HomeMy WebLinkAbout20170465 Ver 1_LIBR Package Submitted 2017-04-17_20170417April I �, 2� I 7 Witmington Regulatory Field �f�ce U5 Army Gorps of Engineers 69 Darlington Avenue Wilmington, NC 28�03 ATTN: Liz Hair NCDOT Caordinatar Dear Madam: Subject= Pre-Construction Noti�cation for pra�osed replacement �f Bridg� Na. 230171 over Dunn �wamp on SR 1414 (Braswell Rd.) in Colurr►6us County The North Carolina Department �f Transportatian (NCDOT) presposes to replace the existing faur span {4 cr I�'-4"} reinfarced concrete de�k on steei I b�eam on concrete cap vaith tirr►ber piles and timber abutments witlt a twa span (1 @ 45' and 1 �,a7. SS') cored slab with 2'-6" caps and sloping abutments. Trafffc will follow an off`site detour during constr�ction. Permanent impacts to jurisdictional resources cover appraximately <p.pl acres resulting frorri installation of the new bridge and abutments and movement of a roadside ditch. Terr�porary r�vetland impacts tataling <Q.O1 acres are due to hand clearing and sediment and erosion eontroi devices. Please see enclosed copies of tha LIBR Spreadsheet, Preliminary Jurisdictional Determination Form, USACE wetland/upIand forms, NCDWR wetland forms, stormwater management plan, and permit drawings for the abo�e-referenced praject. This project was let on 612/2015. Regulatory Approv�ls Secti�n 404 Fermit: The 1'�C17C�T requests that these activities be authorized under Nationwide 3. section 401 Permit: The NCDOT requests that these activities be autharized under Water Quality Certificatian Number 3883, We an#icipate that rnrritten approval from the NC Department of Watar Resources will be required. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact me at (91Q) 437-0207. Sincerely, (.Er.r.r, � /�`s James 3. Rerko, PWS I)ivision Endironrrienta] Officer- Uivision b Streaan Existing SEructure Proposed Structure Stream Wetlands 4�04 LowlMinimal lmpact Bridge Project �ata Sheet tsutter a Ilcatian Uie uired >40 ft �N NC DWQ StarmWater Peemit V2ec�uired (Y!N} Permit Required {Y1N) T&� Moratorium Troe�t Waters Lotation HahiYat {y!n) Speaies Pressnt Bio Conclusion Dates R��ources SZ 5 w.a 17.BP:fi.R.6� CiC�Yf15b116 BfldOe'� 23p17A hridgc m bridge rcy�lace.ment Lum6cr Basln; e-digi[ HUC a7010203 C',SW' 74-27-4 Dunn Swamp �unn 5warnp-Pcrennial Ounn 5wamp- 4o• Bndye #230171 is a 4 Q 18'�8" reimforced concrefe 8eck en steel! beam un cancrete cep anC Gm6er plee Bridge # 23017t 1s 25,�' oul lo nu[ 9�idge 236174 ialing is 25.3 Bridgc #230fi 77 is n iwo span {7 (3 45' and 1 Qe 55') cored slab with 2'-6" caps Brldge 230171 is 33 0' out to ou1 No�le None <tl.01 acpermanenl, <p.pt actemporary Nane Nnne No N9 Amencxn alligaror - Yes Copley's meadoyrrue - Wes _ _ _ Raugh-leeuctl laosesinfe � Yes R�.ed-wckaded Waodpecker - No Sho-rtnose stwgeon � Alo Waccamavr sllverside - No Waod stark - No Amenuan alliga[or � None o6aerved Cooleys mesdowrue � Not presenl Rough�leaved laosestrife � Not ptesent Red�corkaded Wopdpecker - NoI preser�t 5hortnase s{urgeon - Mot present Weccqmaw silverside - Not preseni Waod stark � Nane o6served _ ArnrYir.�n alligatar � Nl.4 Co¢ley's meadpv,rtue � Nu E!f¢Gt RoueR-leaved IooseslHfe - Na EHecf _ Red-cockaded W oudp�cker - No EfFect _ Shnrinose sturge�n - No Eftecl W acwmaw s'ilvers�de - No Eflecl Wao-d slork - N�a Efled No No No No No No No No Na No N�a Na No No Nn Na No No No Llmitetl De�all Na No 3d,a2da56 �7E.899327 Th.a location provlded is for Bndge C 230171 a 411012017 it '17BP.fi.R.63 {Bridge 230171) Columbus Gaunty PRELIMINARY JURlS�ICTIONAL DETERMINATIOfV FORM BACKGROUND INFQRMATIQN A. REPORT CQMPLETIQN DATE FQR PRELIMINARY JURISDICTIONAL DETERMINATIQN (JD); B. NAME AND ADDRESS OF PERSON REQUESTiNG PRE�IMINARY JD: Jarnes J. Rerko, PWS NCDOT Box 1105 Fayetteville, NC 28302 C. DISTRtCT OFFICE, FILE NAME, AND NUMBER: D. PROJECT LOCATfON(S) AND B�4CKGRC3UND INFORMATION:'1.24 miles North of the intersection of U5 76 along SR 9441 (USE THE ATTACHED TABLE T� DOCU!'IJ�ENT MULTIPLE WATERBODIES AT DIFFERENT SfTES} State:NC CountylparishlborvughColumbus Ci#y: Chadba�rn Center coordinates of site {lat/long in degree decimal format): Lat. 34.323D° Pick List, Long. -78.8993° Pick List. Universal Transvers� Mercator: Name of n�arest waterbody: Dunn Swamp Identify (estimate} amount of wafers in the review area: Non-wetland wafers: 5Q linear feet: f�.widfh (ft) andlar Cowardin Class: Riverine Strearrt Fiow: Perennial Wetlands: D.f32 acres. Cowardin Class: farested Name af any water badies on the site thaf have been identified as Section 10 waters: