HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0024406_Annual Monitoring_19920316WFIOLF. M'LUINT1 ITYTESTI\G O(SELF-MO\ITORING SUMMARY] Mon, Mar 16, 1992 FACIt ITY REQUIREMENT YF -AR JAIN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SRP OCT NOV DEC DELTA MILLS — NONE* — 1'IsRM CIIR LIM: 89% — >100 - 88 NI'DESN: NC0006190 SubBuim CTB35 Begin: 6/1/88 Frequency. Q PIP 89 Courcy. CATAWBA Region:MRO Na,;Canp: Months: JAN APR JUL OCT 50 PF: 1.0 — PASS — SOC/JOC Req: — PASS — 91 7Q10: 0.20 IWC(%):88.6 — — — — NONE '92 DENTON W WTP — NONE — PERM CHR LIM: 999 — >100• — 88 NPDESN:NC0026689 SubBuin:YAD08 Begin: 2/1/90 Fmqueey:QP/F d '89 County: DAVIDSON Region:WSRO Non -Camp: Months: FEB MAY AUG NOV 90 PF: 03000 SOQJOC Req: 91 7Q1Q 0.000 IWC(%):100.00 '92 DIANE'S THRIFT SHOP PERM CHR LBN:99% '88 NPDESN: NC0073482 SubBssirc BRD02 Begin:9/1/88 Frequency: Q PIP 89 County: RIT IIERFORD Rcgion:ARO Non -Comp: Months: FEB MAY AUG NOV 90 PF: 0.002 SOQJOC Req: 91 7Q10:0.00 IWC(%):100.00 '92 tiQKTpOWER-CO BELEWS M/OOJ! PERM CHR LIM:33% (GRAB) 88 „tar.. ---.- V -..ti ..» : - NF'DESN: NC0024406 SubBnire ROA Begin 7/1/90 Frequeey. Q P/P A 89 County: STOKES Region: WSRO Non -Comp: Months: FEB MAY AUG NOV 90 PF: SOQ1OC Req: 191 7Q1O IWC(%): '92 DUKE POWER -ALLEN 002 PERM CHRLIMAI% '88 NPDP.SN: NC0004979 SubB.i. CTB34 Begi I WI/89 Pregoency- Q P/P A '89 County: GASTON Regian:MRO Non-Cornp: Months: JAN APR JUL OCT '90 PF:7.6 SOC/1OC Req: 191 7QIO- 95.0 IWC(%) -11.0 '92 DUK)3`POWER=BELEWS'CREEK1005 PERM AC LIM:90%(GRAB) 88 NPDESN:NC007 Oi SabBasiwROA Begire7/1J90 Fsequenry:M 89 Courcy: STOKES Region:WSRO Non -Camp: Months: 190 PF: SOQJOC Req: 91 7QIa TWC(%r. '92 DUKE POWER -BUCK STEAM -STN. -002 PERM AC LIM:260%(GRAB) 88 NPDESN: NC0004774 SubBuizc YAD04 Begin 111/90 Frequency- Q A 89 Couatyt ROWAN Region:MRO Non -Comp: Months: MAR JUN SEP DEC 90 PF: NA SOQ1OC Rcq: '91 7Ql0:1030 IWC(%):0398 '92 DUKE POWER-CLIFYSID&002 PERM CHR LIM:S% (GRAB) 88 NPDESN: NC0005088 SubBasim CTB02 Begin: 1211/89 F-lucrcy: Q PIP A 89 County. CLEVELAND Regioa:MRO Non -Camp: Months: MAR JUN SEP DEC 90 PF: 8.80 SOQ1OC Req: 91 7Q10-297.00 IWC(%}433 '91 DUKE POWER -DAN RIV-002 PERM AC LIM:288% (GRAB) 88 NPDESN: NC0003468 SabBui. ROA03 Begtrc 10/2189 Frequency. Q A 89 County: ROCKINGI IAM Region: WSRO Non -Camp: Months: MAR JUN SPP DEC 90 PF: 1.8 SOQJOC Req: 91 7QIO314.0 IWC(%) -0.879 '92 DUKE POWER -MARSHALL 002 PERM CHR LIM:12% (GRAB) 88 NPDESN: NC0004987 SubBnue CTB32 Begin: 711/90 Fmgteney. Q P/P A 89 County. CATAWBA RegiowNRO Non-CAp: Months: FEB MAY AUG NOV 90 PF: 5.3 SOQJOC Req: 91 7QI O.60.0 IWC(9.):120 9� — — FAIL FAIT. — FAIL FAIT, — — 1'A IL 67CIIV,P — FAIL,F 35ChV,F FAIL FAIL — — FAIL — — FAB. — — FAIL — — FAIL FAIL — FAIL FAIL FAIL FAB. FAB. FAB. FAB. FAB. FAIL FAB. — FAIL FAIL — 1VONEa 321• NONE*' NONE PASS — — PASS — — PASS — — PASS — PASS — — PASS — — FAIL PASS — NR NR NR N NR — — FAB. — — NR NR NR FAIL FAD -REV H — — — — — FAIL, NR FAB. LATE PASS — — PASS — — PASS — — PASS — PASS — — PASS — — PASS — — PASS — PASS — — PASS — — PASS — — PASS — — PASS — — PASS — — PASS — — PASS — — PASS tl7 / — — NONE- — — NONE* — — NONE* — — >100 - NONE' — — >I00• — — NONE* — — >I00a PASS — — PASS — — PASS — — PASS — — PASS — PASS — — PASS — — PASS — — PASS — — — — — — — — — — NONE — NONE — — NONE — — NONE — — >100 — >100• — — >100• — — >100• — — >100a — PASS — — PASS — — PASS — PASS — PASS — — PASS — — PASS — — PASS — 0 2camecutiw fa0urea signifirarm nanrumgilimrco V Pre1988 dain available LEGEND: PF=Permitted flow (MGD), 7Q10=Remiving stream low flow criterion (cfs), f WC9o=lnsheam waste c wcntration, Begin=Fust month requ-sed. Frequrnry=(Monitoring frequency): [Q -Quarterly, M -Monthly; BM-B-anomhly; SA -Semiannually, A -Annually: OWD-Only when discharging; D -Discontinued monitoring requirement: IS -Conducting independent study], P/17=Pass/Fat7 chronic bioassay, Ac=Acute, Chr-Chronic, A=quarterly monitoring increases to moodily upon single failure, (Data Notation): (f=Fathead Minnow, •=Ceriodaphnia sp., my=Mysid shrimp. ChV=Clvonie value, P=Mortalhy of stated percentage at highest cmcentration, at=Performed by DEM Aq Toa Group, bt=Bnd test], (Reporting Notation): (-Data notrequired, NR=Na reported, ( )=Beginn0tg of Quarter], (Facility Activity States): 11=Inactive, N=Newly Issued(fo construct), l l=Active but not discharging] 16 w Platy ;5rint or type in the unshsded areas only (ISI/—Irr stv c xr-' suited for Nin We. i. r., 12 charan tersAnchI )1i) 7 C 17 - FORJW I U.S. Ism W IRON" KH-rA L.7TtC 10h.ACI I'N'CY - GENERALINFORMATION 1. EPA 1.D. N7maF9 %EPA Consolkirnd ftnn/a A op mr, F N'C' 0 0 .2 4 4 0 6 t3ENERAL (Reed the "C"rru(•Imtrue!fossr More efartinl-) p tN[RAL INSTRUCTIONS L A I.D. UM■ !! 1 _ If t prepirnad Isbel has been provided, affix It Inthis dit*% tad apses. Review the inform- u. AC L TY)q_ ation cWWfuily; If any of it is incorrect, cross through It' and enter the correct data in the . appropriate fill—in area below. Also, If any of AC On preprinted data Is absern (the ergo to the, �r%., �'y`:*- ;' �'1` k' of tilt fabs/ slues fits✓ the Inforrimdon >rM�'�►Pl�/�.+rJ�aK1..Pla ' PrWida It in b -A plopsi' fill-lh aini(s) below. if'the label is _ - complete and correct, you need not complete Items I, III, V, and VI (except VI -6 %*ich rrILmust be corPleti d repatifas). Complete all AY10 Items If no WW has been provided. Refer to this Irntructiom for detalled item descrip- tiord and for this legal authorisations under which this daft Is collected. IL POLLUTANT CHARACTERISTICS INSTRUCTIONS: Complete A through J to determine wfstthr-you. need to sbmit my Forfeit aWiation. forms to the EPA. If you answer "yes" to my gwstiontr you must submit this form and the supplemPTI;al form Ibbd in ttw pw rttl* following the question. Mark "X" in the box in the third column rlfi sirs eilPplemerltill ibim Is 4tt8cbad: I€ you.atuwer:'o"-tis Xibtofi.aay,of 94M f MMLYOU my a Wff."no' if your activity Is excluded from permit requirements; sa Section C of tits inllbUctiAL W abo, Stctiatl 0 of the itauuctions for definitions bow—faced of tEML srtclFtc cutsTlores -. - eau 'M "Nu- ss[urtc alscmores Tae .D .DNtl ATTACH eD '&:Is this facility '. publicly owned traatMent woria 8.. Doaa.or *Ul this facility (eltfir axkaV or vrolaa.d! ta in a diacharga to watan of tits U.