lbtune aorrespond ences nagar ding the subject prc pert (slated • above). This project:mayirequire a Section 400401 Fermii-fcn the rrogowd,activity;. Any inquiries shoulc_,be directed'to the I livision of,Watein Resources,ICentnal Office) at -(91'9;-807=6300; and the UISI A rmy'Cdrrxiflirigineerir (Raleigh ,Reglulaitlor}l Field Clifice) at:(919)-554-4884'. IL lyou Have quasfiors regarding sthis determiinatiofi please feel flee to cort8dl Jamas,Graham at'(91,9) 791-9256., R _ pect _Sly, Danny Smith„ Supervisor Wai cir ,Qu al i ty'Sc of ion RalaigH Regional Cffiaa cc: RRC/SWPFile Copy U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS WILlIMING•I'UN Dism[CT Action Id. SAW -20115-02034 C purity: %Vii -e U.S.G.S, Qu;tel: tilSOUTTIEASI' I)I1IIIiAM GENER.kL PEI Mur (RE.GIUNAL AND iYATIS[ HIVID ) VSRIF �+- GAN - - -- -- i` Permiuse: AM Homes ofRaleleh. I. U `' ,-�- I Jerenn• Medlin J Address: 1911 4und;iv Drive. Suite 100 NOV 03 �,S it 11aleigh, IN(% 2-7607 LIQ relephone Number: 919-291-3819 Size (acres) I14 Nearest'I't1 n Durham Nearest Waten►ay 41T Little Brier ('reel: River Basin Ifiaper 1\etrr-e USES I IiiC 03020201 Coordinates Latitude: 315„ 9131 Longitude: -78.776 Location dciefiption: 114 ttges in the linr•the;ist < Tr: (dant of tlae inte"ection of,1kmlrms,, Cli;9 lel Road of Del Webb Arbors Drive, smitheiist of Mirham, NC, Description ofprojecls area and activity. 7 tie oro led consist~ of the rnnytrurtimn of road%i•a% itlfrastruditre, tit ilit i£s=shigh- f,lmilti• and multi-flInliv lots', stnrm 1va9ter 1t11i"s and a recromion.3t oral. Thero art %tri ani wet lit nil and 1 -Ina rio g hilrrer inauart..nstine illtc�l %1,jt1a rtat111 ltiltaiae \ ami 11ethlnrl inwacis Sissociatell with ae,illeitil tI 1411 fill, tit iMiSsyarhin arid fill sloprs . Applicable Law 0 Section 404 (C Nmo Water Act, 33 [1SC 134.1) [l Section 10 (111wr:, and Ilarbelrs Act, 33 IJSC 10.3) A9ltliorir.ttiow Natimmidea Permit Numbers: N3LVE la Lilicar T"t-aimmrt;0,tion El-oiErj-& •1; MIT 29 Residential 1?clelnlliuent.. SEE 1IT.4C11ED IMP orll7ll'liGENERAL, III'G1lJ-11o(NDSPECIelt COM)IT104MV Your %York Is authorl/etl hy' the above reverenced permit tn•i1%irled it Is accomplishcil Ili Strict ac'c'ordance isIth the altached con (lit inn,; and your Subuiltted 11111111calinti and lit taclied Information dated 211020 1 quid resls�ed art 1{il1612Ofi5. Atiy ► iol;atinn of the amiched condilions or devintion rrom your submitted plans may subject the permitice to a stop work- order, a restoration order, a Class 1 ittlltainlstralc %c petialty, and/or appropriate legal action. 111Is Vierificatioll will remain %alici lentil lite expiration daw identified below calces~ Ilio n.tlie+nnide authorization is nioditlej, slrspendead or re%•oked. It, prior t0 thea. uNpirattiou (Late identitied below. the natiomVido llelmit autiiorir.;ltiolt is reiAmled and'or Inoditied, this verification v►'ill remaiii vahcl nlitil the expiration date identified Mow, provided it coluillio 1Yith all retluir4ments of (lie modified nation ride licnllil. If lite naliallnicle pertnit atnlielri�atiun eapires elr iS snspende el, rcv(5ked. 0r is ulodilte eI, such th it llle activity %wield Ilia Iongcr Comply ►►•illi the teriils and Conditions of (lie natioilwide licrolit, activities %%hich hive coni nwnced (i.e., are under construction) or are kinder contract it) commence: ill reliance tllT,zli tile' Tlaatiola%vide lierinit, %011 remain authorized provided the acti%ity is comple ml is ithin oyelve 111011th+ of IN (tate of ilia nati( nwhic permit's expiration, ulodilicaation or revocation, unless discretionary antllelrity has been cscrl:ised on a case-by-case Basis 10 ]modify, suspuid or r VOW the authorization. Activities subject to Section 401 (as indicated above) ill;l)- also re:etitire: ati individual Section .101 Witer Quality Certification. foil sliould contact the NC Division of Waier Qimlity (telephone 919-807-6300) to determine: Section -101 requirements. 