TidaL• Non-Tidal: E. REVIEW PERFORMED F�R SITE EVALUATION (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY): ❑ affice {Desk) Determination. Date: 0 Field Determinatian. Date(s): 1. The Corps of Engineers befieves that there may f�e jur�sdictianal waters of the United States on the subject site, and the permit applicant or other affected party who requested this preliminary JD is hereby advised of his ar her option to request and obtain an appraved jurisdictionaf determination (JD) for that site. Neverth�less, the permit applicant ar other person who requested this preliminary JD has d�clined to exercise the option to obtain an approved JD in this instance and a# this time. 2. In any circumstanc� wh�re a permit applicant obtains an individual permit, or a Nationwide General Permit (NWPJ or other general permit verification requiring "pre-construction notification" (PCN), or requests verification for a non-reporting NWP or other general permit, and th� permit applicant has not requested an approved JD tor #he activity, the permit applican# is hereby made aware of the following: (1 } the permit applicant has elected to seek a permit authorization based on a preliminary JD, which cloes not make an official determination of jurisdictianal waters; (2) that the applieant has the option ta request an appro�ed JD befor� accepting the terms and condi#ions of the permit authorizatian, and tha# basing a permit a�thorization on an approved JD could possibly result in less compensatory mifi�ation being required or different special conditians; (3) that the applicsnt has the right to request ar� individual permit rather than accepting the terms and conditians of the NWP or other general permit authorization; (4) that the applicant can accept a permit autharization and thereby agree to comply with all the terms and conditians ofi #hat permit, including whatever mitigation requirements the Corps has determined to be necessary; (5) that undertaking any activity in reliance upon the subject permit authorization withQut requestinc� an approve�d JD consfitutes the applicant's acceptance of the use of the preiiminary JD, bu# that aither form of JD wiil be processed as soon as is practicable; (6) accepting a permit authorization (e.g., signing a proffered individual permit) or undertaking any activity in refiance an any form of Gorps permit authorizatian based on a preliminary JD cons#itutes agreement that all wetlands and other water badies on the site affected in any way by that activity are jurisdictional waters of the United States, and precludes any challenge to such jurisdiction in any administrative or judicial compliance or enforcement action, or in any administra#ive appeal or in any Federal court; and (7) whether the applicant elects to use either an approved JD or a preliminary JD, that JD will be pracessed as soon as is practicable. Further, an approved JD, a proffered individual permit (and all terms and conditions contained therein), or individual permit denia! can be administratively app�aled pursuant to 33 C.F.R. Part 331, and that in any administrative appeal, jurisdictional issues can be raised �see 33 C.F.R. 331.5(a)(2)). If, during that administrative appeal, it becomes necessary to make an official determinafion whether CWA jurisdiction exists over a sit�, or to provEde an official defineatir�n of jurisdictional waters on the site, the Corps will provide an approved JD to accomplish that result, as soon as is practicable. This preliminary JD finds that fhere "may be"waters of the Unit�d States on the subject project site, and identifies a!I aqua#ic features on #he site that could be affec#ed by the proposed activity, based an #he folfowing informatian: SUPPORTING DATA, Data reviewed for preliminary JD {check all that apply - checiced items should be included in case file and, where checked and requested, appropriatefy reference sources b�low): � � Maps, plans, plots or pla# sUbmitted by or on behalf of fhe applicant/consultant; . � Data sheets preparedlsubmitted by ar on behalf af #he applicanticonsul#ant. ❑ Office concurs with data sheetsldelineatian report. ❑ Office does na# conc�ar with data sheets/d�fineation report. ❑ Data sheets prepared by the Corps: . ❑ Corps navigable waters' study: � 11.S. Geolagical Survey Hydrologic Atlas: . ❑ USGS NHD data. ❑ USGS 8 and �2 dig�f HUC maps. � U.S. Ge�logicaN Survey map{s). Cite scale & quad name: Chadbourn, NC, ❑ USDA Natural Resources Cons�rvation Service Soil Survey. Citation: ❑ Nationa! wetlands inventary map(s). Cite