HomeMy WebLinkAbout20081015 Ver 1_More Info Received_2008090551 Kilmayne Drive Suite 203 Cary, North Carolina 27511 ADVANCED C I V I L I) 8 S I G N SEP GV1 USNR-VI;R QUA RERAN WE'tiJ?S?pB ANDS 1646' Mr. Ian McMillan Division of Water Quality, Stormwater Department 2321 Crabtree Blvd, Suite 250 Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 ph 919.481.6294 fax 919.481.6291 September 4th, 2008 Re: Glencreek Subdivision, Beasley Branch [030402, 27-43-(8), C, NSW] Dear Mr. McMillan: The following are responses to the additional information requested on your letter dated July 7, 2008. 1. Please locate the project on the most recent bound and published Wake county soil survey and the USGS 1:24,000 topographic map. SOIL SURVEYPER 1970 BOUND WAKE COUNTY PUBLICATIONAND USGS 1:24, 000 MAPPING ARE LOCATED ON SHEET 1. 2. Please provide cross section details showing the provisions for aquatic life passage. A CROSS SECTION DETAIL HAS BEEN ADDED TO SHEET 2 THAT SHO WS THE CULVERT BURIED I ' BELOW GRADE FOR AQUATIC LIFE PASSAGE. 3. Please provide building envelopes for all lots with wetlands, streams or buffers (both Zones 1 and 2 should be defined) on the site plans. ALL PROPOSED BUILDING ENVELOPES HAVE BEEN ADDED TO SHEET 2 AS WELL AS A TABLE OF PROPOSED IMPER VIO US AREA BY LOT. () $ - IBIS 4. Per the requirements of the Neuse Riparian Buffer Rule, you must show that this site meets diffuse flow requirements with a level spreader or other BMP per Chapter 8 of the BMP Manual (see littp://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/su/bmp. foims.htm). PER OUR MEETING ONAUGUST 5TH THE FLOW IN THE CHANNELS IS MINIMAL AS IS THE AMO UT OF IMPER VIO US AREA WITHIN THE DRAINAGE AREAS. IT WAS AGREED MEASURES FOR DIFFUSE FLOW ARE NOT REQ UIRED FOR THE CHANNELS WITH THE EXCEPTION OF THE CABANA/POOL AREA WHICH NO W HAS A LEVEL SPREADER. PLEASE SEE SHEET 4 FOR LOCATION OF THE LEVEL SPREADER. 5. Please provide an inventory of imperviousness surfaces in each drainage area. The inventory should include all proposed building footprints, roads, driveways, sidewalks, gravel-surfaced areas, amenity areas, etc. A TABLE HAS BEEN ADDED TO SHEET 2 THAT PROVIDES AN INVENTORY OF IMPER VIO US AREAS, AND A STORMWA TER MANAGEMENT PLAN REPORT IS ATTACHED. TABLE SHO WN INCL UDES PROPOSED IMPER VIO US AREAS B UT CO ULD BE INCREASED TO THE ALLO WABLE PER LOT AREA OF 5950 SF. 6. "Buffer Encroachment" area is a parallel impact and mitigation must be provided for this apparent Zone 2 impact. However, please explain why this impact cannot be avoided. THE ROAD HAS BEEN MOVED OUT OF THE BUFFER AND ONLY 8' OF GRADING AT A 3:1 IS INSIDE THE ZONE 2 BUFFER, SEE SHEET 3 FOR THE PLAN VIEW. 7. You have stated that stormwater will be addressed via vegetated roadside ditches. Please show these ditches on your plans along with their corresponding diffuse flow measures. ATTACHED IS THE CONSTR UCTION DRA WINGS PRE VIO USL Y SUBMITTED TO WAKE COUNTY WHICH SHOWS ALL DITCH AND CHANNEL CAL CS AND ALL PROPOSED CHANNEL LOCATIONS HAVE BEENPLACED ON SHEET 2. If there are further comments please contact me at 460-2020 (direct). Thank you, Michael J. K , P.E. Subject Lcae1 `gypm`'?LS A ^4,1- Calculated By /-kk ? sev?r, +? ADVANCED C I V I L D E 5 I G N Checked By Proj. Name/Number OG`M3` O?- NCB Sheet No. Date Date GLEA/6RGEK SuRDivis io&/ j I ?r I [? /yam] 6 r 10 L ? Z d ' . 