>LT �(wFItORM kKludt t sonesnbstad whereat fssdii: operation or �)ich X squatk stlI I production facility which results in a X dedmmw to Retail of the UA? (FORM 28) X X X Is this a facility which currently results -in to torten of the U.B. other than those described in. 111F. A r-•8 aboea( which will result in a diems to of 6 above? (FORM 2 a s (FORMImmof 24 Z7 E Doss Or will this facility treat, store, or dispose of F. Do you or will you kljset in this facility kxlustriai or hazardous wastes? (FORM 3) munlcipel aff left below the lowermost sirnwn con- _ X :. "W* . Width - oew quarts mHt of the well bort, smderground nwrtes of drinidng water? (FORM 4) X 7-137 Uo YOU of wl you infect at trill Tisaitty any prooucea al surfer w ether fluids which an brought m the surfers M. Do you or wWyou 114M St this facility ftuids for spa im cortrtaction with conventional -oil or natural gas pro. _- ciat Peooaatat such a n dnp Of sulfur by this Fresch `'''•': dttetion. •ktjeet fluids. used for anim r1107101".14atprocew X 90irttiorr• mkting-Of mklwals, in situ oombus oil or natural gas,.or inject fluids forstorsgeof _= •1tI rr-Q0-ftoii-fud, or rewvwy,of.yto@lwmd wargy7 X - ?(FORM 4) _•IFORM4l. It K.w as rte a tourers of �r iwdustria6 Catagorias:liitset. _. which -A tirt.aE lErsf �.iniduattiet:aresporiss liatset krtfta .. �,� .. - .... �1ltir p�esestiaibp wait 25D" togas-' arsdOWV. adfeeLar. tat loatsidt X TBY}iatorbe4ocotadinanaessiosRaat X �T(FORRfEI -. _ . �>;tLNAMEOf FACILITY U u as t :'t'e! B E L E 4] S CR E E K STEAM S TAT I O N W_ FACtLrrY CONTACT •• -- .. - A• NAME f TITLE (UK. fes -t tlli/�� 4;K• :.� �.:-[. MtO/ti FlrM Bade A nn.) c• W H I T.T. , E. B. MANAGER 9 1 9 4 2 V� FAGLfTY MAILING ADDRESS A- STRttT OR P.C. SO; ... .. - 1 _;P 0 B 0 X 5 5 7 _... _ p f R. CITY OR TOrrN• " ' C :: . o; ' D:.2I! CODs WALNUT COVE"* NC 27052:::--=.,- YL FACUMY• LOCATION 17 ••— =I11:ATR[Cr.ROUTt.Pio_ow.02MQ =5P NEHALT ROAD 7 COMM. V ..'e.:::.n�:-: _ •.L GiTI►OR'T01rMr:voG 170 - - F1= UT ,= C O V E T1ora13ss10-1 F 16-80 CONTINUE ON REVERSE EPA ID # NCO024406 Belews Creek Steam Station Form 1 Clarifying Note Form Item II. E.: The -response given to this answer is "no" because the facility is not classified as a hazardous waste Treatment, Storage, or Disposal Facility (TSD:--). However, the facility is a hazardous waste small quantity generator and proper notification to North Carolina DEHNR has been made to this effect and hazardous waste generator identification number has been assigned to the faci=ity. This identification number is entered on Form 1, Section X.C. Pletcu"print or type in the unshaded areas only. rA I.D. NUM ■[R (COOY Irl aT 1 O 0, j) - NC 0024406 ' FORMAPPLICATItNVIRONMENTALTROTECTION 1-%R01T3 E PA AG[NCyA0prowdOMBIVo- FOR PERMIT TO D GE WASTEWATER vol NrDE.SCOMMERCIAL, ISn� MANUFACTUR NG°" MINING AND SILVICULTURAL OPERATIONS Consniidited L OUTFALL LOCATION Permits Program . For each outfall, list the latitude and kx4tude of its location to the MUMMER ■. LATITUOC nearest .l6' sel arid na TIO Of the receiving wirw. C. L0NGIT1JOt �.■ate, +. Belot. & asc. 1. ua.- •- D. PIKCRIVING WAT a. riot. a, aac. [R (name) k 001 36 16 48 80 03 38 Belews Lake 002 36 16 48 80 -- 40 Belews Lake_ 003 36 18 17 80 04 53 Dau,.Aiver 005 36 17 44 80 03 38. Belews Lake 006 36 17 05 80 04 18 Ash Basin 11. FLOWS, SOURCES OF EATM POLLUTION, AND TRENT TFCiiNOLOGIES A. Attaoh it lino drawing showing the water flow throtlph the fidl• and traaatmtant units labeled to eorrayond to the mon detailed indicate Purrs of Entaks.watsr, operat)orla contributin Wast flows between irttakae, opsratior>s, traat,rlant moo, and �iimorfs In Italn S. Cortsttu¢t a y* g eW1I1Vr to the affluent, pictorial descriptionoutfallL If a water balance • balailei on t11s IIM dtswing by showing average of the nature and amount of any sours es•of Peaty gnat dattannIned (RR, foi "I mining act ltidesl, provide a B. For aar�l outfall, ptvyida a opem 1►IMSI+tM. _ cooling water, and storm waternmolt!» aif{wlrf, .