r�ame; ❑ StatelLocal wetland inventory map(s): . ❑ FEMAIFlRM maps; . ❑ 100-year Flaodp�ain Elevation is: (National Geodectic Vertical Datum of 1929) ❑ Photographs: ❑ Aerial (Name & Date): . ar ❑ Other (Name & D�te): ❑ Previous determination(s). Fiie na. and date af response letter: ❑ �ther information (please specify): . IMPORTANT NQTE: The infvrmation recorded on this form has not n�cessaril been verified b the Cor s and should not be relied u on for later 'urisdictional determinations. Signature and date of Regulatory Project Manager {REQUIRED) 3 . I� �G�-� �"�/L/�/`' �gr�ature and date of erson req�esting preliminary JD REQUIRED, unfess obtaining ie signature is impracticable} 17BP.6.R.63 Bridqe 23D'i 71 ���� f Latitude + Longi�Eude number 34.�230 � -78.8993 34.3230 � -7s.s�93 Columbus Coun Estimated Gowardin amnunt vf C�ass of Class aqwatic aq�atic rasource in resource rerriew area Ri�erine Ri��rine 4 0.02 acre 50LF FJon-section 1 C} -wetland Non-section '10 —non-wetland w � ��w��� WETl.14ND DETERNtIMAT1AN DATA FORM — Atlantic and Gulf Goastal Plain Region Projectl5ike: ���iN2 ��I�1 � Sl�- �'� � 4(�v? t Wr r ApplicanilDwner. ' V � Q� In�estigatvr{s}: , r"'�1 '� 5• 7v�l�U�+� CiiylCaunty: C V I UN1 !]V5 5ampling Date: a�/ r� State: N� Sampling Pnim: �^�' w� Sectipn, Township, Range: � Landform (hiflslope, terrace, etc.}: � I ron1 �" �c, "" Loca1 relief (ooncave, canrrex, on : 51ape [9b}: Subregian {LRR or MI.RA}: Q- I^�3 � Lat: J1'i •��35 Long: "��i. $�1 4 oatum: A� �3 Soil Map Unit l4arne: ��c Ka �fle 5q��r�1 -�fPG��ly -� fa'i�f�(/ NWI Gassification: ��[i Are dima6c 1 hydrologic canditions on the sit�s typical for this time of year? Yes � No {If no, explain in Remarks.) Are Vegetation , Sal , or Hydrology significantly disturbed? 1 �o Are "h�ormal Circumstan�s" prese�rt? Yes � No Are Vegetatipn , Soil , or Hydrology naturally proht�matic? ,"O {If needed, explain any answers in F2emarks.} SUMMARY CIF FINDINGS — Attach site map showing sampling point locations, transects, important features, etc. Hydmphytic Vegetatipn Present? Yes � Plo Hydric 3oi1 Rresent? Yes � No Wetland Hydrology Presen#? Yes,� No , +l I I- G. f-� 1,��T IAn01 f�O�S �PP� �'i'�G��'� HYDROLOGY !s the 3ampled Area within a Wetland? Yes � Na Wetland liydmlagy Indicators: Secondarv Indirators [rninimum afiwo renuired� Primary Indieators iminimum of one is reauirEri: check ell that annlvl II 5urface Soif CraCks [66) ❑ Surface Wa#er {A1] 1❑--� Aquatic Fauna (B13} ❑ Sparsely Vegetated Concave Surtaoe {BSj High Water Table (A2} L.,.I Marl Deposits {B15} {LRR U) II Drainage Pattems (B1U} 5aturatian {A3} �QT Hytlrogen Sufficfe f�dor {C1 ] II Moss Trim Lines {Bi B] _ Water Marks {B1 J LI Oxidized Riiizospheres alang Living Rpots (C3j II Dry�ason Water Table [C2} Q Sediment Depnsits (B2) Q1--� Presence of Reduced Iron (C4j �, Crayfish Burraws (C8} ❑ Drift Oepasits (63} TLJT Recent Iron Reduction in Tilled 5nils [CB} Saturation Visible on Aerial Irnageryr [C9j a Algaf Mat or Crust (B4} LJ Thin Muck SurFaoe {C7j Gevmorphic Position (C32} a Iron Qeposits (65) Q pther [E�lain in Remarks} Shallow Aquitard (D3} Q, Inundation Visible on Aerial imagery (S7J FAC-Neutrai iest (05} Water-Stained Leaves (69) � Sphagnurn moss (D8J [LRR T, U] Field Otsservations: SurFace Water Present? Yes M1{o � Depti� [inchesj: Water Table Present? Yes � Afo Depth [inches}: � Saturation Present? Yes � No �epth (inches}: �_ Wetland Hydrology Present? Yes�, No indudes ca illa irin e Describe Recarded Data (stream gauge, monitoring well, aeriaC photos, previaus inspectians}, 'rf aWailabfe: Remarks: US Army Corps af Engineers Adan4ic and Gulf Caastal Plain Regian — Version 2,0 VEGEi"ATIOH (Faur Strata) — Use scientific names of plants. Tree Stratum [Plot si�e: �� 1 ] 96 Cauer S ecies? t s �� �. �n '-�� � /�C 2. �►,1 f�i Ge+� f G..�' if+�! �. �� x.r �� aC. 3. 4. 5. 6- 7. 8. '�]� r �' = Total Cvrrer 5036 of total oover. �� 2096 of tatal oover: ( y 5,,,� lin IShrub Stratum (Ptat size; —�� } ,. � �er ��hr� m � � �� ��- 2. 1-. f rmC� i �� H qC -��s ,�da�ba ��-v � �� s. ��� �j-�vnn 5 ► n�� � � r�(� 4. 5. 8: $. �iri = 7otal Ca+uer f 50°% of total cover: '� ri 20°% of total co�er: 5 �Herb S m(Ptot size: � �� } ,. �nln�dward;•� �ur�lk� � 'T` pp,L 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. � = Total Cvver ` 5{L�6 of total cover. '� 2096 ofi total cq�er: � Waodv �ne SVafum {P1ot size: � ��' ) 1. 2_ 3. 4. 5. = Total Cover 5096 of total r.