HomeMy WebLinkAbout20170480 Ver 1_3MAppSuppDocTbls_20170418 3M Company Supporting Documentation for 3M’s USACE Application SAW-2013-02028 Proposed Pittsboro Mine Extension Project Table 6. Criteria Ranking for Onsite Alternative Options Percent Vertical Total Area of Required Raw Materials Loss of Water Quality Protection Onsite Option Safety Recovery Disturbance Required Investment for Jordan Lake 2 (preferred al-1 Maintain suffi-1 100-percent vertical re-1 277 total acres; all 1 All raw materials 1 No loss of ini-1 100-percent nonpoint ternative) cient benching covery, allows for max-disturbance would could be acquired tial investment nutrient reduction; space; overall low imum depth of recovery occur on 3M property onsite maximizes life of re- highwall exposure claimed water system 3A 1 Maintain suffi-3 62-percent vertical re-2 360 total acres; 254 2 Greater than 2 Loss of use for 2 Approximately 30-per- cient benching covery, irregular shape acres of disturbance 62-acre offsite 136 acres, due cent less nonpoint nu- space; overall low results in sacrificed would occur on 3M quarry required to diligence, test trient reduction; ap- highwall exposure depth to allow for safe property, and 106 provide equivalent drilling proximately 20-percent conditions in north-offsite acres required loss of 23 onsite shorter life for point western section of to meet demand acres source reduction quarry 3B 4 Narrow corners at 4 58-percent vertical re-4 520 total acres; 187 4 Greater than 4 Loss of use for 4 Approximately 75-per- northwestern and covery, irregular shape acres of disturbance 16-acre offsite 203 acres, due cent less nonpoint nu- northeastern sec-results in sacrificed would occur on 3M quarry required to diligence, test trient reduction; ap- tions of quarry; depth to allow for safe property, and 333 provide equivalent drilling proximately 70-percent overall high high-conditions in the north-offsite acres required loss of 90 onsite shorter life for point wall exposure western and northeast-to meet demand acres source reduction ern sections of the quarry 3C (no-action 3 Narrow corner at 2 73-percent vertical re-3 432 total acres; 224 2 Greater than 3 Loss of use for 3 Approximately 55-per- alternative) western section of covery, loss of minea-acres of disturbance 131-acre offsite 166 acres, due cent less nonpoint nu- the quarry; overall ble surface area results would occur on 3M quarry required to diligence, test trient reduction; ap- moderate highwall in sacrificed depth property, and 208 provide equivalent drilling proximately 40-percent exposure offsite acres required loss of 53 onsite shorter life for point to meet demand acres source reduction 3M Company Supporting Documentation for 3M’s USACE Application SAW-2013-02028 Proposed Pittsboro Mine Extension Project Table 3. Tier 2 Evaluation for New Quarry and Overburden Stockpile Topography Distance Available Roads/ Number Real Estate Land Utilities/ (% >10% Offsite ID Aquatic Impacts Land Use (miles) Public Safety Zoning/Location Transactions Configuration Right-of-Way Slope) Cultural Resources 3M Pittsboro 2,533 linear ft Suitable 0 Not applicable Suitable 0 Suitable Yes 21% None recorded Mine (avoidable) 1A 2,573 linear ft Suitable 0 Yes Rezoning required, 3 Suitable No 28% None recorded residential 2A Potential wetlands Suitable 7.5 No, pass by daycare Suitable, unzoned 3 Suitable No 22% None recorded (0.76 acre) 3A Potential wetland (0.95 acre) Not suitable, some 8.7 No, north of Pittsboro Suitable, unzoned 6 Suitable No 0.7% None recorded residences Town Center 4A None Not suitable, some 6.8 No, north of Pittsboro Rezoning required , 2 Suitable No 79% None recorded residences Town Center residential 5A 300 linear ft Not suitable, some 4.5 Yes