(21.The star to yiri;i: VIII taWatsr, all! Wastewater, on additional sheets If necawrt,, by each oparatian; and (31 Tlsa.tr7aunont apived bV the vmsuwm r. Continua Refer to su 1 mental informatian for -aildi•ional details.) 1. OUT- L OrtRATIONta) CONTRInuTING pl Ill .. ' - s 7. TRtATMtNT (Zia t) L OKRATION (:bt)AVtRA6t Ft�OYr; • ( �� �) a O,CiCR1KION . UST COCES FROM 001 Once thru coolin water _wit 1 025 MGDTAMLE2C.1 Dischar e to surface water 4-A miscellaneous equipment 002 Sanitary wastewater treat- ment system 003. Asb Settling Pond, disc with stormwater (to Dan River). 0.003 MGD Disinfection (chlorine), 12-F 3-B sedimentation, aerated la oon, trickling filtration, 4-A discharge to surface water. 7.7 MGD Coagulation, Sedimentation, 2-D 1-U Neutralization Ion Exchan e 2-K 2-J Discharge to Surface Water 4-A 005 -Ash Settling Pond, discharg 7,7 MGD to Belews Lake with storm - water. 11. to Ash Settling Basin. Coagulation, Sedimentation, 2-D 1-U Neutralization Ion Exchan e 2-K 2-1 Discharge to Surface Water 4-A , alizatioil °1 - OFFICIAL Uat ONL, ( I • - W-IrV nEPA;Fortn 3510-2C 16-ao) PAGE t car a -K EPA I.D. NUMaER(Copy fret^ !tam l of Fom 1) CONTINUED FROM PAGE 2 NC 0024406 V. INTAKE AND EFFLUENT CHARACTERISTICSFonn APProVVd OMB No. IS&RO173 A. B, ># C: Sea inmuctions before fte NOTE. Tablas V-A, V -it anted VI.0 — inciudad on " alb wtteil — Annotate the rttberad V•1 0��1 number in the sPwce Provided. D. Use the dough V.D. pace below m list any of the pollutants listed in Table 2oJ of Pdischargedsession from any outfall. For the instructions, which You know or havri Possession. ever!' pollutant you Ila, briefly deecribi the resorts you believe it m be reason m believe is discharged or may be Present and report any analytical data in your I. POLLUTANT 2. SOURCE L POLLUTANT 2. SOURCE Asbestos Cleanup of containment areas involved with asbes s removal and handling open N/A tions. Discharge is to the N/A ash basin (Outfall 003 and Outfall 005). VI. POTENTIAL DISCHARGES NOT COVERED BY ANALYSIS A. Is any pollutant listed in Item V C a su ase wn Fntemmdlate or final prodbstance or a componam of a sub uct a aca tanwhich you door expect that you will over ttw byproduct?. . . ' noxt 5 Yawn use or manufacture o Ya allt all such Folluftft before) NO (so to !tern VI -B) N/A B. Are your operations such tftat the next 5 years exceed times your raw matertals, WOc@s s' or Produ two tie tart the maximum values reported In Itecm V? , reasonably be expected to wry so that your dyclarM of P011utane may durir>q ❑YES (Complete Item Vr.0 below) C. If you answered 1—yes— to Item VI -B, explain below and ® No (so to Seo tion VII) discharged from each outfall over the next 5 describe in detail the sources and expected levels of such Yam• m the best of your ability at this time. Continue on additional leeUne'�ich YO11 anticipate will be N/A 10-2C-16-80) PAGE S OF 4 - - •.- CONTINUE ON RFVFacc Ute' SN77,0�jll WS a �- • �� �' ` Duke Porner Comp(my Fossil Production Department P0. Baa 100; + Charlotte. NC38?01-1007 DUKE POWER (704)37 ,1+011 June 28, 1991 Mr. Dale Overcash, Supervisor Permits and Engineering Section �� .