HomeMy WebLinkAbout20170431 Ver 1_Bridge 7 Burke SWMP_20170411n..v � .I.i.l�gsh,���n�'trl"v North Carolina Departrnent of Transportation ;' �. �a�>� HighwayStormwaterPragram ' � STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN ��-=� (Version 2.06; Releasetl Jane 1016� FOR NCDOT PROJECTS WBSElement �7BP.�3.R.40 TiPNo.: Coun ies: Burke Pa e 'I of 2 Generel Pro'xt Infortnadon WBSElement: 17BP.13.R40 TPNumber: ProectT e: Bnd eRe lacement Date: S129/2013 NCDOT Contact: PaW F. Fisher. P.E. Contractor / Desi ner: Desi ner Dana Bolden) - Mattem 8 Crei Consultin En ineers Atltlress: Hytlraulics Unit Atltlress �p groatl Street 1020 Birch Ritlge Roatl Asheville, N.C. 28801 Ralei h, 27610 Phone: 919-707-6726 Phone: 828-254-220t Email: pfisher nctlot. ov Email: d boltlen matternanticrai .com Ci Rown: ValdeSe COun ies : Burke River Basin(s�: Catawba CAMA Coun ? No WetlandswithinPrqectLimits? No Pro ect �escri 'on Pro'ect Len th lin. miles or feet : 1�S Iinearfeet Surroundin Land Use: Wootls / Open Grass Lantl Pro Proect Ezistin Site Pro'ect Built-U on Area ac. 0.3 ac. 02 ac. Typical Cross Sxtion Des<riptiom The approaches to the culvert will be 20-toot pavement witlth pmviding frvo �0.foot lanes The approaches are 18' pavement pmvideing two 9' lanes both have three foot and six fool gressed shoulders. gressed shoultlers. AnnualAvgDailyTroffi<�veh/hrPoay): Desi nlFuture'. 1620 Year2025 Existin'. 8�0 Vear 20�0 General Prqect Narrative: The purpose of this project is to replace Britlge No. 007 on SR1726 over McGilliartl Creek, A9i9lerfPin Burke County. Existing bridge is 1@ 20'-7" long. The replacement (Description of Minimization of Water structure will be a 2-barrell � Tx6' RCBC. The roatlway alignment antl gratle of the new structure will be approximately the same as the existing stmcture. An existing cross tlrain Quality Impact5) pipe currently discharges to the Slream just downstream od the britlge. 7his pipe will Bmain and continue to di5charge into the stream via a fip rap apron upon projeCl completion. Storm drainage wi0 sheet Flow off roadway on outlet sitle and is collected into vegetated ditches and diHused over rip-rap on the inlet side of the roatlway. Note: A-9ewReireem�peHiewof McGalliard Creek is 303tl listed for biological imparement; t ��. {�of �Oa'CkN 'n F�S�1 �iSSJL Water6otl IMormation Surface Water Bo t: McGalliartl Creek, NCDWR Stream Index No.: � t-44-(0.5) NCDWRSurtaceWaterClassiRcaEonforWaterBody Prima Classifiwtion: WaterSu I IV WS-N Su plementalClassifcation: None O[her5treamClassification: None Im airtneMs: None A uatic T8E S ecies? �es Commenls'. NRTR SVeam ID: BURer Rules in Effect: Pro ect Inclutles Britl e S nnin Water Botl ? No Deck Drains Dischar e Over Buffer? N/A Dissi ator Patls Provitletl in Buffer? N/A Deck Drains Disthar e Over Water Botl ? N/A (If yes, providejustifcation in the General Projecc Narretive) Qf yes, tlescnbe in the General Project Narralive; if no, juslify in the (If yes, provide justifcation in the General Project Narralive) General Pmjecl Narrative) {��'�f �����y North Carolina Department of Transportation ��( ``� ..... ,.