Rezoning required, partly 7 Not suitable Yes 42% John Robert Bright House (potentially residences residential avoidable) 6A 300 linear ft Suitable 0 Yes Suitable, mostly unzoned 5 Suitable No 69% None recorded 7A 2,694 linear ft; potential Not suitable, some 11.4 No, pass through Rezoning required , 7 Not suitable No 57% None recorded wetland (0.71 acre) residences Pittsboro Town Center partly residential 8A 3,643 linear ft; potential Not suitable, some 11.5 No, north of Pittsboro Rezoning required, 3 Suitable Yes 68% None recorded wetland (1.1 acres) residences Town Center residential (avoidable) 9A 150 linear ft Suitable 10.8 No, pass by daycare Suitable, unzoned 9 Suitable No 55% None recorded 10A 2,466 linear ft Not suitable, some 9.6 No suitable roads Suitable, unzoned 7 Suitable No 20% Patty Holmes House (potentially gone) residences/businesses 11A 300 linear ft Suitable 11.3 No suitable roads Suitable, unzoned 8 Suitable No 26% None recorded 12A 3,089 linear ft; potential Not suitable, some 8.8 No, pass by daycare Suitable, unzoned 5 Suitable Yes 33% None recorded wetland (1.3 acres) residences 13A 3,405 linear ft; potential Suitable 6.9 No suitable roads Rezoning required, partly 7 Suitable Yes 41% None recorded wetland (0.54 acre) residential 14A 150 linear ft Suitable 5.3 No, pass by daycare Rezoning required, 4 Suitable No 2% None recorded residential C:\\USERS\\SAMONTALVO\\APPDATA\\LOCAL\\TEMP\\3MAPPSUPPDOCTBLS_532665\\3MAPPSUPPDOCTBLS.DOCX 3M Company Supporting Documentation for 3M’s USACE Application SAW-2013-02028 Proposed Pittsboro Mine Extension Project Table 3. Tier 2 Evaluation for New Quarry and Overburden Stockpile (Continued, Page 2 of 2) Topography Distance Available Roads/ Number Real Estate Land Utilities/ (% >10% Offsite ID Aquatic Impacts Land Use (miles) Public Safety Zoning/Location Transactions Configuration Right-of-Way Slope) Cultural Resources 15A 7,091 linear ft Not suitable, some 5.1 No, pass by daycare Rezoning required, 3 Not suitable Yes 13% Kentucky House (gone) residences/businesses residential 16A 3,864 linear ft; potential Suitable 0.3 Yes Rezoning required, 4 Not suitable Yes 26% None recorded wetland (0.62 acre) residential 17A Potential wetland (0.11 acre) Suitable 7.5 No, pass by daycare Suitable, unzoned 7 Suitable Yes 11% None recorded 18A Potential wetland (0.47 acre) Suitable 11.2 No, pass by daycare Suitable, unzoned 7 Not suitable Yes 35% Henry Addison Burns House (gone); Mark Bynum Burns House (potentially avoidable); Mobley- Griffin Log House (gone) 19A 150 linear ft Suitable 8.5 No, north of Pittsboro Rezoning required, 7 Suitable No 24% None recorded Town Center residential 20A 150 linear ft Not suitable, some 9.5 No suitable roads Suitable, unzoned 6 Not suitable Yes 23% None recorded residences (avoidable) 21A None Suitable 6.3 No suitable roads Suitable, unzoned 2 Suitable No 20% None recorded 22A 3,515 linear ft Not suitable, some 7.1 No, north of Pittsboro Rezoning required, 5 Not suitable Yes 46% Cemetery (potentially avoidable) residences Town Center residential 23A None Suitable 9.6 No suitable roads Suitable, unzoned 2 Not suitable No 29% None recorded 24A 3,525 linear ft Not suitable, some 5.4 No, north of Pittsboro Rezoning required, 5 Suitable No 48% Fred Night House residences/businesses Town Center residential (potentially avoidable) 25A None Suitable 9.4 No, pass through Rezoning required, partly 5 Not suitable No 34% None recorded Pittsboro Town Center residential 26A None Suitable 3.3 Yes Rezoning required, partly 1 – infeasible; Suitable Yes 55% None recorded residential owned by Chatham Park Investors, LLC Note: Shaded table entries denote potential flaw with candidate site. 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