3 ^ 3 e- O8-Il?15 Stormwater Management Plan S/DNo.: WAKE Date: 7/17/2008 COUNTY Designer: ACD SUMMARY INFORMATION Site Data Total Area: 137.24 acres Zoning: R-30 Number of Lots: 84 Percent Impervious: 12.87 % Volume Management Calculations Target Curve Number: 66 Proposed Curve Number: 65 Total Volume Required: -19345 ft3 Total Volume Provided: ft3 Nitrogen Calculations TN Loading from Site: 3.56 Ibs/ac/yr Buy-down (if in NRB): Peak Flow Management Calculations: Pre-Development Peak Flow: N/A cfs Post-Development Peak Flow: N/A cfs S E P 5 2008 OENR - WATER QOAU C V?E1lANDS AND STORM`1t'ATER RRAN{;ii Wake County Stormwater Tool Version 2.1 9/4/2008 2:45 PM Stormwater Management Plan \/%'AKE COUN"FY TARGET CURVE NUMBER CALCULATION Wake County Target Curve Numbers S/D No.: Date: 7/17/2008 Desianer: ACD Zoning District A B C D R-80W and R-80 37 60 73 79 R-40W and R-40 41 62 75 80 R-30, R-20, R-15, R-5 43 63 76 81 Site Data: Total Site Area: 137.24 acres "Excludes Area of Exisitng Lakes or Ponds on site Existing Lake/Pond Area: acres Area used for Overall Density Calcs: 137.24 acres Zoning District: R-30 Soil Composition: Hydrologic Soil Group Site Area A B 117.73 C D 19.51 Target Curve Number: Runoff (inches) = Q* = % Target CN 43 86% 63 76 14% 81 100% 66 0.54 inches Wake County Stormwater Tool Version 2.1 9/4/2008 2:45 PM Stormwater Management Plan S/D No.: WAKE Date: 7/17/2008 COUNTY Designer: ACD POST-DEVELOPMENT CALCULATIONS CURVE NUMBER: Is Data from Preliminary Plan Still Valid? Total Area of Lots: Number of Lots: Impervious Area per Lot: % Impervious on Lots: % Woods on Lots: % Impervious in R/W: Percent Impervious for Site*: 'Using total site area plus existing lakes/ponds Percent of Total Disconnected Impervious: Yes 96.64 acres 84, 7000 sf 13.97 % 32.3841 % 40.5941 % 12.87 % 50 % (50% is Default. See Table 3.3) HSG Land-use CN Area acres % D Woods (C.O.S. or Off-Lot Buffer) 77 13.35 9.70% B Woods (C.O.S. or Off-Lot Buffer) 55 3.12 2.27% D Open Space (Grassed C.O.S 80 3.48 2.53% B Open Space (Grassed C.O.S 61 12.99 9.44% B R/W w/Ditch Sections 87 10.56 7.68% B Impervious (not in R/W or Lots) 98 0.27 0.20% B Lots 64 93.802 68.18% Totals: 137.572 100.00% Post-Development CN = 65 lWarnings/Notes: Runoff (inches) = Q* = 0.51 inches Percent woods on lots exceeds allowable. Please show the wooded area to be preserved on the construction drawing. Total Area does not match the Total Site Area given on Target Worksheetil Wake County Stormwater Tool Version 2.1 9/4/2008 2:45 PM WAKE COUN FY Stormwater Management Plan S/D No.: Date: 7/17/2008 Designer: ACD PRE-DEVELOPMENT CALCULATIONS CURVE NUMBER: User Defined User Defined User Defined User Defined Totals: 137.24 Pre-development CN = 59 Runoff (inches) = Q* = 0.30 inches TIME OF CONCENTRATION: Sheet Flow: 100 Woods 0.17 Sheet Flow: Shallow Flow: Shallow Flow: Channel Flow: Channel Flow: 5178 0.01 0.015 16.0 22.0 0.18 Pre-development Tc = 0.47 hrs (Minimum 5minutes) HSG Land-use CN Area acres 98 D Woods, Good Cond. 77 14.66 10.68% B Woods, Good Cond. 55 102.43 74.64% B Pasture or Open Space, Good Cond. 61 16.67 12.15% D Pasture or Open Space, Good Cond. 80 3.48 2.54% 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 1 00 .00% Length (ft) Slope (ft/ft) n-value Flow Area (ft) Wetted Perimeter (ft) Tt (hrs) 2405 0.025 0.03 7.9 10.9 0.11 Length (ft) Slope (ft/ft) Surface Cover Tt (hrs) 0.11 230 0.109 Unpaved 0.01 Wake County Stormwater Tool Version 2.1 9/4/2008 2:45 PM "AKE COUNTY Stormwater Management Plan S/D No.: Date: 7/17/2008 Designer: ACD POST-DEVELOPMENT CALCULATIONS TIME OF CONCENTRATION: Sheet Flow: 55 0.073 Woods 0.12 Sheet Flow: Shallow Flow: 410 0.088 Unpaved 0.02 Shallow Flow: (ft) Wetted Perimeter (ft) Tt (hrs) Flow: E Channel Flow: 51 78 0 .01 22.0 0 1 5 1 6.0 -o. 0.18 Post- development T ? = (Minimum 5mi nutes) 0. 