1 his Depailmeant of the Army writic,alion does not relleve; the permittee of ilia responsibility to obtain any othor required Federal, State or local appro% als1perm its. If there are any questions regaiyling this verification, any of ilia conditions or the; Peimii, or the Corps of Engineers regulatory, lircvgraua, please 00111,1:1 Eric Alsme►'er ;at 919-554-488.1 123 0l Ei ie.f'..11,lTtererGr lTsacc.larnay.ua's1. Corps Regulatory Official: Expiration Date of Verilicatiarl: 031i8�1U17 VgI.:1y 11 jr cd by ALSMIYER P C.C.101h,24125 G'):<, Us.O US GO,e "m oT.a1 r'0.0, FYI. eu - USN cn . ALSMEYf R t i~XX 10742;404 04". 2015-10 30 15 S1 12 G+'uY Date: 101.3012015 Determination of Jurisdiction - A. Q Based on preliminary information, there: appear to be «atcrs of tate L1S including wetlands t0hin the above described project arca. 'finis preliminary determination is not an appealabl0 action antler ilia Regul story Prograin Administrative Appeal Pr(icass ( Reference 33 CFR Part.31). B. EJ There are Navigable Waters of the United States w ithin the above described project nr a subject to the pe:rmii requirements of Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act and Section -10.1 of the Clean Water Act. Unless there is a change in tete late car our published re�gul;atrons, this deicrmination ]away be relied upon fora period not to exceed five y0ars born the date of this notification. C. There are Craters of the US and/or vwtlands within the above described project area subject to the ,permit resitdrements of Section 401 of the clean Wawr Act (CWA)(33 USC § 1344). Unless there is it chanzge in the hat►• or our pablishcd regul.3tion,, this determination may be relied upon for a period not to exceed five years from the date ofthis notification, Basis For Determination: Thi., property contains tributarics of Little Brier Care-, tiitla bed :inti hank, and indicator:.s of ordinary Mali water marks, jurisdictional waters of tile: US, irnpoundinents of these waters (P i and P2), and adjacent wetlands. Little Brier Creek is a tributary of Brier [.reek and Lake Crabtree, a Traditional Nivigable Water. Pond PC is a (b)(4)(1i) artificial, constructed pond created in dry land„ ;and thus is not a crater of the LIS subject to Section 404. Remarks: This JD was contirined by field inspection on 8112/2014. The attached driming, Sheet lsX I, "OVERALL EXISTING CONDITIONS PLAN, ANpRMS CHAPEL, - STREAM a wErI.A-,,M IMPACTS", dated SEI' IE%18F.'R 10, 201 i, accurately depict the boundaries and locations of jurisdictional %►iters of the US within the properly. E. Attention USDA Program Ps11-ticipants: This has been conducted to identitythe limits orCorp>•' Clean 1V,ater rice jurisdiction for the particular site idvntified fit this request. The deEane:ttioit'de terniiraatioal retry not be valid for the tse:tland conservation provisions of the Food Security Act of 1985. 117you or your tenant are USDA Program participants, or anticipate participation in LtSDA programs, 3.011 should request ;a certified wetland determination fr:ani 1110 loc.-al Office of the Natural Resources Conservation Semire, prior to strartin work.. F. Appeals Information (' ws inrorm ation applies only to approved jttristlictionaai determinations as indicated in D and C abovej.: This correspondence constitutes an approved jurisdictional dc(arminition for the above described site. Ifyou object to this determination, you may retluest an administrative appeal under Corps regulatio,as,�t 33 CFI( fart 331. 