�ver: 2U36 af total ca�er: RemaAcs: �If obsenred, list 5ampling Pnint: ��W-�} Number of C7ominant Species That Are OBL, FACW, or FAG: Tatal Number of Dominant Species Across All Str�ta. Percent of Dominant Species I�O � That Are OBL, FACW, vr FAC: � (AfB) Total °� Cover of: Multiolv bv; OBL species x 1 = Ff1CW speci�s x 2 = FAC SpeCies x 3 = FACLJ speGes x 4 = UPL speeies x 5 = Column Totals: {AJ (B} Pre�al�nce Index = BfA = �1- Rapid Test for Hydrophytic Vege3ation 2 - Dominance Te&t is �5Q% II 3- Prevalence Index is s3.0' a ProblemaYic Hydrophytic Vegetatian' {Expla3n) 'Indicatars of hydric soil and weHand hydrolpgy must be present, unless disturbesi or problematic. Tree — WoocEy plants, excluding �ines, 3 in. (7.6 cm) ar more in diameter at breast height {DBHj, regardless of height. SaplinglShrub — Woady plants, excluding rrines, less than 3 in. DBH and greater then 3.28 ft{1 m} tall. Herb—All herbaceous (non-woody} plants, regardless of size, and woody plants less than 328 ft tall. Woody vina — Ail woody tines greafer fh�n 3.2$ fk in height. Hydrophytic VegefaUon Present? Yes No US Army Corps af Engineers Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain Region — Version 2.Q $OIL 5ampling PQint: � Profile Oescript€on: (DescH6e to tha depth needed to document the indicator er cunfir�rt the absence of indicatars.) Depth Matrix Redax Features iinchesl Color moist �% Cofar nnvist % e Texture Ftemarks —�' i� � ����v- �-V U , ��� ��� �L - �� � fJ � 5 � � ''�� U 1 {� 1 ti�. � / V � t7 � � � i2- � k�i! 1 � � ';,�,� �/ 3;� C M C L 'T : C=Cancentratian, �De letion, RM=Reduced MaUix, MS=Masked Sand Grains. ZLocativn: PL=Pore Linin , M=Matrix. Hydrfc Soil Indlcators. {Appliaable to alI LRRs, unless otherwEse notetl.j Indicatnrs for Rroblematic Hydric SaiEss: ,Q Histosof {A1) ,� Polyvalue Below Surtace (S8) (LRR S, T, U] ❑ 1 cm Muck [A9} RLRR O} �Histic Epipedon (A2) � Thin Dark S�rFace {S9] (LRR S, T, Uj � 2 cm Muck {A1(1) (LRR Sj Black Fiistic (A3) Loamy Mucky Mineral (Fi }(LRR OJ RBduoed Vertic (F18) (outslde N1LRA 150A,Bj � Hydrngen Sulfsde [A4) � Loamy Gleyed ll+latrix (F2] � Piedmont Flvodplain Soi{s (F19} [LRR P, S, Tf �Strati�ed Layers (A5J D�epleteti Nlatrix (F3} � Anomalous 8right Laamy Soils (F20) 4rganic Bodies [A$) [LRR P, T, U) � Redox Dark Surtace {FB) �MLRA 153Bj �5 sxn Mucky Mineral (Alj (LRR P, T, U} � Depleted Dark 8urfac;s [F7J �❑-1 Red Parent Material (TF�) Muck Presence [A8) [LRR U} Redox Depressions (F8) u Very Shallcnv Dark 5urfaoe {T�12j � 1 cm Muck (A9J (LRR P, Tj � Marl (F1d) {LRR U) D Other {Explain in Remarks] �] Depleted Belrnv Dark Surface [A11} ,Q Depleted Qchrie [F11} (MLRA 1S1) �] Thick Dark Surface {Al2) Q Iron-Manganese Masses [F12) (LRR C1, P, T) 'fndicators of hydrophytic vegetation and ��Coast Prairie Redc�x {A16} (MLRA 950AJ Umbric 5urfaoe [F13J (LRR P, 7, U} wetland hydrolagy must be present, Sandy Mucky Mineral (S1) {LRR 4, Sj Delta Clchric {F17} {MLRA 751j �r�less disturbed or problema6c. � Sandy �leyed Matrix [S4] Redur.ed Vertic (F18} (MLRA 150A, i50B} �Sandy Redox (55} Piedm4nt FCoadplain 5oils (F19} {MLRA 149Aj Stripped Matrix (56} Anomalous Bright Laamy Soils [F20} (MLRA 149A, 153C, 7G3Uj L] Dark Sur�aoe (S7j (LRR P, S, T, U] RastHctivae Layer �if o6servedj: Type: Depth (inches}: Hydrie Svtl Present7 Yes Na Remarks: US Army Carps of Engine8rs Atlantic and Gulf Cnastal Plain Region -- Version 2.0 VJ�,�'��WC �� WETLAND DETERMINA710N DATA FORM — Aklantic and Gulf Coastal Plain Region ProjecUSite: : e ��� 5�" RpplicantlOwner: N c pc CiEylGounty: � U` � r" �� 5 Samp9ing I�ate: ��/ f`r State: n� 5ampling Poirrt: � � Q Investigator(s): V•�`'r� 4�1 � �. � u �� 1 V�, �, Seetion, Tflwnship, Range: Landform illslope errac�+, e{i�c.}: Local relief {aonca�e, c�nvex, none Slope {°%J: � Subregian {LRR or MLRA : l� I�]� Lat: �. n��'{ �ong: � 1�� '�b�t� �"' Qatum: � S� Soil Map Unit Name: ��� ���t <� rL^^l� rl ol�t'�.u" �+' -� �'r !�-= NWI classification: �� Are Gimatic 1 hydrologic canditions on the si#e typieal for this time of year? Yes �! No [1f no, explain in Remarks.} Are Vegetatian , Soil , Qr HydroEagy significarrtly disturbed? '"fl Are `Normal Circumstanoes" presertt? Yes �' NQ Are Vegetation , Soil , or Hydrofogy naturally problema6c? I� (I{ RE�'C�@[�, explain any answers in Remarlcs.) SUMMARY OF FfNDINGS — Attach site rrnap shawing sampling pnint locati�ns, transects, important featur+es, etc. Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? Hydric Soil Present? Wedand Hydralogy Preserrt%` HYDROLiOGY Yes � hJo�T— Yes Na r Yes No � Is the 5ampled Area wkhin a Wetland? Yes No � Wetland Hydrology Indlcators: Secondarv Indicators �minirnum of two ceauired) Primarv Indicators [minimum of one is reauired. check all that aanl�l II Surface Soil Cracks (Bfi) ❑ Surface Water {A1 } 1❑--f Aquatic Fauna (613j ❑ Sparsely Vegetated Concav� SurFaos [68) Q High Water Ta6le (A2) u Marl Depasits (B15) (LRR U) II Drainage Patterns (61 Q} Q Saturation [A3} ❑ Hydrogen 5ulfide Ddor (�1} II Moss Trim Lines {616] Q Water Marks (81 J � Oxidized Rhizospheres along Living Roots (C3j Dry-5eason Water Table {C2) �Sediment D�posits [62} ❑ Presence qf Redu[�d lron {C4] � Crayfi&h Burrows {C8} Drift Deposits (B3} ❑�r Ret�nt Iron Reduction in Tilled 5oils (C6j II Saturation �si61e on Aerial Imagsry (C9J a Algal Mat or Crust (64) LJ Thin Muck Surface (C7} II Geamorphic Position (D2] a Iron Qeposits {85) 0 Dther (Explain in Remarks} � Shallow Aquitard [03) [� Inundatian Visibie on Aerial imagery (B7) � FAGNeutra! Test {D5j a Water-Stained Learies (B9) Sphagnum moss {L}8] [LRR T, U] Fieid Observations: � 5urface Water PreSent? Yes No Depth [inGhes): " Water Table Present? Yes No � Dep� (inches}: � Saturation Present? Yes Na � aepth {inches}: ` Wetland Hydrology Prvaseirt't Yes No� indudes ca illa frin e Oescribe Ftecarded C1ata [stream gauge, monitoring well, aerial photos, preriious inspections}, if a�ailable: � F2emarks. US Army Corps of Engineers Atla�rtic and Gulf Coastal Plain Region – Version 2.0 VEGETATION [Four Stratay - Use scientific names of plants. Abs�+lute oominant Indicafor Tree Stratum (Plot size: � j %ove� S_pecies? � �. � �;b�r rac� �, ij 1!. r L- 2. et n�h«m '� C� � F�C 8. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. � = Total Correr 5096 af tot�l cover: �� 20% of tatal cover: „�U 9in IShr um (Plot &ize: � } Q � � �� 1. Li �i c r�, c t ��� �: 2. �r r�P�r� � U_ � � 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. ��! = Tatal Cover 54% of total caver. __!L___ 209�a af tatal �rier. � Herh Siratum (Flcat sizs: y 11 � 1. � L GO +hl,Q ���, ti�{; s � �,� � ��c� 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. � = Total Cover ( 5096 of tntal cover. � 2U°k af tolai cover: f v Wnodv Vine S�raturo (Plat size: � ` } 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. = Total Cover 509b af total a9ver. _ 2496 of total carier: Sampling Point: � �� Number af Dominant Species That Ars OBL, FACW, or FAC: � (A) Toial Number of Dominant Speaes Across All Strata: (B} Percent of Dpminant Species ThBt Afe QBL, FACW, or FAC: � O� c (A1B) Prevalence Index worksheet: Total 96 Cover of: Multiolv bv: OBL species x 1 = FACW species x 2 = FAC species x 3 = FACU speaes x 4 = UPL species x 5 = Column Totals: (A) (6} Pre�alence Index = BIA = J� l- Rapid Te&t for Hydraphytic Vegetation �2- Dominance Te�t is 75496 3- Prevalence Index is 53.Q' a ProblemaEic liydraphytio Vegetation' (Fxplain} 'lndicators oi hydric soil and wetland hydrolagy must 6e present, unless disturhed ar problematic. Tree - Wpody plants, exduding vines, 3 in. (7.6 em} or more in diarneter at hreast heigtrt (DBH), regarqless of height. SapiinglShrub - Waody plarns, exduding rrines, less than 3 in. aBH and greater than 3.28 ft(1 m) tall. Herta -- All herbaoeous (non-wpody} plards, regardless of size, and waody plants less than 3.2$ ft tafl. Woody �ine - A!I woody vines greater than 3.28 ft in height. Mydraphytic Vegetat(on PreseM? Yss No US Army Corps of Engineers A#lantic and Gulf Cvastal Pfain Region - Version 2.0 St71L Sampling Point: � (� v� Proflie Descriptlon: (Describe to the depth needed to document the indicatar or eonflrm the absence of indicator,s.j Depth Matrix Redox Features iinche;sj___, Color {m0ist} 95 Color imoist] % TvPe Loc Text rg Remarks Cr 1�} �,L j �c� �� � tT e: C=ConcentraUon, D=De letion, RM=Reduaed Matrix, MS=Masked 5and Grains. �Location: PL=Pare Linin , M=Mah'ix. Hydric Soil Indicators� {Applicable to ail LRRs, unlese otherwisa noted,� Indicators for Pro6lematic Hydric Soils ; � Fkistosol (Ai) � Polyvalue Below SurFace (58} (LRR 5, T, UJ ❑ 1 cm M�ck {A9] {LRR O} �Histic Epipedon {A2} � 1'hin Dark Surface (SS] (LRR S, T, U) � 2 cm Muck (Aifl] (LRR Sj Bladc Histic (A3} Laamy Mucky Minerat (F9 J{LRR Oj Reduced Vertic (F18} [outside MtRA 18UA,Bj �] Hydrogen SWfide (A4) � Laamy Gleyed Ma#rix {F2} � Piedmont Floociplain S�ils (F18} (LRR P, S, Tj �Stratified Layers (A5) depleted Matrix (F3] � Anamalous Bnght Loamy Soifs [�20) Organic Bodfes (Afi) (LRR P, T, U] � Redax Dark Surtace {F6} {MLRA 753Bj �5 cm Mucky Mineral {A� {LRR P, T, U} Oepleted Dark Sur€ace {F7j ❑ Red Parerrt Material {TF2J INuck Presenc� (A8] (LRR U) Redox Depressions {F8) � Very 