� Highway Stormwater Program ''• „� STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN • �` - "`� (Version 2.06; Releasetl June 20'I6) FOR NCDOT PRQIECTS WBS Element: 176P.13.RA( TIP No.: Coun (ies): Burke Pa e 2 of 2 Bridge to Culvert Avoidance and Minim ization Pro oseA tructureSumma Sheet No. & Station Sheet No.: 4 Station: 12+10.95 -L- Number of Barrels: 2 Draina e Area (ac or sq mi): 14 Sq. Miles Barrel Witlth/Diameter (ft): 11' Surtace Water Botl : 1 MCGalliard Creek, Barrel Hei ht f[ : 8' CUWertT e: RCBC CulvertLen th ft 37'-9.5" Avoitlance antl Minimization Efforts: Culvert is tlesigned to minimize stream impact by being the minimum length to pmvide an adequate roadway cross section and by placement at or (Britlge to Culvert) near natural stream gratle. Culvert will inclutle sills. One cuNert barrell will serve as low flow channel to closey match existing stream channel. Stream Sto e Fish and/or A uatic Life Passa e Existin Avem e Stream Slope (% ): 3.60 % Existing Low Flow Channel Dimensions 11' Proposed Culvert Slope (%): 3.60 % in the Stream: Culvert Burial Pro osed Culvert Burial Depth ft: 1' Existing Streambed Material: Cobbles antl gravel with some coarse santl Proposetl Low Flow Dimensions 1 Y Through the Culvert: Proposetl Sills/Baffles: Culvert low flow barrallel will indude 1 foot sills at each end wi[h two additional sills evenly spaced zisting ow ow e oci[ies m the between; High flow barrell will inclutle 2 foot silis at Stream ft/s : 5.3 (QS) each end. ropose ow ow e oa ies rou9 the Culvert (fUs): 5.3 (QS) Alternating Low Flow Sills/Baffles: The low flow Sills will eMend the width of the Culvert CuNertJStream Ali nment Stream Pattems Upstream and Downstream The stream is of uniform slope immediately up antl tlown stream of the culvert with only minor bentls Of the Culvert that COultl Affect Fish Passage and Bank StabiliTy: Bed Forms Impacted by Culvert (riffles, Stream is generally shallow antl free flowing through project area', no si9nifigant bed forms will be impacted pools, glides, etc.): Low Flow Floodplain Bench Required? Yes One barrallel will serve as low flow channel with other barrell serving as floodplain bench (provide justification) Sharp Bends at InIeUOutlet? No Minor betls occur up and down stream of culvert (describeculvertali nmentwithstream) Stream Realignment Necessary? (provitle No justification) Bank Stabilization: Streambanks to be stabilized with Class II rip rap for approximately,30'feet upstream and feet downstream from culvert S Ovtlet Velocities Natural Stream Channel 2- r Veloci fUs : 5.3 Q5 Natural S[ream Channel 10- r Vebcit (ft/s : 5.9 Proposetl Culvert 2- r Outlet Veloci (fVs): 5.3 Q5 Proposetl Culvert 70- r Outle[ Veloci (fUs): 4.5 Roatlwa Geometric Considerations Evaluate/Describe Roadwa Geometric Constraints: The proposed culvert has been designed to generally maintain the roadway alignment with slight improvement to the cross-section WETLAND PERMIT IMPACT SUMMARY an Exisling Existing Permanent Temp. Excavation Mechanized Clearing Permanenl Temp. Channel Channel Natural Site Station Structure Fillln Fillln in Clearing in SW SW Impacts Impacts Stream No. (FromlTo) Size / Type Wetlands Wetlands Wetlands in Wetlands Wetlands impacts impacts Permanenl Temp. Design (ac) (ac) (ac) (ac) (ac) (ac) (ac) (ft) (ft) (ft) 1 11+55m co 12+aot Culvert 0.0072 0.0010 40 2 11+SS±to 12+40t Riprap Banks 0.0138 93 06 TOTALS: 0.0270 0.0010 133 �Q)