11nclosed you will find a Nod ication or Appeal Prexe;ss (NAP) fact sheet and request for appeal (RFA) form. lfyoir re,. wst to appeal this d0ernaination you must suhrnit a completed RFA form to the: following address: US Army Cotes of Engineers South .Atlantic Uivision Attn: Jason Steele, Review Officer 60 F"orsylh Street SW, Room ION 115 Adan a, Georgia 30303»S801 Phonc: (4 04) 502-S 137 lit order for an RFA to be accepted by the Corps, the Corps niust determine that it is ccanaplete:, tbaf it nwvls Clic criteria for appeal under 33 CFR part 331.5, and that it has been received by (fie Division Office within 60 days of the date of the NAP. Should you decide to submit an RFA form, it must be receiN ed at the above address by 12 / 28 /20 15. a' It is not necessary to submit an lZl"A form to tilt Division Orfica if jou do not object to the deterniniation in this corriz.spondcrice:. Corps Regulator} Official- PE�+hate lf Mf 01301=O1 "+ ;apiraton 7atc: 10/30 '2020 'flew Wilmington District is committed to providing the highest level of support to the public. Fo help us etastrre We con intic to do so, please complete- our customer Satisfaction Survey online it littnWreguiator�,ace;ur+cr-Caa11�. Copy furnished: A cnt: Soil :inti Lavironnaentni Consull.111ts Debbie Shirizv :address: 8112 Falls—of Neuse Rd. shite 104 Ra Iei.-h . LN—C. 2761-5 relephone: Number: 919-846-5900 CIO u I MU1,105 !Uwdv4 awi3m 1 MMJS - .04' O SMUCINY -:1 NV -1d SNOIIICIN02 E)NLLSIX3 IIY82AO PuelsuDP3 .1 15T 0)" I A 1i T; 't T, -IW6 n Pr L0 North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Pat McCrory Governor October 27, 2015 M/I Homes of Raleigh, I.I.C. Attn: Jeremy Medlin 1511 Sunday Dr., Ste. 1001 Raleigh, NC 27607 Donald R. van der Vaal Secretary DWR # 15-0993 f Thain £ounty I1 J'i IllI 1 Subject. APPROVAL. OF 401 WATER QUALITY CERTIFICATION WITH ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS AUTHORIZATION CERTIFICATE PER THE NEUSE RIVER BASIN RIPARIAN BUFFER PROTECTION RULES (ISA NCAC 02B .0233) WITH ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS Andrews Chapel Dear Mr. Medlin: You have our approval for the impacts listed below For the purpose described In your application dated September 24, 2015 and received by the Division of Water Resources (Division) on September 24, 2015 with additional information received on October 16, 2015. These impacts are covered by the attached Water Quality General Certification Numbers 3886 and 38901 and the conditions listed below. This certification is associated with the use of Nationwide Permit Numbers 14 and 29 once they are issued to you by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Please note that you should get any other federal, state or local permits before proceeding with your project, including those rewired by (but not limited to) Sediment and Erosion Control, Non -Discharge, and Water Supply' Watershed regulations. This approval requires you to follow the conditions listed in the enclosed certification and the following additional conditions; 1. The following impacts are hereby approved provided that all of the other specific and general conditions of the Certification and Buffer Rules are met. No other impacts are approved, including incidental impacts. 11SA NCAC 0213.0506(b)(c) and 15A NCAC 026 .0233($)) I)ikkion of Water Resources, Rdlei-h Reetcmil 0frice. Water (�ualitn Operations Section blip- ;Sps 1628 \fail Sun ice tenter. Raleigh. tip' 27Ca99-1628 Phone: (919) 7914200 l.aealiort: 38111i Barrett r)ri%e, Raleigh. fit 27609 Fac: (919) 788-715') An Equal Opportunity S Al4+rmalive Action Employer - %'ade in pa K by recycled paper Andrews Chapel D W R# 15.0993 401 AND BUFFER APPROVAL Page 2 of 6 Type of Impact w_____ Amount Approved (units) Permanent Amount Approved (units) Temporary Wetland 0.036 (acres) 0 (acres) Impact Area #4A Wetland _ 0,022 (acres) Q (acres) _ impact Area 948 __. Wetland 0.063 (acres) _ 0_(acres) Impact Area ##4C nw Wetland 0.050 (acres) 0 {acres) Impact Area #4D _ Wetland Wetland 0.044 (acres) 4 {acres)^ Impact Area #4E Wetland -- 0.010 (acres) 0 (acres)��m _ Impact Area NSA Wetland _ 0.015 _ Impact Area 058 Wetland 0.046 (acres) 0 (acres) . Impact Area #5C Wetland 0.002 (acres)�� Impact Area #6A Wetland _ _ 0.055 (acres) _ 0"" (acres) _ Impact Area #6B Stream fe 199 (linear et) 20 (linear feet) Impact Area #1 -- Road - Road Stream _ _ 58 (linear feet] .