5halfow Qark Surtace (TF12) � 1 cm PVluck (A9) [LRR P, TJ Marl (�10] [LRFt ll} � Other [Explain in Ftemarksj � Depleted Below Dark Surtace [A1'I} ,Q C�epleted Ochric (F11} �MLRA 1S7] �] Thick Dark Surface (Al2] � Iron-Manganese Masses (F12} �LRR Q, P, Tj 3lndicators qf hydrophytic vegetation and �Coast Prairie Redox {A9S} (MLRA 150A) Umhria SurFace {F13] (LRR P, T, Uj wetlartd hydrolagy must be present, 5andy Mucky Mineral {S1} [LRR O, $j l]eEta C7s:hric (F17} {MLRA 151J unless dish+rbed or pro6lernatic. D 5andy Gleyed Matrix {S4) [] Reduced Vertic (F18} (MLRA 150A, 18QB} �Sandy Redox (S5) � Piedmant Flcaodplain Svils (F19] (MLRA 749Aj 5tripped Matrix (56} Anomalous Bright Laamy Soils {F2Q) (MLRA 149A, 753C, 453D) n �ark Surfas� (S7] (LRR P, S, T, U) R�strictiwe Layer (if ak�served): Type: � Depth (inches): Hydric Soil Present? Yes No Remarks: US Army Carps of Engineers AUanti� and Gulf Coastal Piain Region — Version 2A �� �t, �-w � WETLA,ND RATING W+QRKSHEET Fourth Vers'ron Project P+iame ��t ��� ��� �`r- ��'� ��,,,e � r�1 f• f J4+�' G Nearest Road � ���� �� �� I � � J, County �(�, rf �':�� ` Wetland area '� �• l acres WetIand width�V feet Name of evaivator i). �`�'( �- �, ���� �� •�r Date �j /h �� l Y Wetl�nd Iocation , an pand vr lake �C on perennial stream on interrnittent stream � wit�in interstreatn di�vide � ather: Soil series• _ predominantly organ'rc - hurnus, rnuek, or peat � predominantly mineral - non-sandy � predominantly sandy Hydranlic factors steep topography ,� dit�ched or channelized total wetland width � 100 feet Adjacent land use (within /z mile upstream, upslope, or radius} � forestedlnatural vegetation C � °/a � agriculture, urbanfsuburban c�C� °/u _ impervia�us surface % Dominant rregetation (1) '�`�d /''l�sr, f� (2} C�wPe� cl�„�'' � (�) �- c���,�� � �{o � ��`� � Flaad'rng and wetness semipermanently ta pernnanently flooded or inundated seasonally flovded or inundated � intermittently �looded or tempQrary surface water _ no e�videnae of flaoding or surface water Wetland type (select one}* Bottornland hardwovd forest Pine sa�+anna Headrvater farest Freshwa�er marsh Swamp forest � Boglfen Wet flat _ Ephemeral wetland i Pocosin Carolina bay _ Bag forest � Qther; [�,Sl�rhpr� ft�,c��c1:. ve-{ ���.�� � The rating system cannot be applied tv salt ar brackish marshes ar s��am channels .— - - -------- ------------- ------------------------------ � R Water storage x 4.00 =� A BanklShareline stabilizatian � x 4.�U — �"> Wetland rating T Pollutant remaval � '� x 5.00 =� I Wildlife habitat �� x 2.p� _ � r" �' 1V Aquatic life value � X 4,p{� _� �`� G Recreation/Education �`? � j ,p{y = �� :** Add 1 point if in sensiti�e watershed and �14% nonpoint source disturbance within %a mile apstream, upsloFre, vr raciius . k li�;l n� �l}' North Carolina Department of Transportation Slt 71'i 11wdt�� Highway Stormwater Program ` �`' STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN - - (Version 2.03; Released October 2015) FOR NCDOT PROJECTS WBS Element: 17BP.6.R.63 TIP No.: County(ies): Columbus Page 1 of 1 General Project Information WBS Element: 17BP.6.R.63 TIP Number: Project Type: Bridge Replacement Date: 3/20/2017 NCDOT Contact: Jonathan Moore Contractor I Designer: Brandon Barham, PE - Ecological Engineerin Address: 1000 Birch Ridge Drive Address: 1151 SE Cary Parkway Raleigh, NC 27610 Suite 101 Car , NC 27518 Phone: 919-707-6738 Phone: 919-557-0929 Email: 'Imoore6 ncdot. ov Email: bbarham ecolo icalen .com Cit ITown: Cerro Gordo Count ies): Columbus River Basin s: Lumber CAMA Count ? No Wetlands within Project Limits? Yes Pro'ect Descri tion Pro'ect Len th lin. miles or feet : 0.09 Miles Surrounding Land Use: Rural area with forest and agricultural land uses Pro osed Pro'ect Existin Site Pro'ect Built-U on Area ac. 0.3 ac. 0.2 ac. Typical Cross Section Description: 2@ 10' lanes with 5.4' shoulder with total bridge length of 100 ft and width of 33 ft. 2@ 10' lanes with a total bridge length of 73' and width of 24' Annual Avg Daily Traffic (veh/hr/day): Desi n/Future: 210 Year: 2013 Existin : 210 Year: 2013 General Project Narrative: State Project 176P.6.R.63 involves the replacement of the existing NCDOT Bridge #230171 on SR 1414 over Dunn Swamp. Bridge #230171 consists of 4@18'-4" reinforced (Description of Minimization of Water concrete deck on I-beams on concrete caps with timber piles. The proposed bridge at #230171 will be 1@45, 1@55 21" Cored Slab with 2'-6" Caps. The proposed bridge is in Quality Impacts) FEMA Zone AE. The proposed bridge will maintain the