� 19Q( L` North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources 512 N. Salisbury Street Raleigh, NC 27611 Subject: Belews Creek Steam Station - Stokes County NPDES Permit #NC0024406 Application for Renewal of Permit File: BC -706.15 Dear Mr. Overcash: Duke Power Company requests that the subject permit be renewed and reissued. The current permit expires January 31, 1992. Attached is the permit renewal application package. Based .upon my phone conversations with you, the follow- ing attached items are believed to comprise a complete permit renewal applica- tion: 1. EPA Form 1 - Including Topographic Map (3 copies) 2. EPA Form 2C - Including Priority Pollutant Analysis, Water Flow Diagram, and Supplemental Information Document (3 copies) 3. Check in the amount of $400.00 for the Permit Processing Fee. Please review this application package at your earliest convenience and send us a letter confirming its completeness. We are aware of the importance of submitting a complete permit renewal application 180 days prior to expiration of the current permit and request that you inform us of any deficiencies in the attached package at the earliest possible time. We request that when you are drafting the new permit you consider the follow- ing changes from the current permit: (1). OUTFALL 003 and 005, ASH BASIN DISCHARGE - Eliminate the monitoring jj and reporting requirements associated with rainfall events. There have been no discharge limit exceedances with the rainfall associat- ed monitoring since the current permit was issued. The current permit provides for the reduction or elimination of this monitoring requirement after a period of one year. { Mr. Dale Overcash June 28, 1991 Page two OUTFALL 001, ONCE THRU AND AUXILIARY COOLING WATER - Eliminate thermal monitoring at the two "up -lake" monitoring points, #406 and #419. These are designated as "U" in the current permit. There have been no exceedances at these points since this monitoring requirement began. Maintenance of these monitoring stations is time consuming and costly due to their remoteness from the station. 3. OUTFALL 002, DOMESTIC WASTEWATER - Allow for the elimination of this discharge and outfall during the period covered by the new permit .such that modification of the permit for this change will not be required. Current plans are to eliminate this outfall by installing a nondischarge system during 1993. �4. OUTFALL 003 and 005, ASH BASIN DISCHARGES - Eliminate the sampling t� requirement for the monitored only parameters: arsenic, nitrogen, (/O and phosphorus. No elevated readings for these parameters have been observed during the life of the current permit. � OUTFALL 002, DOMESTIC WASTEWATER - We have requested to,enter into a Special Order By Consent with NCDEM on this discharge. We request that the permit discharge limits for this outfall reflect thea agreement reached in the SOC when that process is concluded. Thank you for your assistance with this permitting request. Please call me at (704) 373-2771 if you have any questions concerning the application. Very truly yours, Phil R. Hammond, P.E. Fossil Environmental Compliance PRH:mp Attachment cc w/Attachments: B. K. Sipe J. C. Burnette E. B. Whitt M. D. McIntosh