~ 1 0 (linear feet) Impact Area #1 - Dissipater ^Stream 84 (linear feet) 22 (linear feet) Impact Area #2 — Road Stream _ 23 (linear feet) 0 (linear feet) Impact Area #2 — Dissipater Stream j 19 (linear feet) 0 (linear feet) Impact Area #3 — Dissipater �� Buffers—Zone 1 15,305 (square feet) 0 (square feet) Arid tie" Si { t al; Eat avv R# 19-C95113 401 P ND BLI f f E R APPAC VAL Plage 3 cif 6 Impaicil Area #1 Cosnpe nsatory N itigatic n Required Riveri ar c 5 ub- basiin NumkEr Buflllers — tore 21 13,,e851 11squaniefeet) 0 (square ieel) Impaicll Area #1 Bufferis — 21on e 1 7,CIE E (square feet) 0 (square feie tl) Impact Area #2 Buffers — 21or ei 2 4,93101 (.square ieeit) 0 (square fele tl) Impact Areia #2 Euflfers—Zor€a1 542 (square feet) 0 (squaireafeet) Impacl Area #3 Buffers -- Zor, e 2 2,312121 (squairei feet) 0 (square feet) Imp ac ti At eta #3 Noffication ofCorstiucticrri The applicant alrc/or authorized argent stla l contact CFlerni Slrritb with llhe Division Raleigh Regioral Cffrce a1919-1911-4251 or cHErni.smJ1h@rcdenr.gov within ]O cat's of IN ccimmeircement of consllruclicr. 135A NCAC 02H ,0507 (c; and 151A NCAC 0.2H .05C2111ci)] 3. Stlormwaater Maragemeni Plana (MMPI Approval frcarr Local Commurity Fecruirgad' You are riequiried to prouidea one copy (hared ccipy or digita ) of the approved SMF, includire plan detaiils or full-sized F Iain sheets, with proof) of the Clly of Durham's) app iicival Tft apprclved SMF sihall fee submitileic llo tHei DWR 401 & Buffen neirrittiirg, Urit (1E11 Mail Services Certer,, Raleigh, NC 276951-15117) before a!ny impacts aaLa111•orized'ar thisceirtificallicir occur. Afilelri ill is approved arc submiittec to the ON11sion, the SMF maty not be meclffeic willhout prier wmlttein aiuthatizatllon ficirr the City of DurHarn. HOE SN P is modifiec it the future,, the you shall provide ones modified SNFI wiilil prciciflof approval to the) DWR 401 & iii fifer Reirr"iittirgl Unit phial 110 ilHe corrrrenceiment cit lihEi rrcdificaitions. 1151A NCAC 021- .CE016(b)(5',] 4, Mit'gation Using the Division of Nlitlieatior Services and Frivate Iylitieation Elark Mitigation il bei provaldeid for llhe F iorosed impacus ass snacifiec it the Ila blei below. THE Div'ssior has raceived an acceplta rice Ienter fncam IIHe Division of Mitigation Services i11OMS) acrd Wiidlarc Hakirgs to meell theisei maitigaation requiremenils. llnllll DMSI and Wildlarc Holdings neceivei and cleain your pat menll, and prcof of payrrent Has beer prouidec to tlHhl Office, rc irripactsa spEcifyeac in this Authori2aatior Certiflica to shall occur. For aiccct nllirgl pLrrloses,llhisALtHoCaaiticinCertificate authorizes payrrertllcDM5and Wild lairc Holvirgls to rneaeat Dei fcIIovJnig compersaaitory milfiglalican reicuirerrent!a III 5A NCAC 02H .0506 (b;(6)]: Cosnpe nsatory N itigatic n Required Riveri ar c 5 ub- basiin NumkEr Silream 31Z _I (linear deet) Nei sae 03020201 Andrews Chapel ©WRN 15-0993 401 AND BUFFER APPROVAL. Page 4 of 6 Riparian Buffer L 70,953 (square feet) Neuse 03020201.. 5. No waste S oi! Solids or Fill of Any Kind No waste, spoil, solids, or fill of any kind shall occur in wetlands, waters, or riparian areas beyond the footprint of the impacts depicted in the Pre -Construction Notification. All construction activities, including the design, installation, operation, and maintenance of sediment and erosion control Best Management Practices, shall be performed so that no violations of state water duality standards, statutes, or rules occur. [15A NCAC 02H .0501 and .0502) 6. Protective Fencing; The outside buffer, wetland or water boundary and along the construction corridor within