HomeMy WebLinkAbout20170413 Ver 1_More Info Letter_20170501Envira7menta! Quality CCkT7F1ED MAfL-NE'PUKN RECE{PT REQUFS7'6D Mr. Pnilip S. Hxrris. IfI, I=.E., CPM Natural Em•ironmeet Sec[ion Head Froject Dzvclopment and Environmental Aralysis iJonh Caroiina Depnr[ment of Trnnspurtntion 1�9$ Mail aervice Center Raleigh, Nnrth CarolinT, _7699-1598 ROY COOPER „-,�,:,�. MICNAEL S. REGAN � , :,,,;, ti. JAY ZIMMERMAN n..,,, May I,?017 SubjecC Proposed rcpl2cement of Bridee 20 en SR 1616 in Durham County, Federal Aid Project No BR7_- 1616(10}, TIP No. B-49d3. DW'R Prqjec. No. 20170413 Dear Mr. Harris: The Divisior. ef Water Resources has reviewed your submittal for a 4Q I N'ater Quality Certificatian and Neuse Buffer Rules Authorization for the aforementioned project. Review of your application revealed it lacking necessary information required for maki�g an informed permit decision. The permit application was deficient in the followine areas: L Srnn�ng commertts fmm UWR dated M2y 5, 2099 fnr this project stated that bridgec c�ossing Water Si!pph� (WS) C'ritiral Area (CA) wzte: sh:ds requirc hazardnns snill calch basins. Nene are shewed in this aprlica[ioa, and an exnlanations are given why tbey are not ir.ch�ded. 'Che application must esplain in detail v�4y an e�em�lion E� rey:iested at this location. �i�:�A Nt'AC 2RA2fi01 2. A s[ormwater outfall emptying on[o a riprap pad is shown on Ihe plan sheets. The But'fer Zone lines at lhis lucat�un are not showr� m� the pi�n sheels. Please ind•.ca[e whe:e ihe 6uiTer'Lunes are Uum lhe lake at thic Ioca[ion, fo show if the outfall is nutside thc buffer. If the outfall is not completely oufside the huffer, i\CDQT nms; describe in drtail an} si[e rrstraints ihnt p:-�ver.t this project fro�� schieving shecttlow oeto�•e reaching the ripa: ian br,ffer zone. � ISA NCAC 2I3.0233� Thrrefore, pursuant to I SA NCAC ?H A507(a)(Sj, we will have to place the perniit applie2tiun cm hold until we are supplied the eecessa7� info�ation. You hzve 21 days to respond ie w.•iting with the r�q�ested information or notification ro this office that Ihe informa!ion i� forthcomin�. If, zt �he end of the 2! deys. !his office has not received [his inferm�tion in writing, we will assumc yoi� are �.r�itFdrawing your application and ir will be retumed. Fur[hermore, unlil the informaLon is receive� by the NC Division of W;�ter kesources, we reyuest (by copy of [his Izt[er) that the US Army Corps of Engineers place the permi[ applicztior on hold. -" �'Nothing Compares :- : 51atc of!:o�ti� l,aml:na �, Gn'�uor,maNx:0��1i�i LS E 7 D4a i1 5en��e (:enter � RsJe��F, Ns ti�'.'ai ohua "]?549-! �": C If you have any questions or require additional information, please contact Rob Ridings at 919-707-8786 or cob.ridings@ncdenr.go v. Sincerely, r � p5: S. Jay Zimmerman, r Division of Water Resources Elechronic copy only distribution: Eric Alsmeyer, US Army Corps of Enginee�, Raleigh Field Office Chris Murray, Division 5 Environmental Officer Chris Rivenbark, NC Department of Transportation File Copy