existing level of service for the 100 YR event. There is one proposed outfall on the begin of bridge side to allow the bridge to drain properly. A Rip Rap outlet pad will be utilized to dissipate flow and minimize erosion. Waterbody Information Surface Water Body (1): Dunn Swamp NCDWR Stream Index No.: 14-27-4 NCDWR Surface Water Classification for Water Body Primary Classification: Class C Supplemental Classification: Swamp Waters (Sw) Other Stream Classification: None Impairments: None Aquatic T&E Species? Comments: NRTR Stream ID: Buffer Rules in Effect: N/A Project Includes Bridge Spanning Water Body? Yes Deck Drains Discharge Over Buffer? No Dissipator Pads Provided in Buffer? No Deck Drains Discharge Over Water Body? No (If yes, provide justification in the General Project Narrative) (If yes, describe in the General Project Narrative; if no, justify in the (If yes, provide justification in the General Project Narrative) General Project Narrative) See Sheet 9A For Index of Sheets See Sheet 98 For Conventionol Symbols See Sheet 9C- 9 For Survey Control Sheet � � � V � � O V THIS PROJECT IS NOT WITHIN ANY MUNICIPAL BOUNDARIES. • DETOUR ROUTE ����� �� ����� �������� �� �Y ��JL�I. �' S„s� ���171��� � �L � COL UMB US CO U1�TY LOCATI011t: BRIDGE 1110.230171 0111 SR 1414 (BRASWELL RD.) OVER DU11I111 SWAMP TYPE OF WORK GRADING, DRAI11lAGE, PAVING, AND STRUCTURE WETLAND AND SURFACE WATER IMPACTS PERMIT + + TO US 76 (ANDREW JACKSON HWY 76) r � ,� -,- / � � i� �a�e� y� � � � �22 / /� ° /� SITE 1 // CLEARING ON THIS PROJECT SHALL BE PERFORMED TO THE LIMITS ESTABLISHED BY METHOD II MODIFIED. � Z �Z �� w 'Z� �o N 0 END CONSTRUCTION -L- STA. 16 + 75.00 �' � �� �� . � (pR��CFO �5�4 ,� �, qNH RD J \ PERMIT DRAWING SHEET 1 OF 5 INCOMFLETE ]PLANS DO NOT USE POR ft/W ACQUt51T[ON PRELIMINARY ]PLANS DO NOT USE FOR CONSTRiiCTION GRAPHIC SCALES DESIGN DATA PROJECT LENGTH Prepa�ed ln tl� Office of: HYDRAULICS ENGINEER � ���1r�1� 504 Meadowland Drive Hillsborough, NC 27278-8551 ADT 2013 = 210 vo��e (s,s��sz-saes 20 10 0 20 40 Fax:�s,s>>sz-s��s ���p DESIGN AND ENGINEERING SERVICES wwwsummilde.net G � T= 6°/a* LENGTH ROADWAY PROJECT = 0.071 MILES FIRMNOP�0339 ��� c� 2012 STANDARD SPECIFICATlONS 9• �� PLANS V= 55 MPH LENGTH STRUCTURES PROJECT = 0.019 MILES � � P.E. TOTAL LENGTH PROJECT = 0.090 MILES s.cxarua�� � ': 20 l0 0 20 40 = nST =3% DUAL 3% RIGHT OF WAY DATE: TRACY N. PARROTf. PE g � JUNE 2, 2015 reo�ecr ENcixESR ROADWAY DESIGN PROFILE (HORIZONTAL) FUNC CLASS = ENG71vEER ���� ����� 4 2 0 4 8 RURAL LOCAL NCDOT CONTACT: VIRGINIA MABRY LETTIIVG DATE: BRANDON W. JOHNSON, PE �� p�p�� MANAGER, PRIOR77Y PROfEC7S UN77 J U N E 2, Z O� 5 PROJECT DESlGN ENGINEER Y.E. PROFILE (VERTICAL) SUB—REGIONAL TIER srcxATuxe: � . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PreOare 1 e NL FRN LCENSE No P 0339 � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � otr�e of. � I� ��� saa eamo n �as o�i�a PROJECT REFERENCE NO. SHEET NO. � BRlOGE N0.230/7/ �❑�.�.�..,,s s9 3z ss,b aFAx,10 /7BP.6.R.63 5 N __ L-- -- -- --- —� _ � --- — — 1 ( RASWELL ROA ) —' __ __I k � � � . � . � . . - ' ,' � 'I ' .; � ' ' �; � , , , � � ; ' � . . . . ' . �, � ' — — P�P�-e � ' e ROADWAY DESIGN HYDRAULICS � �_ R 41 D � 4a 9 A �ffCe o1 � � WOy ENGMEER ENGINEER � . � , — , ', �ECOLOGICAL z _ , _�.,.,. ENGINEF.RING 93�n-a�z9 i I I_ I I I I . . ...I. .. . I . . . i ........ . ....._ '. . __ _ ' _ ._ _— _ _ _I_ __—__ . . . . . . _ _ _ __ - --- — —. i , . � � � - � � � � �--- � � - � � � DOGUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL -.. i - i � ... . .. . .. ..... . � . .. . . . ... . .. .-- - - i- - � _ . . BM #L . -.. . . UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED '.�1 . I. :_j_ i .__ ._ I �. I- I .�. - ELL76535, 11+46.00, 15.00' LT � �, _... F i... I. . "-! � L- STA 14+51.98, 32.86' LT j ._ ._. ......_ .LL.__. .. : i . �... . . ., : 92 '� _ � _ -PERMIT DRAWING _ �--- -- - - - , __ _ _ _ _ _. - A � �' � I � i�. BEGIN BRIDGE ' I END BRIDGE H LI S H E ET ,�F � F � -L- STA /3+60.77 , - - �-. -L- STA /4+6323 � 88 � � � � � _, __ _,_ -- -- EL = 8026 � --- - _ -----_ .' ------. -,- ----� _ ---� -; . EL = 8093 � �_� I __ . , 88 , i -- ____ . i. � .._ --I-� _ i i _I I -'' - - � � _ BEGIN GRADE J� � � � � � � � � � � � END GRADE _ _ � Pl 15t20A0 - ' � � EL = 80.74' Pl = 16+25A0 - -L- STA 16t75A0 84 = '. - -__ � � __ � ' i�l VC = NO' ' EL = 7920' EL= 7898 84 EL - 79J6 EL - 79.3Y EL = 80A6' I -~�=a� K= 62 � VC = l00' . Pl = 12+25A0 , Pl = 13+00.00 , VC - 50' � VC - l00' � K - l25 K l45 : � _ - — � - ,-- —,-, DS = 45mph _ -- --- - K = 97 �- DS = 55mph VC = 55mPh _ _ VC =)50mph ��_,������������� _ " -': I '� (+�309/% (-J/.4667% _' ' _' I I I ' � I '� 80 l+)1.0000% (tXJ.3091% ---- -- ------- 80 ------------------- ------------ -------- ------ +1o.s000i �-}71. . --------- r-�1�ss`1�i.'