these boundaries approved tinder this authorization shall be clearly marked with orange warning fencing (or similar high visibility material) for the areas that have been approved to infringe within the buffer, wetland or water prior to any land disturbing activities to ensure compliance with 15 NCAC 02H.0500. [15A NCAC 02H .4506 (b)(2) and (c)(2) and 15A NCAC 0211 .0507 (c)] 7. This approval is for the purpose and design described in your application. The plans and specifications for this project are incorporated by reference as part of the Certification and Buffer Authorization. if you change your project, you must notify the Division and you may be required to submit a new application package with the appropriate fee. if the property is sold, the new owner must be given a copy of this approval letter and General Certification and is responsible for complying with all conditions. [15A NCAC 028.0507(d)(2)] S. This approval and its conditions are final and binding unless contested. (G.5. 143-215.51 This Certification and Buffer Authorization can be contested as provided in Articles 3 and 4 of General Statute 1.508 by filing a written petition for an administrative hearing to the Office of Administrative Hearings (hereby known as OAH). A petition form may be obtained from the OAH at htt : www.ncoah,cot-n/ or by calling the OAH Clerk's Office at (919) 431-3000 for information. - Within thirty (30) calendar days of receipt of this notice, a petition must be filed with the OAH. A petition is considered filed when the original and one (1) copy along with any applicable DAH filing fee is received in the OAH during normal office hours (Monday through Friday between 8:00am and S:OOpm, excluding official state holidays). The petition may be faxed to the DAH at (919) 431-3100, provided the original and one copy of the petition along with any applicable OAH filing fee is received by the OAH within five (5) business days following the faxed transmission, Mailingl address for the OAi-: If sending by first CIG S5 MCIbI via thle bS Fos tlal Service: ClfficE of Ac rniristrr tivei Hearings E7114 Mail S'arvice Cer lr €ialeigH, NC 217IE9' -6714 A!nc rews Chapel DW R41 115-0 99? 4( 11 ANC E L FIFER APPROVAIJ Pagel 5 c f E If sending vJr, delivery service ll UPS, FedEx': office of Administniative Heairings 17111 NEN Hope ChurcH Fciac Raleigh, NCI271609-E289 Cne (1 copy ofllHe petition rrust alscl he seirvec to DENIR: Sam Haywi, Geineral Coursiel Departrr ent of Envilior mens ar c 11 a lIL ra I AE sounces 1601 Ma Sere ica Ce r 11cIr FdaleigH,, NC 27699-1601 Hlease ser d ore 111) ccipy cif title F ertilliclnl tic MR: If sending by Firsts Owls Mc;il via the US FC511 rl Sellv,ice: Kare r Higlglins N C DENR-DWR -- 401 & Elu ffe r Permitiingl Unit 16171 N ail Service Center Rale IgIH,, N C 276994E 1�l Ij 4Frciirig vias aeilivery servicE (e.g. UPS, FedEx): K� rE n Higfirs NC DISN R-DIWF — 40111 & Buff r Permitting Urit 512 N. Sz list u ry Street REleigh,, NIC 27604 This letter complletlels the ievieA Cf ti•E Division urc er section 401 of the Clear Water Act and the Meuse Ripar' ar Bt ffer FIS Ii as described in 13A i1 CAC 0.22.0233. Alei se contacil Cherri SmillH at 919-7511-42511 or chelrri.srmilH!2rcdenr.gov iflyou have) any, questions or concElrrs. tlirceir1l , f1�� � DalnrY SmY Suplerviwr, Water Quality REficral OpleraticirsSecition Erclosures: GCI 3883 & 3890 cc: U.S. AirriY Cclrpsi ciElrgireens; Raleigh Fleglulatool HE lc Cffice; 33311 HEritagleTrac e Dr., 511E. 101; Wa ke Fc r est, NC 27597 Andrews Chapel DWR# 15.0993 401 AND BUFFER APPROVAL Page 6 of 6 Deborah Shirley; Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA; 8412 Fails of Neuse Rd., Ste. 104; Raleigh, NC 27615 DWR RRO 401/Riparian Buffer file DWR 401 & Buffer Permitting Unit Deborah Shirley From: Craig., Mark W <mwcraigl@ncdot.gov> Sent: Wednesday, March 16,2016 1:13 PM To: Chris Mehl; Brandon Thomas Cc: Watson, Jason L Subject: RE: Revised Brier Creek Parkway Exhibits Attachments: ANDREWS CHAPEL 001.pdf Gentlemen: See below for preliminary design comments: 1. There is information in Chapter 3 in the Roadway Deslgn Manual and the NCDOT 2412 Standard Drawings 862.41, that relates to lower design speeds. 