43 hrs Notes: Proposed Tc is shorter than Pre-development. Increasing proposed Tc will lower peak flow Length (ft) Slope (ft/ft) n-value Flow Area (ft) 2405 0.025 0.03 7.9 10.9 0.11 Length (ft) Slope (ft/ft) Surface Cover Tt (h rs) Wake County Stormwater Tool Version 2.1 9/4/2008 2:45 PM NOW Stormwater Management Plan S/D No.: WAKE Date: 7/17/2008 COUNTY Designer: ACD I PEAK FLOW CALCULATIONS I CURVE NUMBER: Pre-development CN = 59 Post-Development CNadj = 65 TIME OF CONCENTRATION: Pre-development T, = 0.47 hrs Post-development T, = 0.43 hrs PEAK FLOW: Method: TR-55 Graphical Peak Discharge Method for Tvoe II Distribution Qp = quAmQ* Where: QP = Peak Discharge (cfs) q„ = Unit peak discharge (csm/in) TR-55 Appendix F Am = Drainage Area (Mi2) Q* = runoff (inches) Pre-development q„ = 302.50 csm/in Am = 0.21 mil Q* = 0.30 inches Q1-year = N/A cfs Post-development q„ = 440.32 csm/in Am = 0.21 mil Q* = 0.51 inches Q1-year = N/A cfs Wake County Stormwater Tool Version 2.0 9/4/2008 2:45 PM Stormwater Management Plan S/D No.: WAKE Date: 7/17/2008 COUNTY Designer: ACD PROPOSED STORAGE DEVICES Enter only runoff volume below that will be infiltrated or drawn down over 2 to 5 days. Additional volume provided in devices should not be entered in this worksheet. Storage Volume Name/Location Type of Device Provided (ft) Additional Comments 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Total Volume Provided: ft Volume Required by Wake County Ordinance: -19345 ft3 Minimum Volume Required to Meet Peak Flows for Neuse Rules: ft3 Total Volume Required: -19345 ft Post-Development Curve Number Adjustment based on Volume Provided Source: "Modeling Infiltration Practices Using TR-20", October, 1983, Maryland Department of the Environment 200 CNadj _ 2 1i2 ) (P+2Q+2) - (5PQ+4Q Where: P = Rainfall (inches) = 3 inches Q = Runoff Depth for Proposed CN (Q*) - Volume Provided (inches) Volume Provided (Inches) = inches Q* = 0.51 inches Q = 0.51 inches Post-Development CNadj = 65 Wake County Stormwater Tool Version 2.1 9/4/2008 2:45 PM Stormwater Management Plan SID No.: YVAKE Date: 7/17/2008 COUNTY Designer: ACD NITROGEN CALCULATIONS TN export TN export coefficient from use Type of Land Cover Area (acres) (Ibs/ac/yr) (Ibs/ r Permanently protected undisturbed open space (forest, unmown meadow 46.85 0.60 28.11 Permanently protected managed open space (grass, landscaping, etc. 73.07 1.20 87.68 Impervious surfaces (roads, parking lots, driveways, roofs, etc.) 17.66 21.20 374.37 TOTAL 137.57 490.16 Nitrogen Loading w/out BMP Reductions: 3.56 Ibs/ac/yr Neuse Buy-down w/out BMP Reductions: Nitrogen Loading with BMP Reductions See Wake County Stormwater Design Manual Chapter 4 for Details IDrainaae Area 1: Type of Land Cover Area (acres) TN coeff. (Ibs/ac/yr) TN export Ibs/ r Permanently protected open space 0.60 Managed open space 1.20 Impervious surfaces 21.20 TOTAL Nitrogen Removal Efficiency of BMP(s) % Nitrogen Loading for DA 1: Ibs/ac/yr IDrainaae Area 2: Type of Land Cover Area (acres) TN coeff. (Ibs/ac/yr) TN export Ibs/ r Permanently protected open space 0.60 Managed open space 1.20 Impervious surfaces 21.20 TOTAL Nitrogen Removal Efficiency of BMP(s) % Nitrogen Loading for DA 2: Ibs/ac/yr IDrainaae Area 3: Type of Land Cover Area (acres) TN coeff. (Ibs/ac/yr) TN export Ibs/ r Permanently protected open space 0.60 Managed open space 1.20 Impervious surfaces 21.20 TOTAL Nitrogen Removal Efficiency of BMP(s) % Nitrogen Loading for DA 3: Ibs/ac/yr Final Nitrogen Loading from Site: 3.56 Ibs/ac/yr Buy-down (Neuse Only): Wake County Stormwater Tool Version 2.1 9/4/2008 2:45 PM