--- ----- ---------- � _ — �. — r-�o.a9oox 76 ._� _.�� I � � i � � �� ^,'I i I j � I �' I �i BRIDGE M'DRAIJUC DATA _..._w �-.-� = 76 _ _ - � - ; _ _ .. - - -- - - _ _ ;_ _ , _ _ � \ _ 1 _._ - -- - - I �DESIGN DISCHAfi�E _ 1700 CFS �' -- -- ;i _, EXISTING GRADE _ .. -- ,- ' i - I � ,� � I 1 � a _ ' r '�DESIGN FREWENCY = 25 YR ; , __ - EXISTING GRADE - -- - 72 '' (t10J392% � ._ _ _I � �__ �.� \` I �� _ I? a � � DESIGN HW ELEYATION � 792 FT (+XJA040% 72 _ - _ : -_ _- --_ -_;_� __ _ i _ .._� I \�\ 1 I i _-:_:: _-=L- I I BASE FREQUENCY - l00 YRS _ - , ,, , I �,I/ � 1 ERT� lNG DISCHARGE _ 1700 S � -� -- � _. � _ ' � � � � , _ _. . .- � - - - � � -- - - � �I I �� I _ � f / I I�� - - i _. _ �,R � - i 68 � -r - i � ' �� . , -- _ _ __ _ � �- - -_ _ - ; �, � , I � � � OVERTOPPING FREa(JENCY- 25 I _ _ � _ � , 68 _ - - - _� ,_ � ' -� � II - - _ � _ � ----' _. �_ _. �L I pVERTOPPING �LEYATIOK= 79A �FT � ' --�-- - - _ _ _ -- -- -- ._. _. _...... , � i i � �_ _ _ � _ � � ; , , - _ _ ; --- -�- �� � [l2[ _II-,J rl =r- , 64 ; �I ---� � j - --- , � � _ � � ; � � , - f �. _ � � �- � �- , �,� �___ - - I- ---- � � _ 64 ' -- - -- �ATE OF SURVEY , � � � -� � � � _ _ � - _ WS ELEVATION � � � i . _ - _ � � � ' : _ � I � , ' AT DATE OF SURVEY ��� �� � � ��_ � � - � �_ � � �� �_ , � I- — � � �T , ' � ' ._ _- - _ - � -L- � _ -- 12 13 14 15 16 17 _. — -- —__ __ _ _ _ ._ . -- --- --- -- -- —-- -- -- — --- -- --- —_� i�_i---- u � . �. � � ,_ _ _ --- - _---- -� -l��i I� , ,�, - ------ - - - . 92 I � �- - 92 �' _ �__ � � � 92 BEGIN GRADE __ - ! END GRADE BEGIN GRADE , ' -DRI- STA l0+10.00 ------- ---i _ � -DRI- STA 11+05.44 - - A / +/ . - - � . . .- � � --- �_ �___. . --I-- _ --_ i_ � i � � EL = 8099 � , � � EL = 8/.5/ EL = 8092 � _ � ' � � � 88 EL - 80.73' , , , 88 Pl = l0+1L80 �_ � I 88 __ - - ---__ __ EL = B0.9Y -- ,- . Pl -!0+15.72 � I Pl = 10-F65A0 -, I i !I ! _ � � Pl = lOt14.82 � � Pl = 10+75.00 , I j � � � Pl = l0+12.70 �j _ _ � EL = 80.58' -�- EL = 80b7' ', EL = 7529' i _I � � � I EL = 8094' � � VC = 70' � � � � I i = � I N R ;84 i �II _,. -'- , �-�- �- - i �- ---_ _ � -._ _ � '- $4 '� - - _- ... _ -- _ K = 8 a I �' ELD 75.60 �� 84 � �� � K 27 OR2- STA lltl8.60 , ; i l i i_r _ _ i _ ; i _ _ _ _ ---- - __.__ _ --- - _ I / ------ _ _ � — -'-----� � I 80 � 80 --' - - (-�0.300%.. l+) ___ _ 80 _ _ � .� � , � ' - � � � iI� --� � i ' I I � ,_� � I- � _ � � -, � i � __ , �� _ � ' ��� ' � � �i� _ � , � ---'� � . , - - - - -_ __ L - - _. : - - � - - , --- -- -- I : � � �8 _ - , ' ' - � 9y. - ' 76 -- � 76 I� � ,� � ; . , 76 .�__._ `� � � � .. �_ ------ -- � � � � �_- � _, � ---- -� � : I � -; -' -� �' �_ _ -; ' --- ' -- - - -- �.�.�nox�. ' ---- � � �,�i : � __ I � � . � � - _ ----_ - _ \�_�� ��,��-��l __ �_ _. _._ --. _._ . � � _ n 72 I ' , , - ; , � , 72 ' ' . _ � 72 I I ! I I I I I ; � � � ; � � , � � � � '� EXISTING GRADE '' '_ _ � �-- -�- �- ' � _ � � �'I. _�. � � - � -- ---�_. � ',- "-- _... -'- - . _ , _ . __ _ _ _ , � ; --- (tJlB6/0% -- ... _ _.._. _ _ _ . � � ; � � � ' � EXISTING GRADE 68 , ! 68 r+�o. . 68 a � '. � � � � - - - � - _ � � � � � '�� � — � � � � � � , ---- _, - _ _.., � , - - _ : _ _.. ---. _ . ____.... , - -- _ _ _. �_ ._ _. _ .. --- - - - - - I � �I � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � , � � _ � � � � � � � � � � �-:_ , I_� � 64 i � � � � 64 � � � � �; � � � � i _.. : 64 � �',, � �� � � �,�:__ ; ; ' ;; ; � ' ; , , , „ , . � � � , , r ____ I' � � � � � , , , , � �I J .,.II I I I I I I _ I., . I I I I I I I I I , . . .. _ I I I I I_�. ... 60 _--- _ - _ _-, __ _ � _ _ 60 _ _ __� _ _ _ ___ � _ __ '__ _ _.. 60 �--- _ --- � -DRI- -DR2- � 10 11 10 12 11 WETLAND PERMIT IMPACT SUMMARY ETLAND PACTS SUR AC ATERIMPACTS Hand Existing Existing Permanent Temp. Excavation Mechanized Clearing Permanent Temp. Channel Channel Natural Site Station Structure Fillln Fillln in Clearing in SW SW Impacts Impacts Stream No. (From/To) Size / Type Wetlands Wetlands Wetlands in Wetlands Wetlands impacts impacts Permanent Temp. Design (ac) (ac) ac) ac) (ac) (ac) ac) (ft) (ft (ft) 1 14+29/14+95 -L- RT 1@45', 1@55'; 21 " CS < 0.01 < 0.01 < 0.01 TOTALS": < 0.01 < 0.01 < 0.01 0 0 0 'Rounded totals are sum of actual impacts NOTES: Permanent Fill in Temp FII in Mechanized Site Wetlands Welands Clearing in (SF) (S� Wetlands (SF) 1 213 56 99