2. The curves between PC 15+07. 12 and Pt 20+94 need to be removed and tie alignment into the 1050 curve at 23+00+/_ (see marked In red plans). 3. Need to Kabel all lane shifts and tapers. 4. Show supers increments on plans. 5. NCDOT's preference Is a 2:1 slope, Please call with questions, From: Chris Mehl[mailto:chr[s.mehl@edensland.com) Sent: Wednesday, March 16, 2016 9:24 AM To: Craig, Mark W; Brandon Thomas; Watson, Jason L Subject: RE: Revised Brier Creek Parkway Exhibits Good Morning Mark and Jason, We're looking for some more guidance on both the guardraii and slope stabilization methods. Regarding the guardrail, I reviewed Chapter of the Roadway Design Manual, but most of the information there applies to roads with higher design speeds (60 mph). Is there other guidance that you could refer us to for this situation? Also, Mjl Homes asks if you would be open to a more decorative wood or rusted iron guardrail instead of the traditional galvanized. Regarding the steep slopes, could you please refer us to written guidance on this or let us know your preference for our specific situation? Thanks in advance, Chris Mehl, PE Edens Land office: 919.316,1855 1 ext. 317 chris.mehl@edensiand.com I www.edensland.com From: Craig, Mark W [maiito:rnwcraigl@ncdot.gov] Sent: Monday, March 7, 2016 2:34 PM To: Brandon Thomas <brandon.thomas@edensland.com>; Watson, Jason L <iwatson@ncdot.gov> Cc: Chris Mehl Echris.mehl@edensland.coma; Dunnehoo, Joseph W <jwdunnehoo@ncdot,gov>; Haire, Christopher K <chaire@ncdot.gov>; Cail, William G <gcail@ncdot.gov> Subject: RE: Revised Brier Creek Parkway Exhibits Brandon:. Thanks forthe information! The following additional material is needed for a complete evaluation. • Horizontal curve data • Guardrail warrants • Proposal to stabilize all slopes steeper than 2:1 • Proposal to stabilize the outlet at the 95 inch storm drainage (stream meanders) Joe DunnehoojChris Haire — Please advise ail if you need anything else. Mark From: Brandon Thomas[mailto:bra ndon.thomas@edensland,com Sent: Monday, March 07, 2016 11:49 AM To: Watson, Jason L; Craig, Mark W Cc: Chris Mehl Subject: Revised Brier Creek Parkway Exhibits Good Morning Jason & Mark, Attached are several exhibits that show the proposed revisions to the Brier Creek Parkway Extension for your approval. Allowing for a 45 mph design speed for the vertical alignment reduced the fill significantly. This design allows for a headwall to be constructed that only extends one foot above the crown of pipe as discussed in our meeting last week. You'll notice that there is a pinch point on both the upstream and downstream side where the approval of 1.5:1 slopes is needed in order to prevent additional environmental impacts. Cross sections are also included in the attached document at those two locations. Retaining walls have been removed from the two BMPs adjacent to the NCDOT right-of-way and we are working on re- routing some of the storm network to accommodate Hydraulics comments. With your approval of the horizontal and vertical design, in addition to the 1.S:1 allowance where needed we will move forward with addressing the rest of the construction drawing comments. Thanks, Brandon M. Thomas, PE Project Engineer Edens Land 2314 S. Miami Blvd. Suite 151 Durham, NC 27703 office: 919.316.1855 1 ext, 308 brandon.thomas edensland.com f www.edensland.com Follow us on Twitter i Linkedin Email correspondence to and from this sender is subject to the N.C. Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. Email correspondence to and from this sender is subject to the N.C. Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. Environmental Quality RECEIPT December 3, 2015 Jeremy Medlin Mfl Homes of Raleigh, LLC 1511 Sunday Drive Suite 100 Raleigh, NC 27607 Project: Andrews Chapel County: Wake WQ permit #: 15-0993 COEM 2015-02034 DMS#: 23966 Amount Paid: $197,678.04 Check Number, 62638 PAT MCCRORY Governor DONALD R. VAN DER VAART secretary The NCDEQ Division of Mitigation Services (DMS) has received a check as indicated above as payment for the compensatory mitigation requirements of the 401 Water Quality Certification/Section 404ICAMA Permit(s) issued for the above- referenced project. This receipt serves as notification that your compensatory mitigation requirements assigned to DMS associated with the authorized activity as specified below have been satisfied. You must also comply with all other conditions of this certification and any other state, 'federal or local government permits or authorization associated with this activity including C.S. § 143-214.11. The DMS, by acceptance of this payment, acknowledges that the Division is responsible for the compensatory mitigation requirerrlents indicated below associated with the project permit and agrees to provide the compensatory mitigation as specified in the permit. Mitigation responsibility assigned to the DMS is nontransferable. The mitigation will be performed in accordance with the In -Lieu Fee Program instrument dated July 28, 2010. River Basin Stream Credits Wetiand Credits Buffer 1& 11 NtJC (iinear feet) (acres) (Sq. Ft.) Cold Coad I Warm RI orlon Nan-Ri orlon�Coastalmorao0 d 398 0 Q39,313 03020201 Refunds of payments made to NCDMS are only approved under certain conditions. All refund requests must be submitted in accordance with the Division's refund ,policy at www.nceep.net. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact Kelly Williams at (919) 707-8915. Sincerely, icfaei Ellison Director cc; Eric Alsmeyer, USACE-Raleigh; Todd Tugwell, USAGE -Raleigh Deborah Shirley, agent �-' Nothing Compares'%-. stateurNaffl<4folma I Env110nme0lalQw1lAy 1601 Mail Service Center I Raleigh, NoFtJi Carolina 27699-1E01 914-707.8600 WILDLANDS HOLDINGS Mitigation Credit Transfer Certificate October 22 2015 M/I Homes of Raleigh LLC Mr. Jeremy Medlin 1511 Sunday Drive Suite 100 Raleigh, NC 27607 RE: Bank Name: WEI - Neuse 01 Nutrient Offset and Buffer Umbrella Bank Bank Site: Caraway Creek Phase I Parcel and Buck Swamp Parcel Bank Sponsor: Wildlands Holdings 11, LLC (wholly owned by Wildlands Engineering, Inc.) DWR Project #: 2012-0144v2 Nutrient Offset Credits Purchased: 31,094.20 sq. ft. (Caraway Creek Parcel 546 sq. ft. (Buck Swamp Parcel) Meuse 03020201 River Basin Project name: Andrews Chapel Applicable Local Government/Municipality jurisdiction: Dear Mr. Medlin: You have elected to fulfill a portion of your permitted Riparian Buffer Credit mitigation requirements for the above mentioned project by paying into the WEI — Neuse 01 Nutrient Offset and Buffer Umbrella Bank — Caraway Creek Phase I and Buck Swamp Parcels sponsored by Wildlands Holdings 11, LLC, wholly owned by Wildlands Engineering, Inc. ("The Bank"). The Bank has received full payment towards the Riparian Buffer Credits requirements for the above referenced project. The project is located in the above mentioned jurisdiction which, as the governing municipality, is required to implement stormwater management requirements as part of the Neuse River Nutrient Strategy. The governing municipality must review and approve developer's stormwater management plans which are to include options to offset nutrients loads occurring at the development site. Payment into a private mitigation bank is acceptable per this nutrient strategy rule. The governing municipality specified and verified the amount of the nutrient offset necessary for approval of the stormwater permit as 31,094.20 sq. ft. from our Caraway Creek Phase l Parcel and 546 sq. ft. from our Buck Swamp Parcel. The Bank has received full payment for mitigation for the above referenced project. You must also comply with any other state, federal or local government permits or authorization associated with this activity including SL 2009-337, and Act to Promote Compensatory Mitigation Banks. This payment into the Bank is not transferable. Wildlands Holding II, LLC Wildlands Engineering, Inc - 312 West Millbrook Road, Suite 225, Raleigh, NC 27609 If you have any questions regarding the purchase of these credits, please contact me at (919) 851-9986 ex. 101 or rbuga@wildiandseng.com. Sincerely, Robert W. Bugg Wildlands 'Engineering, Inc. Director: Land Acquisition rbu gg@wildland3ena.com 0: (704) 332-7754 ex.105 M: (704) 715-2100 Cc: Ms. Katie Merritt, NC Division of Water Resources (bi-annually) Ms. Deborah Edwards Shirley, Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA Wildlands Holding 11, LLC - Wildlands Engineering, Inc • 312 west Millbrook Road, Suite 225, Raleigh, NC 27609 Ores EBX Buffer Mitigation Banks Statement of Availability April 24, 2017 NC Division of Nater Resources Ms. Stephanie Goss 512 N. Salisbury St. Archdale Building, 9th floor Raleigh, NC 27604 Re Project: Andrews Chapel This document confirms that NVI/I Homes of Raleigh, LLC (Applicant) for the Andrews Chapel (Project) has expressed an interest to utilize 1,146 S uare Feet of Riparian Buffer Mitigation Credits from the EBX sponsored Upper Neuse Riparian Buffer Umbrella Mitigation Bank. The specific bank site to be debited will be either be Cedar Grove, Hatley, or Ezell, all located in HUC 03020201 and in the Falls Lake watershed. As the official Bank Sponsor, EBX, attests to the fact that mitigation is available for reservation at this time. These mitigation credits are not considered secured, and consequently are eligible to be used for alternate purposes by the Bank Sponsor, until payment in full is received from the Applicant resulting in the issuance of a Mitigation Credit Transfer Certificate by the bank acknowledging that the Applicant has fully secured credits from the bank and the Banker has accepted full responsibility for the mitigation obligation requiring the credits/units. The Banker will issue the Mitigation Credit Transfer Certificate within three (3) days of receipt of the purchase price. Banker shall provide to Applicant a copy of the Mitigation Credit Transfer Certificate and a documented copy of the debit of credits from the Bank Official Credit Ledger(s), indicating the permit number and the resource type secured by the applicant. A copy of the Mitigation Credit Transfer Certificate, with an updated Official Credit Ledger will also be sent to regulatory agencies showing the proper documentation. Please contact me at 919-209-1052 or gSpnder ,res,us if you have any questions or need additional. information. Best Regards, Cara S. Conder Resource Environmental Solutions, LLC 302 Jefferson Street, Suite 110 Raleigh, NC 27605 Bank Sponsor— Environmental Banc & Exchange (EBX) MAI ClHL) NEI - GR3 � 4144 JL– .. ......... ... T— 7 —7-7 ov- \j V\ -Z, V AND, AVCE Fr -- ----------- . ... . .. 30.13.88 A S.A m, TET NT Nn rjl 6225 Sam- - -- ---------- Is :z:::zzt:zz, 10 17 J _J U Loi%Av 4's 03 1 — I.- -77 Ml V: �1: 1::: 7�1 4, �11: FIB: 1911PI (O "U -W: -30: .4 U.' 111M -04-114I3-1%111 0: 1%110: 15,1410(DIJAHM .1:4701-50-259,1 8M.114116MMI) IRMINNA S ON ------- . ........... mAjol CONTow I V1 *70.5 . ...... DfR ON OF FLOW AND 51 OPS L Mnl OF E 197VF$ANa 9 MY .... . ..... QuAl Nm um- ----------- 0 . . . . . ......... T----- - L -1, --- T Ir—W pa --A --J X 7, AO MW -BW 414.4 .... \::IIW - 4 - 11W7pia -- --- ---- --- - - -------- 6'BP::YwRtABLB.IDmSH. 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